#boyfriend 🫶🏽
cyarskj52 · 3 months
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3 notes · View notes
paddysbarbie · 8 months
believe it or not , they’re besties and this is their love language
1K notes · View notes
powerful-niya · 8 months
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— (вírthdαч kíssєs.)
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚𝙷𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚢 𝙱𝚒𝚛𝚝𝚑𝚍𝚊𝚢, 𝙽𝚊𝚛𝚞𝚝𝚘! (𝟸𝟶𝟸𝟹)
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•Wattpad• •AO3•
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Pairing˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚Naruhina 
Synopsis˚ ༘♡ ⋆。Hinata Hyuga takes it upon herself to create an unforgettable birthday celebration for her beloved boyfriend, Naruto Uzumaki. Filled with heartfelt gestures, creative surprises, and passionate moments, Hinata showers Naruto with love and attention, aiming to make it the most extraordinary birthday he's ever experienced.
Content Tags˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ Adoration • After Party • Alcohol Beverages • Birthday Celebration • Birthday Edition 2023 • Birthday Sex • Boyfriend Appreciation • Body Worship • Candlelit • Cock Worship • Couple Goals • Creampie • Dirty Talk • Drunk Sex • Erotic • Female Dominance • Food Play • Foreplay • Freaky • Frottage • Hickeys • Kinky • Kisses • Lingerie • Love • Love Bites • Marathon Sex • Modern AU • Multiple Orgasms • Naruto's Birthday • NSFW • October 10th • Pampering • Passionate Sex • Praise Kink • Pussy Worship • Riding • Romantic • Roses • Spoiling • Striptease • Unprotected Sex • Vaginal Sex • Whipped Cream • Wholesome •
Overall Word Count˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚11.6k.
Tumblr Post: Word Count˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚6.2k.
Preview ༘♡ ⋆。˚
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The front door, aged and weathered from years of use, creaked open with a reluctant sigh, revealing the dimly lit foyer beyond. A pale light from the street lamps outside spilled into the hallway of the one story home, casting elongated shadows on the wooden floors. 
As the door swung wide, the silhouette of two figures staggered into view, their unsteady steps serving proof of their intoxicated state. They leaned on each other for support, their laughter bubbling up in fits and starts, carried by the night air.
Naruto, with his tousled blonde hair and lopsided grin, stumbled indoors to escape the brisk autumn breeze, donning a rumpled suit that had clearly seen better days. His tie hung loosely around his neck, and he swayed with a carefree abandon, his boisterous laughter marking a lively climax to the night's celebrations.
Hinata, his lover, stood next to him, her dress somewhat awry. She possessed a contagious smile that shone even in the subdued light. Her lavender eyes, hooded as they were, danced with mirth as she clung to her companion, their shared revelry a testament to their camaraderie.
Together, they stumbled deeper into the foyer of their home. Hinata glanced back, doing her best to close the front door. Her movements were a bit unsteady, and she fumbled with the door and its knob for a moment before managing to shut and lock it with a shaky hand.
Turning back to her boyfriend, she made sure to support his wobbly frame once more, slipping his arm across her neck so she could hold him up.
The echoes of their laughter mingled with the hushed whispers of the night, leaving behind a trail of vivacious energy that lingered in the air. Their presence, though unsteady, brought a sense of vibrant life to the otherwise quiet house. 
The scent of sake wafted through the air from their beings, a delicate yet distinct fragrance that carried the warmth of the memories they had made only moments before. It started as a subtle undertone, barely perceptible, but gradually grew stronger, weaving its way through the entirety of their home.
As Naruto and Hinata moved further into the space, the aroma enveloped them, its notes of fermenting rice mingling with the gentle embrace of the wood furnishings in their home. It was a scent that spoke of tradition and conviviality, of the evening spent in the company of friends and loved ones.
The sake's presence in the air seemed to awaken the very walls of the home, imbuing them with a sense of history and shared experiences. It whispered of celebrations and laughter, of toasts exchanged in both joy and sorrow.
The lovers, caught in an olfactory embrace, carried with them the essence of the sake, becoming carriers of the lively moment of the night itself, as though replaying a forever lasting memory.
Naruto emitted a groan as he jolted forward, evidence of his clumsy state when intoxicated. He cursed his lack of alcohol tolerance, finding it both humiliating and frustrating that his legs often betrayed him. There were moments when his limbs would outright abandon him, necessitating the assistance of his equally intoxicated girlfriend to keep him upright.
Hinata would laugh, everytime he would stumble, merely trying her best to keep him standing with the help of her petite arms.
"I gotcha, Na-Na-Na-hic!" Her words were cut off by a loud hiccup which sprang from her throat and out of her mouth, seemingly out of nowhere, startling them both.
Naruto, his cerulean eyes, half-lidded and gleaming, whipped his gaze towards his midnight blue-haired girlfriend in an instant, his expression marked by sheer surprise. 
Hinata mirrored his astonishment. 
However, a single exchange of glances between them was all it took for both of them to break into uncontrollable laughter.
Naruto rocked back and forth in his spot, one arm draped over his girlfriend's neck, who tried her best to keep him upright, even in her intoxicated state.
"Damn, damn, damn." Naruto cursed between the fits of his laughter, "what a night!" 
