#braids in worcester
sysyessential · 1 year
Top 6 tips to reduce hairfall
Today, more men and women are facing the embarrassing problem of hairfall. All over the world, millions of people suffer from hairfall every day. Although, this problem is more common in women, but men are not far behind. For more visit https://rb.gy/qna2k
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Elizabeth of York and Katherine of Aragon
In 1501, Queen Elizabeth would help organize the wedding of her eldest son, Prince Arthur, and Katherine of Aragon.On October 2, the Spanish princess at last arrived in England, coming ashore at Plymouth after a stormy voyage. Ladies and officials had been appointed “to give their attendance upon the princess at her landing,” summoned by letters sent by the Queen herself. When Katherine set out on her journey eastward to London, she received a rapturous welcome from the people who flocked to see her on the way. Elizabeth must have been delighted to hear that her son’s bride was pretty and golden-haired, with a pleasing dignity. Preparations for the coming wedding advanced briskly. 
On November 12, as all the bells of London rang out, banners fluttered from windows, crowds packed the streets, music sounded from every side, and the conduits ran with free wine, Katherine made her formal entry into the City. She was greeted by a series of lavish pageants in the Burgundian style as she passed along the processional route; all were designed to underline the success of the Tudor dynasty in obtaining such a highborn princess for the heir to the throne. The King, the Queen, Prince Arthur, Lady Margaret Beaufort and many other notables watched the procession from the windows of the home of a haberdasher in Cornhill. It was from her window that Elizabeth glimpsed her new daughter-in-law for the first time, as Katherine’s procession passed below; looking out, she would have seen a young girl riding “a great mule richly trapped after the manner of Spain,” flanked by Prince Henry and the papal legate, and wearing “rich apparel” in the Spanish mode: 
“a little hat fashioned like a cardinal’s hat of pretty braid with a lace of gold to stay it, her hair hanging down about her shoulders, which is fair auburn, and a coif between her head and her hat of a carnation color.”
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Arthur and Katherine were married on November 14 at Old St.Paul’s Cathedral in London. Katherine was now second lady in the land after the Queen. Afterward the Prince and Princess of Wales were conducted in a grand procession led by Prince Henry to the Bishop’s Palace, where a great feast was prepared.The previous afternoon and evening Katherine had been spent at the recently rebuilt royal residence of Baynard’s Castle, on the riverside, getting to know her mother-in-law. During her audience, Katherine and Elizabeth both spoke in Latin.They enjoyed themselves with pleasant and goodly communication, dancing and disports. Already Elizabeth had begun the process of preparing her successor for the role she would one day occupy, and probably Katherine was glad to have the guidance of a kindly mother-in-law who could initiate her into realities and mysteries of English court life. After the wedding, Elizabeth and Katherine shared days of celebrations with tournaments, disguisings and pageants.
The plan therefore was for Katherine to remain in London, under the tutelage of her mother-in-law (not forgetting her dominating grandmother-in-law), while Arthur was to be allowed to continue his growing-up undisturbed by the distractions of a wife, in the Marches of Wales at Ludlow Castle. But this plan was not carried out. Instead, Katherine and Arthur left together for Ludlow on December 21. Less than five months after their wedding, at the end of March 1502, Arthur and Katherine both fell ill. It took several weeks for her to recover from her illness. However, Arthur died on 2 April at the age of fifteen. He was buried in Worcester Cathedral. The news of Arthur’s death caused Henry VII to break down in grief, as much in fear for his dynasty as mourning for his son. Elizabeth comforted him, telling him that he was the only child of his mother but had survived to become King, that God had left him with a son and two daughters, and that they were both young enough to have more children.
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In addition to Elizabeth’s other burdens, she was concerned for her daughter-in-law, and seems to have felt—as the Spanish sovereigns would when they heard the news of Arthur’s death— that Katherine of Aragon “must be removed without loss of time from the unhealthy place where she is now.” To this end   Queen Elizabeth had sent an escort to bring the bereft and isolated young widow back to London, as soon as she was well enough to travel, and herself provided a black velvet litter, with valances and fringes also of black made by her own tailor, to convey her convalescent daughter-in-law. In this mournful equipage Katherine was brought to Richmond Palace. When she reached Richmond, she was conducted at once to the Queen, with whom she shared a mutual sorrow.  After a short stay with the King and Queen, Katherine was given the choice of two residences: Durham House, the Bishop of Durham’s palace on London’s Strand, and Croydon Palace, the Archbishop of Canterbury’s residence in Surrey. Katherine chose Croydon and, by 4 May, was lodging there.  
