#jjba au fanfic
Sugar Crash Void Bash: The Fanfic!
chapter 1 chapter 2 chapter 3 chapter 4 chapter 5 chapter 6 chapter 7
CWs: Violent action sequences, blood mention, slight gore, anxiety and panic, possession/mind control, strangulation, sharp weapons (daggers, spears, halberds)
Chapter Eight: Kingdom Crumbles
After you read this, you'll get to choose between two endings
Bad Ending Good Ending
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The fog of tension is so thick in the air that one could cut it with a knife. After a restless night, the soon-to-be heroes did everything in their power to replenish their energy for the upcoming confrontation. Ice and Tippy get dressed in silence, the brunette is sitting on the edge of the bed.
Tippy gently wraps zeir arms around him, planting a reassuring kiss on his cheek. Ice breathes a relieved sigh through his nose, closing his eyes, and lightly caressing Tippy’s bicep.
The air, although silent and still, is filled with the dread of what’s to come. Emmanuel steps over the threshold of the front door to meet the rest of his family. He inhales,
“Mr Dio isn’t coming. He’s far too weakened from the attack yesterday.”
“Just as I suspected,” Ice speaks bluntly then turns to the others, “Let’s end this.” 
Ramón holds the map, directing the rest of the family members where to go. They trek outside of town, seemingly into the middle of the desert. Emmanuel accidentally bumps into the back of Vanilla, 
“Ough! Sorry, cous’–” His eye widens at the sight he sees, “What… the hell… is that?”
Before the three gentlemen, is what looks to be a palace of sorts. The palace is made from smooth sandstone, all lined with gold trim. It has open arches in place of doorways so anyone could wander inside… but would they want to?
Ice shakes his head, remaining silent, but continues hiking down the sand dune. Tippy narrows his eyes in suspicion and curiosity at zeir husband.
The four get closer and closer to the sandstone palace, an eerie pressure lingering in the air with every passing step. Ice feels Ramón wrap his arm around his arm. The pink haired teen holds onto his papa for comfort, anxious about what may happen soon. With a head rub and some soothing words of reassurance from his papa, Ramón’s muscles relax and he feels less tense.
The four’s footsteps echo on the stone floor as they enter the palace. Up high on a hill of stairs, sits a sinister man on his throne. He has pin straightened, lavender, shoulder length hair, sharply cut horizontally, golden-orange eyes that glow intermittently, and is wearing what appears to be a cerulean crown with a sky blue diamond in the center. The crown and his outfit’s ensemble are quite similar to the way the envelope was presented. 
Once the group approaches him, a nasty smirk curls upon his glossed lips. Vanilla stops in his tracks, gazing up at the menacing man in the throne, he clenches his teeth,
“Wait, you know this guy?!” Tippy says. Ramón and Emi are confused too, the three of them look at Vanilla. The brunette is fuming and imploding with repressed negative emotions of the man in front of him. The man chuckles,
“That’s right. It’s me. Beleza Muscadine, in the flesh and blood,” He smirks grimly, “But you all may address me as ‘Lord Bel’ from now on.” 
“In your dreams.” Vanilla growls. Bel giggles, then daintily crosses his legs in his throne. He playfully shakes his head, looking at Vanilla's family,
“Oh, my my my my my… Who do we have here? This,” Bel points at Tippy, “must be your little boyfriend, hm? He’s awfully handsome. I guess you did find love after all, eh, Vanilly?” He bats his eyelashes. Bel points at Ramón, “And this one… this one must be your baby, huh? Ohohoho, you naughty thing…” Bel smirks and looks at Emi,
“You… I have no idea who you are, but my best guess is you are somehow related to this man right here.”
“Let’s end this, Beleza. I’m ready to punch that putrid smirk off your face.” Vanilla hisses.
“So hostile.” Bel puts up his hands. “This guy has always been jealous of me.”
Tippy turns to Vanilla with great concern,
“Vans, what is going on?! Who is this?!”
Before Ice can answer, Bel speaks, directing his attention to Tippy,
“Ohohoho, you’d like to get to know me, pretty little thing?”
The words that slip out of Bel’s mouth send shockwaves of pure rage into Vanilla’s heart. The brunette tries everything in his power to restrain himself from lunging at the purple haired man.
“Allow me to explain.”
Bel ominously glides down the stairs, landing in front of the group,
“I used to be one of The Beast’s loyal servants…
In fact… I was one of the first to join. 
After a few months of being Dio’s right hand man alone… that was when Ice appeared.
Hmhmhm… you all should’ve seen him, the way he was before…
He was so pathetic, meek, fragile, dirty… He acted like a shy little child at first.
Of course, Dio took quite a liking to him and didn’t let him out of his sight. I must admit, I was a little jealous of all the attention Ice would get, but mhmhm… all of that changed rather quickly over time.
Even though Ice became stronger and healthier, grabbing Dio’s attention more often… I was still The Beast’s favorite. I made damn sure Icy knew that. 
Ohohoho, he would get so angry. Ice hated me so much. Seething with jealousy that I, Beleza Muscadine was so, smart, gorgeous, perfect, and everything he’s not. 
He must’ve omitted my existence out of any life stories he told, hm? Well then, I was such a great leader and I could persuade others to do my bidding with ease, something Dio praised me quite highly on. Awww, Vanilly was just so torn apart with jealousy at me ‘stealing away his boyfriend’ that he turned himself into a mindless slave. He obeyed Dio without hesitation, doing anything and everything that was asked of him… no matter how humiliating or degrading the command was.
But… I cared not for Dio’s worthless attention, but mostly for the sake of tormenting Ice. Oh, and taking Dio’s treasure of course. 
I was treated quite poorly by The Beast. I didn’t want to spend the rest of my life under the thumb of some arrogant waste of space.”
Bel circles the group then hovers back up to his throne, gracefully sitting back down and crossing his legs one over the other. He rests his cheek on his knuckles, gazing down at the gang with his yellow eyes,
“Everything changed for the better however…” Bel looks down at the nails on his left hand then back at the group, “I had found something that helped me get everything I deserved.”
Beleza taps the jewel embedded in the crown on top of his head, 
“I found this gorgeous gem. It called to me, and I took it as a trophy.” The purple haired man sighs dreamily, looking off into the distance with hooded eyelids, “Yes, I was Dio’s favorite servant… right up until I had failed in offing The Beast with a wooden stake to the heart.”
Emmanuel is stunned, slowly shaking his head, remembering what happened the day prior. Beleza could have very well finally killed Dio yesterday, yet he chose not to. Bel continues,
“Instead of driving that wooden stake into his undead heart, it was driven right into the palm of his hand. He told me bluntly to get out, and if I were to ever return, I would be executed on sight. I left as told and… hmhm, here we are today.”
“We don’t care about any of that, Beleza.” Ice growls, dripping venom with every word.
“Your little boy toy certainly cared, since he’s the one who asked me so politely.” Bel puckers his lips and winks at Tippy. 
“YOU SON OF A BITCH, I’LL KILL YOU!!!” Vanilla bellows, clenching his fists in rage. His anger only makes Beleza cackle.
Emmanuel steps in,
“What did you do with Jonathan?!”
Bel rolls his eyes then taps his cheek with his long golden painted nail. He sighs with an annoyed expression,
“Right… I have something of yours.” Bel snaps his fingers and uses the power of the jewel to bring down a cage containing a dazed Jonathan. The blue bearded man is sitting down on the cage’s floor, completely hypnotized into an unresponsive stupor.
“What did you do to him?!” Vanilla yells. Bel gestures up to Jonathan,
“He wasn’t cooperating, and he tried to use some kind of repulsive sunlight magic on me. Oh, that man certainly did put up quite the fight…” He grins evilly, “But what he didn’t count on was the fact that I like to fight dirty.” Bel grins devilishly, “I figured out that he was using his breath as an energy source… ahuhuhu, and Vanilly over here knows how I just simply *inhale* take the fellas’ breath away.” Bel points at the cage, “Long story short, he’s under my spell. I doubt he even knows what’s happening right now or where he is.”
“You bastard!” Vanilla grits his teeth.
“Mhm.” Bel raises an eyebrow, very unamused, “I’ll tell you what,” He taps his cheek with his golden fingernail, looking up at the suspended cage, “I’ll give the four of you a choice…”
Vanilla shakes his head already prepared to deny anything Beleza has to offer, no matter what that may be. The purple haired man smirks,
“I’ll let Jonathan go free if you join me in executing The Beast, and you must lend me each of your stand powers to take over the world. You four will be my most treasured servants. I will treat you with dignity and grace, don’t worry…”
Beleza narrows his eyes, 
“But if you refuse…” He looks up at caged Jonathan, “Each and every one of you will die.” 
“NO.” Vanilla speaks firmly, “I will never bow to you. None of us will bow to you.”
“Awww…” Bel feigns a pout, “Tsk tsk tsk, is that your final answer?”
Ice gives Beleza a chilling glare, piercing whatever soul the lavender haired man has left with him. With a smirk and a glance to Ramón, Bel speaks,
“What a shame… and I said I would never harm a child. Oh well,” Bel stands up quickly, holding up his right hand, electric blue magic emanating around it,
“But you have to crack a few skulls to make an empire.”
Beleza’s stand, a large cerulean snake with golden accents and a lilac colored belly, manifests behind him. 
“I’d like you all to meet, Gilded Cobra… because he will be the very last stand you ever meet!!!” 
Gilded Cobra opens his mouth wide and attempts to strike the couple. Vanilla and Tippy manifest their stands and jump out of the way!
Emmanuel pulls Ramón aside and speaks,
“Listen, little man, you and I are going to rescue Jonathan while your parents take care of this Beleza guy, okay?”
Ramón looks back and forth between Emi and his fathers fighting this new enemy stand user. The teen gulps, but regains his composure and nods.
“Good! Now follow my lead!” Emi sprints over to where the suspended cage is, dipping into Slick’s shadow form, moving along the ground for Ramón to follow.
Tippy uses invisibreak, confusing and irritating Beleza. Gilded Cobra swipes his golden clawed serpent hands at Cream. This enrages the void stand, causing him to belt out a roar that shakes the palace. Cream flattens his hand and goes to slice Cobra in half. The snake stand is too quick! He hisses, spraying venom at Cream. A few drops land on the zombie-like stand, sizzling and melting his flesh. Vanilla grunts in pain, looking in disbelief at the acidic venom wounds. 
Tippy peers out from Sapphire Heart’s invisibreak portal from the waist up. With diamond spear in hand, ze pulls it back and thrusts the spear at Beleza.
Beleza uses his magic to stop the spear from piercing his flesh. The electric blue magic has the head of the spear in its grasp. Tippy struggles to pull away, but Beleza is far too powerful. 
