#bro think he yaoi jesus
heartscrypt · 5 months
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yeah ok ill post this. this is how i look listening to dive back in time
based on my own tweet about a promo photo from the link click dance musical
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enemyoflactose · 6 months
I finished rewatching season 1 of Yu-Gi-Oh. My redemption arc is 1/5 complete. (I have to watch the dub because I don't wanna support Crunchyroll and I don't know where else to watch the sub)
My main thoughts are about voice acting since of all the arcs, Duelist Kingdom and Domino City side stories make me the least angry.
So to start off, a comparison between Dub and Sub acting and which voice I like more as of now.
Yami: His sub voice in season 1 is honestly so cute. He just sounds like he's having a constant blast.
His dub voice on the other hand, sounds so hot 🥵. And Dub Yami is what's keeping me from doing drugs.
Overall, I like both a lot. I do however think Dan just makes the character.
Little Yugi: similar thing as Yami, only his dub voice doesn't sound hot. Just cute. I love both voices and honestly can't pick between them.
Joey Wheeler: I like his dub voice more. That's where the personality is. His sub voice just sounds generic.
Tristan: For the first few episodes of the dub, Tristan has this really stupid voice that I just don't like, so for that alone I like his sub voice more.
But then from the Rex duel and onward it's Greg Abby, and then I like both his sub and dub voice.
Téa: I think I prefer her sub voice. Just a little less grating. (I still love you Téa)
Ryou: He sounds like Gachapoid in the sub 🥺. I love Gachapoid!
His british accent tho 😩
Yami Bakura: Gachapoid doesn't suit him unfortunately. I like his dub voice more.
Pegasus: stunning. Both of them. The performance is impeccable. But Dub Pegasus never said "Jesus Christ".
Seto Kaiba: a hard one. In the sub he screams so much, but in the dub he doesn't sound like he's one insult away from killing himself... I can't decide.
Mokuba: they both sound the same.
Mai: I think I prefer dub. Just sounds deeper idk.
Weevil: I love him and his voices.
Rex: I prefer his sub voice. Just less grating and he doesn't sound like he has bronchitis.
Everyone else: meh. Could go either way.
Now to talk about the characters, and if I relearned anything:
Téa's friendship speeches are so sweet and cheesey I can't believe people don't like them. She is always there for her friends and clearly cares so much. I will never forgive Téa bashers for what they did to her during the great Yaoi Revolution.
Joey isn't as stupid as I remember him being, just a beginner at Duel Monsters. Nothing wrong with that. He's trying. His utter determination to get that money for his sister's operation is seriously so heart warming. I love whenever he says "Time roulette go!"
Tristan threw a dead body at Satan. And grabbed Ryou's leg while climbing the tower because he was getting impatient.
Yugi being uncertain of Yami until the Bakura duel is crazy. Like he wasn't even having memory issues. Bro huh? He's also so supportive! Like baby boy was the one to suggest he and Yami fight PaniK for Mai. He told Yami not to attack Kaiba and send him falling to his death. He gave Joey Time Wizard! Yugi is a bro.
Yami is such a good friend. Helping Joey out with duels, got Mai her star chips back, freed both Mokuba and Kaiba's souls because Mokuba asked, tried getting pink shirt his star chips back, and never believing that Joey couldn't duel by himself.
Ryou was, certainly there. Honestly his impact doesn't really matter. He just explains Duel Monsters to Tristan and Téa whenever Yugi is dueling. His first appearance isn't even that impressive because instead of killing himself to save everyone like in the manga, Yami switches the places of Ryou and Yami Bakura. So even if he tries to help, someone else always helps way more.
Yami Bakura is so hot. I'd suck his dick if he asked. I also just love how his deck can not only do tarot readings, but is also really annoying to go up against. Like boy had 3 morphing jars, an electric lizard, a man eater bug, and change of heart. Those cards were fucking devastating back in the day. He also would have won that duel if he used Just Desserts one turn later, but oh well. Why did he lick the millennium eye tho? I get the tarot reading, but why did he lick the eye?
Mokuba. Oh sweet Mokuba. He just wants to help his brother, but he suffers so much.
Kaiba is awesome. He hacks into Industrial Illusions and causes a satellite to crash into an office. Killing people. He helps Yami win a duel. He rips a Blue Eyes. He annihilates with Crush Card Virus. My man uses Saggi the Dark Clown. His devotion to rescuing Mokuba is amazing and is really what has me start caring for him when I first watched the series 5 years ago. His comebacks and sheer distaste for the Yugi gang are fun and amazing to watch.
Pegasus, the star of season 1. He's in my top 5 favorite characters list. I absolutely love eccentric villains, especially when they love cartoons and are actually threatening. Pegasus is a beast. If we ignore his millennium eye for now, he's a fantastic and fun duelist! His deck is interesting and entertaining to watch, neither of his duels were boring, and the man is so funny. "Do I spin it like a top, or roll it like a ball!" I love him. He's also (so far) the only villain I feel genuine empathy towards. Y'all, I'm a sap. If a villain's reason is being evil because they lost their Significant other than I'm sorry I'm crying. My poor guy.
Grandpa: he trained Joey and Yugi, he gave Yugi his deck, he appeared in dream sequences to help Yugi beat his opponents, and he gave Yugi the puzzle. If this man didn't exist, Yu-Gi-Oh wouldn't happen.
Duke Devlin: I forgot how much I hated him when I first watched his dumbass Dungeon Dice Monster 4 episode showdown. He's so fucking mean.
Rebecca: not much to say other than I like her.
The duels:
Seto vs Yami (first duel of the series): a fantastic way to start off the series. Kaiba finds out Yugi's grandpa has the Blue Eyes White Dragon card he's been searching for, he steals it, rips it, and Yugi challenges him to a duel.
Yami takes control and is surprised by Kaiba's duel arena having the ability to make life-like holograms of the monsters on the cards.
