mystical-evergreen · 5 months
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Mari's sister and grandmother had dispersed quickly to gather their wood from the day. The red head was left to wallow in guilt and shame, awaiting her family's punishment for her behavior. So consumed by her thoughts she almost failed to notice a well dressed young man approach her.
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After a moment she recognized the boy as the Squire's son, Bransen Landvik.
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The Squire's heir began speaking about Mari's squabble first. To her surprise, Bransen thought of Helene Cecil as a snot. The children laughed as they started to whisper about the Steward's daughter.
"About time someone put Helene into her place! She acts as if she is the Royal Steward!"
Mari thought it was safe to call Bran (the boy had insisted on the nickname) a friend.
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oldheadbanger63 · 1 month
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ayyy-imma-ninja · 8 months
I love how the SK boys are like
“I fear no man…but that thing”
Cut to sweet elderly grandmas who whip tails in defense of children
“It scares me”
Was scrolling through the tag and found where both Sun and Moon were startled by a grandma going to defend her teenage granddaughter from being hit on 😂 Grandmas are no joke
Grandmas are an enigma to them XD
They fear the wrath of Mrs. Bransen, the tenant, nearly every day lmao
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ballet-symphonie · 1 year
The way that I would DIE to see Olga Smirnova and Victor Caixeta in Christian Spuck’s Grand Pas de Deux at a gala. Bonus points if it’s live-streamed. I doubt Ted Bransen will see this but if you do, please do it asap please and thank you.
From your words to his ears ;)
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roseunspindle · 1 year
What I Read in August 2023
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Took ages to even find a decent copy of this book, but quite worth it. Some sad moments, but overall quite a good story and ending to the duology.
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Finally hustled and finished re-reading this. Man, don't remember how depressed and traumatized Harry was in this book, poor kid.
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Quite fun. ^_^ (and very relatable!)
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Intrigues galore!
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I was feeling down so I decided to read a couple children's books on my shelves. I do love the art in this.
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So cute
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Really enjoyed Bransen had to start becoming part of the world beyond himself, his wife and mother in law, kicking a screaming. Also the poweries were hilarious but I'd never want to meet one.
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Not sure quite how I feel about this one, I have gotten volume two but the focus on ego and such is kinda annoying to be honest. ^_^'
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Another children's book palette cleanser. Love the art.
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Read this series online as a fan translation years ago, so am happy to be reading it now in physical properly translated format. It's adorable and heartbreaking (poor Yuzu goes through so much).
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I laughed a lot reading this.
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Further adventures in trauma land. I was glad with Eren's journey of "being normal" and "not special" and that being okay.
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Very sweet really, and silly.
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a bit overly wordy, but I'll give it another volume.
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PLOT IDEA / PLOTTING CALL ( supernatural, mysterious, chilling )
This is a special invitation for all those whose fingers are trembling with the desire to create their own rich, fictitious world, abundant with creative and detailed descriptions of enchanting places, development of characters, splendor of secondary characters, intrigue, gradual development of the plot and the story..
After visiting at centuries-old castles with personality, soul in the walls and whispers of the past, an intense desire for the following plot was awakened, and I would be thrilled if I could dive into a truly vivid and breathtaking shared story with one of you as companions:
PLOT: Muse A and Muse B are from the rival vampire ( or some other creature of the shadows) covens. Set in a foggy old London under the watchful eye of Big Ben, the shadows dancing around the oil lamps beside the gurgling river, where the sound of the carriage drowns out the ghostly whispers in the streets, OR in an old former-monarchical city in Europe, where castles on hills face each other, hostilely rising above the brick houses of mortals, two clans with different values ​​settled down, feeding the battlefield with blood for centuries. Each of the covens would be housed in one of these mysterious castles, conducting their own politics, community, plotting how to overpower and wipe out their rivals. The differences that would divide them are a choice for us as well as other types of problematics, it can be anything on the menu of imagination. The story would be full of action, horror, side events and a bunch of side characters that can be from vampires to any other species we agree on, and of course, forbidden love between the main muses.
I would really want this one to be a slow burn, long term, novella style role play, so if you think you are up for it, do not hesitate to jump in my DMs.
