#brett's bandom fics
Touched For The Very First Time
Ship: Wentzross (mentioned ryden)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: First time blowjobs, come swallowing
Summary: Pete gives Ryan his first blowjob.
Word Count: 1,563
Read Touched For The Very First Time on ao3 or below the cut
Pete knew he should be a responsible adult. He really did. He knew he should discourage Ryan from drinking and smoking, and making all the same bad choices he’d made in his own teenage years. Ryan looked up to him and was signed by him, that put him in a spot where he should be advising Ryan on the right decisions. But he also knew he was pretty terrible at being a good influence. He was expected to be cool and honestly, he was a people-pleaser at heart. 
That was how he found himself laughing with Ryan, both of them sitting on Pete’s couch and pressed close together. There was no space between them as Pete pressed up against Ryan’s side, the taller man’s arm around his shoulders to keep him close. It was warm and comfortable, alcohol heating up both of their bodies and making it easier to relax into one another. The smell of alcohol and Ryan’s cologne hung heavily around them, fogging up Pete’s senses. 
Maybe that was why, against all better judgment, he found himself leaning up towards Ryan. He made it halfway to his face before he stopped and Ryan was looking right back at him now. Ryan seemed to be holding his breath as he waited for the inevitable, the slow press of lips that always followed the slow lean in. Pete knew what was expected of him, it was almost second-nature to kiss people by now. That was the rational next step, connecting their lips. But he paused for a moment, admiring Ryan’s pretty features and his mind began wandering out of his control. 
All he could see in his head was Brendon. Brendon’s nervous hands and big eyes sparkling with a certain excitement that only came with inexperience. His smile softened a bit and he realized he couldn’t bring himself to kiss Ryan. Not like this anyway. It was like a premonition hitting him all at once, showing him quick flashes of the future. He didn’t need to be a psychic to know that it should be Brendon the first time it happened for Ryan. This first time was meant to be someone else’s and as selfish as Pete wanted to be in that moment, he couldn’t deny them that. 
First kisses were something special and it was something Ryan should experience with someone his own age. Not someone half a decade older, not drunkenly on a living room couch, not with someone who had already lost every first time they had. It would be far better for Ryan to lose this first time to someone who could give him their first time in return. And Pete found himself getting oddly sentimental over it, chest tightening more than it would if he was sober. 
Diverting his path, Pete leaned in to press a sweet kiss on Ryan’s cheek, lingering there for a bit before he pulled away. There was an expression that flitted across Ryan’s face for half a second, a look of disappointment that didn’t go unnoticed like he hoped it would. Pete knew he was disappointed he didn’t get to actually kiss him, and Pete was disappointed too, but Ryan would thank him someday. Ryan forced a smile to take the place of his disappointment and it was a look Pete knew all too well, it made his heart break a bit for the boy that he seemed so comfortable forcing that expression. 
It was an expression that made Pete want to grasp Ryan by the shoulders and shake him, assuring him that he was the most beautiful being he’d ever laid eyes on. And that one day, he’d have every first with someone who really deserved it. That it will be far more magical than drunkenly kissing Pete. Instead of doing that, he just cupped Ryan’s face with one hand and smiled up at him. 
“You are so pretty,” Pete murmured with a painful amount of sincerity and he watched the blush spread across Ryan’s face, making him smile at him even more. “Let me blow you, okay?” Ryan let out a strangled noise, but nodded and Pete decided he could take this first time and not feel bad about it. Oral was very different from kissing. Kissing was so much more intimate and it mattered more. Every time Ryan was blown, it would feel just as good and mind-blowing as the first time. But nothing could ever feel the same as the awkward and irreplaceable experience of being kissed for the very first time. 
Pete kissed Ryan’s cheek again before urging him to stand up and move in front of him. Ryan felt a bit awkward, unsure of what to do with himself as Pete worked his jeans and boxers down his hips. He was embarrassed when Pete finally pushed them down enough for his cock to be exposed. His hands itched to cover himself, to hide away from Pete’s eyes as he blatantly stared at him. He managed to stay still and let Pete look. And luckily, it was only a few seconds before Pete leaned in. 
One of Pete’s hands pushed his shirt up a bit, pressing a soft kiss to Ryan’s stomach. It tickled a bit, but Ryan managed not to giggle as Pete focused on his belly. He closed his eyes and tried to focus on the feeling, less embarrassed when he couldn’t see Pete. A few more kisses were pressed along his stomach, Pete’s tongue running across the skin just to tease him. It didn’t take much before he was half-hard, unused to having anyone so close to his cock, especially someone like Pete. 
He gasped when Pete’s fingers wrapped around his cock, beginning to stroke it slowly. His movements were precise and languid, taking his time as though there was no rush. Ryan shivered at the thought that Pete wanted to spend a lot of time touching him. It didn’t even feel real that Pete was willing to do this, let alone that he actually wanted it just as bad as Ryan. But he wasn’t about to stop Pete and question him about why he wanted to suck him off so badly. 
