#brb fangirling forever
ohtobemare · 1 year
name your favorite––
*me, aggressively* who is Val Kilmer for $500
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derschwarzeengel · 8 months
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wickjump · 2 months
gnawing on the bones of the passage of time rn brb
lowkey i miss all the amino ads/spondorships now lmao, at some point it just felt like amino sponsered every single undertale content creator jshsjs/positive
it had it's issues no doubt but fuckkkk, it feels like the atmospheres then and now are so different it doesn't even feel like the same fandom anymore if that makes sense? 
ngl i kinda miss the sans fangirls? they were such a staple part of the community back then grahhhh (help i still remember when almost everyone was laughing at the fangirls that, just in general, new/young artists got dragged in too? ugh i dunno, i never really watched those 'cring comps' but i wasn't a fan lmao /lighthearted)
it felt like such a community, it *was* a community
when did everything get so divided
can we all just rp 2016 ut fandom for the rest of our lives
ugh now that i see another person talk about it, my brain just opened the floodgates and im speedrunning the grieving process JHSHSJHS 
"it'll never be the same anymore" okay and sure i could be graceful about it but also what if someone has to drag me kicking and screaming
THANK YOU!!!! i will forever speak my truth thank you anon
things got divided and genuinely it doesn’t feel like the same fandom at all. the fandom on twitter feels nothing like the fandom on tiktok or on tumblr. and because so many people don’t have tumblr now, despite how tumblr is the utmv fandom’s medium, it’s difficult to get the people together like they used to. someone could be famous on tumblr, everyone knows their name and their ocs, but on twitter nobody knows who they are. tiktok has plenty of tumblr reposts but theyre also in the dark a lot of the time. it’s disconnected.
the community would be a lot better if we just. migrated back to tumblr again and stopped the callout posts, because honestly i don’t care what someone said that was mildly rude to someone else or anything of that silly nature. it’s not that serious!!!! it’s driving us apart!!!!!!!! we can’t be together if we don’t make an effort!!!!!
i want people to start being communal again. i want rp sessions. i want a new loveball. i want roleplay blogs and silly cringe and especially edgy ask blogs. i want the same level of cringe 2016 had. i want it so goddamn bad. but in order for that to happen, people need to put in an effort, and to do it, and enough people need to do that. which feels like it just won’t happen, im not that influential to make that happen, and as previously mentioned, so many communities don’t know i exist either, nor so many tumblr figures!!!!!! the real ones are the people that have accounts on all platforms and post the same things on each 🙏 thank you for being a rare link
honestly we’re hated enough as is. I mean i literally just scrolled past a yt video called “undertale and it’s FOUL community”. people outside it ain’t doin us any favors, trying to say “we’re good now” ain’t doin shit!!!!!! let’s just have fun and go back to enjoying ourselves instead of trying to be “better”. because im not having as much fun as i know i wouldve years ago as a content creator and i want to have that fun!!!!! and my goal at this point is to let people know they can have that fun. im going to spread this like the gospel mark my words
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obstinaterixatrix · 8 months
do you have any bl/gl/gen recs for fucked up manic pixie dream girl (gender neutral)/guy with something obviously wrong with them x blueberry shot normalnotnormal guy (gender neutral)
my bias is showing (m/m). siyeol being aejoon’s Most Favorite Idol Ever and trying Really Really Hard to seduce him gives somewhat a manic pixie dream girl vibe imo (even tho siyeol’s being very intentional and fake about it); aejoon is extremely normalguy while being kind of not normal about it considering he rejects siyeol three (3) times
still sick (f/f). shimizu is so normal office lady (engineer) and also extremely hardcore yuri fangirl which give her a bit of a blueberry shot imo. meanwhile, maekawa just shows up out of nowhere and goes like woooow this yuri thing your drawing is soooo interesting tell me more about it~ and there’s a solid amount wrong with her (lol).
immortal days (gen?). I actually haven’t read this myself tho it’s been on my list forever and I did enjoy the few chapters I’ve gotten through. but it’s about two mortal guys in a world that has engineered immortality, myeol gives the impression of being Just Some Guy about it (which is extremely weird) and phil gives the impression of being manic pixie nightmare about it. this is more of a proxy rec from pals but I’m trusting these friends with my life and reputation.
