#bring back kanan
montessori-grad · 3 months
I will never ever get over Hera and Kanan from Star Wars Rebels. They are my Star Wars version of Icemav in the way of I refuse to accept Kanan is dead. I love them so much, they are probably the best relationship in the whole Star Wars Cinematic Universe.
Also the fact that they were deadass just two people in love who both thought it was one sided that fucked is hysterical, it’s a kids show.
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Also comic Hera is so pretty.
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thenegoteator · 6 months
👀 Happy New Year!
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happy new year!!!
this was while the Ahsoka show was airing and I was feeling salty about how little Kanan came up initially. it's the "my death is unreasonably downplayed/ignored in recent star wars media" support group. but then we did get the barest of crumbs eventually so I didn't feel it was worth following through
[send me a 👀 in exchange for unposted art from 2023]
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bikananjarrus · 9 months
ezra is literally so strong for having to let go of kanan and his parents both twice
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edegrev · 10 months
Ahsoka spoilers!!!!
You've been warned!
If Jacen doesn't get trained to be a jedi i will cry. Like Ezra could train him IF HE WAS AROUND. He's gonna be so much like Kanan it breaks my heart. PLEASE DAVE DONT DO THIS TO US.
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kanerallels · 10 months
Platonic sebezra, circus au?
Oh-ho-ho I did NOT expect this prompt to take root the way it did. Ahem. But here's a little ficlet that doesn't even begin to touch the depths of brain rot you've given me
“You’re the new tightrope walker, right?”
Sabine didn’t look up from lacing up her shoes as she replied, “Looks like it.”
This wasn’t where she’d expected to be— a circus in the middle of nowhere, barely breaking even. Clearly, it wasn’t as popular as it used to be. Everything made that clear, from the worn out waistcoat that the ringmaster had been wearing when he hired her and the threadbare costumes hanging on a rack near her, to the fact that the tent was still nearly empty, and it was fifteen minutes until show time.
But she’d gotten stuck, and she needed the money. And luckily, she was good at more than one thing. Tightrope walking would be easy.
Rising, she turned towards the arena— and froze, coming face to face with a lion.
Her instinct was to scream, her second to run or fight. But instead, Sabine deliberately tensed her muscles, feeling the panic race through her, silently counting to five. When she reached five, she let out a long exhale, then lifted an eyebrow at the orange clad boy standing behind the lion.
“Let me guess,” she said. “Lion tamer?”
He grinned. “How’d you guess?” With a quick whistle, he called the lion back, and it settled next to him, looking like nothing so much as an over large cat. “I’m Ezra, and this is Jasmine.”
“Sabine. This how you greet all your new coworkers?”
Shrugging, Ezra said, “Only the ones who can handle it. And it looked like you could. Besides, it’s a good test of who’s going to stick around.”
Sabine had no intention of sticking around. This job would, hopefully, get her enough money to make it to her next destination, and then she would move on.
But for now, she just nodded. “Looks like I passed.”
“Looks like it,” Ezra said with a grin. “Welcome to Circus Spectres.”
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humbleowltrash · 2 years
Do you ever remember that we have no idea where Ezra Bridger IS?! And that Dave Filoni KNOWS WHERE HE IS and is CHOOSING TO NOT EVEN GIVE US THE SLIVER OF SLIVERS OF HOPE THAT HE IS SAFE AND NOT BEING HARMED OR THAT THRAWN HASN'T SNAPPED FROM HIS ANTICS YET AND KILLED HIM!?! I just need to know if he's safe- if he is alright- if he is getting a proper eight hours of sleep- if he is eating right- that he isn't in a constant state of worry for the ghost crew- that he has processed Kanan's death- HE DOESN'T EVEN KNOW THAT HERA AND KANAN HAD A SON- JUST BRING HIM BACK SAFE
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can we go back to the era when people wrote bloopers for their fics
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thereisnosp00n · 10 months
The SW fandom: "We're so disappointed about Marrok just being a dust thing..."
*ominous Vader theme plays at the end of Anakin reveal*
The SW fandom: "... what if it's just THE SON OF MORTIS DISGUISING HIMSELF AS ANAKIN???"
Me: "Man, we are all really out here just being like
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aren't we?"
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bucksapartment · 1 year
i have never begged for anything but i am on my KNEES asking disney for a caleb dume/kanan jarrus tales of the jedi epsiode
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darthbecky726 · 2 years
I love reading rebels fix-it fic. there's just so many scenarios to put these people in!
