#bros out there looking forlorn
cuntlos · 9 months
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girlhood is a struggle fr
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todayontumblr · 1 year
Friday, June 16.
The Toad Who Never Made The Team
...and other important animal images.
Spare a thought for this poor little guy on this most Friday of Fridays, June 16ths. Because while most of us are winding down from school, university, or the workplace, and gearing up for a sunny weekend in June, others are not enjoying such a good time. Indeed, for some, they are heading into Saturday and Sunday left with no choice but two days to face one of life's hard truths, to ponder it—to look it square in its cold, uncompromising eyes. Take, for example, the tale of Toad who never made the team. This here poor fellow is one of a handful of stories from the rich tapestry of life to be explored in other @important-animal-images. 
We've all been there: you set your mind to something with the utmost strongest of determinations. This goal is fixed to your thoughts as if it were written on little bits of paper, and stapled to your eyelids. From the moment you wake, you are out of bed, like a Rocky montage or a LinkedIn hustler bro's post, and swigging eggnog, jogging, boxing the air, putting one step in front of the other in pursuit of that dream. That was the case for Toad, who wanted, more than anything, just to make the team.
There were obstacles, sure, but he didn't let them stand in his way. For Toad, being an amphibian meant he was not the obvious pick for a (human) men's 11-a-side soccer team. The fact he hibernates each winter was also not ideal for a side that would be playing on pitches up and down the nation during the cold, dark winter months. The fact he was smaller than the balls that the players would be kicking for 90 minutes was also not in his favor. As the main prey of snakes, including Toad on a soccer team would increase the risk of serpent attacks mid-match. And mid-match serpent attacks are the last thing coach needs when in pursuit of The Championship.
Unlike others in their family, toads are only capable of a slight hop, and not jump, which leaves them at a serious disadvantage when it comes to heading the ball, whether in attack or defense. They also have lovably short legs, which, while endearing, is not a good fit for a soccer player. The fact Toad eats his own skin is, while not unhelpful for a budding athlete, per se, really kind of gross—and unlikely to win friends in the dressing room and fans in the stadium. But for Toad, it mattered not. He was going to kick balls, and score goals, or die trying, dammit.
And try he did. He hopped with everything he had and kicked as hard as his comical legs would allow. But it, sadly, mattered not. When coach blew the whistle and gathered his squad around the team sheet for tomorrow's big match, eleven names were listed. Toad's was not among them. He was crushed, his dreams shattered in an instant, and as he went to ribbit a most forlorn of ribbits, he stopped, paused, and fell silent. Because, he remembered, he is a toad. And toads do not ribbit.
When you try your best and you don't succeed..., he hums to himself softly, consoling his broken spirit with the soothing lyrics of Fix You, by Coldplay. We can only hope he gets back to the training ground, gives it all he's got, and that we may see a change in his fortunes next year. Then, perhaps, we will see a happier sequel to this in later @important-animal-images. 
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Better luck next year champ x
*P.S. It's not all so gloomy for our animal comrades, however. There's a rumour going around that this cat is having two kittens, and will need a hand or two in deciding on some baby names.
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arcadiabaytornado · 4 months
Trying To Sum Up The ✨Vibe✨ Of Each Song On The Before The Storm Soundtrack
Theme Music - Sitting on a bench in the woods in the middle of fall. The world moves all around you, but you take a moment to just breathe in the crisp air and watch nature exist.
Numbers - The numb but somehow still slightly panicky feeling right after a panic attack.
Are You Ready For Me - A huge fight involving more than ten people where chairs are being used as a melee weapon and at least five things are going to end up broken.
No Below - Having a deep conversation with a friend about trauma at 3AM, and coming to the realization that your lives are similar in the most unfortunate ways.
Burn It Down - Something happens and you feel so angry about it that you can't even feel rage anymore, just a numb apathy that boils under the skin.
Through The Cellar Door - Spending one on one time with a crush for the first time and being worried about being irredeemably awkward while also being to giddy to truly care.
More Undercut
Burning The Midnight Oil Again - Riding in the car with your parents when a song comes on that makes them get a forlorn look in their eyes. You don't know what it's about, and they won't tell you, so you just listen to the song together in silence.
Skip's Demo - Dressing punk rock for the first time as a teenager and feeling so cool that you just want someone to try you so you can show how badass you are. (Not really though. you just want to daydream about it.)
Youth - An ex-relationship where one person changed for the better and one person changed for the worst, or maybe one person changed a lot and one person never changed at all.
No Care - Feeling the overwhelming sensation of "Fuck it!" so strongly that you genuinely feel invincible.
Taking You There - Talking with a friend or romantic partner about what your lives would be like if you traveled the world together or lived together, and making up all the outlandish but super fun scenarios your heart desires.
I Don't - The first month after a break up where you've gone no contact with your ex after breaking up with them/being broken up with.
Friend - Winking at a friend you have a little too much tension with and watching their face light up like a fire engine.
Don't Mess With Me - A creepy guy won't leave a women alone and out of nowhere a stunning butch lesbian comes to her aid and gets in his face until he leaves.
Bros - Having a same sex friendship that was...maybe more than a friendship at certain points, though it was never labeled in any other way. One day someone asks how you know them, and you hesitate a moment before saying "They're a good friend."
Black Flies - Sitting numbly at a funeral and watching the people around you break down as the realization of "Oh. They're really never coming back." washes over you.
The Arch - Memories of the childhood friends that used to hide when their parents came to pick them up because no one wanted the fun to end.
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Apparently words can hurt me
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AN: I’m back again, filling multiple challenge squares in one fic, and indulging my love of pre-serum Stucky. This fic is for the following fills;
Into the Juniverse - Squares C1,3 and 4 - Modern, Bookstore, Medical - @buckybarnesevents 
The Slumber party, May challenge - “Who did this to you?” @the-slumberparty
BBB Y1 - Sticks and stones @buckybarnesbingo 
Beta’d by @sparkagrace 
Mood board by me, dividers by @firefly-graphics 
Master list
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Relationship: ER Doctor Steve Rogers x Bookstore Owner Bucky Barnes
Word count: 2.8k
CW: Fluff, minor angst, suggested Smut, implied bottom Bucky, pre-serum Stucky, alcohol consumption, fast burn, strangers to lovers to friends, meet cute/meet ugly, Special guest star Alpine, Nat and Sam are a good bros (even if they give their friends shit), alternating pov, Human disaster Bucky Barnes, implied age gap (Bucky late 20’s, Steve, mid 30’s)
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“So, Steve - how’s your first day going?”
Steve turned, hanging his stethoscope around his neck, and smiled up at his friend and colleague, Sam. He clasped hands with the man he’d known since medical school and allowed himself to be pulled into a hug. Not that he really could have stopped it - Sam was over half a foot taller than him, and was obviously a big fan of both arms day and legs day. The man’s muscles had muscles, and Steve, well, didn’t really. He’d tried building muscle in the past but his metabolism was so ridiculously fast that he’d almost bankrupted himself trying to up his protein intake.
“It’s going great, man. It’s good to be back on the East Coast, even if it does seem to be a lot wetter.”
“I think trading sunshine for working with a friend is still a definite upside.” Sam’s sunny mood never failed to make Steve smile. “You were wasted in L.A.”
Steve nodded, thinking back to the circumstances that had led to him packing up and moving to the other side of the country after he’d qualified, and then the circumstances that had led to him returning and taking up residence at King's County. It had been a while since he’d worked in an ER, but it was like falling off a bike. Or rather patching up someone who’d fallen off a bike.
“Well, I’d best get back to it - I’ve got a suspected fracture of the tibia in bay three.”
“Drinks - tonight - seven - Gallis. Don’t be late, Rogers.” Steve chuckled as Sam shot him finger guns, before heading back down the corridor to Obstetrics.
He’d missed Sam. He’d missed New York. Most of all, he’d missed himself - missed what he’d hidden of himself while he’d been away. He was back now, though and ready to get on with the rest of his life. He strode towards Bay Three and picked up the chart attached to the bed. He sat down next to the forlorn looking teenager who was probably the same height as him.
“Now, Mr Parker. How did you manage this?
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“Nat! Naaaaaat!” Bucky called out to his best friend-slash-co-owner, desperately trying to keep the large stack of books balanced in his arms. Something bumped his ankles and he peered down. “No. Not you, Alpine. You don’t have opposable thumbs.” The white ball of fluff just continued to purr and rub against her human’s legs. Bucky tried to nudge his baby away, but the change in balance caused the top book to slide, bumping against Bucky’s cheekbone.
“Nat! Help!”
“What’s up, Buckminsterfullerene?”
Nat appeared as if by magic, riding the roll-along ladder like Belle from Beauty and the Beast. If Bucky could have pinched the bridge of his nose he would have. Instead he just settled for a sigh.
“You know completely what’s up, and you’re just waiting for the right moment to say ‘I told you so’. I’ve overestimated how many books I can put away at once, again. Now will you please help me?”
She jumped down, her red hair swinging around her shoulders.
“What’s in it for me?”
“I’ll take you for drinks at Gallis once we’ve closed up? We can people-watch, maybe find a couple of guys to flirt with and buy us more drinks?”
Nat stepped forward and took a handful of books off the top of the stack, holding them in one arm and started to put them away. She pursed her lips as if she was trying to decide, but Bucky knew she wouldn’t be able to resist that offer - it was their favourite Friday evening activity, which said a lot about their respective love lives.
“You’re on, Barnes, but tell me you got something cute upstairs in your wardrobe that I can borrow.”
“Nat, you know full well that half your wardrobe is upstairs, pushing mine out. You’re here that often.”
“Hey! I resemble that remark. And anyway, it gives you more options.”
Bucky huffed, and blew a lock out of his brown hair out of his eyes, before realising that the stack of books left in his arms was now actually manageable and could be put away.
“I might be slim, but I’m not that slim.”
“Betcha $10 that I can make an outfit out of my stuff for you to wear this evening.”
Nat smiled at him, eyes twinkling and he grinned back.
“You’re on, Romanoff!”
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“So you’re telling me that your patient really thought he could scale down from a second storey window?” Sam’s expression was a mixture of amusement and disbelief. Steve grabbed an olive from the bowl in front of them, threw it up and caught it in his mouth.
“Yup. Kid thought that if he covered his hands and feet in some kind of sticky resin he could go up and down the wall like a spider. No lie. Not even drunk. Just a clever kid with too much time on his hands and not enough common sense.”
Sam laughed, and wiped a tear of mirth from his eye.
“God, man. I’m glad I’ve left general medicine behind.”
“Yeah, now you just have to deal with a load of…”
“Don’t say it! Don’t you dare say it. That joke gets old, real fast. So, other than an idiotic teenager, you enjoying being back? Ready to put yourself out there?”
Steve took a swig from his beer, more to give him a second’s space than the need to actually slake his thirst. Sam looked at him expectantly, and Steve knew he wasn’t going to get out of answering.
“Yes to the first and maybe to the second.”
Sam raised his eyebrow.
“Maybe? Come-on, dude. It’s been like, what, four… five months since you broke up. I’m not saying go out and propose to the first person you meet, but there’s no harm in a little flirting, a little dancing. And I can tell you, there’s a young man over there who hasn’t been able to take his eyes off you.”
Steve knew who he meant - it had been difficult not to notice the certified twink propped up against the bar drinking cocktails with his red-headed friend. The young man looked like he’d been poured into those black skin-tight jeans, and the rather feminine, purple button-up, left open over an equally feminine black crop top, accentuated his pale skin and red, pouty lips. Steve would be a liar if he said he wasn’t interested - part of him definitely was, but the more cautious part of him, the part that was still nursing his battered and bruised heart, wasn’t sure.
“Go on, Steve. Buy him a drink. Or at least offer.”
Sam was nothing if not persistent. Steve downed the rest of his bottle, trying for a bit of dutch courage. Apparently, he wasn’t getting out of this either.
“This hasn’t got anything to do with the fact that you want to speak to his friend, does it?”
Sam smiled around his bottle neck before placing it, now empty, back on the table.
“I plead the fifth on that.” Steve smiled back, but rolled his eyes dramatically.
“Come on, before I chicken out. But one drink. That’s all.”
“Uh-huh? I bet you’ll want to stay for more.”
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Steve hated it when Sam was right. He’d almost forgotten how insufferably smug his friend could get, but he had no doubt he would be reminded in the morning. Or rather later in the morning, because it was 4.30am and Steve was quietly trying to find his pants.  
He’d never been a one-night stand kinda guy before, and truly, he hadn’t intended to go home with this man - Bucky - but with each swig of beer, each whispered flirtation, each dance, it had seemed like a better and better idea. They’d gone back to Bucky’s - a small apartment above a bookstore - and, well, things had escalated quickly.
Now, Steve wasn’t going to say he regretted it, because whoo-ee, was Bucky something - very hot, very talented - but now, as the alcohol and post-orgasmic haze was wearing off, he was feeling… awkward?
Bucky was lying on his front on his bed, head turned to the side and lightly snoring. A shaft of light from the street outside shone through the somewhat ratty curtains, highlighting Bucky’s glorious cheekbones and kissable lips. Steve felt a pull inside him, a pull to just get back into the warm bed, wrap his arms around Bucky and go back to sleep but he shouldn’t. He couldn’t. It was too soon got anything like that.
