#ooookay tags time. I am probably going to run out of tags
void-kissed · 1 year
how about 🌈 for any of your platonics or familials that you choose !!
Oh! I can definitely do that! Thank you for this opportunity!!
(source: this post by bewearships)
send me a 🌈 + one of my F/Os for my sexuality/gender headcanons for them! - Let's see what I can think of, shall we? This won't be everyone, but it'll be a good scattering!
I think my three dads (Vandham, Dedede, and Nader) and my three grandads (Greygnarl, Paarthunax, and Zhongli) all like men in some way or another. That's just the vibes I'm getting from all of them. Shoutout to all three of my grandads being dragons in some form or another, incidentally.
Today (the 5th of June) is actually Katya's birthday, so it'd be remiss of me to not talk about her! That's my little sister!! Ferry (her creator) has semi-canonically said that she likes girls, so I personally headcanon her to be a lesbian. I also headcanon her to be nonbinary!
Actually, since I've mentioned Katya I shall also mention Dima, given that they're both from the same series and they're both my little siblings. Ferry has, again, semi-canonically said that he's straight, and I'm fine with sticking with that. In terms of his gender, I headcanon him to be a trans boy.
For some platonic F/Os.. you cannot tell me Nia isn't a trans girl. I also headcanon her to be pansexual. Following the XC2 theme, I headcanon Crossette to be a lesbian, Roc is canonically nonbinary (literally, his gender in the code is 4 where 1/2/3 are for male/female/animal Blades) and I also think he likes men, I like the idea of aroace Haze, and Mòrag and Brighid are definitely both sapphic and also very likely to be in love with each other.
Okay, now for some who aren't from XC2 specifically; I headcanon Taka to be bisexual and Cain to be trans and also bisexual, I headcanon Xion to be nonbinary and sapphic and Strelitzia to be bisexual (because of the flower pun). I'm not sure if you could say these count as headcanons if they're about my own OCs, but none of my Dragon Quest IX OCs cishet - Iris is a cis lesbian, Kana is a trans girl and is pansexual, and Jasper is bigender and aroace.
Hopefully this scattering of assorted headcanons is alright! Thank you once again for this opportunity to give so many ^-^
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One- Shot: A Different Side (written as part of my series ‘don’t worry about a thing’ on AO3, link can be found at the bottom of the post as it won’t let me embed it)
Fandom: Good Omens
Characters: GN Reader, Crowley, a very annoying mouse
Warnings and Tags: snakes, animal death/ harm, swearing, uh oh we have a pest control problem, snake crowley, comfort , are they aren’t they
Summary: mouse traps, a skip full of rubbish and a broken down bus. not exactly your dream day, but your favourite demonic entity has a trick up his sleeve and behind his glasses to help you.
Word Count: 2778
Link to original: https://archiveofourown.org/works/31055930/chapters/81050182
If there was one word to describe your mood, that word would be vile. Tiny little irritants throughout the day had built to a simmering anger:
-Firstly, your bus into town had broken down about ten minutes away from your stop, meaning that you were forced to trek your way to the shops.
-Secondly, your trip to said shops wasn’t for any kind of retail therapy, but was instead to buy mouse traps. Your usually serene flat had been taken over by a little grey rodent who despite any humane efforts, was refusing to leave. You weren’t usually one for violence towards any living thing, but the little shit was out staying its welcome and had most recently been seen taking a bite out of a loaf of bread.
-When you did eventually get into town, it seemed to be the day for the world’s slowest walkers to take to the streets. Everyone was moving at about two steps per minute and you, being naturally speedy, were constantly waiting for gaps on the pavement to overtake. When you did manage to do this, there would be a whole new couple walking side by side, plodding along at a snail’s pace. You weren’t getting anywhere quick.
All in all, not your finest hour. This all came to a head on Oxford Street, or as you liked to call it, hell.
Your brain felt as though it were made of jelly, your temperature was rising, and someone stopped right in the middle of the street to check their phone. Slamming right into the back of them, you immediately let out something resembling a howl before running to your side off down Old Cavendish Street, somewhere slightly quieter. You leaned against the nearest wall, hot anger bubbling within you for what at the time, seemed like a life or death scenario of you getting out of town with the mousetraps, but in retrospect was just the culmination of various shitty things.
