#brazil v germany
hyacinthsdiamonds · 1 month
"Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery that mediocrity can pay to greatness.”- Oscar Wilde.
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glimmerofawesome · 1 year
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koranika · 2 years
alright spain you can stop now that’s enough
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wosobutfootball · 1 year
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Such an amazing day :)
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miroslavcloset · 2 months
The day Thomas Muller became a national hero in Colombia (South America)
Because of my husband Thomas Muller's NT retirement, I decided to remember that time when he became an icon in this unknown third-world country~
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Get something to eat because here comes my longest post ever and one of my favorite things to ever happen in this hellhole <3
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No introduction is needed for the 2014 World Cup. So let's just skip to the good part. One of the breakthrough teams was Colombia, a humble but passionate team, they were having their best run so far, and literally everyone in the country wanted them to go as far as possible.
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In a country where literally every day the government makes you hate every part of living here, the NT is always a beacon of joy to make us feel proud of being Colombian. And even more now, that we had the Best goal of the match and the Top scorer of the whole tournament.
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After an amazing run against teams like Uruguay and Ivory Coast, the day came, when we had to play against Brazil. I don't know how it was perceived in the rest of the world, but here in South America, almost everyone knew Brazil was winning the whole thing, even with rumors of the WC being fixed to favor them (ofc rumors or not but still).
In the Colombia V Brazil match, 3 important things happened.
Neymar was Injured
Thiago Silva was suspended via accumulation of yellow cards
And the catalyst of this story
3. An equalizer Goal from Mario Yepes was mistakenly determined as offside and annulled.
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Due to this last event, Colombia was automatically eliminated without the chance of going to penalties.
THIS is Colombia's Trauma™, you can ask any of us. We even have a popular saying we use to this day because of this 'Era gol de Yepes' (Like saying that goal was always legit). But we weren't sad. We were infuriated. We demanded vengeance, we wanted vengeance (We're way too passionate about this, what do you want me to say).
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After that, yeah, there were the other quarterfinals, whatever, we didn't care. All of us were waiting for the Germany V Brazil and due to the rumors I spoke about before, we were very scared of Germany losing.
As an important note here, while we were very angry, a very good portion of the Colombians just dropped the whole thing due to idk post-elimination depression. On a personal note, never in my life did I see my country in such silence. I went out to visit my family and the capital had the most depressing silence I've ever experienced. When I tell you this WC meant the world to us I was very serious, a lot of Colombians went to Brazil in buses or walking to see the matches, and some even slept on the streets or stuff like that to keep on supporting.
So, the day of the Germany V Brazil match arrived, and oh boy we didn't have an idea.
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At this point, very few of us were still watching the tournament. In the beginning, they were very balanced... And then the game started.
We already knew what happened in that legendary game so let me just tell you the story from our point of view. All of Colombia was rooting for Germany, we wanted, no, we needed Germany to win. Brazil started attacking first so we were quite nervous.
Then a certain player bested Brazil's clueless defenses and scored the first one for Germany.
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Everyone was celebrating as if it was our own country, we started calling other people to turn on the TV, our family, neighbors, everyone. The stores and cafeterias tuned the match to see the ones that (in our eyes) did us so wrong, get humiliated by such a great team.
Of course, almost no one knew who this guy was, but Javier Hernández (the most popular commentator here) felt exactly the same as everyone else and loved every second of that first goal, making sure every single Colombian heard this player's name loud and clear, the one that avenged us. Thomas Muller.
Here you can hear what all of us heard that day: (Turn on audio to witness the insanity)
(Sorry for the quality of the video, I know it's ass but this was a recording from a fan from a TV 10 years ago lol)
Then the goals came one after another, and the rest is history. But to us it was special, we celebrated as if it was our own country. Here are some comments from Colombians:
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T: Thanks for avenging us Germany
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T: Forbidden to forget this match, when all of us were German for 90Min, Thanks! (Germany x4 Trophies) I'll never get over him and neither any colombian, Thomas Muller 7-1 / 8-2
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T: Muller 2014: 7-1 Muller 2020: 8-2 He's always in every historic scoring in football
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T: In that match All of Colombia was Germany
And like those you can find hundreds and hundreds. The day after the match we kept on celebrating, the memes were everywhere, especially one where James (our star player) called Thomas and asked him to score against Brazil (ofc that never happened, was a silly meme that reflected the general feeling). Also, I clearly remember the news and variety shows on national channels opening their broadcast greeting in German (or at least trying lol). It was so funny and at the end, we received our NT and celebrated their progress and Germany won the cup.
Pretty much a happy ending for everyone.
