#buck and eddie are platonic soulmates
karenandhenwillson · 4 months
After last nights episode I saw immediately some takes of "Oh, Buck will need to take care of Chris now and won't have time for Tommy anymore!" and "Tommy will see how important Eddie and Chris are for Buck now and will take a step back!" and that replaced my anguish about the Mara storyline right away with anger at certain fans.
People with children date very successfully. People dating someone with children can be very willing to support their date with caring for the children even if they haven't been dating long yet.
But also: Why the hell should Eddie lose custody of Chris? I have no doubt Chris will be horribly distraught and confused about Kim. (I hate that he met her, but on the other hand, I hope they'll give Gavin the chance to shine with this story line probably in season 8 because he deserves it.) But Eddie is a good father, has always been a good father. He'll take care of Chris. Yes, most likely with the help of Buck because this season started with us seeing Buck being heavily involved in parenting Chris. But I find it kind of ridiculous to assume Chris will move in with Buck or even more so going as far as to claim that this will be a reason for Ramon and Helena to get custody of Chris.
Ryan saying in that one interview that Eddie will feel isolated can also just mean that Chris won't want to talk much to him for a while after this. He clearly isn't isolated from Buck. We got a wonderful supportive scene between Buck and Eddie this episode! But being ignored by your child, who he clearly adores so much, will cut deep. (And of course, Marisol will probably break up with him, right? At least I hope so.)
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No thoughts, just Eddie and Robin standing on either side of Steve to make sure he doesn't get another concussion after he bonked his head on a cabinet door. They basically sheepdog him away from anything dangerous.
Steve: Please, for the love of God, stop it!
Eddie: You said you didn't want to wear the helmet! It's either this, wear the helmet or nothing!
Steve: Nothing! Just go about your day!
Later that night. . .
Steve sighed as he lay in the middle of his own bed. He was stuck between two human heaters, and as annoying as it is, he was happy that he had people to care for him. He closed his eyes and started to drift off to sleep when he felt a hand on his forehead.
Robin: Oh my God! He's burning up! What's that a sign of?
Eddie: Shit, Buckley, I don't know.
Robin: Should we take him to the hospital?
Eddie: I don't think so. Speaking of. . .why am I not his emergency contact yet instead of you? Hmm, Buckley?
Robin: Because platonic soulmate ranks above boytoy!
Eddie: Boytoy? Boytoy?!
Steve: *his eyes flying open* I'm burning up because I am stuck between two hyperchondriacs who are only hyperchondriacs with me and who give off so much body heat that it's making me sweat!
Eddie: *smirk* So, what you're saying is that I'm hot?
Steve: *screams*
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littlespoonevan · 4 months
seeing tags on that 'how would you feel if buddie didn't become canon' poll where people are calling buck and eddie brothers really got me like
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hereforthe911buds · 24 days
I started writing a buddie fan fic that I was SUPER into when I formed the plot and writing the first half. I'm now like 4 scenes away from the end but I'm losing all motivation, but I want it done before the next season starts. This is excruciating.
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stevehairingtit · 3 months
I pretty much always have fringe fandom beliefs, but perhaps none so fringe as, "I have watched 7 seasons of hit procedural drama 911 in the last four weeks, and Buck is bi, and I don't think Eddie actually likes women, but I don't really ship Buddie." Like I fully get it and will read it! But it's not singing the song of my heart.
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llove-me-anyway · 5 months
obsessed with the way Eddie is about to look back down on his phone but in a split second recognises from Buck’s face that something very serious is happening and immediately gives him his whole attention.
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it literally took less than a second for Eddie to read Buck and he immediately responded accordingly. it was so fast, blink and you’d miss it.
i’ve said it way to many times before and i’ll say it again: they’re soulmates in the most beautiful way. idc about “romantic” a “platonic” how about written in the stars
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elliethefroggy · 3 months
What if Eddie had been a little less oblivious and had invited to Buck to trivia-karaoke night.
They’re all three going to hang out at the karaoke bar, and at first Buck’s nervous because Tommy is super cool, but once the trivia quiz actually starts, all the nerves go away, and Buck’s sponge of a brain has a chance to shine.
He gets question after question right, barely having to consult the two others. Eddie’s probably used to this side of Buck, but Tommy gets to sit there, mesmerised because not only is Buck exceedingly attractive but he also has brains (does Tommy have a competency kink? Who’s to say).