Locating his slacks, he tugged them on. Groping around further he found his shirt, one sock and both shoes. Gathering them to himself, Steve crept towards the bedroom door, opened it a slither, and snuck out.
As he took a step forward something soft and warm brushed against his foot. Somehow he managed to stifle his scream.
A pair of large eyes looked up at him in the darkness. Juggling his armful of clothes, Steve pulled out his phone, and turned on the torch.
“Oh, thank fuck. You’re just a cat.”
The animal tilted its white fuzzy face.
Steve shuffled over to the sofa, resting his phone on the coffee table as he stuffed his arms into his shirt.
“Sorry, little one. I have no idea where your owner keeps your kibble. You’ll have to manage.”
He pulled on his lone sock and slipped on his shoes, making a face at how his bare foot stuck to the leather inner. Laces tightened, he picked up his phone and quietly made his way over to the front door.
“Do me a favour, kitty? Give Bucky a kiss for me, yeah?”
Carefully shutting the door behind him, and trying not to think too hard about the heaviness in his heart, Steve pulled up his ride share app, and booked himself a cab home.
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“So, he just bailed on you?”
Bucky stared down at the account book open in front of him, hoping that the numbers would just start to make sense on their own. And hoping that Nat would just drop it.
“Uh-huh. Gone when I woke up. Left a sock behind though.”
“A veritable Cinderella, then.”
“Ha-ha, Nat. Very funny. His name was Steve.”
Bucky shut the ledger with a snap, and pinched the bridge of his nose.
“I don’t even know why I’m so cross. It’s not like I haven’t done the moonlight flit before.”
Nat leant against the counter, checking her pristine make-up in her compact mirror.
“It hurts, cos you were on the receiving end this time. My advice? Let it go. You got a good lay out of it, yes?”
“Yes…” It might have been begrudgingly, but he had to agree - the sex had been spectacular. Maybe that’s why he was so sour? Upset that he didn’t get to get up close and friendly to Steve’s dick again? For a short guy, he’d definitely been packing… Oh, well.
“Well, ride the high of a good fuck and move on.”
“Okay, okay. What about you and his friend?”
Nat turned her head and gave a coy smile.
“Sam? A lady doesn’t kiss and tell.”
“Yeah, but you ain’t no lady. Ow! Don’t hit me!” 
Bucky laughed as he raised his arms to fend off Nat’s friendly blows.
“Uncle! Uncle! I give in, I’m sorry.”
“Hhmmff. I suggest you get on with some work. Maybe you should do the book sorting and I’ll do the accounts?”
“Sounds like a plan. And Nat?”
“Love you!”
“Love you, too.”
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Why had he drunk so much last night?
The lights in the ER were far too bright, and he was now 10 hours into an 8 hour shift. And why on earth did people insist on inserting things that shouldn’t be inserted into places that shouldn’t have things inserted?
“Dr Rogers? Are you able to check over the patient in Bay 5?”
“Hmmm?” Steve turned to see the face of Wanda, the triage nurse looking at him expectantly. He bit back a moan as he wiped his hand over his face. “I mean, sure. What’s the story?”
“He says he had an accident at work, but something heavy has impacted his face. His left orbit is bruised and there’s a large edema, which is interfering with his vision.”
Wanda was chewing her lip and Steve could tell she wasn’t sure if the guy’s story was true.
“Okay - I’ll take a look. You’ve got his chart?”
“Right here. And thank you, Steve.”
“No problem.”
Steve pushed up from the desk where he’d managed to find all of two minutes' peace and skimmed through the chart for his new patient as he made his way over to the bay.
“Okay… James, is it?” As he pulled open the curtain and looked up, he froze. “Bucky?”
Wanda hadn’t been kidding - Bucky was pretty banged up, but he was still as beautiful as Steve remembered.
The clipboard clattered to the floor and suddenly Steve found himself right in front of Bucky, gently cradling his bruised face in his hands.
“Who did this to you?”
For a heartbeat, Bucky just stared at him and then…
“What? What do you mean?”
“Was it a jealous boyfriend? If so, I’m so sorry. But also, give me his name. I’ll make sure he never sees the light of day again.”
Bucky’s eyes - well, one of them - went wide with understanding before he hissed and winced. Steve picked up the ice pack that had been discarded on the side table and pressed it to the purpling side of Bucky’s face.
“Steve, slow down. It wasn’t somebody else. There’s no boyfriend. No any-one. I had an accident, that’s all.”
“But what? How?”
Bucky chuckled, then winced again.
“Nat’s not going to let me live it down. I do it all the time, and finally, it backfired. I was putting the books away, you know, in my shop.” 
No, Steve didn’t know. Hadn’t realised that the shop below the apartment had been Bucky’s shop. To be fair, he was a little distracted at the time. However, he nodded anyway, aware that he was probably gaping like a fish.
“Well, I have a tendency to overestimate how many books I can carry at once, and then I overbalanced, and crrsshhh,” he gestured wildly. “A dozen hardbacks were bouncing off my face. And I thought I was safe with words. Isn’t it supposed to be sticks and stones that break my bones?”
Another heartbeat of silence and then…
“Oh my God, Bucky. You didn’t just say that?” Steve slapped a hand over his mouth to stifle the chuckle that threatened to burst out. “Come on. Let me have a look. We might have to send you to X-ray though.”
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Bucky couldn’t believe it. Steve - Sexy Steve from last night - was a doctor. He was certain it was only the pain in his face that stopped his dick from standing straight to attention when Steve had walked in, all professional in his white coat with a stethoscope around his neck.
He also couldn’t believe he’d made that cheesy joke, and that Steve had been all worried about him. 
While Steve did his thing, gently probing and taking notes, and asking him about his pain levels, Bucky ruminated on Steve’s reaction.
“Mmmhhmmm?” Steve was still looking down at the papers, pen in between his lips, and God, if he hadn’t looked sexier.
“Were you really worried that someone had assaulted me?”
“What? Umm… well…yes. I was worried it was my fault too. Look, Bucky, it was really shitty of me to leave like I did this morning. I’m not... I mean I don’t…” His cheeks turned pink with embarrassment and Bucky took pity on him, leaning over and pressing his finger to Steve’s lips.
“Hey. It’s okay. I don’t think either of us was communicating properly last night - well, communicating in a non sex-specific manner - I think we got that down, don’tcha think?”
Steve gulped.
“Umm, well…”
“Let’s start again, okay? I’m James Buchanan Barnes, Bucky to my friends. I own and run a bookstore with my best friend Natasha, and I’m rubbish at relationships.”
He stuck out his hand towards Steve, who looked at it, before reaching out with his own.
“I’m Steve Rogers, ER doctor, here at King’s County. I’ve just returned from several years in LA, and having my heart broken in the process. I’m looking to take things slow.”
“I can do slow. Say, when we both get out of here, if anywhere’s still open, would you like to go and get a coffee?”
“I think I’d like that a lot, Bucky.”
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Tag list: @jobean12-blog @yarnforbrains @sidepartskinnyjeans @flordeamatista @krissy25 @bodeckersdiamonddoll @goldylions @luxeavenger @wheezy-stucky @doasyoudesireandlive @chemtrails-club @seitmai @peaches1958 @pono-pura-vida @writing-for-marvel
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sapphire-heart-tippy · 2 months
Sugar Crash Void Bash: The Fanfic!
CWs: bullying, unfairness, physical fighting (action sequence), blood mention, embarrassment
chapter 1
Chapter Two: Icecream Hangover
chapter 3 chapter 4 chapter 5 chapter 6 chapter 7 chapter 8
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Early in the morning
The house is silent. This is no ordinary silence. The tension in the air is tangible, and Ramón can sense that something is very wrong. His papa is alone in the kitchen, packing Ramón’s lunch for the day. Instead of humming or singing he’s silent. Shoulders tensed, movements a bit stiff, and shaking his head with a sigh, Vanilla closes the lunchbox and zips it shut.
“Good morning, papa.” Ramón speaks hesitantly. Ice turns around, dark circles under his eyes and it’s clear he hasn’t shaved his stubble just yet,
“O-oh! Good morning, child. Did you sleep well, little one?”
“Uh… y-yeah, I uh. I did.” The teenager glances down at the kitchen island, nonchalantly sitting down, “Where’s daddo?”
Vanilla’s shoulders relax and he looks back at the lunchbox, fidgeting with the cloth handle,
“Oh, ze’s still asleep.”
“Ah…” Ramón scratches his head and can’t think of any way to fill the silence. The teenage boy sits down at the kitchen island while his papa finishes the last of his coffee. Ice sighs and walks over to the hook where his purse is hanging on the wall,
“Are you prepared for school, Foofy?” Ice smiles weakly, the fine lines folding upon his forehead and around the corners of his lips. Ramón nods and puts on his backpack, following his papa out the door.
At school
It’s a dull, cloudy and slightly rainy day. The atmosphere is rather gloomy…
“So uh…” the pink haired teenager fidgets around and strains a little to speak, “Is… everything okay? You seemed a little uh… tense.” 
Vanilla tightens his lips into a line, tensing his abs a little bit and gripping the steering wheel. The brunette relaxes with a small sigh,
“Yes, Ramón, everything is alright. Don’t worry, little one.” 
“O-okay then.” Ramón nods slowly with an awkward smile. Just when the teenager was about to open the door to the SUV, Ice turns to him,
“I love you, child. You know that, right?” 
Ramón sees how forlorn his papa looks, and gives a nod of acknowledgment,
“I know, pops. I love you too.”
Ice, with a relieved smile, leans over and kisses Ramón’s cheek. Unfortunately, a group of other teenagers were walking by and witnessed his father being affectionate to him as if he were a small child. They laugh at him as they walk by. Ramón’s cheeks heat up from embarrassment, then he pushes Ice away,
“Augh! I told you not to kiss me anymore, Vanilla!” He yanks the door open and loudly complains, “Stop treating me like I’m a toddler! Why can’t you just listen to me for once in your life?! GOD!” With a grunt, he slams the door to the SUV and stalks down the concrete up to the front of his school. 
“Who does that child think he is to be slamming my door like that?!” Ice mumbles to himself with hurt. The fact that his own son used his name instead of calling him "papa" hurts just as much. This negative behavior severely frustrates Ice, however… he knows he should’ve respected his son’s personal space. Vanilla forgot about what his child had said previously, unfortunately. Ice brushes it off and drives back home to greet his husband.
On his way to the entrance of the school, Ryan kicks his foot out in front of Ramón. This causes the pink haired teenager to trip and land into a puddle. Ryan and his buddies all laugh and head into the school. Ramón is covered in rain water and seething at this point. If rage produced heat, he would’ve been dry by now from water evaporation. 
Ramón, soaked in rainwater and enraged, heads to his locker. Jared notices Ramón’s sour mood and rushes to see what’s wrong,
“Hey, bro, you okay?” He leans up against the adjacent lockers. Ramón grunts and puts his stuff into his locker, then looks up at his friend,
“Yeah, everything’s…” He struggles to unzip his backpack, “–fine!” He yanks the zipper of his backpack open, breaking it off. The teenage boy looks at the zipper in his hand while Jared tries not to laugh. Ramón gives Jared a glare, to which the tall teen puts his hands up,
“I can sense some hostility here!”
“Oh, YOU THINK?!” Ramón huffs, feeling a little less angry however. He sighs and relaxes a little bit, “Sorry, man, I just… ugh, you know what? Forget it. It’s not that big a deal anyway.” The pink haired teen puts the broken zipper into his skirt pocket, “Besides, I’m not gonna let anything ruin the fact I get to do a presentation with Cobie.”
“Yeah, that’s what I’m talking about, boy!” Jared high fives Ramón.
In class
The anxiety about giving a presentation fills Ramón to the brim. Admittedly, he’s very nervous when it comes to public speaking. This is especially the case when it comes to being next to somebody he has a crush on as well.
“Pssst! Hey. Cobie,” Ramón whispers to his crush. They turn and look at him,
“Are you ready?” The pink haired teen asks them. Before Cobie can answer, Sugar Crash causes Ramón to glitch through his desk and plummet to the floor. Everyone gets startled and focuses their attention on him. 
“Are you okay?!” Cobie asks, helping him up. Ramón stands back up, hearing other teens snicker at him. His cheeks burn but he sits back in his desk and plays it cool,
“Haha, yeah. It’s just something Sugar Crash does when I uh…” he speaks a little quieter, “get nervous. N-n-not that I am nervous!” He waves his hands around, “My daddo’s stand does something similar, he ends up disappearing when he gets nervous. It’s hilarious!” 
Cobie raises a concerned eyebrow at Ramón.
“Not that my dad getting nervous is funny– uh, okay I’m gonna stop talking now.” He gulps and faces forward. 
The two teens get prepared to do their project on the king cobra. Ramón brings over his side of the project, Cobie brings over their side. The pink haired teen clears his throat and confidently speaks– his voice cracks,
“Alr-i-ight–” He clears his throat, “Alright, uh. So this is the…” Ramón’s mind blanks. He looks down at the poster boards and speaks, “This is the king Cobie.”
The class laughs, making Ramón realize what he just said. He laughs along,
“I mean– well, that’s the king Cobie,” He points to his crush, “But this is the king cobra!”
