We've seen mew!Joyce, what about Mewtwo!Joyce and Fuji's reaction to her being such?
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It’s hard to say he would find her any more beautiful or love her any more than he currently does, but it would certainly make his whole issue with a possible relationship go away
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ask-team-misfit · 5 months
Nike sighed and floated to Leif. "Hey Fluffy, you doing alright? You're a bit of a mess and seem pretty shaky." She said, contemplating giving the hybrid a small boost in energy or a bit of healing. He looked like he really needed it.
Lief: "According to certain people today, I caused a bit of a mess back there. And I'm beginning to think they might be onto something."
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[ ID: A grayscale drawing of Lief, a hybrid of Sylveon and Ribombee, with a mono-color background. He is shown from the neck up, with his face slightly angled away from the viewer towards the left. His face is flushed in red, literally so as the blush is shown in color. End ID ]
Lief: "Which is embarrassing. But I think I know you, at least. You can vouch for me, right? It's nonsense. Even me waking up in that costume. It is nonsense, right?"
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eranthiss · 2 months
Just fast-ball special with Iris if it's too delicate a situation for a champion's pokemon to handle.
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"Depends. Do you enjoy having kidneys?"
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pupmusebox · 10 days
A golden ring appeared in the air, space within it dark and distorted, before abruptly spitting a man out to land on his face in front of the Elite 4 secretary.
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Jumping in their own chair of the sudden appearance of this random guy before hearing Clodsire sound off when wondering what be going on, "Urm... he's fine I think? Hold on... no no you're going to squish him if you try, oh... pfft." Rika be snickering when the muddy buddy would gently headbutting this stranger and trying to get them up, "Uhh... nice entry there buddy, you okay? Took about a rough trip, oof... no trying to lick him. Get over here, sheesh. Haha." trying to scoot Clodsire along before sighing a bit when looking at the odd fellow and shaking his head of the messy entry.
"Sorry about that, Clodsire gets all excited of new folk. Hey now go lay over there so he can breathe, he's been like that since the Wooper days really. So uhh... I take a Pokemon be responsible for that? Not everyday one pops up like this but hey, always a first."
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asksavel · 1 year
Nike hovered around Farrow, legs crossed as if she were sitting on the ground. "I'm... Not gonna pretend I understand everything going through your head, but maybe try to see things from Lucky's perspective?" The victini paused for a minute.
"I kinda suck at giving advice, even though I've been around a pretty long time." She admitted upon realizing she had not much idea of what lucky was thinking beyond what he said. "But if you need to blow off steam by fighting, I can handle it."
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"I never want to fight again."
@ask-prince-manaphy , @thunderxtempest
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horizonboundtrainer · 4 months
✔ from @luckykatstravels
Send me ✔ and I will bold my preferences for your muse! | Accepting
My muse(s): May
Do I know your muse(s): yes | no | a little | tell me about your muse
Setting: our verse | my verse | your verse | modern | alternate universe | other
Pre-established relationships? yes | no | depends on the relationship
Possible relationships: friends | classmate | co-worker | roommate | family, real or adopted | dating or blind date | married | friends with benefits | unrequited love | lending a hand | teacher - student | rivals | allies | partner-in-crime | enemies | protecter - guarded | business partners | spy - infiltrated | manipulator - manipulated | star-crossed | first meeting | other
I’m in the mood for: fluff | angst | horror | romance | humor | crime | hurt / comfort | action | supernatural | slice of life | crack | dark threads | light threads | any genre | multi-para | shorter para | one-line | any length | plotted threads | unplotted threads | other
Feel free to: message me ooc | message me ic | tell me your ideas | write a starter | answer one of my opens | send a meme | reblog this with your preferences - let’s find common interests!
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M: Flicker there are no such things as a nice dream or bad it only the emotions your having, I may not know what happened but I think the reason you can't have a nice dream is cues your subconscious is telling you something, Do you want to talk about it?(seeing her as who she is)
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“Sure they’re both dreams, but good and bad ones are like two sides of the same coin… If there were no difference, then why have both Cresselia and Darkrai? Er well… used to have.”
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“Like… what to vent about or how to put it into words…”
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Casey chimes in, “Just say how you feel! Just whatever comes to mind. Even if you don’t think it makes sense.”
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“Hm alright… um… I guess I feel bad? I miss Daisy a lot. I wish she was still here. It was always me and her y’know? She was my only friend. She helped me so much. So it just… feels weird without her here. Part of me still thinks I should go tell her whenever I see a comet or learn a new flower fact, and then I remember.”
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@mimikyufan000 @luckykatsranch
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fairymint · 1 year
6 and 9
Is your muse attracted to any features in particular?
Most of my muses are visual guys and tend to look at physical traits- so it's probably a mix of that+kindness that sets them off, tbh.
Felix himself is very, very gay... and it might seem oxymoronic what all he's into. stupidity, intelligence, muscles, hair, etc.
more that he likes the traits that make a man himself...
mostly, he's just into masculine features or masc aligned/nb people, while being neutral towards women. He is, however, easily charmed by gnc behavior/aesthetic, especially in certain moods.
but i think the simplest traits are having the qualities of being a good dad (patient, friendly, soft/affectionate, etc.) and asses/dicks. and, a soothing tone of voice, in the moment. Being told to relax/etc. or being cooed at will really put him in the mood.
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lightofunova · 2 years
Nike approached Reshi. "Welcome back to the world of the living!" The victini greeted, joking about the goddess's 3000 year sleep. "So, what's with the human getup?"
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“A-Ah thank you, it feels good to be back.” She seems to take a moment to respond, jostled from her thoughts.