The duel begins and for the entire thing, it's honestly pretty equal. Yami summons a monster, Kaiba destroys it. Kaiba summons a monster, Yami destroys it.
It's a back and forth kind of deal until Kaiba pulls out his own Blue Eyes White Dragon card, shocking Yami. He surprises Yami again by summoning another Blue Eyes, but then gets hit with swords of revealing light.
Kaiba summons Judge Man, and it gets Destroyed by the Dark Magician.
During this, Yugi is having his doubts about winning because of Kaiba's Blue Eyes and can't seem to draw cards. Especially when Kaiba summons his third Blue Eyes White Dragon and destroys the Dark Magician.
This leads into Yami and Yugi having an inter monologue with Grandpa about Exodia. How Exodia is split into pieces. Pieces like a puzzle.
Yami gains the courage to draw and he gets all five pieces of Exodia! Instantly winning the duel!
Kaiba is then given a mind crush and starts to question all his life choices.
Rex vs Weevil (half a duel): in this not really a duel, we are introduced to two characters. Since they have names they are obviously important to the plot.
The duel starts with Rex summoning King Rex and instantly getting vortexed. Then Weevil summons his Basic Insect and equips it with Insect Lazer Cannon. This lets him wipe out all of Rex's Life Points.
Weevil is then named Regional Champion, and Rex is the runner up.
Yugi vs Pegasus (second real duel): this is where we are introduced to Pegasus as a villain.
He makes Yugi duel him on a 15 min time lock.
During this duel, Pegasus is cheating. Not just with his millennium eye, but he's sending subliminal messages to Yami. It's not mentioned in the dub, but it still happens.
Yami finds out that duel monsters was created in ancient Egypt and Pegasus starts talking up a storm so he can waste time.
Pegasus wins the duel due to the time limit and steals Grandpa's soul.
Weevil vs Yami (the third duel): This duel was initiated because Weevil decided to be a little dick and threw Exodia off the ship to Duelist Kingdom.
Yami bets his deck and star chip, Weevil bets both his star chips.
The duel begins, and we find out about field power bonuses. Insects get lower from the forest, warriors get theirs from the meadow, dragons and winged beasts get theirs from the mountains, zombies get them from the wastelands, and fiends get theirs during night time.
Unfortunately, Yami doesn't get many bonuses.
During the duel, Weevil summons a full board of monsters. He gets mirror forced.
Then he plays his Petite Moth and Cocoon of Evolution combo. He gets Burning Landed.
He then summons his Great Moth. He gets Makiyued and Summoned Skulled.
This is a simple explanation of what happened, but Yami wasn't met without struggle.
A lot of his monsters that he summoned got destroyed. They usually only lasted one turn.
Anyways, Yami won and has three star chips. Joey steals Weevil's dueling glove.
Joey vs Mai (Duel 4): this is Joey's first duel! Hooray!
He doesn't understand that his land monsters can't attack flying monsters, and gets demolished.
Mai adds several equip spells and uses Elegant Egotist to multiply her Harpie lady card.
Joey finds out Mai is cheating with perfume.
Joey then summons Baby Dragon and the Time Wizard and uses them to win the duel.
He got a star chip and his first rival!
Mako vs Yami (duel 5): Yami duels Mako Tsunami.
Mako's monsters are in the water and can't be attacked.
Yami attacks the moon and then uses his Burning Land card.
Yami wins
Mokuba vs Yami (half duel): Mokuba is trying to keep Yami from dueling Pegasus because he wants to save his brother's company.
He loses the duel.
Yami vs Ghost Kaiba (duel 6): Kaiba jumped off a cliff and died. Now his ghost is dueling Yami.
He's psychology tormenting everyone except Tristan. Mokuba quickly became distraught.
Ghost Kaiba summons his Blue Eyes one at a time, and they all get destroyed.
The first one is destroyed by the real Kaiba because OH MY! He ain't dead! That's just some fat ass pretending to be Kaiba! (Or he's Kaiba's dark half)
The second Blue Eyes gets destroyed because Yami summoned Mystical Elf and Raised the Attack points of the Blue eyes he stole from the graveyard.
Yami wins the duel!
Mokuba got rekidnapped tho.
Joey vs Rex (duel 7): Rex is dueling Joey because he wants to duel Mai, but Mai will only duel him if he beats Joey.
Joey again gets his ass beat and is saved by Time Wizard.
His spoils are some chips and the Red Eyes Black Dragon!!!!
Yami Bakura vs Yami (duel 8): in this duel we are introduced to two new characters. Ryou Bakura and Yami Bakura.
Before the duel, the gang and Ryou are talking about their favorite cards (important). Then Ryou challenges Yugi to a duel, Yami Bakura appears, takes them to the Shadow Realm, puts the squads souls in their favorite cards, then tries to steal the puzzle.
Yami challenges Yami Bakura to a duel and when he summons the Cyber Commander, he finds out that all of his have had their souls placed inside their favorite cards.
Tristan dies to the white magical hat or some shit and Joey Flame Swordsman gets summoned. Then Tristan Cyber Commander gets resurrected, then Yugi Dark Magician gets summoned, then Téa Magician of Faith gets places face down. (She's a flip monster)
Throughout this whole ass duel Yami and the gang are getting their ass handed to them.
Yami gets Morphing Jared like 3 times, had Man Eater Bug eat Joey, had Just Desserts taking life points from him, and Yami Bakura was looking at him like
(𓁹‿ 𓁹)
The whole time.
Anyway, Yami Bakura plays the Change of Heart card and we get to see Ryou in a dress.
We get to see Ryou in another dress because he betrays Yami Bakura and takes control of his Lady of Faith and tells Yugi to attack him.
Yami then thinks about how Yami Bakura took the souls of his friends out of their bodies and put them in the cards and then wonders if he can do the same. He can he does.
