#bring. back. vaati
powdermelonkeg · 1 year
Idk if anyone has asked this yet but do you think we could get a third game in this Hyrule. Like do you think they have left enough for another one story wise?
I think they do. Their biggest hurdle is going to be making Hyrule fresh and exciting the way the Upheaval did, and they can't pull the same thing twice—we've got verticality and new caves, what can they add?
They could make settlements in the Depths that are fun, and have the timeskip be later so that more towns are able to pop up. Maybe a new Skyloft from people who wanted to take the sky isles and their out-of-reach-of-monster-ness.
In terms of conflict, though, we've got plenty of beats they could reuse. I think the best potential they have, though, is a Four Swords multiplayer-style game.
Vaati hasn't been used for awhile, and the Triforce in the Wild era is still missing in action. There's also a Spirit Realm aspect that could be used to try to find the Triforce. But more importantly, Link drawing the Four Sword would mean that people could play together and do all kinds of whacky things to each other with the physics engine; imagine if you could ultrahand stuff around your friend, and how much chaos that could make.
On the singleplayer front, Nintendo's already testing out a follower system with 4+ companions. The AI for the Sages in TotK isn't great, but it's intuitive enough that they teleport after you if you ever lose them and get out of your way when you're lining up a shot or a camera, which is more than I can say for Skyrim. If they continue improving on that, I think a 4 Swords sequel is a fantastic way to show it off.
I do hope that it's on something more powerful than the Switch, and with better connectivity than Nintendo Online, though. I personally wouldn't have problems in my gameplay if it wasn't, since my roommate can sit right next to me, but a bunch of streamers I watch would ABSOLUTELY want to play together and Nintendo Online sucks.
If they decide to make the Wild Era a trilogy, I hope multiplayer is what they go with.
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meii-jasmine · 1 year
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Nostalgia hit and so these four are back in my new art style!
ft. Link, Vaati, Gufuu, and Dark Link
(May 2023 vs Dec 2011)
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quibbs126 · 1 year
Vaati, or at least the Minish, should show up in more Zelda games
I don’t know if any reference to them is made in Tears of the Kingdom, but I doubt it
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thebleedingeffect · 1 year
Playing minish cap why is Link so fucking LITTLE!!!!!
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lee-vc · 1 year
Thoughts on a BOTW 3 concept
I hope if they turn BOTW into a trilogy, the 3rd game is set like after a MAJOR time skip! We get to explore a fully restored Botw Hyrule with Castle Town and the little villages rebuilt, and the Hylian people have adapted/developed the Sheikah and Zonai tech where it's just so normal and stuff!
OH! And since BOTW is all about referencing older Zelda games!They could like, maybe instead of putting shrines everywhere in order to fast travel, in every major settlement, you'd have to complete a quest in order to unlock a TRAIN STATION! Like, the Gorons and Tarrey Town are ahead of their time with the railcart system they got going on! Like, you can choose to just fast travel to another train station or maybe just ride the duration of the trip talking to NPC, buy train specific meals or materials and junk! It could both encourage exploration but not make it TOO tedious, similar to what they did in Wind Waker!
And for Link's house, give him a default home yeah, but also another little quest you could do so that Link can CHOOSE where his home is! Maybe he wants to live in Kakariko, or in Goron City, or maybe he really gels with the Gerudos, stuff like that!
I know it'll probably never happen but that'd be awesome! Tell me I'm not alone in this!
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bokettochild · 1 year
I just saw a post asking which Link would make the best villain and....
It's Time guys
Like, I love the man, but let's be real; he's a second from snapping and committing atrocities.
Twilight is so thoroughly traumatized by the vision the spirits gave him and Fi's judgement of him that he literally can't stand messing with magic that isn't actually his own or connected to him. And while, sure, he doesn't need magic to be a villain, let's be real, it'd take something magical to force him to turn his back on everything he's ever fought for.
Similarly, Wild fought and died for his kingdom, and his people. There is nothing and no one worse than what he's already seen that could possibly make him turn his back on it all and throw his work down the drain just to destroy everything he'd built himself.
Legend is the same. he's been doing this far too long to ditch now. Granted, he's a grump, but if you look at his games, you see he's a highly empathetic and caring person. Unlike the others, who were tasked with saving the world by a mentor or friend, or had to go and save a friend or family member, or who where sworn to duty; Legend was literally some kid who was asked by an utter stranger to help, and did. Six times. No way someone like that is going to go and destroy everything.
And Wind! Wind is a moral guy, with a good heart. he set out for personal reasons and saw in his journey that there were bigger fish to fry, and he fried them. He had no reason to take it on, no call of the goddess, no responsibility, no reason for him, a child, to go and save the world as well as his sister, but he did it anyway.
Sky and Warriors are simply too devout. Warriors to the kingdom and it's people; with everything he suffered for them, you can't tell me the man isn't dedicated to serving his country. And Sky is loyal to Sun, who is Hylia, so he literally would never go against her. And by the law of the Zelda universe, villains are those who go against Hylia and Hyrule.
Four is an iffy one. Most people might say "but Vio was a villain!" but let's be real; if you read the manga, you know Vio was bluffing all along. If Vio, part of Four, didn't bow even under Shadow's influence, and Vaati's, and Ganon's, then again; who and what would drive this man to become a villain? Granted, the persuing of dark magic to bring back his lost friend could be argued, but is more likely to lead to his corruption than his attempting to take over Hyrule and kill innocents.
Hyrule is tough, since we have very little to work off of in cannon, but come on, even if Hyrule did turn to evil, he wouldn't exactly be able to do much. Hyrule's already in ruins in his time, and the monsters wouldn't hear of working beside him. He'd have everyone against him, and even if he does hold the triforce in it's entirety and thus could do all sorts of horrible things, he has neither motivation nor reason to turn away to becoming a villain.
Time though......
