#brace yourselves this is a whole week
directionerplusgleek · 6 months
After an injury on his last job, Gally finds himself assigned to a new client; an artist. Why does an artist need a bodyguard?
And why didn't his boss tell Gally just who this artist is?
Maybe he would have been more prepared
Submission for Thomally Week 2024:
Day 1 - Starstruck
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wisegirl29 · 1 year
I just finished watching The X Files. All 11 seasons and both movies. What am I supposed to do with my life now???
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always-just-red · 1 month
A/N: Poured my soul into this a couple weeks ago, am dedicating it to everyone who's similarly torn between Sylus and their original LI- especially my fellow Rafayel girlies! This is not going to help! It's going to make it worse!! 🥰
Sylus x Reader 🩸 (implied Rafayel x reader)
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Summary: You could fix all of this if Sylus would just resonate with you. Why won't he resonate with you?
Genre: Angst, so much angst, brace yourselves
Warnings/Additional tags: gn!reader, injury detail, blood, swearing, possibly not lore-accurate (I've taken some creative liberties with Sylus' healing abilities and MC's resonance for the sake of maximum angst, because I like to suffer!)
| Word count: 2k | Masterlist | Opt-in to my taglist here!
Disclaimer: Characters belong to Love and Deepspace. All work is my own, so please don't repost or plagiarise!
“Like the first, warm prickle of sunlight when you step out of a cold shadow.”
“That is what you said to him, right?”
Sylus’s eyes are closed, his head leant back against the wall and his whole body heavy with tiredness. He doesn’t move as he asks you the question. Doesn’t fix you with that suffocating, crimson gaze— like he usually does— and you almost miss it. There’s a pain to his tone, accentuating the gravel of his voice, and a part of you thinks it isn’t all for the injuries you’ve set about tending to.
If he was looking at you, you would see it, wouldn’t you? That flicker of melancholy that sometimes liked to betray the rest of him. Maybe that’s why he keeps his eyes closed.
You deliberate his words, trying to ignore the way he tenses as you press gauze to a wound on his stomach. They did feel familiar: a simile dancing at edge of your consciousness, just barely out of reach. It was hard to pursue the past with the present wetting your fingertips, fresh, hot, and red.
One clue: That is what you said to him, right? Him. Him? Who was—
Suddenly the words are your own, at the tip of your tongue, because you're saying them in a memory. You were with Rafayel in his studio, reunited and safely returned from the N109 Zone. He had been holding you close, telling you he’d missed you and that he’d been waiting forever; he was so, so bored. You’d smiled fondly. Laced your fingers through his and resonated: wanting to lose yourself in his power, wanting to forget there was any other kind of warmth. He had sighed softly. The sensation was usually buried beneath blood and battle; you’d forgotten how intimate it was.
Then he’d asked you what it felt like.  
“You heard that?” you say to Sylus.
He hums a little. “Not directly.”
His name evokes a faint interest, or perhaps it’s the way you said it: chiding, stern— like you were just getting started. His right eye opens, regarding you warily. “Mmm?”
“We’ve talked about this.”
“You’ve lectured me, sweetie.” He leans back again, eyes closed. “There is a difference.”
You resist the urge to wring his neck, especially when it’s bared as invitingly as it is now. It feels calculated. Deliberate. You can almost imagine him lying there, anticipating the fatal vice of your hands. It was what he always seemed to want: to drag you into sin with him.
“I wouldn’t have to lecture you if you actually listened to me,” you reason, releasing a breath. “You can’t keep spying on me, Sy.”
He hums again: this time sceptically. “Can’t I? But you say such pretty things to him, kitten. It’s like watching a melodramatic film. I’d hate to miss it.”
“You’re jealous.”
“Maybe,” he admits with a half-hearted chuckle. “Then again, maybe not.”
You don’t know what to say, so you pretend it’s because you’re busy. Sylus’s hastily rolled up shirt has slipped downwards, catching the edge of his wound, and you lift it delicately, your fingers skirting over skin. His jaw clenches. His hands fist. His mouth is a tight line and you’re not sure what it’s holding onto more carefully: a short hiss of pain or the rest of his confession.
There are always things he isn’t telling you, but he comes closer to it at times like this, when you could do anything to him— cut his throat, collect on so many bounties— and instead you’re just… nice.
It’s the reason he doesn’t call when he’s slumped somewhere after a shootout, his Evol exhausted and his strength draining from half a dozen wounds he can’t quite heal yet. It’s the reason he lay here for who knows how many hours before you found him, rolling his eyes as you rushed to his side, because Luke and Kieran couldn’t keep their mouths shut.
You want to shout at him— want to scold him for being so goddamn stupid— but you don’t. Here you are instead, humouring him and playing nurse, when a simple resonance would suffice. He’d tried to force it before, but now, when you had thrust your hand into his and willed him to take? He’d snatched his hand back. Insisted on bearing his pain ‘the old-fashioned way’.
He was so fucking stubborn.
“What does it feel like with me?”
Sylus’s voice is gentle but his eyes are sharp— cutting into you like a blade striving for bone. It’s an unintentional violence, a jarring: I know what you’re thinking, but I’d rather hear you say it. Kindred spirits; he sees your mind and your heart and then looks at you like it isn’t a weapon. Like you should be grateful for the knife at your throat because you can trust the hand that’s holding it.
“I don’t know.”
“Oh, please,” he scoffs, “if you can conjure up a metaphor for your little artist, you can do the same for me.”
Something is stoked in you, and though you bite your tongue, your careful fingers slip for a moment, pressing into the tender skin at the edge of his wound. Sylus grimaces— hisses— though you could swear there’s a hint of a smile on his lips.
You’d sinned, hadn’t you? “You really wanna know?”
He nods, his eyes on you again. It’s your hand on the knife, and he trusts you implicitly.  
“It’s like… the ocean, I guess.”
“Shut up—” you flick his forehead— “just listen, ok? It was overwhelming at first. Zayne, Xavier, Raf… They’re all so powerful. But you? It felt like you could drown me. Like you wanted to drown me.”
Sylus is quiet. You’re running an antiseptic wipe over the smaller scrapes on his stomach, but he doesn’t flinch.
“It was consuming,” you carry on as you work. “Frightening. There was so much of it- so much you- filling my lungs, trying to take my breath away. The entire time I could feel how fathomless it was. I knew if I stopped fighting it I would sink, and that I would never, ever stop.”
You can remember it vividly, especially when you’re as close to him as you are now. Though there’s no more dark energy, twisting around you, dragging you closer, you can still feel its grasp. You can see it, too, when you look up at him: hunger, burning red.
It isn’t a command anymore; it’s a longing.
And you both know you can’t give him what he wants.
“But then I did stop fighting,” you continue, because you can at least answer his question. “And I could still breathe. I was still… myself.” You place a hand on his knee. “It doesn’t scare me anymore, Sy. It’s vast and intimidating, but it’s… exciting, too.”
You smile and give his knee a playful squeeze. “I wanna see how deep it goes.”
He’s stoic for another moment, an apathetic gaze dropping to your hand before lifting to your lips. Then he’s smiling too, leaning closer: “I want to show you how deep it—”
“Don’t ruin it.” You push him back to the wall.
He laughs, running a hand through his white hair, his eyes never leaving yours. There’s a place in his mind where he’s closing the distance again, and he doesn’t care if you know it. You feel the heat in your cheeks betraying you, so you focus back on the man’s injuries: the gash on his stomach has already bled through your bandages. It’ll need stitches.
You sigh, starting to peel back your previous work.
“Does it hurt?” Sylus asks. “Now that you’ve… stopped fighting?”  
You glance up, and he’s examining his hand like it’s a gun he hasn’t yet fired and so can't know the power of. He flexes his fingers, pale in the light. “A little,” you admit, thinking of Zayne’s ice and Rafayel’s fire. Resonating was always a trust exercise: it could kill you, could burn, and you had to be willing to let it. “But I can handle it.”  
Used bandages tossed aside, Sylus’s wound looks as dire as when you’d first lifted his shirt to find it. You lean back, lips pursed in bleak assessment; somewhere at the back of your mind, Zayne is insisting this is a job for a real doctor.
“That bad, huh?”
You huff in answer, exhausted. You shoot Sylus a look of defeat before gingerly offering your hand.
His eyes flit between it and you, and you have to give another nod of encouragement before he surrenders. He holds his breath— it’s slow— his forefinger gliding tentatively up your wrist, spelling a silent question, before tracing a circle in your palm. He closes his eyes. His long fingers spread yours and he’s claiming your hand with something between reverence and sin.
His touch trespasses delicately. His Evol doesn’t.
You bite back a gasp as power surges through you, dark and devouring. Your eyes snap shut and your hand tightens around his, not knowing if it’ll ground you or drag you deeper, not caring so long as there’s something in all this everything to hold onto. This could kill you— you would let this kill you, but it won’t. Your nails are leaving crescents in his skin and you know, you know, the world will burn long before you do.
This is different than the others. Better than the others.
Suddenly your hand is empty and the darkness is not a promise but a place where you’re alone. Your eyes flutter open, searching for an anchor. Your head is swimming.
“Are you alright?” Sylus is looking at you, his hand on your shoulder, steadying you, and it takes everything in your power not to grasp it again.
So empty. So alone. “I’m fine,” you manage, but your voice is shaking.
He’s not a man who wastes his time, and he knows better than to push that particular lie. Rejuvenated, he sits up, stretching his arms and rolling his shoulders— reacquainting himself with the strength of his body. He’s imposing again. Looming over you, again. His wounds have all healed, and you watch as the stains of his blood lift and disintegrate, like embers on a breeze.
His hand moves to massage his neck, and he yawns as he lazily tips his head from side to side. “Enjoying the show, sweetie?”
You don’t really hear him. He chuckles, pulling his shirt back down before waving a hand in front of your face; you catch it in a heartbeat. “Stop it.”
“There you are.” 
He twists his wrist free, but then your fingers are around his hand, turning it over so you can get a better look. Your thumb traces thoughtfully over the marks you’d made. “Aren’t you going to heal—”
“No,” he smirks.
He wants you to ask him why, so there’s no way in hell you’re going to. You both have your secrets: some worn on the sleeve and others, clutched a little closer to the chest. What does it feel like with me? You turn the question over in your mind as you tidy up wet gauze and bandages. You had told him the truth, just not all of it.
Like how you don’t lose yourself in him, but feel more yourself than you ever have.
Like how every time it gets easier, but so much harder to stop.
“So,” you mutter, distracting yourself, “are you happy with your metaphor?”
Sylus mulls it over as he studies you, a faint glow in his right eye. There are also things he wants to say, but he’s thinking of you and the artist, locked in a wistful embrace in a cluttered studio, so he keeps them to himself. His gaze tells you what he doesn’t: that he will bear it with a smile, for you, and that he will hold onto it long after it makes his hands bleed.
“It was a trifle trite, perhaps. Though… sweet,” he purrs. “Who knew a kitten could be so eloquent?”
“Fuck you.”
“Mmm.” He grins as he looks at your marks on his skin. “That’s better.”
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shadowdaddies · 1 year
can i please request one with cassian x reader where reader is pregnant but doesn’t know and is being extra clingy to cassian. literally he’s going up to drink some water and she’s going with him or he’s training and she’s sitting next to him waiting for him to finish. And at meetings she’s sitting in his lap and holds him close. everyone wonders why that is bc reader doesn’t usually like pda. the bond knows before them that she’s pregnant and she subconsciously wants to stay close to her mate to feel protected. they eventually find out after feyre recognizes the signs she also had and everyone are so happy for them, cassians extra possessiveness and protective instincts go crazyyyy😍🧎‍♀️
Okay so I'm combining this with this other Cassian x pregnant!reader request because I like how the stories go together:
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So the first part of the story is fluffy, reader finding out she's pregnant. I'll mark with an * in the story for when it shifts from fluff to the action-packed part so you can decide for yourselves if you want to just enjoy the fluff or read the whole thing (I like the whole thing, I love how this turned out)
DISCLAIMER: I do not condone mortal combat while pregnant
Protect Our Family
Cassian x Reader
Warnings: canon-typical violence, mentions of sex, not proofread
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Overwhelmed by fatigue, you were nauseous and achy as you had been on and off for several weeks now. It felt as if you had a cold and your cycle at the same time, but you weren’t due for your cycle for another six weeks. You weren’t sure what had you feeling so off balance lately, but you were overcome with anxiety anytime you were apart from Cassian. 
From the moment you woke up in the morning, you could feel the bond urging you to find your mate. It was different from the frenzy when you first accepted the bond; it was a sense of security you craved, one that was never sated until you felt Cassian’s comforting presence. One day, you joined Cassian to go to the River House for a meeting with Rhys about the Illyrian camps. The males were in the office while you talked with Feyre, the two of you playing with Nyx in the living room. 
They weren’t long into the meeting when you started feeling panicked again, that draw to find Cassian overwhelming your senses. Feyre immediately sensed your stress. “Are you feeling alright? You look like you’re going to be sick,” she questioned you with a concerned look. Clutching your hand to your chest, you took a deep breath. “I don’t know, Feyre. I’ve been feeling so sick lately, like I’m on my cycle except that I know I’m not. And I know this sounds ridiculous, but I have this new instinct that I have to be near Cassian for safety. I don’t know, I think I need to see Madja.” 
You looked over to Feyre, bracing yourself for the incredulous look you were sure to receive, but instead found her teary eyed, a soft smile on her face as she shifted her glance from your face, to your stomach, and then to where Nyx was playing with his toys. Frozen in place as realization dawned on you, you simply gaped at Feyre, who turned back to you and nodded reassuringly. “I had all the same signs early in my pregnancy with Nyx. The bond is pushing you to be around your mate to protect your baby.” 
Hearing the words “your baby” out loud brought both you and Feyre to tears of joy as you stood to hug her. As if the recognition of the pregnancy triggered it, your scent changed. There was no denying it now, you and Cassian were going to have a child. You laughed through your tears as you watched Nyx run up to Feyre, trying to grasp how that would be you soon enough. Cassian and Rhys came out of the office at the sound, concern on their features as they saw your and Feyre’s tears, before they scented you. 
You turned to Cassian, your broad smile affirming that they were in fact cries of joy as you nodded to him, “you’re going to be a dad.” An stunning wave of love flowed to you through the bond as you and Cassian ran to embrace each other. A tear rolled down Cassian’s cheek as he whispered in awe, “we’re going to have a baby.”
The moment faded quickly as Cassian looked to Rhys with a grim expression on his face. Cass growled out, “I’m not leaving her here.” You looked frantically between the two males, trying to decipher what Cassian meant as you took in Rhys’s conflicted expression. 
“What do you mean, leave me here, Cass?” you breathed out. Cassian looked down at you with a fierce expression before kissing the top of your head. “I need to go to Windhaven. There’s suspicions that Koschei’s spies have infiltrated the camps and Azriel believes they’re planning an attack soon.” Looking between you and Rhys, Cassian continued, “I can’t leave the soldiers during a time like this, but I’m not leaving you and our child right now.” 
The weight of an anvil fell on your chest as you registered the gravity of the situation. Before another tear could fall from your eyes, Feyre stepped forward. “What if we all went up to the camps?” She squeezed your hand as she looked to you, “I will leave Nyx here with Elain, but keep you company up at the cabin, so we can stay close to Cassian without being in harm’s way at Windhaven.” No one was excited about the idea, but it was the best option you had.
You and Cassian stayed awake all night, making love as you celebrated the life you would soon be bringing into the world, but come dawn, you were filled with dread at the thought of your mate being in danger and away from your child. The four of you left for the camps early in the morning, Cassian and Rhys helping you and Feyre get settled into the cabin before they left to meet Azriel at Windhaven. It took everything in you to deny your instincts to follow Cass to the camp, but you felt peace knowing that Rhys was with him, and they would not be far in the event of trouble, which Rhys assured you was highly unlikely. 
You held back your tears as Cassian begrudgingly winnowed away with Rhysand, and settled into the couch with Feyre. You had been relaxing on the couch for awhile, Feyre giving you advice on your pregnancy while you two sipped on tea, when Feyre’s eyes turned that glazed look that let you know she was communicating mind-to-mind with Rhys. She kept her composure impressively; if you didn’t know her so well, you wouldn’t have known the way her eyes widened and the tick in her jaw was her tell. Something was wrong.
You jolted up from the couch, prepared to find and protect your mate when Feyre gently grabbed your arm, drawing you back to your surroundings. She spoke to you as one might a startled animal, “Rhysand was just informing me that there is an attack at the camp. It’s a small group, though, and the Illyrian soldiers far outnumber Koschei’s party. They can handle this.” Despite every bone in your body telling you to do otherwise, you nodded as you sat back down on the couch. Feyre gave your shoulder a squeeze. “I’ll go fix us some food in kitchen.” 
You tried to relax on the couch, but that instinct from before was back. You needed to be with Cassian. You needed your family together. You padded into the kitchen where Feyre was cooking, catching her in a tense position over the stove as she seemed to be speaking to Rhys again. Before she could even turn to address you, you had winnowed to Windhaven.
Chaos raged throughout the camp. At every turn, you witnessed a battle or a body. Without a second thought, you let your protective instincts for your family take over, grabbing a sword from the ground as you raced through the camp in search of Cassian. Fortunately, the Illyrian warriors recognized you as their General’s mate, and worked with you as you fought off soldier after soldier in Koschei’s army. 
A soldier cornered you in front of a tent, taunting you. “I can smell that little Illyrian brute inside of you. What a favor I’ll bring to the world to rid-“ His threat was cut off by an obsidian knife through his throat. Blood splattered as Azriel yanked truth-teller out of the male’s throat, throwing his body to the ground. Before you could explain what you were doing there, Azriel pulled you into a hug, pressing a kiss to your cheek as he murmured, “congratulations, sister.” 
You only had a moment to be shocked by Azriel’s uncharacteristic affection before two more males approached you, and you two were thrust into the throws of battle once more. Adrenaline surging through you, it felt as though a mere second had passed from when you’d arrived to now, as you stopped to look around at the bodies that littered the ground, the battle seemingly over.
You turned to see Azriel, who you’d been fighting along side, taking deep breaths as he came down from his own adrenaline rush. It was then he looked at you with a bewildered expression, registering what you had just done. He came over to you, frantically searching for any injuries as he tried to keep his calm. “What were you thinking? Cassian is going to lose his shit. You went into battle pregnant!” Az said, almost more to himself as you both tried to comprehend all that had transpired.
