#friend: firecracker of a gal (crossette)
void-kissed · 1 year
how about 🌈 for any of your platonics or familials that you choose !!
Oh! I can definitely do that! Thank you for this opportunity!!
(source: this post by bewearships)
send me a 🌈 + one of my F/Os for my sexuality/gender headcanons for them! - Let's see what I can think of, shall we? This won't be everyone, but it'll be a good scattering!
I think my three dads (Vandham, Dedede, and Nader) and my three grandads (Greygnarl, Paarthunax, and Zhongli) all like men in some way or another. That's just the vibes I'm getting from all of them. Shoutout to all three of my grandads being dragons in some form or another, incidentally.
Today (the 5th of June) is actually Katya's birthday, so it'd be remiss of me to not talk about her! That's my little sister!! Ferry (her creator) has semi-canonically said that she likes girls, so I personally headcanon her to be a lesbian. I also headcanon her to be nonbinary!
Actually, since I've mentioned Katya I shall also mention Dima, given that they're both from the same series and they're both my little siblings. Ferry has, again, semi-canonically said that he's straight, and I'm fine with sticking with that. In terms of his gender, I headcanon him to be a trans boy.
For some platonic F/Os.. you cannot tell me Nia isn't a trans girl. I also headcanon her to be pansexual. Following the XC2 theme, I headcanon Crossette to be a lesbian, Roc is canonically nonbinary (literally, his gender in the code is 4 where 1/2/3 are for male/female/animal Blades) and I also think he likes men, I like the idea of aroace Haze, and Mòrag and Brighid are definitely both sapphic and also very likely to be in love with each other.
Okay, now for some who aren't from XC2 specifically; I headcanon Taka to be bisexual and Cain to be trans and also bisexual, I headcanon Xion to be nonbinary and sapphic and Strelitzia to be bisexual (because of the flower pun). I'm not sure if you could say these count as headcanons if they're about my own OCs, but none of my Dragon Quest IX OCs cishet - Iris is a cis lesbian, Kana is a trans girl and is pansexual, and Jasper is bigender and aroace.
Hopefully this scattering of assorted headcanons is alright! Thank you once again for this opportunity to give so many ^-^
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“These are just incredible!! I’m never going to forget this night.. Thank you so much for being here with me, Sapphire!”
tag list: @thatslikesometaldude | @garchompp | @beeon | @tex-treasures | @catake | @tartaglialovemail | @catcao | @lilacslovers | @vilehusband | @dragonsmooch | @kalliopi-ships | @blackbirdcrime | @kissofthemoonrabbit | @childrenofmeyneth | @strawberryshipz (to be tagged in what I make, please click here!)
Here is my piece for the thirtieth and final day of sapphic September - it’s of Pyra and I (or rather, my self-insert, Sapphire) watching a fireworks display together! The fireworks were made by another Blade in the party, Crossette, who specifically created them to commemorate the occasion, and also to be quieter than her normal fireworks so that everyone in the party could enjoy them to the fullest extent!
Comments on and reblogs of my work are always okay, and appreciated, but are by no means required!~
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Today’s random selfship-related fact is:
Sapphire knows Crossette as one of Nia’s Blades, and the firework-loving Bitball user was already awakened by the time Sapphire met the party. The two of them are good friends, since Crossette’s adoration of Pyra quickly led her to declare herself the official number one supporter of Pyra and Sapphire’s relationship while it was developing.
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trying on costumes for the ask meme!
Sure thing, Clara! Thank you for this!~
(question source: "Joyful July Prep Asks” by joyfuljuly-circusevent)
Trying on Costumes - Do you or your F/O like to dress up when going to the circus or carnival? Do you dress up formally, or do you try to fit the 'mood’- more silly? - So, I have already had this question, and I said then that overall my F/Os would tend to dress up more formally than being silly, and this largely extends to me myself as well. However, I didn’t really dwell on which ones would dress up in a more silly and circus-themed way, but some of them definitely would! Anna comes to mind instantly as someone who would want to be very silly and get into the spirit of things that way - big bright ribbons in her hair, maybe a little clown nose for Nostra, and so on. Same goes for some of my more exuberant platonic F/Os, like Cain or maybe Ventus or Crossette or even Zeke and Pandy. Definitely Iris, too. Those kinds of people are the ones I could see wanting to play more into the silly side of things, just because they could!!