By the end of the night, Tommy’s probably forgotten all about trying to answer the questions, too busy watching Buck’s eyes light up every time he knows an answer (and those eyes light up an awful lot). Overall, the night goes well, and Buck’s amazing brain probably wins them a pitcher of free beer or something.
Because that night went so well, all three of them start hanging out more and more. Maybe Tommy somewhat discreetly suggests to Eddie that they invite Buck along, just so he has the opportunity to stare in Buck’s eyes some more.
But Tommy doesn’t do anything at about his developing crush, at least not right away.
Firstly it’s because Tommy’s trying to figure out just what the deal is between Eddie and Buck. Are they dating? Are they the most healthy divorced couple of LA? BFFs? Platonic soulmates? Not-so-platonic soulmates?
Maybe it doesn’t take him that long to figure out that those two are not together, but then he still needs to make sure that there isn’t some unrequited or very-requited-but-they’re-both-oblivious crushing going on between Eddie and Buck.
My guess it takes him a while to finally decide that they’re some flavour of queerplatonic life partners (he decides on this after a lot of subtle and not so subtle questions; Christopher is probably his most helpful informant).
(Realistically, Tommy would have probably just straight up asked one of them if they were together because Tommy seems pretty good at communication, but that’s no fun for me.)
But then, once he’s figured out that Eddie and Buck are definitely not a thing, he still needs to figure out what exactly Buck’s sexuality is.
Because, sure Buck’s only ever dated women and is such an ‘ally’. But Buck spends way too long looking at other men’s asses. Tommy notices this because he’s probably caught Buck staring at the same asses Tommy himself was just looking at (remember the hanger scene when Tommy very blatantly checks out Buck’s ass).
So now Tommy’s having to figure out just what Buck’s sexuality is. Is Buck gay? Is he closeted? Is he as straight as he claims to be? Is he repressed? Also what’s with all the flirting (because of course Buck’s going to be unknowingly flirting with Tommy; Buck just can’t help himself).
Eventually, Tommy and Buck are going to have some one-on-one bonding time without Eddie.
Buck takes him up on those flying lessons which means Tommy gets trapped in a confined space with Buck on a regular basis, having to deal with his growing feelings towards what can only be a golden retriever in human form. Buck is kind and sincere and so so earnest, Tommy has no choice but to fall for him.
But Tommy still doesn’t know where Buck’s sexuality lies, and he’s getting to the point where’s pulling his hair out in frustration, trying to figure it out. Because no way can a heterosexual man stare at Tommy’s lips that often. There is no straight reason for that, right?
He then makes the mistake of also offering Buck Muay Thai lessons.
He doesn’t realise his mistake until they’re both sweaty and shirtless. Buck looks very good sweaty and shirtless. But it’s fine, Tommy manages to cope, he just avoids looking at the large expanse of wet skin right in front of him. He’s not distracted by all that skin. He’s fine.
(Luckily, Buck doesn’t know enough about Muay Thai to notice how badly Tommy is fighting.)
Somehow they both get tangled up and they fall to the ground (I don’t know shit about Muay Thai). Buck lands flat on his back and Tommy ends up on top of him. Tommy goes to get off Buck immediately because Tommy’s not exactly light, but then he makes another mistake: just as he places his hands on either side of Buck to push off the ground, he looks at Buck’s face
Buck’s cheeks are nice and red (because of exertion? Because of Tommy’s close proximity? Both?), Buck’s breathing heavily, his breaths getting faster and faster the longer Tommy stays where he is. Buck’s eyes are near black, his pupils leaving only the thinnest band of colour.
Buck’s staring at Tommy, and Tommy’s staring at Buck. Then Buck once again glances down at Tommy’s lips as Tommy is lying over him, their sweaty chests pressing against one another.
And Tommy cracks.
He throws himself off Buck, getting to his feet, and crosses over to the other side of the mat to put some distance between himself and Buck.
When he turns back to look at Buck, Buck is still lying on the ground, now leaning back on his forearms, looking up at Tommy. Which is a sight Tommy would love nothing more than to see again.