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soomovic · 1 year
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Ronaldinho, Germany 0 v Brazil 2 | FIFA World Cup Finals 2002.
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tvmusiclife · 2 months
Women's Olympic Soccer Day 2:
Japan winning goal against Brazil at 90'+6'
Columbia beating New Zealand 2-0
Australia winning goal at the 90'
Australia v. Zambia ending 6-5
Alexia Putellas lone goal for Spain to beat Nigeria in the 85'
USWNT beating Germany 4-1
Canada winning goal against France at 90'+12'
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mr-president · 9 months
Do you know of any petitions or email scripts to call for support for South Africas genocide case against Israel? I'm from the US and I've had trouble finding anything.
i do!
Here are the emails of:
President of the ICJ, Joan E Donoghue (United States): [email protected]
Vice-President Kirill, Gevorgian (Russian Federation): [email protected]
Judge Mohamed Bennouna (Morocco): [email protected]
Judge Ronny Abraham (France): [email protected]
Judge Georg Nolte (Germany): [email protected]
Judge Dalveer Bhandari (India): [email protected]
Judge Patrick Robinson (Jamaica): [email protected]
Judge Yuji Iwasawa (Japan): [email protected]
Judge Nawaf Salam (Lebanon): [email protected]
Judge Mohammad Bennouna (Morocco): [email protected]
Judge Peter Tomka (Slovakia): [email protected]
Judge Abdulqawi Ahmed Yusuf (Somalia): [email protected]
Judge Julia Sebutinde (Uganda): [email protected]
Judge Hilary Charlesworth (Australia): [email protected]
Judge Leonardo Brant (Brazil): [email protected]
Judge Xue Hanqin (China): [email protected]
And here is an email chain, taken from twitter here! They have more specific copy-pastes, like calling the ICJ “Madam President” or “Vice President, but the general one is below!”
Subject: Urgent Concerns Regarding the impending matter of South Africa v. Israel with the ICJ
Dear Honourable Judge [JUDGE NAME HERE]
I hope this message finds you well and resolute. My name is [Your Name], I am a concerned citizen of the [Your Country]. I am reaching out to you with a sense of urgency and sincere apprehension which prompts me to break my customary silence.
I have always held the belief that individuals in positions of authority, such as yourself, harbour the best interests of humanity at heart. However, recent developments in the Middle East and the global response to them have stirred doubt in my convictions, compelling me to express my concerns directly to you.
As I explored the International Court of Justice's website, I took solace in the fact that it consists of "independent judges, elected regardless of their nationality from among persons of high moral character." With this understanding, I address you regarding the impending South Africa v. Israel matter, the provisional measures hearing of which is scheduled for Thursday, 11th and Friday, 12th January 2024.
I am sure that you are acutely aware of the gravity of the case before you, and I believe that your ability to discern the truth, resist external pressures, and deliver a just judgment is foremost on your mind. The Genocide Convention, a cornerstone of international law, was established in 1948 as a commitment to 'never again' allow atrocities akin to those committed by the Nazi’s in WW2. 152 states out of 194 nations of the world honourably signed up to the convention. It is a testament to our parents and grandparents that their generations committed to a set of standards that constitute the basic principles of right and wrong, which underpin the fabric of the world we live in and form the basis of the lives most of us are lucky enough to lead.
The very fact that the responsibility of adjudicating on this case has fallen upon your shoulders underscores a disheartening truth – the failure of existing systems of checks and balances within the international community. It is disconcerting that national interests have tainted the operations of our global systems, allowing the mass killing of civilians to persist without intervention. I find this reality appalling, as do countless citizens around the world who have expressed their horror through protests on the streets of cities across the globe.
The upcoming case is a litmus test for humanity's commitment to the solemn pledge of 'Never Again.' Generations have been educated about the horrors of the Holocaust, and this case challenges us to live up to the principles we profess. It is a stark reminder that the values we hold dear are being tested in real-time, with devastating consequences.
In March 2022, the International Court of Justice ordered Russia to immediately suspend military operations in Ukraine and ensure that affiliated units take no further steps in furtherance of the military operations. Despite this intervention, an estimated 10,000 civilians have tragically lost their lives in Ukraine since Russia's military operation in 2022. Moreover, and by comparison, the death toll in Gaza has already surpassed 22,000 since October 2023, with a staggering 70% of the victims being women and children.
In an age where mainstream media faces scepticism due to perceived biases, the global community has been witness to Israel's actions in real-time through various social media platforms such as X, TikTok, and Telegram. Enclosed with this letter, you'll find compelling evidence pointing towards Israel's culpability in intending to commit genocide and engaging in genocidal military actions, among other alleged war crimes.
