#brron mad king of dark world
theytookmyuser · 1 year
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total-cards · 1 year
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Single cards are now available from Monstrous Revenge!! Just check out that Zeus!!!
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pdutogepi · 2 years
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Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters GX - Duel Box 12: Booklet Lineart 2
- Evil HERO Wild Cyclone / Evil HERO Infernal Prodigy - Scarr, Scout of Dark World / Scarr’s Duel Disk - Zure, Knight of Dark World - Brron, Mad King of Dark World
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magpiejay1234 · 1 year
It is that most wonderful time of the year for the YGO animé fandom once more. Yes, today’s reveals feature the new Animation Chronicle 2023 stuff.
The pack artwork features the new artwork for Junk Warrior, and Sergey Volkov’s Earthbound Servant Geo Grash.
The cards revealed are:
**Dinosaur Ryuzak/Rex Raptor’s Kaitoptera, and Horned Saurus from DM.
**Brron, Mad King of Dark World’s Colorless, Chaos King of Dark World from GX.
**Syd/Syd Barlow’s Combat Wheel, and Tenzen Yanagi’s Ashoka Pillar, Cabrera Stone, Triangle O, and Totem Pole.
**Yusaku Fujiki/Playmaker’s Drastic Draw, Transaction Rollback, and Code Hack.
The reprints are:
**Jet Synchron
**Satellite Synchron
**Synchro Chase
The translations:
Edit: Misspelled Brron as Bronn. The other translations are:
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higuchimon · 2 years
[fanfic] To Fuse The Worlds
He’d finished it. At long last, after so much effort, so many screams, and so many attempts, he’d finished it.
Brron ran his hands over the faintly gleaming surface of the card. Not just any card, but the greatest card of all. The supreme card, the greatest Fusion card that had ever existed.
He wouldn’t have wanted to admit that he salivated, but he thought it wasn’t entirely impossible that he did. How could he not? After all this time, he’d achieved his dream. Or at least the first part of it. What came next - well, that was soon enough to come next.
Gren approached him, bowing low and waiting for Brron to address him before saying anything.
“The ritual is ready to commence whenever you desire, Brron-sama,” the Tactician reported. “Everyone awaits you there as well - at least, those who are here.”
Of course. He couldn’t expect some people to attend such a glorious ritual. The Lightlords had more than once declared what his goal was to be an abomination - or they had, before they’d fallen against his armies. The Fallen Angels remained in nominal alliance with him, and he knew he’d seen a couple of them in the castle, though not their leader. Fallen Angel Lucifer seldom left their lands regardless. He hadn’t expected that to change.
There were plenty of others as well. Those few survivors from the villages and towns he’d crushed in search of proper tributes before deciding to take as many lives as he could weren’t even invited, of course.
At least the ones that were still running loose. He’d managed to capture some of those who originally escaped him, such as Freed, the so-called Brave Wanderer. He’d been so tempted to offer up the warrior as one of his tributes.
Far more amusing to see his reaction to what comes next. The same would be true for others he’d captured - Wingweaver, with her arrogance and self-righteous attitude, Ancient Elf and his smugness at having lived so long in Brron’s domain, and many more besides. They would be the witnesses to his ultimate triumph.
Unfortunately, there were those he would have wanted there who wouldn’t attend. He’d not spoken to Grapha, Genta, Latinum, or Lucent for centuries, though they tended to send polite notes on occasion. He’d not even had that from Perl, but what could one expect from the Hermit of Dark World? But all the others would be there at this, the moment of his greatest triumph.
He rose from his throne and headed out to the ritual area. The captive viewers were chained to the surrounding walls, each one enchanted so not only could the bonds not be released but they could not speak or avoid looking at the ceremony. They took up three of those walls, and on the fourth wall stood all of those who served him and served those who professed alliance to him.
There in the center there stood the Fallen Angel he recalled seeing around the castle - a tall creature with large black feathered wings, covered in armor, and without a proper view of their face due to the helmet and mask. If that were a mask. For all that Brron knew, that really was their face. He nodded slightly to all of them.
“Greetings to all of you,” Brron announced, voice carrying to all corners of the ritual chamber. “These last several years have seen much death and much creation - in the form of Super Fusion. While my original goal was to summon one of our family, Reign-Beaux the Overlord of Dark World, I have found a much more interesting application for the power gathered here.”
Brron moved forward to the center of the ritual circle, feeling the power seal itself behind him as he did so. Now nothing could stop what was to come. “There are twelve dimensions in the universe. In some of them, dueling is seen as nothing more than a hollow game, played for amusement and nothing more.” A low laugh issued between his lips. “We are about to change that forever. Nothing can halt or alter the effects of Super Fusion.”
All of the unwilling witnesses struggled, though it did very little. Brron licked his lips and began to focus his thoughts. He wasn’t very much of a spellcaster, but most demons like him knew something about the mage’s arts.
And he’d studied this spell above all others for the last handful of years. It wasn’t one that could be practiced, and for all reasonable purposes it should have been done in the course of a proper duel.
Finding someone of enough skill to be an opponent for this would take even longer than it had to create Super Fusion in the first place. So instead, this was his answer, this and nothing more, nothing less.
Dark gold lightning arched overheard, and he could feel the presence of others, watching and guarding. Laced through the sensation were the powers of the other high ranking members of Dark World’s clan. They had come to watch after all - or had been summoned by the power. Regardless of which it was, he could feel Latinum and Graph supporting him.
Not that it was necessary. He knew enough to work the magic. Slowly he uttered the spells, taking care to pronounce each syllable carefully to make certain nothing went wrong.
Gren had helped to design this spell. Research had uncovered the true name of each dimension, and now he named them all, weaving them into the magic. He hadn’t just made Super Fusion - he’d made cards that represented each dimension, sending his servants off to each world to return with a tiny handful of dirt from that world.
Gren had mentioned another method - something about using twelve cards, one of each level, but Brron thought his method a little more secure.
Now it came to the point in the spell when he needed to name the material for his fusion - and one by one he named them all.
“The First World - the World of Humans! The Second World - the World of Angels!” A place he’d never seen and he didn’t like the way the card felt in his hands. But he kept onward. “The Third World - the World of Spellcasters! The Fourth World - the World of Beasts!”
If one were going to be strictuly accurate, it was the world of Beasts, Beast-Warriors, Dinosaurs, and many others similar, but Brron wasn’t going to be too pedantic. It served the purpose and that was enough.
“The Fifth World - the World of Warriors!”
One of the captives, Amazoness Paladin, struggled harder at the naming of that world, where she’d come from. If all went as he desired it, then she might well see her sisters again one day, but not as she desired to. He continued.
“The Sixth World - the World of Dragons! The Seventh World - the World of Water! The Eighth World - the World of Machines! The Ninth World - the World of Fire! The Tenth World - the World of Water!” Another who struggled - Sea God’s Priestess.
With the naming of each world, everything began to shake around them, and beams of bright light arched overhead, one more joining in every time he spoke a new name and a new card joined the collection. “The Eleventh World - the World of the Undead! And the Twelfth World - the World of Demons!”
That was this world itself, Dark World, the Demon World. Going by a thousand names and now it would serve as the base for the future that was to come.
“I summon you all - I name and claim you all! Become one! Become the Worlds United, the One World of All!”
A final card hit the stack, one that had tiny bits of each world worked into it, to symbolize what he created now. “By the power of Super Fusion, I Fusion Summon The Worlds United!
Bright white light arched overheard and encircled them all. Brron could not hold back the scream of pain that the light tore from his lips - no, not just the light - there was shadow there as well, deeper and darker than anything that he’d ever known before. But that wasn’t all. That was, in fact, little more than the beginning.
Underneath him the world shook and rocks fell, mountains tumbling and rivers rising. He could feel it all, and his stomach churned, his heart pounding - he’d not even been aware that it existed until now. When he dragged in a breath, blood and pain laced the back of his mouth, and somewhere, somewhere he couldn’t see but he knew there were fires somewheree, burning and blazing.
