#btw i don't mean this in a bad way it's not bad if you joined later
mothocean · 1 year
Jojo fans who joined after 4/4/21 will never know the pain of waiting for the stone ocean announcement
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loving-august · 2 months
practicing him for your return demonstration!!
pairings. nursing student reader x various
notes. hi hi hi! first off, I don't know on what other nursing schools would do this but I tried my best to align this on what happened in my school. every institutions are different on their ways of teaching and procedures! if you are an actual nurse and youa re reading this...I hope u enjoy hehehe
btw @uravichii your mention last time made me write this 😧 (I'm heavily inspired)
+ it's been so long that i forgot how to write. (I joined the publication club in order for my writing skills to be more improved) and !! I'm planning to be posting here and there but not like i used to post here few years ago. Especially I'm a med student— I love and hate my course with a passion ❤️
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IMAGINE being a nursing student and you don't have someone to demo on....
Your ever so supportive boyfriend is there to be your patient for a while until you finish your practice on the return demonstrations. it's kind of funny when you try to say out loud the greetings and pretending that you are talking to him as if he's a patient and he will snort or make fun of you. A smack on his arm whenever he makes fun of you and you would start again from the very beginning.
"Stop laughing!"
"Sorry, you're just too funny."
You pouted, you replied in an annoyed tone, "how am I supposed to finish this with you looking at me like that." His gaze became more playful. He knows that you're annoyed. "What face?"
"Like that!"
He did it again.
"I swear I hope i'll make a mistake when trying intramuscular injection with you."
He raised both of his hands in the air playfully to show his surrender yo you. "Alright, alright. I'll stop this time, I promise."
And he did kept his promise.
With your words stuttering and couple of cussing of you forgetting the definition that you memorized, you finally finished saying the procedures. And to the fun part, the actual procedure to be done on your boyfriend.
You kept in mind that you still talking to him as if it's your actual patient.
"Sir, good morning, I am y/n l/n, a nursing student. Today i'll be administering the inject to you, is that okay with you sir?"
He nodded.
You prepared your 3cc syringe with your Plain NSS to be injected to him.
"Sir, I want you to relax your muscles sir. This will be quick," you began to inject him, and it was quicker than you expected. After that, you placed a dry cotton ball to the affected area and secured it with a transpore, and you began to clean up the equipments and the trash.
You approached to him and asked, "how was it? Was my hand heavy while injecting you?"
You were worried if you have hurted him since you were just a beginner and a bit nervous when doing this kind of thing.
"Not bad, you were gentle. Although you're kind of shaking before you injected me but after that? you were smooth." He answered.
You were thankful that he allowed you to be your 'patient' for your practice. "Thank you for trusting me. It means a lot to me, you know?"
"No problem. I'm glad I could help."
You can't help but hug and peppered his face with kisses.
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© 2024 loving-august. All Rights Reserved. Do not repost. Do not plagiarize. Do not share on other platforms. Will get slapped if u do.
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iiseor · 4 months
☆ gloomchair2010 ☆
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synopsis: ellie adds you in a chat room after a mutual game. IB
cw: AU, kind of loser!nerd!ellie x popular!reader except reader is like a loser in the online world and popular irl while ellie is the opposite; make sense?? Semi stalker!ellie. This is part 1..if this does good ill continue !
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ⓘ new friend request: @gloomchair2010
accepted ! reject
Gloomychair2010 has joined the chat
@gloomchair2010: hey :D
@ynspeaks: hey..?
@ynspeaks: do i know you?
@gloomychair2010: lol.. dont think so ! but we just played random duos together :)
@gloomychair2010: good game and all, just wanted to see if you needed help figuring out how to work your weapons and stuff so next time you dont die so quickly xD
@ynspeaks: haha right, i just realized your username... thank you, and i dont really play often... but you can help if you'd like :)
@gloomychair2010: really??? Would've thought you were a pro the way you stood there and let that guy shoot you in open space !
@ynspeaks: omg >< was i really that bad?
@gloomychair2010: maybe just a little ....
@gloomychair2010: nothing a little mentoring cant fix... whenever you have the time.
@ynspeaks: sounds fun :D I'm down
@ynspeaks: i like your display name btw !!!! it's so cool
@ynspeaks: what does it mean?
@gloomychair2010: you don't know ?
@ynspeaks: should i ? :(
@gloomychair2010: haha thought you would, it's a metaphor to a pretty popular game.
@ynspeaks: ohhhhhhh
@ynspeaks: i dont know much about this stuff story :<
@ynspeaks: kinda just getting into it, needed a distraction :]
@gloomychairs2010: oh....? Really??
@glooomychairs2010: something wrong?
@ynspeaks: nothing big... just life you know?
@gloomychair2010: sorry to hear that :(
@gloomychair2010: maybe you should try playing musical chairs, it'll make you happier
@ynspeaks: ??????????
@gloomychairs2010: gaming reference, sorry
@ynspeaks: sorry LOL , ill learn eventually :]
@ynspeaks: my moms going to call me for dinner soon so ill have to go, but it was nice talking to you. A good distraction so far :D
@ynspeaks: Im y/n btw... if you didn't read my user!
@gloomychairs2010: oh right it's getting pretty late
She said knowing she stays on the game way past midnight.... every night
@gloomychairs2010: oh and I'm ellie... in all honesty i didnt read ur name xD
@ynspeaks: it's okay!! you were too busy trying to save me from dying LOL
@ynspeaks: Nice to meet you ellie :3 chat later!!
@gloomychairs2006: nice to meet you too y/n :^)
*ynspeaks has left the chat*
*gloomychair2006 has left the chat*
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After your chat ended, ellie found herself reminiscing about the conversation between you two. Though the conversation was extremely short, there was something so intriguing about you that she could somehow feel through the screen.
and that night, instead of staying up till 4am playing video games, she decided to take all technology based skills she obtained over the years, and utilize them in a deep dive internet search on you and who exactly @ynspeaks really was.
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yikesmary · 1 year
TWO: LIVE IN BOYFRIEND — choi seungcheol x reader
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summary: when you have to get used to choi seungcheol as your roommate and fake boyfriend.
notes: thank you guys for all the love you guys gave the first (technically first even if it’s not labeled as the first?) part of what I guess is becoming a series? depending on if I get ideas or not, uploading parts to this series may or may not take long. ill also be accepting ideas for the stories if you guys have any ideas!
btw this chapter focuses more on the contrast of how you and Seungcheol started as people who agreed to fake date vs how you guys will act now. you guys are still fake dating but to people it's very real because you guys act the part.
i'm still accepting requests if you guys have them! it can be for this series or for a one shot, just send an ask.
join my taglist!
previous / next
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"We need to discuss some ground rules," You said as you and Seungcheol walked around the mall, finding stores to browse through.
"What ground rules do we need? I live with you, and I pretend to be your boyfriend," he said.
"How did we meet? Who asked who out? Where was our first date? Do we let people know we're living together? How long do we say we're together?" You listed out, counting off with your fingers.
"Don't you have a class with Wonwoo?" Seungcheol suddenly asked.
"Jeon Wonwoo? Yeah, I do. Why do you know that?" you asked.
"We say that Wonwoo introduced us and we were friends for a while. I wanted to ask you out but you beat me to it. Our first date was me teaching you basketball, and it was not pretty." He teased.
"How'd you know I'm bad at basketball?" you questioned.
"I mean, when you nearly died after choking on noodles, I guessed you aren't the most graceful," he joked.
You rolled your eyes and hit him lightly on the shoulder. Spotting a store you wanted to go to, you grabbed Seungcheol's forearm and dragged him with you.
"Anyways, we should let people know we're living together. It tells people we're serious and your ex he's a jackass for breaking up with you the way he did," he said, grabbing a shirt and showing it to you to look at.
Nodding in approval, you grabbed the shirt and continued to look through the racks. "Besides creating a story of our relationship, we make other rules,"
You grabbed a few more items before going in line for the cashier. Counting how much money you had, you realized you had to return a few things. You tried walking out of a line but Seungcheol stopped you and shook his head.
"Like don't fall in love with each other," you said, and he scoffed and rolled his eyes.
"We're not gonna fall in love with each other," Seungcheol said.
Once you guys were the next people in line, the cashier started scanning all of the items. Moving to pay, you stopped once you realized that Seungcheol already had his card out and was on his way to pay.
"You didn't have to do that," you told him.
"Think of it as a present. From one roommate to the other," he said.
"Anyways, what were you saying about not falling in love with each other?"
"Have you seen every movie that involves fake dating? The two main protagonists always fall in love without knowing!"
"Those are movies, this is real life,"
When you exited the store, you turned to face him. "How about we just agree to stay friends?"
"Just friends,"
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"I'm home!" You called out, putting your keys in the bowl that Seungcheol put after you lost your keys and had to use his for the 3rd time.
When you entered the living room, you saw that your living room was filled with both yours and Seungcheol's friends sitting at every possible chair. "Hello Cheol and everyone who doesn't live here," you greeted.
"How was your nail appointment?" Seungcheol asked and you smiled and walked towards him to hold up your nails to show him.
He took your hands and observed them, "you chose the color I suggested," he said.
You shrugged, "I didn't have any other color ideas and it looked pretty,"
"Now, tell me, why are there twelve of our friends in our apartment when they don't live here?" you questioned.
"We didn't have any food!" Jeonghan interjected.
As if practiced, the sound of Minghao drinking a cup of tea and Jun eating something crunchy filled the room. Jihoon then opened a bag of candy, which caught the attention of others and they grabbed handfuls from the bag.
"And you finish all of ours?!" You jokingly shouted.
"You guys are supposed to go grocery shopping anyways," Seungkwan pointed out.
"Can you guys get more chips? You guys ran out of the ones I like," Vernon said with a mouthful of the chips as mentioned earlier.
"And soda!" Chan exclaimed.
"You tell me the word and I'll kick all of them out," Seungcheol offered.
Ignoring all of the shouted protests from your friends, you shook your head, "It's fine as long as Mingyu's cooking,"
Everyone in the room turned to Mingyu, who sighed and stood up to go to the kitchen. "Don't make a mess of our kitchen or else!" You called out.
