#bringer of ruin
almostlookedhuman · 11 months
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sci-twi · 2 months
are you normal about epic or did you get caught unawares in a horrific thunderstorm while at the beach and proceeded to play Storm at the loudest volume your potato iphone 12 could get to before the rain physically hit the screen so hard that it paused it and then proceeded to get even heavier to the point you can't see anymore like me?
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four-for-fidelity · 14 days
to the guy who made awkward eye contact with me while i was performing Thunder Bringer in my car at a red light: hope you enjoyed the front row seat
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qqchurch · 10 months
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how do you derail a country-management strategy game isekai that's chugging along with developing its infrastructure, resources, units, and alliances with neighboring cities?
blow up the entire train tracks by adding four different sides of the conflict, each tied to different game genres that interact and overlap and interfere with each other now that they're all in the same world
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of course, given the circumstances, Strategy Game-kun was more than a little caught off guard and after the sudden losses he'd experienced, he may be, uh
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realmariesplatoon · 5 months
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(emerges from dark age bleeding coughping and shaking with tear stains streakign down my face looking half dead and about to vomit) hahahha that was so fun guys!!! can’t wait for the next one
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I am genuinely excited to work on the Edolus arc because I did not do the ideas I had any justice what so ever in the original.
If the revenge arc was the one I hated the most for how I handled a specific chapter than the Edolus arc is the one I hate for how rushed it turned out.
Of course all the arcs outside of the ones originally created for the au were rushed because I hadn't looked at the source material recently enough for the events to be fresh in my mind so I could get things to move smoothly like I've started doing.
I watch each arc in chunks so I have parts fresh in my mind and can figure out how to insert characters that weren't there into the story or how to rework it to fit the narrative I'm telling.
I actually even have a few new ideas to put into the Edolus arc which I can't wait to share.
Plus the Edolus arc is where the story was always supposed to take a sharp curve into the more darker aspects of the story. The original version never properly grasped that concept like I wanted it to.
I will admit that when I first started the story, I was going at it arc by arc and chapter by chapter with no solid idea of where it as going so things changed drastically for no reason and other things were never properly resolved. Now that I know what I'm doing a lot better, I have been able to better work how the tone will move about.
Back when I first wrote the Edolus arc, the following arc (Which is currently dubbed the Eillian arc but could change like the Revenge and Oak town arc titles have changed) didn't or only partially existed and the only consequence from it was everyone knowing Gajeel's secret and a few other things that may or may not be changed.
This time around, the Edolus arc has a much more important reason for my story and I look forward to getting to it once the two chapters I currently have are finished.
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sapphic-scylla · 6 months
I cannot believe this is happening again...
It's absurd.
I just can't....
Why do I keep doing the same thing and expecting a different result?
Isn't that the definition of insanity?
Am I mad?...
You know, one day the last one of you assholes will threaten me and then proceed to ask "why did you work with rest of the queers to murder all the TERFs?"
And do you know what I would say?
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thebrandonross · 11 months
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ninibeingdelulu · 3 months
Unwanted emotions ✧
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Plot: You’re Sukuna’s new concubine.
A/N: heian era / true form sukuna
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In Sukuna's lavish palace chambers, the air was thick with exotic incense and the musky scent of sex.
He lounged on plush silk cushions, his muscular arms draped lazily over the scantily-dressed women squirming against his powerful frame.
One concubine trailed kishy kisses along his chiseled abs, her tongue teasing the strange tendril mouths above his navel.
But Sukuna's gaze drifted in bored disinterest. These women, for all their excessive praise and fake desire, failed to truly ignite that deep, burning hunger he ached for down in his very soul.
Their affections were empty and rehearsed - too afraid to look past the monster and see the conflicted man craving something more than just physical pleasure.
Perhaps that's why his strange red eyes kept wandering over to you, the newest and plainest concubine tucked in the corner.
An unadorned beauty with an innocent charm that somehow snagged his restless focus like nothing else.
The other women put on exaggerated shows of flattery and lust while you seemed sweetly oblivious, simply existing in your natural, unashamed state.
A pure, unpolished gem shining amongst these hollow pretty things.
There was a graceful vulnerability about your naive wonder at everything around you that wormed its way under Sukuna's skin.
Yet the idea that something as delicate and wholesome as your radiant presence could somehow reach the twisted, blackened depths of his cursed spirit felt like blasphemy too vile to entertain.
He was an incarnation of violence and destruction. A bringer of bloody havoc spawned from humanity's darkest fears and malice to reign over their inevitable extinction.
He was meant to corrupt and decimate mere flickering human sparks underfoot...Not wilt under the glow of something so untainted and sacred.
And still, your serene, unguarded gaze would rise innocently to meet his searing crimson stare.
Brimming with curiosity and something that almost looked like shy tenderness stirring in your big, soulful eyes despite the monster boring into you with hungry intensity.
That was when Sukuna felt his carefully constructed walls shake with a tempestuous tide of self-loathing and shameful longing. A maelstrom of ruinous desire echoing tauntingly on repeat:
How does something so frail and hopelessly fragile dare to have a living curse like me think impure thoughts about defiling her light? I who am the embodiment of every vile evil spawned to subjugate what pathetic existence dares to carry on...
Yet this pitiful human woman insists on smiling those soft, clueless little smiles at a monster - far too unholy to feel anything more than wicked temptation to defile her right here in this den of sin...
A rasping snarl ripped from the darkest, most twisted depths of Sukuna's ruined soul.
One clawed, monstrous hand flexed with the urge to reach out and crush the sickening lure of your radiance tempting that last shard of buried humanity entombed in nightmarish lightlessness--
Until that solitary, smoldering ember of depravity flared blinding and all-consuming in the wake of his ravenous yearning.