We then see Yami Bakura in a dress but he doesn't slay as hard as Ryou.
Yami Bakura is defeated but he took a page out of William Afton's book because he comes back instantly.
Yami vs PaniK (duel 9): This duel starts immediately after Mai gets defeated by PaniK.
Yugi calls this fucking giant of a man a bully, PaniK tries to kill him with fire, and the duel starts.
PaniK is hiding in the dark and Yami calls him a pussy multiple times.
PaniK sure is a duelist. He loses his temper easily and doesn't think about the opponent's strategy. This Leads his Reaper of The Cards to get caught in a Magic Circle (I can't remember the name) and destroyed by his monster.
PaniK gets Swords of Revealing Lighted and his Castle of Dark Illusions has its floatation ring knocked off. His monsters get destroyed and he loses.
Mai got her star chips back :D
Joey vs Kaiba (duel 10? Does this one even count?): the entire duel is Joey getting annihilated. He loses. Badly.
And Kaiba gets insulted.
Joey vs Bonz (duel 11): This duel happened because Joey got kidnapped.
We also get introduced to Bonz, Sid, Zygor, and Bandit Keith.
Bandit Keith used to be the intercontinental champion, and he hates Pegasus.
Bonz is just a little guy who doesn't really like Bandit Keith, but he wants to duel with his zombie cards. Keith is helping him out. So they just gotta work together.
Sid and Zygor are Bonz's friends. They're just kinda there.
During this duel, they are in a cave and Joey is getting scared because Bonz is ugly (no he's not 😤) and zombies are spooky.
Joey is managing pretty alright for the first half because Keith keeps making Bonz play not zombies and they keep getting destroyed.
However, Keith wanted this. Because he put a Call of the Haunted in Bonz's deck. This means that Bonz can bring his monsters back from the graveyard as zombies, they're indestructible, get stronger each time they come back, and they keep destroying Joey's monsters.
Bonz then summons his Pumpking and makes his zombies stronger, but it gets destroyed by the Red Eyes Black Dragon.
Then Red Eyes gets destroyed by ways I don't remember.
Now all Joey has left is his Battle Warrior and Sword and Shield.
He summons Battle Warrior , uses Sword and Shield, wins the duel!
The Yugi gang are now trapped in a cave and Bonz and his friends get their shit rocked by Bandit Keith.
Joey and Yami vs the Paradox brothers (duel 12): Ryou leads the gang here.
We meet the Paradox brothers. A pair of eccentric twins who can't shut up and keep rhyming.
The duel is a tag duel. Meaning they take turns, if one opponent loses all of their life points that team loses, and they can help each other out.
The duel is in a maze. Each card can move up a space for as many levels as it is.
Beaver Warrior gets destroyed instantly by the Wall Shadow, which gets destroyed by KUNAI WITH CHAIN.
Some other shit happen, Yami and Joey gotta face some tank and a worm and spider.
Don't know what happened to the tank, the spider got stabbed with Mystic Box, and the worm had something something Magical Hats.
Gate Guardian is a thing and Yami says it's in the class of Exodia even tho it's not an instant win. (Shout out Gate Guardian for getting support 😔✊)
Yami and Joey won the duel with Black Skull Dragon and make it out of the maze with some coins.
Yami vs Kaiba ( Duel 13): this duel starts after Pegasus told Kaiba that dueling him was a privilege, not a right.
Yami and Kaiba duel with the new Duel Disk system. They're using the advanced rules, that's why it's one monster at a time.
With the duel system, you can recall your monsters and replace them with a different one.
Yami falls for the Crush Card Virus trap and can now only use weak monsters.
He makes his Kuriboh wall, and Kaiba summons his Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon to try and get past it. He doesn't.
Yami then uses his stupid fucking arrow card that I can never remember the name of because it's so stupid and dumb to fuse his Mammoth Graveyard to the Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon.
The dragon starts to decay, Kaiba has a panic attack and threatens to kill himself, Yami says "Bet", Yugi stops him, Kaiba wins.
Téa vs Mai ( duel 14): Téa wants to get Yugi his star chips back and challenges Mai to a duel.
During this duel Téa summons a bunch of wimpy cards like Petite Angel and most of them get destroyed by Mai's Harpie Lady.
Mai has a bunch of equip spells on her Harpie and Téa Wabokued her once.
Shining Friendship gets summoned, gets an equip spell, and Téa activates De-spell to remove Mai's equips.
Mai surrenders and Téa gives Yugi some chips.
Pegasus vs Kaiba (duel 15): in this duel Kaiba is trying to get his brother back.
Kaiba tries to get Pegasus to use his new Duel Disk system, but it doesn't go well.
The duel begins and Kaiba destroys some of Pegasus's monsters, but then Pegasus steals a Blue eyes and turns it into an Ugly Ass Toon.
Kaiba starts losing.
We learn that toon monsters are hard to destroy because they hide in a book.
Also Kaiba falls for his own Crush Card Virus trap and loses.
Mai vs Yami (duel 16): I'm pretty sure Yami was originally being sexist, but I watched the dub so Yugi is the one actually doing most of the dueling here. He doesn't want Mai getting hurt.
Yugi and Yami keep falling for the stupid Mirror Wall thing and their monsters keep getting wrecked.
Then we see Harpies Pet Dragon.
Yugi Mind Controls it and puts it on a catapult to destroy the Mirror Wall (shit looked epic).
Harpies Pet Dragon comes back and we get three Harpie Ladies.
Yugi let's Yami help and they do the Black Luster Soldier ritual and win.
Joey vs Bandit Keith (duel 17): I love this duel.
Joey gets his entry card stolen and Mai gives him hers, so wholesome.
During the duel Joey is fucking shit up. He's doing so good.
Then Keith starts cheating. But Joey prevails.
He uses trap hole, kunai with chain, time wizard, baby dragon, red eyes black metal dragon, and time machine!