We find ourselves in a world where trust in global institutions is eroding rapidly. The International Court of Justice, in particular, cannot afford to make an erroneous judgment in the #SouthAfrica v. #Israel genocide case. A misjudgement in this matter would not only underscore the ICJ's ineffectiveness but also prompt scrutiny regarding its autonomy from nation-state political influences, potentially compromising the esteemed moral character of the individuals involved.
In 1945 we celebrated Winston Churchill as the leader that brought the world together in war to put-down the threat of Nazi Germany and the horror it inflicted. That war claimed over 50 million lives. We do not wish to celebrate a wartime hero again; we wish to celebrate new heroes who averted a war by presiding over justice without fear or favour.
I humbly beseech you to approach this case with the utmost diligence, impartiality, and commitment to justice. The eyes of the world are upon you, and the outcome of this particular case will reverberate through history, shaping perceptions of the ICJ's impartiality and moral standing.
Yours sincerely,
(Insert Name)
Also, here’s a bigass link about what’s being done and what you can do
And here’s a link where you can search for protests near you (remember, never give your personal information away if you’re going to a protest—don’t announce it publicly or nothing, yadda yadda):
hope this helps :D!
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debinhas-bicycle · 2 months
Okay dream scenario:
US beat Germany
Brazil beat Spain
US v Brazil final, everybody medals
Germany take bronze over Spain
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alianoralacanta · 1 month
Everything You Never Needed To Know About The Two Race Engine Rule (24-10-2007)
Context: Once upon a time, a driver could use three engines in the same day and simply risk a DNQ for not meeting the 107% rule. (Damon Hill, France 1999 qualifying day. Turns out that if one wishes to set a good time, one's has to do sufficient speedy laps on the track and not on stands in the garage). Then it was decided that was too wasteful and teams were banned from swapping engines between qualifying and the race. This was followed in 2005 with a requirement to use engines for two consecutive races before replacement, unless a race was not finished. In 2008, the requirement increased to 3 consecutive races on a single engine. I received a request to provide some statistics about the two-race engine era. Nowadays, each engine must last an average of 6 races, but teams can arrange that running how they want. A driver who wanted to do the first 3 and last 3 races on the same engine, but not any of the ones in between, is nowadays permitted to do so.
Thanks to neil for coming up with the idea for this entry, and especially to concentrate on the successes. To celebrate the fact that the two-race engine rule is now consigned to history, I will be doing some analysis of how the engine rules have influenced the grid.
Three seasons of careful management, impressive calculation and inopportune explosions will be celebrated in what I think is the most fitting way possible… …a ream of annotated statistics.
Victories Against The Odds
It has been mentioned in Autosport (March 23 2006 edition) that a new engine is worth 10-15hp over a used engine. Therefore, to win with a used engine suggests that the driver didn't have everything in their favour. And we all love drivers who win against the odds, don't we?
The following wins were achieved with a used engine:
Fernando Alonso, Renault, Malaysia 2005 (the first time used engines appeared in a Grand Prix weekend was also the first time they won!) Fernando Alonso, Renault, San Marino 2005 Kimi Raikkonen, McLaren, Monaco 2005 Fernando Alonso, Renault, France 2005 Fernando Alonso, Renault, Germany 2005 Kimi Raikkonen, McLaren, Turkey 2005 (the start of a three-race chain) Juan Pablo Montoya, McLaren, Italy 2005 (the first time both drivers in the same team win at least one race with used engines - and consecutive ones to boot!) Kimi Raikkonen, McLaren, Belgium 2005 (this chain of three events, ending with this race, is the first time used engines win more than one race consecutively) Fernando Alonso, Renault, Brazil 2005
2005 used engine win total - 9 2005 new engine win total - 10
Michael Schumacher, Ferrari, Europe 2006 Fernando Alonso, Renault, Spain 2006 Fernando Alonso, Renault, Britain 2006 Michael Schumacher, Ferrari, USA 2006 Michael Schumacher, Ferrari, Germany 2006 Felipe Massa, Ferrari, Turkey 2006 (first race to be won by someone with a used engine in two consecutive years) Michael Schumacher, Ferrari, Italy 2006 Fernando Alonso, Renault, Japan 2006 Felipe Massa, Ferrari, Brazil 2006
2006 used engine win total - 9 2006 new engine win total - 9
Fernando Alonso, McLaren, Malaysia 2007 (first driver to have won the same event with used engines twice) Felipe Massa, Ferrari, Spain 2007 Lewis Hamilton, McLaren, Canada 2007 Kimi Raikkonen, Ferrari, France 2007 Fernando Alonso, McLaren, Germany 2007 (second driver to have won the same event with used engines twice) Felipe Massa, Ferrari, Hungary 2007 Fernando Alonso, McLaren, Belgium 2007 Kimi Raikkonen, Ferrari, Japan 2007
2007 used engine win total - 8 2007 new engine win total - 9
Grand total Used engines 25 v 29 New engines
Masters of Used Engines - Drivers
Fernando Alonso (11) Kimi Raikkonen (5) Felipe Massa (4) Michael Schumacher (3) Juan Pablo Montoya (1) Lewis Hamilton (1)
Fernando clearly takes the crown of Master of Used Engines. Admittedly, being in a championship-challenging car for three years in a row does help a little. That said, he is Master or Joint Master of Used Engines in each individual year as well (he shares with Michael Schumacher in 2006, and is the outright winner in both 2005 and 2007). This is quite a statement of skill.
