#bsd akutgawa ryuunosuke x reader
heartsfourdazai · 6 months
when it snows on your first date with them
atsushi, akutagawa, kunikida<3
warnings: lowercase writing, unedited writing, akutagawas part is long ( i love him too much lmao )
a/n: here is now a part two<3 ( i think im keeping this theme tbh :[ )
atsushi nakajima 🐯
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he would...get so excited!!!
the snow makes it 10x better!!
he would take you around yokohama and have so much fun with you; it's like he's a child again.
"y/n! y/n- baby!" he ran toward your sleeping figure, moments after he woke up and got ready for the day. that was until he noticed the white snow that fell from the sky. his eyes sparkled as he quickly dropped his hair brush and ran out of the bathroom.
"mmmmh!" you stirred awake, pulling the covers off your body and looked at your lively boyfriend who had that smile...the smile you loved waking up to every morning.
"did you look out the windowwwww?" he grinned, pratically shaking hin his socks out of excitment.
you were still half asleep when you sat upward and looked out the other open window thanks to atsushi.
you smiled, looking back at your boyfriend who jumped into the bed with you, smiling from ear to ear.
"thats the reason you woke me up? was because you wanted to show me the snow?"
he instantly felt guilty, "i'm sorry- you looked so peaceful, but i couldn't help myself- ITS SNOWING, Y/N! SNOWING!"
you couldn't help but laugh at your childish boyfriend. you cupped his face and kissed his lips passionaly for a couple of seconds before pulling away; "then you better get your tiger butt downstairs and eat breakfast; otherwise the longer you take the longer we'll have being out on our, apparently now, winter date!"
he ran
he fell.
he chanted "yes".
he did all three as he kissed you once more and grabbed your wrist and took him with him.
"ahatsushi wait- lemme get my clothes on!"
an hour later, you and atsushi were already outside and in the snow. he made sure you were all dresses properly for the weather while he only was half ready.
he doesn't want you to get sick; he almost forgot about his own health for a second.
the entire walk was him smiling and you holding his hands as you both talked.
once you both reached the park he was the first to announce a snowball fight, catching you completly off guard and called it game on.
you both got side eyed a couple if times by adults with their own kids. here you both were, both in your early adulthood and running around the park, throwing snow at each other like little kids.
none of you cared though, the both if you had a blast and it was just getting started.
akutagawa ryuunosuke 🩸
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i dont see him as a huge fan of the snow...
he hates being cold, in my opinion.
he would want his first date with you to be inside somewhere warm, like a theater or a fancy resturant.
but what happens when his partner loves the snow, and pratically begs him to come outside with them?
the two of you were cuddled up together in the bed you two shared in your apartment. well- more like you were cuddled up to his side while his hands were in your hair and face in his chest.
his soft snores caused you to stir awake, and when you wake up he usually does as well. both if you are pretty lighy sleepers. the slightest of noises could awake you both.
as your eyes flutter open you feel his hands tangled in your hair. you queitly tried to untangle them, until he moved them himself...his hands rubbed his eyes as he streches awake.
you smiles softly at your boyfriend who stirred awake as you yawned. you follwed him after by streching yourself, "morning~" you whispered, leaning over to kiss his forhead.
he hums in response, trying to find your hands in the mess of blankets and kisses them, "good morning.."
akutagawa is the first to get out of bed, and as his feet touch the cold floor he feels a shiver run up his spine.
"did you leave the open last night again?"
you now stood up from the bed, streching down to touch your toes as you groan, standing back up straight. "did i?"
you looked by the large window close to the edge of your bed and chuckled, "must've forgotten to close it..."
"idiot..close it- its freezing in here." he spoke again, grabbing his coat from the closet and quickly throwing it on him.
you walked towars the window, but as soon as you were able to close it your eyes caught the glimpse of a whitle spot fall from the sky.
with a gasp, followee by a squeal akutagawa turns around quickly. "what? whats wrong?"
you looked back at him with a huge smile, him heart unknowingly skipping a beat at the sight of it.
"its snowing!! akutagawa its snowing!!" you jump in your spot before opening the curtain more so he could see, much to his dissapointment you didnt notice his cringe face at the sight at the white roads and snow.
