windclan — year twelve — newleaf
echofang and baywillow die.
galenose, leafjaw, pinestem, and shadebird become warriors. willowpaw dies.
sierrapaw and pumicepaw are apprenticed to ashface and brightshore. sprucekit dies.
ashdawn has four kittens with dappletuft of riverclan: horsekit (pale she-cat with dark spots, white paws, and copper eyes), poppykit (white tom with fox-colored patches and amber eyes), silverkit (white tom with dark grey patches), and skykit (big, black and white tom with pale amber eyes).
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fearbehere · 9 months
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you know the end before it starts
wolf in white van, john darnielle / the secret history, donna tart / gone girl, dir david fincher / the illiad, homer / seven pounds, did gabriele muchino / oresteia, robert ickle / the raven boys, maggie stiefvater / they both die at the end, adam silvera / romeo and juliet, william shakespeare / war of the foxes, richard siken
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pack-coven-thing · 3 months
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Low quality deca drawings my beloved <3
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heavenb3nt · 6 months
Rest in peace, Millennia Brightshore
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feralsylph · 2 months
I've been listen to my dnd character's crush playlist, there is something so wrong with me
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vimpse · 1 year
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Westport 108 Brightshore Beach Apartments
Time to sprinkle the gameplay queue with posts of me building more apartments that I absolutely don’t need. This is pretty much an exact replica of this lot that I posted an impressive 9 years ago, originally built for Apple Springs. Even the floorplan is identical. Hell yeah resurrecting things I never really got around to using for anything before Apple Springs exploded!
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presidentromana · 1 year
Was just discussing the problem of creating Time Lord House names that don’t sound too much like Warrior Cat names (there is crossover but also different overall vibes) and here is my strategy for creating them- staring at all the canon House names that I like, breaking them into word categories and using that to generate new combos:
Stillhaven, Heartshaven, Lungbarrow [Quick, Slow, Frozen] [Organs] [Hallow, Hollow, Vale]
Oakdown, Deeptree, Bluewood [nature words] [colours] [deep, down, fall, sink, high, shallow, low, fathom]  Blyledge- I think this one’s a reference to turn of the screw Brightshore [Dark, Dim, Dawn, Dusk] [flood, edge, coast, sand, any name for a body of water] Everstone [moment, never, span] [nature things again] Mirraflex and Dvora = odd ones out Firebrand, Goodlight, Solshine, Warpsmith - these are from Axis Gallifreys iirc? but they mostly fit, other element-related words could work; not sure if there’s any other words of the “good” category that would work, Goodlight works but Bad or Evil or whatever sounds weird; Lunar as a opposite of Sol could work
Warpsmith seems strange because the Warpsmiths of Phaidon, presumably they don’t exist in that timeline and thus that House probably isn’t called that on Prime Gallifrey? but the prefix Warp has potential and similar words like Glitch, Twist, Arch. Also makes me think of warp and weft which is a thing you do on an actual loom, a House called Warpweft would be a fun pun! 
Also ironic how present nature is in House names when most of them live inside a hermetically sealed dome and decorate with fake plants 
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aramis-dagaz · 4 months
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A simple map of Brightshore, the party's adopted hometown. Their house is the one on the south side of the ravine.
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entropy-mephit · 2 years
So: this is a dramatic intro for the character backstory of one of my NPCs. Or maybe the beginning of one of my favorite OCs' stories. Both things conceptually are the same, but I don't know if at this point he is more OC or NPC. Woes of game master I guess.
Feilen Alaris knew full well that what he was doing was illegal, the exclusion zone was such for very good reason. He could loose his job and all previously collected research. But on the other hand he prided himself on not giving any fucks about divine mandates and the lab is worth jack shit without new discoveries to fuel his efforts. As head archivist in Brightshore Magic Academy he was one of few people qualified for ruins delving anyways. Not that stuck up bureaucrats would ever sign permits for such attempt.
It seemed almost peaceful, faint wind barely disturbing surface layer of sand, weak enough that Feilen after moment of thought, pulled onto the weave of arcane to summon larger blast of wind to erase footsteps he left behind. It wouldn't do to let someone see tracks and investigate.
The ruins were mostly buried under the sand, only few broken towers clearly marking the area of interest and Feilen knew well it would take fair amount of digging before he can get to anything remaining in more or less functional state.
The sand was getting more stable as Feilen approached remnants of buildings. And then he saw in some distance group of eight people. He stopped in his tracks, almost panicking to not have any way to hide. They stopped as well, staring openly before glancing between each other and changing direction. Right towards him.