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championashley · 1 year
We all know that the most accepted interpretation is that Crowley fell for Aziraphale at the Garden of Eden, and that Aziraphale fell for Crowley at the Blitz in 1941. there’s something so fascinating that a demon, a creature meant to cause trouble and mayhem, fell for an angel in the (comparatively) most peaceful era on planet Earth. storms didn’t even happen at that point.
While Aziraphale, an angel, bringer of goodness and justice, finally found true love at what is considered the darkest point in humanity’s history, in the ruins of an actual church, an important place to his religion. 
They fell in love in each other’s opposite environment. Crowley had to ‘go up there and make some trouble’ just to make it to Eden, trespassing on holy ground. and Aziraphale was surrounded by death and destruction happening at every second during the Blitz, standing in the ruins of “God’s house”. 
Something about ‘not knowing anything’ yet ‘being certain that everything will be better if you were near that one particular person’?
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razzle-n-dazzle · 8 months
Could you possibly write some yummy dating headcanons for Lucifer 👀
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ᯓ★ "They see right through me, can you see right through me?" Lucifer Morningstar / Reader | Headcanons
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ᯓ Lucifer Morningstar, king of hell himself, the bringer of sin upon the mortal plan!- Was not exactly how you expected him to be. You had expected to be greeted by this tall, looming figure that took up the room like poisonous gas and made his presence known. This looming figure who could crush any sinner, or even Deadly sin, under his fist without remorse. Lucifer; someone who strikes fear where ever he goes. Yet, now he stood in front of you, not looming or crushing down the hotel, rather simply standing and having issues with Alastor for protecting his daughter.
ᯓ The king of hell himself was not as all as you pictured, even after seeing photos of him littered around the hotel from Charlie.
ᯓ Well, for one, he was short, much shorter than you had thought. And secondly he gave off this vibe that was not threatening in the least, if it weren't for his name and status you were sure no one would afraid of such a small man. He stunk of insecurity and anxiety, and a hint of depression, and you were sure he was going to break down any moment while he toured the hotel with his daughter.
ᯓ And yet, you found that oddly compelling.
ᯓ Who wouldn't be interested in the king of hell himself, and even more so when he appeared as least threatening as possible? You weren't sure if it was a facade or some sort of spell just to appear as 'human' as possible, maybe to keep from scaring people, but you had to find out. The curiosity just itched at you, and Husk pointed it out rather rudely as he noticed you were staring at the demon lord himself: "Don't fucking tell me you're falling for the king of hell!" Husk whisper-shouted to me as Charlie lead Vaggie, Lucifer, and a (reluctant) Alastor towards the rooms of the hotel. You would jump in your seat, quickly whipping your head around to stare at Husk. Embarrassed, you would whisper-yell back, "What? No! I just expected him to be more-" You paused, trying to find the words that seemed just at the tip of your tongue. "Threatening?" Angel Dust tried to finish your thought. "More of a Bad boy?" Nifty came in quickly after. "Your type?" Husky amused himself. "Yes, no, and ew!" You responded properly, glaring at Husk at his suggestion. He would simply shrug and walk off, going to grab some cheap beer from below the counter; his personal stash.
ᯓ What you hadn't known at that time was your curiosity was the beginning of a start of chain reactions. Isn't it so silly how one small interaction can completely change your life, forever?
ᯓ You didn't get to talk to Lucifer that day, he left before you even got the chance; Either way, you were sure he wouldn't give you much attention even if you attempted to. He was there to help his daughter, not talk to the souls that were trying to 'reform' and escape 'hell'... which now you think about could be a little insulting to the king of hell himself.
ᯓ The second time you would meet Lucifer is when he was helping Charlie rebuild the hotel after the Cleansing; Something you hadn't been apart of due to having to deal with personal business. To say you were shocked to see the hotel in ruins while being built up from basically nothing, would be an understatement.
ᯓ You were baffled.
ᯓ "Hey, up here!" Charlie would call to you from atop the hotel, helping her dad fix up some lights since the rest of the hotel was being worked on by Alastor and the others. "Glad to see you made it through the cleansing." "Charlie.. what the fuck happened?!" You would shout back, glancing around at the rubble from the old hotel that laid in rot. Your eyes would find their way back up to her, and subsequently her father. Charlie would only laugh softly, rubbing the back of her neck. She shouted something about what had happened, a brief summary, before asking if you wanted to help rebuild the hotel. Specifically adding how they could, "Use and extra pair of wings." Which seemed to make Lucifer stop in his tracks. At least, a little, you didn't fail to miss the way he jutted back a bit due to his wings from, what seemed like, shock. "Uh! I'll help down here, Charlie, if you don't mind." Nerves kicked up in you as she suggested such a thing. You hoped you wouldn't upset Charlie by offering to work down with Husk and Angel, yet she only grinned and gave you a thumbs up before handing Lucifer another light bub.
ᯓ You were quick to scamper away after that, attempting to cover your face with your hand as you did so. Though, even as you entered the hotel, you could feel Lucifer's eyes burning down at you.
ᯓ Sure, he piqued your interest and you wanted some of his attention, but his stare was something else and it made you want to sink and die into the floor. It was that intense.
ᯓ Luckily, you were able to help Angel and Husk on the lower levels in peace for quite a while. It was only when the Hotel was completely done did you run into Lucifer again. Actually, you quite literally bumped into him as you turned to go check on Charlie and he just happened to be right there. Right behind you. Standing there like he wanted to talk to you but didn't know how and wow did that make it awkward when you met his eye.
ᯓ And wow how Husk and Angel did not make the situation any better as they stared, before shuffling off like it was some sort of private moment between couples. You saw how Lucifer's eyes stuck to you, the slight panic that wrapped around his pupil as he tried to put on a confident front with a grin. Though no amount of smiling would ever over up the fact you were sure he hasn't socialized with anyone for a good few years. "Lucifer!.. Sir how can I help you?" You tried to act smooth, and somewhat calm for the both of you; Hoping to get this conversation either moving and over with, or at least started so you didn't have to sit in the awkward and tense atmosphere. Lucifer would stare at you in silence, and you were sure he was chewing over multiple wild thoughts in his head. Though the minutes dragged on and as you attempted to address him again, to get some sort of cog working in his brain, he would blurt out: "Did you fall from heaven?"