It was then that you caught sight of your mate further across the camp, sprinting towards him without a second thought. Cassian did a double-take as he saw you running to him, frozen in shock as you felt his fear through the bond. You had no time to feel guilt as you threw yourself into his arms, hugging him as though he might disappear if you let go. When you finally pulled apart enough to look him in the eyes, you were taken aback by his intense gaze. “Please don’t be angry. I couldn’t live with myself if I knew something happened to you, Cass. I need you,” grabbing his hand and holding it against your stomach, you emphasized, “we need you. We are a family, and I will always come for you.” 
Cassian leaned down to kiss you deeply before pulling away to whisper, “I love you. But you are pregnant, and I will always be the one to protect us. I am-“ 
Before he could finish his sentence, a figure approaching behind Cassian caught your attention. In the blink of an eye, you drew a throwing knife from his belt, throwing it into the chest of the soldier just before he could thrust his sword into Cassian. Cass whipped around to see the soldier on the ground before turning back to see you cocking an eyebrow at him. “WE protect this family.”
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hii could you do a fake dating trope with Percy?
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pairing: percy jackson x unclaimed!fem!reader
warnings: swearing, like one mention of the giggidy + really shitty family members making comments abt weight.
a/n: it actually took me a good three seconds to decide to write this. i love love LOVE the fake dating trope omg. so yes please! im also going on a break tonight and i wanted to post something before i left hence why this is hc and not a fic <33
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you had approached percy with the deal of fake dating first
he was convinced you were playing a joke on him and had declined but when you had actually given him a list of pros and cons he was swayed
he agrees really quickly - a little too quickly
when the camp had found out you were dating nobody was shocked cause they'd all been shipping you for years
percy would show up at your cabin every morning to walk you to breakfast no matter what
you would hang out more and more eventually just spending all your free time together
convincing the camp you were dating insisted of hands in back pockets of jeans, random hugs (which you've become quite a fan of), little notes left in each others cabins, and cheek kisses.
you had a "date day" every saturday
that is percy's favourite day of the week.
a whole day hanging out with you? hell yeah
when percy invited you home for the holiday's you agreed but warned him he might have to meet your own family
he agreed and assured you its fine
sally loves you.
like she thinks of you as her daughter and welcomes you with warm hugs and food
when your family demands asks to meet percy you both dress nicely and you brace yourself for an awful night
your family is appalling to you but adoring to percy
they make comments all night "oh, so are you two fucking or what?"
"nope just dating," percy reassures wrapping an arm around you.
he snaps when one of your aunts make a comment about you eating.
"are you sure you wanna eat that y/n? you'll get even more fat."
"shut the fuck up! she has literally eaten nothing all day one fucking cracker isn't going to change that."
he practically drags you out of the house flipping off your family members when the follow you both out.
tears sting at your eyes when you realise how much that meant to you
to cheer you up percy takes you for ice-cream (and you both get double scoops thank you very much) and back home to sally
sally who was warned by percy when you left your house that y/n was in need of some cheering up blue cookies style
you curl up on the couch together and spend the night watching trashy movies and gossiping like teenage girls with sally
percy works up the courage to kiss you the day before you go back to camp on one of your scheduled "date days"
you instantly kiss him back
sally was one hundred percent being told about this from both of you
when you do arrive back percy turns to you and asks why you needed to start fake dating before the holidays
you smile and reveal that you actually didn't need to and you had written it down on your pros and cons list but percy had just started acting boyfriendy
later on that day you realise that somewhere along the way you and percy stopped 'fake dating' and just started acting like yourselves with each other
coincidentally technically 'dating' before you even knew it
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a/n pt2: i was so sleep deprived when writing this, so sorry if its crap. i'll be reappearing in a few days after my break (hopefully with two new fics: midnight troubles pt3 and the percy x popstar au)
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wildrangers · 1 year
Can This Be a Real Thing, Can It? // Jack Hughes
Word Count: 2.4K
Summary: As lines become blurry, you seek answers from Jack.
Warnings: Cursing, resolved angst, lots of fluff
You weren’t surprised when a knock sounded from your door, despite the late hour. Secretly, you’d been hoping he’d come after the plane landed like he had been for weeks now. You set aside the book you’d been reading and padded to your front door, revealing an exhausted-looking Jack.
“Does it feel as bad as it looked?” you asked in greeting, taking in his swollen lip.
“Probably feels worse” he admitted, pulling you close. You wrapped your arms around his middle, breathing in the scent of him.
“Would ice help?” you asked, your voice muffled by the fabric of his sweatshirt.
“No but a kiss would” he replied and you rolled your eyes as you pulled away.
“You’re kidding me.”
“Why would be I be kidding? I’ve missed you.”
“And I’ve missed you but it looks like it hurts you to talk, let alone for me to touch your mouth” you grimaced, eyeing him skeptically.
He pouted at you, looking all the more pathetic with his fat lip. “Fine, we’re icing it first though, go sit down on the couch” you sighed and he quickly did as commanded.
You heard his soft voice greet your cat, Piper, who you assumed was making herself at home on his lap. The little cheat loved him way more than she did you. After wrapping a few ice cubes in a soft towel, you made your way to the living room, watching him coo lovingly at your cat. You smiled at the scene until his own lips spread into a grin and you saw the gap.
“Holy shit, you lost a tooth!” you gasped, nudging Piper over so you could sit beside him, your legs settling over his lap.  
“I don’t want to talk about it” he groaned, laying his head on the back of your couch.
“It’s cute” you said, surprised to find you meant it.  Your compliment just earned you a glare though so you gently placed the ice on his mouth, a wince of pain overtaking his features. His eyes closed as a comfortable silence settled around you both, broken only by Piper purring on his other side.
As you watched his face slowly relax as the ice numbed his pain, you couldn’t help but note how domestic this scene felt. Jack, you, and your cat curled up on the couch after a roadie with you tending to his injury. If only you actually knew what the two of you were, maybe then you’d feel as relaxed as Jack looked.
You two had met at the team’s unofficial Halloween party, at the invitation of your neighbor Dawson. You really were closer with his girlfriend, but you all hung out sometimes so you accepted the invite. As soon as Dawson introduced you two, you were done for. You would do just about anything to earn one of his genuine smiles, the kind that lit up his whole face. You two spent most of that night chatting and you couldn’t believe how quickly time flew.
But you were swamped with school and he was busy with the team. Over the next couple months, you two slowly became good friends, meeting up when you could but mostly Facetiming or texting. Until New Year’s Eve anyway.
Nico’s apartment was noisy but you two had tucked yourselves into a back room, clearly not meant for guests but at least you two could actually talk.
“You’re fucking with me” you laughed, wiping tears from your eyes.
“I swear to God, he ripped the braces right off my teeth” he grinned and you lost your breath altogether as he continued describing it. As you tried to get your breathing under control, you rested your head on his shoulder without a second thought. It felt only natural when his arm wrapped around your waist, pulling you even closer.
This was one of your favorite things about being with Jack. You two had great conversations but silence never felt awkward. Lost in your thoughts, you almost didn’t hear the rest of the party counting down to midnight down the hall. As they got to single digits, you moved from your spot on his shoulder to see him already staring at you intently. You held his gaze until you couldn’t fight your eyes dropping down to his mouth and back up again, willing him to make a move.
As the countdown neared its end, your heart was pounding in your chest and nerves twisted your stomach. While the group outside cheered, he leaned in, his lips finally meting yours. You couldn’t describe how you felt in that moment—all you could remember was how your lips locked together like puzzle pieces, his hands falling to the curve of your waist like they’d been molded to fit that exact spot.
You thought that moment would change your relationship and, in some ways, it did. He’d pulled away with that shit eating grin of his as he led you back to the party. You two hung out a lot more after that, almost always at your place. At first that confused you, but as time went on you wondered if it was because so many of the guys lived in his building and he didn’t want them to see you. Not that you thought he was ashamed of you but rather that he wanted to keep it lowkey. Which you could do, honest.
Seriously, for months that was what it was. When he had an off day or you had a light school week, you two were more than friends. Otherwise, you chatted like you had been, very little changing between you two. Right when you fully accepted the reality of the situation was the first night that he showed up at your door late one night.
You’d been just about to go to bed when you heard a knock. You assumed it was at your neighbor’s door until your phone vibrated beside you. Are you up?  followed by another knock at what you now realized was your door. Rage flew through you—you could do casual, fine. But to show up announced with a ‘you up’ text? Unacceptable. As you pulled the door open to tell him just that, you stopped when you saw how deflated he looked.
“I’m sorry, I know I have no right to just show up like this” he said, sad blue eyes meeting yours.
“What’s wrong?” you asked, worry flooding your chest.
“It’s not even that big of a deal, we just lost the game and I had a shit night and all I could think was that I wanted to see you. I should have at least called or something, I mean—oh shit, it’s Tuesday, isn’t it? You have your 8AM class tomorrow morning, I’ll go, I’m—.”
You’d cut off his rambling by grabbing his hand and pulling him into your apartment. “Look, I don’t mind if you stay but I am seriously exhausted so if you came here for any kind of action, you’re in for some disappointment.”
“Seriously, I just wanted to be with you” he insisted and you gave him a doubtful look. “I mean, if you’d offered, I wouldn’t have said no but that wasn’t my intention.”
You took in the slope of his shoulders, the way he was folded into himself in a way that was so un-Jack-like, and believed him.
“Do you want to talk about it?” you asked softly and he nearly collapsed into you in response, arms wrapped tightly around your waist, his head buried in your neck. You two stayed like that for a while, the tension in his back slowly releasing as you held him.
“Don’t know what there is to say” he finally mumbled, “I totally blew it tonight.”
You shook your head as you gently pushed him back to cup his face in your hands, thumbs brushing over his cheeks. “Jack, you are one person. You’re allowed a bad night. So, let’s get you some pajamas and into bed and you can tell me all about it, yeah?”
He nodded glumly and you pulled him towards you, your hands staying on his cheeks as your lips met. This kiss was different from any you’d shared. He normally took charge, his confidence bleeding into every aspect of who he was. But tonight, he kissed you tentatively, slow and sweet in a way that didn’t set your heart aflame but instead made it settle down in your chest. It had felt vulnerable and real and like the start of something new.
A little over a month later, you returned to the present moment. He came over after most games now, celebrating the wins and seeking comfort after losses. But still, no labels, no discussion of what you two were. Suddenly, the absurdity of it hit you—you were giving this man your all without even knowing if he still just thought of you two as friends with benefits.
With that thought, you took his hand, placed it over yours that had been holding the ice in place and stood up, turning your back to him.
“Where you going pretty lady?” he asked quietly. Normally, a line that silly would earn him an eye roll and a giggle. Tonight, you just wondered over to the windows, taking in the city below you.
“Y/N?” he asked again and you took deep breaths trying to get your thoughts in order. The long pause must have made him nervous because you heard him sit up.
“Jack, what are we doing?”
“Well, right this moment, you’re making me nervous” he admitted and you sighed, turning to face him.
“Jack, seriously, I need you to be honest with me.”
“About what? I don’t understand what’s happening right now, we’ve done this so many times.”
“Exactly, Jack! We have done this countless times and yet I have no idea what your intentions are. Every step of the way, I’ve thought ‘Well, it must be happening for real now’ but no, that was just stupid wishing on my part if you don’t even know what I’m asking you” you replied, turning back to face the window. You’d be damned if he saw you cry.
You were met with the first awkward silence you two had ever shared and you shook your head at yourself—you should have known better. Lost in your thoughts, you jumped slightly when his hands landed on your shoulders, gently turning you around. You let him, and he buried his face in your neck like that first late night he’d come to you see, seeking comfort after a loss. You allowed yourself to enjoy his presence for a moment before lightly pushing him back.
“I need you to tell me what we are, Jack.”
“That’s what I’m trying to do” he sighed in frustration, running his hands through his hair, confused eyes meeting your own.
“No, you’re not saying anything! You’re just holding me, like you always do.”
“Exactly!” he snapped and you flinched back slightly; he’d never raised his voice before and it startled you. “When I have a bad day or game, I come here because you always know how to make me feel less shitty. When I have the best day or a great game, I want to share it with you because you make me that much happier. Fuck, I’ve been a goner for you since Halloween for god’s sake! I don’t understand how you don’t know that.”
“Because you’ve never said it, Jack!”
“Neither have you!”
That response made you pause and quickly sort through your memories only to find he was right—you hadn’t said anything either, allowing you two to float in this gray space the whole time.
“When you didn’t say anything, I just assumed you wanted it this way. Every time I pushed to get closer, you let me but only so far. So, I just left it alone” he said much more quietly, avoiding your gaze.
You sighed, leaning in to rest your head against his chest.  You hadn’t even realized you’d done it—just like he said, whenever you felt any emotion intensely, you wanted to share it with him. After a moment’s pause, you felt his hand gently tangle in your hair as he rested his chin on the top of your head.
“We’ve been stupid, haven’t we?” he muttered and you laughed, pulling away to look up at him.
“Yeah, I’d say so” you agreed. “I just never wanted to push you so I left it and then got mad when you did the same. I’m sorry.”
“I’m sorry too” he whispered, tracing your lips with shaky fingers. You couldn’t remember a time he seemed nervous or unsure but if his quivering hands didn’t prove it, the searching look in his eyes certainly did. “Can we do this now? The right way?”
Your heart tripped at the slight crack in his voice and you nodded, “Yes, please.”
That earned you a grin, albeit one tooth short. His hands, a bit more sure of themselves now, cupped your face as he pulled you to him. Your lips met and you took great care to be gentle even though you desperately wanted to claim him, pull him into you as much as you could. But within 30 seconds, you felt him flinch as you accidentally hit a sore sport so you pulled away.
“I guess the kiss didn’t help as much as you thought it would” you teased.
“I mean, it did just not physically” he admitted and you laughed. You laced your hands behind his neck, pulling him down to place a kiss on his forehead.
“My poor baby boy” you cooed and he swatted you away as you laughed again.
“You swear you don’t think I look dumb with this stupid gap?” he asked shyly.
“I thwear it” you promised earnestly and he grabbed your sides, throwing you onto the couch before tickling you ruthlessly.
“Can’t make fun of me if you can’t talk” he smirked, triumphant, as you wiggled helplessly beneath him.
“I yield, I yield!” you gasped out and he stopped. Piper had long since abandoned you two so you laid out fully on the couch, trying to catch your breath. Jack laid himself on top of you, resting his head on your chest as his arms snaked around you. You absently ran your hands through his hair, lightly massaging his scalp.
“Jack?” you started softly, not wanting to break the peaceful silence.
“Do you think you’ll leave your teeth like that?”
“Fuck no.”  
A/N: I hope y'all enjoyed, I wrote this one in a couple of hours but I wanted to get it out before Game 4 tomorrow. Please let me know what you think and I hope you enjoyed :)
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dancewithdeath11 · 29 days
Swirling Smoke
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Pairing: Tyler Owens x Reader
Summary: You contemplate your relationship with Tyler Owens over a cigarette..
Warnings: Smoking, mentions of sex and a complicated relationship, lazy ending & no editing (sorry besties), afab reader
Word Count: 1.7k
Unofficial pt 1 - Confidence (I'm horrible at linking, plz just go look)
The burn of smoke was always comforting. You could chalk it up to your Daddy’s smoking habit growing up. The familiarity of the bitter, biting smell of tobacco really made you think of when you were back home playing in the front yard while he smoked on the porch. Or maybe of your first job. Sitting out back with your coworkers as they all had a quick smoke a few feet away, not even old enough to drive yet. Then it blended into the late night college hang outs. Passing one around while laughing over a game of cards.
It was a bad habit. Obviously. It got your Daddy in a bad way, but he got better. After that you tried to cut down too. But every once in a while, you light one to burn off some nerves. 
So here you were, confused as ever as you stood out on the balcony of a random motel in the middle of nowhere Oklahoma trying to process things. You were a storm chaser, unintentionally. How the fuck does one unintentionally become a storm chaser? Great question. You grow up with the one and only Tyler Owens, that’s how. 
It was one time. You swore it would only be one time. 
The way your hands shook as you lit up your cigarette after you finally got out of that god forsaken storm proof truck.. Your heart was racing from the second he put the pedal to the metal and almost crashed the truck chasing that tornado. The adrenaline– the excitement of it– scared you. It wasn’t natural. 
It wasn’t normal how you wanted to feel that way all the time. To hear your heartbeat in your ears. Feel your blood run hot and your hands shake. That shiver that runs up your spine that makes you brace yourself on the nearest thing. To want to expel all the air in your lungs in a shout, from the fear or exhilaration of it.
Soon you were wrapped up in it all. One of the tornado wranglers.
You never got enough of it. And it was always fun, of course. Driving head first into danger like a bunch of fucking crazy people. Wandering around the state with no true intent other than to research and help the less fortunate who were devastated by the very storms you were chasing. Stopping at the occasional bar to try and take your minds off things after the more stressful chases.
But things change.. 
You always see or hear about the heat of passion in the media. Either in a movie or book. Until a close call with Tyler a few weeks back, you thought it was all bullshit. How does it make any sense that the human reaction after a close call is to kiss someone? 
There wasn’t supposed to be a storm, but Tyler had a suspicion. So you went to check it out anyway. Next thing you knew the two of you were tearing through a field driving away from an EF1 that touched down seemingly out of nowhere. Mother Nature has a weird sense of humor like that. Tyler thought it was smart to pull some dangerous maneuvers that made your heart jump into your throat. 
As soon as the two of you got far enough away and it dissipated, you ripped him a new one. Yelling at him about the dumbass moves he pulled, all while he stared at you with a look in his eye that made your heart race for a whole different reason. The two of you fucked in the back seat of his truck. Then the next day in his motel room…And again a few nights after that in a bar bathroom. Til It was multiple times a week where keeping your hands to yourselves just wasn’t an option. 
Same thing happened tonight. Another blissful night between slightly scratchy motel sheets. Softer this time, almost sweet. To the point it made your eyes sting with tears as he held you close and whispered sweet nothings into your ear. You felt so…loved. 
You felt like it was your first time chasing a tornado all over again. Your hands shook and your heart raced even as you basked in the afterglow with him. Positively knocked on your ass as you realized what you were feeling. Tyler had been your friend all through middle school. Right up until he moved away. By some odd coincidences you ran into him several times through college. Even after that. Then you discovered him on Youtube, then you’d been riding with the team every storm season for about three years. Now you two are screwing each other every chance you can get. 
When you realized you were falling for Tyler Owens, you waited til he fell asleep then crawled out of bed to get a smoke to think about it. 
