giorno-plays-piano · 1 year
Hi, darlings! I've been thinking of cleaning my taglist since it's been ages since I had created it.
Please let me know if you still want to be on my everything taglist. If not, please don't feel pressured, just ignore this post, and I will take your name off the list.
Thank you!
Tags: @finleyjayne @alexakeyloveloki   ​@helenaeisenhower @villanellevi @inlovewiththefictionalcharacters @rosalynshields @sllooney @angrythingstarlight @lookiamtrying @buckysbunny @soleil-dor @stargazingfangirl18 @dillybuggg @literate-lamb @cosicas-cuquis @sarge-barnes-sir @buckybarnesplumwhore @jaysayey @megzdoodle @gotnofucks @lux-ravenwolf @biiskuitx @stupendouslovegardener @yeolliedokai @what-is-your-wish @lou-la-lou @gachawipes133 @eralen @magnificantmermaid
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buckyshenley16 · 4 years
I’ve been staring at buckys new arm for like ten minutes cause there’s apparently a wolf on it aND I CANT SEE IT AND IVE PUT MY GLASSES ON AND EVERYTHING
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peachyteabuck · 3 years
Red and blue! ❤️💙
red - feisty, strong, ambitious
blue - trustworthy, confident, intelligent
thank u thank u 
what color do i give off?
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captainscanadian · 4 years
Omg is it your bday????❤️❤️❤️❤️
It will be, in 3 hours!!! :)
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babyyhoneyydarling · 3 years
Baby sugarpie boo and cupcake? 🥺💞
baby - what makes you feel better when you’re down?
watching something as a distraction, eating my favorite snacks and talking with my lovely moots. also my dog, she’s the best
sugarpie answered here
boo answered here
cupcake answered here
cute nickname asks!!!!
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sunflowersteves · 4 years
CONGRATS ON 500 FOLLOWERS!!!! Can I please claim prompt 15 w Bucky for the challenge?? 🥰🥰🥰💕💕💕💕
THANK YOU BABE!!! 💓💓 yess!! Of course!
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jamie-tartts · 4 years
Hi lovely!!! 😍😍😍😍 can I get a ♡ please? Also where did your beautiful header come from? 🥺💕
♡ blog compliment: your mobile theme is absolutely gorgeous! i love your header so much it’s very pretty, and i love the torn paper effect at the bottom of it. i also love that your colour scheme is pink and white, because that’s my aesthetic for sure lmao! i like that you used a cool font as well in your bio, it gives it character :) your desktop theme is super cute and chic, and i love that you have the same colour scheme there as well! and also, your icon is perfect! :)
p.s: my header came from @remusjonhs!
come celebrate with me!
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harryspet · 2 years
the alpha’s trophy | s.rogers
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[Warnings] dark!alpha!steve rogers x reader, omega!innocent!reader, reader is the last omega, military!steve to the max, non-werewolf a/b/o dynamics, kidnapping, praise kink, agegap, size difference/size kink, spanking, oral sex (female recieving), forced orgasms, omega heat, domestic!steve, my attempt at politics
A/N: This probably should’ve been two parts but oh well! (model is @enchated_noir)
In which you’re the last Omega and Steve’s the most influential Alpha in the country.
word count: 9k 
taglist:  @cherienymphe @lovelynerdytraveler @buckysbunny @hollandsdream @micki-smiles @buckybarnesplumwhore @arts-ismything @saharzek @what-is-your-wish @brattypeony @hermayone @buckysugar @mischiefmanaged011 @visintaes  @watercoolerpaint @disaster-rose @slutforsebstan​ @doozywoozy​  @oneoftheprettynerds @xoxonotme @winterbuckystan1917​ @simpformarvelmenandwoman @hallecarey1​
main masterlist
Your bare feet padded against the wooden floor of Bruce Banner’s downstairs hallway. It was past your bedtime, a strict nine-thirty, but some nights you got curious what the bumbling man got up to at night. His office was on the first floor of his brownstone, with double doors leading to a spacious but paperwork covered room. You made sure to tip toe as you peaked inside, thankful that he was probably too much in a hurry to make sure it was closed. 
Blue holograms surrounded the room, each one representing a living person and almost each you now recognized. When you first met Bruce, you hadn’t realized just how famous he was and it was too late to be cautious of his sad and volatile past. He’d moved past it, he explained to you, and he was gonna help you control your inconvenient gene as well. That’s what the medicine was for. 
Apparently, you had your own inner demon to fight off, “Bruce, all your leads seem to be coming up empty,” That voice was James Rhodes, the Iron Patriot, Tony Stark’s former right hand man, “I’ve spent the last two months combing through mountains in Veracruz using the device and absolutely nothing. Before that, Washington, Montreal, and Savannah. I spent half a year in Cork and never got close to an alert. You’ve been around the world yourself and you still have faith in this thing?”