Kimi Raikkonen would probably have done better had his engine been reasonably reliable in 2005 or 2006. Or indeed if he'd ever been on the top step of the podium in 2006. However, he plainly does not require a fresh engine to demonstrate his talent.
Felipe Massa is consistent, having two used-engine victories in both 2006 and 2007 (being in a non-victorious Sauber didn't help his 2005 rating much). Don't be surprised if he shows well in 2008's three-race engine environment.
Juan Pablo Montoya and Lewis Hamilton, in a sense, represent past and future. Juan Pablo used to be an exciting F1 driver. He's still exciting, but he's doing NASCAR now, where they don't mess about with multi-race engines as far as I'm aware. Since he's also refused to return to F1, don't expect him to add to this tally in any series.
If Lewis Hamilton doesn't add any used engine victories in the three-race engine era, then I'm an apple tree. The main reason why he's only had one win in this era is because he didn't compete in 2005 or 2006.
Two drivers have won a race with a new engine in this era without winning one with a used engine: Giancarlo Fisichella and Jenson Button. Jenson is not in the used engine winner list largely because his engine blew in free practise on the Saturday of Hungary 2006. Had it held on, he would a) have had an easier time of winning that race and b) be on the list.
Masters of Used Engines - Teams
Renault (8) McLaren (7) Ferrari (7)
The Masters of Used Engines team award has been hotly contested between three great teams - so hotly that no other team has a single used-engine victory to its credit.
Renault's position in the list is particularly remarkable, since only one driver contributed every single used-engine win to its effort. McLaren and Ferrari required three drivers to achieve their results.
All three of these teams won in two out of the three years the rule was in place.
Poles for Used Engines
Wins with an engine that is minus 10-15bhp are challenging, but what about carving perfect laps with imperfect engines? Surely that's got to be pretty tough.
Fernando Alonso, Renault, Malaysia 2005 (again, first pole at first attempt for used engines) Kimi Raikkonen, McLaren, San Marino 2005 (first time a pole-sitting used-engine user didn't win the race pole was obtained in - that comes later for Kimi) Kimi Raikkonen, McLaren, Monaco 2005 (start of a three-race chain) Nick Heidfeld, Williams, Europe 2005 (first time a used engine is taken to pole by a driver who doesn't win a race with a used engine during the two-engined era) Jarno Trulli, Toyota, Canada 2005 (this three-race chain, ending this race, is the first time a used engine is on pole on consecutive occasions) Fernando Alonso, Renault, France 2005 Kimi Raikkonen, McLaren, Turkey 2005 Juan Pablo Montoya, McLaren, Belgium 2005
2005 used engine poles: 8 2005 new engine poles: 11
Fernando Alonso, Renault, Monaco 2006 (first race where pole was obtained by someone with a used engine in two consecutive years) Michael Schumacher, Ferrari, USA 2006 Kimi Raikkonen, McLaren, Germany 2006 Felipe Massa, Ferrari, Turkey 2006 Felipe Massa, Ferrari, Brazil 2006
2006 used engine poles: 5 2006 new engine poles: 13
Felipe Massa, Ferrari, Malaysia 2007 Felipe Massa, Ferrari, Spain 2007 Lewis Hamilton, McLaren, Canada 2007 Felipe Massa, Ferrari, France 2007 Kimi Raikkonen, McLaren, Germany 2007 (first driver to take pole with a used engine at the same race twice) Felipe Massa, Ferrari, Turkey 2007 (second driver to take pole with a used engine at the same race twice) Fernando Alonso, McLaren, Belgium 2007 Lewis Hamilton, McLaren, China 2007
2007 used engine poles: 8 2007 new engine poles: 9
Grand total Used engines 21 v 33 new engines
Clearly new engines are a more significant factor in qualifying than in the race. This was especially the case in 2006, where developments were being completed quickly in anticipation of the 2007 engine homologation rules. Notice that in 2007, new and used engines are more evenly matched in qualifying.
