#break check coopers plains
risingsunautomotive · 27 days
Break Check Coopers Plains | Affordable Car Repairs
Get affordable car break repairs in Coopers Plains with Rising Sun Automotive. Our break check services include comprehensive car inspections, repairs, and maintenance. Book your appointment today and save!
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lingering-42-long · 2 years
Tell me, who did this to you?
Ghost x Female Reader
Requested by @fiction0bsessed hope you enjoy!
Warnings: pg-17, borderline mentioning rape, slight angst, ptsd, trauma
Summary: Robbers break into readers apartment and traumatize her, Ghost isn’t to happy about it.
It was terrible, absolutely scary. You hadn’t known fear until you came face to face with some robbers in your apartment. One of them held you a gunpoint, the others robbed the place dry. The one holding you teased that he might do awful things if You didn’t cooperate. By the time the place was ransacked one of the boys grinned and pinned you to the wall. “Such a pretty little thing too. It would be a shame to not waste this opportunity on her.” Tears pricked you eyes. “Dude cops are patrolling the area come on! Leave her.” The other grinned and forced a kiss on you before hitting you with the back of his bat…
Simon was coming to your apartment from A night drinking with the boys. He had called you once and you hadn’t picked up your phone. That was real concerning for him. You always answered the phone or texted him letting him know what was causing the hold up and even if you did not text him, you usually called him shortly after his call. You too have been dating for about a year and by now he pretty much had to figure it out. Communication was key for both of you and you both agreed on how important it was, so this behavior was out of the normal. He tried three more times but to no avail. Something in the pit of his stomach churned as he feared something happened. He had a mission now, get to your apartment as quickly as possible. Ghost prayed to whatever heavenly being was listening that you were alright.
When Ghost arrived the door was not locked, and when he entered into the establishment his eyes widened. Everything was a mess. Several electronics were missing papers were everywhere glass was broken, but were was (y/n)? “(Y/n)?!” He called out almost frantically scanning the area. Whoever did this left in a hurry. Simon walked to the back of the apartment and found her on the floor, unconscious. Without a second thought he rushed to her side, checking her pulse. It was beating which was good, he noted the bruises on her wrists and a large bump on her head. ‘Concussion’ he thought. Flashbacks of suppressed trauma from years before of his own family, made him fall back clutching his chest. ‘No! No no no no no! This couldn’t be happening’ His mind raced and the world spun around him fast. He closed his eyes to shut out the madness. Slowly, he recovered from the episode. Reaching to your face and gently stroking it he took in deep breaths. Reaching his phone he called the paramedics.
(Y/n) woke up to a lit room in an unfamiliar bed. Thinking the worst, she panicked, gasping and writhing around as soon as she felt hands on her “Love! It’s me calm down.” That voice… she knew it. Simon.
“S-Simon?” (Y/n) asked with a shaky breath
“Shhhhh it’s me, I’m here Love” The man gently turned your face to him. He was not wearing his normal mask but a plain black N95. His hoodie covered his head and the only thing was his eyes witch looked like they had seen a ghost. He scanned over (y/n) making sure she was ok and holding her hand. This was just as traumatizing for him as it was for (y/n).
His eyes looked at you, trying to reason with his crazed, over-processing head. She was ok. She was breathing. She was in his hands. (Y/n) was shaking as the horrific events of the recent past sent her into a state of shock and she cried. It killed Simon to see (y/n) so scared, so petrified, so fearful. This wasn’t her. She was the happy one, the sweet one, the one who made his cold heat flutter and his face warm up. Seeing her this weak, this vulnerable, it did something to him. “Love, tell me, who did this to you?” His voice was deep, threatening, dangerous. Ghost was about to find out who dared to harm her, and extinguish them from existence.
“I-I don’t know they were masked… one almost forced himself on me. He tried to kiss me… I was so scared” (y/n)’s body shook and held onto Ghost’s had for dear life.
“Fuck them. I’m going to gut them clean” Simon’s dark voice rumbled like a brewing storm “Please! Just stay with me… I need you.” (y/n)‘s soft, scared voice called to him. Ghost’s eyes softened as he kissed her head “Always. He told her.
(Y/n) finally got released after three days. The police asked some questions and left and Simon had taken up the liberty to have her move into his house for the time till things settled. He set up the guest room with her things that were not taken like the clothes, makeup, and jewelry they weren’t aware of.
Simon would be lying to himself if he did not believe that somehow this was not his fault. The fact that she was left alone, and this could have been stopped if he was there. The possessive, aggressive side of him was taking over, this would not happen again. He would protect her this time. He palled to think what would have happened if he was deployed or away.
(Y/n) came out of the bathroom. Her eyes were sunken from the lack of sleep, her body was rigged, she shyed away from Simon’s touch, At the hospital she woke up in cold sweat with wild eyes trying to find Ghost. Now she was in her sleepwear looking like a kicked kitten. Simon’s heart ached to see her like this. Sure he was a hypocrite, she would worry about his health every time he woke up in a fright or experience any type of PTSD moment. He said it was fine, normal, or he was used to it. He is the soldier, Simon could handle this, but his girl was not. (Y/n) was not a trained fighter like he was, nor did she have the same past trauma that so many of the men had when joining the army. She was his innocent sweet little dove, flower in the pavement of a busy sidewalk, and a warm fire on a cold rainy day. Now that dove had its wings clipped, the flower trampled on, and the fire doused with water. She needed healing, Simon new that much, ‘therapy would be good for her’ he thought.
“Umm Simon?” (Y/N) called as he looked at her.
“Yes love?” His face was uncovered but he was masking his raw anger to the people who did this to her.
“Can I sleep with you tonight? I… I don’t want to be alone.”
“I got to go in to the Barracks but I will be back” he lied “I promise you will be very safe here.” He kissed her head lightly, feeling her bury her head into his jacket. “Ok. Please come home soon.”
“I will love, trust me.”
Simon left soon after that heading into the night to do some hunting.
Later that night Ghost came back from his excursion. There were four people marked off his kill list. He want going to tell (y/n) about this. Some things are best left quite.
He got into some shorts, he slept in, and climbed into bed next to his broken girl. She would be alright, he would see to it. Gently laying a kiss on her temple and bringing her close to his body, Simon sighed knowing you were safe with him.
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grailfinders · 3 months
Grailfinders #26: Boudica
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hey, remember that time we changed our username to pivot to pathfinder builds, completely breaking everyone’s saved links in the process and letting a spambot take our old name only to actually make like 2 dozen builds before stopping for almost a year?
yeah, good times.
anyways, we’re finally doing a pathfinder build again! we’re picking up right where we left off with Boudica, britain’s queen of victory! she’s a Ranger to ride well and hunt down romans even better, and we also dabble into Cavalier to grab the other horse for her chariot and Bastion to shield her allies from harm!
check out her build breakdown below the cut, or her character sheet over here!
next up: so no head?
Ancestry & Background
Boudica is a Versatile Human, giving her a boost in Constitution and Wisdom, as well as a free general feat to start off! with Ride, you don’t need to make animal handling checks to move your horse around while you ride on it. you’re a rider, you shouldn’t be falling off your mount. you’re also a Viking Shieldbearer, so you can Shield Block as a reaction to block incoming damage. it’s also more than a bit geographically inaccurate, but that’s never stopped us before.
you’re also a Noble, which is a step down from queen but we do what we can. this gives you free training in Society, as well as Genealogy Lore, because I don’t think heraldry was a thing when you were around. you also get a boost in Charisma and Strength, plus the Courtly Graces feat, so you can use society to make an impression on nobles instead of diplomacy. you’re not gonna be using that much, but maybe you’ll meet a non-roman noble on your travels.
at level five your Cooperative Nature boosts your Aid checks. at level nine you can give Group Aid, only spending a single action to help multiple people as long as it makes sense with what you’re actually doing to help. at level 13 you can Bounce Back once a day, preventing accumulation of wounded conditions from dropping to 0 HP. finally, at level 17 your Heroic Presence inspires Zealous Conviction, making it easier to command people as long as you don’t make them act completely out of character.
Class Levels
1. again, getting everything out of the way real quick- as a Ranger you are trained in Nature, Survival, Crafting, Diplomacy, Athletics, Plains Lore(or whatever type of land your character is supposed to hail from in-game, britain’s a big place it’s got range), all weapons, Unarmored, Light, and Medium Armor, your Class DC, Will Saves, and as you improve your intelligence Medicine and Religion. you’re also an expert in Perception, Fortitude, and Reflex.
your Key Ability is Strength, so that gives another boost and informs all save DCs you have as a ranger. you also get a level 1 Ability Boost to Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, and Wisdom. as a ranger, you can Hunt Prey as an action, targeting one poor sap in particular for a bonus to seek and track your prey. that alone isn’t special, but your Precision Hunter’s Edge adds an extra d8 of damage to your first hit on your prey each turn.
you also get an Animal Companion. hey, free horse! (the horse also hates romans, so it gets the benefits of your Hunter’s Prey and Hunter’s Edge too.)
technically you can use Warden Spells now, but this build doesn’t do that, so enjoy having less complications in your life.
2. you can now deliver a United Assault once per turn as an action, gaining extra damage on your attack depending on how many of your friends have ganged up on whatever you’re hitting. it’s like the whole party has bonus damage against romans now… and they’re just rolling really badly!
you’re also a Forager, because you can’t cook if you don’t have food. basically, you can always find food for yourself and up to four creatures. there’s more benefits at higher levels of survival, but FGO parties are three people at a time, so you’re fine.
finally, your Bastion Dedication sets you down the path of defense, giving you the Reactive Shield reaction. if you didn’t raise your shield before something tries to hit you, you can do so at the last second for a boost to AC.
3. you can now Pick up the Pace to hunt down the romans faster, increasing how much time your party can hustle while exploring.
your will saves and athletics checks also improve this level.
4. you can now Disrupt Prey as a reaction, so any romans trying to manipulate anything around you might get wacked on the hand and stop.
speaking of stopping, you don’t do that, because you’re an Express Rider! you can make a nature check to move 50% faster. no word on what percentage cooler this makes the horse, but I bet at least 20%.
you can also block and knock at the same time with Disarming Block! it’s exactly as the name implies- if you shield block someone, you can try to disarm them.
5. another Ability Boost, this one improving your Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, and Charisma. your Ranger Weapon Expertise makes you an expert with ranger weapons, yes, but it also gives you the critical specialization of all those weapons if you’re attacking your chosen prey! your Trackless Step makes it harder for any of those romans to find you though, as you’re always covering your tracks without slowing down.
all that, plus it’s high time you got trained in Cooking Lore. for cooking.
6. your horse is all grown up- now it’s a Mature Animal Companion. this means that now your horse can chase and attack enemies without you needing to spend an action to command it! it only gets one action per turn this way, but hay. fuck romans, all my horsies hate romans.
speaking of, you can make romans Say That Again! as a reaction if they crit fail demoralizing you or lying to you. this shoves them back and lets you roll intimidation on your initiative check!
you also have a Nimble Shield Hand, so you can interact with things while wielding a shield in one hand and a sword in the other! I’m sure you cook that way due to sprite limitations, but it’s a thing you can do now.
7. seventh level rangers get Evasion, which isn’t quite as awesome as D&D’s but it’s nice. you’re a master at reflex saves now, and all your successes are critical.
you’re also an Experienced Professional (and an expert Cook Lorist), so you gain twice as much money from failing to earn income cooking, and you prevent critical failures. you’re no beni-enma, but you’re pretty damn good at what you do.
your Vigilant Senses make you a master of perception, and your Weapon Specialization deals bonus damage based on how much you’ve trained with whatever you’re wielding.
8. you can now give a Warden’s Boon as an action, giving your hunt prey and hunter’s edge bonuses to an ally you choose for a round. your anti-roman damage buff’s party wide, but we’re still getting there!
also your Unmistakable Lore means you’ll never get a critical failure while recalling cooking knowledge. I’d advise not to cook with mushrooms before this level.
your bastion feat Reflexive Shield now adds a raised shield’s AC bonus to your reflex saves as well, and you can even shield block whatever made that save happen to boot! rangers are already great with reflex saves so this is just icing on the cake.
9. your Nature’s Edge gives you an advantage on attacking people in difficult terrain. I’d argue all of britain is difficult terrain these days, but that’s due to england being anti-human life rather than because of anything slowing you down.
you’re also an expert in your Class DC, and trained in Intimidation.
10. your next Ability Boost improves your Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, and Wisdom. you’re also a Hazard Finder now, so you get a little boost to perceiving traps and hazards, as well as to save against them. rome put you through a lot, so you had to survive all that crap too.
on a lighter note, you’re now a Seasoned chef, so you get a +1 bonus to crafting all food and drinks.
finally, you can Quick Shield Block, gaining a second reaction that can only be used for blocking with your shield. given how much your shield can block now, that’s well-appreciated.
11. as a Caravan Leader,  you’re able to hustle your group for much longer than before. you’re also a Juggernaut, so all your improved fortitude saves are critical on a success, and you’re an expert with Unarmored, Light, and Medium armor.
your Wild Stride lets you move through natural difficult terrain without issue, and your Intimidation improves too. this is because the british are terrifying.
12. at level twelve you can target Double Prey- as it sounds, you can target two creatures in the same action. unfortunately, there’s more than one roman in the world. fortunately, you can do something about that. you can also Rapid Mantel, pulling yourself up a ledge as soon as you grab it.
you also get the Cavalier Dedication this level, so now you have a second horse! yeah that’s it.
13. your survival is better now, and so is your skill with all weapons. not every level’s gonna be a book report.
14. remember double prey? now instead of two prey, how about two hunters? with Shared Prey, you can pick a single target and give your hunt prey and hunter’s edge bonuses to an ally as well as yourself! with this and your ranger companion, you now have three people all dealing extra roman damage! not three separate servants, but I told you we were getting there!
you can also make a Powerful Leap for Standard Anime Jumps, jumping up five feet or across by an additional five feet.
you also have a Mounted Shield, so while on your horse your raised shield and shield blocks will protect you and your mount! horses tend to not have a ton of HP, so this helps a lot.
15. one more Ability Boost improves your Strength, Constitution, Intelligence, and Wisdom, and you gain an Intimidating Prowess that transcends language. servants are stupid strong, and if I saw a woman crush a car like a tin can it really wouldn’t matter if she spoke english or not.
you also get a bunch of small improvements- Greater Weapon Specialization adds more damage to every weapon attack, Improved Evasion makes you a reflex legend and you can’t critically fail, Incredible Senses gives you legendary perception, and you have mastered Cooking Lore!
16. your Incredible Companion now becomes nimble or savage! I don’t think there’s any romans that resist nonmagical bludgeoning damage, but it never hurts to prepare. either way, they can Gallop by using two actions, increasing their speed.
speaking of, you can now lead your horse on a Trampling Carge for three actions, moving through smaller enemies and dealing damage to each one.
again, servants are really strong, so you’re a Hefty Hauler, letting you carry more stuff before getting encumbered.
