#breaking dawn 2
tennant · 1 year
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Lee Pace as Garrett THE TWILIGHT SAGA: BREAKING DAWN, PART. 2 (2012) dir. Bill Condon
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insp-exxmpl · 1 year
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billkill · 1 year
Jake: I hate you.
Edward: Don't worry about it, I hate myself too.
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bemilia-210121 · 1 year
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So this is random but one of the things I love about Bill Condon as one of the Twilight directors is I feel like he upped everybody's game when he came onto the project. Not only did we get better performances out of the actors but we also got some things that weren't shown earlier or were but weren't really focused on too much (or not in the right way).
Case in point, the scene where Rosalie and Emmett go to find Garrett. Usually when we see the Cullens it's from Bella's pov or related to her in some way. They're seen as the good guys. Or if they're facing insurmountable odds like in New Moon with the Volturi and the innocent people being led to their deaths, they can't be expected to do anything. Here, Rosalie and Emmett aren't facing those odds but they don't do anything except look away when Garrett continues killing his victim. You also see the difference in Rosalie's and Emmett's reactions. Rosalie is not a fan as she shouldn't be and Emmett looks semi-amused even if he really isn't.
This is immediately followed up by the scene where Jacob and Bella stare around the Cullens house at the newcomers with red eyes. We get Bella's voiceover talking about how Renesmee is winning over every one of them and who is there. But we not only have Rosalie holding onto Renesmee while she's using her power with Garrett (which is very telling about how much Rosalie doesn't trust him I think) but we also see Jacob scanning the room and Bella taking notice. Bella remarks that their thirst for human blood makes the situation complicated and then says "The nomads Rosalie and Emmett sent were even more unpredictable."
Then: "A lot of red eyes around here." Bella: "They promised they wouldn't hunt in the area." Jacob: "But they'll feed somewhere."
And then it goes into the scene where another young Quileute boy turns into a werewolf and Bella's voiceover is saying it's happening more and more now due to the large vampire presence.
And this is just brilliant I think because it's multi-layered. The Cullens are set apart from the red-eyes vampires but it's not giving them a pass either besides their different lifestyles. It's also showing how selfish all of this really is. Like yes, we want the protagonist Bella and her family to be safe, but ultimately this is all happening because of her and the choices she made.
They even go so far as to show the difference in Carlisle and Esme's interaction with Benjamin and his coven compared to Rosalie and Emmett's with Garrett. Carlisle and Esme ask Maggie and her coven, though we don't see this convo but in the house they're separate from the Nomads. And then they have a similar setup for the scene of Garrett's acquiring compared to what happens when Aro and company catch up to Toshiro that Carlisle had been trying to ask to join them and what happens to him.
Not to mention Jacob was the first to stand to join the fight when Edward asks. You can say that's due to his imprint on Renesmee, but it's also to show yet again who are the real good guys when it comes to the vampires. Once he does, only then do others stand up and join as well (after Bella does to show the Cullens and the Packs are together).
The vampires aren't the good guys. Even the veggie ones. And that was absolutely driven home here in this sequence. And that to me is just absolutely fascinating.
Not saying Stephenie Meyer didn't cover some of this in the book (I haven't read it in a long time so I don't really remember). Not taking away credit from Melissa Rosenberg who wrote the screenplay but she wrote all five films and this is the first time I've seen a director really able to show what's really underneath Bella's choices in a way that you can't ignore it or sweep it under the epic romance rug. So that's why I'm saying Bill Condon was brilliant and I'm glad he was the one to steer the Saga into its close.
And I love it when directors are able to accomplish shit like that.
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rileykeouhg · 4 months
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ayo-edebiri · 1 year
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The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 2 (2012) dir. Bill Condon
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useragarfield · 10 months
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Vamp Appreciation Week 2023 | Day 6: Most Attractive Vampire ➜ Bella Swann-Cullen, The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part II (2012)
Now you know. Nobody's ever loved anybody as much as I love you.
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shelbgrey · 1 year
Honey, I want something for “being Carlisle and Esme's youngest daughter”. and being Garrett's love interest! I love him, however, he has few things on this platform! Guys are very protective of her as well as girls. Thanks for the attention 🌷💌.
Being Carlisle and Esme's youngest daughter HCs:
Paring: daughter!Reader x Dad!Carlisle x Mom!Esme (Reader x Boyfriend!Garrett)
Summary: headcanons about carlisle and Esme's daughter dating Garrett.
