#boiling isles calendar
notmasonpines · 1 year
Calendars of the Boiling Isles
(In-Universe excerpt first, analysis on BI calendars and notes on this excerpt further down)
Tl;dr: Dana said the BI has a 666 day calendar, the show says it has a 365 day calendar, I say that concluding this is a simple contradiction is boring, and that both calendars existing is more fun to discuss (just that Belos hated the old calendar and forced the Gregorian one onto the BI after he established the empire).
Prior to the founding of the empire, the witches and demons of the Boiling Isles measured the passage of time with the Celestial Calendar, which was based on the periodic and reliable cyclic trajectory of the Wandering Star through the thirteen segments of the Intestina Tract wrapped around the celestial sphere. A full cycle in this calendar consisted of 666 days, with 74 weeks of nine days divided over 13 months, each defined by the period the Wandering Star spent in one of the constellations, which could become quite disproportionate in some cases. However, soon after the founding of the empire, emperor Belos implemented and began to enforce the Imperial calendar. The Imperial calendar employs years that consist of 365 days, divided into 52 weeks of seven days. These weeks are further divided into nine months, with four months of five whole weeks, three of six, and two of seven. These months can further be associated with one of the main covens, as per the Titan’s Will, providing a deeper symbolic connection to our lands and magic rather than a reliance on an extra-terrestrial phenomenon. The remaining day, separating the years, belongs to no weekday or month, instead being associated with the Emperor’s Coven, and is called a day of unity —Not to be confused with The Day of Unity, which is a promised, singular event, the date whereof may fall on any day, and could be significant enough to serve as the new transition point between years in a post-Unity calendar. Every four years there is a pair of days of duality instead, where the celebrations for the past year and the upcoming year are expanded upon and split between the two. The switching of calendars brought many difficulties to the Isles. Mainly the need to convert between a person’s Celestial and Imperial age, though the former is now firmly out of use, beyond elderly people attempting to sound younger through letters or Penstagram messages, as well as the switch to shorter five-day work weeks from the prior seven days. This last change was considered a positive by many, and the more regular, even spread of the weeks over the months compared to the old system helped with the smooth, willing adoption of the Imperial calendar. The only remnant of the old calendar can be seen in the practice of assigning people birth constellations based on the Wandering Star’s position in the Intestina Tract, which can bring quite some confusion to the younger generations, as this cycle does not line up with our coven-based one, with several constellations inconsistently overlapping and shifting over time if one only has the written attempts to match Imperial times with Celestial months to rely on.
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I've always found the references to what calendar the Boiling Isles uses interesting…but also very confusing/conflicting. The first time it really came to my attention was during the Q&A panel the crew held for Gallery Nucleus. One of the questions was about star signs, to which Dana (indirectly through a pre-prepared text) answered that the BI has a calendar that consists of 666 day years with 13 months, each represented as a worm or tube-like demon (I at first almost didn't catch the joke of just how easy it is to make constellations for those animals, just connect any sequence of stars with a single line and you're done).
So, funny hahah Beast's Number and unlucky number for Demon and Witching Realm calendar, very fitting.
Except then come the complications.
First of all, ages would be all out of whack. Since BI years in this calendar would be 1.8 times as long as Earth years, that would mean that the age of someone according to this calendar (which I'll call the Edgy Calendar for short) is about half what you expect compared to their biological age based on our own calendar. And we do get actual age drops by BI residents, like Hunter being called 16 by Darius, or Skara having her 15th birthday.
Either that means the Hexside crew except Luz are actually all in their mid 20s to 30s based on Earth years, and physically age about half as fast as humans (which they don't. It's confirmed witches have similar natural lifespans to that of humans), the days on the BI are only 13 hours long (which I can't imagine Luz's biological clock vibing with while having her remain as upbeat and awake as we see her in the show), or the fun Calendar fact from the Q&A doesn't fit with canon and is just straight-up false, with canon trumping anything contradictory said by the creators outside of the show (something Dana subscribes to) and the BI use a Calendar with years that are about as long as our own.
