#bro is the giggler
korozite · 1 year
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Mad man
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fluffy-ami · 11 months
I am perfectly normal about his laugh-
“The G in Gale stands for giggles apparently”
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chained-sweater · 1 month
how the gang laughs
· soda and johnny are gigglers. yeah, i said it.
· ponyboy has a really loud, obnoxious annoying laugh.
· you bet your ass two-bit and steve are cacklers.
· dally sounds like he's having an asthma attack when he laughs. bro is WHEEZING.
· darry snorts when he laughs.
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queersrus · 2 months
Hiii! Could you please make names, titles and pronouns based off of jackalopes and hyenas?
an, ant, antel, antelo, antelop/antelope, antil, antilo, antiloca, antilocap, antilocapra, antler bun, bunny/bunnie
calf, calve, cal, cali, calif, califo, califor, californ, californi, california, californic, californica, californicus doe, doot, deer, doug, douglas
flag/flagg, flagger herrik, hunt, hunter, hoax jack, jackie, jackal, jackalo, jackala, jake, jackarab, jackrab, jackrabbit
kalo, kalop/kalope, lope, lev, lever, levere, leveret, lepus rab, rabbi, rabbit, ralph
prank, prankster spike, spirit tin, ting, tinger, tax, taxi, taxid, taxide, taxider, taxiderm, taxidermi/taxidermy, taxidermis, taxidermist
wop/wopp, wopple, wol, wolp, wolpe, wolper, wolpert, wolperti, wy, wyo, wyom, wyomi, wyomin, wyoming, whi, whis, whisk, whiske, whiskey/whisky
1st p prns: i/me/my/mine/myself
ji/jake/jacky/jackine/jackself ji/jacke/jackely/jackelopine/jackelopeself ji/jackre/jackrabby/jackrabbine/jackrabbitself ti/taxe/taxy/taxine/taxself ti/taxiderme/taxidermy/taxidermine/taxidermyself
2nd p prns: you/your/yours/yourself
jo/jacker/jackers/jackerself jo/jackalor/jackelors/jackelorself jo/jackr/jackrs/jackrself jo/jackrabber/jackrabbers/jackrabberself to/taxer/taxers/taxerself to/taxider/taxiders/taxiderself
3rd p prns: they/them/theirs/themself
jack/alope, jack/rabbit, jack/jackalope, jackalope/jackalopes, jack/jackrabbit, jackrabbit/jackrabbits tax/idermy, tax/idermist, taxi/dermy, taxi/dermist, taxi/taxidermy, taxi/taxidermist, taxidermy/taxidermys, taxidermist/taxidermists, taxidermy/taxidermists, taxidermy/rabbit, taxidermy/hoax
the jackalope, the jackrabbit, the taxidermy hoax, the wyoming taxidermy prankster
*one who has the body of a rabbit and the antlers of an antelope, one who pranked taxidermy collectors
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aard, aardwolf, azizi brown/browne, brunnea, banzai, bark coyote, crocuta, cris, crista, cristata, clan, cackle, cub
dingo ed giggle
hiena, hiene, hyene, hyaen, hyaene, haena, haene, hyaeni, haeinidae, huaina, huaine, haina, haine, hyaina, hyaine, hyana, hyane jackal
kamari nihtgenġe, night prairie, para, proteles
spot, stripe, shenzi timber wild/wilde, wilder, wolf/wolfe, wolfy, walker
1st p prns: i/me/my/mine/myself
bi/be/browny/browine/brownself di/dinge/dingy/dingine/dingoself gi/giggle/giggly/giggline/giggleself hi/hye/hyeny/hyine(hyenine)/hyenaself ji/jacke/jacky/jackaline/jackalself li/laughe/laughy/laughine/laughself spi/spote/spoty/spotine/spotself stri/stripe/stripy/stripine/stripeself
2nd p prns: you/your/yours/yourself
bo/brownr/brownrs/brownrself do/dingor/dingors/dingorself go/giggler/gigglers/gigglerself hyo/hyenar/hyenars/hyenarself jo/jackalr/jackalrs/jackalrself lo/laugher/laughers/laugherserlf spo/spoter/spoters/spoterself stro/striper/stripers/striperself
3rd p prns: they/them/theirs/themself
bro/brown, brown/hyena, brown/browns, bro/wn din/go, dingo/dingos, di/dingo gi/giggle, gi/ggle, gig/gle, giggle/giggles, giggle/call hy/hyena, hye/hyena, hyena/hyenas jack/al, ja/jackal, jack/jackal, jackal/jackals lau/laugh, lau/laugh, laugh/laughs, lau/gh, laugh/laughing, laughing/hyena spo/spot, spo/t, spo/ot, spot/spots, spot/spotted, spotted/hyena, stri/pe, stri/stripe, stri/ipe, stripe/stripes, striped/hyena
the laughing hyena, the hunting hyena, the scouting hyena, the cackle leader
*one who laughs like a hyena, *one who leads the clan
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*one can be replaced by any prns
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can you pls write a fic with lee!stan and ler!kyle🙏
Hi gigglers! This is more of a drabble than a fic but hope you enjoy!
"No, seriously. It's not funny Kyle", Stan said as firmly as he could, although his voice quivered a bit. The boy had tried a shortcut out of the KFC bathrooms, avoiding the narrow path for a squeeze down the even narrower staircase. It was a dumb idea, but Stan wasn't the biggest fan of how repetitive and boring school days could be, so he took every opportunity for an adventure. Now he was paying the price.
