#borderline (off spinoff)
borderline-off-fangame · 11 months
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I need to start slapping in screenshots from my game so people know what they're about to experience ;;
this is as spoiler free as it gets
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My take on what’s been going on with the fandom regarding Melissa McBride. This will get me blocks I’m sure but you have to be careful who you trust. Listen to people but don’t think they are god. Even actors and showrunners have been known to embellish the truth. I do not believe for a second Melissa is being overrun and underminded. She already left the spinoff once and a lot was put in to getting her back on board. That’s not something AMC or Norman/Scott is going to jeopardize again. A lot of talk is going around about a pro Caryl showrunner and rumors of how the men are trying to block that from happening. For one if AMC wanted them they’ll sign them. They have the power over Scott. Another thing is they are not going to refuse to hire someone over their taste in ships. These are professional people who have done this job before.
Keep in mind about who you are getting the information from. If they use the line “you don’t have to believe me” chances are they aren’t being forthcoming. If they become aggressive when you don’t believe them chances are they aren’t being honest. This seems more about a fandom power play then it does as warning to Carylers to make a movement to AMC.
I’ve seen so much division in the Caryl fandom throughout several platforms. And it’s to much competition that often times makes it unbearable. There’s a few “leaders” who are constantly at odds with each other and fight for their place at fandom Queen. It’s childish and mean girl behavior.
FYI a true leader is someone who uplifts everyone regardless of how they feel about you. Not a dictatorship which some of you are guilty of. I’ve seen you guys shut down people and try to push them out of the fandom for having the same opinion earlier that you have now. So maybe think on that before you judge next time. None of us are ever 100 percent right all the time.
Some of you really need to let that high school mantra go. I don’t believe the ones being the loudest have any true connection to higher ups at AMC or the DD/BOC show. And I don’t believe Melissa is being strongholded. She is an EP and has a say in Carol’s story. AMC official accounts are using the Caryl hashtag. There’s a lot to look forward to. She’s been a part of the show from day one giving input and helping on and off screen even before she was an EP. Melissa was a huge part of season one even without the title. Actors have always raved about how she’s made them better and the same holds true with this show. So you all need to relax. Melissa is valued.
I can tell you this with certainty the one claiming to have this insider information is the same person who would dm a wide range of accounts that seemed to have information and beg them for whatever information they could. And when she got information she refused to share any. Which is what they are doing now. Talking about a female show runner but will not name names. Put your money where your mouth is if you think you have accurate information. And I will tell you this stalking and dming crew members or production members for a tid bit of information is not a source. It’s borderline harassment. You know who you are.
Now in closing this person also claimed that if Carylers were loud enough to AMC that the spinoff would not happen. Yes they were going to waste all that money or sets and contracts. Melissa was also already there when they were trying to make this movement lol. Stop acting like they are the Buddha to the Caryl fandom like you have no common sense and can’t function without them. There are many strong Caryl fans who don’t spread misery on a daily basis you can talk to. To calm your fears or just to talk about happier things to look forward to. These so called leaders seek out emotional people that they can control who are looking for guidance. This was once the greatest fandom in the land and could be again if we would break ties with the ones holding us down. So just think about that before being sucked down with the rest. Great things are coming. I promise you that.
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sonicboomseason3 · 8 days
Amy + Shadow + Eggman.
(idk, i'm just trying to make it as random as i can)
ask game: send me AT LEAST 3 emojis (the more random the better) and AT LEAST 2 characters from sonic boom and i’ll come up with a little drabble in response!
"It's a beautiful night tonight," Amy remarks as she briefly looks up and out her window. "There's even a full moon out. Should we go out stargazing after this?"
"What? You promised we'd play Fuzzy Puppies!" Eggman's voice comes out in a borderline whine. "I didn't cancel my plans to attack the village tonight just to look at some stupid stars, you know."
"They're not stupid," Amy protests. "And we can do both! We can just set the game up outside."
"Okay, fair. As long as the wind doesn't blow the pieces away, I'm game."
Amy nods and resumes what she was doing before: painting Eggman's nails red and yellow, alternating colors between each finger. The two of them scheduled this hangout a few days ago to celebrate the release of the new Fuzzy Puppies figurine, Chunky Chihuahua. Despite how highly coveted it was and still is, Amy somehow got her hands on it on the first day through means that Eggman is desperate to uncover when they play later. That's really the only reason he agreed to be here tonight. That, along with his belief in the importance of nail care.
He wasn't really aware that Shadow would also be here until he ran into him in front of Amy's door earlier, though he certainly isn't complaining about the additional company.
He turns his head to acknowledge the third person in the room. "What about you, Shadow? Do you wanna be Fuzzy Puppy buddies with us?"
Shadow is lying on his back on Amy's other couch, his hands folded across his chest in relaxation. Between his facial mask and the two slices of cucumbers on top of his eyes, his expression is even more difficult to read than usual. Thankfully, for what his countenance lacks in clarity, his words more than make up for it. "I'd rather be mauled by real dogs."
"Oh come on, it's real fun. Don't let the name fool you, it's a legitimate game that centers around strategy, cunning, and aggression—"
"I know what the game entails, you buffoon. Dave keeps talking about it and trying to get me to join him. My answer to you is the same one as the one I always give him. Unless they start selling a spinoff featuring cats and not dogs, I have zero interest." He peels a cucumber slice off of one of his eyes so he can shoot Eggman a warning look. "Now stop with this absurd offer of yours before I forcibly oust you from this house."
