#bt timeline
okay so Tigerstar is 4 moons older than Whitestorm okay BP says so, but they were made warriors at the same time says SH, okay thats fine, and SH also says Tiger has been an app for 2 moons (meaning he's 8 moons) when SH starts and based on that if Tiger is 4 moons older than White than White is a 4 moon old kit at the start of SH... except he's also. an apprentice. at the start of SH.
BUT ALSO---he was foster-nursed by Robinwing after Snowfur died. which. vkjsdfkjskj. okay so let's say Spotted is a moon old at the start of SH (she is still nursing at her mom's belly, and kittens generally stop anywhere between 3 weeks-2 moons old). if she's a moon old, and Frost and Brind are a moon older, than that would mean Spotted = 1 moon, Frost = 2 moon, White = 4 moon, and Tiger = 8 moons, and that's cool, but also BP says White is a half-moon older than Frost. so it should be Spotted = 1, Frost = 2, White = 2.5, Tiger = 6.5.... White should still be a Baby in at the start of SH....
le sigh...
i think, for BT maybe-canon-it'll-change-in-the-future, we'll go with Spotted = 1 moon, Frost = 2 moon, White = 4 moon, and Tiger = .... 7 moons. We'll knock him a moon.
hmmm. okay. and Snowfur died at 18 moons (im fumcking trusting you Wiki), when White was ehhh a moon-ish old, so she's 17 moons older than White. and Thistleclaw is, BP-canon, 2 moons younger than Snowfur, so he's 15 moons older than Whitestorm (DAMN they had kits young!!)
which means at the start of SH, Thistle is 19 moons old! a young warrior! and 18 moons older than Spottedkit. (punching it into my old human to cat age thingy, Spottedkit is a 2 year old toddler and Thistleclaw is a 24 year old man. wow! fuckin' creepy bud!) (and when Spotted is impregnanted she's 10 moons aka ~16 year old teenager and Thistleclaw is 34 year old man. icky. not fun.) (i actually calculated their human ages right on the other post the first time wow!)
anyway... what was i doing before this...
oh yeah the timeline
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 5 months
When might S3 come out? 🤔 Prediction :)
S1 main shooting finished in March 2018, the premiere of S1 was in May 2019 => cca 14 months after
S2 main shooting finished in March 2022, the premiere of S2 was in July 2023 => cca 16 month after
=> let's take an average of that 15 months
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S3 plans seems to finish in May 2025 => The premiere could be 15 months later in August 2026
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Thank you for coming to my TED talk :D ❤
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rjshope · 4 months
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Seokjin birthday live | 191204 (aka the one with him looking so effortlessly gorgeous)
for @jinstronaut✨
+ bonus: his dongsaengs love language
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romancanine · 3 months
“its so sad that oliver stark isn’t getting the storyline he wanted :(“ “oliver is so disappointed you can tell :(“ “poor oliver :(“
Oliver Stark is not thinking about this the way you believe he is. Oliver Stark is thinking about Arsenal Football Club
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anistarrae · 1 year
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banghwa · 1 year
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callmehere-iwillappear · 10 months
thinking abt au crossovers and listen. Listen. theres something about seeing someone who is you but not really. you but just slightly to the left. in a funhouse mirror. if just one thing went differently. this is who you could have been. this is who you never could be. this person understands you better than anyone ever could. this person will never be able to understand you because of how differently things went. and thats not even touching on au crossovers that come from different points in canon. look. this is you a year ago. this is you a year in the future. do you recognize yourself? have you changed too much? can you be the person you needed at that time? do you tell them whats in store for them? can you warn them? would that make things worse? do you say nothing and just hope things will go differently? are things too different already? is that a good thing? is that a bad thing? what can you do to save this version of you? is it already too late? are they a lost cause? are you?
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reflectionsofgalaxies · 3 months
Okay y’all, Yellowjackets is filming at the mall by my house, they are apparently filming on Wednesdays (either on the 10th or 17th). I hate the mall, but I love Yellowjackets. 💛
Should I lurk at the mall on Wednesdays in hope of seeing them filming?
(I do really really REALLY wanna see Melanie Lynskey)
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mrs-monaghan · 11 months
Hi! Have you answered the question about who fell first and who fell harder between jikook according to you? I believe there's a consensus inside the fandom that Jimin fell first and all that teasing towards Jungkook during those early years weren't just for fun and that he genuely began having actual feelings for him.
Some Jikookers: Jimin fell first but Jungkook fell harder.
Me: Rubbish
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They were both into eo from the very beginning. Just coz Jimin was more vocal about it, don't mean JK didn't feel the same.
This moment here 👇🏽 is underrated. Maybe coz it's a blink and you will miss it moment. But this clip shows us exactly where JK was at.
