fnafmultiau · 1 month
I just wanna get this out of the way before I do anything crazy
In my Multiswap! au the animatronics are fully conscious whenever they're possessed or not so unless they were made before the animatronics were given full consciousness like fredbear or any "old" animatronic there is no possible way the possessed soul could take over the animatronics' body like in the original games
I will list all of the animatronics that were either developed by William or Henry:
Spring Bonnie
Spring Foxy
Spring Chica
Leftover Endo (Possesses by Janitor Max)
Toy Freddy
Toy Bonnie
Toy Chica
Toy Foxy (Mangle)
Balloon Boy
The Puppet
Circus Baby
Ft. Freedy
Ft. Foxy
Bon Bon
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skwigelfskwisgaar · 8 months
No, but it can reduce possible damage.
What kinds of damage amns you talkingsk about? Amns de ends whats amns gettingsk dry? De scalp amnst protecteds? De roots?
What kinds of materials shoulds de bonnits be made ofs?
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grreig · 4 years
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I personally dont think I look a day over 39 tbh
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mademoiselleclipon · 5 years
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scorpio-karma · 5 years
You are so right about Matt, I found him useless but he never was mistreated. the only thing I hate about him is his plot about Vicki. I know, everyone forgive Damon but Matt became a cop and somehow he was still useless. You know what, I think it would have been cool if Bonnie was a cop. In fact Caroline and Matt's plot would have been more interesting if it was Bonnie.
I mean that's kinda the story of Bonnie's life, she has white characters who have no purpose inserted in her narrative and they even take narratives that make more sense with her, usually with Caroline.
After I rewatched season 3 I actually liked Matt's interactions with Vicki, I just wished it had ended differently because logically Elena is one of the reasons Vicki was dead and hid it from him so long, I'd expect some resentment and that he would have helped Vicki more than he did instead of dropping it immediately when it came to Elena's life.
It's especially frustrating when in comparison to Jeremy who makes no effort to make Anna, a girlfriend he had for a short period of time and only dated to get more info on Vicki/Vampires, go away because he has Bonnie as his current girlfriend, but Matt can give up on bringing Vicki, his sister he love and misses, back the moment killing his ex-girlfriend is mentioned. Like, I'm not asking for him to be completely down with killing Elena, but make it more of a struggle. It's one of those many ways they put Bonnie down as unimportant.
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unconventional-hero · 5 years
The Incomplete Manuscript
Originally written by Ella Scott
(Editor’s note: the following passage comes from pages 3-6 of an unknown story. The first two pages, along with the ending, are currently missing. Our version begins with half a word.) 
* * * * *
[page 3]
...[be]-gan to invest every hill and valley; every tree an’ stream an’ shrub with unearthly, mysterious beings; I became a notorious coward; I was afraid to go out of the house alone after dark an’ always looked under my bed at night before goin’ to bed.
“Our house stood on a slight knoll about two miles distant from the village, where we done our tradin’ an’ which lay farther down into the valley. The road leadin’ hither was rough and uneven and was lined on either side for about half a mile by dense woodlands. It was more of a footpath than a road; for in them days we did not have broad, graveled pikes in the country, but simply a clearin’ made in the woods; often scarcely broad enough in some places to admit a wagon.
“At this point in the road, just where the woodlands were thickest, a ghost was said to be lurkin’ at night. It had been seen on several occasions by parties who had traveled the road after dark; but no one had been able to give a definite description of it, save that it was tall and dressed in white.
“One man in our neighborhood, who had been raidin’ chicken-coops an’ was on his way thence from the village where he had disposed of his booty, saw it; and I reckon he ‘lowed ‘twas a follerin’ him; for father said he went apast our house on a dead run a cryin’ out that the ‘Devil was after him.’
“Now, a visit to the village was always accounted a great event in my sight, as I had never been allowed to go but once when there was a great corn-shuckin’ in a large barn there and father and mother were afraid to leave me at home alone.
“My father always went for what groceries we needed an’ to exchange our butter and eggs, about every fortnight, an’ although I had begged repeatedly to be allowed to accompany him, he always denied me the pleasure, sayin’ that it was too far for a little girl to ride.
“One morning, however-- how well I remember it-- I had just come in from milkin’ an’ was strainin’ it into the bright tin pans on the floor of the spring-house, when I heard my father’s voice a callin’ for me. Much surprised, I hurriedly snatched up the empty buckets an’ went up to him where he sat on the back kitchen steps.
