#bonus points for whoever can figure out what it means (bonus bonus points for not using eldamo or elfdict)
gwaedhannen · 5 months
!!! celebrian in valinor fic!!! 👀👀👀
It probably won't be out for a while yet, since I still need to figure out what the heck I'm actually doing with it. Right now I just have pure angst. Which is fun! But I'd like to get to some healing eventually.
She cannot bear Gil-Galad, so altered by the release of his long burdens that she hardly recognizes his serenity. She cannot bear Celebrimbor, once her dearest friend, now forever overlaid by his dangling corpse and his accursed shackles binding her husband and her mother to his doom. She cannot bear noble grandmother Eärwen, who has never walked the far shore and known its inundating grief. She cannot bear kind grandfather Arafinwë, always with the correct words and actions to just for a moment, make her forget how marred she is. She cannot bear radiant uncle Finrod, for what are her scars against his? She cannot bear uncle Angaráto, nor aunt Eldalótë, nor cousin Orodreth, nor the absence where uncle Aegnor should be, for her story is of little note next to the tragedies and triumphs of their age. She cannot bear the dozens and hundreds of family, old friends, old acquaintances, well-wishers she has never known. “What a pity. What a pity. What a pity!” She doesn’t want to heal. She can’t heal. The scar tissue is all she is now, layer upon layer, down into the marrow. She should have stayed and persisted in that half-life among her true family. She should have faded into a memory of rain on silver glass. She should have laid herself down in Elladan’s gardens and let grief wash her to the Halls of Awaiting. She had to leave. She couldn’t let them bury her. Couldn’t let them see what she is. Queen of Ruination! Spoilt and turned, not even worth twisting into an orc. A footnote in a story nobody will ever read.
So it goes. Moping and wallowing in her deserved misery as the scars heal and start to fade. Until one day she looks up from the embroidery she is mangling and sees another footnote has seated herself across from her. “Hello, cousin,” says the once-Princess of Minas Tirith, of Nargothrond, of a sunken grave. “Gwindor and I have a third ticket to the Flinnrysc concert tonight. You’re coming along.”
Yes I know Celeborn has family too but shh, I'll think of how to integrate them later (and I'd need to come up with names for Galadhon and Galathil's wives).
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wabatle · 2 months
HAIII may i req pjsk boys x fem!reader (seperatly) w/ the scenario that they ask her "Was i you're first kiss..?" expecting a yes most likely but then she says "actually no...' how would they react ?? (bonus points if jealous akito) ofc you dont have too but thx !!
ty for the request!! i'm always looking for excuses to write about akito, so tysm for giving me this opportunity LMAO
i probably did more of a gn! reader instead of fem so i hope that's ok!
☆~Pjsk boys figuring out they’re not your first kiss
(wa)batle nonsense (author's note):
is it obvious who my favorite is
warnings: none/all fluff
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☆~Akito Shinonome
A perfect time for the flabbergasted gif
First question is “who”
So. Mad.
Not at you, though
He wants to go back in time to hunt down whoever was the first person to kiss you and stop it from happening so he can be the first
Unfortunately, he can’t
So he has to settle for being second.
If you were to tell him it was Rui or Tsukasa or someone like that, he would just get more and more jealous
And cut ties with whoever it was if he knew them
“Wait… I’m not your first kiss? That’s not fair! Who beat me to you?”
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☆~Rui Kamishiro
He doesn’t mind.
Not at all.
Or so he tells you
He’s already putting together blueprints for an invention to take revenge against the person who stole the honor of first kiss from him
He’s in disbelief that he’s experiencing jealousy, but he is
He’ll get over it eventually.
“I’m not your first kiss? I don’t mind. Anyone would want a chance to kiss someone as beautiful as you, love.”
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☆~Tsukasa Tenma
Actually weeping, sobbing on the floor rolling around like a baby
He’s just acting though
Acting like you cheated on him because he loves seeing you laugh
Yelling so loud Saki shows up being super confused
Saki just looks at you two like “?????”
Tsukasa would try to explain and she laughs at him too
More crushed, he once again rolls on the floor
what the heck tsukasa
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☆~Toya Aoyagi
Like Rui but shows his emotions more
He tells you he’s fine but he’s pretty obviously disappointed
Poor guy is crushed but he tries not to show it
You have to comfort him and tell him your relationship is special
Poor Toya probably feels so insecure now but as long as you’re there to make him feel better then he’ll be okay.
“I’m not your first kiss? Oh… No, I’m okay.”
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ericaand · 11 months
can i request an angsty hurt/comfort eddie munson x reader? i would love to see reader meeting kas!eddie for the first time and realizing how much her boyfriend has changed and maybe even saves him? idk haha!
or!! this is very specific, but could you do a cheerleader!reader x eddie munson, where they are in an established relationship when s4 happens. and they used to be enemies before they became lovers? so maybe reader or eddie gets hurt and hits their head (blunt force, bleeding, swelling, idk) during the piggyback plan (as opposed to getting eaten by bats) and so when one of them wakes up in the hospital, they have lost their memories of the last few years? and so whoever didn’t get injured has to be put through the hurt/comfort of realizing that their partner doesn’t remember dating them, but does remember when they were ‘enemies’? and ofc a happy ending, maybe where they try to get the one who was injured to get to know them again in hopes of it jogging their memories. (bonus points if one of them is insulting the other, like if cheerleader!reader lost her memories she would probably call eddie a freak and if eddie lost his memories he would probably call her a half wit conformist or something)
just some ideas!!
Oooooh, I'm getting 'The Vow' vibes from this.
Yes, absolutely.
Thanks for the request Anon. I hope it reaches you so you can enjoy it I had a blast writing it. Hope you like ittt!
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"Eddie, dear, you've got to go. Visiting hours are over."
"Can I just stay, just a few more minutes? What if she wakes up? She'll be scared if she's alone." He sighs.
"No dear, I'm sorry." The nurse opens the large door and waves him through.
Eddie wanders out to the hall and to his van, where he sleeps at night while you're in the hospital.
You blink your eyes open, foggy and faded. The only light that fills the room is from the machines that you're connected to. Annoying, repetitive beeps are amidst the silence. It doesn't take long for you to recognize you're in the hospital.
"Hello? Hellooo?" You search for a nurse button; once found you push it. You see a swipe of a figure passing your window of the hall as the door swings open.
"Oh my! Hello, dear! How are you?" The nurse asks.
"I'm...kind of thirsty." You respond horsely.
"Oh of course you are! Allow me to grab you some water and I'll find the doctor, he'll be in quickly."
You're sipping your water as the doctor enters. He asks if you know who you are, where you are, and how you got here. You respond with knowing who you are, and where you are, but not how you got here. He nods and checks you over, assuring you that you are doing well.
"Honey?" The nurse knocks and enters slowly. "I have someone here to see you. He hasn't left your side. I practically have to drag him out of here every day after visiting hours are over." She giggles.
She opens the door wider and you nod. None other than Eddie "the freak" Munson walks in! You shake your head, furrowing your brows, and wrinkling your nose.
"What are you doing here, freak?" You scoff, arms folded over your chest.
Eddie breathes deeply, then begins to laugh as he walks to you and bends down to hug you.
"Ew, what're you doing?"
"Baby, why are you being mean?" He asks.
"Cause you're a freak, and you tried to touch me! Why are you even here?"
"Are you okay?" Eddie looks concerned, then dashes out the door. "Nurse! Hello? Somebody! There's something wrong with my girlfriend!"
Girlfriend. GIRLFRIEND. Girlfriend. No, no, no. There is no way this freak thinks you're his girlfriend.
The three of them rush in, Eddie standing at the foot of your bed; hand across his chest, biting his nails on the other. A nurse on one side, and the doctor on the other.
You point to Eddie, "This freak thinks I'm his girlfriend! I am not. He needs to leave, like right now."
You can see Eddie's eyes welling as he shakes his head. The nurse quietly speaks something to him and whisks him away.
"Gross." You say under your breath.
Your parents came and picked you up the next day. As you neared your house, you noticed Eddie's van in your driveway. "Mom, what's the freak doing here? Is he stalking me or something?"
Your mom furrowed her brows, then widened her eyes. "Oh I don't know honey, I'll tell him to go home."
On your first day back at school, people took two approaches to you. First, some acted like you were a fragile china doll and ignored you completely. Second, they hovered around you, like you were a damn queen; fun at first, now annoying.
You unlatched the locker and opened it, breathing in an oddly familiar smell. As you moved books and binders out of the way you come to find a bandana. It smells of sweat and cheap shampoo. It instantly gives you butterflies as you felt a smile beginning to form on your face. You shook your head and began to pull everything from your locker in search of more evidence. Nothing.
Back at home, you begin to go through your things - drawers, diaries, notebooks, photo albums, everything you could possibly think of to find clues about the mystery man.
So far you'd found a guitar pick, the bandana, and a ring made of paperclips with what looked like a heart-shaped rock, kinda. You gathered them into your hands and laid them on the kitchen counter by your mom.
"Who's are these?" You asked firmly.
Your mother tapped the wooden spoon on the edge of the pan and set it down. She turned to you, put her hands on her hips, and sighed.
You looked at her with wide eyes, "So?"
"I just thought we'd gotten a second chance with you! I took the opportunity while I could! You've got to understand, we don't want you to ruin your life. You have so much potential." She raised her voice even louder, "And that freak was about to take it all away! He was going to take you away from us, from here, from your dreams of college and a career!"
You clenched your jaw and inhaled deeply, shaking your head. You ran back to your room, put on your sneakers, and stormed through the front door. You could hear your mother yelling as you ran down the road, tears welling in your eyes.
As you reached the road that enters the trailer park, you slowed down and walked as you caught your breath. You stared at the ground, mumbling as you walked. Why didn't anyone say a damn thing? Were they really all that afraid of him? Or maybe just shitty friends.
You reached the bottom of the stairs to Eddie's trailer and it felt familiar. It felt like coming home. You heard the metal of the door unlatch, and the creak of the door opening slowly. You looked up.