Ryan was lost in his own head and in pleasure, too caught up in it to notice that Pete was moving until he felt Pete’s mouth wrap around him. The noise he let out didn’t even sound like himself, too high and desperate, nothing like the sounds he’d ever made before. Pete didn’t seem bothered by it, though, so he didn’t let his mind linger on it. Instead, he focused entirely on the overwhelming feeling of Pete licking the underside of his cock. His mouth was unbelievably slick and hotter than anything Ryan had ever felt before, almost too much for him to be able to handle and Pete had barely gotten started. 
He was very quickly regretting standing up while trying to do this, unsure how long he could keep himself standing with how good it felt. The pleasure jolted through his thighs, threatening to make them tremble and shift away from the overstimulating feeling. It didn’t feel comparable to his own hand and he honestly wasn’t sure if he could go back to getting off by himself after this. Maybe Pete would ruin him for life. And as Pete tongued at his slit, he was more than happy to let himself be ruined. 
His fingers pressed into Pete’s hair, needing something to ground himself before he floated away with the pleasure. He already felt close to coming and he was going to do everything in his power not to come so quickly. As it turned out, there was very little he could do to actually hold off his orgasm. Pete was unrelenting as he took more of Ryan’s cock, hollowing his cheeks and sucking a bit harder around him. A soft noise escaped Ryan’s throat as Pete’s mouth got tighter and Pete’s head began to bob along his length. At that moment, every nerve in Ryan’s body seemed to be concentrated in his dick.  
It was taking everything in his power not to move his hips. The closer he got, the more he wanted to just grab Pete’s face and rock against him as quickly as he needed. But he managed to keep himself in control, even holding off on coming longer than he expected to. Though, when he made the mistake of opening his eyes and looking down at Pete, all his composure fleeted away from him. Pete’s eyes were closed and he looked content there, seemingly happy to be blowing Ryan. His lips were pink and wet, stretched around his cock as he bobbed his head and that was what pushed Ryan over the edge.
He groaned high in his throat and he wasn’t even able to warn Pete before he was spilling into his mouth. Either Pete was expecting it or he just reacted quickly because he swallowed around Ryan without any trouble. The younger man’s hips rocked slightly, losing control of himself as pleasure flooded through his body in uncontrollable waves. Pete continued sucking until Ryan was having to push his head away, breathing hard as he finally collapsed back onto the couch next to Pete. Pete was grinning as he cuddled up to him again, figuring he’d made up for the disappointment of not kissing Ryan.
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Damon/Brett? It was on Livejournal in the early/mid 00s and it was probably closely aligned with Albion (Libertines) and Franzies bandom fic from a time long before AO3. Stuff written in the 90s would have been out there on bulletin boards or individual sites…and possibly didn’t exist. Try digging here on this LJ ghost because there is definitely a small amount of Brett/Damon content.
This isn't even a rabbit hole any more, it's more of a WHOLE ASS METRO SYSTEM
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lords-of-mayhem · 5 months
-Brett 💞
ask game for writers
Usami - do you have any pet peeves related to writing?
I'm assuming this means for writing we read? My biggest pet peeve is first and second person, especially it being untagged. I know this is a bit hypocritical since I don't tag my fics with third person, but I should start doing that.
I also dislike when fandom has one interpretation of a character (often different from their canon personality) and then every fic you see is that fanon interpretation. I can't read certain bandom people because I dislike their fanon characterization so much haha LOC/Mayhem can be like this at times too, but it's okay because it's not ALL the fics. There's pretty good variation.
(Note, this isn't a personal attack on anyone or saying "oh people should write it this way instead." It just sucks to see a lack of other stuff out there.)
If this question is about our own writing, I dislike that I get stuck on some parts so easily and can't figure it out. I'll have the whole chapter written and then I'll get stuck on one paragraph. I write into corners a lot.
I also dislike how much my writing style changes. I have some fics where they take me a while to complete and each time I come back to it, I feel like a new person writing it or that my tone doesn't match the rest of it.
0 notes
Toy Diamond Ring Stuck On Her Finger
Rating: Explicit
Ship: Gabilliam
Warnings: Dom/sub, dom Gabe, sub William, top Gabe, bottom William, rough sex, anal, unsafe sex, slut shaming, dirty talk, friends with benefits, healthy relationships, aftercare.
Summary: They were friends before anything and the system worked well for both of them. Gabe and William were best friends who also just so happened to fuck sometimes. (request: Gabe and William have a healthy friends with benefits situation where Gabe is the dom and Bill is the sub)
Words: 2,197
Read Toy Diamond Ring Stuck On Her Finger on ao3 or below the cut now!