His glare may have been a bit more effective if he didn't look the way he currently does, but Eggman nevertheless figures that it may be best if he doesn't ruin one of the few times he isn't actively on Shadow's bad side. "Alright, yeesh. If this hypothetical cat spinoff ever comes out, don't expect me to play with you when you show up at my door."
Shadow scoffs but says nothing, instead opting to toss the cucumber slice in his mouth rather than putting it back on his eye. Once he swallows it, he grabs a chocolate chip cookie from the platter on the coffee table. He and Amy scheduled this hangout a few days ago to eat some of the treats she baked. Despite his aversion to the idea of friendship, Shadow ultimately decided that indulging his sweet tooth would be worth the various sacrifices he would have to make to his established character. That's really the only reason he agreed to be here tonight. That, along with his belief in the importance of exfoliation.
He wasn't really aware that Eggman would also be here until he ran into him in front of Amy's door earlier, and he certainly is complaining about the additional company. In his head.
"You know, speaking of the full moon being out, I have this recurring dream where I destroy half of it with a giant laser," Eggman supplies as a change in topic. "Not sure why."
Amy stops in the middle of putting the second coat of nail polish on his right middle finger to look up at him, a mixture of horror, confusion, and anger on her face. Shadow also looks a little taken aback as he devours his cookie and reaches for the next one, even if he seems to be doing his utter best to completely ignore him.
"What? I'm not saying I'd actually do it!" Eggman cries. "Do you know how many negative effects that would have on the planet? That's not my brand of villainy!"
Amy exhales in relief. "Good." She'd much rather not have to send Knuckles up to space again. Her contentment transforms into irritation when she hears an especially loud crunch coming from Shadow. She turns to glare at him. "Shadow, will you stop eating while you're lying on my couch?! You're going to get crumbs everywhere!" She pauses as she looks down at the cookie platter. Assessing its contents, she adds with even more annoyance, "And don't eat all the chocolate chip! Save some for Eggman!"
Shadow doesn't verbally respond to any of her demands. He simply turns his head to stare at her with his single open eye as he takes an additional two chocolate chip cookies from the platter. He stacks them underneath the cookie he already started eating, then chomps down on all three with his fangs, making sure the ensuing CRUNCH echoes throughout the entire house. He continues to stare at her.
"Ugh." Amy is the one to break eye contact first, because of course she is. She can't even say she's surprised at the lack of respect in the face of all her hospitality.
She scheduled separate hangouts with Eggman and Shadow a few days ago as part of her efforts to be the bigger person. She even tempted them with sweets, board games, and cosmetology!
And then they showed up at her front door together, one looking far more enthused than the other, and it was then that Amy knew that she accidentally double-booked. Maybe she can't complain, since she knows for a fact that things could be going a lot worse than they actually are.
"He can have all the chocolate chip he wants, it's an overrated flavor anyway. A snickerdoodle though? That's where it's—hey. Hey!" In the middle of his sentence, Eggman finally looks down at Amy's handiwork and becomes indignant. "Don't paint Orbot and Cubot's faces on my nails! What makes you think I want those two buckets of bolts anywhere on my body?!"
"You wanted red and yellow!"
"Yes, to go with my coat, not my robots!"
"Well then, sorry!" Amy snaps as she uses her finger to rub Orbot and Cubot's faces away. What a shame; she thinks she did a pretty good job with them. "What do you actually want to put on your nails? Because they feel too plain with just the colors."
"Hm..." Eggman purses his lips and rubs his chin with the hand Amy isn't in the middle of fixing, taking extra care to not accidentally rub any still wet nail polish against his skin. "Hmmm... Hmmmmmmmm..."
"Get on with it," Shadow, staring up at the ceiling, grunts as he munches on a snickerdoodle, having already gone through all of the chocolate chip. Amy's fairly certain his choice to go through the snickerdoodles next is solely to spite Eggman.
Eggman throws his hand up in the air in a well-what-can-you-do fashion. "Draw a compass pointing north on my pointer finger."
Amy levels him with a very puzzled look.
"What," Shadow mutters incredibly judgmentally.
"Hey, come on, don't either of you get it? Compass pointing north on my pointer finger? I point at things a lot?" When neither of them have a visible epiphany, he rolls his eyes and sighs at what he perceives to be their slowness. "It symbolizes that I have a sense of direction! When I point at you and your team and yell, 'ROBOTS, ATTAAAAAACK!' it shows that I lead my creations!"
"Okay, but... a compass of all things?" Amy questions. If There are so many other things that can carry the same message. For example, there is the classic arrow, which would definitely look a lot better on a fingernail than a freaking compass.
"You have no so-called 'sense of direction.' If you did, you would have already conquered this pathetic village long ago. In addition, you wouldn't be sitting around the house of one of your enemies getting a beauty treatment."
Amy wisely chooses to ignore Shadow and his blatant hypocrisy in favor of trying to understand Eggman's muse. "And why do you want it to point north anyway?"
"Oh, easy. To represent my eventual rise in power once I build my theme park," Eggman explains casually. "It's important to have aspirations. Reaching for the heavens, you know."
"Did this fool just imply that he thinks that north is the same thing as up? As in the direction of the sky? Or 'the heavens,' as he calls it?"
"What's wrong with..." Eggman pauses as it dawns on him. "Oh. Well, it's the direction closest to being up! It's not any less up than east is!"
"Hey, it's okay, you don't have to justify this," Amy cuts in quickly before he can get too into defending his logic. Mainly because she knows that once he truly starts, there's no shutting him up. "I'll paint you your compass if that's what you really want."