"Aww, come on Stan", Kyle said in his teasy voice, "Can I just give you a little tickle wickle?"
Stan blushed heavily and groaned, "Don't say that. Now let me out!"
Kyle walked closer toward the staircase threateningly, his fingers in claws.
"Any last words Stan?"
Kyle could be very evil sometimes. Stan shut his eyes tight and tried desperately to wiggle free, but to no avail. He knew that he would be able to get out with his friends' help, but Kyle wasn't being the best friend at the moment.
"Come on bro, friends don't take advantage of friends when they get in difficult situaTIONS!" Stan's lecture was cut short, him squealing and erupting into a peel of giggles as Kyle reached his hand behind the staircase to poke and scribble at his side.
Kyle's evil face lit up in an expression of pure malicious delight. Stan's giggles were a bit pained at the edges, as he squirmed as far as his body would let him in the tight space. Kyle withdrew his hand - he wanted to have a spurt of fun, not actually assault the boy. Kyle reached his hand in to get Stan out, and pulled heavily, leading Stan to topple out and fall on top of him. In an instinctive move, the ginger-haired boy flipped Stan over so that their positions were switched, not wanting Stan to take advantage of a potentially strategic standpoint.
Stan frowned - "Hey, get off me asshole!"
Kyle did as he was told, allowing Stan to get up and shake his head.
"I can't believe you did that man. After, after all we've been through".
Stan's expression made Kyle's heart drop in guilt - "Come on, it wasn't that bad was it?"
Stan decided to keep up the act - "It is! And you know what the worst part is?" Stan tried to force tears, "I d-didn't even g-get you back".
For a while Kyle felt his stomach sink, regretting all of his life choices and feeling like the most horrible friend in the world. Stan just looked at Kyle's defeated expression, waiting for the ginger to process what he had just said.
"Hey...wait a second..."
Stan smiled, his smile quickly turning into a smirk, "So now do you get it?"
Kyle, who was considerably more ticklish than Stan, made a run for it.
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berensteinsmonster · 1 year
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posting ALL of these in one messy post because im impatient and i need to feed on my Glaggleland fixation NOW❗❗❗❗❗❗❗❗❗❗❗❗ ❗
and now for some info abt my ocs that i didnt put in the photos. cw: eyes
Giddy Glaggle is the owner of Glaggleland Amusement park which is sort of like a sister location to the main Glaggleland location. It’s like a smaller version but still has many Joyous rides and fun fun games =) it also has it’s own bakery and has scheduled Fun time shows hosted by Dimples the Clown.
Grinny Glaggle and Griddy Glaggle (the secret third sibling) are his little siblings. But Griddy was sold off to Warner Bros. and was basically evicted form the in-universe canon of Glaggleland. Both Grinny and Giddy are ok with that.
Dimples the Clown is a lovely guy :o) he knows some people are scared of him so he tries his best to show his silliness without being too scary .
Chef Thognuts is absolutely insane. He’s the one baking the Thorn Glognuts donuts and other snacks for the park.
The Employees look like Gigglers =) but with strange eyes potruding out of their faces. They don’t appear to be bothered by it however, and function as normal =)
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Bonus character: Love Letter is sort of the business manager here. She’s based off like valentines day (the holiday) and has love heart box and candy hair <3 She will sue you if you include even 0.2 seconds of copyrighted Glaggleland music.
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feathergail · 8 months
Okay so lemme start my little list (i love my sillies)
- So Newt, Thomas and Minho, Minho and Thomas are the crazy, sassy ones, and Newt is the calmer one, like that one meme of a person holding two people on leashes.
- Going along with this, Minho and Thomas definitely get into a lot of tickle fights and Newt tends to be the one who watches on the side and laughs at them
- Sometimes instead of going against eachother, Minho and Thomas would just drag Minho down and wreck him instead (i love newt so bad that's bae!!)
- So ticklishness wise, it goes Newt, Thomas, Minho (they're all ticklish just newt is worse off)
-Newt just GIVES ticklish side energy like?!?!?! If someone pokes his side or squeezes it man falls to the GROUND
- Thomas finds out when he was going to pass by Newt and held his side causing Newt to squeals and fall down (uses it against him all the time)
- Minho just knows everything, so he gets dirt on the other two and uses it as blackmail against them
YEAHHHHHH THESE ARE SO CUTE BRO!!!! lemme share some too
- thomas is ticklish in more “uncommon” spots like his back and inner arms and palms. he’s a normal amount of ticklish everywhere but those specific spots are pretty heightened. HE SNORTS BTW
- minho is a giggler. he throws his head back and lets out these hearty giggles that fill up the whole room. he seems like the type who goes completely limp when tickled
- newt is so dramatic when tickled. he’s not loud but he complains so much even if he’s barely even being tickled (but then gets grumpy if the ler Actually stops)
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They need some laughter. They'll been through a lot. It's stress relief!
Also, they are all little shits! We love that for them. /pos
I'd like to think it all started with Kai. He just wanted a fun way to bond with his friends. He loves his bros, so he sneaks tickles in whenever possible!
Cole's lifting weights? Or has headphones in and not listening? Poke right under the arm.
Lloyd won't stop complaining about a quiz? Scribbles to distract him!
Kai is, honestly, terrified of messing with Zane. (He hesitates, but he still does mess with him. Zane's trying to calculate something for math? It's a perfect chance to find out if his neck is ticklish!)
Speaking of Zane, he is tough to crack. Not because he can hold it in, but because he's hardly ticklish anywhere.
