#bodyguard // jean bart
medicus-mortem · 17 days
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@burikubato asked: ❛ I will keep hurting. I will keep killing. Anything to protect you. ❜ (From Jean Bart, if you're still accepting from this meme.) Darker Vibes
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   His heart races, blood dripping from his sword and adrenaline surging through his body. So focused on the foes in front of him Law didn’t notice the one sneaking behind. It wasn’t until he heard a roar and the thudding of a body hitting the ground that he realised something else was happening. The last enemy before him falls and Law turns about to face the next threat, only to see Bart’s bulk looming over a body crushed and pulverized beyond recognition. Blood drips from his newest crewmember’s meaty fists. Law’s eyebrows shoot up and the doctor hisses in a breath. That’s a level of brutality he wasn’t expecting.
   “Damn,” he starts, head tilting. With a twist of his wrist Law shakes the blood from Kikoku’s blade. “I appreciate the assist, big man.”
    And the loyalty. Bart has been quick to give him that, despite his life and the command he would have once had. He’s been an asset ever since Law saved him from the Celestial Dragons on Sabaody. It’s been hard to figure out what role to give him and this moment of initiative and determination has given the Surgeon of Death an idea.
   He trusts his entire crew to keep an eye on each other, to protect and look out for everyone in a fight. He has Shachi, Bepo, and Penguin as his top fighters and others who are just as capable, but he often has to point them in different directions. Making his strategies and directing people wherever he needs them. Which often leaves Law himself vulnerable. Sure, he’s strong enough and skilled enough to protect himself on many occasions but what about those moments when he pushes himself too hard, when his stamina gives out? Jean Bart may have just given him a solution.
   “Hmm, might be good to have someone watchin’ my back more regularly. You think you can do that, Bart? Be my bulwark while I focus on bigger things?”
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peterxwade24 · 4 years
Safety Found in Red Sleeves
Chapter 7
So, who’s ready for Gotham ft. Thana and friends? Also, Uncles Ed and John show up at the end so, look out for that.
Jason woke up early that next day, and he decided he was just going to have a little bit of a lie in. He smiled and pulled Damian closer, shushing him when he made a noise in protest. “I’m pretty sure the girls are going to join us in a little bit, and then Tim a little while after that.”
Just like he expected, Steph and Cass joined them in the bed not too long after he said it, and then Tim joined in a few minutes after the girls. The five of them laid in bed, everyone finding comfort in each other. No words were passed between the family, they didn’t feel the need to speak.
That’s where Dick and Wally, and their kids, found them about an hour later.
“Why weren’t we called to join the cuddle pile?” Dick pouted and crossed his arms over his chest, while Mar’i, Jay, and Iris ducked around their fathers and climbed into the bed. They, like Damian, chose a Wayne and clung to them. Mar’i clung to Tim, Iris clung to Steph and Jai clung to Cass.
“There’s a nine-year-old practically asleep on my chest. My phone is on my nightstand. None of them brought their phones to my bed.” Jason whispered and carded his fingers through Damian’s hair.
Dick shot a look at Wally, Wally simply shrugged as though to say “when in Rome” before he too got into the bed.
“C’mon Dickiebird. We don’t have anything to do today. We don’t start guiding or protecting them till tomorrow.” Jason’s words were slightly slurred in his comfortable state.
Dick huffed good-naturedly before climbing into the bed with his family and the Wests.
Tim’s phone blared from the room he’d claimed, stirring the almost completely asleep cuddle pile into wakefulness.
Jason frowned and shifted Damian from his chest to Steph’s other side. “I’ll be right back. Imma go answer Timber’s phone.” Jason slowly got out of the bed, being careful to not displace the other kids, and quietly left the room. He made his way into Tim’s room, grabbed his phone off of the night stand, and, without looking at the caller ID, answered the phone. “Timothy Jackson Drake’s phone, Jason speaking.”
“Why do you have his phone?” Bruce’s irritated voice came over the line.
“Because Tim’s in my bed asleep with most of my family and he left his phone on the nightstand next to the bed he sleeps in.” Jason’s voice didn’t change despite a grin forming on his face. “If something’s gone wrong at Wayne Enterprises, then shouldn’t you as the CEO be stepping up to solve it? And not your seventeen year old son.”
“You have no-” Bruce growled.
“I have no what? Room to care about my little brother? Right to care that my brothers and sisters would perish in your care?” Jason’s tone took on a deadly edge. “I have killed for less. I have killed to keep my son safe. I am not above maiming in the defense of those I love.” Jason hung up the phone and put it back down on the nightstand with a weighted sigh. He turned and the only indication he was surprised by Cass’s appearance was a slight widening to his eyes. “Hey Cass.”
Cass simply walked towards her brother and let herself slump against his chest. She wrapped her arms around him in her own display of thanks.
Jason simply rubbed circles into the older girl’s back. “I will not let him hurt any of you ever again. Harvey and I will fight tooth and nail if we have to, he has already given up his parental rights to Damian. You and Steph and Tim are just as much my siblings as you are my kids, well, you not so much a kid but you know what I mean.”
Cass shook with silent laughter and nodded. She patted Jason’s back and pulled back. She flashed him a smile before pulling him back to the rest of the family. 
Jason smiled as Damian ran around the park with Mar’i, Jai and Iris. Damian hadn’t had many opportunities to open up to children his age, as there hadn’t been any in the league, and despite the fact that he was older than the other three the four of them got along fairly well. Jason watched as Dick fretted over the three younger kids, Wally stood beside him with a small affectionate grin on his face. Tim was riding a skateboard around the park, Bart keeping pace beside him. Cass sat with Kon while Steph, Cassie and Cissie chatted a few paces away from the other two.
Damian, Mar’i, Jai and Iris ran around the park, weaving around other patrons and laughing. Damian looked over his shoulder at the other three when he ran into someone.
“Are you okay? Oh I’m so sorry.” A girl, who was with the person Damian ran into, spoke with a French accent. She was significantly taller than her companion with long black hair, the bangs and tips of which were dyed purple, and copper coloured eyes. She fretted over both Damian and her friend, who Damian was finally taking in. Her friend was short, just a head or two taller than Damian, with blue eyes and short pink hair, part of which was pulled back into a spiky ponytail.
Damian nodded. “I’m fine.”
Mar’i, Jai and Iris, upon seeing Damian standing, turned and ran to get their fathers.
The taller girl nervously flicked her bangs out of her face before frowning. “Are you sure you’re okay? Alix doesn’t always look where she’s skating.”
The other girl, apparently named Alix, looked ready to comment when Dick and Wally approached.
“Are you okay Damian?” Dick’s tone was filled with concern while Wally hung back with the three other kids.
“I’m fine Uncle Dick.” Damian frowned, “where’s Baba?”
“He’s gathering the other three, then they’ll be over here.” Dick reassured his young brother/nephew.
Jason ran to his son and scooped him up. “Oh Kutlat Saghira. Are you okay?” He turned to look at the French teens and smiled. “Thank you for stopping to make sure he was fine.”
Alix’s eyes widened before nodding. “Yeah, uh, no problem.”
Juleka gave a shy smile and nodded. “It was the least we could do.”