I’ve actually got 3 more BL to add to the list but it’s getting long and I wanna eat lunch brb
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entishramblings · 9 months
You wrote it!!! Thank you! What a lovely way to start the new year. I had an idea for the story that I wanted to send in. If you don't mind me sending a long ass ask then sweet! As a fellow writer I can't help but imagine further. I apologize if this is annoying I just didn't want this idea to rot in my brain. I don't have enough space as is😭.
I imagine boromir talking to another high ranking official from another land. Someone who had come to minas tirith for business with the king. Boromir asks about about the bone he found and is told something quite different than what iwar had told him.
" It seems you have been marked my friend, but not for death." The unamed Captain clarified with a smirk. Before boromir could respond he was cut off. " Do you know who else received a gift of bone?" " King Peleus of Thetis, King Arthur of Númenor. Both were gifted by the sea something quite powerful." The Captain continued, never taking his eyes off the whale that boromir placed in his hand. Boromir felt an unidentified feeling grow in the pit of his stomach. " Power? What gift do you speak of?" Boromir questioned.
The Captain chuckled at the younger man's eager curiosity. " A son. They were both gifted sons, stronger than the waves of the sea and wiser than the stars. Sons who grew into men that lead undefeated armies. They took back stolen land and made new life out of death." Boromir stood in shocked silence. He couldn't believe the words coming from this Captain. It's not possible. Yet, what else could it be? The Captain walked to boromir, placing the bone back into his hands. " It it a very lucky thing to happen. It will not last long, and you may never get this chance again. I suggest you take what you can before it's too late." The Captain finished forebodingly.
"What must I do? How do I know it's not too late?" Boromir nearly begged. He asked desperately for the wisdom that was beyond him. The Captain stopped in his path. " People of the sea cannot stay out of water forever. They must return before the moon turns full. Find a sea cave before their last night and wait for them. They will ask you what it is you desire. You can wish for money, or power, even revenge if it is what you wish. Or you can ask for a son like the others before you, and bring your land unfathomable glory." Boromir nodded. Before he could turn to find his way he was stopped.
" I must warn you young man, if you choose this there is no going back. Women of the sea are quite possessive. They do not give easily, once you do this you will be hers. From now to the day of your death. Their vengeance knows no bounds. You will never be able to find another." The Captain gave his final warning before disappearing into the winding corridors of the castle. Boromir felt as if his heart would beat through his chest. His mind heavy with indecision.
someone wrote a mini fic about one of my fics
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I aM sHriEkiNg LiKe a nAzGûL!!!
Anon, you are so fucking precious! I love to see how creative minds work and have different beautiful ideas! The fandom community makes me so happy!!
I do, however, already have the next chapter all planned out and outlined—BUT THIS ASK GAVE ME SUCH EXCITEMENT!!
brb as I fangirl over you
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franinconverse · 7 years
Yondu and Kraglin are going to be at MCM Birmingham and I wasn’t planning on going but God damn it now I am.
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flaux-pg · 7 years
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Magic <<< DA ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Thank you so much Cel!!! 
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jsmithcameronx · 2 years
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Jessica Chastain holds her Oscar for best actress as she is escorted back stage by Anthony Hopkins during the show at the 94th Academy Awards.
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reyofsunlight666 · 7 years
this nerd has just booked her tickets for the dan and phil world tour after seven years of watching them and is EXTREMELY EXCITED AHHHHHH :D :D :D
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iuwon · 3 years
hello lina!!