Main characters I want to use for this are: Clare Archer, Axton Bransen or Mateo Vantess. I am open for using more than one of these, and mixing them up in the story. 
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inaducursehq · 1 month
mwf canon?
elena gilbert , caroline forbers , hayley marshal, josie saltzman , lizzie saltzman , nora hildegard , marie louise , keelin , freya mikaelson, nadia, sarah nelson, katherine pierce, cami o'connell, lisina, jenna sommers, jo laughlin, liv parker, anna zhu, valerie tuelle , meredith fell , april young , lexi bransen , aurora de martel , & gia !
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wellthatwasaletdown · 2 months
What Bransen incident?
My guess is that the anon is referring to, after the Taylor Swift breakup, when Harry Edward Styles was pictured with Sir Richard Branson on Necker Island:
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And this ask:
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sageglobalresponse · 7 months
‘Self-love’ might seem selfish. But done right, it’s the opposite of narcissism
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“To love what you are, the thing that is yourself, is just as if you were embracing a glowing red-hot iron” said psychonalyst Carl Jung.
Some may argue this social media generation does not seem to struggle with loving themselves. But is the look-at-me-ism so easily found on TikTok and Instagram the kind of self-love we need in order to flourish?
The language of positive psychology can be – and often is – appropriated for all kinds of self-importance, as well as cynical marketing strategies.
Loving yourself, though, psychological experts stress, is not the same as behaving selfishly. There’s a firm line between healthy and appropriate forms of loving yourself, and malignant or narcissistic forms. But how do we distinguish between them?
In 2023, researchers Eva Henschke and Peter Sedlmeier conducted a series of interviews with psychotherapists and other experts on what self-love is. They’ve concluded it has three main features: self-care, self-acceptance and self-contact (devoting attention to yourself).
But as an increasingly individualistic society, are we already devoting too much attention to ourselves?
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Philosophy and self-love
Philosophers and psychology experts alike have considered the ethics of self-love.
Psychology researcher Li Ming Xue and her colleagues, exploring the notion of self-love in Chinese culture, claim “Western philosophers believe that self-love is a virtue”. But this is a very broad generalisation.
In the Christian tradition and in much European philosophy, says philosopher Razvan Ioan, self-love is condemned as a profoundly damaging trait.
On the other hand, many of the great Christian philosophers, attempting to make sense of the instruction to love one’s neighbour as oneself, admitted certain forms of self-love were virtuous. In order to love your neighbour as yourself, you must, it would seem, love yourself.
In the Western philosophical context, claim Xue and her colleagues, self-love is concerned with individual rights – “society as a whole only serves to promote an individual’s happiness”.
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This individualistic, self-concerned notion of self-love, they suggest, might come from the Ancient Greek philosophers. In particular, Aristotle. But Aristotle thought only the most virtuous, who benefited the society around them, should love themselves. By making this connection, he avoided equating self-love with self-centredness.
We should love ourselves not out of vanity, he argued, but in virtue of our capacity for good. Does Aristotle, then, provide principled grounds for distinguishing between proper and improper forms of self-love?
Bar too high?
Aristotle might set the bar too high. If only the most virtuous should try to love themselves, this collides head-on with the idea loving yourself can help us improve and become more virtuous – as philosophers Kate Abramson and Adam Leite have argued.
Many psychologists claim self-love is important for adopting the kind and compassionate self-perception crucial for overcoming conditions that weaponise self-criticism, like clinical perfectionism and eating disorders.
More broadly, some argue compassion for oneself is necessary to support honest insights into your own behaviour. They believe we need warm and compassionate self-reflection to avoid the defensiveness that comes with the fear of judgement – even if we’re standing as our own judge.
For this reason, a compassionate form of self-love is often necessary to follow Socrates’ advice to “know thyself”, says philosopher Jan Bransen. Positive self-love, by these lights, can help us grow as people.
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Self-love ‘misguided and silly’
But not everyone agrees you need self-love to grow. The late philosopher Oswald Hanfling was deeply sceptical of this idea. In fact, he argued the notion of loving oneself was misguided and silly. His ideas are mostly rejected by philosophers of love, but pointing out where they go wrong can be useful.
