persephoae-blog · 7 years
just wanna send a shoutout to my ultimate ride or die @buckybarnesisalittleshit ! Sara you mean the world to me and u da bestest!
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I'm probably going in way over my head but it's summer break for the next week so fuck it right? I'd love to write for fire fighter Negan, Politician/ President Negan, and then the skinny dipping one. Might combine the skinny dipping one with one of the others if that's okay. So glad you keep doing these challenges I love them!
Woo for a summer break! I miss those :P You can gladly have those prompts! Thank you for always joining the challenges!!!
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marvelous-imagining · 7 years
@buckybarnesisalittleshit replied to your post “Lost Years”
I’m dead, dad Bucky kills me. This was so cute.
I’m glad you found it cute! And I feel the same way about dad!Bucky. Dad!Bucky = death.
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sceawere · 7 years
buckybarnesisalittleshit replied to your post“another time pt. 8 | alfie solomons”
I just binge read this, and it's flipping amazing okay
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I'm sorry to be a bother but a while back I asked to be tagged in everything you write, and was just wondering if I got cut because you were tagging to many or? Sorry to be a pain in the butt I just love your writings.
ahhhh no nothing like that - i’m gonna be doing a spring cleaning of my tag lists bc honestly i’m so bad at tagging, but for now if i’m posting something that’s not a series, i’ll post a teaser and tag people who ask to be tagged from that
keeping on top of regular tag lists is A LotTM and i’m bad at it i’m sorry sweets
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imsebastianstans · 7 years
"Brotp: American Airlines." I'm dead.
hehehahahhah 💖
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yikesforever · 8 years
My friends tease me about my giant DVD collection as well, but yet I never get to pick the movie when we hang out. THEYRE MY MOVIES. Ps I'll drink wine and watch snow piercer with you! 😄
lmao yas homie i feel like drunk snowpiercer would be even more fun than sober. also whenever me and my friends hang out, i pick out like 5 or 6 and then i let them pick from there, if that makes sense cause i dont wanna be watching movies that i watched like a day ago ya feel 
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If your tag list is still open I'd love to be tagged. Your writing style is superb, and I love it.
Unfortunately, my tag list isn’t open, beautiful 😔  But thank you for all your kind words about my writing! 
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writing-soldiers · 8 years
23 and 44 with Bucky!
A/N: Hey love!!! Thanks so much, I got a little carried away, I hope you like it! xo
Prompt: Just a day out on the field with your group of troops and your best friend Bucky with emotions running high..
23. “Sorry, I got distracted, come again?”44. “What? You have a nice ass”
Pairing: 1940s!BuckyXreader
Warning: A little angst but all good and a hint of smut mention 
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You trekked through the field, mud kicking back and staining the back of your calves. A small smile tucked at your lips, feeling secure in the moment as you and the group of men around you had successfully carried on your mission. With only a few days of walking back, you felt excitement brew in your stomach from thinking about your warm bed and reading under the dim candle light. The group was approaching a set of ruins, marking the end of this day walk and you sighed in relief.
‘’Sergeant James Barnes and Stephen Bartee, scout ahead.’’ You commanded, slowing down your pace as you let the group of men in front of you to have a good overlook of everyone. You watched Stephen pick up the speed immediately, venturing on his own towards the ruins. Turning your head, you found Bucky trailing behind you, a blank expression on his face and his eyes- well his yes glued to your behind. ‘’Sergeant James.’’ There was a warning tone to your voice as you turned and came to a halt in front of him.
He hummed in response, his eyes dragging over your body before he met your eyes, his turning wide as he realised his absentminded actions had been caught. ‘’Sorry, I got distracted, come again?’’
He got no verbal response from your, only a roll of your eyes before they landed back on him, your stare so strong that you could have burned a whole right through him. Watching you get so frustrated brought a chuckle out of him, ‘’What? You have a nice ass.’’ He winked, that sly little fucker just winked.