“Look, I’m sorry,” Tommy says, “but are you really straight?” Which is definitely not how Tommy wanted this conversation to start, but sue him, he’s having a breakdown. “Sorry,” he repeats, “It’s just there’s been a lot of flirting and a lot of starring at my various attributes,” he tries again, poorly, “Not that I’m complaining; I would love nothing more than to have you stare at my lips and flirt with me for as long as you want. But I need to know where we stand before I lose my mind trying to figure you out.”
And the thing is, Tommy’s not the only one who’s been struggling these past few weeks.
Buck’s been dealing with these weird feelings towards Tommy since day 1. At first he just figured it was because Tommy was so cool (which he is), and then he thought it was because he was jealous that Tommy was spending so much time with Eddie, thinking maybe Tommy was trying to steal his spot in the Diaz household. But is wasn’t either of those things. Buck’s been wracking his brain for weeks, trying to figure out just what he was feeling towards Tommy.
And here’s Tommy, all sweaty and shirtless, so much glistening skin on display, and Tommy’s offering Buck a possible answer to all these feelings he’s been unable to name.
And what Tommy’s implying makes some sense. Buck thinks over all the instances he’s hung out with Tommy, compares his behaviour to the times he’s had crushes on women, and thinks maybe Tommy’s onto something.
Buck, who is a big believer of the scientific method of experimentation, figures there’s an easy way to test Tommy’s theory.
Buck slowly gets up from the mat as his brain goes into hyper-drive, processing the fastest sexuality crisis known to humanity.
Maybe Buck flexes a bit as he gets up because Tommy’s watching him and he’s always liked attention.
By the time he straightens up, the sexuality crisis has been dealt with and he’s ready to act on these newly revealed feelings.
He likes Tommy’s theory a lot.
“I have been staring at your lips a lot, haven’t I?” He says, purposeful flirty.
(Once again they have both been (knowingly or not) starring at each other longingly for weeks, they are both shirtless and covered in sweat, and had their naked chests pressed up together just moments ago; neither of them are thinking very rationally.)
And Buck (flirty Buck who made picking woman up into an art-form) walks/stalks over to Tommy, leaving enough room for Tommy to back away if he wants to.
“Maybe you should do something about that?” Buck suggests, and very deliberately stares down at Tommy’s lips.
Tommy knows they should have a more thorough discussion about where both of them stand, but he’s only one man.
Tommy closes the gap between them, places two fingers underneath Buck’s chin, and slowly leans in to finally kiss Buck.
The kiss lasts no more than a moment, not nearly long enough for either of their tastes, but Tommy needs to be sure that Evan’s sure.
“So?” he asks simply, fingers still under Evan’s chin.
“Yeah, definitely not straight.” And Evan leans in to kiss Tommy again. Tommy does not mind at all.
(They then spend the rest of their Muay Thai lesson making out.)
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exhuastedpigeon · 5 months
All the Buck and Eddie we've gotten this season has been so damn refreshing. Their friendship is shining. Their family dynamic is on full display. The way they are so intertwined in each other's lives is visible from space.
They're trying to defuse a bomb together at work. They're putting out a fire together and talking about Eddie's kid - about their family.
Eddie doesn't know how to talk to Chris about talking to multiple women at once so he brings in Buck because he knows Buck has been there and he'll be able to relate to Chris in a way he can't.
Buck had a huge revelation about himself and his sexuality and he's worried that he lied to Eddie. He accidentally outed himself to his sister because he couldn't stop talking about lying to Eddie.
Buck comes out to Eddie and Eddie immediately assures Buck that it's not weird and it doesn't change a thing between them.
Buck plans an 80s themed party and Eddie immediately suggests doing a costume together.
They take said party to Chim when he doesn't show up and when they don't have a key Eddie reminds Buck that they're firefighters before kicking the door down.
They delivered Maddie a change of clothes and food while she's at dispatch chasing down leads on where Chimney might be because they've been together all day and they know they work best as a team.
They go together to help Bobby and Athena canvas the area where Chim was last seen.
They're attached at the hip. They're bonded through blood and trauma, but also through joy and laughter. They love each other to the core. They understand each other better than anyone else around them.
Are they romantic? Are they platonic? Does it actually matter?
They're soulmates. Their love is so deep and so certain that no matter how you view them you know that there's just so much love between them. It's kind of love that survives ladder truck bombings and tsunamis and collapsing wells and snipers and breakdowns and lightening strikes. It's the kind of love that means even if they drift apart, they're never far from each other. They're always pulled back to each other.