The last thing which you wanted to hear was any sign that you were being perceived, but a teenage boy riding past you on a bike shouting an obnoxious ‘WAHEYYYY’ at you was enough to tip you over the edge. You bashed your head back on the wall, feeling acid tears of anger falling, pedalled down your face by your short temper. Then, another shout came towards you from across the street.
‘Y/N? Is that you?’
You were ready to push yourself off the wall to lunge at this person until your brain caught up with recognition. Tilting your head forwards, your suspicions were confirmed when you saw floppy, ginger hair bouncing over the street atop a leather-clad frame. The sunglasses perched on his nose brought you a feeling somewhere between relief and fear.
You and Crowley had a relationship which can only be described as ‘are they? Aren’t they?’
You sure as hell couldn’t tell if he had any romantic feelings for you, and he gave off vibes so mixed that they were jumbled by this point. People always commented on the electricity between the two of you whenever you were together, but you tried not to get your hopes up and usually just put this down to his magnetising nature.
He’d told you about himself, and you thought that he must have trusted you somewhat to be able to disclose that he was a demon to you.
Then again, maybe he was just overly confident.
In the state you were currently in, you couldn’t decide whether to run into his arms to scream, or run as quickly away from him as was physically possible.
Your body chose neither and just stood there, open mouthed and gawking as the tears continued to fall with no effort from your eyelids. Crowley examined you, peering over the top of his sunglasses to try and decipher the scene before him.
‘Don’t tell me someone’s upset you, because I will find them for you, Y/N’ he started, rearing himself up as he spoke. You jumped in.
‘No, no. Not upset. I swear. Just… pissed off. Massively, massively pissed off. Short fuse today, y’see.’
‘Oh. Well, I know all about that. I’m quick to anger at any given moment but then again, ‘s in my nature. What exactly are you doing down here?’
You looked to your side at the gigantic skip full of building waste, then down to your feet where someone’s puke sat. You looked back up to the demon.
‘It was a quick escape, one that was made before I slapped someone in the face.’
Crowley looked slightly taken aback, not expecting any expression of violence from you considering your usually placid nature.
‘Ooookay. Well, I won’t ask for details but, here.’ He leaned over slightly and brushed away some of the tears which were still running down your face. You could swear that you both stopped breathing for a moment as he touched you but then again, you weren’t in a fit state for rational thinking.
‘Thank you,’ you breathed out. ‘I’m all good, I promise. Just need to breathe.’ You gave a reassuring smile to the demon and noticed him looking down to your hand, holding a flimsy plastic bag containing the mouse traps.
‘What you got there? Looks interesting.’ He said, tilting his head to try and get a closer look. You brought the bag up to your chest.
‘Oh, mouse traps. There’s a little shit thinking that he owns my flat who’s probably currently in my bread bin. Thought I’d stop the problem while I could, considering there’s that saying about seeing mice. Y’know, for every mouse you see, there’s always another one somewhere. Can’t wait to clean that up!’ Your words had somewhat of a bite, being spat like venom.
‘Woah. You really are pissed, aren’t you?’ Crowley responded, half smirking. For some reason, this set you off again.
‘Yes. Yes, actually I am. Because y’know what? This day has been fucking horrific! I genuinely don’t think that I’ve had two consecutive minutes of peace since the second I woke up. I can’t relax because of the mouse, then there was the bus, and the walking, and the pain in my feet, and the twat who decided to check his phone in the middle of Oxford Street. Sorry, who the hell does that? I just feel like I’ve been left out of any plans that the universe had to let people go about their day without a care in the world. So yes, I’m fuming.’ You gave a huff before realising that you were now crying again. Crowley stood slightly dumbstruck, shifting his weight between his feet. You glanced off to the side, watching the shoppers propel themselves down Oxford Street.
The demon then spoke, his voice low and sincere.
‘Can I give you a lift?’
After what felt like a windswept journey in the Bentley, Crowley screeched to a halt outside your flat. Jolting forwards slightly, the plastic bag containing the mouse traps crinkled between your legs.
