#bounty hunter!john dory
echosong-87 · 2 months
Ok! This is a hitman!john dory themed design but with my own twist.
I watched puss in boots last wish… XD
JD is Death!! XD
This was inspired by the Death character and of course the hitman!john dory au.
But I’ll keep it as Bounty Hunter John Dory or JD.
He goes by many names:
The Boss.
The Grim Reaper.
And The Soul Taker.
In the AU… after leaving the troll tree… but JD did sorta helped Spruce/Bruce out of the tree even tho he and Bruce were angry at each other…. It was still the last nicest thing he could do for Bruce… and it’s a sorta “I’m sorry” touch from KD to Bruce… but both kiddos are stubborn and angry to notice.
I am the eldest out of three… even tho I get into fights with my siblings I still have to watch out for them… for that is my job/responsibility… plus I loved them enough to help them no matter how much they anger/annoy me off.
JD found work after roaming around the everglade mountains/forests… and became a natural survivalist.
He took in work as a bounty hunter… and thought it was an honest job/work because even tho he fought his little brothers he was still wanting a way to provide for them while staying from afar.
But after a while of working with this shady empolyer and found out that he wasn’t DOING good… but bad!
John did tried to leave there and was caught… badly wounded he lived but was now at a race against time to find his little brothers before his former tyrant could… if he doesn’t they be all killed.
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binkusdinkus · 4 months
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The girls are fighting
(press on for better quality, tumblr hates me)
They were together for a day before they ended up fighting, kissing while fighting then breaking up and never talking to eachother again
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im-not-important · 4 months
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riciart · 1 month
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Branch still finds J.D. and their meeting... It's unpleasant, and when J.D. hits back, he asks a question that Branch definitely didn't expect to hear…
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tantei-chan01 · 4 months
Did you know Branch was originally going to be the one Velvet and Veneer had kidnapped? That would be extremely traumatic for him in the mute au since he had just gotten to the point he felt comfortable even singing in front of other people and not running for cover whenever Bridget or Gristle comes by and suddenly MORE giants are kidnapping him and trying to use his talents specifically because he started singing again.
I like to think in that circumstance, Bridget and Gristle would postpone the wedding to support Poppy, but John Dory would somehow still crash some important even they were a part of, that Poppy would still insist on going with John to save Branch and probably be joined by more than a few guests, maybe even Bridget while Gristle stays back (someone has to watch the kingdom and while he may be bros with Branch, he also knows his first Troll friend is justifiably nervous around Bergans and probably gonna have a bad time if he sees him), and the group would not have as many jokes about Brozone still thinking Branch is a baby because A) he isn't there and B) his friends are and while they are all there for teasing their most introverted friend and learning about his past they cannot get over the fact Branch had been left alone for over 20 years with no family and suddenly they discover he had 4 older brothers who all presumably had jeut up and left
I did know about that and agree it would have gone much differently. Mr. Dinkles would have sent some critters to Mount Rageous to delay the performance for as long as possible.
Poppy would enlist the bounty hunters to help them track down the brothers. First, finding John Dory thanks to Delta's help. Him being horrified at the fact of his brother's kidnapping just as he was packing up to go see him and at the fact that he was also traumatized into losing his voice and turning gray and now this will just make it worse. Luckily he has clues that helps the group find the others.
Floyd would be performing in a small town when they find him. He immediately agrees to go with and feels guilty on what he's been informed about.
Bruce immediately jumps to save the baby of the family, which Brandy encourages and beats himself up for not thinking of going back for Branch after he found Vacay Island.
Clay can immediately tell what's going on after a few words and immediately packed a rescue bag, refusing to leave his brotherbehind again. Viva tries to keep them from leaving, but Poppy, who's already stressed with worry, shuts that down and tells her that sometimes you have to do scary things if it means protecting someone.
They make it to Mount Rageous, where the critters successfully delay the performance for another day, they find out where they live and sneak into the bedroom to find Branch. He's already lost a large amount of talent and can barely pull himself up. The brothers immediately hug the prison and express worry.
Crimp walks into the room and tries to tell Velvet and Veneer when the bounty hunters restrain her. They convince her to help them expose the two fakes of their crime. The brothers try harmonizing again, but it fails due to unresolved issues. Then Cooper asks if it really was necessary for them to be perfect?