William groaned as he flopped down onto Gabe’s bed, not even bothering to take his shoes off first. More and more often, he found himself taking his problems to Gabe. He always listened and took William’s side on things, and even gave some pretty solid advice at times. When they’d started sleeping together, William had worried things would get weird between them, but they never had. In fact, their friendship had never been stronger. 
“It was terrible,” William complained, pouting at the other. “It was easily the worst date I’ve ever been on, Gabe. He didn’t even ask anything about me!” Gabe smiled softly as he listened to William rant and rave, huffing and puffing as he did so.
“Maybe he was just so enamored by your beauty that he forgot to ask,” Gabe laughed and it earned a sharp glare from William. But Gabe knew this look. It was his ‘I’m going to pretend to be annoyed, but I’m laughing on the inside’ look. 
“Whatever. The sex wasn’t even that good either,” William continued and he could see Gabe’s eyes practically lighting up, both eyebrows raising at the younger man. “Of course, that’s the part that interests you! You’re such a pervert,” William laughed warmly. 
“I’m just trying to take an interest in your date,” Gabe defended himself weakly, but it didn’t matter. He knew William didn’t actually mind it. “Why’d you have sex with him if the date was so bad?” He asked, but there was no judgment in his tone, only curiosity. 
“What can I say? Maybe I’m just a filthy little slut,” William joked and Gabe chuckled low in his throat. He seemed to think about it for a few seconds before he moved closer to William. 
“Well…I like you being a filthy little slut,” Gabe replied, reaching out to push some of William’s hair away from his face before petting through it gently. “And I bet your date did too, even if he didn’t deserve it. Maybe I can make up for the awful sex if you want?” He offered and William snorted at the question. 
“I knew you were going to ask that,” William murmured, but he sat up anyway. “Come here,” Gabe leaned forward way too quickly, eager to kiss him again. It had been a while since they did anything and he was beginning to miss William. Their sex was always good and as their lips met, Gabe was reminded of how much he had missed kissing him too. 
Gabe didn’t hesitate before he slipped his tongue into William’s mouth, not bothering to take things slow with him now. His hands began to wander beneath the hem of his shirt, stroking over his skin. He squeezed at his sides for a moment before pulling back to take William’s shirt off for him. 
“Go ahead and strip the rest of the way for me,” Gabe instructed him, smiling as he watched William shiver. Their dynamic had formed over the time they’d spent sleeping together. They’d found something that worked for them, Gabe taking control of the situation when they were having sex. Half the time, it was just bossing the shorter man around. Though, William would never let him get away with it outside of the bedroom. 
William nodded and climbed off the bed to obey him. He felt watched and exposed as he finished undressing for Gabe. But he didn’t feel anxious or uncomfortable, not like he usually did when he felt that vulnerable. Gabe never stopped smiling as he watched him undressing, only turning his attention to his own clothes after William was naked. 
It happened fast and Gabe didn’t make a show of it. Normally, he’d love to strip down slowly and to show off for William. But William knew why it was different now. It was to further illustrate William’s place. He was a toy for Gabe. Nothing more than entertainment. Gabe didn’t need to worry about putting on a performance for William when it wasn’t about him. 
“Spit into your hand and stroke yourself,” Gabe sounded bored as he told him what to do and William nodded. He spit into his hand and gathered up as much saliva as he could before wrapping his fingers around himself. Gabe’s eyes were transfixed as his hand moved between his legs, long fingers moving smoothly over his skin. Neither of them were completely hard yet, but they were both getting there. William was getting there a bit more quickly, squirming and letting out quiet whines as he touched himself. “Stop,” Gabe finally said and William found it difficult to remove his hand, but he complied. “Good job. Go get the lube,” Gabe told him. 
William had hooked up in Gabe’s room enough times to know where the lube was, quickly digging into the drawer and fishing it out. He could feel Gabe’s eyes on him and it set him on edge in the best way. He purposefully left the condoms there, leaving them untouched as he grabbed the lube. Unless Gabe specifically asked for something, he knew better than to grab it for him, not wanting to be scolded for not listening. 
“Good boy, beautiful. Hands and knees for me,” William blushed at the praise and Gabe smiled as he watched William moving into position. He liked doing this, liked having William enough to let him do this. His hands rubbed over William’s back and all the way down his thighs. William was fully hard by now, leaking against the sheets, and Gabe was almost there himself. It certainly wouldn’t take much more for him to get there. 
Gabe grabbed the lube from where William had laid it down on the bed for him. He smiled softly at how sweet and obedient William was during moments like these. Uncapping the lube, he decided to tease William a bit and only slicked up his thumb to begin with. Rubbing the pad of his thumb against his hole, he slipped it inside easily. It wasn’t enough to get William off, but it was enough to make him feel demeaned by the action. 
“Do you need prep today?” Gabe asked. Sometimes, they went without prep, especially during harsher scenes. Occasionally, it was because William had already stretched himself beforehand, but this time was different. William still felt tight around his thumb and he wanted to feel him around his cock instead. And for William, he often liked the stretch of being fucked without prep, the humiliation of being treated that way. 