Cobie giggles, feeling more relieved that Ramón is settling down and acting more like himself again. Ramón continues to speak more about the project until it’s his crush’s turn. As Cobie speaks, telling their side of the project, Ramón dreamily watches them speak. 
The black haired teen turns and looks at him, causing Ramón’s heart to race. BUH-PLUMP!!!
Ramón sinks into the floor, glitching out severely. The teacher gasps and looks stunned, the class is taken aback but amused.
The poor pink haired teen is stuck waist deep, glitching into the floor. He gasps and kicks his legs around,
“S-SUGAR CRASH!!! STOP!!!” the poor boy cries out to his unruly and rather disobedient stand. The class below is very startled by Ramón’s legs, which had accidentally kicked a teacher in the back of the head. The rest of his class are either giggling or completely stunned. His teacher is unsure of what to do and their stand isn’t much help, considering their stand a small, plush creature. Cobie drops their poster board and pulls Ramón out of the floor.
Even though they’re glitching a little bit by touching him, they continue to pull him out. Cobie ends up using their stand, a spider-like creature with spindly limbs, to hoist him up using their webs. Ramón stands back up, trying to keep calm so Sugar Crash doesn’t disrupt things anymore. 
“A-are you okay?” Cobie asks, trying to catch their breath. Ramón nods and pants a little as well,
“Y-yeah… thanks…” He looks at the other students who are stunned, wincing, or worried looking. The teacher looks very concerned but still very unsure of what they should do. They fidget a bit while looking around the room. Soon they speak,
“O-okay! I think we should um… let’s take a little break for now, hm?”
At Lunch
“I’m so sorry, Ramón…” Alex sympathetically speaks as she eats a fry.
“Yeah, dude, that sucks real bad.” Jared shakes his head, “But hey! It could be worse. You could’ve been when Cobie accidentally tied themself up in a bow in gym with Arachknot.” 
“Heeeey!” Cobie chuckles and playfully throws a bunched up napkin at him, “He’s right though. Lots of users don’t get control of their stands until much later in life.”
“Yeah, you’re right, at least things aren’t too bad.” Suddenly Ramón is hit in the back of the head with a dinner roll. He turns around sharply to see Ryan laughing hysterically with his friends. Ramón’s eyebrows twitch and his lips purse. He sharply stands up.
“Ramón, n-no, don’t.” Alex meekly tries to stop her friend from getting into a confrontation. Jared and Cobie are equally worried, but stunned into silence. Ramón shakes his head and marches over to Ryan’s table of cronies.
“What?” Ryan tuts and chuckles. “Oh, you want a piece of this, freshman?”
“Look at this dude!” One of Ryan’s friends points and laughs at Ramón. They all make fun of him and cackle as other teens watch.
Without Ryan noticing, Sugar Crash took his orange juice. The stand quickly yanks the back of Ryan’s shirt and pours the drinks all the way down his spine. Ryan shrieks and turns around swiftly to see Sugar Crash, which makes him scream even louder from being startled. 
“You son of a bitch!” Ryan tries to throw a punch but he slides across the lunch table and lands on the floor with a loud thud.
Ramón is trembling with adrenaline. He grins awkwardly and shrugs,
“Actually, I have two dads, so…” Ryan leaps up and tries to sock Ramón in the cheek, but he glitches out into the void.
“Get back here, you little pink haired twerp!” Ryan yells and spins around trying to find him. Ryan’s fists are covered in his stand’s fists, which are lava rocks with stone spikes on the knuckles. Sugar Crash’s hand appears from a glitchy void behind Ryan, tapping the teen on the shoulder.
“Huh?!” Ryan turns around, only to get clocked in the face with the stand’s robotic fist. This sends him flying backwards across another lunch table, knocking away trays and getting covered in food. Ryan falls on the floor in a daze. The teen wipes his nose, seeing the blood enrages him,
Ryan grabs the table with his stand’s hands and shakes away the other kids. Ramón leaps out of the glitchy void at the wrong time and is smacked violently by the lunch table. He flies up against the wall and holds his rib cage. Ryan sprints over to Ramón and clutches his shirt, raising the pink haired boy up into the air.
“You’re dead. YOU’RE DEAD!” Ryan pulls back his giant lava rock fist, detracting the stone knuckles. Ramón gasps and glitches out, but unfortunately pulls Ryan into the glitched void with him. Everyone can hear Ryan’s glitchy and distorted screams in the void. The other teens are panicking, excitedly watching the fight, or too stunned to even move. Ramón tries to push Ryan out of the void, but they end up both tumbling out, glitching a bit the entire way until they both crash into a wall. Ramón is very dizzy and upside down with his legs over his head,
Ryan stands up quickly, in pain but more angry than anything. Ramón sees Ryan stomping his way, his image is upside down and wobbly. He grabs Ramón and slams him up against the wall, then pins him down to the ground. Ramón grabs a hold onto Ryan’s arm weakly and grunts. Ryan pulls back his fist again, this time abandoning his stand,
“Say goodnight, kiddo.”
The cafeteria doors slam open with a BLA-BANG!!!!
“WHAT IS GOING ON IN HERE?! WHAT IS ALL OF THIS NOISE?!” The headmaster rushes into the lunchroom to see Ryan on top of Ramón about to pound his fist into his face. The two boys look back at the headmaster who is distraught and furious as to what is happening before her. She sees Ryan’s nose bleeding then glares with narrowed eyes,
“Both of you, in my office. NOW.”
Both Vanilla and Tippy are enjoying their days off from their respective jobs and relaxing at home. The brunette chuckles and delicately feeds a piece of chocolate to his husband. Tippy giggles and feeds Vanilla one right back. Suddenly Vanilla’s cellphone rings, his ringtone being a verse from one of his favorite raps,
“That scared me for a second, haha!” Tippy says. Vanilla checks his cellphone and his brows furrow,
“It’s Ramón’s school…?” He answers the call and speaks, “Hello? …Yes, this is he… hm?...Oh god.” Ice covers his mouth with widened eyes.
At the school
Ice and Tippy enter the door to the headmaster’s office. The headmaster looks in disbelief at Ramón’s fathers’ unusual attire, further fueling her disdain for the teenage boy. 
“Are you alright, Foofy? What happened? Are you hurt?” Ice rushes over to his son and touches his bruised face. Tippy cracks zeir knuckles,
“Do I need to beat somebody up?”
“Ahem hum hum!” The headmaster clears her throat loudly and gives Tippy a glare. Ryan is sitting across from Ramón with some toilet paper up his bleeding nose, looking very angry. 
“Where’s the other dude’s parents?” Tippy asks. Miss Lewis ignores zeir question,
“Ramón was fighting with another student and punched him in the face. Not only causing him to bleed, but he was using his highly volatile stand to do so. Your son used his stand in a violent manner, and that is not something we will take so lightly here.”
“But Ryan started it! He shoves me around and grabs my arms and breaks my stuff! He has been messing with me all year and even pulls on my skirts!” Ramón defends himself.
“Then maybe you’ll think twice about wearing something like that to school. If you didn’t want him to pull on your skirts then you shouldn’t wear that article of clothing in the first place.” Miss Lewis speaks and pushes up her glasses.
“Now hold on just a second.” Tippy steps closer to the headmaster, “What did you just say? Are you out of your mind, lady?! Ramón can wear anything he wants! It’s not his fault if some creepazoid comes up on him and starts messing with him.” Tippy points his finger at Ryan, “That kid should be held accountable for harassing my son for no damn reason!” The headmaster shakes her head,
“Your son is a troublemaker. That stand of his is out of control. He has been sent to my office countless times because ‘Sugar Crash’ is such a disruption. His behavior will not be tolerated at this school. Either he finds a way to make peace with Ryan and get control of that stand, or he will be expelled permanently.” She takes off her glasses to clean them off and mutters, “Hmph, and it’s clear where Ramón gets his unruly attitude from.”
Vanilla’s eyes darken and he calmly, yet menacingly, walks up to her desk, this causes her to lean back fearfully,
“My son has the right to wear what he likes. Much like this child has the right to not wear deodorant.” Ryan gasps in offense, then starts sneakily sniffing his own underarm. 
Ice continues, not raising his voice and remaining gentlemanly yet it’s clear he is enraged and appalled by this entire scenario,
“If this boy was not constantly upsetting my son, then he wouldn’t have snapped and defended himself. What happens when you find a cobra in the sand? What happens when you chase it when it's obviously disturbed? What happens when you poke and prod it? And… what happens when that cobra has had enough?” 
There’s a short silence until Tippy answers with zeir arms crossed,
“It bites you in the ass… and it’s nobody’s fault but your own.”
Miss Lewis looks back and forth between Vanilla and Tippy, then back up at Vanilla,
“I will not be threatened in my own facility. How dare you speak to me this way?”
Ice is taken aback. There’s no reasoning with her. I have to end this… Ice looks over at Ryan for a moment… and I know just what to do. He looks back at Ramón, then at the headmaster,
“My sincere apologies, Miss Lewis.”
“What?!” Tippy and Ramón shout in unison. 
“I apologize, on behalf of my son, for this whole mess. I will give him a talking-to on our way back home.” Ice tells her.
“Hmph. Very well.” She snootily nods.
In the car
Vanilla rests his hands on the wheel, Tippy looks forlornly out the window, and Ramón is visibly anxious.
“Ramón.” Ice speaks calmly.
“Y-yes, papa?” The pink haired boy asks nervously.
“Punch him harder next time.” Ice says, with equal calmness as before. The tall gentleman hands Tippy a cell phone, “Keep this. I don’t have room in my bag for it.”
Ramón notices that the cell phone looks very familiar. What? How did Vanilla get Ryan’s phone? He must’ve used Cream’s hand when we weren’t paying attention… What is he planning to do with it?
To be continued…
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pancake-breakfast · 1 year
The problem with being on Volume 9 is that means we're on the last buffer before Volume 10, and I am Not Ready. None of us are.
Stream-of-consciousness thoughts for TriMax Vol. 9, Chapters 1-2 below.
TriMax Volume 9 Covers
Ugh, we just have to start with a Vashwood cover, don't we? I have too many Vashwood feels right now. I can't handle this.
Ah, the return of the blow-up doll. Is... is she jealous of whatever the hell is going on with Vash and Wolfwood here? (Honestly, I have no idea what's going on with them here, and I wouldn't be surprised if Nightow doesn't know, either.)
Back cover Liviooooooo.... Oh, shit, he's not wearing his skull there.
Ahahahahahaha, that's a no-face reference on the back there. Looks like he's got some dolls of his own. I... I don't know what to think about that. I'm just not going to lest it make my brain hurt.
What kind of chapter/volume name is "LR"??
Someone take down the Kuroneko-sama. I'm pretty sure she's dry.
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Chapter 1: Home
In Stampede, "Home" was a reference to the place where Luida and them live. Here, it seems to refer to the orphanage.
Baby Livio! Baby Nico!!!
Wolfwood, feeding the forlorn. Of course.
Ah, I see he's been reunited with Angelina II. Get yourself reunited with Vash, you idiot.
Aaaand he's going against the caravan for some reason.
LOL, he is DETERMINED to get through going the wrong way. And quickly. This feels like a bit of overkill for a simple gate.
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Heh, even as a child, he still has so many Wolfwood mannerisms.
Oh, shit. He's going back for Livio, isn't he?
He really loved his life at the orphanage....
Goshdarn puppies getting in stupid places.
Yeah! Go, baby Livio! Do good things!
Oh, Livio, honey.... If you thought you getting dumped here was because you didn't do something--whatever that might be--to make yourself lovable, you are dead wrong. I don't have to know any more about where you came from to know that.
Baby Wolfwood is such a big brother to everyone here.
Something wrong with his eyes...? Is that...?
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Did he ("he") kill the puppy because it put someone else in danger?
Hahahahaha, no secrets between siblings. And an orphanage has a LOT of siblings.
Oh, no. Poor baby Livio. He's just... got a lot going on, I'm sure. But it might be easier with friends.
Hey, is this round guy the kid Wolfwood used to walk to the bathroom?
Hahahaha, yeah, it's him. He doesn't recognize his big bro, of course. Wolfwood's been through a lot.
Twelve, huh? Why's it always gotta be twelve? Something something religious imagery, I know.
Ohhhh, nooooo. Livio, this isn't where you should be....
He's helped set a trap for Wolfwood? My dude, no.
Also, goshdarn, why's he gotta be good-looking?? There are some grumbling about his looks in Stampede, but both versions of him are freaking dorito chips with long hair and goth aesthetic, so I'm not complaining.
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Yeah, Wolfwood definitely sucks at cutting ties to people he cares about. I'm not sure if Knives really succeeded or really fucked up by ordering him to escort Vash, 'cause there was no way in hell Wolfwood wasn't gonna get attached to Vash.
Wait, did Livio do something to get on the Eye of Michael's bad side? Also, just how big is their cult? I thought a good chunk of it got wiped out a few volumes ago by that horn-headed guy and the weird CLAMP bishounen. Also also, wasn't Chapel bragging to Wolfwood about how Livio was basically like a better version of him... but Livio got kicked out??? Questions.
Dude, is this little Cactus kid gonna try and take on Eye of Michael by himself?? Dang, no wonder they recruit from this orphanage. These kids got guts.
