wprowers · 2 years
shadow just winkle scrunkle
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halebobgr · 27 days
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baby morbol (borbol)
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444names · 2 years
orc names from tes + french forenames
Abee Adanag Adorbak Agak Agash Agdush Agle Agug Aler Alush Amwor Aragbak Arakar Arash Arasha Arbul Arga Ashargan Ashargul Asharn Asolg Atal Atorry Atulaurz Aude Azag Azhuga Azhum Badbak Badidy Bagb Bagbu Baghak Bagozum Bakha Balag Bale Barg Bargub Bargurz Barz Basha Batar Bave Baza Bazash Bazda Bazgob Bazlar Bekharna Bekhis Bern Bery Besh Beshag Blesh Blia Blika Blog Bogra Boisa Bolag Bolmuz Borbol Borc Borga Borgorg Borkub Borolin Brakh Brash Brikhash Brishuf Bugakorn Bughub Bulai Bumbol Bumbul Burakh Burgak Burgdur Burt Buruhlar Burzakh Butorat Béat Castrash Chey Chug Clar Clash Clasha Clémes Colfash Corgar Célin Dagerre Dambash Deane Drien Drog Dubes Dugarz Dugbugi Dukh Dukha Durbasha Durgag Emagol Esharash Fabgota Fameg Farate Fematub Femogrog Firenzog Fisa Flod Gaag Gabek Garga Gashazh Gawu Gene Gettery Ghabim Ghagakh Ghalle Gharbric Ghazig Gheg Ghese Ghogahk Ghomire Ghorntia Gikh Gine Glar Glard Glarlauk Glasteg Gleth Gloorn Gloosh Glorn Glowevie Gloé Gluc Glugorce Gluka Glushush Gluzeg Gogak Gogha Gokha Googh Gorbul Gorg Gorlak Gorzora Goses Gosh Goth Gothakh Gozut Gozwug Grabur Grag Grak Grakh Gremon Grodag Grois Grosemog Grugdu Gruite Gruk Grulfisa Grulgorn Gruzul Gublog Guga Gugh Gughob Gukarhat Gukha Gurkul Gush Guuronk Guzal Guzum Gérakh Hordane Irgh Izegbum Jeatuk Jusnash Kagikh Kagurog Khabgrak Khagik Khazag Kirgort Kitlexan Kogrulg Korbdum Kreeha Krone Kurbonk Kwerezh Labgi Laga Lakh Lannikh Lardbat Latub Laud Laudul Lesh Lica Licash Loord Lora Lorbuk Lorgar Lorthurd Ludesh Lugnah Luragale Lurzul Lusha Lutte Lyne Lémice Mabes Magnie Magrok Maine Mairène Malagar Malz Mancise Mane Marg Marga Margarz Margikh Marulra Masgub Menne Mice Micel Milinekh Moga Mogal Mollash Mong Monloth Morbgra Morent Morkh Mufdash Muhgul Mulash Mulfinag Mulg Mulippy Mult Murah Murdbol Murdulor Murgo Murzug Mush Musharz Mutha Muza Muzer Muzgo Muzgohog Muzubesh Muzuk Myrion Nakh Namine Narn Nazgu Obaga Odide Odugb Ofga Oggat Ogrothuz Ogza Olgabes Olie Onburku Onst Ooguazob Ookhun Oortrob Oorum Oothul Orgargo Orghran Orgulat Orgur Orgzub Orob Orutte Othagh Othoghag Pient Pinicher Quereg Rakh Rarz Rashurn Rigub Rion Roglak Rokirol Roldzag Romra Roruga Rugrutha Rushath Ruthorgo Ruzagdum Ruzkag Sgor Sgum Shag Shaglor Shaine Shalguk Shamukh Shan Shargdum Shargh Shbul Shence Shesette Shkiva Shnagine Shnasha Shufgata Shugagaz Shul Shurz Shuzol Skyrigut Slarog Slarz Slarza Sled Slord Smane Snaguk Snar Snarak Snard Snash Snatie Snaz Snie Snieth Snine Snomgorn Somrozth Sone Stin Stugorga Surok Sylart Szub Tagrok Thalknie Tham Thmoghor Thmorgak Thog Thoruurn Thum Thunzoth Thérice Tugdush Tush Ufabekh Ufgerm Ufgruk Uftha Ugathag Ughob Ulbub Ulghorn Ulshna Ulug Ulumbuk Ulur Umbarikh Unag Unde Undesh Undra Undubest Urasha Urgarolg Urgotha Urndrub Urnifeed Ushame Usharaz Ushazz Ushg Ushnag Uzra Vrekh Vrey Vulod Vusharz Wagdorg Wilind Xane Yadush Yagurord Yakh Yargora Yash Yazash Yazorz Yazoth Yvonk Zaguk Zavele Zuga Zugdrois Zugha Zughris Zushdug Éliner Élive Érèselzu Éver
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sagedamage23 · 2 years
Stole a Harry Potter meme and turned it into a borbol from my life meme, please turn it into your own brobol meme and reblog!
