#robber!reader x dean
marvelfanfn2187a113 · 9 months
Heat of the Moment
Sam and Dean Winchester x little sister!reader
Requested by Anonymous
Synopsis: Gabriel tortures Sam with visions of you dying over and over
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“Heat of the moment…”
Sam groaned as he lifted his head from his pillow.
“Rise and shine, Sammy!” Dean grinned, much too chipper for so early in the morning.
You groaned next to Sam, pulling your pillow over your head.
“Five more minutes,” you whined.
“Nope, time to go,” Sam huffed as he sat up.
“Not yet,” you huffed. “Please?”
“C’mon honey.” Sam grinned as he poked at your side. “Get up!”
“Hey!” You squealed. “Sammy, no!”
“Then get up!” Sam laughed, tickling your sides.
“I—hI a—ha—AM!” You laughed, squirmed away from your big brother.
“Doesn’t look like it to me,” Sam argued. “What do you think, Dean? You think she’s getting up?”
“Doesn’t look like it, Sammy,” Dean chuckled.
“You-hou’re so mean!” You whined.
“Mean? I’m just helping you wake up,” Sam replied, grabbing your arms with one hand when you tried to hit him, continuing to tickle you with the other.
“Alright Sam, let her get up,” Dean said as your laughter fell silent, your face bright red.
“Ok, ok,” Sam relented, pulling you into his lap.
“You’re mean,” you giggled, burrowing against his chest.
“Yeah, yeah.” Sam ruffled your hair before pulling away. “C’mon, let’s go.”
“I’ll pack the car!” You jumped up, grabbing a few bags and heading for the car.
“She got her energy fast.” Dean chuckled.
“No kidding.” Sam spotted a bag that you’d left behind. “I’m gonna help her.”
“Ok, ok just put it down.” Your frightened voice was the first thing Sam heard as he reached the Impala. He stepped around it to see you, your hands outstretched in front of you, the bags on the ground at your feet. Sam turned to see what you were looking at, only to come face-to-muzzle with a gun.
“Stay back!” The man wielding it yelled, waving the gun from you to Sam, then back to you.
“Ok, ok.” Sam held his hands up in surrender, sidestepping closer to you in an attempt to shield your body with his.
“Stop moving!” The man demanded, pointing the gun at you and…
Your body slammed into the Impala after you staggered back from the impact of the bullet. The masked robber dropped the gun in surprise; clearly he hadn’t meant to shoot.
“No!” Sam cried, kneeling down next to your wheezing form.
“Sa-Sam?” You whimpered, your hands searching out his in a panic.
“Hey, hey I’m here,” he soothed, pulling you into his lap. “No no, keep your eyes open sweetheart. This isn’t it, don’t give up, ok?”
You weren’t responding anymore, your eyes drifting shut even as you fought to keep them open.
“No…no!” Sam shook you, but it had no affect as your breathing slowed to a stop. “No…”
“Heat of the moment…”
Sam jolted upright with a gasp.
“Rise and shine, Sammy!” Dean grinned.
“Wha…” Sam looked around, confused. He snapped out of his stupor when you groaned next to him.
“Five more min—“ your whine was cut off when Sam pulled you into his arms. “Sammy, you’re squishing me!”
“Uh, Sam?” Dean questioned Sam’s strange behavior with a raised eyebrow. “You ok?”
“I’m…yeah I’m fine,” Sam breathed, letting you go. “I just…” he trailed off. Just a dream. It had just been a dream.
“I’m gonna go pack the car,” you said, rubbing your eyes as you jumped off the bed.
“No!” Sam yelled, jumping up and standing in front of you. “No, don’t.”
“Uhh…” You looked past Sam and made eye contact with Dean. Dean spoke up for you.
“Ok Sam, what’s going on?”
“Just…just trust me, ok?” Sam said. “Go brush your teeth or something, I’ve got the bags.”
Sam slung the bags over his shoulder, making sure his gun was visible as he stepped outside. It took him only a few seconds to spot the man from his—dream? He was skulking in the corner alleyway, a gun limp in his hands. He stepped away from the wall upon seeing Sam, but disappeared into the shadows when he saw Sam’s weapon.
Now safe, Sam’s mind went back to racing. Was it just a dream? How had he known the guy would be there? Were you safe now?
He had too many questions and no answers, so he decided it was best not to bring anything up to you or Dean.
“So what’s gotten into you?” You asked, a toothbrush hanging from your lips, once Sam came back into the room.
“Nothing, just hungry I guess.” Sam shrugged.
“Sounds good to me,” Dean butted in. “Let’s eat!”
“Turn here, Dean.”
“I’m going left, it’s a shortcut,” Dean responded as Sam tried to give directions.
Just as he turned down the side street, a car came backing out of a driveway much too fast.
“Dean, look o—“ your voice was cut off as the car slammed into your door. The Impala spun around, throwing Sam back into his seat. Once the car settled, he quickly took stock of himself and his siblings.
“Dean?” He groaned, and Dean responded with a muttered—
“I’m fine.”
“Y/N?” Sam craned his neck to see you sitting limply in your seat, blood trickling down the side of your head. “Y/N!”
“Heat of the moment…”
Sam sat up with a groan.
“What the…”
“Five more minutes,” you groaned next to him.
“This can’t be happening,” Sam breathed.
“What’s the matter, Sammy?” Dean noticed his brother’s labored breathing and upturned brow.
“Y/N, go brush your teeth,” Sam demanded. You sat up with a groan, punching Sam on the shoulder before begrudgingly obeying.
“Dean, something’s wrong here.”
“You mean besides you?”
“Not funny. I’m serious,” Sam huffed. “It’s like…it’s like this day has happened before.”
“You mean like Groundhog Day?”
“I…I don’t know.” Sam frowned. “But listen, this is the third time I’ve lived through this morning. It keeps starting over!”
“And you’re sure it’s not just…deja vu, or something?”
“Yes Dean, I’m sure. I remember other things, things that haven’t happened today. Like…like Y/N.”
“What about her?” Dean frowned.
“She…she keeps dying.”
Dean stiffened.
“Sam. What are you talking about?”
“I’m starving.” Both boys jumped as you came back into the room. “Can we go eat?”
“Sure,” Sam sighed. “Let’s go.”
He tried hard to ignore the way Dean was staring at him.
“Go straight,” Sam instructed as Dean reached an intersection. When Dean started to turn left, Sam grabbed the steering wheel and jammed it straight again.
“Hey!” Dean protested. “It was a shortcut!”
“Don’t.” Sam breathed. “Just don’t.”
He glanced back to see you staring in wide-eyed confusion, but when he looked back at Dean he saw a horrified understanding in his big brother’s eyes.
“Finally, food,” you said as you jumped out of the car and headed inside.
“Hey, wait!” Sam ran to catch up to you, Dean trailing behind him. Sam was on edge, and Dean was struggling to figure out how seriously he should take this. Reoccurring days? It sounded ridiculous, yet the thought that you could be in danger kept Dean from completely dismissing it.
To Sam’s visible relief, the three of you made it into the diner without incident.
“Pancakes!” You blurted out before the waitress could even ask. Dean ordered the same, with a side of sausage, and Sam distractedly muttered,
“Just coffee.”
“Are you ok?” Sam seemed to snap out of it when he saw you looking at him. “You’re acting weird.”
“I’m alright,” he promised with a fake smile. You looked to Dean for an explanation, but he wouldn’t meet your eye.
Your confusion was forgotten, however, when your pancakes arrived. The thought had barely crossed Sam’s mind that he should tell you to slow down your eating, when you started to choke.
“Hey.” Sam was out of his booth seat and by your side in an instant, patting your back in an attempt to dislodge the food stuck in your throat. It didn’t work, and he was forced to watch as your lips turned blue and your face went ashen.
“No no no.” Sam’s distress only lasted a manner of short minutes before—
“Heat of the moment…”
Sam tried everything after that. The three of you went to four different breakfast places, he tried to keep you in the motel all day, he tried to skip food altogether and just get on the road…
He was running out of things to try.
He’d seen you choke on pancakes, bacon, water, seemingly nothing (you were apparently bad at breathing today). He’d seen you get hit by a car, a bus, a kid on a bike (you were now very fragile). You’d tripped over a sidewalk, a dog’s foot, the air (you were also clumsy).
He didn’t know what else to do, or how else to save you. It was as if the universe didn’t want you to be saved.
Then one day, something changed. As he was yet again leading you and Dean towards the Impala (he stopped letting you go in front of him after that one time you got hit by a car), he noticed the motel desk worker through the window. He must have seen the guy a thousand times without really looking at him, so why was he catching Sam’s eye now? Then Sam saw it; the man was wearing a ludicrously ugly green jacket.
The jacket had been red before.
“That guy!” Sam pointed.
“What about him?” You asked, craning your neck to see.
“His jacket. It’s not red.”
“And we care about this why?” Even Dean was confused.
“Because yester—I mean, today—I mean, before…whatever, it was red! And now it’s green.”
“He changed,” you said, frowning. “Why is this a problem?”
Dean eyed Sam over your shoulder, and Sam knew he understood now. Sam had explained everything to him for the thousandth time while you were in the shower. Nothing changed, not on this day.
“You think it’s something?” Dean asked. He was still skeptical about Sam’s story, but he was willing to follow his little brother’s lead.
“It is. It has to be.”
Dean nodded.
“Lead the way.”
“What’s going on?” The man in the green jacket asked in a shaky voice as Sam held him up against the wall.
“I’d like to know that too,” you added.
“Make it stop!” Sam ordered as he lifted the man off his feet.
“Whoa, hey, what?” The man asked.
“You heard him,” Dean spoke up. “We know you’re the one doing it.”
“We know what you are,” Sam said. “No one could be powerful enough to do this except a trickster. We’ve killed one of you before.” Sam wielded a stake covered in lamb’s blood. “And I’ve kept this around just in case it needed to happen again.”
“Not…again,” the man’s face twisted into a grin, before his features shifted.
“The trickster?” Your eyes were wide as you looked from your brother’s to the man you all thought was dead. “What’s going on here?”
“Why are you doing this?” Dean demanded.
“Because it’s fun,” the trickster laughed. “Watching you run around like a maniac trying to save your little sister from inevitable doom? It’s hilarious.”
“Trying to what?” You asked. “What’s he talking about?”
“Yeah, well why just Sam? How come I don’t have repeating days?” Dean asked.
“Oh, you haven’t figured it out? It’s really quite poetic if you think about it. Especially since you’ve kept her in the dark about all this, just like she’s in the dark about another little secret of yours.”
Sam and Dean met each other’s eye. This was about Dean’s demon deal. Dean had made Sam swear not to tell you, because he wanted to do it when the time was right. The secret had been torturing both of them for far too long.
“So, Dean’s left useless in this scenario, your poor little sister doesn’t even know what’s happening, and you, Sam…” the trickster grinned. “Without the help of your big brother, you can’t even begin to know how to take care of that little girl.”
“What’s he talking about?” You demanded. “What secret? Why can’t Dean help? What don’t I know?” Your voice got high and frantic. “Guys, what’s happening?”
“I think that’s my cue,” the trickster chuckled. “After all, you three have a lot to talk about. And if you don’t…I’ll be back.” The man disappeared from under Sam’s grasp, but he didn’t have long to wonder where the man went…
“But you better promise me, I’ll be back in time…”
“What…” Sam groaned as he sat up.
“Do we have to go already?” You huffed from next to him.
“No Asia…” he muttered, before turning to look at the clock. “It’s Wednesday!”
“Yeah, that’s what comes after Tuesday,” you said as you sat up.
“What do you remember?” Sam asked both you and Dean as Dean stepped out of the bathroom.
“You were saying the days were repeating…” Dean struggled to remember.
“The trickster,” you spoke up. “He was here. What did he want?” You looked to Sam for answers, but when he avoided your gaze you turned to Dean, who was equally unwilling to meet your eyes. “What did he mean about a secret?”
“Honey, I gotta talk to you,” Dean sighed as he sat on the edge of Sam’s bed. “It’s about…it’s about how Sam came back after he got stabbed.”
“You said he got better,” you spoke softly, the looks on your brothers’ faces making your voice quaver in fear. “You said it wasn’t that bad.”
You had been staying with Ellen and Joe when Dean went to look for Sam, so the news hadn’t gotten to you until Dean told you when he returned.
“I lied.”
“I don’t understand.”
“Sweetheart, I…I died,” Sam reached over and held your hand.
“Then how—“
“I…sold my soul. To bring him back.” Dean stared hard at the bed, unwilling to lift his gaze. “The demon gave me a year.”
“A year?” You shook off Sam’s hand as you jumped up. “You-you…” you took deep breaths as you struggled to get the words out. “You’re going to hell?”
Neither brother spoke.
“And you knew?” You looked at Sam, who lowered his eyes. You turned back to Dean. “Both of you…just kept this from me?”
“I was going to tell you,” Dean argued, finally looking up. “I just couldn’t find…it wasn’t…”
“There’s really no good opportunity to mention that you’re going to hell, Dean! That’s why you just say it!”
“Hey, look, I know, ok?” Dean pleaded. “I know, and I’m sorry. Just…just please, I don’t want to fight. You know now, that’s what matters, can we just…”
You took a deep breath, turning away from your brothers so they wouldn’t see the tears streaming down your face as you struggled to collect your thoughts. You didn’t want to stop being mad at Dean, but you also didn’t want to be mad at Dean. He wasn’t being fair to you, asking you to just forgive and forget when he and Sam both lied to you. But it didn’t feel fair to him to keep being angry when you knew he just wanted to protect you.
And when you knew that he was going to be dead in a matter of months. You couldn’t stay mad, not when you had so little time with him.
”Y/N?” Sam spoke up. “Honey, say something, please.”
“Ok,” you choked out as you turned back to your brothers. “Ok, we won’t fight.” You took two steps towards Dean, and he met you with open arms, folding you into an embrace.
“It’s gonna be ok,” he promised. “You’re gonna be just fine.”
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youaintnothinbuta · 1 year
Jd - “How’d you know it was me?”
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Summary: you climb into Jd’s room after your horrible encounter with Kurt and ram in the cow pasture, crying.
Pairing: Jason ‘Jd’ Dean x reader
Warnings: murder plotting? Fluff? Idk it’s Jd what do you expect
Word count: 271
Request something here !
Jd was woken from his midnight slumber by the familiar sound of his window being forced open, accompanied by muffled sniffles.
“Baby, what’s wrong?” His voice had a slight rasp, not having spoken for a few hours prior.
Through your tears, you managed to mumble, “How’d you know it was me? What if I was a murderer or a robber?”feeling around the dark room as you made your way to his bed.
Chuckling softly, Jd replied, “Murderers don't usually break into houses whilst crying. What’s wrong?” Pulling you close to his chest, he gently brushed your hair away from your tear-streaked face. A hesitant sniffle escaped your nose as you mumbled, “Promise you won't get mad?”
I don’t do promises.
“I promise, baby.”
“Kurt an-and Ram. They— well the heathers called me and— they left me alone with—“ you choppily tried your best to explain what happened. Jd took a very deep breath, your head rising and falling with his body as he did so.
I’m going to kill them. Literally kill them.
“I’m sorry, baby, you can cry, it’s okay, you’re safe with me now.” Jd whispered, kissing the top of your head. You winced, letting yourself cry while being coddled in Jd’s arms. Eventually, you managed to regain control over your breathing, your sobs subsiding. Sniffing softly, you mustered the courage to make a simple request, “Can I sleep here tonight?”
“Yes, darling.”
Jd drew you even closer to his body, getting comfortable again to sleep with you in his embrace. You pressed your face against his chest and shut your eyes, allowing yourself to drift off into sleep.
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she says, “babe, you look so cool.”
(ren honjo x reader)
told tales about your confusing relationship with the trapnest's notorious calm demeanoured guitarist, ren honjo.
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content warnings: mentions of sex, allusions to sex, black stones vocalist!reader, pregnancy, mention of reader having a panic attack, mention of ren’s substance abuse, smoking, reader with avoidant attachment, ren with abandonment issues, mutual obsessiveness, mutual possessiveness, toxic relationship, miscommunication, takumi is an asshole as always, spoilers for NANA
songs: robbers - the 1975, habits (stay high) - tove lo, bonnie & clyde - DEAN, casual - chappell roan, creep - radiohead, every girl gets their wish - saint avangeline
you cannot explain your relationship with ren honjo.
you'd say it's...
anything but ordinary.
even before he left for tokyo, he doesn’t toss you away after you have sex. like how he should.
you’d often wake up in the morning wearing one of his button ups or jackets that smell just like his musky cologne and seven stars cigarettes.
he clothed you so you won’t catch a cold.
even then, ren buys you a lot of gifts and lacy lingeries.
when he notices your eyes linger longer on a vivienne westwood necklace, the next day, it’s yours.
he gave you a cryptic necklace that spells venus.
he worships you like a goddess, hence, venus.
his venus.
you get the cigarette from his mouth and put it on yours. he gets it back and stubs it. he's always been like that. he stubs out his cigarettes whenever you’re with him so you don’t inhale the smoke, even if you smoke too.
in amidst of the chilling dawn, you wonder, why isn’t he dating anyone and seeing some other woman that doesn’t always run away from your feelings like you do?
you tell ren to fool around with other girls and enjoy his youth.
he still doesn’t anyway. 
he stays over at your house in the weekends and when he has to leave early he leaves you something to eat. with a note reminding you of the things he remembered in your schedule today that you told him the night before.
he cares about your well-being more than you do.
why does he care so much?
everytime you have sex, your primary feeling, or so you think is always nothing but lust. desire. 
but ren… ren’s is love. 
why is he filled with this much love for you? 
why doesn’t he give up on you?
ren is always one call away.
remember that one night when you were having a panic attack and was breaking down?
with one dial on his number, he picks up.
after hearing one muffled sob from your line, because you couldn't form even a single word from weeping, he's dashing towards his car in the middle of a heavy rain with nothing but a shoulder for you to lean on.
you hate how he laughs it off whenever you insult him to stave him away from you. you don't really want to push him away, but your avoidant nature leads you to. he knows you don't mean it.
even when you saw him again after he moved to tokyo, his eyes always had a way of finding you amidst the crowd.
that night after trapnest's concert he found you backstage. everything was a blur after. you shouldn't even be here because seeing trapnest's ren honjo with black stones' [y/n] would make a lot of headlines and destroy his image, yet ren doesn't care.
why is he ready to risk everything just to keep you around?
everything happened quickly. how he pulled you to the side away where no one hears or sees, how you ended up in his house, how he hugged you for the first time after years.
“[y/n], i lo–” you cover his mouth.
“don't. don't say anything.”
he removed your hand from his mouth. “i love you.”
“i said don’t!”
“i get high just to keep my mind off you. you’re only one i want and desire. i love you. i’ve always had–” you cut him off with a kiss.
and then it so happens that one kiss turns into a passionate one, and leads to another, and another.
it was hard to stop.
he was addictive.
maybe the fact that he acts up on the way he wants you, added to the passionate warmth he ignites inside you. something no one has ever made you feel because everyday the universe reminds you you were always unwanted and that's all you'll ever be.
the following morning, you hear a soft moan from his lips while you were sitting on the corner of his bed and buttoning your clothes that were discarded on the floor last night, careful not to wake him up. when you were about to stand up, you felt ren’s hand tugging yours. he didn't say anything, he just held your hand.