Thana stared at her friends, the three who had always had her back and the two newest additions to their ranks. She took a moment to thank Plagg and Tikki, without whom she may never have met her closest friends and allies. She took in her friends and the way that all of their outfits seemed to go together without being obnoxiously matchy-matchy.
Alix seemed to be vibrating in her shoes, which were custom made turtle shell patterned Heelys. She wore dark gray distressed jeans with a dark forest green racerback tank top. She had a black and red men’s flannel over her tank with a red beanie perched on the top of her head. She had a dark green turtle themed shoulder bag strapped across her back.
Nino, standing next to Alix, had similar shoes done in snake skin instead of turtle shell. He wore loose-fitting blue denim jeans with several snake related patches around the side seems, he had a gray collared shirt under a red sweatshirt. He had a black shoulder bag across his back, on the opposite side Alix’s was. He had his normal headphones around his head while he had a pair of black headphones atop his head.
Adrien wore black and white checkered vans with white socks. His pants were salmon with baby pink criss-crossing stripes covering them. He wore a baby pink sweater with a light gray fanny pack.
Chloé wore a layered yellow skirt with a pair of foxes chasing each other around her hem, her skirt was made up of a solid layer of yellow silk under two or three layers of tulle. She had a white crop top tank under a red knit cardigan. She had an orange coloured baguette purse at her side. She had black converse with black socks to finish off her outfit.
Kim wore a pair of black running shoes, with gray sweatpants and a white shirt. He had a red zippered hoodie on top of that. He had a tiny gray ox with a smaller black cat curled up on its back on the hem of his shirt.
Thana had a pair of black running shoes, with gray leggings and a white tank top. She had a red crop top hoodie made of the hoodie she’d received from Jason all those years ago with a few added panels. Her tank top had little depictions of the Vietnamese zodiac animals on her chest.
Alix smiled brighty. “So, Kiti, you’ll never guess who I ran into, almost literally, yesterday.”
Thana hummed in acknowledgement as she led the group to the elevator. “Who’d you run into Rùa?”
“Oh, just, your brother, his brother, and an assortment of children.” Alix grinned as Thana froze and turned to look at her.
“What?” Thana’s voice was almost too quiet to hear, prompting Kim to drape his arm across her shoulders while Nino settled his normal headphones around Thana’s neck.
Chloé stared at Adrien, her blue eyes seeming to stare into Adrien’s soul.
“Hey, Al, that maybe wasn’t the best thing to say when we’re trying to get to the lobby to go on a tour with the rest of our class.” Adrien attempted to gently tell her off, but it backfired.
“Whatever.” Alix slunk ahead of them into the elevator.
Adrien looked at Alix forlornly as Alix chatted with Juleka. He knew he’d have to apologize eventually, he may have one fear as Monsieur Punaise (which was his partner) but he had two fears as Adrien Agreste, and they were disappointing his father and an angry Chloé Bourgeois. He shook his head and looked back at Chloé, who had a frown on her face as her eyes continued to scan the streets.
Nino fiddled with his phone as he kept pace a step behind Chloé but a step ahead of Thana and Kim. He looked to be fully absorbed in his phone but he was quick to pull Chloé away from the street a few moments before a car came whizzing past.
Their tour guide, a pleasant man who’d introduced himself as Richard, despite the fact that the bodyguard had snorted in response before neglecting to introduce himself, led them around Gotham. He pointed out all of the touristy destinations, while Thana mumbled what could be considered sad facts about each place.
Thana kept flicking her eyes to the bodyguard, there was only one Gothamite with the exact same build as their bodyguard with the same scars littering his cheeks and jaw. She was worrying the cuffs of her jacket sleeves when she heard the distinctive tap of her Uncle Ed’s cane. She whipped around to attempt to locate him, before seeing him and his tacky suit and her Uncle John and his equally as tacky suit approaching from behind Kim. She broke away from the group, causing the rest of her class (as well as the tour guide and bodyguard) to turn to stare at her as she threw herself into her Uncle Ed’s arms.
“Little Hood. It’s good to see you.” Her Uncle Ed held her close while Uncle John finally reached the duo.
“Hey Mini Todd.” Her Uncle John ruffled her hair before settling an arm around Ed’s shoulders.
The three reunited for a moment under the watchful eyes of the class’ bodyguard, Thana’s friends, and Marinette’s class. Kim pulled out his phone to take a picture to send to his Mẹ, because she had asked for any updates on Thana’s family situation. Nino took a picture to send to Thana, because he knew she’d want to have photographic evidence of when she reunited with her two of her uncles.
“I missed you two so much.” Thana whispered into Ed’s neck while John settled his hand on the back of Thana’s head.
“We missed you too.” John assured their niece, he knew that she’d had doubts about whether or not they had actually missed her as much as she’d missed them, and he hated her father for giving her that complex every day.
Lila let out a blood-curdling scream before appearing to tremble as she pointed at the trio. “Marinette is hugging The Riddler and Scarecrow!” Lila then proceeded to pretend to faint, luckily for her Alya was right there to catch her, unluckily for her everyone else was focused on their classmate and that fact that she appeared to have tears streaming down her cheeks.
@southamericangothamite @maribat-is-lifeblood @mystery-5-5 @our-preciousss @mochegato @chocolatecatstheron @throneoffirebreathingbitch @2confused-2doanything @wannajointhecrabcult @dreamykitty25 @tomanyfandomsonmymind @moonlightstar64 @justafanwarrior @mialuvscats @pheony1882 @pepelachanel @moongoddesskiana @abrx2002 @ladybug-182 @greatcatblaze @thatonecroc @vixen-uchiha @superbwhispersconnoisseur @lilkymilky @susiej1118  @bluesimani @thatonecroc
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geekydragonyt · 5 years
MlB x DC Pokemon Profiles Masterlist (part 1)
I’m making this so I can keep track of everything. I will do a Part 2 after I get Everone on this list done (it got too f***ing long) I might add some Marvel characters too
There is nothing to read here Now there is a few characters done unless you want a list of people I’m planning on giving little monsters to you can tell me who you want to see done next or if you want me to add someone in part 2
Character Profiles-
Miraculous Ladybug
Adrien Agreste- here
Arthur (Adrien’s bodyguard)-
Alec Cataldi-
Prince Ali-
Alix Kubdel- here
Alya Césaire-
Amelie Culpa-
Anarka Couffaine-
André Bourgeois-
André Glacier-
Armand D'Argencourt-
Audrey Bourgeois-
Aurore Beauréal-
Bob Roth-
Butler Jean-
Caline Bustier- here
Chloé Bourgeois- here
Chris Lahiffe- here
Clara Nightingale- here
Claudie Kanté-
Ella & Etta Césaire- here
Emilie Agreste-
Fred Haprèle-
Wang Fu-
Felix Culpa-
Gabriel Agreste-
Gina Dupain-
Ivan Bruel- here
Jagged Stone- here
Jalil Kubdel-
Jean Duparc-
Juleka Couffaine- here
Kagami Tsurugi- here
Lê Chiến Kim-
Lila Rossi- here and here
Luka Couffaine- here
Manon Chamack- here
Marc Anciel-
Marianne Lenoir-
Marinette Dupain-Cheng-
Bridgette Cheng-
Marlena Césaire-
Max Kanté-
Allegra (Melodie)-
Thomas (Mercury)
Mireille Caquet-
Mr. Damocles-
Mr. Kubdel-
Ms. Mendeleiev-
Mylène Haprèle-
Nadja Chamack-
Nathalie Sancoeur-
Nathaniel Kurtzberg-
Nino Lahiffe- here
Nora Césaire-
Otis Césaire-
Penny Rolling-
Philippe- here
Roger Raincomprix-
Rolland Dupain-
Rose Lavillant- here
Sabine Cheng-
Sabrina Raincomprix-
Simon Grimault-
Stephan (Sparrow)-
Thomas Astruc-
Théo Barbot-
Tom Dupain-
Tomoe Tsurugi-
DC Universe
Bruce Wayne- here
Richard “Dick” Grayson- here
Barbara Gordon-
Commissioner James Gordon-
Alfred Pennyworth-
Cassandra Cain-
Claire Clover-
Selina Kyle-
Julia Pennyworth-
Duke Thomas-
Damian al Ghul-Wayne- here
Stephanie Brown-
Timothy "Tim" Drake-
Lucas "Luke" Fox-
Katherine "Kate" Kane-
Jason Todd- here
David Zavimbe-
Helena Wayne-
Terry McGinnis-
Arthur Curry-
Clark Kent- here
Lois Lane- here
Lex Luther-
Connor Kent-
Christopher Kent-
Jonathan Samuel Kent-
Kara Danvers-
Barry Allen-
Wally West-
Bart Allen-
John Jones-
Megan Morse-
Oliver Queen- here
Dinah Lance-
Roy Harper-
Artemis Crock-
Will Harper-
Giovanni Zatara-
Zatanna Zatara-
Shayera Thal-
Katar Hol-
Ray Palmer-
Karen Beecher-
Hal Jordan-
John Stewart-
Billy Batson-
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ikkaku-of-heart · 4 years
👌 (from Heartofbart )
Jean Bart is one of the few members of the Heart Pirates that ever seems to be able to beat Ikkaku at games of chance (dice, roulette, cards, etc). At first she was positive he was cheating, but eventually determined that it was probably several years worth of good luck that he was owed. After that, she was more than happy to let him join her at the occasional underground casino to help her clean house (and as a bodyguard if things got hairy).
