#sfw rpf
So we've all seen:
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but may I humbly introduce you to !!!:
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December Was The Warmest Month
Ship: Ryan Ross x Brent Wilson
(I mean come on they were girlfriends)
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Rating: Teen
Warnings: Getting high, first kiss, fluff, getting together.
Word Count: 1,147
Summary: “Are you still okay?” Brent’s words cut through the thick smoke that felt like it was clouding up Ryan’s mind. It helped bring him back to the moment, giving him something to focus on. He felt himself nodding, but his body felt weird. He felt too heavy, his movements feeling slower than normal and as though it took more effort to simply nod. Brent’s fingers still rubbed his side, mindlessly tracing small circles there. 
Read on ao3 now or below the cut
Ryan’s body felt hot all over, that was the feeling that came the first time he got high with Brent. Warmth seemed to spread through his entire body as he inhaled the joint deeply, not releasing until his lungs burned and singed with smoke. He had wanted to be nervous, he had felt nervous, but trust and excitement overtook him.
After all, Brent was right there. Brent was holding the joint, Brent was handing him his water when he choked, Brent was staring at him with warm and dark eyes. Brent, Brent, Brent. Ryan’s hand shot out suddenly, searching for the other and clung to his arm tightly, fingers curled just below his bicep. He could feel himself trembling a bit, twitchy little involuntary movements and he was suddenly glad he hadn’t held the joint himself. 
It would be just his luck to drop it and burn the house down around them. But Brent had it and he didn’t seem to be letting it go anytime soon. His free hand found Ryan’s ribs and rubbed his skin over the layers of clothes he had on. Ryan felt like his heart was going to beat out of his chest or maybe explode into a million pieces. Maybe he’d die right there, sitting on his friend’s bed and staring at him, weed in his body for the very first time. 
He felt like he wasn’t even in his own body anymore. It was like there was a wall between his mind and the real world. He felt simultaneously alive and dead. It was hard to tell how much time had passed since he’d last inhaled from the joint, was he even high yet? He felt high. His chest was warmer and his throat was constricting more, but at least he’d stopped coughing. He’d had a good life, Ryan considered, he was ready to die there. 
“Are you still okay?” Brent’s words cut through the thick smoke that felt like it was clouding up Ryan’s mind. It helped bring him back to the moment, giving him something to focus on. He felt himself nodding, but his body felt weird. He felt too heavy, his movements feeling slower than normal and as though it took more effort to simply nod. Brent’s fingers still rubbed his side, mindlessly tracing small circles there. 
“I’m okay,” Ryan didn’t recognize his own voice as he spoke and he hoped he sounded more sure of himself than he felt like he did. He wasn’t sure if he was actually okay, but he didn’t know how to explain what he was feeling without sounding like a lightweight. This was just Brent and Ryan knew he shouldn’t care about how he seemed, but he did. “It just feels really weird,” He told him after considering his thoughts for a moment. 
“I know it does,” Brent was smiling at him now, but there wasn’t any malice there. His smile was warm and friendly, and so Brent. Ryan felt himself laughing, the noise vibrating through his throat and chest. And once he started, he found it almost impossible to stop laughing. “You’re okay, though. You’re doing a good job,” He encouraged. The words made Ryan’s chest impossibly warmer, trying to focus on anything else as Brent leaned over and placed what was left of the joint safely into his ashtray. 
Ryan didn’t know what came over him, but as soon as Brent turned back to him, he was leaning forward and pressing himself into the younger man’s space. Everything seemed to move in slow motion like one of those cheesy romance movies he’d watched. He was just grateful for the weed in his system blocking out his ability to overthink things. But without that restraint, his body didn’t stop moving until his lips were pressing against his friend’s. It wasn’t even something he thought to do, his body just moved seemingly on its own. 
