#bsd chapter 113 spoilers
theworstfangirl · 7 months
Honestly, I am way more on board with the theory of Fyodor time travelling somehow than him being immortal. It puts him and Dazai on more even footing, it fits with the whole alternative worlds/timelines thing Beast set up...
Plus the idea that he messes around with timelines and that's why he's so hyper-prepared with the whole vampire infection shtick is just more interesting than yet another "Oh I'm actually x years old" thing.
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banazirgalbassi · 7 months
I realize that if anyone reads this, they will come at me for my negativity, and seeing all the other peoples' opinions on the latest chapter has proven to me that I am definitely in the minority here, probably even the only one who took it so negatively. But I desperately need to vent somewhere, and I have no one to talk to about this.
If I hadn't been curious to see where the plot is going, I would have dropped BSD entirely at this point, because it's more than I can take, and the heartache is unbearable. For three years my only solace in life has been the character of Fyodor, whom I saw as a role model and admired him for his strong will and endurance.
The reason for this is that I am a person with many chronic illnesses, and to see a manga character who lives with a chronic illness, even such a relatively minor one as anemia and overall weak immune system, has still inspired me so much and pushed me to go on. It didn't even matter if he was a villain or a good guy, just that he was human, physically susceptible to disease and hardships, and that he endured them day to day and still accomplished so much.
It was the contrast between his fragile sickly body and his genius sharp mind that made him such an interesting character for me, one I've grown emotionally attached to and actually worried about his fate. To me his supposed humanity and frail health meant everything, and now I just feel robbed and betrayed knowing that it was all a lie, that he is not physically human, but some immortal indestructible entity that can't be killed and is immune to all wounds and hurts.
My last hope is that it is one of his past lives that is shown in this chapter, and a different body, not the one with which he was born in the present timeline. I am clutching to this one possibility. Please let it be his past incarnation, and he is just a human who remembers all his past lives. Or that somehow he fabricated false memories in his head for Sigma to read, and he is not immortal after all. Even time-travel would be a good option, just not... THIS.
Because that would mean that he was probably never a child, he doesn't require food or drink to stay alive, sleep deprivation or cold weather won't harm him, and he is not afraid of dying. He certainly doesn't suffer from any health conditions, because it's likely that all the cells and organs in his body can constantly regenerate, thus making it impossible to get sick and cease to function. Even if something can kill him, he won't stay dead and would revive sooner or later. That sure explains every strange thing regarding him in the story that I ever wondered about.
If losing a favorite character to death was bad enough, then losing him to immortality is infinitely worse, as much as I'm happy that he's alive.
I was hoping he would somehow be saved and survive the helicopter crash and recover gradually in an ordinary way, I was even prepared to accept his death. But it turns out he never even needed saving in the first place, and nothing ever threatened his life, there was no risk for him to die from the poison injection, no risk from all the wounds and the explosion, and he will grow back that torn arm, if it was even really his. He will just revive and come back to life like nothing happened.
Yes, I'm taking it way too seriously, and I should lighten up, it's just an anime story, and it's just an imaginary character. But he was my reason to get up in the morning and keep struggling. Now this reason is gone, and I'm completely crushed. My heart is broken. My worst fear about Fyodor's backstory reveal has come true. He was my comfort character and my coping mechanism, and now I have nothing left to hold on to.
Nothing suggested to me in the plot so far that he was not human, quite the opposite, I was led to believe that he was a regular person, with all his purposeful mentionings of his bad health and anemic constitution, other characters repeatedly calling him anemic, him saying he was afraid of catching a cold, etc. Now I understand it was all done deliberately to camouflage his true nature, and I should have seen all the subtle hints that I preferred to ignore.
I thought he had a complex and tragic childhood back in Russia that shaped his personality and motives. Now, regardless of what his motives are, all the depth and mystery to his character are actually gone for me, as he stopped being relatable to me altogether. The circumstances of his life are different, his mindset is completely different to ordinary humans, and he is now as far from all my headcanons as can be.