Your lower lip began to quiver as you allowed your tears to stream down your face. Eddie ran down the stairs, chains clanking and dangling.
He wrapped you up in his arms and placed a hand on your head as you brought it to his shoulder. You two stood, rocking side to side as he whispered, "It's okay. It's all okay. I'm here. We're okay." And you could hear his voice cracking.
You grabbed his waist and pushed him away enough to look him in the eyes.
"Eddie, I'm so sorry. I don't feel like myself again, but it's slowly coming back. Little things, here and there. I found your bandana in my locker, and it smelled like you. So I searched and searched, and found your pick and a paper clip ring." You began to cry harder.
He grabbed either side of your face and used his thumbs to wipe away your tears; the roughness scratching your skin.
"None of it made sense! None of it felt right. And no. one. fucking. told me! Screw them all!" You yelled.
"But as soon as I got to this bottom step, I just knew." You said with a shrug.
Eddie placed a hard and long kiss on your forehead.
You placed your hand on his stomach and pushed him away, looking at him with disgust. "Ew, freak!"
Then you smiled devilishly, grabbing him by his leather jacket and pulling him in as you dove onto his lips. You could feel the curve of his lips into a smile, as he mumbled into your kiss. "I love you."
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maochira · 11 months
Your fav characters reacting to you coming out to them <3
Choose whoever you like, bonus points for big bro! Or dad! Stuff
I've done a few of that already! But I can do some more 👀
Requests open!
Others: coming out as lesbian to big bro!Barou - coming out as lesbian to dad!Noa/Chris/Lavinho/Snuffy - coming out as trans to big bro!Rin
Characters: big brother!Shidou, best friend!Raichi, big brother!Karasu, dad!Ego, best friend!Oliver
Tags: male!reader in Shidou's part, fem!reader in Raichi's and Oliver's parts, gn!reader in Ego's and Karasu's parts
Big brother!Shidou - coming out as gay!
Let's be honest, Shidou always knew you're gay. He was probably the first one to figure it out in general. It's not because you act super stereotypically gay or anything like that. It's simply because he's your big brother and knows you better than anyone. The setting of your coming out wasn't anything special, it was while walking home from school together and you casually mentioned having a crush on a boy, to which you quickly added that you're gay. Shidou's first reaction was "Finally! Now we can talk about boys together!" and then he asked you to tell him everything about your crush.
Best friend!Raichi - coming out as lesbian!
Raichi never thought about your sexuality because it was never something he cared about. Occasionally, he would ask if anything he did was "a thing girls like if a boy does that" to which your answer usually was "I guess?" because you didn't know either. When you finally told him you're only into girls, Raichi was surprised for a moment but he didn't make a big deal out of it when the information settled in. And even though he now knows you have no idea what it's like being attracted to men, sometimes he still asks the "Do girls like this?" question, but it's just one of his ways of teasing you.
Big brother!Karasu - coming out as trans!
Ever since you were kids, Karasu noticed there was something bothering you whenever gender was the topic, but neither he nor you could put your finger on what exactly was bothering you. Your big brother was the first person you came out to, and the moment you told him you're trans everything made sense to him immediately. His main love language towards you is teasing, but for your coming out conversation he mostly refrained from that because he wanted you to really know that he's accepting and supportive. Although, he can't hold back from teasing you forever. So when you asked him to help you find a new name for you, he mainly suggested weird names as jokes - but that was exactly what you needed after such a serious conversation with him.
Dad!Ego - coming out as pan!
When you told your father you're pan, he was confused why you felt the need to tell him that. Ego has never cared and will never care about the gender of your future partner, all that matters to him is that you get treated right and feel happy in your relationship. When he had to get back to work and sent you out of his office, the last thing he said was "But that means you have so many options, and still nobody wants you?" to which you only responded with "Nobody wants you either."
Best friend!Oliver - coming out as lesbian!
Oliver had a suspicion that you might be into girls for a while. He never mentioned it towards you, but there's no way he could ever oversee the way you looked at other girls. Plus, you always got extra defensive over girls when he broke someone's heart again. With many other little signs, Oliver was pretty sure you're not straight. When you came out to him by joking about how you'd never break a girl's heart like Oliver does all the time, he wasn't surprised at all. He then asked if you're only into girls to find out if you're a lesbian or maybe bi or pan. When you told him you are a lesbian, he started joking that he has "one competition more now" and that you "shouldn't steal the pretty girls from him."
Taglist (sign-up link): @astruosie @kaineedstherapy12 @zyuuuu @yerinsshi @luvcalico @truegoist @vanitasbrainrot @deerangle3 @toruden @keiidaydreams @acacIa @futuristicxie @bluelock4life @https-archangel @ririgards @kaiserkisser @userwithlotsoftime @mafuyudonutt @depressed-bitchy-demon @gojosorrygeto @remy-roll @yerinsshi @kermitslefteyeball11 @blueberrryui
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acceleracers-baby · 4 months
Acceleracers HC’s! Game Night! Teku Edition!
(Nolo Pasaro, Vert Wheeler, Shirako Takamoto, Kurt Wylde & Karma Eiss)
+Bonus Round
(Brian Kadeem & Banjee Castillo)
Nolo Pasaro - Growing up, Nolo had a pack of Bicycle brand playing cards and a dream. Now, he can run a whole game night with nothing but that same pack of cards. In fact, he does it regularly. Poker, Rummy, War, you name it. He knows the rules like the back of his hand. His all time favorite however, is Spoons. No matter who’s playing, it always gets absurdly intense. He loves watching everyone scramble to snatch a spoon when a suit of four is thrown down. The Teku are definitely intense, but it only gets worse when the rivalry between them and the Metal Maniac turns friendly, and they start getting invited to join. On the other hand, watching Mark practically throw himself over the table in an effort to snatch a spoon before his brother could grab one has got to be one of the funniest things he’s ever witnessed.
Very Wheeler - Skate 3 connoisseur. Vert fucking LOVES Pictionary. Like I don’t know to explain to y’all how hard this dude laughs watching people’s interpretations of what the original prompt was devolve into sometimes completely unrelated or ridiculous. Vert has even taken to throwing in some of his own prompts just to mix the game up a bit. For example- “Worlds Greatest Driver” was a prompt that Kurt got to start with. Obviously, he drew a stick figure version of himself. Mark was right after him, so seeing the shitty stick version of his brother, he just wrote down “bastard.” It devolved further from there. Another fun one was when Banjee got the prompt “Fast & Furious” and forgot that the movies existed, so he just drew Taro under the pretense that he fit description.
Shirako Takamoto - Shirako is a master at Mario Party. It’s gotten to the point where it’s basically everyone vs. Shirako whenever they play. He’s just too good at all the mini games. They will actively try and sabotage him and it doesn’t even matter, he’ll still end the game with the most stars collected. He has the strats!!! On top of that, he’s also unusually good at Scrabble for some reason. People assume it has something to do with all the music he listens to, but really he just plays it online all the time, so when game night rolls around he just destroys everyone. Vert lost his mind when Shirako played the word “quixotic” once. He was convinced Shirako was just making up words for high scores, but lo and behold, they looked it up and it’s a legal word to play!
Kurt Wylde - King of pit maneuvering people off the track ironically enjoys the game Sorry. The joy he feels booting someone back to the start is only matched by the excitement he feels during a race. He literally is such a rude bastard (lovingly). He is 100% the type of player to always boot the same person back to start just to mess with them. In his mind, less competition means a better chance at winning. Uno is a very close second. He will legit sit on those +2 & +4 cards and just wait to ruin someone’s day. “Oh you’re about to call uno? Go ahead and pick up the whole deck.” Like Vert, he also takes some liberties with those ‘make your own rule’ cards. They’re always so targeted too. Stuff like ‘let Monkey drive your car or pick up 25 cards’ and ‘get Taro to talk for more than 5 minutes or swap a hands with who’s losing.”
Karma Eiss - Battleship baby!! She is the queen of strategy games especially when it comes to stuff that involves reading people. Like, by the time someone hits one of her ships, she’s usually got half their fleet wiped out. People have tells. The closer she is to whoever she’s playing with, the faster the game goes. Particularly with people who wear their hearts on their sleeves. Vert and Nolo are the easiest to beat by far. Vert always tries to laugh or talk about something else when Karma hits close to one of his ships and Nolo over compensates. Kurt’s a little harder to beat because he’s got a pretty good poker face, but Shirako is definitely the hardest. Due to him constantly just vibing, he’s nearly impossible to read.
Bonus Round
Brian Kadeem - Kadeem’s a big Jenga guy. It’s so simple, yet so fun. His favorite part is when the tower is getting ridiculous tall and precarious so anytime anyone reachers for a block everyone goes silent and tense, watching to see if they’ll be next person to knock it down. It helps that Kadeem has impressively steady hands too. Like, this dude could have been a doctor if he really wanted to. Twister comes in at a close second. I feel like Kadeem is pretty flexible so the game is more entertaining than it is challenging. He loves being the one to spin the wheel because it gives him time to cackle at his friends getting all twisted up. Seriously, halfway through the game when everyone’s practically stacked on top of each other, Kadeem is usually laughing so hard that he’s on the ground with them.
Banjee Castillo - Banjee is the literal king of Mario Cart. He loves it so much he will unironically put on the Coconut Mall theme song sometimes while he’s driving. He swears it makes him go faster. It definitely doesn’t, but don’t tell him that. Banjee always knows the best cart combos and where all the best short cuts are. He usually finishes WAY ahead of all the other drivers, which always leads to some light hearted banter about how he should be as good as he is in the game on the actual track. Sometimes, he will purposely hang back or false start so that way he can use items to mess with the other players. Red shells are the best but after hours of gameplay, Banjee has gotten deadly accurate with the green shells too. Nobody is safe.
——— Thanks for Reading! ———
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halfagone · 6 months
Hi Halfa! You don't have to answer this, I'm honestly just a little curious and a little baffled -- but I realized you write a lot. It's very impressive! How do you organize and keep track of all of it? Especially with long fics like lex luthor's ascent. It seems a little daunting ngl. Is there a specific program you use that works for you in being organized?