Screams echoed in the back of his mind as well, some of them those of his own people, and some of them from elsewhere. Some seemed a great deal closer than he would have thought, some were very far away. But they were all there, all in this world, and Brron wondered if he should have set soldiers out to round up any new arrivals.
If that were even possible. He could see so little but he was aware of so much, and he thought perhaps no one else saw what he did right now. With each passing moment, he could feel the strength fading from him, and he fought harder and harder to stay on his feet, tears of agony pricking at his eyes.
He would survive this. He had to survive this. What came after would belong to him and he would be there to rule over it all. If he didn’t, who would? No one else could.
Or worse, Fallen Angel Lucifer would cease the uneasy balance that existed between their realms and take over everything. Brron wasn’t going to let that happen. Whatever Lucifer had in mind, he would have to fight for it. Just like Brron himself had.
Light and shadow swirled around him, earth and air and fire and water merging into one, spirit and soul and mortal flesh separating and uniting, and he could not hold himself up any longer. Each breath took more energy than he’d ever thought it would and none of them gave him enough air.
The air itself seemed different now - not the usual crispness, but a whiff of flame and smoke, a taste of blood and something else - he thought that he could get used to it. It was a pleasant enough change. He dragged in another breath, ready to pull himself back to his feet and begin issuing orders.
His throat ached, tiny stabs of pain, and he wondered if he could so much as demand someone come assist him to his feet. He would have to try. He breathed again and realized something else.
There wasn’t just darkness and light pressing him down. There was awareness there, a sense of presence that he’d never felt before. Those who’d gathered screamed as well, some writhing in pain, some basking in it, others merely looking terrified.
You have done what was forbidden. The voice echoed in his ears and in his mind. He struggled to stay up, but a force beyond his ability to fight forced him downward. This power was never meant to be used for this.
Brron wanted to demand what it was ‘meant’ to be used for, when he was the one who’d succeeded and made it work in the first place. But words wouldn’t pass his lips and he could feel the weight on him getting stronger. It didn’t seem to be the Light, regardless of how strong the presence was. He would have said the shadows themselves rebuked him.
Another voice spoke, and this one was from the Light. Soft and gentle, a voice he would have attributed to a worthless being that at best could act as a servant, but it addressed the Darkness as an equal.
What’s done is done. Regardless of what he did being forbidden, it is done, and we need to reconsider what is to come.
The Darkness - which Brron could now see more as a shape resting above him - did not seem pleased at all. Justice calls for him to be destroyed for his transgressions.
Justice calls for him to be punished, the Light corrected ever so gently. It need not be death. Resolve laced through the Light’s tones. As you well know, there are fates far worse than death.
That there are. And there will be justice before there is death. The Darkness’s gaze returned to Brron, who still couldn’t move from where he lay crushed beneath the weight of its will. He couldn’t so much as move a finger. But he kept on trying, no matter what. He had no idea of what it might be that kept him down, but he would bow to no one and nothing. What would you suggest, Hope?
Whatever the Light said, Brron wasn’t sure if he couldn’t hear it or just couldn’t understand it. There were other presences approaching, and they seemed to be kept at bay by the power of the two who were there. Should he be glad of that? He had too much else to think about to be sure. Then the Darkness returned attention to him, and he did know that he didn’t want that attention on him.
This is what will be. You have fused the worlds into one world. We cannot undo that. But you shall not rule it all. Those who survive will carve their own realms, and not all will be as you wish it. Not now and not ever.
One day we will return - and you will welcome us in with open arms. The Light spoke to him. And by doing so, sow the seeds of your own defeat.
Brron wanted to shake his head, to swear that he’d never welcome beings that could defeat him so easily and clearly only chose not to because they didn’t want to right now, whether they could or not. And he knew they could - he could feel it. They just weren’t. Not being able to undo the fusion didn’t mean they couldn’t undo him.
But for now - The Darkness shifted itself and something radiated outwards, shattering the walls of the ritual chamber and releasing every one of those who’d been his bound captives. Go. Find your friends and families and those who are new to this world that is now everyone’s world. Forge a future together, for you are all that you have.
Always hope for a better world, the Light spoke, addressing them all now. And work hard to make it so. Only by your hands, your hearts, and your work can it happen.
Brron managed to raise his head enough to see both Freed and Amazoness Paladin staring back at him, murder in their eyes. Then they both turned and left, going through what had been the walls. His servants and warriors did nothing to stop them - because, he realized, no one could get there. Everyone seemed as restrained as he was, except for the former prisoners.
He’d not noticed much since the spell ended, save for the presence of Darkness pinning him down. Now he looked upward and could see small pricks of light in the sky, and vaguely recalled hat such things were called stars. The skies of Dark World had been clouded over for so long that he couldn’t remember ever having seen these before.
Without further words, both Light and Darkness faded away. Brron didn’t doubt for a moment that they would return. He would have to make plans, rebuild his forces, and begin to build a new realm that he would rule over. If he couldn’t rule this world, he would rule whatever portions of it that he could.
One by one he could see his servants gathering themselves up. Gren and Beiige, Broww and Ceruli, Snoww and Gold, Kahkki and Lucent, Renge and Scarr, Silver and Zure. Others moved slightly, recovering, murmuring among themselves. He could also see motionless bodies of those who hadn’t survived the fusion. Some were spirits or monsters, some were humans. That was unusual enough in and of itself; he’d not had any humans in his fortress before this. What came after this would require a great deal of stud to make proper sense of. But he would have time. Even in the midst of conquest and leadership, he would have time.
“Brron-sama?” Zure asked, moving closer, brushing chips of stone dust off of himself. “You succeeded.” He bowed down low. “You are to be praised. This world now belongs to -”
“To those with strong enough will to take it.”
It wasn’t Brron who answered. The Fallen Angel who’d stood there before now strode forward, looking relatively unharmed, if somewhat annoyed. “I, Fallen Angel General, will be returning to Lucifer-sama to inform him of your results, and the words of the Gentle Darkness and the Light of Hope.”
Brron wanted to ask exactly what Nergal had heard. But bbefore he could form the words, the Fallen Angel spread his wings and leaped into the air, sailing off out of sight in a matter of seconds. Brron watched, before he turned back to Zure.
“He is not entirely wrong. I require an accurate list of who remains with us.” Brron considered for a few seconds. “Once we know, we need new maps drawn up. We don’t know how this has changed our territory. There could be new resources to uncover, and new servants to help us make use of new information and skills.”
A thousand thoughts flattered through his mind on what he would have to do. The idea of killing for Super Fusion had been the only one there for so long that he wasn’t sure of what else to do, but now he thought he had a faint idea. He would establish a true kingdom and rule it - and from there, no one knew what might happen. Not even the Light of Hope and the Darkness of Justice.
Bit by bit, information began to filter back in. In the immediate area, much seemed the same, save for a brilliant light rising in the sky that brought warmth. A few new arrivals from other worlds referred to it as ‘the sun’, and they seemed aware of it’s existence. Brron was more than willing to call it that.
He sent out troops to gather as many spirits, humans, and mobsters who came from what had been the other worlds as possible. He would need whatever information they could provide.
By and large, he began to wonder if what he’d heard and seen on the day of Fusion had been nothing more than the product of a magical overload. Such things were known to happen, and he’d not be the first to unleash such power - though the first on such a level - and see and hear that which didn’t exist. As days turned into weeks and months and years, and nothing beyond the usual work of claiming and ruling a realm happened, he decided that was what it must have been.
What he found most fascinating were those humans who survived the Fusion. While there had been deaths a-plenty - no one could count how many, but there were bodies left behind, which those of Dark World weren’t used to, and with the passage of time, rites from the old world became more commonplace to tend to them. What Brron was certain of was that while the pre-Fusion count of population in all the worlds had been billions or even trillions, the post-Fusion wasn’t quite so high. Perhaps it never would be again.
Humans were not thrilled with having to share the world with those who weren’t of their own kind. Some of them hated the very fact of it and tried to run things as it had been in their world - no one who wasn’t human allowed in their rebuilding cities. Brron laughed at the very thought, since one of those realms set up shop within reach of his armies.