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jinlover19 · 6 years
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Dog Days
chapter index [ #1 An Encounter]
Pairing: Jeon Jungkook x Reader
Rating: 17+
Genre/Warnings: ANGST, abusive relations, attempted suicide, mentions of self-harm, negative thoughts, severe weather, excessive use of the word stray
Words: 2.9k+
Once you’ve decided to end it all, you meet an unlikely savior.
A flash of lightning tears its way across the sky; roaring and rumbling thunder follows its other half. The wind whips through the empty streets of New York City as if searching for new prey. The dark clouds weep, sending down sheets upon sheets as if it was the Amazon and impairing the vision of all who dare to step outside. Not many people would dare to go out when the local weatherman issued an emergency flash flood warning anyway. Yet here you sat in the alleyway; rain seeping into your clothing as the 60 mile-per-hour winds find your hiding place and bite at your arms and legs. With an unchanging expression, you look up to the dark clouded sky. A lost, soulless gaze. You’re so far gone in your irreparable despair that the freezing rain, sharp winds, and deafening thunder are nothing to your numb senses. With how you overthink and overanalyze all the thoughts running through your head, your brain has no room to register the information that your nerves are trying to send it. All the negative thoughts and voices in your head swirl and morph into a vortex of anguish and misery, haunting you with their disdain.
“You worthless piece of shit.”
“You’ll never amount to anything.”
“Why are you even alive?”
“Just die already!”
“You’re such a waste of space.”
“You’re so smart, why do you act so fucking stupid?!”
A scream claws its way out of your throat and echoes throughout the barren streets for a moment before being drowned out by another clash of thunder and the downpour you’re in. You try to drown out the voices’ mockery, but they keep getting louder and louder. You clasp your hands over your ears and pull your knees up into your chest, attempting to create a defense against the jeering, but it does nothing to stop them.
You are suddenly thrown off balance from your quick actions and tip over, landing on your side onto the slowly flooding asphalt. The tears you have been holding back for hours quietly creep past your lashes. They trail down your face and over the bridge of your nose before intermingling with the steadily growing pond you’ve found yourself in. The pouring rain masks your tear-streaked face and dead eyes from potential onlookers that would be mad enough to to be outside in such severe weather this late at night. The vortex spirals faster as the winds around you increase and abruptly you’re able to identify familiar voices.
Your snooty, middle-aged mother, “You’ve been slacking off! I don’t care if you’re depressed. I don’t care if you’re not mentally stable. You are getting this done now! You can deal with your problems later.”
Your smartass older brother, “You’re so ugly and unresponsive! It’s no wonder why you don’t have a boyfriend!”
Your old-fashioned boss, “You have absolutely NOTHING to be depressed about.”
And lastly the voice of your self-righteous father, “I wish your mother and I never decided to keep you. You’re a spoiled, selfish, ungrateful brat.”
You feel the corners of your mouth quiver as they lift into a sad, broken smile. “They’re right, ya know,” you murmur to yourself as you let your tears flow freely. “They’re all right… Ha… no one truly loves me. No one would care if I just randomly disappeared. They would all be better off if I was gone.” You feel the weight of your knife and smartphone increase in the back pocket of your jeans.
When you ran out of the apartment earlier after getting yelled at for the thousandth time, you had enough sense to take your phone and swiss army knife with you. You keep them with you when in public at all times in case of an emergency. —Your parents are quite popular and wealthy; it would be “such a shame” if one of their “precious” children got kidnapped. So while your siblings got discreet bodyguards to look after and protect them, you got self-defense and martial arts lessons— The knife usually made you feel safe, but right now it’s burning a hole into your jeans.
You feel your right arm stretch back and your fingers grasp the smooth metal handle of your multi-use tool out of their own accord. “They won’t miss me. They didn’t even come looking for me despite all that happened tonight. It’s the best for everyone.” You mindlessly repeat to yourself as you roll up the sleeve on your left arm. —It’s littered with scars and blisters; old and recent ones— Twisting your arm over you see the pure, unblemished area on the underside of your wrist. You feel your body tremble as you release a hollow laugh. “I would say that it’s been fun… but it hasn’t.” With those words, you flip your knife open. Placing the cool, sharp blade against your most fragile spot. You glance down and you can see your reflection in the weapon as well as the rising waters. You close your eyes, at peace with your decision. Just as you begin to move the knife across your veins, you hear an abrupt noise.
I heard her before I saw her.
Which wasn’t a problem for my superior canine hearing. I could hear a pin drop up to 60 feet away.
I was rummaging through the dumpster behind Rusty’s Bar trying to find my dinner. If I’m lucky I can snag some leftover pizza or some day-old bread. Most of the restaurant owners down here know me as one of the many strays of downtown NYC. Sometimes if they had a good day, they’ll leave some food for me at the back door of their buildings, and I won’t have to dig through the trash for it. Usually, it’s the places I hit up more often that leave me food. Those being Rusty’s Bar, Jessie’s Diner, and the run-down, high-quality local butcher shop run by Bart. Bart is a great guy, but he doesn’t tend to get a lot of business so I don’t usually get food from him a lot. Rusty and Jessie are much more reliable as food sources. I was lucky to even have reliable food sources. Most of the other animals would kill to be able to have a decent meal about once or twice a week.