ᯓ Shit well that was personal and right to the fucking point!
ᯓ While you could lie to the King of Hell himself, you thought it would be best not to risk your life right now. Especially not when Lucifer was staring at you both like a curious kid and a murderous overlord.
ᯓ "Yes...?"
ᯓ For some reason, that was your common link. A shared experience of falling out of heaven, falling down from grace and into a world pooled with Sin, that set off Lucifer wanting to know you more. So small meeting at the hotel turned to longer meetings, turned to small meeting outside the hotel to longer meetings, and you weren't sure when or how it all happened at first. Yet, sooner or later, all you knew was that brisk, nervous hand touches turned to hand holding, turned to small and brief hugs, turned to longer hugs of longing, turned to you kissed Lucifer on the cheek one night as a goodbye...
ᯓ Eventually turned to him being, willingly, pushed up against your bed on the floor as you straddled him, kissing his lips with such passion you were sure Asmodeus would be jealous.
ᯓ And the events that followed such a kiss surely made the situationship a little more awkward in the morning. Especially since you woke up naked, covered in the dozens of blankets that were stacked on your bed, cuddled up to Lucifer. And it was even more awkward when he had woken up as well to your shared position.
ᯓ Upon catching Lucifer's eye for a short while, you were quick to let out a shocked sound and shuffle away from him quickly, raising the blanket up with you as you sat up on the bed. You noticed the way it squeaked, signaling a few springs had been loosened or the bedframe had became weaker. "Fuck.." You would mutter, raising a hand to your forehead as you stared down in conflicted parrel at your bedsheets. You could hear the bed squeak as Lucifer slowly sat up, and you were sure he was looking at you with their brilliant eyes; Those eyes you so very much adore but know couldn't be yours. It wouldn't be right. Charlie was helping you redeem yourself and you couldn't go and stab her in the back by sleeping and getting with her dad! Panic rose in you as you turned to Lucifer, keeping your blanket over your naked form, "Lucifer, please tell me we didn't!- We couldn't have..." You couldn't fail to notice the way Lucifer's eyes widened, shock mixing with the concern he had. The concern that had made him start to reach out for you, to ask if you were alright, yet the hand that also stopped short as you looked oh so terrified at him. Did he hurt you somehow and didn't know? Such a thought shattered his heart. "I.." Lucifer tried to find the words in his head, but they dropped short. He glanced away from you as a frown slowly inched on his face, and he really couldn't meet your eyes. "I'm sorry..."
ᯓ You would sit there, staring as Lucifer with complete horror as your eyes slowly shifted down to the bed and then the blankets again as you realized what you had done. You had hooked up with Charlie's father after everything she had done for you. You had been, quiet literally, going out on dates with him and falling in love with the King of Hell himself behind Charlie's back! How could you do such a thing to Charlie?! How could you be so stupid in meeting Lucifer more than what was required to explain that you had fell from the grace of Heaven and ended down here? How fucking stupid, how idiotic, how much of a cretin do you have to be to do something like that to Charlie?! You didn't notice how the tears began to form in your eyes until you felt Lucifer's hand upon your cheek. The feeling of his thumb brushing to clear your hot tears as he slowly turned your face towards him. Slowly made you look at your mistake. And yet, he didn't seem fearful at this moment. Even while you choked back your sobs, he simply only cupped your other cheek and drew your face to him to connect your foreheads. You would shake your head, placing your hands on Lucifer's wrists in an attempt to draw away from him in shame.
ᯓ And his insecurities inside him screamed at him to let you do so; They bombarded him with the fact that he had done something wrong and made you cry, something he swore he would never do. Yet why, even while his mind was screaming at him to let you go, did he still hold you to him?
ᯓ "Hey, hey.. it's okay," The whisper feel out of his mouth before he realized what he was saying, "We're in this together okay? I'm... sorry if I hurt you, but I can't help you fix this if you don't talk to me..."
ᯓ And his gentleness made you crack, a sob escaping your lips no matter how much you tried to choke them down. Your hands slowly slid down, away from his wrists, and held onto where his arms bent. It was oh so every hard for Lucifer to watch you sob in front of him, devastated by something he couldn't fix. Yet he was patient until you were ready to tell him; He held you close and cuddled you, not wanting you to feel alone.
ᯓ Not like he had.
ᯓ It was an awkward conversation, yet a much needed one that allowed for the two of you to start the process of becoming official. You both agreed upon telling Charlie everything before you went on with anything else. So, after clearing both your tears, and putting on proper clothes, Lucifer when to go grab Charlie and take her to a more secluded section of the Hotel to chat.
ᯓ Lucifer, as her parent, agreed to tell her everything and you stood right besides him for support; knowing this couldn't be easy for him. You would feel uncomfortable in his shoes too. Charlie would listen, confused at first, but then surprisingly became rather relived and esthetic.
ᯓ "Oh my Lucifer! Finally!! You know, I noticed you two had a thing for each other and I'm really happy you finally came and told me and that you're making it official!"
ᯓ Safe to say neither of you expected Charlie to be so open to the idea, and she noticed. She would explain how we was happy that you were making each other happy, and while she was kind of sad her parents weren't together anymore she was glad her father could find love again and be happy. She would give Lucifer a hug before giving you one, whispering a quiet "thank you" into your year. A thank you that you knew carried a lot of emotions, some being a mixture of heartbreak, gratitude, and acceptance. You nearly teared up again and squeezed her back.