‘’Listen here, Buck.’’ You emphasised on his little nickname. ‘’I am your commander and I have just instructed you to scout ahead but you were too distracted looking at my behind to hear. Now, if you can’t take care of your little friend over there-‘’ Your eyes darted to his bulge before locking with his wide eyes again ‘’-and at least try thinking with your brain, then I suggest you stay behind for our next mission.’’ Your voice was stern, but you couldn’t hold back the small smirk that fought it’s way to your lips as you spoke to your best friend, ‘’Copy that?’’
Your eyes darted between his, waiting for him to show that he understood before he gave you a single nod with his lips drawn to a thin line. Your little stare of was interrupted by a few chuckles from the surrounding troopers, causing you to break it off and continue making your way to the ruins, heat rising from your neck to pool in your cheeks before trailing right to your chore as you thought back to his little friend. You mentally cursed yourself for your little outburst, but that boy had it coming, he was your best friend and he had practically been eye-fucking you this whole mission and it had been fuelling your nerves. Especially given the fact you couldn’t deny your own desires.
Silence was settling over the house you stood in as the men settled into sleep, leaving you wandering alone with your mind running high. You hadn’t been sleeping for the last few nights after the recurring nightmares, leaving you with a sleep deprived body and a haunted mind but you didn’t trust yourself to close your eyes and relive the images of your fallen friends. You came to a halt by the window, letting your eyes cast out to the horizon as the last rays of sunlight retreated from the ground and left you with the moonlight alone.
A creaking sound coming from the floorboards brought your attention back inside the house, looking up you noticed his reflection in the window as he leaned against the doorframe behind you. You tilted your head back and gave him a faint smile, ‘’Can’t get enough of that view?’’ You teased him, but your voice was low and you mind wasn’t really with it.
He bowed his head, the sweet sound of his soft laugh filling your ears before he pushed of the wood he was leaning on and slowly made his way over to you. You turned around, to meet his gaze as you leaned against the window with your hands on the window sill for support. He was dangerously close, his legs ever so slightly brushing against yours as he hovered over you but there was something different about him now. He was back to your best friend, not the one eye fucking you, but the one you recognised from back home with the warm smiles and affection in his eyes. His hand reached up to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear before tilting his pointer finger under your chin to motion you to look at him, ‘’What’s troubling your mind, Y/N?’’ his voice was merely a whisper, his breath fanning across your face as he spoke.
You closed your eyes to hold back the tears that were now brimming in them, you leaned into his palm that held your jaw, seeking comfort in his touch. Your body was drained of all energy, your mind giving into the thoughts that you had been pushing back and a single tear rolled down your cheek before breaking on his hand. Bucky responded by pulling you firmly into his embrace and placed his head on top of yours, his hand brushing though your hair to soothe you as you let your emotions run free in the arms of your best friend.
‘’I’ve noticed you haven’t been sleeping.’’ Bucky murmured into your ear, sending shivers down your spine. ‘’You need to get some rest Y/N. Come on.’’ He pulled away when he felt you relax in his arms, taking your hand in his and led you into the living room.
‘’I can’t,’’ Your voice was weak, and you used your free hand to wipe away the tears that stained your cheeks.
Bucky sat down on the sofa before pulling you down with him and you were too weak to protest as you fell into his arms. He shifted, laying down as he held you in his arms. Your cheeks tinted with a delicate shade of pink, you tilted your head back to catch his admiring stare. You gently pecked his lips before letting your head fall back on his chest, ‘’You know they’ll tease us relentlessly if they find us like this.’’ You felt his chest vibrate against your cheek from his chuckle.
‘’If it means you’ll get a night of sleep, then I can handle it.’’ You felt him place a kiss on the top of your head, fuelling the fluttery feeling in your stomach before he relaxed against your body and soon you were drifting to sleep.
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I love you writing challenges not only because it gives me ideas for fics and it's fun, by it gives me the opportunity to see all the other fanfic writers that are in this fandom. I get to read a whole bunch of new content and see who else is out there in this awesome fandom. So thank you for doing them!
Aw, thank you so much for participating in the challenges! They wouldn’t be nearly as amazing if it weren’t for lovelies like you joining and writing amazing fics for the prompts! I always enjoy seeing what everyone comes up with, and seeing how it pushes writers to try new things, or to start writing in the first place! :D
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Captain, Sergeant & Corrupter
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So who’s ready for a sequel?????