"How about you change into comfortable clothes and I'll make these idiots decide on a movie," Seungcheol said.
"Nothing that's too scary or else Seokmin and Soonyoung will have nightmares," you reminded him.
"I don't think they'll get nightmares—" Joshua started saying, but a stern look from you cut him off.
"They'll get nightmares, nevermind," he backtracked.
"You make us sound like kids!" Soonyoung said.
"It's cause you are," Wonwoo commented.
"This is like a daycare," you muttered.
"Go change. I managed to get your favorite snacks away from the guys," Seungcheol told you.
You smiled at him before going to your room to change like you originally planned to.
Maybe this fake dating thing was going better than you thought it was going to.
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explorevenus · 1 year
domestic yandere bf!leon headcanons
and by domestic i just mean like no blatant kidnapping n shit like reader and leon have a legitimate relationship but reader has no idea how aggressively he’s pulling strings behind the scenes
btw i’ve had this written out on my laptop for literally two years so a lot of this is ‘something permanent’ adjacent but it’s not specific to that universe (for other obvious reasons skdfjivhes)
here we go:
leon is extremely protective like, to the degree of being paranoid. doesn't like when you go anywhere or do anything by yourself, which for most people would be suffocating, but leon was very strategic about implementing this very slowly over time. little do you know that this sentiment of his applies basically all the time, because what would happen if you were to slip and fall in the shower, or have a bad day at work, or anything else off of the infinite list of terrible things that could happen, and he wasn't there?
leon tries to convince you to quit your job and stay at home to let him take care of you, but you refuse, not wanting to have to rely on him completely, especially before you're married. so naturally he takes that very literally and shortly after you get married, leon has a word with your boss and you’re magically fired on the spot. this of course is a huge shock to you and leaves you extremely depressed, and therefore even more reliant on him.
leon is very controlling of you in subtle ways, but more than manipulative enough to disguise it as simply caring for or looking out for you. going to get something to eat? no need, i'll make it for you! having a shower? mind if i join you? just showering, i promise... you woke up with a tummy ache? call out of work and let me take care of you! your check engine light is on? it's not safe for you to take your car, looks like i'll be giving you rides for a while! no, honey, i don't know why your friends have gone cold and stopped reaching out. that's their loss. now we can spend more time together! he'll even go as far as to purposefully place your things in cabinets he knows you can't reach, just as an excuse to help you grab them when you inevitably need them.
leon has every device you own bugged and cloned, and therefore constant access to your every message, call, photo, and all of your socials, and your location, at all times. he doesn't check them incredibly often when he's home with you, but checks up on you constantly when he's away for work. it's not uncommon for you to conveniently receive a call from him whenever you leave the house, stay late at work, go somewhere other than straight home after work, etc etc
leon has cameras hidden fucking everywhere in your place. inside and outside of the front door, two in the kitchen, two in the living room, three in the bedroom, one in the bathroom, and not only can he check them any time, but he also keeps a good amount of the footage, particularly from the bedroom. for. definitely pure reasons. anyway, you already know he spends every second of his very limited free time on missions just watching you on the cameras. 
leon always wants you to be healthy and well, but he loves taking care of you when you’re sick. you get to call out of work and lay in bed all day while he tends to your every need, and in the hours you spend sleeping it off, he just gets to hold you, and pet your hair, and watch your face, listen to your weak breaths and the little noises you make sometimes. come to think of it, it sure is odd how often you seem to be coming down with colds, given how little time you spend outside of the house to begin with...
leon makes an effort to make you perceive your relationship and his actions as normal as possible. he is incredibly careful to keep this behavior under wraps, and will legitimately tell you anything if it means getting you off of his trail. with his government training in de-escalation, the man is a master manipulator and the CEO of successfully gaslighting. "How was visiting your friends today?" "It was good, how did you know I went to see them, though?" "You told me you were going to when I called this morning." "Did I?" "You did. Or maybe I'm the crazy one and I just made a lucky guess." "Well, I guess I must have, then. Though, between the two of us, I think we can agree I'm the crazy one. I can't seem to remember anything right." "That's why you have me to keep your head on straight, princess."
speaking of princess, pet names ! which he loves. he calls you princess, puppy, angel, doll, honey, baby... he didn't used to use them so often, but he quickly took notice of the liking you’d taken to it when he would, so it became a regular thing. anything to make you blush. you’re just too cute!
mkay we gotta talk about sex <33 under the cut NO MINORS
which leon likes to have very very frequently. obviously he's obsessed with you, and it typically only takes being in the room with you for ten full seconds for him to have a hard time fighting off the image of all the things he wants to do to you. he genuinely finds you attractive, irresistible even, in any condition, whether you’re dolled up for him or depressed in bed wearing the same shirt for three days straight, he's just obsessed with and praising of you and your body.
whiiiiich certainly translates through his love-making. a true master of foreplay, having learned every inch of your body like the back of his hand, he knows exactly how to touch you in ways that grant him the most reaction out of you. this man will seriously edge himself for hours getting lost in playing with you, he's highly skilled at giving head and loves to do so. man’s a total munch. it's a relatively surefire way to get your attention for a while and he takes advantage of this often. 
finishing inside of you is practically a must for him, he finds it so intimate and the deepest way to connect with you and gift you a part of himself. he rarely, if ever, cums anywhere else, and when he does, it's usually on your stomach and/or thighs. i don't see him being particularly interested in actually having children though, considering that would mean taking a considerable amount of your attention and focus away from him, and he wants you all to himself.
^^^ lol anyway 
his fave position(s): missionary, so he can watch your face, but with enough convincing he'll let you ride him sometimes, because you want to-- not that he doesn't enjoy it, he just doesn't want you to have to do any of the work! he prefers to spoil you and just let you relax and enjoy yourself.
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sturniololoco · 5 months
could you write a sturniolo sister fic where matt gets a girlfriend and the sister is the closest with matt but the girlfriend is horrible to the sister and when she tries to tell matt he doesn’t believe her and they get into some kind of argument until matt hears his gf say something to the sister?
Sister In Law Gone Wrong
Sturniolo Little sister (SLS) x The Sturniolo Triplets
Warnings: language, an annoying bitch?
Note: I'm so sorry if your name is Brittney btw
Moving in with my brothers was exciting, but hard. especially when I found out Matt has a girlfriend.
In my eyes, no one deserves them. I always envisioned my brother's girlfriends, or boyfriends for Nick's sake, to be just as kind as my brothers are.
But Matt's Girlfriend was an absolute bitch. And I haven't even been there for three days.
It was my third day in my new home. My brothers have been helping me unpack all my stuff for the past couple of days, and we were finally finished.
I was so excited to be done because Matt promised me that we would go play putt-putt at his new favorite spot in L.A.
I was getting ready to go, throwing on some cargo jeans and a cropped sweater. I walked downstairs and Chris walked over to me, giving me a spin, saying,
"Damn sis! you look bad!"
I playfully hit him on the shoulder and covered my red face as Nick and Matt began hyping me up with Chris.
I walked over to the couch and sat down next to Matt. I was about to ask him when we were about to go when the front door opened and hells began clicking up our steps.
Matt's girlfriend, Brittney, walks into the room.
She walked in like she owned the place, throwing her purse on the table and laying across Matt's lap, covering half the couch.
"Are you ready to go or what?" She asks Matt, sassily, while pulling out her phone, opening Snapchat, taking a selfie with her tongue out, and then posting it to her story.
"Uh, we're going somewhere?" Matt replies, looking as though he has no idea what she's talking about.
"You're taking me to dinner, I'm hungry," Brittney says. "You will take me, right Matty?" She says, giving him a pout and taking in a baby voice.
"Uh, I mean yeah sure. Lemme get me keys." Matt looks at me guiltily as he makes his way to the kitchen, grabbing his keys. He quietly mouths I'm sorry to me as he walks down the stairs, following Brittney.
I give him the most reassuring half-smile I could muster before he's gone, and I hear his car pull away. I feel the tears well up in my eyes and emotion stabbing at the back of my throat.
But I quickly try to wipe them away as Chris comes and sits next to me. But to my surprise, he pulls me into a hug and says,
"I know kiddo. It's ok if you're upset, I would be too."
I press my forehead into his chest as he cradles my head, willing the tears not to come, but a few slip out. I pull away from Chris's embrace.
"I'm fine! I'm good, really! As long as Matts is happy I'm happy." I say, trying to move off the subject before my disappointment settles in even more.
Chris nods, giving me a sad smile as he stands up.
"Hey why don't I order pizza and we can play Monopoly?" Nick says, trying to lighten the mood. I nod, smiling. Might as well make fun out of a crappy situation I thought to myself.
After about 2 hours of monopoly, three slices of pizza, and a bowl of ice cream later, I was getting tired. I yawned and stood up, telling my brothers, that I was heading to bed.
"Sweet dreams kid," Chris says, ruffling my hair as I hug him goodnight. I then walk over to Nick and give him a kiss on the cheek.
"'Night!" He says.
"Oh, when Matt comes in, could you tell him goodnight for me?" I ask my brothers before going upstairs. They glance sadly at each other, then say they would. So I walked upstairs to get some rest.
Chris's POV
About 30 minutes after SLS/N went to bed, Matt walked up the stairs, throwing his keys on the table, and then flopping down on the couch.
"Wow. Nice of you to join us, especially when the one person who wanted to hang out with you has already gone to bed! Brother of the year right there!" Nick says sarcastically, saying exactly what I was thinking.
Matt rolls his eyes, and mumbles,
"Relax, I'll make it up to her" Matt gets up and walks to his room and shuts the door. I look at Nick and we both sigh in defeat.
I'm awake early the next day, around 8:00. None of my brothers are awake yet, so I decide to cook breakfast. I get out our mini waffle maker and the Bisquick. I also decide to make some bacon and sausage.
Not long after I start cooking, I hear the front door creek open, and foot straps come from the stairs. I turn to see Brittney.
What a great way to start my morning.
She struts into the kitchen and takes a waffle off the stack, then digs through the fridge for the syrup.