Time has watched the world burn and all his efforts be turned around and lost. He has lost everything so many times, usually with no reward or reason. In the end, Time, though a good man, cares more for the individual than the country. He cares about his wife and his boys, and based off the scars, we can only guess what lengths he's already gone to in order to accomplish his goals.
Time, if faced with the right issue, has every risk of dropping from defender to threat. Hyrule be damned, this man cares for his wife, his kids, his home, and if you threaten that, no matter who you are, he will go after you. He's one second away from going after Hylia and all she has done to him and those around him. He detests the Blade of Evil's bane, the symbol of Hylia's blessing. He borders every moment on the precipice of taking power beyond mortals to fulfill his own wishes, even if it is to help those he loves.
Put Malon in danger, heck, one of the boys, and Time won't let something silly like morals stop him from doing whatever it takes to protect what little that is still his and hasn't already been taken from him. He will fight tooth and nail not to lose anything else, and he won't let even the goddesses stop him.l
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asofspades · 11 days
I'm making a list of my favourite Four HC
- He has a necklace made from a shard of the dark mirror to remember Shadow and a strand of his hair is dyed purple in his honour.
- I like to count Four swords and Four swords adventures as separate adventures, so he's been on 3 adventures.
- Four Swords personally would be literally Link and 3 copies of him, I like to consider this as if the clones you can make in Minish Cap just had a solid body and thinking ability but Link does go back to being the same at the end of the adventure
- Obviously I like to incorporate the FS manga to his last adventure and this time Link splits into four different beings each a main part of his personality but over the course of the adventure they sort of become their own person
- That's why I headcanon that Four isn't really link as he was before his last adventure, for me all of the colours went back together into one body but remained separate, they usually work together and that would be Four as we know him.
- Obviously I love the HC that we have seemed to collectively agree on that Four's eyes change colour depending on who's more dominant at certain points.
- I do think that sometimes not all of them are driving the wheel together and that might be because they just went through a moment that required a lot of one of the specific colours or they're in disagreement
-That leads me to the HC that Four gets migraines when the colours are not in sync, which is another one most of the fandom seems to share.
- I'm also a fan of the "dark portals scramble the colours and thus Four" collective HC
- particularly I like to think that Four is both distrustful of dark magic because of the whole Vaati resurrecting and Ganon thing, and the soldiers and his father being controlled by that magic but also it makes him sad because it reminds him of Shadow's magic
- Also, while I HC that Vio was the closest to Shadow for obvious reasons I think when they merged into Four their memories and feelings were instantly registered by each other and now the other colours also appreciate Shadow for more than just sacrificing himself for them and Hyrule.
-I like to HC that he was almost the same age as Time was in OOT for his first adventure, as a bonus I like to think his bday is on the Picori Festival day which adds an extra layer of depth to both the beginning of his first adventure and his relationship with the Minish
- Following that logic I like to HC him as being freshly 8 y.o for his first adventure, around 11 for the second and almost 14 for the 3rd, and as such I love the idea that Vio and Shadow kind of developed crushes on each other.
- On that same note, since we can see Link as a soldier in the FS manga, but obviously there's only his Grandpa in MC, I like to HC that his father was deployed somewhere far away from Hyrule for diplomatic reasons (he's the captain of the royal guard after all) and he comes back after the first adventure. He gets told about what his child did and decides him joining the Royal Guard would be a good idea
- Following the previous HC, I like to think Link is not really enthusiastic about joining the Royal Guard because my boy got raised by his very cool blacksmith Grandpa who loves him very much and he's a little blacksmith at heart. Which kind of explains why he looks a bit done about being part of the royal guard, aside from the fact that he's literally saved Hyrule on his own before. That is also the reason he's so proud to be a blacksmith but never talks about having been in the Royal Guard.
- This is a more niche HC but since Four's era is way before OOT and way after SS I like to think the legal age changes a lot and so I HC that in Four's Hyrule you're considered an adult at around 14 so he's already working an paying taxes and is of marring age by the time he joins the chain.
- That brings me to another point and it's that I HC Four to be 16 in linked universe (I think that one's also pretty much shared by the fandom) but since legally he's been an adult for 2 years he gets thrown off by people calling him "kid" despite technically being the second youngest, he's a kid in basically everyone's time but his and I find that idea hilarious.
- Another commonly shared HC, four hasn't grown or has barely grown a cm since his first adventure because he overused minish magic, I like to add a twist and since you also turn into a minish in FS I like to think he grew a tiny bit between his first and second adventures but the overuse during the 2nd one was what did him in.
- Another HC is that four can in fact use the minish magic by himself, making him one of the Links with innate magic ability. Going a step further I think both Hyrule and Time can detect some Fae magic emanating out of him due to his entrenchment with the minish and his earring and sword (after all the four sword was forged form the remains of the Picori blade), Legend can sense some light magic coming off of him (he can canonically use innate magic and is attuned to magic artifacts) and Twilight can sense something similar to Midna's magic and the twilight mirror due to the dark mirror shard necklace Four carries.
Technically Wind can use light magic just because but I like to think he senses magic but really doesn't know what he's sensing at all because nobody bothered to explain magic to him even though he uses it a lot and often.
- okay, the shield think, we know the Shield in WW and MC are quite literally the same shield. And while I support people who have the whole "wind is Four's descendant" HC, for me personally I think people just knew it belonged to a hero and the people who found it after the great flood decided to keep it and it ended up becoming a family heirloom. Particularly they just mention that it belonged to a hero, and it's the first and only time that they don't mention that hero being the Hero of Time like they do in every other instance.
- the Palace of the Four Swords is a tricky one because me personally, I like to think that Four's soul is tied to his sword not only because he forged it but because of his second and particularly his 3rd adventure. Thus, when he dies he turns into a sword spirit and in the downfall timeline the sacred realm becomes the dark world and all inside it becomes corrupt and the sword that has been resting there for eras along with it's spirit gets corrupted as well prompting the events that happen at the FS palace in ALTTP.