Feilen took deeper breath before also moving towards them. He knew how he looked, petite elf man, no weapon on hand, coming all alone. If they weren't idiots they should be expecting powerful mage. Not many people were arrogant enough to travel like this, and all of them had power to back up the bravery. Feilen usually wore attitude of archmage like cloak of protection.
"Good travelers," he spoke first, putting in just a tiny bit of power to make his voice carry to them across the distance, "you should be aware that travel within bounds of the Blood Sands Exclusion Zone is strictly forbidden without official permit from Military Affairs Office signed by at least two members of the High Council. You should consider yourself warned and..."
And they were pulling out weapons. Right, pretending to be on official business clearly didn't work.
Feilen huffed, gathering magic as discreetly as possible with level of power he was pulling under his command. They were too far to stab him before he was done, but obscuring spellcasting helps to make it at least harder to counter.
"I would suggest, rather than suffer unnecessary danger of fight, you would consider cooperating with me to benefit mutually for delving into ruins." He rung magic trough the air, imbuing spell into the words. And he felt it hook into the minds, one, two, five... Three of them had slipped past, but also paused as they see their allies seem to have changed their minds.
Feilen smiles at the outcome. He might have just burned the most magic he had, but he knew enough about ancient ruins... There weren't any active dangers waiting inside. He will not need that power.
"Now, you are surely aware that implications of your presence here are dire, but I am willing to provide some assistance, as long you are willing to help with more physically demanding parts. I know enough about the runes of ancient magic to be able to figure out which ones are truly dangerous and which ones merely defunct, which you would surely find a great boon," he offered with light flourish. Of course, depending on what they are there for and who they are he might end up needing to kill them, but he has few hours to figure it with most of the group magically compelled to see his words in positive light.
His presence saved those bumbling cultists from accidents with forgotten arcana on the way. (Kids just want to learn, that's actually kind of adorable. Feilen absolutely can keep them under control and maybe even take them on the next excursion. That could be nice.)
Most of the damaged arcane constructs luckily just didn't work, but about forty percent have a nasty tendency to explode if activated somehow. He felt more than justified in taking charge, guiding them across the ruins and sharply ordering them around to coordinate efforts in gathering bits of a broken, ancient technology for further study. They even found something looking like an office. The fragile scrolls almost cracked with age as their protective spells had fizzled out. Yet another proof that something had happened to mess up the structure of magic that used to be in place, but it's just confirmation of what Feilen knew for years.
Magic was not what it used to be in age of wonders.
He gently brushed the tips of his fingers against the slightly chipped stone wall thoughtfully, scanning the shape of an empty room, the damaged braziers, the black crystal obelisk dominating the very center of the room, and, on the opposite side of the room, carved suggestion of the arch. That was something that must have been significant.
Feilen looked closely at the floor, looking for any possible arcane sigils that might have been twisted from their original purpose by the shift in magic into a deadly trap.
He stepped forward carefully, just a bit deeper into the room to glance at the wall from a better angle, and there he found them, traces of old spellforms. He only glanced over, without trying to read them yet.
Something he could work to reconstruct.
With a faint smile, he reached into his bag, pulling out notes to copy those findings piece by piece.
Careful to not activate anything by errant touch, he examined the rune where the script should be starting, at the very center of the wall. It was dizzying to look at. Somehow just shape of it brought pain on his head in sharp spike then shooting down his spine.
He stumbled backwards. Closed eyes don't help, the image of shape blares, burned into his retinas. The world is echoing with sickening pain and quivering, then lurching like stormy sea.
Smooth cold surface hits his back, edge digging into his fingers somehow.
Personhood. Human. Elf. Person, identify shape. Self. Perception. Selfperception,humanityawarnespersonpersonself society communication. Language. Awareness.
The concept crashes and echoes off itself, bringing up concept in purest form and washing associated images and connections like waves, one after another. Fascinating.
Curious. Question. Fascinating, more. Knowledge, research, data, information, find, examine, know, more more more curious. Fascinating. Know. Find out. Researchexaminecuriousfindquestion. More.
The sentiment echoed, pulled something closer. Existence. Mind, aware, getting tangled with another. The wave of pure... Thoughts, too much to bear.
Mind body person. Person nice like enjoy companion. Idea together. Existence. Self. Aware. Curious. Person.
Echoing across his head, painfully ringing. It felt like his mind was getting crushed under the weight of that attention.
