#bread askers
8 for the bookmarks!
{ resources for describing physical things } ! exactly what it sounds like .
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stonecoastweather · 1 year
give lue bread!
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food!!!!!! bread!!!!
oh, this'll be gone in a second
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mossolantern · 1 year
I mean. I dont only communicate thru anons, sometimes I show my blog, it just feels easier to be on anon because talking to people is kinda scary. And i mean, I dont really know what you can even call friends anyway? Are there things you have to meet before you can actually call someone a friend? I think Moss is a silly guy with tasty art and whether he considers me a friend or not is kinda their choice,,, if im just a silly anon then ill be a silly anon yknow? - BB
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noxious-amillion · 19 days
Hello Halcyon!! I’m imagining you like a basset hound howling outside my door rn lol
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pyrriax · 3 months
how do you feel about uncrustables?
they USED to be good but they changed their recipe and now the bread gets absolutely nasty 😔
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awesamforehead · 4 months
i fucking love bread thank u 🫶🫶
Bread is so good fr and theres so many varieties you cant go wrong with it
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where-is-hotguy · 3 months
In my bread! :0
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what can he say, its comfy! ...i guess?
he says its comfy so.. i guess i'll go with it, he is the talent, after all...
anyway! carbs are good for keeping up his energy for his heroics! thanks for your contribution, asker!
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This is my mother preparing bread despite the war and bombing everywhere 😔💔
I hope you can help me, I want her to be fine 😔
Thank you very much my friends🙏🙏
I believe this asker is legitimate. If I’m wrong, please inform me, but otherwise please go donate to https://gofund.me/db895775
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phtalogreenpoison · 5 months
Hello can I be your mistress
I have felt a myriad of emotions just reading this. This is both wild and inscrutable, yet a simple ask. I am wanted, yet they do not wish to be perceived. It is humorous, yet it is a serious question. Do they desire me carnally? For my beauty or my brains? For my sharp wit or my lowest points? And yet, the asker remains mysterious, unknown, no clarification on whether they are serious or not. What a pithy, loaded question that is full of the meat of life. The juice of gossip. The bread and butter of scandal.
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aromanticofficial · 7 months
Do I need to ask you to obtain my official garlic bread license?
it came free with your aspec label
also this is marginally related but your ask gave me a good chance to say it clearly (and this is not aimed at you specifically, asker, dw): I am in no way an authority or a member of an organization like AUREA, I am a member of the community who felt there needed to be a gimmick blog like the heritage post blogs. not to say you can't joke, but I'm anxious enough about getting misunderstood that I'd prefer that if you do, use tone indicators plz.
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siberat · 9 months
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“So, what shall I sink my teeth into next? *Scans the table* Ah, how about this juicy coal burger? One can never go wrong with the classics! Just look at that thick patty! *Shows to the camera, then takes a huge bite* MMmm-MMm-MMMM! Tastes delicious! The bun is so fresh, and the pickles give the burger a nice crunchy zest!
*Licks his lips* Well, let’s move on to an ask, sound good? We have another anonymous asking, ‘Have there been others who know about your scrumptious eating escapades?’ *Raises optic ridges* Scrumptious would be an understatement, wouldn’t you agree? Naturally, Rat/chet is aware of my overindulgent tendencies, and to be honest, I have received some double takes. However, I try to limit going overboard. *Licks coal burger juice from fingers* Usually, I won’t consume so much tasty food in one sitting. Oh! *Stuffs another bite of burger in his mouth* Swe/rve tends to bring me mini-cupcakes and treats of the sort, demanding me to tell him which tastes the best. And I give him my honest opinion.