It’s a dog-eat-dog world out here on the streets, only the tough and adaptable ones have been able to survive. I’ve met some fearsome animals in my lifetime, but none as fierce as the ones in New York. A cat will fight a dog to the death for a scrap of meat and vice versa. They have an established hierarchy based upon strength; the strong rule, the weak serve. Yet these guys seem to have adopted me as one of their own. One of the few strong strays that are able to rule the streets.
I’m not just any normal stray though. I’m a dog shifter. I have a dog form and a hybrid-like form that I can switch between interchangeably. Animal shifters aren’t rare per se, but we are uncommon. Most of us don’t even hang out around humans. Most of us prefer to live in communities that are isolated from humanity, but some shifters choose to live with a human as an equal or even a pet.
I don’t see how any shifter would ever want to be a human’s pet.
After scouring through the trash for a few minutes longer, I found the treasure of a lifetime. Three-meat pizza that a customer didn’t finish. I had just grabbed a few slices to munch on when I heard a blood-curdling scream. “What was that?” I muttered with my mouth half filled with soggy pizza. ‘That sounded like a girl… Why is she out during such crappy weather? Is she okay?’ I finished wolfing down my dinner and decided to go check it out. It sounded like she was a few blocks away from me, so I shifted into my dog form and sprinted off to see what was wrong.
About a minute later, maybe two, I arrived at the place where the scream had come from. I heard a girl’s voice, broken, empty, and without hope. It sounded like she was talking to herself.
“It’s the best for everyone.” I heard the voice say as I turned the corner.
There I saw a girl, laying on her side in the slowly flooding alleyway. A defeated look on her face and her left arm stretched out slightly in front of her body. She was holding something metal in her right hand. As she placed it against her wrist; a flash of silver glinting off of thin, sharp metal grabbed my attention. ‘IS THAT A KNIFE???’
“I would say it’s been fun… but it hasn’t.” She was about to slash her wrist open with the knife.
‘I have to stop her!’ For some reason, I was determined to not let this girl die. ‘But if I bark, or try to say something it could scare her and her hand could slip and she could cut herself by accident… What should I do? ...Maybe this will be less startling..!’ I raced over to a nearby garbage can and kicked it over with my back paws; a skill I developed in order to survive out here on the streets.
The sound of something metallic hitting a wall makes you jolt and survey your surroundings. The blade of your knife runs across your wrist leaving a small cut, yet not deep enough to draw blood. “Who’s there?!” You call out in panic. Frantically whipping your head from side to side, you finally spot the source of your chaos; you feel your eyes widen in utter disbelief at the sight.
A vast shadow stands next to a garbage can that is rolling back and forth slightly. A flash of lightning lights up the area briefly and you see that the silhouette belongs to a large dog; although you can’t make out what breed it is or what the dog even looks like due to the pouring rain and the dark clouds blotting up the sky. The dog pads its way over to you. Its paws splashing and sending waves through the thoroughly flooded passageway.
“A dog…” You mutter under your breath as said canine approaches. It lays down perpendicular to you, facing you head on, and rests its head on top of its wet, dirty paws. “Hey there, doggo.” You say to the water-logged animal. It releases a soft puff in greeting. A few minutes pass with the two of you quietly laying in the steadily rising water; the only sounds being your conjoined breathing, the rainforest-esque downpour, and the occasional booms and cracks of thunder and lightning. You still had the knife within your grasp, wanting to wait until the dog had left before offing yourself. However, it’s been over five minutes and that thing has yet to move. Its deep, dark brown eyes burning holes into yours; the only action that dog has done is blink. Wanting to get the creature to move along so you can get back to what you were doing, you attempt to persuade it to leave. “Hey, doggo. You’re gonna get sick if you stay out in this weather…” The rising water suddenly catches your attention as you’re forced to close your eye close to the ground to avoid getting water in it. “Might even drown.”
The canine makes a face, and you can almost imagine what it’d be saying if it could talk; “Bitch, I know exactly what the fuck you’re trying to do. Don’t try that shit with me.”
A sigh slithers out of your throat. “I’m sure you have better things to do than watch me lay here, doggo. Your owner’s probably worried sick about you… running off during the middle of a storm.”
The dog moves its head to the side, showing the side of its neck to you. You can’t see that well, but you can make out that the dog is not wearing a collar.
You furrow your brow at this installment. “No owner, huh… A stray then… Shouldn’t be surprised at that… we got a lotta stray dogs here.” The minutes drag on as the two of you listen to the sounds of the rain and wind. After a while, you start to lose your mind over the fact that this stubborn dog will not leave you alone. “WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?!” You cry out after what feels like an eternity.
The dog lifts its head from its paws and looks at you sadly, water dripping from the underside of its muzzle. It brings its head over to the hand that is grasping your knife like a lifeline and nuzzles against your hand briefly, but gently. It brings its head back to face you and looks you dead in the eyes. A wave of realization crashes over you.
“...you want me to live… don’t you…” It’s more of a statement than a question.
Once again, the canine releases a soft puff of affirmation. Sighing through your nose, you flick the blade back into its handle; you shake your head as a soft smile graces your lips for the first time in a while. “You’re a weird dog, ya know,” you mumble as you stuff the swiss army knife into your back pocket once more. When the knife is completely put away, the dog jumps up and kisses the mark it left on your wrist. Chuckling, you reach your other hand over and scratch the top of the dog’s head fondly. “Such a weird dog.”
After a while, you sit up; it finally registers with you that your entire left side is soaked. To be fair, your right side is not fairing any better due to the rain. Your canine friend follows suit, sitting right next to you. “You can go, y’know. I’m not gonna do it.” The dog rises once more and looks at you. It dawns upon you that this stubborn dog is not going to leave unless you leave first. You purse your lips, stifling a grunt as you struggle to get on your feet. The dog wags its tail and barks happily once you’re standing. You look up to see that the rain is starting to let up, even though the alley is filled with water about ankle high; then you start marching towards the mouth of the alleyway. The splashing and sloshing of the water behind you tells you that the dog is following you.
The street lights blind you as you exit the hidden passageway. The canine shakes some of the access water droplets off of its coat and walks over to a nearby lamppost, lifting its leg to relieve itself. ‘Oh… so it’s a boy.’ You think to yourself, uncomfortably waiting for him to finish. Once he does, he turns to you with expectant eyes telling you to lead the way. “Okay, okay…” you release a small laugh. “I guess you’re walking me home then?”
“RRUFF!!” he replies loudly.
Shaking your head in amusement, you turn in the direction of your home. “Alright then, buddy. C’mon. This way.” As you start walking, he bounds next to you and matches your pace; you can see him a lot better now thanks to the streetlights. He’s a very solid dog. Probably some kind of pit bull or a mastiff. His tail is stubby, and his ears are a bit on the shorter side. His coat seems short from what you can see, but you can’t tell if it’s an illusion caused by the water rolling off of his back or not. His coat looks like a marbled pattern of dark brown, light brown, and black. It’s gorgeous; you’ve never seen a dog with fur like this before.
