#brendon urie unfortunately
avaryy · 2 months
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ryan ross, live in denver: behind the scenes (1)
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girlmikeyway · 2 years
the pyrotechnic accident at that one patd show was just pete wentz trying to light brendon urie on fire with his flamethrower bass as atonement for his past actions actually
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hazardsoflove · 11 months
so i saw panic in 2016 (yeah yeah but in my defense the lawn tix were like $20) and i was looking at the setlist for the show yesterday bc i was talking to my friend about it and he did mona lisa which i have no memory of it but that’s my FAVORITE panic song and so i went through the videos i took that night and i did record some of it and i got so excited
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ratbastarddotfuck · 1 year
I've realised the unfortunate reality that I've never been able to make a playlist that captures my teen years because I haven't been able to admit that my tastes were a little cringe a decade ago. Alas cringe culture comes for us all i suppose.
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sunfudge · 1 year
Brendon Urie's career is dead listen to Love From The Other Side by Fall Out Boy to make it die faster
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hoom · 1 year
Fav TSwift songs?
seven, august, the last great american dynasty, cowboy like me, cardigan, ivy, gold rush, invisible string & the 1 from her folkmore era.
enchanted, begin again, everything has changed, CRUEL SUMMER, style, love story, state of grace, RED, treacherous
also ME! and snow on the beach are so insanely bad that i just have so much fun singing along lmao
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dashiellqvverty · 1 year
the thing is if i catch even the faintest whiff of ryden posting i go absolutely out of my mind.
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my research presentation is in 48 hours and nothing is ready and I’m coding to 70s music because if I must panic I should at least have some disco to go with it
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Ryan Ross was deadass my first teenage celebrity love which probably explains a LOT like I wanted to marry him and also to be him
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atldiscourse · 7 months
me when theres no atl on my spotify wrapped this year 😁🥳 me when panic at the disco is on there 😦😰
not panic …. you’re only absolved if it’s pre-death of a bachelor baby
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ryan ross iceberg explained (masterpost and tier 1)
tier 2, tier 3, tier 4, tier 5, tier 6, tier 7, tier 8
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if somehow you have no idea how icebergs work/what they are, then i’ll give a tldr: it comes from the saying “it’s just the tip of the iceberg,” so basically, the entries at the top of the iceberg are the stuff the average person would know, and as you go deeper, the content becomes more obscure. for example, if you’re a more casual panic! fan, then a lot of the entries in the sky tier are more likely to be things you would know, whereas you’re probably only going to know the stuff at the very bottom if you’re an insane person (me).
i got most of the entries from this iceberg from a couple of others that i found on twitter, here and here [i]. i combined them, shifted some stuff around, and added some things to make this one. of course, a special thanks to the twitter users areyouIlooking and checkyesjuul for making the ones i used to create this one.
i also want to give a special shoutout to the tumblr blogs @pathetic-at-the-disco and @prettyoddfever because i got so much info from them for this iceberg and they are just incredible sources of information for panic! fans.
finally, i'm really hoping everything on this iceberg is correct; of course, i did my research and there was a lot of it i already knew. however, i was not actually there for presplit panic! so i can't speak off of firsthand accounts for a lot of things. with that being said, if something is wrong, or if there is something you think should be added, please feel free to let me know, and i will go back and edit the post.
enough introduction, let’s get started.
the sky (tier 1):
guitarist of panic!:
what he is most well known for. ryan was the original guitarist of panic! and one of the true founding members. he departed the band in 2009 with former bassist jon walker, which we’ll come back to later.
this refers to an iconic piece of clothing that ryan wore while they were touring their debut album, a fever you can’t sweat out. he wears it in live in denver as well.
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(side note: the post i got this pic from is a very interesting look at their outfits from that tour so i would recommend checking it out here!) [ii]
good at makeup:
during the fever era, ryan was really well known for doing makeup looks, some elaborate. i’m inserting some examples here, but i’m also going to link a post that showcases more pics of the makeup looks he did. there are more that he did than just the ones shown in that post or here (like the god awful blue eyeshadow he did on that red carpet), and there were a lot of times he just did the classic black smudged eyeliner.
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and the tumblr post as promised: the makeup styles ryan ross wore in summer 2006 [iii]
oh boy, where do we even start with this one. there are actually going to be quite a bit of ryden references in this, but at the end i’ll link a masterpost for further reading (although most of it will be covered here). but to be keep it short and simple, ryden is the ship name for ryan ross and brendon urie. it was arguably one of the biggest ships in early 2000s bandom, as evidenced by the litany of fics written with them as a pairing. this ship (unfortunately) still lives on in people’s hearts today even though ryan and brendon don’t speak anymore.
also, i know it would seem to make more sense if their ship name was ryDON not ryDEN because of how brendon’s name is spelled, but the ship name comes from the mashing of their nicknames ryro and bden (which still doesn’t make any sense but i digress).
unfortunately, all of the ryden content on this iceberg will probably be long because i am a former rydennie (yes u can make fun of me for it go ahead) so i have a lot of knowledge on that ship. but trust me i know that ryden was not real.
