#brother: jaded asset (dima)
tiny-cloud-of-flowers · 11 months
Hi, Dmitry and Katya! How are you?
I'd love to know: what's something (be it simple or important) that Echo has taught each of you and you're grateful for?
Katya: "Hi there! You must be Echo’s friend! I’m feeling fine right now, thanks for asking~”
Dima (from across the room): “Don’t shout into her phone like that.”
Katya: “Oh, shush! As you can hear, Dima is his usual grumpy self. Anyway, come here so you can talk-
We’re both really grateful to Echo for lots of things, to be honest. I mean- having a place to live is only one thing, but that doesn’t change how much it means to us. Plus, she does a really good job of taking care of it, and us, even though she’s not much older than us. She’s super smart, even if she can be really mean to other people. And she taught us a lot about the kinds of things you’d probably learn at school - I have no idea how she found out so much. She’s like.. the cool older sis from a movie! Even though she’s also a massive nerd~”
Dima: “KT, she’s a lot older than both of us. *sigh* Let me have that a second.
M- damn it! Echo has done a lot for us, it’s true. It’s.. not fun to think about where we could have ended up if not for running into her when we did. She has introduced us to a lot of different things, even things she herself has only recently found out about. She lets us be ourselves, and.. helps us figure out who that is, too. And although we’re all very different, and we do not always see her all of the time - if I’m staying with Olga, for example - it’s just.. good to know there’s always someone we can go to. Someone who we know, in a city that can’t know we’re here.”
Katya: “You sound like one of those super-dramatic black-coat guys from that one game she never beat.”
Dima: “Oh, shush. Echo will probably be back in a bit, so.. let’s just leave it there. Thanks for your questions.”
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void-kissed · 1 year
how about 🌈 for any of your platonics or familials that you choose !!
Oh! I can definitely do that! Thank you for this opportunity!!
(source: this post by bewearships)
send me a 🌈 + one of my F/Os for my sexuality/gender headcanons for them! - Let's see what I can think of, shall we? This won't be everyone, but it'll be a good scattering!
I think my three dads (Vandham, Dedede, and Nader) and my three grandads (Greygnarl, Paarthunax, and Zhongli) all like men in some way or another. That's just the vibes I'm getting from all of them. Shoutout to all three of my grandads being dragons in some form or another, incidentally.
Today (the 5th of June) is actually Katya's birthday, so it'd be remiss of me to not talk about her! That's my little sister!! Ferry (her creator) has semi-canonically said that she likes girls, so I personally headcanon her to be a lesbian. I also headcanon her to be nonbinary!
Actually, since I've mentioned Katya I shall also mention Dima, given that they're both from the same series and they're both my little siblings. Ferry has, again, semi-canonically said that he's straight, and I'm fine with sticking with that. In terms of his gender, I headcanon him to be a trans boy.
For some platonic F/Os.. you cannot tell me Nia isn't a trans girl. I also headcanon her to be pansexual. Following the XC2 theme, I headcanon Crossette to be a lesbian, Roc is canonically nonbinary (literally, his gender in the code is 4 where 1/2/3 are for male/female/animal Blades) and I also think he likes men, I like the idea of aroace Haze, and Mòrag and Brighid are definitely both sapphic and also very likely to be in love with each other.
Okay, now for some who aren't from XC2 specifically; I headcanon Taka to be bisexual and Cain to be trans and also bisexual, I headcanon Xion to be nonbinary and sapphic and Strelitzia to be bisexual (because of the flower pun). I'm not sure if you could say these count as headcanons if they're about my own OCs, but none of my Dragon Quest IX OCs cishet - Iris is a cis lesbian, Kana is a trans girl and is pansexual, and Jasper is bigender and aroace.
Hopefully this scattering of assorted headcanons is alright! Thank you once again for this opportunity to give so many ^-^
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happy birthday to not one but two of my fictional brothers today ^-^
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A dear friend of mine said, to quote, “ain’t never seen two siblings who didn’t share aspects of their fighting style”
So I went down through mine, and.. she’s right:
Both Alectra and Lamia wield swords, like Tartaglia’s melee stance, with Lamia having actually witnessed him learning his sword skills from Skirk in the Abyss
Catarina shows Felix the value of learning magic in addition to swordsmanship in their shared supports (like this one comic I saw that was like “felix if your sword got knocked out of your hand and you could conjure up a new one wouldn’t that be epic”), and ends up taking pointers from how he fights with his own sword too
Inigo is highly skilled in archery, one-handed weaponry, and sneaking - which are the exact same three skills Carmine specialises in (plus alchemy, in her case)
Aria and Vanitas are both dark entities and wield Keyblades of darkness in their fighting styles, with both also focusing way more on offense than defense (I think of Vanitas as more able to take hits whereas Aria is more about dodging them)
Katya, Dima and Echo all have mutations that can be used to attack in various ways - Katya by producing tissue, Dima wielding something with his telekinesis, Echo manipulating electrical signals inside an opponent’s body
Noel is battled on Grassy Terrain by the player, and Adriana’s Aevian Mismagius can set that; Noel, Anna and Adriana all also have at least one Fairy-type Pokémon on their teams (Clefable and later Xerneas, Sylveon and shiny Gardevoir, Mimikyu); Lumi and Adriana both battle more to have a good time than to necessarily get stronger (and Lumi also has an Alolan Ninetales, which is Fairy-type!)