Love everything you write btw! I'm always a little excited to find an AO3 update from you!
Hello, Anony!! And yes, I write... a lot. It's become a problem. Not that I'm really complaining right now either. XD There are a couple things I use to keep track of organizing everything. I do use the Google Suite, so I'm talking Drive, Sheets, and Docs mainly. I hate Google's autocorrect system but I'll write across three different devices at times so the Drive helps a lot with that. Plus it's free if you have an account so *shrugs*.
I use spreadsheets when I can. Mainly for word counts and WIP ideas. We are at 147 WIPs and counting, btw, woohoo! But as for my actual works, I say folders is probably the most useful thing for me. I color-code all my folders to make it easier for me to know which is which at a glance. I would also say- never be afraid to make a folder within a folder. It's some of the only ways to keep my drafts separated and out of the way.
I tend to save all my drafts unless I really do not like it, but multiple classes taught me that the file convention can make or break you.
This is probably the best example I have:
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These are the drafts I saved from my attempts at the Lex Luthor's Ascent chapter 88, "The Prodigal Son: Return to Metropolis". As you can see I finally got it right on the eighth try, which was the final draft and the one that is currently published.
"p.d." stands for "partial draft", which means I didn't rewrite the whole chapter, just a significant portion of it. "v" is of course "version", and it makes it easier to figure out what is the newest, most updated draft. That's mainly because sometimes I will go through more than one draft in a day, so I can't really use the time stamps.
(Bonus points to whoever can guess the closest to how many drafts I have saved lol)
I don't... outline things. Which is probably a thing I should do, but most of my fic ideas stay in the brain box where they are cycled through periodically like a washing machine. XD
Spreadsheets, again, are a very helpful tool and I cannot recommend them enough. I absolutely loathed them in middle school but by the time I graduated high school they helped me so much, especially to keep track of my madness. lol I know a bunch of tricks for spreadsheets if you ever need them. ;)
At first it can be overwhelming, especially because I did not... keep track of them early enough which meant I had to catch up quickly. But if you put a little time into it at the beginning it's so much easier to just insert a row later on and then you're done for the day.
And also, thank you so much!! I'm so glad you've been enjoying my fics!! I am also so happy to hear they bring you a little bit of excitement too! I know I'm always so excited to hear other people enjoy my fics as well. <3 Have a happy new year!
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thecatamaranlad · 8 months
15 OC Questions
Jumping on @ibuprofen-exe‘s open tag, and leaving this as an open tag for whoever wants to participate (except @justeliiijah, @twillprobably and @re-alku: I'm poking you guys with a stick egging you to do the thing). Please feel free to tag me—I would love to see your answers.
I'm going to write about Sam the Motorcycle Man (check my 'raptors' tag or 'sam the motorcycle man' tag) because he's FUN.
Are you named after anyone?
2. When was the last time you cried?
”When I fucked up and Carla left. Then afterwards, when I got blindingly drunk trying not to think about it (it didn't work). Wait, no, I also cried after I heard she and Tai were safe from the tornado."
3. Do you have kids?
”Not unless you count Tai. ;)”
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
”Define "a lot". But yes.”
5. What's the first thing you notice about people?
”Whether or not they have cool tattoos or piercings. Also whether or not they seem queer in some way. I'm not trying to, it's just like a *finger guns* eyyy, you're my people kind of thing.”
6. What's your eye color?
”Gray, and not in the cool color-changing way.”
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
”Happy endings, I guess, but don't tell Carla I said that.”
8. Any special talents?
”I mean, I have a PhD, so I'm at least good at crying in front of a computer screen for years on end.”
9. Where were you born?
”South Carolina. Not going back."
10. What are your hobbies?
”Motorcycles and video games. Which I pick depends on the weather.”
11. Do you have any pets?
”No, but I have a parasocial relationship with my ex-roommate's cat. She's named after a hurricane, I have to love her.”
12. What sports do you play/have you played?
”I am 5 foot four on the dot and a huge geek. I do not play sports.”
13. How tall are you?
”See above. PSA: Don't fuck with short guys. I don't play sports but I can and will kick your ass.”
14. Favorite subject in school?
”All the sciences, but especially physics and meteorology. I should probably not find climate change as cool as I do. I also used to really like art and, believe it or not, literature."
15. Dream job?
“Having a steady job would be real nice. Bonus points if it pays decent. I guess I like making forecasts for people and trying to figure out where they can go to be safe... as long as they don't lose the connection with me in the middle of a damn tornado... There's a caravan that keeps asking me to sign on with them as their weatherman, but that would mean I couldn't go where I wanted to anymore. I've gotten used to being alone.”
Thank you for reading (⁠。⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠。⁠)⁠ノ⁠♡
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ifihadtopickadad · 5 months
Whoops! You Were Just Adopted!
10 points to whoever figures out what fairy tale Nessa's reading. Nessa's birthday is October 13th 2002. Bonus points to whoever figures out Greg's birthdate. Also, who's the old guy.
Nessa hummed as she feigned reading her mom's diary. Taylor Swift's 1989 album played on shuffle, the current song Wonderland blasting at full volume. She didn't have the 1989 album, at least not a physical copy, but she did have Spotify, so there's that. 
The place where Nessa was meeting her half-brother and his mom was a peaceful little place that doubled as a cat cafe and a bookshop. Nessa set the diary down, eyeing the bookshelves. So far, she hadn't seen anyone pick up one of the books to read, so she didn't know if she could read them. Were you expected to buy a book if you picked it up and read it? Or was it okay to read one while you were here so long as you didn't leave with it?
"You can read them while you're here." Nessa jerked, eyes locking onto the person who spoke to her. She softened. He was an old man, in his 70s. He was stout but lean and hunched over on a cane with burn scars.
"What?" Nessa asked.
The man smiled, "I saw you eyeing the books." He was sporting an old, dull, yellow plaid shirt with overalls. "You seemed apprehensive about reading the books. I've been here before, and I felt it would make you feel better to know you could read them while you're here. You don't have to buy one. As long as you're not leaving with it."
"Oh", Nessa smiled. "Thanks." The man nodded, then went to sit in a quieter, more out-the-way spot. 
But what did she see when she went in? A great bloody basin stood in the middle of the room, and therein lay human beings, dead and hewn to pieces, and hard by was a block of wood, and a gleaming axe lay upon it.
Nessa hummed as she read. The fairytale in question would likely be her favorite for a good long while. "Vanessa, right?" Nessa looked up and was suddenly very glad that she'd chosen to take off her headphones while she read. Susan Miller was striking in appearance, more so than in photos. Her hair was long, lustrous, and snow white. Her skin was ghostly, and her eyes blue. She was smiling softly. Next to her, holding one of the kittens taken in by the cafe, was a little boy Nessa could only assume was Gregory.
He was a lot more miniature than his age would indicate. She would have thought he was 5 or 6 rather than 8. He didn't look underfed, and Susan did seem short, so maybe it was genetics. 
"Yeah, that's me," Nessa forced a grin. "I prefer Nessa, though."
Susan slid into the seat across from her, "It's lovely to meet you, Nessa. I'm Susan."
"I know," Nessa said, then panicked. "Uh- I mean-"
Susan held up a hand, "It's alright, I know what you mean. Now, why don't we spend time getting to know each other?"
"Okay," Nessa quieted, setting her book down.
"I want to be you-" 
The music shut off as Nessa smacked her hand on her phone. She raised her head to check the time. 5:30. What the fuck was she thinking!? Screw beta-testing the VR game!!! Who cares if it's a paying job and the credits go on her school papers?! This is bullshit!!!
20 minutes and a quick shower later, Nessa was sitting at the dining room table as her mom made Eggs Benedict for breakfast. She lifted the coffee to her mouth. The beverage might as well be liquid gold for how tenderly she did. Nessa would've made her own breakfast. But after the three times she nearly burned the house down, it was determined that she wasn't allowed to cook in the mornings.
"Nessa?" her mom said. "Could you wake Gregory?"
Nessa looked up, "I'll endeavor to wake the demon. If I die, have the bridge to Taylor Swift's 'This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things' inscribed on my monument."
Her mom snorted, "Will do, Ness."
The walk to Gregory's room was short and sweet. Short because the hallway was short, and sweet because Gregory was already exiting his room, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. "Morning, Half-pint. Mom's got breakfast cooking. We're having Eggs Benedict."
Gregory jabbed her in the side on the way past her, "Morning to you too, Savage. Why does it feel like the universe is laughing at us for eating Eggs Benedict for breakfast?"
"It isn't, you're just delusional."
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inbarfink · 2 years
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Okay, so I’m generally of the opinion that [[Hyperlink Blocked]] doesn’t neccasserly censors the exact same Thematically Important word\link every time and that it could be like... sometimes important and plot-relevant and sometimes just a blocked virus for a joke. But I do understand why people think they can try and figure out what is the Hyperlink being Blocked, I mean it is real ominous. 
The thing is that the one of most common speculations I keep hearing is that [[Hyperlink Blocked]] is “Freedom”  (to the point I see folks word it like it is a certain fact that this word is the Hyperlink being Blocked) and that... like, doesn’t even make much sense?
Cause... like, Spamton can totally say “Freedom”, and even ‘link’ to it, without it being [[Hyperlink Blocked]]??
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I mean, if we were to believe that [[Hyperlink Blocked]] is a sign of whoever is pulling the strings literally stopping Spamton from talking about the concept of Freedom, than they’re doing a pretty shit job at that cause the dude keeps slipping that word in regardless of it. 
Plus, okay, even without [[Hyperlink Blocked]], Spamton’s speech patterns are pretty erratic so maybe it’s hard to say, like, “well, if we slot in that word instead of [[Hyperlink Blocked]] then the sentence wouldn’t make sense” but still, “I WAS ONLY EVER IN IT FOR THE [Freedom]. TO MAKE YOUR OWN [Deals] TO CALL YOUR OWN [Shots] AND SOMETIMES IN THE MORNING, A LITTLE [Freedom]” is a pretty odd and repetitive thing to say. Espacially if this is indeed a puzzle that we’re supposed to be able to solve. 