And it makes sense that the Edgy Calendar is more a joke than a serious fact. It wasn't even part of the main response to the actual question that was anticipated, since that was about star signs and birth constellations. The Calendar was just made to completely mismatch ours so there'd be no easy or meaningful way to determine birth signs for BI characters. It could definitely also be an early concept thing that wasn't implemented because of the previously mentioned age stuff, or something that was thought up far too late to implement and match with in-canon stuff (like the mentioned ages).
But that's also a very boring answer, especially since the 666-13 stuff is very fitting. So, how to reconcile the complications while having our cake and eating it too?
Well, see the excerpt back at the top: Just have the Edgy Calendar be the old one and the Earth-like Calendar the new one, implemented by Belos when he rose to power.
It would certainly be in-character for him to do so. We know he was losing track of time after he'd spent a while in the Demon Realm, and the mismatched Calendars at the time would definitely contribute to that. Add to that the fact both the Beast's Number and the unlucky number are involved, and someone like Philip would absolutely despise it. Obviously one of his first acts as Emperor would be to abolish it and implement a calendar that matches the Gregorian one in length. The man completely upended an entire culture with the Coven system, surely he can implement a new calendar.
This does bring along the interesting implication that the Boiling Isles doesn't really have any event or cycle that could determine a year, as otherwise such a switch would've never been possible, let alone accepted (like seasons, which we don't really see. Though we're only there in the summer period from Earth's perspective). Which further implies that the BI planet has very little to no axial tilt.
The Moonlight Conjuring does put a bit of a wrench in this idea, however, since it's said that 'the celestial powers only align once a year'. Which would be a great way to define a calendar, and brings questions as to why it wasn't used like that before.
Then again, though this is a common expression for 'each instance happens exactly one year apart', it technically only says it happens once a year, not that the time between consecutive events is regular or predictable (you can have the Oracle Coven predict when the next one comes). Perhaps it's more like a lunar eclipse that just so happens to occur often enough to be almost always once a year.
As for how I put together my own 'Imperial Calendar', one of the few things we do know about the calendar that's currently in use (besides the years being as long as Earth years), is that at least one month has 40 or more days (Eda talks about 40th of Scabuary in Them's the Breaks, Kid, and in Wing it Like Witches we see a calendar month that's six weeks of seven days each long).
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To be honest, I certainly like the idea of having months that are made up of whole weeks, making each date have the same weekday no matter what year it is.
And then came the task of dividing 52 weeks of seven days (plus the unaffiliated day) into neat months. After some struggling, the best, most pleasing combination I could come up with was 4 months of 5 weeks, three of 6, and two of 7. That it amounts to 9 months to match the main covens was also very convenient.
Some last notes: Since, with these conclusions, the BI didn't have any significant annual cycle they used to keep track of the years, they could've used any regular cycle to keep track of the years. So, rather than something lame and normal like the actual orbit of the Demon Realm planet (tracked through observing the sun move through some constellations near its ecliptic), or by observing the phases of its moon for the months, I made up something more wacky.
Since we already had the Wailing Star, I thought a star that makes a meandering trip across the night sky over the span of 666 days would be fun (And it could be one of the Archivists, idk. I like the headcanon that the Wailing Star is one of the Archivisists, crying out over the loss of their sibling, so why not have another that continues its normal duty of observing from a distance, slowly making their way along a route that passes along all the planets in the sky that they check in on?) And since the star doesn't move along the tract at an equal speed (the actual layout of star systems it floats past will be at different distances, despite looking projected on a sphere from the perspective of a BI resident) it brings some extra funkiness of some months being widely longer than others.