Once again, my inner siren of sin has sung her song to me and here we are. Bask in the sin, my friends! It’s hecking hot!
Okay so I’m a little on the fence about posting smut on tumblr still, so it’s 18+ only y’all. Yeah, I know, there’s no real way to control that, but I still feel the need to make it a point. I will also be posting this on ao3 and it’s complete chaos over there, so. Alright, if anyone wants to be tagged in this sequel to Captain & Corrupter please feel free to let me know. I’ll also be adding, below the cut, some people that commented on the first part that I think might be interested in being tagged in the sequel. Let me know if you’d rather not be tagged, though, okay! Love ya’s!
@sexyvixen7 | @ctinadiva | @angryschnauzer | @grande-and-thediamonds | @dispatchvampire | @alexakeyloveloki | @thechingcolourswithinthewoods | @kandomeresbitch | @buckywhoops | @hcaldwell016 | @yallneedtrek | @i-larb-spooderman | @lexie-mo | @princess-unicorn124 | @alextheallpowerful | @abouttimefortea | @flirtswithdanger | @50shadesofyes | @madhattervanessa | @momofshosho15 | @mrshopkirk  | @callingmrsbarnes | @mermaidinplaid | @hellomissmabel | @thebabewiththepwr | @ariallane | @lildreamer93 | @persephone-is-here-omg | @melanie451 | @buckybarnesisalittleshit | @idorkish | @local-rt-dumpster | @jbbarnesgirl | @jrubalcaba | @cassiopeiassky | @audasia25 | @asirencalling | @feelmyroarrrr 
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#5 "For Christ's sake, how did you manage to get stuck like this?" For Ubbe
a/n: So i changed the dialog a bit (since Ubbe isn’t christian in this) No warnings beyond domestic fluff
word count: 744
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The soapy water splashed over the rim of the tub as you fell back into the quickly cooling water. You’d be trying for a while now to stand up to no avail. “Ubbe!” you called, growling out into the cabin, receiving no response. He knew you were at your wits end after a trying day caring for your children and offered to take the three of them outside after dinner, teach them about the stars in the night sky so you could unwind alone in the bath.
A small flash of bright blue peaked through the break in the curtains that shielded you from the main room. The same color as your husband’s vibrant eyes, so similar you could almost mistake them for his if they stood higher.
“Sigurd, is that you?” you asked as your youngest child stepped forward. He stayed quiet as you expected, fiddling with his hands. Holding one arm out over the edge of the wooden tub, you beconded him forward. He took the cue and hurried over so that you could hold him by the shoulders. “I need you to get your father for me, can you do that sweetie?”
He nodded as you placed as kiss on his forehead and sent him on his way. Waiting for him to return, you tried to take deep calming breaths but you could not quell the stress that twisted your insides.
“What is it my love?” Ubbe’s voice broke you from your thoughts, eyes snapping open to find him hunched over, guided by his son who lead him along, clutching two fingers on his hand. He gave the boy a loving pat on the head before instructing him to go climb in bed with his sister.
Standing up straight, Ubbe took in the sight of you in the tub–your pregnant belly just cresting out of the water, looking like an island in the middle of a sea.
“I’m stuck,” you grumbled, scowling at the way he studied your body, the same body you were annoyed with.
“In Odin’s name, how did you manage to get stuck like this?” he chuckled as he knelt next to the basin, smiling as he tucked a wet strand of hair behind your ear.
“It’s your fault, you were the one who did this to me, again.” Your answer was sharp, your voice seething as you gestured to your unborn child. “I’m constantly in pain, my hips, my feet, breast, everything! Laying down hurts, stand up hurts, and now I’m stuck in this damn tub in freezing water. I want this baby out of me.” The tears streamed freely down your cheeks as you emoted, exhausted with everything.
