#bora vocal
oblolongue · 2 years
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Book review #2 : La Horde du Contrevent
Une très bonne vidéo qui m'a donné envie de lire ce livre : [La Horde du Contrevent : L'oeuvre immanquable de la SF française !] de la Brigade du livre. Il y a souvent un avant et un après La Horde.
La Horde du Contrevent, c'est :
un récit polyphonique qui commence à la 700e page et se termine au bout de la quête à la page 001 ;
la langue française explosée par le vent qui souffle en continu sur la Bande de Contre jusqu'à l'Extrême-Amont, en passant par un duel de palindromes et autres exercices de style ;
un départ in medias res qui te demande de t'accrocher dans le furvent avec les 23 hordiers formant la 34e Horde.
La Horde du Contrevent c'est aussi :
une bande son originale de Arno Alyvan (mon pref Pluie)
une adaptation en BD par Eric Henninot (masterclass)
une lecture théâtralisée par la compagnie Erno
un essai qui analyse le roman par Antoine St. Epondyle
une video Nexus VI (bien-sûr que j'allais le mentionner)
Plus de contenu lié à la Horde du Contrevent ou à Alain Damasio ?
Plus haut je mentionnais Bora Vocal, un morceau de Rone avec un enregistrement d'Alain Damasio pendant l'écriture du roman. Performance live ici (avec Damasio en live pour un texte différent)
3 épisodes du podcast Bookmakers d'Arte Radio (un régal)
une très bonne vidéo sur la fantasy et le worldbuilding prenant la Horde du contrevent comme exemple d'analyse [Alchimie d'un roman]
[La Horde du Contrevent, Alain Damasio, aux éditions La Volte depuis 2004 et en Folio SF]
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vocalsynthbdays · 1 year
happy birthday to choi bora/ vora(vocalina) and matsudappoiyo(utau) !!!! [mar 20]
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choi bora
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matsudappoiyo and choi bora !!!!! 
 matsudappoiyo was first released in 2010. in 2014 his vb download was taken down, in late Dec 2016 it was put back up, in early Jan 2017 it was taken down, on his 9th anniversary (mar 20 2019) it was back up, along with his "light" vb. matsudappoiyo is 18yos and 167cm tall. he is illustrated and voiced by matsuda toki. matsudappoiyos name literally means "he is like matsuda". his given name is matsuda souta apparently ?? 
 choi bora (also known as vora) is a Korean singer made for the, now defunct, vocalina software. it operated from oct 2011 to Oct 2018 and only ever had 2 singers. vora is 17yos and 160cm tall 
what the fuck was up with matsudappoiyos vbs being taken down and put back up all the time. also i THINK they're available for download atm ?? don't hold me to that though 
also fuck I struggled to find things to write about for vora </3
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hyeizwon · 11 months
still catching up w queendom puzzle and i’m convinced rocket punch must of been brawling the other groups backstage at music shows bc why ELSE is everyone so disrespectful to their talents
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ibonoco · 7 months
My home island
Rone – Bora vocal (2009) “Aujourd’hui, pas de texte, pas de poème, pas de citation mais juste un morceau d’électro – qui d’ailleurs n’est pas vraiment récent parce qu’il date déjà de 2009 – , mais quel morceau ! pour celui ou celle qui aime ce genre de musique.” Erwan Castex, dit Rone, né en 1980, in Bora, Spanish Breakfast, 2009, est un compositeur français de musique électro. Rone – Bora…
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rvsirene · 1 year
I’m so excited to see Kei’s performance on queendom puzzle next week i wish I didn’t have to wait TT
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berryhobii · 1 year
Reconnect (myg x reader)
Pairing: Idol!Min Yoongi x black!wedding designer!female! Reader
Word Count: 6K+
Warnings: fluff, established relationship, mentions of secret relationship, mentions of a wedding(but not Yoongi and the reader’s), reader and Yoongi are engaged, Smut(18+ but I don’t control what you consume), unprotected sex(please speak to your partners before engaging in this), vaginal sex, squirting, creampies, riding, doggy style, mating press/missionary, oral(f receiving), soft dom Yoongi(he’s super soft and vocal but also goes kind of rough😊), rough sex, multiple orgasms(f and m receiving), brief aftercare and mentions of amazing aftercare, reader has goddess locs(color and length not specified), reader also has that Wendy’s Strawberry Lemonade kitty, reader also also has nipple piercings, reader got a fat ass because who doesn’t appreciate a nice booty?
A/N: Hi! This is my second time uploading something. I’ve had this story in my drafts for a while. I had been writing it using she/her pronouns so I’ve been spending the past few days to change those to you/yours. If I missed any, I’m sorry but please let me know so I can make the story more cohesive. Reader is black but their skin color isn’t really described but I believe I referred to their nipples being dark so that’s it. My next post with either be a GreekMythology!Jimin or a Gamer!Jungkook. The Jimin story is actually really long so I think I’ll turn it into a small series but I’ll post the 1st chapter sometime next week. Thanks again for reading! Criticism is greatly accepted and I hope my black and melanated girlies feel good reading this! Have a good day.
“I’m sorry, baby. I know I said we’d have dinner but we have to do some last minute recording.”
You tried not to sound disappointed when you replied. “That’s okay. I understand.” And you truly did. You knew how important his job was and that it would be a priority of his.
You just wished that it didn’t take so much of his time. You understood that his music was his life and that it was his dream career. All of his hard work had led up to being able to do what he does now; to make music and inspire the millions of fans that listened. You were so proud of him. Seeing him live his dream filled you with a different kind of pride and emotion. He was happy and that’s all you ever wanted for him.
Still, you missed him. You two had barely spent any time together the past month while he’s been preparing for their new album. He’d come home long after you’d fallen asleep and he’d sleep into the afternoon, just to rise and immediately get ready to go again. You couldn’t even have breakfast together like you used to. You could barely even start a conversation before he was cutting you off with a kiss and rushing out of the door.
While you had your own career of designing wedding dresses, you still had so much free time on your hands. You had already designed your newest collection and it was currently in production to be created. You’ve even made multiple visits to a few stores and they were running amazingly. There was only so long you could bury yourself in work before your heart began yearning for Yoongi’s companionship.
“I promise when this is finished, we’ll go on a trip. Just you and me.”
That made you smile. You and Yoongi have traveled a lot together over the years; Bora Bora, Italy, The Maldives—and each experience had been just as memorable and romantic as the last. He proposed to you in Italy at the Orange Gardens. It was such a magical moment. Just thinking about it made you want to cry. The entire trip was just absolutely perfect; from taking a gondola ride on the gorgeous waters to the 5 Star hotel they stayed in for 3 days and 2 nights, all the way to the candlelit dinner where he got down on one knee. You remember it fondly.
While the promise of a trip together didn’t fix your loneliness now, it gave you something to look forward to.
You couldn’t fight the smile in your voice. “Okay.” Your eyes went over to the stove where dinner was cooking. You had just finished searing some steaks that were finishing up in the oven. There was no point of putting them away for him to eat later. They wouldn’t be as flavorful or tender.
“Hey, is it okay if I bring you some dinner? I know you haven’t eaten yet.” Your tone shifted to one of slight teasing but you knew you were right. His pause of silence was proof enough.
“You don’t have to do that, baby.”
“I want to though. I made steak and I’ll feel better knowing you’ve eaten. I won’t stay long or distract you.” Just knowing he had a home cooked meal would make you happy. You would nag him constantly about drinking too much coffee and eating take out. It came from a place of love, however and Yoongi never minded. He loved having someone so attentive to his health when he’d blatantly ignore it. It showed you cared. Also, he secretly loved being babied by you. He’d never admit it out loud or to his friends but you knew. There was nothing better than coming home, a bath prepared for him to soothe his sore muscles, a meal on the table, and cuddling into your soft breasts while your rubbed his back—always being careful with his shoulder.
Your already nurturing nature and tendency to baby Yoongi increased tenfold once he got surgery. You barely let him leave the bed, even following him to the bathroom to make sure he didn’t hurt himself. A little bit stifling but he was so grateful to you. You always took care of him.
“Then that sounds great. I’ll leave my door open for you. I love you, baby.”
“I love you too. See you soon.”
With a giddy pep in your step, you finished cooking dinner, packaging it nicely in cute Tupperware before putting it in a bag. You had already showered and your clothes were fine but you wondered if you should put on something different. While Yoongi thought you looked good in anything, you still liked to look pretty for him; wearing dresses and heels whenever you went out, keeping your nails and toes done, and making appointments to get waxed every month. Self care was important to you. It not only made you feel good about yourself but it was also something you just liked to do for your husband.
Deciding to change your clothes, you slipped on a t shirt maxi dress that hugged and showed off all of your curves, along with some short open toed shoes to show off your freshly painted white toes. It was simple but still dressy and feminine, just your style.
Checking your hair once more in the mirror and smearing on some lip gloss, you grabbed the bag of food and your keys before exiting your home.
HYBE Studios was a pretty moderate drive from your apartment. The reason for that is to keep crazy fans from ever finding it. Once the company realized other idols were having their homes broken into, there was a decision to move all of the boys about 30 minutes from the company in a luxury gated neighborhood. You had to admit, you missed your old apartment you shared with Yoongi since that was their first place together but you also couldn’t complain about the walk in closet and the jacuzzi bathtub.
You greeted the security guard in front of the car garage, him lifting the block to the garage. After parking close to the company cars that were often used to transport the boys during RunBTS, you exited your car and made your way through the side door to the lobby.
You nodded at the secretary, everyone already knowing who you were and letting you pass with no issue.
Yoongi’s studio was on the 8th floor at the end of the hall. Namjoon’s was just a short distance away as well.
Once you reached his door, you entered the pin code on the keypad. Besides a few staff members and the boys, you were one of the few with the password to his studio. He just preferred silence and no disruptions so the code was only used during emergencies or whenever you or the boys came to visit. There was also a group chat for everyone with his code, adorably named ‘The Plastics’, courtesy of Taehyung. If they ever needed to come to his studio, they’d send a text beforehand so he’d know to expect them.
The beep sounded and you opened the door, smiling at the sight of your husband who was cutely leaned over on his right palm as his eyes scanned the production screen for his music. You didn’t get most of it but you always found it adorable when he’d try to explain. He’d get so invested in telling you how reverb and delay could either make or break a song that he’d never see how endearingly you’d stare at him. And he’d always get surprised when you’d lunge to bite his cheek.
“You are just too adorable! I have to bite you!”
His headphones were around his neck so he turned at the sound of his door opened, a smile immediately rising to his face at the sight of you. He removed his headphones, standing to greet you.
You could barely put the food down before his hands were around you waist, pulling you in for a hug. You wrapped your arms around his neck, cuddling into his body as you inhaled his cologne and the gentle scent of his favorite body wash.
He pulled away a little to press a few pecks to your forehead. “Hi baby.” His deep, slightly tired voice sent shivers down you spine. It was almost like his regular voice was just his morning voice constantly and out of all of the little things you loved about him, his voice was towards the top of your list—right after his newly grown out hair, his hands, and that little habit of him slurping whenever he’d explain things.
You inhaled a deep breath, basking in the affection. “Hi.”
You two just held each other for a moment, locked in an embrace and not wanting to let go. This was your special kind of intimacy, just not speaking or moving, simply holding one another.