He’d kissed plenty of girls before, but this felt so different. He couldn’t tell if it was because it was Brent or if it was because he was a guy or possibly because he was stoned out of his mind. It was probably a mix of all three, he reasoned, but it wasn’t like any kiss he’d ever had before. A large hand found the back of Ryan’s head, pulling him closer and tilting his head into a more comfortable position. Ryan’s brain felt like it was short-circuiting in his skull, not really expecting Brent to kiss him back. Maybe push him away and laugh it off like the good friend he was, but to actually reciprocate this? No, never in a million years. 
But there Brent was, closing the already small distance between them even more until Ryan was pressed against his chest. It was all warmth surrounding Ryan. Brent’s warm hands and his skin radiating through his clothes, soft hair tickling the side of Ryan’s face before Brent’s free hand replaced it there. Ryan’s skin heated up as he was held, continuing to kiss his friend as though neither of them needed air. Honestly, he temporarily forgot he needed to breathe at all, far more focused on never pulling away from Brent. 
By the time they broke away from one another, Ryan’s lungs were burning as though he had somehow inhaled the smoke filling Brent’s veins. For a moment, they just stared silently at one another. Both expected the other to say something, to do something, for anything to break the silence and stillness between them. And after a moment, something finally did. As if their bodies were linked together, they both began laughing at the same time. Ryan thought he started laughing first and Brent followed close behind, but he couldn’t be sure. 
“That happened,” Brent managed to say through a fit of quiet laughter. Ryan couldn’t get himself to stop giggling, way too high to have any normal response to anything. But it didn’t matter. Any other time, he’d be embarrassed and insecure by laughing so uncontrollably, but not now. Not with Brent. Never with Brent, he thought to himself, Brent had always been different. He nodded his head to acknowledge the words, not trusting his own voice just yet. 
“Yeah. It did,” Ryan said finally, just as soon as he could speak through his laughter. This time, Brent leaned in to close the gap between them. Just as soon as they had caught their breath, they were pressed back against one another. Ryan’s eyes closed as he listened to the soft sounds of rain hitting Brent’s bedroom window. It was rainy and cloudy, darkening up the sky outside his window where sunlight normally poured in. The air outside was as cold as it would ever be in Vegas, but it didn’t matter. Inside of Brent’s room, their lips and bodies pressed together, it was the warmest Ryan had been all year.
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brett-is-afraid · 2 years
Just thinking about Harrison being the main source of comfort for his brothers. Any time they're upset or have an issue, they immediately run to him. Especially Carson. As he gets older, Jackson stops doing it as much. But Carson always immediately goes to Harrison when he's upset.
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alonetogether · 19 days
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biblically accurate lesbian peterick (uncropped)
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him and i fr. (muse and artist fr) ("they are the only two people who think its a secret theyre in love" fr) ("cuando se confirme nos hacemos los sorprendidos" fr) (actor and director fr) ("when i make films you'll be the first i call up for the lead role" fr)
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deathwhoregutfucker · 2 months
Kirk Hammett SFW Alphabet
these hc's are pretty old, but i thought i'd post them here for you guys to read!
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?) - kirk would be soooooo affectionate. like, pda *everywhere*. always kissing you, touching you, always had at least one hand on you. 
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?) - he would be a killer best friend. the friendship would start at a record store, he would notice that you were looking at some bands that he likes and he’d suggest only their best albums.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?) - kirk would be the biggest cuddler ever. usually, you’d lay on his chest, but sometimes he would want to lay on yours so you could play with his hair, especially when he’s was in a bad mood. 
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?) - i feel like kirk would want to settle down with you after a few years of dating, and i feel like he would loveeee cleaning and lighting some candles after he’s finished with everything. 
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?) - UGH i don’t even wanna think about breaking up with him, but i feel like he would have a sit down talk with you and see if you can hash everything out before resorting to breaking up. i feel like he would value communication a lot, i don’t think he would want to break up unless he absolutely *had* to. 