I think the other Hyperlink-Blocked-Theory-That’s-So-Popular-That-People-Keep-Stating-It-Like-It’s-Fact is a bit more plausible, that the word being blocked is ‘Love’ or ‘LOVE’. 
For once ‘Love’ isn’t actually something we’ve seen Spamton ever say without [[Hyperlink Blocked]]. The closest we’ve got to is “beloved”:
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Plus it generally slots in pretty naturally into wherever [[Hyperlink Blocked]] appears:
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“YOU WANT [LOVE]], DON'T YOU.” also gets some bonus points for seemingly being kind of a callback to Flowey’s introduction back in Undertale
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Which feels pretty appropriate, what with Spamton being one of the most obvious Undertale Callbacks in Deltarune so far (desiring the Protagonist’s SOUL so he could get free, which is also the motivation of almost everyone in Undertale to some degree, being deeply linked with the hidden evil route which feels much more in line with the themes of Undertale than Deltarune’s). 
And of course, Spamton’s famous rant in the end of the Weird Route:
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Where slotting in ‘LOVE’ in the place of [Hyperlink Blocked] makes the line “Making [LOVE]”, which is a play on ‘making love’, which synergizes with the central dark joke of Spamton's ranting like he’s cheated-on lover at the Player. 
And of course, playing on the idea that Deltarune is about the conflict between The Choice to Do Evil and Being Forced to Do Good, making Spamton being potentially obsessed with LOVE (the main indicator of ‘bad choices’ back in Undertale) a very fitting concept. The Weird Route is basically about acting violently and cruel-ly in order to gain some amount of freedom and control over the narrative. 
Plus, with the fact that the concept of LOVE has gone pretty much unacknowledged through Deltarune so far (the Levels the characters keep gaining seems to be a seperate concept, since they go up based only on story progression and we can see Kris still has LV1 and 0 EXP back in the Light World), that makes the idea that it has been [[Hyperlink Blocked]] a lot more creepy.
Also also, it’s funny to think that maybe [[Hyperlink Blocked]] isn’t actually the result of some hidden puppetmaster stopping Spamton from saying too mcuh but it’s just that this is a Librarby right next to a school and it automatically blocks shady spam-links that talk about ‘Love’. 
But on the OTHER HAND, it’s not like Love and/or LOVE perfectly slot into every single [[Hyperlink Blocked]]. 
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(this one can maybe be excused since Spamton’s dialouge is seriously glitching here. Maybe you can say that [[Hyperlink Blocked]] can be ‘loved’ rather than ‘Love’ but we do know Spamton can say ‘beloved’ so...)
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But this one bugs me more...
I mean, I guess the Disk is transferring Spamton’s LOVE cause LOVE is measuring a specific aspect of a person’s psyche and we are transferring Spamton’s whole mind in this Disk so that technically includes the LOVE. But, well, on the other hand, yes, we are transferring Spamton’s whole damn BRAIN in this thing and it’ll be weird to only mention his Level of Violence when it doesn’t really seem like it would be the most important part???
A word like “will”, “mind”, “being”, “consciousness”, “essence”, “program”, “SOUL”, “Dark”, “Light” or even “Determination” would be a much better description for what is being transferred into the NEO body. Buuut all of these words work a lot less in all the OTHER times [[Hyperlink Blocked]] is used in Spamton’s dialouge, so that can’t be it either.  (And Spamton can say “SOUL”, “Dark” and “Light”, so that’s another disqualifying factor)
I guess that line is really the thing that’s tripping me about the idea that [[Hyperlink Blocked]] is one consistent Thing all the time. Because that thing needs to be in some way an ecompessment of Spamton’s whole existence, but also something Kris(/the Player/also Lightners in general it seems) would need to get in order to become a [[Big Shot]] (that is to say, free) and... seeing how Darkners in general and Spamton in spesific have so little freedom and control over their lives, it’s hard for me to imagine what that could be. 
If there is one spesific thing [[Hyperlink Blocked]] stands for, my guess is that it’s an aspect of the setting’s metaphysics that we just don’t know about yet. 
If instead, [[Hyperlink Blocked]] can stand for multiple things that are censored, that I would say that most mentions of [[Hyperlink Blocked]] are probably either ‘Love’ or “LOVE” but certainly not all of them!
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elizabethblake · 1 year
That's for me to know, and for you to figure out - pt. 8
Panic Imagine -- Dodge Mason x OC (Reese Silvers) -- pt. 8
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A girl from a wealthy family wants to get out of Carp just as much as everyone else. With the new guy in town, she seems to be a bit more distracted than she had hoped. And those who once were her friends just may be the ones who will throw her into the deep end. Will Panic be what she hopes, or will she fall into the depths of deceit and lies?
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"Are you worried about the challenge tonight?" I asked Heather as I swiped on a swipe of lipgloss. But she didn't move.
"Hey, are you still upset about what happened with Bishop?" I asked and she sat up and huffed.
"If I tell you something, will you promise not to judge?" She asked.
"Sure." I said, nervous.
"I did something very stupid. And I am afraid that I'm gonna keep doing it." She said.
"I slept with Ray." She said, and my mouth dropped.
"Please don't be mad." She said.
"I I'm not. I just, Heather that's wow." I managed to say.
"I know you two have this weird flirty thing going on, and i'm pretty sure you've had sex with him but I didn't think you liked him and if you do, I will completely never speak to him ever again because you know I would never do anything to hurt you." She rambled.
"Heather. I don't like him, he and I have a past. That’s what all the flirty banter is chalked up to, nothing more. No residual feelings I swear. Plus I have my eye on someone else." I said.
"Yes. Let's talk about this. I can't help but notice the way you look at a certain boy who works at Dot's. Can it be?" She asked.
"Shut up." I said hitting her softly with a pillow.
"It's so complicated Heather." I said as I lay next to her on my bed.
"Complicated how? Boy likes girl, girl likes boy, girl and boy kiss." She said.
"It's not that simple. I mean sort of." I said.
"So you've kissed him?" She said in an excited tone.
"Yeah it happened after the party." I said.
"I knew you disappeared together." She said.
"It wasn't like that I was drunk he brought me home things may have happened but we didn't sleep together." I said.
"Not yet." She said.
"But you want to." She added.
"Yes. I want to." I said.
"Then what's stopping you?" She asked.
"I don't know, I feel like Nat has a thing for him, and I don't want her to go crazy on me about it." I said.
"Nat is crazy in general but don't let your concerns about her stop you from liking him that's crazy." She said.
"Reese?" My mother said from the door.
"Come in." I said as I sat up on my elbows.
"Heather honey are you staying for dinner?" She asked, I turned to heather and mouth 'please'
"Is that alright Mrs. Silvers?" She asked.
"Of course sweetie you're always welcome." My mom said before closing the door.
"I swear she likes you better than me." I said before falling back on the bed.
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After Dinner Heather and I headed out to Graybill's place for the next challenge. When we pulled up most everyone was there already.
"Congratulations to all of you for completing the challenge at Spurlock's Ranch. Up until now you've been competitors, but tonight you become enemies." Diggins said.
"It is Panic tradition to screw each other at the Graybill house challenge." Summer said.
"And we all came for that reason." Ray chimed in.
"The rules are simple. You guys stay inside till we come and get you. Players' points will be deducted when you submit proof of them being scared shitless. For tonight and tonight only, keep those cameras on." Diggins added.
"Sabotage is highly encouraged." Summer said.
"As a reminder, Heather is still in the lead with 200 points. Dodge is closing the gap with 175 everyone else is holding up with 150. And last but not least there is a 50-point bonus for whoever can solve the riddles in the blood." Summer said.
"What do you mean "in the blood?" Drew asked.
"Blood always tells." She added.
"Good Luck Players." Diggins said as everyone walked towards the house.
"Let's get this over with." Nat said.
We all walked into the house, it was dark and dusty and the only light was from the flashlights. Shining down on the floor fake blood could be seen coating it and the walls where writing could be seen.
"There's the blood." Dodge said
"Anyone else creeped out by the random blood?" Drew asked.
"Part of the riddle?" Dodge asked, looking at the words.
"Must be." Shawna said.
"Yeah no shit sherlock." I said.
"Dorothy lost her ruby shoes, the wizard lost his head, the king was counting reasons for clues inside the dead." Shawna read what was written in blood on the wall.
"Wizard. "Jimmy Wizard" was Jim's nickname. When Abby started dating him some of us started calling her 'Dorothy'" She added.
"Guess we have to find the bodies." Dodge said.
"Maybe it's a warning." Heather said.
"Let's see what else we can find." Nat said.
"Why don't we go that way?" She added.
"We should stay together." She said.
Dodge, Nat, Heather, and I all walked together towards a room. As I looked through the room I turned and gasped when I ran into something hanging from the ceiling. It looked like a mannequin hanging from a noose.
"You all right?" Dodge asked.
"Yeah." I answered.
"I'm okay, just freaked me out a bit." I added.
"Stupid." Dodge muttered as he saw it hanging. He walked over and grabbed a chair and stood on it.
"What are you doing?" I asked. He then cut down the mannequin and slammed to the ground.
"Hey guys over here." Heather yelled from the other room.
"Check out the bloody riddle." She said, peeling the wallpaper from the wall.
"One flew over a rooftop, one flew into the moon. Track down the clue inside the who whose end ed mirrors soon." She read.
"That sounds like a nursery rhyme doesn't it?" Nat asked.
"Maybe we should be looking for books?" Shawna asked.
"Good luck y'all." She said as she walked away.
"The noose." Dodge said.
"If you look in a mirror, the words are backwards, soon spelled backward is noos." He said.
"That's the who, the noosed man." I said as I walked back towards the room with the mannequin. I searched around the noose and found a cloth.
"The cook and five to dinner make six to tally late; the final counts the winner, behind the hands that wait." I read.