Yoongi considered himself a pretty private person. A little ironic considering he was a world famous idol who’s whole job was being put in the spotlight. However, when it came to his personal relationships, he did his best to keep that as private as possible. Just imagine the uproar when people found out he was engaged. You had been hidden from the public eye for 3 straight years before you got engaged. How? One part extreme luck, the other part moving quietly. Your relationship started off with you meeting for the first time at a staff member’s wedding. You had designed her dress and she was so amazed and in love with how you created her dream dress that she insisted you come to her wedding. Always happy to see people overjoyed with your work and excited to see your design in action, of course you agreed. Coincidentally, you were sat pretty close to the table the boys were at. When you recognized them, you softly smiled and introduced yourself, expressing how you were a fan and how many women said they were using BTS songs as their wedding songs. Yoongi was drawn in instantly, your gentle voice and sparkling eyes as you talked about your clients drew him in. He could tell you were passionate about your career, just like he was.
After exchanging numbers while the bride and groom were cutting the cake, you two mainly texted and called each other in your free time. It took about 4 months for you to go on their first date since Yoongi had to go to America for promotions. He thought you’d lose interest since he traveled and couldn’t take you on a proper date but you never minded. You liked talking to Yoongi and found yourself developing feelings for him. He was trying and effort was one of your biggest green flags for a partner. A little distance wasn’t that big of a deal to you. Of course, you wanted to be able to be close to him and hold his hand and maybe even kiss but you knew what you were signing up for when you started talking.
Once Yoongi went on break, he started dedicating a lot of time to you; dates, inviting you to his place for dinner and wine, and learning more about you. He didn’t think you would get along so well. Talking on the phone was vastly different than being in each other’s physical presence but you had melded together like the pieces of a puzzle. You were so gentle and compassionate, always looking after him and giving him affection he hasn’t gotten in years. You were perfect for him and vice versa.
Your eyes slowly blinked up at him, just taking in his handsome features. You could spot the bags under his eyes, feeling a little sad that he was running himself ragged.
“You look tired. Have you slept since his morning?”
He hummed. “I took a little nap around lunch. The new couch came in.” You turned a little to look at the new addition to his studio. Before, he just had a small leather couch, moreso for decoration than comfort. Once he got a bigger studio, he upgraded his furniture but kept that couch. After some prodding from you, he ordered a new and more comfortable couch—one that could become a pull out bed for those overnights at the studio.
“It looks great.” It was a dark grey color, wide and stretched enough to fully support 2 people if you wanted to spoon on it.
“Yeah. I just didn’t think it would take that long to get it in the door. Namjoon almost knocked over my synthesizer.” He said that with a shake of his head. You giggled, imagining the tall and clumsy man scrambling to pick up the keyboard.
“I can only imagine. I brought food. You should eat it before it gets cold. I should go.” You tried pulling away from him only for him to tighten his grip on your waist. You let out an “oof” as your face met the hard planes of his chest. All that physical therapy and time in the gym had really bulked him up. While you loved his body regardless, you definitely weren’t complaining about the extra muscle. He was filling out this black shirt just fine.
He nuzzled his nose in your neck, inhaling your favorite perfume that you’ve worn since he met your. It was one of his favorite scents. His hands rubbed up and down your back, feeling all over the material of your dress.
“No, stay. Eat with me.”
Yoongi could be very affectionate and straightforward when he wanted to be, normally when you were alone. He’d never show this side in public. Not because he was ashamed of his love for your, far from that. He just preferred to keep their intimate moments private. Maybe a little kiss here and there and some hand holding but moments like this were for you only.
Your manicured fingers went to his nape, scratching at the hair there. “I don’t want to distract you.”
“You’re not.” He pulled back to look you in eyes. “I want you to eat with me. I feel bad we couldn’t have dinner at home.” And he did. He knew his job demanded a lot of his time and attention and even if you understood that, it didn’t stop him from feeling guilty about leaving you alone all the time. He knew you could entertain yourself and had your own life outside of him but he still felt bad not being able to spend as much time with you as he wanted. He missed you just as much. While he loved his job, nothing beat coming home to your warmth and affection. To be honest, he was getting a little touch starved.
He led you over to the couch, waiting for your to sit before going to the mini fridge in his studio.
“Do you want juice?” He asked as he pulled out a couple of drinks. He always kept some of your favorites in his mini fridge just in case. You didn’t drink caffeine or really any alcohol, water and juices were your favorites.
You nodded your head, beginning to take out the Tupperware containers. They were still nice and hot. He placed a juice down on the table, along with an energy drink. You frowned at that, leaning forward to pick it up.
“You need to drink water. Don’t think I haven’t noticed those coffee cups on your desk.”
He rolled his eyes and sighed but couldn’t hide his smile. You were too good to him. Sometimes he felt like he didn’t deserve you. Taking the energy drink from you, he went back to the fridge to grab a water instead.
Ignoring the smug smile on your face, he sat next to you, waiting for you to open all of the containers. The smell was delicious, making his stomach growl.
Your handed him some chopsticks and a few napkins before sliding the steak over to him. “Here. Try it.”
You ate in silence, him using his chopsticks to place some pieces of steak and vegetables in your bowl. You smiled, the cute ways Yoongi showed he cared always making your heart warm. Fans knew he was more subtle in showing he cared and that wasn’t any different than him in private. You had to learn that his love language was acts of service but in a more quiet way.
After you finished eating, he helped clean up the containers, giving you some wipes to clean your hands and the table.
He let out of a groan as he sat back down on the couch, belly full and fully ready for a nap. But he knew he had to get back to work and that meant you had to leave.
“Thanks, baby. It was delicious.” His hand came to rest on your thigh, rubbing the soft skin. You hummed, placing your hand on top of his.
“Of course. I’m happy you liked it.” You both rested for a moment before you began moving. “I should go. You have work to do.”
You barely made it to your feet before he was tugging you back down on his lap. A surprised yelp came from your lips at the sudden movement, ass meeting his thighs when you landed. He situated you so that you straddled his hips, his hands immediately going to your ass.
“Baby….” You pouted, feeling a little shy all of a sudden. You were normally the one who initiated physical affection so for Yoongi to do it so roughly surprised you. You weren’t complaining, however. The way his eyes were hooded over and how he looked up at you with that dark endearment made your belly tingle. You knew where this was going.
“Stay.” His left hand pressed your body down so your chest squished against his. “You come here in this dress and my favorite shoes…”
You adjusted yourself to wrap your arms around his neck. “I hardly wear these.”
He shrugged. “I love anything you wear. You look so sexy.” His hand traveled up your dress, moving it up your ass so he could grope full handfuls of the fat. While Yoongi appreciated all parts of your body, your ass was his favorite. Genetics, exercise and a little bit of happy weight had all accumulated into jiggly ass he loved to squeeze and slap. When you met, you were pretty thin but in shape nonetheless. Fans speculated that you gained ‘happy relationship weight’ since Yoongi treats you right. Whatever the reason, he thanks the higher power every day for it.
You could feel the heat beginning to spark between you, along with Yoongi’s growing boner pressing against your panties. Now that you thought about it, it’s been a little while since you’ve been intimate. You and Yoongi have barely had any time for quickies, let alone a full session of sex. And you two could go for hours if you wanted. On the day of your engagement, you barely left the hotel room because you couldn’t keep your hands off him. How could you? He was your fiancé. Mmm, that word just got you hot and bothered.
Your hands ran up his neck and into his hair, scratching at his scalp. The low hum of contentment that came from him spurred you on. You brought your faces closer together, lips hovering before you trapped him in a kiss. He hummed again, lifting his head to kiss you deeper, hands still squeezing at your ass.
Your kiss grew more heady, both of your hands massaging each other and trying to stroke any piece of skin you could. Yoongi began pushing against you to make your roll your hips against him. His cock could probably cut glass from how hard he was. You always got him excited with barely doing anything. To be honest, he started getting hard the moment you entered the room. Just your presence got him feeling almost immediately horny.
And it was the same for you. Your cunt had began getting wet the moment Yoongi turned around in his chair. He just looked so comfortable and effortlessly sexy and the way his muscles strained against that shirt made your imagination run wild.
You pulled away to inhale a deep breath. “Yoongi….please…”
His lazy smirk sent a rush straight to your already wet pussy. “What do you need, baby? Tell me.”
God he was such a tease but you’d be lying if you said you didn’t absolutely love it.
“I need you.”
That was all he needed before he moved to flip you onto your back. You bounced against the soft couch cushions, barely getting your bearings before he was back on you, pressing his lips to yours.
His large hands traveled up your dress, lifting it over your belly and breasts. He leaned back to get a look, letting out a groan at the absolute beauty under him.
Your chest was heaving from just a little kissing, your goddess locks spread out under you, glossed lips plump and ready for more. You were so gorgeous and he made sure to let you know.
You squirmed under the compliment, feeling giddy and a bit bashful. You always received compliments and the occasional catcall and while you accepted the respectful ones gracefully, none of those ever mattered to you. Yoongi’s praise and compliments put you on cloud 9 and you really believed him.
His hands traveled up your body to your breasts, eyes catching something under your bra. He pulled the annoying piece of fabric down and if he could get any harder, he probably would.
“Fuck. You’re wearing your piercings? Did you come here to try and kill me?” The little diamonds sparkled under the light. He remembers buying the jewelry for your birthday last year. He also remembers sucking the sensitive nipples until you were crying just an hour later.
You giggled, biting your lip. “Of course not.”
His smirk widened. “You little sneak.” His hands went to grope at the soft flesh, a sigh falling from your lips. His thumbs ran lightly over the stiff peaks, pulling more sighs and little squeaks from your lips. Your nipples had gotten so much more sensitive after piercings. Yoongi couldn’t be too rough on them when you first got them, being careful of your healing process. He could barely touch them without you gasping in the slight pain from healing. Of course, he never complained, understanding your pain so he just stopped touching them. He just didn’t think it would test his control so much; seeing you walk around without a shirt sometimes, the already silky and delectable breasts looking more appetizing from the little barbells. Months had passed along with many maintenance appointments before you announced that they could be touched without pain. With the pain gone, your sensitivity skyrocketed and with Yoongi’s skilled tongue beginning their assault, your pleasure had been taken to a new level.
Your fingers tangled in his hair, pulling him closer and his mouth open to lick over your nipple. You let out a moan as his tongue swirled all around your piercing. He switched to the next one, giving it the same treatment.
The heat between your legs was becoming too much, your panties beginning to feel uncomfortable from how they were sticking to you.
“Yoongi….” You whined. His eyes lifted to lock on your flustered face, lips parted as puffs of air came through them, your eyes desperate and pleading for anything. Everything.
Reluctantly pulling away from your nipples, he helped you pull the dress from your body, tossing it somewhere in the room. Neither of you cared.
He kissed from your breasts to your tummy until he reached the apex of your thick thighs. You immediately dropped them open, revealing yourself to him. He groaned at your desperation but also at the sight of your soaked underwear. The thong barely covered anything, the baby blue fabric now dark from your arousal. It was practically leaking from you, the bottom of your ass shining. Kissing over the stretch marks that streaked down the inside of your thighs, he whispered words of praise to you.
“Fuck baby. You’re so fucking wet.” He couldn’t help himself, surging forward to suck on your clit through your panties. A shiver racked your body, your hands coming down to bury in his hair. The friction wasn’t as good with your panties still keeping his tongue from making direct contact with your clit but it was something. And it felt so good.
Your hips jerked against his face, trying to get more. His hands dug into the meat of your thighs, holding them open as his tongue licked at your clit.