“Well Malindy,” he said, and he eyed me critically from head to foot, “You hain’t such a very big lassie, but maybe you’ll sarve me better nor an older one. You’re allus been obejient, hain’t you, Malindy?”
“Well, yes pa, I guess so,” I replied; trembling for fear he was about to impose some hard task upon me.
“Well, then Malindy, go an’ put on your best dress an’ bunnit; for I mean to let yer drive old Gimeral to the village today. I must git that’re grain in afore night and yer ma has the butter an’ eggs ready to market. So you must go, Malindy an’ hurry, for I’ll have the Gimeral around in less than a twinkling.”
“Scarce believin’ my ears, I hurried up to my little attic room an’ nervously donned my Sunday clothes. Half dazed, half elated an’ trembling with excitement, I could not believe but that it was only a dream until I was seated in the little cart with the lines in my hands.
“Now Malindy,” said my father, when I was all ready to start, “don’t stay late; but as soon as yer’ve finished yer errands start fur hum. There’s a bite in the little wooden box under the seat if yer should git hungry.”
“With many promises to fulfill my duties, I cracked the lines over General’s back an’ he set out on a trot down the hill.
“It was a glorious morning in the early part of June; an’ I remember distinctly how ever’ object looked as we passed along. The deep-bladed grass; the dark patches of earth tinted with the tender-bladed corn; the rich pastures an’ the fragrant red an’ white clover all seemed brighter to me than ever before; an’ I felt very happy in my best print dress and Shaker bonnit. 
“The birds, too, seemed to be very happy that morning; for they went whizzin’ up into the air an’ through the leafy branches of the trees singing their gayest, brightest songs.
“But my journey came to an end, as all pleasant journeys will, an’ I drew up before the little grocery where I was to dispose of my butter an’ eggs. [Eut’s] stood out in flamin’ letters above the door an’ I knew it was the right place.
“As I alighted an’ fastened my horse to the general hitchin’ post, where a number of other rude carts were standin’, some six or seven rough-looking men came sauntering out of the grocery; some throwin’ themselves quite carelessly upon a bench which stood against the house; while others leaned up against the wall where they stood, laughing at me an’ makin’ remarks about ‘the old plug,’ as they called dear, patient, old General.
“My blood fairly biled at this; but thinkin’ best not to make any retort I let the remark pass unheeded an’ marched on quite boldly into the grocery.
“Besides coffee, tea, and sugar, I had several other articles to purchase; among which was a frying pan. This took so long that by the time they were all safely stored away in the wagon it was 1 o’clock an’ I began to grow hungry. Obtaining permission of the kind-hearted grocer to bring my lunch inside his store wher I should be safe from the rude jeers of the men, I unreined my horse, gave him a drink, an’ then went in to eat my lunch.
“I had almost finished an’ sat idly watchin’ the grocer weigh out some sugar for a customer, when strains of music reached my ear. Collectin’ the remains of my lunch an’ thrustin’ it into the box I hurried out; for I was wonderful fond of music; even a common French harp havin’ power to hold me speechless for hours.
“I had no sooner reached the street than I threw up my hands in rapture-- all regardless of the lunch which fell splatterin’ to the ground-- for there-- not more than ten rods away, was a man with a hand-organ an’ one of the cunningest little monkeys I’d ever seen.
“A crowd of girls an’ boys an’ some men an’ women were followin’ him an’ forgettin’ all else I joined in the procession on an’ on we went, up an’ down the streets; laughin’ at the antics of the monkey or listenin’ in almost breathless silence to...
[the manuscript ends here.]
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thewitheredbonnie · 7 years
I have to say Bonnit, you a cutie
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Depressed Bun. 
Maybe you all should ask him some questions about himself. Get him talking a little more about his interests or whatnot!
(And yes! Everyone will eventually get a response!)