"Is this keto-friendly?" She asks me.
I shake my head saying,
"Um, it's Bisquick."
She rolls her eyes sits down and begins to eat. She eats nearly the whole thing before pushing her plate away and saying,
"What the fuck is this shit? you think people will actually eat this?" She laughs at the disappointed look on my face.
"I can make you something else if you like," I say, being way too nice to someone I want to slap across the face. Before she can answer, Matt walks into the kitchen, looking sleepy and disheveled.
"Oh good you're awake. Can we pwease go get Starbucks Matty? She says in a baby voice. Matt nods and she practically skips to the car, leaving her dirty dish on the table.
Matt walks over and gives me a hug. He must have noticed something was wrong because he said,
"You okay? Your eyes are lookin' watery."
I look down and say,
"Have you noticed that your girlfriend is a little mean" But I instantly regret saying that.
"SLS/N! How could you say that! Just because the attention isn't on you anymore doesn't mean you get to say that about her!" H says, raising his voice, which he never does.
He spins around and walks out the front door, leaving me there in the kitchen. The tears well up in my eyes as I began to clean up breakfast, throwing away all the waffles I already made.
I didn't want to be by myself this morning, especially after the breakfast flop. I walk downstairs to Chris's room.
The door is cracked and dim light is coming from inside. I knock lightly.
"Come in," I hear Chrls's morning voice say. I enter the room to see him lying in his bed watching his phone. I walk over and crawl into bed next to him, snuggling into his side. He notices something is wrong the minute I lay down.
"Alright, spill it, kid." He demands
I told him everything that happened this morning.
Matt's POV
I get into the driver's seat, flustered due to my argument with SLS/N. I hear Brittney sigh, and I look over at her.
"Why are you in a mood?" She asks, giving me a pout. I run my fingers through my hair, and say,
"My sister is just being a little difficult is all."
I hear her scoff and let out a low chuckle. I look over at her confused.
"Yeah, no shit. She's such a little brat. And she can't even make a waffle right." She keeps scrolling through her phone as if she doesn't even realize what she's saying to me, SLS/N's brother.
"What the fuck did you just say?" I asked, feeling stupid for not believing SLS/N.
"You heard me, I said she's a brat." She replies, popping the gum in her mouth.
This was a new feeling for me. I've never felt so upset or mad. I remember all the times I let SLS/N down because of some stupid girl. I'm such an idiot.
"Get out of my car," I say through gritted teeth.
"What- but- Matty, baby c'mon, you know I didn't mean that!" She struggles to correct herself, but it's too late. The damage has already been done.
"Get. Out. Of. My. Car." I say, one last time. She flings her car door open and runs to her car, speeding out of the driveway. I quickly run back inside, trying desperately to come up with a solution to make it up to SLS/N.
Still snuggled into Chris's side, I heard the front door open again and footsteps walking closer.
Matt peeks his head inside Chris's room, where we are. He clears his throat and says,
"Hey, um Chris, do you mind if I talk to SLS/N for a second?"
Chris looks at me and I nod. He stands up and brushes past Matt while he walks out of the room, mumbling,
"Don't fuck this up."
Matt walks over and sits next to me.
"I...I'm sorry. I should have listened to you over Brittney. I was stupid to think that my little sister would ever do that and I was wrong." He starts tearing up a little at the end of his apology.
However, I was happy that I had my Matt back again. I quickly give him a hug, knocking him back onto the bed. We giggle and laugh as we wrestle.
"And if it's okay with you, I'd like to make it up to you. How does putt-putt sound kid?" H asks, a smile playing on his lips.
"Yay!" I shout, standing up and jumping up and down on the bed, only to be tackled again by Matt.
That night Matt and I went on a little brother-sister date. We went Putt-putting, and Matt won both rounds of course. Then we went to get ice cream before heading home.
We laughed and danced to music in the car, happy in each other's company again.
Guys! School got canceled again tomorrow! I'll try and post some extra for you this weekend and finish some requests!
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saintslewis · 1 year
Pink + White
pairing: charles leclerc x black fem dj!reader
summary: in which your relationship with charles gets exposed so you decide to just hard launch
face claim: uncle waffles 😋
social media au. (with a bit of writing)
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liked by carlossainz55, arthurleclerc and 3,684,291 others
yourinstagram mon amour
view comments
user did we skip a few chapters??
user i don't remember seeing this in the prologue???
leclerk MARRIAGE?!
yourinstagram i'm just as surprised as you are tbh
carlossainz55 you have no idea how hard it was to keep this secret
charles_leclerc you are very much appreciated, mate
landonoriss i took the second pic btw 🤭
yourinstagram you want a cookie?
landonoriss yes pls
yourinstagram they're in the pantry, come over whenever
lewishamilton congrats you two! sending love and light 🤍
yourinstagram thank you Lewis 🥹 and thank you for making me work during our engagement party
lewishamilton i didn't know anyone better 😭
yourinstagram i'll take that hidden compliment, old man
user user look! she’s sooooo pretty! Charles is so lucky
user and they do look like the ending of pink + white
yourinstagram this is the sweetest thing ever omg??
fan my fav dj is engaged to my fav f1 driver?? what is life? tutorial?
yourinstagram we have a couples interview coming up soon so stay tuned for that 🩷
scuderiaferrari our favourite lady in red ❤️
yourinstagram didn't want to mess up this face beat but the tears are already flowing 🥹🫂
danielricciardo so i have a slight favour....
yourinstagram lemme hard launch in peace pls
lilymhe and how the FUCK have i never seen you at races?
yourinstagram what if i told you i'm an international super spy?
ynstan we lost you to a YT MAN?!
yourinstagram listen, i love this yt man very much
arthurleclerc am i allowed to gloat that i was the first to know?
yourinstagram you can gloat but don't forget you literally barged in after the proposal
arthurleclerc why'd you call me out like this?
formula1 this was not on our 2023 bingo card but we love this very much
charles_leclerc my beautiful wife
yourinstagram my darling husband
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liked by ynlover, mercedesgirly and 3,345 others
f1wagupdates looks like we have a new lady joining the paddock (she’s on the left!). Her name is Y/n Y/l/n (soon to be Leclerc) and she is an international dj by profession. She is reportedly two years younger than Charles and spends most of her off days in Monaco with him. The couple revealed their relationship by Y/n showing off a diamond ring on her latest post. We wish this beautiful couples nothing but happiness!
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user are we just gonna ignore the elephant in the room?
user is the elephant in the room with us? and if you're gonna say it, just say it with your chest you loser
user an insider said that she already deals with direct insults from paddocks around the world. i can't imagine what she's about to go through
user if you scroll on her page, all you see is her wearing skimpy clothes for her job with everything showing. charles deserves better
user if anything, she serves cunt in every way possible and when you say he deserves better, you're talking about yourself? bc boy do I have news for YOU 🤣
user love a black woman from infinity to infinityyyyyy
user my god, she is gorgeous
user saw her in show once and she is TALENTEDT
user here comes his 'wives' in the comments being weird
user like he's my husband but i will GLADLY be sister wives with her
user not sure if i want her or him or both
user when i saw the rumours, i didn't know that she was THIS pretty like how did Charles pull her????
f1wagupdates that's what we're thinking
user the twitter girlies were right omg and the fact that she drives the pista had to mean they were married bc literally no one but him drives that car
user she seems so sweet, i hope nothing bad happens to her
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liked by pierregasly, sebastianvettel and 5,838,393 others
charles_leclerc mi belle
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user how the hell did he pull her???
charles_leclerc her mom helped
sebastianvettel congratulations ❤️
charles_leclerc thank you, mate 🫂
carmenmmundt my girlfriend 😋
georgerussell63 hello??
charles_leclerc hello???
yourinstagram hey Carmen 🥰
user this hair colour on her is so pretty
maxverstappen1 the one lady that Yuki is taller than ❤️
yourinstagram i will literally burn all your rbr caps, don’t test me
maxverstappen1 what are you gonna do? hit my knees? 🤣
yourinstagram i’ll ban you from entering clubs :)
maxverstappen1 okay sorry y/n 😕
"Does this hair look fine?" You looked at Charles as you flipped your hair to the front to decide on how you want to look on camera. The Monegasque man stared with you with such admiration that he didn't even realise he wasn't blinking. You nudged him to break him out of his trance that you seemed to have on him and he shook his head a little, giving you a boyish smile when he saw your amused face.
“Everything looks good on you, baby.” Charles complimented you, something he can’t go a day without doing. Your smile had closed your eyes as you held each other’s hands. The camera crew in front of you were in awe at the two of you showing each other your love.
“Okay, are you guys ready to begin?” The interviewer asked as she sat across from you two. You both nodded and scooted closer together. She had introduced herself and the both of you as her guests before you introduced yourselves as each other’s fiancés before your careers which caused the studio to laugh.
“How did you two meet?”
“Mon amour, you can start. I’ll add on here and there.” Charles encouraged, playing with the jewellery on your hand and staring at your engagement ring, all the memories of the proposal coming back to him. It was summer break for f1 and you two were in the hotel room overlooking Lake Como, feeling like you were in a movie. You had planned to get lunch then take a boat ride to a famous landmark there. When you had gotten there, it was quiet and you barely saw the photographer that Charles had hired for that day. You both stood in the huge butterfly garden, with you distracted by the flowers, he knelt down on his knee and professed his love for you, ‘pink + white’ by frank ocean playing in the background per his request. It was private yet so beautiful, calling both your families who knew and Arthur surprising you after the proposal.
“It’s a cute story if I do say so myself. I had taken my mom to Monaco as it has always been our dream and I was finally able to provide that for her. We were sitting in this pretty cafe in Monte Carlo and to be fair, we were gossiping and laughing so of course people would hear us but we weren’t that loud.” You smiled at the memory, seeing everything as you spoke.
“All during our lunch, Charles and Arthur, my brother in law, were sitting next to us and they were in their own realm too.” You said, giving him a look so that he could say his version of the story.