"we can build snowmen! ooh, and have snowball fights!!-"
"oooo or make snow angels and put little faces on them!-"
"i used to love them as a kid, my grandmother showed it-"
"y/n- wait-!"
"akutagawa we can have our date at the park- OMG that would be ao cute!-"
you yelp as you feel yourself get pulled up in the air. you look at your arms to see that your boyfriends ability held you up as hebsat on the bed and pulled you toward him.
he looks up as you look down at him, a small pout on your face.
"we...are not going outside in that weather!"
"waaaaa? why not!?"
"because i said so!"
"stupid reason!"
"its freezing outside, i dont need you getting sick!!"
"i'll be careful, aku, pleeeeasseeee we'll be together!!" you whined, kicking your legs in the air behind you as your still hoisted up by rashomon.
"we can be together in here! besides, im sure that weretiger will be there..."
"dont let atsushi be the only reason not to go!"
"hes not!"
you raise an eyebrow at your boyfriend, who sighs and rubs his face.
"fine- if we go, promise me its only an hour?"
you nod your head happily as he sets you down on the bed, you yelped as you jumoed gently on the sheets and started to get akutagawa and yourself ready.
akutagawa grumbles under his breath, more like scarf, as you two reach the park and finds more of the ada there was well. you see atsushi, kenji and kyouka building a snowman, and the boy notices you two and waves over for you both to come over.
you looked back at akutagawa and stuck your hand out for him to take, "remember...only an hour? then we can go home and watch movies with hot cocco!"
you tried to bargen with him, which worked as he took your hand and muttered out "fine" and you rushed over to the others.
he just couldn't wait to get home and alone with you. thats all he wanted.
kunikida doppo 📗
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well...it doesnt ruin the date.
he just...wasnt expecting it.
however, thankfully he wrote down just what to do itnit does snow the day of both your first dates!
"sweetheart, i asked you nicely now i expect you to follow what i say!" he speaks as if he's talking to a five year old, which he sometimes he thinks he is!
"but- kunikidaaaaa its too heavy!" was your only reply for the last 30 minutes. he thought you two would be outside ready, but no you just didn't want to put the jacket on.
"god- sometimes it feels like im dating a child-"
"watch it, kunikida- because if your dating a child that means your a pedophile-"
you laughed at your boyfriends reaction.
he sighs tiredly.
all he wanted was for you to be warm, THATS ALL!
you already had a hat on, gloves on, and a scarf-all you need is the jacket.
"y/n, listen to me- you will catch a cold!"
"i wooont!"
"thats exactly what dazai said, but when he did two days later he got a coid! im not risking that with you!"
he just tosses the jacket to you as you groan and put the jacket on. "there- CAN WE GO NOW!"
you smiled, but he walked up to you and zipped up your jacket for you and then nods.
"there...now we can go.." sometimes he wonders how he puts up with both you and dazai.
"kunikida, lets make snow angels!!"
you cheered as you grabbed his arm and hopped up and down.
"okay- lets find a clean patch of snow, then we gently-"
he stopped talking when he saw you race forward in the park and jumped into the snow that was stepped on by multiple people and sighed noticing your hat has flown away and onto a tree branch as you did.
"why-why do i even try."
he follows you and no matter what you that upsets him, he still had the best day with you and cant wait to do this again with you!
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samutoru · 5 months
4:57pm - akutagawa x reader
you stood by akutagawa's side too long to know what he was like, even the littlest things about him made you fall for him even more. you knew what he liked, what he didn't like, his usual order when he stops by his favorite coffee shop, what he doesn't like on his cheeseburgers, and even his favorite author; you knew what he acted like if he was upset or sad too.
when he had realized that he loved you, he was afraid you wouldn't reciprocate his feelings back so he always pushed you away whenever he felt like he would cross the line.
no matter how many times he had hurt your feelings or hurt you physically, you had always loved him. you always gave him a warm smile and were there when he needed it. akutagawa would try to push you away, but you just came back running to him with kindness and love.
then there it was, how it lead to your current situation, akutagawa finally snapped, he was confused about why you would still love him after everything that he did to you. he wasn't sure if you felt the same way he did, you made him feel loved, wanted, and welcomed, and he hated that you made him feel that way.