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aringofsalt · 15 days
yknow. i think what makes the "friends don't just do that!!!" argument for buddie even more silly to me is that...i literally do do that. in fact i would argue that i do way more than buck does for eddie or christopher, excluding the tsunami of course. my roommate is my best friend. we are not dating nor have we ever dated in the nearly 15 years we've known each other. she's fully 1000% straight. and i literally co-parent her kids. like actually live-in co-parent, not babysitting and group hangouts. we've lived together since her middle child was 6 months old, so over 5 years now. i was at the hospital when all 3 of her kids were born. i do school drop off and i'm debating joining the pta this year.
i love her and those kids so much and they are absolutely my family and i would do anything for them.
and it's still fully platonic.
so, like. can you not fathom caring about people unless it's romantic? really???? i'm truly not diminishing anything about buck and eddie's friendship, nor buck's relationship with chris, i fully believe they are soulmates and family no matter what weird form that takes, but good grief this insistence that buck's caring about christopher is some sort of romantic gotcha for him and eddie drives me up the damn wall.
you know what you sound like when you insist that they've gotta have romantic feelings just because of chris? you sound like every gross straight man i've ever met who leers at me and asks if i'm "getting something" out of helping out my best friend. so congrats on that, i guess.
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buddierecs · 3 months
long (40k+ words) buddie fics
all explicit rating - 18+ only!!!! make sure to kudos/comment on these amazing works :)
leading with the left by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels "when buck said he was a "bartender" in "south america" what he actually meant was "stripper" in "mexico." and when eddie said, "what's your problem?" what he actually meant was, "is this about the time you gave me a lap dance?" in other words, there's a few things the 118 doesn't know about buck. Or eddie. Or buck and eddie's relationship." word count: 84k important tags: strangers to lovers, stripper!buck, emotional slow burn, miscommuication your fingerprints smeared on my heart (lead me back to you) by: letmetellyouaboutmyfeels "In 1880, evan buckley of the arriviste set is sent out west to oversee his family's railroad and recover from a broken heart - and meets eddie diaz, cowboy. when fate tears them apart, they make a promise: find each other again. In 2018, buck walks into his fire station in los angeles - and meets eddie diaz, new recruit." word count: 88k important tags: cowboys, soulmates, reincarnation, gilded age, heavy angst
let the world have its way with you by: fleetinghearts "a bucket list that’s really about buck needing to make a change and an eddie who’s ready to do anything to see him fall in love with life again. it takes some crossing off for eddie to realise—the thing at the top of the list in his own heart? it’s been right here all along" word count: 54k important tags: pining, feelings realisation, idiots to lovers, road trips, getting together, eventual smut, gay!eddie diaz good pretender by: likeshipsonthesea "an au where buck broke up with taylor before 5b, ravi and buck become (actually platonic) friends with benefits, and ravi, eddie, and buck all go on a journey of self-discovery that ends with them all getting what they need" word count: 85k important tags: friends with benefits (buckandravi), casual sex, childhood tramua, healing, feelings realisation, jealous!eddie diaz, ptsd, love confessions, anal sex would you lie with me and just forget the world by: colonscopys "eddie diaz is 7, and 13, and 14, and 18, and 34. and he loves, and he loves, and he loves, and he loves, and he loves" word count: 45k important tags: childhood friends to lovers, eddie diaz centric, catholic guilt, angst, happy ending. eddie diaz vs the feelings by: elvensorcess "eddie dives into the mysteries of attraction, romantic love, and asexuality because there's a good chance he's fallen in love with his best friend. aka demisexual!eddie figures out he’s demi and finds the happily ever after he’s been longing for" word count: 62k important tags: demisexual!eddie diaz, idiots in love, sexual tension, frottage, hand jobs, anal sex, soft!buddie, slow burn, top!evan buckley, bottom!eddie diaz courtship behaviours of the southern coastal husbros by: mad_lori "buck and eddie decide to become platonic domestic partners and co-parents. they are 100% super normal about it and absolutely nothing is awakened in them, except a mutual annoyance at being referred to as "husbros." word count: 49k important tags: domestic partners, slow burn, christopher diaz has two dads, friends to lovers, demisexual!eddie diaz, sexuality crisis, first kiss, eventual smut, oral sex objects in the mirror by: sevensoulmates "the voice had always been around, eddie remembers it, like a stream of consciousness that babbled incoherently