More moans fell from your lips, pleasure causing your vision to go blurry. You felt so close already and he’s barely done anything. Blame it on you not having a proper orgasm for weeks. Your hands just didn’t feel the same and Yoongi had thrown out all of your vibrators once you two started having sex.
“You won’t need these anymore. All your orgasms should come from me.”
Now you were remembering why he threw them out in the first place. Only he could rip pleasure and orgasms from your body in seconds, playing your body like a piano.
Your hand came down your body, tapping against his forehead. He pulled away slightly, eyes searching your face for any sign of discomfort. You really only stopped him when you were shaking in overstimulation and he knew you hadn’t even cum yet so why were you stopping him?
When he pulled back, you grabbed onto your panties, pulling them aside to reveal your fat and dripping pussy to him.
How the hell did he get so lucky? Did he save orphans in his past life or something? Not only had he managed to put a ring on a kind, generous, and absolutely amazing person who treated him like a King and opened up the deepest parts of him, he also managed to snag a submissive, slutty, and needy woman who could ride his cock for hours and bend in ways he’s only dreamed of.
There was no way.
Eyes darkening in lust, he dove back in to capture your clit, licking at it more furiously than before. The heat from his mouth made that pressure build in your lower belly, your toes curling from their position in the air. Your loud moans only pushed him further, shoving 2 fingers in your tight heat. Your slick walls gripped his fingers so tightly that he could barely move them.
“Y-Yoongi! I’m gonna-“
He curled his fingers up, pulling away from your clit to lean up close to your face, his breath hitting your cheeks. “You gonna cum? You’re such a good girl.” He pressed some kisses to your open mouth, fingers thrusting in and out of your in a superhuman pace, veins and muscles in his arms shifting and bulging from the exertion.
When your orgasm crashed, you swore all of your senses except touch disappeared. You couldn’t hear and your vision blurred from the tears that had welled in your eyes. But Yoongi didn’t stop.
Your hand flew down to grab at his wrist, back arching as he continued his assault, helping you ride the huge wave.
He pulled his lip between his teeth. You were so sexy.
Once you came down, he slowly pulled his fingers from your, the digits glistening in your release. He sucked them into his mouth, moaning at the taste. He just couldn’t get enough.
Now he wanted more. Standing from the couch, he pulled off his own shirt and pants, taking his briefs with them. His hard cock slapped against his stomach, red at the tip and practically pulsing.
You bit your lip, thighs squeezing together as your pussy throbbed. Fuck you were so wet.
He flopped back on the couch, patting his lap. “Come ride this cock, baby.”
Not needing to be told twice, you crawled over into his lap, taking your bra and ruined panties off on the way.
His hands gripped your ass once you were straddled on his hips. You could feel the heavy weight of his cock pressing on your ass and it filled you with excitement.
Reaching your hand back, you gripped his cock, pumping it a few times. He groaned, head falling back against the couch at your touch.
Delivering a sharp slap to your ass, he growled, “stop teasing.”
His deep and demanding voice sent shivers down your spine. Never one to disobey, you lifted your hips, lining up his cock with your entrance. You rubbed the tip over your opening to gather some of your wetness before you slowly began sinking down on him.
A moan came from both of you as his thick cock began splitting you open. Your walls were squeezing him so tight that he felt like he could cum right there but he refrained. He wasn’t even all the way inside yet.
Your mouth was dropped open as his cock stretched you open, head tossed back and eyes closed as you basked in the feeling. Each ridge and vein was pressing against you in the most delicious way, the slight curve pressing against that spot deep inside of you. You felt like you could cum again just like this.
Once your ass met his thighs, you both let out sighs. Not only from pleasure but from being able to be close like this. This is what you needed; this closeness, this union, this intimacy. Sex was so much more to you than just getting off. It bonded you and brought you closer than ever, love spilling over and intertwining your hearts and souls.
Your arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him in for a sweeter and more sensual kiss.
“I love you…” you whispered against his lips.
“I love you too.”
Your hips began rolling against him, slowly at first to get accumulated to the stretch. He assisted you with one hand on your ass and one on your hip.
Before long, you began raising your hips, falling back down on his lap. The low clapping sounds spurring you on.
Yoongi groaned against your lips. “That’s it, baby. Faster.” With another sharp slap to your ass that made you moan, you bounced faster. Your ass jiggled each time it connected with his thighs and a part of him wished he could see it but the blissed out look on your face was too good to pass up.
Unwrapping your arms from his neck, you leaned back to get that perfect angle, your hands landing on his knees. A squeak fell from you as his tip began bullying your soft spot. Your head fell back, mouth dropped open as that delicious feeling began building in the pit of your stomach.
“Ah! Yoongi! Your cock feels s-so good!” You felt drunk, mind hazy and awareness faded. All you could focus on was the feel of him under you and the way his perfect cock slipped in and out. Your entire body felt like it was on fire, electricity spreading all the way to your fingertips and making your toes curl.
Yoongi couldn’t take his eyes off you. He didn’t even know where to look; your breasts, face, where you were connected? He could see how your arousal was dripping down to wet his pubic hair, a ring of your wetness coating the base of his cock. You were truly was a sight to behold.
That pressure was building faster than you thought. Sliding your hand down your body, your fingers connected with your clit, rubbing the nub in fast circles.
He bit his lip hard enough to draw blood. Your walls clenched and constricted around him, almost suffocating him. His hands rubbed at your nipples, flicking at the piercings. You were seeing stars, the stimulation was too much. His hands roaming you, your own fingers on your clit, and his cock inside of you was all too much.
That pressure…..
“I’m cumming!”
Your hips lifted from his cock, it falling out to slap against his stomach. Your fingers rubbed at your clit until some drips of liquid came out. The motion of your fingers caused the droplets to fly everywhere, some landing on the cushions as well.
Once you were done riding it out, he was flipping you back on the couch, head pressed into the cushions and ass up in the air. He delivered a few slaps to your ass, pulling some moans from your at the sting. Your head was swimming, the sudden movement making you a little dizzy but that dizziness quickly left when Yoongi entered you again.
His cock entered you in one swift motion, hips immediately working to push and pull against you. Your ass clapped back on his hips, the fat jiggling and rippling with every move. His own orgasm was just over the horizon.
“You are so fucking sexy.” Each word was punctuated by a thrust. “You come in here looking this good and then you bounce on my cock until you squirt? Why the fuck have I been spending all my time here when you’re at home?” He was really talking to himself. Only a true idiot would leave a hot piece of ass like this at home all day. And he must really be a true idiot, probably the dumbest man alive. But not anymore.
Your moans were rising in pitch. With this position, you could every inch, every curve, absolutely everything. You could barely breathe, your brain only being able to form utterances of his name and begs of faster and harder.
That feeling in Yoongi began cresting, balls drawing up as his orgasm washed over him. His hands gripped your hips and ass hard enough to bruise but you could care less. He could bruise you up all he wanted.
His orgasm spread from the top of his head to the tips of his toes, shuddering his whole body. “F-fuck….” He breathed out. That was probably the hardest orgasm he’s ever had in his life.
Your own breath began to even out. You thought that was the end but you were suddenly flipped around back on your back. Both of your legs were hiked up over his right shoulder, thighs pressing into your chest in Yoongi’s absolute favorite position.
“You think I’m done with you?” His smirk was teasing and it caused more arousal to drip from you. He reached his hand down to line himself up before pushing into your heat. A gasp came from your throat at the intrusion, your hands coming to grip at the back of his neck.
His hips set a brutal pace, balls wetly slapping against your ass.
“Oh my god! Y-Yoongi!”
It felt like he was in your throat, every thrust hitting you in all the right spots. Your nails scratched at his neck, the slight sting only pushing him harder. He could feel your walls tightening, a tell tale sign of your orgasm. Your breasts bounced with every push, dark nipples looking incredibly enticing.
“Cum, baby. That’s it.”
Your body seized up as your second orgasm full body absorbed you. Your vision spotted white and your ears were ringing.
But not even your orgasm made him stop or slow down. He pushed faster and harder, the squelching noises getting louder as more and more wetness spilled from you.
It was like your orgasm wouldn’t stop. Wave after wave came over you. Every nerve was lit on fire, your mouth dropped but no sound came out. He had taken every word from you.
When he felt you squirt on his cock again, he shoved his full cock inside. Your toes curled so hard that you could feel them crack, legs shaking but he held them tightly. Your hands smacked against his shoulders as the stimulation became too much. You were so full.
“Take it. Take all that cock, baby.”
You had no choice but you didn’t care. You’d give up every choice if it meant he’d fuck you like this.
He rolled his hips against yours a few more times before his own orgasm washed over him. He groaned into your throat, a full body shudder racking his body.
Lifting his head, he connected your lips in a soft kiss, a complete turn from what just went down. You hummed against his lips, hands roaming his soft skin.
He moved your legs from his shoulders, massaging your slightly sore muscles as you kissed. You both let out small moans as he pulled out of your heat, his cum flowing out of you.
Yoongi helped you clean yourself up, giving you a large elastic to tie up your hair. The sweat would definitely make your roots curl back up but that was a problem for another day. You put your dress back on as Yoongi pulled his shirt and pants back on. Your underwear found themselves tucked into his back pocket. A little silly considering he had endless access to you pussy but you guessed it was some man thing.
When Yoongi went back to his computer, leaning over the chair to click at some things, you visibly deflated, mood dampening. Was he really going back to work? You guessed you did just come to drop off food, the sex was a bonus and you did say you would leave afterwards. You just couldn’t help but feel a little sad and used. Yoongi was the king of aftercare, always running you a bath or giving you cuddles as you two calmed down from lovemaking. It’s not like this one moment would make you think Yoongi didn’t care but you did feel a little defeated.
Gathering your things, you were about to approach the door but Yoongi’s voice stopped you.
“Where are you going?”
You didn’t turn to face him, feeling a little embarrassed. “Home. Aren’t you going back to work?”
A snort came from him. “Of course not.”
You gasped when his body pressed against your back, also the feeling of his boner was right on your ass.
“You really think I’m about to work and let you go home so you can wash my cum out of you? I’m fucking you until you can’t walk.”
Maybe you should come to the studio more often.
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bro-atz · 5 months
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word count: 2.5k
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After Seonghwa returned to the group, San was certain that things between him and Gyuri would change. He didn’t think anything bad was going to happen, but he was definitely a bit more nervous sneaking around and hooking up with Gyuri. He kind of considered coming clean with the group and just telling everyone about their relationship, but he didn’t even know what the status of their relationship was. Still, he did his best to show Gyuri how much he cared about their relationship and how much he cared about her without being too overwhelming that it would scare her away.
The sex was still great. Granted, he wasn’t as rough with her as he used to be, which he kind of thought would kill the magic of their hookups, but he found that being a lot more (for lack of better words) romantic than aggressive with her was still quite a turn on. He really did love when she was laying in his arms and breathing peacefully into his chest, her arms wrapped tightly around him. He loved looking at her face and noticing small things about her, like the cute little mole under her eye, the length of her eyelashes, the color of her lips before and after he ravished them, and other new things he would notice with every passing day.
Two weeks after Seonghwa had returned, though, San couldn’t help but feel a little anxious. At that point, Gyuri was spending a lot more time with Seonghwa. He was making a huge effort in trying to get Gyuri’s friendship with him back to before Bora was in the picture, which was good for the sake of the group, but a little jealousy pricked San’s heart. He wanted to hold onto Gyuri and tell Seonghwa to stay away, but that would not end well for anyone involved.