Kings of Used Engine Speed - Drivers
Felipe Massa (6) Kimi Raikonnen (5) Fernando Alonso (4) Lewis Hamilton (2) Nick Heidfeld (1) Jarno Trulli (1) Juan Pablo Montoya (1) Michael Schumacher (1)
There is a lot more competition for this contest than the Master of Used Engines award. The winner of the award is Felipe Massa. He appears to be an expert at teasing speed out of a used engine when qualifying comes around. He was better at it than Michael Schumacher in 2006, and he has held his own in 2007. Very impressive, especially in this era when the pole-sitter often goes on to win.
Kimi Raikkonen's moments of brilliance are more spread out, but you can count on there being at least one in each season. Unfortunately, the poles rarely led to victories (his used-engine victories tended to be born in the adversity of second-row starts - or worse).
Fernando Alonso is a much better racer than he is a qualifier. That said, he won the world championship in 2006 without getting one pole with a used engine, so maybe there's a lesson in that for his rivals…
Lewis Hamilton is, in theory, a better qualifier than racer on used engines. That said, with such a small sample it's difficult to tell.
Michael Schumacher seemed to need a new engine in order to get pole. That didn't stop him from being at the sharp end of the grid a lot of the time, though.
Nick Heidfeld and Jarno Trulli never won a race in the two-engine era despite both getting poles with used engines - surely indicating that both qualify better than they race. While this probably isn't news to Trulli observers, those who observe Heidfeld tend not to mention this when writing about him.
Juan Pablo Montoya's single pole with a used engine is probably because he got most of his poles before the rule was introduced. Qualifying used to be a speciality of his.
Kings of Used Engine Speed - Teams
Ferrari (10) McLaren (7) Renault (3) Williams (1) Toyota (1)
The titans in the 2007 championship fight are the ones that are at the head of this list. That said, the clear Masters of Used Engine Speed are Ferrari, largely because Felipe Massa has driven so many pole laps for them. It's almost as if he needs a used engine before he fully lets himself go. That said, Kimi Raikkonen has also found the Ferrari environment conducive to his natural abilities. Even Michael managed to get pole with a used engine once…
McLaren despite having had four drivers help them get their total, are definitely behind Ferrari. This is largely because none of their drivers got consistent poles in the first place (they kept getting let down by their machinery, then polemeisters Massa and Raikkonen got together at the red team).
Renault can credit their entire presence on this list to Fernando Alonso. Williams and Toyota likewise only had one driver contribute to their totals.
The "It'll Be All Right On The Night" Award for Reliability - Engine Suppliers
BMW (1.67/car/year, 5 total) <1 in Williams; 3 + 1 in BMW Sauber> Renault (1.75/car/year, 7 total) <2 + 2 + 2 in Renault; 1 in Red Bull> Ferrari (3.43/car/year, 24 total) <4 + 8 + 1 in Ferrari; 3 in Sauber; 3 in Red Bull; 0 in Toro Rosso; 5 in Spyker> Toyota (3.5/car/year, 21 total) <1 + 8 + 0 in Toyota; 5 + 3 in Jordan/Midland/Spyker; 4 in Williams> Mercedes (3.67/car/year, 11 total) <8 + 2 + 1 in McLaren> Cosworth (3.75/car/year, 15 total) <1 in Red Bull; 2 + 4 in Minardi/Toro Rosso; 8 in Williams> Honda (4,25/car/year, 21 total) <5 + 8 + 3 in BAR/Honda; 2 + 3 in Super Aguri>
The BMW engines are most likely to be "all right on the night", with Renault closely following. This is a significant factor into both team's successes during the two-engine era - BMW's improvement was helped because it could chase up pesky gearboxes and speed instead of engines. Renault's tendency to stay in one piece helped Fernando Alonso's championship campaigns considerably. Renault is statistically the best engine on offer to customers - lucky Red Bull for having that supply!
There is a large gap to the next engine supplier, then you reach Ferrari. In its own cars the engines have worked quite unreliably until the homologation rules kicked in. That said, three of the eight failures in the works team happened to Felipe Massa during the Malaysian GP weekend, which reduced the pain somewhat. For that matter, apart from Spyker, all its customers got more reliable units than the works team. Maybe the customer engines were slower, but at least the teams could depend on Ferrari to clear out some of the bugs that appear to be inherent in Ferrari engine design.