“i'm sorry, did i wake you up?”
“stay…” there was something somber in ren's eyes.
“you know i can’t.”
so he lets go of your hand with a forlorn smile.
he expected it, and he understands. yet somehow, he still hopes… he hopes you would.
from there, everytime you leave in the morning after a long night of multiple rounds of sex, he hugs the sheets smittenly to pretend like you were still there. it still smells like you.
yasu and the others eventually found out you and ren were seeing each other like that again.
yasu knows way more than he shows. you know he does. he knows about ren's strong regard for you. you didn't. you pretended not to.
which is why you were shocked when nobu's tongue slips and he accidentally blathers, “ren wanted you for so long. it’s crazy. all of these years and yet still you’re the only one he wants and ever wanted. did you cast a love spell on him or something?”
you think about what nobu said a million times everyday.
so much that you wish you hadn't heard it.
you once stayed in ren's unit the morning after for the first time while he went out and answered the door on takumi while wearing one of ren’s white shirts and boxers. you called ren's phone to let him know his bandmate’s here. ren told you to stay there and he’ll be coming as fast as he can. he knows you and takumi do not get along.
takumi sat across you on ren’s couch. “so, what's your relationship with him?” came his condescending question. you can tell he was looking down on you.
what, indeed?
“what's it to you?” you answered with the same monotonous tone.
the truth is, you don't have any idea either.
months continued on with you and ren in that set-up. he's still the same calm and goofy ren you knew.
he still remembers every single thing about you. your scent, your favourite food, music, everything.
then ren came with the question you're most afraid of hearing.
“what… are we?”
ren batted an eye up at you while he was hugging your torso and sitting on the bed while you were straddling his lap.
you searched for an answer.
ren took the long silence and your visible uneasiness as the same answer he got from you over the years.
“i’m always up to take this in the long run. but it’s okay if you don’t want to.” as long as you're here, with me. he buried his face on your chest and you two forgot about it.
maybe takumi was right, you’re just using ren.
he’s okay with that.
this is so wrong.
how could he be that cruel to himself?
ren still reminds you to eat. some habits die hard, no?
whenever he eats with you, he even sanitizes your hands for you, with his own hands rubbing yours to spread the sanitizer.
“stop coddling.” you snatched your hand away from him.
ren chuckles, “okay, sorry.”
he keeps an eye on you in band practices. you threaten him that if he doesn't stop distracting himself with your presence, you'll leave. he obliges, but he won’t hesitate to step in if some creep bothers you.
he's possessive of you even if he doesn't show it openly.
but somehow you’re so possessive of him too.
when you saw a girl touching his shoulders, you wanted to chop her hand off.
“i’ve been deprived of everything my whole life. now, even my ren?” ren overhears you talking to yourself. your ren, huh?
“i’m sorry, ren.” you pecked a kiss on his lips after you told him to date other girls after you got jealous. “will you forgive me?”
he pulls you into a hug, “it’s okay, i forgive you.” he kisses your cheek. “i never said i don’t love you anymore.” he kisses the side of your neck. “why are you giving me away, anyway? if you’re jealous, be jealous. tell me and i’ll do something about it. don’t give me away like that.” he kisses the side of your head.
such big words for someone who is afraid of communication himself, thought ren.
he’s subtly affectionate to you in public places like when he lays his head on your lap in standby backstage and one of the members of the management asks nobu if you’re dating in which nobu answers “it’s complicated.”
you always turn him down whenever he asks you to stay, but once, he said “i could never refuse you.” while patting your head and hugging you after when you asked him to stay the night.
when you woke up first, you brushed his hair up and planted a kiss on his forehead.
i love you, ren.
three words you can’t say. 
rather, words you’re afraid to say.
ren was always very open with the idea of having a kid with you. but he wouldn’t force you to.
why does he want a future with you?
takumi dislikes you, obviously. you couldn't care less about him, anyway. you hate him with the same passion.
he tried to knock sense on ren one time. it didn't go as he planned.
“i see your woman’s quite a catch.” takumi puffs his cigarette.
“of course.” ren replied.
“but she's quite like a closeted harlot.”
he's wrong. you never had anyone else after ren.
ren's ears tingled and his eyes darkened upon hearing what takumi said. “are you insulting her?”
“don’t get me wrong. the way i see it, she doesn’t seem emotionally involved with you. it seems to me that you’re the only one who is in your relationship, whatever you two are. if i know, i’d say she only wants sex and not love. you’re okay with that?” takumi chuckles.
ren raises his head. “so be it. i couldn’t care less.” if that’s what it takes to keep you around him.
“i’m just warning you, dude.” takumi raises both his hands in a defensive manner. “women like that, they're for the streets–”
ren, for once lost his calm demeanour and threw a shot glass at the nearest wall. the loud sound of the glass shattering startled everyone around them. even reira who was recording a demo of one of their tracks.
ren had his fists clenched after the burst of anger he let out and takumi was taken aback by the unexpected behavior of his usually composed bandmate.
“i don’t want to hear you talk about her ever again.” he coldly turned his back on his bandmate to go outside and calm himself down.
ren rarely gets mad. but when it's about you...
you don’t even get into fights often because ren stays out of drama and he avoids confrontations. which is why he's prone to keeping his emotions to himself instead of expressing them. he's very non-confrontational.
his desire to take your relationship to the next step was strong, but the desire to keep you around him was stronger. he knows he’ll drive you away if he mentions about tying the knot in a serious talk.
he likes using any products with your signature scent. it makes him feel like you’re there with him everywhere he goes.
“ren, you smell like white wine and strawberries, just like a girl!” was what reira told him upon stepping inside the room while sniffing him. “it leaves a scent trail. it smells familiar. what perfume are you using?”
ren turned to her, “it's [y/n]’s shower gel.”
“[y/n]? from black stones? woah, you stay at her place?” naoki stood up from his seat. ren entertained their questions for a little while.
it goes the same for you too in band practices too.
“is that ren’s perfume on you?” nobu speaks from behind you, smelling the familiar scent of his friend on you.
“but…” nobu scans your figure. “oh. it’s because you’re wearing his shirt.”
you didn’t even smell how the shirt smelled like ren. it’s just your nostrils got so used to his scent that it didn’t even register to you how you didn’t smell like yourself.
your relationship was unstable and full of uncertainties, and you hate being emotionally vulnerable in front of anyone, even him.
sometimes, you want to leave.
but then you embrace him and suddenly, you’re reminded how strong your feelings are for ren honjo.
he stares at your face longer than he should in the morning when he wakes up first and you’re sleeping soundly next to him.
you’re beautiful. like you came straight out of a magazine.
if you were to be put beside supermodels, you’d outshine everyone. ren revels at the thought. if your face were to be featured in a magazine, he’ll frame it and keep it forever.
ren mutes all phone calls when he’s sleeping with you. but when he goes on tour, his mind is there back at home with you.
“i didn’t know booty calls worry what the other person eats. is that how people do it nowadays? so modernized, truly shocking.” came takumi’s remark while talking to reira and naoki out of ren's earshot.
“that’s so mean, takumi. leave him alone.” reira interjected, having flashbacks of when he offended ren when he was talking to him about you. her eyes were also on ren who's on the phone with you.
you'll always come back to him, he’ll always be waiting for you to go to his arms. you two are hopeless.
more time passed and you're finally decided to take a step forward, which ren was only waiting for you to initiate.
one snowy night while you and ren were sharing each other's heat, you hovered on top of him.
ren stops you. “wait,”
“do you not want to?” you were prepared to get off him in case he doesn't want to do it, but he held you in place.
“it’s not like that. it’s just…” he trailed, “i do want a family with you more than anything. i have never denied that. but if you’re off the pill right now then…”
“so what?”
“i don’t want you to get pregnant if you don’t want to. what i say doesn’t matter. decide for yourself.”
“i want your child, inside me, ren.”
he was about to tell you to think it through again, but you put his hand on your hip.
“let's start a family.”
and once again, he can never deny you of anything.
after weeks, you didn't take the news well about hachi and that asshole, takumi.
“one of these days, i’ll snatch hachi back from you.” you told him.
“are you in love with my fiancèe even after everything, [y/n]? i pity ren for being ardent with his love for you. dump him if you can’t love him back like that. he doesn’t deserve your half-assed love.” takumi smirks, enjoying how riled up he makes you while relaying the news.
you thought you were just crazy when you gone through a deep state of grief after that conversation.
but you found out another cause were your hormones.
you're pregnant.
when you told ren you were pregnant, he reacted to the news calmly yet he was ecstatic. he's been waiting for this moment with you all along.
you chose not to tell ren about the conversation you had with takumi about hachi only a few days ago that put you in distress. you know he'd do something about it, and that'll cause more problems for him.
nothing much changed for the first few weeks, you continued on with your gigs while your belly wasn't showing yet and you can still move around normally.
ren stopped his substance abuse when he learned he'll be stepping into fatherhood.
yasu always keeps a close eye on you especially whenever ren is not around, even without ren's instructions. he's always there to aid you whenever you need something, which rarely ever happens because your pride doesn't let you ask for help from anyone. yasu still insists, anyway.
nobu speaks to your not-so-showing yet belly under your edgy peplum top and tells your kid to not grow like his or her mom, you, all gloom and grumpy. he earns a smack on his head in return. he's still in a state of grief after how his relationship with hachi ended up, but he's happy to be a soon-to-be-uncle to your child.
shin follows you everywhere like a puppy. he accompanies you to your walk to you and ren's shared unit and he stays over whenever he wants to. sometimes falling asleep comfortably on your lap while you watch light-hearted movies on the tv.
when you started showing, you took a break from the band for a few months but you didn't disclose your pregnancy to the media, announcing that it's only a hiatus.
when your belly started to get bigger, your clothes fit small to you, which is why to maximize their use, you let shin have his way with your closet. you had somehow similar versatile fashion styles, anyway. because of his small frame, almost everything in your wardrobe fits him. you told him to grab whatever he wants to borrow from your closet.
ren is there every step of the way. he buys you a lot of food. whatever you need, he'll go through hell to get.
he'd give his trapnest career up if ever he gets put in a situation where he has to choose.
when you gave birth, everyone visited. everyone... but hachi.
you try not to think about her anymore, but you still wonder about her whereabouts. you told ren and the others to stop talking about her in front of you when you were pregnant so it became a sensitive topic for everyone to talk about. and besides, you know another factor is also because takumi locks her away.
you only overheard from yasu that hachi gave birth to her child with takumi too, a few months before you gave birth to venus.
ren used to call you his venus.
your daughter’s name is venus.
venus honjo.
it's a pretty name the both of you agreed on giving such a pretty girl like your daughter.
you always opt to eat healthy while breastfeeding.
ren is a good father to venus.
she's more close to her father, that's why her first word was “dada”.
he gave your daughter everything the both of you never had.
and you protected your daughter from the things no one protected you from when you were younger.
you were extra gentle with her because you too, were a little girl once.
ren got deja vu when he was coddling venus and she snatched her arm from him.
“i kept praying she wouldn’t take after you. i guess her mama’s genes are stronger as expected.” ren laughed after what just happened. the engagement ring on his finger shining under the morning sunlight made you look at yours.
you ended up with him after everything.
and yet the words to describe your relationship with ren honjo are still nowhere to be found.
'she’s an angel.
a goddess,
my goddess.
like venus.
a beauty.'
© reesespeanutbutterfuck 2024, don't forget to support your creators by reblogging !
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fandomtherapy44 · 5 months
Dean x reader Can I get a double shot of Espresso and your number? Coffee shop AU
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Summary: A one shot of a coffee shop with Dean :)
Song Inspo : Espresso by Sabrina Carpenter
Paring: Dean Winchester x reader
Word count: 1,385
Warnings: Language, Robbery with a Gun, a bit of French kissing
Divider by
Firefly Graphics
AN/ Hey yawl sorry for not posting for a while hit writer's block so hopefully this will get back into the swing of things. Also been obsessed with espresso so yeah I mean you have to write a coffee shop story, right!?
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I can't relate to desperation
My give-a-fucks are on vacation
And I got this one boy and he won't stop calling
When they act this way, I know I got 'em
I hummed while whipping down the counter and suddenly a pair of fingers rudely snapped in front of me. “Hey sweetie instead of the shitty concert why don’t you get me a fucking double shot.” I put my rag down and breathed in deeply. I need this job. I need this job. I need this job. “Sir we just opened if you could just give me a few minutes-” “I don’t fucking care that your lazy I need my damn coffee.” He argued like a child. “Sir please-” “You know what bitch I don’t need this fucking attitude I'm going to have this whole shitty place shut down in a week!” With that, he flipped over some napkins and stir sticks and slammed the door behind him. 
I sighed and went over to clean the third mess made by an adult this week. A lot of them barely had any patience waiting for freaking ice water. As I was cleaning a pair of muddy boots stepped in front of me.
“Need any help?” I looked up and saw the handsomest man I had ever seen. Green forest eyes, Sunkissed freckled skin, a smile that could make your darkest day seem bright. I forgot what I was asked for a minute.
“Uhh no no I'm good but thanks, it’s my job anyway.” “Yeah but that guy went out of his way to make it harder, what an asshole.” “Yeah well, they haven’t had their scheduled nap for the day.” We both chuckled at my joke and then came an almost comfortable silence that I broke. “So what can I get you?” “Just two blacks please.” “You just became my favorite person for the day.” I said half joking while making the coffee. “Really then maybe I'll come in every day.” And he did.
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Seeing Dean had become a daily experience that I had his coffee ready for him before he would even walk in. We would make small talk eventually learning small parts about each other's lives. Like with a co-worker but then we started to become more. “So Y/n I was wondering when you got your breaks.” I almost split the very hot coffee I was holding. “Why?” “I wanted to get to know you more.” It was a decision did I want this to just stay at a co-worker level or to grow into making something more. I gave him a wide smile. “Okay, so their…” 
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That morning coffee, brewed it for ya (Yes)
One touch and I brand-newed it for ya
Before I knew it Dean had become one of my best friends. It also helped that he was amazing to look at. “So my dad had left and me and my little brother had climbed on top of the shed thinking we were freaking Superman and Batman. And well let’s just say that we weren't made out of steel so I had to put Sammy on the handlebars of my plastic bike and ride him to the ER.” He finished by laughing so hard he slammed his hand on the table spilling our coffee.
“It sounds like you and your brother have a lot of those stories.” “Yeah, we do.” He smiled thinking in his head. He looks like he was going ask me something but at that time a guy walked in. “Oh hold that thought I'll be right back.” “So what can I get you?” “All of your money.” He raised his gun to me. “Okay yes, right way.” I opened the cash register. There was no way in Hell I was going to risk my life for six bucks an hour. I didn’t see but Dean had sneaked his way behind him. He whistled at the robber and he turned his head in confusion and before he knew it his lights were out.”Omg, how did you do that!?” He looked like cogs were turning his head. “Uhh, lots of Bruce Lee movies.” 
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I'm working late 'cause I'm a singer
Oh, he looks so cute wrapped 'round my finger
My twisted humor make him laugh so often
My honeybee, come and get this pollen
I had only stayed away for two weeks I would like to stay away longer but my boss needed me open. Why not another employee well because he was getting annoyed training new people you know his job fucking asshole. I stumbled my way to the shop it was about thirty minutes before opening. Then just my luck it started to snow which meant a line of customers wanting a warm drink to start the day and I was the only one for four hours. No wonder I only get paid six dollars an hour. But one good thing was waiting for me. “Ahh, you waiting for another robber Batman?” “Ha no just making sure the girl is okay.” That made me smile.
“Well, Bruce today’s coffee is on the house.” I opened the shop and we both scurried in away from the cold. “No no I couldn't plus wouldn't your boss be pissed.” “Well, he made come back after being robbed so he can fire me for all I care so you're usual?” “Ha, actually I'll get something different.” “Really well I'll be happy to do that.” He gave me his smirk and put on a little show looking up at the menu. “Can I get a double shot of espresso and your number?” I looked up from the machine. “Winchester you asking me out?” “Well, I guess I am.” “Well then I guess here it is.” I gave him his double shot with my number on the cup. “Pick you up at eight?” “Try seven.” “Yes mam”
Now he's thinkin' 'bout me every night, oh
Is it that sweet? I guess so
Say you can't sleep, baby, I know
That's that me espresso
Move it up, down, left, right, oh
Switch it up like Nintendo
Say you can't sleep, baby, I know
That's that me espresso (Yes)
Thinkin' 'bout me every night, oh
Is it that sweet? I guess so (Yes)
Say you can't sleep, baby, I know
That's that me espresso (Yes)
Move it up, down, left, right, oh (Move it up, down, left, right, oh)
Switch it up like Nintendo (Yes)
Say you can't sleep, baby, I know
That's that me espresso
I don’t think I've been this nervous for a date in a while the last few I accepted that we were both just filling time. But with Dean, I was making time to be with him. I fluffed my outfit one more time sprayed on my favorite scent and opened the door. I looked him up and down and he looked more nervous than I did. “Wow, you look… beautiful.” I blushed because it felt like a real complaint and not a tactic to get into my pants. “Well, you don’t look too bad yourself.” “Thanks uh these are for you.” He handed me my favorite flowers. “Thank you these are lovely.” I put them in water and we left.
It was nearly the end of the date and we had someway made our way back to the coffee shop. “Ironic no?” I nodded to the shop. “Actually I wanted to lead us here.” “Oh” “Look Y/n I really like you and I was wondering if you would to go on another date.” I walked over to him and put my arms around his neck. “Mhh how about two dates and a kiss.” “I think I could arrange that.” He put his hands on my waist and slowly brought me into the kiss. It went further when I felt his tongue prod and I gladly accepted. We eventually had to come apart for air. He licked his lips tasting something. “Is that coffee lipstick?” “Espresso” I whispered and we went back in.
Is it that sweet? I guess so
Mm, that's that me espresso
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Would you guys want a part two maybe with some Smut?? 
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layce2015 · 1 year
Supernatural (Dean Winchester x Female!Reader)
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Houses Of The Holy
*3rd Person POV*
Gloria was seated, quietly, on her bed in a psych ward. Her hair is straight and her face clean. She was wearing a bathrobe and reading a book held in her left hand. The door opens behind her and she turns. "Good morning. You're not the usual people." She said as (y/n) and Sam, in white scrubs and holding a clipboard.
"No, uh, just filling in. So how you feeling today, Gloria?" (Y/n) asked and Gloria smiles. "I've never felt better." She replied. "So, no disturbances lately?" Sam asked her. "You mean am I stark raving cuckoo for cocoa puffs?" Gloria asked. "We didn't' say that." (Y/n) said. "It's all right. I know what people must think." Gloria said.
"What do you think?" (Y/n) asked her. "I think what I saw was real." She replied and (y/n) and Sam look around, pull up a chair for each of them and set the clipboard down. They lean forward, elbows on knees, and give her an intensely earnest look. "We'd like to know what you saw." Sam said.
"It was all over the news. I stabbed a man in the heart." Gloria said. "Why would you do that?" (Y/n) asked her, curiously. "Because it was God's will." Gloria replied, smiling, and the two give her a curious look.