When you love someone, he said, you’re prepared to sacrifice your own interests for those of your beloved. But he thought the idea of sacrificing your own interests made no sense – which shows, he concluded, we can’t love ourselves.
He wrote:
I may sacrifice an immediate satisfaction for the sake of my welfare in the future, as in the case of giving up smoking. In this case, however, my motive is not love but self-interest. What I reveal in giving up smoking is not the extent of my love for myself, but an understanding that the long-term benefits of giving it up are likely to exceed the present satisfaction of going on with it.
We often have conflicting interests (think of someone who is agonising over two different career paths) – and it’s not at all strange to sacrifice certain interests for the sake of others.
This is not just a question of sacrificing short-term desires in favour of a long-term good, but a matter of sacrificing something of value for your ultimate benefit (or, so you hope).
Hanfling fails to consider the role of compassionate self-love. While we might understand it’s in our interests to do something (for instance, repair bridges with someone we’ve fallen out with), it might take a compassionate and open disposition towards ourselves to recognise what’s in our best interests.
We might need this self-compassion, too, in order to admit our failures – so we can overcome our defensiveness and see clearly how we’re failing to fulfil these interests.
Self-acceptance in this context does not mean giving ourselves licence to run roughshod over the interests of those around us, nor to justify our flaws as “valid” rather than work on them.
Self-love, as promoted by contemporary psychologists, means standing in a compassionate relationship to ourselves. And there’s nothing contradictory about this idea.
Just as we strive to develop a supportive, kind relationship to the people we care about – and just as this doesn’t involve uncritical approval of everything they do – compassionate self-love doesn’t mean abandoning valid self-criticism.
In fact, self-compassion has the opposite effect. It promotes comfort with the kind of critical self-assessment that helps us grow – which leads to resilience. It breeds the opposite of narcissistic self-absorption.
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nzomniac3685 · 1 year
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bransens · 3 years
Top 8 Reasons to Hire a Real Estate Lawyer in the Cayman Islands
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When people hear the word “attorney,” they imagine heated arguments in a courtroom with a defendant and a prosecutor, most probably a homicide, tax evasion, or a bank robbery case.
Blame it on Hollywood, but there are real estate lawyers too. What do real estate lawyers do? Real estate attorneys do everything, starting from a property’s title search to dispute resolution. Hiring a real estate attorney when things go south is not the right approach.
For most people, a real estate purchase is one of the most crucial life decisions. Properties in the Cayman Islands may be available for as little as US$59,000 or as high as US$9,995,000. Why would you want to take chances when there is so much at stake?
Prevention is better than cure; we have all heard that before. However, a law firm in the Cayman Islands will implement the same strategy to shield you against unexpected legal issues while purchasing a property, ensuring that the entire purchase/sale process goes smoothly.
The main objective of this blog is to educate you about the benefits of hiring a real estate lawyer, be it commercial or residential properties in the Cayman Islands.
Why do you need an attorney when you have a real estate agent?
The high demand for properties means that new expatriates and tourists arriving each year need specialised real estate advice. The Cayman Islands has numerous agents and firms to assist you with your property search to meet these increased real estate needs. Many agents/firms use the standard form provided by CIREBA.
In most cases, these forms are signed even before an attorney enters the picture. It is a good idea to have it looked at before you sign it. There is no point in crying over spilt milk. Understand that a real estate agent can give you sound buying/selling advice, plus his experience would be a great asset.
Despite that, real estate agents don’t have a deep knowledge of the local laws and regulations. Neither are they contract experts, so it is necessary to have an attorney by your side to ensure proper documentation and understand everything in the contract.
Even after signing a contract or the purchase offer, an attorney guides you through the entire transaction process. Many people are under the impression that utilising form contracts and documents will defend them against legal complications.
However, problems don’t knock on the door before arriving; getting tangled in a legal mess amid a real estate transaction could prove to be a very annoying setback. Not just the planning, but it would mean a lot of time, money, and energy going down the drain. Having legal representation is not just a good measure but also a necessity.
Duties of a real estate attorney
Upon finalising the terms and conditions of the purchase and that both parties have arrived at a decision, a real estate attorney can assist with drafting the sale and purchase agreement along with the other required documents. Their job does not end there.