17. you’re now a Masterful Hunter, improving your class DC again and giving you a bonus with ranged weapons we don’t care about. on the plus side you get an even bigger bonus to seeking your prey, and your once-per-turn damage bonus now applies to multiple attacks!
also- better athletics. have fun.
18. with the Masterful Companion feat, your horse now gets the full multi-strike damage boost of your Masterful Hunter bonus
you can also Quick Climb, just because I thought it looked cool. we’re running out of general skills, you see.
but we still have plenty of cool archetype stuff! with Shield Salvation, you can prevent a shield from breaking when you block damage with it! this works once per day per shield, but that’s still going to save you a lot in the long run.
19. you’re an Ancestral Paragon, giving you some Haughty Obstinacy so the romans can’t push you around. you critically succeed on saves against mental effects, and if someone fails to coerce you they critically fail instead!
your armor has become a Second Skin to you, so you can rest in it. feels a bit weird to get that this late in the build, but we gave you a level 12 feat at level 18, so who are we to judge?
you also get better with Society, and you can size up Swift Prey in an instant- you get a free action each turn if hunting prey is the first thing you do.
20. last level, last Ability Boost. this last one improves you Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, and Charisma. we can also finally buff the whole party properly with Triple Threat- you can mark three romans for yourself, two romans for yourself and an ally, or one roman for the whole party of three to beat up.
you get Wall Jump because again why not, and we finish the build with a Legendary Rider, giving you another free action each turn to command your horse.
Pros & Cons
this build really maximizes the effectiveness of the ranger’s Hunt Prey ability, sneaking in as much bonus damage as we can by sharing our precision damage with just about everyone in the party. also, by sneaking shields into a class that usually doesn’t really use them, we improve the ranger’s defense by quite a bit, improving the longevity of Boudica and her horse.
like a lot of build so far, playing to character completely removes any kind of ranged damage from the build, and in a game like pathfinder where positioning is important, not being able to attack at range can be a big issue. also, while you have plenty of defense, you have no way to repair your shields on your own, or regain HP in battle, so you’ll still lose that war of attrition.
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worido · 6 months
Decided i wanted to Talk about some of the Games that released in 2023 i played.
Gonna mainly focus on some smaller games i really enjoyed or found interesting in some way.
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Cassette Beasts
Starting with what might well be one of if not my favourite game of the year, Cassette Beasts.
It's a Creature Collection RPG in which you are stranded on a mysterious island called New Wirral and adventure across the island both to better understand the nature of the island itself and to potentially find a way off the island. In doing so you meet several companions, one of which will be accompanying you at any point, as well as a community of people consisting of other castaways and their descendents. You also encounter various monster that you can record using cassette tapes to then transform into to fight back. As you journey with your companions you also unlock the option to Fuse with them during battle giving you access to thousands of monster fusions to use in battles.
The whole game honestly feels well thought out and just feels satisfying to play and clearly designed by people who play and understand Creature Collection/Monster Taming RPGs. A simple example of this in my eyes is the simple fact that you cannot accidentally knock out the monster you are trying to record, this games equivalent of capturing.
Something the Devs, among other things, talk about in this Steam blogpost about design and expectations for those curious.
Have i mentioned yet that the soundtrack is amazing and dynamically adds vocals during fights under certain conditions ?
The composer Joel Baylis uploaded a few tracks on YouTube if people are curious.
I could probably keep writing about Cassette Beasts and might need to do a seperate post in the future but for now, if you can only check out one game from this list, go check out Cassette Beasts, it's great.
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Chants of Sennaar
For something more Relaxed, theres the Puzzle game Chants of Sennaar. In it you are dropped at the bottom of a tower inhabited by multiple groups of people without any direction and the slight catch that you don't speak any of their languages. As you make your way up this Tower of Babel alike you therefore have to figure out the language of the people you meet and use it to solve puzzles and sometimes translate between groups. It's a relatively short game, it personally took me about 7 hours, but a very interesting experience nonetheless.
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Shadows of Doubt
Shadows of Doubt mixes the world of Noir Detectives, a Cyberpunk setting and randomly generated cities. You set out to solve cases of murder, stolen items, infidelity or plain simple Information gathering. In doing so you often sneak around and break laws as the enforcers are everything but cooperative. All this with the eventual goal to earn enough social credit for your Detective to retire.
Despite the randomly generated nature of it the game is surprisingly good at generating coherent cases with enough leads to provide you something to work with or even sometimes giving you red herrings to trip over as the citizens lives are constantly being simulated around you. With that said the game is still in early access and random generation does have it weirdness sometimes, still it's a fun time and if you can tolerate and find the fun in abit of jank every now and then, worth a look.
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Laika: Aged trough Blood
Gonna preface that this one comes with a Content Warning for it's Story for violence, blood, drugs, and strong language (Taken from it's Steam Page)
Getting to the actual game thought the Devs describe it as a Motorvania, a 2D Metroidvania on a motorbike which hits the nail on the head pretty well. Set in a Post-apocalyptic World oppressed by a fascist bird empire. You play as Laika, a coyote mother who bears a curse passed on trough her family that prevents her from dying. At the start of the game her tribe chooses to actively bring the Fight against the birds after one of their children is murdered and crucified with their own guts by the Birds.
The game then takes Laika trough the World on her quest to put a end to the oppression trough the Birds, making use of her curse which prevents her from dying.
On a gameplay level it has you biking trough the world shooting bird soldiers along the way, often treating encounters as something that feels closer to a puzzle in which you have to navigate the fire from the soldiers while returning fire and trying not to crash, since in this game any hit means death.
Similarly enemies also typically die within a shot or two and the game doesn't tend to feel too punishing as respawn points are pretty frequent.
It all comes together in a world that has a Somber Beauty to it. It's all in all a pretty fun and somewhat emotional experience, although with the caveat that the game is hard and does require a certain resistance to frustration. That said, as you do make your way trough a big group of enemies dodging bullets and using the sides of your bike as cover, the game does feel rewarding to play.
Gonna stop this Post here, although i may make more of them in the future as i found i kinda enjoyed collecting my thoughts like this and there's plenty of more Games i played i can talk about.
That said, if anyone has any games of their own they found interesting or think deserve some extra eyes, pleas do tell I'm always looking for interesting games to play
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serpentsurgency · 10 months
Pretty sure we can't! You might as well regard it as a break, if you'd like, since you just have to lie down and rest for now!
"I don't fucking want a break here. This is fucking bullshit." As he speaks, the click of a door can be heard nearby, Edwin already looking a bit more irritated as the person appears but falling quiet.
What follows is... Oddly plain and uneventful for what appeared to be a continuation to one of the memories. A medic checks on him, Edwin cooperating just enough to make the process quick, the medic removing the blanket to show the bandaged end of Edwin's hand alongside the loose but sturdy medical restraints, the medic then replacing the bandages.
As he works however, a device that the medic is carrying buzzes and the man briefly checks it after getting to a stopping point, quietly cursing before hastily finishing the rest of the process quickly and then taking his leave. Edwin merely watches him leave before making another slight expression of irritation once the door closes. "Great. I would love to fucking move on now."
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bepractical · 2 years
Kin: Season 1, Episode 8, Part 1
It’s the final episode! The plan is afoot! Eamon’s gonna die! Con too! I don’t have to worry about spoilers anymore because the season is over! In this episode: Amanda and Michael execute an excellent plan with one tiny possible wrinkle; Eric has a dastardly plan of his own that unfortunately hinges on the rattest rat to ever rat; Jimmy breaks my heart with some of his best scenes of the series (and that’s saying something); Frank continues to be useless; Eamon screws over Amanda one last time; and Michael may or may not pick up a pharmacist.  
See the masterlist here.
Who's ready?
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We open with an overhead shot of the airport parking lot, where the Kinsellas have hid the van of drugs in plain sight. Amanda pulls up, shimmies out a big bag of drugs and leaves. 
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Next we head to Kem’s place, where Amanda’s come to ask a favor/blackmail him into helping with their assassinations.
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He tries to shut her out but she starts loudly thanking him for saving Michael’s life by telling her about Anna’s tail, much to the interest of his nosey neighbors. He lets her in.
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Back in the compound sometime later, Amanda and Michael build a fire on the patio. How romantic! I’m a wee bit disappointed we didn’t get to see them hatch this plan, which was executed in the time it took Frank and Jimmy to drive home.
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Amanda calls Con. He totally missed the memo that she’s done with all their nonsense. When his crabby ass refuses to let her talk to Eamon, she sends him a video of her burning the drugs, which she’ll continue to do every twelve hours until Eamon agrees to meet with her. Good plan!
The credits get a makeover. Very subtle guys, A+.
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Eamon calls and Amanda coerces him into meeting her in person. Eamon tells her to swing by his hotel but she brings up Birdy and her bruised face so he agrees to think of somewhere they’ll both be safe. He tries to convince Amanda to stop burning his drugs in the meantime but Amanda’s all LOL, nope. Aw, poor Eamon. Bet he wishes he’d given them Caolan Moore now, huh?
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At the prison, Eric gets checked in, or whatever it’s called.
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The guard tells him he’s stuck in the protection unit. Eric insists they put him with Bren and they spill the beans- Bren wants nothing to do with his dumb ass. 
Aviva! One last glamour shot for the road!
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At the compound, Frank and Jimmy finally arrive home from the prison.
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Amanda, Michael, Birdy and Anthony are waiting for them. Was Birdy a part of the plotting with Michael and Amanda? That would have been awesome. 
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Jimmy the mushball is over the moon to see his remaining kiddo. He gives him a hug and kiss before Amanda ushers Anthony upstairs. Time for business. 
Amanda and Michael explain what happened with Anna and Anthony. Jimmy, at least, is pissed. Amanda tells them about the prospective meeting with Eamon. If Eamon doesn’t agree to meet, Michael is going to kill him. Interesting they’re not disclosing the whole plan, in which Michael kills Eamon regardless of how well he cooperates.
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Frank is pissed. After getting shit on by Bren his ego is very fragile and he’s furious to hear all these plans have been made behind his back. 
Amanda: This is what we’re doing, Frank. If you want to go abroad and hide, that’s your decision. 
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Amanda is D-O-N-E with Frank and it’s awesome. He responds by immediately throwing a hissy fit, one that MICHAEL has to interrupt. MICHAEL. This is not a good day for Frank.
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Michael points out Birdy’s wounds from Eamon and tries to redirect his anger but rational Frank has gone out the window. He refuses to recognize the necessity of killing Eamon- and it is necessary at this point- and tries to frame it as Michael and Jimmy being manipulated by Amanda. Ugh, Frank. Finally he leaves, storming next door with Birdy behind him. Amanda looks a little surprised by that, which is interesting. 
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Birdy tries to calm Frank down but he’s hell bent on blaming Amanda and accusing her of trying to take over the family, which is true to an extent, but only to save them from Frank’s incompetence. 
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Back at Jimmy and Amanda’s, Amanda tells Jimmy about everything that’s been happening, from Eamon stopping her in the road to Kem being a rat. Jimmy is flabbergast, until he notices Michael’s lack of reaction to these revelations. Then he’s just aghast. More on that later.
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Back at Birdy’s, Frank tells her about his meeting with Bren.
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In summary, Bren is still Bren, meaning no help will be coming to Eric in jail. Frank's a wreck. Birdy gently promises they’ll sort something out but they both know that’s a lie.
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At the prison, Eric gets taken to his cell in the protection unit. It sounds miserable, with a lot of isolation that will not be great for our social butterfly. Small note, Eric is wearing the same clothes as Michael in the first episode when he was let out of prison. 
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And now the most devastating conversation in this episode, Michael and Jimmy: The Reckoning.
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They’re hanging in the kitchen when Jimmy asks when Amanda told Michael about Kem. Michael claims not to remember but after some prodding he admits it was after the attack on the cafe. The conversation that follows is brutal. Let’s transcribe it for maximum impact! 
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Jimmy: You know what I often wonder? Why you didn’t just let me know about you two back then. You could’ve just told me…that you loved her…that she loved you. That you wanted to be with her. You could’ve just said it. Why didn’t you say it?
Michael: Suppose I…didn’t want to hurt ya.
Jimmy: Thing is, if you’d just told me back then, I would’ve been gutted, I would’ve been fuckin’ raging, but I know I’d have gotten over it, eventually. I would’ve moved on. Could’ve met someone else. I’d be happy.
Michael: I’m sorry.
Jimmy: I just wish you’d told me back then, is all. 
Oof. There are so many things happening here, I had to make a separate post (two technically- see this post for my screenshots of this scene in particular). To sum up: Jimmy is our emotional ‘in’ on the show; Michael still isn’t willing to be emotionally vulnerable with his brother for reasons unknown; and despite all the soft and fluffy Jimmy feelings this scene gives me, Jimmy spends no time contemplating or recognizing his own fault in his and Amanda’s relationship during this conversation. 
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Right as the brothers reach peak angst, Amanda interrupts them. It perfectly mirrors Jimmy barging in on Amanda and Michael’s conversation about Jamie a few episodes ago. She clocks the weirdness but they have bigger fish to fry. Eamon’s called with a location for the meet. It’s time to get this plan underway.
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But first! Michael sits at home and thoughtfully sips a beverage, as he is wont to do.
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He jogs out to the Garda watching the compound and asks for the favor. Cut to him standing in a pharmacy.
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I love when the Kinsellas use the cops as their personal valet/protection squad. Remember when they had to sit outside that derelict building where Frank and Jimmy met Beady? Good times.
Michael’s name gets called by a cute pharmacist.
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That would be weird, right? You’re just grabbing some aspirin and chapstick and the pharmacist calls out the name of a known gangland assassin? The pharmacist, at least, is unfazed. Possibly because Michael looks like a sad kitten in need of cuddles 99% of the time. 
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She starts to give him a spiel about usage and side effects for his medication, but he’s obviously uncomfortable. He wants to know if the medicine will make him normal again.
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She prevents herself from leaping over the counter and giving him a hug, but only just. (It’s possible I’m projecting.) She invites him to come back and see her if the meds give him any trouble and keeps a close eye on him as he walks out the door and into the back seat of the cop car.
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She was flirting, right? It was subtle, aside from her blatantly checking out his ass on his way out (see above). Still, I'd like to see her again.
Part 2 is here!
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r-redex · 2 years
Kreizloore oneshot
wow hello i am alive 
I haven’t written on this account in ages, but lately I’ve been tinkering with some old WIPs (including one that I still have every intention of finishing) and I found this draft in my docs! I don’t remember exactly where the story was intended to go, but I remember that I had a fun time writing it and wanted to rewrite/share it as a oneshot to get my brain going again. Sooo yeah ^^” thanks for reading!
“Goddamn this bird!”
Laszlo’s exclamation was sharp and loud in the small dorm room, but John barely flinched. Teddy, on the other hand, nearly toppled off the foot of John’s bed.
“Making any progress, Laszlo?” John asked mildly, not looking up from the book laying on the bed in front of him. He could practically feel the admonishing look that Teddy shot him, but paid him no mind.