You’d calmed down quite significantly, but now felt a combination of complete embarrassment that you’d had such an outburst in front of the being that you completely adored, and absolute excitement that he’d even offered you a lift. This wasn’t helped when you heard him say,
‘Let me walk you upstairs. Check that you’re okay.’
You felt fizzy, and as the two of you trudged up to your flat, you felt as though you could lift off any second. As you unlocked your front door, Crowley leaned on the doorframe, peering in to the hallway as you threw your bag on the floor. You suddenly regretted this as when the bag hit the floor, there was a scuttle from under your bedroom door, and the little mouse took one giant sprint off towards the kitchen. You screamed in shock as the little bastard took itself away, and Crowley grabbed onto your arm. This made you jump for a second time.
‘Woah woah there, calm down. It’s just a little mouse, we’ll sort this,’ Crowley sweetly spoke, lulling your heart back to a slightly normal rate. You looked down to his arm resting on yours and couldn’t help but smile slightly.
Crowley had a look on his face which would have read from ten miles away as one with a scheme brewing.
‘Look Y/N, I’m going to do something here which I don’t do very often, and all I’m asking is that you don’t freak out,’ the demon announced.
You couldn’t help but make a sarcastic joke.
‘What’s that then, the housework?’ Smirking, you looked up at Crowley who glared at you through his sunglasses.
‘Fine, you don’t need my help!’ He huffed, obviously taking the piss but you couldn’t help but tease him back into good spirits.
‘No no, sorry Crowley. What have you got for me?’
You stood there for a second, trying to make any sense of what he just said and burning up slightly as you wondered if this was perhaps his way of flirting.
‘A… a snake? You have a snake?’
‘Yes. Well, no. Well… yes. Look it’s complicated, can I just show you?’
Uh oh. Maybe this was him flirting.
You thought for a second before hearing an almighty crash from the kitchen, and from down the hallway you saw an entire loaf of bread fall to the ground, followed by a small army of mice. Again, you let out a scream as Crowley slammed the door shut behind the both of you.
‘How fucking many are there now?!’ You exclaimed, turning to face Crowley who was now quickly shifting between his feet. He suddenly grabbed your shoulders.
‘Look Y/N, tell me quick, do you have a phobia?’
‘Of mice? I think that’s pretty evident Crow-‘
‘No, of snakes. Are you scared of snakes?’
‘What is it with you and these snakes?’ You laughed. The demon then stood dead still and stared right at you.
‘Stay still. Don’t freak out please. I promise this will help.’
Before you knew it, Crowley’s hands had disappeared off your shoulders and he seemed to disappear entirely from before you. Confused, you looked down at the floor.
What you saw took your breath away for what felt like forever.
Rows and rows of black scales suddenly lined your hallway, flowing from side to side as the form made its way towards the kitchen. This didn’t take long, considering the snake’s body seemed to run on forever, there must have been at least 10 metres of the creature occupying your apartment.
You’d never really considered Crowley’s powers before. While you were aware that he was a demon, this thought didn’t control your every interaction with him. He was just Crowley- your friend Crowley- your possibly more than a friend Crowley- your Crowley. Shapeshifting had never been part of the picture.
But it was so, so beautiful.
And snakes were never your favourite but this was just something else.
Squeals of mouse terror came from the kitchen as a massive shadow rose up throughout the whole apartment. Crowley was sitting up on his body, his head pointed towards any mouse that he could detect and a razor sharp stare in his luminescent eyes.
Your favourite part of this whole scenario was laying on the floor in front of you- Crowley’s sunglasses, sans Crowley for the first time ever. You smiled as you bent down to pick them up, your feet planted to the spot due to the inherently overwhelming nature of what was happening. You ran your fingers over the frames feeling the heat that was stored in them.
There was something so human about the lingering warmth to the metal, but that thing that made it so distinctively Crowley was the fact that the heat never seemed to fade.
The floor seemed to move as the scales once again shifted, with Crowley turning round to come back towards you. Cold fear seized your entire body, despite the oddly comforting and protective energy of this gigantic creature. His yellow eyes were right in front of your face before you’d even managed to properly react to him moving towards you.