“UNNGHH!!” Ze cries out. Beleza’s eyes are glowing bright, laser focused on Tippy. His grimace turns into a smirk, very much pleased from the power he has over the blue haired gentleman. Sapphire Heart appears fully, and grasps the spear in his hands,
“I have had enough of this.”
Sapphire makes the spear disappear in a flash, and swifter than a black mamba bite, ze crashes zeir fist into Beleza’s cheek, sending him flying across the throne platform. Sapphire covers zeir master in a protective crystal shield sphere. Tippy pushes the inside of the forcefield with zeir hands,
The genie stand ignores zeir master, seeing red at the treatment of Tippy. Beleza is lying on his throne, dazed and very enraged. Sapphire swoops in, grabbing Beleza by the collar of the top, transforming zeir right hand into a giant metal boxing glove-esque fist. Three sharp blue diamonds detract out of the knuckles,
Zeir blow is cut short by the electric blue energy surrounding zeir fist. Bel’s pupils go from round to slitted as he pushes Sapphire Heart back. Tippy has no control over zeir stand anymore, not like ze had very much control to begin with. Bel manages to shove Sapphire away as well as push away the crystal shield orb containing Tippy. The blue haired gentleman screams as ze is flung away out of the range of zeir stand. Sapphire and the orb disappear, causing Tippy to crash painfully to the ground,
Vanilla notices this, but is dealing with Gilded Cobra at the moment. His head is peeking out of Cream’s mouth as Cream tries to push Cobra away from him. Ice turns to see his husband lying on the ground,
He turns back to the serpent stand, gaining enough energy, strength, and motivation to finally kick him off with both of Cream’s massive legs. Cobra gets sent flying backwards, which causes Bel to stop walking and get sent flying off as well. 
Ice leaps out of Cream’s void mouth and dashes over to protect his love. Beleza spots this and narrows his eyes. Before Ice can reach Tippy, Beleza swoops down and seizes zem in his arms. Tippy yelps and is pressed against Beleza’s chest, being firmly held in place by his left arm. Vanilla stops dead in his tracks, viewing the horrendous sight before him. Beleza’s devilish serpent eyes drill into Vanilla’s,
“Hmhmhmhm…” The lavender haired man chuckles, his voice is eerily distorted. Bel looks down at Tippy, eyelids hooded, a smirk impossibly wide and even more snake-like than before. He licks his lips with a black forked tongue. This makes Ice’s eyes widen in pure disgust and bewilderment. Bel looks back over at Ice and his chuckle sounds more like a rhythmic hiss,
“Sss sss sss sss sss…” He continues, “He’s awfully cute…” 
The lavender haired man stretches out his hand to the side, manifesting a sharp, curved, golden dagger,
“I might just have to make him my groom instead… but if he misbehaves or disobeys me in any way,” Tippy winces as the cold blade is pressed against his throat. Bel enjoys seeing both Tippy and Vanilla in this position. Having an attractive guy in his clutches, as well as said guy being the lover of his enemy. Ice’s fury amuses Beleza,
“We will rule the world together, my love…” He abandons the dagger, causing it to disappear into thin air. Instead, Beleza gently touches Tippy’s cheek and jaw, making zem look at him, “Oh, darling. Look… look at me… look into my eyes…” Tippy looks into his eyes, going into a trance, causing zeir eyes to glow. Ze tries to turn zeir head away, but zeir eyes remain locked onto Beleza’s. 
Suddenly zeir body goes numb, and zeir mind goes fuzzy. Beleza turns away as he just put Tippy under his serpent spell, looking into Vanilla’s eyes as well. Ice feels his body fill with sprinkles of pleasure and his mind go fuzzy. He quickly shields his eyes and groans. Bel grins,
“Yet another thing of yours that I have taken away, eh, Vanilly?” His cackle rings in Vanilla’s ears, making him lose control.
Vanilla punches Beleza as hard as he can in the face with his fist. Tippy drops to the floor again, holding the spot on zeir chest where Bel held zem. Ice stomps over to Bel on the ground, seeing that his skin is growing blue scales on certain parts of his body, including his cheeks and neck. 
“Vanilla!” Tippy calls over to his husband. Ice whips his head around to see Tippy holding up his hands in the shape of a heart. Vanilla quickly rushes to Tippy and they both yell,
In a flash of bright white light, Razz lands and slides his leg across the floor. Bel hisses, his mouth is wider with two protruding fangs, and sparse blue scales glisten on his cheeks,
Meanwhile, Ramón and Emmanuel are figuring out a way to get Jonathan down from the cage. The two family members finally reach the cage, Emi by using his shadow form, Ramón by glitching out. Emmanuel slips out from the waist up of Slick’s shadow. He touches the cage, only to be met with what feels like an electric shock,
“YEOW! W-what the hell was that all about?!” Emi waves his hand around, “This isn’t good, little man, we need to try to find a way to get him out of this cage, pronto.”
“I have an idea!” Ramón holds up his hand, which is glitching violently. He sticks his glitching hand through the bars just to test his theory, “Aha! So all I have to do is glitch out, grab Mr Jojo and pull him through the bars!”
“Er, no offense, Ramón, but… I don’t think you’d be strong enough to hold this guy.” Emi shakes his head. Ramón floats over next to Emi,
“Okay, what about this? I’ll take Mr Jojo out, then you grab him and send him to the shadow world or whatever that is.”
“Yeah, sure, that sounds like a pla–”
The two relatives recoil and realize that Bel shot a slim beam of electric blue energy at the two of them from an enchanted gilded halberd that used to be hanging from a pillar. Bel is tackled by Razz, who was recovering from several thrashes that Bel had given him. 
Emi looks directly at Ramón,
“We have to do this quickly.”
Ramón nods in agreement and attempts to pull the weakened Jonathan out of the cage.
Razz and Beleza continue to viciously fight one another. Bel hisses and screeches, grabbing animalistically at Razz’s long brown hair on his right side, yanking him around. Razz howls in pain and claws at Beleza’s chest and face, feeling the transition from skin to scales every now and then. 
The lavender haired man straight up strikes at the fusion with his mouth, trying to sink his fangs into him. Razz dodges out of the way, still in extreme pain at having his hair clutched so tightly in Bel’s grasp. Razz fights dirty too, taking a leaf from Beleza’s book and clamping his jaw around Beleza’s left arm. 
Bel yelps and hisses loudly, burning venom spraying everywhere, pounding his fist into Razz’s head, making the fusion dizzy. Thankfully Beleza lets Razz go.
The fusion disappears into a cloud of sparkles, which infuriates the lavender haired man even more. Light blue venom drips down Bel’s chin, as he gives out low, beastly growls. His slitted, glowing yellow eyes are wide, as he twirls around trying to catch the damned fusion. 
Beleza feels an ominous presence behind him. He hears the low, horrific sound of a mysterious creature growling. As the lavender haired man turns around, he is met face to face with Volatile Amethyst. The demonic undead stand holds his scythe with both hands, giving Beleza an evil toothy grin,
Amethyst goes to slice Beleza in half with his scythe. Bel’s serpent eyes are wide as his body is sliced diagonally, from left shoulder to right hip. Instead of blood pouring out of his body, electric blue energy radiates across his wound. The jewel in his crown glows blindingly bright, making Amethyst and Razz shield their eyes. Beleza hovers, being held up by the crown’s jewel, his body is limp and his eyes are rolled back in his head as if he is deceased. Razz squints his eyes, trying to get a better look at what’s happening.
Bel lands on the ground, stumbling on his own feet. He gazes off into the distance with a thousand yard stare. His eyes flash from yellow and slitted, to dark brown and round in an instant. Beleza grabs his head and pants from what seems to be distressed,
“Haaahh, haaaah!! W-what?!” His voice sounds vastly different. 
Quicker than a mousetrap’s spring, Beleza snaps out of it, regaining his glowing yellow serpent eyes, and looks straight at Razz. His movements are a little more robotic than they were before.
“You are a fool.” Beleza grins, his eyes unblinking and locked onto Razz. The fusion is horrified at what he just saw. He feels a visceral and primal instinct to run away as if Beleza was a beast in the wild and Razz was the prey. 
“I cannot be killed.” Razz doesn’t know why but… when Beleza speaks, it feels like it’s… not even him speaking, but rather he's being spoken through.
“The power of the jewel is unsurpassable. By The Serpent’s Eye, you will bow to my feet or perish beneath them.” Beleza’s movements are akin to that of a puppet on a string, something that would be seen straight from a nightmare. Razz backs away from primal fear. 
Bel’s head turns to Emmanuel and Ramón, attempting to glitch Jonathan out of the cage. He raises both of his hands, palms facing upwards, and knocks Ramón out of the sky using an electric blue energy beam from the gem.
Emmanuel reaches out for Ramón,
The teenager falls down, weakened from the blast. Razz shrieks and sprints to catch his son. Beleza’s head is tilted, almost touching his left shoulder. His limbs are stiff yet limp, as if he was just a reanimated corpse. His body twitches every now and then.
Razz dashes, and as if everything were happening in slow motion, he manages to catch Ramón before he plummets to the ground. The two of them disappear in a cloud of sparkles, resting in the void for a while. 
Beleza jerks his head upwards at Emmanuel, which sends chills down his spine. Emi frantically thinks of some other way to free Jonathan. Beleza raises his hands again, charging another attack while Emmanuel makes his way up to the rope holding up the cage to keep it still. 
Slick Shadow tries his best to wriggle his way into the cage without touching the bars, so he can pull Jonathan into the shadow void with him. 
Before Beleza can shoot an energy beam at Emmanuel, Razz leaps out of the void and tackles him! They both land on the ground with a loud thud. Razz kicks Bel and stands back up, putting up his obsidian shield. 
Gilded Cobra hisses and wraps his mouth over a part of the obsidian shield, trying to break it but to no avail. The electric blue venom drips down onto the ground, sizzling and melting the sandstone floor. Beleza hovers over and starts thrusting the golden halberd violently and mechanically into the force field. 
Any and every attempt to break the shield is proven in vain. Beleza growls and launches the halberd directly at Emmanuel, missing him by mere centimeters. The enchanted halberd disappears and is teleported back to the ground near Beleza. Ramón laughs, grabbing the attention of the lavender haired man,
“Haha! Give it up already, Beleza. We can literally do this all day! My fathers can stay fused for 12 hours!”
Beleza’s face turns from frustration to realization to deviousness. He grins wickedly and slowly turns his head to Razz,
“Good to know…” 
Beleza leaps up into the air, hovering with his head looking straight up at the ceiling. The gem glows a bright white, then a bright orange… then a bright red. His arms are stretched out and hands are holding two glowing orbs of golden energy. Razz frantically looks around,
“W-w-what’s going on? What the hell is happening now?!”