Bandit Keith is using Machines and everyone is wondering why. Like bro, machines are a good monster type with a lotta cards.
Anyway Keith is pulling cards out of his wrist band, tries to use Shield and Sword to wipe out Joey, it doesn't work, Keith loses.
Then Keith tries to say that Joey didn't use his own tournament entry card, but Joey shuts that down
Then Keith gets accused of cheating and is sent falling to not at all death.
Yami vs Joey (duel 18): we have to sit through a long ass montage.
Joey throws some cards away, Yami wonders why.
Yami falls for a few traps, then Joey falls for some traps, this whole time Ryou is explaining the birth of the universe to Téa while Tristan kinda stares off into space.
Joey uses his last Time Wizard of the season to bring out his Thousand Dragon, but Yami planned this.
Yami's Dark Magician has become the Dark Sage and he uses Makiyu to stop Joey's attack and wipe out Joey's life points.
Yami wins and I cried the first time I saw this duel.
Pegasus vs Yami (duel 19): the final duel of the arc.
Pegasus tells Yami that if he wins he gets whatever he wants, but if Pegasus wins he gets his soul and the puzzle.
Yami says he wants Mokuba, Kaiba, and Grandpa's souls to be released and Pegasus says "Damn I thought you hated Kaiba", but Yami just doing that for Mokuba.
The duel starts, and Yami is immediately having trouble. He can't destroy the rooms and the Gorgon's Eye is keeping him from defending.
Pegasus also turned Summoned Skull into a toon and it's being creepy.
Yami keeps getting his mind read and Yugi comes in like "what if we switch places?" And Yami says they should.
This gives Pegasus some trouble. It gives him so much trouble that the toon world gets destroyed and he takes the duel to the Shadow Realm.
Yugi dies.
The Yugi gang feel this and send him some good vibes.
This means Pegasus still can't read Yami's mind.
Pegasus does some shit with Relinquish and Yami tries his Kuriboh stunt and his Magician of Black Chaos is there.
Yami wins and gets the souls back.
Pegasus does like 10 minutes later.
Other shit that happened that was interesting/Important:
During the Pegasus and Yami duel, Tristan and Yami Bakura go off on an adventure to find Mokuba's body. This leads to the ring getting thrown in the forest.
The ring goes back to Ryou because love or something.
In the sub Mai offered Rex anything he wanted during their first encounter. This was changed in the dub.
We still don't know how Ryou snuck in the ship to Duelist Kingdom.
Shadi doesn't even try to find Yami Bakura. He just goes to one person (Yugi) and gives up.
I'll never forgive 4kids for editing out Yami Bakura sexily licking the Millennium Eye.
If Joey had a Magic Jammer he would have won his duel with Yami.
Domino City side stories:
Rebecca's cool. I like her.
Rebecca vs Yami (duel 20): this duel happened because Grandpa got accused of stealing Rebecca's Blue Eyes White Dragon card.
Rebecca's strategy is also pretty good for the time. Her deck is centered around milling cards to power up her Shadow Goul, and she uses cards like Witch of the Black Forest and Sangan to do this.
During the duel Grandpa is having flashbacks because he had a duel go exactly like this. We find out Rebecca is the granddaughter of Grandpa's friend, Arthur.
Yugi drew Soul Release, but didn't use it because... I don't know. We find out that's how the duel between Arthur and Grandpa ended.
Arthur appears, says some shit, and we never see Rebecca again.
That dumbass game thing:
I wasn't paying attention to this because there weren't any actual duels and I didn't like this part.
Duke Devlin:
This bitch really gonna say Yugi cheats in his duels and steal all the girls. Bro.
Duke vs Joey (duel 21): Joey almost wins, But Duke does an ass pull and wins at 50 life points.
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Duke vs Yami (Dungeon Dice Monsters): Duke doesn't explain shit because Yami is King Of Games and should know how to play a game he's never heard of.
Duke makes fun of Yami for not knowing how to play the game he never explained, gets angry when Yami figures stuff out, and is just an ass this whole game.
I wasn't really paying attention, until shit actually started to happen because there was just a whole lotta nothing.
Eventually both players have monsters on the field, some are doing magic, others are just standing there.
Orgoth the Relentless is certainly a thing. He gets beat by the Dark Magician.
Yami wins.
Other thoughts on the Domino City stories:
I laughed when Joey told Duke "I like ya game, just not you."
More characters gotta duel like Rebecca.
The existence of Adina is weird. If Kaiba made her, ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ. If the Big Five Made her, then fine I get it. Mokuba is like a damsel in distress. I just don't like it.
I hope you enjoy this long ass wall of text. My redemption is going steady. I have noticed no change other than being slightly more unhinged.
Imma do this every time I finish a season.
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kitkatnerds3 · 1 year
I have not finished the episode yet but I've just gotten to the Fukufuku backstory (specifically the part where they just met and its night and they're lying on the floor together) and, these two are fucking dark timeline Renga from sk8! 'The way of the sword is enjoyable!' and 'I'm going to master the sword alongside you' vs 'skating is fun!' and 'I want to skate with you infinitely' I swear Fukuchi even did the same hand movement that Reki did at some point. Energetic sunshine (at least at the moment) x calm and collected. I am getting such strong Renga vibes from that scene and it's driving me insane.
DONT DO SYMBOLISM WITH THE FUCKING BIRDS YOU DUMB SHOW! I SEE WHAT YOU'RE FUCKING DOING! For context, they were having a conversation but the focus was on these two egrets? herons? anyways, and then one of them just flew off when Fukuchi said that he was gonna be promoted and sent to the battlefield , which is what separated these two. I'm going to die, I'm not entirely sure why but I am. /pos
Fuck it, I'm committing to the live blog. enjoy seeing my live uncut reactions folks!
The animation is so pretty bro, bones adores their old man yaoi.