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amenidades · 2 years
🦋 Barbie FASHIONISTAS 177, a nova JULIETTE com vestido florido e borbole...
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bave-de-crapaud · 4 years
The Chaperone...
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Artwork by flowsofly
Post Azkaban Sirius Black x Reader Older Sirius Word Count: 1600+
Warning: Eventual Smut
Disclaimer: all characters are assumed 18+
“Sirius, you know I can’t.”
“Why not?”
“Because you are trying to get intel from this woman! For the Order no less.”
Sirius sighed and dropped his face onto his kitchen table. Y/N barely had time to move his coffee mug out of the way before he knocked it over.
“I know, but every time I talk to her she thinks I’m making a move or asking her out.”
Y/N raised her eyebrows in half amusement. “Well, you do flirt, a lot.”
Sirius cocked his head at her and smirked. “That’s just with you, sweetheart.” To Sirius’ annoyance though, Y/N rebuffed this comment.
“Well, have you tried being clearer and stating you are not interested?”
He sat up and looked at Y/N - his derisive expression told her the answer he didn’t need to voice.
“Well, what about appealing to Dumbledore? Surely he won’t keep you in this position…” she trailed off as Sirius scoffed, looking away from Y/N.
“He thinks this is an advantage. Even Moody told me to use ‘every angle.’”
Sirius’s frown concerned Y/N. She’d known him for a few years now - heard of him for longer. He wasn’t the sybarite person that everyone thought he was and she understood his dilemma of having to ‘suck it up’ for the greater good - ending the Death Eater reign.
However, unlike Dumbledore and Moody, Y/N thought that after his stint in Azkaban, and consequent years on the run followed by an enforced house arrest, Sirius had sucked it up enough for their cause.
“Ok, say I do stay and run interference for this…” Y/N waved her hands in the air, struggling for a word to describe the situation.”This… meet.”
“Yes?!” Sirius’ face broke into a hopeful grin which caused Y/N to hold out her palm and halt the hope before it spread.
“Hypothetically speaking, Sirius…. How will that help? Haven’t you already tried this with Remus and Bill?”
Y/N didn’t like the crooked grin that played on Sirius’ face just then, it foretold of danger for her and when he answered she saw where his game was.
“Yes…” Sirius drawled slowly. “But not as my, girlfriend.”
“Oh no! Don’t go there.” Despite her initial reaction of shock, Y/N couldn’t help smiling at his cheeky smirk.
Sirius, pursed his lips and studied her, tapping his boot on the table leg next to him. They sat in silence for a moment, each debating the pros and cons of his request, deflating each second as the realisation grew that though Y/N staying would help Sirius in his conundrum, it would certainly derail his assignment and cause him to lose a key contact.
The thing about Rita was, she didn’t, and had never taken ‘No’ for an answer. It was what made her such an excellent reporter and such an insufferable witch…
“Oh Sirius, you are just sooo funny!” Rita’s sickly sweet voice rang out through the room as she placed her hand on his chest and leant into him as if to prove to her colleagues he was her conquest.
Sirius, leant away and smiled mechanically. “All I said was ‘I’m tight on time.’” He knew she was trying to get everyone’s attention. He had been half sure that her intention of inviting him to her workplace for ‘urgent intel’, was in fact a ruse to show him off to her workmates. Now he was certain.
“What did you want to talk to me about?” Sirius crossed his arms over his chest, thereby subtly removing her hand from his body.
“Why don’t we talk about this over dinner tonight?” She purred, circling her index finger along his forearm.
The feeling made Sirius’ shiver in disgust and he was certain his balls had just tried to insert themselves back inside his body.
“You called me here to tell me to come to dinner? Jesus, I left work for this - I thought you had some important info?”