The day of Seonghwa’s two-week anniversary of returning to the group after dumping Bora, San was over at Gyuri’s place. She was lying naked in his arms, her chest rising up and down as her breathing returned to normal. San was rubbing her arm slightly as he hugged her closer gently, only for her to hug him tightly, causing his heart to skip a beat. He should have just laid there peacefully with her, but his brain had more jurisdiction over him than his heart, and he just had to open that big, dumb mouth of his.
“So, Seonghwa’s been trying to spend more time with you lately?” he asked, fully knowing the answer to his question already.
“Yeah, he’s trying really hard to be my best friend again.”
Yep, San already knew that. “How’s that going?”
“It’s okay, I guess… He keeps asking me to study with him, so I’ve been doing that as of lately.”
“Okay, cool,” he responded even though he definitely was not cool with it.
Silence filled the space between them. San brushed back her soft, dark hair from her face and tucked the hair behind her ear. His hand gently held the back of her head as he brought his lips to her forehead, leaving a soft yet resounding kiss. He tried to figure out a way to tell her that she’s his without vocalizing it, so he lowered his hand to her waist and pulled her in closer while his other hand moved to her neck, his fingertips running a line against the nape of her neck. He heard her moan briefly as she nuzzled her nose into his chest.
“You should come study with us,” she said quietly.
Gyuri looked up at him. Her eyebrows furrowed as she pulled herself out of San’s embrace and sat up. She held the duvet up to her chest as she scooted away from him and said, “What do you mean? ‘Why?’”
San sat up as well. He sat back and leaned against the headboard pausing as he came up with a proper response. “I think it should just be the two of you for now.”
“I hate being alone with him—”
“We’re still keeping our relationship quiet, right? If I keep tagging along when it’s just the two of you, it could make us look suspicious.”
“Who would suspect us? You, me, and Seonghwa all used to study together all the time. It’ll just be like Bora never happened.”
San couldn’t say anything. He didn’t want to. He knew that if he said what he really felt that it would upset Gyuri. He remained quiet until Gyuri put a hand on his, her thumb rubbing the top of her hand. God, he loved when she did that. He desperately wanted to grab her hand, kiss it, and then pull her back into him, but now was not the time.
“What is it, San? Tell me,” Gyuri said, her voice wavering slightly.
“…Nothing. It’s nothing.”
San moved his hand away from Gyuri’s while maintaining eye contact with the girl.
“No, I’ve seen you make that face before. You have something to say. Spit it out.”
“Gyu, please—”
“San! Just tell me!”
“I’m still angry with him, okay?” San said so loudly that it sounded like he was yelling at her. He didn’t want to yell at her, but she pushed him too far. He pursed his lips and looked down at his lap. He truly didn’t want to tell her anything because he wanted to get over his anger quietly, so when he snapped, he felt even worse.
“Then it should bother you when I hang out with him,” Gyuri said firmly.
“It does, but I can deal with it,” he assured.
“What do you mean? If you’re angry at him, then me being with him should make you not want him to be near me. You should stay with me when he’s there!”
“I don’t want to be there when you both hang out. I don’t want to hear him say or do something that will upset you, and I think if I’m not there, then it won’t happen.”
“What the fuck? San, this isn’t Schrödinger’s cat. He can still upset me one way or another regardless if you’re there or not, and if he does, then you should be there to comfort me or confront him.”
Sighing deeply, San rubbed his face and pinched the bridge of his nose. “Hold on, this isn’t coming out the way I want it to.”
The two sat silently as he tried to word out his thoughts and find a way to tell her how there was going to be no way that he’d be alone with her and Seonghwa in the near future. “Seeing him trying to be friends with you again like nothing ever happened makes me angry. He’s known you for years and said all the nasty things he knew would hurt you most. I don’t trust him anymore. If I have to be in the room with the two of you, I’ll get angry remembering what he did and how his behavior changed. I don’t want to see it. I don’t want to see you with someone who hurt you deeply.”
Another silence filled the room. San couldn’t bring it in him to look at her, and apparently neither could she as he looked at her briefly to see her also avoiding eye contact. Gyuri broke the silence first. She cleared her throat and said, “Thank you for being honest with me.”
He saw her hand reach out briefly for his once more, but she stopped herself and kept her hands to herself. “I didn’t know you felt like that…” she continued.
“I… I didn’t want to say anything, actually, because I didn’t want to remember the nasty things he said,” San swallowed nervously.
“He’s not going to say them now, though—”
“That’s not the point,” San interrupted. “I’m saying I would treat Seonghwa the same way he did you when he was seeing Bora if I saw him trying to be nice to you.”
“San, if you’re there with me, then I don’t think—”
“I don’t trust myself enough. Not yet, anyway.”
Before Gyuri could say anything else on the matter, San got out of her bed and grabbed his clothes. He started dressing himself as he said, “My thoughts are honestly all over the place. I don’t know how to feel about the Seonghwa thing. I think, for the sake of your friendship and for the sake of the group, you should try to bring your friendship back to normal first.”
He finished dressing himself and headed towards the door, but the sound of Gyuri’s voice stopped him. “What if something ends up happening between him and I without you there? What will you do?”
San turned to see tears filling Gyuri’s eyes. He approached her, cupped her face with his hands, and said, “I trust you. Don’t worry.”
A tear slipped out of Gyuri’s eye. “Why can’t you be more possessive?” her voice wavered. “Keep me close to you so no one tries to go for me.”
“Then we would have to tell everyone about our relationship.”
“So let’s tell them!”
San’s eyes widened slightly. He moved his hands away from her face and said, “Are you sure you want to do that? We don’t even know what this is yet. What would you even tell them?”
Gyuri’s eyes lowered, another tear rolling down her face. “No, I don’t,” she admitted honestly. “I… don’t know what this is, but I do like it. I wouldn’t even know what to tell them.”
“There you go. We’ll continue with whatever this is, which means you have to act like there’s nothing here. You know what you have to do now.”
“We need to try to bring the group back to how it was before— before Bora, and before us. That way, things will get better for everyone. You both need to be best friends again.”
She looked up at him, more tears falling. He cupped her face once again and dried her tears. “Don’t worry, Gyuri,” he told her softly. "It’ll be okay. You’ll be okay.”
Gyuri couldn’t get another word out before San kissed the top of her head and exited her bedroom. San closed the door behind him and exhaled. He felt horrible. He was mad at himself for even asking about her status with Seonghwa. Things between them were going so well, and he worried if he just ruined things for them.
On his way to leave, Iseul opened her bedroom door and walked out. She looked at San in confusion as he said, “Come to the gym with me.”
“Just come with me.”
San didn’t need to change— he was wearing sweats, so it was easy for him to work out. Iseul spotted San as he benched 80 kgs.
“You’re an actual beast, you know that?” San watched Iseul’s face getting more shocked by the second. “What the fuck is going on with you?”
“I just lied to Gyu…” San said as he stopped benching and sat up.
“What are you talking about?”
San turned so that he was facing Iseul and looked her straight in the eye as he said, “I told her that I’m angry with Seonghwa and that I don’t want to be there when they hang out because I might hurt him if I see him.”
“Then, she asked me what I would do if something ended up happening between them without me being there, and I told her not to worry because I trust her.”
“God,” Iseul exhaled and ran her fingers through her hair. “So, what’s the lie?”
“I don’t trust her.”
“Woah, what? Why would you say that?”
“I don’t feel like she’s with me to be with me. I think she’s with me because in her eyes I’m the version of Seonghwa she wanted to be with.”
“San, that is not true, and you know it. She does like you!”
“I don’t know, Iseul. Her eyes still sparkle when she sees Seonghwa,” San thought back to the night Seonghwa returned— when Gyuri hugged him back, San felt his heart drop to the ground, but he pretended that everything was fine hoping that if he did then Gyuri wouldn’t leave him.
“Do you not see the way she looks at you? She’s so much happier looking at you than she ever was looking at Seonghwa.”
“No, I—”
“Choi San, you listen to me right now. She does like you. She wouldn’t stay in this relationship with you if she didn’t. You know her. She’s not the type to waste her time on trivial things, which is why she hates love. She likes you and only thinks of you when you have sex. She moans your name, right? Not Seonghwa’s.”
“Okay, but listen. Do you know if she still has feelings for Seonghwa?”
San watched as Iseul opened her mouth briefly, only to shut it again. She seemed lost in thought. San waited patiently for her to respond, though he was getting more and more nervous with every passing second.
“…I tried to ask her at the last ROD party… She never gave me an answer.”
San sighed deeply. He knew that no one would know how Gyuri truly felt about Seonghwa other than Gyuri herself. He wished he asked her about her feelings in more depth earlier, but when she asked him about what he would do if something happens between them, he immediately knew that there she still had feelings for him. Yet, he didn’t want to ask her outright in fear of what her answer would be.
“I told her for the sake of the group that she should be friends with Seonghwa like the way they were before Bora and before the two of us getting together,” San got up with a sour face. “I’m sure she’ll end up with Seonghwa.”
“San, wait,” before he could walk away, Iseul grabbed his arm and forced him to turn around. She held onto his wrist with a firm grip as she said, “Remember, it’s Seonghwa you’re angry at, not Gyu. Don’t take out your anger out on her. Have some faith in her! I see the way she looks at you, and I know that she likes you for you. She won’t be swayed easily. Please believe me, and please trust her. Please do not hurt my friend.”
San winced. He did not want to hurt her. He did not want to be the reason she cried sadly, especially after seeing how Seonghwa wrecked her. Iseul let go of his arm, and San immediately dug his nails into his skin as his hands formed fists. He exhaled loudly as he told Iseul, “Hurting her is the last thing I want to do. I’ll have faith in her. She’s not someone to change at the drop of a hat for anyone— I know that. I believe you, and I will trust her.”
With that, San turned on his heel and exited the gym with a heavy heart.
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lovistella · 9 months
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PRIMADONNA (프리마돈나) is a fictional girl group under JUPITER RECORDS. the group consists on BELLE, PHOEBE, MIRAN, VEGA, JIHYE, YOOBIN, SERA and ELARA. they debuted on january 1st, 2011 with debut single, DIVA.
PRIMADONNA are best known for their regal princess image, their commanding stage presence and it girl status. they portray the FIRST HOUSE in jupiter REPRESENTATION.