to the point where eddie just tuned it out. but then the voice started speaking directly to him. conversing like he was a whole person standing right in front of him. like he could see what was happening around eddie. eddie shook his head. no one was talking to him, and eddie most certainly was not talking back. he wouldn’t talk to the boy in his head ever again. there was no boy in his head." word count: 139k important tags: telepathic bond, childhood to canon, slow burn like a dog with a bird at your door by: fleetinghearts "evan “i love you like a dog” buckley has only ever known how to love like, well, a dog, but maybe eddie diaz is the kinda guy to give a flea-bitten mongrel a forever home" word count: 51k important tags: pre-relationship, domestic, love confessions, eventual smut, friends to lovers, protective!evan buckley
when it's you i'm with (everything goes quiet) by: withoutthetiger "eddie can't speak after he and christopher are in an accident, but somehow he asks buck to stay while he recovers. buck can't imagine wanting to be anywhere else, and even in the silence that lingers between them, they both find a way to say everything." word count: 56k important tags: different first meetings au, muteness, intimacy, feeling realisation, friends to lovers, phone sex, blow jobs, rimming, anal sex
the best life is the truth (my best mask is my face) by: letmetellyouaboutmyfeels "the buckleys are celebrating their 50th anniversary, and maddie and buck are both expected to come. to take the heat off maddie, buck impulsively blurts out that he's seeing someone new. obviously, there's only one solution: bring eddie as his fake boyfriend, pretend to be in love with him, and survive the weekend with minimal bloodshed. no problem, except for the, uh. "pretend" part." word count: 43k important tags: fake dating, idiots to lovers, there was only one bed, eventual smut wishing to be the friction by: ipretendtobesane "the straight eddie friends with benefits fic" word count: 97k important tags: friends with benefits, slow burn, hand jobs, blow jobs, rimming, first time, pining, porn with plot
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karenandhenwillson · 4 months
The enthusiasm about Bucktommy has brought out some conversations about the family Eddie, Chris, and Buck have built that leave me honestly a little speechless. Mostly because it's all so focused on this idealized idea of a nuclear family despite fandom usually being all for found family.
I've seen discussions in the past about some people bemoaning the fact that others seemingly put the traditional roles of a nuclear family on the members of the 118. I honestly never got that impression at all, but maybe I'm just really good in avoiding the really strange fanfiction by studying the tags. So I feel a little startled to now be in the position of this person saying "Why do you press everything into this nuclear family dynamic?"
There are many people who claim that any serious LI for Buck or Eddie (of course mostly focused on Buck right now) would utterly destroy the dynamic most of us have come to love in the Buckley-Diaz family. I call utter bullshit to that. They claim that either Buck or Eddie finding a serious LI would force them to break away from their friendship.
The funny thing is that we already have seen in this show how there can be very successfully built a family around two parents who aren't in a relationship (anymore in this case) whit both finding new partners. They did a beautiful job of showing how the friendship between Athena and Michael developed during and after their separation. They also created a wonderful friendship between the existing adults in the family and the new partners, and to show how these new partner stepped into the role of additional parents without replacing either Athena or Michael.
Oh, I already see people rising to argue against this comparison. "But they were married!"; "But they are the children’s biological parents!" (or worse: "But they are both actually the parents and not playing pretend!"); "But that was a hetero couple!" (Yeah, not getting into the semantics here.); "But Michael has legal obligations!".
So what? Do you really think biological relationships or legal relationships trump emotional relationships? I'd argue that any emotional relationship is ten times more important than any biological or legal relationship. There are people out there who don't give a fuck about their biological children because they don't have a emotional relationship with them. And others who don't give a fuck about any legal responsibilities.
We have seen numerous times how deep the connection between Buck, Eddie, and Chris is. We have seen Eddie fight to give his son a good life, to find him the best possible support. We have seen Buck relentlessly search for Chris after they got separated in the tsunami and have seen him take care of Chris when he was on the brink of breaking apart himself over watching Eddie getting shot right in front of him. We have seen Chris seek out Buck for support and council, and plotting pranks with Buck to play on his father.