*Shrugs and frowns* Yet, those tasty baked treats never make it on his menu. And you know, I swear one evening, I smelt the loveliest aromas coming from his locked bar. I knew Swe/rve was baking up something good! *Finishes the burger* But the next day, no baked goods were added to the menu. And yes, you can bet that I was first in line when his bar opened! But anyways, I have not maintained a chiseled frame regularly, but the weight gain isn’t overly noticeable all the time. I still want to be able to enjoy my swordsmanship, after all. *Wipes mouth on napkin*
I demolished that coal burger, haven’t I? *Pats belly* Oofff…. My stomach is getting nice and tight already. There’s no decision on what to try next based on this anonymous question: ‘Who is the fastest at finishing a large bottle of Doctor Chunk?’ Supposedly, Rodi/mus claims to be the best chugger of drinks. He said he could drink this whole bottle in under 20 seconds. *Picks up bottle of Soda* I beg to differ. I think I can out-chug him. What do you think? *Winks* Shall I give it a go? Okay… someone time me…*Brings bottle to lips* And go! *Starts chugging*
*Optics open wide, chugging ends* Oh my! *Belches loudly; servo covers mouth in embarrassment* Please excuse me! *Stifles another belch before resuming chugging; however, it doesn’t last long* Oh, my stars, that carbonation burns! I’m almost there! *Shows only one-third of the bottle remaining* I think I can make it! *Continues to chug the drink until finished*
All done! *Belches out a long, noisy burp* Where have my manners gone? *Stomach gurgles* My tummy…*Winces* So much pressure…
*Loud, audible clank is heard* Oh my! *Optics open wide in shock, cheeks flush as his stomach plating busts out and shoots across the room* How embarrassing! I’m busting out all over the place…literally! *Servo’s rub at exposed protomesh belly* However, I feel so much better now. Like, so much more room has become available! *Smirks at camera* So, what was my time? Did I beat Rodi/mus?
*Furrows brows* Thirty-five seconds? Are you sure? I downed that drink quicker than that! *Pouts* Oh well. I guess we’ll have to let our dear captain hold that title. For now, at least. Now, onto our next question and dish. We have two askers, annony and Alcorian, asking the same question, relating to how much I have polished off so far and whether I can finish in one stream. *Clears throat* Being a dedicated individual, I always plan to finish what I start! And how could I resist all this tantalizing food? Take this Cyber-city Onion soup, for example. *Picks up bowl covered in warm, melted cheese and shows camera* Just look at that rich, melted lithium cheese blanketing over a generously sized piece of bread, bathing in a warm broth of caramelized onions. *Stabs spoon into the cheese, scooping broth* Doesn’t this look delightful? One of my favorite types of soups! *Eats spoonful, pulling at the cheese strands to break them off* Hmmm, so good!
Moving on to the next question, and this is a good food question from another Anon: ‘What’s your favorite profile? There are all kinds, of course, like sweet and spicey or savory and salty. Do you have a favorite, or do you like them equally?’ Well, this one is rather hard. The easy answer would be to say I like them all equally. *Grins sheepishly* I suppose it depends on my mood. Sometimes, one craves a salty snack, like some ener-nuts or potassium crisps.
Sweets? *Face scrunches in joy* Who can resist them? I used to chide Rat/chet for his love of those junky, sweet snacks, goading him to eat healthier. Now I’m sure he wishes he never forced me to try one of his favorite little treats-Ka/on dogs. *Smiles, scooping more cheese and soup on spoon* They look like hot dogs, but the bun is chocolate cake, and the ‘hot dog’ is deliciously sweet cream. *Licks lips* By golly, they are so good! What have I been missing out on all my life? *Eats more soup*
And one can never go wrong with those savory foods! I love those dishes that have been slow-cooked for a long time or aged to perfection! *Gives belly a pat* I cannot resist those meals of roasted cyber-chicken, pasta with garlic and olive oil, pies like quiche…*Gives a chef’s kiss* The list goes on!