"why do you even care?" he scoffed, trying hold back his tears as he turns around to get a look at you.
you hated that your hands were shaking, your thoughts were getting messy, held back tears from falling, your chest feeling heavy and your heart feeling like it was getting crushed. you hated the feeling of anxiety. and yet, it haunted you almost everyday. you didn't expect this to happen, this was the last thing you wanted.
"i care because you don't" you replied, walking towards him. you reached your arms out to him, your hands cupping his face as you brushed his tears away.
"i've always loved you ryuunosuke," you continued as you smiled warmly at him, his hand making it's way to your cheeks, them leaning in pressing his lips against yours.
"i've always loved you," akutagawa confessed as he pulled away from the kiss.
he had always thought about the way you made him feel, how it would feel with your small and gentle arms wrapped around his body, your voice comforting him and telling him "i love you,". he had always waited for the moment you would tell him those three words. you didn't know how much he needed you and how much he trusted you, he's always wanted to tell you but those were words he couldn't verbally tell you.
you were the only one who could make him feel better, feel this way. you were the only one who could make him feel loved.
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the-last-f2p · 2 years
Lost & found Beast :Akutagawa x reader
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A/N: I just got and finished BSD beast 1 so here is a fic/short series.
TW: Mentions of blood, Assassin brotherhood, Mentions of killing, Gaslighting, swearing, Suicidal thoughts for a line,
Life in the slums was not pleasent to say the least. But atleast you had him.
Ryunosuke Akutagawa The Silent Rabid Dog
Yes he was as emotoinless as a dead body but he was a good friend who saved you too many times to if you could count you felt like you atleast should give him something in return that thing being your friendship. Even if he made it look like he couldn't care less about you.
"Akutagawa-kun do you a sweet potatoe we got a big enough paycheck for everyone!" You smile to him.
"....Sure." He says as blankly as ever he takes the potatoe.
"Here take another and give it to Gin-chan as well!" You give him another potatoe.
"I'm gonna go now see you later Akutagawa-Kun!" You then run off somewhere. That place being your source of money. A brotherhood of assasins. Yes maybe everytime you went into the less than grand building it stank of something blood and everyone looked down on you both literally and figurativley you were still pretty young okay?! But that didn't mean that you couldn't pack a punch. Mostly thanks to your ability How to Kill your family that allowed you to make a small cut on anyone remotly related to your family that if not treated properly would grow until it cut through a vital vein. The only drawback is that it could only be used once a day or else you would collapse from exhastion. Lucky that you consider everyone in the group in the slums your family or your ability wouldn't be nearly as useful.
"Y/N. I have a job for you." My boss said to me looking almost as emotionless as Akutagawa.
"There's a man by the name of Osamu Dazai the boss of the port mafia kill him and your pay will be trippled." The port mafia?! Maybe you weren't the brightest but you're not that dumb.. But what if you did it. Pay trippled. Your pay had been cut tremendously for your age already but trippled would be enough to get a food supply for everyone for atleast a week. You had to go even if you knew it was suicide...
And this is how you ended up trying to find someway to relate Osamu Dazai to one of your familiy members...
"Lets see.. No.. No.. Wait.. SAYAKA she met one of the Port Mafia members last week it was only for a bit but it should be enough..." Ability: How to kill your family
"Osamu Dazai."
Blue rings started to appear around you and images flashed in your head of a messy brown-haired man dressed in black who you assumed to be Osamu Dazai. You then saw a small cut appear on his finger. Yes tripple pay here you come. It then healed as quick as it appeared.
"Nice try Y/N L/N but if you're gonna try kill me please at least do it in person." He smiled a ginger haired boy heard it and asked
"Who are you talking to boss?" "No one, you must be hearing things Chuuya."
The image in your head then dissolved into nothing god fucking dammit does he have some kind of ability well of course he does how else was it supposed to heal without him even touching the cut? If that didn't work you'll just kill him the hard way... This'll be your first up close kill and you don't really know how you'll pull it of....
"Y/N look!" One of your friends brought a small object up to your face that you recognized as a diamond.
"Its real Akutagawa-san checked!" You were about to contiue the conversation but then Akutagawa interupted you.