💜MasterList 💜twilight MasterList
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So I think they're youngest daughter is gonna remain human for awhile. Your the only cullen 'child' that has been legally adopted by carlisle and Esme, So your actually they're daughter.
You were the daughter of an old friend of Esme's, your mother died giving birth to you and your biological father just wasn't fit to take care of you. Esme and Carlisle took you in under your bio-mom's wishes.
Anyway, Esme was over the moon excited to have a baby in the house, she practically never put you down... Unless Carlisle wanted to hold you and cuddle you.
The two never really gotten the chance to be actual parents, with the other's they were already grown and matured, but with you they could finally experience parent hood.
Your defently a daddy's girl, Carlisle loves you with every single cell in his body and he's very over protective of you... Unfortunately to the point he didn't trust Jasper alone with you when you were a baby.
Speaking of Jasper and siblings, you literally have the best siblings in the world. If you thought carlisle was over protective just wait till you see the boys.
Emmett and you are the closet, he's always making you laugh and 'wrestling'. He'll do just about anything for you or with you. He's probably also the most protective out of your three brothers.
When you were little Edward would often read you stories and teach you how to play piano.
Jasper is your go to person when you have a problem, he's the best listener and he has your back.
As you got older the protectiveness got old, high school wasn't easy with them around but honestly they're the reason you survived.
But the protectiveness didn't get really annoying till you met Garrett, your mate.
In all honesty it's Edward and Bella's fault (Emmett words not yours). You and Bella don't get along at all and she's jealous of yours and Edward's relationship... That's a story for another time though, this is yours and Garrett's story.
Anyway, the family didn't really expect it to happen. After going to Egypt with your parents you decided to met the other guests, that's how you met Garrett.
He cought your eye immediately and the feeling was mutual, Carlisle didn't like how Garrett would look at you.
“who were you talking to?” your dad asked after leaving the living room. “dose it matter?”
“no, no, it doesn't matter unless it's a Boy!”
You just brushed it off, knowing your dad was just being over protective and You continued to get to know Garrett.
You thought he was very charming and funny. Dispite the situation you were currently in with Renesmee he was always making you laugh.
Your parents were happy and all, but at the same time Carlisle didn't want to see you get hurt.
“Dad, what are you doing?” you asked after put some space between you and Garrett.
“there should be a safe distance between you and boys... Especially this one”
Anyway, Garrett realized the problem and went to Carlisle about it. They were both old fashion.
“I think I love your daughter and I want to your promising to date her”
Carlisle's problems seemed to go away slightly. “well it's up to her... But if you hurt her you'll deal with me”
after your family won the battle with the vulturi he took you at on that date. He treated you like a queen the whole time and he asked you to be his girlfriend at the end of the night.
So he did join the coven after awhile. The whole nomad life wasn't pleasant to him anymore. He even changed to the vegetarian diet for you.
He likes like being productive of you, but he knows you can take care of yourself.
Emmett dose send deth threats when you started dating. “you better not hurt her” carlisle doesn't have a violent bone in his body, but Emmett dose.
But after the family saw how happy you were they welcomed Garrett into the family with open arms.
“I'll follow you anywhere woman” he smiled.
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fuckmeyer · 1 year
if smeyer wasn't a coward vamp!Bella would have immediately eaten her daughter Rensesmem whole-hog like Saturn Devouring His Son
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wizardnuke · 1 year
can't stop thinking about a shadowgast "i'm not looking to fuck do you have a screwdriver my bathroom is flooding" grindr au
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lunastwilightblog · 2 months
So I’ve been watching more documentaries on ancient Egypt recently and I’ve discovered that the Egyptians were extremely clean people and would shave all their hair off (and wear those wigs) to avoid lice
Therefore both Amun and Kebi are probably, canonically, bald
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billkill · 1 year
Marquis when he thinks he can kill John Wick😂😂😂
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bemilia-210121 · 1 year
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xiaolanhua · 7 months
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The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 2 (2012) Dir. Bill Condon
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misfitantoinette · 1 year
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This is a Breaking Dawn Part 2 inspired chess set I made from polymer clay and two clear Perspex acrylic sheets for the board.
The process took several months both in terms of concepting and actual making 😭 Chess pieces are a pain to make and it’s hard to get them all the right proportions when you’re doing everything free hand.
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