Ramón runs up to Razz, grabs his bicep and points out of the open archways,
“Whatever’s happening outside!!!”
Outside, the clouds move faster and faster with each passing second. 
“Wait…Wait.” Razz realizes,” H-HE’S FAST FORWARDING TIME!!!”
“I refuse to be disrespected by worthless mortals.” Beleza’s voice booms all around the palace. 
Razz runs to below where Beleza is and has Amethyst fly upwards,
“Shit! He’s out of range of my stand!”
Ramón gets a determined look in his eyes and rushes to the spot Razz is at. He glitches out and disappears, startling the fusion.
Beleza continues to make time pass even faster and faster until it’s night. Ramón glitches up to where he is and manages to grab onto Beleza. They both glitch around, the magic coupled with the glitching, makes the entire earth shake and distort.
The entire universe ripples and wobbles from the immense power distortion caused by Ramón’s glitching and Beleza’s gem magic. The two of them lose power for a brief moment and plummet to the ground.
The teen finds enough strength to get his stand power back and glitches out into the void before he hits the ground. Beleza hovers, lying down prone, almost touching the ground. He stands up and clenches his fists, glaring at Ramón. He directs his attention back to the fusion and smirks,
“11 hours and 55 minutes have passed. You don’t have much time left before you are separated.”
Razz says nothing, his heart is racing and he bites his teeth, angry and anxious. Beleza grabs the golden halberd once again and shoots out an energy beam at Emmanuel, this time grazing his right bicep.
“AAAUGH!!!” Emmanuel wails in pain, wobbling and having trouble clinging to the rope. Slick Shadow gets electrocuted by the cage bars, recoiling in pain and ruining all of the progress. Beleza gives a fang filled grin.
Razz turns to his son,
“Ramón, run away. Run far, far away. Please.”
“W-what?! N-no! I can’t! I won’t–”
“You need to save yourself, child.” Razz commands his son, then mumbles, “Vanilla and Tippy shouldn’t even have brought you in the first place.”
Before Ramón can respond, Razz sprints to Beleza, and another battle ensues. The teenage boy is completely paralyzed in place, watching Razz and Beleza attack each other with their bare hands. 
His heart thumps against his ribcage, unintentionally glitching around,
Ramón stops for a few moments and looks up at Emmanuel, who’s trying to release Jonathan from the cage while at the same time trying to stops his wound from bleeding. Blood drips down from the area Emmanuel is at, splattering down to the floor below. 
Ramón trembles from fear, feeling his fingers go numb. His periphery grows fuzzy and unfocused, his heart beats uncontrollably no matter how slow he tries to breathe. His throat closes up, making it almost impossible to swallow. 
With a couple more glitches, his golden brown eyes lock onto the jewel in Beleza’s crown, glowing bright blue. Sugar Crash whispers behind Ramón barely audible but still just enough to hear,
“He’s being puppeteered by it…”
That’s when the teen realizes… He remembers the person in the trench coat and top hat. They had glowing yellow eyes for a while until... Suddenly they didn't. Just a little while ago, Beleza was sliced in half by Volatile Amethyst, then got revived by the gem in his crown. Ramón replays that scene in his head over and over… Beleza’s eyes… his eyes… his eyes went from a glowing yellow to a dark brown.
Razz shouts and uses his stand to slice at Gilded Cobra. The snake stand hisses and strikes at Amethyst at lightning speed. Amethyst goes in to slash at him, frantically swinging around the scythe. Cobra whips around and smacks Amethyst up against a pillar, sending Razz backwards as well. The pillar cracks and crumbles, pieces of debris flying every which way. 
Beleza flies over to Razz, only to be kicked in the abdomen by both of his legs. Beleza grunts from the power of the kick. He hisses, the bright blue venom from his fangs spewing as his mouth opens. Razz covers his face, his forearms taking the stinging droplets of venom,
Meanwhile, Ramón is quickly coming up with a plan to steal away the crown from Beleza. With a deep inhale and a glance to his stand, he glitches out. The battle between Razz and Beleza causes destruction all inside of the palace. 
Emi clutches his arm, watching as Slick Shadow wraps around the inebriated Jonathan,
“Come on, come on…”
Slick gets electrocuted every now and then, causing immense pain to Emmanuel, yet he pushes on.
Ramón manages to glitch his way behind Beleza. The lavender haired man is dodging Razz’s punches and kicks, but what he didn’t count on was Ramón grabbing the crown from his head.
“HUH?!” Beleza twists his head around and catches the teenager in the act. Ramón gasps! Simply removing the jewel from Beleza’s head isn’t enough. Razz lands a harsh blow against Beleza’s left cheek, bringing his attention back to the fusion. Ramón thinks fast, glitchily flying over to another area where he slams down the crown into the ground.
The pink haired boy stomps on the jewel with his foot, but it does nothing. He tries to have Sugar Crash punch it, but still nothing happens. 
Suddenly, a glint of metal catches his eye,
“Th-the halberd!” Ramón dashes over to the enchanted halberd Beleza had abandoned and snatches it up off the ground. He sprints back over to the crown and starts smashing the jewel with the head of the weapon. 
The halberd manages to crack the gem bit by bit. It starts glowing red, the light pulsating in a rhythm as if it’s a dying heartbeat. Beleza furiously grabs Razz by the throat and hovers, raising the fusion up in the air and strangling him with just one hand. Razz grabs hold of Beleza’s wrist and does everything he can to pry himself free from the deadly grip.
Ramón looks over for a brief moment to see what’s happening, then goes back to smashing the jewel with the enchanted halberd, grunting and using every bit of his strength to destroy the accursed thing.
Emmanuel strains and shudders from both the pain of being shot with an energy beam, and from being shocked by the cage’s bars. He finally has Jonathan fully enveloped in Slick’s shadow form. Now all there is left to do is pull him out.
Ramón wails as he slams the golden halberd down into the jewel repeatedly. Gilded Cobra slithers over to the fusion, unhinging his jaw and going in to take a finishing bite. Ramón looks over once again and shrieks,
This time sobbing in terror. There is not much time left before Razz separates back into Ice and Tippy.
To be continued…
Choose Ending
Bad Ending Good Ending
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brightgoat · 8 months
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(but let's call the AU 'Standverse')
The universe has been reset! Twice, in fact.
On the flipside, a strange nonsensical purgatory made out of past places and memories, awaken the Stands - now equipped with an independence and self-autonomy that most of them are not used to.
The ones whose emotions, goals and spirits they embody; their Users - are curiously nowhere to be found.
The Stands awaken at the same time, no matter whether they've died before the Separation or not. Every version of every Stand (from parts 1-6 that is).
Each Stand sees their User differently - some with undying loyalty, some with dismay and others with a mix of both.
But most settle on one thing - that they need to bring their Users back and return the universe to how it was. So, some set out on a crusade, while others begin cultivating a plan.
And thus we explore the existential horror of being a Stand!
....... this AU is very silly but just uhh-- bear with me- let me cook-
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bayfuzzball7050 · 3 months
This is about WWM/TA
I’ve been like 3 hours animating exactly 6 seconds
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heartscooper · 8 months
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My fan character Sunrise Valentine, daughter of the President of the USA, and Gyro Zeppeli 🤧 I hope you like it.
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Sunrise is 12 y/o. Sunrise has a Stand, called Strawberry Fields, is a gun that can shoot strawberries and grow them on any surface. When the roots are planted on a person, they are able to damage the target by expanding their roots into their body.
She does not have a mother (not because she has died), because she was born of a seed created from the blood of Valentine and Diavolo (yes, the same Diavolo of part 5, do not try to find a sense lol)
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fuckmachine42069 · 1 year
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ARM CANDY I LOVE U !!!!!!!!!!! fanart for the most recent chapter of @yokiteryokiter ‘s fic Arm Candy !!!!!!!!! gosh they’re so in love 😻
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also happy late birthday bruno 🥳🥳
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nikathesiren · 19 days
The first chapter is out!
I'm happy to announce that I finally published the first chapter of my Steel Ball Run merman AU fanfic! YAY! 🫣💦
You can find it on AO3 and Wattpad, both in English and Spanish, so you can read it in the language of your choice. These are the links to my profile.
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/users/NikatheSiren
Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/user/NikatheSiren
The final title is "The Road Marked by the Waves" ("El camino que marcan las olas" in Spanish) and this is the cover I made for it!! 🥹
Thank y'all for everything! This wouldn't have been possible without your help and ideas, folks! I look forward to your feedback and your comments! (◡◕⏖◕)ᑐ🝐 ⠁⭒.✩.⭒⠁
Support me on Ko-fi if you can, so I can keep writing and drawing! https://ko-fi.com/nikathesiren
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the-brainrot-central · 10 months
Average Trish and Kira text conversation:
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He’s a fucking old ass man so she has to explain everything to him 😭
Based off of this post:
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rougepancake · 1 year
notre dame
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Ft. Rohan Kishibe & Jotaro Kujo x Eldest Daughter!F!Reader
Warnings: None. Just some hcs for how they’d act with a stubborn gal like the eldest daughter. (Please it’s mostly fluff I couldn’t help myself). Not proofread.
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Upon first meeting, he finds you incredibly unbearable. He hates that attitude of “everyone just depends on me, I can’t let them down” or “if I don’t step up then no one else will, and I can’t risk that”
What didn’t help was that you were a well known painter, which meant that he would constantly be seeing you at exhibits whenever they opened.
Mainly because your pieces were being put on display. (That only infuriated him more)
Upon further inspection, he realized that your pieces were of abstract things. And there was always a girl with her back facing the audience who was enjoying said things
He hated that he liked your style
In fact, he convinced himself that he totally hated you so that when Koichi brought you by the next time, he had a reason to be a dick
And to say he was stunned would be an understatement
He was genuinely surprised that you had just appeared because you were… worried??
“What do you want?” He leaned in the doorway, sneering down at you. “I’m a busy man so spit it out.” He was nagging you but he wasn’t really that annoyed. You were in front of him, your arms full of your art supplies and your tone serious.
“Koichi told me a while back that you tend you shut yourself up when you’re writing.” You began, and he had such a hard time understanding your tone. “So I figured I would give you some company. It wouldn’t hurt, right?”
And for whatever reason, he couldn’t tell you no. Which he also hated.
Dude was stunned that you went out of your way tbh. Was even more stunned when you began to paint in silence
He got distracted tho and accidentally ended up scratching himself with the pen pretty badly
You asked him if he was okay and immediately began cleaning up his ‘wound’ even though he didn’t ask you to
“Hey! Get your hands off of me!” He pulled his hand away from your grasp, shooting you a sharp glare.
“It’ll get infected if you don’t clean it.” You said stubbornly, returning his glare and grabbing his wrist harshly. “And I know you don’t want that to happen.”