“No, Gabe. I don’t need prep,” William told him, making sure to speak loud enough for Gabe to hear. “Please just fuck me,” Gabe let out a noise at those words, but he didn’t let himself be embarrassed by it. Anyone would react that way if William Beckett was asking them to fuck him, he reasoned. And he couldn’t bring himself to tease William anymore. 
“You’re such a slut, Bilvy. Probably got fucked on your way over here,” Gabe pulled his hand away from William, pouring lube down his length and stroking it over himself. Part of him still wanted to rile up William, so he took a bit longer than he needed to. He didn’t really want to pull his hand away too quickly, stroking himself slowly. Gabe could come just like this, jerking off to the vision of William presented for him, just waiting for Gabe to fuck him. 
“I know, I’m sorry. I know I’m a slut,” William murmured and it only made matters worse that he was close to begging Gabe to fuck him. Luckily, he didn’t have to. Gabe pressed close behind him and rubbed his cock against his hole before lining himself up. In one slow thrust, Gabe was completely inside of William and pausing to give him some time to adjust. “Thank you,” He whispered as Gabe finally gave him what he wanted. 
“Good boy. Being so fucking sweet,” Gabe was focusing most his energy on giving William time to adjust and not just fucking into him, but he knew William didn’t need much time. After a long pause between them, he broke the stillness and began rocking into him. “You’ve got such a tight hole for a slut. Surprised you aren’t loose by now, baby. Know you’ve been spreading those pretty legs for anyone who wants it,” The words weren’t true, but it didn’t keep William from moaning at them, pressing back against Gabe. 
William didn’t bother trying to say anything as Gabe fucked him, pushing his face deeper into the blankets. He wasn’t normally a talker during sex, not like Gabe was. But it was a good matchup, Gabe loved talking and William definitely loved hearing him talk. Gabe fucked into him harder, getting rougher and wilder as he talked. It was as though he was riling himself up with his words and honestly, Gabe was getting himself off with them too. 
“Fucking cumdump,” William’s head was spinning from how different Gabe’s words were, praising him one moment and degrading him the next. He loved both extremes with Gabe, loved how he effortlessly switched between them. “I shouldn’t even be fucking you without a condom,” Gabe continued, voice becoming more strained as he got more out of breath. “But how could I say no to you whining for my cock? You’re lucky you’re so pretty,” William’s hand moved to grab onto his cock, jerking himself off in time with Gabe. 
Luckily, Gabe wasn’t usually into edging or orgasm denial. Sex to them was a way for both of them to get off, there was no need to play games about it. William was beyond grateful because he didn’t think he could handle being denied today. Gabe seemed to be in the same boat as him because his words became fewer and farther between. William had slept with him enough to know all the signs he was getting close and he smiled into the sheets. 
Gabe’s words stopped altogether, replaced by moans and grunts instead. Part of William did wish that Gabe could keep talking all the way through. It’d probably make them both come even harder than they already did. But he loved every second with Gabe. And Gabe made up for his lack of talking with fucking William more intensely whenever he was close. 
Gabe’s hips drove harder into William, his pace becoming near violent just like how they both loved it. Whenever they had sex, they both wanted it fast and rough. William choked out a moan that only spurred Gabe on more. His fingers tightened on William’s hips, hard enough to leave bruises all along his porcelain skin. They’d both look over every mark they left on each other afterwards,  having a constant reminder of what they did. 
“Fucking take it,” Gabe babbled as he got more lost in the moment. William’s noises got louder and one of Gabe’s hands slipped away from his waist to dig deep into William’s hair. “Slut,” Gabe’s voice was lower now, rough in a way it only was when he was having sex or when he had just woken up. In either case, William loved it. 
“Gabe,” William all but wailed, coming over his fist suddenly. His hips stuttered and his body clenched impossibly tighter around Gabe. And if he was less used to William, he would’ve come on the spot as well. But he held on a bit longer this time, making it through a few more minutes before he was groaning and filling William up. 
“Fuck,” Gabe panted after a couple moments of trying to catch his breath. He pulled out gently and let William shift onto his side and away from the wet spot forming on the bed. “You okay?” He asked as he cuddled up behind William, wrapping his arms around him. 
“I’m good. Scalp’s a little sore,” William replied in a conversational tone, speaking as though he was talking about the weather. It was the tone he used to show Gabe he wasn’t upset about anything he did. “Are you okay?” He checked in as well. 
“I’m really good. But I think I bruised my hips on your flat ass,” Gabe told him and William rolled his eyes even though he knew Gabe couldn’t see it. 
“Like your bony hips are any better. It’s like slamming two skeletons together,” William settled further into bed, relaxing a bit more now that he was sure they were both doing okay. Things felt natural with Gabe, easy to fall out of a sexual role and right back into their friendship dynamic once again. The switch was nothing but smooth, surprisingly so.
