#brb gonna go SOB
alvojake · 6 days
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pls I love them so bad 😭😭
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a-star-is-here · 7 months
Christmas? Don't know her I only know Arthur death day anniversery
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wonusite · 8 months
Absolutely no one asked but here's my headcannon for nerd!shua x cheerleader!yn's first I love you to each other:
You and Josh have had a fight, the biggest one you've had since you started officially dating, though you had been seeing and getting to know each other for a good while before then under the pretense of being a casual hook up. Maybe it started off as something small, but whatever it was that started the fight, it escalated and words were thrown, feelings were hurt and you stormed out of his appartment that you were steadily becoming more and more familiar with.
Perhaps it wouldn't have been so bad had you run off, slamming the front door in your wake (Mingyu had always said that you had a terrible temper), but after chasing the nerd of your dreams and finally getting him where you want him, maybe you were feeling a little tired of the constant chasing. Maybe, for once, you wanted him to be the one that chased you, wanted him to make you feel special, feel wanted, feel like you were worth being more than a good fuck or a pretty face. Sure, there was no reason for you to be insecure, especially when Josh has done nothing but shown you that he's very much attracted to you, but there's still that little voice in the back of your head that says he's just like everyone else, that he doesn't see past the external beauty, that he doesn't actually care for who you are beyond the hot cheerleader with a hot body, that maybe, just maybe, if he actually gave a damn about you and your relationship that he wouldn't have given up so easily, that he'd fight to keep you around. But he didn't. So here you are. And that's where you guys are at the moment.
It's almost like a scene from a movie, it's absolutely pouring outside, the air is chilly, it's a dark winter evening. Nothing in the day has gone right and it seems like the weather is reflecting that. At first, you're bitter. You're angry that even after everything, Josh still maintains his cold and stoic persona. You thought that maybe you had started to chip away at the cold exterior he always puts up, but the second things started going south, it was like all the work you had done to get Josh to open up to you was undone in an instant. Your first instinct is to be angry and lash out. Despite having left his appartment hours ago, it's like you can't get the fight out of your system, throwing (soft!! And non breakable let's be responsible guys) things around and screaming into your empty apartment, doing anything you can get rid yourself of that burning, that itch that seems to fill your entire being.
After the anger comes the sadness, the loneliness. You begin to doubt, yet again. Was it your fault? Was there something that you did to cause it? Were you just not good enough? The self-loathing, the self-deprication, it all fills you up all at once and you cry. You begin to spiral, wondering why every one of your relationships seems to end in a similar fashion, why no one has ever cared enough to stay. Josh certainly isn't your first boyfriend, and though you'd never admit it (not in that moment at least) there's a part of you that wished he would've been the last. You wallow in self pity for a bit, finally getting all the pent up emotions from the day's events out of your body, finally waiting for the release of acceptance and you to finally start moving on.
Except you never get there. Try as you might, you can't stop the gnawing feeling at your chest, the weight your feel on your shoulders, the way your left hand twitches, longing for something that feels suspiciously like Joshua's right one. Unlike past relationships, you're not able to move on, put on a brave face, keep your head held high and move on like you never even hurt in the first place. At first, you're confused. You've never had a problem moving on quickly and efficiently before, there's no reason for there to be a problem now. You try to convince yourself that this is just the same as it's always been, and that maybe you just need a bit more time this time. But not, there's that annoying little voice in the back of your head, saying 3 little words that absolutely terrifies you, telling you that you can't shake Joshua because he means more to you than the guys in the past, that your affections for him are no longer just teetering into unknown territory, that you've already jumped into the deep end.
You know yourself better than anyone, and that's precisely why you know the budding feelings you have for your the cute nerd from your calculus class are more than just a simple crush. You know what you're feeling goes beyond that, that once you started dating and he started playing the part of the doting boyfriend, that you were a goner, completely at his mercy. You knew, and despite all of it, you were okay with it. You were okay with being vulnerable, with being weak, with having all your cards on the table because for him, you'd do just about anything.
It hits you that the morning might've been your last time to ever hug Joshua, to ever kiss him, to see that brilliant smile of his directed at you. You swallow, a lump in your throat that never seems to get any better no matter how much water or tea you've had. There's a heaviness that weighs down on you, and you know it's not just the blanket you have wrapped around you. It's the inexplicable feeling of a loss that makes the room heavy, makes your head hurt and makes you feel like you're drowning. You've lost the person that's made you the happiest you've ever been, and for what? Because of some stupid fight that you can't even remember the cause of?
With that, you stand because no, you won't let this be the end of things and no, for once, you're not going to just move on and let go. Joshua means something to you dammit, and you're going to make sure that if this is really the end, you've done everything in your power to at least try to fix things and make things better.