Plus, since all the constellations are worms or worm-like, I can use the name for an old, outdated taxonomy system where most typical worms were classed under 'Intestina', and since this version of the 'zodiac belt' is less a belt and more a random track, the 'Intestina Tract' matches perfectly with the pun names based on body parts that all locations on the BI have. I also imagine the Intestina Tract as being illustrated as a bunch of worms and tube-like demons one after the other, each eating the next's tail like some messed up, multi-stage ouroboros.
Anyway, thanks for reading.
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secretly-of-course · 1 year
I'm working on a Boiling Isles Calendar!
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drachenfalter · 2 years
I think I'll stick to the idea that it's like 2005 or something on the Boiling Isles. And it's not because the year is longer or anything like that.
It's because Belos made a mistake.
It took him hundreds of years to take over the isles. And when he had absolute power, he decided to change the year they were in. As a Christian, he wanted to live "in the year of the Lord" again, and tried to match the B.I. year to the one on earth.
Except he no longer knew what that year was. He tried to figure it out, but was off by fifteen to twenty years.
Which is why the B.I. are still stuck in the early two thousands.
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bugchuckles · 4 days
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whoa can't believe they finally released the evelyn clawthorne character sheets????????? wild
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marztheincredible · 2 years
The Calendar of the Boiling Isles!
A mistake needing to be rectified! I’ve realized that I haven’t posted about the Calendar in Titan’s Blessing here on Tumblr! So buckle up and get ready for some juicy world-building!
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“The history of the Boiling Isles is a muddled and confusing one. After Emperor Belos’ claim and making the Isles into an Empire, much was lost. We know for certain one thing. The years marked A.C or After Covens, denote the time since Belos’ reign. Anything before, or known as the Savage Ages, are marked as B.C Before Covens.”
There are 10 months in a Boiling Isles Year, also called a Cycle. Days are also called Rhythms. Proper documentation of the date goes as such: 5th Rhythm of New Callus, 52 A.C. On average there are at least 36 days in a month. Because the Isles are quite dangerous and unpredictable, until they reach maturity (21) children announce their age as how many summers they survived. 
“You both are sixteen summers, are you not? And I’m sure you're able to snag some Palistrom wood from the Plant Coven with your parents' money.” -Eda to the Blight Twins in Chapter 15
Celestial Alignment and the moon also take an important role when it comes to certain holidays and celebrations as well as the effects of magic. The moon in the Boiling Isles is also called The Titan’s Eye. As the story is told every year on the final day of The Week of Celestial Observation, the moon is the Titan’s Eye, gouged and thrown into the void after an act of deception from the Titan’s Sister, Hel.
Each rotational cycle is 10 days. Meaning there are 10 days between each New Moon. The phases are also named differently, it goes as so:
Birth Eye=New Moon
Young Eye=Waxing Crescent
First Gaze=First Quarter
Hooded Gaze= Half-Waxing Gibbous
Blinking Eye (Closing)=Full-Waxing Gibbous
Full=Full moon
Blinking Eye (Opening)=Full Waning Gibbous
Tired Gaze=Half-Waning Gibbous
Last Gaze=Third Quarter
Dead/Old Eye=Waning Crescent
Now lets move on to Months!
New Callus (36 Days-Winter)
“The Cycle of a new year begins anew. Old bonds wither away or strengthen. New ones are formed. New Callus can also be considered a month of rebirth, where many witches seek forgiveness to go into the new year with a clean slate. The Rhythm of Reflection falls on the end of the last week of this month, encouraging Witches to seek out the ones they have wronged to make amends.”
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Scabuary (42 Days-Winter)
“Winter ends on this month! The harsh cold that travels down the knee, crawls back up to its isolated joint. The dead floral resuscitate and rise from their dried husk, indicating warm months to come. On the 40th Rhythm of Scabuary, the Empire of the Isles celebrates is anniversary since Belos claimed the lands under the 'Titan's Will'. This anniversary is known as "Salvation Day."”
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Trudge (45 Days-Spring)
“Boiling rain season. Keep alert for rolling storm clouds and watch where you step! Witches tend to keep indoors as much as they can this month. No one wants to be caught by a stray pain-bow after the rains let up!”