He explains that it was something Branch always told Poppy and others trolls when they stressed out about it. He always says that perfection doesn't exist and that being yourself is enough. Velvet and Veneer walk in and immediately try to capture the trolls. The bounty hunters and critters distract them long enough for Poppy to start singing.
Everyone starts singing together and manages to break the prison, Branch landing in Floyd's arms, clearly exhausted and in bad shape but alive. Bridget bursts in the room with the authorities, Velvet tries to argue that they have no proof only for Crimp to reveal that she had livestreamed the entire thing. Veneer willingly gives himself up to the police while his sister fights the entire process.
They head back to Pop Village to get Branch checked out. Along the way, the brothers finally have a much needed talk with each other and agree that being separated for so long affected them in many ways and decided to work on their family relationship. With the help of licensed professionals.
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alleycatchitchat · 7 months
something something what if brozone was called on to represent the boy band subgenre of pop in trolls world tour something something
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deviousfatestudio · 4 months
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First au of mine is of course bounty hunter au.
basically the only thought process I have is after failing to do family harmony they really just went “fuck it we ball” but ball as in murder.
Family motto: the family that kills together, stays together!
JD is the leader of course but he’s way more laid back about it. Of course he is he can easily vent his frustrations now! He’s very protective of his baby brothers. Also he treats himself to nice things and his brothers love that for him. JD is the one who can hunt anyone down in a forest environment and the best tracker, Branch is second and his little protege.
Bruce and Floyd are the manipulators of the group one with attractiveness and the other with emotions.
Clay is the one who thinks out the traps and all possible ways it could go wrong. He, of course, manages the finances and finds their targets. He’s serious but also best at torture and having fun with it.
Branch is the Jack of all trades. He learned from the best after all! Master trap maker like clay while being a manipulator of both charm and emotions. Of course he’s a top notch tracker like his oldest brother too!
Poppy: I support family rights but also family wrongs
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protagonist-art · 2 months
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i may have problems and issues 🥳
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2blueberrylover2 · 1 month
Chapter 5 of BroZone's Back, Alright! is up! Please let us know what you think!
Amazing art is by @gummygoatgalaxy! Make sure to check them out!
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grim-ghosty · 1 month
So, were the brothers horrified when they saw bounty hunter branch scars, especially the ones over his eye?
When they first saw him after 21 years, they were horrified and heartbroken to find their baby brother scared up.
Branch has most of his scars hidden. So, they haven't seen all of his scars, and let's just say, it didn't go well.
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lemony-and-zesty · 5 months
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Hitman AU John Dory!!
Things are mostly the same but JD ends up as a bounty hunter/hitman who’s well known throughout the shadier sides of the trolls universe. ft. Transfem Branch, highly inspired by citricacidprince’s version. She makes me so insane <3
PLS PLS PLS ask me questions about it Im so normalll
Edit: Since this kinda got big and it’s my pinned post, I’m adding this here!
If you want to see more of this au, I tag all of it under #hitman!john dory
Also you can ask Hitman JD questions directly and I’ll draw him responding ask blog style! Just say somethin like “This is directed at Hitman JD *insert question here*” So I know to draw him answering!!
Thank you all so much for the love and support!!
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echosong-87 · 1 month
New Troll AU!!
All of this was from a different media post thingy called amino!!:
Just a new idea that i got from a story in wattpad… where Branch was turned into a werewolf a post first movie story of how it’ll be… and yeah
Been hyper-fixated on it ever since!!
Plus… i wanna give u a new troll oc!! Her name is Sage Silhouette!! She’s a native american inspired troll… she is a weretroll that found branch and helped him into becoming one as well….
In the story she is the last of her kind or what she thinks due to tragic past unknown… but found a young and injured little grey branch that was left behind moments after the great escape occurred.
She used her blood to turn him into a weretroll because there is faster healing properties within the blood… so yeah.
I still kept all the troll music types big as cats and not as tiny as their movie cannon selves… just to help make things a bit fair for them to defend themselves and etc.
I even made a weretroll!Branch character design as well!!
And yeah!!
The whole AU is called OUTCASTED!! And I am hopeful into making it work!!
This AU is about how Branch became a weretroll was reunited with the Pop Troll Village being dubbed as the shadow beast of the forest…. and How JD became a hitman/bounty hunter… gunna call him bounty hunter!!john dory… plus JD leading the other bounty hunter trolls like the K-pop gang, the reggaeton trolls, the yodelers and of course how he became best buds with Chaz the smooth jazz troll.