“This man,” Laszlo seethed, pushing his desk chair back with a discordant scrape, “this ‘professor,’ is completely off his rocker.”
“Have you tried looking closer?”
 “John,” Teddy hissed
“I’ve looked!” Laszlo nearly shouted. “I’ve searched this damned bird from head to tail, beak to claw, from one wing tip to the other and under every feather. The only thing I haven’t seen is for the blasted thing to hop up and fly away!”
“Maybe that’s what you’re supposed to be looking for.”
 “John,” Teddy pleaded under his breath. John just shrugged and licked his thumb to turn another page.
Laszlo scoffed, running a hand through his hair as he started to pace.
“I must’ve written him half an encyclopedia by now,” he griped, absently rubbing at the ginger scruff starting to shadow his face. “And nothing—nothing—that I give him seems to be good enough. Either he’s delusional, sadistic, or just plain stupid.”
 “Have you tried asking if there’s a specific piece of criteria you’re missing?” Teddy hesitantly suggested. Laszlo turned on him sharply.
 “Laszlo Kreizler,” he snapped, pointing an ink-stained finger at him, “does not miss things.”
 John could have laughed out loud at that, but his face remained studiously blank. Ted, lacking in subtlety as he was, quickly cut his eyes between the two of them; John had to fight down the urge to kick him in the shin.
Either Laszlo didn’t notice, or didn’t care; he just kept pacing, shoes thudding against the worn floorboards.
John sighed, closing his book and sitting up on the bed. His own shoes were discarded on the floor, as were Ted’s, but Laszlo had been dressed to the nines since that morning.
“You need to give it a rest,” he said calmly, crossing his legs on the bed and watching Laszlo stamp across the floor. “You’ve obviously hit a wall, and at this rate all you’re going to do is walk yourself through the floor. Take a break, get comfortable.”
 Laszlo stopped, scratching once more at his chin. Then, with a displeased huff, he sat on his own bed and started unlacing his shoes.
John watched for a moment as he struggled to get his fingers to cooperate, but Laszlo predictably remained stubbornly silent.
“Teddy,” he spoke up, keeping his eyes on Laszlo.
“I believe I forgot to check the mail this morning, and Laszlo has been otherwise…occupied.”
Teddy glanced over to Laszlo’s overflowing desk, then back to John with a plain look of confusion.
“And,” John drew out the word, giving him a pointed look, “I would rather not have any of the little twits from the downstairs dorms getting their paws on my Gram’s letters.”
 Teddy’s eyes lit up in realization, flicking briefly to Laszlo. He nodded quickly.
“Yes, quite understandable. I’ll go check.”
He hopped up and shoved his feet into his shoes before scurrying out of the room. The door swung shut behind him, leaving the dorm silent apart from the creaking of Laszlo’s boots as he continued to fight them.
John gave him a few moments before standing with a quiet sigh. Laszlo didn’t acknowledge him until he stood directly in front of his bed; only then did he let his arms drop, the right one falling limply to his side.
 “Your fabrications are laughable,” he muttered, eyes fixed on the floor. “The mail, John? He doesn’t even live in the building.”
 “You’re a stubborn bastard,” was all John said, before taking a knee in front of him and patting his own leg. There was a moment’s pause before Laszlo finally sighed and propped his foot on John’s thigh.
 “Besides,” he continued as he made quick work of the laces, “it’s not as though he’s not aware of why. You’re just too bullheaded to ask for help, doubly so in front of others.”
John pulled one boot off, soon followed by the other. Laszlo remained silent, but John could feel his gaze on the back of his neck, making his skin pebble and hair stand up.
 For one fleeting, breathless moment, after Laszlo’s socked foot slid from his lap, he lingered there on the floor. If things were different—if Laszlo were a lesser man, or perhaps John a braver one—he might gently clasp Laszlo’s calves, feel the thick fabric of the trousers bunch under his hands as he slid them up the curving muscle, over Laszlo’s knees, fingers skirting up to his thighs—
 “Class!” John choked out, lurching to his feet suddenly enough to nearly smash Laszlo’s nose with the back of his skull. He spun around, starting to grab books and papers from his bed and desk at random and shove them into the bag hanging abandoned from the back of his chair. Laszlo said nothing, but John could feel him staring, watching him with that look. When he did speak, his voice was light and casual, but John heard the undertone that made his stomach twist with anxiety.
“Where are you going?”
 He grabbed his own boots from beside the bed, not bothering to put them on before reaching for the doorknob.
 “I forgot,” he said, as evenly as he could while obviously fleeing the room, “I’ve got an evening lecture tonight.”
 Despite himself, he waited for just a second, hand hovering over the doorknob. Laszlo, however, apparently had nothing else to say.
Teddy jerked away from the wall he’d been leaning against as John practically flew out of the door with a clatter. He looked at him like he was utterly mad, and John had to admit that he wouldn’t be far off.
“John, what—”
“You have an evening lecture tonight, yes?”
Teddy blinked.
 “Um…yes, in about an hour. Why…?”
“Brilliant,” John sighed. He clapped an utterly befuddled Teddy on the shoulder.
 “Mind if I sit in?”
 The sun had long set by the time the lecture let out, and the campus itself felt almost as sleepy as John. He trailed behind Ted, eyes heavy, trying his best to tune in to his friend’s one-sided conversation.
 “—fascinating, really,” Teddy was saying enthusiastically. “We’ve been studying international law these last few terms, and now that we’re back to the American judicial systems, it’s intriguing to see the similarities between—”
 He cut himself off and looked back at John, who was lagging a few feet behind. Teddy sighed and idled, waiting for him to catch up.
“You know,” he said lightly, “I’m starting to think that you may not be as interested in my studies as you say.”
 “Sorry, sorry,” John mumbled. “‘M listening, keep going…”
 He heard Ted huff out a laugh as they started down the campus path once more.
 “It’s alright, I’m just teasing.”
 He patted John’s shoulder, only to yelp and hurry to catch him as he stumbled under the contact.
 “Good lord, John,” he said, steadying him. “Have you been sleeping at all?”
“Yes,” John said, immediately stifling a yawn. “It’s just been a bit…much this week, what with Laszlo and his bird.”
Ted hummed sympathetically.
 “Well,” he said, giving John a look of thinly-veiled concern, “I know it’s not ideal, but you know my floor is always open if worst comes to worst.”
 John couldn’t help but chuckle; partly because he knew Teddy, and knew that if it did ever come to that, he would have no say on the matter of taking the man’s bed.
 “Thank you, Teddy,” he said with a smirk, but it quickly softened into a genuine smile.
 “Besides,” Ted continued, “Ms. Fitzgerald tends to cook too many pancakes in the morning, and if we get up before the other boarders she’ll give us the extras.”
 John laughed at that, clapping him on the shoulder.
“Good man. I’ll keep that in mind.”
The street split from the campus and onto the main road, and they said their goodbyes before parting; Teddy heading down the sidewalk, and John turning towards the dormitories. Aside from the few other unlucky bastards straggling back from night classes, the campus was blessedly empty, as were the halls of their dorm building as John climbed the narrow staircase to his and Laszlo’s room. Light shone through the crack in the door despite the offensively late hour, and John hesitated a moment before entering.
 Laszlo was slumped over his desk with his back to the door, still in his day clothes, fast asleep. He didn’t stir as John eased the door shut behind him and crept over to the desk.
 Laszlo’s bad arm was dangling by his side, and John carefully lifted it to rest on the desk beside his slack face. He had his head pillowed on his other arm, his cheek rosy and creased where it pressed against the fabric, and a small puddle of drool dampened whatever illegible notes he’d fallen asleep on. John couldn’t help but smile, allowing fondness to warm his chest for a few quiet, private moments.
He dragged Laszlo’s quilt off his bed and carefully draped it over his friend’s shoulders. Then he snuffed out the lamp, stripped to his underclothes, and crawled under his own covers.
Though the room was pitch black without the lamp, and John’s eyes stung with exhaustion anyways, he watched the shape of Laszlo in the darkness until he could keep his eyes open no longer.
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tarotlogy · 2 years
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Poor Growth, No Growth, Not Learning from Mistakes, Lack of Commitment, No Effort, Shoddy Workmanship, Mistakes, Mistakes in Plans, Weak Foundations, Lack of Interest, No Team Spirit, Failing Exams, Careless Work, Mediocre, No Goals, No Motivation
When the Three of Pentacles reverses it suggests there are reasons why you are not getting things off the ground or making progress in your situation. Regardless of what you say you are not putting any real effort into your work or the task at hand.  You must ask yourself why this is?  On the front you are all talk and full of plans but nothing is getting done.  This could be down to a lack of commitment or belief in what you are doing.  It could simplybe that you are getting no joy out of it and it all seems like too much work.
It could also be as a result of fear.  Do you think that you haven’t got what it takes to be a success? Do you fear losing everything if your plans fail?   Could you possibly have taken on too much?Negativity may be eating away at you and preventing any positive growth.
Impatience and lack of concentration is evident as you fail to apply yourself to your work.  The Three of Pentacles Reversed speaks of rushed jobs and taking short-cuts.  There appears to be a lack of pride in what you do and a careless attitude about you. All you want to do is get the job done and move on so your heart is really not in this at all.  Intense boredom may be an issue or just plain laziness.  In the Upright card the young builder was busying chisselling away when the monk and architect came on site.  He was so intent and focussed on his work that he didn’t even stop to put his tools down for he wanted to get stuck back in as soon as they left.  In the reversed, there is more of a chance that he was taking yet another break when he saw the two arrive and very quickly had to make it appear that he had been hard at it all day.  He has neither respect for himself nor the people who are relying on him to complete the build.  He is only in it for the money and will be long gone before any of his botched jobs come to light.
If you are involved in building your own house or buying a property the Reversed Three of Pentacles can unfortunately suggest a building survey that fails.  Subsidance or structural problems may be an issue. Plans need to be checked in detail as there may be mistakes discovered.    You may be enthusiastic to do as much of the work as you can but do you really know what you are doing?  Try to get as much advice as you can and allow some of the budget for the essentials such as plumbing and wiring. Get the best builders you can afford as this reversed card can represent cheap builders who lack quality and qualifications.  Double-check credentials and references of all builders for they may not be trust worthy. You get what you pay for and you may live to regret it. It can represent problems getting a build complete due to builders not turning up or knocking off early. Either be a constant on-site presence or hire a reliable Project Manager to make sure the job gets done on time and that work is completed to regulation and standards . Scrimping here may cause expensive problems down the line.  If builders are asking for money up front then this reversed card would strongly advise against it.  Make sure the price agreed on is based on a certain completion date otherwise it may drag on indefinitely.  Sadly, with the reversed Three of Pentacles, shoddy workmanship and poor finish is likely to be problem. Cowboy builders with lack of skill and interest are highlighted.
The reversed Three of Pentacles can often highlight delays in getting work done or reaching goals due to a problem with a group of people who cannot cooperate or join forces.  A lack of positive teamwork can raise issues of superiority, pulling rank or possessiveness about the project.  You may feel that all your efforts are in vain. No matter what you do, your work it is criticised, picked at or dismissed.  You may feel that you do not receive the recognition you deserve or that others take the credit for you work. This is not a group who work well together as there may be too many chiefs and not enough indians.  They are the wrong people for the job.
On the other hand you find it impossible to take constructive critisism or advice from your superiors.   You may also try to muddle through a situation as you refuse to seek expert advice.  You may view it as an expense you cannot afford or that it would not be worth the time and effort.  You may be completely out of your depth but you continue to plough on regardless.  All you are doing is digging a deeper hole for yourself and penny pinching now may cost you dearly in the long run.
The Three of Pentacles Reversed is a flag or warning that you do not know what you are doing.  You haven’t thought things through properly and have no real plans to work by.  You may be making it up as you go along.  You need to do more research into your situation as you still have a lot to learn.  Slow down and take stock of the situation.  You might need to do a course or gain some extra qualifications.  This reversed card questions your education or lack of it and can be a sign that you are underqualifiied or unskilled.  Don’t pretend to be someone you are not.  If you want success then you will have to work hard for it.  Set long-term goals for yourself and work towards them.  It is the only way as there are no shortucts.  However, you have to show some determination and commitment if you are ever going to make it. However, ambition may not be not one of your strongest qualities.
When the card is reversed the imagery now suggests a building that is sinking into the ground instead of rising out of it and we must question how strong the foundations are.  We didn’t need to question the strength of the structure when the card was upright but once it reverses we cannot be so sure.  If what you are doing or embarking on is built on sticks or pure mud then it will not last the course of time and is bound to come tumbling down sooner or later.  It highlights shallowness and lack of commitment.
In The reversed Three of Pentacles we find the student who is not applying himself to his studies. This is usually the student who has not had to work hard to pay for his college fees or contribute towards them. It also represents the student who has no interest in the field he or she is studying in.  This can be for a variety of reasons.  The student may have been uncertain of what course to take and now realises he or she has made a mistake or it can represent the son or daughter who embarks upon a course of study chosen for them by parents or dictated by family tradition.   This is bound to reflect in their work as lack of quality and poor grades.  We may also find the college drop-out when this card reverses especially if a reversed Page of Pentacles appears in the Spread.
A change of college, course of study or an alternative career may be the simple solution to uprighting this card again.  The student needs to sit down and carefully decide on what it is they want to do with their life before committing to anything else.  Otherwise a negative pattern of failed ventures can set in.  The upright Three of Pentacles suggests learning, learning and more learning in order to promote growth and development.  When it reverses it can often indicate the inability to learn and especially the inability to learn from past mistakes which keep repeating over and over again.
In relationships this reversed card can be a sign that no effort is being put in to making it work.  It indicates a lack of commitment and growth within the relationship.  You or your partner may not be able to sustain initial efforts and good intentions fall by the wayside over time.  It can suggest that it is not the first time relationships have gone this way for you as patterns of behaviour repeat themselves.   You may ignore advice to seek counselling from well meaning friends family prefering instead to work it out your way.  However, your way has never worked in the past.  There is a definite lack of solid foundations within the relationship represented by this Reversed Three. One must ask the question as to why the couple were drawn to each other in the first place (may not be the stuff solid relationships are built on).  Are you continuing to drift from one meaningless relationship to the next.  What are you learning from all this?
As far as career goes, what has happened to you? After such a promising start, what a letdown. Lack of effort and desire to build on your skills or expertise has left you under qualified for the best positions and openings.  Sponsorship and support may be withdrawn. Careless work and lack of commitment is evident.
No Goals, drifting from job to job. Meaningless mundane tasks.  Quality control
It may have been discovered that you oversold yourself to get a job.  Your work lacks quality and is really not up to much.  This cardYou may lose your job if you don’t sort yourself out. Time to shape up or ship out.  Job problems and possible boredom on the job front.   If you are making a presentation it may not go well. Have you put in the necessary work? Lack of success in job interviews as what you have to offer is mediocre at best.
Are you working just for the money?
You need to go back to the Upright Two and decide what it is you want to do with your future.