Even more to their loss, they set up within reach of his spies. Brron sent out two shapeshifters, who assumed the form of common household pets and wildlife, and a couple of harmless looking spirits who could blend in very well with humans. All of them brought back -plenty of useful information.
“They’re still trying to adjust to everything,” one of his spies reported. “A few are trying to find ways to reverse the fusion or at least to send their people back home.”
Brron snorted. He knew for a fact this couldn’t happen. But if it kept the humans distracted long enough, then so be it.
Another of them continued, “The leader of this group - one known as Gozaburo Kaiba - seems quite annoyed by everything that’s happened. I heard him complaining quite a bit about it. But he doesn’t seem to be much of a warrior, and he’s somewhat young, perhaps about thirty cycles or so. Whatever leadership position he has, he attained through wealth in the old days and having many strong warriors in his service now.”
That wasn’t always a bad way to run things. Brron had a significant amount of treasure of his own, tucked away where no one could find it, and quite a few warriors who would die for him if the need arose. But being able to fight for oneself should also be taken into account.
Brron considered his options. The area this particular batch of humans had claimed wasn’t really that important. It did have most of the basics to support a small realm - water, arable land, that sort of thing - but it didn’t have much of it. His own borders encompassed at least five times of that territory and resources. There was a small gem mine in the human realm, but his spies reported that it hadn’t been found by them as of yet.
But what annoyed him the most was how the humans attempted to get rid of every monster and spirit in their chosen territory, drivign them out when they couldn’t destroy them. Those who had that sort of attitude didn’t deserve this world.
And he’d not let them have it.
“What do their defenses look like?” He wanted to know. “And what kind of armaments do they have?”
“Most of them who have weapons have some kind of projectile shooting device. I’ve seen some spirits with similar, but never have known the name,” the addressed spy reported. “There are a few who are learning other weaponry. None of them seem to have yet realized that dueling can be used offensively. I’ve not even seen a single duelist there.”
Now that would be interesting in and of itself. So far as he knew, dueling still worked the same way now has it had before. He’d killed quite a few people with duels, mostly to while away the time as his servants brought him information and new warriors. A few of those were even human - some of those were thriving in this new world, ruled by the power of strength and chaos.
He debated only for a fraction of a heartbeat before he made his decision. “Prepare the troops. Send them out to this Kaiba Gozaburo’s stronghold and put it to him thusly - either he kneels to me or I will destroy everything he has saved and all that he has built. Those are the only options. Save anyone who looks useful and have them brought to me. If he chooses wisdom, then anything he owns that is of true value belongs to me now and I wish it brought here.”
Zure nodded at once. “It shall be so, Brron-sama.” He bowed low for a few seconds, then stalked away to see to his troops.
Brron leaned back in his throne and chuckled wetly to himself. Everything had worked out in his favor, just as it always had. He had crafted Super Fusion - though he’d not seen it since he’d created the New World. Perhaps it had been destroyed in the ritual itself. Doing so was not unexpected. But he’d completed it and he’d used it to create a single new world. How could anyone ever surpass that? Even if he didn’t rule the entire world - and he would do so, in due time - then he would have all that he’d ever wanted or needed otherwise.
He was not surprised to learn that Kaiba Gozaburo chose poorly, declaring that he would never kneel to a “revolting monster”. Those were more or less his last words, as Zure did what he knew would please his master. The rest of the settlement was quickly brought to heel, those who dared to defend it disposed it even with their unusual weapons. There were losses, of course, but Brron’s warriors knew the lay of the land and had advantages in their effects, spells, and traps. Merely having a small battalion of spellcasters assisted so very much. So did having small creatures that could infiltrate the settlement, discover where those weapons and warriors were, and inform the spellcasters so they knew where to target their enchantments.
If the humans couldn’t adapt to this world, then they would be overcome. That was the way of this world, inherited from the world that had been before.
Brron heard a few things, now and then, from other allies, such as the Fallen Angels. When Nergal returned, he merely brought Lucifer’s greetings and assured Brron that no harm would come to him from his hand or by his orders. Brron suspected that Lucifer had something hidden under his wings, but not even his finest spies could tell what that might be.
“No success yet, sir,” one of his spies reported. Lucifer nodded, dismissing that one with a flick of a wing. He lounged back in his throne and wondered how much longer it would take. It had already been years.
From the moment that Brron began the spell of Fusion to unite all dimensions, he’d known something was going very wrong somewhere. Then the voice had spoken, deep in his heart and soul. It wasn’t a voice he’d ever heard before, but he knew that it spoke truth that couldn’t be denied.
While the fusion could not be undone, there would need to be someone who could bring this new world to a peaceful time. It would take a great deal of effort and a great deal of time, but he had been chosen to assist in this great matter.
Somewhere in the world, there lived someone who carried the blood of the Gentle Darkness or the Light of Hope. He had no idea of which he would find, but he would locate someone, and he would do his level best to ensure that Brron paid for the vast sin he’d committed, and that the new world knew a future worth having.
The End
Notes: The Great Fusion happened more or less in this world’s version of the 70s. The DM & GX people either haven’t been born (Yuugi, Seto, Juudai, etc) or are young to middle aged (Gozaburo, Samejima, Sugoroku). I’ve been very busy lately so I’m very behind on GX month but that stops now!
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thewittyphantom · 5 years
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Here’s the new GX Duel Chronicles map. The chibis are as cute as always!
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yugiohcardsdaily · 6 years
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Brron, Mad King of Dark World
“When this card inflicts battle damage to your opponent: You can discard 1 card.”
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I'm just imagining Yubel in the Dark World Arc for the AU wondering what is taking Jaden so long to fall into despair and suffer. Puts on the spy cloak and goes to see that the Dark World is actually flourishing? The desert is receding, plants are growing, water is appearing, and archetypes are pledging loyalty when they previously only cared for themselves? Somewhere in his crystal prison, Jesse is laughing at Yubel and how their plan failed.
Yubel had always been patient, they had waited years to put their plan into action afterall. But that didn't stop them from pacing around, why was Jaden taking so long?
They knew Jaden, knew there love would do anything the second his friends were in danger. He had entered this dimension to find Jesse, and yet there was not a trace of him in the outer ring of the dimension.
Perhaps he was slow, maybe even lost. Their Jaden was smart but he did miss the obvious at times, oh well they would find him themselves.
A smile so twisted it could never fit on Jesse's kind face appeared, imagine the pain he'd feel seeing his dear friend was gone.
It would be excruciating, that's what their love was for Jaden Kaiba. He would be suffering, a light with despair that this might be the thing that breaks him. Breaks him into pieces for them and only them to love.
Putting on a cloak to obsure all but their amber eyes, Yubel walked through the dark dimension.
And couldn't believe the sight before them.
The frigid deserts were warm, the sand soft on as they walked and they were even plants that had never dared to grow before. There were springs, rivers that crossed through the ground like ribbons. Even with a single glance one could tell they were clean.
They were thrown back, this was not the dark dimension... This was not the world that was meant to show their love for Jaden, it was almost beautiful and it made them sick.
But they kept walking, seeing archetypes that should be at war were having drinks and talking. Heard them talk about helping their king, a fondness to their voices.
That threw them off even more, no one had ever spoke of Brron in such a manner. The title of Mad King made that more apparent than anything else.... So they were talking of the Supreme King?
But that was not the Supreme King, that was not Haou who would rule with emotionless golden eyes and an iron fist. His rule would not give life... To life and fauna, only destruction.
But the Supreme King could not be mistaken, only one embodied the gentle darkness and could weild its powers in such a way... Which meant that Jaden had become the Supreme King without falling into his own darkness.
He had done this... Rage boiled inside of them, anger and hatred almost tangible in the air. But they could care less... Jaden Kaiba was not suffering, was not in despair he was happy.
And while his consciousness was nothing but a whisper in the shadows, deep in the card of Rainbow Dragon, Yubel could see the smile on Jesse's sleeping face.
He thought they had failed? But they would be mistaken, if this world was one their love cared about they would destroy it for them. They would take the ones they dared to love... Take away their Father who's company did this to them in the first place.
They walked away, knowing they'd been spotted by one of Jaden's friends and smiled. No they would not fail to give Jaden their love and for him to accept it.