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sheareling · 1 year
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gffa · 10 months
One thing that was really good about episode 4 of Ahsoka is that it knew exactly what the theme needed to be, the same thing that it always comes back to in Star Wars: Attachment. Ahsoka starts the episode off by saying that, if they can't get to the map, they may need to destroy it, stranding Ezra, because letting Thrawn come back is worse, knowing what would happen. Sabine's big temptation in this episode is exactly that--Baylan promises her that she can see Ezra again, because she thinks he's the only family he has left that she can do anything for, because she's so afraid to live without something that she makes a deal with the dark side. It's the exact same situation that Ezra had to make at the end of Rebels--he could bring Kanan back, but it would mean destroying all that Kanan saved in that moment, possibly even tear open time itself. He could have brought his parents back, but it would have let Sidious into the World Between Worlds to tear everything down. Which was the exact same situation that Anakin faced, that Ezra's was a riff off Anakin's, the willingness to trade the entire galaxy's freedom and lives for the one person (who wasn't even actually dead, either!) he was too afraid to live without. Which was the exact same situation that Luke faced, that he could save his friends if he would just give in to the dark side. It's the recurring theme of Star Wars, to face what attachment means to the Jedi, who are based on Buddhist monks, that attachment means the fear that makes you cling to someone or something so hard that you only end up hurting yourself--and Sabine, in her Jedi training, has to face this choice and she couldn't do it, she couldn't be selfless enough to let go and we can see it's going to be a shitshow. It's such a human, empathizable choice, she lost so much, her family is dead, she thinks Ahsoka is dead, she's been stagnating since Ezra left, she feels lost and adrift, of course she makes the wrong choice, of course she gives in to the fear that is attachment, and of course it's going to be awful. OUR GIRL IS GOING THROUGH IT, PLEASE BE KIND TO HER!!!!
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voidartisan · 5 months
It's a bit overdue, but, another semester has passed, and so I present
Incorrect Quotes from AJ's Real, Actual Life
Aayla: If you were stranded on a desert island and could only bring three objects, what would you bring? Quinlan: One 500 lb. block of uranium. No further questions. Anakin: DID YOU HEAR ABOUT THE FISH LADIES????? Obi-Wan: ... Obi-Wan: ...elaborate. Padme: I may or may not have had a crush on a literal otter, but in my defense, he had a Scottish accent. Obi-Wan: Actually, I think I have one of those fold-out seats in the back. Ahsoka: Well you could have told us that BEFORE we stuffed Rex in the trunk Fives: He was an interm--- intermur--- intermule-- Echo: Intermural? Fives: Amen. Jesse: Hallelujah, praise the Lord--- Obi-Wan: I'm going to get some ibuprofen. Anyone else? I've got the good stuff. Fives: Shaak Ti is my favorite council member. I can't wait for her to die so they can name something in the Temple after her. Echo: Rex: *attempting to suppress laughter* Fives: Wait that come out wrong--- bby!Aayla: *crying* Quinlan: Que pasa, Mufasa? Jesse: I volunteered Fives for latrine duty. Echo: Dang. That's messed up. Echo: I also volunteer Fives for latrine duty Kit Fisto: He doesn't deserve this. Mace is the mitochondria of the Order Jesse: I'd better be getting paid for this. Jesse: I want... two mung beans Jesse: Never had a mung bean Anakin: I'm an idiot, not stupid Kanan, addressing the Ghost crew: If you would like, you may drizzle some of my queso on your tacos. However, if you steal all of it, I will ugly cry in your room for the rest of the night. Fox, sighing: Will someone teach our favorite dingbat to sleep on a blanket? Thorn: I sleep on blankets all the time! >:( Fox: I was talking about Grizzer. Thorn: Oh. Hound: I also assumed you were referring to Thorn Rex, looking Jesse dead in the eyes: Get. Thee. Hence.
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jessicas-pi · 6 months
AU where Bo-Katan randomly winds up on Lothal shortly after Ezra's parents are taken and finds him and, well, she may not be one of those weirdo traditionalists but she still respects the ancient creed when it comes to foundlings so... guess she's responsible for raising a small child now! wait his parents are possibly alive? well now she's gotta go find them if they're still living and reunite him with them! but she can't bring a defenseless foundling on such a dangerous mission! who could she possibly trust to take care of him? wait doesn't her old bestie from her terrorist phase have a couple kids his age? heyyyyy, ursa, girl! long time no see! can you watch this kid for me for a little while thanks byeeee~~
and then the AU is just Bo-Katan's hunt for Ezra's parents, interspersed with increasingly frantic and/or furious comms from Ursa about how the half-starved traumatized nonverbal foundling is manifesting wizard powers. bo this is not funny. get back here and get your telekinetic hellion. he's helping my daughter put paint on the ceilings.
alternate endings include (1) Ephraim and Mira are alive and Bo rescues them and everyone lives happily ever after, (2) Ephraim and Mira are not alive and now Bo-Katan has to hunt down a Jedi to raise the boy and she ends up locating Kanan, (3) Ephraim and Mira are not alive and Bo-Katan decides that her best bet for Jedi Most Likely To Have Survived The Purge is obi-wan and so she goes looking for him, darth vader encounter shenanigans optional, and (4) Ephraim and Mira are not alive and Bo-Katan cares for Ezra herself and somewhere along the way he gets the Darksaber and well apparently bo is raising tarre vizsla 2 electric boogaloo. this should be good.