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Update/Trip report 25ish
I have been... severely neglecting this blog. I'm sorry bruh I just now am starting to get out that weird ass funk I was in for the last weekish
My skin hasn't been getting any worse. I can't particularly tell if it's still yellower than it should be or if this is my normal tone but either way not tripping on it anymore. My eyes have nearly went back to their normal hue. The blood vessels in my eyes are a bit more visible but nothing too alarming
I am a lot less exhausted too. I went from sleeping in and lying around alllll day to my normal lazy routine. I don't do tooo much of anything anyway but I at least now have the energy to do other shit without passing out midway through
My acid reflux is weird to sum it up quick. I've been getting full a lot quicker than usual and me attempting to eat anymore than the little shit here and there I've been doing lately makes it hurt hurt.
Uh actually new symptom I've noticed is my heart hurting when I want dph. Well. Not like want.. need? Ig. Dunno. It's fairly new but my chest feels tight sometimes and I'll struggle to feel my heartbeat and I'd usually pop a few to get rid of it. Tho with me and R being otp a lot as of late I have had to be a lot more selective/careful with how much I take and when. I can play it off pretty well with damn near anyone else but my bsf can sniff it out at times. Plus, I'm a lot quieter in general when I'm high which is kinda problematic when I'm mostly otp to comfort/distract R. I wouldn't be all that useful for that if I'm preoccupied tryna play it cool
Me and R have been on the phone damn near everyday since her and her partner broke up. Well. Took a break? I dunno bruh to me I think not talking to your partner at all and actively ignoring them is a nonverbal breakup. Especially with all her health shit. I get the silent treatment and shit but letting that get bad enough where you aint checking in when she has life changing news flung on her is just blatantly showing you don't give a fuck which TO ME = breakup. I can understand a whole lotta disrespect but the moment you let it effect things to the point you're just.. not cooperating. Not bothering to make sure they're okay.. Completely stepping away from yall until you feel like allowing things to go back to how it was. That's a breakup. Plain and simple
Sorry slight tangent. I just.. it's unimaginable imo. I even bothered to do that much when I thought I was dying lmfao. I may've been slumped a good 75% of the time it ain't that hard to shoot a text and keep it moving. If im being real, I wasn't even gonna tell her I was fucked up but I knew it'd make her actually answer my damn texts. It feels.. slightly manipulative but I honestly don't even care I just needed to make sure she wasn't doing anything absurdly stupid.
Uh but yeh. Everyday damn near since as at first I'd be sleep so good I wouldn't notice she texted so she'd call me to make sure I wasn't like dead and shit. Then she'd keep me otp to ease her anxiety on that shit. Ya know. Like making sure if some shit did happen she'd immediately hear it. Then as I got back right I texted back more consistently and I figured we'd stop talking again but then she started doing entirely too much as far as getting high to not think and shit and she'd call cause she knew I knew what's normal and not you know? I'm sure it was partially so she wouldn't feel so lonely but I'm sure she only turned to me cause I wouldn't make too much of a fuss about her getting high. I mean like, course.. I'd prefer her not to do all that period but I know I really can't stop her completely rn. She's going through a lot rn and that's just how she deals with it. I know whether or not I press her on that she's taking em so I'd rather keep her from being too unsafe with it.
Now it's prolly just routine. And I can semi replace her partner as far as constantly being otp. I know she'd pick her over me if she could but for now I can at the very least fill the gap so she doesn't feel like her entire world is got snatched from under her. I know how it is to go from always having someone there to being completely alone (ish. we both have siblings and shit but course aint exactly the same) Shit is hard and it's so easy to spiral and feel like everything's wrong cause so much changes all at once. I feel gross and odd knowing that that's all I am. Shit is gonna be all gone soon as her partner comes back around. But honestly I'd rather just hold my tongue and deal with the reabandoning shit once it comes. No real reason to make her think about that rn she has enough on her plate as is
Actually otp rn lmao. Slightly salty off some shit she said about her partner and shit but.. is what it is tbh. I'm tryna stay quietish and type loudish so she will think I'm just not talking much cause I'm focused on this. I know if I talk rn my voice'll prolly give it away so I'm tryna chill out with this stuff.
Uh but. As for trip report 25. I took 150 last night and passed out not realizing it. Was not the plan at all but not too mad. I woke up forgetting I took it tho no real consequences from that. My heart kinda hurts tho so I might pop a few extra rq. Dunno.
I'm gonna stop that there tho.. I don't wanna be too quiet and have her figure it out that way lol. I think Ima semi tell about this blog but not fully fully as it'd be an EXTREMELY stupid decision on my end lmfao
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risingsunautomotive · 27 days
Mechanical Repairs Coopers Plain | Quality Car Service at Affordable Prices
At Rising Sun Automotive, we pride ourselves on providing top-notch mechanical repairs in Coopers Plain. Our experienced technicians use the latest equipment to diagnose and repair any issues with your vehicle. Contact us today to schedule your appointment!
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ravennm84 · 3 years
Hey everyone! Sorry I’ve been missing for a while, but I’ve had a lot going on and lacking inspiration, until the other day! I know that Lila thinks she’s the smartest person in the room and that everyone else it too stupid to figure her out. So, I decided to let her “think” she’s being smart, but gets caught because she did something stupid. Warm-Fuzzies and please enjoy!
Lila was happy. Since she had become a model, she had acquired a small fan base of people that thought she had beauty and talent. Granted, it wasn’t as large as she thought it should be, but she had only done three photo shoots and had been mentioned in one magazine. But this was just the beginning; soon, all of Europe would know her name and reporters would be clamoring after her for pictures. 
But at the same time she was very angry.
This was because Marinette had been mentioned in the same magazine as her. And where Lila got a single photo that showed more of Adrien than it did of her, Maribrat had gotten an entire article and multiple photos about her designs and the collaboration she was doing with Style Queen Audrey Bourgeois since the woman had decided to stay in Paris. She had even looked at the girl’s website and saw that there was an actual wait list to receive one of her original designs.
Enraged that someone she considered to be plain, talentless, and all around lower in status than her, Lila started coming up with plans. She wasn’t about to share her spotlight with anyone, let alone Maribrat.
She was tempted to accuse the bluenette of stealing her designs and ruining her reputation, but since she had been designing for longer than Lila had been in Paris, that had too much of a chance to backfire. She’s thought of sicking one of her classmates/sheep to break into her house and destroy her commission projects, but that also had too much of a chance to backfire since they would likely blab if they were caught.
No, she needed a different type of plan. Something that would be farther removed from herself so nothing would blow back on her, but harsh enough so that even Maribrat wouldn’t connect what happened to her. It took a few weeks and a lot of planning, but she came up with something that would work. It had been the perfect plan, a way to get Marinette out of her life and the spotlight for good. 
All it took was some sweet talking one of her new followers; a large, burly boy named Henry that was a couple years older than her and not very bright. He would have done anything for her… including going after a “stalker” that had threatened to hurt her. She barely even had to suggest anything before the boy assured her that he would protect her at all costs. It even seemed to be working when Maribrat was suspiciously absent from school for a few days after Henry said he would “take care of it”.
It had been the perfect plan...
Until the police showed up. 
She had just gotten home when the police arrived, saying that she was wanted for questioning in an open case. They had already been in contact with her mother and Greta Rossi had promised them their full cooperation. Rather than risk looking guilty, Lila called her mother to make sure they were telling the truth before grudgingly going with them. 
When she got to the police station, she was met by her very confused and furious mother. This wasn’t the first time she had been in trouble with the law. There had been an incident in Rome where she’d been accused of pushing a boy, Simone, down the stairs, and her mother had been forced to pay his medical bills. She had made it very clear that if Lila caused any more problems at school, it would not be pleasant.
So there she was; sitting with her mother and a couple of police detectives that she didn’t recognize, who were giving her condescending looks. “I am Detective Cooper, and this is Detective Raimus. We understand that you have been made aware of your rights, correct?”
“Yes, multiple times. What is this all about? You can’t just bring my daughter in for questioning like she’s some common criminal.” Her mother said as she stared down the two men.
“Mme. Rossi, we need to ask your daughter some questions in connection to an assault that took place against one of her classmates.” Stated Cooper, a detective with a thick mustache.
“Are you or your daughter familiar with a M. Henry Mortaure?”
“I’ve never heard of him,” Lila lied with a shrug.
“Neither have I, who was attacked?” Her mother asked, suddenly worried about what her daughter might have gotten involved in.
“A Mlle. Marinette Dupain-Cheng, are you familiar with the name?” Asked Raimus, who looked a bit older than his partner.
Greta Rossi thought for a second before nodding. “Lila has mentioned her a couple of times, said that she was a bully. What about her?”
“The Dupain-Cheng residence was broken into a few days ago by M. Mortaure. He was armed and confessed to be doing so with the intent of killing Mlle. Dupain-Cheng.” Mme. Rossi gasped in shock while Lila was attempting to hide her smirk with a look of worry. “The Dupain-Chengs were not harmed, although the same cannot be said for M. Mortaure.” Cooper placed some photos in front of them on the table, gaining another gasp from Greta. Three of the man’s limbs were wrapped in heavy gauze, his face was swollen and bruised from a black eye and a seriously broken nose. 
Lila didn’t flinch when she saw the photos, but was now fighting a scowl at the knowledge that Henry had failed her. And since she was here in an interrogation room, it could only mean that the idiot had blabbed. But that didn’t matter, she could just say that he must be a crazy stalker who had somehow found out that Maribrat was bullying her and decided to take things into his own hands. After all, it wasn’t like she had called or messaged him from her personal phone. She had bought a burner phone with cash just for this occasion. 
“Despite being armed with a pistol, he never had a chance to use it,” Raimus stated as pushed one of the photos towards Lila. “He will require reconstructive surgery on his face from being hit multiple times with a rolling pin. His arms were severely burned when he fell into a fryer, it’s likely that he’ll never have full use of them again. Despite the burns, he attempted to go for a kitchen knife after being disarmed. That knife was turned on him and he ended up with a perforated lung.”
Greta looked like she was going to be sick, unable to look away from the pictures in front of her. But she eventually did, casting a harsh stare at her daughter. “Please, tell me you had nothing to do with this.”
Doing her best to fake her shock, she shook her head and pushed away the photos. “I swear, I had nothing to do with this. I don’t even know why he would do this.”
“We were wondering the same thing and discovered that he’s a fan of yours. He has multiple pictures of you, as well as Mlle. Dupain-Cheng. We suspected that he had been stalking you and came to the conclusion that he thought she was bullying you and decided to protect you on his own-”
“Oh no, that has to be it!” She exclaimed, skillfully faking shock. “Marinette followed me out of school last week and threatened me to stay away from my boyfriend. This boy must have seen her and decided to get rid of her.”
“If that’s the case, why are you questioning my daughter?” Greta pressed, not completely believing Lila but seeming to be coming around to her side.
“As I was saying,” stressed Detective Cooper. “We had suspected that M. Mortaure was stalking your daughter, until we got the warrant for his phone. It seems that someone, supposedly Lila, has been corresponding with him for many weeks. She had been flirting with him, sending him photos of herself, and then Marinette. She went on to tell him that Mlle. Dupain-Cheng was a stalker and had threatened her. M. Mortaure seems to have done what he did with the understanding that he was protecting Lila, at Lila’s own behest.”
“I would never do that!” Lila cried before reaching into her purse to pull out her personal mobile and set it on the table in front of them. “Check my phone, I never messaged him.”
“We have already checked your phone records against the one that has been messaging M. Mortaure, and found that the numbers did not match.” Detective Raimus said, and Lila watched her mother visibly slump from relief… but it was short lived. 
“We did, however, track the number to a burner phone that was purchased in cash from a gas station. We thought it was a dead end, but the person who bought the phone made a mistake.” Raimus continued as Detective Cooper pulled out his own mobile and dialed a number. “The person who bought it has kept it on, and it is currently active.”
Seconds after Cooper pressed send, a ringing came from Lila’s purse. Greta Rossi stared at her daughter in shock before yanking the purse out of Lila’s hands and pulling out a second phone from inside. When Cooper cancelled the call, the second phone stopped ringing. 
“What have you done?” She spat at Lila.
Panicking, she shook her head while looking around the room for an exit. “That’s not mine! They must have planted it on me when they brought me here! They’re trying to frame me!”
“DON’T LIE TO ME!” Greta screamed at her daughter, causing Lila to practically fall out of her seat in fear. “You convinced someone to commit MURDER for you! That makes you just as guilty as him!”
“But-but I have diplomatic immunity! I can’t be charged for any of this!”
“Yes, you can,” Greta said, her voice going cold. “I may be a secretary to the Italian Ambassador, which grants me immunity, but that doesn’t extend to you! I told you to behave! I told you to never cause trouble like you did in Roma after what you did to that boy that called you out on your…” Understanding washed over Greta’s features as her expression morphed from anger, to understanding, and then disgust. “That’s it, isn’t it? Marinette never bullied you. She knew about your lies and you set out to hurt her just like before!” 
Standing up quickly, her mother started pacing the room before looking back to the detectives. “I’ll still need to speak with the ambassador, but you can expect our full cooperation in this.”
“Mom, no!”
“What are the charges?” Greta asked, acting as though Lila wasn’t even there. 
“As Lila is a minor, she can be charged with Complicity to Commit Murder, the decision of sentencing is ultimately up to the judge. But seeing as she purposefully bought a burner phone to use and has also lied to the police, I wouldn’t hold much hope.”
The trial took longer than expected. At first, things had been looking up since her followers from class had come to act as character witnesses. All of them saying how wonderful she was, a great friend that did so much for them and everyone she knew,   and that she would never do something so terrible. That Marinette was just jealous of Lila, so it was better to take whatever she said with a grain of salt.
Then, the prosecution started their case. Showing evidence of Lila falsifying records at school, video evidence of her purposefully framing Marinette for assault and theft. As well as the communications between herself and Henry, encouraging him to kill Marinette. 
Her followers had still been a bit sceptical to believe what the prosecutor was saying about her, not wanting to believe that they had supported someone who would try to get another person murdered. But then came her past victims, many of whom her mother had never known about. Simone from Rome, Sara from Florence, Giulia from Venice, Daniel from Viterbo, and Sofia from Palermo. All of them testifying against Lila, many with screenshots of threatening texts from her, photos of ruined property and injuries she had inflicted on them, and all around proof that Lila was the reason behind many hardships that had happened to them. And all because they had figured out that she was a liar and she had done everything in her power to hurt them.
After all that, the judge had not been kind. 
“It is clear, Mlle. Rossi, that you are a very disturbed girl in need of help,” the judge said, not bothering to hide how offput he was by Lila. “I cannot, in good conscious, allow you to roam freely. Having seen that these habits of yours have not only been repeated over and again, but have escalated to attempted murder. I have no choice but to have you returned to Italy where you will be kept in a juvenile detention center until you turn 18, at which point you will be transferred to a mental hospital for treatment for no less than five years. At which point, you will be evaluated to see if you will be able to safely rejoin society.”