"Cook is capitalized." Dodge said.
"Um, maybe the clue is in the kitchen?" I asked.
"Let's check it out." He said.
"You see any clues?" I asked.
"I don't see anything on the walls." He said as we both continued to look.
"Hey Reese?" He said.
"Yeah?" I asked as he jiggled on a door handle. I opened the lock on the door as I pushed it open to reveal a horrifically gross room.
"God." I muttered and the light began flickering.
"That's what I call mood lighting." I commented.
"Aren't you afraid of the curse?" Dodge asked.
"Only if you're secretly in love with me." I laughed before walking away as I saw Nat emerge from behind the door and shoot me a dirty look before I slid past Dodge and walked down the hall.
"Well look who it is. I didn't think little miss perfect would be up here in a haunted house." Ray said as I walked by him.
"Why not?" I asked.
"Too many ghosts I guess." He said.
"You'd know all about ghosts wouldn't you." I remarked, but saw Ray’s face at the mention of what happened.
"I'm sorry about your brother Reese. I didn't know he was there until he called you." He said.
"It's fine, what's done is done." I said.
"I would never let anything like that happen again. Rhett is my friend and so are you." He said.
"I'm your friend?" I asked.
"Does that mean Heather's your friend?" I asked and he gave me a look.
"Look I don't care that you're fucking her okay, just. She's my friend, my very very good friend please don't hurt her." I said.
"I don't intend on it." He said.
"Good." I said before I continued walking.
I found my way into a room, the floors were super creaking and the room was incredibly dark, I took a step and I feel through the floorboards. I hit my head, and then everything went black.
*like 30 min later*
"Reese. Reese wake up! Reese wake up!" Someone shouted and it echoed through my head like banging on a pot.
"Ow." I groaned.
"Reese? Are you okay?" Nat asked as I sat up, I looked over and noticed the the house was up in flames and everything came rushing back. I felt a sharp pain in my ribs and an intense pain through my shoulder and head.
"What happened." I asked.
“The house just went up in flames Heather got trapped but she's out now Dodge is unconscious, we need to get out of here and get them help." She said.
"Nat. I think im gonna pass out." I said as everything sort of rushed together.
I woke up in the hospital as my mom rushed to my side.
"Oh baby you're awake!" She said as she placed her hand on my head.
"Mom?" I asked as I blinked away the blurriness of my surroundings.
"George." My mom said to wake my dad up and he sprung to my side as well.
"You scared us there honey." He said.
"Where's Rhett?" I asked.
"I'm here Reese." He said as we walked to the foot of the bed.
"Reese what on earth were you doin' in a place like that." My mom asked me.
"A couple of us just wanted to party and we thought it would be fun. None of us intended for it to go up in flames." I said.
"Well you're lucky I'm not grounding you. You could have died. But instead you're gonna live with the consequences of your actions. Which is a couple of bruised ribs, a concussion, and you dislocated your shoulder. Now how did you possibly manage to do that?" She asked.
"I don't know I think I fell through the floor." I said and she gasped.
"Lord have mercy Reese." She said.
"I'm sorry mom." I said as I leaned back.
"Is Heather okay?" I asked.
"She is resting, she and another boy got banged up pretty good." She said.
"Dodge." I whispered.
"We're getting you discharged today, I hate hospitals." She said as my dad brought over a bag with fresh clothes from home.
"Nurse! Can you please come unplug my daughter from these machine's we are going home." My mom said.
I got sent home with pain meds, a sling on my arm and an extensive amount of pain radiating throughout my body. Once I made it home I went to my room and showered to get the smell of smoke off of me.
"Reese!" I heard my mom call from downstairs once I got out of the shower.
"Heather is here." She said.
"She can come up." I said, slipping on my bra.
Heather came in but I was only in underwear and a bra.
"Could've warned me." She said.
"Can you help please." I said as I tried to hook my bra.
"Of course she said as she hooked it for me, then helped me slip my shirt on then I put the sling back on.
"So what's the diagnoses." She asked.
"Bruised ribs, dislocated shoulder, and a concussion." I answered.
"How'd you manage to do all that?" She asked.
"I fell through the floor." I asked.
"Come to think of it, who found me?" I asked.
"I think Nat did." She answered.
"Hm." I hummed.
"When's the next task, do you know?" I asked.
"You're kidding. Look at yourself Reese you're crazy. Panic can wait." She said.
"No Heather, I can’t wait. Panic won't and I'm not missing it." I said.
"My shoulder should be feeling better in no time." I added.
"Have you seen Dodge?" She asked.
"Not since before the fire." I added.
"Maybe you should ask him to come over." She said.
"Maybe." I said.
"I'm so thirsty." I said as I made my way down to the kitchen. Once we were in there I heard my mom call out.
"Reese, there's someone at the door for you." She said and I made my way to the door.
"Dodge." I said.
"Heather texted and asked me to come over." He said.
"Of course she did. Come on in." I said as I made my way back to the kitchen and he followed me. I sent a look to Heather and she only smirked.
"I'm glad you're okay Reese." She said as she smiled.
"I have to get going but I will see you both later." She said before gathering her things and leaving.
"I'm gonna go out on a limb and say you didn't know I was coming over." He said.
"No, I didn't." I said.
"But I'm glad you did." I added.
"I hope you're okay." I said.
"Me? You seem to be the one who took the harder hits." He said.
"Yeah I don't recommend falling through the floor ha." I said.
"I'm glad you're okay Reese." He said.
"Thanks Dodge. Can I get you anything?" I asked.
"Water is fine." He answered.
"Water it is." I said.
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queen-ofsunflowers · 8 months
Free to Be Me: Prologue Preview
Since these are still works-in-progress, it is likely that the following excerpts will change between now and the final draft! Please keep that in mind while reading. The following excerpts have been taken from Chapters 1 - 6!
???: Do you seek the truth? (Yu falters when he hears a voice.) If it’s the truth you desire, please… Come and find me. (Curious, Yu proceeds on forward. There’s a ghost-like figure in the distance. He runs towards it, only for the fog to thicken around him.)
???: So, you’re the one who’s trying to break through, hm? (It’s a different, more malevolent voice than before. It laughs.) Try all you like.
Yu: Who…? What’s going on? Who are you?! (He reaches out, trying to get to the figure he sees, but they’re violently jerked away with a scream.)
???: You can still see, despite the fog? ...interesting. (Yu’s eyes narrow, and he runs forward to try and find whoever was calling out to him.)
Yu: Come back!
???: You cannot catch me that easily. The truth? Haha… if that is what you seek, then your search will only be in vain! (The fog around him grows thicker and thicker to the point where it’s almost suffocating. There’s a heavy static that clings to Yu’s clothes as everything around him becomes a haze. He can’t see, and that scream. It makes the static field forming around him almost hard to bear.)
Yu: Please… I can’t… (It feels like there are hands choking him.)
???: Everyone only sees what they want to. And when that happens, the fog grows thicker. Hmhm… I look forward to seeing the inevitable battle, Young Witch. And your inevitable demise! (Something leaps out at him from the fog, pinning Yu down and pulling him into the abyss. He screams as the world around him goes dark.)
(On the way home, Chie needles him with question after question. It’s almost hard to keep up. But Yu does his best to answer them each truthfully or in ways that she’ll accept. Eventually, she comes to ask him about his parents and why he was here and not with them. That one was pretty easy to explain.)
Yu: Their work. They’ll be overseas for the next year, and they didn’t want me to be on my own for that long. (And that’s all he has to say. Chie doesn’t need to know why they didn’t want him on his own for that long. She doesn’t need to know. No one needs to know.)
Chie: Gotcha… (She chuckles.) I thought that it was something way more serious. (And she takes it.) But I don’t get why they’d send you out here. There’s nothing really here. (Yu hums. Probably because they had both grown up in the area. Bonus points that they still had a relative living here who was willing to take him in.) But I guess that’s what makes it nice, even if there’s nothing that we can show people from the outside. I think there’s something about the mountain, though… Maybe our clothes or something are famous. Oh! There’s the Amagi Inn! Yukiko’s family runs it. It’s the pride of Inaba!
Yukiko: It’s just an old inn…
Chie: No way! It’s a great inn! (to Yu) It’s been going for generations, and Yukiko is gonna take it over someday. Their inn attracts a lot of Non-Mortals to Inaba. It’s pretty much what’s kept the town going.
Yukiko: I don’t think that’s true… (Yu’s a bit curious. Chie talked about the Amagi Inn a lot. And if she’s right and it’s the pride of the town… what doesn’t Yukiko seem more proud of it?)
Chie: Hey! (Yu hums.) You think Yukiko’s cute, right?
Yu: Huh?! (Okay, that’s caught him off-guard…) Uh, well…! That's um…
Chie: Whoa! Are you blushing?! *giggle*
Yukiko: Come on… Don't start this again… (Again?)
Chie: She’s really popular at school, but she’s never had a boyfriend. Kinda weird if you ask me. (It’s… not that weird when Yu thinks about it. And considering how embarrassed Yukiko is, she’s probably thinking the same thing.)
Yukiko: It’s not true! I’m not popular and I’ve never had a boyfriend! …W-Wait, no, I mean I don’t need a boyfriend! (She groans.) Chie…! (Chie laughs.)
Chie: Sorry, sorry… but this is our chance to talk to someone from outside of Inaba, and you’ve barely said a word this whole time!
(The group arrives at Junes’ Food Court without much of a problem, and Yu is left wondering why they’re at a department store of all places. Is the food here that good? He’d be surprised if that was true. Chie, on the other hand… isn’t as quiet about it as he is.)
Chie: This is the cheap place that you were talking about?! They don’t even have grilled steak here!
Yosuke: Yeah, well… plans change when some unexpected living mass of barbed wire decides to hop on the freeloader train, Chie. (Chie glares at him, but huffs and sits back down in her seat.)
Chie: Still, that’s no reason to take us to your place. (Yu blinks, a brow raised. His place?)
Yosuke: Dude, this isn’t ‘my place’.