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?) - i feel like he would want to get married after about 4-5 years of dating, but i feel like he would also talk about marrying you about a month or two into your relationship. he would always fantasize about a beautiful but intimate wedding with only a few of your close friends and family members.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?) - kirk is arguably the softest guy in metallica. i feel like he would be very emotionally vulnerable and he would always make sure to share his feelings with you whether they’re good or bad. and physically? literally so gentle. he would always rub your hand with his thumb or rub your thighs when you guys lay down together to watch a movie or something. 
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?) - oh he would love hugs. whenever you guys would spend any amount of time apart, he would always run up and give you a big hug and tell you how much he loves you <3
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?) - i feel like he would say it a few months into your guys’ relationship, and he would also be very nervous to say it to you. he would probably say it while you guys watch tv or listen to music or something like that.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?) - i don’t think he would be too jealous unless, but if someone else hit on you he would say something for sure. 
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?) - he would love kisses, especially kissing you goodnight. before you guys go to sleep, he would always kiss your forehead and both of your cheeks before you lay down on his chest and drift off to sleep.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?) - i feel like kirk would be awkward around kids, but still ultimately good. 
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?) - mornings would be so sweet with kirk, just imagine waking up with him with the sun coming in from the window, slowly starting a nice relaxing day of lounging around and just spending time with each other. he would wake you up by kissing your forehead and your cheeks (like he does when you guys go to sleep) and saying ‘wake up baby’ and stuff like that.  
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?) - nights would be good too. i feel like he would be a night owl too. whether its just staying up and watching tv or having a night out on the town, kirk would love staying up to spend ore time with you.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?) - honestly, i don’t know. i feel like he would be open with his feelings, but some things i think he would be pretty hesitant to talk about (like his past relationships).
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?) - he would have the patience of an angel. it would take a lot to get him pissed off, i really don’t think that he’s that hot headed.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?) - oh 100%. kirk would be soooo attentive with you. remembering you and your family's birth days and always making sure to get them a little something for it, he would remember all of the details about your first few dates, absolutely everything.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?) - his favorite moment would probably be your guys’ first date. a few days after you guys met, he would call you and ask you to go to a little coffee shop down town with him. you guys would just sit and talk to each other before the manager kicks you guys out so they can close at the end of the day.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?) - he would be very protective of you, he wouldn’t let anyone bother you as long as you were with him, and if you were alone in a dangerous part of town, he would make sure you had mace or a knife or something to protect yourself with. 
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?) - he would always go above and beyond with dates and everything. on your one year, he would buy you a bunch of gifts and spell out ‘i love you’ on your guys’ bed with rose petals and run you a nice steamy bath and put some candles and light some incense in the bathroom.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?) - i feel like a bad habit of his would be drinking too much when he’s with his buddies. i’m sure you’d get plenty of drunken calls asking you to pick him and the rest of the band up from the bar after a night of partying with them. i also feel like he’d be super clingy when he’s drunk too. 
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?) - i don’t think he would be *too* concerned about his looks, but i do think that he would take a lot of pride in his hair. he would have a whole schedule for the days he washes his hair, and he would have a daily routine for styling it as well. even when it’s short, he would still take extra care of it.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?) - oh 100%. he doesn’t even like spending more than a day without seeing or talking to you. it would kill him when he would go on tour when you wouldn’t be there, but he would always make sure to call you whenever he was free. 
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.) - i feel like he would love watching cat videos. he would always send you videos of cats throughout the day and he would always ask you ‘babe when can we get a cat?’. i don’t know, i just think he would be such a cat person. 
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?) - probably someone who was bad at communication. he would be very open about his feelings, so he would expect the same from his partner. 
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?) - like i said before, complete night owl. i mean, you would have to fight him to go to sleep before 12:30, and it would be even worse on the weekends and when he had nothing to do.
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vamgumi · 19 days
pic unrelated. buuut i enjoy this community thank u all for being (behaved) weirdos and listening to each other’s insane ramblings of who is holding hands and waltzing in the meadows with who in northern Ireland
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tommyssupercoolblog · 11 months
Js3 posts a happy wheels collab with T0mmy
Js3 releases a happy wheels figure and reveals he's debating playing it again on his channel
(Yeah probably but like. it's neat and also i think it's more fun to imagine it's not.)