You blinked and the Crowley that you knew and … ahem… was standing in front you, a live mouse swinging from his hand by the tail.
‘Consider those rodents dispatched.’
The mouse in his hand was thrashing wildly from side to side and while you hated the little shits, you couldn’t help but feel sorry for it. You went to protest but no words came out of your mouth.
You’d just witnessed something- something that couldn’t exactly be described as a miracle but to you- maybe?
Crowley noticed the panic in your eyes directed towards the mouse and realised what he needed to do. The mouse disappeared in another of your blinks.
There were so many pressing questions on your mind, but you only managed to actually articulate one of them.
‘Please tell me you didn’t eat those mice, Crowley?’ Your tone was somewhere between intrigue and massive concern.
The demon scoffed, ‘I prefer oysters normally, Y/N. No, I didn’t eat them. I can assure you though, they won’t be back any time soon.’
Palpable silence hung between the two of you. You naturally seemed to hold out Crowley’s sunglasses to him, staring directly into the eyes which served as a reminder of his other form as you did so.
Crowley went to slowly take the glasses off you, but in a snap decision, you snatched them back. Crowley wasn’t exactly thrilled by this.
‘Hey, don’t play games with those. They’re my-‘
He didn’t stand a chance of finishing his sentence before you jumped in, with your subconscious mind taking a grasp on your mouth. Maybe this was a trick of Crowley’s, but at least some of it came from your heart.
‘Do it again. Turn back.’
The two of you stared at each other as a smirk took over the demon’s face.
‘Really? It seemed to terrify you, dearest.’
The cockiness in his voice only persuaded you to carry on pushing.
‘Not at all! No no, it was just... well it was a shock at first. Obviously. Like who the hell else can do that? But no, not terror. It’s intrigue. I swear.’
You made sure to assert yourself in your voice as your brain convinced you that you would never rest again unless Crowley turned back into a snake. It was almost like the sheer shock had morphed into utter obsession in a matter of seconds.
And maybe you just adored every part of Crowley and him being vulnerable in showing a new side to you? Well...
Again, you blinked and he was gone for a moment, before the black reptile rose up to meet your gaze. He hadn’t continued to question you.
The presence was unexplainable, physically so big in the space but even just the idea of him just seemed to fill up every corner of the place. Moving the sunglasses into your right hand, you tentatively raised up your left.
‘Can... may I? Can I touch?’ You softly asked, mimicking a petting action in the air. Somehow, Crowley let you know that it was okay, pulling your hand towards him with some kind of magnetising energy.
Your fingers lightly brushed the scales on his head and you took a breath so deep you almost triggered hiccups. The texture was confusing, it almost seemed like it was shifting forms by the second- smooth then rough, hard then feather soft, but still always cool as marble. You fully rested your hand down as you glanced along the entire body, once again filling up the entire hallway.
‘Crowley, this is beautiful. I mean that.’ You whispered, transfixed on what you were seeing.
Then, the unimaginable happened. Your hand which had ended up resting on the snake’s head suddenly felt warm.
Was... was he blushing? You decided to test the water slightly more.
‘I didn’t even imagine that anything could be so magnificent but, well. Here you are. So gorgeous.’
Sure enough, another flush felt through your hand.
‘Crowley, are you blushing?’ You giggled. The heat on his face then took another rise, this time enough to hurt you slightly. You drew your hand away instinctually, but with a smile still on your face.
This was now a day worth noting. The day that started with a mouse in a bread bin and some unfortunately placed anger, and ended as the day that you made a snake blush.
And of course, he made you blush too.
A new side of Crowley. One that you couldn’t help but adore.