🎐anon here,, i'm sorry it took me like a week to reply back..., i had exams this week and i tend to stay off my socmeds during exam week not because i want to focus on studying, no, no, absolutely not but because exams literally suck the soul out of me and i have no energy left to even open my socmeds or indulge in anything 😭, i literally take a 2 hour nap every time i finish one exam paper. so yeah... tough week and i'm glad its over. i have another big exam period starting on nov 16th so i'll have to study hard for that but, guess its freedom for now. anyways!! sorry i ranted too much. first thing i saw when i opened tumblr tonight was your pda hc post and omg 💘💘💘 , you literally never disappoint ?? i love it... especially jake's.... 'that's my girl' bruvv butterflies in my stomach. it's so rewarding to read your writings first thing after exams are over and i can finally open tumblr ㅠㅠ. oh and for the kpop groups i stan question,, i have 2 groups i ult rn which are aespa and enhypen!! i use to ult nct though back in 2018-2020 and i still keep up with them a little. i want to write down a lot more but i think i already said too much hahaha so i'll stop here. and please tell me about your week too 🥺. i want to listen and read about how it went or just little, memorable things that made you happy this week cause yk, i admire you and i want to understand you more
xoxo, 🎐
AND NO NO IT'S ALL GOOD DON'T WORRY !!! priority is always important if not ppl end up like me 😻 I HOPE IT WENT WELL FINGERS CROSSED PRAYING ON MY KNEES THAT YOU GOT THE RESULTS YOU WANTED !! UGHHH tell me about it, exams are so mentally draining and exhausting just thinking about it makes me want to collapse. naps are always essential i live for sleep ✨ seriously i do nothing but fangirl, eat, sleep and study.
AHH NOV 16 THAT'S TOO SOON 😡 personally i need at least like,, 1-2 months of rest before another exam. FOR THE MEANTIME please rest well !!! sleep like a panda and eat like a panda 🤩 don't worry too much to prevent stress because you had it so rough oml :((( seeing how you turned off social media due to how drained you were just proved how much effort you placed into the exams 😼 but please please don't overexert yourself during the next batch of exams !!! i hate exams just for that reason only. make sure to never pressure or stress yourself with negativity no matter what scenario you're doing the best and that's all that matters !! 💞 NO FEEL FREE TO RANT ALL THAT YOU CAN
literally reading this is so rewarding like HELP you now and forever will hold the ability to say things that i can't stop thinking about 😭😭 AND OHHH AESPA AND ENHA !!! aespa along w bp and itzy are the gg i stan 😌😌 i used to stan nct too !!! but i somehow got pretty busy so i rarely just watch their videos 😭 i think enha and bts are the only groups that i'm up to date w/ but even so i'm still behind with their updates 💀 AND NOO ALWAYS FEEL FREE TO WRITE AS MUCH AS YOU WANT TO !!! i really love receiving asks and hearing from you, like honestly, it's so hard to explain 😭
BUT PLACING SCHOOL ASIDE I HAD A 4 DAY BREAK !! it's just about to end and school is starting tomorrow 🥀 i watched k-dramas w/ my mom, had late-night snacks (i love love love having late-night snacks/noodles it tastes so much better at night), and cooked breakfast for my family for 4 days (not really fun since i had to wake up earlier but at least i can cook) !!! it was so so fun :))
i'm going to the hospital tomorrow though !! our country doesn't allow vaccinations on minors so my doctor is issuing some special treatment to get me one on Friday !! i think i'm getting the faiser (is that how it's spelled HELP) or the moderna one and i'm pretty nervous bc i heard those are pretty painful (I HATE VACCINATIONS i am forever a kid at heart). i have online classes tomorrow so my mom is telling my to bring my phone instead to listen to my classes (a 100% fail but i can't argue against my asian mom). OHHH ALSO i was away from my gadgets the whole 4 days I JUST CAME BACK AND I SAW THE BTS SEASONS GREETINGS 2022 AJFEJGJAWSFJWEJ JIKOOK HELLO ?????????????????????????????? ,,,,, waIT hold on do you stan bts ?? I'M SO SORRY IF I'M JUST SPOUTING OUT NONSENSE <//3 but hmmm other than school i don't really have much going on 😭 currently going to study for my statistics quiz even though it's a rest day today 😡 ANYWHO HOW ARE YOU DOING THOUGH ??? WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN UP TO WITH YOUR REST ??? OR HALLOWEEN ???