Bruce always seems grumpy on the mornings after these meetings. He was always the smartest in the room and people could treat him sometimes like he wasn’t, “We have DNA collected from some of the last Omegas that ever existed and we have DNA from perhaps the strongest Alpha in the world. It’s in their chemistry for Alpha’s to find Omega’s and the device is able to completely, although artificially, utilize that ability. It’s a science. A science I have mastered. The problem isn’t with the device.”
“Then what is the problem, Bruce?” Bucky Barnes, you recognized that voice too. He’s the one who gives Bruce the most headaches. You could also recognize him by the energy he gave off, energy you could feel even through the hologram. 
“The problem is simply that this crisis is worse than we feared. We haven’t come across an Omega yet because there are most likely less than ten of them left on this entire planet. If that.”
You couldn’t help the gasp that left your lips and Bruce turned around, meeting your eyes for a second before pretending that he hadn’t noticed you. He didn’t want them to know you were there for some reason. 
“He won’t take that as an answer,” Bucky responded and you leaned in closer, gently placing your hand on the knob. You knew Bruce would be angry but you cared more for hearing the rest of the conversation, “If there is even one left, he wants them, and he won’t stop searching. Even if it is a one in a seven billion chance, Dr. Banner.”
Bruce leaned against his desk, his arms crossed in front of him as he blew out a sigh, “There’s always an evolutionary reason for things like this. They weren’t snapped away, they slowly stopped being born and they died out. Tell Steve this or not, I don’t care, but it seems the universe is telling us to move on. Alphas will mate with Betas and Betas will mate with those who are not ranked. The world goes on.”
Bruce interrupts Rhodes, “Hey, maybe ask Captain Marvel if she’ll fly you an alien omega from another planet,”  The scientist didn’t let the two men get anything out before pressing a button on his computer that ended the call. 
You took a step back, wondering if you could make a dash upstairs and avoid his wrath, “Don’t,” You heard his voice on the other side of the door before one of the double doors swung open. 
You took a breath, “Hi,” You whispered. 
“Hi,” Bruce seemed to smile even though he really didn’t want to. He looked down at your small figure, deciding that, like usual, he just couldn’t get truly angry at you. Although he was a Beta and completely outranked you, he never treated you that way, “I thought you were fast asleep.”
“I was…” You tiptoed around the truth. “I couldn’t sleep and … you never talk much about the stuff you do.”
“You’re curious,” Bruce placed his hand on your shoulders, a comforting and warm feeling flowed through, as he slowly turned you in the direction of the kitchen, “I suppose I can’t blame you for that. You know what always helps me sleep?”
You perked up, looking over your shoulder at him, “Milk and cookies?”
“Milk and cookies,” He nodded in agreement, leading you into the small kitchen. All the appliances were on one side, a wooden dining table on the other, with a view of Bruce’s tiny yard. There was a small garden outside though all the plants were dead since Bruce was often too busy and not home enough. You wished you could tend to it but you weren’t allowed outside. 
You watched as he retrieved the store-bought cookies from the freezer and you helped him separate them on the pan, “I assume you heard a lot of my conversation.”
“A little,” You shrugged.
“Y/N,” He warned, “C’mon, what are you thinking?”
“That I’ve never …met an Alpha before,” You spoke honestly.
“Well, they’re getting rare these days as well. I suppose that’s a good thing that there’s less ego. If you’re lucky, you’ll never meet one.”
You nodded although you still had questions, “But why exactly can’t I meet one?”
Bruce was quiet for a moment, like he suddenly realized how delicate this topic was, “Alphas and Omegas are a natural pair but Omegas are outnumbered. Too outnumbered.”
“You said that there are probably less than ten of us,” You remembered, “Did you mean that?”
“Yes,” Bruce spoked quickly, “But it’s an estimate. It’s been thirty years since anyone has seen a living Omega.”
“But I’m not the last one, right?” You asked, “You could find another? Why don’t you use me to help? I could help.”
“Y/N,” Bruce said, snapping you from your delusions, “It’s a miracle I found you. A complete miracle. And I promised your Grandmother that I wouldn’t experiment on you, that’s the last thing that she wanted. In the wrong person’s hands, that’s exactly what you’d be. She wanted you protected.”
You weren’t sure exactly how you should feel. You had no idea you could be more isolated. It was all you had known. You spent the first eighteen years of your life with Nana and then the next three with Bruce. You’d never gone to a real school or had real friends and yet this was the first time you were truly alone. You were one of the last ones left. There was no one out there to truly understand you. 
The two of you sat at the dining table after the cookies cooled off, your legs tucked beneath you, as you leaned over your plate, “Why do you lie to your friends on the blue computer things?”