“Let me help you,” he offered, taking your arms in his and hoisting you and your overgrown belly up right. Keeping a firm grip to steady you, he pivoted to grab a bit of cloth to help you dry off. Ubbe guided you out of the tub, finally breaking away to gather your warm nightdress. You held your arms up as he guided the wool over your head. Then with one hand on your back, the other laced with your own, he brought you into bed, gingerly helping you shift until you were comfortable.
Ubbe backed away, changing into his own nightshirt. He could hear your snores before he climbed into bed. Comforted by the noise, he settled under the furs when something in the shadows caught his eye.
“Is that you, little Sigurd?” he questioned in a quiet voice, watching as the shy boy stepped into the candle light. “Come here,” his father urged, holding out a hand. He moved forward, stumbling slightly in his too-big handmedowns. Once close enough, Ubbe gripped the back of his shirt, easily lifting the child up to join them in bed. Sigurd landed on his chest but quickly squirmed to lay between you and Ubbe.
“Were you worried about your mother?” Ubbe asked quietly once the boy was comfortable, curled up with a thumb in his mouth. He nodded in response and Ubbe sighed, brushing his son’s blonde hair out of his face. “She is ok now that she is sleeping. It is not easy bringing a child into the world. It takes quite a toll on her, but don’t fret, she is very good at it.” Shifting he placed a kiss on his son’s forehead before finishing, “Now we must all rest so we can help her in the morning.”
@beautifulramblingbrains​ @ariwolf14 @titty-teetee @whenimaunicorn@sweetvengeancee@ivarinleatherpants@tiyetiye@romanchronicles @oddsnendsfanfics@murmelinchen @buckybarnesisalittleshit@laketaj24@ivarslittlebadgirl@readsalot73@imgoldielikehawn@ivarsshieldmadien@ceridwenofwales​ @grungyblonde​ @honestsycrets@lisinfleur @athroatfullofglass@westcoastselkie @mblaqgi @kahliethefangirl @thevikingsheaux [[if you want to be tagged for vikings stuff in the future, leave a reply]]
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serzhantkris · 7 years
If your permanent tag list is open I'd love to be on it. You're an amazing writer.
Thank you love! You’re added :)
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I Know Your Wife (She Wouldn’t Mind) - Part Forty-Six
Summary: You take your daughter to the city she’s named after, and Jensen takes you to a funfair. Words: 1.3k Jared x Reader x Gen, Jensen, Dallas (OC) Warnings: angsty ending Beta: @blacksiren
I Know Your Wife - Masterpost
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Your name: submit What is this?
Your work on the season’s episodes was finished by the middle of February, so you decided to take Dallas and Bailey on a road trip down to Austin to start off your long hiatus. Besides a motel stop in mid-Washington, you made your first real road trip stop in Idaho. You stayed with Genevieve’s family for a couple of nights so that they were able to spend time with Dallas and you could hike in the beautiful countryside with Bailey, before hitting the road again in the early morning. As you entered Texas a few days later, you looked across at your daughter in her car seat and realised you were going to take an extra stop before making it to Austin.
“Gonna take a detour, baby,” you told Dallas, and she turned her head to face you. “Gonna have to wait ‘til tomorrow to see everyone.”
“Bambi?” she asked, and you laughed softly, reaching across to stroke her cheek while keeping your eyes on the road.
“Yeah, kiddo,” you told her. “But tomorrow we’ll be seeing your Bambi and your brothers, and-”
“Tes,” she interrupted you, and you nodded.
“And Tex,” you confirmed.
Your daughter’s use of language never ceased to make you smile. She knew the names of her whole family, pets included, but her pronunciation was still cute enough to make you grin. ‘JJ’ was too difficult for her to say, so she took on your nickname for her with her own 17-month-old twist. After all of the questioning you had all had about what Dallas would call Genevieve, it had grown naturally over time. As she was learning that you and Jared were her ‘mama’ and ‘dada’, your daughter had taken to calling Gen, ‘baba’. Once she was able to pronounce more consonant clusters in single words, she had taken to calling Genevieve, ‘Bambi’, which you quickly realised was because Gen still constantly referred to Dallas as her ‘bambina’.