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First Till (45 Days-Spring)
“First Till is one of the three farmer months that's name has not been changed or altered since the beginning of the Savage Ages. It is to remind farmers and other denizens of the Isles to plant their crop. This is the time where the weather is consistent and predictable. Druids (Now absorbed, absolved, and known as the 'Plant Coven') celebrate this month in its entirety. It was once known that during the Savage Ages, a wandering Druid would stop by a farmer's field and help them produce a wonderous bounty to collect during The Grand Harvest. Witches would celebrate and respect these Druids though tributes and offerings, hoping to gain favor for their village or town.”
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Julymph (42 Days-Summer)
“Summer has begun and it. Is. HOT. The Boiling Isles are not just aptly named because of the Boiling Sea alone. Heat rolls over the land like a dragon's hot breath in waves. Latissa's bogs steam from the weather and if you aren't careful the haze can become as thick and sticky as a spider's web.”
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The Grand Harvest (39 Days-Summer)
“The Grand Harvest is here! The Titan's body and the steady hands of the Isle's farmers produce food to last until the next First Till. To celebrate the successful growth of crops the Feast of Abundance is celebrated! This always falls on the last Rhythm of the month, ensuring that any excess crops gathered are used for the holiday. We're not done yet, every three years the Week of Celestial Observation falls on this month. It cycles back and forth between The Grand Harvest and Sun's Smite. The Week of Celestial Observation is a time where the stars and the moon fall in line with the Titan. Demon's and Witch's magic are in tune with the Others, making it a time to cast powerful spells or brew strong potions.”
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Sun’s Smite (36 Days-Summer/Fall)
“Summer wanes into Fall and if the heat hasn't destroyed the last of the farmer's crops, the blinding sun will. This is the brightest month on the Isles, giving way to longer days well into the first have of the month. It is here where the Smiths of Old would produce the finest blades or other metal work. Using the glaring sun and their magic to warp metal harnessing its energy for power. The Week of Celestial Observation falls on this month every three years.”
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Auguts (36 Days-Fall)
“Fall has arrived! Verdant floral wither and die, while some fauna may begin their hibernation. The Cycle has almost ended, it is time to make way for the colder months and warmer magic to come forth once more.”
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Hacktober (39 Days-Winter)
“The snow storms upon the Knee have trailed down its mountainous peak! Bundle up Demons and Witches, Winter is here! You’ll need your best Enchanters and Weavers to intertwine the warmth of the Hearth within your clothes. If you aren’t so lucky to find such a Witch, perhaps a Bard will do. The second Dead Eye of the month can call forth a bitter chill if one is unaware. In the days of old, as a warning, a Bard would sing for the eight days leading up to the moon’s final phase. These melodies were known as The Frigid Refrains.”
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Dismember (42 Days-Winter)
“The coldest month of the year! For young witchlings its the most exciting! The Winter Solstice, marks the shortest day of the year and follows into the Long Night. Always falling on a Birth (New) Moon, the Long Night consists of exchanging gifts and celebration of another year lived. Deeper meanings of this holiday indicate that this may be the day the Titan fell into his eternal slumber, creating the Boiling Isles.”
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And there you have it! It’s alot! Luckily young witchlets learn this helpful rhyme to serve as a reminder for their months in order!
"Ten months will turn and a Cycle is complete!
Round and round they go with Holidays they meet!
New Callus marks the start of every new year!
Scabuary marks the day every Wild Witch should fear!
Trudge comes next with colors of pain!
Then First Till with gifts from the rain!
Julymph is hot, your skin will rot!
The Grand Harvest is here, let's fill our pots!
Sun's Smite draws near with blinding rays!
Auguts follows with shorter days!
Hacktober brings forth the snow from the Knee!
Then with Dismember, the year secedes!"