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Creator Tag Meme ✨ I’ve been tagged in these by @feeisamarshmallow, @dolston17, @amyscascadingtabs and @letsperaltiago! 💗 thank you to all of you, and I'm sorry it’s taken me soooo long to get to this! 🥺
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 5 (ish) favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
Ooookay, so in no particular order, because my mind tends to change on these things:
bringing the mess of me back together 
Jake & Amy smut after that kiss at Shaw’s ... a favourite of mine because I love the idea of the two of them lifting themselves out of this pressurised fog and focusing on just each other (and how they can make each other feel), instead of what each time together could result in.  💖
the day you went away
A slightly more sombre piece about the thoughts running through Amy’s mind on the evening that Jake and Holt went into Witsec.  Perhaps not one of my more popular works, but one that I love all the same. 
the nine stages of a pregnant Amy Santiago 
A take on the different Amys while drinking, this was just fun to write, and one where I (unintentionally) ended up foreshadowing Mac’s name 😅
oh captain, my captain
Because if they’re going to make sex in the captain’s office canon, I'm going to write it.  😌
love is a battlefield 
Another piece that was just plain fun to write!  I can totally see them doing this in their apartment, and honestly if it ever was done on the show I would probably pass out from pure joy.  
Thank you for giving me the chance to do this, I've been so absent lately with everything thats going on ... I can’t wait to share with you all everything that I have planned to write!  💗💖💕 
(Tagging anybody who wishes to join the game, as I am SO far behind that I'm sure everyone has already been tagged! 😬)
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vespertine-legacy · 5 years
Too Much Info: Character Interview
(Tagged for Round 2 by @starknstarwars​)
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Let’s go for Mena this time. Jaesa and Vette sit on either side of her to keep her from saying anything stupid. Well, to try to, anyway.
► Name ➔  “Lord Atmena Jenkari’uul, the Empire’s Wrath.” (Vette and Jaesa both sigh.) “Fine, yes, everyone just calls me Mena.”
► Are you single ➔ At this, she smiles, placing a hand on Jaesa’s knee. “I am not.”
► Are you happy ➔ “Decently so.”
► Are you angry ➔ “Oh, always.”
► Are your parents still married ➔ “I don’t suppose they technically are. My mother died when I was born, but my father never remarried, and I doubt he ever will.”
► Birth Place ➔ “Dromund Kaas.”
► Hair Color ➔ “It’s quite a lovely shade of red, wouldn’t you say?”
► Eye Color ➔ “They’re gold. They weren’t always though.” (Vette and Jaesa stare at her in disbelief. She smirks in response.) “They started out yellow. It was a boring change.”
► Birthday ➔ “The first day of the fifth month. And I do like presents.”
► Mood ➔ “Currently, rather pleasant.”
► Gender ➔ “Female.”
► Summer or winter ➔ “Summer.” (Vette: “She does much better in the heat. Even though she generates her own. I don’t know how she didn’t melt Hoth.”)
► Morning or afternoon ➔ “If those are my only choices, then morning.” (Jaesa, knowingly: “She prefers evenings.”
► Are you in love ➔ “If I don’t say yes, I think I’ll be in trouble.” (She raises an eyebrow and grins, Jaesa pinches her side.)
► Do you believe in love at first sight ➔ “Maybe not love at first sight, but definitely attraction or connection at first sight when it’s true.”
► Who ended your last relationship ➔”He did (well, it wasn’t so much a relationship). When he betrayed me. And tried to have me killed.” (Mena gets a far-off look in her eyes, and Vette grips her hand. “Ooookay, we’re gonna move on to the next question now.”) 
► Have you ever broken someone’s heart ➔ “Oh, definitely.”
► Are you afraid of commitments ➔ “Not at all.”
► Have you hugged someone within the last week? ➔ (Vette answers this one. “For someone called ‘Wrath,’ she hugs entirely too much.”)
► Have you ever had a secret admirer ➔ Mena grins. “Yes.” (At the same time, Jaesa: “No!”; Vette: “Jaesa, it was not a secret.”)
► Have you ever broken your own heart? ➔ “I don’t like this line of questioning anymore.”
► Love or lust ➔ “Lust is rather fun. But love.”
► Lemonade or iced tea ➔ “Tea, but hot.”
► Cats or Dogs ➔ “Cats. I’m quite fond of nexu and manka.” (Vette: “I’m not, please stop trying to bring them home.”)
► A few best friends or many regular friends ➔ “Just a few good friends is sufficient.”
► Wild night out or romantic night in ➔ “A crazy night out with her (points to Vette), and a romantic night in with her (kisses Jaesa’s cheek).”