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cakane463 · 5 years
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🐣 #RubysEasterHat – April 1883 #Easter #GodeysLadysBook
Ruby’s “Easter Hat”
“I wish I was dead, so there;” and Ruby Brown stood the picture of lovely despair, gazing down at a yellow mass at her feet, consisting of six dozen crushed eggs. Poor Ruby had been a whole month saving and hoarding these treasures which were to play an important part in the purchase of a lovely “Easter bonnit,” Aunt Rushy had contemptuously called it, when Ruby had said in a pleading tone: “But auntie, all the girls are going to have pretty new hats to wear Easter Sunday.” “Easter bonnits, indeed,” snapped Aunt Rushy, “better be thinkin’ of the good Lord, and how he riz on that day, then hey their minds on bonnits.” “But auntie—”“Now, no buts, Ruby Brown; girls in my time wusn’t thinkin’ eternally ’bout bonnits and gimcracks; and Easter Sunday wasn’t made a show day for bonnits, either.” “If I could have the eggs, auntie,” pleaded Ruby, ignoring her last remarks.“Well, take ’em; I don’t, know as I care, if you can save enuff ‘tween this and then. You’ll hey to hey a bonnit eny how shortly after Easter.” Ruby ran joyfully out into the coop to gather the first installment, after giving Aunt Rushy an affectionate little hug.“That child always will get the best of me long as grass grows and water runs,” smiled the spinster aunt, grimly—who had been mother and aunt for many years, nearly eighteen now, since her dearest and youngest sister had died, putting baby Ruby into Jerusha’s arms, murmuring “Be kind to her, love her for my sake,” and had died; and the young girl well repaid the care and grim sort of love lavished upon her. No one knew what ever had become of gay, wild, dissipated Will Brown, Ruby’s father, whom people said had once been Jerusha’s lover, and who had deserted her for the younger sister, pretty Helen.The eventful morning had come on which Ruby’s eggs were to be disposed of. Blithely and gayly she started forth, a neat willow basket on her arm, her eyes shining like twin stars, and cheeks rivaling summer roses. A stray robin chirped dubiously overhead in the budding but leafless trees, and visions of the “Easter hat” floated before Ruby’s vision, with which the young minister who had just been settled at the “Caworth village” church, should be ensnared; for all the girls, Aunt Rushy said, “wus casting sheep’s eyes that way. Ruby tripped along in the crisp March air, satisfied with herself and the whole world, when alas! for human hopes and joys how fleeting, Ruby caught her foot in some tangled weeds, and fell headlong upon her precious basket of eggs, and for a moment felt as if the whole world had crushed all the joy and happiness out of her young heart and life. In her great sorrow she gave vent to the ejaculation, “I wish I was dead,” as she slowly arose from the ruins of all her (eggs) hopes.
“Can I be of any assistance?” asked some one behind her.
Ruby started and looked around, to encounter the amused smile on the young minister’s face.
“I hardly think any one can remedy this disaster,” stammered Ruby, dismally viewing the mass at their feet.
“Eggsactly,” laughed Mr. Howard.
“Don’t laugh,” said Ruby, suddenly bursting into tears.
“Don’t cry, I beg. I will try not to laugh,” he said anxiously.
“How foolish I am,” said Ruby, bravely trying to smile, “but I have lost my Easter hat.”
“Your Easter hat?” he asked, a little nonplussed.
“Yes. With those eggs I should have bought it,” sighed Ruby.
“Hem! Well, is it absolutely necessary to have Easter hats, Miss Brown?”
“Oh no. Still, every one does, you know,” said Ruby, gravely.
“No, I did not know it before. Do you not think you could enjoy that grandest and loveliest of anniversaries without a new hat, Miss Brown?” he asked, looking into the sweet face searchingly.
“Oh, yes I could,” replied Ruby, blushing rosily. “I think I have been a little vain, and I am punished this way,” and Ruby laughed quite merrily.
“Not one left to tell the tale,” he answered, joining in her laughter.
“Only on my dress and mantle,” laughingly said Ruby; “that will tell all.”
“Allow me to remove a few flecks from your hair,” and he bent forward with a dainty cambric handkerchief, removing the golden spots from the soft, curling brown hair; both faces had taken on an added hue of pink.
“May I walk back with you?” he asked a little eagerly, as she turned to go home, after their united efforts to clean the basket, which they partially succeeded in doing. Permission was shyly given, and soon they were chatting like old friends, and Ruth was surprised that she felt no greater disappointment in the loss of her “Easter hat.”
“Well I swun if here doesn’t come the minister ‘long with Ruby,” ejaculated Aunt Jerusha, peering out of the window. “But—heavings and airth, what is that yaller all over the front of your
dress, Ruby? How de do, Mister Howard: walk in. What on airth—”
“Oh Auntie, its my ‘Easter hat,’ cried Ruby, almost hysterically, ‘look at, me! Only for Mr. Howard coming to my rescue, I don’t know what would have, become of me.”