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sarabandezflagz · 11 days
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Bang Chan + Big Brother Caregiver Flag Edit
[Excuse the blurry pic used for Chan]
Flag creds
got a request? send it here ! thnx !
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brett-is-afraid · 8 months
Google form prompts 138
Ship: Jacksepticeye x Tommy
Character or creator: Creator
Prompt: Tommy wants to do more vlogs with Jack but doesn't really have any ideas (except ones he's already planned with other people). Jack suggests that he take Tommy to like. a boardwalk or amusement park somewhere, but when they go, Tommy is super excited and cute the whole time and it makes Jack gay panic. Like Tommy isn't even trying to be seductive he's just telling stupid jokes and being him and Jack is CAPTIVATED. (Bonus for an accidental confession because I love that trope so fuckin much)
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alonetogether · 5 months
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pretty pout, pout (while you bottomed out)
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Aimsey was hosting a party with all her streamer friends as well as several others. She was dressed up like a little magician, her tuxedo hugging her small body just right, while she had a cute little top hat as well.
She got up onto a raised platform where she could survey the attendees, before getting their attention.
“Ladies and gentlemen, people attending the party! You’ve been having a great time, yes? Now it’s time for my favorite magic trick. If my volunteer would just find her way up here.”
Aimsey turned, facing off to the side. Her girlfriend Guqqie stepped onto the stage from behind, walking to stand next to her, smiling out at the audience. Everyone’s attention was rapt.
“Now Guqqie, if you’d just watch this pocket watch for me.”
Aimsey was swinging it back and forth, she wasn’t as tall as Guqqie, but with her full arm’s length as well as holding the chain tightly, she was able to keep it at eye level. Aimsey’s particular way of swinging it was distinctive, while it slowly made its way back and forth, she was also making flicking motions with her hand so that it jerked up and down. Like her performance, it was quite the show. And her volunteer couldn’t help but stare. Already Guqqie’s arms had fallen slack to her sides, slowly going down, and her eyes were fluttering. She looked practically intoxicated.
“And now, you’ll sleep standing up. Sleep!” Aimsey says, shouting the last part, her other hand moving to exaggeratedly snap her fingers.
Guqqie’s head fell forward immediately. Guqqie’s pink hair completely hid her face. She was the perfect image of sleepy and slack from the hypnosis.
The attendees of the party cheered. Aimsey turned to face them again, bowing, the watch still dangling from her hand.
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wentzsmatchacup · 1 year
sinners… it is done… I am going to RPF super hell for this one…
BIG NSFW warning eventhough it’s censored (as well as it can be). Here’s to hoping tumblr police won’t come for me. I mean, i put a warning label on the post but just in case, yknow?
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I even kept the little heart mark because I decided to give him a heart birthmark… on his dick… the more i think about this the weirder it is- anyways, eat up, sinners ❤️
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rpf-bat · 1 year
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Pairing: Arttu Lesonen x Samy Elbanna
Prompt: “You in there?”
Word Count: 752
Summary: A terrifying midnight text leads Arrttu to believe that Samy is planning to harm himself. If he has to break the door of his hotel room down to prevent that, so be it.
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dreaminghour · 1 year
Hayden/Ewan RPF - Prompt: List
Event: @domaystic Fandom: Star Wars RPF Rating: General audiences Prompt: 03 List Ship: Hayden/Ewan Context: References to real people are used fictiously. Words: 865
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Hayden rounded the curve of the drive to find the garage door was already open, music playing from a beat up little radio, Ewan standing with hands on his hips and squinting at him.
"Well this is a pleasant surprise," he said, crossing toward him before he had even gotten out of the car, slapping him on the back as he hugged him. "Figured out the address after all, huh?"
"Well, I mean." Hayden shrugged but couldn't keep himself from grinning. "Turn about is fair play, right?"