Lila was immediately escorted back to Italy in disgrace. Her name slandered across every newspaper and magazine across Europe for what she had done. She was now famous, with most everyone knowing her name and reporters scrambling to take her picture as she did her walk of shame out of the courthouse. She was finally famous, but for all the wrong reasons
In case you are wondering. Henry made the mistake of coming after Marinette when she was with her parents. Tom and Marinette were in the bakery kitchen and Sabine was at the front. Tom saw the gun and hit him in the face with his rolling pin twice. He dropped the gun but was still coming after Marinette, she tripped him and he landed in the frier, which had been turned on to make donuts, and splashed oil all over him. Sabine had rushed back in time to see a bleeding and badly burned Henry grabbing a knife, she did some wicked moves that resulted in Henry stabbing himself. By then, he passed out from the pain and the Dupain-Chengs had called the police. The officers that came were both impressed and terrified by what happened to the boy, but the surveillance footage proved that they were only defending themselves.
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yougetoneshot · 3 years
Suicide Squad: Reversal
What if team 1 and team 2 switched missions?
Focus is on Team 1: Flag, Harley, Captain Boomerang, Savant, Mongal, Weasel, Blackguard, TDK, and Javelin
Everyone lives AU
Chapter One
Flag looked around at his team and lamented his choices in life. His eyes fell on Harley, the therapist turned supervillain with a penchant for hyenas and large hammers. She was clapping excitedly at the despair of the man across from her struggling with his seatbelt.
“This thing’s a werewolf?! Yo, I don’t mess with werewolves, get me outta here!”
Captain Boomerang’s roaring laugh filled the entire helicopter as he joined Harley in enjoying Blackguard’s panic.
“Sit down! He’s not a werewolf. He’s a weasel.” Flag snarled to quiet down the situation. Blackguard was his least favorite addition to his team which was saying something considering weasel, the beast villain he’d just believed was a werewolf, was equally as useless. He’d begged Waller not to add him but she insisted his strength would be an asset despite his low IQ. At least the weasel didn’t talk.
“Get ready for the drop.” The pilot called back to Flag who nodded and ushered the others to stand as the back of the helicopter opened over the water.
“Go!” He yelled as the first of his team leapt from the chopper. Javelin, whose name pretty much encompassed his entire personality aside from the added foreign accent, hit the water first. He was followed by TDK, a villain Flag actually didn’t know anything about but trusted Waller enough that he must have some strength of benefit to the team. Savant, the forgetful genius fighter, and Mongal, the alien tyrant, jumped next. They were followed by Harley and Boomerang who made a competition over who could do the best dive. Flag had to shove Blackguard out before he and weasel jumped. As they all hit the water they heard the sound of weasel struggling against the current.
“Did no one find out if he could swim?!” Flag growled into his communicator. The team back at base remained quiet as he moved to help Savant save the unsavory beast from drowning.
“Is he dead.” Waller’s irritated tone buzzed over coms as Savant shook his head.
“He’ll live.”
An explosion lit up another part of the island and Flag furrowed his brow. “Waller-“
“It’s fine. Keep on mission, Flag.” Her tone sounded knowing so he pushed any concern for it aside. He had to trust her. What other choice did he have?
The rest of his team trudged onto the beach and groaned about being wet. He once again lamented not having a proper military team as Harley and Boomerang began convincing Blackguard he was covered in leeches. The dim witted villain was frantically and a bit too loudly checking himself for the leeches as Flag moved towards them. “Shhh! Stop messing with him or you’re going to get us all killed! We don’t have much time before a patrol comes by. We need to get deep into the jungle and make camp.” He grabbed Blackguard by the shoulder to stop him from ripping his clothes off. “There are no leeches on yo-“ Flag’s sentence halted as he spotted it- not a leech but definitely something akin to it stuck to the back of Blackguard’s neck. “Don’t move.”
“What?! Why?!! What is it?!! There are leeches aren’t there?!-“
“I said don’t move!” Flag pulled a knife from a holster around his thigh and began prying the small mass from Blackguard’s skin. The criminal howled which prompted Flag to slap a hand over his mouth. “Shut up or I’ll let this thing stay on your neck.” He finally provided enough leverage to pop the creature off of Blackguard’s neck and send it careening into the sand where it dug down into the dune like a tremor.
“…what was that.” Harley’s eyes were locked onto the spot in the sand that the creature had sunk into.
“Just a leech. Now come on, we need to get off this beach.” He waited for his team to all make it off the beach before he noticed a light in the distance.
A sharp pain in his shoulder then another in his leg sent him sinking to the sand. He heard shouts down the beach and yelled at his team to run as Harley moved towards him. “Go! Stay on mission!”
Waller echoed Flag’s order into Harley’s earpiece.
“Come on. He’s right, Harls.” Boomerang tugged her back into the foliage as soldiers surrounded Flag. “They ain’t gonna kill him, right?” Harley looked up at her Aussie pal and he tugged her down to hide in the brush.
“I dunno but we’re dead if we stay here.” He whispered into her ear as they watched Flag be apprehended.
“This changes nothing. You will still need to find the Thinker and infiltrate Jotunheim.” Waller’s voice hissed through their earpieces. “Don’t take this as some opportunity to bail. I can still monitor you from here without Flag’s supervision. One wrong move and I’ll blow your heads off. Now move.”
As Waller finished her threat, Harley looked around at the group who were all looking at her. “What are you looking at me for? Do I got something on my face?”
“I think they’re looking at you to lead us.” Boomerang whispered in her ear.
“Leader? No. Uh uh. I ain’t a leader.” She turned to Boomerang to argue in a less than hushed tone. “Boomer, I don’t know the first thing about leading a bunch of idiots!”
“Hey!” Blackguard hissed. “We can hear you.”
“Oh sorry, I meant six idiots and a lummox.” She sassed but then quickly realized he thought she was complimenting him. Harley turned back to Boomerang. “We are so doomed.”
“I believe in you, Harls. What would you do if you didn’t have a team?”
“I dunno. Probably get disguises?”
“Then that’s a start. Let’s go find some disguises.”
The group had little issue getting into town and breaking into a department store. Even here on this tiny island, American corporations had made their mark in the most American way- overpriced apparel.
“Alright everyone. I want you to look your most Corto Maltese-esque-ian.”
“What?” Half of them chimed in and she shook her head frustrated.
“Just don’t look like a tourist, yea?” She shooed them away to pick their own disguises. After a while, Javelin approached her in bright plaid overalls with no shirt underneath and a vibrant pink hat.
“..that is… PERFECT!” Harley clapped excited then noticed weasel next to him with a large novelty mustache stuck to his face. “Oh my, I didn’t even recognize you. That’s so good. Keep it.”
“I dunno, Harley none of these clothes fit me.” Blackguard walked over in what was clearly a child’s tshirt that hugged him like a crop top. Harley suppressed some laughter but nodded. “No. You look great. Promise.” She nudged Boomerang as he was shuffling through some AC DC shirts to find his size. He lifted his head and spotted the very tight children’s clothing clinging to Blackguard. He was less than successful at containing his laughter.
“He loves it.” Harley nodded.
“Then why’s he laughing?”
“Oh it’s just a joke I told him earlier. Nothing to do with you.”
“..oh.. okay!” Blackguard joined the other two members who were done picking their disguises.
Mongal returned in a large fluffy red dress and Harley gave her two thumbs up. Savant came back in plain jeans and a white v neck. Harley stopped him and plopped a ball cap on his head that said “World’s Best Grandpa” before giving him approval. TDK finally returned dressed like a cowboy complete with chaps and a cowboy hat. Harley had chosen checkered black and red jeggings paired with a workout top that said “would rather be sleeping” and a red leather jacket. Boomerang had finally found the appropriate sized AC DC shirt- sans sleeves as he tugged them off and tossed them aside.
Harley looked over the group one last time before placing her hands on her hips confidently. “Let’s go catch a Thinker.”
Outside the club, Harley briefed the group in the small van they’d stolen from a very cooperative Pepsi delivery guy. “Okay, the plan is to blend in and wait for this Thinker guy to show up. He should be here anytime in the next three hours so we gotta stay alert. That includes you.” She gestured to Javelin.
“Why do you single me out?”
“Because that devilish accent of yours could get us caught. Best if you stay quiet.”
“No. Your voice is now a precious gem that you must protect at all costs. Not another word.”
He nodded sadly as Harley turned to the rest of the group. “Let’s go.”
The group walked into the club and despite having a giant weasel with them, managed to get on great with everyone there. Most of the drunken patrons thought they came from a costume party and Weasel was wearing some kind of Halloween costume. Harley had the group split up to look for the Thinker. She paired them up with Mongal and TDK taking the back door, Boomerang and Savant at the pool table in the corner, Blackguard and Javelin on the dance floor, and she took the bar with Weasel by the entrance.
After about an hour, Harley started to become bored. As entertaining as it was watching Weasel get drunk, Boomerang lose at pool twice in a row to Savant, and Javelin teach Blackguard how to do the Cupid shuffle, she was getting antsy for a fight. Lucky for Harley, a fight was walking in as Corto Maltese soldiers walked in escorting the Thinker.
“I’ve got eyes on the Thinker.” Harley nodded over to Javelin who was by the jukebox. He then pressed a few buttons and Ballroom Blitz blared through the club. “Time to party, boys!”
Harley ran full speed at the nearest soldier and slid down between his legs to pop up behind him right next to the Thinker. She gave him a smile. “You might wanna duck.” Harley grabbed the back of his head and pushed it down as Javelin nailed the soldier posted behind the Thinker with his javelin from across the room. Boomerang took out the first two soldiers and Savant used his pool stick to prevent more soldiers rushing in from the entrance from getting closer to the group by targeting pressure points on their bodies with absolute precision.
At the back door, Mongal and TDK were having a blast letting a soldier walk in only to hang them by their vests on the tall coatrack mounted to the wall and knocking them out. Weasel ran around downing all the drinks of the patrons who’d abandoned them to leave the establishment. The entrance began to flood with more soldiers until Blackguard lifted the large jukebox and hefted it at the doorway with complete ease, halting the music and leaving the room in complete silence for a few moments.
“…you telling me you coulda done that the whole time?!” Harley choked out in shock. “I didn’t know he could that- did you know he could do that?!” Harley looked around at some of the rest of the group who shook their heads. “That coulda been very useful to know, just sayin.”
“Who are you people?” Thinker questioned irritably.
“Hey!” She shook him by his shirt collar. “We ask the questions round here!” Harley began shoving the Thinker towards the back exit as the team followed. They all squeezed back into the Pepsi delivery fan with Thinker placed in the middle of them.
“Okay, Bumble Ball Head, you listen good, you’re gonna take us to Jotunheim.”
“You’ll never make it past the front door. They already know what you’re trying to do. Your little friends on the beach have already been taken care of too.”
“..wait.. there were other people on the beach? Did we leave somebody else?!” Harley began counting the group as Thinker furrowed his brow confused.
“Are you not the Americans? The ones with the shark man?”
“Wait there’s a shark man?!” Harley squealed. “You mean to tell me Waller sent another team with a shark man and he wasn’t on my team?!”
“I don’t like sharks.” TDK brought up nonchalantly. “They could bite your arm off, you know?”
“Yea but not if you was friends with them, right?” Harley proposed and TDK shrugged.
“Fair point.”
“You’re all mad.” Thinker interjected.
“Well, that ain’t nothing new.” Harley chortled. “Now, tell me about the team at the beach. What happened to them?” Harley furrowed her brows as she raised a knife. “And if you ain’t telling me the truth, I’ll start cuttin off them pegs in your head.”
“They were apprehended and taken to the capital. With the exception of the shark man who is now a delightful new subject for me to experiment on.”
“Oh, you are just a piece of work, you know that?!” Harley waved the knife at him then looked at the group. “Listen, I ain’t much of a planner but seems to me like we could use all the help we can get getting into Jotunheim. We should go rescue the rest of the team to help us.”
“If they’re even still alive. El Presidente isn’t exactly keen on Americans. He’s likely already publicly executed them by now.”
“Well ain’t you just a bucket of rainbows!” She bonked him on the head with the back of the knife before looking back at the group. “It’s worth checking to see if any of em are alive.”
“I agree.” Savant nodded. “We got power in numbers, especially if the others are just as gifted in their abilities.”
“Right, anyone oppose?”
Mongal raised her hand slowly and Harley blinked a few times while pouting out her lips. “Yes?”
“I think we left the werewolf.”
Harley looked around at the group and sure enough the Weasel was not there. “Oh, fudge!” She sighed and nodded for TDK at the back to go back inside and fetch him. He returned with an unconscious and smelly Weasel, tossing him inside the van before it drove off towards the capital.
- Stay tuned for Chapter 2! -
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weirdochick56 · 3 years
The Bodyguard 2- Bucky Barnes AU
Bodyguard!Bucky Barnes x Princess!Reader
Warnings: Explicit language, insults, snark, and sassy!Buckster sexy times (ok, so maybe only slightly sexy)
Disclaimers: I don’t own any MCU plots or Characters mentioned
Word Count: 5, 173 words
Summary: The Reader and Bucky’s hate for eachother is at an all time high; she can’t seem to rid herself of him and he, well he can’t seem to get her to cooperate with him. But as their frustrations grow, a late-night outing might just be what they both need to see other parts of eachother. 
A/n: This has been a long time in the making, but I finally felt inspired enough to continue the story. Hope you enjoy it!
~The Bodyguard 1~
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“You can stop following me now,” you grumble with thorny irritation, rolling your eyes at the tall persistent shadow staying hot on your tail. 
It was in vain to ask him to leave, you knew. Agent Brainless was ridiculously adamant about following you around the moment you stepped foot outside of the palace and he was -infuriatingly so- a stubborn man.
How he knew that you were leaving even when you had concocted what you considered a genius plan to evade those infuriatingly pretty grey irises was beyond you.
He sighs at your words, and you can see the annoyance bubbling to the surface of his cold professional exterior, though he tries his hardest to keep a straight face. 
“Your highness, I think we both know I won’t do that,” he responds simply. “Now if you would please stop being so stubborn and simply do as I ask and come with me to the car so that this is easier for us both...” 
You can tell his patience is wearing thin because, in the past few weeks of having him follow you everywhere you went, you had made it a point to figure out his exact breaking point. 
And as you continue making your escape to town like he isn’t even there, you know that so is yours. If there’s anything that can give you that deep burning satisfaction you sought with everything you did, it was pissing Agent Barnes off.
He had patiently asked you to retreat back the way you came so he could “safely” transport you in a castle-owned car, but you refused redundantly because your friend was already waiting for you, but maybe also because you loved the little twitch of his eye every time you refused to listen to his directions.
If you were being completely honest, he really should’ve been asking you to come back to the castle and not go to a club in town at all- as per your father’s orders. But you weren’t fond of said orders and you definitely didn’t want some dark and mysterious shadow following you around during a night of fun with friends. 