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angelcloves · 2 years
Thoughts on: Hunter and Luz sharing a birthday? Hunter probably doesn't know his and Luz seems like the type to go "Well you can share my birthday with me then!" the moment she finds that out.
this idiot hasnt even read sticks and stones
joking and shameless self promos aside i love the headcanon that luz would offer to be birthday buddies with hunter. its adorable! and exactly something luz would do!
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mithrilduck · 8 months
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The Heart of the Boiling Isles 🔮✨
Made as part of the Thanks For The Memories calendar hosted by TheaArtsz on Twitter!
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tartsinarat · 5 months
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As funny as it would be if this drawing was for an au of an au it’s not :/
It’s just Luz, King and Pip participating in the boiling isles version of Halloween, which is called the festival of Samhain there which is in fact the original name for Halloween and where it originated from in the toh universe rather than being totally Celtic like in the real world.
Here they’re collecting wood for the huge bonfire they’re going to make by the owl house and also making sure to avoid evil spirits whilst Pip explains the festival to Luz.
Luz originally thought that it was similar to the Halloween of the human realm until she found out that it was essentially a festival for the dead… which she found even more interesting because a) it’s such a lively celebration ironically enough and b) there’s costumes still involved and c) she’s eager to learn more about witch culture and thought it would be perfect to watch and dress up as characters from over the garden wall as a costume with Pip and King which they binged in a day.
It’s one of the few boiling isles holidays that Pip enjoys because he enjoys sneaking off from work to go watch the bonfires in Bonesbrough with King.
Also it’s the first year that Eda has allowed Pip to make a bonfire with King helping too as Luz is tasked with making sure these two don’t go crazy and set everything on fire but it’s also a treat for the three because of all the rough times they’ve been having lately.
Honestly despite the morbid nature of this “episode” it’s actually extremely wholesome and serves as a nice bonding moment between the three and Eda before everything goes to chaos.
This is because Samhain marks the transition from light to darkness as it marks the beginning of winter and the new year in the boiling isles calendar, which means Luz has also been in the demon realm for a year as well as having a symbolic meaning of the au going from dark to darker.
It ends with a nice moment of the owl fam just relaxing and watching the bonfire as hooty fights and eats an evil spirit in the background.
Also here’s a totally live image of king by the finished bonfire…..
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Just a simple GH au masterpost
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stardust-and-ivory · 11 months
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Titans are magical beings that are responsible for modern life on the planet.
There are 3 types of titans.
Aerial - dragon-like titans with wings for gliding short distances and display. Their breath is molten metal.
Terrestrial - wolf-like titans with large muscle strength. They release a sonic boom from their jaws
Aquatic - mosasaur-like titans with front flippers and a powerful tail. They’ve developed a spine that mimics the appearance of coral to hide from predators and prey. They can inhale water at a speed fast enough to create massive whirlpools.
All titans share glyph magic, the ability to create life, and growth rate.
Of the three titan types, aerial and terrestrial titans share territory, while aquatic titans are more solitary and less abundant. Some titans have wings that are covered in vibrant patterns to display their importance, as these are often elders, royals, or generals. These wings cannot be used for flight and are more of a way to say ‘look at me, I’m important, respect me’.
The ‘skulls’ on their heads are not actually part of their skeleton - it is a piece of head armour that evolved from simple plates into a whole helmet
Titan societies are very open. There is a royal bloodline, but they are more laid back and less commanding. They value respect and bow before the earth. Titans follow a unique calendar and hold festivals for important events, including full moons, hatchings, marriage, and music. The most important tradition held by titans, however, comes when they reach an age of 1000.
Because titan ancestors gained magic through the earth, modern titans are forever grateful and believe that they owe their lives to nature. They spend their lives learning their own unique magic and teaching others, and then can choose to enter an eternal hibernation. This hibernation is where they rest for the rest of eternity, not dead, but not awake either. Over time, during this sleep, their bodies are reclaimed by the earth. Their hides turn to stone, trees grow on their backs, and life can flourish over their bodies. Depending on where they rest, they will form different biomes. Since the majority of the planet is ocean, most will form islands or coral reefs.