"Sure. And when one of the villagers asks him which way is north, he can use that finger to point upwards," Shadow says snidely, as he grabs the very last cookie off the platter. Raising it to his lips, he adds, "Given the average intelligence level of these people, they'll believe him, too."
Eyeing the cleaned plate warily, Amy makes a silent note to bake a bigger batch of cookies next time. That, or prohibit Shadow from gaining any access to them and miraculously getting him to comply with that.
"It doesn't hurt to be a little less mean, Shadow," Eggman chides as Amy resumes her work on his nails. "What would Maria think if she saw you with this attitude of yours?"
"Who's Maria?" a clearly uncaring Shadow asks through a giant mouthful of oatmeal raisin.
"My cousin. And I think you asking that just set off everyone reading this, so we should wrap this up now."
Shadow only hums noncommittally, peeling the cucumber slice from his other eye and popping it into his mouth.
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moonypears-blog · 2 months
Hi so I had ✨️thoughts✨️ on a concept for a stf episode/scenario/etc that I remembered tangentially related to your Papa story (so good btw) (also this may end up being long I'm so sorry)
It'd most likely be something geared towards an older audience (like not kindergartners lol, something for the spinoff whenever that happens maybe? Idk what the target audience for it will be considering we dont know anything about it) and framed as either a Father's Day or Halloween episode (I don't think we got any Father's day eps other than the one episode I hate with a burning passion)
Basically, Sofia is going through her things and finds something of Birk's, whether it be some sort of sailing gear or clothing or a gift or an image of them together (idk it could be anything, we know borderline nothing about this man) and she's hit with what I'm going to call the Rose Quartz effect. Missing a parent who you barely/don't know, having unanswered questions that won't/can't be answered, having all these conflicting feelings about this one person and feeling all of them yet none of them at the same time. Losing a parent at such a young age is rough and was just the tip on the iceberg of Sofia growing up far faster than she needed to.
Where am I going with this? Well, because of all of these unanswered questions and difficult emotions, Sofia wants to talk to her deceased father. Ghosts exist canonically in the series, who's to say they can't be summoned? Maybe she gets help from Cedric, or she finds a book on her own, or maybe she even gets help from Lucinda and the witches or that one ghost from the Ghostly Gala episode who's name I can't remember but I definitely had a crush on as a kid.
The main conflict of the episode would probably be all of these internal conflicting desires for Sofia, possibly also Miranda's own feelings about her belated husband (is this how you use belated? Idk lol).
Regardless of how it happens, the episode ends/has its final act with Sofia summoning her father, Birk. He sees how much his little girl has grown up, how brave and kind and smart she is. She gets to see and say goodbye to her father a final time and get proper closure. Maybe throw in a line or two there from Birk on just how grown up Sofia is, almost (definitely) too grown up for a pre-teen/adolescent girl.
The message of the episode would probably be something about grief and the process of it all, how it's okay to be angry that someone you love is gone, how talking about it opens old wounds but helps to heal them. It's bittersweet.
But yeah definitely not something suited for what the original demographic for stf was. Of course important to talk about, but with what I'm talking about it'd probably go over such young heads.
Sorry that this is so long! I had to get all my thoughts out and it got pretty rambley lmao
This is such a good idea for an episode!
I agree that Birk would be disheartened at how grown up Sofia is, obviously he'd know she's grown since she was five, but she's too far ahead, and not in the natural way that some children just emotionally mature quicker than their peers.
I think even though it's been a long time and Sofia doesn't really have anything to miss as she hardly knows life with him, she still really misses Birk, like I said in chapter two of "Papa..." some days she just wants to be by herself and lay in bed grieving him. I wish the show brought it up, especially for the potential children watching who lost one of their parents like Sofia. This would be a really good episode for that reason alone, honestly.
Honestly it wouldn't surprise me if this spin off went a more mature route, considering how a good deal of the fans are teens and adults, and there's going to be people watching who grew up on the show and are now older just out of curiosity. If I remember rightly something similar happened with miraculous ladybug, they started making the episodes more mature after the creators realised the main audience was teens and adults, not their original target audience. I've seen Craig interact with lots of older fans so he definitely knows they're a big audience!
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gear-project · 6 days
Annon-Guy: I'm currently making a new crossover game idea video involving Mechas (the giant ones) based of Gundam Battle Asuult 3.
Curious, outside of a gameplay battle, how would a fight between Burning Gundam (Domon) and Evangalion Unit 2 (Asuka) play out?
You know, since you're a fan of both 😊.
To be honest, I've been meaning to remind people that Gundam Battle Assault 2 is actually a "spinoff port" of the Arcade game Gundam: The Battle Master.
And also that the guys at Natsume Atari who did Gundam Wing Endless Duel on the Super Nintendo were the ones who developed Battle Assault 2.
Gundam Battle Assault 3 was also handled by Natsume, though I don't know the full circumstances by what made the game different, since the focus of that game was Gundam Seed at the time.
It's actually been a long time since the heydey of those games, though I still find Gundam Battle Assault 2 particularly appealing where visuals are involved (reminds me of the Rumble Fish games, actually.)
It'd be nice if we got a new game one day, though I'm not sure if Evangelion would ever do a Gundam crossover, since battle games involving EVA are even more rare than Gundam games.
Gundam is also not so common in the West, either, so I please humbly ask fans to support games like Gundam Breaker 4 coming out this August!
Still, to answer your question:
The Evangelion Unit would probably win assuming they weren't using traditional "Gundam Fight" regulation rules.