Side note, I love how Wolfwood's chillin' here, loading up his gun, but also his whole demeanor is like he's just one of the kids.
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Oh, I guess these guys aren't true EoM. They're... like... mercenaries or some such.
"Once this ark scare is over...." HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA hoo boy, who's gonna tell him?
Welp, this guy is trash. He needs a name. I'm gonna call him... Cable-Face.
Seriously?? He wants interesting reactions from the child he's tormenting and likely to kill?? This guy needs new hobbies.
As someone who worked in dentistry, I like the implication that nearly every one of Cable-Face's teeth are fake. AND he still managed to chip TWO. This kid's life might be worthless, but so is your dental hygiene, Cable-Face.
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Oh, I guess Cable-Face was very cyborg. Whatever, he may not have needed to be if he had taken better care of himself. And Livio's right; he was pretty annoying.
Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go simp for Livio for a bit.
*This space reserved for Livio simping*
(Crap, I just put two and two together and I think I know what "LR" stands for now. MOVING ON!!!)
Chapter 2: Tempest
Aw, man. Them kids are putting two and two together about their good friend Wolfwood. Let us all shed a tear for Wolfwood's lost youth.
Welp, that's two "alarms" down.
G'night, Burnsie! All y'all are in for a baaaaad day for pissin' off my guy Wolfwood.
OMG he didn't kill Burnsie. And he's trying to negotiate these guys out of dying, too. He's literally fighting for the thing that matters most to him, and he's trying to do it Vash's way.
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Great camaraderie amongst these mercs, I see. /s
Ultimate tiger family?? Ugh, sure, yeah, whatever, man.
HAHAHAHAHA, Wolfwood with the backwards shooting. Get wrecked, tiger man.
Badass Wolfwood poses.
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"Keep your eyes on him!" *friend gets smacked in the face* LOL
Badass. Wolfwood. Poses.
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DAMMIT, I just remembered *redacted redacted redacted* Ugh, they really gotta do this, don't they???
Wolfwood and his kid self....
@sweetpotoooooooos noted Kid Wolfwood training with Eye of Michael looks like Megumi from JJK is cosplaying as Lara Croft and now I can't unsee it. (I think Megumi is angrier, though, and has a LOT more chill.)
Getting worse? How?? Because he doubts his right to take another's life??? Screw you, Old Man. Like, seriously. You talk like what he's doing now takes less courage and less calculation and less skill, and that's absolute bullshit.
LOL, Chapel is SO MAD! Good, be mad and dumb. Also, he's really rocking that dramatic cult leader garb today.
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*COUGH* Sorry, I had to many words and they got stuck.
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UGH, I dun want them to fight! They should be brothers!!
Duuuuuuude, something something Stampede! I can feel the influence here. Also, I'm not ready for this.
LOL, Chekov's rocket. Wolfwood sure has fun with these things.
Looks like everyone's in a lot of pain... but they're alive. And also...
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May the humiliation all these mercs faced here today inspire them to rethink their lives. Maybe make a change in their career paths.
Heh. He knows Livio is here, and he's calling him for help.
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Ok, I need to focus on this pose for just a moment. Because this is first time I've seen anything... anything resembling actual will and determination in Livio's face. And it's just for a second, a single panel, before we pull out too much to get a clear read on him again. All the rest of the time, his face is either hidden in shadows or he just looks resigned, depressed, and/or detached. But this panel? There's life in his face here.
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Haaaahahahaha, their greeting to each other is such... brothers. Sibling energy. I submit that they are both dumbasses.
One step closer....
Trigun Vol. 1: Covers + 1-3, 4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10 || Vol. 2: Covers + Extras, 1, 2-4, 5-6, 7-8
TriMax Vol. 1: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 2: Covers + 1, 2-4, 5, 6-7 || Vol. 3: Covers + 1-3, 4-5, 6-7 || Vol. 4: Covers + 1-2, 3-5, 6-7 || Vol. 5: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 6: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 7: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 8: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5 + Bonus
Extra Credit: Trigun Vol. 1: Nebraska vs. Vash's Motivations, Vash's Loneliness, Vash's Depression (pt 2 of post), Soupy Brains || Vol. 2: Coin Factoids || TriMax Vol. 1: Lina, Vash, and a Haircut || Meryl, Vash, and the Pursuit of Happiness || Vol. 5: Knives, Vash, and Hatred for Humanity || Vol. 6: Coping Series: Wolfwood, Meryl, Vash || Vol. 8: The Uncoordinated Counterattack
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bunji-enthusiast · 2 months
petting nanashi’s head 🤭🤭 doesn’t rlly have to be anything suggestive but imagine him just chilling and his s/o goes *pat pat*😞💕
Bro’s so confused, but it’s you so he doesn’t mind 😭🤌
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Your too beautiful, he thinks.
A Lamb lead astray, like wolf to meat.
Nanashi wonders if you ever thought anything different about him, nitpicking all his bad qualities. Sonder swims in his eyes every time he looks at you, the swordsman hopes that he can protect you for all that he is worth. Even if his only worth had equated to nearly nothing, you gave him something to be worthy of.
Your love, and he'd protect that with all that he can muster. Your his eden, perhaps he is a demon rather then a goddess. From the moment whence his existence had been brought to life, he was cursed to wonder the rest of it to find meaning.
Rough, coarse. Scarred heavily just like a used instrument, yet you still find ways to pluck at his strings. He loves and adores you with all his heart.
Nanashi wants to eternally love and keep you in his heart for as long as he lives, let him worship his only real deity.
The sun casts illumantive rays upon life, blades of grass dancing in each and every group. Birds sing their songs, depressing or perhaps happy.
"Ashi-" You grinned, trying to stifle your evident laughter. He raises a brow, features creased with a hint of forlorn worry and clearly unamused.
Finally, he decides to ask, "My love, are you alright?" He is unsure if he should've let out the question. Nanashi wants to know why you are so shaken with laughter, which he adores and cherishes, but he cannot imagine it for any good reason as to why you are acting this way.
Suddenly he feels pressure on his head, you were patting his head, almost caressing; “You just kind of remind me of a very grumpy cat somehow—“
"Pardon." He interjects.
He repeats, "A very grumpy... cat?"
Nanashi had not once thought of this comparison, of himself no less before you came along. He guessed it could only be you whom would think these things.
You nodded with a large grin, swimmingly indulgent in all his features. He sighs, "Only you, only you my love."
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It's not Christmas yet but what the heck
(Hallmark obikin au where we wonder what happens when the female protagonist dumps her fiance at the end of the movie to be with her childhood boyfriend)
The flight had been delayed. Because of course it had. Why wouldn't there be delays in a small ass town in the middle of bum fuck nowhere?
Anakin slumps in his seat. It's uncomfortable as shit and he needed to pee but God forbid he give it up. The lady across him has been eyeing him for the past hour and he'd die before letting her have it. All the other chairs and benches have been taken. He doesn't care how much she wants it, he deserves to sit in a stupid, horrible chair after the past few days.
Who dumps someone on Christmas eve? Who does that?? Anakin had only wanted to surprise Padme. He'd taken off work to fly out to her old hometown. Yet when he gets there she's apparently been hanging out with her ex and now she doesn't even want to get married?! His head is still spinning from it all.
He feels like he's been through the week from hell. At least he didn't have to work tomorrow. He could just focus on drowning all his sorrows away.
He shifts uncomfortably, his bladder pressing against him. He's not sure how much longer he can last without needing to relieve himself. He's read somewhere that holding it in too long was bad for you. Oh god, was he about to give himself a UTI? Wouldn't that be the fucking cherry on top?
Just as Anakin is about to get up and let the demon woman steal his seat, a gentleman walks by. He looks rather dejected. A forlorn look adorns his face. His coat was hanging off his shoulders and it looked like he'd missed a button or two on his shirt while getting dressed.
"Hey buddy?" Anakin calls out.
The man stops and looks up.
"Would you mind holding my seat? I gotta pee and I don't want anyone else taking it."
The man might just as well keep the chair for himself. But Anakin is willing to take his chances with this newcomer than the Karen over there. Fellow bros gotta stick together and all that. At least he hopes.
"Oh, uh, yes alright."
The British accent tingles delightfully through his ears. Anakin shakes the feeling off. Perhaps he was more lonely than he thought.
"Thanks! I'll only be a minute!"
He rushes off to the bathroom as the British man sits down. Or, more like he crumples into the seat. His shoulders slump even more than before. God he looked like someone had just died. Part of him feels horrible for thinking it, but Anakin was kind of glad he wasn't the only one having a bad day.
After he pees, Anakin checks himself in the bathroom mirror. He didn't look as bad as the British man, but he did look as irritable as he felt. His hair was uncombed and his mouth seemed to be in a perpetual scowl. He's sure the unbearable sadness will set in at any moment. But mostly he's still in shock. Still angry and confused.
He comes back out and thanks the man. The man makes to get up and leave but Anakin stops him with a hand.
"Actually–" he cannot believe he's about to do this. "You can have it. You look like you're having an even rougher go than me."
The airport was packed even if it was a small town. Or perhaps because of it. Either way it was every man for himself out there.
"Thank you. That's very kind."
Anakin shrugs. "Tis the season."
The man gives a half hearted smile. Anakin is about to grab his luggage and go find a bar when the man stops him.
"What did you mean before?" He asks. "You said I looked like I was having a tougher day than you."
The man is a total stranger. Anakin isn't normally in the business of airing out his laundry but it's not like there was much else to do right now. Plus the guy asked, so what was the harm? Still, Anakin hesitates.
"It's uh, it's a pretty crazy story actually."
"I've got time. My flight doesn't leave for another two hours."
Anakin nods. "Yeah good luck with that. They delayed mine twice already. I think they're just putting off the inevitable before announcing it's canceled."
The man winces. "Goodness, you think we might be here all night?"
"It's a possibility. The weather isn't looking too good right now. But that's what happens when you travel during December I guess."
The man hums. "Yes, quite right."
They grow quiet again.
"Sooo," Anakin starts, "How'd you end up here anyway?"
The man looks even sadder if that was even possible. Anakin is suddenly sorry he asked. He quickly backtracks. For some reason he didn't like seeing this stranger so upset. His face looked like one that was built for laughing.
"I came to surprise my fiance." Anakin blurts out. The man looks up. "I took a week off to come visit her. She's in town because she grew up here and she's visiting relatives."
"Oh, that sounds lovely."
"She dumped me this morning. Apparently she met up with her childhood crush and they hit it off."
The man pales. "Goodness that's…I'm so sorry."
Anakin rubs his face. "Yeah it's–well yeah."
The man waits a moment. The awkwardness stretches. Then a chuckle. It's so small Anakin almost doesn't catch it. He blinks. There it was again. Another little laugh.
That's what he got for pouring his heart out to a stranger.
"I apologize, I just," the man covers his mouth to smother his laughter. "I also came to surprise my fiance. She told me she wasn't in love with me anymore last night."
Anakin stares, floored to the spot.
"No shit?"
He winces. That didn't sound like a very appropriate response.
The man sighs and runs a hand through his auburn hair. It looked really thick. Like really nice hair.
"I'm sorry." Anakin tries again. Yes, much better response. "Guess this town is cursed, huh?"
The man laughs again and this time Anakin cannot help but join him. What a pair they made.
"Wait hold on, why was your fiance here? Did she grow up here too?"
God was <em>everyone</em> from this town?!
"No, she's not from here. Her Great Aunt recently died and she left Satine, my fiance, an old house in the will. Satine's always been charmed by small towns. She wanted to fix it up to be a Bed and Breakfast."
"Huh, that's…alright then."
Silence falls again. Anakin runs his foot over the airport carpet, not knowing what to say anymore.
"She actually, ah," the man clears his throat. "She was telling me about the local fudge shop her first day here. The owner there was charming. Too charming apparently."
Anakin's eyes widen. He'd seen that guy too. Losing his fiance to a childhood crush was one thing. Losing them to a complete stranger was another thing entirely.
"How long was she even in town for?"
"Five days," the man says.
Anakin inhales through his teeth. Damn that sucked.
"It wasn't actually as sudden as you'd believe." The man offers. "In truth our relationship has been in the rocks for months. We could never quite pick a date for the wedding. I suppose I was just in denial about it. I refused to see the signs."
Anakin feels like patting the man's shoulder but he's not sure how well the older man would take it. Brits were weird about contact. At least he thinks? He read that somewhere probably.
Anakin wonders what the signs had been in his own relationship. He can't recall any. Was he really that blind? Had Padme been unhappy and searching for a way to tell him?
The man sighs deeply. "This trip was supposed to bring us closer together. Not further apart."
"Cursed, I tell you," Anakin says. "I mean, my fiance was only here for like a week before I came to surprise her. Who falls in love in a week?"
"I know right?!"
Overhead there is an announcement of another delay. The man groans.
"Lemme guess, that one was yours?"
"Unfortunately." Then he mumbles to himself. "I didn't want to stay here a minute more."
Tell him about it. Anakin wants as far away from this place as possible. But it looked like they would need to find lodging after all.
"Don't think I can get my room back at the airbnb." Anakin muses aloud. "Tomorrow's Christmas. Everyone's booked."