Overwhelmed with joy, Naruto couldn't suppress the urge to vocalize how incredible his night had been. He practically shouted his appreciation to the ceilings of the home he and Hinata shared.  
The alcohol coursing through his system might have some contribution to his boisterous and chatty behavior, but he didn't care. He truly needed to share his feelings and reminisce about the extraordinary events of this memorable night.
The very night Hinata and Naruto experienced was truly unforgettable, especially for Naruto, as it was anything but ordinary, firmly etching itself into his memory. It was a special, special night. 
It was his birthday, after all. His 23rd birthday, to be exact.
The recollections of his festive night flooded back like a vibrant painting, occasionally veiled in a haze from the alcohol, yet with focused effort, Naruto managed to piece together most of the night's details in his mind with precision.
Yes, it was the wondrous night of Naruto's birthday, a night that would forever hold a special place in his heart. The memories of the night played like a reel in his mind. 
Every piece of it. 
His girlfriend, the mastermind behind it all, stood at the center of the festivities, as a beacon of love and joy.
Upon his return from work, she had initially left him a letter instructing him to don his finest attire and meet her at Hara No Tume, a lively bar located in downtown Tokyo. 
Naturally, he followed her instructions, fetching himself the most exquisite tuxedo available in his wardrobe, and then navigating the streets of Tokyo as fast as his car could take him. The city's vibrant neon lights and energetic atmosphere certainly set an ideal stage for his impending celebration.
He could clearly recall how his anticipation grew during that time, his face permanently grazed with a jolly grin. Even his stomach was churning, queasy with nervous excitement throughout the entire drive.
Naruto was aware that his girlfriend had a surprise in store for him, given that it was his birthday, (of course). However, like every year, he found himself unable to figure out any of her elaborate plans. Hinata hid them so well. 
With his excitement through the roof, he finally arrived at the bar and when he did, he remembered that he instantly recognized his girlfriend the moment he stepped in.
At the entrance, Hinata stood with her flowing midnight blue hair trailing behind her, adorned in a shimmering dress, and a gentle smile gracing her face as she turned to greet him.
Her eyes sparkled with the secret she had kept so well, a surprise that had unfolded like a beautifully orchestrated symphony.
At that moment, Naruto recalled being greeted by a chorus of voices, all shouting "surprise" in unison, their distinct tones blending into a cacophonous yet comforting familiarity.
Naruto was surprised, and is still surprised by the unexpected presence of his high school friends, whom he hadn't crossed paths with in years, joining him at the bar alongside his girlfriend. 
All of his comrades were there. 
Sasuke, Sakura, Sai, Neji, Ino, Kiba, Lee, Shino, Shikamaru, Temari, Choji, and Karui had all gathered to join in to celebrate his birthday. 
Even his three sensei's from Konoha High—Jiraiya, Kakashi, and Iruka—made an appearance, their faces adorned with cheerful smiles, encompassing the essence of both gifts, cards, and nostalgic memories. 
But their presence at the bar to celebrate his 23rd birthday was more impactful to Naruto then he initially thought. 
It truly provided him with an eye-opening revelation.
His sensei's presence there served as an indicator that Naruto had officially grown out of his adolescence. He was no longer the kid who stirred up trouble in his sensei's classrooms; contrary, he had grown older and more mature. He's grown into a man. 
The realization of it all was pivotal, and it made his night all the more impactful. 
Naruto could still hear his comrades now, all animated and full of cheer, their laughter filling the entirety of Hara No Tume, painting a picture of camaraderie and carefree moments. Naruto could vividly recall the warmth of their embraces, the heartfelt wishes they gave, all the thoughtful gifts they shared, and the sparkle in his loved ones' eyes.
Naruto felt a swell of warmth in his chest as he continued to recall such a memory and all of its entirety. He felt a profound gratitude for the love and thoughtfulness that had gone into his very own birthday night. The scenes of laughter, shared stories of reminiscence, and heartfelt toasts painted a tapestry of cherished moments, forever imprinted on his heart. 
The fond memories of the playful brawls and daring challenges he shared with the guys resounded like a mantra in his mind, never failing to bring a smile to his face. 
They may all have acted foolishly, but with finally being in one another's company again, it hardly mattered.
Naruto vividly recalled the time Lee dared Shikamaru to yank his girlfriend's hair, only to be slapped across the face mid action. 
He remembered the dare that Sasuke gave Neji, that is to neck his drink, but respectfully he declined. But it was only after, when Kiba had the bright idea to dare him instead to chug, but not his own beverage but to down an entire bottle of sake. Kiba, as always, is so over the top. 
But, how could Naruto possibly refuse that? 
Naruto wasn't a pussy like Neji was, and besides, it's his fucking birthday. So, hell yeah. 
Naruto's actions, however, certainly left his girlfriend feeling extremely embarrassed as she watched him climb onto the bar table and down the entire bottle of sake he'd been handed. To make matters worse, every customer in the bar joined in with his dare with raucous cheers, turning the entire scene into a spirited celebration. It felt like a fiesta, a wild and carefree sake-drinking party where they could all momentarily shed the weight of the world, revel in laughter, and rediscover the joy of their youth.
For a while, they were teenagers again, embracing the liberating feeling of being free from life's stresses, able to laugh and smile without reservation.