Under Gundam Fight rules though, most EVA Units are too advanced and too complex for a single pilot to manage, so the whole "Only the Gundam Pilot can manage the Gundam" rule would be too difficult to apply to an Evangelion Unit.
I don't think Domon would be capable of blowing an EVA Unit's head off in a permanent state if the Mass Production EVA Units are any indication. They'd just regenerate back, much like GEARS.
Also, the scale of EVA Units are somewhat larger than a Gundam, so Domon would have to use terrain and lots of jumping to reach an EVA Unit's head.
And that's all presuming he could get close or even breach the thing's A.T. Field.
By the way, A.T. stands for Absolute Terror, which is a psychobabble term for a person's "personal space", only difference being A.T. Fields are a physical manifestation of a person's desire to be an individual.
EVA Unit A.T. Fields could probably out-pace even GaoGaiGar's Protect Shade/Protect Wall barriers... this is borderline something akin to Guilty Gear's Absolute Barrier Felion (which the Cradle/Justice can generate via Magic).
ANYWAY, Domon's gotta surpass his human limits if he wants to take out an EVA.
By the way, most EVA Pilots are trained in self-defense, despite Shinji Ikari's um.... limitations... so it's not like they don't know basic Martial Arts... most of what they know is Government Issue, though, so it's not anything complicated.
By the way, if Potemkin were to fight Domon in his Mobile Armor, it'd probably a bit more in Potemkin's favor, since the thing has giant hands much like Potemkin does, easy for grabbing and "Bustering".
Domon, if you don't want to get grabbed, I suggest keeping your distance~
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mermaidsirennikita · 5 months
Have you sean any Shonda shows aside from Bridgerton? I'm tempted to watch but I'm told they get bad after a few seasons
I have seen... most Shonda shows aside from Bridgerton, I'm afraid lol.
Grey's Anatomy--Obviously has been on for a million years, I have been watching with some off and on periods (currently off but I check in) since... season 2. Grey's Anatomy is a BEAST. It's obviously her biggest show (Bridgerton stans I'm sorry baby but y'all can and probably never will stand up to the cultural BEHEMOTH that is Grey's, which has been on for ALMOST. TWENTY. YEARS. Ugh choke me.) In a lot of ways, Grey's is a standard medical soap, much like E.R. In other ways, it is both better and worse. I will not lie--the DRAMA of the early seasons is amazing. Season 2 of Grey's Anatomy is kinda legendary. Season 1 ending on "and you must be the woman who's screwing my husband?"
Like, whatever you feel about Meredith and McDreamy (they are... something............) the Meredith/Derek/Addison love triangle is something I don't think a lot of shows would attempt today because everything is boring and Cheating Is Evil, which means all of the people in that triangle are Evil and Bad and We Can't Like EvilBad People. Addison is one of my favorite characters on TV, which is why I also watched the entirety of the spinoff, Private Practice, which isn't anything to write home about and they kinda botched Addie at points, but she gets her HEA and I'm good with that part. It has some really emotional moments.
Also, the Denny Duquette arc in season 2 is kind of the sort of TV that everyone should at least watch for like, the history of it all. Cristina Yang is one of the greatest TV characters of all time, imo. (Cristina and Burke... whatever Isaiah Washington is irl, Cristina and Burke were a VERY compelling ship to me back in the day lol. She was his mentee??? He was her boss???? They were both kinda cool operators except they fell in love? It was toxic but it was good.
Scandal is... again, iconic TV, but damn did it fall off. I mean lol, the first two seasons were incredibly compelling TV. I'd watch them again. High drama. I hate Olitz as a couple, but I mean. There was some weird stuff happening in that show, and I did kinda eat it up. B6-13 was weird, but it did bring me Papa Pope, and I loved that nutjob. THE SMARTEST GUY IN THE ROOM. EVIL DAD.
Still Star-Crossed is bad, don't listen to anyone who tries to tell you otherwise, it should've been cancelled when it was lol.
I hate Inventing Anna. I'm glad that the Julia Garner hype seems to be dying a bit, I do not see it for her as this Great Talent at all lol.
How to Get Away with Murder.... Not something she wrote, but it has Shonda all over it. Viola Davis gives the type of performance that like, took the innovation of Olivia Pope to another level. Both were obviously something we really didn't see a lot of on mainstream primetime TV before this, and I think Shondaland does deserve props for making it prominent--the true Black antiheroine, and honestly in both Olivia and Annalise's cases, borderline villainous heroines. Also, it gave me Wes, who I love so much, and Alfie Enoch was so good in this role, and Wes and Annalise's relationship was so like... pseud-maternal/filial, but I also felt like they could kiss at any moment? The kind of dynamic usually reserved for white characters with an older man/younger woman. Season 3 really uhhhh screwed me lol, but the first two seasons, especially the season 1 arc? OOOH COMPELLING.
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[from biscord, probably will do the sin stuff l8r]
[Patch: 5 times about crow]
doing like 5 important things in my mind, this is for Crow
1. Eldritch being who can flip his shit on a dime, was created from a mad science experiment
2. He has a dead brother ghost (clark) who is practially older than him but often mistaken as his younger brother.
3. He is mainly MLM/Masc attracted, and often calls himself gay though he has had some feelings for those who weren't masc.
4. Can and will flip his switch at any time at the smallest thing, so he bfs usually hang with him to calm him down.
5. This man has like 15 boyfriends and his polycule just keeps growing.
6. Extra fact, he's one of the many ocs that have a bunch of spinoff ocs off of. and ngl I think he was originally inspired off Castiel.