Not in the least perturbed, Rita smiled her devious smile at him.
“Oh the Auror office won’t miss you for 5 minutes with me will they?” She attempted to batt her eyes at him in a sycophantic sort of way.
Sirius couldn’t help it, his mouth turned down in disgust and she had noticed. He was weighing up his options: piss her off and lose potential info or acquiesce, and suffer through another obsequious evening. It was perhaps the hardening in her eyes at his obvious distaste to her flirting and the worry of failing the Order that answered for him.
“Fine. See you tonight. Come to my place. 6pm. We’ll eat.”
Rita smiled triumphantly as Sirius turned, leaving the room quickly.
“Oh, I have a friend staying with me at the moment and she’ll be joining us. You’ll like her. See you tonight.”
Though his back was turned, he could picture the shocked displeasured look finding its way onto her features. It was small wins like this that gave him strength, and he smirked to himself as he strode out of the room.
“Yikes - she is awful, Sirius.” Y/N had listened as he talked and started to feel sorry for the man. He was, as he had so eloquently pointed out previously, between a rock and a hard place. Could it possibly be that they - the Order - his friends had misjudged this supposed playboy?
As Y/N contemplated this, Sirius sighed and took another sip of his coffee. Y/N studied his face, it was drawn and resigned. Not at all like the playful, gregarious Sirius she was used to.
Wanting to cheer him up, Y/N kept searching in her brain for help, “well, it won’t be all bad will it? You’ll at least have someone with you tonight.”
Sirius looked back at Y/N, a hopeful expression filling out his face. “I will?”
“Yes.” Y/N frowned confused. “You said to Rita that someone was…oh no!”
Finally clicking to the realisation about what he had assumed, Y/N stood up quickly from the table.
“No no no no no… no!”
“Please, Y/N?!” Sirius got to his feet too.
“No! Sirius, how will that look? We’ll get in trouble with the Order and this is important intel, I hope.”
“I’m begging you Y/N.” Sirius implored. “I’ll drop to my knees if you want me to.”
Y/N was temporarily disarmed at the thought of bringing Sirius Black to his knees and he used this momentary lapse in concentration to his advantage.
“Look, she’ll be here any minute and you don’t have to be you.”
“What do you mean? She knows who I am. We work in the same department remember. Unless you have some Polyjuice on hand but I doubt there is a wizard or witch Rita Skeeter won’t recognise. She gets everywhere.”
“No not Polyjuice - she doesn’t know your animagus form!” Sirius was grinning artfully at Y/N who was again temporally shocked by another request.
Sirius pushed forward before Y/N could react to the fact he knew she was an animagus, “I said there was someone joining us tonight - I didn’t say it was human!” Sirius paused, an infinitesimal air of hesitancy about him, “You can pretend to be my pet.”
“YOUR PET?!” Y/N took a swipe at him from across the table which he easily dodged by catching her hand in his.
“You’d make a great pet Y/N and I’ll be sure to treat you right.” He laughed at her snarl and pitiful attempt to hit him again.
Before Y/N could voice her outrage there was a knock at the door.
Both froze.
“Sirius!” Y/N tired to reason with him. “You haven’t even seen my animagus form - how did you even know I was one?”
“Tonks told me.” He smirked again.
Tonks. Y/N growled under her breath already planning what she was going to do the next time she saw that metamorphmagus.
“It can’t be that bad.” Sirius held on to Y/N’s hand still, as he strode around the table, heading towards the door. “T said you were some sort of cat?”
Y/N looked at him for a full 10 seconds, contemplating her options. Another, more impatient knock rang out in the hallway.
“Please Y/N?” Sirius beseeched her.
She looked into the perfect face of Sirius Black, his sharp jawline flecked with stubble, chiseled cheek bones flanked by waves shoulder length black hair. She couldn’t say no to this face and in all honesty she was starting to believe that this might be fun.
“Yes, I’m a cat.”
“Please Y/N. Sirius begged again. “ I’ll owe you big time.”
“Fine, but be careful what you wish for.” A reckless freedom had swept over Y/N and perhaps tonight would prove to be an excellent moment to test the waters with Sirius - see just how sincere he was and how far he was willing to go to owe her one.
“Great!” Sirius stood close to Y/N and wrapped her in a furious bear hug. “I’ll grab the door and you just.. um change. Don’t leave my side ok?”
“Just do cat things: get in the way, sit on my lap etcetera.”