There is no need for those emotional bonds to go away to find romantic partners who might have the potential to become life partners. And in Chris' case, I'm pretty sure there is no force at all that could break his emotional attachment to Buck or Eddie as long as neither of them does something to utterly break his trust.
Sure, there are a lot of people out in the world who wouldn't stand for stepping into that kind of dynamic without changing it. (And I have no doubt that everyone crying over how Eddie and Buck's friendship would need to break to make room for a LI are exactly that kind of people who expect their partner to be only friends with them.) But there are equally as many people out there who'd embrace the family Buck, Eddie, and Chris have built and who'd work hard to become part of that family instead of replacing anyone in it.
I think the biggest stumbling block for the Buckley-Diaz family is everyone pressuring Eddie into finding a woman to share his life with. He didn't even want to date until his aunt pressured him into it. And that's the only reason Marisol is even in the picture! Because his family and even Bobby are actively enforcing this idea in his head that for a family to exist, for a father to be happy, there needs to be a mother in the family's life.
It's coming back to this same bullshit idea that the only viable family model is a nuclear family with two parents and 2.5 children. Single parents are bad because a child needs a mother and a father otherwise the child will be utterly ruined. (And to remind all of you, people coming up with that line usually also claim: Queer parents are doubly bad because there needs to be a mother and a father!)
Buck, Eddie, and Chris could be perfectly fine to add to their family with LIs for Buck and Eddie. They just need to ignore these voices (from Eddie's family and from the fandom) that try to dictate to them how their family should work. They just need to find people who are open minded and willing to step into their existing family. And we have seen with Bobby and David that there are some great people out there who are very willing to do something like that!
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 11 months
I saw the bts photo of Robin and Eddie. I had to have Steve in there, too. In my head, Eddie and Robin came over for a surprise slumber party (they did NOT call), and now they have to wait until Steve finishes watching the game.
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nburkhardt · 10 months
Mainly for my love, @strangersteddierthings ily
An overly sappy and fluffy follow up to this angst piece
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“-Christ, I’m coming!”
It’s- Jesus Christ, only eight in the morning on a goddamn Saturday and someone decided to call him now? He roughly picks the phone up, “whoever the fuck this is, you better have a goddamn good reason to be calling!”
“Well, I’m sorry. It’s even earlier for me, nerd” Robin’s voice comes through, and now he’s confused.
If anyone should still be asleep, it should be her. Since she’s ya know, in California, in a different timezone. It’s- “why the fuck are you awake at five? Aren’t you on vacation?”
He can hear the eye roll Robin does, but it’s only fair. She woke him up, she gets to deal with a little bit of bitchy Eddie.
“I am, doesn’t matter. What are your plans again for Christmas?”
Tilting his head, squinting his eyes, he blinks hard before rubbing a hand down his face. “Buckley. You did not fucking just ask me what my plans are. The hell? You’re not even here! Why?”
Robin groans, obnoxious and long. Then a huff, and after that he hears tapping and he can imagine she’s bumping the phone against her head and straighten up with a glare on her face. He gets the look a lot from her to see it clearly.
“Edward Munson. I need to know what your Christmas plans are for very good reasons. Actually, what are you doing for that whole weekend? I need a favor and you’re going to do it, because it’s very very important. So important that if you do not do this and I find out, you will be a dead man and wish the demobats were after you.” She takes a deep breath, “do you understand?”
It must be, if she’s bringing up violence this early.
“Okay, geez I’ll bite. My plans for Christmas is just hanging around with Wayne, we usually just hang around watching Christmas movies and eat together. I got nothing planned the weekend, all of ya and my band are busy with family and shit.” He leaned against the fridge, closing his eyes and hoping whatever Robin is thinking doesn’t involve much.
“You need to kidnap Steve.”
He opened his eyes quick to widen them, straightening up and looking around for his keys. “Can I keep him then?”
Robin groans and he smiles, “if I’m kidnapping Stevie, I get to keep him. Finders keepers, Buck!”
“If you can only promise to love him and care for him.”
“Always, Robin. My Honeylove deserves it and so much more, he doesn’t even know how much,” he sighs, “I’ve agreed, now can you explain why?”
He’s met with silence and he looks at the phone wondering weather it’s not working or Robin hung up; already satisfied with him agreeing. Which would be fucking rude of her.