“creative differences:”
this entry refers to the july 6th, 2009 split where ryan and jon left the band. the most cited reason for the split was musical differences, as stated in these interviews with brendon and spencer [iv]. however, most people believe the band actually split due to personal reasons since they basically all stopped speaking afterwards, and because of some comments jon made [v]. in fact, one MTV interview specifically singled out ryan and brendon as not getting along, but it has since been deleted [vi].
cheez wiz:
this references a clip from the pretty. odd. short-film called american valley [vii]. the video went viral circa 2015/2016 and became a huge meme in the bandom community, especially in the crankthatfrank yeemo fanbase (that sentence wasn’t in the bible). if you were a panic! fan during that time, you know the cheez wiz jokes were inescapable.
milk fic:
“ryan was kneeling in the bathtub…”
this is also unfortunate. to be blunt, this is a ryden fic in which brendon gives ryan an enema with milk. it catalyzed a trend of other shocking fics within the bandom sphere, such as the comb fic. it’s just cringy. sadly, it became so iconic that brendon knows about it and even made a vine referencing it [viii].
i would link it but i’m not going to because the author, druscila, is a pedophile. so there’s that.
onceler jokes:
i’m going to put a picture of the onceler, who is from the lorax, and ryan side by side. and that should explain this.
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now let’s move on to the next tier.
tier 2
[i] https://twitter.com/areyouiooking/status/1366887508441718790?s=46&t=srOJ3YueMMsx9_sm96odQQ, https://twitter.com/checkyesjuul/status/1368794897499615233?s=46&t=srOJ3YueMMsx9_sm96odQQ
[ii] https://prettyoddfever.tumblr.com/post/628882839458512896/panic-at-the-discos-2006-summer-tour-costumes
[iii] https://prettyoddfever.tumblr.com/post/629161631117656064/the-makeup-styles-ryan-ross-wore-in-summer-2006
[iv] https://patd.livejournal.com/2943372.html, https://patd.livejournal.com/2928377.html#cutid1
[v] https://oneweekoneband.tumblr.com/post/131968366779/jon-walker-and-ryan-ross-from-a-2009-interview-in
[vi] https://whisperdlullaby.livejournal.com/9051.html
[vii] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bBot_X9pquo
[viii] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dyWlisnfrm0
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avaryy · 1 year
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ryan ross, live in denver 8.33/?: but its better if you do (pt. 2)
(part 1)(part 3)
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turnstileskyline · 2 months
list of current broadway roles* they** could stuntcast brendon urie in ranked from worst to least worst
7. emcee - cabaret
i’d kill myself right there in the theatre district in midtown manhattan new york city new york.
6. orpheus - hadestown
i’d kill myself but less out of digust and more of sadness.
5. christian - moulin rouge
controversial statement but who is aaron tviet but the early 2010s brendon urie of broadway. will not elaborate.
4. fiyero - wicked
in like 2015 this couldve happened. but it didnt. and it wont. hopefully.
3. billy flynn - chicago
most likely and honestly probably the least offensive. he wouldn’t get the irony of it though but i would. unfortunately i did chicago two years ago and occasionally i mindlessly do the backing vocals to all i care about is love and razzle dazzle so i’d have to kill myself.
2. king george iii - hamilton
a lot of the women i know who are my mothers age, including my mother, would really like this. i would throw up but at least they would be happy. thats gotta count for something.
1. elder price - book of mormon
i have a working theory that he was meant to pursue doing theatre and thats why he’s like that. he’s in the wrong place. i cannot fucking believe they stuntcast him as charlie in kinky boots. they should’ve thrown his ass into book of mormon. can he pass for 19? absolutely fucking not. but throw his tenor ass in there. throw! his! tenor! ass! in! there! this torments me. i can see it behind my eyelids. it makes me mad. i needed to share my curse with all of you. 
* this only includes roles in shows that are currently running on broadway. meaning that while these will not happen, they could, and you should be scared because he's been quiet recently.