In the midst of a tickle fight, Kai tried to drag him into it. Zane didn't react, which then prompted everyone to stop what they were doing to try and find a singular spot that made Zane smile.
They came out unsuccessful.
...Until, that is, Zane needed repairing. He has a stomach and back hatch, usually Jay does the repairs when needed because Dr. Julian (Zane's dad) does not know about ninja business. (However, Zane is capable of doing self-repairs. He doesn't let most people touch him. It's more of a trust exercise if he lets anyone go anywhere near his hardware.) Nya teams up with him too sometimes. It was by complete accident for Jay to careful shift some plating, which he was petrified by at first in fear of hurting his friend, until Zane let out a surprised giggle.
The next few pokes weren't quite accidents anymore.
(Zane still lets him do "repairs" sometimes... and those sometimes had times where he didn't even need supposed "repairs". He just wanted a couple tickles!)
It became glaringly obvious that Zane had a ticklish back, it was just a hard to reach spot.
Jay, poor guy, is one of the most ticklish people you'll ever meet. He may even be more ticklish than Lloyd!
From most ticklish to least ticklish is Jay, Lloyd, Kai, Cole, Nya, Zane.
Kai has so much fun messing with Jay. Nothing downright mean, unless it's provoked, but he can tell Jay likes the attention.
Jay jumps at everything, he's a very anxious lad. So jumping at sneaky pokes and devious fingers is a welcome change.
Albeit very embarrassing. He's incredibly squirmy, and can't say the word "tickle" in certain circumstances. It's very endearing.
Do not underestimate his gremlin side though. Once he gets comfortable, he will fight back. He is very quick and nimble, he'll skitter anywhere he can reach. (Lightning fast, some may say. Ba Dum Tsk.)
Nya is soft with him, because of course she is. Which makes it tickle worse, Jay swears it does.
He hides his blush with his scarf all the time!
Cole... Cole will just hold it in, pretending it doesn't bug him. He's too good at keeping a poker face. Tickling? Not a weakness he has, is what he claims.
You just have to know the right place and right time to get him. Surprise attacks? He'll be caught off guard, good. Rough tickles or soft tickles? A hybrid mix, keeping him on his toes, also good. But getting his weak spots? Those tiny little spots that people would glance over?? That will get him really good.
But he'll destroy anyone who dares even try to poke him, he's rather someone to break up a tickle fight or start tickling someone else rather than being on the receiving end.
(The ninja have teamed up on him at some point, and he's never laughed so much in his entire life.)
Kai doesn't necessarily mind tickling, he's the one who inserted it into the dynamic in the first place.
This does not stop him from claiming he's not ticklish, though. It's his way of inviting some mischief. Everyone knows he's lying, and he's lying to get them to do something.
That's why they make him admit it. Which he actually is flustered by.
Lloyd, Jay, and Kai are all nervous gigglers.
Cole, Kai, and Jay do snort. Then again, Jay makes every sound known and unknown to mankind when he's being tickled.
Cole pounds and kicks the ground when tickled, and it does cause minor earthquakes.
The tips of Kai's hair do catch on fire when he's experiencing Intense-Tickling-Symptoms.
Lloyd gets all hiccupy if you get him good, which is very easy, and he eventually will tilt his head back and just laugh. It's a very fond sight, little tears in his eyes and stupidly big smile.
Nya would rather try to do an escape room underwater than get caught admitting anything embarrassing.
She's ruthless and knows how to win fights by playing dirty. (Which she claims she would never! Least not without good reason, such as if she were losing...)
Kai knows all her weak points, though. Knows the buttons to push. He spends a good majority of the time teasing her more than actually tickling her.
Now, Garmadon has four arms. Naturally, you see where I'm going with this.
Lloyd and Garmadon try to get along in a way only an evil warlord and a simultaneously bullied and idolized teenager could. That means they go through a lot of bonding activities. Garmadon saw Lloyd get poked once and was curious about it from then on.
Needless to say, Garmadon found one of his favorite ways to bond - and mess around - with Lloyd. All he had to do was lightly scribble his very soft human skin and he was giggling away! It was very satisfying. He may not have been able to take down the Green Ninja, but this would do nicely.
It reminds him of a time when him and Wu didn't fight. (Which then spurred on a train of thought if Wu was still ticklish, but Garmadon hasn't attempted. YET that is, he so will! Just not yet. He's still a mastermind who loves scheming!)
Garmadon has, in fact, attempted to tickle Lloyd's ninja friends before. All with varying degree's of success.
I have more thoughts but here are some headcanons!!
I need to write a tickle fic with them, I love them so much!
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h0rr0rsaxo · 1 year
Okay last request I promise...let me know if this is too much-
but Aris VS Keiran..the two crazy assholes. I wanna know how it'd go. So Anni is minding her business and Aris pops up out of nowhere and knocks her out, trying to kidnap her. Keiran being the creepy stalker that he is, watches and just knocks Aris on his ass and takes Anni away from him. Then from there on its literally just those two running back and forth, beating each other up, picking up an unconscious Anni and trying to run with her but then the other stops the person who's trying to run off. Eventually Anni wakes up on the floor, just hearing arguing, laughing, and russian yelling and she just sees these two idiots going at it and she just awkwardly sits up and is like. "dude..wtf bro.." she tries to get up and run off seeing how the other two are busy arguing and fighting but she steps on a twig that snaps and then there's dead silence the russian yelling stops, the laughing stops, the fighting stops and she turns to find Keiran with his hands wrapped around Aris's neck, Aris is in mid punch but they are both staring at her and she's like..."well shit..." I think you know what happens next, she tries to run away with those two chasing after her, whether she gets away or not is up to you!