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kansai-banzai-blog · 7 years
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• ジャニーズ WEST CONCERT TOUR 2016ラッキィィィィィィィ7
- Monkiiiiiii7 Game Corner: Punishment Game Digest
Kiriyama Monkey vs Giant Rolling Bar
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nastasyafilippovnas · 4 years
Thanks for asking! <3
from dusk till dawn
Top 5 favourite characters: kisa, richie, monica, ximena, venganza Other characters you like: seth, vanessa, scott, uncle eddie, paloma Least favourite characters: kate (i swear this name is cursed lol) Otps: richie x kisa, of courseeee Notps: richiek-te, sethk-te (sorry not sorry) Favourite friendships: seth and kisa, ximena with richie and seth. i guess both of these are more frenemies than friendships, but yeah, lol Favourite family: richie, seth and uncle eddie! Favourite episodes: 2.01 Opening Night, 2.08 The Last Temptation of Richard Gecko,  1.07 Pandemonium (though really everything from 1.07 to 1.10 is so good), 3.02 La Reina Favourite season/book/movie: season two Favourite quotes: i have it tattooed, so, "sometimes eternity isn't forever" Best musical moment: 1.07 during Kisa's pole dancing scene Moment that made you fangirl/boy the hardest: when Richie and Kisa saw each other again on 3.02 (I think I was screaming through this whole episode) When it really disappointed you: season three. most of it doesn't even feel like the same show, but especially that flash forward (i did not need that image in my head) Saddest moment: oh, my, i can't even?? this show has so many sad moments, but maybe Kisa's flashbacks in 2.04 Most well done character death: uncle eddie's, for the emotional impact, i guess. Favourite guest star: there are so many good ones, but Jeff Fahey, because i absolutely love uncle Eddie and he was on justified too Favourite cast member: Eiza, duh. No one loved the show as much as her. Character you wish was still alive: XIMENA. That was some bullshit death for man pain and I hated. One thing you hope really happens: well, the show is over, soo...nothing to wish for. Most shocking twist: maybe Carlos coming back in s03? how many times can a guy die and come back? When did you start watching/reading?: 2016, I think? it was before s03 aired but after s02. Best animal/creature: kisa's snakes, i guess. Favourite location: the titty twister Trope you wish they would stop using: killing latina women (i was fine with it during s01/02, but in s03 it just became so obvious and without any reason, ugh) One thing this show/book/film does better than others: really delving into mexican/latin america culture, i loved how it's a supernatural show that doesn't make the folklore european, and it works so well. Funniest moments: "richard, we should be sleeping. like that guy in that movie you made me watch" lol and when freddie wants to get something from the bar and seth says it's free but richie says it's two fifty or something? lol i love my man. Couple you would like to see: i'd like to see my couple get back together, ha.  Actor/Actress you want to join the cast: --- Favourite outfit: Kisa's bike outfit from 2.10 Favourite item: the diamond bracelet brb crying Do you own anything related to this show/book/film?: nothing except my tattoo What house/team/group/friendship group/family/race etc would you be in?: culebras, of course. Most boring plotline: amaru/kate in s03 Most laughably bad moment: hm, idk, the monsters in s03 Best flashback/flashfoward if any: Kisa's during s02. Most layered character: KISA. Most one dimensional character: i don't really think there's one? even the ones i hate are  actually layered. Scariest moment: idk, the show is full of gore, but not very scary. Grossest moment: when richie, venganza and the lords just go for it in 3.01 Best looking male: Richie. Best looking female: Kisa. I'm shallow, it's why I ship them. Who you’re crushing on (if any): Kisa, Richie, Ximena, Monica, lol. Favourite cast moment: Zane showing up in one of Eiza's IG videos. (that's like, my proof they didn't hate each other). Favourite transportation: Seth's car at the end of 1.10 Most beautiful scene (scenery/shot wise): i think this show has so many beautiful shots! it's impossible to choose just one. Unanswered question/continuity issue/plot error that bugs you: how did seth, richie and kate end up together in the flash forward? why is richie able to walk in daylight without any problem? WHAT IS THAT FLASH FORWARD? my nightmare, i guess. Best promo: hmm, i don't remember any special one. At what point did you fall in love with this show/book: probably during Kisa's dance scene in 1.07.
in depth fandom questions
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A photo of Drew and Darryl taken yesterday, May 8, 2021, as posted on the Strange Advance Fan Club group on Facebook.  BRB FANGIRL SQUEEING FOREVER.