** “they” being Big Broadway .which is definitely real and not something i just thought up
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valsnonsense · 3 months
Prince Blueberry of Pop
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"Okay! A dash of lavender, a hint of topaz, aaaaaand a pinch of moth wing dust should do the trick! Huh... Is it supposed to be bubbling like that? Oh... Oh it's on fire now-"
Parents: Queen Poppy and King Branch
Siblings: Choco (Elder Sister), Vanilla (Elder Sister), Strawberry (Elder Sister), Apple (Brother), Oran (Brother), Lemon (Brother), Lime (Brother), Grape (Brother), Iris (Younger Sister)
Age: 18
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Pansexual
Genre: Pop
Voice Claim: Brendon Urie (Panic! At The Disco)
The fifth of the Rainbow Brothers. Inquisitive, curious, with a touch of mad scientist for fun, Blueberry wants to know everything about everything. Why does music magically play around us when we sing? How were the strings truly made? And what happens if he took some fuzz from a Wooferbug and mixed it with hydrogen peroxide?
Blueberry works as a potion maker/alchemist in Trollstopia. From healing tonics to little prank potions, Blueberry loves to push the boundaries of magic and science. Unfortunately, when one pushes the boundaries of the universe, they often don't have much self preservation. Blueberry has blown himself up on SEVERAL occasions.
Blueberry doesn't sing much, as he mostly spends time in his lab, but when he does, he's as Pop as a Pop Troll can get. He does blast music in his lab while he's working, to the chagrin of his quieter siblings.
Despite the mad scientist in him, Blueberry is very friendly and cares deeply for his friends and family. He does his best to make time for social events, and enjoys going to loud, crowded parties.
Blueberry currently resides in Trollstopia alongside his family
Fun Facts!
- Blueberry only attempted to make a love potion once. He found the recipe in an old scrapbook and traveled all over the world gathering the obscure ingredients. What he failed to read was the warning at the bottom saying it had never succeeded, and wound up blowing off part of his ear. He wasn't allowed back in his lab for months after that
- Blueberry is currently dating a Puppet named Cosmo, who works on Vacay Island. He met him while visiting Bruce and his family, and was immediately smitten over his performances. The two love partying together when they visit one another
- Blueberry LOVES geology. Rocks, gems, minerals, the whole shabang. If he's not in his lab or out with friends, he's down in a mine digging up rocks. He has a very extensive rock collection
- Blueberry uses lots of plants and small insects in his potions, much to the distress of Lime and Strawberry. He often has to sneak around them when bringing home ingredients, cause they'll try to stop him from "killing them" ("the plant died the moment I picked it and these bugs only live for like a day caLM DOWN-")
And that's Blueberry! He didn't go through too many design changes. He was originally a jeweler, making jewelry and such, but I wanted one of the Broppy kids to be a mad scientist lol.
But I kept his love for rocks, he just collects them now
Also a Puppet is my personal name for the Vacationers, cuz they're just freakin puppets hdbshdbd. Cosmo's profile, like Penelope's, will come later xP
Voice Example: High Hopes (Panic! At The Disco)
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edge-oftheworld · 2 months
okay, it is time we talk about atl
putting this video up here bc i love how she compiled things with a focus on what we know to be true, not just simply anonymous claims. because the 2000s and early 2010s were a really wild time and i hope that we all share in wanting to make the music industry better than it has been. because doing that requires thinking about how we talk and how we call people to account, in a targeted purposeful way that also affirms, where reasonable, their ability to do better and to choose it themselves as well. i hope you manage to watch it through and think about her criticisms of especially their statement at the end, and ponder the question of, how, realistically, would we call them to do better? (also, abigail??? what are you doing here?)
and also, because from there leads us to the question: do we think it's right to ask ashton to boycott their songs, and if so how hard is it appropriate to push him towards that--or are we channeling our energy in the wrong place, perhaps even causing harm, or 'punishing what we want to see'? because unlike some of their idols, 5sos do have a track record of being respectful to fans, and, if we want to make the music industry better, don't we want to see more of that? i draw some parallels and come up with some ideas under the cut.
I'll admit I don't know a heap about all time low; i enjoy some of their songs, appreciate a (maybe a little cringey) reference to microplastics and I know 5sos looked up to them a lot when they were younger and alex gaskarth helped write some songs off sgfg and showed up in the how did we end up here documentary. I've never been to one of their shows, had no idea about the bras, or that they formed in high school just like 5sos, with a lineup that parallels the instrumental roles of 5sos. in some ways it's like they're an american 5sos eight years ahead in their careers and about that much older than them too. rose to fame alongside bands like panic! at the disco, and like p!atd, made their shows run with energy of sexual liberation that meant saying some careless things, doing some morally ambiguous things that are highly problematic when taken out of context or thought hard about with a critical lens of how some sexual liberation when it has power attached to it, infringes on the rights of those with less power in the name of rebellion, and can even uphold abuse. so, problematic.
does this mean any of them are rapists? not necessarily. but have they taken less accountability than brendon urie? arguably.