► Day or night ➔ “Night.”
► Been caught sneaking out ➔ “I don’t sneak. I go where I like, and if I get caught, I am very good at acting like I belong where I am and getting out of trouble.”
► Fallen down/up the stairs ➔ “I do not fall. I am graceful.” (Vette and Jaesa both roll their eyes, but remain silent.)
► Wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? ➔ “Yes, but I tend to get what I want, eventually.”
► Wanted to disappear ➔ “Oh, but I can.”
► Smile or eyes ➔ “Eyes.”
► Shorter or Taller ➔ Mena growls quietly. (Jaesa and Vette, in unison: “Next question!”)
► Intelligence or Attraction ➔ “Can I say both? I like intelligence, but there has to be that spark.”
► Hook-up or Relationship ➔ “If you’d asked me maybe even just a year ago, I would have said hook-ups. But, relationships are kind of nice, aren’t they?”
► Do you and your family get along ➔ “I love my father very dearly, but he and I do disagree on a lot of things, so I spend more of my time with the family that I made for myself. My father and I both know that we won’t have each other forever though, so we don’t let our differences of opinion get in the way too much.”
► Would you say you have a “messed up life” ➔ “I wouldn’t. Some might.”
► Have you ever ran away from home ➔ “Never from home. Wanted to run away to home once or twice when I was a schoolgirl and an acolyte, but that’s quite different, isn’t it?”
► Have you ever gotten kicked out ➔ “I’m usually the one doing the kicking out.”
► Do you secretly hate one of your friends ➔ “If I hate someone, they will know it, and they are not my friend.”
► Do you consider all of your friends good friends ➔ “No, I have very few ‘good friends,’ I think.”
► Who is your best friend ➔ “Probably these two.”
► Who knows everything about you ➔ “Sija. Or my mother - she’s a ghost, can’t they be everywhere and all that?”
Don’t know who to tag anymore; @astrifer-bound​ - wanna do it for Vidi since you did one for Eve?
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fire-fira · 6 years
Have some more of my dream-based AU
[Ao3 version]
Since my friend @coredesignixandnekonee requested more of [this AU] (and because I’m having fun with it) here’s some more.
Things That Have Absolutely Happened Because of Casey Getting To Know The Turtles And Splinter Early On
When Casey finally stayed outside and talked with them for the first time, Splinter tried to argue that Casey needed to stop, that what he was doing wasn’t necessary, and that it could be dangerous. Casey insisted otherwise, and now that he knew for a fact that Splinter was just trying to keep his kids fed and warm that he’d try to track them down if they stopped showing up. (Because of course he would worry.)
At least one instance of him being outside talking quietly with them only for them to hear the door opening, prompting Splinter and the boys to immediately hide. “Casey, what are you doing out here?” “Nothing. Just... thinking.” “You sure?” “Yeah. Just wanted some fresh air to clear my head.” “...Ooookay... Be sure to lock the door when you come in.” “I will. Promise.” (Raph of course had to make a comment when it was safe to along the lines of, “You? Clearing your head? Right.”)
Even in this reality Casey and Raph pick at each other. This has led to some interesting ‘fights’ over some incredibly random things. Highlights include: -- Soda can target practice and which of them was better at it -- Whether it hurts more to get hit by a hockey stick or a bo staff -- Whether it’s better to be taller or shorter (At the time Casey was taller than Raph and the other turtles, but he specifically picked on Raph about his height. Raph may have kicked him in the shins at least once.) -- Which of them is the biggest jerk (Which started an ‘argument’ of calling each other names, which Donnie very quickly co-opted because the two of them went alphabetical by complete accident on the first three. Donnie turned it into an actual game, which has gradually morphed into Casey and Donnie’s ‘thing’ because the two of them are able to keep it up the longest.) -- Whether it’s better to be a ninja or not -- ‘Popcorn tag’ (The two of them were forbidden from touching the microwave in the lair for a week after that incident. They may have gotten carried away.) -- Which of them could make a puck fly farther (Yet again Donnie swooped in and out-classed them because they hadn’t even expected him to get involved. They especially didn’t expect him to rig up a large slingshot.) -- Which of the two of them could carry Mikey around on their back longest (Mikey thought this was hilarious and was more than happy to get involved, especially since he got to dictate where they were going as the trade-off for not being let down for as long as possible) -- Which of them had better balance (Leo swooped in and won that one. Both Casey and Raph insist he ‘cheated’.) -- Routine ‘brawls’, both to play around and as a way to work out frustration (Usually, in terms of play, started off by Casey throwing “Your mom” at Raph.) -- Which of the two of them would be a better driver (Yes they started arguing about this as early as when the turtles were 9 and Casey was 12. Yes Splinter was concerned enough to forbid them from stealing a car. No, at the time Casey couldn’t even reach the pedals while also seeing over the dashboard at the same time.)