Toyota is slightly worse than Ferrari, much of which can be attributed to an atrocious run of unreliability in 2006. In general, the customer units do not appear to have had many of the reliability flaws removed - not a good sign, since this means progress is relatively slow.
For all Mercedes developed a lousy reputation for reliability, this would appear to only be justified for 2005. However, eight failures in a year when no other works team had half that many said a lot. Since then, it is clear that lots of effort has been made to send out working units to the drivers, which has been particularly helpful in 2007.
Cosworth was the customer of last resort, which may go some way towards explaining its poor record. Integration into teams was not very high, simply because teams expected to be using another engine as soon as possible and therefore didn't work so well with the engine supplier. Though it is true that lack of money didn't help.
Honda should be embarrassed. Clearly it can send a reasonably reliable unit to customers (as Super Aguri can happily testify), so why can't it send something functional to its own works drivers? No wonder Button and Barrichello look like pulling their hair out at times…
The "It'll Be All Right On The Night" Award for Reliability - Teams
Red Bull (5) Super Aguri (5, across two seasons only) Renault (6) Minardi/Toro Rosso (6) (BMW) Sauber (7) Toyota (9) McLaren (11) Williams (13) Jordan/Midland/Spyker (13) Ferrari (13) BAR/Honda (16)
For the most part, customer teams had more reliable engines than their works providers. The exceptions are Williams and Spyker, who have chopped and changed a lot. Integration, or lack of same, explains their woes quite eloquently.
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feetoffire · 2 months
showjumping individual qualifiers here we go:
Israel: Isabella Russekoff on C Vier 2. Micklem (or adjacent) bridle. pretty lighter bay. he spooks (or ‘spooks’) shortly after the final fence. 
Canada: Mario Deslauriers on Emerson. that turn to the ‘bonjour paris’ wall is Tight. in time, only one rail down. Deslauriers has been doing this forever so that really doesn’t surprise me. double reins on an elevator or pelham bit. 
Lithuania: Andrius Petrovas on Linkolns. Linkolns decided something about that jump or the course was not worth it and Petrovas retired. good for him!
Mexico: Andres Azcarraga on Contrendros 2. dropped a stride before the water and still cleared it - horses like that are the best. first double clear round! and an extra little buck. 
Sweden: Henrik von Eckermann on King Edward. Oh that’s right he goes in a nose fly net thing. King Edward is Going today - “jumping out of his skin” yeah you’re right. definitely saw Eckermann grab mane. 
Spain: Ismael Garcia Roque on Tirano. drop noseband. lots and lots of air on Tirano’s part. only one rail down. 
France: Olivier Perreau on Dorai d’Aiguilly. mare! some froth i think. this girl is here to Get It Done. knocked a rail on the last fence. elevator-type bit with converter reins. 
Saudi Arabia: Abdulrahman Alrajhi on Ventago. ah a kicker. tapped a rail but went clear and in time. froth. 
Austria: Gerfried Puck on Naxcel V. okay i’m sure those fly mask things are blinkers but i can’t get a close enough look to confirm. drop noseband. much discussion from this pair - Naxcel has his own plans it seems. elevator-type bit with two sets of reins. 
Japan: Eiken Sato on Conthargo-Blue. red ribbon. Disagreements after the water and over the red vertical. drop noseband, elevator-type bit with double reins. retires on course. 
USA: Karl Cook on Caracole de la Roque. mare! one of the two mares going in a hackamore. her topline still bothers me. double clear. every time i’ve seen this mare she gets shit done. 
Netherlands: Maikel van der Vleuten on Beauville Z. came in a little wiggly to that second jump (we’ve all been there). only one rail down and a 70 second course. 
Ireland: Shane Sweetnam on James Kann Cruz. would like a better look at that bridle. they are tearing through the course in style - no rails in 73.35 seconds. 
Belgium: Jerome Guery on Quel Homme de Hus. converter reins. one rail down, four seconds under time. 
Switzerland: Edouard Schmitz on Gamin Van’t Naastveldhof. quick buck as they get going. two rails down, four seconds under. 
UK: Harry Charles on Romeo 88. always interesting to see which horse’s manes get braided for showjumping and which don't (Romeo 88 doesn’t). the double noseband situation bothers me, and also it seems like you could just use a flash. blinkers. double clear. some bucks just for funsies. 
Norway: Victoria Gulliksen on Mistral van de Vogelzang. Mistral has things to say about the rein contact - tons of head shaking between fences. froth. double clear. 
Australia: Hilary Scott on Milky Way. mare! pretty gray. i don’t think she has a throatlatch. knocked two rails - one in the double combination and one in the triple combination. 