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The same will occur if titans are killed. Even newborns can become small reefs or sea stacks. A titan’s bones will continue to grow even after death which leads to absolutely massive archipelagos and eco systems. Some land masses formed by titans include:
- the Boiling Isles [terrestrial titan] formed when an adult titan was struck down by immense magical force
- Jotunheim [aerial titan] the result of a titan warrior being strangled and impaled. Location of Titan Trapper Island
- Purgatory [aquatic titan] formed when an adult titan became trapped in shallow water after being injured in battle
- Archipeligo of Insanity [aerial titan] formed from the bones of a titan killed by a swarm of grimraptors, which are usually only pests
- Isle of Humiliation [terrestrial titan] the result of a young titan becoming impaled on sharp sea stacks. This is a more recent development and the individual was likely one of the few young survivors of the Titan/Archivist conflict.
Titans are able to create life from non-living things, most notably their own eggs. A titan will infuse their magic with a boulder which over time will form into an egg and embryo. Another examples would be the statues in Echoes of the Past.
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What makes titan eggs special is that they can hold off on hatching for hundreds of thousands of years, waiting for the perfect conditions. The hatchlings are as helpless as a newborn human and need constant supervision to not get hurt. They mature rather fast, with their growth slowing down around their teenage and adult years.
Titans are considered ‘pups’ until they reach adulthood. They are born with two straight horns that will expand and bend as they get older. For royal titans, the wings will come in during their years as a young adult.
Instead of creating things out of thin air, titans warp the elements and world around them in the form of glyphs. Modern witch magic comes from this.
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Each variant of titans has their own unique power.
Terrestrial - sonic shouts that explodes outward from their jaws
Aerial - searing fire breath that can melt most materials
Aquatic - inhaling tons of water at a speed that it creates violent whirlpools
All titans have blood that has fused with magic over millions of years of evolution. This blood is so potent with magic that it creates rips in reality if mixed with water.
Titans create life with their own bodies. Upon death, not only will they form land, but new, magical life will emerge from their blood.
Titans value art, specifically murals and sculpture. All throughout titan dens and palaces are marble carvings displaying the many life forms they share the planet with. Murals fill their hatcheries and rooms, and they have several festivals throughout the year to celebrate their creativity.
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Will add more to this post as I think of it
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jamscandraw · 22 days
Hey, quick question: does Murph's bday as an oc and bday as a person fall on the same day? Is murph a late september virgo?
Their actual in-canon birthday is 17th of Clawgust 😂 but for simplicity/conversion from the Boiling Isles calendar to the human one, sure, being a September baby feels right for them. Steve's an early spring baby so I feel like it balances out
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thetrapperstrap · 1 year
I wanna talk about the timeline between King’s Tide & Thanks to Them. We’ve been told it’s a few months as stated by Amity and that it’s October now and it was August 22nd during Reaching Out. That means King’s Tide took place probably sometime in September. If we make a direct timeline it seems like the hexsquad was in the human realm for about two months, right?
Well, that doesn’t make sense to me and I’ll tell you why. There are multiple reasons but the big things that tipped me off were Amity’s emphases when she says, “We’ve been here for months,” in Thanks to Them. She’s making it seem like it’s been a really long time. Yes, the month and a half to two months they’d been in the human realm would probably seem a lot longer given the way they left but that’s still barely two months.
Then, there’s Willow’s scrapbook. What we see is that she started her scrapbook in the summer or it appears that way and it’d make sense. If the hexsquad got to the human realm in September, then they probably spent the following month or two hyper focused on processing their trauma and trying to get home.
During the winter months maybe they’d start to live a life outside of those things but we don’t see them during those months. Then winter turns to spring and spring turns to summer and summer is probably when they’d get to go out and do things the most. It’d give them enough time to process what happened to them and start to enjoy life in the human realm in spite of what happened.