That’s when it clicked for him
You spend all your time taking care of others. It was best demonstrated in the way that you often defended Josuke or Okuyasu in battle- even though you didn’t have a stand
Even if you were injured, you wouldn’t let Josuke help you. And your stubbornness bothered him
Rohan seemed to realize that you put yourself last for everything. Even when you guys have gone out and there’s something you want, you put it off for another day
Or if someone offers to pay for you, you refuse and pay for yourself
You’re just always last on your list of priorities
And in that moment he seems to have some sort of epiphany
“Why do you paint?” He looks down and into your eyes, ignoring the stinging in his hand as you tend to it.
“I don’t know.” You shrug it off, and he swore he heard your voice shake.
“Fine. Be that way.” He huffed and crossed his legs. “What do you paint?”
You froze. “Excuse me?”
“What do you paint?”
You sighed softly and looked up at him, your eyes shining in slight awe. “No one’s ever asked me that before.” You paused. “I paint my favorite things. Why do you ask?”
“Ah.” He said simply, looking away from you. “I’ll let you have this one.” He sighed. “You’re not as annoying as I thought you to be.”
After this he pampers you and gets called out by Josuke
But pampers in the sense of like “hey I saw these paints and thought they would look good with your style”
Watches you paint in silence a lot. He has come to the conclusion that it’s peaceful for the both of you and has found your presence to be quite comforting while he’s working on a project
Still finds that “everyone before me” type of personality annoying and calls you out on it A LOT
Rohan found you insufferable but Jotaro finds you ABSOLUTELY INTOLERABLE
He genuinely hates it and he hates how you’re okay with it
Like people come to you and just dump their woes on you and you’ve come to accept it and he’s like tf??? No???
It makes no sense to him because you just seem to take care of everyone and put yourself last. Like every single time someone gets injured, you pull some mom type bs and suck it up and help them
Even when Josuke is right there- like you insist on helping (Josuke heals them when you leave or turn your back since you don’t have a stand and won’t understand what’s going on)
Jotaro finds your “I don’t need people to take care of me but I need to take care of others” vibe to be useful, but at the same time he just can’t stand it
When he first met you, he had come across you while you were working. He found out later that you’re a good friend of Josuke’s mother and that’s when he officially got to meet you
Your arm was broken and yet you were running around the house, shouting at Josuke and helping his mother with her chores
It left him stunned in a way that he didn’t know was possible
When you introduced yourself to him, he brushed you off. He could tell you weren’t down for his tough guy act
He figured if you really wanted to get to know him, you’d push past his stubbornness and do so, but he soon found out you were equally as stubborn as he was
You found him at the Grand Morioh Hotel and offered to put your stubbornness to the side if it meant that you got to know him better
I’ll be so honest the first thing you asked about were the various scars on his body
He was surprised because typically people don’t ask about them. They just assume that they were from his delinquent days and move on
It was so weird to him that he just kinda stood there awkwardly and looked at you
“Since I’m here and all- why don’t we get to know each other?” You shrugged and walked over to a nearby chair, sitting down and crossing your legs as you looked up at him.
“Makes no difference to me.” He grumbled and crossed his arms, tilting his head just right the brim of his hat covered his eyes.
You sat in silence for a while, observing him. “Tell me about those scars. The ones at the base of your neck.” You pointed and propped your elbow up onto the armrest of the chair.
“Excuse me?” He looked at you and you saw the hint of surprise shining in those eyes of his.
“If you’re uncomfortable, then you don’t have to. But I’d like to know what happened. They look pretty rough.”
He told you and internally LOVED how you listened intently, asking questions and paying attention to his every word
But he didn’t tell you that 🙄
He’s picked up on how you both tend to put others first, and bit by bit, he warms up to you
It starts with slowly agreeing with what you’re saying, or helping you do minor things like clean up. It’s things like that that he secretly enjoys doing with you
And while helping you pick up after Josuke while his mother is away, you wound up cutting your hand on a shard of broken glass
Hurt like a bitch but you didn’t let him know that
He forced you to take a break and sit down so he could clean it up and OH BOY it was worse than he thought
Especially your reaction to it
“I’m fine, alright?” You huffed, trying to pull your hand away from his grasp. The palm of your hand was oozing with blood, and you just knew it was going to scar. It stung so bad that you had tears in your eyes, but you bit your cheek to prevent yourself from seeming weaker than you already looked.
“Shut up and let me clean that thing.” He argued, rolling his eyes and grabbing your wrist harshly, resulting in a hiss of pain from you. He slowly wiped away the blood from your palm, furrowing his brows in concentration as you worked. He felt his heart drop when he saw you shaking slightly.
“I said it’s fine.” You choked out, sighing at his determination. His grip on your wrist loosened and he hummed in response to your words.
“You don’t seem fine.”
“That doesn’t matter. I will be soon enough.”
He began to disinfect it, his arm instinctively flying out to hold you in place as he worked. You tensed up in pain, but said nothing, refusing to look down at him for fear that he might see your tears.
“You’re right.” He mumbled. “You will be fine.” He paused and grabbed the gauze. “But you can’t be stubborn all the time.”
He’s still a bit of a douche to you, but then again you are too
But then you guys come to a mutual realization that it’s okay to confide in someone and after that you really begin to warm up to one another
He still enjoys helping you, but hates doing it where Josuke can see or hear because he knows he’ll never hear the end of it
“Oooh you like my mom’s friendddd” “Shut the hell up.” “Yes sir.”
Takes no shit when it comes to you at that point. If he sees someone giving you hell after you’ve been through enough then he’s gonna kick their ass.
Tsundere type like Rohan but we love him so it’s okay
Is so willing to listen to all your family problems and such, constantly telling you that you’re his favorite out of all of them or cheesy stuff like that. (He hasn’t met a single one of your family members and would like to keep it that way for fear he’d beat them for looking at you the wrong way)
Both of you still nag each other for being stubborn, but now you’ve come to an understanding, so it’s slightly more tolerable than your first encounter
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lady-wallace · 2 months
PREVIEW: Time in a Bottle
Illustration preview from the paperback version of Time in a Bottle.
You can preorder the paperback and PDF now HERE! Please check it out if you enjoy JJBA High School AUs and Angst with a Happy Ending (tw: implied abuse)
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royalelo · 1 month
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Finally.. im doin it.. Three chapters of the fic for the au are posted right now on AO3 so if you like the au i recommend reading! Im working on the next chapters and i have plans that the haters will sabotage if i spill
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sapphire-heart-tippy · 2 months
Sugar Crash Void Bash: The Fanfic!
The direct sequel to: The Sapphire Heartverse
Chapter One: Candy Coded
chapter 2 chapter 3 chapter 4 chapter 5 chapter 6 chapter 7 chapter 8
Last entirety edit: 9/04/2024
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“Ramón!” The brunette man calls from the kitchen, “Your breakfast is going to get cold, Foofy!” Ice sighs and places a paper towel over the two freshly cooked, fluffy pancakes dolloped with butter, and a side of over easy eggs. 
“Need any help, Vans?” Tippy asks zeir husband. Vanilla pouts a little bit, 
“Go get your son.” He points.
In his room, 15 year old Ramón is on his computer chair listening to music and doodling a little in his sketchbook. Tippy opens the door,
“Mi hijo,” Ze knocks on the panel. Ramón turns around a little startled, then takes his headphones off,
“D-daddo! Good morning! I was just about to uh… yeah.”
“Get your cotton-candy-headed self in the kitchen before your pops sends you to the void.” Tippy teases Ramón. Ramón gets up from his computer chair and looks down at his dad with a chuckle. Tippy looks up at him,
“When did you get so tall?! I swear, we might have to get you a bigger doorway,” ze follows Ramón to the kitchen, “or a bigger house, heheh!”
“What’s this about a bigger house, sweetie? I’m not making any more renovations to this place until you give me a garden.” Vanilla points a spatula and gives his husband a warm chuckle and a smile.
“Papa, do you have to wear that apron every time you cook?” Ramón sits down at the table with an exaggerated eye roll as he takes the paper towel off of his plate.
“Yes, I do, young man. Eat your food so you can get taller and annoy your dad even more.” Vanilla dusts some pancake flour off of his purple apron with violet hearts on the pockets. He adjusts his hair bun and brushes his long left bang behind his ear. Ramón notices this and remembers something he’s been wanting to say for years. Vanilla pulls off his apron, getting ready to eat breakfast with his family. The teenage boy finishes chewing and swallows his pancake, then lightly points his fork at his papa,
“Hey, I’ve been meaning to ask you, pops. How come your right bang is so much shorter than the left? It’s been like that forever.”
Vanilla looks at his son, frozen. His mouth is open a little and his eyes are just a bit wide, Vanilla is stuck in place for a moment. The brunette looks to his lower left then his upper right,
“Uh… ah. Well…” Vanilla daintily folds his apron, fidgeting with it, “I… I’ll have to tell you when you’re older.” 
“Huh? How come?” Ramón asks before drinking some orange juice. Vanilla sits next to Tippy and kisses the top of zeir head.
“Well, Foofy… It’s a long story. A very long, boring story that you might not want to sit through.” Vanilla fidgets with his hair and doesn’t make eye contact with his son. Ramón has a feeling something is up, but leaves it alone.
After Tippy leaves for work at the art studio, Vanilla drops Ramón off at his high school.
“Alright, Foofs, have a wonderful day at school. Don’t cause trouble now!” Vanilla smiles at Ramón. He leans over and kisses his son on the cheek, much to Ramón’s dismay.
“Papa, don’t!” The pink haired boy turns around to look out the window in case anyone might’ve seen. He whips his head back around to his father, “I’m not a little kid anymore, you can’t just… kiss me like that, man.” Vanilla’s brows frown,
“I’m sorry…” Ramón opens the car door and Vanilla speaks, “You’ll always be my little boy. No matter how old you get.” 
Ramón sighs,
“I know, pops.”
“Ramoooooooon!” One of his friends playfully howls at him.
“Gotta go! See you at home!”
“Okay, Foofy, I lo-” Ramón closes the door on Vanilla. The brunette is stunned for a moment. He brushes his longer bang behind his ear and drives away with a very hurt expression.
“There he is!” One of Ramón’s friends, Jared, pats his back. Jared is a tall, lean yet muscular teenage boy with a box fade hair style, gold dangling earrings with stars at the end, and very dark brown eyes, “Are you still gonna hang out after cheer today?”
“Yeah, that’s the plan anyway, but it’s subject to change.” Ramón smiles and playfully shoves his friend. They both walk inside the building. Alex, another one of Ramón’s friends walks besides the two boys. She is a chubby teenage girl with straight blonde hair down her back, light blue eyes, and braces,
“Did you see the new episode of Space Train Violence last night?! It was the best one yet!”