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ober-affen-geil · 4 years
My Roswell Rewatch liveblog
Episode 2x13 AKA What The Actual Hell And Fuck
*surrounded by fire* “it’s hot” NO SHIT LIZ
what does it look like kyle lmao
how long did it take to get maria to the hospital?
lmao @ liz i think she agrees with her sister about “bitchass aliens”
ok but forreal what does clay do why does he not count
liz fangirling over other science people
ok wait what surgery, what could they have done all her organs were melting
max bb
siblingsssssss brb sobbing
god this scene fuck when michael hands him the hammer and gives that little encouraging nod fuck me up
don’t do it liz
“run away with me max evans?” “anywhere” *GROSS SOBBING*
 “i mean of course” ALEX WTH WHAT DO YOU MEAN “OF COURSE”
cam i love you
also max, michael takes better mug shots
i really need to know why they sweat glitter and they don’t now is that an atmosphere thing?
kyle bb
side note i do really like her comforter
that color is gorgeous on diego
what is wrong with max
ruh ro
in love with nora’s dress
so they were building the prison for jones?
uh oh
“you look like me” HAHAHAHAHA
so they got jones into the prison the day of the raid?
june 14, 1997 we have a date 
love the bachlorette party victim in the drunk tank
ok lowkey this is funny because isobel and michael are RIGHT THERE and isobel loves drama hahahaha
max don’t do it
god sibling moments are killing me here fuck
aw kyle and alex. bb
fuck oh no
the look on kyle’s face when he saw the empty bed, my heart
lmao isobel and drama is my new ship
alex you and michael with “a long time ago” like you weren’t in bed with each other within the last year jfc you’re both disasters
“i know i’ve done it” ROSA YOU ARE SO METAL I LOVE YOU
michael being 1000% done hahaha
did liz just drive all night? does she not drive by day like a normal person?
don’t do itttttt
tho do love this moment
their FACES
woof that ending
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bi-lullaby · 5 years
Meredith vs People
Alternative titles: “My other post in a similar format got slightly popular and I crave attention” and “I’m still hung up on the one time Owen called Mer “the only universally liked individual in the hospital” because she is my fave”
Meredith x Cristina
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Once called “the true lovestory of the show” I think it’s one of the kost refreshing relationships between characters I’ve ever seen in my, admittedly not that long, experience with fandom. The love and support each other wildly and publicly, straight up say to others how their person is important and a thing to prioritize. It’s so... Amazing to watch their deep, soulmate-like bond develop. I also love them from a narrative standpoint: How they started out as ambitious, driven people with complicated relationships with intimacy who saw surgery as the end all be all goal, and how they’re allowed to grow apart from that slightly, acquire other goals and relationships and projects (Meredith) or continue on that path, prioritizing their career and success solely/mostly (Cristina) and how both are treated as valid, rewarding choices (Mer with her happiness at family life and her Harper Avery, and Cristina with her bomb-ass hospital and the resolution of her personal relationships). They’re two characters that took on distinct journeys, but whose paths to personal fulfillment are deeply intertwined to each other.