- personally I like to think that since the Sacred Realm gate never opens in the child timeline the sword just rests in it's palace (built out of the elemental sanctuary that became the four sword sanctuary) along with it's spirit. And for the adult timeline it just rests underwater along with the rest of the old Hyrule forever undisturbed.
I find it really tricky that the splitting of the timeline ends up affecting previous heroes in the long run but it makes sense.
-Also, because SS takes place way way before MC I like to think the story of Sky is barely known outside of the Royal Family who might know a bit just because it's tied to their very existence. However I find that I like the idea that the people of the sky do know a version of said story and are descendants of the skyloftians who never took to the surface and that's why after living on the surface for a while by themselves they decided to go back to the skies and build a city on the cloud tops. Coincidentally since the Minish did come form the sky as well they might know about those stories. I think the molemits found in the wind ruins might be a version of the mogma mits from SS and the gust jar might have been inspired by the gust bellows from SS.
- Take I like, the blue ocarina in OOT that seems to be an heirloom of the Royal Family is in fact the Ocarina of Wind from MC, timeline wise it is the earliest apparition of that ocarina. My personal HC is Four gives it to Zelda either as a parting gift before parting on a trip where he ends up dying or he simply has it on his will to give Zelda that ocarina when he dies. With time the Royal Family unknowingly or knowingly infuse it with the power of the Goddess giving it the abilities we see in OOt and then in MM but, by the time it gets found by Legend in ALTTP is has basically lost all abilities except for the one to call a bird to bring you places. Personally I like to think that in the fallen timeline since the ocarina is in Link's hands when he fails it gets lost after being used to open the sacred realm and a regular someone ends up finding it prompting the side quest you do in ALTTP to get it.
- I also think that Four's relationship with his father is a bit rocky since he left the Royal Guard to become a full time blacksmith.
Some Colour headcanons
- Red enjoys using the fire rod but he doesn't like when people mess around too much with fire in forest because it reminds him of the third adventure
- Blue hates the cold because of the time he was encased in ice during the 3rd adventure
-Green has a need to save everyone because he still feels like he failed people during his 3rd adventure
- Vio likes to act all smug about his traitor act but he actually feels very bad about having tricked and betrayed shadow and he feels guilty that Shadow sacrificed himself after having been betrayed.
- Green also blames himself for Shadow and he finds it hard to be around their father because of the whole 3rd adventure.
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weepingtalecowboy · 26 days
Fanfic prompt: Considering that there are quite some Vio tries bringing shadow back from the dead fictions
And in all those Vio is pretty much ready to straight up execute someone to bring shadow back (not to forget dark magic and it’s dangers)
If he ends up in the past maybe the day shadow offered him to join he would probably do whatever possible to find a way to keep shadow alive while constantly crossing new moral lines
That nobody has ever thought existed
He could do it the best by joining Vaati and then reading the shadiest books known to mankind (because Vaati definitely has a library)
His relationship with shadow is something else entirely because he quickly noticed how unstable shadow already was (those insane mood swings can not be just coincidence there has to be something else considering that he is link's darkest part)
So he first looks for a way to make shadow's mind more stable because as long as the mirror is there shadow will be fine
A few murders later shadow is fine and he starts working on finding a way for shadow not to die immediately (in case they do need to break the mirror
And also teaching shadow how to read (because there is no way shadow can canonically read anything longer then a word)
And hanging out at the fire temple
When the others find him he doesn’t even try to act like a villain because he sees no reason (he isn’t a mole this time )why he has to stay till shadow won’t die
And also because he is extremely unhinged already and doesn’t even notice that
The other colors don’t see him on a throne and anything they straight up see Vio mumbling to himself the most disturbing books lying around
Drawing runes onto the ground
With several injuries (because you always have to sacrifice something for dark magic )
And crazy written on his face
And Vio just seems so happy to see them while showing how he can use possession to keep Shadow in the mortal realm (and enough warcrime needing spells for it to)
So they kind of uncomfortably ask him just what he thinks he is doing and then regret it immediately when he tells them exactly what he’s been doing (it’s nothing good and frankly they now will have nightmares)
Which somehow makes it even more unsettling then it is already
Is shadow not flipping out and sitting in a corner trying to read
Because how crazy does a person have to be to out crazy their evil counterpart
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smilesrobotlover · 10 months
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Some Vaati’s wrath doodles.
Vaati’s wrath is basically where Vio brings back Shadow and as a result, Vaati is brought back as well. I think I already explained this but yeah.
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orcusnoir · 1 year
Sky at one point did feel guilty for being the one "responsible" for the curse, the cycle of reincarnation and all of the trauma that came with it. If only he was faster, then maybe Demise would've never had the chance to speak. This, of course, eats away at him. Every time he looks at the Chain he just thinks that none of them would've had to suffer if he was good enough. That is until he and Time had a chat. A small chat by a dwindling campfire late into the night. The Old Man also felt the same type of guilt, feeling explicitly responsible for all of the horrible things that the Sailor had to endure.
"That's not your fault." Sky whispered. "You had no idea going back would create a timeline split like that."
The Old Man grumbled something while fiddling with the Ocarina. "Maybe." "The only who should feel anything short of "responsible" for another's suffering is me." Sky sighed, letting his head fall into his hands. "I wasn't fast enough, and so Demise cursed us all. All of it is-" "Nonsense." Time cut him off sharply. "Still would've happened, even if you did cut the bastard down faster." Sky gave the Old Man an odd look. The way the dim light from the campfire shone on his face made Time seem much younger than he actually was. "You think Majora was afflicted with this curse?" He raised an eyebrow. Sky had to rack his brain for a second to remember who Majora actually was. "But that thing was from Termina, it probably only effects Hyrule." "And? What about Vaati?" Time gestured to the sleeping Four nearby. "Well I don't-" "Sky. It would've happened regardless." He shook his head with another sigh. "Most of you have had to fight a Ganon, or Ganondorf and they've all were afflicted-" "Oh please, the Ganondorf that I fought turned to evil. Sure, he may of had a voice of evil in his ear, but he chose that path. Nabooru even told me so." Time sighed. "He chose evil because it was easy, that's what she told me."