But my absolute favorite must be spicy. Foods that give a little kick are just amazing! Eating spice triggers heat receptors to activate inside your frame, tricking your sensory net to feel as if you are overheating. In response to that, your processor turns on your cooling systems. So, you don’t taste the heat; you feel the heat. *Slurps some more soup* Get what I am saying? Food that bites back…*Laughs*
There is nothing left of this soup! *Shows empty bowl* That really hit the spot! And do you know what I have been eyeing for the longest time? This loaded potato! Just look at this monster! * Picks up dish* This has been twice baked, making it such a creamy and cheesy masterpiece! * Takes a heaping forkful* Not only that, but the cyber-bacon also gives a nice, salty crunch! Hmmmm So good!
But onto our next question. Anon asks: ‘I know you had a difficult past. Did it take you a while to get comfortable eating such tasty meals, either alone or in front of others? Or were you pretty comfortable from the beginning?’ Well, this is kind of a double-edged sword, if I may say so. Being a street mech, you kind of eat whatever you can get, whenever you can. Sometimes, your meal only consisted of a handful of scraps. *Idly shrugs* Other times, you hit the motherload! And when you can upon a feast, you ate as much as you simply could. Sure, you could try stashing it away for later, but there’s the chance of the food spoiling beyond consumption or others finding it and devouring it on you.
*Sadly, looks down* I mean, I would share with a few mechs; please don’t mistake me for being selfish. But not everyone shared nor cared about taking a starving mech’s food. Kinda had to look out for yourself first. *Stabs more cheesy baked potato* But outside of being homeless…in the beginning, that mentality was still present. Loading up my plate with as food that could fit, finding a seat furthest away from anyone, and scarfing the food down as quickly as possible. *Shakes helm* Wi/ng would hate that. And how I guarded my dish as I ate. Slag, he would yell whenever I’d growl! He claimed I had no reason to behave like that. Looking back, I didn’t. But old habits die hard, yeah? *Stuffs another heaping forkful of food into mouth*
But as far as enjoying eating tasty meals- that was instant. I mean, anything is better than dumpster diving! *Smiles and shrugs* But as far as indulging my joys of being stuffed… generally keep that to the privacy of my own habsuit. *Gives a shy look* I kept this a secret from Rat/chet for a bit, if I may be honest. I feared him seeing this overeating as more of a bad habit, or a new addiction. Or… I know this is going to sound bad… * Bites lower lip* I feared he may not like a, ah…. plusher figured mech. Yeah, I am sure you could imagine his reaction on hearing that! His optics nearly singed holes through my frame as I sat hidden in a corner of my habsuit stuffing my face silly. Rat/chet may join me on occasion, but generally I tend to keep to myself.
*Chuckles* Yeah, a live video feed of this mukbang kinda breaks that secrecy, but being behind a camera is different than in real life. It’s not so much that I am embarrassed, more so that other mechs can simply be rude about things and resort to childish behaviors such as teasing or bullying. *Cheekily grins* Plus, hearing all your encouraging words really helps!
See? *Shows emptied plate* This double-baked goodness has been gobbled up! This meal is quite satisfying so far! *Looks at camera* And what about you guys? Care to share what you have been munching on? What are some of your favorite dishes? Maybe we have similar tastes in some foods, huh?
*Optics scan table* Speaking of tastes…. What should I sample next?
… ……
Still taking on more askes! So, if you have a question for Dr/ift, send it in! You can send multiples. Also, if you wanted to ask as another TF character- just state so! Let’s keep this mukbang going and see if our dear sword/smech can handle all that food infront of him!
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💌 :3?
:3!!!! ohh I love your vibes too, love seeing you pop up on my dash!! dunno if it's an aesthetic but I really like the color palette/coordination of your blog, very nice!!!
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caputvulpinum · 2 years
My Anger, or: Dinner Is On The Table And I Am Holding A Knife
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(URL of asker censored to protect their identity from the current TERFs going around like a bad orange blight.)
I don't usually like responding to these sorts of asks. But I guess the question "How do you manage to have any faith in humanity left at all?" is one I'll keep getting asked, so here's my answer. I wrote an essay about it. Read it if you want, skip it if you don't, but it has my answer.