Meredith x Alex
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Okay, this is my favorite friendship ever. If Izzie showed Alex that his “evil spawn” ways weren’t exactly preferable nor they made him better than anyone or immune to pain, Meredith stuck out her hand for him and said “you’re dark and twisty? Cool. Doesn’t mean you can’t find, and fight for, happiness. Lets be dark and twisty together while we figure this out.” They relate to each other in a fascinating way, both children of neglect (to varying degrees) who worked their way to the top with a lot of bumps in the way. Also, seeing as I’m Mer’s number one stan, I also love their relationship because Alex is so amazing to her. Even Cristina had her moments of “mommy tracking” her, or even putting her aside in favor of a relationship, while Alex sticks by her side like glue and puts her above almost everything (which, I’m not saying a friendship is less valid if it’s not the most important thing in the world to you, of course not. I’m saying that everyone has a favorite person in the world, and the fact Mer is someone’s, makes that someone (Alex) even better in my eyes). Meredith sticks by the people she cares about’s sides through whatever they’re going through, in whatever way she can, and I find that that is surprisingly not-reciprocal in some instances, so it’s good she has her own ride-or-die. It’s also comic to me that two of the most sexually active, sex-driven characters in the show have never had an indication of sexual tension between them. (Almost like men and women can be friends, shocking!). The show’s not complete without Merlex, that’s for sure!
Meredith x Lexie
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BRB, will be crying about the softest sisters ever, who deserved a much more fleshed-out relationship! To this day, all my (unpublished) Grey’s fanfiction involve “Lexie is actually alive” because it was such a traumatic loss to Meredith (that was under explored, imo, even if the little mentions of it through the show are heartwarming AND breaking). I loved that they made Mer push her way at first, because it showed her deep resentment of her own life, of not getting the doting father and the protective mother and the “growing up with siblings” and then having someone who had all that come and throw at her face the word “sisters” like they shared anything but DNA at that point... I think my two favorite examples of “family is about choice, not blood” examples of this show are their relationship and how it got deep through knowing each other (Meredith donates a piece of her liver to their father because of Lexie, but doesn’t remember Molly’s name in the same ep because Molly has not actively been her sister) and another one I’ll talk about later. And the contrast between Lexie’s own sadness from suddenly being left with basically no family (alcoholic father, dead mother,stranded older dister and far-away younger sister, all things I feel like people don’t consider enough to understand Lexie has also suffered) and her fight to get that family back was just so amazing. In a way, Lexie was Meredith’s Izzie, not only by being cuddly and fuzzy and nurturing but by having a “I deserve better than you being an asshole so I’ll make you less of an asshole or so help me god” attitude. Mer got softer for lexie and I think that’s beautiful.
Meredith x Amelia
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Yeah, that’s my other “favorite family is not by blood, it’s by choice” ark. That clear-contrast scene of Amelia coming from her “sisters” meetup, emotionally drained after having to endure their toxic, demeaning, vicious attacks, and into her sisters, who are earning to hear what she has to say, who empathize with her and support her... I ate that shit UP, let me tell you. Because Mer was such a huge bitch to Amy at first, but came to love her after allowing herself to truly get to know her (which is the opposite story with Nancy and Lizzie and Kate, who all refuse to get to know her past the version that they despise). I also love that Derek was kind of a barrier between them, because he had his own views of Amy that influenced Mer and when he was gone, she had to face a... quite different reality. I see a lot of people shitting on Mer for the “You’re not my sister, Cristina is my sister. You’re Derek’s sister and Derek is dead” line, and I can see why, it was rude, but... That’s Meredith’s whole instance on family? Yeah, Amy was sweet and I’d bet she was mer’s favorite “Shepherdress” out of the four woman (she had stood up to her before, against Derek, nonetheless), and it breaks my heart that Amy saw her as “the only sister she could relate to” (seriously I was sobbing) but... Sister? That’s a personal, intimate title she reserved very, very few people in her life, and Amy has earned that right with a lot more patience and care than most people put into relationships. Of course she was more loyal to Cristina than to Amy at that point (who herself was more loyal to Addison than to her own siblings, hence she didn’t tell Derek about the affair, for example). But then? She literally tells Megan she can’t possibly choose which one of Owen’s wives she likes more, and need I remind you the other one is Cristina herself? (who she called “her soulmate” over Derek?. They’re two example of women who’ve gone through tremendous trauma and pain and came out changed from it, and the fact they have each other for support now makes me very, very happy. I do wish they had more scenes together, but the ones they do share are enough for me to say their relationship is a gift for this show.