“Well I never! such a child,” gasped Aunt Rushy, shocked beyond measure at Ruby’s appearance before the new minister.
How was she to know that he was thinking she was the loveliest and most sensible girl he had ever met?
Ruby went to church “Easter Sunday” with her winter’s hat, and the Rev. Clinton Howard thought the face so sweet and good beneath it, that all the new “Easter hats” sank into insignificance in contrast; but Ruby looked around at the pretty sprays of rose-buds, mignonette, violets, and pansies, and could not help but feel a little pang of envy. How could she know that the young minister was not admiring the pretty faces so sweetly adorned? And how could she know that while the organ sent forth its grandest music, and the anthem, “He has arisen from the dead,” swelled from the lips and hearts of that Christian congregation, that the thought had come to him (and was not an irreligious one) that the Lord had ordained Ruby Brown for a minister’s wife, and that another Easter she should wear an “Easter hat,” and it should be bridal white.
So Ruby’s “Easter hat” was worn the very next “Easter,” and all the good folks said never a sweeter bride blushed beneath an “Easter hat,” than the minister’s young wife, née Ruby Brown, now Mrs. Clinton Howard. Even Aunt Rushy had indulged in the fashion for once, and came out in an astonishing beflowered hat, and she explained in her earnest emphatic way: “I don’t know but it is a sort of a hangin’ out of a signal, of how happy you air, by decking out in posies, that our blessed Saviour riz to glory that day; never quite looked at it in that air light before, come to think of it. I don’t see how I ever wanted to put down sich kind of rejoicing. Ruby does look like a picture in hem, and the eggs after all did get her ‘Easter hat,’ so Clinton says.”
Godey’s Lady’s Book— Louis Antoine Godey began publishing Godey’s Lady’s Book in 1830. He designed his monthly magazine specifically to attract the growing audience of literate American women. The magazine was intended to entertain, inform, and educate the women of America.
Learn more about Godey’s Lady’s Book (1830–1898)
Collection: Godey’s Lady’s Book
Publication: Godey’s Lady’s Book
Date: April, 1883
Title: Ruby’s Easter Hat
Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
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pearldavies · 7 years
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✨🌴Ana Garcia of California 🌴✨ Have you guys added our other social networks to your social viewings? Did you see us post on our #PearlDavies twitter account a few days ago that @anniestar8703 is our #winner of our #DitaVonTeese #PearlDaviesGiveaway . What about our Pinterest? You can check out our Instagram story too, our shmacebook and more. Next, we'll next we're giving away some more #Burlesque treasures, this time we're focusing on the delicious #TempestStorm ♥️ A huge Thankyou to those that take part in our friendly giveaways. It feels nice in my tummy and my love heart when I give. 🎁 A HUGE Thankyou to our pals over at @thebonnit too for their contribution, we can't wait to see Ana in her new Bonnit reading her new @ditavoteese beauty bible whilst sipping tea and admiring her hand signed #TheArtOfTheTeese poster hanging behind her. 💜♥️Ana has since made contact and her #PearlDavies gift will be shipped out this week ♥️✌🏼🎁 (at California)
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ablaske · 7 years
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My Photoshoot Survival Kit | 5 Must Haves for Models
My Photoshoot Survival Kit | 5 Must Haves for Models
Every model needs a photo shoot survival kit. Heck every pin up needs an event survival kit! You know, those absolute essentials that save your butt time and time again. Our overstuffed bags always cradle lippy and powder but here’s a few must haves from my modelling kit…
Velvet DeCollete’s Photoshoot Survival Kit
Mini Hairspray. Obviously it holds those flyaways down, but spraying it inside your…
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scorpio-karma · 6 years
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Ever After: Series Finale AU
Bonnie sat peacefully humming to herself in what was to be her son's nursery. There were still a few things that needed to be added but they had everything they needed set up if she went into labor early.
She was in awe of everything, she never thought she could be this happy--life had never been that kind to her--but here she was happily married and getting ready to welcome her first child into the world and the best part about it was that there wasn't danger looming over her head.
Although, despite her happiness, today did have a dark cloud--it was the five year anniversary of her best friend's death. They tried everything they could, even sunk so low as to ask for Kai's help but he wouldn't budge no matter what they offered him. They realized the only thing they could do was make sure she was comfortable when she died and say their final goodbyes. A tear fell from her eye thinking back on that day.