Your daughter’s head rested back against her car seat headrest, and you turned your car radio on low, humming quietly along to the CD that had been in your car since you had first passed your test. There were still over five hours until your new destination for the night, and you were happy to have Dallas asleep for as much of it as possible.
You checked into your hotel and left your bags in the room, after having found a pet-friendly suite near the city centre during your last gas station stop, before taking Dallas and Bailey for an evening walk. You found a familiar park and took a seat on the bench, getting Dallas out of her stroller and sitting her on your lap.
You pulled out your phone, opening up facetime and calling Genevieve.
Bailey sat patiently at your feet, resting her head on the bench beside you.
“Hey, girls,” Gen smiled, answering the phone on the third ring.
“Bambi!” Dallas grinned, reaching for your phone.
“Hello, Bambina,” she laughed. “Hope you’re being good for your mommy.”
“She’s an angel,” you promised. “Sorry for taking another day to come home.”
“No, don’t be,” Gen assured you. “I’m glad you’re taking some mama-baby time.”
“Bale,” Dallas added, and you nodded.
“Yeah, and Bailey.”
“But we’ll see you both tomorrow evening, right?” Gen checked. “You’re not gonna suddenly decide on another stop?”
“We’ll be back tomorrow,” you confirmed. “Can’t wait to see y’all.”
“Alright, my loves,” she smiled, blowing a kiss. “I’ll see you tomorrow. Be safe.”
“Love you,” you told her, waving so that Dallas would copy you.
You hung up, putting Dallas back in her stroller and patting Bailey’s head.
“Okay, girls, let’s get some rest,” you told them, beginning to walk back to the hotel. “We can explore more tomorrow.”
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Your first real Daddy-Daughter fun day with Jensen took place once they had wrapped for the season. Of course, the two of you had spent quality time together before but, as JJ assured you nearly two years beforehand, Daddy-Daughter days were a whole new level of fun.
Dallas stayed at home with Jared, Gen, and the boys when Jensen whisked you away one evening, not telling you where you were going but to pack a weekend bag. It was the first time since Dallas had been born that you spent a night away from her, but Gen sent pictures sporadically throughout the weekend without you asking her to, just knowing that seeing your daughter would calm your nerves. Plus, you knew she was in safe hands with both Jared and Genevieve, and it was good for her to spend time with the boys without you there. You knew she was a mama’s girl and, as much as you loved how much she loved you, it was important to you that she learned to be independent from you.
The next morning, Jensen told you that he was taking you to a funfair. You’d mentioned, in passing on set once, that you had never been to a state or county fair, and Jensen had remembered that, planning the trip so that you could experience one together.
“I don’t even know where to begin,” you murmured, looking up at the entrance and back at Jensen. “I’m so excited.”
“We’ve got two days,” he reminded you, grinning. “Come on.”
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You were buzzing with excitement once you got back to the hotel the first night, and Jensen helpfully reminded you that it was probably due to all of the sugar.
“You’ll crash soon,” he teased, and you rolled your eyes.
“Don’t tell me I can get what I want and then tell me off for getting cotton candy,” you argued, flopping down on your bed. “I’m always gonna get cotton candy.”
“And you’re always gonna have a sugar crash,” he reminded you, sitting on the edge of your bed. “I can’t wait for Dal to be old enough for me to fill her up with sugar and send her back to you for the crash.”
You laughed, turning your face towards him.
“Jared and Gen would be more fussed than me,” you sighed. “Actually, don’t go sugaring her up. She’s hyperactive enough as it is.”
Your phone started buzzing on the nightstand and you huffed as you moved your body to sit up.
“Bet that’s them,” Jensen murmured, getting up to grab a bottle of water.
You reached for the phone, frowning when you saw that it was your agent calling.
“Hey,” you smiled, resting the phone between your ear and shoulder as you answered. “Got me a new job already?”
“No, no. Nothing like that,” Amanda told you, and you shrugged at Jensen when he frowned at you.
“To what do I owe the pleasure?” you asked, and you could hear her take a breath.
“It’s- it’s about your mom.”
“Danneel?” you frowned, getting Jensen’s attention again.
“No, sorry,” Amanda sighed. “It’s your birth mother.”