"Did God talk to you?" Sam asked Gloria. "No. I get the sense God's a little busy for house calls. No, he, he sent someone." She said. "Someone?" (Y/n) said, questioning. "An angel. It came to me in this beautiful white light, and it filled me with this feeling. It's, it's hard to describe." Gloria said.
"And this angel..." Sam said, curiously. "Spoke God's Word." Gloria replied. "And the Word was to kill someone?" (Y/n) asked. "I know, it sounds strange. But what I did was very important. I helped him smite an evil man. I was chosen. For redemption." said Gloria.
"This man you stabbed, did the angel give you his name?" Sam asked her. "No, he just told me to wait for the sign. And the very next day I saw it, right beside the man's doorway. And I knew." Gloria replied. "Why him?" (Y/n) asked. "I just know what the angel told me: that this man was guilty to his deepest foundations. And that was good enough for me." Gloria said and (y/n) and Sam give her a worried look.
*(y/n)'s POV*
Sam and I enter the hotel room to see Dean lying on the motel bed, which is vibrating, as he listens to music on his phone. He looks sort of blissful and also doesn't notice us. "Hey." Sam said but Dean doesn't respond. I rolled my eyes then I go up to him and smack his boot. "Hey!" Sam and I said, loudly, and Dean looks up at us.
"Hey. Man, you guys gotta try this. I mean there really is magic in the Magic Fingers." Dean said as he puts airquotes on the last two words. "Dean, you're enjoying that way too much. It's kind of making me uncomfortable." Sam said and I nod in agreement. "Yeah, same here." I said.
"What am I supposed to do? I mean, you guys have got me on lockdown here, I'm bored out of my skull." Dean groans. "Hey, you were the bank robber on the eleven o'clock news, not me. We can't risk you just walking into a government facility." I said to him, reminding him of the news broadcast that happened back at the bank, and he just hums at me.
Sam waves a dismissing hand at Dean as he turns to go into the bathroom. The bed shutters to stillness. "Aw, dammit! That was my last quarter." Dean growls then he turns to me. "Hey! You got any quarters?" He asked me as he pulls his headphones out and gets up. "No." I said then he goes across the room and leans against the doorway as Sam washes his face.
"You got any quarters?" Dean asked him. "No!" Sam shouts and Dean sighs. "So did you get in to see that crazy hooker?" He asked us. "Yeah. Gloria Sitnick. And we're not so sure she's crazy." I said to him.
"But she seriously believes that she was...touched by an angel?" Dean asked. "Yeah. Blinding light, feelings of spiritual ecstasy, the works. I mean, she's living in a locked ward and she's totally at peace." Sam replied. "Oh yeah, you're right, sounds completely sane." Dean jokes.
"What about the dude she stabbed?" He asked us. "Uh, Carl Gully. She said she killed him because he was evil." I replied. "Was he?" Dean asked. "Don't know. I mean we couldn't find any dirt on him." I said. "He didn't have a criminal record, he worked at the campus library, had lots of friends. He was a churchgoer." Sam added.
"Hm. So then Gloria's just your standard-issue wacko. I mean, she wouldn't be the first nutjob in history to kill in the name of religion. Know what I mean?" Dean asked. "No, but she's the second in town to murder because an angel told them to. Little bit odd, don't ya think?" I said to him. "Well, little odd yes, supernatural maybe. But angels? I don't think so." Dean said.
"Why not?" Sam asked him. "'Cuz there's no such thing, Sam." Dean said like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Dean, there's ten times as much lore about angels as there is about anything else we've ever hunted." I said to him. "Yeah, you know what? There's a ton of lore on unicorns too. In fact, I hear that they, they ride on silver moonbeams, and they shoot rainbows out of their ass." Dean said and I snorted with laughter.
"Wait, there's no such thing as unicorns?" Sam asked, deadpanned, as he sits down. "That's cute." Dean said before he continues. "I'm just saying, man, there's just some legends that you just, you file under bullcrap." 
"And you've got angels on the bullcrap list." Sam said to him. "Yep." Dean replied. "Why?" Sam asked and Dean looks up in annoyance. "Because I've never seen one." He said.
"So what?" Sam asked. "So I believe in what I can see." Dean replied. "Dean! The three of us have seen things that most people couldn't even dream about." Sam pointed out. "He's got a point." I said to Dean. "Exactly. With our own eyes. That's hard proof, okay? But in all this time I have never seen anything that looks like an angel. And don't you think that if they existed that we would have crossed paths with them? Or at least know someone that crossed paths with them? No. This is a...a demon or a spirit. You know, they find people a few fries short of a happy meal, and they trick them into killing these randoms." Dean said.
"Maybe." Sam said and Dean rolls his eyes. "Can we just — I'm going stir-crazy man. Hey, let's go by Gloria's apartment, huh?" Dean asked, desperately. "We were just there. Nothing. No sulfur, no EMF..." I said. "You didn't see any fluffy white wing feathers?" Dean asked me, sarcastically. "I think so, but I'm pretty sure it was from a pillow." I said with sarcasm and Sam sighs.
"But Gloria did say the angel gave her a sign, right beside Carl Gully's doorway." Sam said, ignoring our comments. "Could be something at his house; it's worth checking out." Dean said, eagerly.
Dean drives as we pull up in front of Carl Gully's house. It is a moderate single-family home with steps leading up to the front door; to the left of the door is a plastic angel figure. Dean mounts the steps and sees it. "Oh hey, Sam. I think I found it." Dean said as he gestures to the angel. "It's a sign from up above." He teases and Sam rolls his eyes as Dean and I peer into the window.
"Well, I think I learned a valuable lesson: Always take down your Christmas decorations after New Year's, or you might get filleted by a hooker from God. Ha." Dean said and i gucr a weak chuckle. "I'm laughing on the inside." Sam said as he wanders around back, through a gate, and Dean and I follow.
There we find a wooden storm cellar. "You know, Gloria said the guy was guilty to his deepest foundations." I said to them. "You think she literally meant the foundation?" Dean asked and we go to open the door and go down the steps, shining flashlights.
"Hey." Sam said and Dean and I go over to him as he looks at the wall. "You got something?" I asked him and he digs at the wall and pulls something out. "What is it?" Dean asked as Sam holds up the thing. "It's a fingernail." He said and we look at each other.
Dean pulls three shovels from the wall and we begin to dig. Sometime later, we created a deep pit which had a pile of skeletons inside of it. "So much for the innocent churchgoing librarian." I remarked. "Yeah, well, whatever spoke to Gloria about this knew what it was talking about, I'll give you that." Dean said.
The next day, Sam and I enter the motel room as Dean sighs and looks back sadly at the Magic Fingers controller. "D'you bring quarters?" Dean asked, desperately, Sam and I frown at the controller.
"Dude! We're not enabling your sick habit." Sam said as I toss Dean a sandwich. "You're like one of those lab rats that pushes the pleasure button instead of the food button until it dies." I said to him.
"What are you talking about? I eat. And I got news." Dean said. "So do we." Sam said. "All right, you go first." Dean said. "Three students have disappeared off the college campus in the last year. All of them were last seen at the library." Sam said.
"Where Carl Gully worked." Dean said.
"Yep." Sam and I said.
"Sick bastard." Dean growls.
"So Gloria's angel —" Sam started to say until Dean looks up at him. "Angel?" He said. "Okay. Whatever this thing is..." Sam said. "Okay, well, whatever it is, it's struck again." Dean said.
"What?" I asked. "I was listening to the police radio before you guys got here. There was this guy, uh, Zach Smith, some local drunk; he went up to a stranger's front door last night, stabbed him in the heart." Dean said. "And then I'm guessing he went to the police and confessed?" Sam asked. "Yep. Roma Downey made him do it." Dean said and he crosses the room to take a Post-it note off the mirror. "Now, I, uh...got the victim's address." He said.
The boys and I climb over the fence into the yard and sneak in through the window. Sam sits down at the computer as Dean and I search the house. "Find anything?" Sam asked us as Dean and I come back into the room. "Well, Frank liked his catalog shopping, but that's about all I we got." I said.
"Not much here. Except he's got this one locked file on his computer, I can't..." Sam stops as he looks through thr laptop. "...hold on." He said and he presses a few buttons, then grins in triumph. "Not anymore. God." He said, shocked.
"What?" Dean and I asked. "Well, he's got all these emails. Dozens, to this lady named Jennifer. This lady who's thirteen years old." Sam said and I suddenly started to feel sick. "Oh, I don't want to hear this." I said as I turn away and Dean comes up next to me and places his hands on my shoulders, trying to comfort me.
"Looks like they met in a chat room. These emails are pretty personal, guys Look at that. Setting up a time and place to meet." Sam said. "Great." Dean said as I shake my head. "They were supposed to meet today." Sam said and Dean and I turn to face him. "Huh. Well, I guess if you're gonna stab someone, good timing." I said, shrugging.
"I don't know, guys, this is weird, you know? I mean, sure, some spirits are out for vengeance, but this one's almost like a do-gooder, you know? Like, like a --" Dean said, trying to find the right words. "Avenging angel?" Sam said and Dean turns away. "Well, how else do you explain it, Dean? Three guys, not connected to each other, all stabbed through the heart? At least two were world-class pervs, and I bet if you dug deep enough on the other guy—" Sam said until Dean picks up something.
"Hey." He said. "What?" Sam asked. "You guys said Carl Gully was a churchgoer, right?" Dean asked. "Yeah?" We replied. "What was the name of his church?" Dean asked. "Uh...Our Lady of the Angels?" Sam said. "Of course that'd be the name." Dean said and he holds up a church flier for Our Lady of the Angels. "Looks like Frank went to the same church." Dean said.
Sam, Dean and I walk through the sanctuary of the Our Lady of the Angels church, speaking to a friendly priest named Father Reynods. "So you're interested in joining the parish?" He asked us. "Yeah, well, you know, we just don't feel right unless we hit church every Sunday." Dean said.
"Where'd you say you lived before?" Father Reynolds asked. "Fremont, Texas." I replied and the boys nodded. "Really? That's a nice town. St. Teresa's parish, you must know the priest there." Father Reynolds said. "Sure, yeah, no it's uh, Father O'Malley." Dean said. "Hmm, I know a Father Shaughnessy." Father Reynolds said, thinking. "Shaughnessy, exactly. What'd I say?" Dean said as the priest looks at him then Sam steps in.
"You know, we're just happy to be here now, Father." Sam said. "And we're happy to have you, we could use some young blood around here." Father Reynolds said. "Hey, listen, I gotta ask — no offense, but uh, the neighborhood?" I asked him.
"Well, it's gone to seed a little, there's no denying that, but that's why what the church does here is so important. Like I always say, you can expect a miracle, but in the meantime you work your butt off." He replied. "Huh. Yeah, we heard about the murders." Dean remarks. "Yes. The victims were parishioners of mine, I'd known them for years." Reynolds said.
"And the killers said that an angel made them do that?" Sam asked. "Yes. Misguided souls, to think that God's messenger would appear and incite people to murder. It's tragic." Reynolds said. "So you don't believe in those angel yarns, huh?" Dean asked. "Oh, no, I absolutely believe. Kind of goes with the job description." Reynolds said then I nod to painting on the wall. 
"Father, that's Michael, right?" I asked and he looks at the painting and nods. "That's right. The archangel Michael, with the flaming sword. The fighter of demons. Holy force against evil." He said. "So they're not really the Hallmark card version that everybody thinks? They're fierce, right? Vigilant?" Sam asked.
"Well, I like to think of them as more loving than wrathful. But, uh, yes, a lot of Scripture paints angels as God's warriors. An angel of the Lord appeared to them, the glory of the Lord shone down upon them, and they were terrified." Reynolds explains while Dean looks confused. "Luke. Two nine." Reynolds said and Dean nods sagely.
"Well, thank you for speaking with us, Father." I said to Reynolds as we walk out of the church. "Oh, it' s my pleasure. Hope to see you again." He said and Dean looks down at something. I follow his gaze and see a collection of tribute items at the bottom of the steps.
"Hey, Father, what's, what is all that for?" Dean asked. "Oh, that's for Father Gregory. He was a priest here." Reynolds replied. "Was?" Dean and I asked. "He passed away right on these steps. He's interred in the church crypt." Reynolds said.
"When did this happen?" Dean asked. "Two months ago. He was shot for his car keys." Reynolds said and I frown and give him a sympathetic look towards him. "I'm sorry." Sam said, sympathetically. "Yeah, me too. He was a good friend. I didn't even have time to administer his last rites. But like I said, it's a tough neighborhood. Ever since he died I've been praying my heart out." Reynolds said.
"For what?" I asked. "For deliverance. From the violence and the bloodshed around here. We could use a little divine intervention, I s'pose." Reynolds replied and Sam and I frown. "Well, Padre, thanks. We'll see you again." Dean said and Reynolds nods at us then goes back inside.
At this moment, the boys and I begin to investigate the shrine. "Well, it's all starting to make sense. Devoted priest dies a violent death? That's vengeful spirit material right there." Dean said and Sam shifts uncomfortably. "And he knew all the other stiffs, because they went to church here, in fact I'm willing to bet that because he was their priest, he knew things about them that nobody else knew." Dean replied.
"Then again, Father Reynolds started praying for God's help about two months ago, right? Right about the time all this started happening?" Sam said and Dean sighs. "Aw, come on, man, what's your deal?" Dean asked.
"What do you mean?" asked Sam. "Look, I'll admit I'm a bit of a skeptic, but since when are you all Mr., uh, 700 Club? No, seriously. From the git-go you've been willing to buy this angel crap, man. I mean, what's next, are you going to start praying every day?" Dean asked him.
"I do." Sam replied.
"What?" Dean said, confused.
"I do pray every day. I have for a long time." Sam replied, firmly, and I give a small smile towards him. "The things you learn about a guy." Dean said, startled. "Next thing, you'll say is that (y/n) prays." Dean said and I bite my lips. "Not as much as I should but I do." I replied and Dean looks between us as I start to fiddle with the little cross necklace around my neck.
"You're still wearing it." Sam said as he nods at the necklace as I fiddle with the cross pendant. "I-I just never noticed." He said and I smiled. "What? You thought I was gonna throw away your gift to me?" I said and Sam smiles while Dean looks between us and shakes his head.
"Well, come on, let's go check out Father Gregory's grave." Dean said and Sam and I start to follow him.
*3rd Person POV*
The church crypt is a maze of stone hallways, with numerous stone angel figurines. The trio wander through slowly, Dean and (y/n) a little ahead of Sam. As Dean and (y/n) go into another room, Sam stops and looks back at one of the angels.
He frowns as it, and then the entire room begins to shake. A brilliant light appears behind him and he turns, confusion washing away to a look of awe.
*(y/n)'s POV*
Dean and I hurry back into the room after we noticed that Sam didn't follow us. "Sam, come on, get the lead out." Dean calls out but Sam doesn't respond. "Sam?" I shout then we see Sam was passed out on the floor.
Then Dean and I rush over to him. "Sammy? Sammy! Hey!" Dean and I said, panicked, and Sam jerks awake, groaning. "Y'okay?" I asked him, worried, as he stares at the stone angel. "Yeah. Yeah. I'm okay." Sam replied. "Come on." Dean said and we haul Sam to his feet and guide him into the sanctuary, a hand on his arms, and Dean shuts the door behind us.
"You saw it, didn't you? Didn't you?" Dean asked Sam. "Yeah. Yeah. Guys, I saw an angel." Sam said and Dean and I give a shocked look at him. "You..." Dean mumbles and Sam sits on a pew and I sit next to him. Dean pulls out a flask, unscrews it and hands it to him. "All right. Here." He said.
"I don't want a drink." Sam said then Dean holds his flask to me. I shake my head and Dean shrugs then takes a swig. "So. What makes you think you saw a, uh, angel?" I asked Sam. "It just, it appeared before me and I just, this feeling washed over me, you know? Like, like peace. Like grace." Sam replied.
"Okay, Ecstasy Boy, maybe we'll get you some glow sticks and a nice Dr. Seuss hat, huh?" Dean teased and Sam glares at Dean. "Dean, I'm serious. It spoke to me, it knew who I was." He said. "It's just a spirit, Sam. Okay? And it's not the first one to be able to read people's minds." Dean said as he sits down on another pew.
"Okay, let me guess. You were personally chosen to smite some sinner. You've just got to wait for some divine bat signal, is that it?" Dean asked. "Yeah, actually." Sam said. "Great." I muttered and Dean growls under his breath. "I don't suppose you asked what this alleged bad guy did?" Dean asked him. "Actually I did, Dean. And the angel told me. He hasn't done anything. Yet. But he will." Sam replied then Dean stands up and starts pacing.
"Oh, this is, this is...I don't believe this." Dean mutters. "Dean, the angel hasn't been wrong yet! Someone's going to do something awful, and I can stop it!" Sam exclaims. "You know, you're supposed to be bad too, maybe, maybe I should just stop you right now." Dean said and Sam looks up at him.
"You know what, Dean? I don't understand! Why can't you even consider the possibility?" Sam asked him, angrily. "What, that this is an angel?" Dean asked. "Yes! Maybe we're hunting an angel here, and we should stop! Maybe this is God's will!" Sam shouts.
"Okay, all right. You know what? I get it. You've got faith. That's — hey, good for you. I'm sure it makes things easier." Dean said as he sits again. "I'll tell you who else had faith like that — Mom. She used to tell me when she tucked me in that angels were watching over us. In fact, that was the last thing she ever said to me." Dean said and I frown towards him.
"You never told me that." Sam said, softly. "Well, what's to tell? She was wrong. There was nothing protecting her. There's no higher power, there's no God. I mean, there's just chaos, and violence, and random unpredictable evil that comes out of nowhere, and rips you to shreds." Dean said then he looks down then back over to Sam. "You want me to believe in this stuff? I'm going to need to see some hard proof. You got any?" Dean asked Sam, who doesn't reply.
"Well, I do. Proof that we're dealing with a spirit." Dean said.
Later, we approach Father Gregory's tombstone to sed it covered in creeping vines. "That looks like—" Sam said, shocked. "It's wormwood. Plant associated with the dead; specifically the ones that are not at rest." I said to him and Dean nods. "I don't see it growing anywhere else, except over the murdered priest's marker. It's him, Sam." Dean said and Sam shrugs, slightly.
"Maybe." Sam replied.
"Maybe?" Dean asked, confused.
"Dean, I don't know what to think." Sam said.
"Okay. You want some more proof? I'll give you more proof." Dean said.
"How?" Sam asked. "We'll summon Gregory's spirit." Dean replied and I turn, quickly, to him. "What? Here? In the church?" I asked him, shocked. "Yeah. Yeah, we just need a few odds and ends, and that, uh, séance ritual in Dad's journal." Dean replied. "Oh, a séance, great. Hope Whoopi's available." Sam said with sarcasm.
"That's funny, actually. Seriously. If Father Gregory's spirit is around, a séance will bring him right to us. If it's him, then we'll put him to rest." Dean said, deadpan. "But if it's an angel, it won't show. Nothin' 'll happen." Sam said. "Exactly. That's one of the perks of the job, Sam: we don't have to operate on faith. We can know for sure." Dean said and I look at Sam. "Don't you wanna know for sure?" I asked him and he looks down then nods.