“No,” is all you say because in the few minutes you’ve spent talking to him you’ve noticed he’s the most infuriated when your responses are curt and nonchalant. 
You want to see him snap oh so bad...seeing those steely grays lose their cool? Gold. 
“Princess...” he growls in warning, daring you to cut that little thread of control he had left in him with your sharp tongue. 
You don’t look back at him even once enjoying the thrill that travels up your spine at his low-timbre words and the way his voice travels straight to your core, tugging at your short black dress lightly. 
You wanted to see what he would do should he be pushed over the edge. It was fun.
“I already told you, I’m not listening to you. My friend is already waiting for me. And I’m sorry if you have an issue with- Ahh!” Your words choke back into your throat and morph into a shocked yelp when big rough hands grip your hips, spinning you around and without much of a warning, lifting you with incredible ease.
Before you know it, you’re being carelessly thrown over a broad, strong shoulder.
You let out a small ‘oomph’ when the wind gets knocked out of you and all you see is a firm ass, the blood rushing to your head. 
“What the hell do your think you’re doing you absolute buffoon?!” You screech hysterically, wriggling aggressively against his hold on your thighs. 
He barely flinches, only wrapping his muscular arm tighter around your legs and adjusting you on his shoulder like it was a mere midnight stroll for him and you weighed no more than what a feather did. 
“I’m taking you to the car,” he informs as if it’s obvious, voice full with obnoxious satisfaction. 
“Get your filthy hands off me this instant you utter and complete idiot!” You growl, twisting harshly but he doesn’t let go so you start pounding on his firm back with your fists, fighting to free yourself of him. “WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!”
He just laughs at what seems to be your weak attempts to break away. He laughs.
You gasp at the absolute and complete audacity he has of laughing when he’s treating you, the single heir to the Androvian throne, like a sack of potatoes. 
“You ass!” You wriggle around some more, tugging at his hands to try to pry them off your legs but all he does is smack them away as if they were mere pesky flies. 
“I may be,” he chokes back a small snort but only barely. “But at least I’m the only ass trying to keep your reckless self in check, princess.”
Indignation, humiliation, and utter vexation all burn deep inside you like a thrumming fire ready to ravage everything in its way when it got the chance to escape your body as you slowly fall limp against him. 
Resignation comes hand in hand with the deep desire for revenge and you fist your hands in deep ache to somehow exercise it. 
He carries you all the way to the garage of cars in the back part of the castle, walks over to a black SUV out of all the expensive cars to choose from, opens it and all but throws you into the back leather seats like you’re not a fucking human, much less the princess of the land he’s currently stepping in. 
You land flat on your back in the smooth leather interior of the luxury SUV with a small thud and instantly sit up to glare at him heatedly. “Do you have any idea who I am? Be gentle, you brute!” 
Annoyingly enough, he simply ignores you and leans over your body. His heat floods through your bare skin and feels good for a second and you subtly inhale his musky scent as he tugs on the seatbelt, roughly pulling it over you. 
You forget about your hatred for him for a split second and that only makes you angrier when it comes back full force. 
You fucking idiot, Y/n. 
In a last and desperate attempt of defiance, you try to push his hands away to which he responds by firmly pressing you back by your shoulder into your seat and staring you dead in the eye with blazing grey eyes. 
The fire that swirls in them is...something. Not necessarily scary, but intimidating and...something else.
Something that makes your skin flush and your nerves throb to life. 
You stare right back, tilting your chin up to show him you weren’t backing down or scared of him and his brute force. He got too under your skin and you knew you got under his which only offered you only a limited amount of comfort. 
He clenches his jaw as he clicks the seatbelt into place, never looking away from your challenging gaze. As if to stick another dagger into your burning insides. As if to reassert his power here. 
Your labored breaths are all that can be heard for miles to come in the calm night air and he leans close for a second, your heaving chests gently brushing.
Not meaning for it to happen, you feel your nipples harden beneath the flimsy fabric of your black party dress and you wonder if you imagine his hands clenching around your shoulder -his fingers digging into your flesh with suppression- or the sly flick of his eyes from your eyes to your lips. 
You wonder if you imagine the look of heat that passes over his eyes when your breaths mix the second time seems to stop and an overwhelming emotion washes over you. 
But then it’s gone as soon as it came and hatred burns deep in your belly once more. So deep that it hurts and brings painful tears to your eyes, your nose burning so hard you can’t focus through your blurry vision.
You lean in closer, so close your nose is brushing just barely against his and pause for a second. A second of torture for him, a second of uncertainty, a second where his breath catches and his pupils dilate. 
Then you speak, voice trembling with overwhelming anger. 
“I have never,” you whisper, licking your lips. “Been treated with such disrespect.” You swallow hard, cheeks red with humiliation. 
You see a flash of guilt in his eyes but it’s quickly replaced by his usual look of cool professionalism- not even anger anymore. Not even that.
And he leans right back into you, a wave of heat passing over both of you. “Then learn to listen next time. It’s for your safety.” 
And just like that he’s drawing back, slamming the passenger door closed and climbing into the driver’s seat- leaving you cold and angry beyond reason.
A moment of tense silence passes before he releases a tiny sigh and breaks it by turning on the ignition. 
“Where are we going?”
I watch her laugh at something one of her friends says from a dark corner of the club and it’s hard not to stare for reasons other than my duty being just that...to look after her. 
The club was a luxurious one, with high ceilings, intricate designs and a VIP section where we were immediately escorted to.
Her Highness’s friends, a blonde guy and girl who had nodded at me in polite acknowledgment were already waiting for her there and I assumed that the few seconds when she had stopped her sulking and taken out her phone from her clutch were the seconds she was texting her friends to meet her there instead. 
I would never admit it, but I enjoyed watching her cave. It was like taming a wild horse, even if momentarily. 
Princess Y/n was a brat, plain and simple. Selfish, childish, and feisty as hell, I had never met anyone as completely and utterly vexing as her and to say these past few weeks had been hell would be an understatement. 
If I wasn’t so good at my job, I would’ve lost her already. She threw me for a loop any chance she got, cutting corners and doing everything she could to avoid my protection. 
As I stared at her with that pretty ass smile on her annoyingly beautiful face, it’s hard to imagine that that was the same person pushing every single one of my buttons just a few minutes before. 
She actually looked relaxed and...nice?
God, she infuriated me in ways I had no idea I could be infuriated, discovered buttons I didn’t know I had and pushed them to the point I had to throw her over my damn shoulder like a sack of flour.
I was a professional, for God’s sake. Had always been one with every single one of the cases I was assigned, so why was she the one to get under my skin?
...And why did I enjoy having her perfectly round ass so close to my face? Why did I keep thinking about the defiance in those stupidly big eyes over and over like I....craved it?
I wondered to myself as I watched her take down a shot by the bar. She glanced at me over her shoulder, still smiling, but it quickly melted away when our gazes clashed and my own mood soured instantly. 
I grimaced when she looked away as if I had burnt her with my eyes and quickly pulled my head out of the gutter. 
The fact that she was utterly gorgeous didn’t change how annoying she was. Not to mention I was here on a job. 
One I fully intended to complete, no matter how fucking difficult the client was.
The night moves on at a slow pace for me. The princess parties and I watch her like a hawk, making sure not to let her get too wild. 
So far I had pried off five guys who were trying their luck with her. From what I’d read on her file and the extensive research I’d done online, her face wasn’t really well known. 
She was always kept  secret and would be until she was crowned queen of Androvia- some weird old belief or something- so not many people knew what she looked like. 
Meaning, these guys probably didn’t know who they were trying to get all handsy with on the dance floor and would only assume was some rich daddy’s girl once my towering form appeared and nicely escorted them away. 
For the most part nicely, anyway. Some I had to get a little rougher with. 
I make sure to keep my eyes glued on her form, ignoring the way she moved her hips in that tiny black dress. It hugged her alluring curves like a glove and I swallowed hard as she grinded on her female friend, head thrown back and a free smile on her face. 
“She is...beautiful, isn’t she?” 
I calmly turn towards the voice as it hums out from beside me, turning to see the guy she came with. He takes a sip of his drink, smirking as his eyes remain on the way the princess waves her hands in the air to the beat of the song, sensually shaking her hips as if she was one with the sexy R&B song I had no idea the name of. 
I clear my throat, remaining stock still in my bodyguard pose. “Sir, I”m only here to protect her Highness. I really don’t-”
“Oh don’t even try to hide it. She’s easily the most beautiful woman in this whole club.”
He takes my silence as confirmation, it seems, because he proceeds to speak on as if I’ve agreed.
“But it’s not just her physical appearance is it? It’s something else. Something...inside,” he whispers. 
When I don’t respond, he continues bitterly. “I’m warning you; don’t fall for her. It’ll only bring you a world of pain, trust me.”
I catch the pain in his voice and stiffen. “I would never fall for one of my subjects, sir,” I assure him.
He laughs sourly. “Sure bud. You keep telling yourself that.”
“I don’t know what you mean,” I insist, swallowing thickly as she laughs, beautiful smile wide and her laughter too melodious to be coming out of such a wretched little urchin. 
“Well,” he coughs suddenly, clapping me in the shoulder. “I think I need another drink. Want one?”
I eye his hand which he slowly pries off and shake my head with a slightly clenched jaw.
“I’m on the job, sir,” I remain calm and professional despite the fact that all I wanted to do was break that hand for putting stupid thoughts in my head. 
Because for a second there, as the bright club lights shun down on her, I could see what he talked about when he said there was something inside. In that smile, those eyes, that laugh...
But then she made eye contact with me and the feeling turned bitter so quick it’s a miracle I didn’t get whiplash. 
She was a brat. Nothing more.
Sometime late into the night, you had found myself fairly buzzed. Not enough to fall on your face, but enough that walking- well, stumbling over to Agent Asshole only seemed more and more attractive an action.
He glances at you with those eyes and you can’t help the anger the bubbles within you. “Do you plan on staring me down the entire night?”
“It’s my job,” is all he says. 
You scowl fiercely at him. “I hate you,” you seethe.
He raises a dark brow but otherwise keeps that stoic expression on his face. “Do you want to leave, your Highness?”
His neutral tone and complete lack of reaction only angers you more and you shake your head furiously. “No, I don’t want to leave. I want you to leave though.”
He presses his lips firmly together. “I’m sorry-“
“No, you’re not.”
“Huh?” He cocks his side slightly to the side and you lean closer to him, craning your neck to look him in the eye.
“I said; you’re not sorry. If you were sorry, you WOULD LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!” You feel your drunken emotions deep in your chest and without much effort, your voice quickly escalates.
He sighs heavily. “Okay, your highness, I think it’s time I take you back to the castle. C’mon,” he waves a hand toward the door.
You laugh at him coldly, shaking your head. “Who do you think you are, ordering me around? Know your place asshole, you are below me- never forget,” you growl snarkily, leaning right into his face.
You feel his breathing quicken against your cheeks the longer you defiantly smirk up at him, his calm eyes darkening.
You realized you enjoyed pushing him to the edge, that you craved this look on his face...
He smirks mockingly down at you, staring you down. “You can come willingly, your highness, or I can throw you over my shoulder like last time.” He leans straight into your ear, whispering hotly. “I’m sure you would rather not go through the embarrassment.”
You swallow thickly, your heart hammering against your chest and you’re not sure it’s from anger anymore. With disgust, you jerk away from him, glaring holes into his head.
“Let’s go.”
“You can go, Agent Obnoxious,” you mumble drunkenly, waving a dismissive hand at him as you stumble into your warm room, practically ripping off your heels.
You throw them somewhere in the corner of the large room, sighing with relief when you feel your bare feet touching the soft carpeted floor. 
Your knees shake slightly and buckle and you end up tripping forward.
You land on the ground with a soft grunt and for some reason, laughter bubbles deep in your chest.
“Your Highness!”
A few seconds later, you feel strong warm hands wrapping around your body to heave you up. You place your hands on his strong arms for support and look up at Agent Barnes.
The laughter immediately dies on your lips when you see a beautiful concerned frown of engraved deep in his face. It looks so sincere and his arms are so strong...
Before you know what you’re doing, a small mumble is leaving your lips. “You...” you cut yourself off abruptly when his eyes meet yours.
His hands now rest lightly on your waist, and you’re so close you can smell him. His scent is deep and rich and manly, so unlike the scent of those rich assholes you were forced to mingle with on a daily basis.
And his hands, are strong and resilient. The callouses on them tells you that he’s worked his entire life. Those hands, the ones holding you right now, They’ve probably handled a gun, they’ve probably saved so many lives...
You bite your lip, thinking about the way those hands felt on the skin of your arm and how heavenly it would feel if it traveled all over.
Goosebumps rise on your skin as you crane up your neck to stare up at him.
He stares down at you, and even when your room is dark, the light of the moonlight that filters in from the huge window highlights the heavy tension in his gaze.
You’re both unmoving and you wonder if he enjoys touching you as much as you enjoy his touch.
He inhaled deeply, his eyes flickering to your lips and eyes and then back.
You want to ask him what he’s thinking. You want to tell him to just do it -to just kiss you because you wouldn’t dare push him away- not in this state, not when the alcohol and his scent and eyes were clogging every single sense and reason you had, but you’re afraid to break the spell of whatever this was. 
So instead, you wait on abated breath, feeling like you’re both on the verge of something utterly earth-shattering, for him to move.
Finally, he speaks a few seconds later and it’s a quiet murmur. “Let’s get you to bed, princess.”
You ignore the sharp sting of his rejection when you were so clearly begging him to kiss you and step away from his touch as if he’s burnt you.
You turn around so he can’t see the hurt in your eyes. “You can go now Agent Brainless,” you say coldly over your shoulder, but you know it’s a lot softer than the other time.
Another second passes. “Princess..” he whispers.
You ignore his barely audible whisper and angrily begin undressing, tugging at the straps of your dress.
“What in the world do you think you’re doing?” He growls lowly as you begin to pull your dress down to your waist.
With a sarcastic smile, your turn towards him, your top half completely naked aside from your black lacy bra.
His gaze immediately falls on your half-naked chest, but aside from the small flicker in his eyes and gulp he takes, he gives no other indication of shock.
You raise a brow. “Are you going to watch me undress now too, Agent Barnes?” You ask mockingly.
His eyes find yours again and they’re darker than you’ve ever seen them. They send shivers through your whole body and you almost give into the urge to look away, but the anger and frustration within you don’t allow your gaze to waver.
“I’m not leaving until you’re safely in bed,” he husks, clearly trying his best to remain professional and cold as his icy stare bores into your eyes- purposefully looking away from your naked form.
You tilt your head up at him innocently, slowly sauntering closer to him. “Oh? Well in that case, do you mind helping me with the zipper of my dress? It’s stuck.”
You turn your back on him and a smirk blossoms in your face as you hear his breathing strain, your ass slightly brushing against his crotch area. 
He blows out a shaky exhale and it blows against your naked back, all hot and angry. 
When he makes no move to help you, you look at him over your shoulder. “Well?” 