And yeah…. Sage’s design was also inspired by Hollyleaf from the warrior cats fan drawings… the black green and red suits beautifully and I dunno why
Hope ya like it!!
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binkusdinkus · 4 months
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My take on Bounty hunter JD
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misscinnamonroll16 · 3 months
Brozone headcanons
Clay and Floyd are the stunt men now that they're adults. Clay's always been a little bit of a daredevil, Floyd already died once, why not live a little.
Clay is nocturnal, like the rest of the Putt-putt trolls. His bros throw his sleep schedule off so when they're hanging out, it's not unusual for Clay to just be passed out somewhere or on someone. If they can, they get Clay to bed so he can properly sleep. If not, everyone's volume goes low.
Both Floyd and John Dory took bartending classes. And by took I mean, Floyd just so happened to be sleeping with a bartender who taught him some things. When making drinks, John's proper about it, Floyd is kind of messy. Floyd's over pouring and spilling.
Clay's handwriting is like a nice print. It's easy to read and looks good on paper.
John Dory is good at photography. He mostly uses this skill for taking nature shots but he's gotten good at candid shots of his brothers. He doesn't let them know about these pics bc they don't look the most photogenic but they look like themselves and that's what John loves to see.
JD has dimples
John Dory almost always has at least one weapon on him.
The brothers think JD has a death wish bc he's constantly going after animals that could literally kill him. "John! Don't touch that, it'll tear you to pieces!" "Psh, whatever. If we weren't supposed to pet it then why does look so fluffy?"
Floyd doesn't go into detail about his past. He'll tell snippets here and there but avoid questions. For one, because he's a bit embarrassed about it. He did a lot of things he isn't proud of, drugs, sleeping around, and drinking. For two, he knows that his older brothers still see him WAY younger than he actually is (like how they still see Branch as a baby) and it would just shatter that mentality. And he doesn't want to do that. For three, it's WAY more fun for him if they don't know and have to keep guessing. Floyd has heard them trying to figure out what he spent the last twenty years doing and starts fucking with them.
John Dory definitely has pictures from even when he was a baby and such. Even ones with their parents but he tries to keep those ones tucked away. Branch is going through them when he finds a picture that has been folded in one of the sleeves of the photo album. It's a picture of John and Bruce and their parents. JD quickly snatches the photo and shoves it his vest. Those people looked like strangers to Branch, that picture probably being the first time he's seen them
The brothers know they didn't have a good childhood but John did his best, despite being pretty much a child himself.
John Dory man spreads no matter who he is sitting next or if he's just sitting in a chair.
John Dory wears the one glove to hide an incredibly deep scar. He got into some trouble with some bounty hunters and needless to say, they drove a knife through his hand. He doesn't want his lil bros to know or worry about it so he hides it.
All the boys (like most trolls) are fuzzy. JD and Bruce have the most prominent facial hair and chest hair. They all have leg hair, arm hair, under arm hair, and a happy trail.
Clay and John have the Blond™️ gene (that's how I'm referring to it) where their hair goes through changes. That's why their hair is so much different from when they were kids. In the summer while spending a bunch of time outside, JD and Clay's hair gets lighter, Clay being a light yellow and John being a soft teal. The others convinced them to do one of those 'take a picture every day for a year' things and make it into a flip book to show how their hair changes color.