(Thank you so much, like really your writing is amazing and please send me more requests in return for these! Anyways tysm again and feel free to say no to this or change anything!)
[ two stalkers. || simp party. ]
Warnings: Violence, stalking.
Tags: @insane-horror-movie-addict
A/N: Can we just give a round of applause to Anni for putting up with their bs? Like, me personally, I would just fought them both. My toxic trait is I think I can take these ridiculously unhinged idiots in a fight.. also, this isn't proofread- sorry..
Word count: 2,336
Blood pooled on the floor around the various demon bodies, the faces that were still intact enough to show expressions remained frozen in complete terror. It was clear that the group present to witness the event unfold would not be making it out alive to share their horror story. Even the monster who committed such carnage would share the word of it to anyone if he could help it. Aris was extremely unhinged like that— he was one of the more violent of the Gigglers, taking the time to really tear apart his victims.
But… That was before a frightened sound drew his attention, eyes slowly sliding over to see Anni standing there with an almost horrified expression. Her legs slightly shook and it was clear she would bolt at the slightest provocation. His favorite thing about her were those sweet doe eyes of hers and the way they made her look so innocent to the world around her. And now, she stared at him like a frightened deer that just noticed a hunter sitting in the trees, those same doe eyes brimming with tears as she took in the carnage.
“Anni, w—w-we can talk about this. It's nothing you haven't seen HAAHAA— before right?”
He started, his hands slightly raised in an attempt to soothe her as he took off his blindfold, so he could make eye contact with his sweet darling Anni. But the moment he took a step towards her, it was clear she was not going to listen— she was stubborn like that. Fear is surprisingly good at making people run faster even if they aren’t very fast to begin with. By the time he reached the door, she was scrambling around the corner in an attempt to find somewhere to hide from the obsessive Giggler she barely knew. The sound of a rustling and running in the deeper part of the forest told him exactly where she had decided to take refuge.
Aris took the moment to calm himself, knowing that he would only be more frightened if he tried to approach hee while in an overly giddy state— but he couldn't help it, she was just so cute. The fact of the matter was that he knew he lost to his psychotic tendencies with those demons left discarded on the ground, but he loved and hated the fearful expression she wore when she looked at him. He didn’t care if others were afraid of him or if they had a negative opinion of him, he could handle being an outcast in the proxy world. What he can’t handle is when she tries to hide from him— why was she so scared? Did she not like him? There was no way that was the case, he was perfect for her! That's what his delusional mind told him.
As he approached the forest he could hear her panicking on the other side, panting and gasping for air as the scene took its full mental toll on her. He wanted nothing more than to hold her and kiss her until Anni managed to calm down, feeling that near desperate need to protect her from even himself. Where he could easily tear through trees and get to her, he knew that would likely only make things worse so he chose to call her ever so gently.
“Anni? C—come out please~ I'm not going to bite you…yet.” His hand clenched around the blindfold that once tightly wrapped around his eyes, pink fluid trailing down from his overly expressive eyes as he searched for his darling, “Come out Hahaha— p—please.”
Despite how she almost snapped and cut him off, he was still going to try to get her to come out from hiding herself. It would be far less upsetting for her if she chose to run to him versus him tearing through bushes and trees down to get to her. When she didn’t respond, he decided to try again.
“Anni, come here, sweetheart. I—I can take you away from all t–this, make you all mine.” His neck twitched his excitement as he scanned around the forest with that permanent grin carved onto his face. More refusal to communicate followed, the soft sound of her sniffling and whimpering scratching from the wounds into his heart. Every noise of distress she made only added another slash to his heart, feeling almost frustrated that he couldn’t hold her like he needed to. His need to comfort her began to agitate him, but he still tried to maintain a steady voice that pleaded with her.
“Anni, can we not fight anymore please? Y—you know I love you more than anyone else ever could! I–it was love at first sight~ r—remember how it happened?” That’s all it was to Aris. A small lover’s quarrel. It could be fixed so easily and all Anni had to do was reveal herself from her hiding place to him. All she had to do was not fight him. He was absolutely delusional though, Anni barely knew this man! God, she fucking hated Gigglers— all of them were fucking insane. It was quite a while before he had finally found her, but when he did, she hadn't realized he was right next to her— because of how silent he was. Goosebumps crawled on her arms when she felt a droplet of thick, pink liquid drip onto her skin, and when she turned, Aris appeared right next to her with a giant grin.
With a swift slam to her head with the handle of a random pipe he had found while hunting her down, he swiftly knocks her unconscious. He's about to drag her back to Akuma's realm— before his sharp senses heightened and his reflexes quickly reacted to the incoming danger, his eyes darting to the dagger that directly lodged into his forehead. Pink liquids trailed from the wound, bleeding onto his face as his eyes flickered to his new opponent. Fits of laughter echoed from his mouth as they mocked the narcissistic Zalgo proxy in front of him, "You do HAHAHA— r-realize weapons have no effect on me, r—right?" He pulled the dagger out of his head, mockingly tossing it back towards Keiran— as if to taunt him.
"Oh I know." His hand quickly caught the dagger tossed at him, clenching it with venomous intent. As Keiran glared at Aris, his blue eyes took on an almost ethereal quality. They were like two pools of moonlight, reflecting the serene beauty of the night sky. Despite the darkness around them, his eyes seemed to glow with an inner light, casting a blue hue across his face that was both eerie and captivating. "It's what I hate most about you giggling freaks. You can't ever just stay down."