“Well um like Y/n said, I’m with my brother and I kept trying to hear what accent she had because it was beautiful. So I turn to her and ask her where she was from and we just started talking as her mom and my brother are waiting for us to finish. Her mom even said that we were meant to be because when we met, the dress she was wearing was the same colour as my eyes.” Charles spoke, constantly looking between you and the camera.
“He then asked to take me on a date the very next day and he said that he wanted to give me the universe and would be happy if i spent time with him, even if it were a short while. Three years later, here we are.” You concluded, showing your ring to the camera as you couldn’t stop smiling.
Just the beginning for the Ferrari boy and his queen.
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janewayintersection · 10 months
the amount of people who are like "omg i ditched kaidan for garrus after he was mean to me on horizon!!" baffle me. shit on bioware's writing for making shep work with cerberus all you want, but kaidan calling shep out on this and not joining them is NOT the issue. in fact, him reacting like this is why i love him??
he specifically states he trusts shep, just not cerberus. which is the only rational response in that whole entire goddamn game!! like?? you spend all of me1 stopping cerberus operations. they kill several alliance soldiers and admiral kahoku, try to make a rachni army -- they are WELL known for cloning and ais... miranda even outright states she wanted to plant shep with a control chip. there is literally zero reason for kaidan to believe the shep in front of him isn't some cerberus sleeper agent. or an ai. or indoctrinated. or being manipulated (THIS ONE IS CANON BTW). even if he trusts shepard, he doesn't trust cerberus not to pull any of this. quite frankly, i'm baffled more companions don't have this exact, entirely justified concern.
loyalty is important, but blind loyalty is dangerous.
honestly, the crew in me2 is lucky that the illusive man was so weirdly and uncharacteristically insistent on shepard remaining untouched. things could have gotten very bad otherwise.
being best friends with someone, or more notably, being in love with someone, isn't the end all be all magic potion in this world. being in love with someone doesn't mean you should blindly trust their actions. if my significant other joined a terrorist group, you can bet my ass i wouldn't join them! sorry! if anything, it's healthy that kaidan has his own sense of morals and priorities he follows over shepard. he's his OWN person, love shouldn't be something that makes you suddenly give up who you are and what you believe in.
not to mention kaidan is entirely out of the loop for the whole game. his intel states that cerberus is behind the abductions (the horizon incident is partially a result of cerberus' fiddling btw), and that shep has been alive and never even reached out to anyone. he doesn't have the information we the players have. he doesn't know that the illusive man insisted on no control chip. he doesn't know about the lazarus project or its specifics.
and as for the "cheating" discourse if you romance someone new in me2, i do personally believe shep getting with one of the me2 love interests is cheating on their me1 love interest. to shep, they skipped those two years. they wake up as they did during the me2 prologue. no time has passed. and then they immediately get with someone else after one (1) argument with their love interest over them, may i remind you, joining a terrorist group. even if you don't think it's "technically" cheating, it's at the very least pretty trashy and flakey.
if anything, i'm gonna say it! kaidan is more forgiving than i'd be! the fact that he even sends an email saying he still cares and that they can see what happens after this is all resolved is WAY more than i would have done. the fact that kaidan will find out shep got with someone else, and STILL be willing to give shep a chance is like. man. it's saying a lot. i am just saying.
imagine losing someone. you see them literally die as your ship explodes and they burn up in the nearby planet's atmosphere. you grieve. you put yourself into your work. then suddenly, two years, later. they pop back up again. ALIVE. and with a terrorist group. and basically tell you the equivalent of "just trust me bro" despite the fact that while you trust them, you don't trust the terrorist group. so you're like hey, what the fuck. why are you with a terrorist group. and they're like i'm not with them, we just have common goals. and you're like. i'm gonna say it again. i trust you, not the terrorist group. okay?? i can't join you for this reason. please be careful out there, seriously.
and then they immediately jump into the pants of that one guy you knew back on a mission from two years ago.
what would you do?? would you not feel hurt? betrayed? upset? confused?? i'm sorry, i'm completely on kaidan's side. i'd go as far to say that he's far more understanding than he should be in me2.
me3 is all about regaining that complete and undying trust back, and that cerberus didn't fuck around w shep. or that being with cerberus didn't change them. his "loyalty" quest is just visiting him in the hospital and showing him shepard still cares. that they're still the same. that cerberus truly didn't alter them. that there was more going on. that shepard was forced to work with cerberus out of complete necessity and only did what they thought was right. and i think that's neat!!!!
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olderthannetfic · 25 days
TL;DR: multiple people can arrive at the same fanfic idea/premise in different ways, but also, getting inspired by a different fanfic is not stealing, please don't gatekeep!
I joined a new fandom (it's Resident Evil (RE), which I'm mostly mentioning for that one 'nosy' anon because hell yeah I am super nosy as well, so here you go, dropping some names!), and I quickly stumbled upon one fandom-specific plot trope that I thought was both pretty neat but also super obvious (Infected!Character fic, which, in a world with zombies and viruses that cause zombies is a very logical trope).
Anyway, there was not quite as much body horror as I thought there would be, although I'm still looking, but that's not why I'm writing to you, that's just the (un)necessary background.
There was this one fic that I opened, which in its Author's Note clearly stated that the author set this fanfiction in another author's AU, because they loved the world created by this first author. The first fanfiction author basically came up with their own Infected!Character design and backstory (including fanart), and the second fanfiction author liked it so much they were now writing this fic based on/in that AU. Obviously not quoting the AN directly, but this second author was very complimentary and explicitly mentioned where they got the idea from, gushing about the first author.
In the AN for chapter two, the second author stated that they weren't aware that that first fanfiction author didn't allow others to write about the Infected!Character AU they'd made, that that first author in fact only allowed a very limited number of people they publicly approved of to write about their AU, and nobody else was allowed to touch the Infected!Character AU. This second author was now apologising in the AN for not knowing this, plus mentioning that they changed chapter one to switch up the backstory & design to not be too close to that of the first fanficton author's AU.
That made me sad, honestly. I've seen this attitude a couple of times, where fanfiction authors are super protective of their ideas that they won't allow any other fanfiction author to write about them, and it's always struck me as a little bit hypocritical, given the whole deal of fanfiction. Especially when the original/first fanfiction author is credited and the inspired work is clearly done because the second author loved the first fanfiction so much. If it's a highly developed/specific and original AU (so not just any common trope), and you don't even mention the fanfic you were inspired by, then I find that rude, but just flat out not allowing people to even touch 'your' thing? C'mon!
This partially ties into my other gripe about a specific type of comments I occasionally get, which are along the lines of 'huh interesting idea where did you get it? bc/btw there is this other fic with the same idea (posted before you)'; idk if I got the tone right, but they never seem to be actually genuinely asking how I got the idea (and I always delight in telling them, not sarcastically, I genuinely love talking about this stuff, bc I get inspired by the most random things and I love love writing 'original'/new things!! I love tropes as much as anybody, I read a shitton of them, but i when I write I love coming up with new shit/plot! it's so fun!!). They just vanish after my explanation, even when I try to invite further conversation. It always feels to me like they're 'checking' that I didn't steal the idea, and it feels a bit lousy.
I mean in (larger) fandoms, it is not surprising at all that two or three or even more people arrive at the same idea, maybe even inspired by the same thing, same reading of canon, or not, varied experiences--and just because the works are similar doesn't mean that they were inspired by one another, but if they are, that's not a sin! I just want people to not take everything in bad faith, and also, to not 'disallow' others from getting inspired, especially when they do it in a very polite manner!
It's because of comments like these that I sometimes, very privately, worry that before I'll manage to post the long fic I spent months writing--because I'm one of those who wants the thing finished before I start posting--somebody else will have a similar idea, post their thing first, and then I'll look like I'm lying about not reading/stealing their idea, or just jumping on the bandwagon, which again, it's not a bad thing, actually.
And it shouldn't be like that! I shouldn't worry, and people should also be more willing to accept that authors can arrive at the same idea at (roughly) the same time & accept that explanation without side-eyeing the author, and that if an author is inspired by a different fanfic, that's not a sin either (in fact, for me it would be an honour).
None of this is new either, but that RE stuff reminded me of it again.
Oh man, this is way longer than I thought it would be. Apologies. I'm going to add a TLDR at the start.
Anyway, I'm going to finish writing an Infected!Catboy!Leon fic now and be very unsurprised if I find out that somebody else has had the same idea long before me (aside from one or two reader fic inserts with that topic that I stumbled upon on tumblr, bc that's just not my thing at all (reader insert, I mean)).
In college, friends of mine had a falling out over one of them "stealing" the other's fic idea.
Space pirates.
Not specific space pirates. Not a way of integrating the concept that was fandom-specific. No, just the general idea of space pirates in the same fandom.
Never have I facepalmed so hard.
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magewritesstories · 1 year
I’m not sure if you write for this version of this character in particular but I saw you did an incorrect quote for Harry Osborn, and I was wondering if you could do tasm 2 version Harry Osborn headcanons like a dating him includes?
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Harry Osborn // Dating Headcanons
Note: ofc, ofc I would love to share some hc's (btw AU where he doesn't have the Goblin Disease) TW: mentions of fighting, possessiveness (but not in the Wattpad mafia way y'know)
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okay so for starters, buckle up for enemies to lovers office romance
but it's one-sided; you dislike him, 'cause y'know he's kinda an asshole, but he just likes teasing you and doesn't actually mean anything he says
after a very drunk confrontation at an office party, you tell him you think he's an absolute asshole, and how much you hate working for him
after a while it just devolves to stupid things you dislike, like the way you hate that he drinks black coffee or that he has to have take-out all the time, or that he just randomly cancels meetings for no apparent reasons
the next day, you just find a box of chocolates on your desk
after that it's a little more smooth sailing
after a few months— which is enough time for harry to fully mourn the death of his dad— things start getting better
he's fully taken over as CEO of oscorp and proven to everybody, that despite the fact that he's young, he's still a good businessman
i imagine it's been a year, and now that you're both fully adjusted to the job, things start getting a little more spicy
at first you don't even notice the change; he puts down a cup of coffee— you're favourite order— on your desk when he arrives at the office, or he asks you to join him in eating take-out when you two are the only ones left in the office after a long day
then it escalates, you complain about the old coffee machines, and he has them replaced, or you offhandedly mention the fact that one of the lifts is always out of order, and the next day you see some poor mechanics who've been working at it all night walk past you, complaining about how much of hardass the "baby osborn" is
your friend is the one that mentions it first; "hey, weren't you complaining about those yesterday?"
at first you just shrug it off, he was being a good boss, so what?
but after a while, it gets into your head anyway
i mean, there are only so many sentences with a flirty undertone a girl can take
so, being you, you decide to outright ask him
"are you flirting with me?"