The night certainly exceeded all of Naruto's expectations. He hadn't experienced a night like that in so long. The responsibilities of adult life have surely exacted their toll, and moments of unbridled celebration had become rare for Naruto.
But his birthday night, though, was a beacon of light through it all. He remembered how every laugh had felt like a gift, every shared story a treasure, and every wish a blessing. It was a night that reminded him of the beauty in simple pleasures and the power of genuine connections.
It all served as a reminder that life's true richness lay in moments like those, where time seemed to stand still, and the world was painted in hues of love and celebration.
His birthday was perfect. Absolutely perfect. 
Once more, it was his beloved who managed to make him feel like the happiest man alive, once again on his birthday.. 
She always does, regardless of the year, or his age. 
Hinata undeniably instilled in him a deep appreciation for both the essence of life and the privilege of having her in his.
A warm smile graced his lips, and at last, Naruto tore himself from his reverie to meet his girlfriend's gaze. She looked up at him with a radiant smile, content to watch him as he drifted through his musings.
She smiled warmly, "Did you en-enjoy tonight, my love?" Hinata's voice, though delicate in its essence, bore the subtle rasp of intoxication, like a gentle stream flowing over smooth stones, its surface occasionally rippling with a soft, throaty cadence.
Naruto shuddered, a tingling sensation coursing down his spine, causing his unsteady form to waver even more. He turned around fully to meet Hinata's gaze, and he observed as she mirrored his actions, bringing them face to face.
With gentle fingertips, Hinata caressed the fabric of his crumpled tuxedo, her head tilted due to their significant height difference. 
But her eyes were fixed upon her boyfriend, gazing up at him with twinkling lavender orbs. She witnessed his drunken but delighted grin, characterized by half-closed eyes and raised, whiskered cheeks.
"Yes, H-Hinata-chan." He huskily whispered before moving his arms forward to wrap them around her waist. He held her close, placing his forehead against hers, wanting to feel her, all of her. His spiky blonde hair slipped forth and caressed her cheeks, kissing her pale skin. 
Naruto inhaled deeply as Hinata's petite body brushed up against his own, the tenderness of her feminine body bringing his masculine one to its knees. 
"Hinata-chan," He stammered, "I cannot thank you enough for the joy you've brought me tonight. Everything you arranged was exactly what I'd always dreamed of, and I-I-I don't know how I could ever repay you enough." He whispered, his voice slurring at times, but Hinata understood. 
Emotions seemed to steadily grow stronger within him, engulfing him whole, and before long, he began to sway from side to side, partaking in a tipsy dance of sorts, a clear sign that he had lost control of his body.  
Hinata giggled in response, her own body swaying in harmony with his.
"Yes baby, this was the best damn night of my entire life. Mmm." Naruto leaned in, pressing a tender kiss onto her forehead, the very person who had bestowed upon him so much happiness.
"And it's all thanks to you, my love." 
"Mmm, oh N-Naruto-kun." 
Touched to the core, Hinata let out a soft whimper, moved by her boyfriend's evident satisfaction and appreciation to everything she had organized for his birthday.
She gently rubbed along his torso, with up and down strokes. She raced her soft hands up his neck and wrapped them around the broadness of it. 
She stared deep within his eyes, and practically melted in the world of warmth that lay within them. The warmth emanating from his blue eyes mirrored the comforting radiance of a crackling fireplace on a brisk, golden afternoon. It was a tender embrace, a comforting glow that invited her in. 
Within Naruto's gaze, Hinata found a haven of boundless love and gratitude, where each glance felt like a gentle caress, enveloping her in a profound sense of belonging and affection.
Naruto bestowed upon her the gaze she had always yearned for, fulfilling the longing within her to be looked at just as he was looking at her now. 
It made her heart flutter with joy. Every chamber within her pulsed with an exuberant energy, sending waves of warmth and contentment coursing through her veins. Her heart was in full bloom, a vibrant melody of happiness that resonated within, infusing every fiber of her being.
Her smile was broad, so much so that the edges of her lips ached. 
With a firm grip on the collar of her boyfriend's tuxedo, she gave it a tender pull, "Oh, Naruto-kun," She murmured against his sake-tinged breath, "I'm incredibly delighted that you had a wonderful time tonight. Your happiness means the world to me, and it's all I strive for." She whispered warmly, her breath carrying the scent of sake, just like his.
Her legs wobbled a bit, her heels scraping the floor underneath her but broad arms held her tight and upright, cradled in an embrace of warmth.
Hinata bit her lip yet again, "D-Demo…" She trailed her response, waking Naruto out of his dreamy reverie. His eyes drifted shut several times as he listened to the lullaby that was his girlfriend's voice. But he was shaken awake by her previous remark. 
"Demo?" Naruto repeated while continuing his rocking. He cupped her petite waist gently, rushing his hands in circular motions to caress her skin underneath her lustrous dress. At times, he even rushed his hands across the curve of her luscious ass, squeezing the flesh within his fingers through her dress. 
Hinata moaned in delight. 
Naruto's personal touches, whether deliberate or not, were undeniably on the mark for what Hinata's thoughts were wandering to. Naruto's cupping motions, the sexual intimacy of it, suggested her own naughty plans for tonight. 