His grave expression doesn’t budge. “I can’t do that,” he says lowly. 
But even as he resentfully spits this, he doesn’t budge and his eyes are still tracing over your body, their electric desire leaving goosebumps over wherever they ran over.
You roll your eyes at him. “Then turn around, you idiot.” 
He growls, fisting his hands and clenching his jaw tightly but doesn’t try to fight you on it and turns his broad back to you.
You’re intoxicated, so it’s probably because you’re not thinking straight, but as you quickly slip on a silk night gown and stare at his back, you can’t help the deep heavy sadness that sinks into your chest. 
Why hadn’t he kissed you just now? You could’ve sworn he wanted to and you sure as hell did...it was there, the moment, the split second when you were willing to risk it all, to overlook any and all boundaries, cross all imposing lines- but you lost it. 
Pushing your hair to the side, you convince yourself it was for the best. 
“I’m done,” you say softly, climbing into bed. 
Agent Barnes nods at you stiffly, turning on his heels to leave as you get under the covers. Blaming this on your intoxication, you suddenly find yourself exclaiming. 
He pauses right before his foot moves outside the doorframe and turns toward you, eyebrows raised. “You need something, Your Highness?”
You stare at him seriously, pressing your head against your pillow. “Don’t...leave, please,” you whisper softly, curling into a ball at the tenderness of your voice.
“I don’t want to be alone,” you admit quietly. 
He freezes, staring at you as if he’d never seen you before and you avert your gaze, afraid maybe you let on too much. 
“Sorry,” you quickly apologize, but that only flusters you more. “I-I mean not sorry, you asshole. Just- whatever. I’m in bed now, you can go.” 
Feeling embarrassed, you quickly flip over and turn your back to him.  
Seconds later, you hear the door click close and then nothing. A heavy sigh escapes you and you try to suppress the feeling of disappointment that envelops your whole body. 
You didn’t know if it was the drinks or the cold distant dinners you’d been having with your family...but you had never felt more alone. All the clubbing and trying to escape your destiny by trying to pave a life of your own couldn’t fill in that emptiness you couldn’t get rid of no matter how hard you tried.  
You didn’t want to feel like that anymore. Not tonight. 
So even if it was your bodyguard who you hated with everything in you, you needed someone just to be there. Even if it was just to sit in silence with.  
Suddenly, you hear a gentle swish noise and gasp lightly, flipping over. Agent Barnes has thrown his jacket over the chair beside your bed and is loosening his tie and he stares at you. His beautiful gaze sucks you in as you blink up at him in surprise. 
He shrugs. “I can’t just....leave you here alone.” 
Your chest clenches painfully and warmth travels all over your body like warm gooey honey. The feeling of having someone there for you when you need them most is almost overwhelmingly strong. 
“Thank you,” you whisper so quietly, you’re shocked he even hears it. 
He tilts his head at you, frowning with that handsome face of his. “For what? It’s my job.” 
There he goes detaching himself. With a gentle shrug, you nod and curl into a ball under your covers, trying to covet sleep. 
You try this for a few minutes and you’re tired, but you can’t help thinking about Agent Barnes sitting in a hard chair all night. After a while of tossing and turning, you sit up. 
“Oh for fuck’s sake,” you breathe with irritation. 
“What? What happened?” he sits up instantly, and though you could tell he was on the verge of dozing off, his sharp senses are impressive as he reaches for the gun on his ankle frantically. 
You sigh, hating the way your cheeks grow hot and you look away timidly. “Just get into bed,” you say roughly. 
You bite your lip, looking at him in the eyes. “I said; get into bed with me. That chair is uncomfortable.” 
He laughs lightly. “Princess, I was trained by the world’s best assassins. I was taught to sleep on a cold concrete ground if need be.” He gives the chair a firm pat. “This chair is a luxury for a guy like me.”
You stare at him for a few seconds more, wondering more about his past before lightly shaking your head. 
“I don’t care. I still feel bad that I made you sleep here on a chair. Just get in already, will you?” You growl at his stubbornness. “The bed is huge, there’ll be enough space for the both of us, if that’s what you’re concerned about,” you add on, softly. 
After a few seconds of intense eye contact, he finally relents with a small sigh. “Fine.” 
Hesitantly, he cuffs his sleeves and perches himself on the edge of the bed- all stiff and tight. “Good?” He asks, glancing at you with raised brows.
You frown. “You’re kidding.”
“You’re not actually planning to sleep like that are you?” You snort. 
“I told you-”
“That you were trained by dangerous assassins, yeah yeah. But you’re still a human and a ridiculous one at that,” you scoff before suddenly smirking.  “You’re not afraid of lil old me, are you? I’m tiny- I couldn’t possibly hurt you...too much,” you offer him a faux innocent smile, batting your lashes. 
He stares at you, a small smirk tugging at his lips. “Oh trust me, I’ve met girls like you before. You definitely don’t bite.” 
You raise a brow amusedly. “Girls like me?”
His sexy smirk widens. “Yeah. You’re all bark but no bite,” he replies vaguely.
Feeling partially indignant and partially curious, you decide to probe him for answers. “Oh yeah?”
He can’t resist your subtle challenge and continue speaking. “You’re always in power, constantly being chased after because you’re beautiful and rich and you act like it’s what you want in a guy, but it isn’t, is it?”
Deeply intrigued by his generally accurate analysis, you can’t help but laugh. “Oh?”
“No.” He stares deeply into your eyes and the smile slips off your lips as he says his next words with the intensity of a thousand suns. “You bark out orders and you take on responsibilities like a boss, but what you really want is a man. Not a pushover boy that’ll listen to your every command and constantly try to please you, fall at your feet...But a man that’ll choke slam you on the bed, that’ll make you his, that’ll torture you with the deepest pits of hellish pleasure until he ruins every other man for you. You want to be controlled, brought over the edge so far you won’t ever be able to go there by yourself and then at the last moment get that taken away from you. You want to be used.” 
You openly gape at him but he ignores you and slightly scoots closer, still at a safe distance, but close enough where you can feel his body heat radiating off of him.
“Sleep, Princess,” he whispers. “I’ll keep an eye out for you.”
At first, you’re too shocked to react. Your heart is positively hammering against your ribcage and your cheeks are uncharacteristically red. You were flushed. How had he managed to...’you know what?’ You think. ‘No.’ 
You breathe in deeply. ‘ I’m not going to think about it anymore.’
Because doing so would mean letting him win. And also, never mind the fact that he’s in your bed right now...
Decidedly, you squeeze your eyes shut, begging sleep to come amidst all your stupid, surely drunken thoughts about your stupid bodyguard and kissing him, or simply straddling him right now...
Despite how much you disliked him, you felt safe and protected, like you could let your guard down. And yet...not enough. 
Soon, lulled by the steady beating of his heart and the warmth of his body, you curl into a ball and slowly let your heavy lids close, relaxing completely.
“Oh, and Agent Brainless?” you murmur, on the very verge of sleep. 
“Yes, princess?” He looks at you. 
You manage to send him one last cold smirk before answering.  
“Don’t misinterpret this, right now. I’m merely asking you to do your job.” 
And then darkness takes over.
Before fully giving into the softness of the darkness of slumber, though, you think you hear him laugh softly and say something like “wouldn’t dream of it, brat.” 
They’re honestly growing on me. Should I continue?
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A special thanks to:
@loveofmychips @juliesland​
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oh-my-may · 4 years
Sakusa, Tsukishima and Kenma when their s/o gets a wound
requested: sakusa, tsukki, and kenma with a s/o who gets a wound? maybe they went to do an activity and get their knees scraped bad and the boys find out? how would they take care of their s/o?
Sakusa was such a good pick for this oh my that’s probably why his is a bit longer please forgive me I am weak for him ok
Sakusa Kiyoomi:
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There were not a lot of things you could do as dates, since Sakusa declined most of your suggestions saying that it would be too unhygienic or too much work making sure everything would be clean.
But when you came up with the idea of going wandering on a mountain trail, where only mostly elderly people where, he was all for it. Of course he also didn’t liek staying insiode all the time, and a place where anybody went while being in nature sounded like music to his ears.
However you regretted your decision soon after you guys started your trip. You were breathing heavily and your legs already felt like spaghetti and you werent even halfway up the hill. Sakusa however, with his amazing sports stamina was walking ahead and barely notived that you fell way behind, until he wanted to talk to you and you didn’t respond to his words. He turned around wondering where you were. Did you maybe get lost? But then he saw you hanging over, your hands placed on your knees and you looked up to him smiling, but you couldn’t hide the exhaustion.
Your boyfriend couldn’t help but chuckle seeing you like that. He walks to you and stops in front of you, tilting his head while he observes your heaving figure. “You know, we can just return if you want to. But the air up here is really good and I guess it’s even better at the top.” You just shake your head, insisting on continuing this trip because it hasn’t been often that you saw Kiyoomi this careless. You were determined to make this an enjoyable trip for the both of you, but especially him. He deserved a pause from his hectic life.
So he grabs your hand and walks slowly beside you for a while, both of you enjoying the nature around you and the fresh air sweeping through your lungs. When you’re finally at the top you have a nice picnic while enjoing the view over the land, watching leaves dance in the wind and tumbling around you, taking in all the scents of exotic flowers and birds chirping somewhere in the tree tops.
You feel a lot better when you get back down. Walking down on a mountain is a lot less exhausting than walking up, after all. Your steps fly more easily. Too easily. You’re more careless with your steps and before you can stop it you stumble over a big rock in your way, landing on your knees before Sakusa can grab your wrist. However he’s quick to help you up again and you flinch and hiss when you shift your weight on your left leg again. Your knee is totally scraped, a small rill of blood running down your leg. Some small stones still stick to your skin and Sakusa is quick to pull out a small package from his backpack, because this man never goes anywhere unprepared.
He helps you sit down on a tree trunk next to the path you were walking and he looks at you with slight amusement but also worry in his eyes. He sighs before leaning down and placing a kiss on the top of your head and then kneels down in front of you, taking care of the wound. “What am I gonna do with you? You’re so clumsy...” he mumbles and you have to smile, though your knee still burns badly. Sakusa takes care of it perfectly, even kissing the bandage on top of your knee after he’s done. However, he doesn’t let you walk down again, he carries you down all the way on his back and you’re not complaining.
You just cling onto him and cuddle into his back, burying your face in his neck and stroking his hair occassionally, thanking him for taking care of you so well. He smiles to himself when he feels you pressing to him, feeling your breath so close on his skin.
After the trip he still checks up on your knee everyday, even when it’s not a wound that serious. He still claims that it shouldn’t get infected and that he’s the only one besides a doctor that can take proper care of it. Always kisses your knee after every check up! A true cariing cutie, I am way too soft for this man
Tsukishima Kei:
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It was hard to get Tsukishima thrilled of the idea of going somewhere special to hang out. He was more of the stay inside kinda person, preferring just cuddling up to you in private.
You accepted his choices (even though you still got him to go to certain places sometimes) and that’s how you transformed everyday situations into little dates. Like lunch in school or staying in your garden instead of in the house, sometimes you’d even join his practice and watch him there. Even though he would never admit it, he enjoyed it when you do that. It always makes his insides all giddy and warm because you care for him so much!
You also always walk home together, talking about anything on your way or just quietly listening to music while enjoying each other’s company, silently holding or hands or sometimes he’ll just sling an arm around your shoulders and pull you close to him, walking like that for a while.
Today however you were “balancing” on a wall next to the sidewalk while talking to Kei and rambling about your day. It was fun to you focusing on taking the right steps, even though the platform you were walking on was not that small. You still had to be careful about where you placed your feet, because there were roots and other plants growing over and through the stone. “Ugh anyway, and then our teacher just made us write a test, and it was fine I guess but still sucked.” you ended your little rant.
“Y/N, are you really sure you should walk up there? Don’t you think it would be safer down here? You’re gonna get hurt if you don’t look out.” Tsukki just says while looking up to you with a vague face. You almost laughed seeing him like that. Was he actually worrying about you? Contrary to you always worrying about him at games, this was a nice change.
“Don’t be silly Kei, I’ve been balancing on things since I was a child, literally nothing will happen-” And that’s when you literally cursed yourself, because just moment later you stumble over a root and fall down, though you manage to cushion your fall with your hands which got the most damage.
Your boyfriend is right next to you in no time, helping you up and scanning your body for any injuries, but luckily only your hands got injured and your elbow felt weird, making your whole arm feel like some sort of pudding. Tsukki is just shaking his head while taking in the scrapes and cuts on your hands. You flinch when he softly touches your strained skin and he looks at you with disapproval. His eyes literally tell you “I told you so.” but fortunately he has enough tactfulness to not say it out loud. He accompanies you to your house, constantly shaking his head when you whimper and pout because your hands hurt.
He reluctantly helps you clean your hands, because he claims he’s not good with that kind of stuff and he only helps you bandage the wound because you don’t want to move your hands too much. Quiet sounds of disapproval still leave his lips as he does, though. Something like that could never happen to him, he says. Still, the look in his eyes is loving. He appreciates your playful side a lot. Without it, his life would be pretty plain. Without YOU it would be.
He loves you, but please prepare for a bunch of teasing after the incident. He will never let you climb on something or balance somewhere every again for a long time because honestly? He cares about you a little too much and he can’t bear to see you hurt in any way.
Kenma Kozume:
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Kenma always seemed to be busy with some things. In the morning it was school, in the afternoon volleyball practice and in the evening and at night he was usually gaming.
You tried you best to insert yourself into his routine. Walk to school with him, spend the breaks at school with him, game with him, watch him at practice. You were fine with it, really, because you noticed how over the time he got more cooperative and sometimes skipped volleyball practice to hang out with you, or he was starting to game a bit less in order to go to the cinema with you etc.
But you still treasured the time the most when you could hang with him normally, like at practice. You could actually spend hours watching him do something else other than hanging over his console.
And the other members loved you, too. They appreciated you being at practice, it was like having another manager. You also took care of them and told them everything you observed, you brought snacks and cheered for them in any game. Sometimes you’d even join in during training camps and get along with other teams, as well.
You normally used your time during practice to do homework or work on other things, but today you helped out as the “ballboy/girl” basically and ran around the gym catching the flying volleyballs and collecting them for the boys. You’d throw them back to them or helped them to serve the ball, but you were always just moving around the whole time. You didn’t mind, though. It was actually very fun, the boys were constantly joking around. But Kenma didn’t look all that amused whenever a ball just closely missed you or when you almost fell in an attempt to catch a ball.
You watched as him and Yaku were talking to Lev and teaching him how to do a proper serve. The first year was listening eagerly, moving his hands and arms around enthusiastically and you found yourself grinning when Kenma moved his hands over his face in frustration.
Then it finally came to Lev putting all the tips into something and he was standing at the end of the field, ready to serve. You watched him fail a few times until he hit the ball with a loud bang and slammed it over the net, right to where you were standing. No one had enough time to react properly and before you could even think about diodging the ball landed straight on your chest and you fell backwards, hitting your head on the floor hard. For a moment you couldn’t see or hear anything, just darkness and dancing light in front of your eyes and a defeaning beeping in your ears.