"i have been for the past three months, but thanks for noticing."
after that he just gives you one of those typical harry osborn smirks and walks off, hands in his pockets 'n everything
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Once you guys actually start dating though, he's a total sweetheart
His love languages are most definitely gift giving (giving) and physical touch (receiving)
Speaking of, you bet you're closet goes from being worth 200$ to being worth 8000$ within weeks
It starts off as small things, a cup of coffee on him, or some dinner in the office, just the two of you
But it escalates quickly
By the time you're three month anniversary rolls around, he's bought you just about the entire Jimmy Choo collection, and your amazon wishlist
He remembers everything you tell him, from the fact that you love a certain colour or dislike a certain food, he'll definitely remember
When you tell him you feel bad about the amount of money he spends on you, he just shrugs it off
besides you can pay him back by wearing that Victoria's Secret gift he got you a few weeks ago
Princess treatment all the way
The entire thing, holds your bags, opens the door, has his card out and has paid before you even reach for your wallet
Just loves spoiling you
Dates are usually one of two things:
One: Super extravagant, oh there's this cool restaurant in LA you want to check out when you go there? He has two tickets booked, and he's written it in his agenda for next saturday
Two: Super chill weekend in. The two of you just relax, watch some movies, have breakfast in bed, maybe even some pillow forts if he's feeling fancy, and of course, pillow fights that somehow always end up in make-out sessions
Extremely touch-starved, so will have his hands on you all the time
And he isn't even ashamed about it
Like, y'all will be at dinner, and he'll casually put an arm around your shoulder and pull you closer to him, to the point that you're almost in his lap
"Harry, we're in public!"
"People are staring!"
"I reiterate: So?"
Just a sweetheart in general, he loves you and he isn't ashamed of it at all
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But of course, there are some downsides too
For starters, he's very unaware of just how privileged he is
He doesn't do it on purpose though, he really doesn't mean to seem like an arrogant jerk. But it just shows
For example, this one time, there was a super sale at Costco, and you were super excited to tell him, and he just stared at you like, "What's the big deal??"
You'd think hanging out with Peter would make him realize that not everyone has the same chances and problems growing up
It gets annoying sometimes, like how he just shrugs off employees overworking themselves with a "So, if they're so stressed, just take a day off."
He's trying though
Secondly, he's extremely possessive, so he gets jealous super easily
For example, the two of you will be at one of his rich people gala's—as you very fondly call them— and this random guy will have a chat with you, normal conversation, but with an obvious flirty undertone
And he'll get very annoyed
"Why didn't you tell him you had a boyfriend?" *insert pout*
"Harry, we were talking about the stock market, where would I just casually add that piece of information?"
He's annoyed for the rest of the night, as well as the car ride home— in which you tell him he's being childish— but the moment you get home he just sighs and tells you he's sorry for overreacting
Those fights usually turn into long night conversations, with tea and blankets
He also has the habit of forgetting dates
This is usually when there's a big project presentation coming up and he's nervous
Usually you don't mind, after all, you've seen first hand how brutal the board can be
But sometimes it's just a little too much, and all the other little things that have been bothering the two of you blow up into one big fight
You're both very stubborn so it just turns into a waiting game of who'll give in first
If he's the one who gives in, he usually turns up at your door with a huge bouquet of your favourite flowers and your favourite chocolates
Definitely the type to drive across the city to get you that one sweet, from that one shop you really like
If you're the one to give in, he'll just pout, and tell you he's still mad
He already gave in the moment you walked in though
He just likes to tease you, but after the third sorry he feels bad and tells you he's sorry for neglecting you too
He likes the idea of communication, and he's trying to get better at it
But when he can't find the words, he just defaults back to buying you stuff
That's how his dad always fixed stuff, so it's the only way he knows
But he tries, because it's you and you deserve nothing less than the best
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marksbear · 2 years
HELLO, can I request Ghost, Soap, and Alejandro with a male s/o who lost an eye? It really doesn’t matter how btw. That’s really all I want, THANK YOU HAVE A NICE DAY!!!!
Warnings! Sex implied but never happens, poly, teasing, A little marvel joke. And as a dad price.
They all call you nick fury.
Soap brought it up first. Y/n and him were arguing I say arguing I mean about to fight. Y/n had something reckless during a mission and almost got yourself killed.
In your book it wasn't a big deal but Soap had brought it up and both of you started arguing. "Okay Nick Fury get yourself killed for all I care!" The whole room got silent tension rising in the room. "What in the actual fuck did you call me!?!" Y/n shouts getting ready to murder him. The room gets filled with laughter. Y/n ears become hot feeling embarrassed he shouts something in his language flipping off everyone storming out of the room grumbling about killing everyone there.
After that incident Soap tries to make it up to Y/n but gets flipped off anytime he approaches Y/n about anything else than work. Ghost always tells his boyfriend not to stress it that you're gonna get over it one day. Soap smiles at his boyfriends efforts to comfort him.
Soap and Ghost had a crush on you way before dating but they fell inlove with each other forgetting about you.
When you found out they were dating each other you drowned yourself in alcohol. You haven't drank that much alcohol since you lost your eye. Alejandro found you wasted at a bar staring into the glass. "Are you alright amigo?" He ask snatching the glass and giving it back to the bartender. "Do you think I'm hot?" You suddenly ask looking at Alejandro watching his reaction. Alejandro stares at you like he seen a ghost. "Fuck on Ale...is it because of my eye and the scar..." You turn back around laying your head on the bar sighing. You turn back around to see if he's still there but a pair of lips smash against your own pair. You immediately kiss back opening your mouth for him. The two of you make out for a while before going into the bathroom and yeah.
After the one night stand the two begins to fuck around more. Like flirting at base or saying or doing sexual remarks. Like dry humping each other then just laugh it off and act like nothing happened or LITERALLY kiss each other on the lips as a hello or bye. AND still say that you two are only friends.
When Alejandro spends lots of time with Ghost like hours with him even weeks with him he develops feelings. Y/n is the first person he told. "Y/n...Uhm I got a thing for--- you know---Ghost." He says looking at him acting like he just didn't fuck the living hell out of Y/n.
All four of you have crushes on each other being too shy or too arrogant to say something. Acting like a bunch of school kids. And Price getting tired of all you and making y'all all sit in the room waiting until one of you crack and confess. Eventually Soap says something first and then all of you blurt out at the same time about how you all feel for one another. "Soo... Were boyfriends." You say looking at everyone.
If one of you are not in the same mission team yall all go harass price until he lets them join.
Always patching each other up after a rough mission.
Ghost and Alejandro hold you back when Soap calls you a pirate. And the both of them making you and soap talk it out. Like a couple circle you call it.
All three of them comfort you when you feel bad about your eye. "You look bad ass mi amor. Don't listen to your head" Alejandro says to you pulling you in his lap giving you soft kisses on your jaw and giving your scar on your face one big kiss giggling as he hugs you tighter.
Ghost being the "Grown up" In the relationship always setting up your dates, buying you all things, BEING THE HUGE DOM IN THE RELATIONSHIP, making sure all of you is safe during missions.
Alejandro doing a roll call each twenty minutes in a mission making sure you all are okay and kissing him as a here. "Ghost!" Ghost kisses him on the cheek with his mask still on. "Okay good Soap!" Soap kisses his boyfriend way too deeply making out with him until ghost pulls soap off of him." Alejandro slaps himself back together. "Last but not least C/n?" The three all around the room for you. "Where's the cyclops at--" Ghost gets cut off by a certain (YOUR HAIR COLORED) male. Y/n quickly kisses Alejandro on the lips muttering a sorry.
You all jump the last man left stopping on him and punching him like he was some thief on the streets
calling each other by your names or last names. A huge cuddle party. Always doing group hugs. They all kissing your missing eye and all of you getting closer when you tell them how you lost it.
Since you all can't get married to each other you pair up and marry one. And making an oath to love each other equally no playing favorites. You pick to marry Soap and Alejandro mary's Ghost. All of you are wearing matching gloves and rings.
Once you all retire you adopt two sons and three daughters. Two of the daughters are twins. You all are one big crazy family.
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beanghostprincess · 5 months
The Strawhats go to Syrup Village when their adventure ends because they want to say hi and thank everyone they've met along the way. Luffy misses his old friends! And Usopp, of course, wants to see the Usopp pirates and... And Kaya. Kaya, mostly. They were dating before Usopp joined the crew and when Usopp started having feelings for Sanji, he sent a letter to her asking if she was fine with that being a thing. And of course, she said yes, because Sanji seemed like such a nice gentleman and if he made Usopp happy then she was happy too. But he hadn't taken into consideration how nervous Sanji would be meeting her. Which, you know, understandable. Meeting your boyfriend's girlfriend. Something totally, uh, normal for Sanji's little mind who had to have a whole crisis for two years about his sexuality and relationships. But you know, it's okay, because it's Kaya. So everything will be fine.
And it surprisingly goes great! Well, surprisingly for Sanji. Usopp knew it would be okay! Obviously!