Late in May, Elizabeth of York sent Edward Calvert, her page, to Croydon, possibly to check on the Princess’s health, and perhaps discreetly to ask her servants if there were signs of any pregnancy. During the months Katherine stayed at Croydon, her future remained under discussion and her stay must have been shadowed by sorrow and anxiety. If Katherine had conceived a child by Arthur, the baby would be the new heir to the English throne and her union with Prince Henry would contravene canon law. Doña Elvira, her duenna, was adamant that the marriage had not even been consummated and wrote to Queen Isabel insisting that the Princess remained a virgin. Katherine was not pregnant with Arthur’s child. With her future still uncertain, Katherine has moved to Durham House.
In September Elizabeth sent Katherine books. In October sixteen oarsmen rowed her barge to the Durham House steps.They took Katherine the short distance to the Court of Westminster, where she seems to have stayed several weeks.The kindness offered by Elizabeth of York dried up abruptly ten months after Arthur’s death.The Queen had immediately got pregnant.The baby was a girl named Katherine, who died shortly after her birth. Succumbing to a post partum infection, Elizabeth died nine days later. It was her 37th birthday. Protocol suggests it is unlikely that Katherine attended the solemn funeral, where Elizabeth’s full-length effigy lay upon a coffin draped with black velvet and topped by a white gold cross. With Elizabeth’s death Katherine would have lost an ally, an alternative mother figure, and witnessed the effects of grief upon the king and his son Henry. Now the whole court was in mourning again.  
Elizabeth of York: A Tudor Queen and Her World by Alison Weir
The Six Wives of Henry VIII by Antonia Fraser
Catherine of Aragon: Henry’s Spanish Queen by Giles Tremlett
The Six Wives and Many Mistresses of Henry VIII: The Women’s Stories by Amy Licence
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itsstreetlove · 2 years
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Hair braids
Worcester ~
December ~ 2022
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barklyvanish · 5 years
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Canadian Rugby Professional, Connor Braid #connor braid #rugby #WorcesterWarriors 
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fyblackwomenart · 3 years
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Leah Penniman
Farmer, educator, food justice activist : 1980 -
Our ancestral grandmothers braided seeds and promise into their hair before being forced into the bowels of transatlantic ships. As they plaited their okra, cowpea, millet and black rice into tight cornrows, they affirmed their hope in a future on soil. They whispered to us, their descendents: "The road may be rough, but we will never give up on you."
Co-Director and Farm Manager of Soul Fire Farm Author of Farming While Black: Soul Fire Farm’s Practical Guide to Liberation on the Land Co-founder of Youth Grow urban farm in Worcester, Massachusetts 2019 recipient of the James Beard Foundation Leadership Award Other awards include: Soros Equality Fellowship, NYSHealth Emerging Innovator Awards, The Andrew Goodman Foundation Hidden Heroes Award, Fulbright Distinguished Awards in Teaching Program, New Tech Network National Teaching Award, Presidential Award for Excellence in Teaching (New York finalist) Artist: Robert Shetterly
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lilly-onthevalley · 3 years
Any fave dishes you like to make?
I'm not sure if these count as proper dishes but I make them once or twice every week.
Chicken Stir Fry
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I learned how to make this from my mother since she literally made it everyday once upon a time. I am very visually oriented and I love how colourful it is and how it has a different taste everytime you make it!
All of these can have whatever amounts you prefer, there isn't really a set measurement.
Chicken breast
Red pepper
Yellow pepper
A bit of garlic
Carrot sticks
Baby corn
Black pepper
For making the sauce I use a VERY generous amount Worcester sauce and soy sauce and mix the two together with a bit of corn starch for thickness (the corn starch is a personal preference of mine, I don't really like when the sauce is watery)
I was taught to cook every vegetable separately but that takes way too long so I cook the onion and garlic together in olive oil, then add the peppers. When the peppers have fried a bit I add the mushrooms. The mushrooms have a bit of water inside them so they kind of neutralise the oil and make things more moist and suitable for the brocolli, baby corn and carrot sticks. When all the vegetables are cooking all together add your salt and pepper.