I thought that one of the main themes in BSD was the human struggle, exploring what it means to be human, the human psyche, and the ability to persevere in the face of any hardships with the help of friendship. In the case of an invincible character like this there is nothing to overcome, other than loneliness and boredom throughout the ages, but that, too, is different from what a mortal would experience. Even the overpowered Chuuya is still mortal and faces risks, even the regenerating Atsushi and the self-healing Yosano can still potentially be killed.
Why, of all the characters, Fyodor had to be the one to turn out immortal and inhuman? We already have Lovecraft who is definitely not human, Bram who is arguably not human, as well as Chuuya and Verlaine who are questioning or denying their humanity, but who are eventually proven to be human despite everything. So I hoped that at least Fyodor would be left out of this non-human otherwordly creatures category. Moreover, everything now seems to lead to him being revealed as the Antichrist or the Devil himself, which makes it all the more frustrating.
Here I was, simply hoping for a character I could relate to and symphatize with his daily struggles. Now it all feels like a big joke and a farce. All I thought I knew about him has been a lie from the start, it was just a fable I made up in my head, and I have only myself to blame for it. For taking it too close to my heart, for having such a childish and petty way of thinking, for exagerrating the importance of a fictional character in my life, for overreacting to this whole situation.
Yes, it's all my fault and my personal mental issues for which I need to seek professional help, I am aware of that. I will just have to learn to live with this pain and utter emptiness, the hole in my heart where there used to be some hope and comfort.
P.S. I sincerely apologize for all the harsh words and my bad attitude, and I hope it didn't trigger anyone too much. I will probably delete this post later.
And I know that I'm just jumping to conclusions and being judgemental when a huge part of the plot is still unrevealed, and I will be the happiest person in the world to be proven wrong in subsequent chapters, but so far I have the feeling that not much will play out differenly to these assumptions.
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Why'd they have to drop him fifteen times 😭
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kyoukamybeloved · 5 months
i mean at this point I don’t see how asagiri could possibly make them any gayer
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vero-niche · 7 months
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who lives who dies who tells your story
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twinksintrees · 7 months
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this is such a fucked panel to end on. the raw shock, mourning, loss on his face. aya’s triumphant words having no idea what just took place. he’s going to have to go on pushing all of this down. his best friend is dead, and he has to say he’s the one who killed him.
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morphestic · 7 months
Maybe the real cockroach was Fyodor Dostoevsky all along
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nyxi-pixie · 7 months
i think the funniest thing abt skk is just. the contrast to whats going on w everyone else this arc😭😭😭 sskk have been going angstcrazy doing the real 'no this isnt you' dramatics and struggling. fkfk old man yaoi are experiencing the horrors of being doomed. teruko is having a Time and A Half. sigmas like half dead on the floor. kolyas sobbing over his seemingly dead bf. and fyodor is. fyodor.
and then skk are fcking around w vampire roleplay, chuuyas complaining abt mori getting his fake fangs stuck, and theyre throwing some poor guy up and down 15 times to 'wake him up'. like.
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estiniens-ponytail · 7 months
absolute peak dumbassery aside, I'm just kind of obsessed with the sokouku interactions this chapter?
like typically we get them thrown together in immensely high intensity situations that require such an extreme level of performance and no-nonsense displays of brilliance that this was just....so great? idk seeing them just kind of existing together in the aftermath and working through a low stakes issue (however hilariously poor their solution is) has me reeling
like no pretense chuuya can comfort dazai "just quit your worrying" and dazai can acknowledge that he's right without the over the top performative rivalry
it feels like such an important facet of their relationship to see
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frenchonionsoop · 7 months
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so chapter 113 huh
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naetles · 7 months
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jounosparticles · 7 months
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interesting how it was changed from aya to atsushi in the anime
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im-a-chunky-potato · 7 months
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So apparently the key to immortality and eternal youth is just greasy hair I guess.
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Chuuya and Dazai trying to wake up Sigma:
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etrevil · 7 months
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What the actual fuck you beautiful son of a bitch HOW OLD ARE YOU
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twinksintrees · 7 months
i feel like all of bsd could’ve been avoided if fyodor just admitted he has a thing for being tied up. girlie you can just say that you don’t have to keep crafting intricate plans where you turn yourself in. it’s okay
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