ᯓ With Charlie's acceptance you and Lucifer began to officially date. Yet, kept it on the downlow as not to attract attention from any of the Sinners in hell, or god forbid anyone else from the Hotel that wasn't Charlie and Vaggie. But honestly, it made you both happy to have each other, public or not.
ᯓ You would move in with Lucifer six months into the relationship, and had to make up a fib story to the other hotel residents how you were going to try and travel Hell; just to see what it had to offer before you went. Only Charlie and Vaggie knew you went to move in with Lucifer and his collection of ducks. And god, did it take a while to help Lucifer clean up and organize his pile; Especially considering that he wanted to stop every 2 minutes when he found a special duck to rant to you all about it. But, you couldn't deny the fact that it was adorable to see him all excited about a rubber duck that was oh so common in the human world.
ᯓ Honestly, Dating Lucifer will be one of the most odd yet fulfilling and loving experiences you have ever had. He's quirky and not exactly in the right mind space, but neither are you, so you both help each other whenever you can. Even if it took a while for Lucifer to truly let you in, and let you see him at his lowest. He was always scared that if you saw him like that, it was cause you to panic and run away and leave him; And that he would never you again and... he just couldn't handle such heartbreak. He wants to keep you safe and protected from everything and anything, and he didn't want you to be forced to see him as someone who needed protecting because of an episode that got bad.
ᯓ Lucifer take a lot of careful work, peeling back the layers of himself that has been cocooned tightly, before you can see the true and raw Lucifer. And yet, you love him all the same, broken or together and whole. And honestly, when that day comes when you do see Lucifer like that and you stick by his side throughout the whole thing, being the shoulder and the rock he needed...
ᯓ That was the day Lucifer knew he wanted no one else as a partner in this immortal life other than you. Because he would be your rock if you are his, and he appreciates you more than anything in this world (maybe expect for Charlie, but you're close!). But honestly, he's so grateful that he manages to be able to go to sleep and wake up to someone like you. Half the time he believes it's some sort of dream that he'll wake up from when he falls asleep... and yet he gets to see your face every morning.
ᯓ It... fills him with hope that the rest of his days in hell won't be lived in a depressive isolation from everyone and everything else. And your presence alone comforts him more than anything.
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ᯓ★ A little extra!
ᯓ Lucifer is 100% a cuddle bug, expect him to be around you constantly. Man will be trying to hold your hand, hold your waist, nuzzle into your neck, literally anything to be near and next to you. (Just so he knows you're there, and you're real.)
ᯓ Lucifer defends you with his literal life, like man has no chill when it comes to you and with Charlie. He got a call one day and heard your panicked shouting and was there in literal seconds. Scared the shit out of whoever was trying to fuck with you. Then he picked you up and took you home, literally pampered you for the rest of the day.
ᯓ 100% spoils you. After physical touch and quality time, his next love language is gifting. So expect little trinkets that Lucifer has made to appear somewhere you can see, or given to you by Lucifer himself. He'll also, at times, buy you gifts (expensive and not) if he goes out and sees something you've been saying you wanted for a while or something that just reminds him of you.
ᯓ Charlie begins to see you as a second mother. Of course no one could ever replace her actual mother, but she's glad she had you to go to for girl troubles or gossip tea times.
ᯓ Literally this is the sweetest man ever and he just wants to be love, LOVE HIM. PLEASE!! He will get so flustered and dopey if you sit on his lap and pepper kisses all over his face. He literally will think he's in heaven for a second like, he just loves your fucking attention and is a little bit of a whore for it.
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ᯓ★ All posts/fanfictions posted under this blog is owned by @razzle-n-dazzle. Please do not steal, copy, or plagiarize the works! Likes, reblogs, and comments are always appreciated.
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nonbinarylocalcryptid · 4 months
Before he and Odysseus make up, Astyanax must undergo some character development, so here it is
Astyanax closed his eyes to sleep at Calypso's island, far from the greek man and the goddess, and when he opened again, he found himself at an unknown place.
It was clearly divine intervention, even if he didn't know which god was playing with him, caution was more than necessary. His weapon was next to him in the dry soil and dust that covered everything that his eyes could see.
Ruins were everywhere, but that didn't stopped him from imagining what was there before. In the wholes of the ruin his mind was able to rebuild an image of a past era of prosperity. Giant destroyed walls talked about years of siege and the doors, crooked and rotten in their place, of what was once the city, spoke about days of glory long gone.
Then there it was, a pile of a structure which shape can't be recalled, but the dirt and the moss were no obstacle for Astyanax's mind.
"This is Troy." He said, to the ghosts of those who died there.
"This is where Troy were once", a thundering voice corrected him, condescending. "I want to show you something, come."
Disobedience and a snarky reply crossed briefly by Astyanax's mind, but in the last second he kept those to himself, opting for following the Thunder Bringer. Broken stairs and rooms which once had colour and life greeted him as he ascended, testimonies of a time that was no longer his.
"Why did you bring me here?" He asked.
"I have a mission for you."
"I'm not interested in being your champion, Zeus."
Then the thunder God used the dusty cloud of his sandals to take form and looked him in the eye. His expression was of amusement.
"No one is talking of champions here, boy. I have a mission for you, that's all."
"Still not interested."
"But you are so filled with rage! Wouldn't you like a chance to unwind?"
"I'll pass, thanks for the offer."
A long, patronizing laugh came from Zeus.
"First, take a look at what I have to show, and then decide."
The room, looted and ruined, changed to depict a scene from the past. Sounds of slaughter came from the balcony, and there, in the corner, there was a cradle.
An echo of man entered the room, and something tightened in Astyanax's chest when he recognized the man as none other than Odysseus, a young version of him, old, yes, but younger, and maybe tired, but Astyanax could still see some hope in his eyes.