“Your lap?!” Y/N raised an eyebrow at him.
To his credit he blushed. “Strictly to help me create a barrier with Rita and all that.”
Y/N had not seen Sirius blush before. “Ok - I’ll do cat things and keep her away from you.”
Sirius squeezed her once again before turning and walking out the room as the forth and final knock sounded loudly on the front door.
A small smile crept onto Y/N’s lips as she thought of Sirius asking her to sit on his lap. Whatever happened tonight, that request alone was going to be worth the potential telling off they could get from the Order if anyone found out what they were doing tonight. 
This was going to be fun.
Tag List: @with1love1anu  @evyiione  @borbole-teias  @riddikuluslypotter  @sirius-lysad  @emmamass24  @mylovelykelsifer  @sly-vixen-up2nogood  @ashkuuuu  @songforhema  @wangmangagavroche  @legalyred  @qwertyokok  @criminalyetminimal  @hannahhobnob  @mrsrosiebarnes  @ofherosandvillians-blog  @doitforthevine67  @maraudersprincess  @socialfake  @fangirlofbooksandpasta @littledeadgirlwalking @themyththelegendthenerd @fific7​
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ma voltam ceges kirandulason a kozeli cedar ridge vinery&distilleryben (leparlo?), ahol tobbek kozott sokat megtudtam arrol hogyan keszul a bourbon (pl legalabb 51% kukoricanak kell benne lennie, uj amerikai tolgyfahordokban kell erlelni), hogy az iowai idojaras mennyire jot tesz az itteni whiskey-nek, mert nem szabalyozzak a homersekletet az erleles soran, csak kinyitjak a pajtaajtot (tenyleg) es mivel erre fele is naponta akar 20-30 fok kulonbseg lehet a homersekletben, a szukules-tagulas remekul mozgatja a whiskey-t a hordoban, (ennek kovetkezteben 20% el is veszik, szemben az ipari 5% veszteseggel), elmondasuk szerint egy ev iowa-i erleles 3 ev kentucky-nak felel meg. en nem vagyok nagy whiskey ivo, valoszinuleg ma tobbet ittam belole mint egesz eletemben osszesen, pedig vissza is kellett fognom magam mert nekem kellett vezetni hazafele, de az illatat mindig is szerettem es mint megtudtam az iz/illat 60%-a hordobol jon.
ez a hordo dolog is erdekes, hogy csak ujakat lehet hasznalni a bourbonhoz, mondta is a faszi, hogy ha nincs sajat hordogyarad vagy nem ismersz valakit, igen nehez hordohoz jutni, ezert sokan peldaul, ha kesz egy whiskey egyszeruen szetszedik a hordot, kiforditjak es ujra hasznaljak.
a kornyek is nagyon szep volt, korbe korbe dombok es szolo, meg egy kis to, borbol csak a dijnyertes feher muskotalyost kostoltam, de azert annal ittam mar jobbat is otthon :).
amugy nem csak whiskeyvel es borral foglalkoznak, csinalnak rumot brandyt es ujabban vodkat is, a rumot es a brandyt kostoltam mar, a rum mondjuk nyilvan nem er fel egy delamerikai minoseggel, de klasszisokal jobb mint egy bacardi.
ellenben a koznep kozul eloszor kostolhattuk meg a slipknotos whiskey-t (nyilvan elsore a tankcsapdas palinka ugrott be) nekem a sima bourbon jobban izlett, de az amcsik korulottem imadtak, szoval valszeg nagy sikere lesz majd az allami vasarban :)
egyebkent whiskeybol is van dijnyertesuk, ugyan "csak" amerikai vereny volt, de azert gondolom az amcsik csak tudjak mar hogy milyennek kell lennie egy bourbonnak, ellentétben mondjuk velem :)
volt meg pitza is amit a sajat kemencejukben sutnek es a vegen kinyitottak nekunk ket 3 eves hordot, na az tenyleg volt valami, mindketto boven 50 fok felett, de megfogadva a whiskey szeretok tanacsat egy csepp viz "kibontotta az illatokat es az aromakat", ugyhogy azok is izlettek.
mikor jottunk el, kiderult hogy semmiert nem kell fizetni, erre cory elokapta a ceges hitelkartyat es raparancsolt mindenkire hogy valasszon valamit az ajandekboltbol, en hoztam egy pear brandyt, az almasat mar kostoltam, az majdnem teljesen olyan mint egy jo palinka otthon, szerintem ebben sem fogok csalodni.