Are you hungry? Food is my love language. I don't let people go hungry. Food is my love language. You need to eat well. I'm not going to let you not eat well. I made you this, I hope you like raisins. I can’t let you be hungry.
I don't do this because I am nice. I am furious. I am enacting with every loaf of bread and chicken breast and crushed almond nuts an act of terrible, irrevocable rebellion against the state. When I feed people I am throwing a brick at a cop at Stonewall, I am refusing to allow a system of cruelty to keep those around me hungry. I do this because the only way people will know that they're allowed to eat when they're hungry is if they're fed when they're hungry.
I love you. Have this half of my orange. Take a handful of chips. I made too much bread. I love you. Here, I have an extra banana. I don’t like this flavor, do you want it? Sure, you can have a bite, do you want some too? I love you recklessly and relentlessly and without reason. I love you violently and unrepentantly, have this apple, have this pear, have everything I can ever afford to give you and some of what I cannot, because I love you and therefore I must hate what makes you hungry.
I love you, and therefore, I must hate what makes you hungry.
Food is my love language. I won’t let people go hungry.
    -Untitled poem, self. September 19th, 2022, 4:56pm.
Nearly everything I've written for the past four years was just saying the same thing over and over again differently.
In reincarnation matter is not created or destroyed. It is a fermenting apple fallen from the front yard tree, it is the soil mulch it becomes growing the next apple on its branch. It is made of cycles and closed loops. Reincarnation is an airplane in the sky which will never land.
There are smaller reincarnations, though. The memory of something so strong it aches your jaw? The heavy heart heaving blood across its body even after the running was done? The ghosts in that blood, the people you never became seven years ago? There are loops within these loops. The circles are more than circles.
I started cooking only a few years ago. The first thing I ever made was bread. Challah bread, and it was warm and motherly and raisin-filled. But the first thing I remember cooking was ciabatta. Me and mine would tear off hunks of loaf with our hands and stain our mouths red with laughter and vinegar. I am no longer theirs and they are no longer mine but that is my memory of them and I. My memory of that life is one where I knead the dough and bake the bread and laugh with them over and over.
All this is to tell you that every poem I write has been the same for four years, over and over, smelling like plastic armrests and ginger ale. It is all just saying in newer and stranger ways that I love you. I love you, I hope we both eat well.
-”Little Cramped Florida Apartment First Saturday Where I Found Milk And Honey”, self. January 6th, 2022. 11:49pm.
    This last iteration of this narrative was the only one with something worthwhile to say. Anger is overwhelming for me. Let me tell you how I see myself in Sisyphus, pushing a hopeless boulder up a mountain. This time I will try to keep a better grasp on my boulder, which is that anger I am always, always feeling. I wish I could say, “I wish I was not an angry person”, but that isn’t who I am. To let go of that fury would leave me cold, and alone, and unsure of what to do. But those who are always angry have a duty to control that anger, make it a prism from which light can shine into and out of more brilliantly than before.  
    The past year has been about understanding who I am when my back isn’t against the wall. In some ways it’s more terrifying, having the responsibility of making a good life for myself from good foundations. But I remember with every second what it was like to live a life without the luck I’ve been given, and I see the people that get denied it every day. If anger is powerful, I want to use that anger. I want to wield it and make something so angry that everybody will be angry with me. An anger in a single direction, with one edge like a knife, to cut the world down the middle and into a better shape, and hand it to everyone like halves of an orange. I only have two hands to make any piece of art with, and I will only ever have (at most, at my most fortunate) two hands. But I don’t stand alone in being angry at this cruel, foolish world, the one which looks at children and teaches them “You are not worth anything, you have no value or sanctity just because you are human,” and laughs and calls us childish when we say we deserve better than that.
    Because that’s the most formative thing about me of all. The selfish, bitter dregs of feeling hurt and betrayed by the world. The incredibly egotistical idea, “I deserved a better world”. Look at my past self and all of the cruel, flailing, foolish things I did–some on purpose, some not, all causing harm anyway–and think about what I could do about it.