The scene developed in front of him as Odysseus had told him, which only reassure him that the man had been telling him the truth that dreadful night in the beach.
Astyanax could only watch, as a young Odysseus disobeyed Zeus, faked a baby Astyanax's death, and took the child version of him to safety.
""Come on, little ghost," the young Odysseus mumbled softly, even covered in blood, "where are the clothes for your diapers stored? We must go."
Astyanax blinked away some tears while the illusion faded away.
"I would like you to kill him." Said the king of gods. "That's my mission for you."
"As you have seen, he disobeyed me."
"Well, tough, I said no."
"This is your chance to avenge your home, your father! Troy's legacy lives runs through your veins..."
"Is this what the Trojan Legacy is??!?!?" Astyanax exclaimed with fury. "A meaningless death after another! Sonless fathers killing fatherless sons!! Bloodshed that never dries! Ruthlessness, and the greediness of the gods turning everything they touch into ruins."
"Careful, boy, shut your mouth before is too late."
"Or what? You will kill me? You have wanted me death since I was a baby! And now you want me to kill the only man I have called father and for what? Because you are bored??"
"Hector, crown prince of Troy, was your father..."
Astyanax coughed after yelling so much, he even turned red, so lost in his self righteous fury that he forgot to breath for a second.
"Are you done?"
"Not even close." Astyanax muttered with a dangerous edge in his voice.
"You will kill Odysseus of Ithaca because, I, Zeus, God of Thunder, has told you so."
"Eat me, asshole."
Then Astyanax turned around and started his journey downstairs, to see if the greek army left something valuable behind. Something useful. At least he hoped not everything was at the bottom of the sea with the Ithacan fleet.
Zeus didn't stop pestering him, the dusty cloud following Astyanax.
"Where are you going? I did not finish saying my piece!"
"But I did, now fuck off, I need to get back to Calypso's."
"To kill Odysseus, I assume."
"Your assumption is wrong." The characteristic hint of sass was back in the boy's voice, as he took a long wooden stick from the ground, maybe it could be useful...
"I am Zeus, God of Thunder..."
"And I'm Scamandrius of Troy, son of Hector and Andramoche, Ghost of Troy, the Infant from that night, I'm the 601st man, I'm the One you wasn't expecting...and last but not least, I'm Astyanax the cynic, son of Odysseus...and I'm going to let him go and that's final."
"Why? It's an order, kill him!"
"No. He is not my enemy. You are."
"Are you threatening me, boy?"
"No, I'm stating facts. He's not my enemy and even if I kill him, that won't bring Troy back."
"Merciness is not a valuable skill."
"And that's the difference between men and gods. The need for mercy." Luckily for Astyanax, the curtains were still in place, so he took them down.
"That's naïve."
"Is it? It's because of an act of mercy that I am alive. Mercy is a weakness, yes, but is a strength too. Civilizations raise and fall because of it"
"He is still a threat."
"To whom? He tried to kill me because you ordered it, he is a mere puppet in your scheme. There's nothing personal in that. He's dangerous to you, and you want to toy with him by making me kill him. My answer is still no, by the way."
"And you are letting him go, out of mercy."
"And out of love." Astyanax looked at him with something that was tinted with sadness. "You know, I feel sorry for you, so many sons and daughters and none of them has called you dad...and it shows."
"You know nothing about me, mortal."
"Neither do you about me, puny god. As I was saying, I choose to let him go, because I'm also Astyanax the merciful, but I'm no idiot. He is a nobody, but you, in the other hand, have much to explain. What would you tell the other gods? Would you return home and tell them that you challenged a child? That you were so scared that you just couldn't stand the thought of me being alive? Go, go and tell them who defeated you, tell them about me, tell them that a boy with no beard beat you in your game. Tell them that your ego blinded you and a boy outsmarted you."
"Do you think is wise to talk like that to a god?"
"No, but is it fair to me to chase me like this? I was a baby, not a threat, back in the Trojan war, yet you wanted me dead. Troy was a beautiful place, without the gods' interferance, yet today is all dust and ashes. And now, you just ordered my death, again, because that's what all the 'kill Odysseus' nonsense is, you just want him to kill me. Is this what you want your legacy to be? A capricius whimsical god with no sense of morality! I just want to live in peace, is that too much to ask? Of course you choose not to speak. If your choice is to tell the other gods...Tell them where to find me. Tell them I'll be in Ithaca, and so will my father."
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hearts444karma · 5 months
「 𝐒𝐋𝐄𝐄𝐏𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑 !」 ☆彡 headcanons.
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movie marathon: you both cuddle up on the couch with blankets and pillows, watching your favorite movies until one of you drift off to call it a night.
“this is so romantic, like our own private theater” “SHHH, this is the best part”
elira pendora. doppio dropscythe. vantacrow bringer. hex haywire.
sleep: you’re gonna sleep at this sleepover. as soon as the time hits, you’re in bed cuddled up.
“um, i don’t think sleepovers are like this..” “please, your sleep schedule is ruined enough as is”
ike eveland. fulgur ovid. vezalius bandage. sonny brisko.
pillow talk: after the lights are out, you both share your deepest thoughts, dreams, and secrets. taking turns sharing childhood memories, embarrassing moments, and funny anecdotes, feeling safe and loved in each other’s arms.
“do you remember when we first met” “yeah, i was so nervous, but then you smiled, and everything felt right”
yu q. wilson. aia amare. vox akuma. shu yamino. kunai nakasato.
diy spa night: you pamper each other with homemade facemasks, foot massages, and soothing music, creating a relaxing spa-like atmosphere in the comfort of your own home.
“the cucumbers are supposed to stay on your eyes” “but being pampered makes me hungryyy”
uki violeta. claude clawmark. ver vermillion. meloco kyoran
cooking together: you experiment with new recipes, laughing as you accidentally spill flour on the floor and turn the kitchen into a mess.