(Thanks @chicknbunny13)
If JK wasn't feeling some type of way, he'd have just held onto Jimin like Suga is doing to him. But the fact that he hesitated.... had to think about it... that right there is what makes Jikook sus. A friend is a friend. You wanna hold their shoulder, you just do it. You don't even think twice about it.
But JK was doing math in his head; do I touch him? Do I not? Why does the simple act of holding Jimin have to be complicated? Easy; because Jimin wasn't just one of JK's members. He was more. He felt like more. JK wanted him to be more. And he was confused... conflicted by what all this meant. Jimin... his band mate... a boy, was making him feel things and JK didn't know how to act.
And it didn't help that Jimin didn't have the same reservations. Shamelessly flirting with JK and asking for kisses, telling him he can't sleep because of him. It was alot for JK who knew Jimin gave him butterflies... who knew it felt good... but couldn't fathom why. And so the solution was to push him away. And when Jimin wasn't showering JK with praises and being all over him, JK would take to teasing Jimin. Because as confused as he was, he knew he liked Jimin's attention. And so he would pick on him, to get said attention.
Yes, Jimin liked JK and didn't try to hide it. But JK liked Jimin too. Difference is how they both went about it. But make no mistake; it was mutual.
More on the Jikook timeline here.
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rainbowsky · 7 months
twitter BJ_ByYourSide/status/1427940852433776640 I'm confused on why this clip isn't on everyone's favorite list. There so much here! DD not wanting to sound fake and wanting to keep stuff away from the media. Reminds me of when he seemed upset with dd for praising him until gg reassured him he was being sincere. And obviously this is crush behavior- "what did he say about mee", so cute! Do you know when this was filmed? I would imagine the earlier stages cause he seemed insecure
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This is the link, to make it easier for readers.
Hi Anon,
I'm a bit confused about why you think this isn't a popular clip. This one is actually quite popular, and fans made a big deal about it when it was first released. It's maybe not as popular as the 9 minutes of bickering on a boat or the lewd moments or jealousy in 3 languages, but it's also not nearly as exciting as those clips.
To me in order for a clip to be exciting it has to be entertaining (and ones containing both of them are always the most entertaining) or it has to reveal something new about them (jealousy in 3 languages seemed to give clues about their sexual orientation, for example).
This clip, while cute and also somewhat hilarious, doesn't give anything all that new. We already knew that DD is into GG, we already knew that he's the sort of person to be invested in what GG thinks about him and in what GG says about him.
I also don't see this clip the same way a lot of fans see it. I don't see it as 'early days, guy has a crush on another guy' at all. It strikes me as fairly normal behavior that doesn't give us much timeline insight. I think anyone discussing an interview where they were a likely topic would want to know what the other person said about them, especially if they were romantically involved with them.
If anything, that clip makes me eye the Devil's Timeline even more. There are a few things that stick out.
DD is speaking pretty openly about how sweet, handsome, cute, etc. GG is. That's not something I see someone as reserved as DD saying about someone he doesn't know well, to people he doesn't know well.
When the producer says that GG said they 'have a good friendship', everyone in the room starts laughing. To me it comes across as, "That's the understatement of the year." Like the people there know that GG and DD are more than just friends.
When DD brings up the game, I think he's musing about things he could have mentioned in the interview but didn't - not that he's 'excited about having had some alone time with a guy he has a crush on', as so many turtles think. That's only reinforced by what someone said in the comments of that clip, that "I didn't want to say it" in reference to the game was actually mistranslated and would be better translated as "I forgot it", which is why the producer said, "Your reaction was slow."
Similarly, someone in the comments said that "Am I fake?" (in response to why he didn't say all these glowing things about GG in the interview) would have been better translated as, "I would have sounded fake." So some fan impressions come out of how the clip was translated.
Everyone's going to have their own interpretations/impressions of things. A lot of fans read DD as insecure here, trying to pump the producer for information about his 'crush'. That's not at all how I saw this clip.
To me, judging from DD's body language and demeanour, he comes across as relaxed and maybe a bit bored. I don't see any insecurity at all in his behavior or speech.
He's obviously quite comfortable in his surroundings and with the people around him. DD is a scrupulously polite, often very reserved guy. He simply wouldn't behave so casually around people he doesn't know well or have a good rapport with. Some of his behavior could come across as rude if he's interacting with a superior he doesn't know very well.
So this clip tells me that DD has developed a laid back relationship with the crew, which leads me to believe he's not the 'new', 'shy', 'insecure' person that fans read him to be.
I also get the impression - like I said before - that DD is already in a relationship with GG at this point.
It's hard to say when it was recorded, but likely well into filming. After all, those interviews were filmed as promo, and it's unlikely they'd start filming those things before the cast and crew had gotten well into the groove of the project.