The chicken is meant to be cut into small cubes. In a separate pot, fry the chicken till it's golden. When it's ready introduce it to the vegetable mix and make sure to mix it together thoroughly.
The last part is to add the sauce into the vegetable-chicken mix. If you added corn starch to the soy and Worcester sauce make sure to let the sauce simmer for a minute so that the corn starch is cooked as well.
Now you have your stir fry ready to serve!
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When I was taking Judaism classes my teacher would always recommend us to try and make challah for our friends and family even if we were goy. His philosophy was that we needed to go through the experience of bringing the people we love together to share the bread. It was a form of physical learning.
I loved the whole process of making the bread. I loved the symbolism, the actual act of making the bread and I most of all, loved sharing it with my friends and my teacher.
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There are so many braiding methods on the internet as well as recipes, I recommend you experiment with different ones if you're actually going to make the bread. Make sure to also understand and appreciate the origins of challah. What makes it special, when is it made, why is it made and so on.
I'm basically a walking religious text book and whenever I share the challah I also share a lengthy religious, cultural and historical lesson about the bread.
It's amazing, I probably will never buy bread again. Something about buying bread feels emotionless and depressing when you get used to making your own bread.
That's all
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books0977 · 3 years
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Portrait of Wilhelmine with Braids (1922). Lovis Corinth (German, 1858-1925). Oil on canvas. Worcester Art Museum.
Corinth’s mature work as a painter and printmaker realized a synthesis of impressionism and expressionism. A fine example is this portrait of his daughter.
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charlices-life · 3 years
Monday, March 7
i woke up and showered at 7:30 and Ash was still asleep… went to bed at 11 doing spanish duolingo and i’m so fucking tired.
i stayed home from school cause i was scared i had covid and watched kpop videos with ash and she braided my hair. matt came home from school to bring me oat milk and juicy drop. ash left at 11.
then i did school with matches and played lots of borderlands 3.
then we went to mamas house to help the cats and i did laundry. we had spam fried rice for dinner
spam fried rice recipe:
1. put oil and chopped onions in a frying pan
2. put garlic in the pan
3. chop spinach and add to pan with peas
4. add chicken broth too cook the peas
5. chop spam into fine cubes and fry them in the middle of the pan
6. make room in the middle and scramble the egg
7. crush ramen and add to pot
8. add soy sauce and ramen seasoning and worcester sauce
9. EAT
Lastly, i called Nate and Ash and nate showed us mcr videos because mcr is kpop and ash showed me her new kpop albums <3 scout joined call looooove her
i didnt go to school today so i didnt see scout and im really miss her bad and i cant wait to school tomorrow i need to do homework and read my book.
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aic-americas · 3 years
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Bag (Bolsa), 1875, Art Institute of Chicago: Arts of the Americas
Worcester Children's Room Fund Size: 39.4 x 30.5 cm (15 1/2 x 12 in.) Medium: Cotton and wool, plain weave and plain weave derived float weave; upper edge: square braided warps, obliquely interlaced; drawstring: square braiding terminating in tassel of wrapping, oblique interlacing, crochet, and buttonhole stitches
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mostly-history · 5 years
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Pottery face jug (early 1300s), found at Worcester Cathedral and restored from fragments.
The arms are formed by applied strips, and the hair by a strip of clay above the handle.  The jug is decorated with pierced holes and short incised lines, probably representing braiding.  Wheel-thrown, lead-glazed (green glaze), 39.7cm high.
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Wall picture - History, Types, Cleanup, and Removal
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preço de papel de parede 3d
Wallpapers may also be known as wall coverings. There are numerous designs printed on the wall papers, so you can buy wallpaper with the obligation style and color for whatever your property or office theme will be.