Now here you were fumbling with your lighter with a cigarette precariously held between your lips. Hip leaned against the balcony, the warm summer breeze brushed against your bare legs as you stood there in just his shirt and your panties. Suddenly, the sliding glass door opened again making you flinch, quickly turning to look. “What’re you doin’?” Tylers groggy voice grumbled as he stepped out onto the small balcony. You quickly took the cigarette from your lips and gave a hesitant smile. 
“Did I wake you up?” You asked softly as you brushed some hair back behind your ear. 
“Woke up and you weren’t there..” He sighed as he closed the door behind him. Walking up with a raised brow as he eyed your hands. “You smokin’?”
You gave a gentle shrug and lifted the cigarette with a shy smile on your lips. “My lighter ain’t workin..” 
He didn’t say anything as he took the small stick of tobacco and the lighter from you, offering the filtered tip to your lips. Tyler gently placed the cigarette between your lips, after a few tries and he got it lit. The end burning bright as you took a slight puff, turning to blow it away from him as you leaned against the railing again. “Now..” He started softly, leaning his forearms against the rail with a sigh, “What’s on your mind?” 
A soft huff left you as a smile spread across your lips, tilting your head to look over at Tyler. He was really captivating in the low shine of the streetlamps. The soft drone of distant cars driving off to who knows where filling the silence. The buzz of the neon motel sign. As ethereal as he looked, it really was frustrating how well he knew you sometimes. 
“Nothin…” You mumbled around the filter, taking another drag before taking the cigarette between your fingers and pulling it away. Flicking off the ashes over the side as you blew out more smoke with a long exhale. The smoke swirling around the two of you, picked up by some stray wind till it disappeared. 
He shifted before moving to stand behind you, his calloused hands finding your hips. A quick kiss pressed to your cheek before he wrapped his arms around you. A scalding path following his hands as they skated under your shirt as he hugged your middle. “You can tell me, y’know…” He mumbled as he pressed a kiss to your shoulder. 
He continued, kissing up your neck and having you tilt your head for him as you hummed at his affections. Your heart fluttered in the cage in your chest. Then he pulled a hand from your skin, you almost catch his hand to keep it where it was. But he reached over and gently took the cigarette from between your fingers. He pulled away only slightly to take a drag, and all you can do is watch from over your shoulder as he took it in. 
It felt intimate sharing a cigarette with him. It was a bad habit you both shared, but he was more of a social smoker. If he gets offered a cigarette in some rowdy bar, he would happily go out front to smoke with whoever offered it. 
“I’m wondering what I’m gettin’ myself into..” You whispered as you turned fully to face him. He offered back the cigarette, which you happily took and brought it up to your lips once more. Tyler watched silently, waiting for you to continue. A slight worry in his gaze, the kind you’d expect to see from a lover. Not..someone you’re just messing around with. Your brows pinched together as a heavy sigh left you, sharply blowing the smoke from your lungs before taking another pull. 
“What d’you mean..?” He whispered, almost like he was scared that he might hear something he might not like. 
“Indulging in…this.” You admitted in a hushed voice, looking away from him. It almost hurt when you heard his breath hitch. And when you met his gaze again, looking deep into those soft green eyes, it only made you feel worse. 
“Indulgin’, what’s that supposed to mean? You-” He shook his head, his brows drawn together in confusion, “What’re you sayin’, baby..?” His hands found you again, his thumbs rubbing slight circles into the meat of your hips.
“In this… in us. I mean, c’mon, what’re we doin’?” A gentle scoff left your still kiss swollen lips. All you could do was watch as he let out a huff of his own and shrugged.
“We’re havin’..fun? I don’t know? What do you want this to be?” Now, you weren’t expecting that question, and he could tell by the way you gave him a deer in headlights look. He took a deep breath, “Look, I want you in any way possible. That…sounds shallow, but I really like you. If you’d be my girlfriend, I’d be the luckiest son of a bitch alive. If you want to slap me and storm out for assuming, I’d still consider myself lucky that you even let me kiss you in the first place..”
Holy shit...
Holy shit.
“That…is the nicest thing a guy’s ever said to me..”
“And- Seriously?” He frowned, “I find that hard to believe-” You dropped your cigarette in the ashtray.
“Shut up.” 
A low chuckle rumbled from his chest as he pressed his forehead to yours, his large hands coming up to cup your neck. "Don't worry, Darlin'...I'll make sure you hear stuff nicer than that." He pressed his lips firmly to yours, it took no more than a moment for you to melt right into him. To get lost in him.
Like smoke swirling in the wind..
Note: yes.. I gave up in the end. Eat up, bitches
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honeytama · 5 months
Shared Secret - Part 1 of 2
Noah Sebastian x Fem!Reader x Nicholas Ruffilo
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A/N: Leaving a lot to the imagination with this one. I have too much to say in Part 2. Also, I wanna write a couple more pieces where Reader is a Bad Omens member. I have thoughts. Part 2 Here
Summary: On tour, weeks can pass by without the touch of another. It doesn’t help that your band mates and friends are all ridiculously attractive. After a show one night, you’re left alone with Noah on the bus. Well, you thought you were.
Content and Warnings: Reader is a member of Bad Omens, sexual intercourse, voyeur/exhibitionism. As always, 18+, minors DNI.
Word Count: 650
“I don’t think we should be doing this?” You stammer through your words as his mouth travels back and forth from your neck's left and right sides.
“And why not?” He groans against your skin.
“God, it’s not that I don’t want to,” you plead. “It’s just – uhh,” you moan and press your hand against his bare chest in an attempt to push him away. “It’s just that the other guys might be back soon”, you whisper shyly.
Tonight was the last show of the tour. Noah and you had returned to the bus after having showered at the venue, but everyone else was still waiting their turn. You felt high on life after having a great show and Noah, curse him, still hadn’t fully dressed after getting showered. The tension was there, and he wanted to take full advantage of the time you had alone together.
“Don’t make me fucking ask,” he grunts. “I’ve needed your body for weeks.” His right hand slips underneath your sleep shirt to your uncovered breast. He squeezes and his thumb pad finds your nipple.
“Fuck it,” you relent. You crash your lips into his. His hair is still damp, but you comb your fingers through it, yearning to pull him in deeper.
You found yourselves at the back of the bus, past the bunks. There’s a long, black, leather couch that curves around the sides of it. You usually will spend your mornings here eating breakfast or practicing your instrument, but instead, you find yourself being plowed from behind by the tall, muscled body of your bandmate.
There's a full mirror on the wall above the couch at the back of the bus. He has you with your knees spread and facing the mirror with your hands bracing you on the back of the couch.
The bus fills with the squelch of his cock entering and leaving you at a steady pace. His tattooed hands grip your waist and he bounces your ass against his hips.
Your eyes are squeezed shut. You focus on the sensation of his tip hitting the most perfect spot inside of you. “Noah,” you moan his name shamelessly.
“Pretty girl, open your eyes for me,” he demands.
You open them and everything is hazy. Your heavy, labored breathing formed condensation on the mirror in front of you. One of Noah’s hands leaves your waist to catch your chin. You allow him to lift your head and your eyes meet another pair across the room.
Oh, fuck, your heart jumps. You want to scramble away, but you freeze.
“He’s been there since I spread open this pussy,” Noah boasts. “I can’t believe you haven't noticed,” he continues to thrust into you unabashedly.
Suddenly, a deep heat fills the inside of your abdomen and you can’t stop it. You don’t want to.
“Noah, I’m gonna cum,” you manage to say while making direct eye contact with Nick.
You watch as Ruffilo licks his lips and takes a step forward into the light of the room. His dominant hand creeps to the front of his joggers at your words.
“Cum on my cock for him to see,” Noah makes another demand.
Your breath catches and you do your best to maintain eye contact with your best friend. You felt yourself tighten completely for an instant before your whole entire body let itself go in ecstasy. It felt as if your body was on fire as Noah continued his incessant handling of you. Noah’s breaths became more uneven than before, you know his end is coming up as well.
“I want you both so bad,” you whine, louder than expected. Your nerves make you break eye contact with Nick and Noah slows his actions riding you through your orgasm.
“You know what? I-I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have interrupted you two,” Ruffilo says quickly, starting to step out towards the front of the bus.
“Please,” you beg.
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dayyydr3amm3rr · 7 months
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Imagine...Andre getting tired of his father parading him around like a show pony so he decides to sneak off with you...
Warnings: Sexual contact, straight-up smut, Andre is high as a kite, drug usage
Things to Know: The reader is a female, she has been with Andre for years, totally smokes with him when he needs it, DTF any day of the week, this was a request of someone Anonymous on Tumblr, Reader's powers are fire-related, MUST BE 18+ to read
Andre had one of your thighs over his arm as his hips slammed against yours. He kept a tight grip on your hip, nose nuzzled against your jawline, quiet noises escaping his lips. Your fingers were digging into his suit-covered shoulders, teeth biting into your lower lip to keep yourself quiet. "Fuck, Andre..." You hissed, gasping as he shifted ever so slightly and began to slam into you in a completely different spot, causing you to arch your hips. "Fuck...you feel amazing..." Andre whispered voice strained as he continued to rut into you. While you were always down to fuck your boyfriend anytime anywhere...a public bathroom during a large fundraiser wasn't in the playbook...until now. You could barely remember who the fundraiser was for due to your boyfriend's unrelenting pace and strength. Being a Ne-po baby wasn't easy for Andre. He was third on the ranking at GODU...and not necessarily because of his amazing control over metals.
     His father had dragged him to yet another fundraiser, all in the name of meeting important people so that his father could secure him a spot in The Seven. He had managed to convince his dad to let him bring you along for the ride. Saying how having you there would make it easier for him...and not adding the fact that you could hide Andre's stash of weed in your dress. He lasted two hours of being dragged around with you on his arm before he made the excuse of needing to use the restroom and gave you the eyes that said to wait a few moments before following. All that has led to now. Forcing you against the wall of one of the stall bathrooms, using his abilities to lock it, lips pressed against yours as he quickly dragged the hem of your dress up, simply pulling your underwear aside as he trusted himself into you, groaning against your lips about how good you fucking felt.
     As stated before, he held one thigh over his forearm, hand braced against the stall wall, and his other hand held tightly around your hip, keeping you in place as he fucked you. His bloodshot eyes were stuck gazing at where the two of you connected, completely absorbed in seeing himself thrust in and out of you. Fuck..you were so close. You could taste blood in your mouth as your teeth bit through your lip, your grip tightening around his shoulders. "Fuck..." Andre hissed between clenched teeth, taking his hand that was on your hip and bringing it up to the nape of your neck, digging his fingers through the strands of hair there. He was almost slumped against you completely, his whole body touching yours. It felt so good...even high, Andre could pull orgasm after orgasm out of you. It was like being high made him hornier. He could eat you out for hours...fuck you from dusk until dawn after he smoked some of his stash.
     The two of you were almost lost in yourselves, absorbed in Andre fucking you against the bathroom wall stall...And you were getting so close...So fucking close....you were almost--was that a squeak? The door to the bathroom was opening, and a pair of heels could be heard on the floor. Your eyes widened and you went to shove at Andre, opening your mouth to tell him to stop... someone was coming into the bathroom..and they were going into the bathroom stall right next to the one you two were using...Andre, without hesitation, moved the hand that was cupping the back of your neck and used it to cover your mouth, his fingers digging into the skin of your cheeks slightly. His bloodshot and lazy weed-high eyes stared into yours as his hips moved faster, thrusting into you relentlessly, using his other arm to move your thigh slightly, hitting a brand new spot inside you. He watched as your eyes went teary with pleasure and rolled back, any moans being squandered by his hand. It was as if he liked the thought of being caught, or heard. He continued as if the person in the next stall wasn't taking a piss there, focused solely on you and how you clenched around him, eyelids fluttering as your fingers dug even more into his shoulders.
     Your legs were beginning to shake, and your back arched off the wall, pressing up against Andre. While this wasn't very romantic, (hearing someone going to the bathroom right next to you), you could still feel yourself almost forgetting that as Andre pushed you closer and closer to your orgasm. His hand continued to cover your mouth, his jaw clenched to keep his mouth shut so that the two of you don't get caught. You can vaguely hear the stranger finishing up her business, flushing the toilet and walking out of the stall, taking a few moments to wash her hands, and then walking out. Andre let out a grunt, hand removing from your mouth and slamming beside your head, you moaning out in response, breath gasping. One of your arms swings around Andre's neck, fingers digging into his skin as he continues to thrust into you. He then hooks his forearm under your other thigh, bringing your other leg up, keeping you suspended against him, back against the wall as he plows into you, grunting, mouth hung open at the feeling of you clenching around him.
     "Oh...Fuck..." He sighs, tilting his head back before connecting your foreheads, bloodshot eyes staring into yours. "Fuck, Andre..." You're getting so fucking close now. He's holding you up, no problem, pants unbuckled, barely lowered just so he could fuck you in a bathroom stall at a fundraiser his father took him to. "Oh, God...I'm gonna cum...please don't stop...don't you fucking dare..." You threaten, voice going breathless as you arch your back, thighs shaking. You tighten your grip on Andre as you cum, cunt spasming around him as he dug his head in your neck, grunting out at the feeling. He thrusts a few more times, pausing deep inside you as he too cums, shuddering at the feeling, continuing to dig his head into your neck.
Deep breaths are shared between you two, Andre almost slumping against you completely, not bothering to pull out of you. "...Fuck..." he sighed, letting out a small breathless chuckle. A small smile creeps up on your face, and you place a few small kisses on his cheek, slowly catching your breath. "...I'm sure your dad is wondering where we are..." you said, tapping at Andre's arms so he could place you back on the ground. You let out a small sound, nose crinkling at the feeling of Andre sliding out of you. "Still got my stash?" Andre asked, eyebrows raised.
     You let out a chuckle, shaking your head at your boyfriend. "Aren't you high enough?" You ask, digging into the cleavage of your dress, pulling out a nice joint. "Of course I do." You hum. You plop one end of the joint into your mouth, bringing one of your fingers up, using your ability to light up the tip of your finger, giving your boyfriend a wink as you light the joint, inhaling deeply. You maintain eye contact as you inhale, bringing the toxic smoke into your lungs, holding it for a few moments before you exhale, seeing Andre inhale the expelled smoke through his nose, sighing it out deeply. "I fucking love you...you know that?" He asked, wrapping his hands around your waist. 
     The two of you share the joint, readjusting your clothes and sharing high kisses, taking turns shotgunning the smoke into each other's mouths. The weed quickly takes over, eyes going bloodshot and lazy smiles spreading across mouths. "I fucking love you too...just so you know." You answer, voice slightly slurred as you speak. Neither one of you paid any mind as to how long you spent hiding away in the bathroom stall, smoking, kissing, and getting high. The two of you could vaguely hear Polarity outside, asking people if they had seen his son, the two of you giggling quietly. This certainly wouldn't be the first nor last time Andre would try and convince his dad to let him bring you along to another fundraiser. 
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taexbankai · 8 months
I only want you
this is chapter 5, the other 4 chapters on my on page!!
this chapter is really long so brace yourselves lmao. enjoy!!
it’s been a little over a month since prom night and yuta has been acting really weird. when i see him at school he’s always very dry and acts really standoffish. he takes hours to respond to my messages and whenever he do respond he only gives me short quick answers
“y/n we graduate this week can you believe it?!” nobara said excitedly as she gave me a back hug
“i know right? it’s hard to believe we were little freshmen 4 years ago” i said to her. We walked out of the school together
“i’m just happy that seniors doesn’t have to come back to the school until graduation night” yuji said as he ran up to us, megumi walking closely behind him
“honestly, i was so sick and tired of waking up early and getting ready for school” megumi said as he stretched
“where are ya’ll about to go? yuji asked me
“back to my house, we want to plan a graduation party” i told him
“oh okay, are we still hanging out tomorrow?” yuji asked
“yeah of course” nobara answered. we all spoke for a little longer before yuji and megumi left
“so.. how has it been with yuta?” nobara asked me as we got into my car
“the same. honestly we might as well just break up at this point” i told her and sighed as i began to back out of the parking spot
“do you honestly think he’s cheating through?” nobara asked me
“i don’t want to believe it. I thought that maybe at first he was upset with me because of the whole ‘me still having feeling for satoru’ thing. but i think it’s bigger than that. he always keeps his phone face down when we’re together at school and sometimes he won’t text me back until like 10-11 at night” i told her
“i think i’m going to ask maki myself and see what she says” nobara said, getting frustrated
“how could he ask you out just to cheat on you? that’s such a dick move. yuta didn’t even seem like the cheating type. I can’t believe him, and if the problem really is about you and satoru then he could’ve been mature about it and spoke to you. but if i find out he is cheating on you with maki… i’m killing both of them” nobara said angrily. i laughed softly at her, feeling good that she has my back
“i love you” i said and smiled at her before looking back at the road
“wow, i always forget how rich your family is” nobara said as we walked into my house
“stop, we’re not rich” i said and laughed
“this is clearly rich y/n, you even have maids here” she said while laughing
“hello nobara sweetie! i haven’t seen you in ages, how are you?” my mom said as she came out of the kitchen
“hi mom! i’m good, how are you?” nobara said as she gave my mom a hug. my mom and nobara are really close so sometimes nobara calls my mom by her name and other times she just calls her mom
“i’m good sweetie!” my mom responded
“so what are you two up to today?” my mom asked me
“planning a graduation party. we only have a few days left to get everything ready” i told my mom
“oh okay, what day did you want to plan it for?” she asked
“we definitely want to do it the day after graduation, so saturday” i said
“okay well i’ll make sure your father and i aren’t home for that day so you kids can have the whole house to yourselves!, you’re stuck with us the day of your graduation though” my mom said and laughed, in which nobara and i started laughing as well
“okay then, i don’t want to hold you two too much longer. I’ll be in the kitchen if you need me” my mom said
“okay mom!” i said as i started walking towards my bedroom with nobara
after a few hours of planning and looking at different places to pick up the party supplies we finally finished everything
“okay so on thursday we’ll go to party city and pick up all the decorations. friday is graduation and then saturday morning we’ll go pick up the food items, drinks, and the 3 different cakes. then we’ll start setting up at 6pm and the party will start at 8pm” nobara said, reading the notes we made on her phone
“yep, sounds good to me. I’ll send out the invitation to the seniors group chat so that way we can just invite all the seniors at one time” i told her as i started making the digital flyer on my phone
“okay cool. I’m gonna get going then, ino’s almost here to pick me up” she said to me as she started grabbing her things
“aw my favorite couple” i said making kissing noises
“shut up” she said, playfully pushing me while laughing
“okay girl, i’ll see you tomorrow” she said as she walked over to my door
“okay, you don’t want me to walk you out?”