The man hums. "I could probably call the hotel and get my room back." He looks up at Anakin. "If you're willing to spend Christmas with a sad old man, you're welcome to come with me."
Anakin's lips quirk up into a smile. "That doesn't sound so bad. Got any liquor?"
"We'll pick some up on the way."
Anakin is already grabbing his luggage. "Lead the way then. I'm Anakin by the way."
The man smiles. Damn, he really did look good like that. Blue eyes sparkling and shit.
"Obi-Wan," he says. "Pleased to meet you."
There was only one bed. In hindsight it made sense, it was supposed to be Obi-Wan and his fiance staying here. But the couch was a pull-out so they're fine as far as sleeping arrangements go.
They break out the alcohol the second they get through the door. Anakin turns on the TV to a bad Christmas movie and they take turns poking fun at it. Midnight rolls around sooner than either of them realize. They toast to an odd friendship.
"May we never, ever come back to this town!"
Their glasses clink together.
"I'll drink to that, my friend."
Anakin didn't get drunk very often, but he thinks he can make an exception. Obi-Wan seemed like the business upstanding type of guy that only indulged in red wine. Seemed they were both doing things they normally didn't do.
Slowly but surely Anakin feels himself getting drunker. His body buzzes pleasantly and his mouth goes numb. Sometime around 3 am he starts talking about Padme. Who better to unload upon than a fellow man in a similar situation?
"I just…just UGH! I hope she has a million children and they–they all end up staying here and never doing anything great with their lives and just living here in the middle of–the middle of nowhere and she's just trapped in a hell of her own making!" Anakin hiccups. "AND that she never gets to leave this town again ever! Not even to travel! She's just trapped forever!"
"Me too!" Obi-Wan slurs. "I hope Satine gets fat on fudge!"
He giggles then. It's pure and high pitched. It makes Anakin laugh too.
He'll regret trash talking Padme in the morning. But for now, he doesn't care.
"That's it. I'm swearing off women. Just dicks from now on."
Obi-Wan lets out a guffaw. Then he hiccups halfway through. It's cute as shit. Has anyone ever told him he was cute? Did Satine used to tell him? Someone needed to let this man know right now.
"I think you're onto something, my good man." Obi-Wan's accent lifts into a caricature of itself. He takes a sip of his empty glass. "No more women!"
The night blurs even more. The hours bleed into one another and soon all turns black.
Anakin blinks his eyes and raises his head. He's on the bed, Obi-Wan snoring beside him. Huh, they must have passed out at some point. Through the window blinds he can see daylight peeking in.
He looks over at the couch. He should probably move. Let Obi-Wan have the bed back. He looks back down. Their arms were entangled. At some point during the night Obi-Wan had reached out and threaded their hands together. Anakin's heart squeezes. He looked so adorable like this. Anakin lays back down and closes his eyes, breathing the other man in. The loss of Padme hurt less like this. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad.
He wonders how long they would be stuck in town for. He wonders when the storm will pass. And whether or not the town's strange Christmas magic would work one last matchmaking miracle.
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idkhowbut-art · 5 months
Mushy May Day 1 - Cuteness Aggression
Posting them on here finally
Big credits to @forlorn-crows for the prompt list
Posted here too
Pairing - Phantom/Swiss (with a hint of Aether)
Word Count - 654
Fix under cut
Ghouls typically make some sort of noise when they feel happy or satisfied. Commonly this would come in the form of purring and chittering, similar to cats or infernal imps. 
One thing that Swiss didn’t expect about the new ghoul was that he would squeak. Somehow. He expected him to chitter like the other quintessence ghouls, quietly to himself when he’s satisfied with something. 
Whenever the new bug was excited or just happy in general, small squeaks would come from the back of his throat, similar to a bat, and it would happen often. The excitable ghoul letting out loud chirps and squeaks whenever he’s completed a task, or done practically anything.
He’s told Phantom this before, which just led to more excited squeaks as he jumped around chanting about how cool that was. ‘I’m like a bat for real now!’ he shouted excitedly, flapping his arms around and squeaking. Swiss had to restrain himself from tackling the smaller ghoul and squishing his face around like a crazed person. 
This trend continued throughout the time he’s gotten to know the new ghoul, sharing food, having game nights and just lying together in the spring sun. There were always small, cute squeaks coming from the ghoul. He had mentioned it to Aether one afternoon in passing, talking about the ‘cute new ghoul and his squeaking’, and Aether agreed that it was maddeningly adorable. 
His triumphant squeaks filled the room soon after, as he yelled at his current Smash Bros victory, causing both ghouls to look at each other with a knowing smile. 
This reached its peak one afternoon when he, Swiss and Aether were practising for the upcoming tour, Aether still in the process of teaching Phantom older songs on the setlist. They were running Year Zero, Phantom so far managing to always miss the ending note of his solo, annoyed chitters coming out of him as he slouched in defeat. 
‘Come on mate! One last try and we’ll call it for the afternoon.’ Aether called from across the room. Phantom threw his head back and groaned, clearly agitated with his current progress. 
‘You said that an hour ago!’ he called back annoyed, more squeaks coming involuntarily from his throat. Said squeaks making it very hard for Swiss, not only because he found it absolutely adorable, but because he had to restrain his laughter for the situation. 
‘Come on Bug, I believe in you!’ he shouted encouragingly. ‘You gotta bounce into it. Bend 
your knees a little. Relax.’
Phantom just sighed as the track picked up again, shifting his weight,and moving his feet further apart as it neared his moment yet again. He launched into the solo, his tongue poking out slightly as he focussed, sending Swiss into a spiral. He watched carefully as Phantom bounced his knees slightly, adding more movement to the solo, and perfectly sticking the landing. He finished the solo and yelled in victory, holding the guitar over his head as he beamed at the two other ghouls. He jumped off of the stage and ran to give them both hugs in his excitement. Aether took the guitar off of him as he practically jumped onto Swiss, giving the taller ghoul enough momentum to spin him. All the while the little squeaks he let out filled his ears, causing him to chirp in response. Once Phantom’s feet returned to the ground, Swiss couldn’t help himself anymore, pinching both of his cheeks between his fingers, squishing his face in and out, shaking him slightly. All the while he’s got his signature grin on his face, and Aether is doubled over in laughter across the room from him. Eventually, Phantom grabbed Swiss’ wrists and pulled him away, cheeks sore from the pulling, still smiling gleefully at him. His hands migrated to gently cup his face, his smile melting into something soft as he looked at the beaming ghoul. 
He was gonna be alright.
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undercoverpan · 1 year
Ghost of guilt
Tw for suicide
Neteyam sat with his legs crossed, hunched over himself as he worked diligently. Ever since they moved to reefs, it felt like Neteyam and every member of his family had no time for themselves. It was so difficult, integrating themselves into the people, the culture. But it's been a little over a year now, and the family is doing well. Lo'ak and Kiri are no longer discriminated against, growing into respectable members of the Metkayina.
He cherished every moment that his family was safe. He also cherished moments like this, where he could sit and weave fibres together. It reminded him of the forest, of the Omaticaya.
" 'Teyam, are you done yet? We're all waiting on you!" Came a shout, and Neteyam chuckled, playfully rolling his eyes. "Just a minute! And don't you try leaving without me, I know you 4 are just going to play a trick on Aonung again." With quick and precise fingers, he tightened the knots on his piece, making sure it would not fall apart later. He almost didn't notice the silence enveloping the room.
"Who's Aonung?" He asked, while Neteyam put his craft away, stowing it near his pallet. "Don't bother, Spider, I know you know….." he paused, "Aonung." He heard Spider shifting behind him, his footsteps almost nonexistent. "How would I know Aonung, 'Teyam?" He asked, and Neteyam had no answer. Why wouldn't Spider know Aonung? Of course he would know Aonung, he came with them–.
He–, he came with them to…..to.…the….reefs.
No, no that's not true, is it? Spider's not here, he didn't come with them–, so how–? 
"Neteyam?" Spider asked, his cold breath tickling the back of Neteyam's neck. The Na'vi boy had gone stiff, breathing in once–, twice–, before a coppery scent tinged his senses. "Neteyam, what's wrong?" Spider pressed, cold hands now on his shoulders, "Who's Aonung? Is he a new friend?" He asked, and Neteyam felt his breath quicken. With a quick movement, he spun around and stopped dead in his tracks.
"Spider?" He whispered, and suddenly, the air evaporated from the room. He imagined that this was what the sky people feel when they breathe the Pandoran air. There, standing behind him with a surprised look on his face, was Spider. His hair was dirtier and more matted than ever, with dried leaves and twigs caught between the now brown locks. His eyes, once a vibrant brown, looked pitch black, reflecting no light. He looked smaller than he remembered; bonier. His eyebrows were raised and his lips were tugged into a small O shape. He would've looked a bit comical, any other day.
He wore the same tweng cloth as always, but Neteyam didn't bother with that. No, his eyes stared at the many holes that riddled Spider's chest. Blood oozed out of them like the constant stream of a river. He could see the doorway through them, he noticed. 
Neteyam backed away, but Spider stepped forward. "Bro, c'mon, what's wrong?" He asked. Neteyam stared at him with wide eyes, in complete disbelief. Spider took another step forward, but stopped when the other flinched violently. His expression was hurt, almost forlorn. "Bro….? 'Teyam?" Neteyam said nothing, just staring at his bleeding chest. Spider followed his gaze, looking down at his chest, before laughing. 
"Oh, bro, I'm sorry, is this–," He gestured to his bleeding body, "--Scaring you? Yeah, I'm sorry bro, I can't really help it." He said casually, as though he were talking about the weather. He smiled and gestured to the floor, "But look! Not leaking blood everywhere! Eywha, Mrs. Sully would get so mad if I got the floors dirty." He remarked, like his mother getting mad over the floors instead of worrying over his wounds was normal.
The other laughed awkwardly, inspecting their marui. "So what's up?" He asked, attempting to break the silence. Neteyam swallowed hard, "Spider, are you okay?" He whispered, his voice shakier than he remembered it. Spider blinked. ".....Why do you wanna know? It's none of your business." He responded, voice cold. Neteyam blinked in surprise, "Spider, what do you mean? Come here, I'll get mom–" he found his strength and pushed himself up, reaching for Spider.
He blinks, and suddenly he's reaching for nothing but air. He snaps his eyes around the room, finding Spider behind him. "Spider?" He asked, confused. The boy just looked at him. "Tsk, tsk, tsk, Neteyam." He said, shaking his head as he crossed his arms, "I thought you knew better." He remarked offhandedly. Neteyam narrowed his eyes, approaching Spider once again.
"Spider, this isn't funny, you're hurt. At least let mom look at it, then after that we can radio Norm." He offered, knowing Spider always got out of letting his wounds be treated by his mom. Usually Norm or Max handled Spiders injuries, but as he grew older, he took to doing it himself. Surely he didn't intend to treat himself? Surely he knew that someone else, with more experience, was needed? 
"Neteyam, it's fine, honestly. It doesn't even hurt anymore." He placated, waving him off. "And anyways, why would I go to Neytiri? She would never help me." Neteyam squared his shoulders, "Of course she would!" He insisted. Spider laughed, but he sounded more amused than happy. "No, she wouldn't. No one would ever help me, not with this." He walked to the other half of the marui, where a few guns had been laid out over the table. It's been awhile since anyone had to use them. "Not when there's a much easier, simpler solution." He said coldly, and Neteyam felt an odd dread build up inside him.
"If you won't let Neytiri look, at least let Kiri take a look." He persisted with trying to help Spider, who looked a bit sad at the mention of his dear friend. "No, she wouldn't help me either." Neteyam shook his head, "She would! She would help you in any way she could, in fact, I'll go get her and I'll bring her here and then I'd like to see your skxawng self say that to her." He spoke so surely, completely certain that Kiri both could and would help. Spider shook his head.
"No, no one wants to help me." He said with even more certainty, but he didn't sound upset. He spoke with a level of acceptance that Neteyam hated. "No, that's not true. If you won't let mom or Kiri help you, then I will." He approaches Spider, intending to grab him–, until he blinks, and Spider is gone. He was getting sick of this, Spider clearly needed help, so why was he being so difficult? He was about to tell him that, until he heard a click from behind him.
He spun around, greeted by the sight of a bloody and injured Spider with a gun pointed at his own head. His eyes widened and his heart dropped. "Spider," he hissed, "What are you doing? Put that down." He was about to move towards him again, but stopped immediately when Spider placed his finger on the trigger. "The easiest solution," he said, "is to let me treat myself. This is how I'll treat myself." He smiled.
Neteyam balled his hands into fists. "Spider, I don't know what you're trying to do, but please, just put the gun down." He pleaded, and Spider sighed. " 'Teyam, I have to treat myself. This is the only way. No one will help me, so I have to do it myself." Neteyam stiffened even more,eyes darting around him, looking for something that can help, anything at all.
"Please, Spider, I will help you, but you need to put the gun down first." He begged again, and this time, Spider smiled at him. He lowered the gun to his side, still firm in his grip. "You'll help me? Really?" He asked, and Neteyam was so relieved, he barely noticed the sarcasm. "Yes, yes I will help you, please–" he held out his arms, and Spider walked towards him and wrapped his arms around his middle. "Would you really help me?" He asked, and Neteyam lowered himself so they were at eye level. "Of course." 