The spiky-haired blonde raised an eyebrow as he witnessed the mischief that suddenly appeared in the glossy lavender eyes of his lover. She began to tiptoe her fingers up his chest and then his neck.
"This night, Naruto-kun, is far from over. I have one more surprise." She pulled up one finger by his neck, "One more." She repeated in a whisper. 
Naruto's eyes widened, "Another surprise?" The blonde was starstruck. Such unexpected news made his heart skip a beat; he couldn't believe what he was hearing.
Hinata has surely outdone herself this year. 
The blonde's mouth gaped like an idiot, his blue eyes fixated and widened down at his midnight blue-haired lover. He shook his head, the dewy strands of his blonde hair tousling about in response, "Hinata-chan, come on baby. That's too much. You really didn't have to-"
"Shh." Hinata silenced him by pressing a finger against his lips, exerting gentle pressure to keep him quiet. Naruto obeyed, but he couldn't suppress the smirk that played on his lips.
In a playful gesture, he pressed a kiss to her finger, eliciting a giggle from Hinata.
She shook her head, "It brings me no burden, Naruto-kun, to make each of your birthdays better than the last, to go over and beyond each and every time." Hinata smiled, "I love you. I cherish you deeply, and I wish to demonstrate my love and appreciation in any way I can. So now…"
Hinata pulled her finger away from Naruto's lips to instead use her hands to grip his own hands. She began to gently guide him towards their bedroom.
"Your first surprise was only the beginning.  What I have planned for you next, is waiting in the bedroom."
"The bedroom, huh?" Naruto licked his lips, liking the sound of that. After a day filled with relentless work, toppled with a rowdy afternoon at the bar, he was more than prepared to lie down and be pampered to the fullest. 
Therefore, Naruto happily trailed after Hinata, summoning his strength to maneuver his sluggish legs across the wooden floor.
"Mmm, you naughty girl." He breathed, "Don't tell me-" 
"Shh. Just follow, Naruto-kun." Hinata enthusiastically cheered, her smile radiant.
Naruto chuckled, utterly captivated by his girlfriend's adorableness. How could he ever resist her? After all she's done for him, he was more than willing to do anything she asked.
So, he followed her.
Every step of the way, his gaze remained fixed on her. She was the sun to his world, and he revolved around her, craving for her light and love.
If Hinata was determined to make his already perfect night even more extraordinary and secure its place as one of his best birthdays ever, he wouldn't object. 
Who in their right mind would?
Naruto was ready. He was ready to see what was to come. 
With each step, his heart raced, the anticipation within him reaching its peak. He couldn't help but speculate about what might lie behind their bedroom door, yet he found himself stumped by the multitude of possibilities. His intoxicated mind couldn't quite grasp it all.
His thoughts wandered freely, and his excitement bubbled over. In Hinata's hold, he couldn't resist the urge to dance around, eliciting giggles from her.
"Oh Naruto-kun, be patient, my darling. W-We're almost there." With a tipsy giggle, Hinata declared, thoroughly amused by Naruto's childlike dance, as he hopped around beside her, in her grasp like a hyperactive child.
To her, Naruto was utterly adorable, and observing his limitless enthusiasm in response to her surprise filled her with even more delight.
Though the journey to their bedroom was relatively short, it truly felt like an eternity to Naruto. However, his excitement reached its peak when he was finally guided to their closed bedroom door, adorned with numerous pictures of them both, including wall art displaying their names on the front. 
Hinata turned to Naruto with a giddy smile, one displaying exuberant happiness. She was just as happy as he was, maybe even more. 
She danced in her spot, gripping his hand for dear life, "Okay, Naruto-kun, your surprise is just in here." She nodded her head toward their closed bedroom door.
She turned back to him, her midnight blue hair flowing with each of her movements, clinging to her dewy, flushed skin.
"Are you ready?" 
"Am I ready?" Naruto repeated with a chuckle. He raised the hand that held his girlfriend's, bringing it to his lips. With his heated gaze still fixed on her, he pressed a kiss to her knuckles.
They both emitted a soft moan as they made contact, warm lips meeting pale skin. 
"Mmm, I'm more than ready. Show me this magnificent surprise of yours." Naruto kissed Hinata's knuckles again, squinting his blue eyes, "Go on, amaze me, Hinata-chan." 
Only after that did Hinata feel prepared to unveil Naruto's ultimate birthday surprise, a gift that had taken her days to plan and hours to execute.
With a smile, she gently moved her hand from Naruto's hold to guide it toward the doorknob. She gripped it tight, "Well then, here it is, my love," She announced.
"your surprise."
It was only after that moment that she confidently turned the knob, swinging the door open wide to finally unveil Naruto's surprise in all of its glory. 
However, the sight that lay beyond their bedroom door was beyond description. It stole away Naruto's breath and redefined the word "extraordinary.'  
It was unlike anything he had ever witnessed before. 
Naruto's breath caught in his throat, "Oh my kami." He whispered in astonishment, once more losing control of his body. Suddenly, he found himself taking a step forward.
Upon entering the bedroom, a gasp caught in his throat. He could hardly believe his eyes. 
The room, once so familiar and ordinary, had undergone a complete transformation. It now exuded an aura of love and intimacy, shifted into a sanctuary of affection. The room, and its condition now merely served as a magnified glimpse into the depths of Hinata's heart, like peering into an ocean of emotions.