They encounter the kids first, and they're- They're older and it makes Usopp feel old too. Because what the hell. They're taller and they look almost like teenagers and it's making his heart melt. God, he has missed them so much. They go running to him and asking questions and hugging him and Usopp doesn't think he can take this much happiness, really. He keeps bragging about his cool, awesome, powerful crew and bounty and says that he'll tell them all their adventures later. Piiman directly asks "So, which one of them is your boyfriend?!" and Usopp freezes because "How do you know I have a-" and Tamanegi jumps in like, "Kaya told us!" and Usopp obviously can't be surprised at that. Or mad. He wrote the letters for the kids too, after all. So while the crew waits there watching it all happen, Usopp tells Sanji to come with him and meet the three idiots he had for a crew. And Sanji knows them, of course. He takes a drag of his cigarette, stares at them, and instantly goes "Ninjin, Piiman, Tamanegi" pointing at all of them correctly. They're astonished, but before they can say anything, Sanji squints his eyes at them "I remember because you look like vegetables-" / (Usopp): Ooookay, Sanji, babe, enough!" And he changes the subject to ask if Kaya is home right now. The kids say yes. Yadda yadda yadda, and they start walking to her house. (On their way to Kaya's, btw: "If I cook tonight we're not having vegetables, I would feel bad-"/ "Sanji!" / "C'mon, it's funny- They're cute, I swear. Like cute little potatoes-" / "Do you want me to punch you?" / "If we have children, do you think they'd look more like a radish or a cauliflow- / "Dumbass. And those are the only children we're having for a while. Get used to them." / "Wait, I was joking! Do you- You want children? With me? I-" / "Sanji, please, not today.")
So they get to Kaya's and... And Sanji is excited. Nervous. But excited. Nami won't stop teasing Usopp about it, too. And he's not worried. He's okay. He's not anxious. Everything's gonna be okay and she will love the person he has become. Definitely. Nothing to worry about. But he's visibly shaking, and he didn't expect Sanji to be the one holding his hand to calm him down, but it happens. And he couldn't be happier.
So, of course, Luffy can't be fucking quiet and starts knocking on the door and yelling for Kaya to come to greet them. Even if it was supposed to be a surprise. And Nami says "Gosh, Luffy, calm down! She can hear you. Everyone can hear you, actually. Shut up and wait for-" but she can't finish her sentence because Merry is already there with the biggest of smiles, opening the door for them. Usopp just says a soft "Hi!" while Luffy wastes no time in going in.
Nami: Luffy! Wait for a damn second! Merry: Oh, well, not that we can control the King of the Pirates, can we? Nami: You don't need to tell me. Franky: You look like Merry. Merry: ... I am Merry? Franky: No, I mean the ship- Usopp: Franky, we've explained this to you. Franky: Not the part where the butler looks exactly like the ship, though? Usopp: Oh. True. Well. There you have it.
Everything happens a bit quickly. Kaya is walking down the stairs when they're walking in, and the second she sees Usopp she just has to hug him tight. Sanji steps away because, well, he doesn't want to get in between their reunion. And everyone thinks he's jealous or weird about it, but it only takes a moment to realize he's staring at them with the fondest of looks in his eyes. She's the most beautiful girl he's ever seen (apart from Nami and Robin, of course. But it's another type of beauty) and there's just this glimpse in his eyes nobody can actually describe.
Usopp and Kaya kiss and he starts to feel a bit dizzy because- Wow. Remembering her kisses is just as overwhelming as he thought it'd be. She's precious. He says they'll tell her all about their adventures. That he has truly become somebody she can be proud of. She says she has always been proud of him, and Usopp dies a little bit with that. When she's done staring at him, she tilts her head to the side saying hi to everyone else and she spots Sanji, hands on each side of him and bouncing his right leg. She lets go of Usopp to approach Sanji and grab his hands, and with a soft, tender smile, she says "I'm so glad you've been looking out for him. I've heard so many great things about you, Sanji! I truly hope we get to know each other better" and Sanji dies. Sanji instantly dies. Not from a nosebleed but a heart attack, probably. He's speechless for a whole second and nobody says anything. Because this sweet girl just said this in front of everyone and let's be honest, everybody is wondering how the fuck Sanji and Usopp are the ones with enough rizz to pull this wonderful girl. Anyway- I can imagine Jinbe laughing and saying "Usopp! You have a type!" and he's being genuine and sweet but it's so fucking embarrassing the sniper just wants to curl up and die.
Luffy, Nami, and Zoro see Kaya again and it's so, so sweet to see her being a doctor just like she wanted. She's healthy. She's adorable, like always. And she welcomes them into her house gladly. Kaya says hi to the rest and she. Absolutely. Adores. Chopper. That's probably the cutest doctor she's ever seen, and also the smartest! If Usopp and Sanji didn't need to talk with her, she'd probably spend the day talking to Chopper. She also gets along with the older members of the crew! They're all just so nice to her <3 Robin comments about how Usopp and Sanji have been talking a lot about her and Kaya giggles but it makes Usopp want to run away to a private place as quickly as he can. If Robin is the one talking about this, this means they will all keep the embarrassing conversation going and he can't have that.
They decide to stay for dinner, the way they had planned because Sanji is dying to cook for her and they just knew Kaya wouldn't let them go without having dinner with her. Besides, they've been staying for a while in every island so that they can enjoy their time with each person and decide what they want to do next. If they want to, you know, stay with the crew or choose to keep going with their lives outside of being a pirate (everyone chill, they're staying together. At least for a long while until they're old. Because otherwise, I will cry). So, Sanji cooks while the crew waits around the house. Talking to Merry and Kaya and wow!! The kids are staying too!! Awesome!! Usopp is in the kitchen with Sanji because he just needs a second to calm down. It's too much. In a good way! But god, he needs a second.
Usopp helps Sanji with a few things while they talk about everything and nothing. A kiss here and there. And then, Usopp is suddenly a bit uncomfortable about what he's about to say. "What do you think about, um, Kaya?" / "Are you really asking me that?" / "Yeah! Why wouldn't I? Maybe you don't- Fuck. I don't know. Maybe now that you've seen us together you don't want-" / "I want to, Usopp. More than anything." / "Really?" / "Yeah. She- She makes you happy. She even makes me happy and I just met her. And- I don't know. I guess she just looks a lot like my-"
But then the kitchen door opens quickly and it's closed just as fast, because Kaya is there, resting her back against the wall and smiling shyly at them both.
Kaya: Hi! Hi. I- Am I interrupting or-? Sanji/Usopp: No! Kaya: Oh! Oh, okay! I just thought It'd be nice for us to be together for a while? Alone? Usopp: ...... Luffy is being- Kaya: Nami? Usopp: Oh, fuck, yes, makes more sense. Sanji: Nami-san can be a bit assertive sometimes, but it's alright. Kaya: So it's okay if I stay? Usopp: Kaya, it's your kitchen- Sanji: Of course, madame. You're gonna be the first one to taste our dinner, then. I need opinions. Kaya: Oh, I'm not a cook. But I am sure your food is excellent! Sanji: Indulge me, please? Eat whatever you like. Usopp, whispering: Why are you being more romantic than me? She's my girlfriend. Sanji: And I am your boyfriend. She's, like, my girlfriend too, now. Usopp: Does that work like that? Sanji: Uh, not sure? Kind of? Usopp: ... As long as you two are happy. Sanji: You should eat too, by the way, mon amour. I am being serious when I say I want feedback.
They end up spending a long while together making dinner. While Usopp tells her about their adventures, she tells her about her life without him and her studies. How much she has been trying to help the village, too, and how the kids have been doing. Sanji asks them their opinions on the food. Asks them for help, too, if needed. And everything ends up being so domestic and nice that Usopp is surprised Kaya and Sanji just met. They're so in sync and they look so pretty together they even look like a couple already. Usopp thought he'd end up feeling left out (because he always does) but there's just something about them being together that makes his heart melt.
Skipping the dinner part, because it's just all of them having fun as usual and besides a few cute glances and blushes and compliments, there isn't anything remarkable about Sanusokaya here. They end up in Kaya's room after dinner, while the other crew members go do whatever. They have designated rooms and beds (the place is a fucking mansion, and there's room for everyone).
The thing is, they go to Kaya's room to talk about... Them. They don't know where to begin, so Usopp breaks the silence by telling Kaya about how he met Sanji. Things she already knows from letters, but she hasn't actively heard. And it's obviously more entertaining this way. So Sanji and Kaya sit on her bed while Usopp talks. And one thing leads to another and he's also explaining Skypiea. And Water 7. And when he gets to Dressrosa, something they had already talked about during dinner, Sanji decides to explain what happened back in Whole Cake Island. He didn't have this in mind. Opening up so much, he means. But there's just something about Kaya that makes him want to keep talking. So he explains a bit (not everything, of course) about his past. And she's so, so sweet about it. Holds his hand all the time. Rests her cheek on his shoulder. Usopp kisses both of their foreheads. And that's when Sanji stares at Kaya and says:
Sanji: You know? You remind me a lot of her. My mother, I mean. Kaya: Do I? The way you talk to her is so wonderfu- Sanji: You are wonderful. Kaya: Oh- Usopp: Sanji, you can't say that to her! That's my job. You're wonderful, babe. Kaya: Thanks, darling. I just- I was thinking that it could... If you are okay with it. Maybe I'm overstepping. That it could also be his job? God, I am explaining this awfully. I am a doctor, not a writer- Usopp: He would love to be your boyfriend. Sanji: Don't answer for me! Usopp: Weren't you going to say yes? Sanji: In a more romantic way, yes. Of course. Kaya: Really?! Usopp: I think he likes you more than he likes me- Sanji: Idiot. Don't ever say things like that. He's always so- Kaya: No, yes, you have to force the love into his head, huh? Sanji: Exactly! Usopp: Don't get too excited, Kay. He's just like that too. You say something good about him and he starts sobbing.
Long story short, they sleep together in Kaya's room, all tangled up and cuddling because they're the cutest, most adorable couple in the world. They stay for a while in the Village and spend some days together, growing closer and clingier every day. And sadly they have to say goodbye because they want to keep going with their journey (they have stuff to do. They tried to bring Kaya along, but she's the doctor of the village. She can't leave them alone) but she knows they'll come back to her. She trusts them to
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gayometer · 1 year
Hi! Sooo, I was browsing the # of snv/ror x reader and found your blog. - I loved! I was wondering if I could get some headcanons for Gods and Humans w/ a strong personality y/n? Like the idfg y/n, pls. Sorry for my bad english & kisses from Brazil! ^ - ^ [ btw, could you please tag me if you do? My Tumblr aren't showing me notifications those days T v T ]
Not tired, just doesn't care
Glad you like my blog! Your english is fine! Kisses from P.R. ❤
💚 @msnightmare777 💚
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POSEIDON who tries his best to not show his frustration, how dare a mere human like you be so casual about him? It takes him a while to understand it's not disrespect it's friendship and you just have a strong personality, tough love if you will.