The Lumas don’t generally really fight, and Mimi doesn’t like fighting either, though she can using star magic if she needs to (and Lumas become stars, so)
Maria has two guns. I don’t have a self-insert for her source yet but I don’t know how she learns how to use those so maybe I can teach her? Either that or we can match in dual-wielding but I have some other sort of weapon, I'm not sure yet.
I do believe that is all of my fictional siblings
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so so much is happening right now in PAFL just from two little sentences and one small bonus song and the only thing I know is that I will defend my little siblings with my *life* against what the world wants to do to them
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In today’s episode of accidentally making links between two entirely unrelated F/Os:
“I see, you’re playing me for a fool, to be replaced by a less inconvenient tool; I’ve an objection, not one you can overrule - since men like me have the right to be cruel.. I cannot play it cool”
I am well aware that this is Dima, given it’s from his character song and is being sung directly from his perspective,
but doesn’t it kind of also fit N?
Even some other lyrics fit, like, try these two on for size (treat the first as being said to N and the other as being said by N):
“Oh, it’s noble to serve as means to meet an end.. So, sentiment aside, why don’t you take pride in being an important asset, for “our” experiment?”
and then later down the line,
“When you look at me from above, being “too good” equals being not good enough”
..I admit I don’t know what to make of this but I now can’t unsee the comparison
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I wonder why it is that I keep ending up finding out new stuff that makes me go aaagh about not one but both of my brothers who are from a fictional version of/place inspired by somewhere in Eastern Europe at the same time
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can’t believe I didn’t think to do this sooner but I have two new younger siblings now
One is KT003-405 Katya, who would probably adore it if I called her my little sister. She is really neat and she deserves so much better. The other is DT001-319 Dima, who would probably dislike it if I called him my little brother (especially since he’s taller than I am, despite being three years younger). But I like to think that part of him would still appreciate the connection, hehe.
This is what they both look like (from each of the songs from their respective perspectives!) - Katya is the girl with brown hair and Dima is the boy with black hair
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Both of them are from the Parties Are For Losers series, by Ferry! There’s rather a lot to it (the song playlist is here and a big document about the plot is here if anyone’s curious), but I’m super excited to see where the story is going and there’s already so much to work with, which is really neat ^-^
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aaah no but, that last reblog reminded me of something I was thinking about earlier
I've been thinking a lot about my PAFL self-insert in the context of this being the first time I've ever lived on my own, because so does she. I keep thinking of Echo (my self-insert) as living in this really run-down, uninhabited apartment on the ground floor of a massive tower block that's mostly fallen into disrepair, and the door to that flat is hidden behind the staircase so nobody realises it's there (or that it's not just something like a cupboard), and if anyone ever sees her going in and out they just assume she's a student at some local college or other in the city, and.. I'm not really sure how she'd even get money, but I know that where she lives is covered in loads of cushions because a) it gets cold when you don't officially live where you're living and therefore are not paying bills and b) using her mutation as much as she has in the past has slightly thrown her nervous system for a loop, and falling over/knocking things onto pillows is easier than concrete.
And.. I'm the youngest of three siblings, but Echo would of course be the oldest out of her, Dima, and Katya respectively, so.. I'm just thinking about introducing the two of them to the things my siblings showed me. The first thing I was going to render once I'd finished Echo's model and maybe put ones together for the other two is how Echo first ended up meeting them in the story, but.. I kind of want it to be of us all huddled together around a tiny little GBA SP playing Pokémon Ruby in a pile of old duvets and cushions, or something like that ^~^
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I selfship w dima! Pafl is bordering on being a hyperfix sorry I’m rlly excited aa-
!! Oh my goodness it’s no problem, I’m just super happy to meet someone else who knows the series!!! Please don’t apologise for being excited because it is really lovely to see!!
And aaaah, that makes me so happy to hear!! He’s one of my familial F/Os, he’s my little brother - so knowing he’s with someone cool like you is awesome!!
Thank you so much for sending this to me - if ever you want to talk about PAFL then I’m always more than happy to!!
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Like all the PAFL songs, Punch It, Punk! has many great and quotable lines, including but not limited to these ones from one of the choruses:
"Both you and I are lost in this pathetic place - at least that way, the fear doesn't hit like a mace"
But, I'm not sure if those lines are better as standalone lines, or when given the context from the song's PV, which is of Anya and Dima absolutely not enjoying smoking cigarettes (which I bet Anya stole from Yura) and then also the lid of the salt shaker falling off while Dima's cooking breakfast
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It's just, like.. the song is definitely the most lighthearted of the PAFL series so far for a reason, and even then it does have many serious moments in it too, but I find the slight dissonance between the lyrics and the visuals in this one amusing =P
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