preço de papel de parede 3d
Let us get to know more about the of wallpapers. How performed they come about? Who created them? Here are the time table:4000 B. C.Silk Papyrus was invented. Écrit is the early form of document.200 B. C.Old China began using hemp paper to decorate their surfaces by sticking or gluing them on their walls.a hundred and five A. DTs'ai Lun, a Chinese court established, invented papermaking.8th CenturiesChinese prisoners with papermaking skills worked under the Arabians. Papermaking spread throughout Midsection East.10th CenturyThe actual Arabians began using timber and bamboo, creating a good quality paper.12th CenturyPapermaking reached Europe.1481Adam XI of France bought Jean Bourdichon to coloring angels on blue record on 50 rolls associated with paper. King Louis XI had them ordered due to the fact he moves frequently coming from castle to castle. The particular rich society then begun to commission artist to shade paper for their walls.1599Paperhangers guild was established with France.1675Jean-Michel Papillon started making block designs within matching and continuous styles. He was considered the inventor regarding wallpapers. He is also a People from france Engraver.1680Flocked cellphone came from Worcester.18th MillenniumWallpaper products from London, uk became popular. Expensive hand painted reports were all the rage because they duplicate architectural designs. Wallpapers obtained authority because they were cheaper. Popular designs were region resembling tasseled braids or maybe sway of fabric, and looked papers that looked like any velvet cut.1739Cellphone reached America. Plunket Fleeson began printing them inside Philadelphia.1778Louis XVI issued a decree that will wallpaper rolls should be concerning 34 feet in length.1785Christophe-Philippe Oberkampf of This particular language invented the wallpaper producing machine. Nicholas Louis Robert of France invented ways to make endless roll involving wallpaper.1798Alois Senefelder of Germany invented Lithography.1800French scenic forms printed on hand-carved obstructs became popular.1839Charles Harold Potter of Potters as well as Ross printing firm in the uk invented a printing unit with four colors.1850Eight-color printing machine has been invented.187420-color publishing machine was invented.1879Karl Keitsch of Mexico invented Intaglio, a gravure printing.1888Ferdinand Shivel invented the wallpaper composite.1890In England, flexography stamping was invented.20th One hundred yearWallpaper pasting machines came out.1936A paste powder snow that was soluble in cool water appeared in the market.WWII EndsPlastic resins which can be stain resistant, durable, and also washable appeared.1974Typically the National Guild of Specialist Paperhangers was established in the United States.Overdue 1980'sWallpapers popularity perished down because of Faux Piece of art.Even though wallpapers were not since popular as it was before, modern day people had begun to obtain the beauty of wallpapers. There are now several types of wallpapers compared to before.Plastic CoatedWallpaper coated having acrylic vinyl or polyvinyl chloride. It is the most common form of wallpaper. They are easy to clear, easy to remove, and very resilient. Ideal rooms are the cooking area and bathrooms.FoilThis sort of wallpaper is very difficult to work together with. It can show the wall flaws and gets wrinkled effortlessly. However , it adds perfection to any room because of its steel surface.FlockGreat for attractive highlights and it gives off a proper ambience. They have patterns along with velvet-like raised designs.Turf ClothMade up of weave connected with grasses. Not to be used about areas with high traffic along with humidity. They are difficult to take out.FabricMade from textiles and perhaps they are not easy to clean. A special very clear paste should be used in staying it to a wall.PrintedEasy to clean and hang up. Hides wall imperfections. Often the textured paper can be decorated.When looking for wallpaper, you should also learn how to clean them. Different supplies have different ways of cleaning these people. You should ask the manufacturer particular recommendations in cleaning some.However , dry cleaning will be the safest cleaning method with any kind of wallpapers. Avoid using just about any moisture on wallpapers which can be absorbent like paper in addition to fabric. Some stores furthermore sell a clay-like substance to be used on wallpapers.This specific clay-like cleaning material great in absorbing soils from your walls. If you found an impression or mildew in the background, it is advised that the wallpapers be removed and substituted.If you have removed the wall picture, clean the walls first together with water and chlorine option. This is to kill almost any mold and mildew on your wall. Rinse off it with clean h2o and let it dry just before installing new wallpaper.You can also get different ways to remove wallpaper. Much like cleaning, different material will vary ways in removing these individuals. Some materials are easy to eliminate, while some are very difficult to get rid of.WaterIf the wallpaper is a straightforward paper, just brushing that with water can eliminate it off from your wall.Chemical compoundsA chemical wallpaper ma?e can be found in most home improvement stores. It truly is mixed with warm water or tepid to warm water with vinegar. You must fill the wallpaper as the combination dissolves the wallpaper stick. When the paste is completely contained, you can remove it easily simply by stripping it off using a putty or drywall blade.SteamA steaming appliance is used to dissolve typically the glue or paste beneath the wallpaper. Extra caution is necessary as it can damage your drywall or plaster.Some plastic coated wallpapers are hard to remove because they can't take in moisture. You first need to scuff the surface to let any humidity in. However , some are easier than you think to strip.Before you go and get that new wallpaper as well as wall cover, be sure to really know what type or style an individual wanted. And to ask the shop for the cleaning tips on often the wallpaper you just bought.