Ok, old man yaoi backstory is over , and before I move on to the next thing I just wanna say, young Fukuzawa was so fucking cute! He was an old man even when he was a baby! he was adorable! and honestly so was Fukuchi! I'm very sad that he became the way he is now, war really does stuff to people, huh?
Ok I'm a little bit confused, I didn't realize that he had told that United Nations guy the half-truth. But whatever, that's on me I guess.
God, Fukufuku are so gay. I know that stabbing someone isn't exactly romantic but he Fukuzawa did the thing where you grab onto the other persons clothes and after Fukuchi stabbed him his head ended up resting on his chest. This is PEAK romantic tradgedy.
Teruko, I love you. She looks so pretty and she is so hecking smart and I just adore her. She let Atsushi go! Woohoo!! Also, Atsushi's hallucinations are really coming in full force, huh? He is seeing so many people.
Dazai and Sigma are so silly, I love them, Dazai stop flirting for two fucking seconds challenge. Also, it's fun to hear that Dazai is screwing around with Sigma while thinking of Kunikida! Truly every ship is being fed this season! Except sskk, but we did get Aku in Atsushi's hallucinations doing a thing so that's kinda a win for the gays!
Wow! What a nice elevator! I'm sure nothing bad will happen here!
Oh catgirl, you left us too soon.
I must say, I don't really have much to say on the Meursault section. It was good! The animation was great as it usually is for the Meursault sections, Sigma was so pretty I love him and! Dazai did the thing where he played with Sigma's hair! Woo! Fyodor was his usual level of kinda ugly in anime form, Dazai is showing emotions! more of the sillies, Dazai fucking stood on Sigma, which is delightful, aaaaaaand it's started to flood! Fuck!
Anyways, back to the very start of this episode before I was overcome by the homosexual-ness of Fukufuku, Aya Bram Kunikida and Tanizaki got yoinked! Fuck! I still have a theory that Tanizaki could be doing an illusion and I will make a post about it one day. And also, please excuse me for saying this because while I am still upset about Ranpo being hurt... watching Fukuchi pick him up by the scruff of his neck like a cat was kinda hilarious. Also, Teruko I love you. You're the only hunting dog that heard about Fukuchi's real identity and didn't immediately die. Girlboss fr. Also also, where are Lucy Kyouka and Yosano :D? W-where did they go? Asagiri please I need to see my girls.
And to once again revisit the old gays, Holy Shit that was so gay. Nobody told me that the Fukufuku backstory was a Sports Anime tm that turned into a war drama in the second season! I knew we said they were divorced but I never realized just how married they were before the separation! Wow! Fukuzawa smiled so softly at Fukuchi! They were such sweet kids! Aagh!
This was a good episode! I liked this! Excited for next Wungo Wednesday!
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variabels · 5 years
Fictober19 #7 Falco and Fox find an egg
A/N: So, Falco adopted a rooster that he named Cock and everyone thinks he and Fox are dating.
Prompt number: 7 “No, and that’s final.”
Fandom (AU if applicable): Super Smash Bros
Rating: T
Warnings/Tags: Melee puff
Words: Idk, longer than last time.
Ships: Everyone thinks Fox and Falco are together
Fox had had a really long morning. He had grinded Melee so hard and all he wanted was to take a nice long nap after a nice long shower. But of course, nice things weren’t possible in the Smash Mansion.
Fox walked into an unexpected sight. An egg was lying in the middle of the room he shared with Falco and Wolf. But who’s was it?
“Falco, did you lay this egg?”
Falco who was drinking some ice tea spat all of it out in surprise. He had no idea how Fox thought he was even physically capable of laying an egg. The fox must have been spending too much time online.
“What are you, stupid?” Falco replied as he cleaned his wet bed, “Guys don’t lay eggs.”
“Yoshi does.”
“Male birds don’t lay eggs. Wolf probably wanted to eat an egg and dropped it here like the idiot he is.”
Fox and Falco wanted answers. They needed to know why an egg had mysteriously appeared in their room. Things don’t just happen for no reason after all.
The two of them went to the cafeteria in the hopes of finding someone who might have seen Wolf take an egg.
“We were out of-a eggs today,” Mario told the two pilots, “What kind of egg was it?”
Falco took the egg out of his pocket and showed it to the Italian plumber. He had carefully wrapped it and had stolen a hat from the kids’ playing area to protect the egg from the cold. It wasn’t like he cared or anything, but if there was a baby chick in it, he couldn’t just let it die.
“You should take this to-a Dr. Mario,” Mario suggested, “He should-a be able to tell if there is-a any life in it.”
“There’s a chick in it,” Dr. Mario announced after running many overly complicated tests, “My knowledge in eggs is quite limited though. Make sure to take good care of it. Its mother may come back looking for it. You’ll have to be its dad for now.”
The doctor kicked Fox and Falco out of his office. The two friends weren’t sure what to do now.
“Well, the egg’s your responsibility,” Fox told Falco, “Take good care of it.”
“Hey, you’re the one who found it!” Falco snapped back, “You take care of it.”
“Um, if you don’t mind me asking...” Jigglypuff interrupted, “Are you two having a kid?”
“Get lost, Jiggs. No one likes you and your boring playstyle.”
“But this has nothing to do with Melee.”
“I don’t like to admit this, but Falco’s right,” Fox frowned.
“Jesus Christ, you two are perfect for each other. Fuck you, both!”
“Go fuck yourself!”
“Was just about to do it!”
Falco and Fox fist-bumped. That would teach the puff to stop annoying them. It was one thing to be annoying in Melee, it was another to be annoying outside it.
The two returned to tell Mario the exciting news and to have him choose who should be the chick’s temporary dad.
“Maybe you could both-a work together?” Mario suggested, “It would-a probably be easier for-a everyone and aren’t-a you two together?”