“You say that about every episode! Even the one where they stood on the moon and didn’t do anything.” Jared tells her with a laugh. Ramón opens his locker and sets his backpack inside. Jared leans up against the locker next to Ramón about to say something. Suddenly his eyes widen and he smacks Ramón on the back a few times to get his attention.
“Dude, what?” Ramón turns around to see Cobie, his crush approaching the two of them. Cobie is a goth teenager with spiky black hair, blue lipstick, dark eye makeup surrounding their dark purple eyes. They walk towards Ramón, causing his heart to pound. Jared suppresses a laugh. He stretches and speaks,
“Oh yeah, I just remembered I have to be over here or whatever. Hi, Cobie.”
“Hey.” Cobie waves gloomily at Jared. “Hey, Ramón.”
“Hi. Uh, ahem, hi. Cobie.” Ramón clears his throat.
“I found these rat bones behind my house. I was lucky enough to find the skull too. I was thinking about adding it to my collection.” Cobie tells him, showing him the skeleton in a shoe box. Oh man, they are so cool.
“Y-yeah, that sounds awesome. Uh… so how is your half of the project coming along?” Ramón asks them.
“It’s going well. I hope you don’t mind that I put a spiderweb design on some parts.” Cobie closes the box.
“I think that’s really cool.” Ramón smiles at them. They look at him with a blank expression, but it’s still obvious that they enjoy his company. Cobie is about to speak, but suddenly, the box is smacked out of their hands. The box and its contents spill all over the floor. The person who did that also slams Ramón’s locker shut,
“Ew! There were bones in that thing!” 
“Ryan…” Ramón grits his teeth. Ryan is a tall, muscular yet chubby and pale, strawberry blonde teenage boy with blue eyes.
“Don’t you have anything better to do than be a douchebag?” Ramón sighs with a scowl.
“Wow, so hostile for no reason!” Ryan laughs. He tries to intimidate Cobie by pretending he’s going to attack them. When they flinch, Ryan laughs even harder. He turns back towards Ramón, “What? What?”
Ramón grits his teeth, and winds up his leg about to kick Ryan in the face. Unfortunately the headmaster walks down the hallway. Ryan gives her a fake smile and bows to her,
“Good morning, Miss Lewis. You look lovely today.”
“Good morning, Ryan.” She smiles at him, then sneers at Ramón, “Morning, Mr Ice.”
“Good morning, Miss Lewis.” Ramón says.
“Mhm. Have you been getting control of that menace of a stand?” She narrows her eyes at him. Ramón is about to speak to defend his stand, but suddenly she turns to see two other teenagers attacking one another, “HEY!” She sprints over to them at lightning speed, “No stand fighting in the hallway!” She grabs them both with her stand’s mechanical arms and pushes them away from each other,
“If I catch you using your stands to fight again, you are both getting detention!”
Ramón, Ryan, and Cobie watch this happen. Ryan turns back to Ramón and flips him off as he walks away. Ramón angrily bites his teeth and shakes his head. 
After school
Ramón and Jared head to the gym to cheer practice. The cheer captain Lillie, a teenage girl with long lavender box braids tied into a ponytail, bright pink lipstick, and dark brown almost pitch black eyes, blows a sparkly pink plastic whistle,
“Alright, everyone!” She claps her hands, “Let’s get this party started! Ramón! Have you been practicing those backflips?”
“You know it.” Ramón tells her. Jared elbows him in the shoulder,
“Hey, ask her about the thing- actually I’ll ask her about the thing- Lillie!”
“Yeeees?” She asks with a cheerful smile. Ramón tries to get Jared to stop talking, but he persists,
“Ramón’s stand can glitch people in and out of existence. Can he use it for our next performance?” Lillie taps her pen with a fluffy pink end against her cheek,
“Hmmm… I don’t know. Is it a destructive stand?”
“U-uh,” Ramón looks around at the other cheerleaders, “Well… I don’t actually know. I mean- uh… Sugar Crash-”
“Ooooh, Sugar Crash! I like that name! Sorry, go ahead.” Lillie giggles.
“Uh… well… like I said, I don’t know what else he does. The only thing I know how to do now is uh… well… uh, okay okay,” Ramón steps in front of everyone, “Let me show you.”
The teenage boy takes out his stand Sugar Crash. Sugar Crash is a pastel pink robotic looking stand. He has an angular helmet on his head, right-triangle eyes with blue scleras and black pupils, a soft angled cube torso, with teal, pink and green beams connecting his purple mechanical hands. The torso has a heart shaped hole in the middle with a swirling pink vortex with a light blue singularity. The torso is also connected to a spiked and more sharp angled cubic bottom. Sugar Crash levitates with small pink, teal, and green rings coming out of the bottom cube. 
Lillie smiles as Ramón continues to introduce them all to Sugar Crash. Ramón leaps into the air to perform a backflip, and Sugar Crash causes him to glitch out of existence. The other cheerleaders ooh and aah at what happened. Suddenly they hear his voice, which sounds just as glitched and distorted as he once was,
“I’m still here,” Ramón speaks and they all look around the gym for him, “But at the same time I’m not. It’s hard to explain… down here.” Ramón’s voice is normal now. His head and torso are coming out of the floor. The matter around him is glitched and looks distorted, Ramón is also just a little distorted, his image is jerking around as if he is a corrupted video game character. One of the teens covers their eyes because it’s difficult for them to look at. Lillie frowns her brows and smiles,
“That’s so cool! But I don’t know how we could incorporate that into our cheer. Especially if it could be harmful to other peoples’ eyes.”
“O-oh, no no!” Ramón floats up quickly and goes back to normal, “We wouldn’t have to do the floor thing, but phasing in and out of existence could be part of our routine.” A few of the other cheerleaders look at each other. One of them gets a worried look and speaks,
“I-I dunno… it seems, like, kind of dangerous…” Another one chimes in,
“Yeah, what if one of us gets stuck in the ground or a wall?”
“Yeah! And what if we get stuck in the void forever?!” Another speaks up. Ramón tries to settle them down. They all start talking about stand users with void powers and how they’re always dangerous,
“I had a cousin who had a void type stand. He went crazy and ended up sealing away half of his family into the ether! Never to be seen again!”
“That’s awful, I heard there are some people who can call the void at will and destroy everything in their path.” Another says.
“That’s horrible!”
“In my opinion, people with stands like that shouldn’t be allowed to-”
Lillie blows her whistle, getting a little upset,
“Alright!” She claps her hands, “Let’s get back to practicing our cheers for the game!” She gives Ramón an apologetic look. They all practice their original routine until it’s time to go home. 
That night
Ramón has his cheek pressed up against his palm, playing with his dinner with a fork. 
“Foofy?” Vanilla asks his son sweetly. Ramón looks up at his papa with a small,
“Is everything alright? Did something happen at school, Foofs?” Ice asks his child.
“Yeah, you okay, chiquito? You look kinda sad.” Tippy asks, joining in with a warm expression.
Ramón looks at his papa, then at his dad, then back at his papa. Ramón grimaces a little then leans back in his chair,
“Uh… it’s uh… you know, like…” He waves his hand around, “puberty.”
“Ah, that makes sense.” Tippy nods, while Vanilla has a feeling something else is going on. Ice tightens his lips into a line with worried brows and scratches his jaw a little bit,
“You know you can always come to us if there’s anything bothering you.”
“I know.” Ramón tells them, “Uh… I need to do my homework. Big test tomorrow, so I have to get on that.” He gets up and heads to his room.
“W-wait! Foofy, you didn’t finish-” Vanilla picks up the plate and tries to bring it to Ramón, but his son closes his bedroom door. His shoulders drop and he brings the plate back to the table. Ice sighs deeply and slumps down into a chair.
“Hey…” Tippy walks over and wraps zeir arms around zeir husband, “He’s just going through a phase where he wants to be independent. Let him have his space for now, okay?”
“I…I know, sweetie.” Ice touches Tippy’s hand which is resting on one of his shoulders, “He’s growing up too fast. I remember when he could fit in my arms. He was so tiny. I would look down at him while rocking him and he would look at me with those big brown eyes…” Vanilla smiles, fondly remembering his son as an infant, “I would smile at him and he would smile back… I used to fall asleep with him in my arms on the couch.”
“Yeah, and you spoiled him rotten to the point he couldn’t sleep without you!” Tippy playfully pokes zeir husband’s nose, “Ramón would cry all night until you would hold him. He sounded so pitiful, he just wanted his papa…”
“He needed me, Tippy.” Vanilla covers his mouth. Tippy touches Vanilla’s cheek,
“I know and now you need him.” Ze pats Ice’s cheek.
“Hm? What do you mean by that?” The brunette asks. Tippy chuckles,
“You don’t want your little boy to grow up just yet.”
“Well, what parent wants their baby to grow up?” Ice pouts, making his husband laugh,
“It’ll be okay. Maybe you and Ramón can hang out one day. Maybe take him bowling or something and have a Papa and Foofy day!”
“I would love that so much, but…” Ice’s eyes are downcast, “I don’t think he wants to be seen in public with me.” He adjusts his hair bun and tucks away the loose strands, “He pushed me away when I kissed his cheek…”
“Listen here, Lucky Charms,” Tippy wraps his arm around his husband’s shoulders, “I’m serious when I say just let him have his space. Go ahead and wait until Sunday, that way it’s after the game, then ask if he’d like to hang out with you.” Ze kisses Vanilla’s cheek, “You know! Just get to know your kiddo all over again.”
“Maybe you’re right, Termite.” Ice gives zem a small smile and kisses zeir forehead. 
“Foofy?” Ice gently opens Ramón’s door. The teenage boy is sleeping soundly in the top bunk of his desk-bunkbed. Vanilla hears his son peacefully breathing in his slumber, this makes him smile. The brunette thinks back to when he would watch Ramón sleeping in his crib, so worried and so protective of his child. The man clears his throat and speaks a little louder,
“Snrrrkkk- huh? What?” Ramón stirs awake. The teenage boy leans up a little too fast and bonks his head on the ceiling, “Ouch!” He rubs his head. 
“Oh! Are you alright?” Ice leans forward.
“Y-yeah… uh, hey, good morning, papa. You need me for something?” 
“Hmhm, well… I was thinking,” Ice leans on the door pane with a warm smile, “You and I haven’t had any ‘papa and son’ time together in… hm… a long while. Perhaps you and I could…” Vanilla’s voice trails off as he notices his son’s wincing face. This hurts his feelings quite a bit, however he continues, “Could, er, go bowling. If you’d like. Just you and me?”
Ramón grimaces and looks at his papa for a few uncomfortable moments,
“Uhh.. oh, dang, uh… I don’t know, man. I’m a little sore from cheer yesterday.” Ramón stretches, rubs his neck, and nonchalantly looks away. 