“I used to call a lot of people my friends. Now things are different and I just don’t agree with the things they stand for anymore.”
“So why do you talk to them?”
“They’re connected to an important person. I can’t really afford to be on their bad side.”
“The man who’s looking for someone like me?” You pressed further.
Bruce hadn’t realized you comprehended so much and he noted that he would have to start taking his meetings elsewhere. Bruce dipped his last cookie in his glass, eating the whole thing in one bite before dusting off his hands, “I think that’s enough for tonight. You won’t be able to sleep with so much on your mind.”
“There’s already so much to think about,” You whined, “I can handle it, I promise. Besides, who am I gonna talk to about it?”
“That’s enough for tonight,” Bruce spoke firmly, “We both could use some rest.”
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Once you found sleep it was relatively peaceful but you were jolted awake by your blanket being ripped from on top of you. You didn’t realize your heart could beat so fast and you were immediately angry at Bruce who had scared you within an inch of your life, “Get up,” He spoke aggressively, “Put your things in this. Pack only the things you need.”
He tossed you a black backpack that you had a feeling would not fit enough of your precious knick knacks that you’d acquired over the past few years. You threw your legs over the side of the bed, “W-What’s wrong?” You asked as he made his way to the door, “Bruce!”
“We’ve been here too long, Y/N,” He ran his fingers through his hair, his voice losing breath, “I’m taking you somewhere safe. I-It’s, uhm, everything’s fine. Just pack up and come downstairs.”
You did as he said, grabbing a maroon sweater to drape over your nightgown before grabbing more clothing items to put in the bag. You decided on one stuffed animal, a squishy version of a panda bear, before grabbing a few toiletries from your bathroom including your white pills. 
You slipped on a pair of black boots, strapped on the backpack, and hurried your way down the stairs. This moment felt exactly how it did when your Nana’s heart gave out and Bruce was whisking you away to a land you’d never been before. 
“Bruce, I’m ready,” You hurried to the bottom of the stairs only to see a gun being pointed at the side of Bruce’s head. The man holding the gun was dressed in black, an arrow strapped to his back, and intricate tattoos decorating his arm. There was another man with dark skin who’s determined look seemed to be replaced by a dropped jaw at the sight of me, “Bruce.”
“God almighty,” The man with the gun spoke, taking me in. Bruce gave you a panicked look and for the first time it seemed like he didn’t have a plan. You did the only thing you could think to do. You turned on your heel and ran back up the stairs, “Go, Sam.”
You made it back to your bedroom, locking it behind you as you ran to your window. There was a pounding at the door but it wasn’t louder than the pounding in your ears. You manage to get it open before your door is completely broken down. You were halfway onto the landing before you were wrapped in strong arms and yanked back inside. You dug your nails into the man until he groaned in pain but he never let you go.
As your hands desperately grabbed at the stair railing, you heard a deafening sound from too close nearby. Sam hurried down the stairs with you in his arms and he finally let you go when he reached the bottom, “W-What did you do?” You scrambled to your feet, looking over the couch to see Bruce on the floor, the carpet around his head soaking with blood.
“Resisting arrest by a government official,” The man declared and you felt your knees give out beneath you.
“She doesn’t smell like one, Clint,” Sam commented. 
“He’s probably been feeding her suppressants. Makes sense why we haven’t had a lead in years,” They spoke about you like you were an object and perhaps that’s what you were, “Cuff her, let’s go.”
You didn’t resist as your arms were pulled behind your back and a black sack was hauled over your head. It’s like your body wanted to shut down, to free you from the terror in your mind, and you could barely feel a thing as you were led outside. It was the first time you’d truly been outside for years and you couldn’t even feel the sun on your skin. 
You could hear the roaring sound of a large engine and you were lifted inside before a door was slammed shut. You couldn’t tell if you were alive. You told yourself to breathe but breathing led to hyperventilating. There was not enough air in your lungs nor inside the hood over your head and the oxygen ran out soon and your thoughts trailed off to nowhere. 
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Steve and Bucky sat side by side in the back of the armored vehicle. Fort Lehigh was their destination, newly revamped in Steve’s honor and now the largest army base in the country. Bucky handed Steve a phone displaying a live feed of your room. 
His first impression of you was how small you were and how you looked even smaller due to the fact that you were curled up tightly in a ball. The bed wasn’t small and you didn’t seem to lack any blankets, you were just seeking comfort within your own skin. 
“How long has she been off the suppressants?” Steve asked, concern laced in his tone that he would only show to his closest friend. 
“Almost 72 hours,” Bucky answered.
“And no one has been allowed near her?”
“No, only the unranked, just like you asked. I doubt anyone will make a move against you, they know where your eyes are set.”