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mondtam mar hogy szeretek ott dolgozni, ahol?
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Què és la poesia?
La poesia és un aucell del cel
que fa sovint volades a la terra,
per vessar una gota de consol
en lo cor trist dels desterrats fills d'Eva.
Los fa record del paradís perdut
on jugava l'amor amb la ignocència,
i els ne fa somiar un de millor
en lo verger florit de les estrelles.
Ella és lo rossinyol d'aquells jardins,
són llur murmuri bla ses canticeles,
que hi transporten al pobre desterrat
dant-li per ales místiques les seves.
No es deixa engabiar en los palaus,
no es deixa esbalair per la riquesa,
en la masia amb los senzills del cor
ses ales d'or i sa cançó desplega.
Mes per sentir-li modular a pler
la pobra humanitat està distreta.
Qui està distret amb lo borboll mundà,
com sentirà la refilada angèlica?
L'aucell del paradís no es fa oir, no,
de qui escolta la veu de la sirena.
Lo cel que es mira en la fontana humil
no s'emmiralla en la riuada tèrbola.
De poetes cabdals prou n'hi ha haguts;
cap d'ells la dolça melodia ha apresa.
Qui n'arribés a aprendre un refilet,
aquell ne fóra l'àliga superba.
Mes l'aucellet refila tot volant,
calàndria de l'empírea primavera,
allí dalt entre els núvols de l'orient
llença un raig d'harmonies i s'encela.
Jo l'he sentida un bell matí de maig,
lo bell matí del maig de ma infantesa.
Jo l'he sentida la gentil cançó,
per ço m'és enyorívola la terra.
Jacint Verdaguer,
15 de maig de 1896. Aires del Montseny, 1901
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regiane-borbols · 3 years
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Receita na última foto! Salada de lentilhas com linguiça. Tem abobrinha pimentão…Super recomendo fica uma maravilha! (em Vila Zelina) https://www.instagram.com/borbols/p/CZPDWuQuoEU/?utm_medium=tumblr
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deppadrian90 · 4 years
Most nem reppelek komolyan komolyan komolyan mondom elegem van a piabol meg a flakonos borbol🤪
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munkaruhawebaruhaz · 6 years
Topolino szandál O1 Betét nélkül. Panda Safety
Topolino szandál O1 Betét nélkül. Panda Safety
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Topolino szandál O1 Betét nélkül. Panda Safety
Panda Topolino O1 Szandál, bor, olajálló talppal, acélbetét nélkül, antisztatikus, O1. Panda 6109 O1 – Olasz gyártás, professzionális munkavédelmi szandál a Panda -Safety gyártól – nincs benne orrmerevíto, O1 kategória EN ISO 20347 – antisztatikus, csúszásgátló és üzemanyagálló talppal, energiaelnyelo sarokrésszel és lélegzo borbol készült…
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dudsdaily-blog · 7 years
Metas para 2018:
🌸 emagrecer de 5 a 10 kg.
🌸 caminhar/correr pelo menos 5 vezes por semana.
🌸 continuar a transição para o veganismo.
🌸 meditação/yoga todos os dias.
🌸 passar argila no rosto pelo menos 3 vezes por semana.
🌸 hidratar o cabelo uma vez por semana.
🌸 começar a aceitar meu rosto como ele é.
🌸 não ter vergonha de falar em público.
🌸 demonstrar mais os sentimentos.
🌸 tirar fotos nuas e apreciá-las.
🌸 praticar os ensinamentos do budismo.
🌸 estudar todos os dias.
🌸 melhorar em exatas/inglês.
🌸 ter mais autoconfiança.
🌸 ser melhor à cada dia.
🌸🌸🌸 me amar. 🌸🌸🌸
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jessicakehoe · 4 years
Pine Needle Pants? Cactus Coat? Discover the Innovative Textiles That Could Forever Change How We Dress
At the recent runway show for London College of Fashion’s master’s degree graduates, Canadian designer Stephanie Moscall-Varey—whose line is called Moskal—debuted an unlikely fabric concept. “I was researching mining because it had such close family ties, and living in Britain, it’s a big conversation,” says Moscall-Varey, whose previous designs derived influence from her upbringing in rural Ontario. For Fall 2020, she looked to her grandfather, who was a coal miner, and her father, a former coal power plant engineer, for inspiration. Her Pit Brow collection pays homage to the people who worked in the early coal mines and the hardships they endured, and it features pieces made from a material fashioned from charcoal.