Eventually, the two of you arrive at the door of a luxurious apartment building. “We’re here, buddy,” you announce reluctantly. “You can’t go in with me though. No big dogs allowed. Sorry, buddy.” Reaching out, you pet the patches of fur behind his ears; he leans into your touch. “My room is on this side of the building, so you can wait here if you want. I’ll wave out the window so you know I got home safely. Okay?” He lowers his ears and lets out a small whine, but stays put. Your lips curl into a small smile and you rub his head gently. “Good boy.”
You turn away from him and look towards the looming entrance. You feel your anxiety bubbling up; you don’t have your key, so you’re gonna have to call up. With every step you take, you can feel your dread for what awaits you on the other side of the door increase. Swallowing the knot that is forming at the back of your throat, you scrape together what little courage you have left, and press forward. You raise your trembling hand to the intercom and somehow manage to buzz your apartment.
“Yeah? Who’s there?” A gruff, curt voice replies. You thank the Lord that it was your brother who answered.
“H-Hey, bro! It’s me. Can you let me in? I went… for a walk, and it looks like I forgot my keys.” Your voice is shakier than your hand is.
“Ugh. Oh my god. Seriously, Y/n?” He scoffs. You can practically hear him rolling his eyes. “What kind of fucking idiot goes out on a damn walk during the worst storm of the century?”
You don’t even attempt to answer; whenever he asks you something like this, there’s a ninety-nine percent chance it’s rhetorical.
“Whatever. C’mon up, brat,” he spits from the speaker. A buzzer sounds and the door unlocks. Mentally preparing yourself for what waits for you on the other side, you stretch your hand towards the handle and open the door.
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indiacater · 7 years
Tumblr User Questionnaire
Tagged by: @viktoriapetit, @kennaxval Nickname(s): India Arie, China, Asia, chocolate Sign: Cancer Time: 12:35PM Sunday Fave Bands: Evanescence, Halestrom, Nickelback, BabyMetal, Gorillaz Fave Solo Artists: Carlos Santana, Lindsey Sterling, Michael Jackson, Janet Jackson, Song Stuck in My Head: September by Earth, Wind, and Fire. Can't deny that disco music was catchy as hell. Last Movie I Saw: The Handmaiden, and The Hitman's bodyguard Last Show I Watched: Law & Order SVU When Did I Create My Blog: 2016, can't really remember Last Thing I Googled: Manimal: A very ridiculous show from the early '80s that was pulled after airing 8 episodes. It's about a guy that can shape-shift into animals that teams up with a lady detective and token black friend to solve crimes. Only reason I looked it up was due to it piqued my curiosity from Robot Chicken. Do I Have Any Other Blogs: I do for all my fanfiction that I write. I'm embarrassed to say that writer's block got the better of me. Why Did I Choose My URL: I couldn't think know of anything original and the ones I did the site wouldn't accept. Following: 400+ Followed by: 85 Average Hours of Sleep: It varies. I recently lost my job at Nintendo of America. Plus I have bipolar and anxiety. It really throws off my sleep schedule. Lucky Number: 4. Mainly because of my OCD Instruments: I am really interested in learning to play the violin. I just need a violin and someone to teach me. What Am I Wearing: t-shirt and jeans Dream Job: Own my own cafe bistro Dream Trip: Las Vegas, Japan, Spain, London, St. Bart's Fave Foods: Thai, Mexican, BBQ, I make an amazing breakfast burger according to my friend. The key is in the burger seasoning. It's just salt, pepper, and bit of cayenne, smoked paprika, pinch if garlic salt, and pinch of onion salt, and a bit of brown sugar. Also after the burger is cooked drizzle with A1 steak sauce. Nationality: American Fave Song: I miss the misery by Halestrom Last Book I Read: Masked Destiny's by Mark A. Roeder, all his work consist on a single timeline. Three Fictional Universes I Want to Join; 1. Marvel, 2. ATLA/LOK, 3. Cordonia- only because I can't think of another one. Tagging @xxrainbowprincessxx @flyawayblue56@youruinedmylifebynotbeingreal@youwontlikewherewewillgo @dangerous-capri15 @boneandfur @be-yourself-and-fuck-others @drakewalkerwhipped @feisty-mary
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olympusintelligence · 5 years
Part 3 Chapter 9 (Full)
26/11/2018 22:00 ( San Francisco Time)  San Francisco International Airport
“Welcome to San Francisco.”  
A female Filipino immigration officer welcomed Kyle with a smile, who had queued for a hour and half at the port of entry.
His clear-cut appearance and unyielding eyes are rare to be found among the Asian men in the United States. They attracted her to stare at him for a bit longer. He finally crossed the border after she gave him back his passport.
Many dreamers from around the world hope to  build their startups or successful tech careers in Silicon Valley. Fortunately many international hackathons and startup conferences would be held in these months, which helped him create a credible story to get close to his target. At first he thought of notifying Christian that he had arrived in the country, but soon  he dropped this idea. It would be better to contact him when he found any substantial evidence.
After the tiring long-haul flight he really just hoped to get some rest at the hotel. He took d Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) to Millbrae, so that he could get on board a Caltrain to Palo Alto. With just a thin jacket, he embraced cold winds during late night while waiting for the Caltrain. Transportation is inconvenient in California at night, so it ended up taking him four hours to reach the small hotel near Palo Alto train station. Transport to Palo Alto is truly a mess unless one has a private jet or a car. The accommodating hotel staff took note of his severe fatigue when he checked in, so he briskly led him to his room. He fell asleep after he was in.
His sleep last for twelve hours. He is not a deep sleeper, but perhaps due to the accumulated stress and fatigue, he enjoyed a long slumber.  
The hotel does not serve lunch, so after freshening himself up, he just headed outside to buy a burger. He was not in the mood to walk along the University Avenue or admire the chic downtown view. He just hoped to return to the hotel to get his props ready. VidChat Hackathon would start on the next day. He did not plan to stay at the hotel for one more day as the site was in East Palo Alto and participants could enjoy free accommodation during the hackathon period. 
He met three aspiring tech talents who would also take part in the same hackathon, and they had rented a car, so the next morning he had a free ride to the hotel venue, otherwise he may have had to leave the hotel one day much earlier. These three dreamers were computer science undergrads from Russia, and they considered Palo Alto a place that gathers the geniuses, geeks and big shots in technology. There is a higher chance to get spotted in a hackathon by senior management of large tech corporations, which means they might be able to stay in the US to develop their careers. Even though they may not have any progress in Vid’s hackathon, they would still join hackathons in downtown San Francisco, San Jose and Santa Clara. To keep his motives secret, he only mentioned to them that he just wished to learn more about Silicon Valley’s current development and he was planning to move to California to start a business. Those students just thought he might be a rich investor based on his Asian appearance, so they all showed interest in his potential startup tale.
Students are really gullible, he thought. Certainly he would not create a startup in California. His main objectives are to gather intelligence about the previous bombing in Jakarta and Helen’s location from Andrew and investigate his possible involvement  in the terrorist attack, but this tech tycoon must be a real hard nut to crack.
About an hour later, they arrived at a five-star luxury hotel. As Vid’s offices could not accommodate hundreds of participants like the other tech giants did, it rented a large hotel instead, and it generously arranged accommodation for most participants who struggled with it, but the staff of the hotel and Vid had to be busy with the logistics involved.