HADES who sees so many similarities between you two yet so many differences, you're not mean you can be pretty caring. But the way you so casually talk and even slap gods is amusing to him.
ADAMAS who tried to be all angry and grumpy with you but ended up being the biggest puppy. He comes to you when Hades isn't available, he doesn't know what it is but you kinda remind him of his big brother.
ZEUS who pokes fun at you just cause he knows you won't do anything, he doesn't try to "break" your facade and annoys you the same way he does Odin....by making you babysit him and essentially give him scary dog privileges.
APHRODITE who tries to get any reaction out of you, she isn't used to someone looking at her and not at least smiling.
HERMES who pokes you just for fun, he says it's to get a reaction out of you but we all know he does it for the funsies.
HERACLES who rants to you about anything that comes to his mind, he likes your strong personality and how you so casually talk to him, it's a breathe of fresh air.
ARES who started off with seeing you as a disrespecting mortal to then come to the conclusion that you're a glorified babysitter taking care of beings much older then yourself, including him.
LOKI who bugs you on a daily to try and get a reaction out of you, he obviously fails miserably but at least give him points for effort. He hasn't had this much trouble with a mortal since Jack bamboozled him about tea.
THOR who doesn't pay much attention to you, he doesn't mind your "attitude", high chance it's Forseti causing more noise about respect then Thor himself.
ODIN who much like Thor doesn't mind all that much about hoe indifferent you are however, unlike Thor he has limits. His crows are still the ones causing way too much noise about respect and shit, but if he does eventually get bothered by the "disrespect" he'll just get up and leave. He's not a child and can leave places if he feels like it, so shut up you two bird brains.
SHIVA who can and will make you join him and Rudra dance. He also tries to break your facade but that doesn't work. Shiva is pretty chill about most things but is still slightly irked that you have absolutely no reaction to being face to face with a god that uses the earth as his animal crossing island.
BUDDHA who just vibes under a tree with you, you both don't talk and just enjoy being close to each other.
ZERO who is basically your unofficial child, he's the only one who can make you break away from the tough love and "indifference" just by being himself.
BEELZEBUB who tries to keep his distance from you since he's afraid he'll get attached. He doesn't hate you, he just doesn't want to kill his new friend.
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SASAKI who's normal cheery and laid-back attitude made you gravitate to him. His grandpa vibes give you more then enough comfort.
QIN who is adamant in making you his friend, no you can't escape him and the power of friendship shall be blasted upon thou.
ADAM who has the same nature and therefore doesn't mind, you're his child and that's that.
TESLA who took your silence as the greenlight to go on a rant about science and his latest inventions, you two have an odd friendship, he rants and you listen.
LU BU who normally wouldn't go out of his way to befriend some, but he hasn't had someone who doesn't run or worship him immediately in a while. Can you fight? Cause he wants to fight you.
RAIDEN who takes his time to stare at you, he yaps your ear off but he's also staring at you without blinking to make sure you don't "make a cute face" without him seeing....apparently it's not fair Thrud can see you crack a smile or giggle.
JACK who would normally stick to himself will try to socialize with you, he ended up enjoying you silent company and is one of the few who managed to get a smile and full sentence out of you.
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slutforsnow · 4 months
His Sunflower
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A/N: Chapter 2 and Sunni, btw, is based off my innocence/ignorance before... ahem... wattpad. YES I WAS A WATTPADER BUT IM A BETTER MAN NOW
CW/TW: Obsessive/possessive Coryo, implied possible SA, drugs, manipulation
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Sunni was humming as she waited for her test results. She was watching her favorite anime, Tokyo Ghoul, and smiling every time Hideyoshi came on screen. She always considered herself to be a Hide kind of girl, always smiling and happy.
"Ms. Plinth?" Sunni looked up, turning her phone off and putting it in her pocket.
"Yes, Dean Highbottom?" She replied, sitting up.
"Welcome to Panem Academy. You aced your exam," the dean said, handing her the exam sheets back as a smile grew on her face. She beamed happily, taking the exam sheets back politely and shaking her new headmaster's hand.
"Thank you, sir," She replied before he shooed her off to the office to get her schedule. Sunni was squealing to herself as she made her way to get her schedule. She couldn't wait to see the look of excitement on Sejanus' face!
"Well, well, well," a sudden voice came, pulling Sunni out of her excited pace. "You must be Sejanus' Plinth's little cousin."
Sunni giggled, pushing her brown hair out her face as the newcomer called her Sejanus' little cousin. She wasn't little by any means.
"Well, I dunno about little, but yep, that's me!! Sunni Plinth," She introduced, extending her hand to the mystery man. "Spelt with an 'i' not a 'y'."
"Festus Creed," He introduced, taking her hand and bringing it up to his lips to gently kiss her knuckles. "It's a pleasure to meet such a beautiful woman."
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During lunch, Sunni could be seen with Arachne Crane and Clemensia Dovecote, and Coriolanus didn't necessarily mind it because the girls were his "friends." What pissed him off, however, was seeing Festus being so close to her. Making her laugh and having her full attention made his blood boil, and yet... he had no idea why. He had just met her and had no knowledge of her aside from her being Sejanus' cousin.
"Hey, Coriolanus! Sej!" She called, waving him and Sejanus over. The two boys looked at each other, wondering what the fuck she was doing with people who would fully take advantage of her kindness, and joined her at the table.
"So how'd the test go?" Sejanus asked, taking a bite out of his sandwich while trying not to glare at Festus for having an arm around Sunni's shoulders in a very romantic way.
"I aced it!" She replied, beaming and pulling out her graded exam paper and sliding it over to Sej and Coryo.
"Oh me, oh my, looks like you'll have to fight for top spot, Snow," Arachne mocked, taking a sip of her drink as the blonde's eyes scanned the paper.
'Pretty, smart, and innocent as can be,' Coriolanus thought. 'I need to get her away from Festus.'
"Mm, perhaps," He mused in response to Arachne, popping a grape into his mouth.
"Well, whether you do or don't, I don't think fighting for top spot really matters," Sunni interjected, taking a sip of her soup from her silver spoon. "After all, we're all smart in our own way."
"Oh, sweet simple Sunni," Clemensia began, shaking her head. "You'll understand what Arachne means soon enough."
"We have to be smart in every way here. Otherwise, we drown in a sea of work," Festus added, taking a bite of out of his apple.
Sejanus were seething. He wanted to push Festus off Sunni and yell at him for being anywhere near her. Sunni didn't need his bad influence on her—she didn't need to get into drugs or have a forced first time with him. He would do everything in his power to keep them separated.
But Coriolanus? He was plotting. Plotting how to get rid of Festus and get Sunni to trust him. Yet he couldn't figure out why he wanted to protect the ball of sunshine who was named after a plant. He just felt like he had to. Like he needed to.
Glancing at each other, the two friends nodded curtly to each other. A silent vow to protect Sunni no matter to the cost.
Tags: @etfrin @hearts4court @snows-wife @delusionalbunni @kiraflowersworld @victory-scream0462 @curled-hair-red-lips @morallygrayboys @phoward89 @xoxo-eyeballs @thereeallink @graciouslyc @acidaciruela @wanda-maximoff-enthusiast @firstworldproblemthings @nowitsmissing
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didishawn · 1 year
The kylian fic is so cute, can you write a part 5 where Jude and jobe won’t let the reader and kylian have their alone time till she gets upset and leaves so they feel bad and try to accept kylian. Can there be smut too?
I luv your writing btw❤️❤️❤️
Clingy siblings (Kylian Mbappe x Reader) smut
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Warnings: smut, Jude and Jobe are still little shits
Pt 1 Pt 2 Pt 3 Pt 4
You wonder if it will be too difficult to convince your boyfriend of spending the rest of the break in Paris, otherwise, you might be murdering your brothers.
You don't know what the problem is with them, they have never acter this clingy back with your other boyfriends -although with them, you did try to have them as far away from your family as possible, each fot different reasons. But Kyky is not the same, you might not have been together that long, but you know he is as serious with you as you are with him -or at least you hope so.
He is as serious as you are, that's why he is trying so hard to get along with your family, by that, he means your brother, both mother and father already adore him -you even suspect your mother to be thinking about grandkids already.
On the other hand, Jude and Jobe are terrible.
Well, not really terrible persee, it's not as if they have been ruder than usual, it's just that the idea of you and your boyfriend having any alone time seems to be one they refuse to let happen.
You want to show Kylian through the city? They must be there, after all, they are the most interesting part of it.
Want to take Kylian out for drinks with your friends? Well, you better be going somewhere Jobe can too, he is still a kid, can't drink, so maybe a playground will be the best place to go to.
Both of them are suddenly even more interested in basketbl than usual, and that requires sitting in between you and Kyky on the couch to watch whatever match is going on.
Not even during the night are you left alone, a fort having been built on your bedroom, stating neither are in need of a nephew.
It gets exhausting, really, you are aware of having brought Kylian over to meet your family, but that doesn't mean taht you two shouldn't be allowed to have your private time together, and doesn't matter how much your mum and dad try to stop those two little shits, they refuse to stop.
"Are you fucking kidding me?"
"What?" Jude asks, mouth full of popcorn as he and Jobe act all innocent.
As if the two weren't lying on your bed, munching on your snacks with the movie you have chosen for Kyky and you to see playing on the background.
"Don't 'what' me! You know exactly what is going on!"
"And what about it? Can we want to spend some time with our sister and Kyky?"
Said man, even if in need of their aprooval, looks absolutely exhausted at their schemingans, rised eyebrow and crossed arms.
"There is a difference in between wanting to hang out together and completely invading our privacy, you know?"
"And what do you want us to do about it?" the older one asks, defiant.