She rubbed her stomach reminding herself of all the happiness she's had since then. After enduring tragedy after tragedy it seemed it was finally her time to be happy--for real this time.
That's how Tyler found her, sitting in a rocking chair tearfully smiling down at their baby.
"Hey, you," he whispered trying not to ruin the moment.
"Hey, how was the store?"
"A complete nightmare, you're lucky you stayed home, your back would have been killing you."
"What's new," she said snorting.
"I thought you were resting?"
"I tried, but I couldn't stop thinking about everything so I came in here to calm me down."
He walked over to his wife and kneeled in front of her. Taking her face in his hands he said, "Everything is going to alright. Nothing is after us and nothing is after our baby. Everything is great and nothing is going to ruin that."
"I know. It's just so hard to believe."
"Well believe it baby because it's true. We are well on our way to being the average American family, 2.5 kids and all."
"Nothing will ever be average about us."
"I suppose the witch and werewolf thing get in the way of that, but it won't stop us from being happy, and I am very very happy."
"Me too," she said filled with joy.
He leaned into her and kissed her softly. "I'm glad to hear that."
An AU where Tyler is a werewolf and heals in the trunk of his car. Or better yet an AU where Tyler doesn't even show up to stop Damon because why would he give a flying fuck about Damon Salvatore, a man who killed both his father and his uncle, and lives the rest of his life away from Mystic Falls as planned until he runs into Bonnie while out on one of her travels.
They can't get each other out of their heads and instead of fight the familiarity they act on it and fall in love and eventually get married and have a baby continuing their family lines that were completely dismantled in canon.
Based off this post I made.
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cupcakeshakesnake · 7 years
Watching The Zygon Invasion for the first time
Hoo boy, back to good ol’ Doctor Who (while I wait for the new SU episode).
-Um... so we good now?
-Heyyyy I know that melody... where is it from, I forgot the song...
-”Hi, this is Clara Oswald, I’m probably on the tube or in outer space. Leave a message.”
-”Doctor Disco”
-Doctor, I think they’re just twins...
-Well, the Doctor was correct for once.
-I thought they were Zygons?? Why are Zygons fighting each other?
-shit shit shit
-”Are you enjoying that?”   ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
-So it’s Zygons fighting Zygons AND humans...
-o shit they ded
-Doctor... XD
-Classic Who references~
-WHAT oh okay
-wtf is going on
-I have a baaaad feeling about this.
-Oh shit.
-For a moment I thought that was a skull jesus fucking christ
-shet shet shet shet shet shet shet seth steh shetfashf sadgf
-The Doctor always cracks me up
-Uh oh
-”Truth or Consequences is a spa city and the county seat of Sierra County, New Mexico, United States. In 2012, the population was 6,411. It is commonly known within New Mexico as T or C. It has frequently been noted on lists of unusual place names. ... Originally named Hot Springs, the city changed its name to "Truth or Consequences", the title of a popular NBC Radio program.” From Wikipedia.
-”No British, no dogs” Are you being reverse racist there
-Cate, if you get caught by locals, you know, if you do, tell them you’re an American with an accent, ok?
-”It’s not paranoia when it’s real.”
-Nice drawing skills, but I can almost predict a bad ending for you.
-That is, if Osgood is not dead.
-The BBC, once again proves itself to be very resourceful, using a dozen actors, five props and two sets.
-*gasp* noooo
-I have a very, very, very, very bad feeling about this. But I think she is a zygon.
-Can’t you use tranquilizers or something
-Cliche: if the soldier kills the mother she is the real mom. If the soldier doesn’t, it’s an impostor.
-Zygon board games?
-oh shit
-What if it’s a Zygon. Is there like a treaty that only human-friendly zygons can turn into Osgood or something?
-K, not Zygon, good to know.
-If that’s people then why are they so hairy?
-CLARA answer your damn phone
-”You’re middle-aged, that’s what it is, no offense. Everybody middle-aged always thinks the world’s about to come to an end.” That is so my dad. “Teens listening to music with their phones, the world’s ending.” Thank you.
-”I have a question mark underpants.”
-That face
-That smile
-Zygon cocoons
-On a side note the video I’m streaming with has very bad quality and I feel like yelling sarcastically about how I can see all four pixels, although I can’t because I’m in the library.