Kyle did not mingle with the three students any longer. After signing up at the registration counter, he entered the restaurant to enjoy a complimentary buffet breakfast. At the same time, he used his MacBook and iPad to organize the information he had gathered regarding the target. Outsiders may only get the impression that he was just preparing for the hackathon, as other competitors were preoccupied with checking their devices as well.
Andrew Hector and a few directors’ unexpectedly arrived at the same restaurant. It caused an uproar among the participants, so he had to shut down his devices to avoid drawing anyone’s attention to him. Similar to most tech tycoons in Silicon Valley, Andrew seemed casual, friendly and easygoing. Having had a clear undercut styled haircut, he just wore a long-sleeved V-neck white tee, jeans and a pair of Nike sneakers. The directors’ dress style was mainly smart casual. They parted with Andrew and went to have their own breakfast first, while Andrew mingled with the participants with a smiley face under the protection of two bodyguards and his assistant. Some participants requested taking selfies with him and he welcomed it.
This time he would not only attract the eyeballs of his fans and the press. The tech world would soon go abuzz about his company’s new product, the sharp black V10 Spectacles he was currently wearing. They were not only waterproof, but capable of shooting longer videos and livestreaming what the wearer saw onto VidChat. The large screens at the scene were showing a high-resolution footage of what he was seeing, and it was at the same time being livestreamed to his own fans on his official account.  
He may be a secretive introvert, but it did not mean he did not know how to pitch and sell his product. Some reporters anticipating  the news immediately captured the scene. He was the target of their cameras’ limelights. He did answer some of their questions, but an assistant intervened and asked them to interview him instead after the opening of the hackathon. Then they were directed to the press seats.
Just right after the reporters left him, he noticed Kyle. ‘I hope you like my new Spectacles. A friend of mine has just come to visit me. See you again at the opening,’ he casually said goodbye to his fans and logged out. He then took away his Spectacles and made sure both his smartphone and the spectacles were offline. He came to sit opposite Kyle at his table without regard of the other people turning their eyes to them. ‘Kyle, can’t believe you’re here. How’s it going?’ he just greeted him warmly, as though he saw him as a very good friend. 
Lucky me. I was quick enough. Otherwise all people on the spot know I’m here to dig up his dirt. He secretly sighed with relief. As his target had just come into his way, he seized this valuable chance to get into contact with him. ‘I’m doing ok. I’ve just quit my job, and the development in my hometown’s tech scene is too slow, so I am seeking opportunities overseas. That’s why I’m here.’
‘That sounds great. It’s better to leave the sad place for a while, isn’t it?’ Andrew’s dark blue eyes are as tranquil as the quiet ocean, and they seem to wield the power to soothe people’s worries. His voice was quite captivating. ‘As this is your first time to come to Silicon Valley, I should invite you to my home for a meal.’
‘I’m afraid this might disturb you. Would it be better to meet at a restaurant near your office?’
‘Sorry to tell you that it might not be a good idea. We’ve moved most of our offices to Venice. That’s where Zap’s headquarters is. It’s good to be its neighbour and enjoy its prettier seaview.’ The cutthroat competition between VidChat and Zapchat was too well-known in the  global tech scene. They struggled hard to persuade companies to place social ads and entertainment content on their platforms. Competing head-to-head for speed in updates on camera functions, their apps’ interface, camera filters, AR effects to attract users and production of the latest VR goggles and other compatible hardware is just their usual business. Not long after Zap Inc.’s IPO, Vid rose as if out of nowhere. The two companies’ founders were below thirty, and they shared bitter rivalry. When Andrew finally moved to Venice, sparks of enmity would surely erupt.  ‘Palo Alto’s office is now just the place to organize hackathons here. I ‘ll not work there. After the opening I’ll first return to Venice.’
Venice…..This means LA? If his Palo Alto office is only a place for running their hackathons, then why was it the origin of the virus? Is he trying me to bar me from investigating it there?
Kyle was a bit disappointed with this answer, but as the target was right in front of him, he did not wish to give up. And it seemed God listened to him.  ‘But well, I’ll still be here when the hackathon ends. That means we’ll have more time to meet.’ Andrew seemed quite enthusiastic about more contact with Kyle. ‘How about coming over to my house for lunch? Is 12pm on November 30 ok with you? I ‘ll still have to stay in Palo Alto to pack my stuff before moving to Venice, so it’s still ok for me to have a lunch with you and take you around Palo Alto.’
‘It’s very nice of you. Thank you.’  Kyle decided to wait and observe as Andrew appeared to welcome his visit. If he had any intelligence and was even a member of Olympus, he may give away some leads.
‘Andrew, sorry to interrupt.  The time for the opening speech will come soon. You still haven’t had anything, ’ Andrew’s assistant had been waiting for them for some time and he finally intervened.
‘Sorry, I have to go. I hope you’ll enjoy the hackathon.’ Before leaving both men shared their contact details  and VidChat’s accounts.
Kyle had a hard time as the hackathon progressed, as it requires participants to innovate within a very short time frame. The organizer only revealed the hackathon’s theme during the opening speech: new application of VR/AR. Kyle was paired with three steadfast Indian postgraduates who apparently knew nothing about fatigue. And they decided to create an AR exchange platform based on VidChat’s interface. This really just tested Kyle’s limited coding and hardware engineering knowledge and his ability to stay awake. They just worked on this project non-stop. When the hackathon finally ended, they celebrated and bade farewell to each other at a nearby pub. Even though he disliked alcohol, he still sipped two glasses of tequila before returning to his suite.
He had a shower and got dressed after a sound sleep. After having another big breakfast, he took a cab to Andrew’s home on Palo Alto Hills.
This meeting won’t be that simple. He shouldn’t have been so passionate about inviting a mere acquaintance to his home.
@writing-and-snark @requiemesque @ill-write-when-im-dead @adie-dee @thingswaitingtobewritten
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namirotraeu · 7 years
Online Relationships
I just can’t let go of writing this fic. Originally, this was a one-shot but the LawNa muse sent me angels who read  the first chapter and urged me to write again. So, I thank everyone who read my fic. It means so much to me.
“Personalities and relationships tend to differ offline. “
(Part 1)
Title: Online Relationships- Part 2
Pairing:Trafalgar Law X Nami
Genre: Romance/ AU
Rating: T
Word Count: 2286
Disclaimer: I do not own One Piece, they rightfully belong to Oda Eiichiro.
"Captain! Look it's your Nami-ya." Shachi pointed out to his best friend.
Nami's beauty stood out among her group of friends while they are eating merrily in Baratie's Food Joint. It's been months since Law and Nami started sending messages to one another. He regretted that he told his best buddies on how they were talking online. It was something they tease him a lot whenever she was around. This made him awkward to approach her even though he was normally blunt in nature.
"Quiet down. If Strawhat-ya hears you, he'll tease me like you do." He grumpily said.
"Oh come on! From what you told us, you and Nami were chatting till 3 am. No girl would be able to keep up with your insomniac routine." Penguin added.
"Nami-ya is also busy with her studies that time. We talk just to keep each other awake." He explained not wanting them to push further.
True enough, they had been messaging one another since the day Luffy introduced them. He finds her very alluring which is why he added her then started messaging her. At first, he thought he was just attracted to her beauty, but he realized that she was more that. She was witty, fun and sometimes flirty but she owns herself more than anyone else does. He respected how much she was dedicated when it comes to studying which is why he likes to keep her company online on her late-night study sessions.