"S-sounds like HAHAA— someone's mad that they aren't number one anymore!" Aris's eyes were unlike anything anyone had ever seen before. They were a bright and vibrant pink, luminous in the dark and almost glowing with an otherworldly energy. It was as if they were made of some strange and mysterious substance, one that shimmered and sparkled with every movement. As Aris grinned widely, a strange liquid began to drip from his eyes, staining his cheeks with a bright and vivid pink. The liquid seemed to glow and pulse with an inner light, casting an eerie and unsettling aura around him. Right when he was about to reach for Anni, Keiran tackled him.
Keiran slammed Aris's torso against the ground, his jaw tightening and his hands aching to rip this man apart. Keiran huffed and reached his fist back, slamming it against the man's face with every ounce of strength he had— but Aris only continued to howl in laughter. Keiran growled and pulled his fist back once again, unloading his vengeance through the Giggler's jaw, feeling bones knocking loose— but somehow the pink liquids mended the broken bones. Keiran sneered at Aris as they both assumed a high guard, and threw an overhand punch. Aris dodged quickly, reflexively. Keiran sheathed his dagger and cut from the other side, and Aris again dodged. They moved back and forth across the grass, until, realizing he wasn’t dead yet, Keiran was starting to get irritated with this joker reject. He started to think, to act instead of react. Aris kept dodging and trying to grab Anni— but the Zalgo proxy wasn't having it.
With the next slash across his chest, Aris threw his hands up, and smashed his fist against Keiran's face, while the point of Keiran's weaponed stabbed through Aris's face. In his pleasure at his success in finally shutting the Giggler up, he nearly missed the moment that Aris escaped from his grasp, quickly scooping up Anni and making a run for it. Eventually, Aris managed to escape Keiran's grasp and grab hold of Anni. But Keiran was hot on his heels, determined to stop them from getting away. The two of them struggled for a few moments, with Aris holding onto Anni tightly and Keiran trying to wrestle her away. In the end, Keiran managed to overpower Aris and stop them from running off. They both fell back onto the grass, with Anni slipping from Aris's grasp while they began to try and literally kill each other.
Anni slowly opened her eyes to the sound of arguing, laughing, and Russian yelling. As she sat up on the forest floor, trying to clear her head, she saw Aris and Keiran going at it like a couple of idiots. They were shouting at each other, laughing, and occasionally breaking into Russian as they argued and fought. Anni couldn't help but feel a sense of annoyance at the two of them. She had just been knocked unconscious during their game, and here they were, arguing and fighting like nothing had happened. She tried to get up and walk away, hoping to avoid the drama altogether, but as she stepped on a twig, it snapped loudly, causing the forest to fall silent. The arguing and fighting stopped immediately, and both Aris and Keiran turned to look at her. Anni felt her cheeks flush with embarrassment as she tried to think of something to say.
“Aw, baby, what’s wrong?” Keiran cooed, shoving Aris off of him, while he inched toward Anni to grab her. “Bad dream? Maybe it was because you saw this ugly fucker.”
“Yeah, made worse by seeing you here, your face is the stuff of real nightmares, Keiran.” Anni snarled, backing away from his intended embrace. Keiran only clicked his tongue, shooting her a concerned frown that didn’t match the amusement in his eyes. Amusement quickly turned to fury as Aris howled in laughter at the insult she shot at him.
“C’mon, doll, tell your boyfriend what happened so I can make it all better,” Keiran practically purred, reaching out to cup her cheek. She wasn't having any of that though, taking another step out backward out of his reach and sneering at him.
“You are not my boyfriend.”
“Sure I am, doll. I wouldn’t be here for you, putting up with your bitchy attitude if I wasn’t.”
“Well, if you’re getting so sick of my ‘bitchy’ attitude,” she shot back, “I’d be more than happy to just leave with this joker reject rather than tour delusional vodka sipping ass.” With Anni's anger fueling her words, she didn’t even realize what she was saying until the words were already out of her mouth. As soon as they were though, she realized that she had pissed off Keiran way more than she wanted to, even before Keiran reacted. For as much as he enjoyed the verbal sparring sessions that they two would get into, enjoyed watching Anni rage against him when it was so pointless, there were some things he would just not tolerate. And above all, he would not tolerate the idea of her being taken away from him.
“Aw, she chose me,” Aris whispered roughly while he immediately rushed to her side, brushing his lips against her neck with near-impossible gentleness. “You’re just cranky from a hard day, aren’t you? You don’t even know what you were saying, poor thing. C’mon, let’s run away to Akuma's wonderland. Then I can make everything all better.” She flinched as he wrapped his arms around her, holding her tightly against him and muttering a mantra of praise—
“You don’t mean that,” Keiran growled, quickly grabbing her from the Giggler's grasp. “You don’t mean that at all. Right, babe?”
“I—no, I didn’t, I swear. I didn’t mean it, Keiran,” Anni said, fear draining whatever bravery anger had given her. Yes, she'd usually be snarky with her insults and way too prideful to submit like this, but she had no weapons on her. She didn't even have her phone to call for backup, she was in a rough situation— and had to play her cards right.
“I sure hope you didn’t mean it,” Keiran told her, his voice dark and low. “Cause you know what I’d have to do if you did.” As they stood there in the forest, the tension between them palpable, Keiran's eyes seemed to grow even more intense. They were like two blue flames, burning bright and hot with an unspoken anger and passion towards Aris.