Sky started to get frustrated. "If he never had that "voice" in his ear or whatever-" "Sky." Time quietly cut him off. "He. Chose. Evil. Ganondorf made the choice to listen. He ignored the people telling him to do good, and chose that path on his own."
Sky didn't respond. What would he even say? Time seemingly had a counter to everything that Sky brought up about the curse. "Listen to me." Time started. "With good comes evil. Where there is evil, there is good." He ran his thumb across the holes of the Ocarina. "With light comes shadow, and we are that light." He continued. "Demise's curse or not, people choose to do evil. To hurt others, to bring chaos and ruin to the world for their own selfish gains." Time put his hand on Sky's shoulder. "We are the ones who respond to the calls for justice and peace. Curse or not, we'd still be here."
He was right. Time was right yet again. It was like the weight of the entire world was lifted off Sky's heart. He heaved a sigh of relief. "Since when did you get so good at philosophy?" Sky asked with a quiet laugh. "Well, let's just say I had a lot of time to myself in Termina, and I started reading." Time laughed. "Get some rest Sky, you need it." "Thanks, I guess I do."
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Character Peek
Bright Princess of Hyrule
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Since there has been a lot of time going into the main character art posts, I've decided to do these to at least get some consistent posting in the meantime! :) Closeups and more details under "read more." Click them for better quality!
Her Highness, Princess Zelda. This is the princess from The Minish Cap, and Link's childhood best friend! Thanks to the dormant Light Force sealed within her soul as well as the awakened blood of Hylia, she has been naturally gifted with magic since birth. However, Zelda never particularly thought about it too hard - one could argue she even treats it too casually, especially after her power overwhelmed the Minish Cap itself. This incarnation of Zelda is a bit distractable (very distractable she has a short attentions span) and over-excited at times, but she is generous, bright, and cheery with a strong sense of her own moral code. She's more than willing to stand up to a bully! Many times, though, she disobeys the Minister's guidance to spend time with Link - she isn't above sneaking out! Her birthday is January 27th, and she is around 14 years old (she was even younger during the game's events). Her nickname at the moment is Bloom!
When cursed into stone by Vaati, Zelda witnessed Link's adventure through a hazy dream. Waking up, she found she had a strangely different respect for him than before - especially knowing he went through so much trouble just to bring her back. For a while, she almost seemed nervous around him! Although Link was worried about their friendship going forward, it wasn't long before things returned to normal - Zelda was as bouncy in demeanor as always, the extrovert dragging him along at any given opportunity. Lately, she has decided to really try and practice her powers in case of another disaster... but she's also picked up on a fascination with plants and gardens in general. Thanks to her, the castle courtyard has recently become a cute garden for the Town Minish to visit.
She will be one of the Zeldas that appear rather often. Meeting her counterparts, who have much more severe responses to the traumas they've endured, will certainly throw her for a loop... Let's see if her optimism holds up, hmm?
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AU Info:
In Another Life follows a fued of the Goddesses. Tired of the cycle caused by Demise's Curse, the three come to an agreement: they will break the boundaries of space and time and allow the fued to be settled by their Champions. If one seeking destruction, chosen by Din, holds victory, then the world will be erased and built again without the demon's influence. If the heroes blessed by Farore and the princess blessed by Nayru succeed in returning their foe to their seal, then the world will live on. Farore hopes too to end the cycle, but Nayru believes it not to be her place.
The eternal bond between Hylia and her chosen hero will be tested as Hyrule's branches in history reach out to them through broken mirrors. They have found each other in every lifetime - but will their unbreakable connection be enough to save existence itself?
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the-au-collector · 8 months
Random Things I forgot to add in my braindump for my Radio AU:
Twilight is Time and Malon’s nephew. I think I’m going to make his relation through Uli, so that makes Uli and Malon sisters in this AU
Legend used to go to college in Mabe City, but moved away after his Koholint Trauma happened. He still has friends there, like Ralph, Din, and Nayru, but he rarely visits
Sun races cars. Not professionally or for sport, no. She’ll just drive at 80mph down some old country road for the hell of it. Sky and Groose often join her
Sky, Sun, and Groose all came from Sky City. That said, they somehow never met until college. They find this very funny and will call each other “strangers”
Legend and Fable’s biological father is Raven, but he was very inconsistent with his job and eventually left them with Alfon, his adopted brother (and I am realizing I need a family tree for this AU😵‍💫).
Time is an orphan. He was never adopted growing up, but he was closest to the Kokiri family. They had a daughter named Saria who he still calls his older sister. She’s an ecologist now
Time secretly spoils Wolfie
Twilight will take Wolfie for “walks” (aka, he will sneak Wolfie into his and Wild’s house despite there being a strict no dogs policy. Revali has tried getting them in trouble before but hasn’t succeeded yet)
Wolfie is the favorite whenever Wild hosts a party
Time has somehow become emotionally attached to these radio kids. He was not supposed to get emotionally attached
Sky and Sun hope to get married sometime after graduation, preferably sooner than later
First is everyone’s favorite when he’s around. That said, he’s still the oldest and most responsible when having fun.
Crimson swears
Ravio has tried reaching Sheerow to talk
Legend doesn’t drive (anymore)
Warriors has the gaudiest car, according to Legend. Legend’s right
Styla and Legend are like BFFs. They also met when Legend did Fashion Design. Styla often makes costumes for the school plays as well
Shadow hung out with a bad crowd in high school. He’s doing better now.
Where are the colors you ask? Four’s genderfluid so he uses them to indicate his gender. Vio = she/her. Green = he/him. Red = they/them. Blue= any, they don’t care.
Vaati is Shadow’s biological father, who married Four’s mom when Shadow and Four were 12. Four’s mom died when they were 14, then Vaati went into prison when they were 15 (they really are unrelated incidents). They began living with Grandpa Smith after that.