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xamaxenta · 3 years
Tbh other than a GX reanimate project I actually really want to do a “parody” animation of the naruto opening DIVER its one of my favourite anime openings ever visually (second to the FMA brotherhood opening “Again” by Yui) and could work so well for the events of s3 dark world
Naruto - Judai - falling and the grey parts with akatsuki showing up could be mad king brron martin yubel and haou
Sasuke - Johan - the part where sasuke opens his eyes and shows his new mangekyo sharingan could be Yubel Johans vivid orange eyes instead - also before that sasukes chidori hand could be Yubels arm coming out of Johans
All the persons pushing naruto up - kakashi guy lee sakura ino kinba shikamaru choji yamato iruka sai etc are:
Jim austin asuka fubuki manjoume shou kenzan - edo and ryou
Basically its judai saving yubel and johan in one go
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the-evil-authoress · 4 years
GX Month Day 19: “I Was Here Too!”
GX has a vast array of unique characters, some of which we only saw once. Pick a “one shot” character and show them off!
WELP. Warning for minor character death.
Headcanon: ...too many to list. Oo, actually, no, I got one. The Gentle Darkness has favored the color red throughout all their incarnations.
Credit where credit is due, I got the name ‘Rune’ from @higuchimon​ and asked if I could use it too because I freaking love that name. As I’m sure you’ll be able tell, this is a vastly different character from the one they write. Also go check them out! They have amazing fics!
“Gather the prisoners!”
Rune didn’t think he could strain his muscles further, but when the shout rings out, he finds out he was wrong. All of his muscles freeze and lock in place, stretched taut with tension and screaming in agony, but unwilling to relax.
He’s trembling.
“Relax,” the man, Larz, whispers in his ear, a heavy hand on his shoulder and Rune flinches because everything hurts. Their captors - those creatures - work all of them from sun up to sun down with backbreaking labor, and Rune barely ever held anything heavier than book before being here.
Larz is probably the only reason he’s still alive. Rune still doesn’t understand why the man chose to stick with him when there are so many of his own comrades he should be looking after. But then again, Larz and his friends are all warriors. Everyone here is a warrior except for Rune. He still doesn’t understand how he got here. One minute he was walking peacefully alongside a wagon from the caravan; the next was utter chaos as the air itself split open and monsters charged out. Rune was knocked unconscious and woke up here in a cell with the ugliest face he’s ever seen leering at him. He hasn’t seen any of the other caravan members since.
Rune met Larz shortly after, the older man startling at the sight of him enough to whisper, “It’s you.”
Whatever the hell that means. At the time, Rune’s panic decided “where are we?” was a better question, and he still hasn’t gotten up the nerve to ask or tell Larz “I’m not who you think I am” simply because he knows he’d be dead if not for the man’s support. Any guilt Rune might have felt about lying pales in comparison to his desire to survive.
So he tries to relax but his shoulders are bunched and stiff and he’s fairly certain he physically can’t relax them because he’s forgotten how.
Thankfully, he does still remember how to take measured breaths.
The shout came from one of the lower ranked guards; a chaotic scramble ensues as they argue over where the order came from, and Larz gently pushes Rune back and nods to an unattended wagon. They walk toward it as if to pick up the work where it was left, then duck behind it.
There’s a stranger in the camp, obscured head to toe by a plain cloak, and Rune swallows back bile at the sight of the person who’s come out to face the stranger.
Zure, Knight of Dark World, right hand of Mad King Brron - who Rune dearly prays he’ll never have the misfortune of meeting - and the same ugly, terrifying face Rune had woken to that first terrible day of imprisonment.
“This is our chance,” Larz murmurs and Rune jumps.
“Wh-what-” His voice cracks and Larz covers his mouth with a calloused hand even as Rune snaps his jaw shut. That was too loud. He can’t draw attention to himself. He can’t draw attention to himself. The last time he did-
A heavy hand on his shoulder draws him out of the spiral before it can begin.
“How fast can you run?” Larz asks.
For a moment, Rune doesn’t respond. The conversation between Zure and the stranger has grown louder and angrier - well, Zure’s side of it at least; Rune still can’t hear the stranger’s voice. “I don’t know,” he admits. His legs ache, everything aches, and he never built up much physical stamina as a scholar. But if it’s for his life, his freedom, then- “But I want to try.”
Larz meets his gaze, and Rune hopes his determination shows through the fear- because he’s scared, he’s scared out of his goddamn mind. He has been since he got here. But he wants to live. He wants to go back home where Njal is waiting and forget this ever happened, forget about his silly, childish idea to travel the world and find ‘the thing he’s been missing’. It all feels so stupid and childish and whimsical now compared to this hell, compared to the threat of losing his life.
No, no. This is not the time to cry. Stop it, you traitorous tear ducts. You can cry when you’re safe, in a warm bed, with Njal hugging you.
With a nod, Larz reaches out with a glowing hand and snaps the chains that cuff their wrists. Rune feels a tingle, like something is resonating inside him, then the glow fades and takes the feeling along with it.
Most of the guards are distracted now by Zure and the stranger, even the other prisoners don’t pay much attention to Larz and Rune weaving their way across the camp. The few that do, Rune recognizes as Larz’s warrior buddies and aid in keeping the guards distracted.
So much compassion from people he barely even knows-
He sees Larz grab a sword in his peripheral. The gate is right in front of them now and Rune’s heart beats in his ears. They’re so close. They’re going to get out of here. He’s going to go home.
“Oi! Oi! Stop them!”
Rune forgets how to breathe.
Larz roars, yanking Rune forward by the wrist and breaking into a run. Rune stumbles before getting his feet under him. Red splashes in his vision as a goblin falls but Rune barely sees it, eyes focused solely on the vast expanse of desert in front of him. He just has to keep running. His legs burn, his chest aches, it’s hard to breathe-
Something grabs him from behind and Rune screams as he chokes on the collar of his shirt.
“Got you, filthy human!”
No. No! Where’s Larz?!
His eyes finally focus. The man stands several meters ahead.
When did he let go?!
Another goblin lunges and is quickly felled by the sword in Larz’s hand. Rune’s panic gives way to cold dread.
They’ll kill him.
“Run.” The word is barely a whisper; Larz can’t have heard it. Rune still sees the despair in the man’s eyes before he turns and flees.
Good. Good. He’ll be safe. He doesn’t deserve this. Not after the kindness he’d shown to a stranger, whoever he thought Rune was.
I don’t either, a smaller voice whispers in the back of Rune’s mind. He ignores it.
The goblins drag him back into camp. He doesn’t make it easy for them. He kicks and struggles but he’s never been a fighter - only held a sword once or twice while Njal gushed about his work, was always more interested in learning how the world works than throwing a punch. He gets maybe one good swing in and swears he feels something in his wrist crack.
He’s tossed to the dirt at Zure’s feet with soon to be bruises atop already abused muscles. A laugh grates against his ears as ugly, lipless teeth lean over to leer in his face. “Thought you could escape?”
Rune contemplates spitting in his face and decides, however slim his chances, he still doesn’t want to die today.
“Load him up with the others,” Zure orders when Rune doesn’t respond.
‘Others’? ‘Load’? Rune twists to look up and really wishes he hadn’t when he sees a misshapen mass of bone. A wagon, he realizes and feels sick. A wagon with people peering out between the white bars.
The edge of a cloak swishing into his vision. “Wait.”
The ground beneath him flips on its axis and Rune retches as something wrenches inside him as if trying to pull him apart from the inside out. For a brief few seconds, his entire reality consists of pain, nausea, and dancing colors. The sensation fades slowly, leaving Rune gasping against the dirt. He chances a glance up at the stranger, and piercing orange eyes stare down at him from beneath the shadow of his hood. Rune swears the person smiles.
“Not that one. Leave him here.” The stranger’s voice vibrates with an odd resonance that sends a shiver down Rune’s spine. He isn’t human, no matter what his face looks like.
“You have something planned?” Zure asks, ire in his voice but it’s obvious the two aren’t arguing anymore. What’s going on? Where are they taking everyone? Why not him? Who is this guy and why does looking at him make Rune feel sick?