and so clearly, the parallels with 5sos stopped a while ago. i've said it before but one thing i do notice about all the music 5 seconds of summer have put out, is that in an industry where it's normal to objectify women/sexual partners in general, in genres that often have a little of that sprinkled through songs i'll sometime overlook or sit through for the sake of the song as a whole--they don't have a trace of that. or if they do, it's playful, humble, not forceful by any stretch, and an invitation to a collaborative kind of sexuality (greenlight), a celebration of an existing relationship with its shared wants (slsp, valentine) or a kind of reflection on experience that went some kind of way (ela, talk fast, iwct, wayf, teeth, a lot of their discography). it's also all really genuine, it feels really safe to listen to--and that's unfortunately a really rare thing that they have.
so, in the event atl are actually looking to do better, not simply reactively to enraged fans and the general public (because for a lot of fans, the morally grey stuff is normalised. and people are loyal) there's a lot of artists they could learn from, where it could feel like a really authentic and autonomous learning process. and who are they likely to listen to?? maybe some guys who have looked up to them for decades, gone along a similar path, reached a similar level of fame, and kept this aura of respectfulness about them while also being cool people who aren't moral purists. 5sos have no obligation to do that, and maybe ashton simply didn't think before playing their song--but think about it. if we want to make any industry better, as much as supporting those who are doing it right (and imo this does include not forcing them into an inhuman standard of perfection) it includes facilitating accountable pathways for people who have done things badly to do better.
that doesn't change the fact that what is alleged is horrible. that as much as there isn't any proof of it, there's no proof it isn't true--how much more of a case they'd have if jack's partners from that time came forward and said they were with him at the time and there was no evidence of there being anyone else. if he came out and said that he's got some standard of how he treats underage fans (even if it is looser than we may like) and after whatever happened with abigail which was 10 years ago when he was still a young adult, he's learning more about who it's appropriate to date. and in the case if the allegations are false, if he's got nothing to be afraid of and they don't need to try strongarm it with the support of the law to make it go away, we actually do have another example (if very much unintentional) of how to transparently respond to false allegations sharing what you know and what you would and wouldn't do from our very own 5sos. (which again, parallels. sometimes reality offers the best irony).
because if it's not true and that can be shown in a transparent and respectful way, they have nothing to worry about. they can take this as a warning to think about their behaviour; we can hear the stories behind the allegations made, all can be put to rest. I hope the lawsuit uncovers the truth; I'm not too confident it will but the truth does have a way of coming out eventually. and the victims of the allegations deserve to have their voices heard, deserve to be respected and validated, even if we can't for the moment say for sure it was one way or another. we have to keep crying out for the truth to be found. for some of us it may mean stopping supporting them until we can do so ethically, but for some of us it may mean keeping them relevant, not stopping talking until we know the truth. some of us may decide this isn't the focus of our activism.
but is it up to us to decide that ashton specifically must choose the method of boycotting them? it's not up to me to decide that for you. but please at least think. is this the best use of my activism energy or is it better directed somewhere else--somewhere that might actually bring some sort of resolution to this?
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hi i saw my friend (thanks peter) do this and it reminded me that i probably should too oops
hi you can call me soup or lib! if/when i reblog my irls stuff/they comment on my things theyll call me lib but its up 2 you! soup is more of an online name (after my username which, despite being "soup is nice sometimes" i love soup all the time and there is never a bad time for soup!!), oh and also im non binary so they/them pronouns please :3 and i am (as most emo/mcr fans are) queer as well (aroaspec yippee)
i love mcr and fall out boy and ryan!panic at the disco and i also appreciate dallon weekes and the rest of panic - however as far as im concerned doab was the last panic album and i dont particularly like brendon urie :skull:
i also like paramore and bring me the horizon, pierce the veil, sleeping with sirens etc and im always on the lookout for more music of that typa genre so if you think i might like smth PLEASE PLEASE SEND IT TO ME in an ask or in my dms i dont mind!!
dni's are basic criteria and im also firmly on palestines side so if you disagree w that then my blog is NOT!!! for u
ermm fun facts abt me
i dyed my roots teal over the summer like gerard's teal roots but unfortunately had to bleach it back to blonde due to my schools hair rules UPDATE ON THAT its all black/brown now :(((
i like banana candy whether its the squishy ones or fruit bursts or runts and i also rlly like liquorice!
i type kinda fast and dont always spellcheck on my laptop so uh ignore typos unless theyre fatal in which case tell me
i saw mcr when they performed the 1 (one) show in our country on march 11 2023 and thats what got me fully into them - i was a casual listener for a couple of years and my best friend offered me a spare ticket she had and away we went (we were on stage left so rays side)
i am learning french through school and get to go to france this year!!!
i have such a sweet tooth its so bad but im usually good at limiting my treats (unfortunately)
i play inline hockey which is basically ice hockey on rollerblades
i play genshin on the eu server if anyone wants to be my friend :3
also feel free to send me asks n stuff i love yapping
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