"Is it?" Ewan said, a kind of faux lightness to his tone. "Can I get you something to drink? A coke or a water?"
"Nah, not right now. What're you working on?"
"Nothing at the moment," Ewan said, "just finished changing the oil and was cleaning up."
"Don't let me keep you."
So Hayden leaned against a bit of workbench that wasn't currently strewn with tools and things, sipping the cold pop he'd been handed while Ewan ran commentary on the machine he'd been servicing. Hayden hoped he sounded appropriately appreciative.
"So, to what do I owe the honor?" Ewan asked, finally washing his hands at the sink with pumice soap, scrubbing at the lines of grease under his nails. "I don't suppose you're finally doing a bit of housewarming as well?"
"Haven't you been here years now?"
"Yeah, but its the first time you're here, isn't it?"
"A gift for the unsuspecting host." Hayden just rolled his eyes. "No I, er, don't have a gift, but I have this."
He pulled out the notebook he'd stuffed in his back pocket and flipped open to the bookmarked page for Ewan to read once he'd finished wiping his hands. He opened his mouth as he began reading, but then paused, glancing up at Hayden.
"What is this?"
"You tell me," Hayden said with a shrug, keeping his expression mild.
"'Excuses Ewan Has Used to Drop By,'" Ewan began reading. "'Number one, housewarming gift.' You know as well as I do that barbeque tongs go missing, its always good to have tools. Even if you'd already had some, I assumed it would be… Yeah yeah."
At Hayden's look, leaning back once more, crossing his arms, Ewan resumed reading.
"'Number two, had to regift a bottle of whiskey.' You know I don't drink!" He sounded outraged but he was grinning. "And that was a 40 year old single malt scotch, not just any bottle of whiskey! I knew that you'd appreciate it, or if not, I could rest easy that someone I liked was drinking it in their coke."
Hayden covered his smile with a hand but just gestured with his eyebrows as Ewan went on.
"'Number three, wanted to show me his new bike.' Alright." Ewan snapped the notebook shut and shoved it against Hayden's chest. "I'm not reading anymore. If a man can't drive his bike into the hills and visit a friend as he passes by, then…"
"But were you?" Hayden asked, laying the book aside, amused that Ewan was apparently getting a little heated, even if it was all in good fun.
"Was I what?"
"Just passing by? Because you told me you got a new bike, a Moto Guzzi or something."
All the visits over the last two months still remained pretty clear in Hayden's mind, so clear that he'd written them down in an attempt to figure out why Ewan would drop by, chat for a few minutes and then leave again.
It hadn't been a remarkable day in any other way. It had been hazy and gray. Surprisingly cool. Hayden had gotten in only a couple hours before and was looking forward to curling up in front of the fire with a book when he'd heard the motorcycle coming up the hill. He'd met Ewan in his leathers at the door, in his socks on the pavement while Ewan had guzzled cool water, long hair falling into his face, helmet tucked under one arm.
"What're you doing here?" Hayden had asked at some point.
"Just out for a test drive," he'd said, turning to grin at the spotless machine, as though it were able to enjoy the compliments he was about to bestow upon it. "Thought I'd show her off."
"She is something," Hayden had said, because it really was a nice bike.
"Not new," Ewan said now, turning to look at the bike in question. "Just wanted to make sure everything was working correctly."
"So you drove for an hour. To see me."
"Is that so bad?" Ewan asked, cracking open his own drink.
"It isn't, if that's what you called it. I just don't understand why you can't just say you want to see me. Instead of coming up with a dozen different excuses to drive over. We could have met somewhere, or I could have come over. I just don't know what you wanted to achieve. If you wanted to see me."
"You're here now, aren't you?" Ewan asked, raising his eyebrows. "So it worked, didn't it?"
Hayden scoffed.
"Yeah, alright. You don't have to be smug about it."
"Never crossed my mind," Ewan said, still wearing that shit eating grin.
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girlcockmartyn · 6 months
rpf is so cool ....... boys do we have any rpf ideas
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