Moscall-Varey’s textile innovation has a wide variety of environmental implications—including its biodegradability—and it couldn’t come at a more crucial time. According to a recent report published by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, there were 53 million tonnes of fibre produced for clothing in 2015 and the equivalent of one garbage truck full of finished products either ended up in a landfill or was incinerated per second. The report addresses two key issues that continue to confound the fashion industry: How can creatives and businesses tackle more responsible creation of new materials to design with? And how can these materials be disposed of in a way that won’t further damage the planet?
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Pit Brow AW20// Spatial ghost apron in charcoal with particle board print // shaft trouser in charcoal & ell mesh in black
A post shared by Stephanie Moscall-Varey (@moskal_designs) on Mar 26, 2020 at 4:18am PDT
Unsurprisingly, many are looking to nature for “ingredient” inspiration—that’s the term that has been adopted to describe what goes into the yarn and other components used in the fabrics our wardrobes are full of. From promoting the concept of a more circular manufacturing system to highlighting other potential eco benefits, answers to the question “How can we do better?” lie all around us. And now you can find them in places like Mexico, Scandinavia and right here in Canada.
Montreal’s Aldo Group is one of the first fashion footwear and accessories companies in the world to be certifiably climate neutral. A key component of this designation has been via the work of people like Karine Kicak, the company’s senior sustainability manager. Kicak spearheaded Call It Spring’s use of Bloom algae foam in its shoes, including this season’s chunky ’90s-inspired runners and sleek chambray mules. “Algae just naturally has the same properties as certain plastics that are used in foam or in a footwear outsole,” says Kicak, who is a chemical engineer as well as an expert in life-cycle assessment.
Unlike a material such as recycled plastic, “algae grows naturally in plants and lakes,” she notes. “That’s what makes it a great ingredient: Contrary to most that are used in textiles, it really doesn’t need much to grow—just sunlight. It doesn’t need labour, it doesn’t need land and it doesn’t need pesticides.”
It’s important to understand that when it comes to better ingredients for textile creation, there are factors beyond how they are cultivated and the purpose for harvesting them; in the case of algae, removing it from where it grows actually makes the environment better after the fact. But how something is processed into its final stage is also something to consider. Kicak points out that Bloom’s technique for taking algae from nature to store shelves involves drying it using only the sun—instead of electrical heaters or chemical means—before turning it into the tiny granules that go into Call It Spring’s soles.
Many other eco-minded movements in the fashion industry are in the draft stage. Earlier this year, Finland’s Marimekko—known for its colourful print work on everything from clothing to home decor—announced its partnership with fellow Finnish company Spinnova to create a set of samples made from a post-consumer biodegradable wood-based textile. “This was a very meaningful union because it was early on for us,” says Emmi Berlin, Spinnova’s head of communications.
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Mainstream in our sustainable future! Both the woven and jersey fabrics used in these demos were made of the Spinnova fiber (combined with cotton and/or lyocell). The outfits were designed, printed and manufactured by Marimekko at the Marimekko House in Helsinki, Finland. . . . . . . #spinnova #marimekko #sustainablefashion #naturalfibres #sustainablefabrics #sustainabletextiles #ethicaltextiles #sustainable #natural #ecofabric #naturaltextiles #refibre #textiledesign #sustainabledesign #circularfashion #textile #material #fabrics #sustainability #plasticfree #wastefree #ecofriendly #recycle #innovation #circulareconomy #sustainablefuture #jointhechange
A post shared by Spinnova (@spinnova_fibre) on Feb 26, 2020 at 5:47am PST
“Marimekko was really our first brand partner to advise us on what the fibre should be like and how we should even go about trying to create the first prototypes of it.” Saara Azbel, Marimekko’s sustainability manager, notes that the timing was right for the brand as well. “We have been working on developing more sustainable cotton, and we want to play a more active part in developing new sustainable materials,” she says.
Marimekko and Spinnova—and many other brands from the Scandinavian region—have become pioneers in the championing of earth-conscious design. Bonnie Hvillum, a material researcher, founded the Copenhagen-based Natural Material Studio after years of working as a systemic consultant. “I have a master’s in design but started doing systemic work as a way of approaching sustainability and regenerative futures,” she says. “I did a lot of consultancy for companies. Then I went on maternity leave with my second child, and I was missing that feeling of making a change in the world every day with my own hands. When you consult, you can try and influence people and advise, but you don’t really have that power to make the actual change.”