That night, we leave a small grocery store, Sam holding a paper sack and smiling. "Guys. I'll admit we've gone pretty ghetto with spellwork before, but this takes the cake. I mean, a Spongebob placemat instead of an altar cloth?" Sam said, questioning. "We'll just put it Spongebob side down." I said and Sam laughs but stops and stares at something.
"Guys, that's it." Sam said. "What?" Dean and I asked. "That's the sign!" Sam said. "Where?" We asked. "Right there, right behind that guy!" Sam said as he points at a guy that was holding some flowers in his hands. "That's him, guys. And we have to stop him." Sam said and the young man crosses the street.
Sam starts to go after him but Dean and I stop him. "Wait a minute." I said, urgently, and Sam looks at us. "What are you doing? Let me go." He exclaims. "You're not going to go kill somebody because a ghost told you to, are you insane?" Dean shouts at him.
"Dean, I'm not insane, I'm not going to kill him. I'm going to stop him." Sam said. "Define stop, huh? I mean, what are you going to do?" I asked Sam, worried. "Guys, please, he's going to hurt someone, you know it." Sam said as he looks between us then Dean and I share a look.
"All right, come on." Dean said as the young man has gotten into a car and starts it up, pulling away. Dean gets in the driver side of his car and starts it while I get into the passenger side. Sam tries to get in the back seat but the door is locked. 
"Dean. Unlock the door." Sam said, firmly. "You're not killing anyone, Sam. We've got this guy, you go do the séance." Dean said and I look over at him then to Sam. "Guys!" Sam shouts before Dean pulls away, following the young man at a short distance.
The man stops at a corner and gets out with the bunch of flowers, handing them to a woman waiting on the corner. They both get in the car and drive off again and we follow them. 
After following him for a few minutes. The car turns down a dark alley and we temporarily lose sight of him. Dean slams the steering wheel in frustration. "Dammit!" Dean growls. "Okay, calm down. We'll find him." I said and Dean let's out a sigh and continues on.
Eventually, we find his car parked in an alleyway and Dean parks the car and we watch through the back window of the man's car. We get out of the car and slowly make our way to the car just as we hear the woman let out a scream then the man yelling at her.
Dean smashes the driver side window then reaches in, punches, and slams the man's face into the steering wheel as I go over to the passenger side. Dean unlocks the doors and I help the woman get out. "Are you okay? Are you okay?!" I asked her and she begins to cry. "Thank God!" She cries as Dean comes over to us.
Behind us, the car starts up and the man drives off. "Dammit!" Dean growls and I turn to the woman again. "Are you sure you're okay? Do you have a cell phone?" I asked her and she nods, still sobbing. "Call 9-1-1!" Dean and I shout at her and we run off and get in Impala to chase after the evil young man again. 
DeN grips the steering wheel tightly after many tense and frantic moments of this chase. We cut across lanes, over grass, and generally cause mayhem. At a cross-street, a small pickup truck, carrying long metal pipes, screeches to a halt in front of the man's car.
A pipe spins off the truck bed, bouncing once on the ground and plowing straight through the man's windshield. "(Y/n) hang on!" Dean shouts as he stops the car in shock and I hold the door handle.
Once we stopped the car, both of us get out and walk towards the car, where we saw that the pipe had gone through the windshield and impaled the man through the chest. "Holy..." Dean mutters in surprise as my jaw drops and my eyes widen in shock.
Later, we approach the motel room and enters to see Sam packing. "How was your day?" Dean asked him. "You were right. It wasn't an angel. It was Gregory." Sam said in a sad, dull and demoralized tone.
Dean pulls the flask from his inner pocket, takes a drink, then I hold my hand out towards him. He hands me the flask and I take a sip and hand it back to Dean. Then he offers it to Sam, who takes it. "I don't know, guys, I just, uh..." Sam said as he sits on the bed. "I wanted to believe...so badly, ah...It's so damn hard to do this, what we do. You're all alone, you know? And...there's so much evil out there in the world, guys, I feel like I could drown in it. And when I think about my destiny, when I think about how I could end up..." Sam said and I go and sit next to him and place my hands on his shoulder.
"I know how you feel, Sam." I said to him, calmly, and Dean sits on the other side of Sam. "Yeah, well, don't worry about that. All right? I'm watching out for you." Dean said. "Yeah, I know you are. But you're just one person, Dean. And I needed to think that there was something else, watching too, you know? Some higher power. Some greater good. And that maybe..." Sam said.
"Maybe what?" I asked him. "Maybe I could be saved." Sam replied before he let's out a nervous laugh. "But, uh, you know, that just clouded my judgment, and you're right. I mean, we've gotta go with what we know, with what we can see, with what's right there in front of our own two eyes." Sam said, sadly.
"Yeah, well, it's funny you say that." I said, letting out a small chuckle, and Sam looks at me. "Why?" He asked and I look over at Dean. "Care to explain what we saw, Dean?" I said and Dean looks down. "Gregory's spirit gave you some pretty good information. That guy in the car was bad news. We barely got there in time." Dean said.
"What happened?" Sam asked.
"He's dead." I replied and Sam's eyes widen and he looks between us. "Did...you?" Sam asked and we shake our heads. "No." Dean and I replied. "But I'll tell you one thing. If...The way he died, if I hadn't seen it with my own two eyes and if (y/n) wasn't there to witness it and confirm it, I never would have believed it. I mean...I don't know what to call it." Dean said.
"What? Guys, what did you see?" Sam asked and Dean and I share a look. "God's will." Dean and I replied.
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glygriffe · 1 year
Rec list of April
In April, I read a lot more Stranger Things stories than usual, and they were all good! So I made a section just for this fandom in my recommendations, like for Supernatural. As usual, the fanfics I read were on the shorter side, mostly one-shots.
If you read any of those fics before (or because of this post) feel free to tell me what you liked about them!
I also finished reading American Gods, by Neil Gaiman. It took me 8 weeks to finish it! I swear not so long ago a could have finished a book that size in a week... But on the bright side, I'm reading paper books again (I missed that a lot).
Supernatural writings
Apple of My Eye: A series set in season 13 with a setup during The French Mistake by@bamby0304 (Dean x Reader)
Being Human: just a little slice of life where Castiel remembers that Dean is human by @thoughtslikeaminefield (No pairing)
Letting Go Holding On: They’ve been doing that for years, but which way it dies depends on something not so simple. An atmospheric story by @thatfangirl42 (Dean x Reader)
Part-time soulmate: angst about an impossible relationship from Dean’s POV by @princessmisery666 (Dean x OFC)
Weekend at Rufus: A sort of coming-of-age story where we follow Jo on a journey towards hope and family by @lesbianjoannaharvelle (Jo, Bobby x Rufus)
Tricks are for kids: The Winchester brothers on the road, between seasons 2 and 3, playing games, eating Frootloops. A short carefree fic by Vehemently on AO3. (No pairing)
Chasing Feathers: A missing piece from Faith 1x12 by @faithdeans where Dean ruminates on his life (implied Destiel)
Pure: a smutty ficlet by @deanwinchesterswitch set in Purgatory. (Dean x female!Reader)
Untitled archangel drabble: Ok, it could technically be any Lucifer and Micheal, but the inclusion of Gabriel makes it SO Supernatural-esque! A piece of writing by @archangstels (No pairing)
Gimme Shelter: A migraine-driven one-shot full of domestic fluff by jumpfallflysoar on AO3 (Dean x Castiel)
Paternity Test: After all is said and done, Lucifer yearns to be a father by @quietwingsinthesky (Lucifer, Gabriel)
To the wonder of all things: A wonderful mid-size fic by Purple_starflower (@hauntedpearl) A small exploration of Castiel's story, his relationship with humanity, and most of all, love. (Castiel x Dean)
Prompt request: just à Drabble full of fluff! By @lipstickandwhiskey (Dean x Reader)
Contained: A WIP by @posingasme where Sam begins his career at the "CDC" and his first subject of study is something he’s never seen before. (Sam x Castiel)
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Other writings
A soldier’s little girl: a sweet piece by @atomwritez showing the tender side of Ben (Soldier Boy x Reader & baby girl)
A fairytale-like robber at sea (well, on a lake) short story by @thestuffedalligator
Only You (a Lucifer Drabble): a sweet and fluffy piece from Chloe's POV by @idabbleincrazy (Lucifer x Chloe)
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Stranger Things writings
Cardinal: A story of healing and hope in the aftermath of Stranger Things 4, a journey of discovery... nudged along by Murray. By @metalhoops / Astra_Wards on A03, (Eddie x Steve)
Untitled Steddie Drabble: The Stranger Things' Hellfire Club corraled Steve the join their game. He might not be a big D&D fan but he seems to know what he is doing... A cute story by @steveshairychest (Steve x Eddie)
Untitled Stranger Things ficlet: it made me laugh, it made me cry, it made my heart swell thrice its size. "It's Dustin who saves Eddie." By @loveinhawkins (Dustin, Eddie, Steve)
First conversation - another untitled fic by @loveinhawkins. Where Steve encounters Eddie at the library: two gentle souls connecting. (Steve, Eddie)
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bi-bard · 2 years
Rebuilding - Emily Prentiss Imagine (Criminal Minds/Supernatural)
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Title: Rebuilding
Pairing: Emily Prentiss X Winchester!Reader
Word Count: 2,989 words
Warning(s): canon-typical violence, bank robbery, mention of murder
Summary: (Season 7, Episode 23 & 24) When a crew of bank robbers take a blow at the heart of the B.A.U, the team goes on high alert. The following events prove that destruction can truly lead to more than one kind of rebuilding.
Author's Note: Oh, it has been too long.
Also, do you guys like the new OC banners? I thought they'd help differentiate the OC imagines from other imagines.
"You can't go."
I groaned at Sam's comment.
I was on the phone with my brother while getting some things put together. I was already prepared to run off to help with the Leviathan situation they were facing. I was supposed to have at least the day off, so it was all going to work out.
"(Y/n), you probably have your own threats to worry about there," he explained.
"I'm going to hope you're referring to my normal line of threats and not the Leviathan kind of threats," I muttered.
"There's no way Dick Roman has as much pull as he does without having someone helping him get in with the government."
I ran a hand over my face. "Okay. Fine. I'll stay in D.C."
"Thank you."
"I expect a phone call as soon as you guys are done with the job, got it," I switched into older sibling mode in a moment. "We... Too much has gone wrong, got it? I need to know that you two are okay."
"I'll call, I promise."
"Alright, love you, tell Dean that I said I love him too, and please don't get yourselves killed."
"Love you too," he replied. "Have a good day."
I ended the call soon after that. "I'll try-"
My phone rang again before I could even get the sentence out.
"Hello," I said.
"We need you to come in," Hotch was on the other end of the phone.
"Why," I asked.
"Bank robbery, hostage situation."
My heart dropped for a moment. Natural reaction after what had happened earlier this year.
"On my way," I muttered.
Most cases had a pause. The jet ride there was enough to prevent complete panic, but at times like these, that just wasn't possible. J.J and ended up riding to the crime scene together. The rest of the team- Hotch, Spencer, Morgan, and Emily- were already waiting there with J.J's husband, who had gotten a shot off on one of the robbers.
She gave him a hug as we made it over.
"The media's calling them the Face Cards," Hotch explained as we walked over to the center of operations. "Seven bank robberies in seven months. They kill one person at each robbery."
"M.O?" Rossi stepped in front of the rest of us.
"Single gunshot wound. Each of the victims has bled out."
"Serial killers with a 30-day cooling-off period and we're only just hearing about this now," Emily asked.
"Headquarters characterized them as robbers first, killers second," Hotch replied.
"No one kills seven people without serious psychopathic tendencies," Spencer argued.
"I disagreed with the original assessment," Hotch said. "I was overruled."
"So, why are we here now?" I crossed my arms over my chest.
"Because crisis negotiation is overseas."
"What more do we know about them," J.J asked.
"They're organized, they're efficient. Each strike lasts about two minutes."
"They gotta be scouting the banks in advance," Morgan commented. "Why haven't we been able to I.D. them off of surveillance footage?"
"They hacked the security feed during both the initial canvas and during the robbery," Hotch led us all into the truck. Garcia was already there, hard at work. "Until the masks come back on, and then we're allowed to watch."
My stomach churned at the word 'allowed'. Like it was a show.
There's this thing with hostage situations.
Everyone wants to get it done as quickly as possible, but even that could take hours. There are just too many factors. Identifying, negotiating, minimal loss of hostages.
Too much to consider in what never felt like enough time.
We had been fortunate enough to have access to the surveillance cameras. It gave us more to work with.
But nothing was ever ideal. Especially when a crew seemed so detached when it came to their crime.
I had gone back with Emily, J.J, and Spencer to investigate the victimology.
The queen had been the only one shooting. The one that's truly in charge of the operation. Time, kills, everything but grabbing the money. Grabbing the money was the king's job.
The key was going to be turning the king and the queen against each other.
And then one of the brothers died.
That's when things started crumbling.
We made it back to the scene sometime later.
I was trying to stay focused on the case at hand, but I could feel my mind wandering. I was still thinking about Sam and Dean. I could only hope that they were just still on the job and that it wasn't the fact that no one was left to call me.
"You alright?" Emily touched my arm.
I nodded. "Sam and Dean are on a... dangerous hunt. I'm worried."
"What makes this one so dangerous," she asked.
"It just is."
Since Emily came back after faking her death, things had been different. After our fight and separation, most of the tension had seemed to clear itself. At work, at the very least. But I still hadn't gotten to the point where I was comfortable sharing every detail of what was going on. It was hard. She seemed to respect that.
She nodded to me and kept moving.
Will and Morgan were looking at blueprints of the bank when Emily, J.J, and I walked over.
"Garcia caught us up," Emily said as we made it over. "Why instigate a hostage situation?"
"What's a narcissist without attention?" Morgan replied. "She thrives on it."
"She's got to have some greater plan here," I muttered.
"We need to separate Chris and the female to find out what that is," Emily added.
"It's not gonna be hard, they're already on edge," Morgan explained.
We watched as Rossi attempted to drive a wedge between them. Attempted. It didn't quite work. Instead, he demanded to speak to the cop that shot his brother.
Most of the team went inside the truck, but Emily and I stayed outside with Rossi.
Another hostage shot every thirty seconds. That's what the promise was. Emily ran inside to tell the team the news.
"Second chain of bank robberies in a year," Rossi muttered to me. "It feels like the world is falling apart."
"That's not even the half of it," I mumbled, more to myself than him.
I looked at him. I had to very quickly come up with an answer. "We work a dangerous job. Every case we work makes it feel like the world is falling apart."
He nodded.
They were getting ready to make an ambush, but no one moved. I made it over to Morgan, Emily, and J.J next to one of the police cars. And then, Will went walking in front of the rest of them.
J.J tried to run over as he did. Morgan and I went to grab her at the same time.
When two gunshots rang out, it felt like everyone's hearts stopped at once.
Everyone loaded into the truck again in silence. Nothing could've eased the tension. Nothing. It was just the team in silence with the buzzing of the now-dead surveillance camera.
I wanted to call that moment the first domino. Realistically, the robbery itself should've taken on the title, but Will going into that bank was the biggest escalation of the day.
After that, it was like all hell had broken loose.
The team moved. We were ready to go in.
And then, all the hostages walked out. No word or warning. They just walked out.
Clear way in.
Until the bank blew up.
I remembered hearing Rossi in my ear literally a moment before it happened.
I pushed myself off the ground, trying to ignore the ringing in my ears. I looked around the crowd. Emily had already gone inside through the back door.
J.J and I shared a look before both going to run inside.
Emily was in a room in the back, looking in on the condition of a people that had been hiding away in the back. Will was nowhere to be seen. Neither were the robbers.
J.J ran to check for Will. I stayed with Emily and the couple.
The older woman begged for us to let her stay with her husband. We tried to comfort her, promise that they were both going to be okay. I had to bite the inside of my cheek to keep myself focused.
I glanced at Emily before shaking my head and going back to the couple.
A few medics came in to help them.
"Come on," I said as Emily coughed again.
"I can stay-"
"The medics will take care of it."
She finally let me pull her outside. I got her some water and guided her back to the truck.
It was all complete chaos. Everyone was trying to make moves, but no one quite knew where to start.
We were all watching the nearby street cams. The two of them had taken a federal vehicle from the scene. Will was alive and with them. The only thing that we needed to do was figure out where they were going and what their endgame could possibly be.
We got a report of a medic getting shot. It was the only sign that Will was still alive. Cameras caught the entire event.
This was an hour after the explosion. It was the best sign that the next attack was going to be in the city.
Which only helped us so much, but it was better than nothing.
There was another man involved in the incident. He had been playing the role of one of the hostages. It was a pair of extreme adrenaline junkies.
Watching J.J spiral into tunnel vision was... scary. She was nothing short of a badass, making her angry wasn't going to end well. I wanted to say that she wouldn't cross the line, but to protect her family... I had seen that drive a lot of people to do things that they never would've done before.
When she found out that the woman from the robbery knew where she and Will lived, I'm almost certain that J.J only saw red. She hid it well, but I knew the signs. I had grown up seeing them. On Dean, on Sam, even on my dad at times... I knew the moment when all reason went out the window in the name of saving the ones you loved.
Which means I knew that J.J was unstoppable at that point.
She and Rossi took off to her place. The rest of us were on the truck. Still looking, investigating... hoping.
We went back into the explosion site.
"Why didn't they take all the money," Spencer asked.
"They were a man down and needed to get out in a hurry," Morgan replied.
"But she had this planned," I argued. "Not only that, but she was also calm the whole time. Disconnected. The man down didn't worry her and she wasn't here for the money alone."
"Everything they've said and done was for a reason," Morgan said. "But what doesn't make any sense is she switched the negotiation demand. She changed it to Chad. Chris wanted to go to Switzerland."
"They also requested a private plan, but no mention of a pilot," Emily pointed out.
"Even the dates mean something," Spencer added. "In 2004, while she was wreaking havoc abroad, he was dishonorably discharged. Then, in 2008, they likely met in Chad. And this... 2012."
"You think the attack is meant to line up with an election year," I said. "Political statement? Dishonorable discharge could be a trigger for him. Feels used and thrown out by the country he fought to protect. Could be seeking vengeance."
"It's their story," Emily replied.
"Like the woman from earlier? Her husband was her story?"
"All of the details are a part of their story," Emily nodded.
We all followed Emily back out to the truck.
"Their timelines suggest that they were both destructive before they met."
"An ex-soldier turning on their country," Strauss asked.
"It's rare, but soldiers become disenfranchised, no matter the nationality," Emily explained.
"If he met someone like-minded at that time, there'd be no stopping them," I added.
"You're thinking they met during the civil unrest in Chad in '08," Hotch replied.
"And one or both of them are pilots," Spencer added.
"If Garcia focuses on that region, specifically weapons moving in and out of Libya, there's a good chance we'll find when their paths crossed," Emily suggested. Garcia nodded, starting to work on tracking that down.
"Alright," Garcia said. "Multiple entries for a private pilot named Matthew Downs in '08, but I don't have her name."
"She had aliases," Emily replied. "That's the only way to stay a ghost. Here's the thing, they are a couple. Regardless of what we believe, they will celebrate themselves and their connection. Is there anything that happened on this date in Chad?"