“nah i’ll be okay, later!”
after nobara left i ate dinner, got in the shower, brushed my teeth, did my face care routine and then laid down in my bed. I got on my phone and was scrolling on instagram until i got bored. I went to my messing app and clicked on yuta’s name
“still no response huh?” i said as i saw he still didn’t reply to my message from 1pm asking if we wanted to hang out with me, yuji, nobara, and megumi tomorrow. I looked at the time on my phone and saw that it read 10:23pm. I sighed and closed out the app. bored with nothing else to do, i decided to just go to sleep. i got up to turn my light off, as i walked back to my bed my phone suddenly started ringing which scared the living shit out of me. i picked up my phone and saw that satoru was calling me
“hello?” i said, confusion laced in my voice. i waited for satoru to say something but the line was silent
“toru? are you okay?” i asked, my heart starting to beat faster wondering what was going on
“y/n” was all he said. his voice sounded really low and deep
“yes?” i asked him
“i just wanted to hear your voice. i needed a friend to talk to and suguru is sleeping over at yuki’s tonight dorm tonight” he said. i could hear the muffled sound of blankets, i’m guessing he just laid down on his bed or turned to his side
“okay… is everything alright?” i asked him again
“yeah i’m fine silly girl. just bored and lonely” he said to me. riko immediately popped up in my head
“how are you lonely when you have a girlfriend?” i asked him, with a slight laugh
“what are you doing up so late?” he asked, completely ignoring my question
“nobara left about an hour ago so i was just up doing nothing” i told him as i laid down in my bed, staring up at my ceiling
“oh okay… I know your graduation is this week, are you excited?” he asked me
“yeah, just excited to finally be done with highschool” i told him with a dramatic sigh. he started laughing which made me smile hearing his laugh
“i wish you, shoko, and suguru could come to my graduation. won’t your college be on summer vacation by then?” i asked him
“yeah but suguru and i have to do a week of summer school, i don’t know about shoko though” he told me. i let out a dramatic cry
“damn, i wanted to see you all” i said as i turned onto my side, now looking out of my window
“i know, i wanted to see you too” satoru said. i was about to ask him a question when i heard him yawn
“are you tired toru? go to sleep if you’re sleepy” i said to him
“i just had a long day, i want to sit on the phone with you though” he told me. i felt my heart skip a beat
“why do you always do this to me?” i asked him, slightly frustrated at him for always making me so nervous and flustered, but more mad at myself for allowing it to happen
“do what?” he asked, confused
“sweet talk me. you always say nice things to me and get my hopes up. when you say stuff like that it makes me heart skip a beat” i said, nervously biting my bottom lip, regretting telling him. i heard satoru softly laugh before he spoke up
“you think that’s how i sweet talk people? if i would’ve said “i can’t wait to see you again so i can make you mine and keep you to myself” then i would have been sweet talking you” he said to me. i was stunned into silence. the example he used was probably no more than just an example…but my heart was beating so fast i didn’t know how to react
“see? that was so good you’re silent now” satoru said while laughing at me, snapping me out of my thoughts
“h-hey, stop messing with me. you’re so annoying” i told him playfully
“i wasn’t” he said
“you weren’t what?” i asked him. did he mean he wasn’t messing around?
“hey don’t you have a boyfriend?” he asked me. i was disappointed that he didn’t answer my previous question
“yeah… i think” i said, laughing a little
“what do you mean by i think?” satoru asked
“well, basically to make a long story short, he’s been acting really weird. barely responding to my texts, we don’t hang out or see each other outside of school anymore. He hangs out with my friend maki a lot though… i feel like something is going on but i can’t quite put my finger on it. I don’t want to accuse him of anything you know? but i’ve tried being a good girlfriend. we were doing good at first, we’ve been dating since junior year but after prom night he was acting weird and i don’t know why” i told satoru, ranting to him. i continued ranting and satoru quietly listened to me. once i was done ranting, he finally said something
“he’s cheating on you with the girl” was all he said
“y…you think so?” i asked him
“i know so… i’m a guy. the girl that he lost his virginity too is this maki girl. that’s why he didn’t want to answer when you all were playing the game… that’s probably what they were talking about before you walked outside the same night” satoru told me. i was quiet, tears slowly coming to my eyes before they slowly slid down my cheeks
“that makes a lot of sense actually…” i said to him, trying to cry without him noticing
“i’ve never cheated on him or anything like that. was i a bad girlfriend? is it my fault?” i asked more to myself than to satoru
“hey hey hey don’t cry y/n!” satoru said, his voice sounding slightly panicked
“i could be wrong you know. he could have a perfectly good reason why he’s been acting that way. don’t take my word for it, that was just my opinion” he told me, trying to make me feel better
“i’m not crying” i said, wiping my tears
“y/n… i know you too well, i know you’re crying right now” he said softly
“no i’m not” i said, lying to him still
“okay, answer my facetime call then” he said before he hung up. seconds later i received a facetime call from satoru. i frantically wiped any traces of tears off my face as i sat up in my bed and answered the call
“what took you so long to answer huh? i bet you were wiping the tears off of your face” he said while laughing. i grabbed my led lights remote and turned on my white lights so satoru could see me instead of me sitting in the dark
“shut up” i told him as i placed my remote back down and laid back down in my bed. satoru just smiled at me
“you’re too pretty to be crying over a boy y/n” he told me as he rolled onto his back while holding his phone up enough for me to still see his face. my heart was racing, he was acting a little different tonight
“yeah? well i cried over you too before remember?” i said while laughing
“don’t remind me, i felt horrible” satoru said as i laughed harder at his reaction. we ended up talking on the phone until two in the morning before we fell asleep on facetime. when i woke up and checked my phone is was almost twelve in the afternoon and my phone was on 2%
“shit, i forgot to set an alarm” i said to myself as i quickly put my phone on the charger. I was suppose to meet up with nobara, yuji and megumi at one so i needed to get up and start getting ready now. i opened my messages app to text them in our group chat and let them know that i just woke up and was going to start getting ready. before i clicked on the group chat icon, i saw that i had a message from satoru. i immediately clicked on it and read what it said
‘my phone died while we were sleeping last night, thanks for keeping me company though’ he ended the message with two white hearts. i had a huge smile on my face as i texted him back. after i sent my message to satoru i went to the group chat and sent them a message. i then went to mine and yuta’s messages and saw that he read my message but didn’t respond. i rolled my eyes and closed my phone to start getting ready
—————— skip to graduation day—————
“omg we’re really about to graduate!” nobara said as she excitedly shook me back and forth
“i know i know i can’t believe it!!” i said as i shook her back. all of the seniors were in the back of the graduation stadium lining up to walk across the stage. nobara was in front of me and in front of her was ino, yuji, megumi and then more students in front of him. behind me was yuta, maki, momo, mai, miwa, kokichi, inumaki, and the rest of the graduating class. i turned around to look at yuta who was already looking at me
“are you excited to graduate?!” i asked him, a big smile of my face
“yeah” he said with a small smile. i was too happy and excited about graduating that i didn’t realize how dry his response actually was. we began to hear cheering and clapping, i glanced at my phone and saw that it was 7:00pm, which means the graduation ceremony started. we walked out of the back room in our lines and made it to our assigned seats. the graduation stadium was full of families cheering. i looked up in the stands for my mom and dad but there was so many people there that i couldn’t find them. i could slightly hear someone yelling my name so i knew they were here, and that’s all that mattered to me.
after the ceremony all of the freshly graduated students walked out to the front of the building to meet up with their families and friends to take pictures and get ready to go home. i was separated from nobara as she went with ino to go find their families, i walked by myself to the front and looked around for my mom and dad. after weaving through tons of parents, friends, siblings, cousins, aunties, uncles, grandparents, and students who were outside hugging their families and taking pictures, i finally saw my mom and dad looking around waiting for me with a sign in their hand. i started running up to them and once they saw me coming they started waving their “my daughter just graduated” signs in the air and cheering for me. i ran up to them and gave both of them a hug
“congratulations baby!” my dad said as he gave me a kiss on my forehead. he then placed 3 money lei’s around my neck
“i’m so proud of you honey!” my mom said as she placed another money lei around my neck. i started tearing up, being so thankful for having such amazing parents
“thank you both so much! and four money lei’s? how much money is each of these?” i asked while laughing
“nothing too much, i only folded one thousand dollars” my mom said, proud of her money folding and decorating skills
“oh okay so like $250 on each money lei?” i asked
“no silly, one thousand dollars on each money lei” she said while laughing
“WHAT?!” i yelled
“i wanted to give you more but your mom said that if we gave you too much you right run away with the money and never come back” my dad said while laughing
“don’t worry dad, 4 thousand is more than enough, thank you” i said. my parents would always give me money but i seriously wasn’t expecting four thousand dollars from them today
“okay, let me get my phone out so we can take some pictures” my mom said as she pulled her phone out. my dad pulled his out too and started recording
“dad why are you recording? i thought we were taking pict-“
“guess who?” i was cut off by my eyes being covered by two large hands. i immediately started jumping up and down from excitement
“suguru you made it!!” i screamed and turned around, throwing myself at my big brother and giving him a big hug
“congratulations baby sis, i’m so proud of you!” suguru said as he hugged me back. i started crying into his chest
“don’t cry too much or you’ll ruin your makeup!” i heard another voice say, i let go of suguru and saw shoko standing next to him
“shoookoooooo!” i said as i gave her a big hug as well
“i missed you two so much” i said to her as she hugged me back
“hey what about me?” my heart dropped, no way… i must be dreaming. i slowly let go of shoko and turned to my left, i saw satoru standing there with a huge bouquet of flowers. i immediately ran over to him and gave him a hug, he wrapped his arm that wasn’t holding the bouquet around my waist
“congrats on graduating!” he said to me
“thank you toru” i said, still hugging him. i can’t believe they were all here, it’s been a year since i last saw them
“hey, my hug wasn’t that long!” i heard suguru said. we all laughed at him as i finally let satoru go
“i thought you said you guys couldn’t come because of summer school?” i asked satoru
“i lied to surprise you. we watched you walk across the stage too, but i don’t think you saw us in the stands” he said as he wiped the tears off of my face
“did you guys know?” i asked my parents as i turned and faced them
“of course! suguru called us two months ago telling us he was going to be here for your graduation” my mom said. now i understood why my dad started recording
“did you really think i’d miss my baby sisters graduation?” suguru said and laughed
“oh yeah and this is for you, i made it myself!” he added as he took a money lei off of his neck and put it around mine
“it’s one thousand dollars, mom said they gave you some as well” he told me. i was so excited to see them, i didn’t even realize they were holding stuff, except for satoru
“thank you!” i said to him
“and here’s mine! i saw you post on instagram about wanting this brand” shoko said as she handed me a gift bag that had graduation balloons tied around it
“you can open it when you get home” she said and smiled
“thank you sho” i said to her, my cheeks hurting from how much i’ve been smiling
“and finally, here’s my gift” satoru said, i turned and faced him as he gave me the huge bouquet of flowers, i looked closer at them wanting to smell them only to realize that they weren’t flowers, but 100 dollar bills rolled to look like roses
“it’s also a thousand, i don’t wanna hear any butts or ands” he said, cutting me off while laughing
“i also got you this” he said as he took out a little box, he opened it up and it had a beautiful gold necklace in it. i heard my mom gasp while i stood there, tears threatening to fall again as i watched him take the necklace out of the box and show it to me up close, in the middle of the necklace was a single diamond
“turn around” he ordered me, i immediately turned around and felt him move my hair out of the way and put the necklace on me
“i got you this one because i feel like the other necklace i got you for your birthday has too many bad memories attached to it” he laughed as i turned back around and hugged him
“thank you so much toru! i love you” i said to him, the last part slipping out
“you’re welcome, i love you too” he said, hugging me again
“how touching, you’re stealing my sister from me” suguru said sarcastically
“you totally just showed me up with your gifts” shoko said. i laughed at both of them
“i appreciate all of the gifts you all got me, thank you so much. this is the best day of my life!” i said to them and my parents as they all laughed at me
“i still have the necklace you gave me toru, i just don’t wear it much because of yuta” i told him
“it’s okay, now you have a new one” he said and smiled
“okay, let’s all take some pictures before we go to dinner!” my dad said
“dinner?” i asked
“yeah, your graduation dinner” my mom said
i took some pictures with my parents, shoko, suguru, and satoru. some group photos and some separate photos
“y/n! we have to take pictures together!” i heard someone yell to me, i turned around and saw nobara running up to me with our group of friends and their families closely behind her
“it took us forever to find you!” she said as she reached me and gave me a hug
“sorry, i was so caught up in seeing everyone” i told her. the rest of our friends had met up with us. i turned to greet the huge group of family and friends that came with them, i then turned and introduced everyone
“this is my mom and dad, and this is my other best friend shoko, my big brother suguru and this is satoru” i said to my friends, i then turned and introduced my friends
“you’ve all met some of them already but these are my friends, this is miwa, momo, inumaki, ino, kokichi, mai, maki, and then my boyfriend yuta” i said, leaving megumi, yuji and nobara out of the introduction’s since they already knew them
“nice to meet you all, thanks for being friends with my little sister ” suguru said as he smiled at everyone. shoko, satoru and my parents all waved at them with smiles on their faces. my friends families approached my friends as they wanted to start taking pictures of all of us together, yuta’s parents walked over to my parents as they began to catch up and talk to each other. i saw satoru and suguru exchange a quick look between each other before they both approached yuta, who i was still standing by
“so… you’re the boy who’s dating my sister” suguru said as he looked yuta up and down. yuta started to look a little nervous
“y-yeah that’s me” yuta stuttered
“don’t mess with him suguru! he’s nice to me” i said, not wanting suguru to embarrass yuta
“nice to you huh?… i just want to meet the boy who my sister is dating, he is your first boyfriend after all” suguru continued
“and this is maki?” satoru spoke up. satoru and i made quick eye contact before he looked back at a flustered maki who was still standing by yuta, her parents speaking to inumaki’s parents
“nice to meet you” she said as she nervously stuck her hand out to shake satoru’s hand. satoru didn’t shake her hand though, he only muttered a quick ‘hi’ before his attention was back on yuta
“i’m going to be completely honest with you right now” satoru started as he took off his sunglasses, now staring yuta directly in his eyes
“i don’t like you” he said
“neither do i” suguru said. i felt like my blood pressure was going up by the second. satoru pulled me gently by the arm so i was standing next to him instead of yuta
“not responding to y/n for hours” satoru said
“being super dry” suguru continued
“ not making any time for her” satoru said
“ignoring her” suguru said
“ and the icing on the cake… spending more time flirting, gigging, seeing, and talking to little miss maki right here” satoru said. i knew satoru was going to eventually tell suguru but i didn’t think they would be so angry about it
“i- i can explain-“
“save it” suguru said, cutting yuta off
“because it’s my precious baby sister’s graduation today i’m going to let you slide. but we’ll have our time to talk” suguru said to a now very nervous yuta. suguru and satoru both turned to me and put smiles on their faces, as if they didn’t just threaten my boyfriend
“let’s go take these pictures!” suguru said as he turned me around and put his arm around my neck, satoru walking with us on my other side
“hello nice to meet you..again. i’m mai and this is my dear friend momo” mai said as she and momo came up to the three of us
“hello!” both satoru and my brother said
“do both you have girlfriends?” mai asked them. they both laughed as i ran my hand over my face, laughing at how straightforward she was being
“yes i have a girlfriend” suguru said
“nooooo” momo said
“what about you?” mai excitedly asked satoru
“mai..” i said in a warning tone
“kidding, i’m kidding” she said as she laughed, i laughed with her before all the parents started calling us as they had all of their camera’s ready to start taking pictures
after we all finished taking millions of photos, my friends and i all said goodbye to each other and went our separate ways
“okay so let’s get to the place for dinner! did you all drive here together?” my mom asked as we started walking towards the parking lot
“no we all drove our own cars” suguru told her
“oh okay, shoko were you coming with us to dinner?” my mom asked shoko
“i can’t i’m so sorry! today is also my cousin’s graduation and my family is having a bbq tonight” she told my mom
“aww man, i wanted you to come but it’s okay honey i understand!” my mom said as she gave shoko a hug
“are you coming to my party tomorrow?” i asked her
“of course girl” she said as she gave me a hug. she said goodbye to my dad, suguru and satoru and left to her car
“yuki’s still coming to dinner right suguru?” my dad asked him
“yeah her mom is dropping her off now. her little brother’s graduation finished up about an hour ago” he said. just then we saw a car pull up and yuki hopped out of the passenger’s side and ran over to us
“hi y/n! congratulations on your graduation! everyone is graduating today” she said and laughed as she gave me a hug and a gift
“thank you yuki! i missed you” i said as i hugged her back
“i missed you too sweetheart” she said
“great everyone is here! yuki you didn’t drive your car?” my mom asked
“no, suguru told me i can just ride with him when we left from my dorm” she said as she walked over and gave my parents a hug
“okay well then, suguru and satoru can just follow us to the restaurant” my dad said. satoru and suguru said okay and i started walking towards my parents car
“nah, you’re riding with me” satoru said as he grabbed my wrist. suguru and yuki were already getting in suguru’s car and my parents didn’t even turn around when satoru stopped me
“okay” i said and walked with satoru to his car. he took all my gifts and opened the door for me
“thank you” i said, suddenly feeling a little shy as i got into his car. he put my gifts on the back seat of his very expensive car and got in the drivers side and started the car. he pulled off and drove until he was behind suguru’s car, in which suguru was behind my parents car as they started to pull out of the parking lot