“Fuck. I love when you talk dirty to me,” Gabe laughed and pressed a kiss to the side of William’s throat. “I’ve got a new album to show you once we sleep this off,” He told him, closing his eyes and resting his head against the pillows.
“Oh, yeah?” William smiled and settled even deeper into Gabe’s arms. No matter what they did, they were always friends at the end of it all. And that was what William valued most about them. “Yeah, I’d like that a lot.”
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If You Were Church
Rating: Explicit
Ship: Peterick (platonic)
Summary: Pete tended to do anything he could if it meant helping his friends feel better. This wasn't any different, he told himself.
Warnings: Platonic sex, blowjobs, come swallowing, stress relief
Words: 1,580
Read If You Were Church on ao3 or below the cut now!
Patrick was frustrated, there was no other way to put it. And unfortunately for everyone around him, a frustrated Patrick was a very unpleasant Patrick. He got snappy and even more short-tempered than normal. Of course, Pete didn’t go any easier on him when he was like that which only made things worse. The last straw was him shoving Pete away from him on stage when he tried to cuddle up close. People were already talking about it and Pete knew fans would be speculating that something was wrong between them, and that would just make everything worse for everyone involved. 
It was easy enough to convince Andy and Joe to go looking for food, both taking any excuse to not have to be around Patrick for a little bit. But Pete followed close behind him all the way to the bus. He had a plan and he was going to stick to it until Patrick felt better or he got punched in the face, whichever came first. He didn’t let Patrick get very far onto the bus before he was shoving him down onto the couch and smiling at Patrick’s disgruntled little noise. 
“What the fuck, you asshole? Patrick snapped out and Pete wanted to be annoyed at the attitude, but he reminded himself that this was why he needed to do this. Pete didn’t reply, just dropped to his knees in front of him and reached for the button of his jeans. Patrick was faster, hands grabbing onto Pete’s.  “Whoa, hey. Slow down for a second, Pete. What are you doing?” There was less bite and more confusion in his voice now, but he didn’t try to shove Pete away. Despite everything, he trusted Pete more than anyone-even if it got him into trouble sometimes. 
“You’ve been so pent up lately and I know that’s part of what’s been irritating you so much,” Pete said in the most matter of fact tone he could manage. He honestly thought he’d have to argue more, but Patrick released his hands and didn’t fight him as he unbuttoned his jeans. Pete wiggled the jeans down Patrick’s hips, making sure to take his boxers with them. “I think this will make you feel better,” His tone was quieter now, reaching out to wrap a hand around Patrick’s soft cock.
“This is so weird,” Patrick said, clearly still not believing this was actually happening to him. It didn’t feel real enough to actually be taking place. Maybe he was having a stress dream or something. But it felt pretty real when Pete began rubbing along his cock, trying to get him hard. His cock twitched in interest and he almost blushed. “I’m not gay,” He blurted out and Pete looked up at him.  
“Hey, it’s okay! I’m not either. I’m just relieving some tension,” Pete murmured before grinning, stroking Patrick a bit firmer. “Some tension in your cock,” He laughed and it earned him a harsh slap to the back of the head. Despite this, Patrick had completely hardened in his hand by now and Pete held back a joke about how quickly Patrick had gotten hard. 
“Just blow me,” Patrick huffed out and Pete was certain he was the only person in the world who could have that tone when he was about to be sucked off. So bossy and bratty and demanding. Pete rolled his eyes, but didn’t keep teasing him. He licked the head of his cock, experimentally tasting it. It didn’t taste as much as he thought it would, mostly just tasting like skin and sweat. Patrick tended to sweat a lot everywhere else when he performed, so Pete wasn’t too surprised. 
“Oh, God. That’s good,” Patrick breathed out when Pete took the tip completely in his mouth, leaning his head against the back of the couch. It felt too weird to look at Pete while he was doing this. He couldn’t tell if Pete was good at this or if he was just so pent up that it felt really good. It felt awkward to ask Pete if he’d ever sucked dick before, so he chose to just appreciate it. Pete licked at the slit of Patrick’s cock, curious about the vaguely sweet taste of precum gathering there. 
Patrick wanted to just fuck Pete’s face at that point. He was so worked up and Pete had barely even started, it made him want to take control. But he forced himself to behave, gripping his own thighs instead of reaching for Pete. Pete loved his hair and Patrick couldn’t imagine he’d appreciate it being messed up. He was actually quite proud of himself for keeping his hands to himself. Luckily, Pete seemed to know what he needed without having to be told. 