"Oh, you are good, Emily Prentiss, but this news is not," I had to fight the attempt of a small grin that wanted to cross my lips when Emily got complimented. "Yes, there were multiple explosions on this date in '08."
"Where were the most casualties," Hotch asked.
"A... train."
"Symtex and C-4," Morgan asked.
"Are trains still arriving at Union Station," I looked over at Strauss.
"Yes, but only the authorities are allowed in."
"They have Will and a government vehicle," I pointed out.
The team loaded into the S.U.Vs and took off toward Union Station. The place was already surrounded and being evacuated when we showed up.
It was still chaotic when we got inside and tried to find Matthew Downs and Will.
Morgan's voice rang in my ear that he saw the suspect going toward the East exit. I looked around for Emily as I started heading that way. I had no idea where she was.
"I found Will," was the next message that came through on the earpiece. I sighed and took off in Morgan's direction.
"Is he mobile," Hotch asked.
"Negative," she replied. "He's got six transmitters on him and this whole place is gonna blow."
I almost froze.
"Where are you, I'm heading that way," Hotch said.
"No, you gotta get everyone out," Emily insisted. "Is the bomb squad here yet?"
"They're three minutes away."
After that, the radio went quiet. I tried to keep myself focused on helping Morgan, but I could already feel the worry eating at my stomach. I felt like I should go back. Get Emily the hell out of there.
No. No. Morgan needed me here. I needed to help him.
I watched Morgan drag Matthew off the fence before Matthew slammed him against it.
I pulled my gun, planning to just threaten the guy until he turned and slammed Morgan against a dumpster next to them. I fired a shot a few moments after that and waited until Matthew had fallen to the ground before I lowered my weapon.
"You alright," I asked Morgan. He nodded, touching his throat. "Come on."
Morgan and I were just rounding the corner when I saw Emily, Will, and Hotch making their way out. I took off running.
She looked over as soon as I yelled. She was about to say something, but I pulled her into a hug before she could. She slowly hugged me back, I felt her hide her face in my shoulder.
My chest hurt.
Even after the anxiety and panic had faded, I was in pain after everything had happened. I was tired. I needed to correct things. Stop wasting time.
I leaned back a bit. Just far enough to look at her.
And it was definitely more impulsive than I would've liked, but I kissed her.
The whole thing lasted a matter of seconds before I seemed to snap back to my senses and leaned away again.
"I... I'm sorry," I shook my head. "That was... I shouldn't-"
"It's okay," she stopped me.
She nodded before leaning in and kissing me again. I kept thinking about how much I had missed this before. I tried to pull her closer to me, even though that wasn't really possible.
She leaned back first this time.
"I really missed that," I mumbled, my eyes still shut as my forehead touched hers.
"So did I," she said before grabbing my hand. "Come on, we gotta go."
I nodded, letting our fingers intertwine.
As we walked away from the station, my phone started ringing. It was Sam on the other line.
"Hey, finally, what happened-"
"Dean's gone."
"What," I asked, stopping where I was. Emily looked back at me.
"He... He killed Dick and now Dean and Cas are just gone. I have no idea where they are, and Crowley won't tell me and he got Kevin-"
I felt like I just went numb for a few moments. When I looked at Emily, I seemed to snap into focus again.
"Alright, alright, Sam," I cut off his rambling. "I... I'm at a crime scene. I'm going to head home and call you back. I need you to get out of wherever the fuck you are and wait for me to call, got it?"
"We'll figure this out, okay?"
"Yeah, yeah, alright."
"Now, go."
I ended the call before walking over to Hotch. I muttered something to him about a family emergency and he told me to just go. Emily followed me.
"What happened," she asked as we made it to one of the S.U.Vs.
"That really dangerous hunt that I mentioned?" I said. "It went wrong."
"Something happened to Dean and Cas."
"I thought Cas was dead."
"Oh, shit, I have a lot to fill you in on," I muttered. I ran my hands over my face.
"Hey," she grabbed one of my hands. "It's gonna be fine. One step at a time."
I nodded before going to start the car.
One step at a time.
I could handle that.
Hey! I did a rewrite of the ending of Supernatural. It took a really long time to complete, so it would mean a lot to me if you check it out. Here’s a link! (it’s on my personal account)
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holylulusworld · 2 years
Locked in with the devil
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Title: Locked in with the devil
Written for @roonyxx​​‘s 2k challenge. A little late but I hope you like it. Congrats again. My prompt was “I’m scared” + Locked in a room.
Summary: One of the most annoying clients keeps you busy at the boutique you are working at. What happens if you get trapped with said man?
Pairing: Mobster!Dean Winchester x fem!Reader
Warnings: angst, language, cocky Dean, a hint of arrogant Dean in the beginning, also protective Dean, there is a hint of fluff, violence, violence against the reader (not Dean), hostage situation, robbery, implied character’s death
A/N: I went for AU Dean for this challenge. He’s still a cocky and charming cookie. 😉
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“How about this tie, Sir?” the man furrows his brows. He sneers before turning his attention back toward the ties he dropped onto the checkout. “Sir?”
Shit, you already decided to hate him, but he flashes you a smile, taking your breath away. He’s undoubtedly the most attractive man you ever met. His piercing green eyes, pink plump lips, and sharp features scream male model.
He’s wearing an expensive suit, looking like it was custom made. Everything about the man giving you a cocky grin screams rich and spoiled douche. Everything but his soft eyes as he watches your shoulder sag.
“Nah, I don’t like it, sweetheart,” you cringe at the too-sweet pet name. Especially as he looks you up and down, humming before turning his attention back toward the ties. “I need the perfect tie to tie my girl to the bedpost.” 
“I don’t know what else to show you. These are the newest models. We got some others in the back. My boss wants to put them on sale next week.”
“Hmm…” he nods thoughtfully. “How about you tell me which one you like? What do you think would suit me best, sweetheart?” again, that pet name. You shrug it off, hoping he’ll decide on a tie soon so you can finally close the store and head home.
“I’m afraid that—” you glance at the ties on the checkout, deciding to just blindly choose a tie to get the man out of the store. “Okay, let’s see.” You look him deep in the eyes, nodding as you remember there was an emerald tie with a simple design. “This one.” You pick the tie up to hold it in front of his face. “It matches your eyes, Sir.”
“Good choice,” he smirks as you exhale a breath you didn’t know you were holding. “Now I only need like ten more.”
“Ten?” you choke out. It’s long past closing time and now, you will need much longer to get home. A grocery run is still waiting for you, and then you need to walk back home. “I’ll find them—oh no! What?”
The man twirls around as two masked men storm into the boutique, one of them aiming a gun at your customer. “Believe me, boy. You don’t want to do this,” your legs are about to give in, and you tremble in fear while your customer chuckles. “Do you have the slightest idea who I am?”
“No, and I don’t fucking care, asshat,” one of the men grunts. “Crash, bring the girl and that douche to the back, lock them in the office while I take care of the cashier.”
“We shouldn’t forget the safe,” the other man replies, wildly gesturing toward the door leading to the office in the back. “We want all the money. If you are a good girl, nothing will happen to you. If not…well you will see.”
Crash steps closer to your customer and presses his shotgun into the man’s chest in a silent threat. “Turn around and follow the girl to the back. If you don’t act out, you’ll survive the night and can buy more fancy clothes.”
“Fancy, huh?” the man drops his eyes to the shotgun, analyzing his situation, debating to risk fighting for the shotgun or not. Then he remembers you are still with him and decides to just wait for a better chance.
He slowly turns around and places one hand on your shoulder. “Don’t worry, sweetheart. I won’t let them harm you.”
“Says you,” you sniff as the robber barks orders at you and your customer. “They have guns. One of them has fucking shotgun. Damn it. I don’t want to die for my boss’s money.”
“Stop talking!” the man yells and you flinch. You walk a little faster, aware that the men could easily kill you and your customer. “Open the office and the safe for me.”
Your fingers tremble as you fish the keys to the office out of your pocket. You know your boss will try to blame you for not closing the boutique on time. “Fuck, please open up,” you struggle to find the right key. “Shit.”
“Why do you need so long, bitch?” your customer grunts at the man’s comment. “Hurry or you’ll not leave this place ever again.”
“Give me the keys,” gently touching your hand your customer nods at you. He’s giving you a curt nod before taking the keys out of your hands to unlock the office. “There you go.”
“Get in and open the safe!” stumbling into the room you try to remember where the safe is. On your first day at work, your boss told you about the safe, but that’s that. You didn't pay much attention to it as she made clear you must stay away from her office and the safe.
“I don't know how! I’m only selling clothes here,” you cry as the man points the shotgun at you now. “She never told me how to open it.”
“Stop lying, bitch,” the man backhands you, making you cry out in pain. Blood seeps out of the cut at your cheek and drops onto your blouse. “Open the fucking safe.”
“She came and got the money an hour ago. My boss wanted to bring it to the bank. There is nothing inside but papers, I think,” you stumble backward as the man wields the shotgun in front of your face. “I wouldn’t lie to you.”
“I suggest you take the cash from the register and run for your life,” your lips quiver as your customer takes two steps toward you and brings you behind his back with one swift motion. “Or maybe call her boss, and tell her you keep one of her employees hostage.”
“I’ll call that boss and get my money,” the man storms out of the room, slams the door shut, and locks you and your customer inside the room.
“No—no,” you are full-bloom panicking now. “They will kill us now! Bela will never pay them shit for me. She doesn’t even like me.”
“Sweetheart,” he turns around to check on your face. “I promised to keep you safe and I will keep that promise. I want you to listen to me now.”
“I don’t even know your name,” it’s the stupidest thing to ask the man now but you want to know the man who will die next to you tonight. “Mine is Y/N.”
“I know,” he points at your nametag, chuckling again. “I’m Dean Winchester, Y/N. Now I will check on your face and then, I’ll find a way to get us out of here, okay.”
“Okay,” Dean gets a handkerchief out of his  pocket to press the fabric to your bleeding wound. “I should’ve killed him right there.”
“He’s got a shotgun, Dean,” you start to cry again. “Fuck, I don’t want to end dead. I wanted to do so many things.”
“You’ll do all those things,” he softly speaks, hand running over your hair. “Y/N, I want you to hide under the desk and not to come out until I tell you so. Can you do this for me, sweetheart?”
“I’m scared, Dean,” outside the room you can hear the men yell at each other. “Please, I don’t want to die without doing all the things on my bucket list.”
“What’s first on your bucket list, Y/N,” Dean asks. “Just tell me. Maybe we can make sure you cross it off your list after tonight.”
“It’s…uh…you know,” your drop your gaze, giggling as this is the wrong time to think about number one on your bucket list. “Kiss a stranger.”
“We will see what we can do about that one later. Now, quick hide behind the desk,” you do as Dean told. He nods, smiling softly while getting his phone out of his jacket pocket. Why didn’t you think about calling for help?
“Damn, I’m such a damsel in distress,” grumbling you crawl under the desk to hide from the men robbing the boutique. “Fuck, my phone is in my jacket…”
“Sammy, I’m sorry to ruin your plans for tonight, but I kinda got into the worst robbery ever. I’m still at the boutique and two amateurs try to rob it. One with a shotgun, not the smartest. Seem to be young guys. The other has a revolver. The one with the shotgun knows how to handle it, the other not so much. Here’s a girl too, so don’t kill us on the way…”
“What? Who did you call, Dean? Why didn’t you call the cops?” wrap your arms around your legs, trembling in fear. “Are you crazy? This was our chance to get out of here alive.”
“Sure. We would’ve ended up dead as the cops usually mess hostage situations up. My men will take them down. Just sit tight, sweetheart.”
“Did I tell you already that you are an ass?” poking your head out from under the desk you glare up at Dean. “I swear if I survive the night, I’ll give you a piece of my mind.”
“I told you to duck your head and hide under the desk. Christ, you are a handful, sweetheart. After my men took these amateurs down, we will have a long conversation about your attitude.”
“My attitude?” you grumble. “What—?” a scream tears from your throat as gunshots echo through the boutique. Dean immediately crouches down next to you to bring you into his arms. You willingly hide your face in his chest and hold tight onto him for dear life. “I’m scared…”
“Shhh…I’ve got you, Y/N. You’re an annoying little trouble maker, but I will keep my promise,” scared you ignore Dean’s comment. You rather fist his jacket and start praying. “My brother got this…”
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“Dean, you can come out. We’ve got them,” you cling to Dean as he tries to get up. “DEAN!”
“In here. I’m fine, Sammy. The girl is clinging to me and won’t let me get up,” Dean chuckles as you look up at him, still trembling in fear. “You’re safe now, Y/N. Let’s get out of here.”
“O-kay,” Dean helps get up. Your legs are wobbling, and he must help you walk toward the door too. “Thank you.”
“Sam, open the door. We are coming out now,” one arm slung around your shoulders, Dean guides you out of the room after Sam unlocked the door. “What’s with the amateurs?”
“Alive, but injured,” Sam shrugs as you look at the men threatening to kill you. “I thought you want to take care of them. What’s with the girl?” looking at you Sam’s features soften. “We should get her out of here first.”
“Benny, help her grab her things and bring Y/N out of here. I want to have a short conversation with those assholes,” you’re still too out of it to talk back. You follow Benny out of the boutique, hating that you feel helpless and weak.
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“Buddy, you made three mistakes tonight,” Dean towers over the man attacking you. “Your first mistake was to enter the boutique. Your second mistake was to not recognize me and,” he beats the man with his gun, smirking as the man winces in pain, “the last one was to hit the girl. That was unnecessary.”
“She paid us to fake a robbery,” the other man cries as Sam points his gun at his head. “Bela said her employee is collateral damage.”
“The owner wanted you to rob her store?” cocking his head Dean looks at the man. “Why? This doesn’t make sense.”
“Her insurance, Sir…Mr. Winchester,” the man stammers, eyes glued to the gun in Sam’s hands. “Please, I didn’t touch the girl. My gun wasn’t even loaded.”
“Stop talking,” the man in front of Dean grunts. “Do you want to go to jail for Bela? Shut your damn mouth.”
“You should be more afraid of what I’ll do to you,” smirking Dean unlocks his gun. “Say your prayers, you son of a bitch…”
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“Where are we going? This is not the way to the police station!” you look out of the window, frowning as the car slows down in front of a large gate. “What is this place?”
“My home, sweetheart,” Dean shrugs. “I told you we will bring you somewhere safe. It seems that your boss wanted you to die tonight. Until I know you are safe, you’ll stay with me.”
“WHAT?” blinking a few times you look at Dean. “Why do you want to keep me around? You don’t even know me!”
“Well, you helped me find the perfect tie. I owe you a favor and,” he leans closer to you to glance at your lips, “you still want to cross that kiss off your bucket list...”
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waynes-multiverse · 2 years
To Be Human – Part 17
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Pairing: Firefighter!Dean Winchester x Reporter!Reader
Series Summary: Dean and Y/N have been best friends and inseparable since they were kindergartners, leading somewhat boringly normal lives in Lawrence City, Kansas. Now all grown up, Dean is working as a firefighter and Y/N as a reporter until one fateful night changes not only their lives but also their friendship forever.
Warnings: +18, strong language, John’s making a drunk appearance, mentions of drugs, some hurt, minor injury, major angst, an annoying cliffhanger
Word Count: 3.9k
A/N: I promise this is their last fight. Also, I have no idea what happened at the end there. Don’t ask about it... 🤷‍♀️ Big thank you to everyone who keeps engaging with this story. Your insights/screams/excitement gives me so much joy. Truly the best pay-off a girl could ask for. Love y’all 🖤 Song in this chapter is Muzzle by Smashing Pumpkins. (Lyrics in italics)
Feedback is highly appreciated! ❤️‍🔥
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Five weeks later, in the Dean Cave…
I fear that I am ordinary just like everyone To lie here and die among the sorrows Adrift among the days For everything I ever said And everything I’ve ever done is gone and dead As all things must surely have to end And great loves will one day have to part I know that I am meant for this world
Y/N’s sitting by the kitchen island, tongue poking out between her pink lips in concentration. Her laptop is open, stacks of paper surrounding her, and her fingers are furiously typing a paragraph. Smashing Pumpkins booms through the speakers and fills the otherwise quiet loft, her head bobbing to the rhythm and lips softly mouthing the lyrics. She’s in a 90s mood, mostly because the songs don’t remind her as much of her best friend and his love for classic rock.
She’s been busy the last few weeks, to say the least.
Chuck has actually agreed to her story, and she’s been following lead after lead since. Of course, the sleazebag was intrigued – her column’s been a huge success so far. People really love reading about the drama, not that she’s sharing her entire experience with her audience. That would be fucking insane. She’s not willing to lay out the most intimate details of her life for the public’s consumption; the tidbits are enough.
Because, well, the rest of her life is rather complicated these days.
She’s been casually seeing Nate and is taking things slow. Y/N doesn’t want to rush head over heels into a new person when she’s not over the last one yet, you know? She’s even told Nate about her conflicting feelings because she figures he deserves to know at least parts of the truth (not the superpower part, obviously), so he can make his own well-informed decision. So far, he still sticks around, and they’re having fun.
Honestly, though, she quite enjoys the freedom these days and doing things on her own, even without her best friend. It feels good to stand on her own two feet for once. She’s learned that her happiness doesn’t rely on anyone, not even on Dean.
Speaking of the devil, Y/N’s also balancing her tumultuous friendship with the green-eyed firefighter, who has significantly calmed down since their awkward exchange at her door a few weeks ago. She knows she was a little harsh and it hurt him, but she had to stand up to his bullshit at least once. Dean’s her best friend, no matter what, but she refuses to be his goddamn doormat. She figures maybe some independence does them both some good. And although Dean’s more withdrawn than usual, she supposes time heals all wounds, right?
They’re doing movie nights frequently again, which she thinks is a good step forward in the right direction. While he still cuddles with her on the couch, his mind mostly hums Led Zeppelin songs these days, and it almost feels like he’s her best friend again.
While Y/N knows about his abilities, she can’t bring herself to raise the subject. Not even Sam seems to be in the know as she’s talked to the younger Winchester several times, trying to dig up more information about Dean’s past year. All she gathers from Sam, though, is that the green-eyed firefighter missed her… a lot. She honestly doesn’t know what to do anymore; her hands are practically tied behind her back by her best friend’s enduring silence. Dean refuses to talk to her and sticks to meaningless small talk, no matter how many times she offers him a chance to spill.
And aside from her turbulent private life and her thrilling work project, Y/N’s also taken on the superhero mantel.
Yes, you heard it here first, folks.
She’s finally joined the dark forces and listened to the sweet and relentless voice of Kevin motherfucking Tran. It’s not an actual cape per se, thank God. She’s happy to report she’s doing it all in jeans, no tights yet. Although she’s sure, she’d look like a fabulous badass in them – and probably like a lunatic.
For now, it’s just plain, old her in casual attire who’s helping people. And she’s perfectly fine with that arrangement.
It all started when a tornado warning haunted the city a month ago, and she accidentally stumbled into the superheroing. She prevented several street lamps and trees from crushing innocent citizens. She wasn’t just going to stand there and fucking watch, you know? Since then, she’s tasted the blood of adrenaline-inducing adventure and can’t get enough of it. Admittedly, helping people feels fucking fantastic.
Jo’s even been taking her on nightly ride-alongs sometimes, and every time her phone chimes with David Bowie’s Heroes, she knows the geek squad has found another job for her.