You rolled your eyes, flopping back down into the mattress.
“Please don’t call her my mom,” you reminded her. “And if she’s sold another story I really don’t give a sh-”
“She’s in hospital, Y/N,” Amanda interrupted, and you could feel your heart start to pound. “They called me. I think she put this contact as her next of kin. She doesn’t have much time.”
You sat up slowly, Jensen sitting opposite you when he sensed something change.
“I don’t...” you swallowed, throat suddenly dry. “I don’t-”
“They’ve asked if you would go to see her,” Amanda continued, keeping her voice soft. “I think she’s been asking for you.”
You didn’t know what to say, worrying your lower lip.
“I’ll send over the details,” she told you. “Take your time, sweetheart. Just don’t leave it too long.”
You hung up the call, blinking to regain your focus as you looked over at Jensen.
“It’s my birth mom,” you whispered, and he moved to sit next to you, wrapping his arm around your shoulders.
“What’s wrong?” he asked, and you swallowed again.
“I have to see her.”
tags are closed because this always takes me forever
@thelittleredwhocould, @sammylynne321, @ariannalikescake, @tlb-kylie, @allinhishands, @winchester-gospels-67, @mija-novella, @nerdysandwichqueen, @gemini75eeyore, @imaginespnr5er, @green-love-red-fantasyhearts, @kelsey-spn, @emoryhemsworth, @spnolivia, @ruined-by-destiel, @kickasscas67, @theplaidshirtmadness, @quilliamfears, @charity-elizabeth, @haleyhay96, @sparklingsammy, @smoothdogsgirl, @chelseypaigeake, @katymacsupernatural, @plaidstiel-wormstache, @prideandprejudiceandbrendonurie, @breakthesociety, @abbirae99, @hiddenwritingsintheworld, @leyhikawinchester, @youcanhavit, @faegal04, @ellen-reincarnated1967, @avengersgirllorianna, @mint-and-pastel-pink, @feelmyroarrrr, @aprofoundbondwithdean, @clueless-gold, @trashforwinchesters, @supernaturalsuperfreakfan, @blacktithe7, @supernaturalstarbug, @danijimenezv, @missbabyfae, @impalaimagining, @im-super-potter-locked, @samcentric-fics, @oriona75, @samsexualdeancurious, @butiaintgonnaloveem, @atc74, @too-much-winchester, @aquabrie, @taylorlaurenthomas, @missvengeance93, @a-queen-and-her-throne, @maxwellthemajestickoala, @castielsgrace-idjits, @typicalweirdbookworm, @relationshipyard, @aeryntheofficial, @summerbee53, @cfordwrites, @im-beautifully-sewn, @asgardianvamp21, @shadowpriestess6, @l8nitl0vr, @wificrazymisfit, @buckybarnesisalittleshit
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buckybarnesisalittleshit replied to your post: Together (part one): I’d love to be tagged in this, I’m excited to see where you take your story line.
Absolutely! I’ll add you to the list!
0 notes
morganwritesfics · 6 years
TONY STARK x READER WORD COUNT : 1073 WARNINGS : SMUT (MILDISH, BUT STILL), UNPROTECTED SEX (BE SAFE, Y’ALL). 18+ REQUESTED BY : @be-or-not-2-be (Thank you!) SUMMARY : Tony returns home after an unsuccessful mission and his worst fears start breaking him down, but he’s able to find relief and comfort in the arms of the one person he fears losing the most.
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You woke up from a deep slumber to the sound of your bedroom door shutting softly with a click. You rolled over and lazily untangled yourself from the satin sheets, making room beneath them in the middle of the massive bed.
The room remained dark, and you faintly registered the sounds of clothes hitting the floor and the quite groans over post-mission aches. The bed shifted as Tony settled in beside you, pulling some of the sheets and blankets over him.
Instinctively you pulled yourself over him, straddling his lap and nuzzling your head into the crook of his neck. Your hands traveled to his bare chest, running soft, warm trails down to the sides of his rib cage.