Pete slipped down further and took more of Patrick’s cock into his mouth, experimenting with different actions. He bobbed his head a bit and swirled his tongue around the crown of Patrick’s cock, seeing what got the most positive responses. He might’ve been completely new to this, but he was a fast learner at the very least. Once he picked up on what Patrick liked, he focused on doing that. He ended up settling into a good rhythm of taking as much of Patrick as he could, which admittedly wasn’t a lot, and sucking a bit harder once he got back up to the head. 
It was noisy and obscene, and Patrick knew his face was bright red. He knew nobody would catch them like this, but he couldn’t keep a small part of him from worrying that someone would. The noises Pete was making sounded like it was from some cheesy porn video where each action and sound was manufactured. But this wasn’t fake, it was just Pete. And of course, Pete naturally made things sound like an overexaggerated porn. That was just the type of person he was. 
“Oh, God. I’m close,” Patrick managed to get his words out coherently, his hand drifting to the back of Pete’s head without him even realizing. He wasn’t meaning to control the movements, but he was getting so close, he felt desperate to get off. His hand pushed at the back of Pete’s head which was fine until Pete gagged around him. “Sorry. I’m sorry,” Patrick was guilty about how good it felt as Pete’s throat constricted, but he immediately removed his hand and let Pete take full control back.
Luckily, Pete didn’t seem too bothered by it. He took it all in stride and kept going, continuing to suck at Patrick’s skin. All he could think about was how close Patrick seemed to be, wanting to get him off soon. His jaw was beginning to ache anyway, unused to the feeling of having someone’s cock in his mouth. Patrick moaned quietly as Pete seemed to double his efforts, moving quicker and sucking a bit harder.
“Let go. I’m gonna come,” Patrick’s voice was shaky and panicked. His hands tried to push Pete off, but the older man just swatted him away and didn’t move back in the slightest. Patrick was a bit mortified, worried he was going to finish in Pete’s mouth when he didn’t want it. He couldn’t handle the embarrassment of doing that. But when he finally came with a shuddering breath, Pete didn’t seem put off or trying to move away at all. 
Instead, Pete simply swallowed the best he could around him. Having come in his mouth was definitely weird for Pete and a bit surprising. He knew Patrick was going to come, but the feeling of it wasn’t comparable to anything he’d experienced before. The taste and texture was terrible, indescribable even if he tried. But it wasn’t too difficult to swallow and ignore the aftertaste sticking to the back of his tongue. He reminded himself this was for Patrick. 
He sucked Patrick through it, doing everything he himself liked during a blowjob. Once Patrick started squirming, he pulled away from him. They sat there together for a few moments, both trying to catch their breath. Patrick started to get himself together, putting his cock away and beginning to redo his jeans. Pete shifted a bit and raised up once it was clear Patrick was done. 
“That was so gross,” Pete pointed out as he climbed off of his knees, sitting himself down next to Patrick on the couch. The face he was making was one Patrick never wanted to see after someone blew him. His nose was scrunched up and he was visibly disgusted, and that was fair. Patrick couldn’t imagine he’d enjoy the taste of come either, but he also couldn’t imagine volunteering to blow someone. 
“Don’t blame me! You’re the weirdo that wanted to suck me off,” Patrick shot back easily, but there was no real bite in his words now. He was back to his usual self, sarcastic and argumentative with Pete, but not genuinely upset or malicious. Pete grinned at that, happy to see his plan worked and that Patrick seemed to be feeling less wired now. 
“Hey. I was just helping out a friend,” Pete snuggled closer to Patrick as Patrick finished buttoning his jeans and zipping them up. He rested his head against Patrick’s shoulder like always and closed his eyes. Pete didn’t think he’d ever do this for any other friend, but Patrick was his best friend and that made him a totally different story. There was very little Pete wouldn’t do for him.
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December Was The Warmest Month
Ship: Ryan Ross x Brent Wilson
(I mean come on they were girlfriends)
Tumblr media
Rating: Teen
Warnings: Getting high, first kiss, fluff, getting together.
Word Count: 1,147
Summary: “Are you still okay?” Brent’s words cut through the thick smoke that felt like it was clouding up Ryan’s mind. It helped bring him back to the moment, giving him something to focus on. He felt himself nodding, but his body felt weird. He felt too heavy, his movements feeling slower than normal and as though it took more effort to simply nod. Brent’s fingers still rubbed his side, mindlessly tracing small circles there. 
Read on ao3 now or below the cut
Ryan’s body felt hot all over, that was the feeling that came the first time he got high with Brent. Warmth seemed to spread through his entire body as he inhaled the joint deeply, not releasing until his lungs burned and singed with smoke. He had wanted to be nervous, he had felt nervous, but trust and excitement overtook him.
After all, Brent was right there. Brent was holding the joint, Brent was handing him his water when he choked, Brent was staring at him with warm and dark eyes. Brent, Brent, Brent. Ryan’s hand shot out suddenly, searching for the other and clung to his arm tightly, fingers curled just below his bicep. He could feel himself trembling a bit, twitchy little involuntary movements and he was suddenly glad he hadn’t held the joint himself. 