A soft, golden light enveloped him, casting a warm and inviting glow throughout the space.
Naruto's heart skipped a beat as he took in the sight before him. 
Countless candles adorned every available surface, their flickering flames creating a mesmerizing dance of light and shadow throughout the entirety of the room. The air was filled with the sweet scent of vanilla, adding to the enchantment and even tranquility of the room. 
The bed, adorned with a sea of crimson rose petals, looked like something out of a dream.  The roses were arranged with such precision that they formed a heart shape on the bed, gracefully crossing the white sheets and pillows, creating a sight that begged for a moment of admiration.
Naruto couldn't take his eyes off of the bed.
But ultimately, he managed to get his eyes to shift. To his left. 
The nightstand positioned directly beside the bed now boasted a bottle of whipped cream, a plate of succulent strawberries, a festive birthday hat, and an ice bucket containing chilled champagne. Each element seemed carefully chosen, meticulously placed and planned creating a tableau of sensuality and indulgence. 
Naruto felt a surge of warmth and gratitude welling up inside him.
It was as if their room had become a canvas, painted with the strokes of love and affection. He couldn't help but be moved by the effort and thoughtfulness that had gone into creating such an enchanting space. The room's transformation truly spoke volumes about the depth of the connection his lover had with him, leaving the blonde male both touched and elated. 
It was a moment he knew he would treasure forever.
Hinata observed the scene in all of its entirety from afar, savoring the moment her boyfriend discovered the love she had poured into creating the romantic theme to their room.
With a smile filled with anticipation and affection, she stood by the door. Her gaze was fixed on Naruto's form, capturing both his back and the side profile of his face. She caught a glimpse of the wide, radiant smile gracing his tanned features, the candlelights dancing around him, illuminating him completely.
Hinata observed him as Naruto meticulously took in every detail of the room, his wide grin remaining ever-present. His head swiveled in excitement, akin to a child exploring a candy store.
Naruto's cerulean eyes absorbed every detail—the roses, the candles, the carefully arranged decorations—and he allowed the sentiment to wash over him, savoring the depth of Hinata's consideration.
Feelings welled up inside him, a torrent of emotions colliding and resonating so profoundly that he couldn't hold back a sob.
"Oh H-Hinata-chan. Th-This is…" His breath grew shaky. He was goddamn speechless, mouth gaped, eyes wide, and heart hammering against his chest. 
His movement was wobbly, but he used all the strength he could muster to finally turn around to face his girlfriend, to reveal the endless amounts of gratitude that adorned his face.
"Fuck! This is amazing, holy shit, Hinata-chan!" Naruto exclaimed in awe, gripping the blonde strands of his hair tightly. 
He shook his head in disbelief, once again absorbing his surroundings as if they might fade away, as if he might awaken and find it all to be a dream. Yet, everything remained as real as ever.
Hinata remained. 
He turned to her fully, tears of joy bundling up in his certulan eyes, "Oh, Hinata-chan, you did all of this…for me?" He whispered through shaky breaths.
He observed his beautiful girlfriend nod eagerly. She pushed herself away from the entrance and took a few steps inside, using a gentle hand to close the door behind her.
"Yes, Naruto-kun, I did all of this for you." She announced with joy evident in her sluggish voice, "D-Do you l-like it?" 
"Like it?" Naruto exclaimed, whipping his head back to connect eyes with his love. He gave her a large grin before making his way towards her.
"I fucking love it, Hinata-chan!" Naruto cheered before making his way across the room to her. He approached her, unhesitatingly cupping her cheek with one hand, while the other wrapped around her waist, drawing her close..
He growled, "Mmm, come here, baby." He softly murmured before engaging in a passionate kiss that seemed to nearly sweep her off her feet, undoubtedly leaving her breathless.
Their lips connected in a fervent, tender embrace, a dance of passion and appreciation. Naruto's arms enveloped Hinata, drawing her close, their bodies pressed together in a seamless connection.
Hinata wholeheartedly surrendered to the kiss, expressing her boundless love and devotion through it. She lifted her arms to cradle her blonde lover's neck, holding him close as he secured her waist. 
In that moment, time seemed to slow down for them both, allowing them to savor every electrifying second. Hinata's hands raised forward, her fingers beginning to trace a gentle path along Naruto's sculpted jaw, sending shivers of delight down his spine. 
Her touch was both tender and delicate, a confirmation to the depth of her feelings.
Their breath mingled, warm and inviting, as they lost themselves in each other. The world around them seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of them in their cocoon of affection. It was a kiss that resonated with unspoken emotions, an indication to their deep love and devotion, leaving them both breathless and hungry for more.
As time passed, their kiss evolved, transitioning from passionate to heated. Tongues danced in a fervent rhythm, saliva mingled in a crazed fit, and their heads moved in rapid synchrony.
Fingers grew needy, scratching and pinching the other one's clothing in a desirable fit to get them off, to indulge in what they've been wanting to do ever since they stepped back into their home, away from the prying eyes of the public. 
Their groans and moans faded as one, as they kissed one another sloppily, bringing a warmth that came unmatched to nestle within the other's chests, a warmth that moved to envelop every part of them.