“I’ve alway looked like this? I believe it is only Arceus that has the ability to become a pokemon. Us legendaries were all created to be in man’s image.” She explains, putting a finger to her chin. “Of course as the gods and goddesses we are, some of us have more pokemon like attributes as well. One such is my good friend Ryuki! His back spikes make it difficult for him to sleep.”
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murmursdraconic · 9 days
HC + 🚬
Specific Headcanon Time! [Accepting]
Shay has a terrible habit of getting engrossed in something she forgets to eat. She could do 14 hours without eating and be fine. Once she takes a long enough break or finishes what she's done, the hunger then sets in.
She also doesn't have designated meal times or a structured schedule for eating. She only really eats when she's hungry. This just makes the habit worse.
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Oh my goodness congratulations!
Thank you :D
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heavenly-mireille · 20 days
Has your character ever had a parental figure who was not related to them?
Character Development Questions: Hard Mode
Nope! Just her Mama, Papa, and Auntie.
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ask-team-misfit · 1 year
Curiosity Didn't Kill the Cat, but We're Not So Sure She's Coming Back
Imagine you were on your way home from work. It's been a rough day. Maybe your boss was ranting about some nonsense that'd only make sense to close-minded people. Maybe you have that annoying coworker that got on your last nerve, and you have to cover for them like always. Or maybe you're just not that fond of your job to begin with, regardless of the likeability of your peers and superiors.
Or maybe you quite like your job, but a break would be nice. Anyways.
Imagine making your way back to the solace that is your home, be it messy, or very clean, and everything in between.
Then you turn a corner to hear this.
??: "E-excuse me. Um, I just need to g-get by… please?"
There goes another car.
??: "Oops…"
It was evening, the last leg of rush hour. Typically in this part of the Sciliva region, let alone in most places of the world, one wouldn't expect the appearance of a twenty-something foot tall Twileon trying to make her way down a busy street barely wide enough to accommodate her. One may not also expect, upon beholding the above scenario, for the giantess to successfully do such a thing without some sort of accident or some element of chaos to otherwise ensue; in which one would absolutely be correct.
While such accidents have been limited to the destruction of property for the moment, her appearance alone soon attracted a crowd. Reactions ranged from disbelief on part of her being some sort of hybrid or mutant Pokemon, to displeasure from her blocking traffic, and everything in between. Some even took to recording the event with cameras, or reporting on it. Some yelled at her directly.
Speaking of yelling, she heard a lot more of it right then, regarding that smashed automobile. When she spoke again, she sounded even more hushed and timid.
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[ ID: A grayscale drawing of Pikavee gazing down with unease at a crowd of people before her. Among the crowd are characters from other ask blogs, featured here as cameos. The characters and blogs in question are listed further below. Pikavee's appearance is as described here. End ID ]
??: "Oh, I know I'm m-making a mess… a-and I'm really, really sorry…"
Surely with self awareness that she's disrupting the commute will come the realization that she probably shouldn't be here.
But the giantess, Pikavee, persisted anyway.
[ featuring the following characters: Hendrik and a bonus Sol doing the pointing Wojak meme from @ask-sarah-and-co ; Venus from @borealis-siblings ; Kats from @luckykatsranch ; Iris from @phantomguild ; Monarch from @ask-noonescity ]
[ next ]
Character page for Pikavee reestablished unlocked.
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eranthiss · 3 months
Hydreigon gives affectionate nibbles, right? Also, where does she best enjoy scritches?
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"For the love of all that is good and holy, please don't touch my Hydreigon unannounced, or without me immediately present, they're called the brutal pokémon for a reason, she Will lash out, and she Will, best case scenario, snap a limb like a twig. She's fully blind, so that doesn't help her aggression to anyone who she doesn't recognise or feel safe with. That said, right between her eyes."
This has been a public health and safety notice with your Champion, Iris.
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sacrxdfire · 27 days
How does Ethan feel about past champions?
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"They're all inspirations to me. Of course I'm closer to Red and Lance but I think there's always things we can learn from every other champion in the world.
Even champions that got another name for existing in another system or period of time. The League is a somewhat recent system made to regularize pokémon battles across the world, but you'll find powerful trainers considered heroes or leaders from centuries ago!"
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Rimi and Noelle went to a place where no one can see them. They decide to wear some formalities, where Rimi ties her hair and put a shirt with tie, and Noelle puts her outfit from Gala. However, she still has her sleeping pants on.
Once they done it, they back to the summit.
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Y'know, Noey? This event is not so big as a previous one, but… I think we have so much fun regardless, yeah?
So true. So many friends to make. I'm not gonna count some troubles we've got.
They both make some deep breathes to forget what happened to them. For Rimi, it was a "small" talk with a strange hybrid Eeveelution and of course the trouble communicating with a "Purrloin". Noelle had trouble with a sassy Absol which almost caused her to forcefully mega evolve.
Soon after, Rimi is putting her paws behind her back. Noelle is very nervous what's Rimi is planning.
Noey… I'm gonna be honest with ya. I didn't expect to be in this place at all. I know it gives us terrible memories, but that's not very important. So sorry if I picked a place for this special day.
Ya don't need to apologize, Rim. This place is also gonna give us some good memories because at least it's not our Dragonspiral Tower.
Rimi stays silent even after Noelle's words. She sees through her eyes and blushes.
Go on, Rim! I'm rootin' for you!
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Y-YES!! sob
Noelle cries because her beloved made a proposal. If it's not their time together at the school, she might simply say "no". Rimi put the engagement ring to middle finger on Noelle's paw.
As they engaged, everyone come and see the event. Noelle decides to show it to everyone.
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Rimi and Noelle are now engaged.
[ background by @/lightofunova; cameos including @idolmelodies, @luckykatsranch, @the-feral-one, @mezuni-and-willow, @sphaeramjourney. I hope I did them justice. ]
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