In the later stages of the property purchase, a real estate lawyer in the Cayman Islands will also play a pivotal role in the negotiation process while making the necessary changes to the terms of the contract to ensure that they are in line with other agreement terms and that they comply with the applicable laws.
Apart from the above-mentioned points, a real estate attorney will also put together all the closing documents, draft a closing statement and elucidate your financial obligations. Last but not least, your real estate lawyer, real estate agent, and possibly even your lender’s representative will attend your closing to make sure that everything goes according to plan.
Are you not convinced yet? Let’s look at scenarios where buyers and sellers hire real estate attorneys in the Cayman Islands.
Buyers -
those who live outside the Cayman Islands
purchase a property that is under foreclosure
purchase a property that is included in a real estate sale
purchase a commercial property
purchase a property that could have some structural issues
purchase a property with several owners
purchase a property through a company or buying from a company
sell a property due to some financial/personal problems
are either the heirs or the property owner’s executors
Sell a house where the other owner does not agree to the sale
Want to sell a property that is tied to a caution, lien, or some security interest
Read More: https://caymanislandsinfo.medium.com/top-8-reasons-to-hire-a-real-estate-lawyer-in-the-cayman-islands-75895379d15a
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tall-glass-of-milk · 2 years
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mantecol · 2 years
remember the LOTR as bonaerenses? yeah i have something to confess.
inicialmente iba a poner a la gente del lago como los de la plata hasta que le comenté a una amiga de mi AU y ella simplemente, y muy solemnemente, me respondió,
"podría ser igual che, yo perdí mi casa en la inundación de la plata" pero no tuve las agallas suficientes para ponerlo en el final cut
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19agbrown · 5 years
My cousin's preschool teacher: Hailey, what do you want to be when you grow up?
Hailey: Alive.
Me: *trying not to laugh at the teacher's shocked expression*
Teacher: Well... that counts as a goal, I suppose...
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nosamyrag · 5 years
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OPEN TO: F (Mutuals and non mutuals)
CONNECTION: Ex lovers, best friends that fell in love but it went wrong, other creative solutions welcomed
MUSE ( test muse ) :  Axton ‘Ax’ Bransen ( part musician, part song writer, tattoo artist on occasion,   creative mind often choosing solitude, possible drug use, possible alcohol use, ‘survivor twin’, mental health at stake after the death of his twin brother)
Please do read the rules before interacting!
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He tucked one of his three precious picks back into the pocket of his worn black jeans, being careful not to pick the pocket with the "decorative" hole on the left. The smell of sweat, smoke, stale alcohol and strong perfumes hit his nostrils in the back stage. Axton never got used to that smell, no matter how many years of playing in smaller clubs he had under his belt. The space was quiet, the screams and insane shouts of support had disappeared, and only the sound of glass clattering that the cleaning lady was probably sweeping from the floor could be heard echoing. His temporary band members have already gone to their homes, or to the couch of some one-time relationship to exorcise the devil of loneliness. Ax got used to being alone, or at least he tried to present it as the truth. He never understood himself and his intention to be deprived of partnership. He was sociable, but suddenly that spirit broke and he wanted to distance himself from every beating heart. Solitude was...practical, simple. Difficult, but without unwanted surprises that could pinch him and leave a new scar of disappointment. A scar that suddenly opened and burned again when suddenly a familiar voice was heard.
Ax flinched, dropping the pick before it disappeared into his pocket. " What the fuck... " he couldn't swallow the swear word, nor mask the surprised expression on his face when he saw the woman who entered the back stage. Hell...he hoped to get out of town before his past came knocking on his door. He could not smell her at every corner, remember all the moments where they hid in dark corners and fleetingly stole kisses...things he tried to push deep into the past of his existence. “  Kinda hard to think this was an innocent coincidence.. ” He joked half-heartedly, no matter that he was far from the mood for humor. Looking at a blank spot behind her, coal-haired man was instantly reminded how still he could not keep a decent eye contact with her. Fuck....some things never change.. some weaknesses never fade. “ Look, don’t know why you are here but, I am in town just for the gig, so you don’t have to worry about seeing me around for much longer.   “
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