Then the bunch of carnal sensations, touch, pressure, softness of skin with firm muscle underneath, thick hair brushing between his fingers, shades of skin, pleasant timbre of voice, the close look at an eye, blue-green like a sea, the warmth of a body, the roughness of glistening scales and thundering dragon roar echoing in the bones, claws, nails digging in, teeth gently nipping...
Feilen came crashing down on the floor, right by the obelisk, his head feeling like someone scrapped out inside of his brain with sandpaper. He could feel wetness on his face, warmth dripping out of his ear, and dull pain of impact on the back of his head.
He smiled to himself bitterly. Of course, that's where he gets after confidently marching in, convinced he knew how to delve safely.
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friendamedes · 3 years
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Millennia is both a friend AND a genius… I adore her.
[ID: A digital drawing of a Black teenage girl. Her skin is medium brown and she is shown from head to waist in a 3/4 pose, smiling widely. She wears a robe-like jacket with alien symbols on the left breast and several undershirts: a dark orange turtleneck, a white button up, and a v neck grey shirt. Small orange heart-shaped decorations rest on her shoulders. Her right hand rests on a black bag over her right shoulder. Her hair is up in a ponytail and has been braided. The braids are dyed blue. She is saying something in an alien language, but it is untranslated. End ID]
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windclan — year twelve — allegiances
leader: duskstar (8y). ginger tom with amber eyes.
deputy: hurricanefang (6y). white tom with grey patches and teal eyes.
seer: flametail (5y). tom with broad shoulders and blue eyes. (apprentice: birchpaw)
brightshore (8y). small, scarred, dark she-cat.
echofang (7y). white tom with black and grey patches, banded legs and tail, and teal eyes.
gorsetail (7y). very pale she-cat with grey patches.
needlewing (6y). clever tom.
sequoiabird (6y). slender, fluffy, white tom with very pale ginger patches and teal eyes.
breezepelt (6y). massive, lean black tom with amber eyes.
heathertail (6y). lithe, light brown tabby she-cat with wide, smoky, heather-blue eyes, and sleek, soft, and thick fur. she has a long scar.
cariboustripe (6y). sleek tabby tom.
fireye (6y). white tom with ginger patches and teal eyes.
poppyblaze (6y). tom with mottled ginger patches.
woodglow (5y). large, thickset, cream tom with pale stripes, good battle tactics, and orange eyes.
sugarfoot (5y). thin, brindled, dappled she-cat with teal eyes. (apprentice: galepaw)
thundershine (5y). red tom with dark stripes and orange eyes.
cypressfall (4y). she-cat with yellow eyes. (apprentice: shadepaw)
baywillow (4y). long-furred, white tom.
ashdawn (4y). clever she-cat with hazel eyes.
greystep (4y). tom with a black-tipped back and green eyes. (apprentice: maplepaw)
hopberry (4y). tom with dark spots and amber eyes. (apprentice: leafpaw)
oatclaw (4y). intimidating, brown tabby tom.
dusksky (4y). she-cat with orange eyes. (apprentice: pinepaw)
emberfoot (4y). grey tom with darker paws.
furzepelt (4y). grey and white she-cat.
cottonfoot (3y). blind brown she-cat with copper eyes.
ashface (3y). heavy red tom with hazel eyes.
featherpelt (2y). tabby she-cat.
deerwing (1y). she-cat with red patches.
springnose (1y). tom with a mottled pelt.
cariboutail (1y). she-cat with yellow eyes.
whitetail (10y). energetic she-cat. (kits: sierrakit, sprucekit, pumicekit)
halofur (9y). grey she-cat.
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fearbehere · 11 months
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we were girls together.
a little life, hanya yanajihara / circle dancing, franz stuck / animals, frank o’hara / in a dream you saw a way to survive, clementine von radics / nimona, dir troy quane and nick bruno / seven, taylor swift / little women, dir greta gerwig / foundry, mikko harvey / marshmellow, victoria hannan / little women, louisa may alcott / an arundel tomb, philip larkin / park bench
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pack-coven-thing · 3 months
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Millennia is here and she is the best <333
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soursimz-blog · 7 years
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Sooooooo this is what I have been working on!!!!!!!! :DDD I will probably start posting pictures tonight or tomorrow so stay tuned my raisins :****
And also I’m extra so I named the districts and all ;)))
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feralsylph · 2 months
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Current wip
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aethira · 6 years
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there’s a fork in the road in front of me, at the crossroads of identity. the devil is standing to the left; he says ‘either way, they both lead to death.’
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