“you can connect your phone and play some music” satoru told me. i happily took out my phone and connected it to his bluetooth, turning on my favorite song. i turned down some so i could talk to satoru
“so… what did you think of yuta?” i said as i looked forward, watching the road with satoru
“i don’t like him” satoru said , keeping his response short
“really?” i asked, still not seeing why he doesn’t like him
“yes really. you’re too beautiful to be wasting your time on someone who won’t spend any time with you or even respond to your text messages. y/n he literally hangs out with another girl more than he hangs out with you… break up with him” satoru said as he glanced at me before looking back to the road
“yeah.. you’re right. i love him though” i said to satoru, turning my head to look at him while he drove the car. he looked so good in his white button up shirt and his black pants. his hair was shiny and his glasses sat right at the tip of his nose. he smelled so good and his lips looked so juicy. i mentally slapped myself, feeling ashamed looking at satoru like this when we’re literally in the middle of talking about my boyfriend. satoru stopped at a red light and turned to look at me
“you love him?” he asked me. my heart skipped. the atmosphere in the car suddenly changing
“y-yes i-“
“are you in love with him? or do you love having him around?” satoru asked me, cutting me off. i couldn’t give him an answer though. his question was similar to what nobara was saying the night of the sleep over
“he’s not a good boyfriend y/n” satoru said as he faced the road again, the light now green
“he was at first” i told him
“how so?” he asked
“when you left me heartbroken and alone, he helped me get over my depression and heart break” i said to him, hoping the conversation didn’t get depressing because of me bringing up satoru rejecting me
“he saw an opportunity and took it” satoru said, thankfully not changing the mood into a depressing one
“what? how?” i asked, my attention fully on satoru
“you were sad and gullible. he most likely had a crush on you or some type of attraction towards you. when he found out that i rejected you and then moved away for college he jumped at the opportunity to make you his and it worked” satoru explained. i listened to his words, happy to be getting a male’s perspective on the situation
“i’m not saying that he didn’t or doesn’t love you, but he definitely took advantage of you” satoru said. i nodded my head, seeing exactly how that could have happened. satoru is definitely right
“but enough about him. you look beautiful tonight, even with a little bit of your makeup smeared from all that crying” satoru said as he laughed
“that’s because i was overwhelmed with happiness” i told him, smiling at him calling me beautiful
“you’ve been complimenting me a lot lately” i told satoru, my smile getting bigger
“if your wack ass boyfriend won’t do it then i have to” he said and laughed
“hey toru… why didn’t riko come with you guys?” i asked him, wondering why he hasn’t brought up riko once since i’ve seen him. he stayed silent for a few seconds before he answered
“because she’s not my girlfriend anymore” he simply said
“what??! why not?” i asked, but i couldn’t help the small smirk that came to my lips after hearing that they broke up
“because she cheated on me, i never found out with who though. i broke up with her like 6 months ago” he said
“she… cheated on you?! when i catch her i’m beating her ass. why would she cheat on you? you’re so kind and sweet… not to mention how attractive you are! i’ve never met a more attractive guy in my life. i don’t understand why she would cheat on you” i said, pissed off that she cheated on satoru. did she even realize how lucky she was to be with him? i heard satoru start to laugh
“you’re so cute when you’re mad” satoru said as he turned into the parking lot of the restaurant, still behind suguru’s car
“maybe it’s because we were both busy with school. a little after we starting dating i realized we didn’t have as much in common as i originally thought” he told me as he pulled into a parking spot. before i could say anything else satoru spoke up again
“ready to go eat?” he said with a smile, i figured he didn’t want to speak about the topic anymore so i didn’t ask anymore questions
after the very delicious dinner we all walked back to the parking lot
“satoru you’re staying at our house right?” my dad asked
“if that’s fine with you” satoru said and smiled at my dad
“of course! we had the guest room prepared just for you!” my mom said excitedly as my dad laughed
“okay i’ll be there then!” satoru said and laughed with my dad
“great! well your father and i are going to the airport now, we’ll see you in a few days sweetie” my mom said as she pulled me into a hug
“have fun at your party, i feel much better knowing your brother and satoru will be there” my dad said as he gave me a hug as well
“i will, love you guys! thank you for everything” i said to them. they said their goodbyes to everyone else and got back in their car
“i’m going to go back with yuki to her parents house for a few hours to spend time with her family since they’re also celebrating a graduation today. y/n you have your house key right?” suguru said
“yeah” i told him. he nodded and pulled me into a hug
“okay then, i’ll most likely be back home tomorrow morning. i’m sure we’re gonna be drinking tonight so i might sleep over at yuki’s house” he said as he broke the hug
“take care of my sister satoru” suguru said as he dabbed up satoru. i gave yuki and hug and said bye to her as suguru opened the door for her as they got into his car. satoru and i left shortly after
once we got to the house all the maids had already left for the night. i turned on the living room lights and took my heels off, holding all my graduation gifts in one hand. satoru came in after me, locking the front door and taking his shoes off
“damn, it’s been so long since i’ve been here” he said, carrying his small suitcase with him
“how long are you staying here for?” i asked him as i started walking upstairs to my room, satoru following me
“only a few days” he said
“why not longer? a few days isn’t enough time” i said to him as i reached my room door
“you want me to stay longer?” he asked me as he stood at my door, leaning his tall body against my door frame
“of course i do” i said as i sat my gifts down and looked at him as i sat down on my bed
“hmmmm….you can drive with me back to my apartment and i’ll grab more clothes and stuff to stay here longer” he told me. i jumped up and ran to give him a hug
“yayyy! yes i’ll definitely come with you! can we ride by your college? i’ve never seen it” i said. satoru laughed at my excitement
“you could’ve came to visit me, it’s only an hour and a half drive from here” he said
“yeah but you never came to visit me either” i said
“fair” he said and threw his hands up in defeat
“so what do you want to do tonight? i have edibles” he asked me as he opened his suitcase, pulling a bag of edibles out
“really? let’s take some” i said excitedly
“look at how excited you are over some edibles” satoru laughed as he opened the bag and gave me one before eating one himself
“thank you!” i told him
“you’re welcome. i’m going to go put my stuff in the guest room and hop in the shower really quick” satoru said to me as he placed the bag of edibles on my bed
“i’ll keep these out just in case we end up wanting to take more” satoru said
“okay, i’ll hop in the shower too then” i told him. he nodded and walked away to the guest bedroom. i walked over to my bathroom and turned on the shower water before taking off my make up so i could use my face cleaners in the shower
——— ——
after my shower i put lotion and my pjs on. i grabbed my phone before i turned off my room light and walked downstairs to see satoru in his pjs sitting on the couch on his phone. he looked up at me once he heard me coming down the stairs
“damn, girls take forever to shower” he said while laughing. i walked over to him with a smile on my face, his hair was damp and he didn’t have his glasses on so his beautiful blue eyes were staring right at me
“put those blue lights away, i can’t focus while looking at your bright ass eyes” i said, teasing him
“oh wow, i can’t believe you took it there” satoru said, acting hurt as he put his hand over his heart before we both bursted out laughing. after we stopped laughing satoru suggested that we play just dance. i started up the wii and we played just dance for an hour before we were tired and hungry again
“i think the edible is making me hungry” satoru said as he took his phone out
“what do you want to eat? i’ll order whatever you want” satoru said as he looked at me
“ummm, lets just get pizza and drinks” i told him
“oh! and some ice cream too please?” i asked him
“okay” he said as he went on uber eats and started ordering the food. while he was ordering the food i got a text on my phone. i looked and saw yuta had texted me. i unlocked my phone and saw he had sent me a long message with 2 photos and a video attached to it. i immediately began reading the message
‘hey y/n, i’m just texting to tell you that i’m breaking up with you. i’ve been wanting to break up with you for a while now but i felt bad because of how miserable you were. you texting me multiple times a day and always trying to hang out became overwhelming. that night when we played truth or dare i was going to tell you the truth about maki and i. she’s actually my ex girlfriend, we broke up because we had grown apart and a little after we broke up i had found you. you were cute and also going through a heart break so in order to get my mind off of maki i decided to try and date you. maki and i ended up meeting a few weeks after we started dating and had sex. i’ve been having sex with maki at least twice a week since then, we were each other’s first times so our bond is extremely strong. i asked you if you still had feeling for gojo because i wanted to make myself feel better about cheating on you knowing you still had slight feelings for another guy, so i continued acting like i loved you. i wanted to tell you this in person but your brother and that gojo guy scares the living shit out of me, so over text it is. i would appreciate it if you didn’t contact me again after this, or maki as we’re back together again. i’ll block you after this message sends. goodbye’
my face was full of tears after i finished reading the message. i then clicked on the pictures and video he had sent. in the first photo, him and maki were in bed together as he laid in between her legs. their clothes were off and it looked like he was in the middle of giving maki head. the second photo was a picture of maki giving yuta head. by this point i was on the verge of hyperventilating, but i still forced myself to watch the video…. the video was a sex tape of maki and yuta. the phone was propped up on something so i had a full body view of them both having sex. to make matters worst the sound was on, so i could hear both of them moaning. satoru turned to look at me, confused and wondering what i was watching. before he could ask any questions, he saw me crying and was in a state of panic
“y/n what happened? are you okay?” he asked. i couldn’t answer him, instead i threw myself at him and cried in his arms. satoru, still confused, started rubbing my back trying to console me even without knowing what was going on
“you were right” i finally said through broken sobs once i calmed down enough to speak
“right about what?” he asked. i slowly sat back up, breaking the hug as i gave him my phone. he looked at it and i watched his face go from confusion, to shock, to anger within seconds. i then saw him tap the screen and swipe, so i assumed he was looking at the photos and the video now. i heard moaning coming from the phone before satoru got off the video and let out a frustrated sigh
“that fucking asshole. i knew i should have punched him in his fucking face when i saw him tonight. i knew it!” satoru said, completely furious now. i stayed silent as i watched satoru grab his phone and press a few things on the screen before he put the phone to his ear. after a few seconds i heard suguru’s voice on the other side of the phone saying hello
“suguru, you’ll never believe what y/n’s bitch ass ex boyfriend just did” satoru said as he stood up, pacing around the living room with his phone to his ear and my phone still in his other hand. satoru then explained in detail what yuta did, he even reread the breakup message he sent me to suguru over the phone. i couldn’t hear exactly what suguru was saying but from the tone of his voice, he sounded just as mad as satoru
“don’t worry about it i’ll take care of her tonight…. yeah…. okay i will. enjoy your night with yuki and her family……yeah we’ll figure it out tomorrow when you get here….okay” i watch satoru as he continued speaking to suguru on the phone. i got up and walked to the downstairs bathroom, splashing water on my face before looking at myself in the mirror. luckily i didn’t look too terrible. i was having such a fun night just for yuta to ruin it. as i stood in the bathroom looking at myself in the mirror, i began to really think about what just happened. because of how strained our relationship has been the last couple of weeks, i’m not necessarily sad about the breakup as i was going to eventually breakup with him because of how the relationship was. i’m more upset over how he decided to break up with me… not only did one of my friends betray me, lie to me, and sleep with my boyfriend. but he cheated on me our entire relationship and then sent pictures and videos of it. i was hurt, i was annoyed, but most of all… i was angry. how could they do this to me? i’ve been nothing but kind and loyal to the both of them. I didn’t get close with maki until after yuta and i started dating, i never even knew they used to date. i tried to calm myself down by splashing more water on my face
“satoru is finally back out here after being away for so long. i’m not going to let them ruin our night” i said to myself. i took one last look at myself in the mirror before i walked out of the bathroom. once i made it back to the living room i saw that satoru was off of the phone with suguru. he was sitting back down on the couch and was taking pictures of my phone with his phone
“hey how are you feeling? you okay?” he asked me as he looked up at me
“i’m okay” i told him as i sat down next to him on the couch
“i’m taking pictures of his contact information and maki’s. me and suguru will be contacting them later, don’t you worry” he said as he tapped my head. i saw him take a picture of maki’s phone number before he handed me back my phone. i laughed at him before giving him another hug
“i’m not going to let them ruin our fun night” i said to him
“good! i ordered the food already, it should almost be here by now. should we find a movie to watch while we eat?” satoru asked
“yeah!, i’m going to eat another edible too, that whole situation ruined my high” i said as i stood up to go grab the bag off my bed
“can you grab me one too please?” he asked. i said yeah as i made my way upstairs. i grabbed the edibles off of my bed and popped one in my mouth. i then walked back downstairs and sat back down by satoru. he grabbed an edible and i took another one. after all that just happened i wanted to get fucked up and forget about it all
“okay how about this movie?” satoru asked as he landed on a funny movie. i said okay and he pressed play. right when the movie was starting the door bell rung. satoru paused the movie before he got up and grab everything from the uber eats person before thanking them and closing the door
“i gave them an $100 tip on the app, they must’ve been hella happy because they drove over here fast” satoru said as we laughed. i helped him bring everything to the coffee table in the middle of the living room
“i’m going to go put the ice cream in the freezer” i told him. he nodded okay and i walked to the kitchen. after i put the ice cream away i grabbed two glasses for us to drink out of. i dimmed the lights so we could watch the movie but still see our food. i sat down on the couch and we began eating our food while the movie started playing. after 30 minutes of watching the movie i began to feel dizzy. almost like i didn’t have any control of my body. everything around me seemed different and i knew the edible had kicked in. i started laughing at nothing in particular, just laughing uncontrollably. satoru turned to look at me and started smiling
“y/n… you’re high as hell right now. your eyes are super low” he said and started laughing
“so are you.. your eyes are super red” i told him and laughed again
“yeah but i’m not as high as you, i have a higher tolerance” satoru said
“i’m craving something sweet. you want your ice cream?” satoru asked as he stood up. i nodded and he went to get our ice cream. we ate our entire thing of ice cream in 20 minutes
“toru im boredddd” i said, no longer wanting to watch the movie
“me too, what should we do?” he asked
“let’s play hide and seek in the dark!” i said excitedly while laughing
“okay, i’ll count first. you hide” satoru said. i jumped up off the couch and began turning off any remaining lights in the house. satoru turned the tv off and started counting with his eyes closed. the only light we had was the moon light that came in from the windows. i tried to run up stairs but it was hard because of how high i was. by time i finally reached the top step i heard satoru say 29
‘…30, ready or not here i come!” he said as he immediately started coming upstairs. i bursted into my room and hid under the covers on my bed
“you can’t play hide and seek when you’re high y/n, you’re way too loud” i heard satoru say as he laughed. he was standing right in front of my bed
“no fair! you cheated” i said. satoru laid down next to me, trapping me underneath the covers
“why would i cheat?” he said. i wiggled free from underneath the blankets. i turned on my led lights with my remote and then turned to look at him
“because you know that i would’ve beaten you” i said as i looked back at my remote, turning my led’s to the color pink
“nah, i’d win” he said before laughing again
“i want a rematch” i whined. satoru was about to answer but his phone started to ring. he pulled it out of his pocket before he answered the phone
“yeah she’s okay now…she’s right here…okay” satoru said before he handed the phone to me. i took it
“hello?” i said
“you feeling okay?” suguru asked me
“yes i’m fine” i told him
“okay, i was just checking up on you. don’t worry, i’ll beat yuta’s ass for you” suguru said. i laughed at him before telling him to hang up because me and satoru were playing a game. we said our love you’s before we hung up
“are you really okay though?” satoru asked me. i handed him back his phone as he stared at me. he was still laying down on my bed, looking up at me as i was sitting up
“yeah” i said
“he didn’t deserve you y/n. you’re a good girl, you deserve someone who’s going to take care of you and love you unconditionally” satoru said as he sat up, not breaking eye contact with me. i wanted to say something but my words were stuck in my throat. i don’t know if it was because of satoru or the weed, but my body started to feel tingly
“someone who will protect you, and cater to your every need. be there to wipe the tears off of your pretty face” satoru continued as he gently touched my cheek with the palm of his hand
“someone who will make love to you. send you cute little texts throughout the day. bring you treats just to see you smile. take you out on dates” he said as he used his other hand to touch my other cheek. i watched as his face was now inches away from mine. i felt like my heart had completely stopped beating
“and the only man who can do that for you is me” he said before he gently kissed me. i was so shocked that for the first 2 seconds of the kiss i was completely still. after i got over the initial shock i kissed him back. after a few seconds, he pulled back. we stared at each other for a minute while we caught our breaths before i leaned forwards and kissed him again, in which he immediately kissed me back. this time satoru put his tongue in my mouth. the feeling of his tongue against my tongue made me moan. i put both of my hands in satoru’s hair and he gently laid me on my back, my head now resting on my pillow. satoru broke the kiss and looked at me for a second before he started kissing me neck. i moaned again, a little louder this time. my hands still in his hair. i’ve never experienced this feeling before in my life. i could feel satoru’s dick against my leg. i moved down slightly so that it was touching right where i wanted him. i started grinding myself against him and closed my eyes at how good it felt.