“Yes.” The stranger still stares at him with those orange eyes and it makes Rune’s skin crawl.
“Fine. I’ll listen.”
With a wave of Zure’s hand, Rune is wrenched to his feet by the hair and nearly expels the meager contents of his stomach. He’s too busy fighting the nausea to struggle as the fiend drags him back to a cell. Unceremoniously dumped and arm cuffed to the wall, Rune can only watch and listen as the other prisoners are loaded into bone wagons and rolled out of the camp.
He’s alone and abandoned and in pain and can’t do a damn thing about it. He tugs on the cuff once as nearly screams as his wrist throbs.
He was so close to freedom.
Now is perfectly good time to cry.
Larz makes it back to the hideout in the mountain. Barely. Stumbling to the wooden door, he barely manages to rap out the secret code before collapsing to the stone beneath him. The door flies open as gentle hands pull him in. He can barely focus on the woman’s face.
“Larz,” a rough and worn voice gasps and Larz feels no end of relief to hear that voice.
Twins cries of “Father!” reach his ears next as Kyle and Gina rush him, and Larz’s eyes water.
“I made sure...I wasn’t followed,” Larz says, fighting for consciousness as he’s prompted to lie on a bed roll. He doesn’t protest as the women strip him of his rags to dress his wounds. His children hover nearby and, though he wishes they didn’t have to see him in such a state, he’s glad for their company.
He’s also glad for Freed’s company when the women deem it appropriate to let him join. “Larz, what news?” he asks softly, eyes haunted. Larz wonders if his own eyes look like that.
“Our men are being held in a prison camp to the north,” he murmurs to his friend.
“Was there a boy?” Larz jerks at the appearance of a strange face leaning eagerly over Freed’s shoulder. Freed turns an irate frown at the boy but nothing more, so he must not be a threat. “Blue hair. Strange clothes?” He plucks at the brightly colored garment he wears.
Larz’s breath sticks to his throat. The boy’s clothing is strange, far stranger than even Rune’s when he first came to the camp, and yet... “Y-yes. You know him?”
The boy hisses a word through his teeth that Larz doesn’t recognize and spins for the door.
“The candle still burns!” Freed snaps in the ensuing commotion as several other children in similarly brightly colored garments rush after the first boy. It takes Larz a moment of terror before he realizes the others are trying to stop the boy in red.
Red...? And if he knows Rune... No, it’s far too silly to hope for such a coincidence.
Scowling, Freed stands and Larz grips his arm before he can chase after the strange children. “Freed,” he rasps, consciousness slipping now that he’s safe. “He was there. Our King has returned.”
Freed inhales sharply, and Larz sees it, a tiny flicker of life and hope in his friend’s eyes. “I see,” he says, and pulls Larz’s hand off his arm to rest by his side. “Rest, Larz.”
There are still so many things to say - I tried to save him but they caught us, he’s so weak and frail now, you have to get him out of there - but the words fail him as Larz finally succumbs to exhaustion.
Rune is pretty sure his wrist is swollen. He doesn’t think it’s broken, it’s not discolored (yet) and it doesn’t hurt anymore than the rest of him. The bruises have set and he might as well be one giant lump of pain. He can’t even move without flinching. So he sits there, with his back against the hard stone, arm going numb and tingly as it hangs from the cuff above his head. His mind is foggy from pain but the same pain prevents him from slipping into the blissful dark of unconsciousness.
Basically, life sucks.
Rune pries his eyes open and risks looking up at the unfamiliar voice. The blurry shape of a person hovers over him.
No. No, that’s not... He looks different. Sounds different. What the hell is a ‘Jesse’?
Palpably excited, the boy chatters on in something distinctly foreign, neither the language from back home or the one spoken here that Rune had picked up in bits and pieces with Larz’s help.
“Who?” Rune manages to mumble and the boy trails off, excitement giving way to uncertainty. A girl with red hair lingers behind him, staring at Rune as if staring through him could answer her questions. Her eyes flicker over the space between them with a deepening frown. The boy looks back at her.
The girl’s hand moves and, despite the aches and pains, Rune jerks against his bonds and cowers against the wall as another monster appears from thin air. His voice shakes as he tries to warn them, but the boy chatters again, hands raised and waving. He doesn't look scared, and that terrifies Rune even more.
The monster looks like a woman - a barely dressed woman - and her mouth falls open at the sight of him. She shakes herself before Rune can decipher her expression and twirls the staff in her hand, saying something in that same foreign tongue.
Rune braces himself for more pain.
“Can you understand us now?”
What? He blinks up at the boy who looks like Njal. There’s a gentle warmth in his eyes, if disappointment. Rune’s eyes flick back to the woman, standing calmly behind the redhead girl, and nods.
“Okay,” the boy says, something in his voice changing. “We’re gonna get you out of here.”
Rune hisses as his injured wrist is freed from the cuff and steels himself as the boy pulls his arm over red draped shoulders and helps him stand. The bruises have not done his aching muscles any favors. Clenching the red fabric between his fingers, Rune rides out the urge to scream. The boy waits for his breath to even before prompting him forward.
They’ve barely taken a step when the girl spins around, air hissing through her teeth, and backs away from the entrance to the cell. “Jay, we got problems.”
The boy - Jay? - tenses beneath Rune, his grip tightening ever so slightly. “Problems?” he asks like he doesn’t actually want to know.
“This was a trap,” the woman says, keen eyes fixed calmly on the exit - their only exit - as she flexes her fingers around her staff.
Rune’s breath hitches as the boy shifts again. He...was left as bait? For these two? Or just anyone unlucky enough to find him? No. He doesn’t want that. He didn’t want Larz to risk himself and he certainly doesn’t want a pair of complete strangers risking themselves for his sake. He’s about to voice as much when the boy reaches for the girl’s shoulder with the hand not keeping Rune on his feet.
“I’ll distract them. Get this guy out of here.”
The girl spins around. “Jaden--”
“I can handle this,” the boy says. “I won’t start a duel if I don’t have to; I’ll just stall long enough for you guys to get out.”
A duel...? A fight? He’s actually talking about fighting those things? Rune’s breath stutters and the boy mistakes it for fear - well, it is fear, but not that kind of fear - because he murmurs a gentle, “Hey, it’s okay, you’re gonna be fine.” To the girl he says, “I still gotta find Jesse, so I can’t die here, right?”
So ‘Jesse’ is the name of a person who apparently looks like Rune? After the month he’s had, he’s just gonna roll with it.
The girl sighs - Rune can’t tell if it’s resignation or relief - and offers her arm. Again, Rune considers telling them to leave him and get out of here, but the four of them are already cornered and Rune still doesn’t want to die. So he grits his teeth as his weight is shifted from one person to another and doesn’t stop the boy from walking out to face what waits.
“What’s your name?”
Rune startles at her voice by his ear. She stares at him as if searching for something. “Rune.”
Her eyes flicker, but she smiles as she nods and repeats his names as if committing it to memory. “It’s nice to meet you. I’m Christina. We’re gonna get you out of here.”
There are so many things he could say to that - why, you don’t even know me, please don’t hurt yourself for my sake - but he’s scared and he wants to go home. “Thank you.”
Voices filter in from outside as they slowly creep up to the edge of the cell and Rune shakes as he hears Zure’s voice. He tries his best to block it out, but he still catches snatches and the confirmation that he was in fact left as bait makes him feel sick. He holds his breath as Christina carefully pulls him from the cell but Zure faces away from them, and Christina begins to slowly lead him past the inattentive fiends towards the exit while Jaden chats it up with Zure like this is a regular Sunday night.
It would be admirable if it wasn’t terrifying.
Christina’s eyes are focused on the exit, but Rune’s are on Zure, so he sees the blade swing toward them, sees the lightning crack off it’s surface. He plants his feet, yanks his arm from her grasp, and shoves.
Then Rune’s entire existence is consumed by burning pain.
Someone screams. It might be him.
He never feels himself hit the dirt.
Everything is white when his eyes flutter open again. White and blistering pain and a voice without words- O-oh. He knows that voice.
I found you.
