#borealis siblings
askthehoenngods · 1 year
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"That is such lovely things to say to me, thank you! I did in fact make this outfit myself, hehe. But, I did commission an artist to draw this one for me before I made it, as I was running a little low on ideas."
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"I'm very pleased that I was able to dye the fabrics right, hehe~"
Kyogre pulls out their rotom phone, and shows a photo of the picture they designed their outfit off of:
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( Design by @life-of-kalos )
@askobliviatwo , @borealis-siblings , @inaris-pokemon-world , @the-last-of-alto-mare
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silly-little-guys · 10 months
(@borealis-siblings) Venus: "Sherbert, right? If you wouldn't mind- What is your Papa like? Is your papa a mon like yourself? Or are they another type of mon? And is it just you and your Papa, or do you have siblings as well?"
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[Sherbert seems less tense now that their Papa is here!]
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polteashop · 1 year
(@ask-sarah-and-co) hendrik @ ???(zamazenta)
The Cobalion approaches the Zamazenta, seemingly drawn to them. “Would it be odd to ask what that Zacian,” He gestures to where the Zacian is speaking with Jasper, “ is to you? Are you siblings or in a relationship of some variety?”
“Oh! No, we’re not siblings- or dating. We’re…”
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“Honestly…it’s a bit hard to describe our relationship. We’re not enemies or rivals, but we…don’t exactly….like each other,” the Zamazenta chuckled. “Heh. I guess the best way to put it is we’re business partners….”
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“We look nothing alike. Honestly, I only put up with her because she’s good at what we do…as much as I hate to admit it, I wouldn’t have accomplished all I have without Atrigul’s help.”
“But don’t think that because they’re competent I LIKE them. I plan on ditching them the moment they show any weakness.”
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Featuring Jasper and Hendrik from @ask-sarah-and-co and Miriam from @borealis-siblings!
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ask-the-shiny-pokemons · 11 months
Rimi + Venus (@borealis-siblings) ? :0
Warning: Multiple eyes (although they mostly closed)
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Lana (she/her)
Just a normal rockruff, nothing unusual /s.
You can keep her if you want.
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rizzzcat · 8 months
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Me when I have weird lore for nightcat and saint (they’re siblings <3)
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You always have that sibling who gets you in trouble and sometimes not get caught and leaving you with the mess
Without Blur
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ask-eden · 1 year
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Etoile nervously shoves another deviled egg into their mouth, floating in the air as if they were laying on their back. Etoile: Most of what I do is business related... Discussing stuff on Earth or other planets.. or I'm out doing my work on various other parts of the universe..
Etoile: And I usually don't.. visit other universes. I try not to anyways! Just in case they are uncomfortable with me! I don't wanna repeat of that time I visited another and I freaked them out! Etoile crosses their arms, almost in a huff Etoile: and NOBODY in MY universe ever invites ME to any parties... Just because I'm "the boss" doesn't mean I don't wanna have fun TOO ya know! I can be FUN!
Etoile flashes a playful glare over at Alaxia from across the room, sticking their tongue out teasingly Even from a distance one could see that Alaxia forced a playful smile back at Etoile, before turning away to instantly drink more wine Etoile flips over in the air in their more "usual" floating position Etoile: Heehee! He sure does love drinking fruity beverages! The mew quickly turns towards Venus with a friendly grin Etoile: But enough about me and my silly things! It's a pleasure to meet you, Venus was it? That's a nice name! A good planet too!
Etoile does a respectful bow Etoile: I was given the name Etoile by others long ago. But you can call me whatever you like really! Mew, Etoile, ThatMewOverThere, anything is alright by me really!
-- -- -- [ @borealis-siblings ]
[ Background by @/sinnohsiblings ]
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fallow-in-space · 1 year
🌌 + Venus from (@borealis-siblings( maybe 👉👈
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"Very space cat! Like me, good good! Very pretty too, lots of eyes to see a ton more. Friend hurt?? Let me help!"
4/5 Stars
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eeveonaartz · 10 months
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ask-team-misfit · 1 year
Curiosity Didn't Kill the Cat, but We're Not So Sure She's Coming Back
Imagine you were on your way home from work. It's been a rough day. Maybe your boss was ranting about some nonsense that'd only make sense to close-minded people. Maybe you have that annoying coworker that got on your last nerve, and you have to cover for them like always. Or maybe you're just not that fond of your job to begin with, regardless of the likeability of your peers and superiors.