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inafieldofstarflowers · 9 months
Today’s thoughts are about Rebels and the theme of home, and more specifically about Ezra Bridger.
One thing I love about Rebels is how each of the characters has their own reasons for choosing to fight the Empire—Hera grew up in this fight, Zeb is responding to his past inability to protect his people, Sabine is trying to make amends for her past decisions, and Kanan is just trying to survive after Order 66, figuring out what it means to be a Jedi. They’ve all had to, in some way, leave their people behind to pursue this fight, and that’s where we are when we meet them—when Ezra meets them.
And the thing about Ezra is that he doesn’t want the fight. He doesn’t want to join the rebellion, he wants to fix his home. But, when he gets dragged off anyway, he hears about the wookies being taken from their home, and it resonates with him; and because Ezra is, at his core, a good person, he helps them—and then he can’t stop himself from helping, and with his new family by his side, he doesn’t want to.
During the show, each of those characters faces reckonings with their past, not just once, but repeatedly. Not only does Zeb help the Lasats they meet, he is constantly coming encountering Kallus, who puts a face to the loss of his people. Hera has to work with her father, and then Thrawn steals her Kalikori. Sabine has to fight against her people, and then fights for them. And Kanan trains Ezra, immersing himself back into that life he had to run from, in many ways, with Order 66. In episodes one and two, the troops are shocked to see a Jedi, but he and Ezra slowly become well-known—he stops hiding.
In the midst of all of his family reencountering their homes is Ezra, refusing to leave his behind. Ezra never falters in his commitment to Lothal, and to its people. It’s Ezra who saves the governor, it’s his voice that gives the people hope, it’s him who pushes for the rebellion to act. He never gives up on it, never loses sight of his home, and I think that’s a big part of what draws the others back to their own homes.
By the time you reach the final moments of the battle on Lothal, Ezra has made peace with his decisions. He’s resisted the pull of the dark side, overcome the devastation of losing a master, and even denied Palpatine’s temptation for him to be reunited with his parents. In the rebellion, Ezra has grown into something more than he was before, and this time he chooses to rebel, and to do it in the name of Lothal. And he does it by using the force, not to fight, but to flee—except now, he’s not running from something out of fear, but out of determination. This time, Ezra makes the choice to leave his home behind, so that he can make the galaxy a better place for its people.
And his final message to Sabine was that he was counting on her. He didn’t say what for, but he didn’t have to, because she knew. He was counting on her to bring him back to his home, just like he helped bring the rest of them back to theirs.
Ezra Bridger is the heart of Rebels in so many ways, but this is and will probably always be my favorite.
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kanansdume · 9 months
It's interesting to look at the conversation between Thrawn and Sabine when he points out to her that she just helped HIS cause and gambled the fate of her entire galaxy based on her belief that she MIGHT be able to get Ezra back, and her response is "you wouldn't understand."
Because here's the thing.
Thrawn might not understand Sabine's kind of love because he generally seems like a guy who doesn't feel much of anything but a desire for more power, but there's someone else who won't understand what Sabine did, either.
Ezra, who sacrificed EVERYTHING to eliminate Thrawn as a threat. Ezra, who was perfectly willing to die or live in exile if it meant Thrawn couldn't keep hurting the galaxy or the people he cared about. Ezra, who was COUNTING on Sabine. Ezra, who made that choice with the full knowledge of what it meant. Ezra, who gave up the chance to live a life with his parents again because he refused to destroy the galaxy just for a chance at his own happiness. Ezra, who had to allow Kanan's sacrifice to stand because undoing it would've meant disrespecting everything Kanan stood for and taught him. Ezra, who learned the true meaning of sacrifice from his teacher who learned it from his teacher for him. Ezra, whose first question to Sabine upon seeing her against is "It worked, didn't it?"
There is no chance in hell that Ezra would've EVER wanted Sabine to allow Thrawn back into the galaxy just to bring him back. He would've preferred to die or stay exiled. Ezra NEVER would've wanted to be loved like this. He'll never understand the kind of love that would cause Sabine to undo everything he gave so much to defend.
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