The voice wraps around him and it’s warm and that should hurt but it doesn’t, it’s soothing and loving and urges him to rest. His eyes flutter as he sinks into the warm light.
Njal. He’s still waiting.
But the voice urges him to rest and so he does.
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gx5ds · 5 years
Prompt: King (Yugiotober) & Laced Drink (Whumptober) Characters: Haou, King Goblin, Chaos Sorcerer Ship: minor Chaos Sorcerer/Haou Warnings: Minor Character Death Summary: A boring meeting becomes more interesting than Haou first expected.
Haou hated sitting in meetings. He knew of their necessary, he did fight many wars after all, but right now? Right now they only showed him how he could've handled situations much faster and easier on his own.
Sadly, he couldn't exactly just say no to the King Goblin. His troops were very useful in getting his campaign started. A few assassinations here and a bit of recon there and Haou could recruit without any problems. It wasn't a widely known fact that the King Goblin helped him in this way. He had enjoyed watching the chaos unfold from his own throne. Eagerly awaiting the next percentage of his winnings.
But now it appeared that his greed had taken over fully. Haou could see the glint of it in his eyes as he sat across from him. He kept on talking about having a more open alliance, sharing a bit of the glory. Haou didn't care for something like glory. He only wanted control and an open alliance would have him give way too much of it to the King Goblin.
Still, he sat at the table with the King Goblin and his underlings. None of his own were in the room as they had better thing to do than suffer with him. Even Chaos Sorcerer who kept watch outside was most likely less bored than Haou was. He took another sip from his drink. And what a curious drink it was. Certainly not the one he had expected. It was the one he ordered, alright, but there was something else. Something that definitely shouldn't be there. Something magical. Something deadly.
A poison. How nice.
At least it was a good poison. Completely tasteless, colorless and odorless. Its magic would only be picked up on by the strongest of sorcerers. Clearly the work of a professional. But Haou wasn't just anyone. He was the champion of the Gentle Darkness. He was the creator's warrior. And the creator would hardly let its strongest warrior die to something as common and easily defeatable as poison.
He savored the taste on his tongue as his magic broke it down. It didn't feel like any magic the goblin's themselves used. What little magic they had had a very distinctive feel to it. No, this was different, yet familiar all the same. Where had he felt it before? He mentally went over a list of potential candidates as the goblins around him cheered at something their king said.
That's when it hit him: another king of this world. The Mad King. Brron. The one he dueled when his powers fully broke through for the first time in this life. Damn the Light for meddling with him so much he had trouble being himself even now. But he will get to breaking down the barriers that never should've been between the different parts of himself later. For now he wondered who would be best suited for going after whoever was left of Brron's most loyal spirits.  
Around him the goblins continued to drink freely. Haou could feel the magic in their drinks. So a poison they were immune against. Either they were the ones who laced the drink or it just happened that the perpetrator wanted them alive. Judging by the meeting Haou was willing to bet on the first option. And now that he thought about it... Chaos Sorcerer would've picked up on the magic when the barrels were carried past him. So that really did only leave the goblins to have messed with it before he entered the room.
King Goblin set his drink down with too much force, rattling the table. "So what do you say, Haou? Shall we rule this world together?" His eyes were filled with lust and greed as he waited for Haou's answer.
If he'd been a lesser being, he'd have shivered beneath those eyes. Alas he was not. And it was time that he reminded these goblins just who he was. "I must applaud you really," he started.
King Goblin grinned.
"You outdid all the other ones who tried so far. None of the other poisoned drinks ever managed to even get into the same room as me."
Grins slipped away with each word he spoke. Anger pulled at their faces.
"And you even managed to set up everything so perfectly. The whole meeting of talking all about your future glory while surrounded by your most loyal underlings. A perfect moment of triumph over the stupid outsider that took over everything you always wanted without any problems," he paused purely because he could. "But you forgot to plan for one very important detail."
"Which is?"
"The chances of me being immune to your little poison." Haou pointedly took another sip of his drink.
Only now did they appear to have caught onto the fact that he wasn't busy dying on them and was in fact still very much alive. Idiots. And these creatures wanted to rule the Dark World after his control stopped keeping his troops together? Even Brron hadn't been this stupid. He'd laugh if the part of himself that was easily amused wasn't walled off to him.
"Though I do have to wonder why you thought a poison based on magic was a good idea." He felt his eyes glow as clouds of darkness brushed by the goblins. "Don't you know that I can strengthen magic?"
They looked at him in horror when they realized what he actually meant. Those that drank the most started coughing first. They spat out blood and foam. Their eye wide as they scratched at their necks until they bled. Some tried to flee, but there was nowhere to flee to. All they managed to do was die a few steps away from the table.
Surprisingly enough, King Goblin was the one that lasted the longest despite being one of those that drank the most. "You... you will pay for this," he swore between pained breaths.
"No." Haou took another sip. "I've already paid enough for this lifetime."
After a few more moments of retching and harsh breathing, Haou was the only one left alive. He scrunched his nose at the smell. He surely won't be entering this room for a few days or however long it took to completely air out. His magic flared, signaling that the meeting was over.
Chaos Sorcerer opened the door. He took in the carnage with clear amusement. "I see you had some fun."
"I wish it was as much fun as it looks like."
"Ah, a pity then."
Haou got up, uncaring about his chair scratching loudly over the stone floor. It wasn't like Chaos Sorcerer was going to judge him for it. He was one of Haou's most trusted after all. The most trusted in some cases even. Haou walked towards the door, stepping over bodies and coming to a halt in front of Chaos Sorcerer. Golden eyes slid over naked skin and Haou knew exactly how to get rid of his frustrations caused by the meeting.
"Clean this mess up and afterwards..." Haou trailed off. He ran one hand over Chaos Sorcerer's abs, sliding along the leather strap holding his pants up. "Come to my rooms."
Chaos Sorcerer's grin widened as he shivered in anticipation. "It will be your pleasure."
"It better be."
Haou removed his hand and left the room without a backwards glance while Chaos Sorcerer got to work. He hated the fact that he started to rely on Chaos Sorcerer so much. Thankfully, it won't be much longer until the Dark World was completely under his control. Then he could focus all his power on tearing down that barrier inside of him. If that didn't work... well Super Fusion was getting unstoppable these days. He'd never heard of a being fusing with itself, but if that was what it took to finally be himself...
There was little he wouldn't do to be whole.
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yugioh-puns · 6 years
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Happy “Dark World” Week! [10/21-10/27]
“Brron, Mad King of Dark World” is named for the color bronze. The card is also named after a colored metal: a naming convention reserved for the more royal “Dark World” cards, like “Latinum.”
“Snoww, Unlight of Dark World” is named for snow, and the white color is featured both on the monster’s clothing and head. “Unlight” is an older English term meaning “to dim” or “to extinguish light.”
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authoratmidnight · 7 years
Ideas I had for a possible Xyz Arc rewrite.
So I had a lot of problems with the Xyz arc of Arc V. Mainly with how rushed it was and surprisingly low tension it was considering the setting. The Xyz residents have alot of justifiable anger and hatred, but the only one he seems consistently angry is Kaito who is often extremely unreasonable in his anger.
I really wanted another character from Zexal to return. For a long time i thought the most obvious choice was Thomas Arclight aka IV, but with his character he would just be act as another Kaito. So what if instead we reintroduce Chritopher instead. V could be the person who taught Shun, Kaito and Yuto how to duel, and unlike Kaito and pre development shun who had an almost uncontrollable rage towards the Academia for what they had done. His anger could be more of a cold fury that Yuya can better reason with. Plus his prior relationship to Kaito makes him the ideal character to trigger his turn back towards the light.
I feel that Yuto actually became a weaker charcter when he got a more active speaking row in Xyz since the small interaction he had to and through Yuya before i felt were really powerful. Also I dont think Edo should have dueled against Yuya so early on since it made their subsequent duel. To debut Dark Requiem Xyz Dragon, maybe they should call back one of the more infamous moment of your favorite YGO MC.