Or maybe you quite like your job, but a break would be nice. Anyways.
Imagine making your way back to the solace that is your home, be it messy, or very clean, and everything in between.
Then you turn a corner to hear this.
??: "E-excuse me. Um, I just need to g-get by… please?"
There goes another car.
??: "Oops…"
It was evening, the last leg of rush hour. Typically in this part of the Sciliva region, let alone in most places of the world, one wouldn't expect the appearance of a twenty-something foot tall Twileon trying to make her way down a busy street barely wide enough to accommodate her. One may not also expect, upon beholding the above scenario, for the giantess to successfully do such a thing without some sort of accident or some element of chaos to otherwise ensue; in which one would absolutely be correct.
While such accidents have been limited to the destruction of property for the moment, her appearance alone soon attracted a crowd. Reactions ranged from disbelief on part of her being some sort of hybrid or mutant Pokemon, to displeasure from her blocking traffic, and everything in between. Some even took to recording the event with cameras, or reporting on it. Some yelled at her directly.
Speaking of yelling, she heard a lot more of it right then, regarding that smashed automobile. When she spoke again, she sounded even more hushed and timid.
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[ ID: A grayscale drawing of Pikavee gazing down with unease at a crowd of people before her. Among the crowd are characters from other ask blogs, featured here as cameos. The characters and blogs in question are listed further below. Pikavee's appearance is as described here. End ID ]
??: "Oh, I know I'm m-making a mess… a-and I'm really, really sorry…"
Surely with self awareness that she's disrupting the commute will come the realization that she probably shouldn't be here.
But the giantess, Pikavee, persisted anyway.
[ featuring the following characters: Hendrik and a bonus Sol doing the pointing Wojak meme from @ask-sarah-and-co ; Venus from @borealis-siblings ; Kats from @luckykatsranch ; Iris from @phantomguild ; Monarch from @ask-noonescity ]
[ next ]
Character page for Pikavee reestablished unlocked.
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ask-sarah-and-co · 1 year
(@borealis-siblings) Venus @Jasper "Oh, hi, hello~ Um, your Jasper, right? Luna um- had told me about you, heh.. My name is, Venus, nice to meet you- And might say you and your friend- The other person- mon, you came with have very sharp outfits 🌟 ... Sorry, if that sounded, weird... I honestly have never been to an event like this before.. Have you?"
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I have been to events similar to this, but in the mortal realm. Of course I had to go in disguise and whatnot, he chuckles. I believe the last one I attended was in the time period mortals call the renaissance. This is the first time I’ve been to an event for legends and other pokemon specifically.
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wyverewings · 9 months
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loki104-uwu · 1 year
taking a break from chores
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this is my first time drawing North wind and he came out better then I expected
I gave him a simple outfit because who wants to do chores in a suit
Yes he's holding Aurora he used her as an excuse for a while whenever she needed anything because he knew he would get a break from it
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Aurora: North?
North: yes?
Aurora: If there was a zombie apocalypse and I got infected, would you shoot me?
North: of course not Nora
Aurora: Big mistake, I would blow your head off in a second
(yes North calls Aurora, Nora.... Aurora and North are very close)
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ourladyoflight · 1 year
Have you always been an Angel? Or were you once someone else in a past life?
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There's a moment of quiet contemplation that follows the question. It lingers in the air for a moment, as she sifts through memories that often sit on one of the higher shelves in her mind. It had been a while since she'd reached up to pull them down, and they'd gotten rather dusty.
"As far as I know," she begins, "I've always been the way that I am."
She'd been born, and she was she. It had all begun when she'd stepped into herself, and out of nothing. There had been no childhood, nor nurture under a gentle parent's touch; she was Angel amongst humans, and a different name entirely amongst her siblings. They had been the first ones she could remember alongside her. They'd been born grown together, for there was no need for infancy- which the art of nurture had been learned through observings, and tryings, and persistent self-teachings.
It left the question of what she was for unanswered. But that was a query Angel liked to answer in her own time, and through her own actions. She would write that part herself.
"I've been many someones here on Earth," she continues, smiling faintly at the memory. "So I suppose I've lived plenty of past lives, haven't I?"
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rizzzcat · 8 months
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My epic rain world headcanon is that Saint and Nightcat are siblings (they lowkey hate each other… they hate each other out of love)
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