Yuga is Ravio and Hilda’s dad. He’s really strict and not a good person. He wants them both to go into business. Ravio is playing his hand until he can be totally independent. Hilda is a high school senior and wants to major in fine art. Yuga hates this. He especially hates that Ravio is completely supportive of Hilda… and also that Ravio never comes around anymore.
Hilda’s started being invited to Legend’s uncle’s house for holidays. She can’t come to all of them because of Yuga but she does come to Thanksgiving now
Alfon refuses to let anyone be alone over the holidays. He will force Legend and Ravio to bring their friends over if they have no one in the area or anywhere to go
Flora and Fauna grew up under a lot of pressure from their dad. Fauna feels it more since she’s older, but Flora definitely feels it too. They’re both perfectionists
Impa and Purah are Paya’s cousins in this AU. Paya’s very shy so they try to get her to go out more. Paya has a huge crush on Wild and is teased endlessly for it
Flora has this huge crush on this one guy in her anthropology class. His name is Tauro
Age and Wild didn’t get along for a long time after the house fire. Wild got his burns and amnesia from protecting Age but obviously doesn’t remember this. As a kid, Age thought Wild was purposefully forgetting everything. Wild honestly feels horrible for forgetting and is trying to get his memory back, but he hasn’t had much luck
Age and Wild are both named Link. It’s a family thing. They go by their middle names. Wilder is Wild’s official middle name. Age’s official middle name is August.
On the other hand, both Flora and Fauna’s middle names are Zelda. Flora’s full name is Florence Zelda Hyrule. Fauna’s name is just Fauna.
^ this is the same for Dawn and Aurora too
Hyrule, Dawn, and Aurora come from a very small town named Mido. Hyrule would play “Knights of Hyrule” with Dawn in the farm fields all around them. It’s where he gets his nickname from
Hyrule’s friends in high school were Bot, Error, and Bagu
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ppeasants · 3 months
Hi. I saw you mention something about a villain Wind au and I was hoping that you would share something. Have a nice day
Hi! Thanks for sending in the ask, I'd love to share more! Keep in mind this might be a bit rambly, since this is the first time I've taken these ideas out of my head and put them into writing.
I think the one of the biggest things about this AU is that Wind did not start as a villain. He turned into one throughout The Chain's adventure. He chose to leave his path as a hero, leave his brothers, and become a villain. This adds a lot of connections to the other heroes and a lot more angst, which is why it's so fun.
What is my villain wind even like? I think he's a lot angrier than normal Wind. He channels his usual range of emotions into just one: rage, and his single minded goal. He's a lot more prone to angry outbursts at those around him. He's not afraid to be underhanded, his time as a pirate serving him well, using dirty tactics in fights and easily manipulating others in speech using his childlike face and by easily reading others and learning what makes them tick.
His fighting skills, aside from his already existing speed, get augmented from the skills he learns from the others. His wind magic gets a huge boost, as well as his general magic pool, allowing him to use to as an offensive tool, defensive shield, and overall speed increase, as he zips around (nearly flies) in fights. He also gets back his time stop magic in the Phantom Hourglass (but how he gets it back is another story [he kills Oshus])
So what turned Wind into a villain? There was no one singular event, but a lot of moments which slowly swayed Wind from his path of being a hero.
*cw character death*
In my head, the catalyst for everything is Wind's grandmother dying. He's distraught by it, but after a short funeral, he's basically forced to continue his journey, forced to stay stong, because he's a hero. But being a hero, going on his journey, is what made his grandma sick, is what killed her to being with. He starts to resent being a hero.
*cw end*
Other moments include when Wind learns about Vaati, showing interest in his wind magic, but being told that Vaati is evil. Is wind magic evil? Is he? Another moment is when he says some words of sympathy for his Ganondorf, a man trying to bring back Hyrule. They others tell him Ganondorf is always evil, but Wind just can't get himself to believe it (its an hc of mine that Wind feels sympathy for Ganondorf). There's the idea that he came from a world which shouldn't exist, with no hero (even though he's there), and the ghost of a true timeline in Twilight right in front of him. And, there's the fact that Wind wasn't a chosen hero. He forged his spirit, and the sword, but the Triforce was never really his; he isn't a true hero of courage.
All of these ideas slowly pile up, and Wind gets more and more resentful of himself, of heroes, and of Hylia. It doesn;t help that Wind tries to contact Vaati, and succeeds, and is slowly learning more wind magic from him. From his contact with Vaati, he meets up with the other villains in secret. As they support (manipulate) him, and The Chain gets further and further away from his own ideals, he wants to make one last decision - but he needs to talk to one more person about it.
This all culminates, eventually, into a moment where Wind and Tetra meet up, and they talk. Wind tells her all of the doubts he has, and he says that he thinks he hates Hylia. I haven't fleshed out exactly how their conversation goes, but in the end, they have a big fight, and Wind leaves the Great Sea, hurt, with Tetra no longer on his side and with his mind made up.
The next time they sleep, Wind leaves the group for the villains, and when they wake up, they can't find him, and his gossip stone isn't responding to the slate. Wind is now a villain.
But what is even Wind's goal as a villain? He wants to kill Hylia. Believing her to be the reason that his grandmother was killed, that his world was flooded, that all heroes have to suffer, that Tetra has to be someone she's not, he wants to kill her. In his anger, rage, and single-mindedness, he will stop at nothing to kill her. If his brothers get in his way, he will kill them. The only weak spot he has is his home, the Great Sea. He will never hurt his world, his people.
As a villain, he joins a new group, consisting of Dark Link, Ganondorf (undecided which one), The Lizard, and Vaati. he also has different relationships to the other heroes as they learn he's a villain, ranging from Wind's hatred of them, their hatred of Wind, regret at his turning, and even sympathy and a potential turning of another hero, which Wind is ready to use to his advantage.
In my head, I have many, many, many scenes of this AU, at various points in time, so if anyone has anymore questions about this AU, the relationships between the other heroes, or villains, or other specific scenes, please ask! I'd love to talk more and more about it!