“when did sugar taste so salty” “excuse me?”
scarle yonaguni. kotaka torahime. vezalius bandage.
games: whether it’s a pillow fight, board games, building a fort, etc- it’s a competition. you won’t be sleeping until one of you is declared the winner/loser.
luca kaneshiro. reimu endou. rosemi lovelock. victoria brightshield. alban knox. aster arcadia
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worldoshaking · 8 months
There’s something uniquely haunting about the words ‘one brings shadow, one brings light’ and how many different things they mean over the course of the story. 
At the start of A Realm Reborn, the hero takes on the name of the Warrior of Light, and nothing could be more fitting. They are the champion of justice, someone who fights to bring peace to a war-torn, despairing world. It is a symbolism that resonates naturally and easily with the audience: the Warrior of Light lifts the shadow of the Empire, and lets people look forward to new beginnings, turn to a new dawn with the coming of the Astral Era. (As we eventually learn from Moren, the name was originally born of that symbolism: from people finding hope in their heroes, and giving them a name expressive of that hope.)
And then we meet the Warriors of Darkness: at first glance, they are obvious villains, seeking to undo the Warrior of Light’s work and drown the Source in darkness and fear. Their name evokes skullduggery and mystique, and it is a haunting inversion of the Warrior of Light’s, suggesting that they are bound to be our foes. 
And then we learn the truth of their origins: they were Warriors of Light, just like us, and their path, so like ours, brought ruin upon their world. We learn, for the first time, that the Light is a force to be reckoned with and feared, and that Light and Dark are not so different after all. 
When we finally get to the First, the inversion comes full circle. We meet Ardbert as the Warrior of Light, and our WoL is now the fabled Warrior of Darkness: the bringer of night and reprieve to a world that has known no rest from fear and striving. The term ’Warrior of Light’ is no longer a symbol of adulation, but one of reprobation and reproach. 
The duality of shadow and light is also exemplified by Emet-Selch and the Crystal Exarch. The Exarch turns to the future with hope, while Emet-Selch lives in the past, with the shades of memory. The Exarch seeks to protect Hydaelyn’s will, and avert the return of Zodiark. Emet-Selch slinks and prowls on the margins of history, weaving malign and intricate plots, sowing discord and fear and doubt. The Exarch stands at the forefront of history, facing down corruption and chaos, making his city a bastion of resistance and rallying everyone beneath the cause of hope. Emet-Selch represents the shadow of conquest and imperialism over the land; the Exarch has built a city of kindness, fellowship and egalitarianism.
And yet, even here, the symbolism is inverted, for the hope the Exarch brings is in the shape of the gentle night, while Emet-Selch seeks to drown the world in searing light. In the bright open spaces of the Crystarium, it is only the Exarch who walks in shadow. He deals in secrets, hiding his plans and his face and his name, while Emet-Selch seeks to understand, and bestows terrible knowledge. The light of the Exarch’s plan is perfect and pitiless, and it is up to Emet-Selch’s prowlings and plottings to save him, gun in villainous hand. 
And the most fundamental form of the inversion is learning that Emet-Selch is, in a way, fighting for the same thing as the Warrior of Light is: he is fighting to save his world and his people, and to him we are the villains. 
The light of the Warriors’ hope and belief breaks through the miasma of Hades’ terror and grief. And at the end, Emet-Selch stands there, ragged light spilling out of the hole in his body, and smiles, in a final gesture of acknowledgement. He dissolves into a shower of gentle light, spilling over the Warrior of Light like a benediction. 
Everything is inverted in the First: people glory in the name of sinners, shudder at forgiveness, and celebrate the night. The sin eaters are bright and beautiful and gentle, and they bring a terrible, merciless forgiveness: a forgiveness that tears you apart from the inside; a forgiveness that blankets the world in silence and inexorable light. 
The first time we hear the iconic line ’one brings shadow, one brings light’ is in the scene where the Warriors of Light and Darkness merge into one—the Warrior of Light helping to contain the light raging within the Warrior of Darkness, their souls embracing in understanding and warmth. It is a moment of glorious illumination: of the twin Warriors understanding their connection, and of Ardbert seeing his purpose, the clear resonant notes of the theme song ringing out in glorious triumph. But it is also a moment of gentleness and reprieve. The light is no longer spilling out of the Warrior of Light’s wounded soul; Ardbert is there, providing them with sanctuary, with gentle shade. The Warrior of Light does not have to be fight their battle alone and unflinching. They do not have to be perfect any more, for there is someone to watch their back. 
They are truly two-toned echoes tumbling through time: Ardbert retraced the Warrior of Light’s path on the First, and now they have retraced his.
The symbolism of light and dark is most starkly exemplified by Hydaelyn and Zodiark—Zodiark as the will of the star back to the past, to the splendour and sorrow and hubris of Amaurot; Hydaelyn as the will of the star towards light and growth and change. But now it is Hydaelyn who reigns, and defends herself against Zodiark’s incursion. She is no longer the disruptor, but the preserver of the status quo, of the lives that already exist. On the First, Light brings stasis and silence and emptiness. 
We revisit this symbolism with Elidibus in The Seat of Symbolism: the heart of Zodiark, taking on the person of the Warrior of Light, and fighting off Hydaelyn’s champion, who bears the mantle of a Warrior of Darkness. Elidibus is lost in grief and darkness and doubt; he fears loss, and he does not remember. He must fight to save his doomed cause, though he does not know why. The Crystal Exarch and the Warrior of Darkness bring him light, in the shape of remembering, and of absolution. Now he remembers the comrades he fought for, and the love that drove him; he does not have to struggle on in the darkness any more. 