It would be just his luck to drop it and burn the house down around them. But Brent had it and he didn’t seem to be letting it go anytime soon. His free hand found Ryan’s ribs and rubbed his skin over the layers of clothes he had on. Ryan felt like his heart was going to beat out of his chest or maybe explode into a million pieces. Maybe he’d die right there, sitting on his friend’s bed and staring at him, weed in his body for the very first time. 
He felt like he wasn’t even in his own body anymore. It was like there was a wall between his mind and the real world. He felt simultaneously alive and dead. It was hard to tell how much time had passed since he’d last inhaled from the joint, was he even high yet? He felt high. His chest was warmer and his throat was constricting more, but at least he’d stopped coughing. He’d had a good life, Ryan considered, he was ready to die there. 
“Are you still okay?” Brent’s words cut through the thick smoke that felt like it was clouding up Ryan’s mind. It helped bring him back to the moment, giving him something to focus on. He felt himself nodding, but his body felt weird. He felt too heavy, his movements feeling slower than normal and as though it took more effort to simply nod. Brent’s fingers still rubbed his side, mindlessly tracing small circles there. 
“I’m okay,” Ryan didn’t recognize his own voice as he spoke and he hoped he sounded more sure of himself than he felt like he did. He wasn’t sure if he was actually okay, but he didn’t know how to explain what he was feeling without sounding like a lightweight. This was just Brent and Ryan knew he shouldn’t care about how he seemed, but he did. “It just feels really weird,” He told him after considering his thoughts for a moment. 
“I know it does,” Brent was smiling at him now, but there wasn’t any malice there. His smile was warm and friendly, and so Brent. Ryan felt himself laughing, the noise vibrating through his throat and chest. And once he started, he found it almost impossible to stop laughing. “You’re okay, though. You’re doing a good job,” He encouraged. The words made Ryan’s chest impossibly warmer, trying to focus on anything else as Brent leaned over and placed what was left of the joint safely into his ashtray. 
Ryan didn’t know what came over him, but as soon as Brent turned back to him, he was leaning forward and pressing himself into the younger man’s space. Everything seemed to move in slow motion like one of those cheesy romance movies he’d watched. He was just grateful for the weed in his system blocking out his ability to overthink things. But without that restraint, his body didn’t stop moving until his lips were pressing against his friend’s. It wasn’t even something he thought to do, his body just moved seemingly on its own. 
He’d kissed plenty of girls before, but this felt so different. He couldn’t tell if it was because it was Brent or if it was because he was a guy or possibly because he was stoned out of his mind. It was probably a mix of all three, he reasoned, but it wasn’t like any kiss he’d ever had before. A large hand found the back of Ryan’s head, pulling him closer and tilting his head into a more comfortable position. Ryan’s brain felt like it was short-circuiting in his skull, not really expecting Brent to kiss him back. Maybe push him away and laugh it off like the good friend he was, but to actually reciprocate this? No, never in a million years. 
But there Brent was, closing the already small distance between them even more until Ryan was pressed against his chest. It was all warmth surrounding Ryan. Brent’s warm hands and his skin radiating through his clothes, soft hair tickling the side of Ryan’s face before Brent’s free hand replaced it there. Ryan’s skin heated up as he was held, continuing to kiss his friend as though neither of them needed air. Honestly, he temporarily forgot he needed to breathe at all, far more focused on never pulling away from Brent. 
By the time they broke away from one another, Ryan’s lungs were burning as though he had somehow inhaled the smoke filling Brent’s veins. For a moment, they just stared silently at one another. Both expected the other to say something, to do something, for anything to break the silence and stillness between them. And after a moment, something finally did. As if their bodies were linked together, they both began laughing at the same time. Ryan thought he started laughing first and Brent followed close behind, but he couldn’t be sure. 
“That happened,” Brent managed to say through a fit of quiet laughter. Ryan couldn’t get himself to stop giggling, way too high to have any normal response to anything. But it didn’t matter. Any other time, he’d be embarrassed and insecure by laughing so uncontrollably, but not now. Not with Brent. Never with Brent, he thought to himself, Brent had always been different. He nodded his head to acknowledge the words, not trusting his own voice just yet. 
“Yeah. It did,” Ryan said finally, just as soon as he could speak through his laughter. This time, Brent leaned in to close the gap between them. Just as soon as they had caught their breath, they were pressed back against one another. Ryan’s eyes closed as he listened to the soft sounds of rain hitting Brent’s bedroom window. It was rainy and cloudy, darkening up the sky outside his window where sunlight normally poured in. The air outside was as cold as it would ever be in Vegas, but it didn’t matter. Inside of Brent’s room, their lips and bodies pressed together, it was the warmest Ryan had been all year.