“O—oh I think she HAHA— meant it!" Despite the strangeness of it all, Aris seemed to revel in the attention he was getting. He tilted his head back, letting the pink liquid flow freely down his face, and laughed with a wild abandon. As the liquid dripped down his face, it seemed to take on a life of its own, twisting and swirling like a living thing. And yet, despite the strangeness of it all, there was also a sense of beauty and wonder in Aris's eyes. They were like two pink gems, sparkling and shimmering with a light that was both mesmerizing and hypnotic.
Between these two psychopaths, Anni had to choose one— just until someone came to save her.
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puppyie-innit · 1 year
wholesome teases, nicknames, an sillyness in frenship, that mean A LOT to me but can't admit it:
(t-word edition!)
“I would call ya giggler, but we both know yur more like a gigglee…” (SO SMART BUT SO- MMMHHH 😖)
“M gonna getchaaaa!~” (meanie not sayin this enough 😠)
“Both haaannddsss~” (ESCAPE MODE ACTIVATED)
“Coochiecoochiecoooo!!!” (Slippin, slippin, slIPPIN!!)
“ ..Sorry, was i.. ticklin you!?” (in the baby talk voice tooooo, am alreday meltin)
“Hiiii Gigggllleeesss!~” (thank God for tumblr an my amazin dino boy 🦖.. even tho it’s NoT mY nAmEee, stupid nickname- I lov- HATE it)
“Yur adorable-“ (🫠 nuh-uh!)
“The chikin goes…” 🐓🦆🦃 (i was so confused when it firs happened, but i love an miss this so much)
“Puupppyyy, good puppy!!~” “She’s practically my little sister” (curls up in a ball, these make me so happyfull!! 🐕😋)
“3…” (..uh oh)
“2-“ (here it comes..)
“1..!” (cue me gettin to it firs, hehe!)
“i can make it feel better-“ (plz ❤️‍🩹)
“Challenge accepted!-“ (..oh)
“dun dun… dun dun…. dun dun dun dun.. dun dun dun dun- ..dunnnnnnnnnnnnn!” (Sharky, circlin around me like a sharkyyy 🦈)
“i happen to know a weakness of yurs~” (🤫)
“do i need to tickle you?” (MOST DEFINITELY YES)
“c’mere” (jus a hug right? ..Awh :< uH I mean, GOOD 🫂)
“do you wan the rules to be the same like before?” (cant remember how ya worded it but yesyesyesyesyesyes!!!)
“Aaawh, you embarrassed? All flustered an flutteryyy??~” (absolutely not💗🦋)
“..an guess wat? m the tickle monster..”(CRUMBLES- SINCE WHEN?! YUR THE VILLIAN, MEMBER??)
“Anticipation!” (EEP)
“This must take a lot of self control for you right now..” (not at all, want do ya meeaaannn 😵‍💫)
“I like makin ya happy” (🫶 💜)
“Yur gonna be so itchy after this-“ (WELL NOW THAT YOU SAID IT)
“Wats this button doo?” (not the dAnGeR zOnE, nuuuu!)
“Ya said you weren't ticklish here, member?” (M NOT, ITS A REFLEX)
Me when he used to snap his fingies: “Eh, this is fine”
Me realizin there's a purpose now of: (snaps fingers and ups your level of ticklishness by 100) “..oh no” (YAYYYYY)
“Wat happens if i doonnttt?”
“Ooo, wats this!?” (deflection!)
“Watcha gonna do bout it? >:3”
“..jus tense, stressed- that’s all” (i despise massages an scratchies an pat pats, they feel so good thoooo ^~^)
“Am i botherin you? Is this a nerve??” (snarky cuz it’s the only hints i can give ;w;)
“Evil, very very evil- STAHP DOIN THAT!”
“This doesn’t do anyth- ..oki”
“M not even- that… thing”
“tables hav turned, hehe!!” (ruthlessly- but not painfully, targets yur neck 🐢)
“REVENGE!!” (Hero time!!!)
”yur too weak” “m not scared of you!” (HOW ARE YOU NOT GETTIN THE HINTS >:p)
”this is mine now-“ (CMON BRO, it’s very obvious wat. m. doin)
“TAG, yur it!” (Chase chase chASE CHASEEE❣️)
“Don’t even think about it-“ (🥺 pwease do think about it)
“Ooooo, exposure-”
“FlaiLeR >:D”
“..darn, got last place again? Oh well-“ (😇)
Tumblr media Tumblr media
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stitchandani · 2 years
What is Kale Lee’s relationship towards the other characters of Lilo’s College Days like, aside from Zeke?
Doverstar Pretty standard! Kale is the kind of guy who jokes about everything, and the only thing he's really serious about is music. He's a huge, huge music nerd. He knows as much about Israel Kamakawiwoʻole (which you'll see is the shirt he's wearing in my art of LCD if you squint) as Lilo does about Elvis! His friends can always count on him for a laugh. He hangs out mostly with Neal, who is his best friend, but he has a fair bond with Lilo. They have being a native Hawaiian in common; they like to call the rest of the group haoles, sometimes to tease them, sometimes just in private. Zeke is a little jealous of that. Kale doesn't have a crush on any of the girls in the CHGH; he's too focused on trying to pass all his classes every semester to really worry about his love life. He and Teresa bicker a lot because they have too-similar personalities - Teresa is tightly wound and so is Kale, and they tend to stress each other out in most unpleasant situations. Elena and Kale get along well enough; Elena is a giggler and Kale is a jokester, and he and Zeke have a subconscious competition going on when it comes to who gets to experience more of Elena's cooking. Neal and Kale were friends before they ever met Zeke or any of the girls; you rarely see one without the other. Kale is bros with Victoria, and the two of them love taking Mertle down a peg every once in a while. Mertle thinks Kale is annoying (in an affectionate way), but she does try to be extra careful with her sharp tongue around him because Kale is very sensitive and might take some of her careless words the wrong way sometimes. He doesn't know Yuki very well; Yuki goes to another school. And that's the lineup, I think! Thanks for the interest in Kale. I do love him so :D
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tickle-bugs · 4 years
only bc i love u and ur headcanons sm,,, let's hear ur diego headcanons (especially lee!diego i'm such a hoe for lee!diego)
I got SO excited about these and then I fell asleep before posting them smh
Anyway,,, the favoritism and sleep deprivation really jumped out on this one. I too am a hoe for lee Diego he owns my heart. Enjoy!!!!!