Just my two cents. Like I said, a lot of people have a different view of this and that's their right. We'll likely never know for sure what this was really all about.
If people don't talk about clips like this much now, it's probably because the BTS is really old and people aren't talking about any of the BTS much these days. These BTS moments were all filmed nearly 6 years ago.
Edit: here's GG's interview, which is being discussed in that clip.
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absolutely going insane looking at the BT timeline assuming that we take Spottedleaf's Birthday as the Utmost Canon
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The timeline already breaks so much. Like, Tigerclaw does NOT save Redpaw from a hawk in Newleaf, he does so in Leaf-fall. But EVEN MORE SO---BLUESTAR'S KITS ARE NOT BORN ANYWHERE NEAR LEAF-BARE
i think i might alter it so that the Important Event (Bluestar's Kits) is the Most Canon thing for the timeline... so it looks like this:
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yeah... that fits better. cause tbh the only time the plot is dependent on the season is w/ Bluestar's kits. plus Tiger n Red happens in the correct season now
also this doesn't change the like. written canon of BT season/moon-wise. it's just. me attempting to figure out what the fuck was SUPPOSED to be happening and when
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snailvibes · 3 months
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I physically refuse to believe these two weren’t webkinz kids
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kdramaxoxo · 1 month
My bias getting a DUI was NOT on my 2024 bingo card.
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sevenines · 4 months
reading through the end of an era artbook rn and interestingly they include this moment as an example of pearl's gag order:
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which is curious, because 1. she's talking about lapis ("it should only be following orders) and 2. she talks through her hand anyways. ignoring the second point and the possibility that this could just be a mistake/not intended (a 3rd party couldve compiled this and it slipped through), i wonder if pink diamond directly had something to do with lapis' imprisonment.
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kinnsporsche · 1 month
What happened with 911?
you mean in general or the newest layer of dante's inferno that's been forged over the past few days? i assume you mean the latter so tw for csa and rape in general
the tldr is that someone (i assume its 1 person but who knows dont quote me on it) is writing graphic, and theres no other way to describe it other than cp, fics about the characters (mostly tommy but i've also seen buck and chimney) sa'ing the kids on the show like chris who's like 13, and jee who's literally like 3 fucking years old. and they're putting it under the buck/tommy tag on ao3 disguised as normal fics with misleading tags so that people are forced to stumble across it. its thousands of words of graphic cp the likes i've never seen from a fandom before and they seem to be getting their kicks from people being rightly upset about it so now people are filtering out fics uploaded by anonymous ao3 users so they don't accidentally stumble upon explicit csa.
a couple blogs have been popping up here and there taking credit for it and posting shit about how tommy should be gang raped and die of hiv/aids, and how the csa fics aren't csa bcs the kids "enjoy it". 90% of their shit is targeted towards people who like buck/tommy, and the initial blog that took credit and posted this shit said they were doing it to "defend eddie".
people have been too comfortable calling tommy a predator and a groomer for months bcs he's dating buck and i guess this is how its culminated for certain factions of this abyss of a fandom.
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wezzaner · 6 months
Three weeks orbiting the BTS twitter sphere and oh, good morning smear articles… Let me rant about that…
First of all, let me be clear, I have only been there for FRI(END)S and HOTS releases. And I understand mistakes happen, but I have witnessed many questionable incidents during those two releases that make me wanna bang my head against the wall, FRI(END)s especially (seriously, what the fuck). And army and solos alike seems to be getting flashbacks from Layover as well, so it doesn’t look like an isolated incident. I am side-eying hybe for this.
Also, I am in no way singling out or victimizing Taehyung or Hobi. Actually, as per my reading, this has been happening with almost all of the members during their solo era to variant degrees.
Now, does that give ME, or anyone else, the right to beef with Hybe/BigHit?
No. The guys are adults, they have their own contracts and relationship with the company (that we know nothing about) and this is their battle to fight. Do not discredit the guys, any of them. Fucking adults who have been in the industry for 10 years, right there.
Does that give me the right to insult and start smear campaigns against other members who got the longer end of the stick?
No. Absolutely fucking not. No one needs to be brought down or discredited to bring up another. And this jealousy is strictly between the fandom(s), it should not fucking result in this. It should not bleed into smearing their talent, person, ethics or relationship with one another. You can call out unfairness without discrediting the rest of the guys. The guys have been nothing but absolutely supportive of each other. If you will not support them along with your favorite, then shut the fuck up. Stop shading the others and stay in your lane. How hard is that to do?
When you start those smear campaigns, when you criticize someone’s favorite, you are only setting your own guy up for a smear campaign of his own. What, think they won’t retaliate? We’re just spinning in circles here.
They don’t deserve this bullshit.
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