Poland: Dawid Kubiak on Flash Blue B. shadow roll and hackmore. blinkers maybe? two rails down. 
Denmark: Andreas Schou on Napoli VH Nederassenthof. Schou’s shoulders look a little slumped as they come in - kinda odd, for how much we worry about our posture. maybe i'm seeing things. knocks a rail on the last fence. 
Germany: Christian Kukuk on Checker 47. buck. pretty dapples. two rails, i think. 
Brazil: Rodrigo Pessoa on Major Tom. i’m not going to make a built-in sponsor joke. or a Space Oddity joke. i’m not. lovely jump. double clear. i think Major Tom is the third? horse i’ve seen with his fly bonnet tied to the noseband so it won’t flap. 
UAE: Salim Ahmed al Suwaidi on Foncetti VD Heffinck. froth. Micklem adjacent bridle. lots of praise after the round. four rails down. 
Israel: Robin Muhr on Galaxy HM. two rails down. interesting how there are so many dark bays/blacks in dressage but considerably fewer in jumping. 
Canada: Erynn Ballard on Nikka VD Bisschop. mare! big bold blaze. entered the ring fairly quietly. extra little kick over the jumps. i like this pair.
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usafphantom2 · 6 months
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Germany will buy 75 JASSM-ER cruise missiles from the US
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 03/20/2024 - 15:00 in Armaments, Military
The German government has begun the process of acquiring 75 advanced JASSM-ER (Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile-Extended Range) cruise missiles from the United States.
This move, as reported by the German daily "Bild", means a strategic reinforcement of Germany's long-range precision attack capabilities.
The decision to acquire these missiles, which could potentially replace the existing arsenal of Taurus missiles, aligns with Germany's broader defense strategy. This strategy was suggested in 2022, when the German government expressed its intention to buy F-35 fighters from the US, along with a variety of missiles designed to complement stealth aircraft.
Together with the JASSM-ER missiles, the agreement will include the acquisition of several air-to-air and air-to-ground ammunition to strengthen the capabilities of the F-35 jets previously ordered by Germany. However, the "Bild" notes that the process of acquiring JASSM-ER missiles faced delays, which distinguishes them from the previous phases of the F-35 and the acquisition of associated ammunition.
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An official contract for the JASSM-ER missiles is expected to be finalized in the third quarter, paving the way for a significant update of the operational range and accuracy of the German Air Force. The missiles, known for their extended range and stealthy characteristics, allow aircraft to reach targets at a safe distance without entering hostile airspace.
A spokesman for the German Ministry of Defense highlighted the comprehensive nature of the acquisition plan, which covers an extensive combination of weapons, including a critical air-to-ground component, as part of the integration of the F-35A into Germany's military framework. "The relevant contracts have not yet been concluded in full and it is not possible to anticipate any open decisions," said the spokesman, emphasizing the continuous nature of the acquisition process.
Tags: weaponsMilitary AviationJASSM-ERLuftwaffe - German Air Force
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. He uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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alexbkrieger13 · 1 year
What would you say your top 5 best matches have been in Champions league/ fifa wwc in terms of techniques and thrill?
( I've been wanting to watch older matches so need some recommendations of good game since I recently got into watching football)
I have a list actually do need to update it but I'll reblog it there but in for both competitions specifically that come to mind are
Chelsea v bayern 2nd leg 2021
Both legs of wob arsenal last year for the vibes if nothing else
Barca v madird 2nd leg 2022
Lyon v barca 2022
Either leg of Chelsea v wob in 2020/2021 qf
Sweden v Germany 2019
Uswnt v Japan 2015
Usa v Brazil 2011
Usa v France 2019
Sweden v England 2019
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andiessoccerblog · 1 year
USA Exit, Quarterfinals
I wish I had made separate blog posts about these, but my travel back to the USA was overwhelmingly nuts and jet lag has hit me hard, so just pretend this is two separate posts.
USA Exit
In Round of 16, team USA was heartbreakingly eliminated by Sweden in penalty kicks. Ironically, it was the best game that the USWNT played the whole tournament, but even their best was not enough to make the difference against Sweden and their keeper Zećira Mušović, who made 11 saves (most in one game in the world cup so far) to keep the scoreline 0-0. The final penalty kick that gave Sweden the win was almost saved by USa keeper Alyssa Naeher, until goal line technology (7 cameras located around the field) determined that the ball had crossed the line with a millimeter to spare. A SINGLE MILLIMETER.
It is the first World Cup ever where the USA did not get a medal. People have a lot of opinions on why. Some people blame the coach, who will probably be fired just based on the result. Other people (idiots) blame the team themselves, saying they focus too much on money and advocacy and not enough on the game. These players have worked their entire lives to be on this stage, and often this is the only chance they get. It is insulting to these players to say that their singular focus is not winning the World Cup. 