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I Can See Your Halo, Pray It Don't Fade Away
Rating: Not rated
Ship: Berquinn
Summary: "Quinn ended up giving me a ride up to my parents' house. It was a beautiful night. I remember the moon was out and there was something different about this person that I'd met and I knew that we were going to write beautifully together."
Warnings: Fluff and angst, first kiss, falling in love
Words: 1,000
Read I Can See Your Halo, Pray It Don't Fade Away on ao3 or below the cut now
“You don’t have to do this, you know?” Quinn spoke softly as though his words could shatter Bert. Maybe they could. After everything Bert had been through, Quinn wouldn’t be surprised if he was as fragile as porcelain. “You don’t owe them anything,” He assured him. They were headed up to Bert’s parents’ house to try to reconcile what was left of their relationship before they left town, escaping Utah forever to chase after fame. 
They’d parked about five miles away from their house, fast food bags littered between them. Bert’s food had barely been picked at, a handful of fries missing, but nothing more. Bert had grabbed at Quinn’s hand instead of his food, clinging onto him like he was worried he’d float away if he didn’t ground himself. Quinn wasn’t used to him like this, bony hands desperately holding onto him and those wide eyes lit up with anxiety instead of excitement. 
“I know I don’t owe them anything, man. But I owe it to myself, right?” He asked and Quinn felt like he wasn’t really supposed to answer that. “I don’t think I can live with myself if I don’t at least try before we fuck off out of here,” He admitted to him, Quinn nodded along to the words, trying to show that he was listening and he understood. He’d never been good with his emotions, but he wanted to show Bert that he was there for him. 
“If you feel like you need to do this then I’ll be right there with you,” Quinn said after a few moments of considering what Bert needed to hear. That was probably the right thing. It was supportive, no matter what Bert decided to do. From everything he had said about his family, Quinn couldn’t quite understand why Bert would even want to reconnect. But what he did understand was that Bert was a vulnerable person, one who was nothing but raw emotions and someone who seemed a lot younger than he actually was. 
Maybe it was the big doe eyes or the way Bert was far too skinny, years of living on the streets had been hard on him, but he still looked like just a kid. Quinn knew he wasn’t much younger than himself, but he felt the need to protect Bert. From the very day he met him, he knew he was always supposed to find Bert. There was no other way to explain it, being around Bert was like finding a missing piece of his own soul. 
Bert was leaning over quickly, pressing their lips together at an awkward angle. It caught Quinn off guard and he didn’t react for a moment. Bert was pulling away and apologizing before his brain caught up to what was going on, but as soon as he was on the same page, he was dragging Bert back towards him. It felt natural to be doing this, not really feeling awkward or strange. His fingers dug carefully into Bert’s hair, holding onto him. 
They stayed close together even after they broke away from the kiss, as close in each other’s personal space as they could be. Quinn slipped his hand out of Bert’s grasp and moved to hold onto his thigh instead. There were no ulterior motives behind it, he just wanted to hold onto him. His thumb rubbed against the fabric of his jeans and he stole a few more kisses from Bert in the meantime, neither of them in a rush to go anywhere. 
Quinn was surprised by this newfound dynamic in their relationship. He hadn’t really considered Bert as a potential partner before, but that didn’t mean he didn’t want this. The way he felt about Bert was so different from anything he’d felt before. It wasn’t like it had been with any of his girlfriends. Bert made his heart do somersaults in his chest and his head feel like it was full of bees, swarming around his thoughts and making them all jumbled up. 
Bert rested his head on Quinn’s shoulder and they stayed like that for a bit. Neither knew how much time had passed, but the silence was comfortable. It didn’t feel awkward or heavy, it felt content. The moon was out and bright in the sky, unobstructed by any clouds and when Quinn looked over, he could see it reflected in Bert’s bright eyes. There was something poetic about that and he’d have to remember it for a future song. 
Quinn thought maybe Bert was going to decide against seeing his parents, after all. That maybe whatever piece of himself he was looking for in his family, he might be able to find it in Quinn instead. Maybe it was a selfish desire, but Quinn would keep it to himself. He genuinely would support Bert no matter what he wanted to do. A less selfish part of Quinn wanted to turn the RV around and drive them right back to where they’d come from. 
They’d stop only long enough for Branden and Jepha to get on board, and then they’d be gone. They could disappear into the night and never have to come back to Provo or Orem or any part of fucking Utah ever again. He could take Bert far away from this place and they could simply run away together, taking care of Bert and being everything he needed. Everything he deserved, someone kind and gentle and accepting of every part of who Bert was.
“Just needed a kiss for good luck,” Bert whispered after what felt like forever, smiling at Quinn as he leaned back into his own seat. Quinn broke out into a laugh at the words, nodding a bit. “Let’s get this show on the road!” Bert clapped, seeming to regain a bit of confidence and that was the thing about Bert. Quinn might see him as porcelain and he’d definitely treat him as delicately as such, but he still had a lot to learn about Bert.
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