"It's obvious that you like her with that occasional glances that you've been giving her." Shachi stated.
"You even told us to use Baratie's Food Joint as a study hall when Nami told you they often hang out here." Penguin spilled earning a chuckle from their quiet companion, Jean Bart.
"Why are you even ganging up on me? I thought you were my friends." Law said defeatedly.
"That is why. We are your friends and were pushing your laid-back attitude to make a move on Nami. "
"You can't be so laid back with Nami, a lot of guys want to be Ms. Weatheria's boyfriend."
Ever since Nami joined the beauty pageant and was crowned Ms. Weatheria, the competition for being her man became tough. He saw Eustass Kid, engineering student, inviting her over for lunch, which was politely declined by the girl. He also saw Zoro, a good friend of her and criminology student, hanging out more time with her than the usual. Then, there's Sanji that had been showering her the attention she deserves, following every order she have. These events made him back away since he felt Nami has a lot of guys to handle in her plate.
"I did confess to her even before she joined that pageant, but she didn't take it seriously."
Nami-ya, I like you.
Mou Law, stop messing around. We've never seen each other again since Camie's Open Mic.
Do I look like I'm joking around? Ugh, fine. I'll just study for my exam.
"That was because all you do is message her online. Your timing was always messed up." Shachi lectured.
"She barely knew you that time. It was only 3 months since you started chatting and you didn't see her again personally till the 4th month." Penguin added.
Four months after they first met, Law and Jean Bart run into Nami in the university lagoon. She was alone that time sketching something. He mustered up all the courage to say hi at her which was greeted back with her beautiful smile. He didn't stay to make a conversation because he was too shy when it comes to her. There was something about her that makes the laid back, straightforward and blunt him go away.
That thing urged him to start over again. Snapping a picture of her in the lagoon, then sending it to her with the caption 'Take a break when you need it.' helped him to start again their online conversations.
Loud clanking of barbells, sweaty people huffing, words of encouragement from instructors and feet jogging through Bepo's Training Gym envelop the whole place. Motivated people to change and be healthier keeps the flame lit up the essence of the gym.
Law and a colleague of him, X-Drake, often go to the gym to let off stress. Despite their age difference, they knew each other way back when Law was still ten. Their guardians were good friends, which is why they met often in their childhood. Being friends was one thing both do not like to admit. Law delights in annoying Drake, giving the older man a lot of headaches. So, when he saw him around the neighborhood, Law took the opportunity on intimidating him pushing the two of them have a spar in the gym.
While getting the boxing gloves for the two of them, Law saw two familiar faces. Zoro and Sanji was in the midst of their workout routine. They have been acting like a bodyguard to Nami warding off most of her suitors, which delights Law. However, they were the reasons why his moves on Nami gets destroyed or spoiled. Despite that they were still Nami's friends so he decided to greet them.
Law grunted as he made eye contact Zoro earning a grunt in return. He turned to acknowledge Sanji, but the cook gave him an irritated look.
"Ever heard of greeting the normal way, Shitty Doctor?" Sanji glared.
He knew that the cook was good to all the ladies but he was taken aback at how he was trying to pick a fight with him.
"I'm sure Zoro-ya didn't mind how I greeted."
"It's because you two are barbarians who doesn't even know how to treat a lady."
"Oi cook, you picking a fight." Zoro boiled his anger to the cook.
"Shut up, Moss Head. I'm doing this for Nami-swan." Then he turned again to Law. "I don't know what kind of love potion you gave to Nami-swan but you don’t have the right to mess up her feelings."
Law became silent due to what Sanji said. He didn't know that her friends knew something about them. He thought she was pretty picky on telling others about her personal life.
"Leave him alone, Cook. It is Nami's business after all, she's a grown up woman. We'll just beat anyone's ass if she got hurt." Zoro said seriously.
"I just don't know what Nami-swan liked about him." Sanji sighed. "Go away Trafalgar before I change my mind and beat you up. I'm Nami-swan wouldn't like it."
Law walked away from them while trying to decipher what her friends has said. She rejected her not quite too long ago, so why would her friends say such things. He needed to blow off the steam. Boxing with Drake is a good idea.
"So the cat thief, huh?" Drake mused.
He calls Nami, cat thief, because there was one time his wallet was taken by the said girl paying all the tabs of her friends then returning the wallet to him. He was enraged when he realized what happened. Luckily for her, Nico Robin intellectually settled the incident, saying Nami was just a high schooler that was very much curious. Being a marine, he never forgets the cat thief. Most of the time when the two of them are in the same established, he ensures that Nami wouldn't give into the temptation of stealing. Because of this he became a brother figure to the girl.
"You overheard my conversation with her friends?" Law was shocked.
"It was taking you too long, so I decided to check if you’re still alive. Though, I hope you’re not." Drake said sarcastically.
"If you wanted me dead, you could just try to kill me. Tell me Drake-ya how many have you killed?" Law darkly humored him.
Drake sighed at the question. "Back to Nami, so what would you do about it?"
"I didn't know you’re the type who would meddle in such things."
"It is rare to see you like this and I find it amusing. I never knew you would be so dork and sheepish on making moves on girls." Drake chuckled.
Law landed a hard blow on Drake's face. He settled on boxing, not talking.
"Heh, finally fired up." Drake nursed his cheek to check for blood.
Their session ended with Drake winning the spar. The older man had an upper hand being taller and consistent training. But that day Drake knew something's bothering Law.
The hospital where Law was having his internship was a grand hospital. Donquixote Hospital was the largest medical facility in the country. From the soft and comfortable hospital bed to sophisticated surgical devices, they have it all. Law and his friends used his uncle’s authority to be able to train in this hospital. Since Law’s uncle was the owner of the hospital, he obliged happily and gave them a special room where they conduct their checkups.
Finals week is starting and students are busy completing requirements, they were given this semester. Being an academic scholar, Law knew how stressful these days to Nami. He already had a lot of things to do due to his on the job training in the hospital so he barely sees her at school. Though, quite uncertain of what her friends told him he messages her. Hi.
"Yo Captain!" Shachi and Penguin chorused while they both slap Law's back, causing him to drop his phone in the aquarium in front of them.
The three of them panicked to get the already soak smart phone. As much as Law's dismay, the phone didn't open again when he turned it on.
"I just messaged Nami-ya and this happened." Law glared at his two scared friends.
The two men apologized pleadingly to their friend. "We'll just take it to the repair center." Shachi said.
"You can just message Nami on my phone. So, that she'll not wait." Penguin suggested.
Law sighed. "I'll just message her when my phone is fixed."
The finals week was already done when Law got his phone back. A message from Nami occupied his notification bar. Hello Law. It was dated the same day he messaged her.
A pang of guilt showered him. He should have informed her that his phone was dead.
How are you? He felt stupid after he sent that. He should have started with an explanation, but he wasn't thinking.
I'm so happy right now~
Professor Haredas just gave me my grades and I was 1 out of the 8 students who passed his subject!
Law so thrilled!
Really? That's nice Nami-ya.
Day by day they continued to chat with each other even when Law was busy working in his uncle's hospital as an understudy. Short conversations completed their days.