>>Dr. Badass:  👀 Hostage situation >>Whiz Kid: 📍 Bank at 32nd and 4th street >>Queen of Brains: 💥 3 robbers with guns and 12 hostages >>Mr. Fizzles: Be careful! 🤗 <<Imperia: On it!
This night, though, her human powers of persuasion are needed at the family restaurant instead when her phone buzzes on the countertop and interrupts her research. It’s the same call from her mom she gets every couple of months and it usually only means one thing: John’s drunk at the bar again.
My life has been extraordinary Blessed and cursed and won Time heals, but I'm forever broken
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Later at Harvelle’s Bar & Grill…
“Hey, John. How are you?” Y/N smiles softly and rests her palms on the mahogany countertop on the other side of the bar.
The old Winchester gazes up at her, the goofy smile underneath the long, gray beard intensifying when he recognizes her face. “Y/N, so good to see you, sweetheart,” his face lights up like the Eiffel Tower by night. “I’m happy you’re okay. My boys wouldn’t be the same without you, y’know?”
“I know. I’m glad to be back, too.” Her head then jerks up to the door, seeing Dean storm into the restaurant. It’s always the same routine: her mom calls her and she calls Dean, and somehow, they manage to get the old man back home safely. “Ready to go home?”
“Hmm, one more, maybe,” John bargains with a cheeky wink, and she shakes her head at him, laughing. She definitely knows where that infamous Winchester charm comes from. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree in this case.
“I think you’ve had enough, old man. Let’s go,” Dean barks sternly and drags his father off the barstool, swinging John’s arm around his shoulders to support him.
“C’mon, son, lighten up a little,” John quips with a grin, patting his chest gently. “I’m just having a little fun with your girlfriend. I haven’t seen her in so long. When are you finally gonna ask her to marry you, huh? Only took me three months to propose to your ma. You still have her ring, don’t you? What are you waiting for?”
“Dad, I’m already engaged, okay?” Dean mumbles quickly and meets her gaze for a brief second. There’s something shimmering in his pupils, something Y/N can’t pinpoint. She’s seen this particular look of his several times over the last few weeks, but his mind just always breaks into song like a damn musical character every time she gets close.
“What?! That’s wonderful, son,” John beams happily. “Congratulations, guys! When’s the wedding? Oh, please let me come! I promise I’ll stay clear of the bar.”
John somehow manages to free himself from Dean’s grip and marches straight to her, hugging her so tightly she almost loses her balance. The sudden outburst of euphoria takes Y/N by surprise a little, and she can even see tears of joy shimmering in the old man’s eyes. It’s very fucking awkward and yet sweet at the same time. She presses her lips together, shooting Dean a helpless look.
“Dad, c’mon, let her go. It’s not her. It’s someone else, alright? We’ve talked about this.”
John drops her back onto the ground as his face falls, staring at his son with an incredulous look, “What? Why? What the fuck is wrong with you? You know that’s not what your mom would’ve wanted.”
Oh God… Quick, Y/N. Divert!
She knows mentions of Mary are Dean’s Achilles’ heel, especially if it comes out of his father’s mouth. It’s always been the fastest way to get them to fight and has been a point of contention between them for quite some time.
“C’mon, John, let’s get you back into that comfy armchair at home, huh?” Y/N gently nudges and guides him to the door, but the firefighter’s hot on their heels, fuming from every pore.
“What the fuck is that supposed to mean, huh?” Dean roars as the three step outside into the cool night air, completely ignoring her mediation attempts.  
“I’m just sayin’ your mother wouldn’t have wanted this for you. She loved Y/N,” John argues softly. There’s no malice in his words. It’s just drunken honesty that’s pouring from his lips, and maybe that’s why Dean becomes even more furious.
“Don’t you dare talk about her! You ruined her memory! You blamed Sam for her death just because you couldn’t get her outta the house in time!”
“And where were you that night, huh?”
Dean’s quick like a tiger when he grabs his father’s jacket and shoves him harshly into the next wall. “I was in college, you son of a bitch! I had a future and you ruined it!”
“Oh, c’mon, now. You made a choice,” John slurs drunkenly and rolls his eyes. “You left LCU of your own free will. No one’s forced you. I certainly didn’t.”
“Oh yeah? Is that what you think? That I had a fucking choice?” Dean’s grip on the jacket lapels only tightens as his anger rises. “There was no choice, alright? What was I supposed to do? Leave Sam alone with your drunk ass?!”
“I would’ve taken care of Sammy just fine,” John mutters, but Y/N remembers exactly how it went down back then. John didn’t do shit and blamed Sam all the time for Mary’s death until Dean took over and got him out of their childhood home, where John still resides to this day, all by his lonesome.
“Oh, I’m sure you would have, wouldn’t you?” Dean mockingly scoffs. “You disappeared into a bottle ten years ago and never gave a fuck about Sam or me. Gimme a break. Don’t talk to me about fucking choices.”
“What are you talking about? I love you and Sammy. You’re my boys,” the old man smiles and it’s goddamn painful to watch.
“Yeah, you have a funny way of showing it.”
“You’re always so angry these days. No wonder Y/N doesn’t wanna marry you,” John huffs and then turns swiftly to her as her eyes widen, “You should find someone better, sweetheart. ‘M sorry my son is such a moron.”
Oh boy…
It’s the last straw for Dean and she’s not even a little stumped when her best friend delivers his first punch to John’s face. She’s quick enough to catch his wrist, though, and stops him before he can start a second round.
“Dean, just let it go. He’s just had too much to drink, okay?” She carefully slides between the pair, placing a hand on Dean’s chest until he lets go of the older man and takes a reluctant step back, his jaw still clenched tightly as the fury simmers within him.
“Is that all you got, son?” John challenges him further. She can see Dean’s anger is already back at full throttle as he stares daggers at his father.
“John, go home.” It’s not a plea that escapes her lips – it’s a command. An order the old man has no choice but to follow.
With confusion etched into his brow, John’s feet involuntarily march away. She watches as he disappears down the busy street, glancing back over his shoulder several times. Y/N doesn’t like using her abilities to manipulate minds, but sometimes it’s a necessary evil.
She hears Dean cursing behind her and spins around, worriedly tilting her head at him. His back is turned to her as he braces himself on the brick wall, every muscle strained and shoulders tense as they heave with labored breaths, his head hanging low like a wounded animal.
“Dean?” She approaches him carefully, concern flooding her mind as she reaches her hand out to touch him.
“Y/N, don’t!” He slaps her hand away and accidentally brushes her skin.
There’s a distinct sting she feels. It doesn’t hurt too much, not more than coming into accidental contact with a frying pan for a second. Her skin is burning on her forearm, a small, scarlet mark visible, left behind by the firefighter’s touch. Her wide eyes dart up at him, and then she finally sees it.
His hand is a glowing orange, ablaze like the flames he fights daily and brighter than the sun itself. She’s almost mesmerized by the sight before noticing the sheer shock and panic spreading across her best friend’s freckled face like a wildfire.
“Oh my God… I’m-, I-, I’m so sorry, Y/N. I didn’t mean to-… I-,” he stammers, mossy green eyes trembling and zoning in on the wound on her arm. I’m a monster.
“Dean, no,” Y/N shakes her head and forces a warm smile onto her face, “It’s okay. It doesn’t even hurt. It’s just a scratch. It’s alright.”
“Just… stay away.” His usually strong and deep voice is quivering. He backs away from her as she tries to come closer, tears of horror brimming in his juniper orbs. “Don’t come near me. Just stay back, okay?”
“Dean, stop. It’s okay,” she assures him gently like she’s approaching a scared deer in the woods. He’s definitely her Bambi. “It doesn’t even hurt. See? It’s not a big deal. It’s alright.”
Honestly, it hurt a lot more when she fell off her bike at eight.  
“No, it’s not alright! Stop saying that!” He steps back even further until his back hits the wall. He has nowhere left to go, cornered by her body and a row of dumpsters. “I-, I-, I gotta go. Don’t follow me.”
“Dean, stop… please,” she begs, but he tries to wriggle himself out and looks for the next opportunity to flee. “I said, stop!”
At that, all his movements cease until he’s not even able to wiggle his little pinky if he wants to. In her defense – he’s left her no choice, okay?
“Why can’t I move?” Confused, he stares at her, his eyes not grasping what’s happening to him as he loses control over his own body. Luckily, his hand cools off too. She was slightly worried his little beacon might attract unwanted spectators.
“Because I’m not letting you,” Y/N states dryly. She then sucks in a deep fucking breath before exhaling ever so slowly. It’s time. God, she hasn’t felt like this since telling him she’s not a virgin anymore. While he didn’t take that one very well either, she hopes this truth will go over a lot smoother.  
“I have powers, too.”
His broad shoulders slump and his face drops when her words reach his eardrums, shock and confusion taking over as reality seems to settle in. “What? What do you mean? What kinda powers?”
“Slap yourself.”
“Ow! What the-, how-…” Perplexed, he blinks at his hand, not fathoming how that same palm could’ve struck his own goddamn cheek. Admittedly, it was satisfying to watch, though. She’s wanted to slap him for a long time now. “How did you do that?”
“So, uhm, I’m not exactly sure what label applies here, but I can hear voices and control minds,” she shares bravely.
His eyebrow arches, nose scrunching a bit, “Voices? Like what?”
“I don’t know… I mean, mostly they keep repeating the word ‘redrum,’ but I have no idea what that means.”
Maybe she shouldn’t joke right at this second, but she can’t help herself, okay? She’s a nervous wreck. She’s wanted to have this exact conversation with him for so long, has gone over the precise steps a million times, has selected each word carefully, but now it’s all vanished from her brain. Quite ironic, actually.
“Hilarious,” Dean scoffs and pinches the bridge of his nose.
“I’ve known about you for a while now, too.” She finds his gaze and bites down on her lip before her next confession rushes out of her mouth, “I talked to Helena Watson a couple of weeks ago.”
His pupils are wider than an ocean parting continents as he stares at her, and she’s sure she can hear his heart hammering against his chest, feels his anxiety cut off his air supply.
“Then you know I’m a monster. I shouldn’t even be allowed near people anymore. You should call your boyfriend and have me locked up,” he chokes out, his green eyes watery and distraught as he looks anywhere but her.
“De, you’re not a monster. You’re always gonna be my best friend, no matter what. It’s always you and me against the world,” she smiles softly. It’s tearing her apart to see him so broken, so hopeless, and scared.
“I just… I know you’re back, but it just doesn’t feel the same anymore.”
Her heart stings at his words, but she has to admit he’s right. Everything is different now, including them. “No, it doesn’t.”
“I-I want it back. I want you and me back. I want our old life back, Y/N. I didn’t ask for any of this. I want it all to come back.” She sees the desperation consuming him as he runs a hand through his dirty blond locks. He’s at the end of his rope, his ship’s run aground, his lifeline ripping.
“I don’t think it can anymore,” she tells him honestly because she’s fucking done with the lies. “Just talk to me, De. I can help you,” she reassures him and tries to reach for his hand. She wants to hold him, hug him, comfort him, but he brushes her off.
“I don’t want your help, okay? This is all your fault, to begin with!” His chest is heaving in harsh breaths, and her brow furrows, not understanding where all this anger towards her suddenly comes from.
“You’re blaming me?!” She knows he’s only lashing out at her because he’s hurt. Bambi’s gone feral. But still, his jarring words cut through her arteries like the sharpest razor.
“Yah, kinda,” he scoffs sarcastically, rolling his eyes in annoyance. Apparently, the asshole side of him has decided to make a comeback.
“How is it my fault?!”
“Are you kidding?! If you hadn’t fucking strolled into those labs, I wouldn’t have had to rescue your stupid, reckless ass and none of this would’ve happened! Now, look what happened! We’re both fucked beyond repair. And for what?! All for a fucking story?!”
He pauses for a moment, catches his breath after his lungs are burning from all the screaming. And then, he just stares at her, his demeanor changing to despair, and she can feel his sadness wrap around her, holding her head under water and flooding her lungs.
“This wasn’t supposed to happen. The night of Sam’s birthday last year… it was all supposed to change,” he mumbles under his breath, shaking his head as he becomes more and more enmeshed in a spiderweb of regrets. “’Twas supposed to me…”
“De, wha-… what are you talking about?” Her brows quirk together questioningly, trying to make sense of his racing mind as she combs through endless strings of incomprehensible snippets.  
The look of heartbreak on his face is unmistakable, though. “Can’t you see? We could’ve had it all, Y/N… We were so close. So close…” The last few words are only a whisper of anguish.
“I-, I’m sorry.” That’s all she can really say as a tear rolls down her cheek. She truly is fucking sorry. She knows she’s the reason he’s in this mess in the first place. She’s fucked it all up.
“Yeah, that’s not good enough anymore… You’ve ruined my life. You’ve ruined it all. I wish I’d never met you. Just stay the fuck away from me,” he spits, bitterness lacing his voice like venom. And then he shoulders past her without another glance.
When he storms away this time, she lets him go, knowing he needs his space – even if it destroys her own heart in the process.
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One stormy evening later at Devil’s Bridge…
Y/N’s out scouting again on the bad side of town, searching for her mysterious electric girl. A woman at the local homeless shelter finally trusted her enough and sent her here, informing her that Claire – that’s the girl’s name – is usually roaming around near Devil’s Bridge. It’s her fifth day out here, but there’s still no sign of the rebellious blonde. It almost feels like the earth swallowed that girl whole.
Y/N tries to concentrate on her work, but Dean’s been constantly on the forefront of her mind since last night.
She’s fucking hurt, but she knows he doesn’t actually hate her. The saddest part about this whole dilemma is that he was saying all those awful things to himself. She could see it, and not just in his mind. Honestly, that’s what she gets for befriending a Grizzly – sometimes they bite your fucking arm off when you try to cuddle them like a Teddy.
Bambi needs a muzzle.
Ironically, it’s raining for once, too. Bad weather is a rarity in Lawrence City, but in recent weeks, that somehow has changed as well. There’s been a spike in tornado warnings and storms and Ash has even theorized someone with abilities might be causing the strange weather lately.
The rain has already soaked through her clothes and she’s shivering profusely, ready to return home, when she hears the familiar rumbling of a car in the distance. Her eyes narrow when she spies the Impala pull into the junkyard’s parking lot, perfectly illuminated by a lightning bolt in the distance, making it impossible for her to even convince herself she’s hallucinating.
She then witnesses none other than her best friend exiting the car; she’d recognize those goddamn bowlegs anywhere. Oh, she’s sure it’s him. Obviously, she’s surprised to find him here and even more baffled when he determinedly strides to a fucking dealer looming under the bridge.
As a reporter and just generally a nosy person, she can’t help but sneak closer to the pair, trying to eavesdrop as she hides behind a row of old cars by the junkyard.
“Are you Dean Winchester?” the shady guy asks her childhood bestie. But who the fuck knows anymore? This Dean might be a goddamn clone. Her life seems to be drawn to crazy shit these days.
“Yeah, where’s Gadreel?”
“Boss wanted him on another gig today. Same as always, I assume?”
“Just hand it over,” Dean huffs rather impatiently. Her jaw then goes slack, hits the goddamn dirty ground underneath her soles when she sees the exchange of drugs between them and blinks several times as her best friend fucking pops a pill.
What the actual fucking fuck…
Shocked to her core and mind-blown beyond belief, Y/N takes a step backward. She can’t trust her goddamn eyes. This can’t be Dean Winchester, firefighter extraordinaire. This can’t be the same best friend she’s known since her childhood. He’s a good man. A dumbass, sure, but good nonetheless. Admittedly, he has changed, but not this much, right? He’s a hero – he’s her hero, goddammit. Her best friend is not a junkie. He would never–
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Part 18
WEIRD! Honestly, no idea what happened there *scratches head*... Anyways, I’m sure you have lots of thoughts to get rid of after this. You can find your venting platform HERE! Feedback is highly appreciated! ❤️‍🔥
Real Heroes (Dean/Jensen Tag): @deanwanddamons​ @flamencodiva​ @panicking-outside-the-disco​ @deandreamernp​ @avanatural​ @eevvvaa​ @writercole​ @gshade22​ @poptart06294​ @supraveng​ @sexyvixen7​ @that-one-gay-girl​ @lyarr24​ @msmarvelouswinchester​ @akshi8278​ @spnbaby-67​ @xlynnbbyx​ @mimaria420​ @thoughts-and-funnies​ @dark-night-sky-99​ @wittyboldsoul​ @awkward-and-indecisive​ @dean-winchester-is-a-warrior​ @imherefordeanandbones​ @mrsjenniferwinchester​ @snowlovespie​ @leigh70​ @maggiegirl17​
Superhumans (Series Tag): @krazykelly​ @siospins2​ @muhahaha303​ @goldenangelwingsandcandy​ @elite4cekalyma​ @cevans98​ @hobby27​ @ijustlearnedtolovebeepbopboop​ @allonsy-yesiwill​ @megann-duff​ @bagpussjocken​ @eliwinchester99​ @smellingofpoetry​ @stoneyggirl2​ @impossiblebagelcowboyfreak​ @mlovesstories​ @pendragon405 @eggbertsworld​ @b3autyfuldisast3r​ @barewithme02​ @nancymcl​ @bluecornflowers​ @kyjey​ @jay-mach @ladysparkles78​ @loki-lover84​ @love-jackles​ @-episkey-​ @alpharedjensen​ @pallographsunspot​​ @wolfarrowepz​ @briagallen​
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imagineteamfreewill · 2 years
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Title: Hostage
Pairing: Bank Teller!Dean x Robber!Reader
Word Count: 2,400
Warnings: Bank robbery, guns, threatening
Square Filled: Bank Teller Dean
Summary: Dean’s day was going fine until she walked in.
A/N: This is a submission for the 2021-2022 SPN AU Bingo (@spnaubingo)! As always, thank you for reading and supporting me. I hope you enjoy! Dividers are by @firefly-graphics
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Dean’s job was a relatively safe one. He got a steady paycheck, had solid insurance, and his coworkers weren’t too bad, either. He’d been on track to get a degree in automotive mechanics when Sam got sick, so he’d dropped out of school and moved back to Kansas to help take care of his little brother. With their parents gone, he and Bobby were the only family that Sam had, and Bobby wasn’t able to work full-time and take care of Sam. Dean had found a job at a bank in town to help pay for medical bills. It allowed Bobby to stay at home and take care of Sam most days, and when Bobby wasn’t there, Dean was. The branch manager had known John and Mary when they were children. She wanted to watch out for the Winchester boys in any way she could, which meant that she looked the other way more than once when Dean had called in “sick” because he was driving Sam to treatment or to another appointment. Dean was lucky to have found the job that he did.
After Sam got better, Dean never went back to school. He stayed at the bank, partially out of concern that Sam might get sick again, partially because he felt a sense of duty towards the manager who’d been kinder than they’d deserved, and partially because it was a solid job. He didn’t have to worry about building a business from the ground up or finding customers like he would have if he’d tried to start his own mechanics shop, which had been his plan throughout his teenage years and his early twenties. He met a girl, too, and that alone would’ve been a good enough reason for him to stay at the bank.