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sysyessential · 1 year
Hair Braiding in Worcester
Are you looking for a new and exciting way to style your hair? Look no further than Sysy Essential! This trend has been taking the hair world by storm, and for good reason. Braids are a versatile and low-maintenance option for anyone looking to switch up their hairstyle. For more information call +1774-615-2893.
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criticalwinking · 5 years
ML Kennedy explains NXT WarGames!
Your guide to Saturday’s NXT: Takeover Chicago WarGames!
 Currently, only four matches are listed. Survivor Series is also this weekend, which is all about (ugh) brand supremacy and hangs over everything like a wrestling Sword of Damocles. It’s Raw vs. Smackdown vs. NXT and is basically like the wrestling pro-bowl. You know, if in the NFL a team of Bears and Packers had to pretend to like each other in order to interrupt a game between the Jets and Dolphins to show the superiority of the NFC North over the AFC East?
 Match one – Standard Match: Matt Riddle vs. Finn Bálor
Matt Riddle is a stoner dude-bro who wears flip flops to the ring and wrestles barefoot. Somehow he is likable enough to be the good guy here. Riddle is also a legit MMA guy who is freakishly strong and has a twitter feud where he dunks on former WCW champ Goldberg.
 Finn is a skinny Irish guy who looks like he has never touched a carb in his life. He’s a former Universal Champion on the main roster who has come back to NXT to get his mojo back. Somehow, this process involves being a dickhead to everybody. You know he’s officially a bad guy because he performed the bad guy NXT ceremony (i.e. beating the shit out of Johnny Gargano.)
 They are fighting because Finn says that NXT has been overrun with children since he left. Man-child Matt Riddle takes umbrage to that statement.
 Match two – Triple Threat: Pete Dunne vs. Damian Priest vs. Killian Dain
Pete Dunne is an Englishman who likes nothing more than to break people’s fingers. He is a tough guy and weighs less than 15 stone, therefore he is called the Bruiserweight.
 Damian Priest is a tall, tattooed, and lanky Latino. His gimmick is that he looks like a vampire and shoots invisible arrows (question mark). He’s relatively new to the brand and trying to make a name for himself despite being the oldest guy in the match.
 Killian Dane is basically a human/grizzly bear hybrid from Northern Ireland. He was part of an Anarchist group called Sanity that got called up to the main roster and promptly forgotten about. He likes to hang out in dark rooms and project movies.
 Priest and Dunne have had some matches where each one has won by hitting the other in the dick. Dunne passed Dain on the ramp once, didn’t like how he looked at him, and broke Dain’s fingers. Dain and Priest hate each other because each of them wants to murder Dunne and they are. . . bad at sharing, I guess.
 Match three – WARGAMES: Rhea Ripley, Candice LeRae, Tegan Nox, and Mia Yim vs. Shayna Baszler, Io Shirai, Bianca Belair, and Kay Lee Ray
 This is the first Wargames match. Wargames is like a tag team match, but with no tags. There are two rings next to each other with one oblong cage covering the whole thing.
 The first team are the goodies and the second team are the baddies.
 Rhea Ripley is the team captain of the goodies. She’s a badass, kinda butch lady who wears a leather jacket to the ring. She’s the tallest one of these ladies at 5’9” and has a pair of shoulders like Captain America. (It’s a trick though, she’s Australian.) She was the women’s champ on NXT UK, which is a thing, and now she is on NXT USA which is just called NXT. She wants a shot at Shayna’s NXT women’s title.
 Candice LeRae is a blonde lady and a very good wrestler. She’s finally been allowed to be a character on the show aside from Johnny Gargano’s concerned wife. She’s a white meat babyface who likes to stand up to bullies or whatever. LeRae was helping out Io Shirai when Shirai was feuding with Shayne Baszler. Io lost that feud and snapped, which lead to Io beating the hell out of Candice and turn full supervillain. Candice had a shot at Shayna’s title, but came up a little short.