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CHOI SUAH (최수아), known professionally as BELLE, is the leader and eldest member of PRIMADONNA. as the embodiment of the deity BELLONA, the goddess of warfare and conflict, she commands great honour and reverence within the company. within PRIMADONNA, she personifies the fierce determination, guiding the group through adversities and strives for victory. she is best known for her ferocious attitude, chaotic destructive tendencies and courageous rap style.
stage name belle korean name choi suah birthday february 25, 1989 birthplace daegu, south korea position leader, main rapper, lead dancer, vocalist faceclaim park gyuri
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OH YEEUN (오예은), known professionally as PHOEBE, is the main dancer of PRIMADONNA. she personifies the essence of youth and rejuvenation, symbolising JUVENTAS, perfectly complimenting her fake maknae persona. her youthful and radiant charm fosters rejuvenation within PRIMADONNA, often symbolising the beauty in life's every-changing journey. she is best known for her graceful dancing, heartfelt interactions with her fans and living in the moment sentiments.
stage name phoebe korean name oh yeeun birthday august 19, 1990 birthplace dunedin, new zealand position main dancer, lead rapper, vocalist faceclaim kim hyoyeon
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HAN MIRAN (한미란), known professionally as MIRAN, is the variety diva of PRIMADONNA. as the embodiment of the goddess of war and agriculture, MARS, she brings a fiery and nurturing energy to the group. her dynamic persona and warrior-like image inspires a profound sense of vitality and passion among PRIMADONNA's dedicated fanbase. she is best known for her visual charisma, extraordinary vocal prowess and being the glue that binds the group together.
stage name miran korean name han miran birthday september 9, 1990 birthplace incheon, south korea position lead vocalist, face of the group faceclaim tiffany young
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UM HYERIN (음혜린), known professionally as VEGA, is the versatile ace of PRIMADONNA. she is the enigmatic essence of the goddess of the underworld, PROSERPINA, infusing the group's performances with an otherworldly allure. her enchanting artistry not only distinguishes the group apart but also forges deeper connection amongst the PRIMADONNA members. she is best known for her entrancing talents, magnetic stage presence and captivating personality.
stage name vega korean name um hyerin birthday june 16, 1991 birthplace miami, united states position lead vocalist, lead rapper faceclaim yoon bora
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PARK JIHYE (박지혜), known professionally as JIHYE, is the main vocalist of PRIMADONNA. as the manifestation of the goddess MINERVA of wisdom & victory, JIHYE brings an intellectual and assertive presence to the group's musical landscape. her transcendent vocal prowess and deep artistic wisdom inspire not only fans but embody the ideals of MINERVA herself. she is best known for her soulful vocals, entrancing personality, and the songwriting genius of PRIMADONNA.
stage name jihye korean name park jihye birthday november 10, 1992 birthplace suwon, south korea position main vocalist, face of the group faceclaim im jinah
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LEE YUBIN (이유빈), known professionally as YOOBIN, is the ethereal visual of PRIMADONNA. as the embodiment of the goddess VENUS, representing love, beauty and desire, she brings an alluring elegance to the group's musical tapestry. her captivating presence and divine visuals inspire passion and desire among fans, mirroring the very essence of VENUS herself. she is best known for her favouritism from fans + the company, photogenic qualities and popular CF appearances.
stage name yoobin korean name lee yubin birthday may 13, 1993 birthplace seoul, south korea position lead vocalist, visual faceclaim son naeun
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GO SERA (고세라), known professionally as SERA, is the regal princess of PRIMADONNA. SERA brings a fiery elegance to the group's captivating performances as the goddess of fire and forge, VULCAN. her spoilt presence and princess-likecharisma ignite fervor and admiration among fans, embodying the very spirit of VULCAN herself. she is best known for her majestic dancing, blazing artistry and her natural inclination for always being the center of attention.
stage name sera korean name go sera birthday july 22, 1993 birthplace busan, south korea position main dancer, vocalist, center faceclaim lee sunmi
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MOON EUNHA (문은하), professionally known as ELARA, is the chaebol maknae of PRIMADONNA. she brings a unique blend of grace and vitality to the PRIMADONNA's artistry by manifesting DIANA, the goddess of the hunt, wild animals and the moon. her graceful and ethereal presence invoke admiration and reverence, epitomizing the very essence of DIANA herself. she is the best known for rich, chaebol upbringing, radiant personality and sophisticated talents.
stage name elara korean name moon eunha birthday dec 1, 1994 birthplace london, united kingdom position lead dancer, lead rapper, vocalist, maknae faceclaim krystal jung
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piinkfevers · 1 year
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𖧷 ༘*. PiNKFEVER are a six piece girl group under Mindmix Media. Pinkfever we’re welcomed into the spotlight in spring of 2023 with a pre-release single titled “Heart Talk” later debuting in August of 2023 with a mini-album. The group were not immediately welcomed with success but have received much love from their fans for their talents and music.
— group name: PiNKFEVER
— label: Mindmix Media
— members: Yasmin, Erin, Jade, Vanessa, Kat, & Theresa
— debut date: tba.
— debut song: tba.
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TW: bullying
𖧷 profiles !
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𖧷 ༘*. Feng “Yasmin” Yazhu has loved music from a young age. Growing up she always yearned to sing, her parents fully supported whatever she wanted to do and even influenced her to pursue her dream. Another important thing to know about Yasmin is her desire for romance. Some would call her a hopeless romantic, growing up she always tried to date but it never worked out for her especially because she was so young. She’s also very gentle, she knows how to go about negative situations in a positive way, without worsening the conflict. It came in handy when her friends would argue, or anyone in her life had a conflict honestly. The problem was, she was afraid to approach the problem. She would make others do it for her, when there was no one else to, she would wait as long as possible before finally trying to resolve the issue. Yasmin is clearly a very quiet person, she’s known for being a bit shy and timid when interacting with new people but once she finds a person she clicks with, she opens up immediately.
— birth name: Feng Yazhu
— stage name: Yasmin
— date of birth: March 3rd, 1996
— position: Main Vocalist, Lead Dancer
— face claim: Wong Kahei / Vivi
— vocal claim: Kim Bora
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𖧷 ERIN !
𖧷 ༘*. Han “Erin” Misun is already well known in the industry. Not because of her talent but because of her personality! Since she became a trainee she attempted to be befriend many people, it’s what she used to doing in new environments. Unfortunately her competitive nature had scared others off. After some time many trainees saw how she truely was. Erin is a very fun person to say the least. She adjusts to situations easy and always is open to try new things. Many people say she’s a bit of a stereotypical girl as well, she loves shopping, reading magazines, dressing up, and gossiping. She’s always there for her loved ones, and this has caused her quite a large circle of friends, some idols, some trainees, some neither! The only negative thing any one has said about her, is that she is a bit ‘annoying’ truly she’s just a louder person, she says what she thinks. She’s not ashamed either, she’s just honest!
— birth name: Han Misun
— stage name: Erin
— date of birth: June 12th, 1996
— position: Visual, Lead Vocalist, Sub-rapper
— face claim: Choi Yujin
— vocal claim: Kim Minju
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𖧷 JADE !
𖧷 ༘*. Lee “Jade” Kyungmi is one of the most hardworking idols in Heartkind Labels. She has gained so much respect from her peers and she always tries her headrest even when she doesn’t have to. She always exudes amazing leadership skills, she’s responsible, patient, and kind. She’s that way because she’s the oldest sibling in her family, taking care of her family was always her first instinct. She’s also known to be very reliable, always there to give advice or just to be a shoulder to cry on. Jade lost interest in her personal life though, only focusing on those around her. She barely did anything in her free-time and would ignore any personal struggles. She eventually would hit a breaking point, and then would rant to her mother before bottling everything up again, it became a cycle. And she refused to change it.
— birth name: Lee Kyungmi
— stage name: Jade
— date of birth: April 30th, 1998
— position: Leader, Lead Vocalist
— face claim: Park Jiwon
— vocal claim: Kim Yeonhee
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𖧷 ༘*. Vanessa Shin has always been a very passionate person. Growing up she always did whatever sports or club she could, and still managing to be an A-grade student and handle her home life well. When discovering her love for music in 10th grade, she dedicated her next few school years to music specifically. Her friends and family adore her, she’s always got good humor no matter the situation and can be serious when needed. She loves to tease her friends, especially the younger ones and will always be honest and helpful to those she loves. That’s what makes her so loveable honestly! Sometimes though, mainly when stressed, she would have an outburst. Honestly, they were kind of scary for her. She would curse a lot and say things she normally wouldn’t even think of. When becoming a trainee, she was stressed a lot, so these angry outbursts became normal for her and those around her. She didn’t want it to become a habit but it quickly did.
— birth name: Vanessa Shin
— stage name: Vanessa
— date of birth: November 21st, 1999
— position: Main Rapper, Main Dancer
— face claim: Choi Yena
— vocal claim: Jang Yeeun
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𖧷 KAT !
𖧷 ༘*. Katrina “Kat” Bae is the absolute sweetest! Growing up many referred to her as sweetie rather than her name due to her being so kind, she even considered making that her stage name! She always connected with those around her, and made friends easily. Her creativity and imagination helped her become very artistic, she loved expressing herself through fashion. Music was another passion she had, she would play around with instruments as she grew up, eventually learning to play the guitar, piano, and drums! Despite this, kids at school began to pick on her quite a lot. And unfortunately, it did get to her a lot. In 9th grade, Kat had developed a lot of insecurities and negative emotions she wasn’t used to. Her family, thankfully, noticed how down she had become and suggested an audition to her in hopes of cheering her up. She had actually taken up the offer, in hopes of becoming an idol. Her positive side slowly returned when she moved to South Korea and became a trainee, even though some of her fashion was looked down upon. She ignored those who disliked her, and expressed herself more freely as time went on!
— birth name: Katrina Bae
— stage name: Kat
— date of birth: June 22nd, 1999
— position: Main Vocalist, Center
— face claim: Kim Dayoung
— vocal claim: Jung Eunbi / Eunha
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𖧷 ༘*. Yoo “Theresa” Jian is the kind of person you can’t stop looking at. She’s captivating, she always has had a look to her that attracted people. She was basically her school's Heart throb growing up. Girls wanted to be friends with her and boys wanted to date her. Who could blame them? Her personality was no less than her looks either, she was always just so cheerful. She would participate in many class activities and help anyone who was struggling around her. But, if you got too close you would see the side of her even she herself hates. The selfish side. Unfortunately, when she became too close she would begin to take advantage of those around her. Without intending to, she would expect too much from them, she would be lazy, she would expect them to do all the work, to only tend to her needs. This led to a loss of close friends, leaving her by herself mostly. Even into becoming an idol, she refrained from allowing herself to make close friends, afraid to hurt them if she got too close.
— birth name: Yoo Jian
— stage name: Theresa
— date of birth: August 15th, 2000
— position: Lead Rapper, Maknae
— face claim: Kim Haram
— vocal claim: Kim Bora / SuA
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"This is real, this is me" - Demi Lovato, at some point back in the 2000s
TL;DR: Hi, my name is Laura and this is my personal blog. I'm Christian and vocal about it, we can talk about it if you want. I'm Brazilian and bilingual and so is this blog. I talk a lot so my posts will be often lengthy; I'm a librarian and a writer so I'll be posting about things around these themes - info science, organization, book-related, writing, short stories, OCs… I have a lot of interests ranging from Ts4, BG3 to kpop and poetry so expect those too. I'm an insecure artist, looking for a place to call mine, basically. More info bellow the cut.
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It's probably the millionth time I try to kick start this blog, but anyway
Hi everyone! My name is Laura and this is my personal blog. Before anything, lemme present myself.
First of all, I'm Christian. I think it's important to clarify this right off the top so we're clear on how this blog goes and how I go. I'm Christian and really value my faith, I'm rather vocal about it, so that's within basically everything I do. I'm also always avaiable to talk about it to curious people or fellow Christians wanting to talk. Hit me up if you feel like it ✨
I do not enjoy this bit but, if things get rather hostile or aggressive, I'm unfollowing/blocking and ask you do the same bc there's no need to keep annoying ourselves. Jesus said to turn the other cheek, not to become a doormat so we'll keep things respectful and friendly as to not get into heated arguments ok? Ok.
With that on the clear, here's other things for you to know me: I'm Brazilian! And living in Brazil (for now). I speak Portuguese as a first language, and English as a second - and do risk myself at Spanish sometimes, and I'm learning Korean, so: this is a bilingual and at times multilingual blog. THOUGH I will be speaking English most of the time. That's what most people speak around here, right, so let's go, bora pra cima Brasil 🥳
⚠️This is a warning⚠️ please be noted that I talk a lot. I know I do. I talk way too much in person and type even more, so please be WARNED that my texts (this bio included!) will more often than not be lengthy. I apologize but also don't. That's it.