Most nights, especially after missions, the two of you would gravitate to this position. He’d wrap his arms tightly around your torso, pulling you as close to him as humanly possible. Hands would travel until lips would meet, and the night would end with you tangled up in each other, damp with sweat but relieved of every ounce of tension.
This night was different, though. He kept one hand gripping the sheet beside him, while the other hand pinched the bridge of his nose. He was tense beneath you, and his breathing was uneven and stressed, and you immediately took notice.
You trailed soft kisses against his jaw line and down the side of his neck, moving one hand to loosen his grip on the sheet so you could bring his hand to your hip. When his fingers found their place hesitantly on your skin, he shuddered out a deep breath.
“Talk to me,” you whispered, placing the softest kisses to the stubble on his cheek.
“Peter got hurt tonight,” he whispered, his voice cracking under the weight of the words, “he said it didn’t hurt that bad, but I know it did. I’ve been there, I know how it feels, and I put him in that position. It’s all my fault. I’m going to get him killed.”
He broke down with every word, his fingers unconsciously digging harshly into your hip as he held back a sob. You pulled the hand that he kept near his face and kissed his palm delicately before moving it to your other hip. Your face hovered over his, your hair cascading around him on his pillow.
“Give the kid credit, Tony, he’s tougher than you think,” you whispered, “and he’s not dead, so he’s going to be okay.”
Tony kept his eyes shut tightly, still fighting back tears.
“Tony, look at me,” you pleaded softly, nudging his nose delicately with yours.
He slowly opened his eyes and looked up at yours, small tears escaping out between his thick lashes.
“It’s not your fault, it’s the fault of the assholes you were out there fighting. You’re one of the good guys, Tony. Remember that,” you insisted, “Peter would go to the end of the world for you, because he knows you’d do the same for him. We all would. I have, and I’d do it a thousand times again.”
“But what if I can’t stop them? What if I lose him? What if I lose you?” he said through tears, his voice barely louder than a breath, “I can’t lose you…”
“If you lost me or Peter or anyone else, it’d only be because the earth needed saving and that was the only way. But you’re her greatest defender, and she needs you. She’s always going to need you. We’re always going to need you. I’m always going to need you. The only way you’d fail us or lose us is by blaming yourself for something that was necessary.”
“I just can’t lose you, baby,” Tony muttered. His wet eyes held yours while his hands slowly traveled up your sides. When they reached the base of your ribcage, he moved one hand to your face, caressing your jaw softly and trailing his thumb across your bottom lip. The other hand moved along your back, gently pushing you against him, “I can’t lose you.”
Without another breath he ran his hand up into your hair and pulled you to him, crashing his lips into yours. You immediately sunk into his arms, kissing him passionately with every ounce of love you had for him. Without an inch of your body separating from his, he flipped you both over so you were on your back with him hovering over you.
You ran one hand through his hair and used the other to scratch along his shoulder blade, encouraging him closer as he ravished your neck with needy kisses. In minutes he was nudging your legs apart with his knee and pushing the band of his boxers down his hips. He rested on one elbow propped on the pillow beside your head, tangling that hand in your hair near your forehead while he used the other hand to stroke himself. Seconds later he settled between your legs, pulled your panties aside, and sunk into you with a low and desperate moan.
He gave you a moment to adjust to his size, as you normally had to when it’d been a few days since you’d had him. He settled himself gently over top of you, resting both arms beneath yours while you wrapped your arms around his neck. He kissed up your jawline to your lips, and then melted his lips to yours in a slow, tender kiss.
“I’m never letting you go,” he whispered against your lips as he began to slowly move in and out of you, relishing every moan and quiver he elicited from you.
He tended to your every need tenderly and graciously, always finding more enjoyment in your pleasure than his own. But as soon as he knew you were more than satisfied, he wasted no time in finding his own release. He collapsed on top of you, damp with sweat but relieved of every tension. His breath slowed to a steady pace and his shoulders were slouched and relaxed against you.
He shifted until his head was resting on your chest, and you lazily played with his hair as your eyes fluttered shut, ready to sink into a peaceful sleep with him. But just before he gave himself over to the much needed slumber, he listened to your heartbeat and knew that there was nothing in this world that he would ever let take you away from him.
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