“No, and that’s final,” Falco replied, “Don’t listen to what Puff says, she should be banned.”
“Hey, what’s all this about Falco and Fox adopting an egg?” Wolf asked as he entered the cafeteria, “We already have Cock, his girlfriend Cul and their egg.”
“What girlfriend?”
Just as he finished his sentence, Falco’s rooster entered the room holding wings with a hen. Falco’s beak dropped in shock. He hadn’t even noticed his pet had gotten a girlfriend and was about to be a father.
“Wait, so I’m going to be a grandpa?” the bluebird screamed in shock loud enough so that everyone could hear.
Many fighters rushed to Falco and Fox to congratulate them. Falco wasn’t even listening. He was in such shock all he did was nod at everything that was said to him.
“So, if I’m understanding this correctly,” Jigglypuff started, “You two have been in a secret relationship since Melee, got engaged in Brawl, got married in 4 and became parents not long ago?”
“Get lost, puff!” Falco yelled finally breaking free from his shock.
“You know, you never denied you and Fox being perfect for each other.”
“Oh, fuck you.”
One day, he’d get his revenge on Jigglypuff. Not today, but one day. His rooster’s family was more important than Jigglypuff and her yaoi fantasies.
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iwannafuckyexiu · 5 years
THE BLONDES ARE TAKING OVER THIS CHAPTER there's denki who can borderline be counted as blonde, katsuki who's pretty blonde, and the overly confident boy who's probably blonde too.
Y/N hares towards the blob of mustard and ketchup in the distance, tousled bangs recoiling along with each step. His arm extends forth as attempts to reach Denki's back.
Making out Y/N's voice from a gap, Denki increases his pace and treads faster to avoid being thought to be in league with the freak screeching at the back, lips just murmuring persistently, "God, I don't know who this guy is. I don't know who this guy is, I don't know w-tssss, you're so heavy!"
Arms slithered on Denki's neck and legs fastened around his waist like kinky tentacles, Y/N lodges on his back like chewed up gum as he lugs at Denki's ear and yells into it, "I thought we were best friends Denki?!"
Denki flinches at the strident volume and dodges his head from Y/N's claws, but before he even reacts and lashes the squid on his back off-
-the hardcore punk boy beside him makes his act first, he gawks at his friend with overly expanded anime eyes, "Kaminari you got a new best friend??!?! What about me, are you leaving me??" He gasps and clutches his chest in the Berkoff way, mouth agape as he points a trembling finger at Denki with his free hand.
"Of course not, you're my one and only," Denki purrs in a pompous fashion, pouting his bottom and fluttering his lashes at Kirishima - which gains him a punch on the shoulder from the latter and a brief but firm choke at the waist from Y/N.
"I'm getting goosebumps," Y/N shivers from Denki's 'sweet' talk and rests his on the stiff boy's shoulder in intimacy, "but KiriKami though."
Denki: "????"
"Your cp with Kirishima."
"Oh, Jesus take the wheel."
Now it's Kirishima's turn to be perplexed, he pivots to Denki with a puzzled frown tipping his lips downwards - which Denki receives and explains then, "Couple." Regaled by the sight of Kirishima's jaw slacking in sheer scepticism (this untainted boy's probably never even heard of yaoi or bl culture), he puts a hand on his back.
When Kirishima's head snaps to his direction to confirm, Denki just dips his head with a stifled grin towing at his folded lips, the coral tint blenching at the pressure, "Yes, I know."
"Is that burning wheat head there Katsuki?" Y/N asks the other whilst he narrows his eyes at chafing silhouette in a further range beside a tree by the sidewalks, "well it seems it is, from that unmistakable hedgehog hair. I'm gonna go irrita-I mean talk to him."
Bidding a hasten goodbye to the mustard and ketchup duo, Y/N steps up his speed and plods towards Katsuki to save the tree from a fate of being set aflame.
"Uh ... s-see you tomorrow!" Denki blurts out as a salmon flush sifts across his cheeks and the tip of his ears flare up.
Y/N hums in response, letting out an amused chuckle at his face, "Alright, Den-ki."
The said person turns a deaf ear to the voice shrieking at him behind, he continues striding his way along the streets, hands prodding into his pockets. Katsuki deeply inhales and exhales, teeth gritting against each other and searing eyes shut for a second.
Getting the point that Katsuki is most likely not going to make any response anytime soon, Y/N slopes his head and blocks his way with a grin that makes Katsuki want to slap him all the way to Texas, "You know what your name reminds me of?" He leans in.
Still, Katsuki refuses to speak or give any form of response, but the subtle quail of his eyebrows and twitch by the side of his lips rats him out. Y/N swivels to walk shoulder-by-shoulder with him and simpers at the reaction he wanted and got.
"Ya know Deidara? The Ino-lookalike in Naruto?" he adjourns for a second to let Katsuki think, then he exclaims, his hands gesturing in the air, "He goes katsu katsu!"
Instantly, Katsuki's face dims down and wrings into a scowl. Spinning his head to Y/N direction, the latter can see the swollen veins streaming along his face, and Katsuki snarls, "Screw off."
"I said," he heaves a hefty gulp of air whilst he sinks his head, letting murkiness cast over his eyes, "fuck off." His hand reaches up to run through his hair as he loiters.
"What the fuck is wrong with you."
There it is, the same words he's heard so many times in his short life and it's so frequent that he-
"Alright I'm going plan 6," attaining the limit of his patience, Y/N seizes Katsuki's wrist and drags him off into the opposite direction of where they were walking to.
Katsuki wrangles against his firm grip which he to no avail, couldn't impel off off his reddening wrists. He redirects his focus to Y/N and snaps, exposing the ignited blaze within his crimson irises to him, "Oi! Where are you bringing me?" Seeing no response, he draws his arm back with duress and continues, "Tch, I can walk by myself."