Hvillum began to develop a material made from pine needles—something Denmark has in abundance due to the country’s role in Christmas tree agriculture. “Fifty million trees are grown and cut down in Europe every year,” she says. Hvillum decided to look into possible applications for the seasonal refuse. “It’s a really strong fibre and contains natural oils; it has a lot of additives in it already,” she notes of the needles’ appealing qualities.
The mother of two also highlights that a major contributor to how brands function today, and how some initiatives are more well received by the public than others, is their narrative—like brands using materials from plastic water bottles and marketing them with pictures of barrier reefs and sea creatures in distress. The tale of how trees go from being a part of tradition to being used as a textile is a potent one, and Hvillum’s latest project has this storytelling element in spades. Over a year ago, she was approached by Moscall-Varey to discuss textile development and manufacturing, and after months of back and forth, Moskal was ready to introduce a charcoal foam composite fabric to the world at her master’s graduate show.
“It was a really beautiful process,” says Moscall-Varey about collaborating with Hvillum to develop the material, which has a neoprene meets leather-like feel and is biodegradable—and that’s the proverbial tip of the iceberg in terms of this textile’s merits. “I started looking into what charcoal is,” says Hvillum, who mined academic papers with Moscall-Varey for hints about what else the ingredient could do. “Activated charcoal is used in filtration systems. Could we use this as a filtering system in a fabric?” Such possible uses for the material were novel enough to afford Moscall-Varey and Hvillum an opportunity to present it at the sustainability-focused organization The Sustainable Angle’s annual Future Fabrics Expo in London in January of this year.
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The widespread potential for new nature-derived fabrics is what’s now driving some material-manufacturing upstarts. Marte Cázarez and Adrián López of Adriano di Marti developed a leather-like textile made from the cactus that grows abundantly—and with low use of resources—across Mexico’s arid landscape. The two initially considered Desserto (the name of the material) important in improving the wasteful methods that exist within the fashion industry. Yet after visiting an Italian fabric fair, they came to realize that there are uses for it in the automotive, aeronautic and other industries as well. “It’s really interesting because we didn’t have that big idea that this material could be used in such ways,” says Cázarez. This May, Desserto won the sustainability award at Monte-Carlo Fashion Week, and earlier this year, it won in the materials category of the Green Product Award competition; these accolades bolster its position as one of the most exciting textile innovations in recent memory.
Whether or not someone sets out to revolutionize on a grand scale, those in and around the fashion industry will likely change more about our lives than any of us can foresee. And that’s what excites people like Hvillum. “It’s a really interesting time at the moment because people have started opening their eyes,” she says. Now it’s time to keep them fixed on the prize of a healthier planet.
The post Pine Needle Pants? Cactus Coat? Discover the Innovative Textiles That Could Forever Change How We Dress appeared first on FASHION Magazine.
Pine Needle Pants? Cactus Coat? Discover the Innovative Textiles That Could Forever Change How We Dress published first on https://borboletabags.tumblr.com/
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↠ Visita la nova pàgina ↠ Visita la nueva página ↠ Visit the new site ↠↠↠ @lullal2702 ❥ . " L'Ullal, ja ho sabem, és un broll d'aigua en la planúria marjalenca. Obrint-se espontani en terres moldoses, pròpied de l'aiguamoll, el brollador tendeix a eixamplar el llit. L'aigua puja clarísima, borbollant, com si bullira a glops. L'ullal sembla aixíbun grandísim vas redó, coronat de brossa i lliris, internament com un ventre d'argent, com calders fonda ben estanyada. . Ullal, paraula derivada d'ull. I, efectivament, això pareix: un ull immens, atònit...Gens monstruós, però; més aviat ple de dolcesa, íntim, quasi humà... ¡ Misteris de la Creació ! . . Martí Domínguez . Algemesí . Música: La Muixeranga interpretada per Luar Na Lubre
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flaublog · 8 years
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regiane-borbols · 3 years
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Quem mais aí a doida das coxinhas?!! Fotografia para: @lojasaborear (em Vila Zelina) https://www.instagram.com/borbols/p/CZH6isVu4_j/?utm_medium=tumblr
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