"Hinata-chan." Naruto moaned his girlfriend's name, breathlessly against her plump lips. 
"N-Naruto-kun." She moaned his name back, her lavender eyes hooded.
With a subtle push, Hinata prompted Naruto to take several steps back, her fingers deftly maneuvering to undo the buttons and fastenings of his tuxedo. Naruto readily lent a hand, ensuring the process was both swift and efficient.
In a rush of urgency, their fingers fumbled with buttons, their movements quick and determined. Fabric rustled as Naruto shedded his tie, his jacket, undershirt, and his trouser's with the assistance of his lover, flinging them all aside without a second thought. His tanned physique, a work of art, lay bare for his lover to admire in the soft, dimly lit room. Every move and sensation highlighted the contours of his sculpted muscles which flexed in relation. 
Now, Naruto was down to nothing but his boxers. His discarded clothes formed a haphazard pile on the floor, a testament to the urgency that fueled their actions. The room echoed with the sound of fabric meeting carpet, punctuated by the occasional gasp of breath.
Another gasp sprung out of Naruto's mouth as he was given yet another push, but this one was a bit stronger than the one before and he found himself falling backwards. 
With a sudden and unexpected stumble, he found himself tumbling, not on the floor, but on their bed, all at once bringing him back to the dream of his reality. 
The plushness of the bed welcomed him, yielding beneath his weight in a luxurious embrace. His body sank into the softness, cradling him in a cocoon of comfort. It was a surprise, an unplanned moment of surrender to the inviting embrace of the bed. 
He let out a relieved exhale as he observed his girlfriend gracefully positioning herself on top of him, signaling her intentions for the night.
It was going to be another of those nights again.
Another night where Hinata would take control in the bedroom and guide them both into a world of ecstasy. Naruto anticipated the sensation, anticipating Hinata's preparations, knowing in his bones that he'd remember this night fondly.
Hinata was prepared to give him a night of unparalleled ecstasy, and he was eagerly yearning for it.
Hinata gracefully settled onto his lap, her feet adorned in heels resting on either side of his waist, cushioned by the soft bed sheets.
Crimson rose petals, once strewn across the bed, now danced along their skin, caressing Naruto's tanned, well-defined chest and tracing the contours of Hinata's supple thighs.
Hinata's breath hitched in a soft moan as she gently rested a hand on Naruto's chest, urging him to stay in his relaxed state, stretched out across the center of the bed.
"Mmm, just relax, my love." She murmured tenderly against his eager lips, seeking another passionate kiss. Naruto responded with a blissful moan, meeting her with equal fervor.
Hinata's own moan intertwined with his as she hovered above him, her midnight blue tresses cascading over her fair shoulders, draping across his chest in a tantalizing caress.
Breaking the kiss, Hinata bestowed upon Naruto a smile that stole his breath away. His mouth fell open in awe as he beheld the midnight blue-haired angel above him, bathed in the soft glow of candlelights, which seemed to illuminate her.
Hinata looked perfect. So very perfect. 
Hinata appeared absolutely flawless, a vision of perfection.
Naruto was beyond astounded. The fact that he could claim someone as extraordinary as Hinata as his partner, and even know her, be loved by her, and have her in his life, was truly beyond belief.
He was in awe. In total awe. 
Hinata smiled down at him, her hands tenderly caressing his well-toned body, "Relax, and allow me this moment to appreciate every inch of you," She whispered, her soothing words merely turning Naruto's muscles into mush. 
A soft giggle escaped her lips as she noticed the intensity in his gaze, his hooded blue eyes rooted on her and only her.
She leaned back down, pressing a gentle kiss to his right earlobe before speaking softly within it.
"I yearn to kiss every part of you, Naruto-kun. I yearn to express the depth of my love, to adore every facet of you, honor the years you've lived in this world, and to cherish the time we spent together." 
Hinata's soft breath grazed his earlobe, a gentle whisper of warmth that sent tingles down his spine. The sensation was both tender and exhilarating, a delicate touch that quickened his heartbeat.
Her proposition was endearing to the tipsy blonde, igniting a response that pulsed through every nerve in his body. Even his excited friend between his legs perked up, eager to partake in Hinata's plans for the night.
Naruto extended his arms, gently caressing Hinata's thighs, relishing the sensation of her smooth, velvety skin beneath his calloused hands.
"Mmm, oh baby, that sounds absolutely delightful." Naruto nodded, "Yes, kiss my body, caress me, fuck me." He murmured, nestling his head into the bed, "Yes, make my night. Spoil me, sweetheart." 
Hinata giggled, drawing back just enough to playfully tap his nose, "Mmm, oh my love, you've just read my mind." 
Hinata moved her finger down to instead give his chest a tap, "But first…" 
She trailed off, then slid her hands to the hem of her shimmering black dress, gripping the fabric's edges. She remained in eye contact with him, to keep him the center of her attention, to give him all of her.
Naruto watched with bated breath, his eyes fixed on his girlfriend as she folded her arms, seized her dress, and tossed the glistening material over her head, revealing what lay beneath.
Once more, he was taken aback by Hinata's intricate efforts to surprise him, completely catching him off guard.
There, right on top of him, presented a woman of breathtaking beauty, her curves adorned in lingerie. Red lingerie. 