[Justin: stuff about cell]
Cell was an experiment by godly beings to create the perfect ruler for his species, but was deemed faulty after various inhumane tests.
Luvin, X, Nyanxie and Gorgus were also apart of these tests though only Nyanxie and Gorgus really remember the times and also Cell.
He loves barbie movies and is shit at makeup, he taught himself. also painted his abuser's vechile BRIGHT SPARKLY barbie pink after stealing it.
if i were to give him 2 kins, Count Bleck from super paper mario and Megamind from megamind
[Justin: Limboheart info n grover insp]
FOR like absolutely no reason I got the grover inspiration, think I had recently heard more news about the new live action series based on percy jackson.
And I think it was also as a counter of his counterpart being a lion who was actually really tame/docile and limboheart was very aggressive and just violent.
but both are fucking insane ngl. Lionheart (counterpart) literally took a gunshot to the ankle and kept moving, and then basically seduced all the major crime bosses.
While limboheart is just a salty man because he hasn't confessed to his crushes.
[Patch 5 things baout clark]
1. Clark died from a deadly allergic reaction to cats, he still loves cats as a ghost and does not care
2. He looks like 10 usually, but he's actually an adult. It just feels weird to him generally to shapeshift into an adult, and when he does it's usually like his idol who has a ton of cats.
3. Clark will scare the living daylights out of anyone who hurts his family or those he considers family, but is also a prankster.
4. He loves being a trickster, and candy, even though he can't really eat he can and will steal candy.
5. He refuses to go into anyone's body, even if it's a robot or his own corpse. He doesn't like the feeling
6. If he didn't die, he would embarrass the hell out of his brother Crow around the other's crushes and probably would get oftenly in fights but in like a sibling way.
additions, Crow has a fondness for birds and is known for his pet Lucky the yellow and peach lovebird
And crow and clark 100% would adopt like any abandoned pet they find.
[Patch 5 for franmy]
1. He's gone through many changes, but he's half corruptin ; type of vaguely object species that can shapeshift into liquid and disappear in the shadows, and half ashen ; the object species of ashopia, in the original concept he was a petty man who didn't care about like anyone and was a spy, but now he blorbo
2. He has some ninetails/Kumiho inspiration, just like generally trickster fox spirit, also he has tattoos.
3. ITS not shown in the art with philip n pico but he actually has splatters/veritgo on his legs and arms plus body/face, two on his legs when looked straight on look like a heart together.
4. He has like 2 exes who are poptarts/strudels, which weren't the best. The one was with a woman who was honestly really toxic and borderline abusive to him, and the other was another poptart who had a chunk missing from her head. The two were engaged but things were broken up due to Razzy (poptart) originally using him for information on the corruptins, though they're slowly mending things.
5. He loves the shadows and collecting shells, and used to live in a cave though has upgraded to a house with the poly gang.
6. The ice powers were inspired by ninjago, and there's even an art piece inspired by the old ninjago intro, though there was no one inplace for Wu or Lloyd. But Franny was Zane which inspired his ice powers.
7. franny really hasn't had any major spinoff ocs, him and pico generally being tied in the main 5 poly gang members for having the least amount of characters that were spinoffs of these two. Also franny was the (unofficial) ashopia rep for poly gang, and Pico was the shape people rep, Retired was the l0s rep, Allie W was the Mlp ng rep (an old group).
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mechanicalinertia · 1 year
STMPD Recommends Bubblegum Crisis Fanfiction: Innpchan's Remembrance Day
Remember AD Police Files? The Bubblegum Crisis spinoff series everyone seems to have kind of collectively forgotten about, and for good reason? The series I once called "High Impact Sexual Violence The Animation" and meant it?
Well, it's been on my mind lately, for various reasons. I'll detail them below the fold, but suffice to say that ADP's weirdness and lack of spark parallels its fanfiction - of the half-dozen that can be found on that old Usenet archive, all but one are mediocre in a way that made me put them down before finishing them, save a different one that I read and didn't really enjoy.
All But One.
Yeah, that's right, motherfuckers, the beautiful mind behind Dance of Armor, before he embarked on writing the never-published sequel Arms of the Maiden, wrote this short little squib of a fic, detailing another deployment gone bad and bloody for Tactical Officer Jeena Malso, the somewhat-present heroine of AD Police Files. The prose is delicious, the action is nasty, the tone is full of bleak pale life.
It's midnight in Megatokyo. The streets teem with life that does not live. The AD Police keep order. Or so they tell themselves.
Okay. So. Why ADPF?
Well, I've been thinking a lot about the prospect of a Bubblegum Crisis B-Team. I had this idea back when I started that Anatomy of a Lovedoll that telling stories about the different side characters / guest stars of the various 2032 episodes might be a cool way to explore uncovered sides of Crisis, and flesh out my own understanding of my 206X verse. Sylvie's one, Reika was to be another (and might still be, some many years down the line, I don't really know, it depends on whether or not Witch of Tranquility takes off, or if I decide to go back to Divine Patronage, or or or), and I have two separate ideas for potential stories I could tell centering around Lisa Vanette and Kate Madigan respectively. And then... then there's Jeena Malso. Or, well, Gina Marceau makes more sense as a name to me.
(I also was thinking about Caroline Evers, the Ripper from ADPF, but honestly there's not a whole lot you can do with her.)