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hyruleairbnb · 2 months
if i wanted to write a direct sequel to skyward sword it'd be like this:
a robed figure walks into the sealed temple, right up to Fi, Sword of Hylia, and proceeds to use shadow powers to extract Ghirahim from her, revealing that the black sword is in fact NOT the Sword of Demise, but rather the robed being's property [the only thing different being his appearance in a different being's hand]
as Link and Zelda rush in, the robed figure calls Zelda by the name Hylia as the robed one is unfazed by the shell, and reveals himself to be Vaati, God of the Night
he would then rush out of the temple and fly off, as disasters begin to occur, the two are spirited away by divine power
the divine power would infact be that of Ordona, God of Time who tells them [and groose, can't leave him out of this] that the hyrulean divinity has been compromised by Vaati, effectively issuing various plagues upon hyrule: the sun is gone, the oceans swallow the land, floral life grows infertile, disease infects what remains, and the dead are unkept [yes i know that's the fucking plot of god of war 3]
basically link has to go out of his way to rescue the gods from Vaati's nocturnal creations, and to find his way to them he has to scour a Citadel of Time, which in terms of progression would be like the tower in spirit tracks but minus spirit zelda hijacking the boys there
eventually however Vaati comes after Ordona and drops a big truth on Link: Ordona is his father, who had him conceived as part of Hylia's plan to bring an end to the titan Demise's insurrection, and then uses his nocturnal power to take control of Ordona, forcing him to fight link to the death
at the end of that fight Vaati forces Ordona to stop time to finish off Link, only for him to resist, and drive his own sword [named Elgis, which unlike Fi and Ghirahim, would be devoid of a soul] through his solid quartz heart in order to prevent Vaati from ruling over time itself, and after one last heart to heart with Link, would use the last of his power to ensure that his spirit is reborn again, as his clockwork body corrodes away
Vaati would then pass through a gateway as the Citadel of Time collapes with it's master gone, which Link follows through into The Lunar Citadel, which would actually be located on the moon, and at the centre of the moon would be Vaati, waiting for the final duel, which would play out in a similar manner to Demise's duel
eventually Vaati is struck down, in his final moments, he drives Ghirahim into the floor, and promises Link that he would return, in another time, in another life, and that eventually one of his reincarnations would find their way to the moon and take up Ghirahim once more, before rewarding him with a way out of his domain, back to Skyloft, before he disintegrates into stardust
what an interesting concept thank you<3
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lunavagans · 7 days
Another rambling thing: the dekus. In the dark forest that Vio ends up in. Why did they start worshipping Ganon?
What would a people made of essentially plant value? Sunlight, maybe? What if, in addition to the ‚being seen as monsters‘ thing that exists in some games (Oot at least), he promised them to bring them MORE sunlight in exchange for their loyalty? Maybe he spun a narrative where the sunlight is being kept from them by the hylians (I‘m thinking by banishing them to the forest, or some sort of magicks barring it from reaching into the forest), and he will defeat them and give it back to them?
Why would he bother to do so anyway? They don‘t seem to ever really put up a fight against anyone. Ganon has their devotion, but not their troops, as far as the manga shows. Do they have any, or do they just build? Maybe their one strength is building, but why would Ganon need it, anyway? Does he just want temples? Am I imagining that the dekus told Vio they were too busy building a temple for Ganon to help him? I‘m too lazy to look it up.
And if the dekus really do follow Ganon for the sunlight thing, and Shadow thinks that with Ganon‘s victory, the darkness will fall over Hyrule completely, then one of the two would have had a rude awakening; I think, since Shadow wouldn‘t have had a purpose by then anymore and assuming the thing with using the dekus as tenple builders to satisfy his vanity - persisting beyond his victory - is true, it would‘ve been Shadow. Only one of the two can be kept happy, after all. Priorities and all.
Did Shadow and the dekus ever interact? How would that have gone?
Why is Vaati following Ganon? By the logic that being loyal to the biggest monster will grant you some safety? Does he think he can betray Ganon and get his own victory that he was denied in minish cap?
I‘m thinking too much about this, aren‘t I.
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blackstarchanx3new · 1 year
FSR Rambles 12 times Vaati got his ass kicked
Insanity, Vaati being pathetic.
What's new?
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Ooop. Zelda showing off how she'll kill you within 2 seconds of being in HER castle.
Link's letter was smth addressed earlier: He warned her with a letter he was going to pull the sword.
Which implies a certain amount of impersonal-ness to the action. He didn't want her talking him out of it lmfao. He was already struggling with defying Vio's persistence so it makes sense he didn't want Zelda to try and logic his ass either.
Her outfit being the sneaky armor in botw, presumably so she could sneak attack, whoever ended up attacking her.
I thought it'd also be a fun throwback to Sheik and spoiler:
Zelda's gender identity is pretty open. Link referred to her with "They" pronouns earlier in the comic but I didn't feel it was very relevant to bring up at the time lmfao. Zelda's all sorts of gender in this comic to say the least.
The reason why Vaati knows she's around is smth I'll get into later when it's more relevant.
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"Damn would you have preferred Gannon???" - Vaati probably.
Zelda isn't playing around she wants to know where her blonde twink is at.
Vaati is a bitch about it of course.
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Oh she mad.
She real mad.
"It's not?"
"ITS A BOMB 💣!!!!"
Vaatis stupid as hell expression before she goes boom is hilarious to me.
Smth people seem to be CONFUSED about fsr is Vaati's not so subtle Zelda simping.
Vaati is a Zelda simp, that's really all there is too it. The extent of that simping is smth I've joked about a lot.
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So he got his ass handed to him.
Shadow himself noted vaati must be weak as hell earlier so. Guess he was right.
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Smth of note: vaati is struggling to keep his form in the "wind mage" form. As his body keeps trying to revert to the "wind demon" design
Those titles are used interchangeably in the manga but I call his Hylian disguise his "wind mage" form and the demon form his "wind demon" form personally.