As he brings the phone back, he hears her sigh and- “i know my platonic soulmate and he doesn’t think I’ve noticed him being withdrawn or sad. He’s determined to make me go grey by suffering in silence, and he doesn’t believe how much I care or how much you care. So, he’s alone, like right now.” She sniffles and he can imagine she’s gripping her hair while also leaning up against whatever wall or surface, “SO, I would appreciate you for the rest of my life, if you help me and make him very, so very happy. Please.”
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Taking a step out of his van, Eddie shifts his weight as he looks at the single flower he managed to pluck from his neighbors bush, it’s probably cheesy and maybe a little much but he couldn’t help himself.
Picking it up, he quickly slams his door before marching his way to Steve’s front door and stands straight. Taking a breath before moving his arm behind his back, knocking on the door with the other.
It’s been a few days since Robin’s call and his plan couldn’t take any shape until this morning. Wayne had noticed he was off the rest of that day and a complete word-for-word retelling happened and he ended with Wayne telling him, “Jesus kid, ya didn’t need to ask. That boy of yours is welcomed here”
And that was that.
He holds his fist up again as the door swings open and he’s met with an adorable sight, Steve wearing his glasses a little askew and his favorite yellow sweater along with some plaid sweats.
Smiling, Eddie pulls the flower out and brings it in front of their faces. Twirling the flower around before lightly bumping it on Steve’s nose, “My dear, Stevie Honeylove Harrington, I am here on this lovely December twenty third to officially kidnap you.” He watched as Steve pulls the door open more looking even more confused, it makes him smile at him.
“Eds, what the hell? Please don’t tell me you’re high right now?”
Rolling his eyes, Eddie shakes his head. “I am very sober, and come on, get things together. You’re coming home with me”
They move into the kitchen and Steve looked at him before shaking his head.
“Can my kidnapper explain one more time, because he deserves to know why he’s being kidnapped- two days before Christmas” Steve asks and grabs the flower from him, putting it in a cup before leaning up against the counter to look at him.
He doesn’t bother sitting anywhere, instead comes right up to Steve and tapping his temple. “Because, my heart, you selfless dummy. You will be spending the rest of this holiday, with me and Wayne.”
Steve’s eyes widen, before darting around to avoid looking at him. It pulls a frown on Eddie’s face and he steps back just a bit, just to let Steve avoid his gaze more. He knows when it’s necessary to give more space, especially this lovely boy.
“I don’t want to impose on you both, I’m fine here. My parents called and said they’ll be her-”
“Nuh uh. Nope, I will not accept that. Even if they were coming, I’d still be kidnapping you, sweet boy.” He interrupts, crossing his arms and glances around the room before settling his eyes back on the important thing, Steve.
Steve who is still looking anywhere but at him, his own arms crossed but looking much more like he’s hugging himself, his fingers drumming along his arm.
“Sweetheart, Steve, I would truly and utterly love if you come along with me to your first official Munson Christmas.”
A smile pulling at his lips, as the words process in Steve’s head. A light blush is slowly creeping up. It makes his own cheeks start to burn, his own blush coming up from seeing Steve looking soft and confused.
Eddie moves closer to him again, arms no longer crossed and instead coming up around Steve. Enjoying how he instantly shifts to wrap his arms around Eddie, it makes his heart happy.
“Yeah okay, Teddy. I’ll go”
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It’s the smell of bacon that makes him stir and the light sound of Christmas music playing.
Steve blinks a few times to get the sleep out of his eyes, his vision getting as clear as they can without his glasses. Along with that his other senses also kicks up and he can feel the weight of an arm around his waist and legs tangled with his.
He shifts just enough to see Eddie behind him, face still relaxed as he lightly snores. Clearly still asleep. It’s only then that he relaxes back down and looking away with a blush and tiny smile.
For once happy to wake up on Christmas morning in years.
“Merry Christmas, Love” Eddie’s arm tightens around his waist as he spoke, pulling him closer.
His face completely breaking out into a smile now. “Yeah?”