Yu: Can I ask what you’re talking about? (Yosuke and Chie look over at Yu as if they just remembered that he’s sitting there with them.)
Yosuke: Right… I haven’t told you yet. I moved here from another city ‘bout six months ago. This location just opened up, and there really was a… very, very slim number of candidates for it. Apparently the council that’s responsible for keeping magic a secret had to step in to make sure that no human set foot in this place. Out of all the people, they picked my dad to manage it. So our entire family came out here. (as if to change the subject,) Here. Welcome to Inaba. (He places the plate in front of Yu, and gives Satonaka hers a little less kindly.)
(The conversation soon became quite animated over small talk, Yu kind of relieved that Chie and Yosuke had taken the lead on things.)
Yosuke: Hey! Yu. (That snaps his back to the present.) Whatcha lookin’ at?
Chie: Are we that close?
Yu: Huh?
Yosuke: What’s up, Chie?
Chie: Uh… have you guys heard of the Hollow Forest? (Yosuke and Yu exchange a look with each other before looking back at Chie.) It’s the forest that borders part of the town. People say that it’s haunted.
Yosuke: (bluntly) A haunted forest in a town that’s full of magical and mystical beings. That’s a big surprise. (Yu blinks. But… ghosts don’t really exist.)
Chie: Shut up! I’m serious! See all the fog in there? It’s always there. It never leaves the forest, either. It just stays there. That’s creepy!
Yosuke: So… creepy forest full of fog. That’s something.
Chie: They say that if you go in there, you never come out again. There are things that live in that forest. Bad things.
Yosuke: Well, we’re considered bad things. (Yu nods. Yosuke has a point. Yu looks at the forest.) Anyway, Chie. What kind of TV are you guys in the market for? Maybe I could find one in your price range.
Chie: I don’t know. They said they wanted one that’s cheap.
Yosuke: That depends on your definition of “cheap”
Chie: You got connections, right? C’mon, hook me up! (Curiosity gets the better of him. Yu steps forward, getting closer to the Hollow Forest’s border.)
Yosuke: You know I can’t do that. Well… there’s the display unit. It’s a little old, but…
Yu: My name is Yu Narukami. And this is Yosuke Hanamura. Do you have a name we can call you?
Mystery Bear: …Teddie. (Yu nods. Teddie. Meanwhile, Yosuke groans.)
Yosuke: Figures… but uh… How are we supposed to find the culprit in the first place?
Teddie: I dunno… oh! I do know where the last person who was in here was!
Yosuke: Last… you mean Saki-senpai!?
Teddie: I mean the person who came in here and where she was last! I dunno about the name. I can take you there. Oh! But put these on first! (He takes something out of his pocket and holds it out to Yu and Yosuke. It’s two pairs of glasses.)
Yosuke: (taking the orange pair) What’re those for? (Yu takes the remaining black pair and puts them on. The moment he does, his vision becomes much clearer.)
Yu: You should put them on, Hanamura.
Yosuke: Yeah, but I don’t get why… (He puts them on.) Whoa! It’s like the fog doesn’t exist at all…
Teddie: They’ll help you see your way through the fog. But uh… I can only show you where this place is. (He takes Yu’s and Yosuke’s hands, leading them through the trees.) You guys’ll have to defend yourselves.
Yosuke: Hey, we just got here! If it’s so dangerous, why don’t you do something instead of relying on us!? (Teddie shakes his head.)
Teddie: Uh-uh. I have no muscles. Oh! I’ll give you support from a safe distance! How’s that sound? (Yu and Yosuke look at each other, not sure about this. Could Teddie really not fight? Yu knew that he was kind of like a child, but… Suddenly Teddie trips, nearly bringing Yu and Yosuke down with him if he hadn’t let go in time. Teddie groans, trying to pull his foot free of the root that tripped him. But he’s stuck.) Noooo…!
Yosuke: Geez… (Yu crouches down and puts a hand on Teddie’s head, ruffling that fluffy hair of his from under his hood to calm him down. Teddie sniffles a little, relaxing as Yu frees his foot.) We swore to find the culprit, and our only back up is a little kid?
Other Yosuke: You put on such a good show of being so carefree and happy-go-lucky ‘cause you’re so terrified of being alone! You’ve gotta be surrounded by people to block out the pain of isolation. Not to mention the real reason you came snooping… It definitely wasn’t for Saki-senpai’s sake!
Yosuke: Stop it!
Other Yosuke: (laughs) Why’re you freaking out? I thought I was just spouting bullshit! Or maybe… I do know what you’re thinking!
Yu: How…?
Other Yosuke: I am Yosuka Hanamura! The only reason he dragged you in here with him was because he thought it sounded like a good time! What else is there to do out in this shithole? A strange world inside of a foggy forest? Now that is exciting! What other reason would there be for coming here?
Yosuke: That’s not true…! Stop… Stop it…!
Other Yosuke: You. You’re just trying to act like a big shot. And if it went well, hey, maybe you could be a hero! And that Senpai you were crushing on? Her death was the perfect excuse!
Yosuke: That’s not true! Who are you?! What are you!?
Other Yosuke: *chuckle* Didn’t ya hear me? I am you! I am your Shadow! (A shiver runs up Yu’s spine. No… how was that possible?!) There’s nothing that I don’t know about you.
Yosuke: No! No way! It’s impossible! You can’t be me, you son of a bitch! (The other Yosuke widely grins before bursting into ecstatic laughter.)
Other Yosuke: That’s right… Say it! Say it again!
Yosuke: You’re not me! You’re nothing like me!
Other Yosuke: Ha! That’s right… I’m not you. I am ME! (A light flashes around the Shadow as more Shadows swirl at its feet. Yu starts to feel sick to his stomach. It absorbs those Shadows, growing bigger and bigger until it becomes a freakish looking frog thing. Yosuke collapses.)
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sunsrefuge · 1 year
4, 8, 12, 13 for whoever you’d like to talk about most! :D
thank you !! <3 ohh, these look very interesting for Eliana !!
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4. What would an evil or bad end version of them look like?
I actually have a whole AU for this!! ^^ Her bad end version would be Desert Rose! Considering all of the messes that she gets into, I'm sure there are more possibilities, but the Desert Rose AU is my favorite because of how much it affects the story that comes after LLtL as well!!
She gets very defensive and refuses to be under anyone else's power any longer. She picks up Joko's staff during his big funny man speech, (after he tosses it aside,) and I still gotta figure out the details but she unintentionally makes Aurene's first dash miss Joko, he gets the Commander, and then he gets got by Aurene! ^^; Whoopsie! But she takes up his mantle just to ensure that she isn't controlled anymore... That said, she's not fit to rule a kingdom by any means. She has no experience with leading, so things are bound to go downhill eventually! also; Poor Puppet, always trying to save her from herself in this AU kfjhsduf
8. Are there any juicy rumors about them floating around Tyria?
Plenty, I'd think! She joined the Commander's team as Awakened, and very quickly became one of the team's most outspoken members in the remainder of LWS4. There's a very old rumor about her being a runaway from the Nightmare Court, (that's kicked up again now that she's a Crystal Bloom Captain,) but no one's been able to find any ties to confirm this. ;) There's also rumors about her among the Awakened, such as Archon Iberu trying to court her at one point after Joko's death, although that one died down a bit after she punched him in the jaw lmao
12. How do they feel about Snargle Goldclaw's literary masterpiece Commander of Your Heart?
The first question is "has she read it" - which is instantly a yes. She'd consider reading stuff like that to be a guilty pleasure, so she's definitely read it! In my personal AU it's about Khozzak! (Although, I'm sure that a second iteration, specifically titled after a Champion, would be about Phoenix!) To which she uses the material to tease him endlessly. ^^
((Bonus: There's an AU I have w/ @mavelleofdawn where she has a relationship with the Commander prior to getting trapped in Gandara, he rescues her from Joko, and they get married after LWS4! ...she'd absolutely read the book in that AU too and teases her husband about it a lot! ^^)) not naming him only because idk if i have rights to name him and i cant ask today akjshdus
13. How would they describe themselves?
Out loud, she'd want to say things like sweet, caring, and loyal! While those are definitely true, she knows deep down that she's picked up a sense of ruthlessness over the years, and she can be very strict with people if she feels like they're infringing on her freedom at all. She's also very protective of her friends! <3
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sam-glade · 1 year
Happy WBW! I got some weird associations running through my mind, so let's talk about dating in your world. Are there any traditions or conventions for courting? What about engagement or marriage proposals? Bonus: Do any of your character stray from this?
Wynne! You're a mind reader.
I was told earlier today, and I quote: 'for someone who hates romance, you write a lot of [romantic] relationships'. And... huh, yes, actually, I do, but I don't think any of them would be considered a typical relationship?
I'll be answering for Days of Dusk. I've got a post on wedding customs here, so let me focus on things that come before that.
A couple of things first:
It's a long lived culture, with the age of majority being 35
It's a queernorm society, a fair bit more promiscuous than the real world.
And because I have no idea how to logically order this, have a smattering of trivia:
For adults up until they're about 100, it's pretty normal and expected that they'll have some casual relationships and figure out what they want from life. Normally, they won't get any pressure from their relatives to settle down until then. That might not be the case if they get pregnant or if they become the head of the house (i.e. their older relatives pass away, and they inherit the estate and title in case of nobility). But let's go with the happy path for now.
It's still a fairly stratified society, and in general people will look for partners within their social class. That also dictates where they're looking. E.g. Lissan, coming from a small, rural community, was trying to impress guys at a market/fair. Ianim, being the Prince Successor, has to be rather careful about who he asks for a dance at a ball - and which dances in particular - to not give them the wrong idea. There's a whole elaborate code which dances mean 'I'm looking to hook up' and which are for relatives or friends to enjoy an activity together, etc.
Having said that, since everyone is beneath the Prince and her Successor in terms of social status, both of them decide to marry whoever they want. In fact, they deliberately don't want to marry to anyone who'd leverage their influence to further their own political goals.