-So these... are the originals?
-Well, NOT Clara.
-”Hello, Clara. My name is Oin.”  Is the Zygon secretly a LOTR dawrf or is my hearing all fucked up
-Gotta admit, the Zygon are top-notch actors.
-Uh oh
-Bonny? Bonnit? I keep failing to hear the name properly.
-I just looked it up and her name is Bonnie.
-*bad fnaf memories*
-”There is no Clara. Only Bonnie.”
-Does she have a super good aim or does the rocket have a homing device in which she could have pointed literally anywhere and it would still have hit the plane
-well anyway
-”Annnd the Doctor’s back or maybe he isn’t, next week...”  The narrator. jfc.
-well let’s hope he ISN’T dead
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michaelchapmanba2a · 7 years
Film Language - Genre - When Harry Met Sally - 24/10/17
As part of our research into other types of genre’s we were encouraged to watch films from a genre you don’t particularly like. So I decided to look at by what people claim is the best romantic film which is when Harry met Sally. I’m  going to list some simularaties I noticed while watching
- The colour palatte for this film is very warm, offering us a shade of yellows and browns. To compare this to the other romantic film which I’ve seen, Titanic which came a few years apart, they both adopt a calming colour for the film
- Obviously this isn’t an action drama but the pacing is often very slow so they can connect as two people
- Most often it is a basic 2 camera set up where it is shot behind both actors shoulders so they only need to do a couple of takes. There doesn’t seem to be any noteworthy camera direction in this piece more serviceable direction
- In romantic films, when travelling by car there is often a camera set up on the car bonnit to show these 2 actors talking. Perhaps this is more of a stylised choice but the few romantic films I’ve seen have this shot in it
- Again, the few romantic films I’ve seen, from when people travel from one city to another, we often have a panning shot of the car travelling into the city and this scene above me is no different.
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cakane463 · 4 years
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🐰👒Ruby’s “Easter Hat” – April 1883
For much of the 19th century Godey’s Lady’s Book’s editors used the magazine to showcase the literary work of American authors. This short story, Ruby’s “Easter Hat”, appeared in the April 1883 issue
Ruby’s “Easter Hat”
“I wish I was dead, so there;” and Ruby Brown stood the picture of lovely despair, gazing down at a yellow mass at her feet, consisting of six dozen crushed eggs. Poor Ruby had been a whole month saving and hoarding these treasures which were to play an important part in the purchase of a lovely “Easter bonnit,” Aunt Rushy had contemptuously called it, when Ruby had said in a pleading tone:
“But auntie, all the girls are going to have pretty new hats to wear Easter Sunday.”
“Easter bonnits, indeed,” snapped Aunt Rushy, “better be thinkin’ of the good Lord, and how he riz on that day, then hey their minds on bonnits.”
“But auntie—”
“Now, no buts, Ruby Brown; girls in my time wusn’t thinkin’ eternally ’bout bonnits and gimcracks; and Easter Sunday wasn’t made a show day for bonnits, either.”
“If I could have the eggs, auntie,” pleaded Ruby, ignoring her last remarks.
“Well, take ’em; I don’t, know as I care, if you can save enuff ‘tween this and then. You’ll hey to hey a bonnit eny how shortly after Easter.”
Ruby ran joyfully out into the coop to gather the first installment, after giving Aunt Rushy an affectionate little hug.
“That child always will get the best of me long as grass grows and water runs,” smiled the spinster aunt, grimly—who had been mother and aunt for many years, nearly eighteen now, since her dearest and youngest sister had died, putting baby Ruby into Jerusha’s arms, murmuring “Be kind to her, love her for my sake,” and had died; and the young girl well repaid the care and grim sort of love lavished upon her. No one knew what ever had become of gay, wild, dissipated Will Brown, Ruby’s father, whom people said had once been Jerusha’s lover, and who had deserted her for the younger sister, pretty Helen.
The eventful morning had come on which Ruby’s eggs were to be disposed of. Blithely and gayly she started forth, a neat willow basket on her arm, her eyes shining like twin stars, and cheeks rivaling summer roses. A stray robin chirped dubiously overhead in the budding but leafless trees, and visions of the “Easter hat” floated before Ruby’s vision, with which the young minister who had just been settled at the “Caworth village” church, should be ensnared; for all the girls, Aunt Rushy said, “wus casting sheep’s eyes that way.”