"Just follow me I'll bring you to this one place I used to work at," Y/N says as he snatches Katsuki's wrist again, taking no reaction to his protests, the corner of his lips hefts into a devious beam, "I think you'll fall in love with it once you get there."
"Hmph, I better."
"What's this?"
The two teens stand in front of the entrance of a stairwell to a dubious place from the flashing neon signs and posters pinned on the walls beside that seem like it would belong outside a strip club or bar.
"An anger room, of course," Y/N says like they can even identify which sign belongs to where they're going exactly from all the blinding neon shit, settling an arm around Katsuki's neck (he has to tiptoe a little to reach).
"Are you sure it isn't an underground place for drug dealing or shit?"
Y/N sighs whilst shaking his head at Katsuki, putting more of his weight above him. "Yeah it is shady but it's the cheapest in the area, man," as he shrugs in his regular casual manner, he smacks Katsuki on his back to assure him, "and it's gonna be fine! You've got me bro, livin' on the streets with the yakuza roaming around since childhood."
"Hmph, I'll trust you for once," Katsuki murmurs in an almost faded volume, he folds his arms and turns his head away from Y/N's vision, chin upright to the sky, vain as always.
"Oh and just saying before we go in, you gotta pay for yourself because I'm broke as fuck to pay the price for two people."
"But you said it was cheap?" Katsuki turns his head back and arches a brow at him.
"I gotta save every penny I can, I pay my sister's school fees too man," Y/N answers and just stares at the front equipped with a tranquil smile like nothing can go wrong (everything goes to shit).
"So is that why I always see you around everywhere?" Digging his hands into his pocket, Katsuki adds, "part-timing?"
"You do?" surprised by the fact, Y/N questions as he glances in Katsuki's direction.
"MCD, that one boba tea chain shop, Familymart, this fancy restaurant," Katsuki lists out most of the places he has seen the boy at.
"Oh, all except the boba tea one. I quit since they procrastinated to give me my salary," as if to add to it, he laughs faintly at himself before changing the topic, "anyways, let's get in man. We're blocking the way."
Detaching his forelimb from Katsuki's shoulder, he treads towards the dim stairwell and makes his way down to the front counter of the anger room. He wedges a thousand yen note at the man guarding the doorway to the place, conveying him an ingratiating simper. The man takes a glimpse at Y/N and steps aside, nodding.
The entrance room is coated with an amber, crimson wash, some of the walls are slightly cracked and torn, revealing the original beige colour from it, and the front counter stows in the middle of two doors leading to who knows where.
Y/N wends his way over towards the boy wholly focusing on gliding through his phone by the counter, he winches up an arm and spanks the boy in the head, "Aye, Kaito."
"Aish-who the fu-Oh L/N," Kaito's head ascends and he sets his phone down on the desk beside him. "You comin' back to work here or somethin'?" he queries and arcs a brow, bracing an elbow on the counter and easing his jaw on the back of his hand.
"Nah, just bringing a friend here to take out his anger issues," Y/N ridicules whilst gesturing at the wheat head beside him that has been silent for some time.
"Oh okay then," Kaito gives Katsuki a brief glance before continuing as he twists back to get the safety equipment for them, "how many minutes?"
"Two for ten minutes, just the usual one for people new to this."
"Alright, take these clothes and I'll lead you guys to the room," placing the stack of navy jumpers on the counter, he turns around to exit the checkout and walk forth to the door on the left.
Y/N and Katsuki trailed behind him through the door and over to a corridor of wine, carmine colour hues, they progress by a number of doors marked with a variety of symbols. Some weakly echoing whimpers that make people go into the crooked region of their minds and others clamouring with the sound of someone sparring. Until they halt at a door with the fragile icon, does Katsuki's frown allay a little. A grin stretches upon Y/N's lips at his rich of interest in this place, as it's been a while since he's visited and a lot has undergone change.
He peers to his side, to see Katsuki run his narrowed eyes over the area with heed as a result of the suspicious noises they previously heard. Muffling a snicker, Y/N kinks his brows at him and asserts in amusement, "Don't tell me you haven't been to one of these underground businesses."
Earning an irked lour from Katsuki, Y/N surrenders with his hands before his chest, palms facing outwards, he chuckles. "Okay, okay now put on your protection man," he holds up an orange helmet as well as a pair of gloves in one hand, gesturing at it, "I don't wanna get scolded by my future-parents-in-law if you get hurt or somethin'."
Katsuki rips the equipment off Y/N's hands and puts it on, but not before giving the latter a toxin-brimmed remark, "Even if I get hurt it's none of your business! And who the fuck's your future-parents-in-law, you're not gonna meet them!"
"Who knows."
Before Katsuki begins his rampage, Y/N disrupts his spiralling fury by tossing him a baseball bat all of a sudden, "Here, catch this."
"You can start."
"Soooo," Y/N drags on the end of the syllable as he lazes his head on his intertwined hand behind, idly sealing his eyes shut whilst they walk along the streets, "How was it?"
They have just finished their prolonged two-hour session, thronged with Katsuki flinging his bat to the side to instead wield his explosive quirk, Y/N wrecking glass bottles at the sidelines and springing up and about the room to avoid the searing fireballs constantly shadowing after him.
"It was okay," Katsuki, proud and egotistical as he always is, responds with a typical answer to such question whilst he folds his arm and acts the part of proud.
"Only okay?"
"I even skipped my part-time job this afternoon for you," Y/N holds a hand under his nose as he sniffles until he couldn't mute his smile and he says, "and are you sure because ... who was the one yelling to add ten more minutes and more mannequins to break again?"
"Alright, I'll stop."
"Where's your house, I'll send you there like the gentleman I am."
"More like stalker," Katsuki sneers with his nasal, evidently distance himself from said stalker to show - to no avail, since the stalker slinks an arm around his shoulder to keep him from creating more gap between them.
"For you I don't mind being one."