"Maybe get the fuck out?"
The two look at each other for a minute, then burst out laughing.
"Not happening" Jobe says in between laughter.
"Come on," Jude teases, patting the tiny spot left on the bed "join us, the movie is quite good if I am being honest"
You do nothing but groan, arms raised and a cold glare thrown their way before stomping away, ignoring their jabs and requests of you staying.
The two take it in a laughing matter honestly, that is until the noise of the front door slamming closed -mum and dad gone fir the night, so no one shouts any scolding.
It's not until then that some regret fills up their hearts, this time, looking at each other with saddened frowns.
Maybe they had taken it too far, or maybe you just got tired of their shit.
Was it too much to ask for some alone time with your boyfriend?
Talking about the man, he looks worried, doesn't seem to know what to do as he looks around for his shoes, probably about to run after you -as if, he knew his way around the city.
The two brother exchange a look, sighing, they stand up, the older rests a hand on the French man's shoulder.
"We will look for her, you stay here"
Your boyfriend hates the idea, yet accepts it as he knows a siblings' chat is needed, sitting on the bed you share, he watches as the two boy jog out after you.
It doesn't take them long to catch up with you with their athletic physics and the fact that they know the small playground near your home is where you go to whenever in need of some peace.
Your figure is sat on one of the swings, looking, at the floor, yet you know the two little shits are coming to you and they know you know, both sit in each side of you, all quiet -something unusual in between you three.
"We are sorry" the eldest say, in turn you scoff, rolling your eyes.
"Oh, I'm sure you are" you spat out, sarcasm dripping through you
"We are, really!" the youngest says -even if Jobe is also a little shit, he has always been quite sensitive to you getting mad at him, is one of the things he hates the most.
"What are you sorry for? Being assholes during the entire week? Not giving us privacy? Look, I get if you don't like Kylian, but-"
"Wow, wow, who said we didn't like him?" Jude says, arms raised and that surprised look of his taking over his face, mouth wide open, eyes the same.
"I don't know, maybe the fact you have been so annoying and saying all that stuff about Haaland and-"
"We do like him" Jobe says, Jude nods.
"Yeah, it's just that, I don't know, we just like annoying you two, you know? But we really do like Kyky"
"Well, I know that now, but he is convinced you hate him and want me to be with Haaland"
Jude scoffs, almost bursts out laughing "Please, I love Erling, but I know for a fact you wouldn't even last a week"
"Yeah" Jobe agrees "And Kyky seems to handle you just fine"
Arm in arm, the three of you walked home, a puppy eyed Kylian waiting for you on the sofa, almost running to you and hugging you close to himself as you kiss his cheek. Your brothers pretend to gag, but your glare sent their way makes them stand straight, the older one clears his throat.
"Look, Kylian, me an Jobe wanted to apologise for these past couple days"
"Yeah, and we totally think that you match her better than Haaland"
Your boyfriend smiles, easily accepting their apologises and promises to lay off the two of you, night passes on quickly as your boyfriend and brothers finally get to bond.
You can't even remember the last time you room was so quiet, only Kyky and you, his arms around your waist, chest to your back, keeping the two of you warm enough.
Everything is so calm, simple, but the feeling of something pocking your ass has you rising an eyebrow and turning to him with a look that is a mixture of amusement and confusion.
"Is this the moment you confess to me you have a thing for fucking your girlfriends in their childhood beds?"
He laughs, it's deep, yet a bit breathless letting you know his hornyness isn't something new at all.
"I mean, maybe, but it's also the fact of finally it only being me and you and that your ass looks so good on those shorts"
You are deep in thought for a moment, locating your brothers in your bedrooms, parents still out, you wonder if the sound of the bed creaking will be heard from the outside.
A big hand rubbing on your tummy and going lower takes you out from your thoughts, you look back at him, looking so smug as his hand teases you over the thin piece of fabric.
"Wow, can't even go a week without fucking, can you, Mbappe?"
"You are telling me you don't want this?" he is in, fingers hovering your clit, he can feel how wet you are"
"Never said that"
"Good" he concludes, fingers forming circles, another reaching towards your entrance.
You are not in for foreplay tonight, it might not have been taht long since you had your boyfriend's big cock inside you, still you feel depraved of it, you reach out for your own shorts and panties, pushing both fabrics down, making him become wide eyed as you next reach for his own bulge, stimulating it up and down for a bit before taking him out from his boxers.
You are desperate, you know he will tease you for this later, but you can't seem to care as you position him in your entrance, slamming your own hips back to take him all in.
His haw is clenched, eyes tightly closed and head pushed back as he tries to not let out the loud moan coming out from his mouth at the sudden rush of pleasure.
The pace is fast from the start, pleasure having clouded both of your minds as you can't seem to find it in yourself to care for the creaking of your bed and how the frame tries to slam against the wall.
Your leg is kept up by his big hand, having you wide open as his hips piston into yours, low moans leaving him as you whine out at the feeling of being so full.
His balls hit your ass cheeks, his tip kisses your cervix, he is fucking you open, so deep, this is only but a way to fuck off the tension, the love making will have to wait till later.
It doesn't take long until you are tightening around him and milking him for all he is worth, filling you up as you lay on the bed, breathing so heavily you are afraid your hearts will come out from your chests.
His head rests on your shoulder, a small kiss to the skin of your neck as he once more hugs you closely to him.
"You think your brothers heard?"
"I honestly couldn't care less"
You say that, but you know the next morning you won't be able to look either in the eye in hopes they won't ever know what just went on in your tight twin bed.
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lotus02lavish · 1 year
some angst of breakup Headcanons with SWK, MK and Mayor from LMK? GN Reader btw. i just need some angst.
[Pain shall be fed into the beating heart] 💥
【If we ever broke up, I'd be sad. 💔】
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{Sun Wukong, Mk, and Mayor breakup with GN! Reader}
➳ Lego Monkie kid (LMK) // Headcanons // Seperated // Angst! ✍🏻
──・ 。゚☆*. .* ☆゚.──・☆゚.──・。゚☆ *. .* ──
"You can love them, forgive them, want good things for them ... but still move on without them." - Mandy Hale.
Sun Wukong
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The realization about a mortal human being and the immortal monkey king put into a loving relationship would not work.
Sun Wukong could give you his peaches of immortality to accompany him until the end of time. Except the horror that if you live forever, everyone and everything around you will move on. Somethings will die and forgotten without you. No peaches for you, hun.
Sun Wukong does not allowed to let anyone notice you as his lover, he just want to protect you from anyone that cause harm. Which makes you believe he is embarrassed to have you.
Sun Wukong is lacking the ability to explain of how he truly feeling towards you. From time to time again to have communication problems and abuse that cannot be solved.
In Sun Wukong's opinion, love is just another useless emotion to express that lead to heartbreak and disappointment. He is not ready to handle any of those qualities.
In conclusion, Sun Wukong is unexpectedly certain to break up with you, just to save you from himself. He is arrogant and a trickster is known to everyone who has heard of or had the chance to meet the legendary Monkey King.
"Eternal life can bring eternal suffering, I don't want you to feel the same way as me."
The fact that Sun Wukong has said his goodbyes to you and gone from your sight, the good thing is glad to know that you have great life and bright future ahead from destiny than his. The bad thing is, he will miss you deeply more than you ever know.
────・ 。゚☆*. .* ☆゚.──・☆゚.──・。゚☆ *. .* ──
"Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together." - Marilyn Monroe.
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At first, Mk does not understand why you would choose someone like him to be your boyfriend, and he felt that not asking about it was better. He always thinking that he does not deserve your love.
Mk ponders about you cherish them because they are a powerful hero, and everything else within them has no importance. That is why the noodle boy worried that one day they would accidentally use their unnatural monkey magic skills to hurting you, and afraid they might fail to save you from danger.
Mk is often excusing himself with his training, delivering noodles, saving the world/universe, and joining his friends to avoid you.
Mk repeatedly forgets the important events, such as your birthday, the dating anniversary day, the national holidays, and meeting with your friends or family. Heis busy to handle with the fate of being heroic rest on his shoulders, and gaining more trauma through the rest of his journey.
One time, Mk send one of their clone to accompany you in the entire day. Later, the copy of them bluntly told you that they (Original self) actually felt forced in love and does not feel the same way as you anymore.
You have grown tired of him and finally choose to breakup for the best, which Mk had expected and planned this all along.
"I'm very sorry! You deserve someone else better than me."
Though still feeling awkward, you and Mk agree to became friends once again. Furthermore, both of you always ignoring the questions of "That's your ex?"
──・ 。゚☆*. .* ☆゚.──・☆゚.──・。゚☆ *. .* ──
"Sometimes the only way to let go is to love someone enough to want the best for him or her, even if that means not being together." - Anonymous
The Mayor
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After years of dating, there is nothing special happening between the two of you. No happiness and no pleasure, just empty.
Oh, how unfortunate you do not know so much about him, even his real name is remain unknown. The Mayor is most likely to kept horrifying secrets and plans to himself from you.
Sadly, whenever the Mayor is near you, he did not have a smile on his face. Only emotionless can be seen in your eyes. Revealing his true colors.
The Mayor would rather focus on granting his Lady's requests than to spend all of his time with you.
It is a ridiculous suspicion that the Mayor is cheating on you simply because he worships The Lady Bone Demon as his only goddess until the bitter end.
At long last, you decided to breakup with the cold-hearted and odd man, his response is none other than a giggle and does not mind.
"You see, dear?" Mayor spoke up as he turn around, "letting someone go is actually easier than we thought."
At that exact moment, the Mayor show his silly toothy smile to you for one last time before he disappeared. Leaving you heartbroken and wish him for the best to accomplish his duty.
──・ 。゚☆*. .* ☆゚.──・☆゚.──・。゚☆ *. .* ──
True Colors - SLAVES
"Wait, did you ever take a moment just to think
About anyone, anyone other than yourself?!
Give me back the love I wasted now
Cold, one day it's gonna hit you, you're alone
I won't be there, won't be there
It's cruel to turn around
Give me back the love I wasted now."
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