“f-fuck, you’re killing me y/n” satoru said as he stopped kissing and sucking my neck and looked at me. the eye contacting we were holding was enough to make me cum right then and there. satoru put both of his hands on my hips to keep them firmly in place. he then started to slowly grind himself against my pussy as i wrapped my legs around his waist. i was so thankful that we both had thin pjs on. my eyes rolled to the back of my head
“oh my go- toru don’t stop… yes” i moaned, now gripping his hand that was pinning my hips down against the bed
“fuckkk… you look so sexy right now” satoru said as he looked down at me. i could feel his dick getting harder and harder by the second
“toru… please fuck me” i said between moans. satoru groaned at my words before he bent back down, kissing me again. his hips kept grinding against me, his pace quickening
“please…please..please toru please” i said, begging him to fuck me. i reached in-between our bodies until i felt the waistband of satoru’s pants. i was about to put my hand inside of his pants before satoru grabbed my hand, stopping my movements. he stopped moving against me and just looked at me for a few seconds, catching his breath
“are you a virgin?” he asked me
“n-no” i said, avoiding eye contact because of the embarrassment of still being a virgin
“don’t lie to me y/n” satoru said
“yes…” i answered, still not making eye contact
“y/n…. i can’t have sex with you” satoru said as he sat full up, i sat up after him
“why not? it it because i’m a virgin? i can take it i promise” i told him. he laughed at me before speaking
“you being a virgin is a small reason why, but not the main reason” he said
“then why?” i asked him
“i don’t want to upset suguru. he would kill me. plus you’re high right now… how do i know that this is what you actually want and it’s not just the weed making you feel this way?, how do i know you actually want me to be your first time?” he said as he laid down on the other side of my pillow
“what?! how would suguru even find out? i won’t tell him” i said as i turned to look at him
“i already left a hickey on your neck. i wasn’t thinking, i got too caught up in the moment” satoru said as he pointed to the hickey on my neck
“i don’t care what he says. i’m 18 now i can do whatever i want!” i said, slightly frustrated that satoru was making it seem like i can’t do anything with my brother’s permission
“i want you satoru. i’ve never wanted someone so much before in my entire life… it’s always been you. i want you to want me too” i said to him. he was silent for a little bit before he grabbed me by my arm and had me lay down on his chest
“trust me y/n, i want you. i just want to wait for the right moment to take you…because once i fuck you, you’re mine forever” he said. i looked up at him, heart fluttering at his words
“ your boyfriend just broke up with you.. i don’t want you acting rashly. you’re also a virgin so i feel like you might be in a rush to lose your virginity… an 18 year old virgin.. i can’t believe it” satoru said, teasing me. i lightly slapped him on the chest
“not funny” i said. he laughed and grabbed my face before he pulled me into a passionate kiss
“this isn’t fair. you got me all worked up and horny just for you not to fuck me” i told him
“did that yuta guy ever make you cum?” satoru asked me. i shook my head no
“no, we never did anything sexual… he was too busy fucking maki and eating her out” i said and rolled my eyes
“so… you’ve really never gotten head before?” satoru asked
“no. never” i told him honestly. the look in his eyes changed
“lay down” he told me. i opened my mouth to ask why before he cut me off
“now. and take your pants off” he said. i immediately did what he said, feeling excited. i watched satoru get on his knees and then open my legs. i immediately covered my pussy with my hands, feeling extremely shy even though my panties were still on. satoru started laughing
“don’t be shy now” he teased. he slowly removed my hands
“relax baby, i’m going to take good care of you” he said as he slowly pulled my panties down. my embarrassment started to slowly dissipate as i got more horny looking at him
“you’re this wet after a little bit of dry humping?” he asked while laughing
“shut up toru” i said, a smile on my face. satoru took my panties all the way off, throwing them on the floor with my pants before he looked me in the eyes
“are you sure?” he asked me, any hints of joking completely gone
“positive toru” i said as i smiled at him. he smiled back at me and laid down on his stomach. he slowly ran his finger in between my folds before he stopped at my clit. he started rubbing slow circles on my clit. i bit my lip so i wouldn’t be too loud. i started breathing harder as my heart starting racing faster
“i wanna hear your pretty moans baby” he said. before i could respond to him i felt his warm tongue lick up my pussy. he ran his tongue back down before going up again, this time stop at my clit and circling it with his tongue. his lips then latched onto my clit and he began sucking on it. my hands immediately went to his hair as i started tugging on it. i sat up some to watch him, moaning flying out of my mouth every second. satoru looked up at me and kept suck on my clit without breaking eye contact with me
“toru… you look so fucking good… don’t stop baby” i said, moaning his name. he moaned, clearly turned on by my moans. the vibration from his voice made my body jump in shock and pleasure. he used his left hand to grab my thigh to keep my legs apart as his right hand came up and started massaging my other thigh. satoru stopped sucking on my clit and sat up on his knees again, his face was glistening with my wetness mixed in with his spit. i was about to ask him why he stopped before an entirely new sensation ripped through my body. satoru put one of his fingers inside of me
“t-toru” i said, out of breath
“let me know if you want me to stop or if it’s too much for you okay?” he said as he looked at me, i nodded my head and felt him start to move his finger in and out of me. satoru never took his eyes off of me, he watched every reaction i had to this fingers. he then slowly entered another finger and then a third. my face was full of tears, it felt so good, my mind couldn’t catch up with the pleasure. i had my eyes screwed shut, moaning uncontrollably as i begged satoru not to stop. his pace began to pick up
“fuck… you’re so tight” satoru said while biting his lip. i felt him start to hump against my leg, feeling just how hard he was. i started to feel a weird feeling in my lower abdomen
“toru-“ i said but all the words were knocked out of my body as satoru had began sucking on my clit again as his finger’s continued pumping in and out of me
“satoru… satoru!! i’m going to cum” i yelled, my back arching off of the bed. after a few more seconds, i came. satoru kept fingering me and sucking on my clit until i was too sensitive to take anymore
“so how was it?… let me guess… spectacular?” satoru said as he looked at me, sitting back up with a big grin on his handsome face. i smiled
“more than that” i said as i pulled him on top of me by his shirt and kissed him. he kissed me back and we made out for a little bit. after he pulled away i yawned, now suddenly feeling very tired
“are you tired now?” satoru asked me
“a little” i told him, getting comfortable in bed
“put your pants back on before your brother walks in here tomorrow morning and sees you” he said as he laughed, standing up and grabbing my clothes off the floor before handing them to me. i lazily grabbed the clothes and began putting my panties back on without getting all the way out of bed. i saw satoru walk over towards the bedroom door
“where are you going?” i asked him, stopping my movements
“to double check that the front door is locked and then to my room” he said as he turned to look at me
“can’t you sleep in here tonight?” i asked him
“you want me to sleep in here?” he asked me. i quickly nodded my head and he smiled
“okay, let me go check the front door and then i’ll be back” he said before he disappeared into the hallway. i continued putting my panties on and then my pants before i got comfortable again in my bed and waited for satoru to come back. after a little bit longer, satoru walked through my door, closing it behind him
“sorry it took a little longer, i had to grab my charger from my suitcase” he said
“it’s okay” i said and smiled at him.
“i brought your phone from downstairs too” he said as he handed me my phone. i told him thank you as i turned and put it on the charger. i read the time and saw that it was 3:21am. i heard satoru plug his charger into the socket before putting his phone on the charger and then placing his phone down on the dresser on the other side of my bed. he then laid down next to me. i scooted over until my head was against his chest. i looked up at him as he looked down at me. i couldn’t believe satoru was laying in my bed right now
“goodnight toru”
“goodnight princess”
WHEWWWWW this chapter was longgggg, it literally took me 6 straight hours to type out, i make up the chapters as i go so it takes a while. it’s probably gonna be a few days until i get the next chapter out. while i was typing this chapter i kinda felt like y/n’s aging was confusing. she turned 15 and was a sophomore but she graduated and is 18? so lets just act like all of that makes sense, since i didn’t realize my mistake until now lol. anyways i hope you all enjoyed this chapter, i’m not very good at writing smut scenes. please let me know if it was bad lmaooo, see y’all in the next chapter… byeeee
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heroesfan101 · 1 year
Love & Lore's: Autumn Sweater Event
5 + 1 (The 5 times you borrow Miyuki Kazuya’s hoodie and the 1 time he borrows yours)
A/N: Hi y'all! Super excited to post this fic for @love-and-lore and their Autumn collab event. When the theme was announced as sweaters, this idea immediately came to mind. Hoodies count as sweaters right 😅 Please note this does include a female reader and pet names (babe, sweetheart).
Word Count: 2.4k
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1. Running late to work
Monday. Most people’s least favorite day of the week. Weekends came and went faster than expected. And while Kazuya tried to get you to prep for the upcoming week during the weekend, you preferred spending your time with him and indulging in your hobbies.
It is also noted that he tried to get you to break the habit of leaving your jackets on the back of your dining room chairs. Both, however, were a moot point but soon would cause your downfall.
“Shoot I’m going to be late!” You curse under your breath as you scurry around the apartment in an effort to get your belongings together. Lunch, check. Purse, check. What am I missing? My business jacket! I have a presentation today, can’t forget that.
Checking your watch, your eyes widen in shock. Crap I have to hurry or I’ll miss my train!
Without a second thought, you grab the jacket from the back of a chair before rushing out the door, not even having enough time to wake your boyfriend up with a kiss like usual. Folding it over your purse, you rush out of the house, determined to make your train on time.
Luckily, you board the train and get to work right in the knick of time, much to your delight. However, once you settle yourself, your phone buzzes twice and you look to see a message from Kazuya including a picture.
“Good morning. If you wanted to give me something to wear, we could have talked about it. Maybe I’m not the only one who needs glasses, think you got a little mixed up.” You bypass his sleepy morning smile and your heart drops as you see him holding up your blazer. Your eyes flash down to your purse and sure enough you took his navy blue hoodie. A deep sigh escapes your body as you text back.
“I’m sorry Kazuya. Seems you’ve proven your point on being prepared for the week ahead -_-" ” With a bit of embarrassment, you ask one of your peers to borrow their blazer for your presentation.
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2. Grocery shopping
Milk. Eggs. Bread. Tofu. Salmon. One by one, Kazuya and you start loading up the car with your groceries. You were more focused on how to pack up the trunk of your car until Kazuya stopped to look up at the sky, light and dark gray swirls reflecting on his glasses.
“Hmmm. We better move quickly. Looks like the rain is coming sooner than expected.”
“Say less!” The couple moves double time to pack up their items and start getting on their way home. While they’re able to get home in good time, the stormy weather was faster as the sky opened up as they parked.
“Scared of a little rain are you?” He teases as he shifts the gear into park.
“You know I’m not, I just don’t like getting wet.”
“Didn’t know my girlfriend was a cat.” Kazuya continues, causing you to narrow your eyes at him.
“Just for that I should make you bring in the groceries yourself.” You sass.
“Ah ah no need to be like that, sweetheart. I thought you loved me? What happened to doing things together?” He chuckles with a snarky grin.
“We could but not if you’ll be a jerk about it.” You pout playfully, causing him to laugh.
“You know I could bring it in myself, right?”
“I know but you know I love proving you wrong. Luckily, I’m already prepared.” Reaching past him in the back seat, you pull out one of his black hoodies. Grabbing the bottom of the hoodie, you work your body through it until it swallows you whole.
He laughs yet again, “Well alright then, partner. We’ll get a nice warm shower after this.” Both of you brace yourselves before rushing out into the rain.
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3. Feeling sick
“Achoo! Achoo!” Your body seizes before relaxing again. The door to the guest room opens up and in walks Kazuya with a steaming bowl of soup. You sit up, reaching for a tissue to soothe your sniffling nose.
“Babe! You could have left it outside; I would have gotten it. I don’t want you to get sick too.” Kazuya shakes his head but it’s easy to tell he’s frowning behind his mask.
“It’ll be fine. This is just to make sure you eat some of the soup while it’s hot. I’ll be fine like this.” He assures you before setting up a tray so you can eat. Throwing your tissue away, you shift to the edge of the bed to see the biggest bowl of soup.
“Kazuya, this is a lot of soup. You don’t expect me to eat this in one go right?”
His eyes narrow before softening, “It would be ideal but eat as much as you can. It’s a family recipe.”
Your ears perk up at that, “Oh? From who?”
He grins, “From me. I got sick one time and created my miraculous soup. I was five times better the next day after eating it. All in one go might I add.”
You shake your head, “It would be from you,” but then a weak grin appears on your lips, “but if you’re sharing it with me, guess that makes me family.”
For once, you catch Miyuki off guard with that as his cheeks are a touch pink. You both had talked about marriage as a real possibility but were talking things slowly as to not rush things along. Normally, he’s the tease between the two of you but he doesn’t mind your teasing every once in a while. He chalks up this boldness to your weakened immune system.
“Yeah yeah yeah. Enough talk, time to eat. I’ll leave you to it.” He starts to go when you grab at his sleeve. He turns back around to see the prettiest pout on your lips.
“I know you have to go but for the record, I hate this. Only seeing you for a few moments here and there, it's not fair. Can’t I at least have something of yours to help me out?” Kazuya starts to tease you but just sighs instead. He’d have plenty of time to tease once you’re healed.
“Since you like hoodies so much you can have this one.” He grins before taking off his gray hoodie and handing it over. You take it happily and bring it to your face, eager to convince your nose to start working so you can at least catch a whiff of his cologne.
“Thanks Kazuya.” You smile, placing it on your lap before diving into your soup. His eyes crinkle softly before he leaves you with his soup and his hoodie.
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4. Borrowing Stealing his gift
The door to the apartment opens, causing you to look around the corner from your spot on the sofa. “Hey, welcome back! How was it meeting up with Sawamura and Okumura?”
He chuckles, “It was fun. I swear Sawamura hasn’t changed at all since our time in high school. Okumura seems a lot more confident than before, surely because he had the best teacher.” Kazuya laughs, causing you to shake your head before noticing something in his hands.
“Oooh, what’s that? Is that a new hoodie I see? Red too?”
He holds it to his chest protectively, “Yes, as the amazing senpai I am, they got me a hoodie as a thank you. Also probably because I told them I’m living with a hoodie thief so you’re not allowed to touch this one.” Your face blanches, no he didn’t!
“I am not a thief! A borrower maybe but no thief!” You declare passionately, refusing to accept his slander no matter how true it was.
His eyes narrow at you skeptically, “Oh yeah? Where’s my black hoodie? What about the navy blue one?” He asks rapidly, letting you know that he’s apparently been keeping track but you’re quick to defend yourself.
“They’re all in the closet!”
And then he goes in for the kill, “On who’s side of the closet?”
You blush and look away, “That’s irrelevant.”
Kazuya laughs loudly, “Yeah that’s what I thought. Gotcha this time, sweetheart.” He walks by you with a grin as you decide to turn back to your tv show, knowing you’ve lost this time.
It isn’t until later when you’re sure that Kazuya is fast asleep, that you find the hoodie folded neatly on his side of the closet. Your hands gently pick up the hoodie and bring it to your face, admiring how soft it was. Yeah, I’ll have to take this.
In your admiration, you notice a piece of paper fall out of the front pockets. Picking it up curiously, you read the note in Kazuya’s handwriting, “Hands off my hoodie.”
Your eyes widen before scoffing at his note. Feeling crafty, you decide to switch out one of your red jackets with his new hoodie, even going so far as to put his note in one of the pockets.
Laughing evilly to yourself, you stash the hoodie in one of your drawers and slide back into bed beside Kazuya, satisfied with yourself. So much so, you don’t notice the grin he has on his face even in his “sleep”.
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5. Ice cream spills
“This was a great idea! It’s always nice to get a workout in the park with you. Appreciate you taking it easy on me, babe.” You smile, deciding to catch your breath on the park bench. He smiles at you gently. Of course he wasn’t breaking a sweat but doing light workouts with you on the weekend was a nice way to spend time together.
“Of course. You did well and we passed an ice cream stand. How about I reward you for your hard work hmm?” Kazuya asks, knowing ice cream was certainly a weakness of yours. Immediately, your face lights up and before you can say the words, he smiles and heads off to the stand.
A few minutes later, he returns with two ice cream cones and hands you yours with a gentle smile. You thank him sweetly before diving in. And in the enjoyment of your ice cream, you spill some on your shirt.
“Seems you enjoyed yourself a little too much huh?” He chuckles, causing you to groan.
“Shut up.” You say playfully, before handing him your ice cream so you can remove your shirt. Luck favors the prepared it would seem and you already had a tank top underneath.
Folding up your shirt, you turn to get your ice cream from him, delighted to have your cold, sweet treat back. Unbeknownst to you, there was more than just your boyfriend's eyes on you.
Now normally, Kazuya isn’t a jealous person. He loves being able to show you off but only when he wants to.
Unfortunately, he’s too perceptive for his own good. Once, twice he noticed a few of the park joggers were enjoying the view and it wasn't nature. Tch, you heard the annoyed sound escape his lips.
“Something wrong?” You ask innocently. He hands you his ice cream and takes off his dark green hoodie.
“We were just working out. It’s not good for you to expose your body to so much air. Don’t want you getting sick again.” He says gently as he places the hoodie on your lap and takes the ice cream cones. A small smile graces your lips as you put on the hoodie.
“Thanks babe.” Cold lips press quickly against his warm cheek before going back to the ice cream. The next time the joggers pass by, he grins cockily.
“Show’s over.” Kazuya mouths to them.
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1. The thief becomes the victim
Oftentimes, Kazuya has training camps all over the country to train as one does when they’re a professional athlete. While usually, you could rearrange your schedule to be close by, this was one of those times where he was going too far (aka outside of the country). This time, he would be away in America for an international training camp. So while you couldn’t be with him this time around, you both made sure to at least message or call.
It was halfway through his trip when you were able to hop on a video call with him.
“How’s the camp going?” You asked curiously, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes.
“It’s going well. It’s been interesting to meet global stars and see them play. How are you doing?” He smiled, a little weary after a long day’s camp.
“I’m doing good. Work has been keeping me busy but I wish I could be with you instead. Don’t get a big head but I do miss you.” Kazuya smiles softly at that, the one true smile only reserved for you.
“Don’t worry, I’ll be back home before you know it.”
“That’s good. Still not soon enough though. That said, something weird must be going on.” You say as you shake the phone as you go to prop it up on your dresser, giving him a view of you from the waist up.
Kazuya raises an eyebrow as he sees you searching the bedroom, “What’s going on?”
“I can’t find my sky blue hoodie! I just got some workout pants that match the color perfectly and now I can’t find it. Did you see it when you were doing laundry?”
The corners of his lips attempt to straighten even though they curve up a bit, “Nope I haven’t seen it.” There’s a light tone in his voice that makes you slightly suspicious. Looking back at the camera, you see something behind him sticking out.
“Kazuya, could you move to the left for a second?” You request curiously, causing the mirth to show his eyes.
“Why? What are you after?” He asks playfully, but the second he moves an inch your eyes widen in disbelief.
“Is that my hoodie? The exact one I’m looking for?”
“Can’t be.” He easily denies. You roll your eyes and exclaim, “I know what my hoodie looks like!”
But then the reality of the situation sinks in, “Awww you miss me! It’s okay to admit it, Kazuya. I just didn’t expect you to steal my hoodie.” You sweetly tease him, making him blush a little as he tries to cover it up with a scoff.
“Of course I miss you, we do spend every day together.” You giggle, “Look at you being cute. I guess I’m happily in love with a hoodie thief of my own.”
He laughs, “Consider this payment for all the times you took my hoodies.”
“Sure sure, but I will always prefer you over your hoodies.” You claim causing him to smile.
“I sure hope so. You’ll have the real thing once I’m back home.” Kazuya promises, filling both of your hearts with warmth.
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aces-and-angels · 9 months
countdown to 2024 @choicesfandomappreciation
deadlines? we don't know her😗💅🏼 so many works to shoutout- so brace yourselves gang- this'll be a long one
now- without further ado- here are some writers that made my year:
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sending love to the whole team on board who are working tirelessly to finish this magnificent project. i was so excited to read the demo this year! knowing how long the journey has been and reading the updates each week- i realize how weary yall must be and hope that i can convey my gratitude for bringing back our favorite pirates in one awesome sequel 🖤
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another demo for the books- and another fanmade project that i am rooting for; i personally have only read through finn's demo but i'm already in love with all the characters. plus- who wouldn't be excited for the chance to romance gaius??? there is a ton of lore in op's blog for all the new lis that i 100% recommend to read through. excited to see what's in store in the new year!