As with a lot of things, the real reason is…it’s complicated. The USA did look disorganized and unprepared in the group stage games, and while Coach Vlakto Andonovski definitely does hold some responsibility, his player pool was also affected by major injuries, and he inherited poor long-term planning strategy from US Soccer. After the 2019 World Cup and the 2020 Olympics, there was not enough done to transition the team from relying exclusively on its older players for goal production. Of the 9 scorers for USA at the 2019 World Cup, only 3 of them were starters in the 2023 World Cup, and only one of them (Lindsay Horan) scored a goal. 
As we have also seen this year, this is the World Cup of Chaos. THREE debutantes made it to the knockout stage, while Germany, Brazil, and Canada did not. Teams are better than ever, and can finally challenge the teams that have been considered elite in other years, including the USA. This is a good thing. 
Spain v. Netherlands
Spain and Netherlands both faced easier opponents in the round of 16, Spain taking down Switzerland and Netherlands taking down South Africa. Netherlands has played more consistently over the course of the tournament, and although Spain has shown some really good moments, I do think their 4-0 loss to Japan is indicative of problems against high-ranked teams, and so Netherlands will likely win.
Japan v. Sweden
Of all the games, I think this is the quarterfinal game that will produce the winner of the World Cup. Japan has been on fire, and has shown that they can win against teams like Spain and Norway AND make it look easy. Sweden fought for their life against the USA, and won; they can use that momentum against Japan. Their keeper Mušović is finding her rhythm, and will be a bigger challenge to Japan than any other keepers the country has faced. My pick for this game is Japan winning, but I wouldn’t be surprised if Sweden gets the upset.
Australia v. France
France had an easy win against Morocco in the round of 16, scoring three goals in the first 24 minutes, but only one goal in the rest of the game. Similarly, they had an easy win against Panama in the last group stage match, but were held to only 1 goal in the second half. If France continues to have weak second halves, they could struggle against Australia. The host nation pulls massive crowd support at every game, and has put together strong wins against Canada and Denmark. I think that Australia will use their momentum to put together a win against France.
England v. Colombia
This should be the most predictable result. England should dominate. But they went to penalty kicks against Nigeria, and had close games in the group stage. Colombia beat Jamaica in their round of 16 game, and beat Germany in the group stage, but in both games Colombia was struggling, and many people are saying that it is pure luck that Colombia have gotten to this point in the first stage. I tend to agree, and think England will win this.
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darthmelyanna · 2 years
Just discovered that FIFA uploaded the 2014 Germany v. Brazil match to their YouTube channel. I’m going to have to watch that again because sometimes I’m still not sure that actually happened.
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
I might be biased (actually, I’m totally biased lmao) but outside of the fandom I feel like JK and JM are the most popular and well-known members. People around me like my sisters, my boyfriend, friends, coworkers… if I ask them to name a few members they will definitely say JM and JK, maybe Suga as well and JHope since Lollapalooza. Maybe it depends on whether people are on Twitter or socmed or if they keep up with music releases in general. I find it interesting that photoshoot rumor has been automatically linked to Tae and JK. If it’s true I’m curious to see how it will come out. I’m a bit on the fence to be honest but hey, those two look handsome so I’ll take it anyway haha maybe I’ll get called out for saying this but I think the fandom and especially a certain kind of fans tend to overestimate Tae’s popularity outside of Army.
Okay anon. This sounds like a fan game. Let's do it. I'm on Google. I won't have enough room for images so just take my word for it 😂😂😂. I'm just gonna type in a bunch of countries. Here we go.
Korea - Jimin (we know this one so let's just drop it here)
Japan - V (with 1.7 million votes)
UK - Jhope
Now that one surprises me. Which, idk why coz he's fucking amazing but I didn't expect him to be the most popular here. I mean good for him though 💜
Australia - Jimin
India - V
South Africa - JK
Russia - V
France - V
Germany - Jimin
Brazil - Jimin
Turkey - Jimin
Argentina - Jimin
China - V (Damn son!)
Vietnam - Jimin (I'm shooketh 👀)
Nigeria - Jhope (why do I keep getting surprised 😂😂)
Malaysia - JK
Singapore - JK
Canada- Suga (finally!)
Italy- JK
Thailand - JK
Who's the most popular member in the world you ask? Drumroll please........ 🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁 JK!!!!!
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Anon this game was fun in the beginning but now I have to stop because its getting depressing. 21 countries I looked up. Where's the love for Namjin?
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