Marching your way to the door, you pull it open just to find the exact person you were looking to hunt down, a raised fist to knock and a shocked expression on his face. He's soaked, seeming to not care about bringing an umbrella on his walk from his appartment. Even in the dim light of your appartment hallway, you can see that his face is blotchy and red, his eyes swollen and irritated. Whatever turmoil you've put yourself through, he seems to have had a similar experience. Wordlessly, you open the door just a bit wider, stepping back to let him in. He walks in, but doesn't walk far, opting to simply turn and look at you, a desperate pleading look in his eyes.
There's silence for a moment, nothing but the weight of the tension between you. He takes a shaky breath and you can barely hear the words "I'm sorry" and "I love you" leave his lips before you're pouncing on him, wrapping your arms around his neck and pressing your lips together in a desperate attempt to convey all your feelings into on action. He kisses you back with the same ferocity, pulling you tight against his body as if he's afraid you'll disappear if he lets go for just a second.
When you break for air, he rests his forehead on yours, taking your presence in. You manage to choke out an "I love you too" in the middle of your crying, clinging to him tightly, loving the familiarity and comfort that comes with his scent, his touch. He hushes you, pulling you into another kiss again. You still have a lot to talk about and work through, but you suddenly feel a million times lighter, knowing that everything is gonna be okay again.
Oops I realize I kinda just ,,, threw this at you but this idea has been kind of eating away at my brain for a while and I feel like I needed to just get it out of my brain LOOOL
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totallysora · 4 months
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qupidology · 1 month
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your honor i love him 🥺
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Happy Wagner Wednesday🥺
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naomiosakas · 2 years
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She is one of the greatest sports [people] of all time. I feel lucky to share a tour for a long period of time with her. Of course, from a selfish point of view it’s sad that she’s leaving the tour but, on the other hand, we can’t thank her enough for all the things that she did for our sport.
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graham--folger · 6 months
about to cry real tears. when i get my own cats later in life i can call them crowley and aziraphale. i can just do that. for free
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s0up1ta · 2 years
we got the hair noodle back-
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but at what cost-
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wanderingpages · 1 year
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arabellas · 2 years
if i don't see a little life play in london what is even the point
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Chelsea!Howard playing w her choker when Anne mentions being beheaded…
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wonusite · 6 months
okay. since i’m absolute dad!seventeen enthusiast…
talented-amazing-creative-wonderful-gorgeous-fabulous-owner of the best seventeen account on tumblr, nalani, is there a chance that you could feed my delusions of daddy!mingyu being daddy not only to babygirl (everyday at every time ig…), but also to the actual baby…? like, it can start off fluffy and sweet, but then evolve into the filthiest smut ever, idc anymore at this point 😃
also, i am surprised myself that i have such a big gyu brainrot, since i consider myself a total loyal wonwoorideul, but mingyu is just… i swear i don’t have words to express the things this guy does to me ☠️
can he like stop being so ??? just ✨CALM DOWN✨ sir IM BEGGING U
- 😵‍💫 nonny
listen if u keep saying such sweet things to me i’m gonna have to kiss you wtf 🥹 i too am a loyal wonwoorideul, but mingyu is my bias wrecker and he’s constantly coming for me so i feel your pain 😭
so you already know daddy!gyu would be the best father. like he would dote on your child sm just always buying them any toys they want, planning expensive trips to fun amusement parks, throwing the most extravagant birthday parties. also he would be a total girl dad like just doing hairstyles, picking out outfits, playing dress up and having tea parties. also he would be a total softie never being able to discipline bc it physically hurts him so he would let you do it. would be his child’s #1 cheerleader and supported like he would always encourage and nourish his child’s dreams no matter what 🥲
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zarazmnie-cos · 2 years
hihi ness <3
my Tumblr crashed while sending this for the first time so I hope you dont get two asks from me now >.<
but the fingers you liked were Sunghoon's <//3 I swear man has some of the prettiest fingers, they look soft and perfect in all ways possible, the nails look so well taken care of and the way his fingers are shaped is just so so so pretty
and when he wears rings oh gosh, game over, they fit him so so well
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they look so soft im going to cry
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this damn blog is now hand blog or something wtf 😭😭😭 not that im complaining-
i am this close to bias sunghoon rn and i dont know if it's a good idea but his hands are so pretty </3
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lowkey just hit me that i’m actually gonna see Seungcheol irl cuz last time seventeen toured here he was still on his hiatus 😭😭
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spiritdreamt · 2 years
peter's in her doorway . for maggie , this is a usual occurrence . he does know how to just appear places . but this time , his smile is non existent . she furrows her eyebrows as he opens his mouth and everything stops . the clock ticks in slow motion as maggie drops the straighteners she was holding , starting to shake . this isn't how it ends for percy - her best friend - surely . . . she tells her trusted confidant that she doesn't believe him , and , tears sprouting , puts on her coat . she will prove him wrong .
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