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the way i ran to play this story when it dropped😭 if yall are fans of ilw- then you may know that one of the artists released this wonderful vn this year. it's a story that keeps on serving 🎾 the artwork is incredible and the accompanying story is an absolute treasure. i was on the floor- in tears- jaw-dropped. trust me- it was an experience. one i recommend yall take too 😊
🖤 @lovehugsandcandy
the queen of colt- and tbh- one of my literary muses. your writing is such an inspiration to me and having you back on the dash this year for blades was definitely a highlight 🖤 a snippet from one of my favorite fics this year:
read 'bound' here "Of course. We have plenty of time for that... don't we?" “Because you’re not leaving?” He squeezes her hand. “I’m not leaving.”  It’s a whisper more powerful than any rope.
the heart you have is so warm and inviting- and it shows with each work you've shared🖤 i've cherished reading your works for trystan x carolina- picking one to highlight seems cruel but i'll give it a shot lol. their banter/dynamic is so beautifully portrayed and never fails to bring a smile to my face:
read 'tricks and treats' here “There is no Trystan,” he snickered, playfully pulling her close. “Only the Big Bad Wolf..uh.. no.. I mean Grandma! I’m Grandma, trust me.” “Grandma? What big paws you have!” she beamed as he nuzzled into her neck and playfully growled. “The better to paw you with, my dear...” “Well, you can paw me once we get to the party. We’re very late.”
your four part series- 'responsibility, rage, and recent resurrection' was such a good read and deserves some love. it ain't a secret i'm a big ilw fan- and a sucker for bonus scenes. reading a more fleshed out version of connor's eventual turning was *chef's kiss* immaculate- i shamelessly go back to this fic from time to time:
read 'responsibility, rage, and recent resurrection' here Grief and terror had been a part of Connor since the night Devon died. The feelings came and went, but they never left completely and Connor worried that he would never feel peace again. With Devon alive but unconscious, a massacre set for a few days, and the man who’d killed his mother on the loose; those feelings were more overwhelming than ever. Not to mention the anger that had been festering in his chest since his mom was killed. All of it led back to one simple thing: Westchester wasn’t safe. 
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mother lincoln- i wanna thank you for blessing me with not only ilw itself but ilw fics (and some other works of yours i've recently had the pleasure of reading😉) though, imma pivot real quick from ilw and actually give some praise to another project of yours- and the reason i downloaded storyloom in the first place- open heart: a toxic situation. what a story full of mystery, romance, and ✨bryce✨ (there are multiple lis to choose from- i just really love bryce lmao)
read this beauty right here
🖤 @saibug1022
the angst legend- i go to you for the hurt lmaoo. but really- it is a talent to write the way you do and i'm lucky to reap the benefits of reading your work. the time you put into crafting your mcs- making them fully fleshed out blorbos- then giving the most heart-wrenching scenarios to deal with- incredible✨ here's some love for the villain stories out there:
read 'a funeral of faith' here “I had no place in Undermount while humans and orcs treated me like an outsider. I was kidnapped and tortured while my friends and two of the men I loved gave up on me and left me to die. And the other man I loved used and betrayed me for power and disappeared when I still forgave him.”
🖤 @professor-abeloved
prepare to be adored, admired, and appreciated- your mcs are everything to me. the way you write is so special and uniquely you- and i love your work dearly. i've got your fics seared in my brain- here's one of the many (bc we as a fandom silently agreed that linc angst just hits different):
read 'lincoln's bad day' here “Sorry,” Ro called out for what felt like the nth time with an awkward grimace. “You okay? I can get an ice pack or a salonpas or—” “It’s fine,” Lincoln says, clutching his aching jaw. In some weird way, it’s surprisingly… therapeutic? There’s something about a being confronted with such raw, unimaginable Power that has the capacity to utterly destroy you if it chooses, but instead it’s draping a small, lilac cardigan over your shoulders as it looks you over for bruises. read 'lincoln's bad day' here “Sorry,” Ro called out for what felt like the nth time with an awkward grimace. “You okay? I can get an ice pack or a salonpas or—” “It’s fine,” Lincoln says, clutching his aching jaw. In some weird way, it’s surprisingly… therapeutic? There’s something about a being confronted with such raw, unimaginable Power that has the capacity to utterly destroy you if it chooses, but instead it’s draping a small, lilac cardigan over your shoulders as it looks you over for bruises.
bless your beautiful, magnificent brain- atp your hcs are my canon lmaoo. bryce and jensen are so special to me and it's no secret how much love you've poured into them through your work. slowly but surely, i'm getting around to reading all the fics of theirs. the ones i have read were amazing. time to shower praise for your most recent work (also i'm rooting for you- writer's block is a biatch):
read 'halloween' here “Hey, sorry,” Bryce said, giving his waist a quick squeeze before unceremoniously flopping into one of the chairs, the force sending it back enough that Jensen had to pull him closer. “You’re lucky I didn’t lock you out and eat it for you,” Jensen said with a quick wave to the food in front of him, taking a seat in his own chair. “M’fucking starving.” He was already shoveling crab rangoon into his mouth, ignoring the steam coming off of it.
🖤 @aria-ashryver
a ray of sunshine- you deserve the world and more🥰 one thing on my to-do list for the new year is to finally sit down and read SICSIG. from the snippets i've seen, i know i'll treasure the heck out of it. when i do- i apologize in advance for the person i become lmao (give it up for the poly romance yall)
read 'snow in crimson, starlight in gold' here
self-love, amirite? reading through old works is either a hit or miss for me lol- but the process of writing has been a welcome journey of mine. from the frantic word vomit to staring at a blinking cursor- it's been a ride. and i'm thankful to everyone above for inspiring me to keep moving forward 🖤
read whatever yall want here
this list could go on and on and i'm definitely missing some people- but to the writers out there: you are the heartbeat of the fandom and we are lucky to have you 🖤
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nescaveckwriter · 9 months
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Paintbrushes And Romance 🥰🐞
Dean x Reader
Part 5 🥰🐞
A/N: Brace yourselves loves, this one's a rollercoaster...🥰🐞🙈
Warnings: Violence, Swearing, Blood, Gore, Sexual Content, Anger, 🙈
You've been running around these last few weeks, maybe because you've been trying to work through some stuff.
Stirring your coffee, while sitting deep in thought, remembering where it all started, in this little shop, you found love, like you've never known before. After that day in the middle of the street, with the snowflakes falling, so much has happened...
From spending Christmas together with both your families, at one long table, with your parents and his parents, your brother and his girlfriend Ruby, meeting Eileen, Sam's wife, who's now your best friend, you two just clicked, due too te fact that you have learned sign language all those years ago while traveling through Europe. Giving out presents and just having a blast. It weren't weird or awkward it just felt right, like it was meant to be.
Summer came and your love grew deeper and deeper, you know eachother so well, so very well, talking for hours and laughing. There were sometimes when the job got to Dean, and he would just withdraw from everything, even you a little but you would just be there waiting patiently, untill he would start opening up, and you'll just listen, he would lay his head on your lap and you'll just run your fingers through his hair!
Smile tugging at your lips now, remembering that one night, the first time you two became one, skin against skin, laying in bed, his fingers tracing little circles on your tummy, when his fingers runs across the scar, on your ribs, following the tattoo you had there, the image consisted of leaves starting right by the scar, and on the leaves there was lady bugs, leading up to two lady bugs with there wings open leading to the word in cursive writing "free" he, got up a little, looking you in the eyes, mischievous smile at the corners of his mouth, its you he said, what you ask confusing on your face, your the best selling author "lady bug" aren't you he said, you nodded, bursting into laughter.
Biting your lip, thinking about the leaves starting to change colour, that's when it all happened. The knocking at your door, consisted and urgent, your heart sank, did something happen to the man that you love. Shakily turning the knob and opening the door, there he stands, worry on his face, the well known dent between his eyebrows, letting you know something is terrible wrong, his face hardened, I... I... He started, words barely leaving his parched lips, just came by to let you know, that this isn't working for me anymore, I thought I could do this, I could love you, love this white picked fence life. But I don't, I can't it's making me miserable, he said hand running down his face, his give away sign that his not happy. You just stood there, heartbreak and the smell of the freshly baked cherry pie hanging thick in the air, he just turned around and left and you haven't seen him since. Tears burning behind your eyes while taking a sip of your coffee, you cursed yourself, you need to start working on your fifth book, Chuck your publisher is really breathing down your neck. You hear the bells, welcoming someone new, you look up to see who it is. Its Dean, but his hair and beard a lot longer than normal, in all honesty he looks like shit, is he even getting enough sleep, is he eating, still worried about him, you'll probably never stop loving him.
He can sense, her sitting in the corner, he doesn't want to turn and look, knowing how much he hurt her with what he said, thinking about the words he said to her, he didn't love her , he didn't want the whole white picket fence life with kids running around, that can't be further from the damn truth! Waiting for his order of black coffee to be done, replaying the events that happened during the day, that made him decide to break things with her, if only she could know it was to protect her, subconsciously playing with the chain around his neck, on the chain a diamond ring, yes he thinks to himself, he wanted to ask her to make him the happiest man alive that weekend, but then came the envelope, with a bunch of photos of her, stating her routine and then the note...
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lucaaazd · 4 months
Reibert bus shenanigans part 2. Read part 1 here. Anyways START SCENE
“Stay cool, stay cool,” The blond boy clutched the back of a seat, “All we gotta do is take the bus the other way, right?”
Bertolt was inconsolable. Take the bus the other way? What’s he talking about? He had no money. Why couldn’t Dad have given him a metro card with more than one ride on it? He cussed himself for losing his student pass in a school toilet on Taco Tuesday. He’d had too much beans and rice and was eager to leave the crime scene in case the next person who used the bathroom linked his presence to the radioactive stench. Being caught stinking up the already disgusting boys’ bathroom would be his social death, although to be honest he was getting there without the help of a poopy reputation. There’s no way he’s getting back home. Fluorescent street lights flew past the windows in a bright, ghostly arch, illuminating the run-down, industrial cityscape. Bertolt had only been to Queens twice to visit his family friends, the Galliards’. They lived in a three-story house with an overgrown backyard and chain link fences, and Bertolt had marveled at how much bigger everything was there. The streets were wider, the gas stations enormous, miles of parking garages the size of malls overlooked the highway. The highway. “We’re literally on the highway!” Bertolt sobbed.
“Eh, yeah,” the other boy agreed, “Hm,” he looked down at his feet, any residual pompousness evaporated.
“What’s wrong, darlings?” Squeaked an old woman with a walker. They had caused quite a scene. Bertolt went bright red, “Eh, nothing.”
“Dear me, you lads seem quite young to be taking the bus all by yourselves,” the lady said, “How old are you kids?”
“13,” said the blond kid, puffing up his chest.
“12,” Lied Bertolt. He was turning eleven in a week and a half.
“Oh my,” the woman stood up with difficulty, her shriveled arms shaking like mad above her walker, “Not lost, are you?”
Bertolt looked around quickly and registered the fact that they were the only people on the bus. “No,” both boys said at the same time and looked at each other, flabbergasted. “Hold on,” Bertolt remembered something, “Where’s your phone?”
“Right here,” the boy waved his ginormous iPhone twelve with its Spider-Man case and four cameras.
“Oh,” a hint of resentment flashed through Bertolt, “Can you look up where we are?”
“Eh, no.”
“Why?” Resentment quickly festered into annoyance.
“It’s dead,” said the kid, “Where’s your phone?”
Oh. Duh. “Dead,” said Bertolt bashfully.
“Why didn’t you charge it before you left?” The boy prodded.
“I did,” Bertolt felt defensive, “it’s old.”
“I saw you watching Ice Spice.”
“Hey!” Said Bertolt, “it’s none of your business. Why were you spying?” He bit back.
“You were playing it from your phone really loud. It’s kind of hard to miss.”
“No I wasn’t. I had my headphones in,” gasped Bertolt.
“Guess you didn’t charge your headphones either,” the annoying new boy shrugged.
Bertolt turned scarlet. So the whole bus could hear him. Great. Everyone probably thought he was a little weirdo.
“I don’t blame you. She’s hot,” said the other boy with a longing look. Bertolt’s ears started burning. “Barbie World is a really good song, okay?” he stuttered.
“Sure,” the kid towered over him, waggling his eyebrows, “You totally don’t wanna ‘undress her everywhere’.”
“Ew!” Bertolt protested.
“I wish she had more melons,” his eyes began to cross, “The things I would do to them…”
Bertolt felt extremely uncomfortable, “Please stop. Seriously.”
“I’m Reiner, by the way,” the boy snapped out of his daze with a sheepish smile, “What’s your name?”
“Bertolt,” Bertolt answered reluctantly, bracing for taunts.
“Burger?” Reiner repeated.
“Bertolt,” Bertolt said a little louder.
“Okay Birdsack,” said Reiner, “Let’s get off this fucking bus.”
Bertolt gasped at his audacity. He was disliking the boy more by the minute. For a moment, neither of them spoke.
“So,” Reiner whistled, jumping up and hanging onto the bar with one hand, “let’s - wait.”
“I think,” said Bertolt apprehensively, “We might be waiting for a really long time.”
Before Reiner could respond, bus driver barked, “No swinging!” It caught Reiner off guard and he fell right into a pole. “Ow!”
Bertolt watched with little sympathy as the older boy clutched his right knee, hopping on one foot with a pained expression.
“Easy love,” the nice lady with the walker cooed over Reiner, “Want to get off the bus, you said?”
Bertolt nodded furiously. The lady smiled and pointed at a red button next to her head that spelled “STOP” in all cap. She pushed it and a “ding!” issued from the speaker. “Stop requested,” it announced.
“That’s it?” Bertolt said in disbelief.
“Never took the bus before?” The woman grinned toothlessly.
Bertolt stared around him like he’d never taken a proper look at the inside of a bus before. Now that he’s paying attention, there were indeed red buttons everywhere that said “STOP”. The answer was right in front of him this whole time. Bertolt wanted to slap himself. It’s true that he didn’t take the bus very often. Mom didn’t like them. She said it was a vertigo thing, plus they came rather sporadically. Bertolt’s mother was a career woman with very short patience and had sworn off the bus due to the one time they had to wait an hour for the M4 after her meeting at a partner hotel on the East Side. Bertolt had to listen to her rant about how disorganized and inefficient the MTA was as a company and in a lower voice, how rude the bus driver was when her card kept declining. Bertolt tuned out the rest as usual by thinking about that cute girl in his social studies class. He must have had a faraway look in his eyes because his mom had grabbed him by the ear seconds later, hissing at him to pay attention. “Well, there, that’s your stop, young man,” the old lady pointed at the back door.
The bus had come to a stop, sending Reiner crashing into the seat in front of him. “Come on,” Bertolt thought about lending him a hand but instead tucked both into his pockets.
“Okay,” Reiner grimaced as he followed Bertolt to the door. For a moment, they both stared at the glass screen, unsure of what to do.
“Touch the yellow tape to open door,” the same robotic voice from earlier said. Bertolt pushed the yellow strip and the double doors folded aside. “Thanks, ma’am!” Bertolt muttered before hurrying off the bus.
“Good luck, kids!” Said the woman, waving at them from the window, “The other bus is across the street!”
Indeed, the desolate, dimly lit little bus stop stood twenty feet before them. Bertolt looked both ways to make sure no car was coming before crossing the road in a jog. “Wait up, Borgat,” Reiner called after him, panting. Remembering that he had fucked up his leg earlier, Bertolt felt like an asshole. He turned around and reluctantly lent Reiner a shoulder, which the other boy clung onto for dear life. Together they wobbled to the sad little bench in front of a Viagra ad. Bertolt studied the twin cups with a curious expression. “Those don’t work,” said Reiner expertly, wincing as he eased himself down onto the bench.
“I don’t get why you can’t just get more toothpaste,” said Bertolt.
Reiner looked at him like he’d lost his mind.
“What?” Bertolt shot back.
“Nothing,” said the other boy.
They watched the scarce traffic go by the poorly lit street. “How do we know when the bus is coming?” Bertolt wondered out loud.
“Dunno,” Reiner shrugged, “Oh, I think you can text a number.”
“Great!” Bertolt clapped his hands together, “Let’s text the number.”
Awkward silence hung in the air. “Or,” Reiner coughed into his hand, “We just wait.”
They waited for what felt like fifteen minutes, during which Bertolt adamantly avoided eye contact with the other boy. He distracted himself by thinking about Annie, whose number he acquired last week during recess after half the boys in his class egged him on. They had looked shocked when he came back with ten digits scribbled on the palm of his hand and no bruises anywhere. “No way,” one of them held Bertolt’s hand like it was a piece of important evidence at a crime scene, “it’s probably fake. She’s messing with him. Let’s call it after school.” The same boy’s jaws were slack when she actually picked up later that day, sounding bored as ever. She’s the coolest. She wore her hair down yesterday and Bertolt found himself not so casually staring at her the whole period, earning himself a few extra head smacks from Mrs. Mcleod. For some reason Mrs. Mcleod had decided to dress code Annie as soon as class was over, and she returned from the principle’s office wearing an ugly wrinkly school T-shirt that said “MSC” instead of the blue tank top. She was still cute when she was fuming.
“What’s with that smile?” Reiner’s voice snapped him back into an Annie-less reality, “Thinking about Ice Spice again?”
How dare he make such a vile allegation? “No!” Bertolt bellowed.
“Chill. I have a proposal,” said Reiner.
Bertolt waited for him to continue.
“You see that deli over there?” Reiner gestured behind them at the sketchiest looking deli Bertolt had ever seen, its narrow doorway lit up beneath the man-sized Viagra bottle. “Let’s see if we could charge our phones there.”
“I don’t have a charger. Or money,” Bertolt worried.
“Me neither,” said Reiner in a mock sing-songy voice, “I could use some Taki’s though.” He made to get up and Bertolt had to try and stop him, “But your leg! Plus, I have a feeling we shouldn’t go in there.” Bertolt eyed the men hanging out outside the shop, smoking cigarettes with their backs against the graffitied walls.
“Fine, you wait here then,” Reiner pushed Bertolt’s hand away and strode towards the deli.
“Wait up! Don’t leave me here alone,” Bertolt whined. When Reiner didn’t answer, he gritted his teeth and followed the older boy.
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mrsjavierp · 9 months
Where you belong?
Chapter 5 - Die For You
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Javier Peña x latin!f!reader
Summary: Running away from life as you always knew to start a new position as Head Chief on a DEA Office, far away, on Colombia. There, you'll face violence, as you never thought you could. There, you'll meet Javier Peña, your stubborn agent...
Warnings (to the whole fic): +18!, angst, smut, cheating, last relationships, drug dealing - Narcos Universe (not so accurate), bad spanish, english is my second language, use of Y/N and Y/LN. No physical description of the reader, only your clothes (sometimes). The POVs are shifting between reader (first person and Narrator - 3rd person)
(If I forgot anything, tell me, pls!)