I hope that that answer was alright - thank you again for sending this in!!~
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3 and 9 for the self insert asks for sapphire?
Hello, Máirtín! Thank you very much for sending this!!
(question source: “ask game: self-insert lore” by inserthaven) (I think)
3. how do the other characters generally feel about your self-insert? - I like to think that Sapphire is pretty well-liked within the cast! In terms of the playable Drivers, Rex is supportive of her being with Pyra and wants to help her figure out the source of her abilities. Nia and Sapphire bond initially over having catgirl solidarity, and continue to be close friends over time, especially after Nia is able to successfully save Vandham's life. Tora admires Sapphire's acrobatics and looks up to her enough to entrust her with Poppi, while Mòrag appreciates that she is more than capable of being serious if necessary, and is smarter than she lets on. Zeke likes Sapphire for the opposite reason, that being her energetic and chaotic streak, but overall the two get on well (though Sapphire’s opinion of Zeke did fluctuate a lot before Tantal, the lowest point being when he made an awful comment about the refugees in Indol and she promptly pushed him off the bridge because she was so angry at him).
9. who are your self-insert's closest friends? - Sapphire is pretty close with a lot of the mercenaries working in Garfont Village, because a lot of them that have been around with Vandham for a long time saw her grow up. However, that means her bond with them is probably more familial than friendly, so in terms of the party, I would say she is closest friends with Mythra, Nia, Crossette, Rex, and Zeke.
She would have been close friends with Avalon, too, if only she'd ever been able to meet them.
I hope that these answers were alright! Sorry that it took me so long to get around to them.. Still, thank you very much again for sending the questions!!
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Right, I think I might have figured out a solution for tags! I won’t actually implement this system until people have had an opportunity to say what they think of it - and also so I can change the tags from my laptop at home, rather than trying to do it from my phone - but, I think I’ve come up with something I’m happy with!
Romantic F/O tags will follow the format “love: tag (name)”. For example, Pyra’s tag would become “love: fire of the aegis (pyra)”, and Pavo’s would be “love: winged watcher (pavo)”.
The tags for my selfships will be written as “selfship: tag (F/O name/self-insert name)” - for instance, my selfship with Aqua will be tagged as “selfship: survivors of the dark (aqua/aria)”.
Self-inserts will be tagged similarly, using the format “self-insert: tag (name)”, such as “self-insert: scourge of royalty (telanthera)”. These tags (as well as any others that contain hyphens) will all use non-breaking hyphens so they appear properly in search results, so be warned of that!
Familial F/O tags will be structured as “relation: tag (name)” to make things a bit more specific - for example, “brother: cobalt cool cat (inigo)” or “father: the dad from down under (vandham)”.
Platonic F/Os will be tagged according to the format “friend: tag (name)”, such as “friend: firecracker of a gal (crossette)”. I think I will also change the series tags to make it more obvious what they’re alluding to, like just using “xenoblade friends”, or “kirby friends” rather than “friends from the stars” for the latter. I might keep “friends from friends” for others’ OCs and self-inserts, though.
Any tags I have for characters that aren’t actually F/Os (yet?), or where I can’t quite discern what my feelings for them are, will follow the format “???: tag (name)”, such as “???: flower cut too soon (strelitzia)”. I was thinking of making a distinction between crushes and other potential F/Os, but I figured it would be better to just put everything under the same umbrella of potential F/Os, especially when I’m not sure what I feel for them.
This system allows me to make it more clear whether names of characters are my F/Os or my self-inserts, as well as what kind of F/O each character is to me without needing constant referral back to my carrds, but at the same time most of the F/O tags don’t make it entirely obvious at first glance that I selfship with them to someone who doesn’t know what selfshipping is, so I would still feel comfortable reblogging fanart and things.
Do people think this is a good idea?
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