Marriage has the implication of merging two families into one, and especially among nobility it serves to solidify alliances, settle land disputes, basically it's a tool. And while marriage isn't necessary to achieve this - the same legal ties can be achieved through a contract, it also shows 'I'm taken, stop flirting with me'. And this will hopefully answer your bonus question.
At the beginning of book 3, one of my characters ends up happily in a 'friends with benefits' sort of arrangement, but because he's not seen with his partner that often, he's still getting proposals from various people. Thankfully, saving the world becomes a higher priority than deciding whether they want to get married to prove a point or not. As for what happens after the world is saved...
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minarcana · 1 year
spspspsp 📂 one for each muse :)
laurel - she genuinely, for real, 100% does not comprehend the eorzean general view of sex and gender being in any way linked and gender-exclusive words. shed say like 'i want to be a husband/father' bc in her view, in a couple with children the 'father' is simply whoever didnt bear the child themselves and oftentimes the one who will go out to provide while the 'mother' is whoevers currently babysitting, and laurel doesnt expect to be bearing a kid herself. usually. theres a few exceptions she'll wife herself for. lack of gender and sex linked for her language is mostly because viera have super low male population so theres a lot of lesbianism going on, harold, and gendered loanwords instead just became shorthand for 'whoever is filling that typical role, as borrowed from eorzean culture'.
nero - since he's high rank and decently involved in the eorzea campaign, he was expected to learn some of the regional languages, so he speaks french ishgardian. this is for me a fun fact that since garlemald is based on moscow, in the late tsarist era, french was a highly fashionable language for the elite to learn to the point that noble children were often better at french than russian. im hitting nero with my beams.
urianger - tataru has taught him how to knit. he's not great at it but he does his best. sometimes he's helped her on her outfit-making endeavours-- while he has no outfit design abilities, he can cut and measure as instructed.
estinien - he has weird standards for food, if something's offered to him he'll probably eat it regardless of what it is and not complain. but he also has a lot of opinions on food with decided favourites and if he has money and ability he's much pickier. when he's somewhere new he likes trying things he hasn't before, it's a part of his desire to expand his world.
rusi'a - he's an omnigatherer/omnicrafter but his worst talent is blacksmithing. it's just a bunch of heavy sweaty work that's worse than mining, in his opinion. he doesn't want to make armour, it's such a pain to deal with shaping metal when if he needed armour he could just make reinforced leather gear, bah.
secret bonus muses merlwyb - she views slafyrsyn as a paternal figure after she had to kill her father, but neither he nor she will ever admit that in their lives. on the topic of merl and people in limsa with secret identities, she is also well aware of who carvellain actually is and considers it a diplomatic secret, since he's good for business.
aroro, my tonbebbie - she wants to take the place of levemete at some point because she has a sincere enjoyment of doing paperwork so long as its for helping people. she gives a meaningful stare at the uldah adventurers guild every time she takes a leve. he doesnt know what it means but feels, somehow, threatened.
esugen - he can embroider, and gets a handful of weaving work tossed at him too on top of cooking for the entire dawn throne. he takes less pride in that, though, but at least he's gotten better about not intentionally doing a half-assed job on any of the buduga groups clothing. just some of them that are intentionally annoying. he probably takes care of magnai's clothing too considering all the men are too busy beating the shit out of each other and the unwed women generally avoid magnai so it leaves esugen to deal with him.
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erigold13261 · 1 year
So after reading your response to my idea and I thought about it a bit more and here's what I came up:
Garden of Thorns would definitely help out with dealing with Yinu if they're fighting alongside bands like Ex-Jay, your oc band, etc.
Instead of actually fighting Yinu and her mother get therapy to work out their problems since Sylvie works as a family therapist whenever she's not playing her keytar. So cue Sylvie working with Yinu and her mother to help understand each other and also give advice while the rest of the band fixes up Yinu's piano and restore it to it's former glory. After they're finished the band dips and splits off to help some of the other bands fight the other Megastars such as 1010, Eve, and Tatiana.
If Garden of Thorns were to fight Sayu then it would pretty much be the same thing with Sylvie giving therapy to the Sayu Crew, and Percy being also a trans man giving advice to Remi that he will always have the support of his friends and other trans people in the community. Since Maxie is the manager and the father figure of the band, he could take Dodo especially under his wing and treat him like he was his own son, and also adopt him and the rest of the Sayu crew. Maxie could remove Dodo's cybernetics if Dodo wanted him to since Maxie also used to work as a engineer for cybernetics so he understands how they work and the safest way to remove them without causing any injury. Bonus if he defends the Sayu crew from their parents if they try anything and gives them the look that makes one feel ashamed if they did something wrong.
Also if any of the other bands need help fighting 1010, Eve, or Tatiana then some of the Garden of Thorns members could accompany them and provide backup. For example Maxie and Sodapop have experience working with machines and could help Ex-Jay take down 1010 and neutralize them since Maxie has a metal right arm that's pretty hefty in fighting against 1010, and he could use it to destroy them completely but Maxie doesn't do violence and spares 1010 after he does a bit of damage to them, and could also help Neon J repair them after the fight. Sodapop on the other hand has an arsenal of instruments that she plays asides from her bass guitar, so if needed she could switch to a giant cello, a flute, or even a kazoo to help fight 1010. Sylvie also shows up after the fight and gives therapy to Neon J and the 1010 bots because at this point no one can outrun a keytarist playing therapist-
Percy and Singel help DK West fight against Eve with Percy providing some very emotional vocals to throw Eve off while Singel's very flexible arms and legs could stretch out and neutralize Eve by wrapping around her. She does let go of Eve once she starts to calm down and Sylvie comes once again and gives Eve the therapy she needs. Bonus if Sylvie also helps DK West and Zuke reconcile with each other and helps them talk things out.
Finally Olive helps whoever is fighting Tatiana and provides her healing powers to those who get injured during the fight. Although this puts Tatiana at a bit of an unfair disadvantage since the ones she's fighting against is literally getting healed by Olive every time she lands a hit on them so I don't know if she'll keep fighting the ones attacking her or try to go after Olive since she's the one healing the ones attacking of their injuries during the battle. After the fight is over though Olive heals Tatiana of her injuries and Sylvie comes once again to provide free therapy to Tatiana and help work out her problems.
Idk what Artemis would be doing the whole time but she would probably find Kliff and ask for his help since he has intel on the NSR Megastars and Tatiana to which she could rely that information to the musicians fighting in the Re-Revolution.
Sorry if this was a bit lengthy I may have gotten a bit carried away in writing all this- I hope you like this idea I expanded on :3
Oh I love all of this so much! And don't apologize for showing me your ideas! It means a lot that I my own AU is able to make you think of all these cool things!
Also read more since both ask and my thoughts make this WAY too long lol
I can see Garden of Thorns fighting with Yinu and Mama at first until Yinu starts freaking out and yelling at Mama, letting out all her anger and frustration. Unlike at the end of the OG fight where Yinu plays rapidly, this would lead to a moment of peace for Garden of Thorns to figure out what to do.
But only a moment before Mama takes over Yinu's position saying this is for her own good and either playing the piano herself to attack Garden of Thorns, or playing a harp that was close by (probably the harp). Either way it would now be Mama vs Garden of Thorns. Though I can see Yinu escaping from Mama's grasp or from wherever she was put and working with Sylvie by playing her keytar against her own mother while Sylvie helps the two talk it out. This would allow the healing process to start and the two to stop fighting, both each other and Garden of Thorns.
I still don't like the idea of Yinu's piano getting fixed because, unless it is the music magic, the piano will never be exactly the same. Which would only make Yinu hate playing a "fake" in her eyes. But having a therapist help break down the walls between Yinu and Mama so that they can move into the healing phase will be enough for their part of the story to end.
And OMG the Sayu part sounds amazing! I can see Sayu having extra security like anti-virus protection that is used to fight Garden of Thorns so that Sayu herself is not the one being violent (and possibly get the public to hate her) but it is such a frustrating scenario that Tila lets slip some insecurities (or the voice of the other crew members bleeds into Tila's mic) which is how Garden of Thorns realizes something much deeper is going on with these teens.
They would still need to fully fight and disable Sayu, but once that happens then Garden of Thorns would do the thing May and Zuke did and end up in front of the Crew in person. At this point the public can't see anything else going on. This allows Garden of Thorns to have a more heartfelt moment with the Crew.
I can see at first the Crew tries to physically fight the band, but they are teens who never fought a day in their lives except in video games, so they are quickly restrained and told to knock it off (in a nice way) only for them to all freak out and start babbling and crying about being fired and how their families will treat them after this second defeat.
They are scared and just end up saying way too much, more than they should, which ends up bringing up Dodo's medical history, Remi's transness, some issues with Tila and Sofa's families. Allowing for Garden of Thorns to go with your route of supporting the Crew and helping them either fix their family connections or help them get emancipated from their families.
I don't think Dodo can have his cybernetics fully removed, because (at least in the way I see cybernetics) the cybernetic is a replacement for whatever it is being used for, not just a thing added on. So Dodo literally wouldn't be able to survive if it was just removed, but I can see Dodo getting support and no longer being forced to talk allowing his anxiety to lessen a bit. He would probably use a text to speech app at first but then later learn how to sign along with the rest of the Crew.
I DOUBT Ex-Jay would need help fighting 1010, if anything 1010 would need Garden of Thorns to stop Ex-Jay from going too far. Ex-Jay, especially Cyril, would be blinded by hate and going all out to try and destroy 1010, who can't even PROPERLY fight back anymore because of the removal of their weapons. It would be more Neon and security bots fighting on behalf of 1010 (security bots are not as hated because it is literally their job to be security, so they are not AI and the people are assured their code is standardize and visual for any coder to look through).
If one of 1010 gets destroyed, or at least badly injured enough, I see the truth about Purple coming out somehow. The truth about why 1010 lost a member, which before the public was always told it was either too expensive or done because of low views for Purple. But now, with the help of Garden of Thorns stopping Ex-Jay to listen, Neon or one of 1010 explains what truly happened, showing that 1010 is sentient and regretful of their actions and all they want to do is quit NSR but can't.