Word Count: 2.4k
So, I'm using narcos universe, but screwing up the timeline because we need plots and things for our couple. Nevertheless, just a warning for the accuracy of the series. Btw, I'd love to know about you're thinking about it so far! Your opinion is really important! Tks <3
Y/N's POV - 1st Person
After an investigation we did together with the CIA and the Mili Group, we finally had proof about La Catedral. 
Steve, Javier and I were discussing the possibilities and what Noonan would authorize. At the end, I knew what to do first: talk to Gaviria.
We were running against time and Escobar again...
"Yes, ambassador. I know it's risky... But I know we can screw that MF and try to bring Escobar to the US. I'll talk to Gaviria, let me handle it." 
Noonan sighed, I finally won.
"Don't disappoint me, Y/LN. You've done a hell of a job in NYC and have been doing it in Colombia. We trust you. You've got a backup plan?"
"Yes. Already on it, even with plan A working. We're not stopping until we get the motherfucker."
"Good luck, keep me posted."
I called Steve and Peña to my office. 
"I'm heading to Bogota. I need to talk to Gaviria in person about it all."
"I'm going with you, jefe." - Javier said.
"No need to. As a matter of fact, I need you both here... We need to be ready to all that'll happen to La Catedral. My gut is feeling really bad."
They both knew what it meant: bad things for sure. My gut were never wrong, unfortunately. Sometimes early, but never wrong.
When I tried to reach, none of them were available.
Something is off... I reached even for Connie and she lied to my face. I'm gonna chop someone's head off.
When I arrived back at the office, my head was spinning: 
An informant confirmed Moncada’s and Galeano's deaths a few days ago, meaning that Escobar was losing his senses.  Was that the La Catedral effect? What will be his next move? The Colombian media were, by the way, publicizing it badly. Noonan would fuck me and the rest of the DEA, probably, if she didn't got fired before that. I knew how the US thought about it. And, the cherry on top: Javier and Steve missing.
I was really fucking overwhelmed. 
A couple of hours later, while I was tracing possible steps for Escobar, trying to think like him, Steve showed up at my office. 
"Murphy, what the fuck? Where the fuck were you?"
At the same time, Javier barged in: "Y/LN, I've gotta talk to you, it's urgent! I think Steve..."
"Hey, man."
"Peña, close this fucking door now!" - I yelled, furious.
I turned on the TV.
"Watch it: it's a fucking disaster. The Colombian army is outside La Catedral, Sandoval just entered... Brace yourselves."
They looked at each other, in silence.
"Here's what I think and what I'm doing: I'm suspending both of you, for a week. Stay low. I know you both tipped the media. Major Wysession told me about what you asked him, Peña... Don't you ever do that again. When I arrived here, I told all of the DEA to be straight with me and I'd be straight with you... Don't go to Wysession or Noonan or anyone. Come to me. I'll handle it. And Murphy, let me guess, Cali? Co-operation proposal?"
Steve swallowed hard.
Javier turned his face away from me.
I poured a glass of whiskey for myself.
"You better hope that Noonan doesn't get me fired."
"Y/LN, yes. Cartel de Cali kidnapped me. They didn't like that we helped kill a few of them, but apparently there was someone innocent among them..."
His words faded away as the TV announced about Escobar's escape.
Narrator's POV
Escobar ran off again. 
Noonan got... A nice retirement.
You maintained your position, since Crosby knew and liked how you worked, but didn't stop you from hearing a bunch of shit.
You send Peña and Murphy to check La Catedral, but nothing worked.
"Here's the deal, niños. We're moving to CNP headquarters. Pinzón is such an ass, but I'm working on it. He hates our kind, but who doesn't in Colombia? He threw the tip line on my lap and I'm giving it to you."
"Telephone Operator? Really? Fuck me..." - Murphy complained.
Javier was... Distant. Weird in your eyes. You pretend not to care.
Something is off... - you thought.
Weeks passed since he last touched you, in that pool. A few casual happy hours, catching glimpses. Smirks. 
When you touched yourself, even without your vibrator, his image was right there: crystal clear in your mind.
You were almost giving up drinking your beloved whiskey and dear cigars... To be healthy? 
Fuck, no.
The whiskey's flavor and the cigar's scent remind you of his breath. You wanted to keep him far, but it was becoming unbearable.
"Be patient, you two. I'm not allowed to say much for now. At least pretend to do something. I'm working on our budget and relations with both governments."
After a few screw ups from the agents, as they captured Bush and became a joke, the days were appearing longer and harder. You were practically going insane to prove Crosby, the soon to be new ambassador, that your new, big and, overall, expensive plan was going to work.
You only needed a little luck...
Until it happened: the tip line handed to you three La Quica, one of Escobar's sicarios.
"Pinzón, I'll be a car and two men. Don't make me push further. We're just checking, we're not going to alarm'em." - you told him.
He sighed, made a joke about the fake calls... But said yes. 
As you all prepared to go, Murphy received a call from Connie and she told she was leaving Colombia.
"No, Con, please... Just listen!" - Steve was desperate.
"Murphy, go to the airport. You're not going with us. Go talk to your family, now!" - you spoked at him and he ran off.
"Let's go, boys. We all want La Quica." - I said.
Y/N's POV - 1st Person
"I swear, I don't know this one!" - Javier defended himself.
"I already told you, we don't care, Peña. But is this new? It's gotta be, as you don't know it..." - I joked, my heart was a little broken. 
The other cops laughed, as Peña rolled his eyes.
I didn't want to admit that his fame towards prostitutes and brothels made me jealous and a little resentful. 
He'd never know about how I felt nor my... Preference for a certain sextoy baptized after him.
"Stop by the payphone, back here." - I hid my gun and put on a cap, to match my jeans, sneakers and plain shirt. I could pass without no one noticing. - "Vamonos." (Let's go)
Me, Javier and one of the cops got out of the car, one by one.
But someone spotted us and told La Quica.
Out of the sudden, we're running around and, at the market, behaving as a predator hunting a prey. 
That place was so hot, so crowded... I couldn't see anything... Until he glanced before my eyes.
"Gotcha, pendejo." - I ran as fast as my legs could and a bit more. 
A fucking cross-fire started out of the blue and I had to hold a little.
Fuck! - I cursed alone.
I needed to think fast: we're just four and didn't know who to shoot.
Fuck it! I'm going after him! - I decided.
"Someone cover for me!" - I yelled and ran off again. I didn't have an answer before going.
Narrator's POV:
"Fuck! Where is she?" - Peña yelled.
When the shots stopped, they saw how the Colombians were frightened. They just wanted peace, not gringos and narcos shooting around.
"Where the fuck is my jefe?" - Javier asked again, screaming, to the other cops, seeing red, looking for you. The veins on his neck were bulging.
The backup arrived shortly with Pinzón.
"My men are looking for her, she went after one of the big fish. Some nerve the girl got, gotta say." - Pinzón mocked.
The other cops held Javier, asking for him to calm down.
Javier'd burn all the fuck down, until he finds you.
"Let me go. Not in the mood." - he said to the poor guy.
"Peña, look! It's her!" - He pointed out to you, a little bit hurt, your pink shirt torn and dirty.
Smiling like a kid on Christmas morning, you came out of nowhere, a little hurt, a few bruises starting to appear, your blouse dirty and torn up... But still looking pleased: a victorious agent.
Coming closer to Peña and Pinzón, you start:
"¡Mis amigos, mira que cosita más bonita tengo acá! I'd like to formally introduce you to this pendejo... Not La Quica this time, but we've got Luiz Rodriguez." (My friends, look what a beautiful thing I've got!)
"In my car I have a bag with 50 grand. If you give me one hour, I can make it ten times bigger." - he offered.
You burst out laughing at him.
"Oh, mi regalito..." (my little gift) - You had started, as one of Pinzón's men put on some handcuffs and you fondled his cheek. - "You're going to Disneyland. Don't worry, we're gonna take so much care of you, mi tesoro." (My treasure)
Javier knew you're mocking that sicario, but he still felt something awful on his chest, 'cause you're supposed to call him those sweet names, not that thug.
Arriving at the building, you and Javier went to the locker room, to change before going home. 
"Y/N, you scared the shit out of me. Luiz did all of these injuries? Or has anyone helped him? I swear, if there's someone else, I'll..." - he started, looking worried at you.
Y/N's POV - 1st Person
"No, Peña." - I interrupted him, as I searched for clothes in my locker. - "You're not doing anything. I can take care of myself."
Javier punched his locker hard as fuck.
"I thought I lost you! Don't ever do that again!" - he yelled.
I laughed, in a sarcastic tone, observing him. He seemed actually worried. 
"You know what, Peña? I don't care!" - I lifted my blouse, showing my huge scar on my ribs. - "Can you see it?" - his face shifted from pissed to desolated, as my eyes watered. He looked at another place. - "No! Don't turn! Take a nice long look at it! - My tone was so harsh. His eyes were so sad. - I always take care of myself! I've been alone in this world for as long as I remember, Peña. It's not my first fight on the field, it's not gonna be the last!"
His face was devastated... He felt sorry for me?
"Are you sorry for me, Peña? Oh, grow up! Why do you even care if I die or live? I know you hate me! And you know what? I fucking hate your guts as well!" - I screamed.
He remained silent. Why?
I started to change to a black shirt. I needed to leave.
I walked to the door, but when I noticed, he was behind me, holding it, not letting me leave.
"Y/N, cariño, I know you can take care of yourself, you've been doing that for a while now..." - he whispered in my ear. - "I heard you, by the way... Yes, I heard while you took care of yourself almost every night."
I swallowed hard, thinking:
Oh fuck, he heard me... Oh no...
"However, you called out my name, didn’t  you?" - he continued.
I leaned on the door pressing my back against it, turning to face him as Javier got on his knees and looked at my with those puppy brown eyes and said:
"Let me make your fantasy come true, cariño... Let me be your good boy, your obedient soldier."
His hands started to take off my boots and socks, one by one.
After that, he unbuttoned my jeans and slowly, so slowly, put it down to my feet, throwing it somewhere...
There I was, only in underwear and a shirt, my skin felt hot. 
His eyes never left mine.
I took off my shirt and bra and, lastly, his hands took off my red panties, at a slow pace, as if he was trying not to scare me off.
There I was, naked in front of Javier. 
He seemed to be thinking on what to do first, until he said:
"Tell me what you want, cariño. Let me be your good boy."
I just nodded positively.
"Words, please. Use your big beautiful mouth, cariño."
"Y-y-yes, Javi... Put your lips on me, show me how good you are..." - my voice barely came out.
He smiled, picked up one of my legs over his shoulder exposing me. His lips met my folds, oh so soft, so delicate... My hand grabbed his hair, pulling closer. 
He explored me, without any rush, as if he wanted to last as long as possible... Teasing my hole, opening me up with the tip of his tongue, fucking me. My clit throbbed, as my pussy clenched around his tongue.
I bit my lips, trying to stay quiet, my eyes closed. I couldn't look down, I was almost ashamed.
"Mmm..." - I sobbed, pulling his hair harder.
He slipped two fingers in me, and taking his mouth off me, said:
"Look at me, cariño, open your beautiful eyes while I make you feel good. Am I doing, at least, a nice job?" - he smirks, knowing he was. I opened my eyes, looking down, probably blushing. No one ever made me look as I was being eaten out. - "A little reassurance won't kill you."
"Y-y-yeah, Peña..." - I managed to say.
Oh, fuck.
His thumb met my clit, putting a gentle pressure as his middle and index fingers touched my g-spot.
"You can do better than that, cariño..." - he grinned, asking for more. - "You wet half of my face, Hermosa, you can call me Javi again."
"¡Hijo de puta!" - I cursed. - "Make me come on your lips, for God's sake... Be my good boy, Peña." - I asked.
He smiled and got back to suck my clitoris, making me shake under his touch. 
I came so hard, dripping all over Javier, calling out his name.
He took off one finger, slowing his pace. A very satisfied "hum" came out of him.
"You taste like heaven... You were such a good girl for me, cariño... But I'm greedy, you know? I want more from you and your sweet little pussy." - he smiled. - "I wanna see you beggin'... I'm not stopping now."
I was still burning from my first orgasm. 
Javier Jesus Peña was trying to kill me, for sure.
My hand traveled from his hair to his cheek, caressing him. 
"Javi... I'm only gonna say this once: do what you want with me. Do what you want to my body. I'm yours for tonight."
His finger left me, leaving me empty. 
Oh, fuck.
He stood up, looking deep in my eyes.
"My place or yours?" - he questioned. 
"Yours." - I responded, barely breathing.
He picked up my clothes, helped me get dressed and we went to his place.
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serickswrites · 1 month
Make Me Your Villain XV
Master list here (includes summary, chapter links, and character bios)
No warnings necessary. Another fluffy chapter here. And the last completely fluffy chapter until near the end, folks. The chapter coming out next week has some fluff and some darkness. But after that, we're heading into a very whumpy climax for several chapters, so brace yourselves, folks. And enjoy this last bit of fluff.
Nova loved her little life. She loved her day to day routine with Liam. With Henry. She loved living in the Haven. She loved almost everything in her life. Except the ever hanging dread of Jude. But even that, Nova told herself regularly, would come to an end soon. She knew she was on the precipice to discovering how to stop Jude. She was certain it was Liam’s powers. It just had to be.
“Stop reading, I’m home. Let’s go do something fun,” Liam whined one afternoon. He had been home for the last two weeks, a record in recent months.
“But I’m just getting to something interesting,” Nova said as she stopped skimming the page. Liam’s father had a list of books that he wanted to add to his library—Nova was certain what their topic might be—and she found them. They had only arrived yesterday after being shipped halfway across the world.
Liam pouted. “Please. We don’t even have to leave. We can just go down to the pool or the green house.”
Nova rolled her eyes. “Fine. Let’s go for a swim.”
Liam’s smile made her heart stutter for a moment. Even three years later, he still had that affect on her. It filled his whole face, made him look younger. “Great! Let’s go get changed.”
Nova looked down at her outfit—workout shorts and a tank top. Her rainbow hair had been thrown in a messy bun at the nape of her neck. “It’s just the pool?”
“We haven’t had a dress up date in a couple of months. Could be fun?” Liam waggled his eyebrows at her.
Nova shook her head. “I’m comfy. We’ll just tell Henry not to go or look outside.”
“And skinny dip? You are naughty, gorgeous.” Liam stood up and held out his hand. “Still, could be fun for a dress up date.”
“Not to the pool.” She placed her hand in his, not understanding why he wanted to teleport when they could just walk down.
But as he pulled her through the in between and the private beach they had been to all those years ago coalesced around her, Nova realized her mistake. The stars glinted off the water. It was beautiful.
“I don’t—“ Nova turned around and saw a table, complete with gilded chairs, candles, and table cloth, on the edge of the beach.
“Nova,” Liam’s voice was in her ear. He never called her Nova. “I have something I want to say. To ask. But you need to let me talk, first.” He guided her over to the chair.
Nova immediately knew what was happening. Her heart thrummed in her chest. This was really happening. She was going to cry. And he’d let her wear her ratty workout gear.
“Nova, you coming into my life has been the best thing. I was alive, but I wasn’t alive. Not until I met you. I was resigned to a life alone. Between Jude and everything, I knew that love wasn’t in the cards for me. I was so alone, Nova. So painfully and terribly alone. But I thought that was what my life was slated to be.
“But I was so wrong. And I am so happy to be wrong. You brought light into my life. It was so dark and lonely. So painfully dark until you. I couldn’t see how dark it was until you lit my life up. You were everything I didn’t know I was missing. And once I had you, I couldn’t lose you. So I did the stupidest thing I have ever done. And still, you didn’t give up on me, Nova.”
Tears pricked at the corners of Nova’s eyes. This was all so much. She loved Liam. More than anything. And she knew he loved her. But to hear all of this, to hear him profess his love like this had Nova’s heart swelling.
“And so, Nova Ambrose,” Liam said as he dropped to one knee, “will you make me the happiest man alive and do me the honor of being my wife?” He held a small silvery band in his fingers, the stones glinting in the candlelight.
Nova nodded, her voice choked by tears. “Yes, a thousand times yes.” She let him slide the ring on her finger—a perfect fit—before throwing her arms around his neck.
She had never been so happy. Had never had her heart feel so full. This was everything and more. “I love you, baby, forever and always.”
“Love you, gorgeous, in this life and the next,” Liam breathed into her lips as he kissed her.
The evening passed in a blur—Nova was overcome with happiness. She was so happy she felt her heart would burst. And she knew Liam felt the same way. It was only right that the two of them get married. It cemented Nova’s perfect little life. And who knew, perhaps she would find the key to defeating Jude and then her life truly would be perfect.
“I don’t want to wait to marry you,” Nova said to Liam the next morning. She twirled the platinum, diamond, and sapphire band on her finger—a family heirloom Liam had said that he would be happy to replace if she didn’t like it.
Liam grinned at her over his cup of tea. “I don’t want to wait either, gorgeous.”
“No, I mean it, baby. Let’s get married today. Tomorrow. This week. Let’s get married now. I don’t want to wait!” Not when tomorrow wasn’t promised in the way they both hoped. Not when Jude still stalked and plotted.
Liam’s face fell a little. “What about having a wedding?”
Nova shook her head. “I only have a couple of friends—they won’t mind.” Nova had been a nomad for so long it meant her longest friendships were the ones she had now. It was the longest she had lived anywhere since being kicked out at 16 when her powers manifested.
“Only if you’re sure, gorgeous, I don’t want to rob you of the chance at anything.”
Nova leaned over and took his hand in hers. “I want to start our forever together as soon as we can. We can always throw a party. But I can’t wait to marry you.” She let her other thoughts go unsaid, though she knew Liam understood. As much as Liam hadn’t wanted to risk Nova’s life, Nova knew he was much less careful about his own. And she couldn’t risk him.
And so by the end of the week, Nova, Liam, Elsie, and Henry found themself in the courthouse in Oxwell. It was a simple, civil ceremony, and it was perfect. Nova only had eyes for Liam and he only had eyes for her. It was everything Nova wanted and more.
“I promise to always love you, in this life and the next, gorgeous,” Liam said as he slid the wedding band onto her finger.
“And I promise to love you forever and always, baby,” Nova replied as she slid the wedding band onto his finger.
Later that evening, as Liam slept in the hotel bed, his soft, deep breaths a comforting sound, Nova let her mind wander. They were married! Liam was her husband. As she began to drift off to sleep, Nova cast her healing energy out to him, curling her body around his, as she felt the pain in is heart lighten a little. Perhaps she could heal him after all.
Tags: @dutifullykrispyland@jesssmolfur@parad0xical2@st0rmm@keeper-of-all-the-random-things
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