“I see…” Vanilla’s eyes are downcast. “If you ever need anything, Foofy, please let me know.” Ice’s honey sunset eyes gaze up into Ramón’s.
“You got it, pops! I’ll be fine. Honest.” 
“Mnh.” Ice nods at his child with a small smile as he gently closes the bedroom door.
Ramón waits a few moments after his papa leaves before breathing a sigh of relief,
“Glad that’s over…” The pink haired boy rips off the blankets from himself and slides down the ladder and sits down at his desk. Ramón puts on his headset and starts up his computer. After a while, he hears his other friends and speaks,
“Heeeeyy! So, are we still on for the mall today?”
Unbeknownst to Ramón, his papa stayed right outside the door and could hear everything.
“What? No, no I’m free. Yeah, my fathers said it’s okay… cool, I’ll meet you both around 2.”
Vanilla twirls his left bang around in a vain attempt to comfort himself. Ice sighs softly and gives one last glance at Ramón’s bedroom door, before finally walking away.
To be continued…
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brightgoat · 2 months
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STANDVERSE AU - fly, stone free!
(continued straight off of this) ALSO yes yes I'm aware all Stands are FTL, but we're talking about flight/travel speed here rather than combat speed ok ok we all good-
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The Miracle We Need
Prologue + Chapter 1
After overcoming her sickness, Holly develops a Stand of her own and seeks to join her family in Egypt.
Read on AO3 here!
Warnings for: nightmare sequence, illness, mentions of death
Suzi craned her neck to see better out the car window. They were coming up on Holly’s house and she wanted to see if her daughter was out in the garden. Unfortunately it was a school day today, meaning she couldn’t see Jotaro right away. It had been several years, and she was curious to see just how tall he’d gotten!
Suzi received a call from Joseph a few days ago saying he was going to be gone longer than he expected on his business trip to Japan. He didn’t give an estimate, which was odd for him. Usually he kept her informed.
She was a little miffed about that, and she felt like doing something spontaneous—so here she was. She booked the soonest flight to Japan despite the protests of her butler, Roses. She was excited to surprise Holly with her visit and hopefully see Joseph.
As the car neared Holly’s house, though, Suzi’s heart dropped and an acute feeling of dread settled in her chest. The driveway and streets around were full of vans and SUVs, some marked with decals she vaguely recognized. She’d seen Joseph dealing with people that had that logo: “SPW.”
She got out of the car quickly, marching up the driveway. At the door, a young person in scrubs stood with a clipboard. “What’s your name?” He asked. “Gotta check if you’re authorized.”
Suzi frowned. Authorized? This was Holly’s house, not some kind of military base!
“I’m Joseph Joestar’s wife. Does his name ring any bells? I’ll have you know he sent me.” She stuck her chin up, trying to sell her lie and praying these people were aligned with Joseph. They had to be, right?
The nurse looked at his clipboard. “You’re not on the list.”
“Is Joseph?” She asked. The nurse nodded, so she continued. “Well, as I said, I’m his wife, Suzi Joestar. He sent me here. Did you miss the call from him? I’m sure you don’t want to be the person who has to answer to him about who kept his wife waiting.”
“I…” the nurse wavered a bit. “Fine, go ahead.” He reluctantly stepped aside.
Suzi quickly elbowed past him before he could change his mind. She took off her shoes at the door and looked around. The front room was strangely empty, but she could hear voices a few rooms down. There were probably more doctors here.
Usually she would check the kitchen for Holly, however, this time she had a sinking feeling that her daughter wouldn’t be there. Suzi followed the sounds until she rounded a corner and saw a door propped open.
She approached slowly, her knees starting to feel a bit weak.
Inside, a hospital bed and heart monitor had been set up. There were multiple side tables with supplies, as well as an IV drip hooked up to the person in the bed—Holly. She was currently asleep. When she got closer, Suzi saw how pale Holly was, and the sweat shining on her brow.
What had happened? Suzi pulled up a chair and reached for Holly’s hand. She was burning up and her hand was clammy. Suzi sat there for a moment, taking deep breaths to try and collect her thoughts. What could have possibly occurred that would lead to such a sudden illness? Suzi had spoken to Holly on the phone just a few days ago. Worse yet, what illness would Joseph not tell Suzi about? Why did they bring all the medical equipment to Holly instead of just taking her to a real hospital? The more Suzi thought about it, the angrier she got.
Holly stirred and Suzi snapped out of her angry haze, realizing she had been gripping Holly’s hand too tightly. She leaned over and fussed with Holly’s hair. Clearly the people who had laid her here had no regard for her hair—it was a mess.
As she worked out the tangles, Suzi thought about the situation more. She needed to get ahold of Joseph. But how? Maybe the strange doctors would know.
She reluctantly stood, leaving the room. Now there was a doctor and a few nurses there, hovering to see what she was doing.
“Hey, you!” Suzi said. “Can you get me on the phone with Joseph?”
The doctor nodded. “Yes…but who are you?”
“I’m Suzi Joestar! Joseph’s wife!” She rolled her eyes.
“Oh, of course. Right this way.” The doctor briskly led her to the landline, seeming to sweat a bit. Suzi liked how effective name-dropping Joseph was.
At the phone, the doctor dialed a number swiftly and then handed it to Suzi, scuttling away before she could say anything. On one hand, she didn’t want to start off on the wrong foot with the doctors keeping her daughter alive, but on the other, she didn’t trust a single one of them.
The phone rang for a long while, and she heard the call being redirected a few times. Apparently the doctor didn’t actually know where Joseph was and the call was being sent through a few operators from within this mysterious organization. Suzi wondered if it would work.
Who cares about that? She thought. Who are these people and this company? What do they have to do with Joseph? Why does he trust them? Where is he? And will he even pick up?
But then he did.
“…hello? What is it?”
Suzi never expected to feel such mixed emotions upon hearing her beloved husband’s voice. One part of her was relieved he was okay, and the other part wanted his head on a pike for keeping this from her. She took a breath, trying to organize the tornado of questions flying around her head.
She must have been quiet for a while, because he said hello a few more times. She pursed her lips.
“Joseph Joestar,” Suzi hissed. “You’d better have an explanation ready for me.”
Chapter 1: It’s a Miracle
A dark figure, enshrouded in tendrils of smoke yet backlit by a sickly yellow flame. Golden curls cascading down his back, skin as pale as death, and flashing white teeth—no, fangs. He should have been beautiful, but there was something wrong. His neck came into the light. On it was a jagged, half-healed scar ringed with irritation, as if his head had been spliced back onto his body. His shoulder bore a purple birthmark in the shape of a star. This was a Joestar birthmark—meaning his body was stolen.
Holly thrashed in bed, now trembling in fear.
A broad back wearing a black coat. Broken cogs. Bloodied glass shards. The boy in black hunched over, blood pouring from his mouth, shadows obscuring his face completely. The boy again, laying curled up in a circle made of knives with his face hidden in the crook of his own elbow. He was somehow still familiar. A faint heartbeat sounded in the distance. Complete and utter darkness. A lock of black hair fluttering downwards as the heartbeat got louder. Then it stopped. A glimpse of lifeless sea-green eyes, stagnant as a puddle.
Black eyelashes. Thick brows.
Holly jerked awake, crying out in terror. Her hair stuck to her neck with sweat. She couldn’t stop shaking. Her breaths came in labored gasps.
Her head swirled with the need to protect Jotaro. It was so strong she could almost taste it.
After the adrenaline started to wear off, Holly looked around. Next to her, an EKG screeched in time with her racing heart. She was in a relatively professional-looking hospital bed, although it was set up in the guest room of her own house. Moonlight filtered through the sheer curtains and the dividers. What had happened? Why was she being tended to at home?
Given how high her heart rate was, a nurse would probably be here shortly for her to interrogate. She sighed heavily, leaning back to try and process the dream she’d had. As she calmed down, she remembered more and more of the details, and it threatened to make her panic all over again.
The first person she saw was without a doubt DIO. She recognized him from the spirit photos Joseph had taken. She had been comforted by what she had somehow subconsciously known was Jonathan’s body. She didn’t want to think about DIO, nor did she know why she dreamt about him. The image was still vivid in her mind, and it made her shiver.
More concerning was the second vision. That one was Jotaro, she just knew it. Its meaning wasn’t as clear as the first.
The last image haunted her. She knew by how glassy his eyes were that he was dead in it. Why did she dream about her son dying? Just the thought of it made her tear up. She was certain something bad was going to happen to Jotaro, and she was certain she had to stop it.
Just then, the door opened and a nurse trotted up to her. He was closely followed by Suzi, who was in a nightgown with a hastily donned cardigan over it.
“You’re awake!” She exclaimed.
Holly nodded absentmindedly as the nurse poked and prodded at her, sometimes asking questions or giving orders. “Where’s Jotaro?” She asked, her voice betraying her anxiety.
Suzi hesitated, and that told Holly everything she needed to know.
“He’s gone, isn’t he? Is he with Papa?” Holly started to shake a little. It’s another dream, she thought. It can’t be real.
“Yes. Joseph said they’re after…DIO? They thought you were going to die of this sickness so they left in order to save you.” Suzi sighed. “He wouldn’t tell me much, and what he did tell me didn’t make sense.”
“How long have they been gone?” Holly almost didn’t want to know the answer to that one. The nurse finally got done with her and scribbled on the clipboard attached to her bed before leaving quietly.
“Around a week. They left the same day you fell ill.”
Holly gasped. “I’ve been asleep that long? I need to go, now! I need to warn him!” She threw her legs over the side of the bed and immediately saw stars. Suzi grabbed her and laid her back against the pillows. Holly barely struggled, her energy quickly fading.
“Don’t do anything dumb, Holly,” Suzi scolded. “You need to get your strength back.”
“Time is of the essence here!” Holly said, trembling again. “Jotaro could die!” She recalled the vision again. It made her sick to her stomach to think about the horrible things DIO might do to Jotaro. Would DIO steal Jotaro’s body if it came to that? She remembered her wonderful great-granny, Erina. How had she been able to bear it when Jonathan was killed by DIO? And then his body stolen? Erina was much stronger than her, Holly thought.
“You could die if you keep pushing yourself like this!” Suzi shook her head, gently smoothing Holly’s hair. “You’re starting to act like Joseph! I couldn’t get him to sit still for the life of me. Those burns he got were more serious than he gave them credit for! You’ve been asleep with a fever for a very long time. Your body isn’t ready to move, okay? Don’t be like him!”
Holly thought of her father. The burns all over his arms, face, and torso. She remembered when she was little she would hold his hand, and it would be so hard and rough. Callouses, burn scars, the works. She would always ask for him to take off his glove so she could feel his skin. His hands were always warm, seeming to radiate life. Even his prosthetic was gentle in a way. She hoped he was okay. She needed him to be, so she could hold his hand again.