Someone helped you to sit up and you slowly began to see contours of people around you, and their voices were still incomprehendable to you. You felt hands on your back and then on your face and you looked into your boyfriends face who had widened eyes and looked very pale.
Then he turned around and basically chased Lev through hell for doing this, giving him the lecture of his life even though you weren’t hurt that badly. there was a small wound at the back of your head and just a little bit of blood came out.
Kenma was by your side the whole time, flinching a lot more than you when you got a bandage around your head. You got some medication from the doctor and while you were tripping a little bit he still stayed at your side, giving you his console so you can play and distract yourself from ther pain
Literally really won’t leave your side, will stay at your house until you can go to school again and he just spends the days next to you in your bed, pouting when he sees the wound and carefully stroking your hair. He’s a big cuddler during this time and literally won’t led you near the gym anytime soon. He always gives Lev death stares when he gets near you, like a hissing cat.
A protective boy, 11/10 would love and cherish
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imagineteamfreewill · 3 years
Imagine Robbing Dean’s Cabin
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Pairing: Robber!Reader x Dean
Word Count: 1,510
Warnings: None
Square Filled: Robber!Reader
Summary: The reader finds what she thinks to be the perfect hit, but it turns out to be less than perfect.
A/N: This is a submission for the 2020-2021 SPN AU Bingo (@spnaubingo​). Please let me know what you think, and enjoy!
“Perfect,” you murmured, and you shifted on the tree branch to get a better look at the cabin. It was empty, just like it had been for the past three months, which made it the perfect hit. You’d been craving a good robbery ever since you’d gotten into town. You were supposed to be getting out of the life, but old habits die hard.
Silently, you climbed down from your perch and slipped between the shadows of the massive fir trees. The ground was blanketed with fallen pine needles and you sent up a prayer of thanks. They kept your footsteps quiet, making it easier to sneak towards your mark, not that that mattered when the cabin hadn’t been used in months.
You were halfway through the kitchen window in the back of the house—some idiot had left it unlocked—when the light flipped on. A man was standing in the doorway, and he had a gun trained on you. It had been a long time
“How do you feel about cops?” he asked, his voice low.
You inhaled sharply, frozen in place as you frantically tried to figure out the best way out of this. You could back out of the window and risk being shot while you tried to escape, or you could climb the rest of the way in and face the man head-on.
“They’re not my favorite,” you finally responded after he raised an eyebrow at you. Slowly, you lowered yourself onto the kitchen counter.
“Me neither,” he replied. He cocked the gun and you glanced towards the nearby door. It led out onto the back porch, which was a straight shot into the thickest part of the forest. If you could only make it there, you had a pretty good chance of coming out of this unscathed.
He gestured with the gun towards the plain kitchen table nearby. When you didn’t move, he took a step towards you and his upper lip curled as he growled out, “Sit.”
Your mouth grew dry and you swallowed hard as you crossed the short distance between you and the nearest chair. It creaked when you lowered yourself into it.
“What’s your name?” the man asked. When you didn’t answer, his jaw clenched and his eyes flickered dangerously. “What’s your—“
“Amy,” you murmured.
You stared at him, pressing your lips together. Who did he think you were, an idiot? No one with any common sense would give their real name after being caught in the middle of robbing a house.
“Listen, I’m not in a good mood, so you’d better stop lying to me. I’m not a person you want to make angry,” he ground out. Though the kitchen was well illuminated, his face was still half in the shadow provided by the hallway, and you suppressed a shiver as fear slid into the back of your mind.
“I wasn’t going to hurt you or anything,” you told him. “I was just gonna take a look around, see if there was anything of value. If you let me go, I promise I won’t come back. You’ll never see me again.”
“There’s nothing valuable here.”
“Great, then let me—“
“No. Stand up,” he ordered. You stayed in your seat until he stepped closer and held the gun to your head.
“Whoa, hey!” you cried, but you got to your feet. This was not turning out the way you’d hopped and your heart was thundering in your chest as the man led you towards the living room. He turned on that light too, then prodded you towards a faded couch against the main wall. You sunk down onto the middle cushion and stared up at him, holding your breath.
“I’m not gonna hurt you if you cooperate,” he told you, and you nodded weakly, exhaling heavily. “Do you do this often? Rob people?”
You shook your head, then thought better of it and murmured, “Not recently.”
Taking a deep breath, you clutched your hands together and tried to keep your voice from shaking as you told him about the man who’d first coerced you to help him rob someone, and then how it had become something of an addiction. You hadn’t been able to go more than a few days without sneaking into someone’s house or a business to find something that would give you the same adrenaline rush. After a close call that left you in the hospital and your partner six feet under, you’d moved to the tiny town of Evergreen Falls, Montana. You’d been hoping it would be the perfect place to recuperate and find a new hobby, but you’d been wrong. You’d seen this cabin and it had only worsened the itch that nothing seemed to scratch.
“So what was your plan, exactly? You’d just rob me and then go back to living your cute little life in town, and everything would be great? You wouldn’t feel the need to steal anything else ever again?”
You crossed your arms over your chest. “I’m sorry, I didn’t realize you were an expert,” you scoffed. If you were being honest, that had been the plan, but when he put it the way he did, you realized that you’d been stupid. Of course you wouldn’t have been able to go back to living a normal life after robbing this place. You would’ve gotten the buzz of adrenaline back and never wanted anything else ever again. Nothing could replace it. You’d tried.
The man stared at you for another moment before the corner of his lips quirked up in a smile. Silently, he uncocked the gun, flipped on the safety, and tucked it under his shirt.
“What if I told you I had a business proposal for you?”
“I don’t typically do business with people who hold me at gunpoint,” you said, keeping your arms crossed over your chest. “And definitely not after they mock me. I know I don’t make the best life decisions, but I don’t need people making fun of me for them.”
He kept silent and stared at you intently, and you shifted uncomfortably under his steady gaze. Finally, you uncrossed your arms and got to your feet.
“Can I go or are you gonna shoot me if I try to leave?” you asked.
He shrugged. “Don’t tell me you aren’t at least curious. You rob places for the adrenaline, right? I can promise you that the rush is ten times better in my line of business, and you actually help people.”
You hesitated, glancing between him and the front door. He was right—you were curious. Quietly, you sized the man up. He was broad-shouldered and he stood tall, and the way he moved stealthily as he walked proved that he was used to sneaking around. You hadn’t even noticed his presence in the cabin until he’d announced himself, and you’d been watching the place on and off for months now. A big part of you wanted to know how he’d managed that, even if you didn’t end up doing business with him. You were an observant person and not much got past you.
“Alright,” you said. “I’ll bite. What is this business proposal?”
“I need someone to help me take something,” he replied.
You rolled your eyes. “Obviously, or you wouldn’t be talking to the person who just tried to rob you. What exactly would you need my help with and why should I help you?”
He glanced towards the kitchen and you waited patiently. Clearly, the man was caught between telling you some sort of lie and telling you the whole truth. 
“My brother and I need to break into a museum and steal a painting.”
“Is it a money thing? A kinky thing?”
His ears turned red. “What? No!”
“Then what is it? Are you thieves? Is someone paying you to bring it to them?”
He shook his head and sighed, running a hand through his hair. “We have to destroy it. If we don’t, more people are going to get hurt.”
You raised an eyebrow and crossed your arms over your chest again. This guy was crazy. “Right.”
“I know it sounds bad—”
“Oh, do you? Good, I was worried you didn’t!”
He sighed again. The man looked up towards the ceiling for a long moment, mumbling to himself before finally saying, “Sit down. I’ve gotta give you the talk if you’re ever gonna take this seriously.”
“I’ve already had the talk, thanks. My parents were pretty specific when it came to the whole birds-and-the-bees thing.”
“It’s a different talk. Just sit down, alright?” He gestured to the couch behind you. 
After a moment of thought, you reluctantly lowered yourself back down again. The man took a seat in a worn green chair that faced the couch and rested his elbows on his knees, leaning towards you.
“Promise me you’ll wait until I’m done to ask any questions,” he said, and you stared blankly at him in response. “Just promise?”
“Fine, I promise.”
“Okay. So my brother and I, we work together…”
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it's just the place that changes (the rest is still the same)
Pairing: None
Words: 1,375
Summary: For as long as the Winchesters can remember, Sam has found solace in the backseat of their car.
Warnings: Autistic!Sam, Weechesters, John-neutral(?), pre-series/Stanford!Era/s14
Written for @spnovember
Prompt: They were never, in fact, homeless
Title from Alice Merton's "No Roots"
Thank you to @raidens-realm for betaing <3
A/N: Sam's experiences are based on my own experiences with overstimulation as someone with ADHD, what I've heard from autistic people I've encountered, and a little on beta feedback. I did my best <3
John used to try and handle Sam himself. Dean was too young to be dealing with this and John was - is - the parent. He should be able to take care of his own child, even if said child sometimes behaves in ways he can’t explain. As Dean grows and his protectiveness of Sam along with him, though, John finds himself deferring more and more to Dean’s expertise on all things Sammy. When Sam refuses to speak, Dean translates. When Sam turns down food, Dean somehow finds things he will eat. When Sam flails away from John’s concerned grasp, he goes willingly and even happily into Dean’s waiting arms.
When Sam breaks down screaming in the middle of yet another check-out line, John hands over the Impala keys to his ten-year-old without a thought and Dean whisks Sam away to the safety of the backseat where the rumble of the engine will soothe Sammy’s sobs. By the time John knocks on the window for Dean to unlock the doors, Sam will be asleep or very near it with his curly head pillowed in his brother’s lap.
“Good big brother,” the cashier says, smiling sweetly as Dean covers Sam’s ears with his own hands and leads the youngest Winchester from the store.
John nods, feeling a weight in his chest at the knowledge that he can’t provide that relief for Sam but also a relief at knowing Dean can.
He hopes things will improve as Sam gets older and in some ways, they do. Sam’s communication improves by leaps and bounds, between all the books he devours and Dean’s encouragement. The two of them seem to have developed their own secret language in addition to just plain old English. Sometimes it frustrates John, not being in their world, but at the same time, he’s grateful. Keeping the boys so close keeps them safe and as a result, his sons will be the best pair of hunters the world has seen. A perfect partnership. So long as Sam cooperates.
The boy thrives on routine, so John had thought a regular training regime would be right up Sam’s alley. He couldn’t have been more wrong. Sam bucks John’s orders, torn between rebelling against his father and following Dean everywhere. Things only get worse when he hits puberty. The fits get worse, though with fewer tears and more screaming - where Sam learned some of those curse words, John couldn’t say - and to John’s dismay, Dean always sides with Sam when they happen.
Maybe he should have seen it coming. Maybe he set them up for this.
John spent so much of their childhoods shoving Sam’s problems onto Dean’s shoulders, of course taking care of Sam is Dean’s default state. He tries separating them, when Dean is nabbed stealing and spends a few months in a boys’ home. John seizes the opportunity to try and find his own connection with Sam but without Dean to mediate, things spiral within days and John ends up dropping Sam off at Bobby’s.
John has no way to communicate with his own son.
That’s just Sam, though. Just how Sam is. Maybe it’s trauma, maybe it’s just the result of how the boys have been raised. Separate from society for their own safety. Completely dependent on Dean and John and a car.
That fucking car.
Sometimes John hates the car. How even when Dean isn’t there, Sam turns to the Impala before his own father. How with no house or town to put down his roots in, little Sammy dug them into the vinyl seats and wound them around the iron frame alongside his brother and yet in a completely unique way. John hates it but he knows. He did this to himself. In all the time he spent focusing the boys on each other, he never took the time to understand his own son but the Impala certainly stepped up in his place.
When Sam leaves, the thing he misses the most after Dean is the Impala.
He should miss his dad and there is a small part of him that does but it’s specific aspects of John that he misses. His warm smile, his nod of approval as he takes the gun or laptop or ancient tome Sam has found some key piece of information in, the soft pride that creeps into his tone when he says “Good job, son” even though those instances were few and far between. Sam doesn’t miss the John who frowned when Sam flinched away from a hand clasped on his shoulder, who shoved him toward Dean with growls of “fix it” when Sam cried from the weight of it, who never understood why Sam couldn’t be more like his brother.
No. Sam misses the car.
It’s an adjustment, not being able to retreat to the safety of her backseat whenever he just can’t take the world anymore. He’d had to get used to that when he started school but at least he’d had Dean to ease the weight of it all and he’d known the Impala would always come back to him, her backseat welcome and waiting.
“Overstimulation”, his school-provided therapist calls it when Sam explained the occurrence, carefully dodging the really concerning details. “A common experience for people with autism.”
Autism. To be honest, it explains a lot.
“You’ll just have to find a new safe space,” the therapist had advised. “Your bedroom is a good place to start.”
His bedroom that he shares with another freshman, who snores and leaves his dirty underwear on the floor. It’s not much of a safe space but Sam does his best, lying on his too-short mattress after a long day of studying. Still, he can’t help but imagine it’s smooth black vinyl under his cheek and not cheap Walmart sheets. He really needs to work past those thoughts. Who knows if he’ll ever see that car again.
Dean finds Sam in the garage, too-long limbs tucked in to fit in the backseat. The sight takes him right back to a curly-haired toddler snuggled against his side as the vibrations of the engine lulled him to sleep. The car is off now but Sam is rubbing his cheek against the vinyl of the seat and that alone seems to be helping with whatever drove him to seek solace in their home on wheels.
Dean knocks lightly on the rear passenger window, right above Sam’s head, and Sam goes stiff. He relaxes again when he recognizes his brother. Sam twists one arm up to push the door open.
“All good?” Dean asks, crouching to put his head at his brother’s level.
Sam shrugs.
“It’s a lot of people, huh.” Not a question. An observation. All those hunters from the Apocalypse World, filling up once empty rooms and looking to Sam for guidance. He has a feeling Sam spent a lot of time in this car when Dean was gone.
Sam nods.
“Wanna go for a drive?”
Sam hesitates, like he doesn’t feel he can ask for this still even after so many years, and then nods again.
“Yeah, a drive is what we both need. I’ll let Mom know and we’ll go see what the road has to offer.” He ruffles Sam’s hair gently, smiling when Sam bats his hand away in classic little brother style but without the flinch that usually accompanies touch when he’s this on edge. “Stay here.”
He doesn’t understand everything that goes on in his brother’s big brain and probably never will but all he really needs to know is how to help when Sam needs him. He’s been doing it for so long, taking over when John didn’t have the energy or ability to connect with Sam the way he needed it. Maybe it fucked them up, all those hours spent curled together in the backseat of the Impala just the two of them when Sam just couldn’t deal with… everything, the way Dean understands it.
Fifteen minutes into the drive, Sam is asleep in the backseat with soft rock on the radio. Dean smiles at the sight in his rearview. It feels good, knowing he and this car will always be here to catch his hero little brother when he needs to fall.
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