Casey staying the night.
Casey making excuses for where he was staying the night.
Swivel-chair jousting.
Casey having to make excuses both to his family and Splinter and the turtles when he started up being a vigilante.
Casey getting caught by the turtles when he was out being a vigilante.
The turtles turning around and telling Splinter what Casey was up to.
Casey getting told off by Splinter for being a vigilante, and then being “forced” to join the turtles from then on for training so he’d have less of a chance of getting killed. (By that point Splinter knew him well enough that he knew if he told him to just stop, Casey would probably stop for a while and then start up again.)
Splinter having moments where he wishes he could just call Casey’s parent(s) to tell them to pick up or keep an eye on their trouble-seeking son.
The ‘Trampoline Olympics’ in the living room of the lair. (Mikey wins.)
Donnie trying to invent a bullet-proof hockey mask for Casey.
Raph trying to talk Donnie into making Casey a metal hockey-stick. (Splinter and Leo both veto that idea.)
Casey occasionally waltzing into the lair loudly announcing, “ALL PRAISE CASEY JONES, FOR I HAVE BROUGHT FOOD AND SUSTENANCE!” -- The first time he did it and April was there, he startled her badly enough that she flipped over the back of the couch before popping up to stare at him like he was out of his mind. -- “Who the heck’s the redhead?” -- “Casey, meet April. April, this is Casey.” -- “‘Kay, nice to meet you an’ all, but Leo. Seriously. Why is she here?” --  “Why am I here-- why are YOU here?” -- “Uh... ‘Cause they’re my friends. Dude, Raph, why is she here?” -- “...Ask Donnie.” -- “What.” (Yes Casey’s crush on Donnie has started to form by this point. No he hasn’t said anything outright, and he’s doing the thing of avoiding the subject because he worries about making things awkward. Unacknowledged jealousy alert.)
Casey randomly surprising them with presents, especially when it’s things he knows they need or just really really really want.
Along with that, Casey occasionally doing supply runs and dragging a wagon piled high with stuff down there. (Yes there have been times where he had to have help carrying it down until he could set it down on its wheels.)
Casey getting Splinter a #1 Dad mug during the holidays and deliberately having the turtles all sign the tag before even letting him see it.
When Donnie made them phones, Casey personalizing his ringtones for each of them. -- After Mikey clued in to the unacknowledged two-way crush between Casey and Donnie, he kept changing their ringtones for each other. Yes they’re usually sappy love songs. No Mikey isn’t sorry. -- Mikey routinely getting pillows and cushions thrown at him for changing Donnie and Casey’s ringtones. -- Leo actually throwing a pillow at Mikey because of Casey calling Donnie and the ringtone being “I’m in/heaven when you kiss me~”.
Casey having play ‘slap fights’ with Mikey that more often than not consist of the two of them flailing at the air at each other without actually connecting.
Casey occasionally ending up in three-way staring contests with Raph and Leo.
Casey having introduced the four of them to the fine art of over-dramatic play-deaths. (He managed to stretch one ‘death’ into a few minutes-- flopping around from a chair, to the couch, to the floor, to a beanbag, back to the floor, and up and over the back of the couch included.)
After he started getting along with her (eventually), Casey co-opting April into helping him carry at least 15 pizzas down to the lair-- initially by telling her it was an ‘emergency’ because he ‘needed’ to get ‘something’ down there and he didn’t want to risk dropping it. She was less than impressed.
Mikey and the Halloween with feather boas.
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