Connecticut weather only helps further this idea that it really, truly was summer that she started the scrapbook because during the fall months it’s not exactly swimming weather and what do we see them doing in the scrapbook? Several water based activities including swimming and rafting.
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Now, why would they say only a few months had passed when it’d been over a year? Simple. The Boiling Isles works on a different yearly schedule.
This is shown in the episode Wing It Like Witches via Boscha’s calendar. I read somewhere that Dana said a full year in the Boiling Isles is 666 days but I can’t find an actual source so we’re gonna do some math. This is the calendar we see in the episode:
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We’ll say that they have 12 months in the year. (I have seen people say there are 14 months in a Boiling Isles year as in Amity’s room at the end of Hooty’s Moving Hassle but as this chart is cut off from seeing the top and partially obscured by Skara’s hair I’ll simply say for ease it’s 12 months)
This would make a year in the Boiling Isles consisted of roughly 500 days, give or take depending on if the days of the months change in number. This would mean that it would be roughly 420~ish days since they’ve been in the human realm if they came to it in early to mid September which for the witches would be several months but over a year for Luz.
This could also further her guilt about them not being home because it would mean they’ve been gone for a long while. This could also further help the timeline in the demon realm as well.
We don’t know how long it took King to get Eda out of her Owl Beast state nor do we know how long it took for Lilith to be returned to her original form though I suspect she was allowed to be a witch again either soon before or after Eda was able to gain control of herself again as it is shown that Lilith has been spending most of her time trying to perfect the potion to keep the Owl Beast agreeable.
This amount of time would allow for there to be enough time for the Boiling Isles squad to adjust well enough too. It’d give time for them to find books on Titans and Collectors. It’d allow them to be able to make their little hovel and get comfortable enough sneaking around the Collector to make this place comfortable as we can see there is stuff from the owl house in this area. Furthermore it’d give King time to tell all the stories of his adventures with Luz in great detail and for the Collector to redo the island and capture enough people to be able to “play the Owl House” properly.
Maybe it’s just me rambling on about arbitrary bs but to me this is what makes the most sense and maybe it will make sense to you too? I don’t know. This has been on my mind for a long while and I just wanted to talk about it.
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insaneillusionist · 9 months
The reason the Boiling Isles has a different calendar is because they didn’t have a Julius Caesar.
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might I request headcanons ford researcher & present ford with a reader who’s a witch from the boiling isles living in the woods of gravity falls, not too far from the shack? yes they absolutely know eda the owl lady (aka marylin)
please, and thank you
Ok I have not seen the Owl House yet, but I've been meaning to! It appears to have 43 episodes, so I will report back in approximately...
(mumbles) 22 minutes each, that's about 16 hours of TV, not counting any possible extra-long episodes, probable maximum attention span of 90 minutes a day, cross reference the calendar...
Let's call it three weeks 😅
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drachenfalter · 1 year
Wanted to ask about the BI calendar: there's plenty of evidence at this point that a BI month is six weeks, but how do you think the calendar in Amity’s bedroom (Looking Glass Ruins, Clouds on the Horizon) that shows three months with four weeks each fits into that?
Huh. I hadn't noticed that.
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But you're right. That calendar shows three months that are only four weeks long each.
(If it is a calendar. I guess it could be a time table, especially since those marks are changed less than three months later, but a calendar seems more likely.)
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So yes. We know for sure that some months have at least 40 days, specifically "Scabuary" and the month that ends in Wing it like Witches.
From all the answers we've gotten so far, I don't believe there's a fully thought out canonical calendar for the Boiling Isles. So this could just be a mistake a background artist made that no one caught /no one bothered to correct.
Or, the Boiling Isles Calendar is unnecessarily complicated and some months are a lot longer than others. Maybe they have long months in winter and summer, and short months in spring and fall?
(This would be really weird because the length of a month should be close to the length of a lunar cycle.)