Ruby tripped along in the crisp March air, satisfied with herself and the whole world, when alas! for human hopes and joys how fleeting, Ruby caught her foot in some tangled weeds, and fell headlong upon her precious basket of eggs, and for a moment felt as if the whole world had crushed all the joy and happiness out of her young heart and life. In her great sorrow she gave vent to the ejaculation, “I wish I was dead,” as she slowly arose from the ruins of all her (eggs) hopes.
“Can I be of any assistance?” asked some one behind her.
Ruby started and looked around, to encounter the amused smile on the young minister’s face.
“I hardly think any one can remedy this disaster,” stammered Ruby, dismally viewing the mass at their feet.
“Eggsactly,” laughed Mr. Howard.
“Don’t laugh,” said Ruby, suddenly bursting into tears.
“Don’t cry, I beg. I will try not to laugh,” he said anxiously.
“How foolish I am,” said Ruby, bravely trying to smile, “but I have lost my Easter hat.”
“Your Easter hat?” he asked, a little nonplussed.
“Yes. With those eggs I should have bought it,” sighed Ruby.
“Hem! Well, is it absolutely necessary to have Easter hats, Miss Brown?”
“Oh no. Still, every one does, you know,” said Ruby, gravely.
“No, I did not know it before. Do you not think you could enjoy that grandest and loveliest of anniversaries without a new hat, Miss Brown?” he asked, looking into the sweet face searchingly.
“Oh, yes I could,” replied Ruby, blushing rosily. “I think I have been a little vain, and I am punished this way,” and Ruby laughed quite merrily.
“Not one left to tell the tale,” he answered, joining in her laughter.
“Only on my dress and mantle,” laughingly said Ruby; “that will tell all.”
“Allow me to remove a few flecks from your hair,” and he bent forward with a dainty cambric handkerchief, removing the golden spots from the soft, curling brown hair; both faces had taken on an added hue of pink.
“May I walk back with you?” he asked a little eagerly, as she turned to go home, after their united efforts to clean the basket, which they partially succeeded in doing. Permission was shyly given, and soon they were chatting like old friends, and Ruth was surprised that she felt no greater disappointment in the loss of her “Easter hat.”
“Well I swun if here doesn’t come the minister ‘long with Ruby,” ejaculated Aunt Jerusha, peering out of the window. “But—heavings and airth, what is that yaller all over the front of your
dress, Ruby? How de do, Mister Howard: walk in. What on airth—”
“Oh Auntie, its my ‘Easter hat,’ cried Ruby, almost hysterically, ‘look at, me! Only for Mr. Howard coming to my rescue, I don’t know what would have, become of me.”
“Well I never! such a child,” gasped Aunt Rushy, shocked beyond measure at Ruby’s appearance before the new minister.
How was she to know that he was thinking she was the loveliest and most sensible girl he had ever met?
Ruby went to church “Easter Sunday” with her winter’s hat, and the Rev. Clinton Howard thought the face so sweet and good beneath it, that all the new “Easter hats” sank into insignificance in contrast; but Ruby looked around at the pretty sprays of rose-buds, mignonette, violets, and pansies, and could not help but feel a little pang of envy. How could she know that the young minister was not admiring the pretty faces so sweetly adorned? And how could she know that while the organ sent forth its grandest music, and the anthem, “He has arisen from the dead,” swelled from the lips and hearts of that Christian congregation, that the thought had come to him (and was not an irreligious one) that the Lord had ordained Ruby Brown for a minister’s wife, and that another Easter she should wear an “Easter hat,” and it should be bridal white.
So Ruby’s “Easter hat” was worn the very next “Easter,” and all the good folks said never a sweeter bride blushed beneath an “Easter hat,” than the minister’s young wife, née Ruby Brown, now Mrs. Clinton Howard. Even Aunt Rushy had indulged in the fashion for once, and came out in an astonishing beflowered hat, and she explained in her earnest emphatic way: “I don’t know but it is a sort of a hangin’ out of a signal, of how happy you air, by decking out in posies, that our blessed Saviour riz to glory that day; never quite looked at it in that air light before, come to think of it. I don’t see how I ever wanted to put down sich kind of rejoicing. Ruby does look like a picture in hem, and the eggs after all did get her ‘Easter hat,’ so Clinton says.”
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