Chris brings Yuya to a special location to show what the resistance is fighting for, when they are ambushed by another General of the Academia Brron who has the epithet of the Mad King (I know reeaaally subtle there). Brron traps under some fallen rubble and duels Yuya, dominating for the most of the duel as he pummels Yuya and his discard tactics and graveyeard effects give him the upperhand.
As Brron duels, he recounts the story of day zero the day when the Fusion dimension first invaded Heartland, of all the panic and fear caused, and as he says this fuses Reign Beux and another Dark World card to Fusion summon 《Colorless Chaos King of Dark World》, planning to end the duel next turn. At remembering this story, Yuto awakens from the grief and Outrage and takes ovdr, ranking up Dark Rebellion into Dark Requiem Xyz Dragon. Dark Requiem wins the duel and frees Chris from the rubble but Yuya Collapses from the Damage and Exertion. Brron attempts to escape only to be intercepted by Kaito who cards him on sight. When Yuya wakes up, he is shocked to see the spirit of Yuto. Yuto turns to face a small memorial of the many fallen members of Heartland and the resistance, and Yuya just watches on silently as Yuto and Chris pay their respects.
Yoo that would be really cool(you should write it).
Plus it gives us more Arc V original characters(this over general) for Yuya to fight instead of using the legacy characters to that.
Plus the GX call back is very fun.
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dhb912 · 5 years
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Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Links Duelist Chronicles GX - Yubel. Jesse Anderson is trapped in another dimension, and it's up to Jaden and crew to get him back. Their first stop was the Dark World Dimension, a dimension that the evil spirit of the Millennium Ring that took over Bakura would call home. Jaden confronts Brron, Mad King of Dark World with Brron using the energy of Jaden's friends to use Super Polymerization, driving Jaden to the brink of anger, releasing The Supreme King from within. Supposedly under control, the group finally finds Jesse, only to be posessed by Yubel. Zane confronts the evil version of the Crystal Beast Duelist, but sacrificed his Life Points to strengthen his Cyber End Dragon. Too many #top10animedeaths and #Idontfeeltoogood memes here smh #yugioh #duellinks #tcg #itstimetoduel #getyourgameon #yugiohgx #duelistchronicles #yubel #duelacademy #jadenyuki #thesupremeking #syrustruesdale #zanetruesdale #jesseanderson #alexisrhodes #atticusrhodes #tyrannohassleberry #bastionmisawa #chancellorsheppard #drvelliancrowler #differentdimension #darkworld https://www.instagram.com/p/B2jXXILjJGO/?igshid=1hs7oqgppo4jx
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higuchimon · 3 years
[fanfic] The Wild Raptor
Geise checked his traps and nodded in pleasure at the sight of the Wild Raptor struggling, legs bound together by a thick, tough rope, snapping and snarling.  he expertly slid the muzzle over the creature's head, making sure not to get his hands too close to the sharp claws or teeth.  This one looked fantastic, extremely robust and strong, and certainly worth quite a lot of coin.
Not everyone could make their way in this world the way that he could.  Geise didn't remember the world that had been before.  He'd heard stories about it, of course.  Everyone had.  But the world that he knew was one where he could and did make his way by capturing and selling spirits and animals to those who would pay a high price for them. 
He reached out and patted the Wild Raptor on the head.  "Don't worry.  You're going to be sold to someone who'll take very good care of you."
The growl the Wild Raptor delivered wasn't very loud, thanks to the muzzle, but Geise didn't care.  He wrapped a net around his prize and dragged him back to his base.  He'd heard that Brron was in the market for a pet for his sons and Geise looked forward to the amount of reward that he'd get for this. 
So the sooner he got there, the better.
Kenzan wasn't even remotely close to happy.  He tried to chew the muzzle off but he couldn't get a good grip on it, and with the rest of him bound with rope and restrained by powerful netting, there wasn't much else that he could do. 
This wasn't how his day was supposed to go.  He wanted to enjoy running through the woods, doing a little hunting for lunch, and maybe finding a cool rock he could take back home.  But he'd found himself tied up like this and that put a very bad end to all of those plans. 
He understood everything that the hunter said, of course.  That didn't mean that he liked or wanted to hear it, but he understood it, and he wasn't happy about it.  He tried to claw at any part of the restrains he could, but he couldn't get his jaws on anything.  All he could do was hang there, being extremely annoyed.
All right,  he told himself.  Can't get away right now.  But once I'm wherever this guy wants to take me, I can explain to whoever it is and go home!  Being a shape-changer had a lot of side effects.  He didn't just need to eat nearly raw meat on a regular basis - he could and did speak to humans.  He'd never spent much time around them, not since he’d left his home village before the age of ten, but he knew how to speak their language.  At least one of them.  So he'd talk to whoever this was and hope that they spoke his language and would let him go.
Only the longer the trip went on, the more he stated to wonder if that would happen.  He heard a few words, mostly to the effect of 'Brron' and that didn't give him a good feeling at all.  Everyone knew that name.  Very few people liked it.
As far as Kenzan could tell, he'd been Geise's prisoner for about two weeks before they finally arrived at Brron's castle.  He'd lost weight and muscle tone and there were plenty of bruises from the top of his head to the tip of his tail.  In all that time he'd never been allowed to change back human - Kenzan wasn't even sure if Geise knew he could do that.  He didn't want to tell him either.  Who knew what the hunter would do if he knew he had a shapeshifter captive?
By now he'd been clapped inside of a portable cell.  The muzzle still remained wrapped around his jaws, though it was removed a few times a day so he could be fed.  It wasn't very good food; more like pet food than anything else.  But Kenzan ate it.  He didn't have a lot of options. The restraints kept him from getting away. 
Truth to tell, he wasn't feeling nearly as feisty as he had the day that he'd been captured.  All of the energy he'd not been able to burn off still festered inside of him, and he'd never wanted some raw meat as much as he did right now.  If Brron's kids weren't careful, they'd end up on his menu.  He hadn't ever eaten people before, but the hungrier he got, the more enticing it seemed.  The longer he stayed in his raptor form, the worse it got too.
He closed his eyes and rested as they drew closer to the castle.  He could smell a lot of strange scents around.  Humans and monsters of all kinds, none of which he recognized, but he knew them for what they were regardless.  There were other scents as well - including well-cooked meat.  His stomach grumbled and he twitched harder, claws flexing.
Kenzan couldn't name everything that he smelled here.  As they arrived in the castle himself, he heard noises, voices talking to one another and some of them to the hunter, Geise.
"I've brogue something I think Brron's sons are going to enjoy. For the right price, of course."
That didn't surprise Kenzan in the slightest.  Geise had told him that more than once over the last couple of weeks.  But now he heard another voice answering.
"A Wild Raptor.  Interesting."  A gentle hand rested against his side and Kenzan opened his eyes to stare at whoever it was.  This wasn't someone he recognized. The hand was a bit chilly, and pale blue eyes stared at him before she turned away.  "I will inform Brron-sama of your arrival."
She swept away, tiny snowflakes falling in her wake.  Kenzan slowly sat up the best that he could and looked around.  They were in some kind of a reception area - a room that had only a few chairs for furniture, tapestries on the walls and rugs on the floor, and one single wide window letting in the sunlight.  There were a few others who weren't him or Geise there, but no one seemed that interested in him.  Geise lounged on one of the chairs, feet up on another one, and Kenzan suspected that he was busy counting out how he'd spend all of his money once he had it.
Footsteps sounded - a quick, firm stride.  All of the locals turned toward the door at once, as a trio of young people entered.  All three were male, and two of them looked so much alike, they had to be twins.  The third one stood a bit shorter than the twins, and was a bit more average in coloring, brown to their blue, but he exuded so much more presence that every eye in the room came to him at once.
Even Kenzan's. His tail lashed a little; he wasn't sure if he liked the feel of any of them.  This one regarded him out of brilliant golden eyes, eyes that spoke of a simmering rage just out of sight, before he turned to the other two.
"He might be useful,"  he said.  "Wild Raptors are fast and hungry - this one's been kept pretty badly, though."
Geise set his feet on the ground and pulled himself to his feet, grinning widely.  "It's not that bad.  Throw some food at it and let it run around for a while and it'll do anything you tell it too."