Zelda casually drops the fact she was trying to murder Vaati with that blast. She isn't playing around. Makes sense this asshole held her prisoner for who knows how long before and did something to her best friend.
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Haha vaatis pathetic and also in pain.
His suffering is all the direct cause of his own actions so...hard to feel TOO bad for him rn.
Zelda certainly doesn't.
Link’s shitty state outright made her a more cold hearted person it seems.
Not that'd I'd blame her for that lmfao.
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Vaati struggling to get back to being handsome lmfao.
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Vaati, my bro, when are you going to do a single thing for yourself????
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Okay but the implication Dark Link let Vaati get his ass kicked and only jumped in to help when Vaati called for help is very funny.
Dark links comedically large sword is just interesting. It's not a four sword replica like Shadow’s.
Zelda is in shock at the weird Link coming out of nowhere.
Darks immediate reaction of being flustered at seeing Zelda is so funny to me.
And fun note: This is the first time Dark's actually for reals appeared in the physical world and not just in the "Headspace".
Subtly creepy he isn't just a mental problem but a physical danger as well.
His attack was very calculated, as he didn't hurt Zelda and just slammed his sword in front of her...
...Haven't we seen smth...SIMILAR TO THIS?
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Huh well, look at that...
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Sweaty weirdo Dark Link enters the chat.
No it was not just for the memes he's actually just like that lmfao.
So from what we know about Dark so far there's some things to note:
Our buddy boy can see the memories of others and "live" through their experiences.
Yall see what it is getting at right?
Shadow link, Vio, and Vaati's emotions and memories are influencing Darks inability to harm Zelda here.
And perhaps he formed feeling a certain kind of way about her.
He associates her with positive feelings lmfao.
Their influence aside, he still chooses not to hurt her on his own.
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Vaati’s reaction is priceless.
Zelda seems to grant Dark some mercy, assumably because he outright denied Vaati here lol.
For his sparing of Zelda he gets squished like a dog toy. Poor Dark Link.
Vaati leaves with his dumbass lackey.
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When you casualy blow a hole in your castle lmfao.
She's overwhelmed.
She need break.
She need hug.
She need...Link.
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Guys, he has self-awareness...fuck.
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Vaati, that was just unnecessarily mean to your lackey.
Also Dark Link appearance wise:
His hair color has changed. It's purple toned now when it was grey blue toned earlier....
Okay I'll stop being coy it's because he's mimicking Vio's appearance.
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Oh. Well, that's a face, alright...
Is he ANGRY? Is he HAPPY?
Did he make that face because he knows it'd freak Vaati out?
Vaati’s abusive bullshit doesn't seem to damper his mood at least as he's smiling in the 3rd panel.
Dark link and Shadow link are very different people, ESPECIALY when it comes to how they cope with Vaati's abuse.
It left a mark on Shadow where as as of right now at least, Dark acts MOSTLY unbothered by it.
Let's face it rn his idea of normal relationships are Shadow and vio lmfaoooooooo-
The dudes who both almost murdered each other.
His "I want kisses too" line will never not get a laugh out of me.
It's so indicative of how he actually feels.
He wants kisses.
He drops that Shadow is the demon king and for a second you gotta wonder if Vaati was like
"...Why is Gannon smooching Vio?????"
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Dark Link also wants to dance. Both are things he saw Vio and Shadow do, mind you...
Vaati has no idea wtf is going on lmfao.
Dark has eclipsed him as the true villain of this comic-
I say in jest.
Dark casually recaps stuff we already kinda know.
While trying to dance with Vaati pff.
Funny enough, taking the lead in said dance, which reflects how he's the one doing all the work rn.
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So, Dark link is interpreting peoples feelings, not 100% understanding them. 🤔
He has to actually think about Blue's emotional state hah and even seems surprised.
It's funny to think that even Green picked up on blue being jealous, and basically everyone did, but Dark had to think about it...
Kinda shows he doesn't really understand people much. Like TRUELY.
Or he's just not as interested in blue vs Vio and Shadow.
Dark stutters again like he did when he was face to face with Zelda.
Vaatis so mean mocking his stutter and continues to berate him.
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Well that was an outburst.
And I finally get to talk in detail about Dark Link’s "mechanics" for a lack of a better term will expand on the next page.
Design/art wise:
Dark's teeth are all sharp here when normally, despite being a demon his teeth are flat/human looking teeth.
The background is a more red version of the head-space Vio and Green have been dragged to when Dark talks to them/at them.
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Immediately he's back to being himself.
Weirdly happy, which settles in the true horror of the previous outbirst:
He didn't mean, a single word of what he just said.
He said that, PURELY to hurt Vaati because it's something that Vaati already feels about himself. He wasn't actually MAD at Vaati and snapping in response to Vaati's abuse. He was just reflecting Vaati's anger right back at him.
So smth about Dark:
He often reflects DIRECTLY how others behave.
Instances of such:
The madder Vaati got in this talk, the "angrier" Dark Link got right back at him.
He shouted at Dark to "Do something" and he responded angrily back that he didn't want to hurt Zelda.
He shouted and berated Dark Link causing Dark to shout that nobody loves Vaati.
Dark Link's nature is to be calm, quiet, pretty "Happy" and kinda hopelessly romantic lmao. He wants to have his idea of "Fun" with people.
He MIMICS people.
Dark has no identity of his own (At least he doesn't seem to realize he does) so often he just bounces off people. He only takes joy in hurting others atm.
Not even in an outright malicious way. At least not the kind of malicious that's "haha I broke the hero because I hate him". This is just what his idea of "Fun" is. What his idea of normal interactions are. This is just what he's suposed to be doing rn.
He isn't acting much outside of his direct reason for creation. What he even deems as fun is indicative of his creation as well.
Engaging with their range of emotions and characters and memories he deems interesting is FUN to him.
If his dialogue from page 121 is anything to go off of, bro really doesn't give a shit about his job. He just wants to have fun:
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He finds it amusing Shadow can ALSO manipulate people's feelings, outright kind of complimenting him for it.