 Tegan Nox is recently back from a long-ish injury. She’s Welsh, likes to kick, and has an infatuation with Kane. She is friends/ partners with a fellow kick enthusiast named Dakota Kai. (Kai was not invited onto the team because Shayna Baszler always eats her lunch and has done some sort of long term psychological damage to her psyche. Nox’s response to this was basically, “sorry your mom wouldn’t let you go to the prom, anyways here is my dress.”)
 Mia Yim is a black and Asian lady with blue hair. She calls herself HBIC and pretends the B stands for Baddie. Yim basically took Dakota Kai’s spot by not being afraid of Shayna Baszler. Yim came close to beating Shayna a few months ago by taking every short cut in the book and basically cheating her ass off. Shayna has previously offered Yim a job as one of her flunkies. (Shayna has two flunkies, neither of which she trusts enough to put on her WarGames team.)
Shayna Baszler is the captain of the baddies. She’s a badass, kinda butch lady who wears a leather jacket to the ring. Shayna is Ronda Rousey’s friend and basically better than her. She has been champion forever now, and hasn’t really lost a match to anybody that is still in NXT. Shayna is my birthday twin and sounds like Binky Barnes (1) when she talks. She’s the best.
 Io Shirai, the genius of the sky, is a tiny Japanese lady who is basically the most dangerous person on the show. She will murder you. She hates Candice LeRae because Candice tried to be her friend. She recently busted up Mia Yim’s nose with a ladder. She and Rhea have been in each other’s faces a lot as both think they deserve to be number one contender to Shayna’s title. I would not expect her to work well with others.
 Bianca Belair is the E S T of NXT. She calls herself this as she proclaims to be the greatest, strongest and other words that end with those three letters. She is incredibly strong and athletic, and she will whip you with her long ass braid if you get on her nerves. She also thinks she should be the number one contender to Shayna’s title and came as close to beating Shayna as anybody not named Kairi Sane. She’s egotistical but not really malicious.
 Kay Lee Ray is the NXT UK women’s champ. She doesn’t even go to this school. She is Scottish, skinny and a third thing. She wants to be on the baddies team for reasons.
 Match four – Men’s WarGames: The Undisputed Era (Adam Cole, Bobby Fish, Kyle O'Reilly and Roderick Strong) vs. Tommaso Ciampa, Keith Lee, Dominik Dijakovic, and TBA
 Individually, the second team (the goodies) would seem to have the advantage. However, the Undisputed Era (the baddies) have an edge due to the power of scumbag friendship. (Friendship is a bad guy quality in WWE for some reason.)
 The Undisputed Era is a team of 4 different kinds of douchebags. They currently have all the men’s championships in NXT. I’ve heard them described as Millennial nWo. But unlike the original, each member of the Undisputed Era seems to both enjoy wrestling and be good at it.
 Adam Cole is their leader and the heavyweight champion. He’s skinny, has long hair, and says “baby.” He’s the sort of guy who would bring a signed photo of himself to the Christmas party’s pirate exchange.
 Fish and O’Reilly are the tag champs. O’Reilly is basically a white version of Genan Shiranui (2) from Samurai Shodown minus the Freddy Kreuger glove. He likes to strum his belt like an air guitar and is affectionately (?) referred to as Scumbag Kyle. Fish has a hipster mustache. . . and. . . is also a member of Undisputed Era.
 Roderick Strong has the look and personality of a K-mart ripoff version of a 1980s action figure, and is almost as tall. He wrestles like an annoying AI in a WWE video game. He does 100 different versions of a backbreaker and is thus called the “Messiah of the Backbreaker” which is a nickname that I think is part of the war on Christmas.
  Leading the good guy team is Tommaso Ciampa, evil made flesh. But, he’s recently back from an injury and is thus a good guy. He’s bald, has a beard, and loves violence more than god, family or country. I believe if you shot him with a cannon, he would still kick out at 2.
 Keith Lee used to play defensive end for Texas A&M. Picture a guy who used to play defensive end for Texas A&M, now make no changes to that image. He’s 6’2” over 300lbs, can do just about anything in a wrestling ring, and by all rights should be able to toss any member of the Undisputed Era into the upper balcony any time he wants.
  Dominik Dijakovic is Keith Lee’s blood rival. He’s 6’7” 270lbs and is basically Sagat (3) from Street Fighter if Sagat from Street Fighter was from Worcester, Massachusetts.  