"Then why am I dead?" 
Neteyam paused at that? Dead? Dead? What does–, he couldn't possibly be–,
"No one helped me. No one saved me. So I have to save myself. I already have, you know." He said, his face mere inches from Neteyams as he spoke, his expression bored. "So it's nice that you think that you or anybody else would help me, but it's just not true. You didn't care for me, not as much as I cared for you." He threaded his fingers through the other's dark braids, "And look where that got me."
His throat was dry. He couldn't speak.
"Why didn't you help me? I would've helped you, you know that. If you had gotten captured, I would've stopped at nothing to save you." He raised his hand, cold and pale, and placed it on Neteyams cheek. "Spider, I don't understand."
He looked up at Neteyam. "Will this help?" And suddenly, a gunshot rang out, and a bullet pierced Spider's skull. He began to bleed from his mouth, and the top of his head. All at once, the light disappeared from his eyes, and Neteyam let out the most guttural scream he could. He wailed Spider's name, over and over again. He barely registered the quickly approaching footsteps.
As he scooped his dead human into his arms, he heard a familiar voice. "Neteyam! Neteyam, are you okay?" His father asked, grabbing him by the shoulder and turning him around. He must have loomed awful, but why wasn't he looking at Spider, the dead boy in his arms–,
Except his arms were missing his weight. He snapped his gaze down, looking at his empty arms. "Spider–, Spider was here, Sir, he was right here and he–," he hiccuped, unable to continue talking about it. Jake looked concerned. "Neteyam, there's no one here. We don't know where Spider is, he was captured so long ago." He says, pulling Neteyam into him, letting him rest his head on his shoulder.
But that wasn't right. He was right here, he was holding him, he died in his arms, his blood was spilling nonstop, he was here. But there is no blood and there is no gunshot and there is no Spider. So it must be right, right?
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SPN 14x15 -Peace of Mind had SO much potential but its execution sucked. Okay, let's move it up to the 1960's (because I remember 50's energy).
I think that the episode should have toned down on the corny comedy and served something emotionally provocative and dark. Sam, Cas, AND Dean should have driven into town and solved the case together. I'm thinking that this could have been a psychological thriller. A psychic nightmare where the boys encounter the deepest parts of themselves and somehow work through it.
As the episode progresses, they become more entrenched in the town's perceived perfection. It becomes gradually more obvious in their clothes, the backdrop, etc... Maybe Sam is brainwashed BUT it's dignified, you know? None of this "Jeremy with a wife" nonsense but he's slowly disassociating with his and Dean's world and actively choosing the safer suburban route (while being plagued with flashes of nightmares) to the point where we don't know if someone's messing with his mind or if he's simply opting out. Dean should be on the verge of following suit, tempted by the town's supposed goodness, but Cas should be the voice of reason that's like "bro, no. Don't fall for it, we have a mission here..." (We can work this out later). The episode should end with the three of them defeating the evil psychic dude, right? And though they did the right thing, they feel forlorn as they drive off in their car, a ruined town behind them, and blood splattered on their 60's clothes --- which they'll shrug off in the car with a look of melancholy. If they did the right thing and "saved the town," why did it feel like they lost something?
Also, the episode should be focused on the soundtrack. 60's music is so soft and can def be interpreted as unnerving (think ep- dream a little dream of me). I'm thinking a romance ballad plays over every fight scene/opening murder. It doesn't get better than the whispery vocals of a vintage song sounding over the Winchester's breaking down in their inner turmoil.
This all makes more sense in my head and I know that my written summary sucks, but I URGE you to think about how cool and moody a 60's SPN episode could have been if the writers had played their cards right :D
Why do you want to kill the one episode where Sam and Cas managed to pass the bechdean test.
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unlimitedhorsepower · 2 years
If I had the mental fortitude I would draw a lineup of t/nb characters to show my extensive opinions on their body types and whatever beyond hairless and slim anime character body bc I draw Ryan most often and he's a thin fitness bro to me.
What else do you expect from a guy who drinks raw eggs for breakfast and works out for 4 hours per day. The lack of body hair is also devastating. Put some fur on that beast
Yuri is also very thin to me. Guy who canonically cooks full meals for his mom then forgets to eat anything himself. If he stands up too fast he gets dizzy. Unbelievable he could be anything else than an office worker because physically he is made of bones bound together with some tendon
Lunatic fights physically on pure adrenaline and power of will. Being malnourished and not thriving is trivial and to be in pain is a skill issue. You too can acquire total control of your flesh prison and push it over the limit with these few simple tricks. First, repress everything harder than anyone has ever before. Second, use this knowledge to ignore your body falling apart. Third, repeat above process
Antonio is into Having Muscles and cares abt muscles for show. He and Ryan could bond over this. They should in fact. However Antonio is way more normal than Ryan but also more depressed. He is built like a brick house but also has significant muscle definition but he's not a dehydrated zero body fat guy. He is so tall and wide and I love that for him
Keith doesn't care about muscle definition. In fact he has never really thought about it in his life and he tears up listening to Ryan and Barnaby talk about getting dehydrated for muscle definition. He has real strength and fat and he works out but it's practical strength and stamina etc training because he's normal. This really is a guy who drinks a full glass of milk to wake up!
Barnaby is always drawn so fucking swole but it's not my truth... He's a pretty boy first, not a muscle guy. He would have less definition than Ryan and is more lean but unfortunately he also is zero body fat adjacent guy because he cares about his job and considers modeling and such an integral part of it. All in a days work
Kotetsu is kinda like Keith, he has bigger fish to fry than take care of having abs definition. He likes food and drinks and having fun and being himself. He's like old movie muscular. Y'know watched some old star tr/ek lately and remembered that shirtless guy scenes used to look kind of normal and realistic. Also I think his body hair is graying already so he has the salt n pepper look.
It's kinda moe ngl
Paused here to stare forlorn at the ceiling while thinking this lineup would be doing Ryan so dirty but people who are into the modern movie dehydration look would think the opposite I guess.
No... Trust me when I say I like Ryan for his cringefail personality (I'm a feminist).
Well that's the end of the post because I'm in massive neck and back pain so post over. You're welcome
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puppy-the-mask · 1 year
OKAY OKAY WAIT- so my header image is outdated on my design for SF!Paps. The one on there doesn’t look ANYTHING like ANY of my boys. But what if I re-used his key features for Wisteria? I have yet to actually design her so I could totally do that and then it’d be kinda wholesome- coming full circle in the Puppy-The-Mask Metaverse Lore XD but now I can’t get the image of Stretch looking forlorn and missing the corndog crew and then Wisteria comes out of nowhere like ‘I’m back bro’ ‘bro-!‘ ‘bro ;w;’ and then they continue being besties.
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david-box · 1 year
Honeymoon States liveblog thing I wrote in my notes app but I post it a week late lol
Kendall having a poor little meow meow moment over here. Who's fucking house is this honestly do they all just fucking move all the time. Shout-out to Roman drinking from the sink same bro. Shiv looking real forlorn. Wait who's Sharon. SHES FUCKING PREGNANT. WHAT. WHATTT. WHAT. she's upset. Aw man.
The dark piano tones right when they're on an elephant always gets me. I'm surprised they didn't change the intro. Ope, Kendall with the big sunglasses again in the paparazzi, here we go again, back in the penthouse he ain't been in for years. Oh shit, Marcia!!! He spoke every morning and afternoon? Goddamn. Fuck. Oh um. Thanks. Marcia. Who was Hugo cussing out, lol. Kenda is surrounded by a lot of people he doesn't really know right now sitting in his home. Love how Roman's IDed by his finger taps. Like how he went from the dark room to the white room going from random ass sorry for your loss shit to his siblings joking around as soon as possible. Roman not processing it lol. Freight train a coming. Pre grieved. Lol. Coronation demolition derby right as Tom walks in. Love how Greg is just tall. And Shiv looks away on purpose right as Greg looks in. Glad to see Tom stepping into the finances gang - they don seem to mind his presence. He's not focused on it though till he brings up CEO and Franks method of getting them off to another room is fantastic. I get the sense they're more in charge than the kids are. One hour! Wild Oh, look, shit show reference. Glad they're not fired. Oh man Cousin Greg just. Walks in. Bruh. Dude you're not the family. Bruh. Dude. Bro. Greg. Bro. Get a new mommy love you Roman lol. Bro pick the phone up.
Interim thing. What's his face doesn't seem honest to me tbh. They're trying to take over. Tom: screw ups and dipshits *discussing his wife and in laws* lol. They're not gonna like that choice Charles or whatever your name is. They're have power too. Like Katrina vying for Gerri which Roman could swing for. Oh so CFO and Frank are in cahoots then lol. Poor Tom. I don't think Karl wants to leave by parachute anymore. love how Gerris like you were relevant in the 90s :-). Katarina walks off and Toms like yo. Don't fire me.please. Gerri calls him out loll. Good for him to brush it off. I think eating helps. Toms face shshhshssha.that is strong words Karl.bro. Damn dude could a made yourself useful. Mattson is ignoring him because Roman didn't answer. Shiv openly nervous lolll. Reconfigure in a week bro nah man. No lost of momentum. We're gonna do this rn lol. Why is Mattson pushing? Love her facial expressions lol. This is the annual retreat :-) come to us rn lol :-) *swedish accent*
Greg is tall. Marcia is like who the duck is Greg. Marcia's like look how far you've come :-) and Willas like we're both escorts bitch :-). Their honeymoon is a presidential tour. Coolio. She is so mad. ????????? Why would Marcia sell it. How does she own the penthouse. 60 and 70 million WHATTT the fuckkk WHY DOES SHE OWN THE HOUSE. what the fuck was that. She sold immediately. Idk if he wanted to buy at 63 lol. Role as executer.... What's the paper.... Tell us. Bro. Go away bruh. Get lost. Lol. Karl.Im kidding ;-) lol. In a humorous way. Those little princes.... Lol. Gerri wants you out? We might as well show her lol. It's his will ohhhhh nooo. Okay. He penciled something in last minute. Not Germain as long as as they don't know. Gerri is so funny lolll.
Con you gonna tell em they don't have the house anymore. At least Willa gets back to the city if she even likes it. Love how he's not even full front page. Dad sounds great would have loved to meet him. I think Connor really doesn't have a clue well no he's lying lol. That's mature Ken. The reviews are in, 5 stars. Noon. Hugo doing his own thing bruh y'all are so rich. Hugo asking for help :-( insider trading Hugo bro. Bro. Bro. Bro. Bro. I can't recollect bruh bro. Hugo. Hugo. I don't think Kendall can fix that. A "complicated man." Roman sitting in his old chair. He won't fuck a child because he won't even hug his grandkids aaaaahhahha okay poor Shiv tho lol. Shiv giving Tom the death glare lol. Bruh what water buddy. You can't say the slate is clean that's their job. Girl?? Lol still curious to see what the will says. Here to serve. Good luck. Yep that's that buddy. Nice doors. They're telling them?? Kendall? It's old damn. 4 yrs ago. Shivs head shake is wild. Look dude it does look like either. Interim position so why vye for it bro. Shiv is correct it's not decipherable but Kendall keys her in asap lol. So he did plan his funeral. Shiv dealing with the fact it was never going to be her. Roman's handling this best. That would be the dream financially speaking bruh lol. Oh they called Greg in? Disbursements. Nice. Penciled addendum with a question. Hwhahaahahah what??? Noooo Greg buddy. You have to work. Poor Karl. You don't have a good rapport bud. Poor Gerri is like this literally has no legal meaning please don't do thissss. Kendall. Buddy. Take the money and run. Is it real. There's that again. He *sometimes* wanted it. Karl really has affection for Kendall. He really does think this. Still Buddhist Kendall? Jackass. No Karl's not gonna follow buddy.
Poor Shiv. Shiv wearing a waist cincher while pregnant. Sad. Tom what the fuck does "you'll regret it" even mean you did pick the wrong horse. Asshole. Shiv is not happy. Shiv thinks she killed him? He was old. He misses the idea of him :-(. Tom missed her implication there. This is sweet. He loves her. He really does. She's trying not to cry. Colon has jeans on??. Lol. Dog without it's person. Not wrong. Secret service sweep?? Bro? Who the fuck is Mencken. Spooky embryo is funny. I think I have a counter veto lol my dad just died too. Who the fuck is doing this bruh. Giant of the conservative moment WAIT IPHONE FROM THE CLOGGED TOILET????? TOM???? bruh???? No compression socks for Kerry's sake??? This is evill!! Aaahhhh ahaha. Into the shape of a dick -> come on - bro Tom buddy lol. Paleolibertarian?? Dude. Connor dude. Shelby is here. Wild. He's literally smiling. Greg kissing up to Marcia for literally no reason bruh. She's crying right away. Damn. Fuck me that's a lotta drugs Christ alive. Arrangements for what. Greg shut the fuck up seriously. Oh his name Sandy. We should talk (walks off) lol.