And then gets hopelessly distracted and starts talking about what he'd "Rather do" right now.
Which involves hugging Vio and reading oop.
He didn't get SUPER involved/invested in Shadow's memories until Vio and Shadow were doing more "interesting" things, at least in Dark's opinion of what is "interesting."
Dark wants to engage in relationships lmfao. But he's stuck engaging with memories living though them vicariously and hurting people he supposedly "Likes".
He wants to dance with someone and kiss them and in general have "happy" moments with someone. But is stuck being a curse that's only purpose is to break the hero apart and reflect negativity.
It's kinda sad.
But he clearly hasn't reflected on his own life/situation outside of Vaati's feelings towards him.
Also: Dark has no desire to kill any of the Link or Link himself...keep this in mind.
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Again: He reflects Vaati's mood of annoyance with that face in the second panel. Which kills me. You just know Vaati's making the same face off screen lmfao.
Symbolism symbolism
Dark plucks the violet but leaves the silent princess alone outside of petting it. Call back to how he left Zelda alone.
He says more stuff we kinda already know, but recapping is good. Actually, we spent like 100 pages in flashbacks, hah.
It also shows what Dark learned/his takeaway from watching their interactions.
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Haha oh Dark why are you ripping petals out?
There's smth to be said about him ripping the petals out as the game "She loves me, she loves me not" is a vibe that's being invoked here.
With the odd amount of petals (Being 5) it'd land on "She loves me" by the way.
A relatively innocent game turned into something sinister as he rips petals out in accordance with how many heroes there are.
Dark's behavior continues to be ODD, as he claims Shadow's predicament is "Sad". Which is true.
But...does his expression REALLY scream that he's ACTUALLY sad about it to you?
His chest eyeball just stares blankly forward, his body language implies he's just kinda pretending or acting sad.
Which makes sense, Dark hasn't been shown to clearly understand sorrow properly as even when he cried he was still smiling.
He compares Vio and Shadow's struggles with their identities directly as they're both struggling with who they're SUPOSED to be compared to who they are.
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Again: he's ripping a petal out as he talks about each member of the Link squad.
Notes notes notes my favorite:
For whatever reason Vio is not in his present day look here. He's how he looked 7 years ago.
You could make a lot of different assumptions as to why:
Is this how Dark sees Vio? Vio visually represented to be stuck in the past. Vio just feeling more childishly scared in the face of what's happening.
Dark's comforting Vio here in a similar manor to how Shadow did though.
Also super weird: Dark actually in a round about way compliments Vio here.
"He's so blinded by his self hatred he can't see just how much everyone adores him because of his calm cool nature..."
Dark can feel how others feel about Vio and repeated those opinions.
This is smth to note because so far the only things he's really repeated out loud have been negative things people feel about THEMSELVES.
Outside of when he complimented Shadow.
But this shows he can actually recognize positive feelings people have towards others and repeat those too...
And outright stating: He "likes" Vio.
Because of his strong reaction to Zelda, we can assume that he likes people depending on how others feel about them. Because the team likes Vio: So does Dark Link.
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Another petal falls while he dips into Green's problems. Who's the only other one we've seen him play around with so far outside of Vio and Shadow And not even really with Shadow...
Weirdly enough Green feels empty inside because he's diet link lmfao.
I told yall I'd give him a personality.
Harbors guilt for lazing around when everyone else was doing stuff. Ouch.
He felt the need to promise Link he'd keep shit okay but he doesn't even know if he CAN.
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Blue and his ptsd.
Dark continues to hug people while utterly obliterating them as people lmao.
Blue can't express his emotions arounv Vio which is a theme we'll see as we go into the comic more.
Vio looking back at Blue tho is, a thing.
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To be fair to Dark's assesment of Red: red hasn't done anything in the comic yet.
Him chucking the flower the second it's not pretty anymore and, eating the petal is just funny in a morbid way.
Creepy thing: He ate the petal that "Symbolized" Red. The sweet optimistic character. Kinda just shows Dark consumes everything around him in a pit of despair lmfao. Also it's hilarious that he ate smth that he shouldn't have.
Vaati's disgusted reaction to said petal eating is very funny and Dark's monologue about HIMSELF is very telling I feel.
He thinks he's a hero, because he's saving someone. Removed from context that Vaati is a villain and the fac to "Save" Vaati he needed to hurt the REAL hero of Hyrule...
His actions are preventative at the moment: he's making so Link can't reform and the pieces can't seal Vaati back into the sword.
Dark's actions all make sense to Dark Link. XD
Nobody is cheering him, so he just blatantly says "YAY DARK LINK!!!" Which is honestly the funniest lines Dark has said purely because it shows his childish outlook on this entire situation.
He's just the hero saving Vaati.
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Dark's clearly annoyed to some degree nothing he does is bringing Vaati any amount of satisfaction.
He did what he was supposed to do. The sword is drawn. Vaati is free.
Dark even mocks Vaati's impatience and his need to control someone else to do his work for him. Hitting Vaati right where it hurts with Vaati's insecurity about being a pawn.
Instantly also going for the throat with "Master Elzo and Link would be disgusted with you"
Obviously: He's talking about Minish Cap Link NOT "our" Link.
This use of their names offends Vaati to no end.
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The fight scene is fun, enough said. XD
Okay fine: Ramble thoughts.
Dark manages to mauver his way into not getting properly hit.
Dark's fascination with strangling people is not missed as he does it to Vaati here.
As he repeats things he knows will hurt Vaati's feelings.
Vaati is being unreasonable and stupid in Dark's eyes so him bringing up Vaati's insecurities to make a point is just his attempt to get Vaati to listen to him.
Despite his actions seeming to go against it: He IS on Vaati's side and IS trying to "save" Vaati.
He isn't even saying/acting out of spite, he's just kinda lowkey annoyed and exasperated at Vaati at best. XD
We hit the image count so I'll pick up later.
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