“What’s wrong, sweetie?” Suzi said. “Do you want to talk about it?”
Holly nodded, swallowing down the lump in her throat. “I had such a horrible dream…I saw Jotaro…I saw him die.”
As soon as she spoke it aloud, the tears came. She couldn’t imagine what her life would be like without Jotaro. He was all she had, ever since Sadao had divorced her in every sense but legally. She hadn’t seen her husband for so long she barely recognized him when he was in the news last time.
She had already lost him, but at least he was alive. There was a chance.
If Jotaro died for her she would never forgive herself. She bit down on her lower lip, trying not to spiral into hysterics.
“Don’t cry! It’s just a dream, alright? Jotaro is a very smart boy, he’ll be fine!” Suzi said with an encouraging squeeze of Holly’s hand. “The guy they’re after…he’s strong, but it’s a whole team against just one of him.”
Holly could tell by Suzi’s tone there that she didn’t believe that. Whatever Joseph had told her made her aware of the gravity of this situation, and the low odds of survival.
“I know, but something about the dream was just so real. I have a feeling that it’ll come true.” She pulled her knees up to her chest. “I’m scared, mama…”
“Try not to worry about it right now. There’s nothing you can do for him in your condition. The only thing that will help you is rest, okay?”
Holly nodded, drying her tears. “Okay.”
Suzi leaned over and kissed Holly’s forehead. “It’s the middle of the night, how about you try and get some sleep? Do you want me to stay with you?”
“No, it’s alright. I need a minute.”
“Alright. Sleep well.” With that, Suzi left, closing the door behind her.
Holly rolled over and settled under the blankets, but as soon as she closed her eyes she saw Jotaro again. Dead on the ground. Curled up in agony. She tried to think of something else, anything else.
She remembered when he was little, he used to ask her to push him on the swing and—
It wasn’t working. She opened her eyes and stared at the ceiling for a while. Why was this happening to her?
A few nurses came in to bother her some more.
No, that was mean. They were making sure she was okay after her fever broke. It was their job.
She rubbed her eyes, internally embarrassed for being grouchy.
Holly needed to talk to Joseph about these dreams. He always knew what to do, especially in strange situations like this.
She started to wonder where her father had even gotten all of his near-encyclopedic knowledge of the strange and occult. Come to think of it, he went on a suspicious amount of “business trips.” What could he possibly need to travel that much for?
If Joseph’s excursions weren’t for his job, what were they for, then? Was he some kind of ghost hunter?
Is that what those “Stands” would fall under? She trusted Joseph’s judgement, but she definitely didn’t blame Jotaro for thinking his was an evil spirit.
Jotaro’s Stand was scary, and not just in appearance. She recalled his flashing blue eyes, the same as Jotaro’s but colder and brighter. Harsher. He radiated power and sheer intimidation. But even more frightening was the thought of him allowing her son to hurt someone on accident. Jotaro said he had trouble keeping him at bay. Holly wondered if he would ever spiral out of control. Joseph certainly couldn’t do anything against this Stand—Hermit Purple wouldn’t be a match at all.
Hermit Purple had been strangely beautiful. The resonant sound it gave off was very soothing to her, maybe because it was her father’s Stand. She had liked its violet light.
And then there was Magician’s Red. Holly was glad Avdol was on their side, even though he had to rough up Jotaro. But something about watching Magician’s Red and Avdol work together was captivating. They were completely in tune, and Avdol had exact control of his flames. Maybe Avdol would be the key to getting Jotaro’s Stand under control should the worst happen.
Holly knew her son, and she knew that with power like that he would he even more self-sacrificial than usual. She wondered if he’d learned to use his Stand to its full potential yet. If he learned as much control as Avdol had, Jotaro might just have a chance against DIO. She knew he could do it. The thought offered her a small bit of comfort.
She wondered what her son was up to right now. Was he sleeping? She hoped he wasn’t having bad dreams like she was.
A couple of days had passed since Holly woke up, and now she was eating light portions of solid food and even walking for short distances. Last night she had cooked dinner for herself, her mom, and the nurses on graveyard shift. She was proud of her accomplishments, but worried she wasn’t improving fast enough.
This spike in her motherly instincts was making her very antsy. She didn’t like sitting around. She felt the need to help Jotaro, but she didn’t know how. She would just be a hindrance—any enemy they would face was far above her pay grade.
Holly wanted to talk to her dad; she missed him sorely. Suzi wouldn’t tell her whether that was possible. When Holly had asked why, Suzi had hedged until she gave up.
Were both of her parents now keeping secrets from her? The feeling was maddening—She just wanted to know what was going on.
Right now, Holly was talking a lap around almost the entirety of her house with the help of a walker the nurses had given her.
Her strength seemed to ebb and flow. Every now and then she could almost walk by herself, but other times her legs would be rubber and she could barely even stand. She was doing fairly well this time, although not having to concentrate on walking meant she was free to worry.
Today she just couldn’t shake the writhing clump of apprehension in her chest caused by Jotaro’s absence.
On her walk, she came to his room.
The door was slightly open and she could see the vase in his windowsill where she always left him flowers. The ones she had given him before she got sick were still there, now shriveled and brown.
Suzi had weeded her flower beds for her earlier and brought in a few hibiscus. Holly went and grabbed one out of the dining room, returning and switching it for the dead flowers. What had they even been before they dried up? She couldn’t remember.
The curtains were drawn, so Holly opened them. The flower would last longer that way, and with water.
Now that she could see better, Holly noticed how much of a mess it was in here. Jotaro never let his room get messy…he must have been in a hurry to pack. A few of his band t-shirts were thrown over his bed, and his school bag had been emptied.
Holly didn’t have the strength to clean for him right now. She felt guilty, but Suzi would have her head if she walked in on Holly cleaning.
She stopped beside his desk to throw away the old flowers. In the trash were very many pieces of paper, which she initially assumed was scratch paper from homework.
However, she saw English writing. Jotaro’s school didn’t teach anything in English that would need scratch paper. Not to mention the words:
“Dear mom,”
Holly’s heart skipped a beat. Had he tried to write her a note? With shaking hands she pulled it out of the trash, smoothing out the creases. It was written in a hasty scrawl, with several words scratched out or replaced.
“Dear mom,
We’re leaving to go after DIO. It’s me, the old man, Avdol, and Kakyoin. I don’t know if you’ll be awake to read this, but if you are then try not to worry. We’re flying straight to Egypt and we’ll have a long time to get ready once we’re there.
I don’t know how it’ll go. I don’t know enough about DIO to give you an honest guess about whether we’ll live.
I don’t even know why I’m writing this. If we lose you won’t ever see it. But on the off chance you might, I wanted to tell you I didn’t mean to take you for granted. You’re a good mom. I’m sorry I turned out the way I did. I’m”
It ended mid-sentence. Holly put a hand to her mouth, stifling a sob. Hot tears streamed down her face. What had stopped him from finishing the note? Her vision blurring, she grabbed the rest of the papers. They all had variations of the first paragraph written with varying degrees of care.
She knew he was terrified. He had to be to write like that. If he was in any way confident he wouldn’t have written it like a will towards the end.
She cried harder. Jotaro had packed up his belongings without question and set off to another country in order to fight the person causing her illness. He did it for her. Because he loved her.
Her son, not even of age yet, was fully prepared to sacrifice himself to save her and there was nothing she could do to stop him.
It made her sick with fear.
Holly forced herself to take deep breaths. She needed to be calm. Think.
She couldn’t. Recalling her dreams made her panic even more. She could remember it with perfect clarity, down to each hair on DIO’s head. She sat down so she wouldn’t fall and hurt herself.
She reached to grab one of the papers, but stopped. What was that?
It looked like her hand had been engulfed in green, thorny vines bearing holly leaves and too-bright berries.
Was she hallucinating now? The vines looked shimmery and were transparent in places, like they weren’t really there. She could hear a soft resonation that was familiar but that she could not place.
Holly turned her hand over. The vines had formed tiny spirals over her palm and each fingertip. She felt compelled to touch something with that hand.
Nervously, she reached out for the paper again, brushing her fingers against it.
A jolt shot up her arm, making her recoil back. It wasn’t painful, only surprising.
What did she just do?
She distinctly felt the sensation of touching the paper again, even though her hand was nowhere near it.
She wanted it to stop, and it did. She tried to make it happen again, and it did. This strange vision was under her control.
Was it not a hallucination, but a Stand? It would make sense; these vines had a striking resemblance to Joseph’s Hermit Purple. Now that she thought of it, the sound was similar as well.
Holly froze. If she had a Stand, that meant she might be able to help Jotaro directly. She might be able to save him. She had to tell Joseph she had a Stand now, that she could help.
Who was she kidding? No matter how powerful her Stand was, Joseph would never let her anywhere near DIO. She had to take matters into her own hands.
She stood, her fear now banished by resolve, and brought out the Stand again. This time there were more vines and they went further up her arm. Had it gotten stronger just from her using it?
It needed a name.
She turned her arm a few times, trying to let ideas come to her. The vines shimmered and sparkled, as if excited for her to decide.
This Stand…it was a miracle. The physical form of her beating the odds as well as her sickness. It could have killed her, but she had overcome it by the strength of her desire to protect her family. She felt connected to her ancestors, to Jonathan. She had received this Stand because of his body. She hoped her actions would make him proud.
Holly’s Stand would be called The Miracle. Its name would remind her of what she had done in the past, and what she was capable of in the future. It would make sure she never forgot what her goal was.
After she was done exercising, Holly sat down to rest for a moment. She used to see her dad breathe a certain way after he did something tiring, but whenever she imitated it her chest would hurt. Was that another of his occult practices or was he just strange? Holly laughed a little.
Once her energy returned, she closed her eyes, extending her arm to bring out The Miracle. She needed to figure out exactly what its ability was.
Most importantly, could she fight with it in any way? Or at least be of help? She intended to go to Egypt regardless of what her Stand ability ended up being, but a fighting ability would help her make her case to Joseph.
She was dreading that, actually. She didn’t want Joseph to be disappointed in her. She had to prove herself to him, so maybe he’d take her seriously.
The Miracle shimmered and shifted, its vines coiling around her fingers and snaking up her arm.
Holly touched the leaf of one of her houseplants. No jolt this time, but she did hear a faint click. Now pulling away, the sensation remained. The Miracle was able to catalog sensations, then. Out of curiosity, she tried to feel the paper from earlier again.
It worked. It was just like touching the object, but her hand contacted nothing but air.
Would it work with her other senses? She stared at the plant, focusing in on it. She closed her eyes like a camera shutter, hearing the click again. Now opening them, nothing changed. Holly turned her head so her view was different and tried to see the image again. It was a bit like trying to wiggle one’s ears, but eventually she figured it out.