Meredith x Maggie
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So pure! I like that they meet up when they’re both older and more experienced and have kind of “set” personalities, that clash sometimes, but also can add up into beautiful things when combined. It was... slightly frustrating to see Mer push away yet another person at first, but watching them get closer was also sweet. I hate the comparisons between their relationship and Merlexie’s (and the comparisons between Maggie and Lexie/Cristina/April like she’s just a stand-in for them). They were different moments of all their lives. Mer and Lexie? Inexperienced 20-something women going though shit trying to find their place in the world, when Mer was still in her dark and twisties and needed to be cajoled into giving Lexie even an inch. Mer and Maggie? Well-established women in their late thirties whose relationship wasn’t built on a need for each other, but in working together for the sisterhood they wanted. I love that it was Maggie that had to get to know Meredith and be persuaded into liking her, actually. And look where they are now! They have such a comfortable, intimate relationship that’s based on love and mutual respect! I love Maggie’s small fangirl moment when Mer pulls that amazing straw-in-the-skull stunt in the airplane and Maggie’s filming the interview (although I hated what came afterwards. C’mon Maggie, fighting over a boy? Really?). It’s also good to see how Meredith helps Maggie navigate her first real trauma (loosing her mother) and how her pain has build her up and actually helps others! It’s an excellent stance of character development that remains true to the character. Their little interaction when Mer’s creating her little dream-induced invention and Maggie looks at the board once and understands it, helping her figure it all out, is so cute and nice! They’re sweet and good for each other, and I’ll protect this relationship forever!
Meredith and Jo
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“You’re Jo Wilson, I know exactly who you are!” makes me weak. Because it’s such a powerful, important phrase, but also such... A Mer thing to say. At the end of the day, Mer loves people and takes them under her wing and empathizes with them. She becomes Jo’s support system and doesn’t let go. I love how she’s the one to stand by her side and protect her from Paul, and I love how she’s the one in the more recent episode to manage to get Jo to open up, to get up and get help. They’re almost mirrors, Jo with Mer’s headstrongness and emotional baggage, barging in and taking the world by storm, with Mer being Jo’s Bailey in a way, with a lot of crankiness and a slight superiority complex but lots of wisdom and care, looking at her go with a smirk like “that girl will go far but she’ll need a couple wrist slaps on the way”. Mer was extremely important in Alex’s life, she became extremely important in Jo’s life, and that’s beautiful and sweet. Also, their “shared custody” of Alex is hilarious.
Meredith x Callie
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How could we have guessed that two people that initially were at each others throats constantly would be so close one day? They are absurdly different, and yet so close! The way they support each other’s journeys as mothers, wives and surgeons is a great thing to see. And they have such iconic moments, like the panties in the bulletin board, the trial, and the little kiss!
Meredith x Mark
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I’m not gonna lie, I shipped those two very briefly but very intensely when they first met! Then they evolved into a rather sweet friendship. I love to think Mer tells Sofia all sorts of stories she heard through Derek in those first years. When she told Callie that Mark used to call her (not Derek, not Addison, not Derek’s mom, not Bailey, her!) whenever he needed advice or had a crisis in the middle of the night, I teared up a little, because that’s such a huge step from who they began as! From loner and relationship-phobic insecure to parents with loving relationships who could count on each other! My favorite dirty mistresses ever!
And there’s so much more! Meredith and Bailey and how they both grew so much, Meredith and Arizona and how their relationship is underrate, Meredith and Jackson’s sibling-esque relationship, Meredith and April... “I used to think you could only have one person, but now I know. Turns out I have a whole damn village!”.
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liberty-barnes · 4 years
I think I'm a moronsexual
me, on the phone with my friend: I think I'm a moronsexual
friend: you're a what now?
me: a moronsexual. attracted solely to morons
friend: ...
me: unfortunately for me Tom Holland fits that category perfectly so my bar will forever be too high
friend: of course you'd turn this into a fangirling moment
me: hold on that sounds like something straight out of a fanfic... brb I have a story to write
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