"Pack up in one minute we need to get out of here." You felt a presence near you and immidetally ducked leading your friend to get shot in the forehead then collapsing on the floor. You were pretty sure the people said something but you were to focused on what your friend said.
"H...H-Help us Aku..Ta Y/...N." He then got shot again your first reaction was for you to run as fast as possible away. You were then met with the sounds of bullets and screaming until you couldn't take it yes you were an assasin but you never had even heard the sound of gunshots before and it scared you. You found the nearest window and jumped out of it running your little legs of until you had exited the slums of Yokohoma and into the nicer side. You stopped at a bridge to catch your breath. By the time you had got to the bridge it was already dusk and there was barely anyone around this was a good enough place to rest......
You woke up to a tall red-head looking down at you and your first reaction was to kick him but he blocked it so easy that it was like he could see the future.
"Quite a way to greet people don't you think?" He tells you.
"Who are you? What do you want? Are you with the Mafia or those guys do you wanna kill me aswell finish the job?" Actually now that you say it maybe it would be a good thing if he came to kill you as long as it was quick.
"Calm down kid I was just worried seeing you collapsed." "Well I am fine there is no need to be worried and if you're not here to kill me then get the hell away!" You try to kick him again but he lands a blow to your stomach and then throws you on his shoulder.
"GET THE HELL OF ME! I'LL HAVE YOU KNOW THAT I'M APART OF THE YOKOHOMA ASSASINS BROTHERHOOD I'LL KILL YOU!" You start to thrash around but the man doesnt even flinch.
"I'm not gonna abandon a kid who obviously needs help."
"I don't care who the hell even are you!?"
"My name is Oda. Sakunosuke Odasaku member of the armed detective agency." The armed Dective Agency huh-
"-" You were about to say something but exhaustion had hit you again somehow.
The next few weeks had flown before you knew it you were a member of the armed detective agency and to think all you had to was untie a 'hostage' and defuse a fake bomb by throwing yourself over it thanks a lot Oda not.
4 years later
"Y/N." One of your co-workers Kunikda called out your name.
"Yo." You turned around on your chair.
"Theres a guy I want to you to meet." You were about to get up from your chair but you were almost hit by a all to familar ability that messed up your desk beyond repair dammit....
A/N: Yo I wanna make a part 2 so take a cliffhanger also happy first fic that had no promt me
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heartsfourdazai · 4 months
Akutagawa with the reader who is socially awkward and isn’t good at giving evidence but likes animals?
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synopsis: reader is founded to being more closer with animals then people, and they're dating one of the mafia executives who as well does not enjoy being around others.
warnings: lowercase writing, not proof-read, short & a little rushed because of how late its coming out, fluff!!
a/n: plagiarizing my work is a big nono! please consider not reading if you plan on stealing my work! you will be blocked if caught!
i gave up and posted this because i HAVE to post something!!!
tags: @atlasnessie @saelique @elizais @iisowks @ruified @riiwrites @ruanais @justcallmesakira @chuuyrr @cin-nna @pinklacydovey @poedostoevsky11
before even thinking about dating you were happy with the life you've had! you were a vet, helping animals who were hurt or sick, or even if their not- sometimes the pets love you so much they just wanted to come back to say hello.
that's one of the things you liked most about animals, they act more human then actual humans themselves.
sometimes you just wish you could live with the pets that come and go, alas, after getting together with your boyfriend, who wasn't so open to the idea of having pets.
they were too much if a hassle to take care of, and since he works such a dangerous job- he refuses to even allow another life, no matter if their human or pet, he already has to take care of you to make sure your safe!
so, to fulfill your happiness he takes you to the nearby park in yokohama and allows to look at most of the animals that come your way.
as much as he hates it, when you see a puppy you seem to really enjoy playing with, seeing as you ripped your hand out of his own and randomly tackles the poor pup, he has to be the only to talk yo the owner because you just forget humans exist.
and if they owner does not want anyone to touch their pet, he'll have to use rashomon to drag you away as you cried embarrassingly for him to put you down.
think this is bad with other dogs, your worse when it comes to your own pet!! he heard you baby talk your pet, being around it every two seconds...is he jealous? hm, maybe!?