In the Eden storyline, the symbolism of shadow and light is evoked by Ryne and Gaia, the Oracles of Light and Darkness. Mitron seeks to keep Gaia in the shadows, taking her memories, wresting away her agency over her life. Ryne brings her light, in a symbolic sense, helping her discover who she is and what she wants, offering her warmth and comfort and hope. But it is simultaneously Gaia’s darkness that helps them break the light’s chokehold and return life and growth to the world. It is the hammer of her darkness that breaks through the light’s overwhelming hold on Ryne, quite literally saving both her and the world. And in the end, she makes the powerful choice not to know of her past in Eulmore, preferring to turn her gaze to the future. Her story encapsulates a central theme of the Eden arc: escaping stasis, embracing change and growth, making new memories. 
In Shadowbringers, right and wrong are not inexorable absolutes that we are to be judged by. Light and Darkness are two-toned echoes tumbling through time: humanity and the dragons, the Warriors of Light and Darkness, the champions of Zodiark and Hydaelyn. We should not be too quick to form our judgements, for nothing is as it seems, and there is hope to be found in the night. 
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riskyraiker · 26 days
Never let go of me
Optimus Prime x Reader
Description: Destiny has planned everything, but when needed they can make changes for better
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You were hit, you actually got hit this time. Megatron shot you right in your chest-plate and scrap that it hurt. It’s silly how this happened, really. You were just scouting for some energon only to find black energon. How is it even possible for it to be black? While you were shocked about the new form of Energon, the Decepticons sneaked upon you and started an attack. With no backup at the moment, you were screwed. 
“Megatron! Back up and leave with your army!” That voice sounded like a blessing, knowing it belonged to the one and only Optimus Prime. “No! This rare Energon shall be ours, and Autobot of yours will meet their fate!” 
That wasn’t good. Every bot knew it, that would be your final moment. You ran for cover, surviving, you didn’t dare to move. You could hear the banging and clashing of metal from the leader's battle. “You have done enough harm during this war and it stops now!” Optimus yelled.
Yeah, sure it will. Wait! We need a sample of the Energon! It isn’t that far. You reach for it, grabbing and pulling off a piece big enough for a few tests. With panic, you stood up and turned, but your plans were stopped by a sharp pain in your chest and the feeling of losing Energon. You didn’t have time to even run. There was a gaping hole in your chest, burning and dripping Energon. You raise your optics to look at Optimus, a look of shock and pain in his optics. You didn’t even feel it, but you were already falling backwards, into the black Energon. “Y/N!” That was the last thing you heard until your spark was ready to join with the all-spark. 
Would death be this calm, so relieving, and strong? If everyone died like this, why didn’t I leave sooner? This will be my destiny now. No turning back from it.
“Now Optimus. It’s your time to join Y/n and everyone else you have let down.”  Was Megatron here?! Or why do you hear his voice? A sudden light shined brightly, blinding you as the new voice spoke. “Shall the black Energon flow through your veins and the new guardian of the primes shall rise.” The calming feeling vanished and was replaced with an overwhelming feeling of anger. You wouldn’t let Optimus join you, after all, he has done for the team, for Cybertron, and all of Cybertronians
You rose, from the pit you died in, you rose from it. Somehow floating as the black Energon flowed in your veins. “Megatron.” You could see how fright took over his frame while Optimus couldn’t even open his optics. ”This war has taken the lives of billions and ruined our planet. I shall feel the rage of all beings against you and take you down. No matter what you do, Destiny will never be denied,” You landed back on the ground and slowly walked towards the Gladiator of Kaon. “You should be one with the Allspark! That is your destiny!” Megatron denied my presence and tried to shoot me. The blast of energy vanished into the air, same with the second one. “Destiny has decided that I will choose yours. And don’t even try to stop me” 
“NO” Megatron tried to finish what he started, killing Optimus, but Optimus wasn’t there anymore moved gently to the side. Megatron’s blade struck into rock, he couldn’t believe what was going on. The prophecy couldn’t be true, or that was what he wanted to believe. “You cannot be the guardian of the Primes! I will destroy you once and for all!” He tore the blade out of the ground and attacked. Y/n didn’t have a challenge but for Megatron? He was already struggling to fight against you. The Black Energon giving you strength enough to slay Unicron, the chaos-bringer.
Optimus was now conscious and knew what was going on, but he couldn’t believe it either. You as the new Guardian of the Primes? It was supposed to be a foolish prophecy, but right now, his sparkmate is the only and last one. The title gifted by Primus and Destiny together. 
The battle was more focused and brutal than he had ever fought against Megatron. He noticed a new thing about you. Y/n did not need to take a step back or crouch and dodge since you were teleporting around Megatron. Also, a pair of wings made from light folded against your back.
Shock took everybody over as Megatron’s blade went through you, but it broke in half and Megatron was pushed away from you. The cut vanishing in seconds. “Accept it, Megatron. Your time is up.” He already gave up as he was on his knees waiting for you to finish the battle. You pulled your servo back, blade already out and ready to strike and you did it. The blade went through Megatron’s Decepticon sign. Optics flickering. He was officially offline. The war was done after eons of fighting and the loss of loved ones.
You turned away, not wanting to look at the frame of a dead warlord. Instead, you headed towards Optimus helping him stand up. “Are you hurt? What am I thinking, you most likely are, but I’m glad you’re alive.” You held the Prime gently as everyone processed what happened. “You did it. You. I- I thought you died.” Everyone knows it’s unlikely for Prime to show emotion yet Optimus held you afraid of losing you when he let’s go. “I’m alive and right here, but I was afraid that you would be soon to follow the same destiny.” You wrapped the wings around you both as your sparks aligned and connected. Sharing thoughts and feelings, calming each other and bringing them back, pushing the panic away. “My guardian, a gift from Primus itself.” Optimus murmured gently as your forehead was pressed against each other. “My Prime, a gift from Destiny themselves and the one I’ll protect forever.” 
You two were the strongest pair of two sparks that ever existed. After time your both’s destiny arrived and you both joined all-spark together. You two were the new Primus and Destiny. 