    I think that, on one hand, yes. I deserved better, objectively. There are things in my narrative that no one deserves the agony of. Beyond that, perhaps I deserved better circumstances.
    But I think it doesn’t matter what I deserved in the past, good or bad. What matters more to me is not making the same mistakes in the future. I can’t allow myself to resent the people around me for being maybe a little bit more lucky than I was; there’s art to be made that could change the world. All of it is made out of anger. All of my past, all of my future, it can only ever be anger. Anger that creates, anger that cuts, anger that hardens, anger that stands in front of other people and walks the line for them.
    Anger that stands in front of other people and walks the line for them. I’d almost like that to be the narrative I make for myself. To make a world in which I can say that the events that formed me most are not the ones which hardened me like lava to obsidian, proud like a boar. Instead, a world where I met its hard edges as gentle as I dared. You may have wondered why I sounded so different in the poems I write than the person I am, and the truth is almost simple.
    I learned to write poetry to put to words all the things that I feel which I’m unable to understand or say. That’s the narrative I’ve been trying hard to tell you all, all this time, the one I want to write so badly and yet have no idea how to.
    Writing about anger is so easy for me, except for that one kind, the kind I think I know for certain most defines my narrative, because I can never talk about it except in poems. It lives in me somewhere deeper than anything else, deeper than my heart, deeper than my soul. It can only come out in art, not in words. That anger lives in my belly and it growls like a great black dog every time it thinks it sees someone being hurt. I think that says the most about me that I’ll ever be able to say.
    So we come back to the beginning for the end. As I wrote before; “There are loops within these loops. The circles are more than circles.” I had to try and write this essay three different ways, and this is the third way, the only one worth reading. It’s the only one where I’m angry in a way I think might do good in the world.
    I really hope that whoever reads this can agree.
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mbmbat · 2 years
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The question asker trying to slice equally thin pieces of bread to make wafer-thin ham sandwiches
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aroacesafeplaceforall · 5 months
hey, the dragon ace icon anon again but this time not hiding as anon, I hope for both of your safety, that this doesn’t result in both Jamie and Noah being hurt and treat yourself to some good fairy bread, leamingtons (forgot how to spell them) and anything really. My question is, what is your favourite thing about Australia? Is it the wildlife, the food, the sports or any other things I forgot to mention?
From Answers
I love the wildlife but my favourite thing has to be this
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The view
Thanks dragon ace asker
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sparklingdemon · 4 months
I've been following you for ages now. I think from an old tumblr collaborative project of over 5 years now? It introduced me into Pokémon creepypastas when I sought out more of the genre like it and I wanted to thank you.
Your progress through writing stories really has improved and Monochrome has me in a vice grip. I entered in when PIKACHU was caught and near went full strings and corkboards trying to figure out the backstory Cody hid that was developing.
I'm excited to see what lies at the end. Fear it too as death feels inevitable in an emotional and story ending sense. Keep on doing what you do, I'm rooting for you and eager to see how this pasta will turn out at the end with everyone's contributions.
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thank you for the kind words!! it always warms my heart to hear that people are still being introduced to the pokepasta fandom through my stuff. thanks for sticking around me for so long!!
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i'm glad you're enjoying reading monochrome just as much as i enjoy working on it!! it's really fun leaving bread crumbs of backstory and seeing peoples' theories about it!
the truth will rear its ugly head in one way or another, and i can't wait to see how people will feel about it. (i think it's going to be a bit controversial, but i think it's ok to have a controversial plot reveal as long as it was properly built up, which i definitely have been working very hard and very carefully to do!!)
i'm just as excited for the endgame as you are. no matter which ending people choose for cody, it's definitely going to hurt in the best way i can make it. i sincerely wanna thank all of the askers who helped this story turn out exactly how i hoped it would. let's hope i can stick the landing!!
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