Eddie hums and squeezes his waist again, “yeah course, it’s Christmas”
Steve shakes his head, “no, well, yeah it’s Christmas but um, the love thing.” He squeezes his eyes shut and mentally counts to five before turning around to face Eddie, “are you serious? Because I’m, um, starting to think that you’re-”
There’s a smile tugging on Eddie’s lips and he moves his arms to settle back snug around Steve, “In love with you? Yeah, Honeylove. I am, I love you Steve and I would be the happiest man alive if you let me keep you”
Steve’s eyes are watering as he nods and breaks into a breathless laugh, the words bouncing around in his head over and over.
“Yeah, yeah. Please. I love you too”
It brings a bright smile to Eddie’s face that Steve matches, Eddie presses a kiss to his forehead and promises that they’ll share their first kiss once they lose the morning breath and Steve holds him to it.
They’ll get up, brush their teeth and share a soft kiss before walking out to see Wayne busy finishing off some pancakes. They’ll wish him a merry Christmas, enjoy their breakfast together before settling in the living room to watch Christmas movies and unwrap the presents under the tree.
There’s not much; only a few gifts for each of them.
Steve doesn’t even pay much attention to his, he’s really truly happy because his favorite present is currently sitting on the floor in a Santa hat obnoxiously shaking a gift next to his head with a big smile on his face.
It’s the best Christmas he’s had in a long time.
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One of my all time favorite tropes is “they’re not dating” and guess what, they weren’t dating at all in this until Christmas 🥰 Eddie was very obviously in love with Steve from the start though, Steve was just a little slow on catching the very point-blank flirting :D
Anyway, I hope everyone enjoyed this sappy piece and it made up for the angst I put you through in the first part. ☺️
Those who also asked/commented: @goodolefashionedloverboi @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @vampirestevie @steviesummer
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eddiegettingshot · 4 months
when i say that buddie is the only satisfying conclusion for them actually i don't even mean romantically. i mean if those guys aren't going to kiss on screen then they should fully invest in this platonic destruction of the nuclear family thing they have going on. buck and eddie should BOTH end the series 100% single, helping christopher with his college apps, sharing a beer together like always. this will be enough for them. they don't need romance if it's not with each other. they're soulmates. they're partners in life and everything else. i'm fine with them only kissing in my imagination if it comes to that but they're already being written this way and i think we should admit that anyone else is going to get crumbs. so. whichever way it comes. it's buddie forever! that's all
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firewasabeast · 3 months
how do you feel about people saying buck and tommy won't last? do you think they're endgame?
Everyone is entitled to their opinion, so I do like to say that I'm not here to try and change anyone's mind about whether or not tommy and buck will stay together. That's my disclaimer! Here's my answer:
I think we've gone through seven seasons of Buck struggling with himself and his love interests. There was always a disconnect between him and the person he was with; something always missing.
The disconnect is gone with Tommy. He's a firefighter, is close with the 118, understands the job, is settled in his own life, isn't working against Buck, and is kinda the yin to his yang. The things Tommy lacks, Buck has, and vice versa. They've got the cat/dog dynamic down.
I think, show-wise, there are certain characters who you don't need to see settled down when a series ends. Buck is not one of those characters, and the show is entering its 8th season. I'd love if the show ran for 20+ years but it's not really realistic anymore (ncis and l&o svu are outliers that should not be counted). It's time to have Buck in a forever relationship.
The only way I don't see Tommy and Buck lasting is if Tim decides that Buck and Eddie should be a thing, and I feel like the interviews that have been done over the last few months are their way of subtly telling us that's not going to happen. I could be totally wrong, but it feels like they're saying the words without actually saying the words.
I personally love Buck and Eddie as friends/platonic soulmates. I don't think them not having a sexual relationship actually impacts their relationship at all. I love seeing the dynamic of two guys, one bi and one (presumably) straight being best friends who love each other with their entire hearts. You'll see me reblog stuff with them all the time, and I often refer to them as a family, because they are.
The only other scenario would be Lou getting another, better paying gig that takes him from the show, or Oliver leaving, something like that.
tldr; I don't know if they'll last cause I don't write the show, but I hope they do. I desperately want to see them get married and have a family.
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madlori · 4 months
so do you still want buck and eddie to even be close friends?
No, I want them to be best friends. I want them to be platonic soulmates. I want that relationship to be respected and centered as an open, vulnerable, emotionally-available friendship between two men in very macho professions. I'm confident about THIS, anyway, because the showrunners have been vocal about prioritizing this.
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