The boys really wanted a sister. John jokes that they kind of got one with Floyd
Floyd and John Dory are good gardeners. JD briefly grew his own food and Floyd just has a natural green thumb (not that John doesn't)
Floyd gets random nosebleeds
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riciart · 2 months
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“I'll see you soon... Brother... John Dory”
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brights-place · 5 months
Hii! I saw one of your posts and I was wondering if you could do headcannons with john dory and/or branch with a Bounty Hunter troll s/o? Maybe part of K-Pop if that's okay! Thank you! :D
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Branch and John Dory dating an K-POP S/O
Pairings: Branch X Reader, JD X Reader (Seperate)
Warnings: None
A/N: OMG YESSS As always Broppy will not be cannon if I'm doing an X Branch unless it's an poly relation ship with branch and poppy! Anyways I had fun writing for the K-POP trolls CAUSE THEY ARE SO COOL! I had another request for K-Pop trolls for john dory so I'd write that too ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و ♡
John Dory
- You guys met when poppy was inviting the sub genres to pop village to show them pop music since it was their turn to show around the different genres of their style of music
- John dory was suppose to be helping sort out different sub genres when it came to you and the K-pop group he paused and stared at you and your group
- You appearance was gorgeous you had an unique texture to your silver-colored bodies which gives off a glossy rainbow chrome effect - you had an voluminous f/c hair swept to the side above their right eye with a smaller tuft of hair above your left ear and wearing a glossy leotard of matching colors you fit in with your group well but you stood out to him. - Your thick eyeshadow of different colors and how you glowed made him stare at you as Wani tried to get his attention to help sort out the groups - Stared at you as you glanced at him giggling before leaving with your group as John Dory walked over to branch to ask about your group
- “The K-pop group? Oh there just pop but in Korean… it’s horrifying aswell how good they are” Branch mumbled “Thanks Bitty B!” - He saw you again when he was gonna preform to show some of Pop music to you all he noticed how you stared at him the whole time how you smiled and glanced to your K-pop group who nodded together and you all quietly in sync danced abit with the music
- After the show he walked up to you and asked you about yourself to get to know you better while Wani, Ari, Kim-Petit, Gomdori, and Baby Bun were giggling and leaving you two alone - John dory walked over with an smile that made you blush slightly on your slightly shiny skin as you two shook hands "I'm JD it's nice to meet you?" "(name)! My name is (Name)" you said smiling as he smiled "Your K-pop right?" You nodded as he asked questions and you'd answer them the two of you exchanging information - which soon turned to talking about other music and then turning to your own personal life's and things you likes - You went on an whole rant about your music genre telling him that K-pop was caracterized by catchy hooks, polished choreography, grandiose live performances, and impeccably produced music videos, K-pop including music by groups like BTS and BLACKPINK which where most popular and now frequently tops the Billboard charts, attracts a fiercely dedicated online following while you and your group were small you planned on going bigger. - You started to bond together and he asked if you can teach him some K-pop dances and he could let you go to all brozone concerts for free
- You were happy the deal worked out be he was even happier that you wanted to g see his concerts
- You two exchanged dances you even taught him your K-pop dance for one of your bands is songs 'Feel My Rhythm' which he loved so much - As an surprise he preformed it with his brothers on the concert as he posed and pointed an finger towards you playfully before going back to dancing
- You two would be laughing together back stage as you complimented him so much "John dory you put my bands song in your concert?" John dory smiled "we did an english version you translated it all for me thats why I wrote it down"
- You literally teared up "정말 친절해요!" you exclaimed hugging him as he blinked confused as Wani appeared from thin air and whispered to John dory "They said you were really kind" Wani soon ran off once again giggling
- He was slowly learning Korean just for you even though he absolute SUCKED at it you found it adorable
- You two slowly started to get comfortable with each other so sometimes you'd be staying over with him or he's staying over with you.
- Branch was going to grab John dory for rehearsel saying good morning to rhonda opening the door to see you sleeping in john dorys arms drooling and john dorys head on your neck sleeping aswell
- Branch literally deadpanned as poppy squealed so happily at the scene
- Denies he has feelings for you due to the fact your too good for him... like he fels bad that he even likes someone like you so he wanted to ignore you cause your too good for him
- You on the other hand get teased by Wani, Ari, Kim-Petit, Gomdori, and Baby Bun while practicing for an concert of yours - He was ignoring you which made you feel hurt so you invited him to your concert begging him to come after finding him and asking him to just go so he could just see you on stage
- Literally whipped for you so he 1000% agreed to hugging you and apologizing for ignoring you and you even asked for the others to come as well!