So, five days a week, Dean put on his uniform and drove the Impala to the bank on Oak Street, where he sometimes opened the branch and sometimes closed. He worked eight hours a day, then went home to the apartment he and Y/N shared on 9th Avenue. Sam lived down the block. Sometimes they had dinner together, but most nights it was just him and Y/N at the table. His life usually stuck to this routine, which he appreciated. After all, everyone kept telling him that the older he got, the more he’d like the predictability of it all.
“Have a nice day, Mr. Booth,” Dean said, smiling politely at the old man on the other side of the plexiglass. The withered man had been a customer since before Dean had started. He came in once a week to take out the same amount of cash, and he insisted on tipping Dean every time. Legally, Dean couldn’t take tips, but around the holidays the branch manager would allow him to take the cash Mr. Booth offered to buy donuts and coffee for the rest of the tellers. Mr. Booth was a kind man and Dean looked forward to the weekly visits with him. He remembered Sam and Bobby, and he always asked after Y/N.
“You too, Dean,” Mr. Booth said. “You be good to that girl of yours, now.” He tucked the cash into his wallet and then slipped it into the pocket of his jeans, then hobbled back towards the door.
A steady stream of people had been coming in and out of the bank all day, but the line had finally dwindled down to just one customer. Dean finished tucking away the leftover papers from Mr. Booth’s transaction so he was ready for the next customer, but another teller called the woman over to his window before Dean could speak up.
Sighing, Dean grabbed his coffee and took a sip. It was lukewarm, which wasn’t surprising given the fact that it had sat mostly untouched all morning, but he drank it anyway. He’d opened the bank this morning and there was still another hour before his lunch, then another three before he could go home to Y/N. He’d promised to make tacos for dinner, though he was seriously debating on just ordering takeout if it meant having an extra half hour off his feet.
Movement in the lobby caught his eye and Dean called out on instinct, “I can help the next customer if you’re ready!”
He looked up, a polite smile fixed on his face as he put his cup back out of the way. The person on the other side of the glass had a mask over their mouth and nose, which wasn’t uncommon, but the dark beanie over the top of their head and the strange look in their eyes made Dean uneasy.
“What can I help you with today?” he asked. He kept one hand on the computer mouse, but he slipped the other underneath the counter where his panic button was. It would call Jody and Donna down at the station if needed, as well as alert the other tellers to the situation.
“I need to withdraw some cash,” the customer said, their voice muffled by the mask over their face.
Dean nodded. “Do you have a withdrawal slip? I can help you fill one out if you need it.”
Reaching with his right hand for the blank slips in the holder on the counter, Dean glanced away from the customer’s face just for a moment. Something dark blocked his view of the person on the other side of the window and he froze. When he looked back, a sleek black handgun was pointed at him, the barrel pressed firmly against the plexiglass. The barrier wasn’t bulletproof and his chest constricted as he stared down the gun.
“I need all the cash in your drawer,” the customer ordered. “You can put it in here.”
They held a bag over the wooden divider beside the window and Dean reached for it. He let his fingers trip over the panic button underneath the counter on the way. Silently, he began to load the cash from his teller drawer into the canvas duffel while the person on the other side watched.
The bank lobby had grown silent other than the shuffling of the cash and panicked whispers from the other employees. All the other customers had cleared out, though Dean wasn’t sure if it was because they’d seen what was happening or if they’d just conveniently finished their transactions in the knick of time.
“Everything goes in there. Don’t try to leave any of it behind.”
Dean glanced up at the person and nodded silently, then carefully transferred the last bundle of bills into the bag. He zipped it up and tried not to glance towards the doors to the outside as he handed it back over the divider.
“Come around to this side,” they ordered.
Slowly, Dean stepped out of his booth and started walking towards the locked gate on the far side of the line of the teller windows. The other tellers stood in their places, frozen with fear as Dean passed behind them. None of them so much as uttered a word. The bank had never been robbed, not since long before the branch manager had gotten her position, and though they all received training for situations like these, real life was always different than a simulation.
The robber followed Dean down the line, keeping the gun pointed at him as he walked. They didn’t seem hurried or stressed about what they were doing, which meant they were either experienced or stupid. Judging by the familiar way they held the gun, Dean went with experienced.
“Don’t do anything stupid. Come stand in front of me.”
He obeyed and swallowed hard when the robber pressed the barrel of the gun to his temple. The metal was cool and he closed his eyes for a second while he attempted to steady his breathing. His heart pounded in his chest, making his head swim, and his skin itched with anxiety.
“You and I are going to go out to my car now. Understand? None of your co-workers are going to follow us, and when the cops arrive, they’re going to say that you went home sick. Do you all understand?”
They raised their voice so that everyone could hear their demands and Dean felt the robber shift slightly behind him as they looked around. All around the lobby, the tellers, bankers, and his manager agreed with quiet, unsure voices.
The next words were nothing more than a whisper in Dean’s ear. “Tell them you’re going to be okay. I don’t need people freaking out and ruining this for me.”
His mouth felt like it was filled with sand but Dean licked his lips and spoke up anyway, his voice cracking embarrassingly as he said, “I’ll be fine, guys. I’ll see you tomorrow morning.”
He wasn’t sure if he would or not, but some concrete reassurance seemed better than none at all.
Seemingly satisfied, the robber shoved Dean forward. He walked out of the bank with them close behind. At no point did the gun leave his head, and it stayed pointed at him even as he climbed into the passenger seat of a sleek black car. They continued to aim it at his forehead while closing the door and going around the front of the vehicle to get to their own side.
“Buckle up,” they ordered, and Dean obeyed without a word. He kept his hands in his lap as the person threw the bag of cash into the backseat and shoved the key into the ignition. The car roared to life beneath them and soon they were pulling out onto Main Street. Sirens sounded behind them, but they turned down Oak Street like they hadn’t even seen the robber’s getaway car with Dean in the passenger seat. His stomach rolled as the robber slammed their foot against the gas pedal. They were merging onto the highway out of town.
“What are you going to do to me?” he asked when his stomach had settled again and they were gliding smoothly through the traffic towards Kansas City.
In the driver’s seat, Y/N pulled off her mask and hat, chucking them in the backseat with the bag of cash. She heaved a sigh as Dean took the gun from her outstretched hand and tucked it into the glove box. His adrenaline was still a little high as he handled it, but at no point had she clicked off the safety, so he knew that his body would regulate itself soon.
“Probably take you home and ravish you,” she replied. She shot him a smile and he chuckled.
“You watch too much TV.”
She laughed this time and adjusted her grip on the wheel, looking forward again. “Sam and Jess left for the airport as I was parking the car, and we’re crashing at their new place for the week. You wanna text him and make sure he’s got everything they need?”
Nodding, Dean grabbed Y/N’s phone from her purse on the floor of the passenger seat and texted Sam. When that’s done, he rested his head against the headrest and sighed. “You know, we’re gonna have to be careful how, when, and where we deposit the money.”
“You think I haven’t thought that through already?” she scoffed.
“I know you have,” he answered.
The car ride was silent as Dean dozed in the passenger seat, until finally she reached over and shook him awake with a hand on his thigh. He rubbed his eyes and squinted out the windshield at the heavier traffic.
“We almost there?”
Y/N nodded and glanced over at him before merging into the exit lane. “Just about. Sam called; they’re at the airport. They’ll text us when they land in Florence. They’re supposed to land around 10:00am tomorrow.”
Dean stretched as much as he could in the tiny front seat, groaning as he adjusted his posture to sit back up against the seat. He’d slid down while he slept, and he had no doubt he was snoring, too.
“That’s good,” he said. “You need me to do anything?”
“Turn the duffel bag inside out so the canvas is on the inside. It needs to blend with the rest of our luggage.” She glanced over at him again. “And change into the shirt I put in my purse for you. We don’t want anyone seeing your bank uniform.”
He followed her instructions as she drove the rest of the way to the apartment that Sam and Jess purchased a few weeks ago. Sam had been wanting to move out of Lawrence for a while now, and their recent buy combined with his and Jess’ delayed honeymoon to Italy made the perfect excuse for Dean and Y/N to house-sit.
By the time they got to the parking spots designated for their apartment, Dean had changed into the polo Y/N had packed for him. It wasn’t his favorite, but it went well with the dress pants and shoes so he didn’t look too out of place. The goal was to blend in as much as possible.
“Jess told the receptionist that we’re housesitting for them this week, so we can go straight up. We shouldn’t have to worry about getting stopped.”
Y/N climbed out of the car and grabbed her suitcase out of the bag, as well as a second matching duffel bag. Dean took the one with the cash and her purse, then took the handle of his own suitcase after Y/N unloaded it from the trunk of the car.
They walked together towards the building entrance, and as they near the doors, Y/N chuckled. Dean glanced over at her and raised an eyebrow.
“What’s so funny?” he asks.
She grinned as she paused on the sidewalk in front of the double glass doors, and the mischievous sparkle in her eye made Dean grin as well. “I forgot to ask you,” she says. “How was your day?”
He laughed, then leaned down to press a kiss to the corner of her lips. “It was fine. Nothing exciting happened,” Dean teased, and she rolled her eyes at him.
“You’re so full of it. I picked the worst hostage.”
They laughed all the way up to the apartment, and Dean teased her all weekend about being her hostage, though he didn’t mind his role one bit.
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Thank you for reading! <3
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36 notes · View notes
Pairings: Dean AU x Reader 
Word Count: 1,159 
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Warnings- Robbery, gunshot wound, blood, angst, near death experience 
“Have a good day at work, beautiful. I love you.” 
“I love you too De. You have a good day too. Please be careful.”
“Always am.” He says before kissing you goodbye and going to work. 
You and Dean have been together for three years now. You met in a bar, and went on a few dates. A few dates turned to sleepovers and then so on. You were now engaged, and you couldn’t be happier.
Dean was a cop, and you were a nurse. At first it was hard to mix your schedules together but you made it work. You moved in with him a few months back so it would be easier to spend time together. You loved him with all of your heart, and he loved you just the same. 
Before going into the hospital, you decided to stop at the bank first so you wouldn’t have to when you were done with your shift so late at night. You stood in line patiently, when it was your turn. You smiled politely at the young girl working before telling her you wanted to withdraw some cash. 
After collecting your money and putting it in your purse, you turned around to leave when two guys took guns out of their pockets and you froze in your spot. 
“This is a robbery! Nobody move!” One of them yelled and people immediately started to scream and duck. You cursed under your breath before sitting down not moving a muscle. After everybody calmed down they continued to speak. 
“Nobody is going anywhere until we collect all the money. Now, show us the safe.” The other said to one of the workers.
The poor thing was scared to death and shaking. She showed them the safe, before pressing the emergency button. 
“You bitch!” They yelled before shooting her in the arm. Everybody screamed and cowered down. 
You were petrified. You watched as the young girl cried and held her arm for support. You just hoped you were able to get out of here soon. 
The phone rang, and everybody stopped and stared at one another. 
“Do I answer it?” One of the employees asked. 
“No, I will.” One of the robbers said before picking it up. 
Meanwhile, Dean was at work no more than 20 minutes before the dispatcher said they had a robbery at the local bank. He sighed before gathering with his team and driving there. 
They parked outside, before looking through the glass and saw all the people cowered down on the floor and the two robbers with guns. Dean took his cell out and dialed the bank. It rang twice before one of the guys answered it.
“Hello, who’s this?”
“First names Your, last names Mother.”
“Very funny sir. Why don’t you let these people go? They've got nothing to do with this.”
“Oh they’ve got everything to do with this.”
“Is anybody hurt?”
“Help us please!” One lady screamed in the background before he heard a gunshot. 
“Call the s.w.a.t team, I hear gunshots.” He says to his partner. He nodded before making his move. 
“Sir, we need to negotiate something here. You’re making this worse on yourself. If you let these people go you won’t get as many charges.”
“You don’t understand sir. Nobody does.”
“Make me understand.”
“I lost my job, man. I need to feed my family. I’ve got no money.” 
Dean couldn’t help but feel a little sympathetic. 
“Well if you let these people go now you won’t get much jail time and you can work on taking care of your family. It’s not making it better what you’re doing right now. I promise you.”
“Alright..” He says before hanging up. 
The two men opened up the doors with their hands above their heads. The force quickly took them into custody before they made their way into the bank. They immediately called an ambulance for the lady with the wound in her arm. 
“Is anybody else hurt?” He asked. 
“The lady in the corner is really bad. They got her in the chest.” 
Dean panicked when he realized the girl that was hurt was you. He ran over to you before touching your arm gently. 
“Sweetheart, sweetheart wake up. It’s me, it’s Dean please answer me.” He felt your neck for a pulse, and he felt it but it was barely there. Tears filled his eyes in relief that you had a pulse but he also feared it wasn’t going to last. 
The paramedics quickly took care of you, and he rode in the ambulance with you. He watched as the team took care of you, and he felt his heart drop when you flatlined.
“Baby please.” He said as the tears fell steadily down his cheeks. 
After a couple rounds of defib, they got a rhythm. He sighed in relief before running his hands through his hair. 
When they arrived at the hospital they needed to rush you immediately into surgery. The bullet hit a main artery and you were quickly losing blood. 
He sat in the waiting room chewing on his fingernails. Finally a doctor came out and he stood up quickly. 
“How is she?”
“Her body has been through a lot today. The bullet hit a main artery and she lost a lot of blood. We had to put in three pints. She flatlined twice on the table but she’s a fighter. She’s a tough girl. She’s going to pull through.”
He sighed in relief before running his hand down his face. 
“Can I see her?”
“Of course. She’s still out from the anesthesia, but she should wake soon.”
He walked into your room, and his lip curled up at the sight of you. He pulled a chair next to your bed before sitting down and holding your hand. Even though he knew you were going to be okay the tears streamed down his cheeks. He almost lost you, and he wasn’t sure how he would’ve moved on from it.
“Hey sweetheart. You’re going to be okay. You lost a lot of blood but the doctors were able to fix you. I’m glad I got there in time. I almost lost you and I wouldn’t have been the same. I’m so in love with you and I can’t wait to marry you.” He said as his voice cracked and he buried his face into your neck. 
“De?” You croaked out and his head snapped up.
“Hey beautiful girl. I’m here. You’re okay.” He cooed gently. 
He held the cup up to your lips and you gently sipped on the straw. You felt relieved as the cold water hit your dry throat. 
“I’m going to be okay?”
“Yes. I’m so grateful.”
“I heard you. I love you so much too De. I wasn’t leaving you without a fight. I can’t wait to call you my husband.” 
“And I can’t wait to call you my wife.” 
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secretwingsociety · 4 years
Daddy isn’t well
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Daughter!reader
Summary: what will happen when demon dean gets out in the bunker and his four year old daughter is with him, unknowing of her father’s ‘condition’
[Your POV]
'(Y/n) no matter what stay here and when I get back with your dad don't talk, okay? Don't say anything to him.' Uncle Sammy's words echo in your head as you wait in the front seat of your dads car, who he always called baby you found that odd since it was a car not a baby. You didn't understand why you couldn't talk to your dad but you guessed it was because he was grumpy, he didn't like to talk when he was grumpy.
After what felt like hours, it was only about 45 minutes, your uncle came back and put your dad in the back as he did you noticed he was wearing handcuffs with funny symbols on them  but you payed it no mind 'they're probably playing cops and robbers' you thought to yourself, once your dad is secured in the back uncle Sammy sits beside you in front of the wheel "belted up?" He mutters glancing at you, you give a small nod clicking your belt in place then he starts the car and drives off.
The car ride is mostly silent, few words being spoken between the two brothers but you ignore them and listen to the radio you turned on not liking the uncomfortable silence.
Once at the bunker uncle Sammy sends you straight to your room "don't come out till I come to get you." He orders sternly, you pout a little wanting to see more of your dad since it's been so long since you've seen him but you nod and walk to your room and shut the door behind you.
yells and what sounds like an animal growling is what you hear for the next 6 hours until it all stops and silence swallows up the bunker a few more minutes pass then the lights turn off and turn red 'this is bad!'  Was the only thing you could think as you ran to your closet and hid in it behind all your clothes hoping that you'll be safe there, You can hear your dad and uncle Sammy yelling but can't make out the words from your hidden position.
Suddenly your bedroom door slams open and you cover your mouth to muffle the yelp that tumbled past your lips, but it's proven useless when the closet door is ripped open showing your dad with a hammer "daddy is there a monster in the bunker?" You whisper and crawl to the edge of the edge of your closet he nods and picks you up "there is sweetness but don't worry, daddy will protect you" he replies matching your hushed tone and keeps you close to his chest, you wrap your little arms around his neck keeping yourself as close to him as you can, your dad carries around the bunker calling out for uncle Sammy "come on Sammy, I've got (y/n)!" He yells out keeping his hammer up and ready to swing, in case you run into the monster of course.
When you finally catch up to uncle Sammy he's got his back against the wall and is looking around the corner you guess the monster isn't down that way because his body relaxes slightly, he turns back around and tenses up again seeing you in your dads arms "close your eyes sweetness" your dad whispers and you nod shutting your eyes tightly and nuzzles into his neck, there's movement and grunting but you don't dare move your head or open your eyes until you feel large hands pull you away from your dad making you scream loudly "Daddy!" You scream in fear that the monster got you "shhhh (y/n) it's just me" opening your eyes you see uncle Sammy is holding you, you turn to your dad and see him with black eyes.
Uncle Cas is hugging him from behind, his eyes look even blue-er like they were glowing "daddy?" You ask worried "unca Sammy, what happened to daddy?" You ask turning to your uncle he sighs and turns you so you can't see your dad "your daddy isn't well sweetness, Cas take him back I'll stay with (y/n)" uncle Sammy explains and Walks back to your room not letting you get another glance at your dad
You’re crying by the time Sam gets back to your room “I want daddy!” You sob into his chest “I know sweetness but your dad is sick, he needs to get better before you can see him” he whispers and rubs your back calming your sobs into little hiccups “when will daddy be ok again?” You whisper look up at Sam he sighs and kisses your forehead “soon, I promise” he puts you in your bed and turns on your tv putting on your favourite Disney movie then walks out locking your door from the outside
[sam’s POV]
I walk out of (y/n)’s room and make my way to the dungeon where Cas has tied Dean back up in the demon trap “hey Sammy, how’s (y/n) hope she isn’t scared”
He chuckles his eyes black “she’s worried sick about you dean. You could’ve killed her and she’s worried about you! She’s four dean and already gotten used to taking care of your damaged ass” I shake my head and grab another syringe of blood “you’ve got a lot of making up to do once you’re human again.” I mutter and stab him with the needle
“That’s if you don’t kill me first Sam” dean mutters through his panting “i won’t kill you. Unlike you I can’t hurt that little girl waiting for you to come back.”
[Your POV]
By the time your dad is himself again your fast asleep the adrenaline from earlier activities catching up to you
Sam unlocks your room and walks in sitting next to your small frame then shakes your shoulder “wake up sweetness, your daddy is awake” he whispers as you rouse from sleep and sit up “daddy’s better?” Your meek voice asks
Sam nods a tired smile on his face “yeah and he really wants to see you” that sentence instantly drains all tiredness from your small body and you jump off your bed and run to your dads room
“Daddy!” You scream jumping onto his bed and wrap your tiny arms around his neck, a few moments pass and he wraps his arms around you holding your close “hey princess, I missed you” he whispers a small smile on his face hiding how much guilt he feels for everything he did to you, he swore he’d spend the rest of his life making it up to you.