- Diego, my boy, winner of both the Most Ticklish Hargreeves award and the Most Deserving of a Forehead Kiss award. I love him. 
- He is,,, just one giant tickle spot. He’s literally ticklish everywhere and he hates it. His worst spots are under his arms, his ribs, his stomach, and his thighs. 
- A giggler. So giggly. Giggly boy. His laughter just starts out as high pitched and then only gets higher, but rly bad spots make him belly laugh and it’s actually really nice. 
- I bet his face n nose are ticklish,,,, Like I can see Allison messing with him and dragging a paintbrush across his nose and he just giggles and flinches away and she’s like “really?” but she can’t even be mad because he’s so cute
- Stamina for the GODS bro. He just,,, you could tickle him for like an hour straight before he needs to take a break.
- He’s terrible at tickle fights but he loves them. He accidentally conditioned his siblings to wreck him when he’s overly sassy/throws things at them because he used to do it so much as a kid that the instinct stuck. 
- All of his quick reflexes and vigilante training just disappears when he’s tickled. He gets all floppy and wiggly and he squirms all over the place. He tries to scoot away from his ler and its so funny to watch because he never gets far.
- He gets wrecked by everyone but definitely Klaus, Luther, and Allison the most (though Allison tends to join in once he’s already taken down, unless she uses her powers)
- The funniest possible reaction to get out of Diego is when he (albiet rarely) has the upper hand in a tickle fight but then you get a hold of a bad spot. He shrieks and tries to fight but he always goes down. 
- If you try to tickle him without provocation he can kinda hold his own? He’s very stubborn and will try to tickle back, especially if it’s just one person. For this reason, dog piles are super effective. The Diego 3-Step Plan: Run, Tackle, Tickle. Works every time. 
- He is like a lil pillbug. When he gets tickled his wires get all crossed and he often curls around the hands that tickle him instead of away from them. He gets teased for this constantly.
- sPEAKING of teasing: he cannot. He simply can’t take it. He turns red and just giggles out “nOooooOOo” or “shut uPPPPP” and tries to hide his face which is so very unlike him?? but also soft???? 
- His siblings love to torment him but sometimes they have to lay off early because whenever he gets the hiccups or gets too out of breath, his stutter comes back. 
- You’d think he’d be above begging, and normally he would be, but he’s so fucking ticklish that his pride simply doesn’t factor in. He will beg. 
- This is more for him and Lila but tickle bites destroy him. He just kinda yelps and squeals a lot and he’ll shove at Lila’s face trying to get away but he can’t. 
A couple of ler headcanons, as a treat:
- Consider: expert use of his powers + feathers. He can throw anything, right? Imagine him going to the craft store and buying a pack of feathers, then camping somewhere upstairs and just,,, sniping his siblings with them. I imagine as long as nothing stops the feather’s path he can keep manipulating it, which means endless loops around necks and ears. No one is safe.
- Diego is so the type to set traps. He will hunt. He leaves little snares everywhere (usually only catches Klaus or Five, but once in a while he gets the others). His lee gets strung up by the leg, lets him know they’ve been caught by screaming and cursing, and then he goes to town.
- He is a rowdy boy so he is all for man-handling. None of this gentle business. He’ll tackle people, pick them up, throw them on couches, jump on top of them, all of it. He is here to win. 
- BEARD TICKLES!!!!!!!!! Season 2 thank you for giving my boy the upgrade he deserves. 
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omg okay so when i saw that you write for big mouth and human resources i about lost my shit. so im a huge jatthew fan and id really like a lee jay drabble where matthew gives jay cheer up tkls bcuz he's sad about his family OR lee pete the logic rock headcanons.
ofc you can chose not to but yk💓 ill write them if you wont 😩
Hey! Sorry I'm so late to this - if you like it I'll keep making these in quicker time.
Again, so sorry it took so long, I have periods where I do and don't have time for this witting because of school, but I'm free for the next few weeks (yay!)
Sooo I think I'll do Pete HC's, especially because he interacts with Caleb so much in this new season, meaning I can weave him in there somewhere.
Pete is made of rock, so him being ticklish is like, impossible
(bows, leaves)
Hah! Oh so you thought! (re-enters)
So even though he's so rough and strong we all know that he's a softie. We also know that he's muscly, and that muscles make you more ticklish.
Rochelle found out that he was ticklish actually before they were dating by seeing him get tickled by Emmy before hours. Ofc when Pete saw Rochelle he was visibly embarassed and was pathetically trying to sound like a strong guy and said that he was faking laughing for Emmy's satisfaction to shut her up.