These scenes flow well. That was sneaky Tom. Lip balm Tom Wam. He's smiling bc it still works. Heyyyyy stewey! Bro. Pulmonary embolism. That's a quick one. Stewey is funny. I hope he doesn't ask to push the sale. Stewey is gonna pull for Kendall ehhhh maybe. I don't think he thinks Kendall should do this. Pubes got singed lol. Kendall is trying to say he got blackmailed without saying it. Hey, haunted house reference. Drinking in the dark sounds pretty good. What's in it for me -> my dad is dead so please 🥺:-( . Willa wants it bigger. Everyone else is trying to avoid the meeting lol poor ken. Kendall. Dude. Who gives a shit? Why push Connor out?? Even Roman doesn't want to.
You have an issue with me that's fine (it's not). Shiv wants to grieve. Ger bear. Not Gerri, just not you. They want it together but it can't happen. Kendall is saying no lol. Hes lyinnnnggggg. This is like a pick 2 triangle. The fucking paper dude bro. Kendall went from yes shiv to no shuv as soon as Roman came in bruh. Roman pushes Shiv out. Ouch. It is but it isn't. It's holding but it isn't. I don't think Roman wants to fuck Shiv here vut Kendall might. Boss bitch eyyy. They tried to bluff Roman but Shiv gets that they don't actually understand or know that voicemail, asking if he's a cunt is pretty good for em lol. They're vying for this like it's permanent but it can't be. God you people are all fucking stupid. Ken and Rome. Ken and Rome. Who is shouting long live the king and the other king. Oh they meet on the steps again. Ouch that has GOT to sting ow.
That's a nice desk. Sudoku. Kendall didn't know bro you're such a shit liar. His jackets still there? Wild. Bring shiv in you assholes. Is Roman looking at his Viagra. The markets.... Dum dum dum dum dum.... Drums dadaddadada.... Operation embalm Lenin. Toughest version is correct. The paper is not strong dude. His kids were pulling the strings. I have quesineess (but is silent) they should absolutely shit on dad tho. Kendall buddy I don't think that's an underline. It wouldn't be. They redid the bathroom. I think Shiv knows he's fucked. Dhshhshs Jesus Christ Kendall what the fuck is wrong with you. What does soft no prints mean bro. Kendall pulling Hugo along with that leverage damn. Ouch. What control does he even have here over insider trading? Nice ending song tho.
0 notes
kitawarheit · 2 years
Sutekina Oji (fic)
Fandom: Super Smash Bros Ship: Marth x Roy Rating: G Words: 5295
Shameless classic university AU with all the typical cheesy feel good tropes! I wrote this is as a gift to a friend but I hope you guys enjoy it too! Fic will start below the cut.
“To Liam My longest lasting online friend For proving that distance means nothing for true friends“
Smash Brothers University, a prestigious school for those gifted both physically and mentally. Established in 1999, it is run by two brothers who were like night and day to each other. The elder brother: nicknamed around the school as "Master Hand"; he was much more calm and collected in comparison, focusing on the academic aspects of the university. The younger brother: nicknamed as well and referred to as "Crazy Hand"; he was known for his wild and energetic personality, focused on running the sports and clubs parts of the school. Together, they each brought their ideas and formed what the university was today. Only those skilled in both areas seem to be able to get into the gates of SBU.
"Aw man, I'm gonna be late again," was exclaimed as he scrambled out of bed. Roy, son of the great stunt man Eliwood, third year student at SBU (minus his one year absence during an exchange program in his second year), was by no means a morning person and it showed with his perpetual tardiness to his morning classes. The red-head lived in a small apartment down the street with his friend, Pit, a second year. He was quick to dress into his uniform, taking a quick look in the mirror as he smoothed out some of the wrinkles on his uniform, snorting a quick "whatever" before heading downstairs, bag in tow. With no time for breakfast, Roy dashed out the door, making his way down to the university.
“...To seek each where where man doth live, The sea, the land, the rock, the clive, France, Spain, and Inde, and every where; Is none greater gift to give, Less set by oft, and is so lief and dear, Dare I well say than that I give to year,” the teacher could be heard reciting from outside the classroom, as Roy quietly slid open the door, thinking he was unheard, ducking down to avoid the teacher’s line of sight. Without skipping a beat or even turning away from writing on the board, the teacher sighed and spoke again. “Just hurry up, Roy, and take your seat; we can all see you sneaking in.”
“Yes, sir,” he said, quick to stand up tall and shuffle his way to his seat at the back of the class. The whole class erupted into a quiet chuckle as Roy was, once again, caught by the alert senses of Dr. Mario. Defeated, Roy slumped into his seat behind Pit’s, glancing over to notice even Marth laughing a bit, causing a soft fluster to brush on Roy’s cheeks.
Marth Lowell was a third year, just like Roy was. Although, unlike Roy, Marth was one of the most popular boys in school. He was handsome, smart, in kendo club (which he excelled in), and just overall one of the nicest guys around. The girls in school swooned over the "Prince of SBU" and Roy was quick to find out why.
The two met in first year math class, overhearing the girls behind him as Marth introduced himself. Roy rolled his eyes while they were, quite frankly failing at, whispering. But, he found he was unable to stop himself from taking a second glance at Marth—they were right, he was rather handsome... The friendship didn't start, though, until about two weeks in, when Roy found himself struggling in the homework area. He gathered up the courage to actually ask for help, seeing as Marth always had the answer in class. He didn't think Marth would actually agree and was surprised when he said he was happy to help.
First year grew their friendship, exchanging numbers at mid-terms, much to Roy's gratitude as he knew he would need the extra academic help. The end of first year came and Roy told Marth that he would be studying a year in America, mostly to be with his mother and her side of the family for a while. Thus, came Roy's fondest memory; a forlorn look in Marth's eye as he hugged the smaller male, simply saying "please, keep in touch". Roy would never forget how soft Marth's touch (and voice for that matter) was. A soft blush on his face, Roy could only muster a nod.
Second year consisted of daily messages between the two and the start of Roy missing his friend, which began to turn into feelings of infatuation towards Lowell. Or perhaps it was more that he was just now realizing that his feelings had been a little more than just “friendly”. Roy had always been comfortable with his orientation but he just wasn't sure how he felt about these budding feelings at the time. Try as he might, he just couldn't stop thinking about the last day of first year.
Third year came around and Roy would think that reuniting with Marth would settle his feelings into "just missing a friend". Fate would have other plans it seemed as Roy's feelings would only grow more from being around his friend once again. Feelings he would have trouble hiding; at least it seemed that way, what with Pit picking up on it and teasing him with it.
The class settled back into the lesson quickly and Pit turned around to greet his friend and roommate, a big grin spread on his face. To this, Roy only furrowed his brows and frowned, lowering his voice to a sharp whisper.
“Why didn’t you just wake me before you left,” the red-head hissed. “I was late again!”
Pit only shrugged and stifled a chuckle, turning around to face the front of the class again.
At lunch hour, the two usually liked to sit on the roof, tucked away in a corner as they watched others on the roof. Pit usually had a fresh meal packed that he would make the night before. Roy didn't feel the drive to bother with all that and always just bought from the vending machine or lunch room, whichever he felt like traveling to that day.
"So," Pit said flatly, taking a bite out of one of the halves of his sandwich. He gave the other a side glance, smiling softly.
"So," mimicked Roy, quizzically. "So, what?"
"Have you told Marth your feelings yet," the other asked bluntly, causing Roy to flush as red hot as his hair.
"Don't be so loud, Pit," he scolded, then sighed in defeat, putting down his tart into his lap. "I mean, what's the point? It's obvious we're just friends, and he can have any cute girl in this school he wants, why would he ever want someone like me?"
“Or guy,” Pit remarked, grinning to himself with a soft hum. “He was awfully close with that new guy, Ike, last year. Pretty handsome, too. And he's now captain of the basketball team! Overall, pretty amazing~”
“Pit,” his friend groaned. “You are terrible! Why egg me on like that!?”
“Just so I can get a good laugh when he blows you off~”
To this, Roy promptly punched the brunette’s arm, causing him to squeal and retaliate with a pinch to Roy’s cheek. Thus, starting their weekly fighting that wouldn’t end until they went to bed that night.
During free period, some students would study academics, while others would practice in whatever sport or club they were in. Roy, being in the soccer team, would usually be down on the field, doing exercises or practicing drills. Meanwhile, Pit was in tennis, and he would be seen on the court practicing with a girl named Peach. It was nice now and again to have a break from him. While they were friends, sometimes Pit's teasing got a bit much.
"I thought I'd find you here," came an all too familiar voice. Roy looked up from his stretching to find Marth standing over him, causing him to draw in a silent breath. "I know it's still early in the year, but I haven't seen you come to me for help. I mean, that's good if you're able to get it, don't get me wrong! I just want to make sure you're doing alright, is all."
Marth gave the back of his head a sheepish rub as he wondered if that came out right. To his relief, Roy smiled and gave him a thumbs up.
"I think I'm doing good so far! But this streak probably won't last long," Roy said with a groan as he gave an extra hard stretch out of his torso.
"You should have more faith in yourself, Roy," the other retorted with a frown.
Before Roy could respond, the warning bell for the near end of free period rang, giving students time to change out of gym clothes, wash up, and get back into uniform before next class. Standing, he was surprised when Marth then laid a hand on his shoulder, causing a faint blush to brush on his cheeks.
"Hey," his friend started. "It's been a while and we haven't had time to catch up. How about we go to that ramen shop you like tonight? My treat!"
Roy nodded eagerly, giving the biggest smile he could muster at the offer. “Of course, man! It would be awesome!”
Roy, as late as he was to class, was surprisingly early to Chef Kirby's Ramen House that was a few blocks away from the school. Saving a seat for his friend at a nice table with booth seats, he waited patiently for the other to arrive, waving excitedly when he saw Marth. Seeing his friend smile as he walked closer... it made his heart skip a beat. Roy, in that moment, fully understood why he was nicknamed "Prince of SBU". That radiant smile, his fair skin, those brilliant blue eyes—he found himself staring and quickly turned his head back to the menu as Marth took his seat across from him.
"You're early," Marth teased, laughing softly. "That's a first for you."
"Hey," Roy huffed. "I can be early if I wanted to. Class just... starts so early and my bed is way too comfy at that hour in the morning!"
They shared a small laugh between each other, before Marth spoke up.
"Now when I said tonight was my treat, I mean it! Get whatever you want, Roy, okay?"
Roy, who was in no way about to pass up such a generous offer, nodded happily and looked over the menu. He usually ate the same thing, but he felt like branching out today to try something else. They decided on what they wanted before the waitress showed up, gave their order, and watched her go off with their menus.
“So,” Marth started, breaking the brief silence with his voice, placing his hands carefully in his lap. “You never got to tell me much about your trip. I'm excited to hear!”
The red-head shook his head, offering a bright smile.
“It wasn't much to write home about. I've seen most there is to see where my mom lives, so it's not as exciting anymore. Oh, but I did find out I'm now a big brother!”
“Ah, congrats, then,” Marth exclaimed with a grin. “But... isn't it hard sometimes? At least I imagine so... having your father here and your mother so far away.”
“Well,” the other said with a soft hum of thought, finally shaking his head. “Not really. I guess I get so used to it. That, and I can always video call her whenever I want to since she's staying at home now with the baby.”
Marth nodded slow—if his friend wasn't negatively affected by it, then there was no cause for worry. The two continued to talk, even throughout their meal; mostly with Marth asking about Roy's trip and family in America. Once they had finished, the sun was already starting to set, and the two stepped outside to go home.
“Wait,” Roy said, reaching out to grab his friend's arm, flustering a brief moment, and letting go quickly. “I mean, the least I can do is walk you home for today, yeah?”
The blue-haired student blinked but then his lips curled into a smile.
“Of course!”
The walk wasn't long and was filled mostly with talk about assignments and happenings of different classes. While it wasn't a great distance, the two took their time to walk, enjoying each other's company, as they missed a whole year of each other. They stopped once they reached the gate to Marth's home, turning to face each other.
“Marth, I,” Roy began, looking down a bit. To this, the other tilted his head to the side curiously, waiting for the other male to continue.
“I,” the red-head spoke, drawing a breath as he looked up at his (just slightly) taller friend. “I wanna thank you for today. And all the times you have and probably will help me. It means a lot. You're an amazing friend.”
Confused, but happy, the prince laughed softly and shook his head.
“Roy, it's not anything to thank me for. That's what friends do!”
With that, they parted ways and Roy went back to his apartment.
“I'm home,” Roy groaned as he came in the door, slipping out of his shoes. He noticed Pit on the couch with a bowl of ice cream, watching some cheesy soap opera.
“Welcome home,” the other said, turning his head from the TV to shoot his friend a wicked grin. “So, how was your date with the prince~?”
“It wasn't a date,” the red-head snapped back, making his way to his room.
“Maybe so,” Pit called out to him. “But it could have been the perfect chance to shoot your shot!”
Roy closed the door on Pit's words and set his bag down on his desk before promptly flopping on his bed. As much as he hated it, Pit was right. It was the perfect opportunity, but he let it slip past his fingers. He closed his eyes and thought back on their walk home
“Marth, I...”
What would have happened if he had confessed how he felt? Would he feel the same? Would he be disgusted? He would never know and now he had no idea if he would ever get the chance again...
“Marth,” he murmured to himself. “I think... I love you...”
Pushing himself from the bed, he went about to take a shower and relax the rest of the night, attempting to rid his mind of “what if”s.