I don't know if this would change public opinions on robots, but it would boost the hate for NSR/Tatiana along with make Ex-Jay finally at peace with 1010 (maybe also even with B2J and West who see how much 1010 was pushed into a corner over the years).
The therapy from Sylvie along with mechanical help from Maxie and Sodapop would be a very helpful thing for both Neon and 1010 in the end. Since Neon is the ONLY one he allows to work on 1010 since he doesn't trust NSR, but getting enough help from Sylvie would allow him to trust Maxie and Sodapop enough for them to help upgrade 1010 and possibly fix his own cybernetics that have been deteriorating over time from lack of maintenance.
I don't think Eve would calm down when being held, she would freak out more and her powers would become more destructive and unstable, especially if West and Percy have thrown her off. There would be no rhythm to her music, no patterns to help fight against her. It is just an amalgamation of horrors and fears, insecurities and hate spilling out, with moments of sadness and a want to belong with someone flickering here and there.
I don't see Sylvie being able to reach out to Eve, but I do see Sylvie having the idea of bringing Zuke into the fight. West and Garden of Thorns protect Zuke from any attacks that Eve might throw at him (which she does unintentionally). And those two finally have their talk with each other that they needed.
It is different from in game, but similar enough that it gets the same message across to Eve. Allowing her to finally break down and stop trying to actively hurt people around her. From here, I can see her getting help from Sylvie, or at least getting a recommended therapist from her.
With West and Zuke, I do think they already reconciled before the second Revolution was even getting started. But if they hadn't, I can see West about to take Ex-Jay to 1010, but before going Zuke is having second thoughts causing a fight between Zuke and West (along with Ex-Jay) which Sylvie helps the two talk it out. Zuke's fears of losing friends and families to 1010 and West's anger at himself for not being there for Zuke come out. Ex-Jay end up going alone to fight 1010 (at least the start of the battle which goes as planned above) while Sylvie helps Zuke and West reconcile fully and finally.
Oh you KNOW Tatiana would immediately go after Olive if she figured out Olive was healing the others. Tatiana is not like gamers who see a healer and ignores them. No, she will cut that lifeline out as quickly as she can. I don't know if Olive or the others will be prepared enough to actually fight back or protect Olive, especially with how quick and strong Tatiana is.
I do see Garden of Thorn not actually being able to fully defeat Tatiana by themselves. Which is where Artemis and Kliff probably come in. Also, if Sylvie met Kliff beforehand, I feel like she could sense/use her therapist skills to see that Kliff was/is up to something. She might be able to get the Kul Fyra thing out of Kliff and how he feels before the fight, which would be better as he wouldn't make the fight about him and Tatiana, but if she can't then I kinda see Kliff trying to take the spotlight off of Rock/the Re-revolution and putting it onto his and Tatiana's past relationship.
Honestly, I also like the idea of past Gooling members coming back to talk with Tatiana. So Kliff and Artemis could have been doing that. Tracking the old members down and would bring them in at the end of the fight (along with B2J so those two could get closure) and making all these people talk to each other.
Tatiana might reconsider her actions, seeing her old bandmates along with just how hurt B2J really are and what she just did to Garden of Thorns. Not to mention hearing her other artists talk with Sylvie (she probably has a way to have heard what happened with the Sayu Crew), she would come to the realization that her forced order and hate of rock is only going to destroy the city, not help it.
She'd need more time to figure things out. Taking a temporary leave of absence for maybe a month or two while Mystery Man takes her position for a bit. The city starts to make changes and improvements. Getting more charters, allowing more genres to be played, creating healthy work environments. Tatiana would get help, either through Sylvie or another kind of therapist, and in the end things would be okay.
Not amazing like they are in the OG universe, but better than what they were before. There would still be lots of trauma and consequences that would have to be dealt with, but at least now there is a starting point.
Also, it's funny how DJ was not mentioned lol. I guess they must have finally got fired XD
Lol, but no. I get why you didn't mention him. I don't have much ideas for DJ because I just don't see him putting up anymore of a fight than he would have to. So my OC band was probably the one to take him down fairly easy. Heck I could see DJ just getting so mad at all of this happening again, and his head getting attacked/damaged some more, that he just literally swats my OC band away physically and quits.
DJ is so sick of everything. Sick of dealing with stupid people and their stupid ideas that he knows won't work but no one will listen to him so why even bother trying to even reason with all these lowly people around him!?
Also you know, I just realized that the satellite is still around because of this AU lol. So DJ already had his goal reached and so he probably doesn't have much plans afterward. Makes me think of that Plankton "I don't know, I didn't think I'd get this far" meme. Like he is trying to find a new way to be fulfilled, which is probably why he started talking to Neon, along with the fact that he knows what it is like to have people be mean just because of what they are (DJ being half space creature thing, Neon being a cyborg, and 1010 being robots have all had similar experiences with assholes).
So hearing Neon talk about quitting all the time would start to sound really good to DJ, who finally just ups and does it during this fight. I doubt Tatiana at the moment would care about him quitting against the terms in his contract. She was looking for an excuse to fire him because of his attitude and declining quality of music. So him quitting (before all the other stuff in the Re-revolution happens) is something Tatiana just lets happen, and she voids his contract.
Now DJ can work full time on Neon's contract to try and get him and 1010 out of NSR, since Tatiana sees them as more important she won't just let Neon and 1010 leave like DJ. At least she wouldn't have if the the Re-Revolution failed/never happened. Afterwards, hearing everything from all the Megastars and also getting push back from robotic sympathizers, Tatiana would allow Neon and 1010 to freely leave NSR (which they take in a heartbeat).
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lemonade-juley · 1 year
4, 7, 12, 18, 23, 35, 41, 48 and 50 for Anya and Erin?
Oh boy that's a lot this is gonna be a very long post
4- who initiates affection? Why does the other not initiate affection as much?
Anya initiates usually! She's very affectionate when she's comfortable enough to do so, usually with hand holding or hugs. Erin just simply isn't as outwardly affectionate, but she's usually happy to accept it.
7- how often do they say I love you?
Not super frequently around other people but they usually say it to each other when going to sleep for the night, so I guess frequently enough
12- do they have a difficult time when separated from each other, or are they fairly independent?
Both are fairly independent. Anya does just start to miss Erin when they're not together (granted that's not unique to their romance Anya starts to miss her friends a lot in general with extended time away), but otherwise both manage very well separate from one another.
18- how do they care for each other when one of them is wounded/sick?
Anya would very much just try her damnedest to help Erin get better, like figuring out medicine, first aid, or whatever. Though in the case if Erin somehow got actually injured Anya might be crying a little doing so.
Erin would also try to help Anya get better, but where Anya will constantly try and help and probably wear herself out, Erin does what's in her ability to help then just stays close to Anya to give her some comfort (well, with sickness maybe not directly next to her she'd probably want to avoid getting sick herself, but obviously the chances of Anya getting sick are incredibly slim or short lived).
23- what are the defining characteristics of their relationship?
Trust, communication, and comfort!
Anya needed that full, unwavering trust of Erin to even be willing to address her growing crush and feelings for her, thanks to her awful previous experiences with romance. And Erin of course being Demi-romantic needed that close bond for those romantic feelings to even come up in the first place. They trust one another fully, and have found ways to communicate each other's needs even through Anya's existing issues with communication. And the two just give so much comfort to one another, a feeling of safety and comfort.
35- is their relationship a secret? If so, why?
I'd say it is at first, mostly just because the two don't really want anyone bothering them about it when they have more serious things to think about. But they'd be fine being more openly in a relationship when things have calmed down more. Granted Erin's more reserved nature and Anya's more general shyness can sometimes make it look like they're not in a relationship at all.
41- what would they do if they lost the other?
I'm under the assumption this is meaning either dying or otherwise being permanently lost.
Anya would probably spiral into her already existing depression to losing someone she loved so much, and more importantly, failing yet again to being able to keep someone she loves safe, as she already has failed before. It would probably destroy her even more then the other times she's failed though, and may even cause her to give up if she's not given enough reason to stop dwelling on it.
Erin would probably just be so angry after feeling the grief of losing her. She'd likely direct her rage at revenge at whoever hurt someone she cared about, bonus points if it was somehow say, Vitus who did it. Erin probably wouldn't actively spiral into giving up like Anya might, but she'd probably get way more reckless (and tbf she'd probably have this sort of reaction to the other people in her life she cares a lot about)
48- do they talk about their future together? Why or why not?
Normally I don't think they would. There's so much uncertainties regarding their situation with Team Xen, Clear and Kieran, and Vitus and Angie that trying to think about what will happen if they succeed isn't super productive in the moment.
But, given my HC that Erin might have some issues with abandonment thanks to a lot of issues (especially with her, Alice, and Allen being yeeted into the unown dimension the second Erin showed a hint of being a problem to Vitus, and much much later with Souta just kinda fucking off without a word to her about it), I think she might end up asking Anya about what she'd do if they succeeded. Mostly brought up due to Melia saying how she thinks everyone will simply just go their own ways after they've won, Erin is, deep down, worried that Anya might just leave once she's done with her role as the Interceptor (uh ohs, mirroring Anya's own worries that she'd be discarded like a tool after everything is said and done too). Of course Anya just... Doesn't know what she's gonna do. She feels like really the only skill she has is battling, but while she does enjoy battling a lot, she's unsure if she'd be able to do anything of worth with those skills (she doesn't think she'd be capable enough to be an acting champion, despite the fact that she's probably more then capable of it). But Anya does end up leaving it at "whatever it is she does, she wants to be by Erin's side" which just really eases those worries Erin has.
50- would they ever break up?
Short answer not likely, not in any major way since Anya's personality and mindset kinda makes it where she simply couldn't ever end up going down the Renegade route.
But it is possible they might if Anya ends up wallowing in her depression and ends up a worse person of it, but again with that support system she has of friends it's unlikely to get so dire.
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