Hmmm, what else? Oh Yeah Well
I'm a Librarian! And a writer! I have an insane amount of projects going on now (you can call me a workaholic lol). I'm an enthusiast for Library Sciences and topics related to information, organization, books! Everything Info Science is on my radar, so I'll be probably talking about that or linking my other blog with texts about that. Feel free (and please do) to ask me about those things!
As for the Writer part, I'm a fantasy writer, with about 3 to 4 different sagas going on inside my head and very little written about them 🤡 I'm trying to get better at that as to be able to actually have something to show people rather than loose drafts. I'm also an enthusiast for short stories so I'll be eventually posting drabbles about random themes!
That's actually the whole point of this blog, writing.
Other interests and possible themes to be happening here are related to:
The Sims 4 (hi Simblr ^^); I do play this too often and will be rambling about my Sims OCs;
Baldur's Gate 3 [screams]; I am OBSESSED with this game but only get to play it when I go to my bestie's place, so not that many posts about it BUT I WILL DEFINITELY BE TALKING ABOUT ASTARION. No, I'm not a weirdo Astarion Girlfriend, I'm a normal person;
Cats. I love cats, I have cats, I'm obsessed with cats;
Poetry; I take my chance at those very rarely but I do;
Super Junior and other kpop subjects; 🤩 I'm ELF, yeah, I did write a handful of fanfics about SJ so I'll link them at my catalog, though I don't write those anymore. I do talk about them tho;
Hm, idk, the color blue, art, sea and storms (huge fan of those), random reblogs about aesthetic stuff, photography, museums, wtv. If you can't tell I have major hyperfixes in random things.
I do think of myself as an artist and I've been considering and not doing things like this blog for way too long. This is my try at making it work. I do write and post on other platforms (you can navigate through them on the buttons on the top of my blog - on desktop view - or on the links on my soon to be pinned post) but they don't usually take lengthy (I really like this word) posts like Tumblr can so HERE AM I.
I hope to find my people around here.
This is a very quick shortened bio of mine (believe me), ask me questions if you want to, my askbox 📫 is always open. And please remember: internet is just a slice of someone's life so don't go around making assumptions.
ー L
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slashercross · 21 days
Adms! Pergunta de resposta meio longa (discupa, ñ me odeiem pufavo) como vcs explicam o sentido de cada uma? Tipo deve ter uma razão de identificação, ou coisa assim
ADM(A e T): Eu imagino que isso se refira a playlist, já que quando esse ask veio a playlist era nosso último post. Agradeço bastante pelo ask! 🥹 E relaxa, a gente só demorou mais pra postar, mas gostamos dos longos também.
Outra coisa, recomendo que quando forem ler esse ask, estejam com a playlist aberta pra poder ir seguindo com cada uma e fazer mais sentido!
Bora lá...
Meet Me In The Woods - O Christopher explicando pra Millene a questão dele se tornar o Slasher, abandonando sua vida antiga. A parte do back vocal feminino é pela parte que ela compreende isso e o complementa.
Lovely - Essa significa muito do que a Mi sentiu logo após ser levada de volta pelo Christopher, o sentimento de estar sozinha e vazia, além também de saber que o Christopher está a manipulando pra não ficar sem ela. O vocal dos dois seria uma sinceridade da parte dela e uma manipulação do Chris.
Infinity - Justamente a obsessão do Chris, ele a vê como alguém que foi feita pra ser dele, justamente por conta da situação que estão.
Partners in Crime - É bem auto explicativo kkkkkkkkjjjj, no máximo muda de leves o assalto pra assassinato.
Freaks - O Christopher pra Millene quando ela começou a "melhorar", todo o lance do "Não se sinta mal por me abandonar" não seria muito sincero da parte dele.
Silence - Essa é bem o sentimento da Millene até mesmo hoje em dia, ela ama o Chris, ama o jeito complicado dele e sabe que não teria mais nada na vida sem ele. O Christopher no geral virou a única coisa boa que o Slenderman deu na vida dela. ("Eu achei paz na sua violência, não pode me provar que não vale a pena tentar" foi um pouco ela aceitando o amor dele quando passou a conviver.)
Make You Mine - Essa é auto explicativa também, "você sabe que eu não vou parar até fazer você minha".
My Demons - É basicamente o Christopher enxergando a Millene como a única saída dele, ou, se preferir, ele enxergando o Slenderman como Messias.
Next Contestant - CIÚMES. (Ele é hipocrita)
Till I Collapse - Christopher nos primeiros dias sendo o Slasher.
Every Breath You Take - Ele stalkeava ela. Novamente, a letra é bem auto explicativa.
Monster - Essa foi a música que incentivou a gente a criar a playlist, ela é muito perfeitinha pros dois. Em questão da música, seria o Christopher usando de manipulação emocional pra fazer a Millene se sentir culpada pela situação que eles estão e o clipe seria ele trazendo ela "pro mundo dele".
Love Like Ghosts - O Christopher se sente "assombrado" pela obsessão que tem pela Millene, justamente porque parte dessa obsessão é causada pelo Operador.
Control - Essa é basicamente a perturbação que a Black causa na mente da Millene desde o orfanato, fazendo a Mi se sentir menor e fraca comparada a ela.
Love The Way You Lie - "If she ever tries to fuckin' leave again, I'ma tie her to the bed and set this house on fire..." ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
GRRRLS - Novamente, a perturbação que a Black causa na mente da Millene, a deixando paranóica sobre todo mundo a volta dela.
Ricochet - Basicamente a visão distorcida do Christopher de que os dois são almas gêmeas mas que ela não se importa com ele.
Set Fire to the Rain - O Christopher sente que a Millene mentiu pra ele quando foi embora, se sentiu traído e que ele fazia de tudo pra ter ela ali.
Habits - O Christopher ficando maluco depois que a Millene sumiu, tendo que "superar ela" e adoecendo no processo. (Além da droga, tem o fato dele matar pessoas kkkkjj)
If I Kill Someone For You - Ele além de matar pessoas por ela, sente que acabou matando a si mesmo quando virou o Slasher.
Die For You - Novamente, o Christopher sente que sacrificou tudo pela Millene.
Memory Reboot - O ritmo e a referência ao filme Blade Runner 2049 (assistam! É muito bom!)
Panic Room - Basicamente o que a Black passava para o convento e para a Millene na época, deixando todos assustados sobre ela.
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tvlipwon · 9 months
shade of yellow; yang jungwon
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note – who is kim bora... ? 🤔🧐 – this chapter is mostly from jungwon's pov. jiwon nuna is jungwon's older sister and it's not his real sister's name! i don't her real name lol it's just for this smau.
SEVEN. | masterlist | previous | next
pairing—jungwon x fem!oc
summary—after raena was unable to debut during the R U Next survival show, her along with 5 other members that were unable to debut were put into one group after the show ended under the name of RUNYX. a certain ex schoolmate of hers were silently, maybe a little bit vocally, was also cheering her on.
✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。* ✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ .。✱.。:。*.。✱ .。✱
taglist [ @aisopen ]
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writerblock-sucks · 1 year
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birth name : zhang bao ( 张宝 )
korean name : jang bora ( 장보라 )
english name : selina zhang
nicknames : baby, muffin, love bug, bo bear
birthdate & zodiac : July 19th, 1999 ; Cancer ♋️
birthplace : Jiangxi, China
hometown : ⇩︎⇩︎
Jiangxi, China ( Jul. 1999 — March 2013 )
Florida, United States ( Mar. 2013 — February 2015 )
Malaysia ( Feb. 2015 — September 2016 )
Seoul, South Korea ( Sep. 2016 — present )
nationality : chinese
ethnicity : chinese
height : 173 cm
weight : 47 kg
gender : cisgender female
pronouns : she / they
sexual orientation : unknown
romantic orientation : unknown
relationship status : unknown
know languages : hakka ( mother tongue ), korean ( almost fluent ), english ( almost fluent ), japanese ( learning ), spanish ( learning ), ukrainian ( above average )
idea type : unknown
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stage name : bao ( HANGUL; 바오 )
position(s) : main vocalist, lead dancer, rapper
occupation : idol, singer, rapper, dancer, songwriter, model
career nicknames : nation’s trend setter, living barbie doll, fake maknae, le sserafim’s model
solo fandom : BLISS ( COLOR; blue )
representative emoji : 🐝
training period : September 2016 - March 2017 ( 7 Months ) | May 2019 - April 2022 ( 3 years )
company : Pledis Entertainment ( 2016 - 2019 ) | Source Music ; HYBE Sub Label ( 2019 - present )
debut : May 2nd, 2022
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vocals : ▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️
vocal stability ( while dancing ) : ▪️▪️▪️▪️▫️
rap : ▪️▪️▪️▫️▫️
dance : ▪️▪️▪️▪️▫️
choreographing : ▪️▫️▫️▫️▫️
producing : ▪️▪️▪️▫️▫️
composing : ▪️▪️▫️▫️▫️
songwriting : ▪️▪️▪️▫️▫️
acting : ▪️▪️▪️▫️▫️
public speaking :▪️▪️▪️▪️▫️
leadership : ▪️▪️▪️▫️▫️
public recognition : ▪️▪️▪️▫️▫️
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face claim : xiaoting ( kep1er )
voice claim : ningning ( aespa )
dance claim : xiaoting ( kep1er ) + cheng xiao ( ex-wjsn )
rap claim : yeeun ( clc )
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2023 © writerblock-sucks
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thegirlzkpop · 1 year
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˗ˏˋ BASICS ´ˎ˗
 ˗ˏˋ stage name. willow
 ˗ˏˋ birth name. willow bora bae
     ……❪ MEANING. 'willow' comes from the 'willow tree', noted as a graceful and beautiful tree. the name 'bora' means purple. ❫
 ˗ˏˋ korean name. bae bora
     ……❪ 배보라 ❫
 ˗ˏˋ nickname. purple ❪ by members ❫, nature ❪ by fans and members ❫ bora bora ❪ by family ❫, tree ❪ by changmin ❫ willy ❪ by a few members ❫, pretty purple tree ❪ by sunwoo ❫
 ˗ˏˋ birthday. june 14, 2001
 ˗ˏˋ zodiac sign. gemini
 ˗ˏˋ birth place. moncton, canada
 ˗ˏˋ hometown. moncton, canda
 ˗ˏˋ current residency. seoul, south korea
 ˗ˏˋ ethnicity. korean
 ˗ˏˋ nationality. korean canadian
 ˗ˏˋ languages. english ❪ native ❫, french ❪ native ❫, korean ❪ fluent ❫, spanish ❪ fluent ❫, japanese ❪ fluent ❫
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 ˗ˏˋ mbti. infp-t ❪ mediator ❫
 ˗ˏˋ description. infps can often be seen as quiet or shy, but they are very passionate and creative souls. they are often fueled by creativity and care. they are daydreamers, often losing themselves in thought. they are empathetic and caring people and take great care of their relationships with others. this personality type is very sincere and are open to those who need some care and attention. mediators are often poetic and speak their own truths, having self-expression. their imaginations and love for others are strong.
 ˗ˏˋ strengths. empathetic, passionate, caring, poetic, open-minded, motivated, loyal, valuables.
 ˗ˏˋ weaknesses. sensitive, overly, self-isolating, disorganized, introverted, easily overwhelmed.