Their communication continued till one conversation with Nami made two of them distant for the rest of the summer break. She got mad at him because he didn't reply due to playing video games. Originally, he planned to just talk to her, but, Shachi and Penguin infiltrate his apartment and dragged him into playing video games with them. Nami told him it was okay; she's lying on his face and that made him so upset. It was obvious she's mad, he wanted her to act like a girlfriend and tell him she wanted the attention. But that didn't happen. They just repelled each other.
At the start of the new semester, Law decided things would change. He'll leave all his unanswered questions, doubts and everything that has been pulling him backwards.
When he saw her in the school canteen for the first time this semester, he saw his chance. As usual, they greeted each other, but he knew it didn't need to end there. Jean Bart wanted to go back to their department, but when he glanced to Nami's table, she hadn't come back from buying food. They were already out of the cafeteria doors when a spark of determination rush into his body.
He ran back towards Nami's table. To his relief, she's already seated there.
"Nami-ya." He said while trying to look calm.
She looked quite confused on why he was there. Summoning up all the courage in front of her he opened his mouth and said. "I'll be going now. See you around."
Her reply was a soft "Bye bye" with her cheeks starting to be redder than usual. That sight made his heart beat faster and he felt his own cheeks were heating up too. He quickly retreated before he could do something stupid.
All the courage he mustered up was worth it. He really did hope every turn out fine.
That hope became a roller coaster ride at the start of the third week of the semester. The students of the Grand Line University, their school, will merge with a nearby special college, the Mink College. The Mink College suffered because of a great fire accident that occurred. Different races became more evident in their university. His polar bear friend, Bepo, was in the same department as Nami. While Nami's reindeer friend, Chopper, was his classmate in Pharmacology. Due to this, their chances of bumping into one another increased.
There was a time he even accompanied Bepo in his study sessions with Nami. He still feels awkward around her, but with his fluffy friend, he was able to converse with her in some ways. Bepo informed him that Nami asked for his cell phone number a few days after he joined them, but he is not sure why she needed it. She hasn't even contacted him.
His phone rang. It was an unknown number.
"Hello. Who's this?" He answered.
"Law! It’s me, Nami. I need your help."
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kat8porgs · 7 years
dream time - superhero style
OKAY, so, last night I dreamed I was some sort of superhero/magic cop thing? Like, little confused b/c there was DEFINITELY magic and DEFINITELY aliens and I’m not sure if the superhero-bit was tied into that or whether it was a superhero universe and incorporated all of this (as superhero universes do).
So, superhero cop. I was... an Amazon? I think? I had some form of superpowers but I think I was just an Amazon stand-in. Also I kept referring to people as ‘sister’? 
So, I was working on a case looking for like, a Cyborg type character? They were definitely a cyborg. They’d been a part of a Teen Titans/Young Justice crew (more YJ than TT except for Cyborg being on it) but had been yanked off by an older hero for... reasons?
But they’d snuck back onto the team disguising themselves with a TRULY AWFUL WIG. Like, dollar store awful wig. But all of the pictures taken of cyborg in disguise ONLY showed the wig? Like, so, clearly a powerful disguise. 
But now they’re MISSING, missing. Like, Cyborg is. So I’m looking at pictures of Blondie on Not-YJ and commenting to my Amazonian Sister (OR MY ACTUAL SISTER?) that it was weird that to fill the whole they’d replaced Cyborg with an Amazon. B/c Cyborg’s more than just strength?
Anyway, Sister 1 was like ‘excuse you, Amazon’s are THE BEST FIGHTERS. It’s all about having THE BEST FIGHTERS to KICK ASS.’
But like, faux-Robin’s on the team and I’m doubting this shit b/c they’re a really good fighter.
Anyway, then my PoV shifts to this speedster fighting... another speedster? Or. I was confused. They were definitely super-strong but I think there was SOME speed. They were a Kid Flash type character, sort of a meld of Wally from the show and Bart from the comics. So they’re fighting this over-powered villain, who is talking to his dead ex-girlfriend (hallucination or ghost IDK). And eventually takes out the Kid Flash, like, he... vibrates at the opposite frequency and they punch each other and BOOM, Kid Flash drops?
Then villain is talking to hallucination girlfriend and is like ‘well, I don’t have to kill him, I’LL JUST SELL HIM ON THE BLACK MARKET.”
So much better than death, apparently.
So, clearly my search for missing-cyborg is gonna connect with this black market for superheroes. 
Anyway, I’m investigating in a... bar? Restaurant? And I find these portals which look like stairs. Like, the portal is disguised but then when you see it, BAM, stairs. They lead to this like... sacrificial chamber/temple thing with a few grunts there. No one important. I beat up the grunts and am frustrated. DID I MISS THE BLACK MARKET?
So I come back (stay there?) with my Amazon sister (different one from before). She’s like ‘you’re gonna be happy you brought me’ and finds a secret switch which opens up another set of stairs/a portal. 
It goes to a party? The party is like, wild. Lots of monsters, werewolves, vampires, aliens, typical monstrous creatures. And I’me like “we’re not dressed for this!” I’m wearing like, cut-off jeans and a tank top? But Amazon Sister 2 is in like, slinky black clothing. She was apparently dressed for clubbing. 
She’s like ‘we’re dressed for anything!” And starts dancing with a group of monsters.
I poke around the party, asking questions, peeking under rocks. I find another Amazon Sister (I think... the first one?) and I’m like ‘oh, you’re here too.” Pretending that I was... invited?
It should be noted, I think I’m supposed to be SECRET police. Or undercover? Or something. 
Anyway. I start asking Amazon Sister about who invited her and what the party’s about. She’s not quite dodging my questions but she’s not being too informative. But there’s this dude, a short dude with a cartoon-ishly large head. Like, typical evil villain with giant brain. Think the imp from Flinstone’s but like, orange. BRIGHT orange. Anyway, he starts to leave the party and I notice him. I recognize him? But can’t place him. So he brushes past me and I’m like ‘oh, leaving so soon?’
And he is just like ‘yeah’ and takes his entourage (3 bodyguards?) with him.
So the Amazon Sister tries to distract me but I’m mulling over where I recognize short and orange from and I”m like HE’S AN ALIEN.
His name is either Mads and he’s from Mars or his name is Mars and he’s Mad?
Anyway, I go after him, joining the flow of the party b/c EVERYONE is leaving now. I confront him and he gives up and I think I Magically Arrest him? I don’t arrest anyone else at the party so this guy must have been wanted by the Superhero Cops for some reason. Anyway, I do question people lingering around the party. I hear somebody (?? party goer? fellow magic cop?) talking to the other about bees? Something about poking a hive and how the bees didn’t do anything till they started messing with the queen. 
And I”m like LIGHTBULB.
I track down my Amazon Sister who is lounging with other Amazon Sisters? 
And I’m all ‘YOU BETRAYED US ALL?’ and she’s like ‘we should have never let you join the space cops’ and then like
she doesn’t FIGHT me but she doesn’t answer any of my questions
I key up a magical symbol on my phone and press it to her forehead and she turns to stone
BUt like
But then the dream ended.
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medicus-mortem · 2 years
Law: I never asked any of these fuckers to join my crew. They just turned up one day and never left.
Ikkaku: But Captain, you asked me to join.
Uni: Me too.
Bart: Ditto.
Law: ... Shut your faces.
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