She's not really much of a character in ADPF beyond 'borderline psychotic Big Tiddy Tomboy'. Her story is not the one told past the Phantom Woman episode, she's tangential at best. And yet she's by far the most memorable part of the series simply by being big and loud and having a cybernetic arm and saying weird things about women that only a really horny dude (see: Tony Takezaki) would write. (The Boomer went insane because it was a woman, and emotions run high in a woman during sex? Damn, bro, that's some Women Be Shopping right there.)
Then there's the question of Where Is She Now. Obviously since she was conceived of in the middle of BGC's run, she couldn't exactly be a presence in Crisis up until 1990 when ADPF was released. Moreover, since the distributors of ADPF and Crisis were different megacorps - Bandai and Toshiba EMI, respectively - that sort of crossover was restricted solely to Leon being in both series. (Crash, then, was published by Polydor, btw.) Now, granted, there was a manga that was supposed to resolve ADPF as well as hint at the origin of Largo called Dead End City, but the only way I read it, years ago, is through a VK photoalbum that is rather hard to use now because they keep pestering you to make an account. Anyway, in that case, if I recall correctly, Gina had her cybernetic arm attacked by Largo's predecessor entity, had to rip it off, and the day was saved to a degree.
Now, Black Knights Steel Hearts had Gina show up as a merc working for the Super Cool OC, but most of what I remember from that part was her trying to pair off Priss and Leon in the clunkiest way possible. And I don't seem to remember any other fics that are Crisis-centric where she shows up, although the RPG proposed roughly the same path for her, ie going into private investigation or security consulting, only with one arm. I'm not so sure about that. Gina never struck me as the most mentally stable of characters. I can see her becoming a Cyberpunk 2020-style cyberpsycho, you know? Yeah.
Anyway. Where was I? Oh. Right. Remembrance Day. It's really fuckin' good. I'm going to hold off on quoting it verbatim because you just have to read it yourself.
The story itself is incredibly short and simple. Gina and company are assigned to take on a group of rampant construction Boomers who attacked a nightclub and now have fled into an abandoned, semi-flooded shopping arcade. Gina wants to bring in heavy ordnance. Her superior goes against it, but her troopers bring the big stuff (a PIAT? Whuh?) in anyway.
But all the same, they're ambushed. Slaughtered. One trooper, referenced at the beginning of the story, loses her spine but still has enough of herself intact to scream and cry out for revenge and it's just the most poignant scene you ever could see. The op goes bad, the Boomers kill most of the squad, Gina retreats and is marked for 'mutiny' - and, in the locker rooms, freaks out hardcore at poor old Nene Romanova when the news that Gina is likely going to lose her badge is told to her. It's... sad. Again, it's pretty much the only fic that makes me feel for Gina as a miserable person watching everyone die around her. That's why I say unto you: Read this fic.
...You know what, I should make a throwaway google account so I can make a throwaway VK account so I can view Dead End City without a big blue MAKE AN ACCOUNT bar blocking my viewing experience. There's an idea.
Update 2/12: Investigation by some Discord buddies of mine reveals something I'd forgotten: The PIAT is a real thing, a spring-launched recoilless rifle that was the British answer to the bazooka during World War Two, standing for Projection, Infantry, Anti-Tank:
Now, you might think 'what in the heckledy feckledy is the ADP doing using an almost century-old weapon?' and we came up with the answer to that, too: it doesn't have to be a good anti-tank weapon, because Boomers (usually) less armor than a tank. But the ability to get a big explosive shell in the face of a combat model without backblast would be a deal-sealer, don't you think? You get a big boom, probably bigger than a 40mm grenade launcher (a 55C can tank something like that, if I had to guess), but it's directed enough that collateral isn't a big concern.
Also, there is a gif of an ADP officer using one in Blow Up you can find a little ways down on my feed. I misattributed it to a Carl Gustaf a year or two ago, but the way the trooper is holding it makes it clear. It's something without blast vents, so it's a PIAT, though it's such a blink-and-you'll miss it moment I'm amazed Innpchan found it and did something with it. No, really. It's incredible.
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thetyrannosaur · 2 years
opinion: the star wars spin off tv shows are not as good as people claim
Agreed. Mando season 1 was quite good and then it nosedived immediately after that. Some episodes of these spinoffs are borderline unwatchable, barely even coherent. Personally, I think that Disney is happy to pay for quality right up until they have a guaranteed audience. That's what happened with Marvel, and it happened much more quickly with Star Wars
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cureships · 2 months
lowkey i forget the lore for how my index s/i meets my f/os so let me write that down
Accelerator: S/I is his next door neighbor, and he intervenes when a group of delinquents start vandalizing Accelerator’s apartment. He also runs in to help him when he looks like he’s going to get jumped, not knowing that Accelerator didn’t actually need his help. They talk for a little bit, and this scene is around where Last Order (A clone that kinda ends up as Accel’s adoptive sister, for y’all who don’t know her) meets Accelerator, so my S/I borderline shames Accel into helping her out.
After this, S/I gives him his number because he’s worried about all the harassment Accel seems to be facing, and he ends up calling S/I for help later when Last Order gets kidnapped later in the canon story arc.
Teitoku: This happens in the Toaru Kagaku no Dark Matter spinoff, where Tei’s trying to find a girl named Ringo Yuzuriha cuz he needs her for something. S/I is there because one of the thugs that was about to kidnap Ringo in the scene where Teitoku is introduced stole S/I’s bag earlier, and he blocks one of Tei’s attacks because he wanted to go after the guy himself.