 ˗ˏˋ habits. happy dancing when eating good food, giggling in awkward situations, zoning out, messing with her members jewelry, hands, fingers, etc, tucking her hair behind her ears, nail picking and biting, taking deep breaths when she's bored, falling asleep after eating (?).
 ˗ˏˋ phobias. storms ❪ astraphobia, severe ❫, heights ❪ acrophobia, moderate ❫, closed spaces ❪ claustrophobia , moderate ❫
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˗ˏˋ CAREER ´ˎ˗
 ˗ˏˋ occupation. kpop idol
 ˗ˏˋ labels. cre.ker entertainment ❪ 2018-2021 ❫, ist entertainment ❪ 2021-present ❫, kakao m; formerly loen ent ❪ 2018-present ❫, universal music ❪ 2022-present ❫
 ˗ˏˋ training time. 2018-2019, 10 months
 ˗ˏˋ debut. december 7, 2019
     ……❪ age; 18 ❫
 ˗ˏˋ positions. main vocalist, main dancer, sub-rapper
 ˗ˏˋ known for. being fluent in many languages, vocals, short amount of training time, the amount of animals she has/had
 ˗ˏˋ representative number. 14
     ……❪ she chose 14 because her birthday is june 14 ❫
 ˗ˏˋ designed color. green
 ˗ˏˋ rankings.
     ……❪ singing. 10/10 ❫
     ……❪ dancing. 9/10 ❫
     ……❪ rapping. 8/10 ❫
     ……❪ acting. 6/10 ❫
     ……❪ modeling. 8/10 ❫
     ……❪ songwriting. 10/10 ❫
     ……❪ composing. 8/10 ❫
     ……❪ choreographing. 7/10 ❫
     ……❪ speeches. 6/10 ❫
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˗ˏˋ FAMILY ´ˎ˗
 ˗ˏˋ mom. n/a ❪ 1981 ❫
 ˗ˏˋ dad. n/a ❪ 1981 ❫
 ˗ˏˋ siblings. william; will ❪ 1999 ❫ wesley; wes ❪ 2000 ❫
 ˗ˏˋ pets. medusa ❪ leucistic texas ratsnake, 2014-2020 ❫ ozzy ❪ hedgehog, 2021-present ❫ doc ❪ mini smooth haired dachshund, 2022-present ❫
 ˗ˏˋ notable family. n/a
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˗ˏˋ PHYSICAL ´ˎ˗
 ˗ˏˋ height. 160 cm ❪ 5'3'' ❫
 ˗ˏˋ weight. 47 kg ❪ 105 lbs ❫
 ˗ˏˋ blood type. B-
 ˗ˏˋ hair color. brown
 ˗ˏˋ eye color. brown
 ˗ˏˋ body modifications. 12 piercings, 3 tattoo
 ˗ˏˋ face claim. yunjin ❪ le sserafim ❫
 ˗ˏˋ vocal claim. yunjin ❪ le sserafim ❫
 ˗ˏˋ voice claim. yunjin ❪ korean and english ❫, eva meloche ❪ french ❫
 ˗ˏˋ rap claim. yunjin ❪ le sserafim ❫
 ˗ˏˋ dance claim. yunjin ❪ le sserafim ❫
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 ˗ˏˋ likes. bread, sweets, fall weather, pools over beaches, late night walks, playing guitar, animals, apples, writing music, skinsip, back rubs, chicken, bonfires, game night in the dorms, traveling, nature, family time, cooking, playing softball, playing hockey, driving, sports
 ˗ˏˋ dislikes. samsung products, belittlement, storms, rude people, crowded areas, ordering food, phone calls, historical movies, math, beans, sticky hands, being woken up, when people change the song a bunch of times, high heels; she can't walk in stilettos, the feeling of sand.
 ˗ˏˋ favorites.
     ……❪ movies. bolt ❪ 2008 ❫, enchanted ❪ 2007 ❫, thirteen ❪ 2003 ❫ the greatest showman ❪ 2017 ❫ high school musical ❪ 2006 ❫, hairspray ❪ 2007 ❫ ❫
     ……❪ shows. hannah montana ❪ 2006 ❫, pretty little liars ❪ 2010 ❫, the carrie diaries ❪ 2013 ❫, modern family ❪ 2009 ❫, criminal minds ❪ 2005 ❫ ❫
     ……❪ colors. green and purple ❫
     ……❪ food. chicken, muffins, poutine, candy. ❫
     ……❪ drinks. monster, water, coffee ❫
     ……❪ books. harry potter, the silent patient, the hate u give, it ends with us ❫
     ……❪ emojis. 🌱🍄 ❫
     ……❪ musical artists. one direction, kendrick lamar, blackpink, selena gomez, 2ne1, 4minute ❫
     ……❪ songs. wonder ❪ shawn mendes ❫,put a little love on me ❪ niall horan ❫, cinema ❪ harry styles ❫, get a job ❪ games we play ❫, allergy ❪ gidle ❫ ❫
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˗ˏˋ TRIVIA ´ˎ˗
     ……❪ she grew up playing softball and hockey and also took dance classes from time to time ❫
     ……❪ she's a directioner and her favorite member is niall horan ❫
     ……❪ she says she likes people that stay true to themselves and stand up for others ❫
     ……❪ she was named willow because the hospital she was born in had willow trees everywhere, that and the willow tree holds a lot of symbolism ❫
     ……❪ her dad chose her korean name to be bora because purple is his favorite color ❫
     ……❪ growing up her parents kept her and her brothers busy with sports and music so she learned to love being active and busy ❫
     ……❪ she likes the show glee but says it makes her cringe too much to be a favorite ❫
     ……❪ she only learned multiple languages because her brothers are competitive and wanted to see who could end up learning more languages, wes ended up being fluent in more with a whopping 6 fluent languages ❫
     ……❪ her family and friends from canada encouraged her to become a musician and her family even moved to korea with her for a few months so that she wasn't lonely ❫
     ……❪ she grew up speaking and texting in korean but she had difficulty with proper grammar ❫
     ……❪ she said eric was her first friend when she got to korea ❫
     ……❪ she has the biggest room in her dorm because she has the most things ❫
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thesinglesjukebox · 4 months
Reunited, and it feels so... ???
Michael Hong: The parent song might have had a chorus that positively soared, but here, the duo arrive with a flat announcement: a gentle tap-tap-tap. [5]
Ian Mathers: I have heard "Ma Boy," ma'ams (just today, actually!) and this is no "Ma Boy." By which I mean mostly I miss the boom-bappier production and what feels like a lightness of touch, but this comeback ain't half bad either. [6]
Joshua Minsoo Kim: What the hell were they thinking in referencing “Ma Boy” in the title? I hear “Alone” and traces of 4Minute’s “Volume Up,” but tidied up into something dignified. What that means is Hyolyn does not deliver a stunning vocal performance, nor does Bora function as an interesting foil with a rapped verse. I was never a huge fan of “Gone Not Around Any Longer,” but in retrospect I appreciate that it had the audacity to capture the pathos of a Korean drama. [3]
Kayla Beardslee: This hook isn’t big enough to carry a whole song (every time I make myself sit through it again, my score drops further), but at least Hyolyn reminds us that she still has one of the greatest voices in K-pop. [4]
Nortey Dowuona: When Sistar19 lock in together, they are unstoppable. Apart, though is a different story, When Hyolyn handles the first verse, she is confident and poised, swapping back in during the pre-chorus without losing a step, and leading the last line of the song out on a sterling, clarion note. Bora, however, meekly and gently starts the first pre-chorus and tiptoes to the forefront on the second. Hyolyn strides forth to sing the second pre-chorus with Bora, who gains a bit of confidence in the second part, thus leading each chorus to combine into a bold, all-caps declaration rather than the confident, capable delivery and the shy, meek delivery of the verses, a sign of trust that each's approach will strengthen the song. They've worked together over the 11 years of their hiatus, growing into themselves fully as soloists, and their combined performance is proof. [6]
John S. Quinn-Puerta: I could talk about the way this was designed to be my personal dopamine dealer (strings, piano hits, dual harmonies). I could talk about the sheer amount of context I'm missing (a decade-long hiatus). I could even try for the mythical long blurb and turn this into a personal anecdote. But I'm at a loss here. Pobody's Nerfect. [9]
Katherine St. Asaph: Stiff, stodgy, and capable of exorcising any summoned groove. [2]
Jacob Sujin Kuppermann: This is so frothy that it almost defies critical assessment -- I've had the hook stuck in my head for the past week but have not managed to muster any particular thoughts about the song other than a sense of giddiness at the throb of the bass. Maybe that's my failing as a listener; maybe it's the song's success. [6]
Anna Suiter: I listened to this maybe 5 times, trying to figure out if "Ma Boy" was actually in the lyrics or just a reference to the now seemingly distant past. It turns out that it actually is, if you listen closely at the very end. An easter egg, if you will. [7]
Taylor Alatorre: The intricacies of these often short-lived K-pop subgroups make it hard for me to think of a Western pop equivalent to this. The closest I can think of would be if Patrick Stump came out with a sequel to Soul Punk in 2022, with a lead single talking about how he actually kinda hates Chicago. And since we're on a Fall Out Boy train now, one could plausibly describe "No More" as a song that knows what "Ma Boy" did in the dark. The willingness to view one's past with coldly unsentimental eyes is a useful skill to have in real life, but it takes some deft songwriting hands to avoid putting too much emphasis on the coldness of it, and to still allow some space for unfettered cathartic release. That deftness is evident only in patches here, and "No More" suffers by comparison to the effortless, perhaps naïve joy of the original. "Take everything you love and burn the ashes," indeed. [5]
[Read, comment and vote on The Singles Jukebox ]
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bro-atz · 5 months
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word count: 2.8k
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Lately, Gyuri noticed that things were starting to get weird between her and Seonghwa as well as her and San. Ever since night Gyuri got stupidly drunk, she and San had not hooked up, and ever since the day Hongjoong had Gyuri record his thesis, she and Seonghwa barely spoke or texted. Sure, they kind of talked at the last ROD party, but they hadn’t hung out like they usually did. Rather than dwell on these feelings, though, Gyuri decided to dedicate this newfound free time she had to work on her thesis as well as start applying for graduate schools.
She didn’t want to run the risk of seeing Seonghwa and that dumb bitch Bora at the library doing whatever it is that they want to do. Since she was pretty much cooped up in the apartment, she rotated between multiple places to get her work done: her desk, her bed, the living room, the dining table, the bathroom— although, that last one was only when she really had to go but she was in the zone. Today, she was sitting in the dining room, her back to the entrance. She had her blue-light glasses on and was furiously typing, but she was still able to hear the door open.
“Hey, I’m home,” Iseul greeted.
“Hey, how was class?” Gyuri asked without looking up from her computer. She could barely converse without messing up whatever she was working on.
“It was okay…”
“Good to hear.”
Gyuri still hadn’t looked up. Her eyes were glued to her screen. That’s when she felt a moment of déjà vu overcome her. She got to a good stopping point in her work and turned around to see Iseul fidgeting in the threshold. “Have we… have we done this before?” she asked.
“What? Done what?” Iseul looked majorly confused.
“I… never mind.”
With that, Gyuri thought Iseul would act normally again and returned to her work, but the girl still fidgeted by the front door. She stopped her work once again and patted the dining room chair next to her while saying, “Sit.”
She obeyed and sat right where Gyuri told her to— she was getting a killer sense of déjà vu, especially when she said, “Spit it out, Iseul.”