- When he went to the concert his eyes were wide when seeing you sing in Korean and dance happily as you noticed john dory in the crowd you grinned even wider dancing before posing while panting - He heard Better place being played along with his brothers and turned to you dancing and singing his parts made his eyes widened while he blushed an deep shade of blue as his brothers teased him - After the concert as usual you tackled him in an hug excitedly telling him you did what he did for you at his own concert with brozone
- You two grinned him holding your waist with your hands on his shoulders as you giggled happily as he chuckled looking down at you before you kissed eachother - The others cheered as Baby bun was shouting an "FINALLY!" so loud as you started to curse your friend out in Korean as john dory chuckled holding you back by your waist "사랑해요" You literally froze - Once he said that you literally tackled him once more to pepper his face with kisses for learning how to say 'I love you in Korean'
- Like with the reggaton trolls post I made Branch met you when you were with Wani, Ari, Kim-Petit, Gomdori, and Baby Bun  to take him to barb the queen of rock to save your music aka K-pop
- You were playful you stood out just like your other bounty hunter k-pop trolls. - You toyed with him the most like your friends before grabbing him quickly after you were moving quickly around the area and tying him up - You and your group stood out to him well but you stood out most with your appearance even if it was the same as the others - Your unique texture to your silver-colored bodies which gives off a glossy rainbow chrome effect. You had an voluminous f/c hair swept to the side above their right eye with a smaller tuft of hair above your left ear and wearing a glossy leotard of matching colors you fit in with your group well but you stood out to him. - Your thick eye shadow of different colors and how you glowed made him stare at you as Wani called him an crybaby and asking him if he was poppy - The Reggaton trolls appeared and Branch noticed how your grip on him tightened abit as you stared worriedly towards your fellow K-pop trolls who where smirking knowing who they where - When you started to dance unwrapping him quickly from the rope you started to dance while singing loudly and happily - In the dance battle with the reggaton trolls he noticed the fact you bopped your head and vibed a bit to the music made him slightly smile - Though you were the first one to listen to him when he brought up all music being saved as you turned to your group and back to looking at him as Tresi "Okay Pop troll were listening" Tresillo said crossing his arms turning to branch as You were whispering to Ari on how Tresillo sounded hot as an joke -When you hopped into the hot air balloon you greeted the reggaton trolls happily and asked about their genre while they asked about yours while you soon went to talk to branch right after grinning
- You asked him alot about himself, him giving blunt replies but he was quite shocked how there was another hyper like troll like you were talking to him you acted close like poppy but less hyper - You were laid back and asked him questions about pop village and asked if he knew about the other genres which he didn't so you happily explained your style and music - You went on an whole rant about your music genre telling him that K-pop was characterized by catchy hooks, polished choreography, grandiose live performances, and impeccably produced music videos just like normal pop but yours was more... Well more mixed with some styles! K-pop including music by groups like BTS and BLACKPINK which where most popular and now frequently tops the Billboard charts, attracts a fiercely dedicated online following while you and your group were small you planned on going bigger. (yes I added this again for branch cause YES I'M STILL INVESTED AND HAPPY! ABOUT FUCKING TROLLS!) - Branch nodded his head as he kept quiet but listened to you about all your rambling even asking questions if you could show some dance moves to him later - After saving all music and becoming in harmony he noticed you showing some random trolls K-pop and he joined in when seeing poppy rush over when seeing you dance
- You were hyper and bouncing and being playful with him as he was invested with your dancing and singing
- You started to bond together and he asked if you can teach him some K-pop dances and your language so he could talk shit if needed as an joke as you laughed and took his hand "Were best friends now!" "Wait what?"
- After awhile you two soon started to get close and talk alot together and would dance together. He'd sing songs you'd request if you sang some Korean songs as well
- You two would be seen together and when your apart it's only just for an few moments until one of you appear later
- Branch has gotten use to when you visit his bunker randomly and tackle him into an hug especially when he's drinking his coffee and gets surprised to see you on the kitchen counter when he turns around with your glittery figure
- He'd speak Korean to you to make you flustered which works very well for the both of you. Him seeing your blushing face and you hearing him speak Korean
- when you two are together and your speaking in Korean in annoyance or arguing with someone Poppy and the other pop trolls have to turn to each other then turn to branch who has to explain with an bored expression
- You two soon realized you acted more like an couple then friends in some moments so poppy had to force you two to get together
- Wani, Ari, Kim-Petit, Gomdori, and Baby Bun gave branch advice and tips on how to try date you
- you two started to date when you went to save floyd he introduced you as his partner as poppys jaw drop asking you when it happened and asked you to tell her everything but you had to tell her to be quiet
- When you saved floyd he shyly introduced you to his brothers as you waved hello as they questioned you about branch and your love life which you enjoyed as you got to tease your boyfriend and see hsi baby photos.
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reblogs + comments are appreciated ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
©brights-place 2024 — do not repost on another platform, copy, translate or edit my works! if you fit my DNI list please don't interact!
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