Blah blah, timeskip, there’s another scene where Teitoku suspects S/I might be up to something involving Ringo when he honestly doesn’t know her or who she is, and Tei tries to choke S/I out. Of course, it wouldn’t be a Dylan self insert if he never does something crazy, so S/I defends himself by filling Teitoku’s lungs with chlorine gas and slamming his head into a wall! Then they meet again later and they work together because Ringo’s in danger and….yeah, whatever, they’re friends (and later boyfriends)
Mikoto: Yeahhhh….I don’t know, I think I’ll just kinda have them be friends off screen. I came up with the idea that they meet at last year’s Daihasei (canon event where espers fight each other), so I’ll go with that :P
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added a settings in the title screen. *dabs*
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Beautiful Spouse’s Rewatch Thoughts SPN 14x04 Mint Condition
“Isn’t your coffee a Mint Condition?” “Cash for gold” “time to slice and dice” “why so fkn angry?” “shit’s gonna get ya” “Why is this dude so fkn angry all the time?” “Why did he take the thing out of the box?” “what the fuck dude” “pizza” “what the fuck? Is this a real thing?” I think it’s made up for the show but based off of real horror movies
“That horror is borderline comedy” “time for movies then. Sounds like a good plan” “hell yeah brother” “technically a tv show” “at least give the show a movie” “who’s Thundercats? The series the toy came from?” Yeah, Thundercats was on the box
“Obviously the best holiday. If you don’t like halloween, I can’t trust you” “what’s with the pocket protector?” They’re making a homage to a horror movie. I don’t know which one “uh huh” “uh huh” “oh those glasses are perfect” “why does anyone know what that means? Why would you enunciate the acronym?” “why is the librarian asking about genital?” “The blazer is fkn amazing. The outfit keeps getting better” “good luck ordering lamb’s blood on Halloween. It’s like April Fool’s; no one will take you seriously” “Where would I get a sport coat like that? It’s ridiculous” “What do they call that dress? A poodle skirt?” “smooth” “man those insurance rates are going up by the minute” “tactical insurance agent” “time to slice and dice” “how’d they get the permission to use the real poster?” “I don’t feel like the bar of a chainsaw would be strong enough to hold up in a wall like that” “what if they live under a power line?” “looks like an f-coat chainsaw. I could be wrong though” “popular with the farmers” “so I hear”” “so we’re just going to stand in the doorway the whole time? That’s a good way to watch tv so I hear” “hey Dean’s collar isn’t popped. Idk if he’s using collar stays or just heavily starched” laughter “oh my god” “What’s that? ASD?”
All Saint’s Day
“Who’s the picture of? A producer? Some cast member?” IT’s the guy who died 
“Time to slice and dice” “This is weird, but I think you’re in danger. AHHHH” said in a fake Sam voice “You know what would have been another good spinoff? American Horror System but supernatural. Over the top horror shit but with the cast of supernatural” “what kind of a smile is that/“ “dream come true man” “Fkn kid in a candy shop” “well we never did the monster footprint in the ground did we? We could have had Jurassic Park in otherworldly supernatural land. That was the coolest reveal ever” “what horror movie did that? Or is it all of them?” I don’t know a lot about horror movies
“I feel like I’d like them but a lot of them have jumpscares, and I don’t like that” “time to slice and dice’ “didn’t think that one through did ya?”” “Best security guards ever” “what is that going to do?” “hospitals are really empty at night” “and no more hearing” “you’d be deaf for days with a high probability of permanent hearing damage” laughter
“Do we get to watch it/ Is it real?” laughter
“Really?” “owie” “why wouldn’t you run?” “I mean that will burn” laughter “that was pretty funny” “didn’t they speculate one episode that the ghosts actually go somewhere good?” “hey we had a MOTW episode. Kinda. Yeah” “Why does Dean have a Casio watch on? Is that part of the outfit?”
“How slow is Sam’s metabolism? Damn” “I don’t understand” “time to slice and dice” “to be continued” “oh that was good. I enjoyed that one”
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 7 months
asdfghjkl well just off the top of my head for that bingo card would be
'i keep forgetting yusuke's here', 'this'd be better if it wasn't P5', 'the PT friendships are so fake and they shouldn't be a team', 'futaba rant', 'PT stealing screentime rant'
'rant from PT saying/doing the worst possible thing in a tough situation (IE Alice and Akane)', 'recollection/comparison to P5 and/or other Persona games (again like Alice)', 'pervy scene rant', 'half-joking jab at continued P5 flanderizations', 'rant about ryuji and/or ann being done dirty',
'not caring for new spinoff character', 'continued ranting while still playing', 'borderline masochistic trophy-hunting', 'saving specific scenes to bring up when "debunking" random character discourse post"
kldsajzfljsdakfdjllajfdkajf; klfdsf I'm sorry for not responding sooner I had to go to my double but ahfksahjfdl;kjsa;fljas I've been crying-laughing since. Pretty much got me dead to rights on this and I love it klfjkljsfda You've def read my stuff so that makes me happy lkadjsslk XD
And the last one klfjdslkfjfasfjlk I love having a gotcha oK??? KLSdjflkajsfdjfl TT0TT
jsadfkjfl the spinoff chars flkdjskflja I was gonna say "I care about Sumi!"....but she's not technically a spinoff char. TT0TT I think the closest spinoff char I've cared about is Nagi and Doe. >3> Sorry but so far no one has been able to make me feel the same amount of things since Labby, Rei, Zen, or Sho. ;w; Who knows maybe P5T chars will be a dark horse and break the cycle! You know uhhhh what are their names again? TT0TT
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dustward · 11 months
This is the most IMO post of the batch as it relates to the fusing mechanic and zonai technology in general. This is probably what made the game for most, and I bounced off it, leading to all the issues mentioned in the other posts being that much more visible to me, who constantly struggled to find the fun. I’m really bad with finding the fun btw. Realizing I definitely prefer more streamlined, linear experiences. BotW2 might’ve killed openworld games in general for me, not kidding
This is a mainline Zelda that received the same 5 or so years of dev time the first BotW got. The last proper Zelda that wasn’t BotW in make, a spinoff, a remake, or that awful coop game Triforce Heroes was A Link Between Worlds, and that game is now a decade old. I’m terrified to think we’re gonna get a BotW3 after this, which is a large part of why I feel ready to check out with this series. It’s not just the multitude of gameplay issues, many of which I feel had easy fixes if they were simply given some measure of time and focus. It’s also  how immersion breaking and off the rails the worldbuilding’s getting with the BotW side of things.