 The fourth member of the team is as yet unannounced.
There you have it! No titles are on the line, every match is people who dislike each other are going to settle their differences through violence, even if they have to team up with people they hate.
 Also, there are two other rosters worth of wrestlers in town ready to fuck shit up for no reason other than brand supremacy.
 What could go wrong?!
1.  https://arthur.fandom.com/wiki/Binky_Barnes
2. https://snk.fandom.com/wiki/Genan_Shiranui
3. https://streetfighter.fandom.com/wiki/Sagat
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
It's my stuff it sounds like me but I wasn't in on it alone we're all into it riding westborough versus Worcester and even BGA he's the one who initialized it
No I did not you had your stupid son on me doing it but yeah I went along with it cuz I had to know yes I had to was the only thing we could do so you're right I was kind of going along with it and we're doing it but you and Dan are the ones who started it
So not talking about now are we I guess we are cuz I did 911 and a whole bunch of other and domestic terrorist activities and we're fighting them all the time to fruition
This is great I got my own guys in line and now you guys are total enemies. I can't stand it anymore I need you out of the shops and stores here and out of my way in traffic you drive like old freaking crappy ladies I can't stand you you're stupid me looks your a****** comments you're out of here you piece of s***
I just have one thing to say mack boo hoo
I wanted to say you're a blind man and you played blind Man's bluff and you lost his kicking her ass so merely and for real you stupid a****** underneath pain is a pyramid what happened to the ball s*** for braids and we never know about they're going to cut you up in you up into pieces Trump, you have no controls on him all you do is inside him to do stuff to you and us it's telling you a lot you're inciting me in the past it says I'm going to do this to you and take this he goes ahead and does it and you won't shut the f****** about it and you're the one starting it so your little baby die a little baby she needs to leave you stupid a******
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Professional Rug Cleaners in Worcester MA Take Care Your Rug
Professional Rug Cleaners in Worcester MA Takes Care Your Rugs
When you put an Oriental rug in your living room, you are adding a great touch to the beauty of your home. But how can you make your Oriental rug looking vibrant and new if it has dirt, Grime and mud? Outdoor shoes carry a large amount of dirt and make your rugs filthy. Soil particles, dirt, debris can damage your wool area rug.
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pwlanier · 6 years
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Ralph Earl. American. 1751–1801. Portrait of a Man with Gun. 1784. Description: Portrait of a Man with a Gun is a full-length portrait of a hunter. He stands in the right half of the painting, facing three-quarters left. His head also is turned three-quarters left, and he looks at the viewer. In his right hand he holds a black hat that is lined with blue fabric and a brown band; he extends it in a gesture that nearly reaches the right edge of the painting. In his left hand he holds a rifle that balances on a diagonal from lower right to upper left and crosses in front of his other arm at the elbow. The large format seems to have posed a challenge to Earl in that the head is disproportionately small and the arms too long and slender.
The subject’s powdered hair is pulled back and apparently gathered in a queue; there is a single tight curl visible above his left ear. He wears a white stock and bow and an orange, spotted waistcoat that is edged with a double row of gold braid and decorated with two rows of small gold-colored buttons. He also has on a red coat with large, silver-colored buttons. His buff-colored breeches are fastened at the knee with cloth-covered buttons of the same color and tucked into knee-high boots that are dark brown at the top and black from the calf to the toe.
The man is accompanied by two hunting dogs, whose heads are turned in the direction of his gesture. The dog on the left, its back to the viewer, is placed on a diagonal from the bottom-left corner toward the middle of the image. This animal has a dark gray head and ears and a large gray spot on the back of its neck; its coat is mottled gray and white. The other dog stands in profile behind its master, its neck extended and facing left. This canine has reddish-brown markings on its head and back and a similarly spotted coat.
The man and dogs appear in the clearing of a wooded landscape. Gently curving lines of trees recede along the left and right sides; a single tree stands just behind and to the right of the hunter. The sky has large gray clouds whose shapes echo the soft contours of the trees as well as broad passages of pink and blue.
Although the figure of the man is rather tightly rendered compared to those in characteristic English paintings of the time, Earl used broad brushstrokes in the landscape, especially in the bush on the left and the soil in the foreground. As in Earl’s indoor portraits, a strong light source from the left defines the modeling and casts a web of shadows beneath the figures. Worcester Art Museum.
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