Iseul was talking, but Gyuri was still bothered by how familiar this situation was. She wracked her brain trying to figure out where she had seen or done this before, but nothing came to mind just yet. Realizing that she totally just didn’t listen to a single thing Iseul said, she told the girl, “I am so sorry, I completely spaced out. Can you say that again?”
Sighing, Iseul said, “Remember when you told me that someone in the group likes me, and that if he likes me then he should tell me himself, and I told you that I’d react depending on who it is?”
Gyuri’s eyes immediately widened. She fully turned so that she was facing Iseul because every braincell she had was screaming, “Oh my God!” She couldn’t vocalize what her braincells were saying just yet, so Gyuri opted to say, “No way…”
“It’s San, isn’t it?”
“No fucking way!” Gyuri screamed and jumped up so fast that she hit her knee against the table. She held her knee in pain as she sat down again, her excitement unfazed. Now her braincells were talking for her, because she kept repeating, “Oh my God, Oh my God, Oh my God, Oh my God,” until she could follow up with “When? Where?”
“The other night at the ROD party in the stairwell,” she said with a small smile on her face.
That small smile turned into a huge grin as the two girls stood up and jumped up and down while squealing and holding each others’ hands. There were so many thoughts running through her head. She was so happy for Iseul that this was finally happening, and she was proud of San for being able to do the thing that she couldn’t and can’t do. Gyuri knew that Iseul did not know why she was so excited, but that didn’t matter because they were celebrating this new relationship that finally got the chance to form.
“Tell me everything!” Gyuri sat back down and closed her laptop, her attention fully on Iseul.
“Okay, so after I won, I saw San in the corner of my eye just, like, not having a good time. I saw him leave, so I went after him.”
It took everything in Gyuri to keep from screaming out loud, so she ended up letting out dolphin or dying whale noises.
“He was sitting on the stairs and he looked so serious, like he was deep in his thoughts or something. I tried to ask him what was wrong, but he was being super wishy washy with me, so I kind of gave up and was about to leave…”
“Uh huh!”
“But then he grabbed my hand…”
“He grabbed your hand?!” Gyuri felt like she were watching a drama, only she didn’t see this. She kind of wished she did, though.
“He gazed into my eyes with the most intense look I’ve ever seen him have…”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah!” Gyuri knew that look. He’d given her that look in the past, and yes, it makes the heart yearn for more. She could feel her heart beat a little faster just imagining him looking at her friend like that, like she were watching her favorite actor serenade the female lead.
“And then…” Iseul continued.
“And then?!”
“He got all serious and shit and said, “I like you,” in this deep-ass voice!”
Gyuri squealed, more like screamed, at the top of her lungs, and the dog next door started howling. She had to reign it in a little, but she was just getting so excited for her friend she couldn’t keep it in anymore.
“My heart was beating so fucking fast you have no idea!”
“I can only imagine!”
“And my awkward dumbass fucking hugged him and I thanked him? I thanked him for telling me that he liked me? God, I felt so stupid!”
“You hugged him! And then?”
“I leaned in and kissed him.”
“Oh! My! Fucking! God! Iseul! This is fucking amazing! I am really living for this!”
“Bro, but like, let me know why he’s such an amazing kisser! What the fuck?!” Iseul’s face was bright red and her face went right into her palms.
Gyuri had to hold her tongue. She couldn’t possibly tell Iseul that she knows how his kisses and soft his lips felt. She felt her chest tighten up a little bit, but she brushed it off as excitement for this new development. “I’m so excited for you!”
“Oh! Then he said, “Let’s go on a date.” Bitch, I was trembling!”
The word date made her chest tighten even more. “Oh my God, this is so exciting! When is the date?”
Gyuri’s heart felt like it were aching— was she jealous that San finally gets to be with the person he wants to be with and that she can’t because the guy she likes is dating a bitch? She distracted herself by focusing on helping Iseul. “Let’s find you an outfit and prepare you for this date!”
While Iseul picked out an outfit, Gyuri got her hair styling tools and make up out. She did Iseul’s make up for her before she changed into her clothes, and God, her friend looked so stunning. She had the cutest pink top with matching grey pants and white shoes. Not to be full of herself, but Gyuri thought she did an amazing job with her makeup— it was subtle but cute, especially with the highlight on her nose and chin, and her hair was flawless. Not a single strand was out of place, and her face-framing bangs were curled so perfectly. Gyuri couldn’t help but take five million pictures of Iseul, not letting the girl finish getting ready. Only when the doorbell rang did Gyuri allow Iseul to grab her purse and get her shit together.
Gyuri answered the door to see San wearing a black striped button up and black slacks. His hair was somewhat styled compared to his usual look— did he use gel?— and if he had glasses on, then he would definitely look like Clark Kent. All in all, he looked amazing. Gyuri’s heart starting beating faster, which made no sense to her because he’s not there for her, so why was she swooning?
“Iseul’s almost done getting ready,” Gyuri didn’t even greet the boy— she went straight to it.
“You know?” San looked surprised.
“Of course I know. She’s my roommate and one of my best friends,” Gyuri couldn’t help but furrow her eyebrows. “Also, why’d you use the doorbell?”
“I felt weird just barging in when I’m here to…”
“Yeah?” Gyuri wanted him to say it out loud.
“Take Iseul on our date. You couldn’t have finished the sentence for me?” San’s ears started turning pink.
“Nah. I wanted to see you sweat,” Gyuri laughed.
“Do I look like I’m sweating?”
“No, I mean that you’re hilarious when you’re shy, and I wanted you to get shy.”
San smiled at that her, but it was different from his usual cheeky smiles when they joked around with each other. Gyuri’s heart started beating a little faster, and she started questioning her health and sanity. Was she dying?
Iseul emerged from her room ready for the date, and San’s smile changed. He was smiling, but he didn’t really look happy. Maybe he was nervous— how could anyone be expected to act normal when they get to go on a date with the person they’d been pursing for ages? She was just overthinking the entire thing as per usual.
The two left for their date, and the second the door closed, Gyuri fell into the chair she was working in. Her chest was so tight, and it was in that moment she realized that she was definitely upset. Was she upset because she was jealous that her friends got to have the chance to date? Because she wouldn’t have her fuck buddy anymore? Did she have to find a new friend to have benefits with? She didn’t know what the fuck to do in that situation, so she opened her phone and dialed Jongho’s number. He picked up after two rings.
“Hey, can we meet?” she asked him
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“Okay, I lost count of how many reps you did because you’re going way too fast. If you want to do this right, you have to go slower,” he told her.
“Sorry, Jongho, I’m just…” Gyuri lacked the words to describe how she was feeling in that moment. Angry? Annoyed? Frustrated? Confused? Lonely? Whatever emotion was taking the wheel in her head right now was driving her up the wall.
“If you want me to spot you, then you’re going to have to go slower, otherwise there is no way I’ll be able to rescue you if you just drop the bar on you, which is definitely going to hurt considering that you’re benching almost sixty kilograms,” Jongho sounded worried for her.
She slowed down her reps and let Jongho guide her workout. Hopefully this would help her for the time being.
At some point, Jongho had to force Gyuri to stop working out for the day. He dragged her out of the gym and to her apartment. Gyuri really didn’t want to be in the apartment for the rest of the day, nor did she really want to be there at night in fear that her roommate and San would get frisky. She quickly showered and grabbed a couple bottles of soju before heading up to the roof. She sat on one of the sofas closer to the end of the building to get a better view of the city. The lights around her twinkled as she sat alone and drank her soju by herself.
“What are you doing up here alone?”
Gyuri looked up to see Seonghwa looking down at her with a smile on his face. She held up one of the empty soju bottles and responded, “Drinking.”
“Why are you drinking alone? Seonghwa asked as he took a seat next to Gyuri.
She couldn’t help but scoot the tiniest bit away from him, which he noticed almost immediately. He put his arm over her shoulder and brought her closer to him, Gyuri nearly falling into his chest. Her heart started beating the tiniest bit faster when he gave her arm a little squeeze as he hugged her slightly.
“What’s wrong, Gyu? Why are you drinking alone?” He brought his voice down to a whisper that almost made Gyuri cry.
The problem was that Gyuri couldn’t say a damn thing. She couldn’t tell him what got her so down to the point where she wanted to drink alone because that meant telling him everything about her and San and their crushes.
“I’m not really having a good day,” she lied.
“You should’ve asked one of us to join you…”
“Well, you’re here now, right?”
“That’s true, but if I wasn’t up here in the first place, then you would have been drinking alone.”
“Why are you up here, Hwa?” Gyuri asked.
“I’m meeting Bora up here. She told me she wanted to do a little star-gazing with me tonight.”
Gyuri’s heart fell. She slightly pushed Seonghwa away from her and took another huge swig of her soju in hopes that the alcohol would make her heart hurt a lot less, but it didn’t. Gyuri stood up and said, “Enjoy your night—”
“Come back here,” Seonghwa pulled her hand and made her sit again. He fully faced her as he continued, “Why aren’t you having a good day? Lay it on me.”
With a deep sigh, Gyuri said, “I’ve just been feeling kind of lonely lately. Iseul is never home, you’ve been spending time with your girlfriend, as you should be, and even San has his own stuff going for him now.”
“But all the other guys in the group—”
“They’re just as busy! Jongho with his sport, Mingi and Hongjoong with their music, Yeosang is always living on the computer, Wooyoung is always blowing stuff up and having to redo assignments, and Yunho also lives in the lab with Iseul. I don’t want to bother anyone.”
“Well, you can always bother me. You’re my best friend, Gyu. I’m always here for you.”
The only thing she could do was nod. Seonghwa pulled Gyuri into a hug and held her tightly. Gyuri felt her eyes water up. She closed her eyes to keep her tears in, but one managed to slip out. Seonghwa must’ve felt the tear fall because he pulled away and held her face. He wiped another tear that fell down her cheek off and began to pet her hair.
“You know I love you, right?” Seonghwa whispered.
Gyuri’s heart raced when he said that. Her eyes widened and she couldn’t help but look into his eyes. Just as Seonghwa was about to lean in, they both heard the door to the roof slam open. They looked over to see Bora walking over to the two on the couch.
“Babe!” Seonghwa let go of Gyuri and greeted his girlfriend with a kiss.
After drying her tears quickly, Gyuri stood up and saw Bora glaring at her angrily as she and Seonghwa hugged. To avoid any sort of conflict, Gyuri picked up all of her alcohol bottles, kept her head down, and left the roof.
Gyuri was upset. She didn’t have a place she could go to at this point. She didn’t want to go to her apartment, and the roof was occupied by Seonghwa and his bitch of a girlfriend. Ultimately, she decided to go to the last person who could help her. She entered his apartment to see him sitting on the couch watching a movie.
“Gyu?” He asked as he paused the movie.
She immediately started crying. Hongjoong jumped up from the couch and ran to her. He took the bottles of alcohol out of her hands and hugged her. She hugged him back. After standing and crying for a solid minute, Hongjoong led her to the couch and sat her down. He brought her some water, which she immediately downed. He hugged her again, Gyuri clinging to his arm.
“What happened?”
“I miss him, Joong. I miss Hwa.”
“I know you do. I’m sorry, Gyu.”
After crying for what felt like hours, Gyuri ended up falling asleep in Hongjoong’s arms. He laid her down gently on the couch and covered her with a blanket before turning off the light to let her sleep peacefully. Gyuri stirred again when Seonghwa returned to his apartment, but she promptly fell back asleep. Well, she fell asleep after feeling something soft on her forehead.
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