There’s rockets, actual cars, lasers. I know there was some goofy bike in BotW1′s dlc but that’s dlc, that’s allowed to be dumb and quirky. The cars aren’t even that good. The rockets break quite readily. The fans+gliders were borderline acceptable within the context of the world, but how is the future of this world not a zonai-industrial revolution after all this tech has been thrust upon it anew? The Yiga sure were making good use of it in the depths. Every time I saw the more baffling, techy choices my brain just went “this isn’t Zelda” and my mood soured immensely. Obviously there’s fun to be had with this material that likely took a long time to get right, but I was simply incapable of getting past the immersion broken phase. And it was required So Damn Often. And then you get a robot ally via a dungeon. It somehow feels worse when you’re the one using the robo tech as opposed to fighting it, don’t ask me why. This is definitely the aspect of the game that leans most heavily into Personal Opinions for me.
And with all the work that went into fusing? I still had trouble with it. Joycon drift issues aside (and that’s a very big aside), trying to attach stuff in the exact way I wanted to often did not end well. Physics gets involved often with trying to build, and I already spoke my peace with how this game’s physics work. Shout out to the shrine I never got to but read up on that most people couldn’t do properly, involving a curved slope and some metal spheres that needed to hit a target at the bottom of it. Early on I went out of my way to avoid fusing when I could and seeing just how much of the game is built around it was really sad to see. Not a gmod kinda player, clearly. While Ascend got proper treatment as a mechanic, rewind felt like an afterthought that rarely had a good idea of a puzzle applied to it. And I’ve already complained about the fusing weapons system.
BotW1′s main mechanics were so straightforward and practical and I loved the game for that. Two types of infinite use bombs, freezing chunks of water, stasis to readjust heavier objects, and magnesis which was such a clear-cut way of distinguishing which items can be grabbed/puzzled and which can’t. Ultrahand obviously served this purpose as well, but with the much broader application I feel it made using it way too openended. (One wonderful example comes in the form of ultrahanding the first shrine crystal I found before its respective shrine location ((by Tarrey Town)) - it didn’t react the same way it would if you physically touched it, to tell you where it needed to go, and I did not learn this for another 70 hours, so it sat there forgotten) That’s the game though, way too broad for its own good. We really doubled, kinda x2.5′d the size of the world, we really couldn’t just focus on the Depths as being most of the game, and maybe granting access to the surface after the 4 main quests?
I of course found the Depths early, following Robbie down there, but when I realized that place lacked the crucial upgrade materials that were shrines and koroks (which I did NOT actively look for, but wasn’t about to ignore the ones I saw so I could fix a lacking inventory), I decided to save it for later. Knowing it’s primarily a place to find zonai building/expansion slot materials further deterred me from prioritizing it, even though I found the auto-build feature that early as well. Didn’t realize till later, but the underground was *also* mostly there for nostalgia gear, which...I’m tired of NIntendo banking on nostalgia in every one of its series. Focus on making new content folks.
I used auto-build, sometimes, but the fact it required zonai material to make filler items that weren’t around once again killed motivation to use a core gameplay feature. All the preset build unlocks you got similarly went unused. Sorry, again, but my mindset was to play an older Zelda game and not whatever this whole system was. When I saw the Hudson construction material depot upon falling back down to Hyrule after the tutorial section, I knew me and this game were gonna be oil and water. Given how the game gives you what’s required for zonai fusing during puzzles, this also negated them as a useful collectable outside of the times I slapped rockets to shields. An aside, but I rolled my eyes at yet another gachapon inclusion in a triple A game - such a feature should be illegal.
There’s a new type of korok which asks you to bring it to its friend, apparently meant to be a building challenge of sorts. I did maybe 5 of these, most of them just ultrahanding the lil guy over to their destination. Afterward, I ignored them entirely, That needed to be a 5 korok piece reward minimum to get me to care. I obliged Addison a bunch, but that grew old as well. Why is that guy showing up in parts of the world where nobody’s lived perhaps ever??
One last fuse rant from my itemized list I kept on every gripe I had with the game: It ground the Gerudo story to a halt as I got stuck on the three mirriors portion. That was probably the best of the 4 main quests overall, from start to boss slain, aside from that moment. Though the weak attempt at tower defense was very ??? as well
Any fun to be had with this mechanic was primarily through watching videos of other people who understood and wanted to spend the time building their goofy, elaborate creations. Part of me feels I would’ve been happier not buying/playing the game and simply enjoying compilations of these videos.
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oreo-brain · 2 years
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I just think @borderline-off-fangame ‘s puppeteer is neat
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Some borderline Shitposts
Cauze Max my favorite character.
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