Personally, I love the Nine Months - Nine Covens idea, but that only works with six week months. So I might stick with that as my headcanon and hope this was just a small mistake.
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sepublic · 2 years
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So we thought the Construction Head’s name was Ulrich based on his username from this deleted storyboard for Any Sport in a Storm, until Dana clarified it was Mason. And we know the coven heads have gone through name changes in development (Graye Vernworth to Adrian Graye), but consider!
There’s an M right after Ulrich, which could be like Ulrich M., an allusion to his surname! Adrian Graye is usually referred to as Graye for short, by his surname; And I wouldn’t be surprised if the crew mostly referred to the Construction Head by HIS last name instead of the first, AKA Mason! In other words, it’s totally feasible that his full name is Ulrich Mason, and both takes are correct!
This would leave Vitimir and Osran as the only coven heads without last names, if “the Huntsman” counts for Eberwolf, which I presume it does because Rebecca Rose made the point to include that title in a listing of the coven heads’ names.
Additionally, the numbers after his surname might allude to his birthday; The Boiling Isles equivalent of December 8th, 1990, or January 28th, 1990! Given the show takes place on 2022, this would make Mason 32 by this logic, which doesn’t seem quite right; But maybe he ages differently, or his hair is naturally gray and not from age. He does call himself a proud pops, so maybe he doesn’t have grandchildren; Or the birthday is in reference to his kid’s! The human calendar is likely different from the demon one too, but then again the Deadwardian Era seems to match the Edwardian’s, and there’s an in-universe reason for Philip to change the dating system to his own!
Side note: I have to wonder if Mason’s Penstagram was removed from the final episode, because the shortening meant they couldn’t fit in his character’s formal introduction, and didn’t want to tease the implication and dynamic of him having kids, only to never follow up on that.
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In the same episode, the only coven heads who acknowledge Hunter are the only ones who get actual names and roles on-screen; Which probably explains why Adrian was animated to have his eyes look back at Hunter on his own, when the rest were otherwise static... It was foreshadowing his role as the next and last Coven Head to be given a proper debut. He’s the only one in the initial group to notice him, aside from Raine for obvious reasons, and Terra only because she accidentally met Hunter’s eyes in reigning Raine in. Adrian does even have a conflict with Hunter in Labyrinth Runners, and a likely vendetta given his cruel treatment.
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marztheincredible · 1 year
Titan’s Blessing World Anvil Update!
Hello tumblr denizens and Worldbuilding enthusiasts! I’m here to give you a sneak peek on what the TB!ToH Lore Bible through World Anvil is gonna look like!
I’ve published a couple pages for public view of what you can expect out of this amazing site! You all might read some new information too!
First off is a standard article. It’s something akin to what you would see with Wikipedia. Eventually there will be links leading to other articles like how in this Druid info, Spiritmender will be able to be clicked on and send you to another page with much more information about them.
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You can read the Druid Article here! https://www.worldanvil.com/w/the-boiling-isles-kuldir/a/druid-profession?preview=true
Next is the infamous calendar! You can click on the months, moon cycles, and holidays to get more information!
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You can find that here: https://www.worldanvil.com/w/the-boiling-isles-kuldir/a/the-calendar-of-the-boiling-isles-article?preview=true
Finally my favorite, interactive maps! Much more information can be viewed here with placed markers. AND you can pan and zoom in! For now only the Right Forearm is available but expect the rest of the maps soon!
Here’s the link to the map: https://www.worldanvil.com/w/the-boiling-isles-kuldir/map/cff3ff86-3f69-4e22-bdaa-e3276d27bc00
Lastly update on TB! I’ve moved in the past month and have been getting settled. My laptop is on her last legs as well but the components for my new pc are nearly complete and I should have a fresh and proper workstation within two weeks! I’ll be able to get back finishing up the Hexside Arc and then we move on to the end of Season 1 👀. Keep an eye out! Jessi has something in store for the last bits of this arc as well.
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