"Holy mother of kami." Naruto breathed, feeling a wave of dizziness wash over him.
The crimson lace clung to her porcelain skin, a vivid contrast that accentuated every curve and contour she possessed. The delicate fabric danced gracefully against her, a fiery frame against the canvas of her alabaster complexion. It was a tantalizing sight, the scarlet hue radiating confidence and allure. 
It was the sexiest sight he's ever seen, the clash of red, bringing rise to her silky midnight blue hair, and lavender eyes, creating a sight that he knew would show up again in his wet dreams of her.
Naruto couldn't even keep his damn mouth closed, he was so flabbergasted.
Hinata looked so beautiful. 
The vibrant red lace of her lingerie mirrored the rich hue of the roses adorning the bed. Like the blossoms, the fabric exuded a passionate energy, its intricate patterns weaving a tapestry of desire. The lingerie seemed to echo the very essence of the roses, each petal and lace detail telling a story of passion and longing. Together, they created a sensuous symphony, painting the room with an intoxicating blend of scarlet shades.
And it didn't help that Hinata was currently giving him a seductive squint, a sexy look that accentuated her plump lips, her porcelain skin, and the beauty of her appearance.
She grinded her hips along the bulge in Naruto's boxers, and giggled as she felt his cock brush against the slit of her red panties, an indication that he took great pleasure at what he saw.
She gasped, "Oh, you're such a naughty boy, Naruto-kun." Hinata teased, which only caused his dick to react once more, twitching against her. She moaned in response, placing her hands down to brace herself on his chest.
She shimmed her body yet again, rolling her pelvis in a circular motion along his crotch.
Naruto whipped his head back in delight, crashing against the bed. 
"Fuck." He breathed. 
Hinata moaned, biting her bottom lip, "Oh? I see that you have taken a great liking to my lingerie, Naruto-kun. I bought it specifically for you for your special night." 
Naruto's tongue swept across his lips as he brought his hands down to trace the contours of his lover's form, his hands skimming over the vibrant red fabric that embraced her exquisite figure. 
He cursed, "Hell yeah, I love it, baby. Fuck," Naruto swore once more.
"you're just full of surprises."
Naruto chuckled, before bringing his hands down the curve of her backside to cup her ass. He gave it a smack, propelling her forward, "I thought you were done with the surprises, Hinata-chan. Ya know, there's only so many surprises I can take, baby." 
Hinata giggled at Naruto's comical response before shrugging her shoulders, "Oh, did I say that? Gomen." The midnight blue-haired woman leaned in to kiss Naruto's lips once more, playfully tugging at them with her teeth.
"I lied." She whispered, "Get ready for a night full of surprises, my love. I'm determined to make this birthday your best one yet."
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makoxxlip · 9 months
just korra and mako stealing each other clothes
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cupiidzbow · 6 months
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i was mindlessly scribbling things down after finishing comm work.. umm… gives them kissies…..
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cyriite · 2 years
Bachisagi is canon btw
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osferth · 11 days
guys i have had so much character development between my last post on here and now 😭
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xxxhoekage · 9 months
I gotta know.. who are you romancing in BG3??
Halsin and Shadowheart!!
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just-call-mefr1es · 9 months
do you guys also pretend ur Bruce Yamada when biking through an empty street or is that just me
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seventeendevotee · 1 year
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mymelodyisme · 1 year
It was the Stardew Valley Fair. The farmer has been dating Shane for a while now and eagerly approaches the same location he takes every year.
Shane smiled as they approached. He knew the drill. He began his yearly speech, “all these animals are friendly and love to get massaged — ”
The farmer suddenly came closer, a mischievous grin on their face, and spoke in a whisper, “and what about you chicken man, do you like to get massaged? If you stop by my place later I can be real friendly too — ”
Shane immediately flustered and covered his face, “Mother clucker.”
The farmer laughed and threw their arms around him. “Made you break!”
Shane groaned, “does that mean the offer’s off the table?”
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itsfootballbih · 1 year
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I want a man who looks at me the way Jude looks at Toby🤭
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meyhew · 2 years
amelia is so fucking pretty and i have once again fallen victim to bisexuality
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coded-pup · 9 months
We shld be boyfriends giggling
Alright, come into my DMs then— like 🤨
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theemporium · 3 months
baby smut request incoming for a driver of your choice. Reassuring soft sex, with lots of kisses, touched and giggles and just being in that moment
thank you for requesting!🫶🏽
Your alarm was going to go off soon. 
Or at least, you assumed it was. You weren’t quite sure of the time and you had no urge to reach over and see, simply happy to bask in the knowledge that the sun was rising and the rest of the world was going to wake up soon. 
But for now, it was just you and him.
“I want to stay here forever,” Charles murmured, his voice was low and a little gruff. His accent was heavier than usual, the sleep still clearly having a hold on the boy but it didn’t stop the way he gripped your hips, pulling you back until you were flush against him. “You feel like heaven, cherie.” 
“You’re so sappy in the mornings,” you teased, your eyes fluttering shut as you felt him slowly ease his cock inside you. It was far too early for either of you to even be awake, but that didn’t stop the deep want you had for your boyfriend. The desire to have him this close whenever you could. “Such a sweet mouth.”