Her houseplant, in perfect clarity, right in front of her eyes.
What about hearing? She listened closely to the clock ticking in the other room, captured it, and replayed it with no issue. It was jarring to hear the clock ticking over itself, but it meant she was getting the hang of her new ability. It gave her hope.
It didn’t seem capable of combat, but reconnaissance would be very effective with this Stand.
Now that she knew a bit more about The Miracle, it was time to talk to her mom.
Holly found Suzi sitting in the living room crocheting something.
“Mama?” Holly said, sitting down on the coffee table to face Suzi. “I’m gonna ask you something, and I need you to not question me.”
She nodded, so Holly continued. “Is there any way you can help me reach papa’s group in Egypt? I have something that’ll make beating DIO easier.”
“…I thought you might ask that. I’ve been listening for anything that might be able to help you.”
“Really?” Holly said, her shoulders sagging with relief. Finally, she was making progress.
“Yes. Joseph let it slip that the Speedwagon Foundation is trying to round up another person to join his group. He said the person they’re after is hard to get, so it’s taking longer than they expected. I think with enough luck I might be able to get them to let you go with him.”
Holly was on the verge of tears. “Thank you—“
Suzi cut her off. “One thing. You’re not strong enough right now. You have to rest, and eat, and exercise. Promise me or I won’t help you.”
She nodded vigorously. “Of course, I have been.” After a moment of thinking, Holly continued: “why are you doing this?”
“You have a chance to do something I never could. I wasn’t strong enough to go after your father when he left to fight the Pillar Men. I had to wait back home in Italy and just pray no one died. I felt so useless. I don’t want you to have to go through that, and you have the opportunity not to. Your Granny Erina and I would have wanted this chance more than anything. You have to take advantage of it for us.”
“Mama…” Holly said, taking a breath. “Thank you. I promise I’ll keep everyone safe.”
Suzi pulled her in for a hug. “Let them keep you safe as well, alright? Erina wouldn’t want me to let you go. Make it count so she won’t be angry with me forever.”
Holly hesitated. She didn’t think she would be able to let Joseph and Jotaro put themselves in harm’s way for her. They had already done so much.
“Alright?” Suzi urged. “You can’t let yourself act like anything other than a team. I know you love them, but you have to be careful as well. No self-sacrifice, and definitely no arguing! As soon as you join their team and fight together, you can’t act like everyone is your child.”
Holly sighed. “I’ll do my best.” That was probably a lie. She didn’t know how well she’d be able to control herself if things got too bad.
“Make sure Joseph comes home to me.” Suzi said quietly, and the depth of her sadness struck Holly like a wave of ice water. “I know you can do this, dear.”
All her life, Holly had gotten a sense that there was some kind of history her mother never told her about. Finally now she got a small taste of it. She realized Suzi was intimately familiar with this special kind of helplessness that followed the Joestar women, like the shadow of an early grave that followed their men.
“Mama, what is it? Did something happen with Papa?” Holly said.
“We fought, but I’m sure you already knew that. I doubt anyone could be civil after what he kept from me. I may be starting to forgive him. But I don’t care how angry I am at him, I don’t want him to die.
“Your father and I have a policy of never ending on a fight. Whenever we get upset with each other, we have to stop and say ‘I love you’ before we leave to calm down. Well, when I first got here I just hung up on him. I was so angry I forgot about our agreement. I haven’t been able to get ahold of him since, and I’m so scared he’ll get himself killed before i can say I’m sorry.”
“I’ll tell him, okay?” Holly said. “You know Papa can’t stay mad at you.”
“I know…I just don’t like leaving things like that.” Suzi looked down at picked at her crochet project.
“It’ll be fine! Papa won’t die so easily. They haven’t even found DIO yet.” She said taht as much for Suzi as she did for herself.
Suzi sniffed. “How do you know? What if DIO got to them first? What if he died right after he talked to me? What if—“
Holly cut her off. “Mama. Listen, please?”
Suzi nodded, dabbing at her eyes with an embroidered handkerchief.
Holly’s hand went to the birthmark on her shoulder. “I promise Papa is alright. He’s probably not mad at you, but if he is, he’ll get over it. You had every right to be upset. He loves you, remember? Something like this isn’t enough to get him to stop. Haven’t you two been through worse?”
“You’re right. We have.” She finished drying her tears. “Your father has defeated powerful enemies before, but this is just on another level. I don’t know if his Hamon is enough.”
“…Hamon? Is that the lightning?” Holly thought back to the times she’d seen Joseph do something that seemed improbable—they were all accompanied by the crackle of yellow lightning. She thought she’d just been seeing things.
When she was little and the adults would be talking, sometimes she would hear that word be passed around at their table. She never knew what it meant, but they always talked about it with such reverence. Even as a toddler she knew it was sacred and dangerous.
“Yes, and I’m sorry we never told you much about it before. Hamon is a special breathing technique that allows someone to harness life energy. Joseph was rigorously trained by an amazing coach, but…” Suzi trailed off, before straightening up abruptly. “Oh, that’s it!”
“Huh?” Holly said, staring in confusion as Suzi quickly got up and rushed to the phone.
“Holly, you’re going to learn Hamon! I know you can!” Suzi punched in a number, holding the phone to her ear anxiously.
Holly racked her brain. Who could Suzi possibly be calling? Who else used lightning?
Suzi jumped as someone apparently picked up. “Lisa Lisa! Please, when are you able to come to Japan?” She listened as the person responded. “Perfect! Please hurry! You must come and teach my daughter Hamon!”
Another response that made Suzi frown. “It’s life or death! Joseph will die without Holly’s assistance! You have to come help!”
Suzi listened for longer this time, and her face showed she was getting orders. She touched her chin. “Are you sure? You showed me how to do it, but I’m not sure it’ll be very effective.” Suzi nodded after a pause. “Alright. Whatever you say!”
“Holly, dear, come here for a moment,” Suzi said, covering the phone.
Holly obliged, still completely lost. What was—
Suzi suddenly stabbed her hand into Holly’s diaphragm with the force of a sledgehammer, evacuating all the air in her lungs at once.
Holly doubled over, trying to get her breath back. When her vision stopped swimming, she saw that The Miracle had come out. Why was that? She stood back up shakily, grabbing onto the doorjamb for support and searching her mom’s face for an answer.
Suzi beamed, immediately picking the phone back up. “It worked, Lisa Lisa! She’s using Hamon!”
I am? Holly thought, looking up at her hand.
Where it contacted the wood, Holly’s hand was causing it to grow branches like it was still alive. She pulled away and the yellow lightning fizzed out of her hand. Just like Joseph’s. Was it that easy to learn this Hamon?
Looking back at Suzi now, Holly saw she was vigorously nodding as she received more orders.
“Sweetie, does your chest still hurt?” Suzi said to Holly.
“N-no…” she said, shocked. She touched the spot Suzi hit her. Surely that would be painful, right? It would at very least leave a bruise.
Suzi bounced on her heels. “Wonderful! Lisa Lisa, she healed herself!”
Healed herself? She used Hamon to do that? Holly supposed it made sense. Suzi had said it was life energy, after all. Whatever that meant.
After a bit more talking, Suzi said goodbye and hung up.
“What was that? Holly said. “Who were you talking to? Why did you hit me?”
“Do you happen to remember your grandma Elizabeth?”
“Yes, what does she have to do with this?” Holly said. Immediately after it passed her lips she realized. Elizabeth. Lisa Lisa.
“Grandma can use Hamon?” She tried to recall any evidence of this. She had met her grandmother maybe twice, both when she was very little. Her memory was foggy at best. All she remembered was a shining red scarf and expensive perfume.
“Use it? Lisa Lisa does more than Use! She was a Hamon coach! The finest one you’ll ever meet, in fact. And she’s coming out of retirement just for you!”
Suzi seemed to trust Lisa Lisa completely—any trace of uncertainty had completely evaporated once she contacted her.
“Her training style is intense. You’ll wish you were never born,” Suzi said. “You have to stay determined. She almost broke Joseph, and he’s the most stubborn man I know! She went easy on me during my training, but I still felt like mush when she was done.”
“You trained under her?” Holly echoed. She was a little surprised. Joseph told her stories all the time about how much of an airhead Suzi used to be, so Holly wasn’t sure exactly how that worked.
“Not nearly as extensively as your father, but yes, I can use a bit of Hamon. Lisa Lisa wouldn’t be caught dead with a maid who can’t defend herself! I dropped out, but I know you can do better than me.” Suzi grabbed Holly’s hands.
Holly looked down at her arms, The Miracle making spirals up her wrists. “I promise I will.”
Thank you for reading!
I received fanart for this chapter! Check it out here
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ambyandony · 2 months
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i finally did it. chapter 1 of the squatizi au fic.
it doesnt have anything raunchy yet but i marked it as mature anyway
idk the best way to do this but i can try to include a link in the reblogs or smth
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fuckmachine42069 · 8 months
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ik i’m late af to the game but read this awesome fic and needed to draw scenes from it !!! shoutout @3kanite on ao3 for night shift !!
(closeups under the cut)
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shinyspanishgem · 13 days
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 | JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken | JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Giorno Giovanna & Hol Horse, Pannacotta Fugo/Giorno Giovanna, Dio Brando & Hol Horse, Hol Horse/Enrico Pucci, Giorno Giovanna & Guido Mista Characters: Giorno Giovanna, Hol Horse, Giorno Giovanna's Mother, Bruno Buccellati's Gang Members, Bruno Buccellati, Pannacotta Fugo, Guido Mista, Narancia Ghirga, Trish Una, Leone Abbacchio, Dio Brando, Dio Brando's Children, Diavolo (JoJo), Enrico Pucci Additional Tags: Hol Horse raises Giorno, American Giorno, Kid Giorno Giovanna, Teenage Giorno Giovanna, Single Parents, forced unclehood, Hol Horse is Guido Mista's Father, lemme hide that little thing in the tags, PTSD From Dio Brando | PTSDio, Cowboy!Giorno Giovanna, Cowboys & Cowgirls, Giorno's mom is a baddie, Texas, Angst, Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Enrico is that uncle that's in a piramid scheeme, AU, alternative universe, Stands Summary:
When Hol Horse meets Giorno's mother, she's pregnant and asking for Dio, he doesn't think thats a reasonable route to go about, so he ends up helping her, which leads to a lot.
This is the story of how Giorno is raised by Hol Horse, and how his plans to be the best Cowboy in all of Texas take a turn when they travel to Italy, and meet Bruno. Who is really cool, by the way, so maybe Cowboy!Giorno prefers to be an Italian gangster, all the while, Mista wonders who his father is.
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