Katsuki almost jumps and soar into his temper as he strolls, "You-I-"
"Oya, you're angry?" Y/N teases, his eyes squint into a roguish grin as he outstretches his hand to graze at Katsuki's forehead as if to test his temperature.
Katsuki slaps his hand away as soon it scrapes against his skin, a crease crinkles at his forehead with his vexation, he shouts, "Yes I am! Now fuck off!"
"Alright alright! Just let me ..." Y/N lets out a slipped laugh at first then he trails off.
"Let you wh-"
Y/N pinches Katsuki's chin, drawing him closer whilst he grasps Katsuki's wrist post-haste to extinguish the readied offence in his palms. And before Katsuki acts on his own instinct to struggle out of his grip, he turns his head and feels a sultry, plumed peck on his lips.
The chafe ended within a mere second but both their faces burst into a wide diversity of colour ranges, from a pale green to white then to crimson. Eye widened and mouth agape, they stare at each other, stunned. Y/N is the first to pull back from his stupor, he blinks his eyes then overlays his hand atop his lips as he hacks in a rigid demeanour.
He did not expect Katsuki to twist his face at the exact moment he tried to kiss his cheek quickly.
Composing himself with a collected facade - too calm to be like his normal self - he cracks the silence with his voice, "I-I-it w-w-wasn't-I gotta go, s-since my little sister's probably waiting for me at home."
"SO BYE! "
Until he's several roads away from the person he wants to really hide from at the moment, Y/N halts his footsteps and breathes in slowly as he stirs a hand through his dishevelled hair with his brows furrowed.
He messed up.
And when Katsuki finally reacts over, only to find Y/N's already-bolting back view across the street, and vONG!-Wisps of flames begin crackling behind his back.
"Yeah?" her voice reverberates from the kitchen.
"I gotta go first so I'm just gonna grab this milk and go!" plucking the carton of milk from the table surface, Y/N scuttles to the doorway and crams his shoes on in urgency.
"Okay! Don't forget your keys!"
Y/N hums at the top of his voice in reply, he departs from the house, slamming the door shut behind him so harsh that even S/N cringes at the volume. Seeing as the elevator will take longer for him to go down, he sprints down the tapered and rundown stairway, from the eighth level to ground level.
Out of the apartment and down the streets by the zebra crossings, Y/N leans against the lamp post, eyeing the decreasing bright red digits beside the tiny red human symbol on the traffic lights. Just as he groans in tedium, a pot of fair hair in the bustling crowd intercepts his attention, and from peering at his side profile - Y/N blows a whistle at it internally.
Honed jaw and rather pasty skin, he strikes most to be somewhat feminine-looking at first impression but his broader shoulders say otherwise. His fringe dangles over his left eye, indigo irises pouring forth with confidence, and pale red lips pursed.
"My eyes have been blessed for the day," Y/N indistinctly mumbles into his palms veiling over his mouth, eyes glued to the blonde head a distance away.
"Eh? We're going the same way?" realising they've been walking the same way the whole time, Y/N can't help but doubt that it's rather sceptical that it can't be a coincidence or anything similar. Well, until he gets a glimpse of the front of the boy's blazer and recalls the familiar-looking green stripes on it, "Oh, Yuuei High School."
Waiting for the metro to arrive at the station, Y/N feasts his eyes on the beauty in the configuration of that blonde boy, he gets overly engrossed into it that the advent of the train doesn't process through his eyes nor his ears - up till the announcement resounds through the platform, does he act over and use his quirk to catch up to the closest shutting metro door.
As he steps in the train, his foot just about to get snared by the sliding doors, Y/N makes it and brooks a breath of relief. Reminiscing the slight horrors of the moment just before, he curses profanities in a low tone whilst he clutches onto a suspended strap handle, "Holy fuck, that was close."
Ten minutes later, after Y/N gets off the train.
"Excuse me."
Y/N's head snaps to the direction of the speaker and meets a pair of violet pupils. His voice is neither deep nor high, regulated at a median pitch - differing it from most people's voices. It gives people a pleasant sensation to their ears despite his malice-pervaded words, and Y/N is no exception to the sorcery of his tonality.
Y/N staggers a little before answering the boy, "Yeah?"
"Can you like..." he starts strongly but tapers off, the boy presses his lips together as if there's something in his mind stalling him from speaking further.
His blenching lips part, sighing with exasperation, he goes on, "Can you stop following me?"
"You've been following me since like twenty minutes ago on the street just below my apartment and your stare is uncomfortable."
Listening on till this point, Y/N finally can't continue restraining his laugh and doubles over right in the middle of the station platform. It isn't until retches of tears brim his eyes does he straighten up and says to the boy with a sweet smile adorning his lips, "Overly imagining things is an illness, I think you should go to a doctor bro."
"Because I live there in an apartment close by too."
"Then why are you coming down on the same station as me?" the boy doesn't concede he's wrong and persists to ask, chin angling upwards at Y/N.
"I'm a Yuuei student too," hauling the exact same blazer from his shoulder, Y/N sways it up in front of him for the boy to see, "See~"
Even the blank face can't conceal the boy's atmosphere that turned blatantly awkward but that doesn't stop his never-ending loop of questions still, "What class are you in? Are you a senior or something?"
"Nope, just got in this month from the exam."
"Buddy, are you sure you don't want to hurry up?" Y/N cuts him off, a mocking smile tugging at his lips as he points at the looming clock on top of one of the entrances to the station, "It's almost time for class to start now."
"Oh fuck! "
The boy hastens towards the front, outright ending his conversation with Y/N to steer clear of a late mark on his attendance chart.
"See you~"
Y/N only dispatches a classic™ wink to him.
"Shut up!"
i've been looking through these chapters and god, when i compared it to this one bnha oneshot i read.
it was fucking horrendous - but i'll just take my time and write properly so it would be of better quality?
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