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heartsfourdazai · 6 months
Could you write an Akutagawa x ADA reader where the other characters react to them being together, like Gin's reaction, Fukuzawa's reaction (also, you're a good writer :)
ADA/PM members react to you dating akutagawa
all(ish) ada/pm members
warnings: lowercase writing, mori warning!! :( unedited writing!
a/n: this may be the only time i write for mori...tysm for the compliment as well<3 I CANT FIT MORE THEN 10 GIFS SO I'LL MAKE A PART TWO WITH THE REST OF THE PM AND MORENOF THE ADA IF I MISSED ANYONE!!
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he's always found you mysterious and in some kind of trouble that you get yourself into, on purpose or not.
so finding out for himself besides you telling him that your dating one of the enemy's exectutives?
he watches you like a hawk.
he won't get all up in your buisness about your love life.
he still cares for your well being, and just doesn't want you getting hurt.
the moment he finds out that your hurt, and that this relationship your in is hurting you either mentally or physically, he's going all dad-mode.
other then that, he just keeps an eye on you, as he does with all his 'children' and tries to keep you from getting hurt.
but this is akutagawa we're talking about...
what could go wrong?
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he already knew.
even if you said anything to anyone, or not.
he knew the moment you liked him.
he would side eye you each time he would see you.
he doesn't hate you..
he just wants you to be careful.
dating one of the port mafia's important men isn't the best relationship to have.
he's rarely had interactions with akutagawa, but he knows he's a bad dog.
just hearing atsushi deal with him is enough for him to know he's not the best.
but he doesn't say anything.
it's your dating life.
but he has a feeling this isn't going to last then you think it may.
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oh boy.
awkward cough.
well- what do you know.
looks like he was right.
although you told him, he simply stated; "i know." and nothing after that.
he doesn't have a reaction- he just stays the same.
nothing changes with your and his friendship...he doesn't even ask about him.
you knew about his and akutagawa's past- and you've never mentioned that either.
it's in the deep dark ends of hell, but you comfort akutagawa whenever he gets those nasty flashbacks.
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oh dear.
many of them.
he writes this down, making sure you tell him every detail.
lets be real, you barely know.
dating akutagawa; you already knew you were putting your job at risk, let alone your life!!
he makes sure your safe, and sends you check up "how are you" messages of he hasn't seen you all day; or more thwn two.
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checks up on you every. single. day
she makes sure your not hurt, and asks how you are.
sometimes it gets to the point you try to avoid her check-ups; to which she gets more nervous for you.
when she found out, you actually told her.
she gives you some advice, and she takes it seriously.
if she ever finds out he's hurting you in some way; akutagawa may be seeing the doctor more then you ever had.
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sorry he needs a second.
his response. straight up.
you would explain to him you confessed to the mafia executive, and he had many questions.
...for how long?
that was the question he carried the most around in his head before asking.
he's worried for you. and can you blame?
half of the visits he makes to yosano is BECAUSE OF YOUR BOYFRIEND-
he just...wants you to make your decisions carefully, and will always be your number one supporter.
much to his boyfriends dissapprovel.
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their reaction would be the same as the rest; worry and confusion.
naomi would at first be so happy you found someone until her brother suddenly remembers...its akutagawa.
THE SAME akutagawa who'a hurt many of his loved ones; espically naomi.
he wouldn't look at you any different, but he would be concerned for your safety.
naomi is the same; however you can gossip to her about most boy things.
PM :
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gags- okay uhm-
mori's reaction wouldn't be anything to extreme. he won't really show much reaction besides a "nod" and "are we done here?"
he wouldn't be a dick about it; but you have noticed he's been keeping the two of you more distant...thinking your relationship will get in the way of hos job.
you are an enemy to th3 mafia; i dont think he's going to acknowledge the fact you two are dating.
he's almost made the two of you break-up because of his manipulation...
stop idk what else to write-
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shes interigating her brother-
"where did you meet them?"
"can they be trusted?"
"they could be using you to get to the boss-"
you had to prove to her you loved her brother, and will show the same respect he shows you to her.
after then she's kinda chill with you.
you see that knife? yeah that will slit your throat in seconds.
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