AN: Here you go :) I wrote this in under an hour so it might be messy. Also, I just made the idea of a Guardian of the Primes ofc. This is like the first angsty one I publish so it's weird. Request anything similar please!
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starswritewhispers · 2 months
Sharing Smoke- Nalu
Natsu had seen a lot of different traditions and hobbies during his travels for missions He still could taste the bitter rage coating his tongue when some wizards decided to greet Lucy with a kiss on either cheek, and the bottled mirth when Gray took a shot of something that apparently tasted like ‘liquid death’.
So yeah, he’s seen it all.
Currently, they were all at a bar, attempting to gain intel—or at least, Erza and Lucy were trying to gain intel— Natsu was trying to find some more liquid death for Gray to try.
“You try it,” Gray argued back, lips curling into a sneer that usually meant Natsu was being set up for a trap.
Jokes on him, Natsu had grown and matured and would never fall for any of his shit again.
“Unless,” The corner of Gray’s lips turned up into a taunting smile. “You’re scared you can’t handle it.”
Damn it.
“Give me the fucking drink, ice for brains.”
Gray’s grin turned devious and Natsu almost regretted his decision as he accepted he shot. He risked quick glance around the bar, checking for Erza, before raising it to his lips and tossing it back.
“What are you doing?” The red haired bringer of death demanded from behind him, making Natsu choke on the drink already trying to murder him.
It tasted as if Zeref himself had made a shot specifically to torture Natsu and now it was stuck in his throat as he relentlessly gasped for air. He could hear Erza’s lecture and Gray’s laughter as he doubled over, pounding a fist against his chest.
After a few prolonged moments of pain, he regained himself, glaring at Gray.
“Do not start a fight,” Erza warned, glaring at the two boys dangerously. “Not our bar.”
Natsu glowered but sighed, accepting the glass of water Gray slid his way and practically chugging it.
“Where’s Lucy?” He asked once his airway was sufficiently cleared. “You guys find a lead?”
Erza nodded, motioning her head outside. “Check to see what she’s found out, would you?”
Natsu grumbled, but pushed himself out of his chair and followed Ezra’s directions out of the door regardless. He blinked, taking a moment to get used to the shitty lighting before his eyes landed on the familiar blonde. A smile quickly took over his face as he walked over, easily slinging an arm across her shoulder.
“Hey Natsu,” she greeted, without turning to face him. He felt something preen within him at the knowledge that she knew it was him by touch alone, but ignored it.
Acknowledging it wouldn’t get their mission done any faster. The only thing it’d accomplish in speeding up is ruining the best thing to ever happen to Natsu. So, he ignored it.
“Where’s our guy?” He asked, frowning when he noticed how strong the wind had grown to be. It didn’t bother him, but he knew Lucy was far more sensitive to weather than he was, so he quickly pulled her closer to his chest. It earned him a hum of appreciation as she subtly pointed the man out. “Who is that?” He asked, noticing the second figure leaning close to the man.
They were passing a cigarette—no, it was too large to a cigarette, and didn’t quite seem to be a cigar— he searched his brain through useless tidbits of information Gray had given him as he watched the scene.
“I think his girlfriend,” Lucy answered, something almost wistful in her tone. “They came in together.”
A joint!
Lucy’s words registered and Natsu’s moment of success quickly wore off as he looked at her. The guy they were tailing was nobody, surely Lucy wasn’t jealous of his girlfriend. He huffed rather than respond and turned his focus back to the scene.
The man had taken a large drag from the joint, his hand that wasn’t wrapped aorund the woman’s waist gently moving to cradle her head to angle it. Natsu could make out the woman’s slow, hazy smile, in the flickering lights before the man leaned forward to connect their lips, the smoke clearly passing between them.
Natsu watched the scene, feeling transfixed as the couple finally broke apart, the woman breathing out the man’s smoke. She leaned forward, pressing her head against his chest as the two laughed. An odd feeling settled in Natsu’s gut as he forced his gaze again, eyes settling on Lucy again.
She had the same expression on her face, not quite longing but something so similar to his own churning emotions that he grit his teeth.
To be brave or to not be brave.
To risk change and loss or to not.
“We should try that,” Natsu decided firmly, turning to face her.
“What?” Lucy stumbled at how fast she had turned around, her voice coming out a squeak. Natsu frowned, watching her reaction carefully. “We don’t have anything to smoke, dork.”
“I can make fire and smoke, weirdo,” he countered, crossing his arms stubbornly. “It looks fun.”
“It’s not just smoke,” Lucy began to explain, but Natsu was already focusing on his own smoke. Obviously, he knew there was a drug involved. “The point is to get high—“ He cut her off by pressing his lips against hers.
He knew that too.
His method of getting high was just slightly different.
His arms encircled Lucy and he felt her relax in his arms as she slowly opened her mouth to accept the smoke.
It burned.
She was the one swallowing smoke, but it felt like he was chugging liquid sunlight. So warm it was burning his throat on the way down, but so good that he couldn’t bring himself to stop.
After a blissful moment, they part, foreheads resting against each other as the smoke curls from Lucy’s mouth.
“Seems like the same point,” he murmurs, risking a glance up at the girl that held his heart and so much more in her hands.
She was smiling.
The world could’ve ended in that moment and all that would matter would’ve been Lucy’s smile.
“The guild owes me so much money,” a gleeful voice interrupted their bliss and Natsu whirled around to meet a grinning Gray.
“I,” Natsu decided, taking a dangerous step forward as smoke curled off his fingertips, “Am gonna kill you.”
“Sorry, man,” Gray answered, a shit eating grin taking over his face. “I’m taken, can’t share your smoke.”
Natsu lunged for him, ignoring Erza’s yelling, a wild grin on his face.
Sometimes, he really loved his family.
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