“I can show you some other sweet things this mouth can do,” Charles retorted, his face buried against your shoulder as he placed soft kisses along the expanse of your exposed skin. 
Your clothes were still probably buried somewhere on the bed, under the duvet. In all honesty, neither of you had put much effort into it compared to usual. Somewhere in the ungodly hours of the morning, you had both found yourselves awake. One kiss turned into two, which turned into more. 
And then, with whatever energy he had in him, Charles had flipped you over and settled behind you, his hands on every inch of your skin until you were a soaking mess between your thighs.
“No,” you whined when you felt his fingers graze along your sides, making you squirm back into his hold. “Stay. Like this. Please.” 
“Always,” he whispered against your skin, his thrusts slow and lazy but neither of you were in any rush. Sometimes, you just needed this. The overwhelming feeling of Charles and his touch and his words with no time limit hovering over your heads.
Even if your alarm was bound to ruin the moment at some point.
“Oh shit,” you breathed out, turning your face into your pillow and burying yourself against it as you felt his fingers dance across your stomach before dipping down between your thighs. “Shit, Charlie, baby.”
“I love you,” he mumbled as he pressed random kisses along your skin, as he buried himself deep inside you. “I love you so much, cherie. You’re so beautiful. So perfect.” 
“Charles,” you whined, your cheeks flushing in response but he didn’t stop. 
“My girl,” he sighed happily, his nose brushing against your cheek as he held you close. “Most perfect girl in the world, so fucking lucky you chose me.”
“I’m the lucky one,” you managed to choke out between soft moans as his fingers circled your swollen clit.
And you could only see a hint of his cheeky smile as your walls clenched around him, your first of many orgasms washing over you as you basked in the morning light.
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afterglowsainz · 24 days
mclaren admin | oscar piastri
summary: mclaren’s admin only posts pictures of oscar and fans start to notice
fc: tyla
a/n: guys i made this earlier last week and i wrote a joke about lando having no wins and then miami happened😭 he really told me to stfu
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liked by yourusername, zbrownceo and others
mclaren ready for another race week🇪🇸
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username 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨
username mclaren admin doing gods work lately
username let’s go papayas!!
username love the oscar content
mclaren 🧡🧡🧡
username mclaren admin is so me cause i’m also obsessed with oscar
landonorris 😁
username that felt passive aggressive somehow
username the fact that they haven’t posted him in AGES
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liked by oscarpiastri, landonorris and others
yourusername another day another slay
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bffusername SLAYING INDEED🔥
yourusername my loooove🤍
username so pretty!!
landonorris i’m actually surprised that you payed attention to the race
yourusername don’t bully me lando norris!!
username your skin omg🤩
oscarpiastri y/n!!!
yourusername oscar!!!
username i’m confused does she work at mclaren or??
username maybe she’s an engineer? idk
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liked by yourusername, scuderiaferrari and others
mclaren getting ready for the action! 👊🏽
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username admin i love all this oscar content don’t get me wrong but when are you gonna post lando?
username like??? do they know they have another driver or 😭
arrowmclaren excited for the weekend! 🧡
username mclaren admin 🤝🏼 me being op81 girlies
username pls i’m begging you just a lando post
username lando girlies really are starving
landonorris i see how it is…
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liked by yourusername, carlossainz55 and others
landonorris posting these here since mclaren won’t
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yourusername 🙄🙄
username the shade ohhh he knows
username finally!! it’s been MONTHS
mclaren the papaya suits you🧡
username oh NOW YOU SHOW UP
oscarpiastri looking fresh 😎
username he ate with that caption
username smash
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liked by landonorris, yourusername and others
mclaren as per request🧡
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username admin omg 😭😭
username mclaren admin pls explain
username finally we’re out of the trenches!
username okay admin i might forgive you for not posting him
username KEEP ‘EM COMING 🗣
landonorris nice pics
mclaren they better be i almost got crucified
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liked by yourusername, logansargeant and others
oscarpiastri enjoying summer break☀️
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username oh this is too cute
username sir??? that last pic???
username that first pic is sooo boyfriend
username who are we soft launching here oscar 🤨
landonorris ohhh 👀
username spill it norris
username that last pic might be my 13th reason
logansargeant to bad i beat you at cricket😁
oscarpiastri blocked
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liked by bffusername, oscarpiastri and others
yourusername paid vacations we love to see it 🫶🏽
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username you’re so 💞💞💞
bffusername prettiest woman on this earth 😮‍💨
yourusername that’s you❤️
username girlie is that oscar??
username i don’t think it doesn’t look like him
username how are you so beautiful omg 😩
yourusername you’re gorgeous!💘
username now i’m connecting dots, thinking thoughts…
landonorris ugh get a room
yourusername BET
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liked by yourusername, landonorris and others
oscarpiastri best vacations always by your side❤️
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username he really said fuck the soft launch 🫵🏼
username OMG OSCAR
username she’s beautiful!! who is she
username yourusername i think she works at mclaren but i could be wrong
username she’s their community manager!
username ohhh that makes so much sense now
username i hope this means more oscar content in mclaren’s ig 😩
username YESSS y/n go back to posting oscar
yourusername oscar! 🧡
oscarpiastri my loveee🧡
username oh these two bleed papaya
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