The next morning, Roy was finally on time for morning class, leaving with Pit to walk to the University. The two had finally got over their teasing and bickering and were back to normal for the rest of the week or, rather, until they started up again. During free period, Roy was attempting some of his homework that he had so he could go out shopping and have a free weekend this time, seeing as it was already Friday. But, he came to a point where he became stumped and packed up his things back in his bag, taking a deep breath. He really didn't want to rely on Marth's help too much, but it seems his friend was the only one he could turn to for help.
“Damn,” he muttered to himself. “I thought I was doing good there for a while, too.”
Shrugging off his stubbornness, he left the classroom to go search for Marth, happily humming to himself as he went down the hallway. Turning a corner to another hallway, he found the other down this hall, a bit down the way. It seemed he was talking with someone—he remembered seeing the other male somewhere before. Wait... that was Ike! He was sure of it. It was hard to mistake such a towering figure; one perfect for being on the basketball team. For a moment, against Roy's conscious will, he could swear he felt a twinge of... jealousy? No, that was dumb. Pit was just getting to his head, like his teasing did sometimes. Internally shaking it off, he started walking again, opening his mouth to call out to his friend.
“Hey, Marth, I—“
Roy didn't get far before he stopped dead in his tracks, unable to form words anymore, as he watched the scene play before him. Ike... just kissed... Marth! Emotions swelled in his chest, a whirlwind of everything, and he felt like the world had just stopped. Turning on his heels, he ran down the hallway, unable to to hear his friend calling out after him.
The red-head found the nearest bathroom and locked himself in it, letting his bag fall from his hand as he slumped his back against the door. At this point, he couldn't stop the tears that welled in his eyes even if he tried, emotions everywhere—heartbreak, regret, jealousy...
“I should have...,” he whispered to himself, sniffling as he wiped the tears away on his uniform sleeve. No. There wasn't any room for “should have”s. He had a chance and he completely missed it. This was his own fault, he thought. Besides... he had no idea how long they had been a thing. For all he knew, it could have started when he was over in America. For all he knew, he missed his chance long before last night.
He took a deep breath and moved towards the sink, rinsing his face in cold water. Roy gripped the sides of the sink as he rose his head to look in the mirror. It wasn't... the best face, but it would do. It wouldn't take long for the slight redness in his eyes to go away, he figured. He would just play it off.
The rest of that day was a blur—he finished classes and went straight home. No practice. No chatting. But, after a night of moping and watching dumb soap operas and eating ice cream with Pit, the weekend came around. Roy wanted nothing more than to distract himself and get his head back in the game, so, he and Pit went out around town.
“Man,” Pit said with a sigh. “I'm still sorry that all happened. I mean, it's dumb! Ike is dumb.”
Roy only laughed lightly and shook his head.
“It'll be alright, Pit. It just wasn't meant to be.”
He was surprisingly calm about it all, to Pit anyways. Inside, he was still torn up. But what better way to get someone off your mind then to hang out with someone else? … Okay, so that sounded a little mean—but it was best to hang with Pit. He found them to be good friends, past all the teasing. After all, Pit happily opened his place to Roy when he came back from America. There were a lot of good things about Pit that made him grateful for everything. That made him not care about all the picking and fighting.
“Still,” Pit exclaimed. “If he's your friend, you should have known about it!”
The red-head only shrugged as they stopped by a crepe stand to order something to eat. As they walked and ate, he would listen to Pit's own woes—surprisingly, this had an effect on the angel as well! It seemed he was really hoping to court Ike and hearing he was with Marth made him just as upset as Roy. So, they had similar grounds to gripe about how their love lives absolutely were in ruins at the moment.
As they were walking, they both stopped in their tracks, just as they saw Ike and Marth in front of them! For a moment, Roy paused, thinking he wasn't in the mood to see his friend just yet. But, he pushed down the feeling to be polite—and to a friend of three years now. He should be happy for Marth, he thought. Happy for his happiness.
There was a brief silence between the two groups before Pit piped up, saving Roy from his thoughts.
“Hey, Ike,” the angel said, taking the other man's arm. “So, I've been meaning to talk to you about, uhh, switching to the basketball team! Mind if we chat?”
Ike, taken aback by suddenly being pulled away, only nodded his head and followed Pit. Roy knew that was a lie, but knew what Pit was planning for the two of them. He wasn't sure whether or not to thank him or berate him.
Roy turned from watching Pit run off with the taller male to facing Marth. The prince smiled a bit nervously, knowing Roy had witnessed... that, the other day.
“Hey Roy,” he said softly, gazing into the brilliant eyes of the smaller male. “I've been meaning to catch up with you. I didn't see you after school and, well, I got worried—ah, not an urgent worry, I mean; it just isn't your usual is all!”
“I'm fine,” Roy said with the best smile he could muster. “No need to worry about me, dude.”
With a soft, relieved sigh, Marth tilted his head some and smiled back.
“Well, I know it's the weekend, but did you need help studying?”
“Oh,” Roy started, blinking as he was caught off by being forced out of his thoughts. Right, moping was over, time to get back to the regular pace of life. He nods and gives the other a thumbs up. “Actually, since I didn't the other night, studying would be great!”
“Great,” Marth replied with a soft laugh. “Your place or my place this time?”
“My place is fine. Tonight alright for you?”
“Of course, Roy. Anything to help a dear friend!”
Dear friend, huh? A twinge of pain and uncertainty shot through Roy's heart, but he was quick to brush it off. He needed to focus on studying, not affairs of love.
Evening came and Roy was still dressed down in his shorts and a t-shirt when the doorbell rang. Pit was first to answer, of course, seeing as he was in the living room, watching more cheesy soap operas, while Roy was attempting some homework. Needless to say, it wasn't going well, and boy was he happy to hear Marth show up. Running downstairs, he felt really undressed, when he saw the other dressed up so nicely, even on his time off from school, causing him to flush in embarrassment.
“Hey,” Roy greeted, clearing his throat as he looked up at the other, trying to brush away stray thoughts. “Do you want something to drink or eat before we get to studying?”
“No, thanks,” Marth replied with a gentle smile. “I actually just got done with dinner.”
To that, Roy nodded politely and guided him upstairs to his room.
“Haaaaah,” the red-head sighed, leaning back on his arms, away from the little table he had set up for them to study by. “My brain hurts.”
Marth only laughed, supporting his chin on the backside of his hand, elbow propped on the table. At this point, he was already comfortable enough to have shed his jacket, sporting a more casual (but still nice) button-up shirt underneath, along with a pair of slacks.
“Hey, Marth,” Roy piped up after a brief pause. “Can I ask you something?”
“Hmm,” the blue-haired prince hummed in reply as he idly looked over what was left of both of their homework.
“I'm just curious, but,” the other started, sitting back up and crossing his legs. His heart didn't care for the answer he thought he would get, but the curiosity and unable to think about anything else at the moment took over. “Can I ask how long you and Ike have been together?”
“Ike and I,” Marth looked up, question in his tone of voice, as he blinked. A sudden bout of laughter erupted from the prince, which caused Roy to flinch in surprise.
“W-What's so funny...!?”
After a moment to calm down, Marth sighed and shook his head.
“This is about the other day, right?”
Roy looked down in defeat, quiet.
“Roy; Ike and I aren't together.”
“H-Huh,” Roy looked back up, confused, yet joyous in some way.
“Yeah,” Marth said with a smile, taking his turn to lean back some. “It's... a big misunderstanding, really. That day, Ike said he had something important to tell me and just... kissed me! I was so shocked and then I saw you... Well, I had pushed him away rather harshly to try to catch up with you. The next day, Ike called to apologize, and I apologized for pushing him so hard, so we called a truce and went out for lunch. Then I saw you!”
A big misunderstanding? Roy couldn't help to be overjoyed, even if that meant Ike was left with a broken heart. He kept his joy concealed for the moment though, as he focused back on what the other was saying.
“I see,” Roy hummed, feeling himself unable to help but smile. “So... you're not seeing anyone now?”
Marth shook his head “no”, then tilted it to the side a bit.
“Roy, what has you so curious tonight?”
… Right. Now was his chance and he doubted the stars would ever align like this again. But, he had to do it right—not be pushy like Ike. He had to make this right; maybe not perfect but perhaps perfectly imperfect. He took a deep breath and sat up a bit more, looking Marth right in the eyes with a fiery passion displayed in those brilliant blue eyes of his—a slightly brighter hue than Marth's.
“Marth,” he breathed, causing the other to flush lightly—no doubt he could hear the passion dripping from his voice. “Look... I'll just come out and say it: I like you. A lot. I've liked you since we became friends, I think.” He paused with a breathy laugh, finding his own confusion on the matter a bit ludicrous. “I was... upset, yeah, thinking you and Ike were together. I thought I had lost my chance to ever have this moment with you...”
Roy trailed off and looked away, afraid to hear rejection, should it come and yet unable to continue his confession.
“Roy,” came Marth's soft voice, causing Roy to pick his head up and face the prince. Yet, when Roy looked at his friend, all he saw was the softest smile—close, if not more, than the smile he saw the day he left to America. A light blush dusted his ivory cheeks as his eyes radiated sincerity.
“You know,” Marth said with a soft laugh, looking down to his lap out of his own embarrassment. “I had an inkling that you felt this way, but I never really asked or pushed for the answer—I told myself because I didn't want to interfere with your academics or something silly like that.”
Roy watched his friend speak, feeling like they were the only two to exist in the world at this moment—everything else had shut out of his brain. He didn't even realize he was holding in his breath. Cautiously, he scooted around the table to sit on the adjacent side of Marth, as if ready to console him, but still a space between them.
“But I think I was just nervous,” Marth continued to speak, finally lifting his head to face Roy once again. “Maybe I was afraid, somewhere, that acting on it would ruin our friendship in some way—but that's just nerves... because... I really like you a lot too, Roy.”
Both of them paused a moment, caught gazing at each other before they started laughing. Roy was the first to settle as he reached out, placing a gentle hand over Marth's as it was still rested on the tabletop, the red hue on Marth's face turning a bit darker with the small action. When Marth looked up at Roy again, he found the other looking him in the eye with a fire he had never yet seen before. There was a mix of things, he could tell—soothing, caring, loving; among others he wasn't sure how to place.
“I guess we were both caught up in our heads,” Roy started to speak calmly, a smile on his bright features. “Afraid of hurting each other that we turned a blind eye to what was right in front of us.”
“You're right,” Marth mused with a soft sigh. “I suppose I was focused on your happiness and I couldn't imagine that your happiness was... Well... Me.”
Roy watched as Marth averted his gaze, obviously embarrassed to say such a thing out loud. Yet, there was another surprise waiting for this prince, as Roy lifted the hand that was over his, reaching over to his face. As Roy cupped the side of Marth's face, he gave a small gasp, face burned red as he turned his gaze back at the other. Was he imagining things—or was Roy suddenly closer than before?
“It is,” Roy spoke soft, a more serious tone in his words, leaning in to be inches away from Marth's face. “But what would make me the most happy... Would be having you as a partner...”
“Yes,” Marth breathed, his words coming out faster than he could think. Then again, there was no need to think. Not after that perfectly imperfect kind of confession. Not after being the one to close the space between them, lips pressed against Roy's in some unspoken celebration. This was it. The day Marth dreamed of. The day Roy dreamed of. To be able to finally be this close...
“Hey, Roy,” Pit shouted from downstairs, startling the two of them out of their dream-like state as they parted rather quickly. Scrambling to his feet, Roy went to his door, opening it and peering out from the doorway to see Pit at the bottom of the stairs.
“I'm gonna head downtown with Ike,” Pit announced with a wry smile. “I'll be back later! Don't do anything I would do~”
Roy sputtered a bit, caught off guard, but Pit already had his jacket and was out the door before Roy could retaliate. Giving a huff, he turned back into his room, walking back over to Marth, who was standing now, looking at his phone.
“I'm actually a little glad he caught your attention,” Marth said with a soft laugh, turning to Roy. “Just a little. But, really, it is starting to get late—and as much as I want to stay, I've been visiting my older sister on Sundays recently, so I try to get to the train station a bit early in the morning.”
As much as he, too, didn't want this night to end, Roy gave a small nod. Family is important, after all; Roy would know. Grabbing a sweater as Marth packed his few things back in his bag, Roy turned to the other with a small grin.
“Mind if I walk you back?”
“I'd love that,” Marth responded with his own smile as he slipped his jacket on, grabbing his bag to head down the stairs with Roy. Stepping out as Roy opened the door, he paused to look up at the already darkened sky. Only a few stars were out right now, but it was still a wonderful night none the less. Once Roy had locked the front door and stood next to him, Marth turned his head to look over at his newfound partner, who had offered his hand to him.
Silently, Marth smiled as bright as the stars above and took Roy's hand in his own, intertwining their fingers together. As they walked, they talked as they normally would—nothing about that had changed. Yet, as Roy held on to Marth's hand, he couldn't help but feel like the stars were shining a little bit brighter that night.
Just for them.
The prince and the marquess.
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psqqa · 4 years
linmeisu changshuzhe’s folks: it sure is a good thing there’s no Politicking happening right now so that our beloved boss can take time to recover fully from the latest bout of his ailing health
prince yu et al: plan to get prince jing to wreck his entire shit is Go
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