The three turned towards Geise and Kenzan wondered how anyone could look into those six eyes and still walk out upright and unafraid . Even he wasn't sure if he could, and he thought at his best he could rip any of them apart.  But Geise either didn't notice or didn't care if he did.
"So you're the one who brought him here,"  the golden-eyed one declared, arms crossed over his chest.  "And I suppose you want some money for him."
"That's how this works, boys,"  Geise agreed, smiling in a way that made Kenzan want to shred him on the spot.  "I get you what you want and you give me what i want."
The three of them exchanged glances again.  One of the blue-haired ones came closer to Kenzan, regarding him quietly, before he glanced back to his twin and nodded.  Kenzan wasn't sure if he would have noticed that if he weren't so close. 
Then all three pivoted as clawed feet sounded in the hallway outside and Brron himself, Mad king of Dark World, entered the room.  the locals all bowed down at once, while his three sons nodded politely.  Geise made no gesture of respect at all.
"He brought us a Wild Raptor,"  the golden-eyed brunet reported, gesturing to Geise, "and wants you to pay him." 
Brron swung his head from his children to Geise, then stalked over to the hunter.  "And what makes you think I'm going to pay you a single coin instead of taking what my children want and tossing you into the arena?  Hunters know something about fighting, don't they?"
"Because it would be easier to pay me and have me go away than it would to put me in there,"  Geise replied lazily. "I can go be someone else's problem."
Brron looked almost convinced.  Kenzan's. talons scraped against the bars of his cage and he snarled as best he could.  The mere idea of Geise casually leaving, with or without a huge pile of money, after the last couple of weeks infuriated him! 
The twin closest to him regarded him again, then murmured something to the other two.  The brunet considered something, then stepped closer to Brron and whispered.  Brron chuckled and ran skeletal fingers through the brunet's hair.
"My dear Juudai.  Such a chip off the block you are.  Truly, your father's son."  He patted Juudai on the shoulder, then turned towards Geise.  "Instead of paying you right away, we're going to play a game of Juudai's devising.  If you can make it to the borders alive, then you can escape with your life, and we'll have a substantial amount of gold sent to you."
Geise frowned, tensing up.  "And if I can't?"
"Oh, I think you can guess at what will happen then."  Brron waved one hand.  "Now you should get moving.  You don't have a lot of time."
Kenzan hadn't ever seen anyone run so fast or look so terrified when they did.  He didn't have much time to savor it, though, as the muzzle around his jaws and the ropes and net binding him started to be unbound.  The cage was opened and he all but fell forward, raising his head and sniffing around curiously.
"He definitely needs something to eat,"  Juudai mused, regarding him.  "I think Wild Raptors eat raw meat, don't they?"
The one of the twins that had been near him all this time nodded slowly.  "But I think this one might have his own thoughts on what he wants."  He turned back to Kenzan.  "Don't you, shapeshifter?"
Kenzan tensed at once, eyes darting this way and that, searching for the quickest way out of there.  He so seldom spoke to humans and never, ever told them what he was.  Not after what happened when he was younger. How could these know about him?
"Are you sure?"  Juudai asked, regarding Kenzan thoughtfully.  "He looks a little scrawny for a shapeshifter.  Don't they take better care of themselves?"
Kenzan's head snapped around at once.  "Because I haven't had any proper food in weeks!"  He snarled.  Then he blinked - he'd given himself away.  All three of them looked some variety of smug.  The one closest nodded.
"I thought so.  Would you like to eat in this form or as human?"
Kenzan still didn't want to trust these people.  These were the sons of Brron, who had destroyed the world that had once been to create a new one.  It didn't matter that he'd never known that world.  His tail lashed about before he slowly shifted back to his human form.  "What do you want?"
"I could go for some lunch,"  the other twin offered, raising one hand to rest on the head of a pink-purple cat-like creature that appeared on his shoulder.  "What about you?"
Brron laughed uproariously.  "Then let's eat.  Come along, boys."  He shuffled his way along, and Kenzan followed, every step nervous as they headed deeper into the castle. No one here seemed to really care that he was a shapeshifter, only that he was very hungry and so were they. 
He did have to wonder about Geise and what would happen to him, but the prospect of food meant so much more, especially as he could scent well-roasted meat.  There were other scents in there as well, and he wasn't sure if he recognized which type of meat it was, only that it smelled delicious and the more he smelled it, the more he wanted it.
One of the twins nudged him.  "What's your name?  I'm Rune."  He nodded towards his twin.  "That's Johan."  He jerked his head to the third.  "And that's Juudai.  You probably know Brron-sama, don't you?"
Kenzan nodded a little.  He didn't have quite the same sharp senses in human form as he did in his raptor form, but he understood enough with what he had. 
"What's your name?"  Rune asked again.  Kenzan hesitated; he had few options at the moment.  If he wanted to eat, he'd have to do what they wanted.
"Kenzan,"  he said at last.  He didn't remember a lot about his parents, but he recalled his name, at least.  Rune nodded. 
"Nice to meet you, Kenzan.  We're going to be great friends."  And the way he smiled made Kenzan wonder what was going on, and what he'd have to do to find out. He also wasn’t sure about the way that Rune eyed the bruises that still blossomed over his skin.
It wasn't long before he found out at least some of it.  The four guided him to a dining area, with several seats placed around the table.  this was where the delicious scents came from.  Brron seated himself at the head of the table, with Juudai and Johan at his right and left hands, and Rune next to Johan.  Rune nodded towards the empty seat next to him, but before Kenzan could sit down, Brron spoke.
"Before you eat, you're going to pledge yourself to myself and my sons - to protect them when needed, to obey them no matter what."  He laughed softly.  "If you don't, there are other places waiting for you.  Ones you might not as like so much as being their servant."
Kenzan wasn't surprised.  He'd heard enough stories about what Brron did, and it wasn't a surprise that his sons were the same way.  None of them looked even mildly bothered by this.  But he did catch a hint of something in Rune's eyes, something he couldn't place right now.  It wasn't fear; he knew what fear smelled like, no matter his form.
There was a part of him that would forever desire to protect.  He'd done it before, before he learned what he could do, before he'd had to flee the village of his ancestors.  Then he'd done it when he'd guarded that small area he'd called his own, before the hunter took him.  If this was what was desired here - if it got him the food he needed more than he could even think clearly about right now -
"I'll do it,"  Kenzan declared.  He wanted to find out what they had in mind for Geise as well, and he’d not find that out if he fled or remained locked up somewhere.
The other four all nodded and Johan rested one hand on his twin's shoulder.
"Told you that we'd find you a good guardian,"  he said, a hint of pride in his tone.  Kenzan didn't pay too much attention as he settled down and started eating.  Whatever else he needed to do, he'd figure out along the way. 
The End
Notes: I have further ideas for this, including what Geise’s ultimate fate will be. But all in good time!
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chazzonator · 5 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Major Character Death Relationships: Manjoume Jun | Chazz Princeton/Marufuji Ryou | Zane Truesdale, Manjoume Jun | Chazz Princeton &; Marufuji Ryou | Zane Truesdale Characters: Ankokukai no Kyou Ou Buron | Brron Mad King of Dark World, Yubel (Yu-Gi-Oh), Yubel Johan Andersen | Yubel Jesse Anderson, Manjoume Jun | Chazz Princeton, Marufuji Ryou | Zane Truesdale, Yuuki Juudai | Jaden Yuki, Johan Andersen | Jesse Anderson Additional Tags: Majesticshipping - not established, Dimensional World, Canon Universe, "Sent to the stars", Sent to an alternate dimensional world by Yubel, Arbitrary words, Japanese inspired literature, Japanese Influence, English Dub Names, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Alternate Universe - Canon, Comfort, Friendship/Love
“The moon does not just simply disappear when no one is looking at it.” He retorts in a wavering breeze of flourishing trounce and detachment. It was clear the ex-underground duelist had lost any receptivity and willingness to act. He felt stuck in a state of hypnagogia, on the edge of being claimed again, and yet also not. These abnormalities of such movements, behaviors and vivid perceptions were speculations of being a parasomniac. That was more convincing than this sick hallucination being truth thus far—anything was.
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