"Come on, surely there is an ounce of logic in your love bug brain. You know that I couldn't possibly be ticklish, I'm a rock and i can't even feel temperature. What was I supposed to do when Emmy started annoying me?"
Rochelle smirked - "well, ok, if that's the case than I still don't think Emmy is satisfied, so maybe you should 'fake' some more"
So yeah whenever someone asks if Pete's ticklish or doubts it when he says he isn't he always brings up logic to conclude that he couldn't possibly be ticklish
This also happened with Connie once because yk she's so randomly curious about the weirdest shit so she walks up to him one day and goes - "so, you know how your made of rock right? Does that mean you can't be ticklish?" And his heart STOPPED for a moment.
Also it has happened with Caleb ofc. Once Pete and Maury were in a meeting to create a list of notes on what touches would be acceptable for a potential partner, and they both wondered weather tickling would be ok so they asked Caleb in person. He said that it would be fine but first asked Pete if he would be ok with it. Ofc Pete pulled off his whole "i'm a rock so your question makes no sense" thing and ofc Caleb didn't fall for it and told him that, very many times, he had observed Pete getting itchy, which means that he was just as likely to be ticklish and even more so because he was sensitive. Maury smirked at Pete and Pete felt like throwing Caleb out the window (but never ACTUALLY considered it because he never would - he's a nonviolent rock).
Oh wait I haven't gotten to him ACTUALLY being tickled yet much so he is sometimes tickled by Emmy when she is pressuring him to say something (Emmy can always tell when there is something up).
ALSO I think Caleb tickled him once but on accident. Like he was poking and prodding Pete because he likes the texture of rocks and Pete just clenched his teeth and took it. Until he couldn't take it anymore and started giggling, squirming out of Caleb's grip with a "stawwp ittt" (fic idea?!)
Now, for the most important thing, spots...
Belly - 8/10. Lots of giggles
Neck - Not much
Sides - Bro will SCREAM, especially on the sides of his belly. 10/10
Underarms - pretty bad, some light chuckling. 4/10
That's all I can think of rn, thankyou for reading! Until next time gigglers (:
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alyseofwonderland · 7 years
mirrsd replied to your post
“I was tagged by @aces-low to post the most recently written line of my...”
speaking about mobster AU, would you mind to share some random facts about the story? like some things about Dick and Carwood? XDXD
Yes of course!
Things about Dick in Mobster and Medic AU
He is older than most of the characters
I am writing him and Nix at about 45 to 50 in the fic
that makes the main bulk of the characters late 20s and early 30s
He lives in the suburbs now in a barn chic house that makes Speirs want to throw up a little every time he visits
He makes his husband and son go to church every Sunday with him and they both have to dress up for the occasion
Speirs is happy every sunday that he is not offically Dick’s kid and can hard pass on this tradition
that’s what i feel like i can reveal about Dick atm because I am not done with his part of the fic yet and it might change
Carwood in Mobster and Medic AU
Is Speirs best friend
routinely puts up with Speirs’ weird moods
I could kill you with a pencil
I am sure you could, now sign this.
Is actually the guy running everything now a days because Speirs lets him, also he’s better at it, also no one cries when he’s in charge
owns a surprising number of guns
like you would think Speirs is the one who always has guns on him but that’s false. Speirs really only needs the one to be scary. Carwood on the other hand has so many you practically trip over them
Hey I was looking for a stapler and I found three handguns and a semi-automatic rifle instead
What’s your point?
He really wants Speirs to be happy, it’s important to him and he supports his bro deeply
Is a giggler when Harry Welsh is around
Has so many funny lines in this fic you don’t even know
okay now back to actually writing!
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dcjokerhs · 5 years
I just remembered I giggle in my sleep.
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flusterd-screaming · 4 years
1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 11, and 16 please
1. Strictly lees: is there any tickling scenario that would make you wanna ler? Strictly lers: any that make you wanna lee? Switches: are there certain scenarios that you prefer to be the lee/ler for?
hm....not really? It can fluctuate depending on how im feeling and how the ler / lee is feeling as well. In general I prefer cute things I guess ? Tickling Just Because tm
3. Which spots do you prefer harder tickling?
HMH,,all in speculation bcs ive only rly been tickled intentionally like twice but. probably like , hips and lower back ? or calves. hm. Shits deadly bro.
4. Which spots do you prefer softer tickling?
Literally Anywhere,,,AHA,,,hhhh particularly brutal on th knees or arms I kinda just fnmkdsjvjvknkjbfsfhsbvhkj
5. Are you a bed, couch, or freestanding tickles kinda person? 
Bed. definitely bed. Its just the perfect soft place to be stupid and cuddle. Like ???? YES ?????? ALso,,,ample room for tickle fights.
6. A specific verbal tease that works best on you\that you have personal experience that works on others?
ph jeez,,u h hh h h h,,,,,cooing? is kinda horrible. dont vibe w baby talk. but FUck if anyone fuking mentions the tickle monster I kinda disintegrate oops. And on others? oh boyyyyy~ NO ONE can say tickle and all my friends get all blushy and awwwwwwww~
11. Are you a sly smiler, mouthy teaser, or embarrassed giggler when tickling is occurring?
When ler? moulthy teaser. when lee? none of the above. I kinda melt into a silent puddle and squirm a lot oops.
16. Do you try to tailor your tickle attack/reactions depending on the other person?
Yes ! When ler i allways tailor my attacks, certain things work better with certain lees muahahahah. And as a lee?? not really??? I probably do subconsciously but i dont make it like, a goal of mine.
thanl k you for th ask!!
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