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spnfanficpond · 3 years
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Pairing: Robber!Reader x Dean
Word Count: 1,510
Warnings: None
Square Filled: Robber!Reader
Summary: The reader finds what she thinks to be the perfect hit, but it turns out to be less than perfect.
A/N: This is a submission for the 2020-2021 SPN AU Bingo (@spnaubingo​). Please let me know what you think, and enjoy!
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 4 years
Dazed and Confused (Part 1)
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Summary: Dean Winchester grew up wanting to be a cop. When he gets kicked out of the police academy on a fluke though, he turns to a life of crime. After breaking up with Dean and seeing him committing a crime in the act, the reader becomes an officer herself and eventually a detective. Four years after that day, the reader is sent undercover to figure out what Dean is up to. Only she has no idea how far Dean is willing to go to keep her from finding out the truth…
Pairing: AU!Dean x reader
Word Count: 1,600ish
Warnings: language, scary situations, violence, murder, etc.
A/N: This series has been on Ao3 only for awhile now and I am finally reposting here as well. It’s not new but it may be new to you. Please enjoy!...
“Dean?” you asked, spotting him walk in the front door and cut through to the back of the apartment. “Dean what...you’re supposed to be at the academy, aren’t you? You got class until-”
“I flunked out,” said Dean, your scoff stopping him in his tracks. “You think I’m fucking joking about that?”
“Considering you’re top of your class, yeah, I think you’re playing some shitty prank or ditching class. Now what is-”
“I have a record apparently. I can’t be a police officer now,” said Dean, grabbing his gym bag from the floor and moving to the closet. “I was seventeen and in a car I didn’t know someone took form their dad without permission. They charged all of us for a stupid non-crime and if I ever see Gabe again, I’m gonna murder him.”
‘Dean...” you said, grabbing his arm, spinning him around. “Go back to the academy and explain-”
“I was forced to quit, Y/N. I got called out of class and into the dean’s office. If you have a record, you can’t be a cop. They thought I was hiding it but I didn’t even know I had one. No exceptions they said. My bag’s are in Baby” he said, shrugging you off. “I’m staying with Sam tonight.”
“Dean, baby, it’s gonna be okay. Maybe we can call your dad, he’s a detective. He knows-”
“Stop trying to make me feel better for once in my life!” he shouted, brushing past you and for the door. “Y/N, give me some space. I mean it.”
“We are talking about this once you cool off Dean. Until then you can have your space.”
Two Months Later
"What?” you asked quietly, too caught up at staring at the green eyes under the mask to think about the gun in his hands. His own were wide and he was quickly shoving you on the ground, standing over you.
“Say another word and I’ll kill you, understand?” he growled, not waiting for an answer before barking out other orders to people inside the bank.
You hadn’t seen or heard from Dean in almost two months. You gave him his day to vent and get it out that he wasn’t going to be a cop, that everything he’d worked for in school and college and the academy was all gone.
When he finally came back around with a couple of moving boxes, he went off on you. You knew Dean’s head and knew that he didn’t mean what he said during a fight. Normally it was his way of getting you to back off. Nearly four years together and two with living together gave you a pretty good idea of when he was being mean for no reason.
But when he, the one guy you ever willingly told about the awful day...when he said it was your fault, you knew it was done. If he was so angry and bitter about not being a cop that he would rip open wounds that only got shut because of him, he wasn’t the man you thought he was.
Two months later seeing green eyes that looked so much like his, hearing a voice that was just a bit deeper than you were used to...you were almost positive the man in the ski mask and holding a gun at some poor bank teller was Dean Winchester.
He wasn’t there more than a minute, gone in a flash and barely enough time for you to register the build under the baggy hoodie and coat.
“Hi, Sam,” you said, dialing him up as soon as you gave a statement to a cop. “You heard from your brother lately?”
“Uh no. He and I aren’t exactly talking right now,” said Sam, his voice hard. “I haven’t seen him in two months.”
“I think...” you said, walking away from the bank and climbing in your car. “I think your brother just robbed a fucking bank, Sam.”
“That’s not funny, Y/N,” said Sam.
“Neither was getting shoved around by a bank robber, Sam. I am 99% positive that it was Dean,” you said.
“Dean was pissed last time I saw him but he’s not a criminal, Y/N,” said Sam.
“I didn’t...I’m worried about the asshole, alright?” you said, Sam breathing heavy on the other end. “Oh, you think he’s an asshole too, Sammy.”
“What’d he say to you?” asked Sam.
“Shit I don’t want to talk about. I’m guessing he said crap about your mom?” you asked, Sam’s thick swallow coming through loud and clear. “He got kicked out of the academy and he lost his shit, which I get but Sam you know your mom was not your fault.”
“I know but he just had to...maybe he really did rob a bank,” said Sam, his floor creaking in the background. “I know, Kevin...I’ll run to study group in just a minute, okay?”
“Shit, it’s your finals week, isn’t it,” you said, running your hand over your face. “You don’t need this right now.”
“It’s alright, Y/N,” said Sam. “Swing by the house around eight. We can talk then.”
“No, you study, Sam. I’m sure I’m overreacting is all.”
Four Years Later
“Junior Detective Y/L/N,” said your partner, a hard ass with a nought soft center.
“Bobby,” you said with a smile up at him, his face in even more of a scowl than usual. “It’s not even nine in the morning. What’s shoved up-”
“You’ve been reassigned, kid,” said Bobby, your jaw dropping. “You think I want another snot nosed brat to train? Uh uh.”
“Where are they putting me?” you asked, getting up from your desk, following him down the hall to the conference room. “I didn’t put in for anything. I actually like being your partner. Bobby, I-”
“Special assignment is all chief would tell me,” said Bobby.
“Y/N,” said the chief, waving you inside, holding up a hand for Bobby to wait outside.
“John, what in the world could you be putting her on that I can’t know about it?” asked Bobby.
“It’s need to know and you know what you need to,” said John, closing the door in his face. He pointed you to a seat, pulling down the blinds in the room. “You’re fidgeting, Y/L/N.”
“What’s going on that the most senior detective in the department can’t know about it?” you asked.
“You’re the only person here who can do what I’m about to ask you,” said John, sliding over the lone file at the other end of the table. “I need you to keep this quiet. You’ll understand-”
“Dean,” you said, his face staring back when you opened the file. There was no arrest record apart from one when he was 17 but the things he was suspect in...
“Dean is...let’s just call it in deep shit and leave it at that,” said John, taking a seat beside you. “He’s dangerous. Never been convicted of anything. I’ve kept the rumors of what he does away from the department but...Dean’s made a name for himself elsewhere. Everything from petty theft to kidnapping, assualt...murder suspect.”
“John, why are you showing me this?” you asked, sliding the file away, not caring to see what happened to the man you once loved.
“I need you to go undercover,” said John, your head shaking. “You just had your secondary training a month ago and they said you’re one of the best they’ve seen. We both know you became a cop to figure out what the hell happened to him. This is our chance.”
“I became a cop so I wouldn’t feel scared again like in that bank,” you said, turning away. “In case you forget, your son broke up with me. He said things to me that I can’t forgive. He would never in a million years buy that I forgot all that.”
“I’m not asking you go undercover as his girlfriend, Y/N. He’s a criminal. He’s in Washington, a small town, working something. We just need intel on what it is, that’s it,” said John.
“He knows me. He probably knows I’m a cop. I can’t just go undercover,” you said.
“So what if he knows you’re a cop? Tell him you quit if he asks,” said John.
“John...” you said, leaning back in your seat. “I can’t do it.”
“We don’t have a choice, Y/N. The feds said you’re the one. You pack up tonight.”
A week later you were in your new town with a population of two thousand people. You were barely there thirty seconds before half the people were bringing over plates of food. It didn’t take long for word to spread a new girl was around or for you to spot Dean after that.
“Leave,” he said as he walked past you on the street, not bothering to stop.
“Dean,” you said, jogging back to catch up with him, catching his arm halfway down the block. “What-”
“If I see you again, you won’t like what happens next,” he said, shrugging you off.
About eight hours later, you realized you never really knew Dean Winchester at all.
A/N: Read Part 2 here!
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cherriesimagines · 4 years
Stories of the ER
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Summary: A nurse working a normal shift encounters two heavily injured men who may be hiding something.
Pairing: Nurse!Reader x Mobster!Dean
Word Count: 1,114 words
Warnings: Slight swearing and talk of injuries
A/N: Hey guys! I’ve been super dead recently but finally had time to sit down and write something. This is part of the Supernatural Bingo. Let me know if I should make a series out of this!
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It was a relatively quiet night in the ER, keyword “was”. As soon as you thought about the fact nothing had really been going on, that’s when everything hit the fan. Two males were being rushed for multiple lacerations and gunshot wounds. Both in they’re thirty’s and both completely unconscious. You were with the older of the males as they’re rushed in by the paramedics.
“Who brought these guys in and what happened?!” You asked loudly trying to grasp what was going on.
“No idea, this was walking the other one in then they both just dropped.” Another nurse chimed in from behind you. You shook your head as you looked down at the man. You could tell this wasn’t his first time in a place like this but you hoped it would be his last. Not in the sense, he would die or anything but maybe be more careful in the future.
“Y/n start hooking up to the monitors when we get him in the room.” You nodded towards the doctor and started running towards the room before everyone else. Once the man got into the room you carefully but quickly hooked him to the machines.
“His bp is dropping fast!” You shouted over the already crazy loud room. You made sure not to take your eyes off the monitors. Granted it was a shity job since you didn’t really get to do much but it was relatively important. You watched as the doctor began working on the man and all you could do was pray.
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You continued to watch his vitals and they began to stabilize finally. It was just hitting the three-hour mark as the doctor finally finished up. You looked up towards him and he gave you a quick smile before briskly walking out of the room. You made sure his I.Vs were good and what not then went to Walmart out of the room. You turned to look once, your gaze landing on the unconscious man. His chest slowly rising and falling. His face was scratched up but he was actually really attractive. But you quickly shook these thoughts from your head then went to go get some coffee.
As your standing by the coffee counter with some other nurses, you see a woman quickly approaching the front desk. She’s looks to be a cop but not from around this area. You walk over to her and place your hand on her shoulder.
“Ma’am, what could I help you with?” You said softly. The woman turned to look at you with a worried expression.
“I’m looking for two boys, uh Winchester is the last name. They’re mid-thirties and pretty tall. They sustained gunshot wounds.” You were taken aback by how much she knew but you knew exactly who she was talking about.
“Right right, the lacerations and gunshots, there back this way.” You walked the woman to the rooms where both the men were. She gasped when she saw both of them.
“If you don’t mind me asking, do you know what happened to them?” You never really liked asking person information on patients, especially ones that may have been in a crime but these two just felt different.
“They were attacked by some um robbers.” She paused for a moment, taking in their conditions you guessed.
“They actually helped me tonight. They were a big reason I’m still around.” She let out a soft laugh before looking towards you.
“Officer Jody Mills.” She said with a smile.
“Y/n Y/L/n, RN.” You said, returning the smile.
“Thank you for looking after them but is there any way to tell how long they’ll be out?” She asked as her worried expression returned to her face. You looked back into the room with the man you helped.
“I’m sorry officer but there is no way of telling how long they may be. They sustained some rather serious injuries, the oldest receiving the worst of them.” Evidently, she didn’t know this when her face filled with shock. You gave her a small smile again before letting her know she was able to go in and visit with them. She thanked you and went inside the room. You stayed and watched for a moment. You had no idea about the relationship she may have had with these two men but she cared for them which was obvious.
“Did you get any information on the guys?” Hannah asked, she was a nurse who was with the younger male.
“Not much really, the woman just asked where they were. She knew the wounds and they were the only ones so.” You figured something was up so you weren’t about to out these two.
“Hm, that’s odd. We’ll see if you can’t figure anything else out, I’ve gotta go help someone which headache.” She laughed as she walked away but your gaze just returned back to the man. There was something going on but you couldn’t figure it out.
But when you heard the monitor started going off for one of them you’re panic set in. You rushed into the room to find the eldest of the two, waking up and fighting with the IV.
“Sir I must ask you to calm down and leave your IV in. It is best for your health.” He looked up towards you then around the room. Which is when he grabbed your wrist and pulled you close to him.
“Get this machine to turn off and let me and my brother go.” He didn’t necessarily ask but he wasn’t being rude. His tone was more frantic than mean.
“Sir it’s my job to keep you here until you are ready to leave and you just got out of surgery so there is no way you are ready to leave.” You said firmly. Yes, he was extremely attractive but there was no way he was leaving. As he went to pull you back again, the officer from earlier quickly ran in and grabbed the man.
“Dean calm down, I got everything figured out. No one is going to find you or Sam alright.” He just let out a sigh and layer back on the bed.
“Thank you, Jody.” She smiled but then nodded towards your wrist which still had his hand tightly around it.
“Shit sorry sweetheart. Also sorry about the whole monitor thing.” You only nodded and left the room. You found an open bench in the hall outside of the room. You gently rubbed your wrist and you looked down at your feet. You had no idea who he was but he must have been hiding something and now it seems like you may be involved somehow.
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bad268 · 5 years
Cherry Pie (Sam Winchester X Reader)
Fandom: Supernatural
Requested: Nope
Warnings: language
Y/N/N = Your Nick Name
W.C. 1204
Summary: The reader is nervous for the boys’ next hunt, but they come back a little different.
My requests are OPEN
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“Be careful, dumbasses. If either of you dies, I will kill you; don’t test me.” I said as Sam and Dean got their bags from their rooms.
“Don’t worry. It’s just a vampire nest,” Sam laughed at me. 
“Yeah, but what will you do if a werewolf shows up?”
“Shoot it.”
“What if an evil spirit follows you?”
“Detach it.”
“What about a demon?”
“Exorcise it. Y/N/N, we’ll be fine, I promise.” Sam grabbed his duffle bag from the kitchen counter before setting it on the ground. He turned to me where I was leaning against the counter and put his hands on either side of me. I grabbed his arms before sighing.
“Ever think I’m worried because I’m going on my own hunt and not going to be available for your backup? Like what if the one time I can’t be there for you guys, something happens and you get hurt. I’d feel really guilty that I couldn’t have helped you.” Tears stung my eyes as I looked up at my boyfriend. “It’s the ‘what if’s that fuck me over, Sammy.”
“Hey, we are gonna be fine. We always come back one way or another. Trust me, Y/N/N, we’ll be fine, okay?” I nod slightly, a frown still plastered on my face. “Good, now I want a smile before we go.”
“Sammy, I-” The look in his eyes said he was going to start tickling me. Before I could protest, his hands were at my sides, and I was laughing uncontrollably. After a few minutes, he stops while I regain my breath.
“There’s that smile I love.” He leans in and kisses me before a door closing was heard.
“Alright lovebirds. We gotta go, Sam.” Dean walks in. Sam grabs his bag and makes his way towards the bunker door to put in the backseat of the Impala.  “Three days without him, Y/N/N/, you’ll survive.” 
“Oh, shut your pie-hole, Dean.” I rolled my eyes and started up the stairs towards our bedroom to grab my bag and take it to my car, a 1966 black and grey Chevy Nova which I named Novak. “Don’t get yourself killed either, Dean. As much of a pain you are, I’d miss you.”
“Stop acting like we’re gonna die. We haven’t lost yet. We are Winchesters, not Losechesters.”
I arrived in Phoenix, Arizona trying to find what I think is a shapeshifter again. There were robberies at banks that were connected by a sewer system. The robbers were long time workers, and they claimed that they were in two places at once. That sounded like a shapeshifter to me. 
I pulled into one of the witnesses’, Michael Gallager’s, driveway before climbing out of Novak and approaching his door. I was wearing a black blazer with dress pants and heels, so I looked like an FBI agent.
“Mr. Gallager? My name is Y/N Matthews and I’m with the FBI.”
“Can I  see the badge?” I put my fake FBI badge up to his door before he opened it and allowed me to walk in. “I’ve already talked to the feds.”
“I am aware of that, Mr. Gallager, but we had some follow-up questions for you if you don’t mind me asking.” We walked towards his living room and the walls were covered in Alien movie posters and pictures of Vampires. “In the report, you said their eyes were different in the camera footage. Can you explain that?”
“Yeah, look.” He pulled up the security footage of that night.
“Mr. Gallager, that’s against regulations. How do you have the tapes?”
“I made copies because I know the cops would take them and we’d never know the truth!” He exclaimed as he fast-forwarded the tapes to when the shapeshifter walls in. “Look! Look at her eyes! The light up when directed at the camera!”
“Dean, this is going to take forever,” Sam said to his brother as they staked out the vampire nest in Nevada.
“Have some patience. We’ve only been here an hour.” Dean said. “Now, look over by the front door; I’ll go by the back.” They climbed out of the Impala before heading their separate ways. Sam held his stake at the height of his flashlight as he walked around the house. The sound of rocks crunching by the front forced Sam to hide behind a tree before turning his flashlight off.
Sam briefly looked around the corner of the house expecting to see the vampires but all he was met with was a blinding light.
“Sam, Sammy. I will slap you if you don’t get your ass up.” Dean stood above him, shaking his shoulders. He had just found his brother unconscious on the side of the house with footprints stopping just before him. “Sammy!”
“I’m up! I’m up, Dean! What happened?”
“I don’t know. I went to the back porch and looked around inside before seeing that someone did the job for us. Then I went toward the front, saw headlights, blacked out and went to find you on the side of the house covered in leaves.”
“Come on. Let’s just head back to the bunker.”
“Son of a bitch,” I muttered as I limped back to Novak while holding my side. I sat in the driver’s seat for a few minutes. It was a pretty easy kill once I cornered the shifter, but it shanked my side with a knife before I disarmed it. 
I turned around to the back seat, reaching for my first aid kit. I cleaned and wrapped the wound before starting down the road to stop at a diner for dinner.
“So, they’re home early,” I said to myself before walking towards the front. It was almost 3 in the morning now; I bet they’re asleep. I walk into the bunker before stopping at the kitchen where I see Sam eating Dean’s apple pie. “Dean will kick your ass if he catches you, babe.”
“What?” He asked genuinely confused.
“Dean will kill you. Also, I thought you only ate rabbit food,” I laughed.
“Ew no the salads are Sam’s,” He said. I looked at him weird; why would he talk in the third person? 
“Yeah, and (Y/N) is telling Sam that he is eating Dean’s pie.”
“I’m not eating Dean’s pie.” A new voice joined, and it was Dean walking into the kitchen. He pointed at Sam before looking at himself. “Why am I eating Dean’s pie?”
“Okay, you two need to stop playing jokes. If you want to play a game, do it after I get healed by Cas.”
“I’m already here and what is wrong with you two?” Cas came in from thin air before tilting his head towards the boys.
“I think that light switched our bodies,” Dean(?) said.
“That is the smartest thing to come out of your mouth, Dean,” I replied sarcastically.
“No, you don’t get it. I’m Sam,” Dean said.
“And I’m Dean,” Sam said.
“Okay, and I’m Cas,” I laughed. “I'm joking. You think I didn’t notice anything wrong when I first saw ‘Sam’ eating Dean’s pie? I’ve been dating Sam long enough to know that he doesn’t like apple pie. He likes cherry pie.”
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