“Still, it’ll be hard for any Alpha to resist her when she fully presents as an Omega. I need to make an offer to Capitol Hill.”
After Tony Stark’s death and Thanos’s defeat, Steve became even more of a symbol. Now, he was the highest ranking American soldier and had more political influence than any politician, “They’ll be touted as heroes for giving the last Omega to their most respected soldier.”
“But they’ll still want something to line their pockets,” Steve said, looking down at the small screen. You still hadn’t moved and Steve wondered how much they scared you during the retrieval. Steve cleared his throat, handing the phone back over. The car was getting closer to the center of the base and he’d be face to face with you soon. He adjusted the front of his suit, a darker version of the usual red, white and blue, “Whatever they ask, make sure they get it.”
“Aye, aye.”
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The room barely had any blankets or pillows. One pillow and one blanket. You were completely freezing and all you wanted to do was be under a mountain of blankets and stuffed animals. There were no stuffed animals either and you’d probably never see your old ones again. And fuzzy socks. No fuzzy socks. This place was a complete prison. 
In a panic you rearranged the room, moving the mattress beneath the bed and laying the blanket on top to create a tent. They never turned the lights off here either so the time of day was lost on you. 
The door to your cell creaked open and you assumed someone was here to drop off food but an extremely deep voice said your name. The name vibrated through you, widening your eyes, and raising every hair on your body. It felt as if you were hearing it for the first time. 
You didn’t move but the door closed and the footsteps became louder. His smell enveloped the room, warm and woodsy, like tobacco leaf and vanilla. You completely felt him before you saw him. You could picture him as everything about him had already invaded your every sense. 
He kneeled down, lifting the blanket that was shielding you in your tent. It was like a scary movie, the murderous villain finally shows him face, only to be extremely handsome. You were still frightened nonetheless. He scanned you fully examining you like one of his missions.  
Steve Rogers. 
You were surprised when he let the blanket fall and let you be enveloped by darkness once again. His footsteps faded and the cell door opened, “She needs blankets. Soft things. Find whatever you can. And kill the lights at night, no one can sleep that way. Understand?”
“Sir, yes, sir.”
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Steve was right. You weren’t tucked away under the bed anymore, you were gathering everything soft they’d given you and creating an intricate nest on the floor. Every pillow was arranged perfectly, contorting to the shape of your body as you finally slept peacefully.
“These young kids have never even seen a young Omega in their lifetime. I didn’t realize they’d have no idea how to care for one,” Steve stood beside Bucky, watching you through the two way mirror. 
“It’s a shame,” Bucky shook his head, “I remember when we were younger and we thought you’d turn out to be an Omega.”
Steve smiled, “I proved myself, didn’t I?”
“You sure did,” Bucky nodded, “She could turn out to be something great too. A symbol, I mean. People think the reason we lost so many Omegas is because of how corrupt our society has become. You two … you could represent a transition back to good, American values.”
Steve couldn’t even admit how much the idea of that excited him, “I’ve let you hang around too many politicians.”
“I’m Mr. America, Cap’s Best Friend. Don’t forget that,” Bucky nudged him, “What’s stopping you from just taking her and running?”
“I’m gonna do this right,” Steve responded, “And the suppressants haven’t worn off, I want to be absolutely certain of what she is. Besides that, I’m making other preparations. Everything will eventually go public and people will either want to sell her or experiment on her. I need a safehouse, one much better than Banner’s.”
“What was he thinking?” Bucky asked in disbelief. He was the one who spotted you during the meeting. You were the eyes peeking through the door of Banner’s office.
Steve knew exactly what happened, “He was still trying to be the good guy.” Years ago, he would’ve done the same. 
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The next time Steve visited your room, you were less on edge but your body was starting to drive you crazy. You had random crying fits even when you weren’t sad and moments where it felt like your blood was on fire. The only thing that soothed you was your pile of soft things. 
He leaned against the wall, arms folded in front of him, like a guard, “You had him killed.”
Steve shook his head, “No,” He also didn’t send Clint and Sam there with orders to take him peacefully, “But I’m sorry for your loss.”
You didn’t believe him, that was clear, “He was your friend before he knew me.”
“When you get older, you’ll understand friends often grow apart,” That was something Bruce would’ve said to you. 
“And I guess I’ll make friends one day from inside the box I’m forced to live in,” You responded, playing with the fringe on a teal blanket.
“You won’t feel trapped for long.”
Next he was gonna say you’ll have plenty of space to roam, like you were an animal, “You’re the man who was looking for someone like me?”
“I’ve been looking for you, Y/N,” You sucked in a breath, “And as my luck would have it, you’re here.”
“What do you want to use me for?”
The captain’s eyes seemed to narrow on you, “What do you think I would like to use you for?”
He was toying with you and you wished you weren’t in such a low position compared to him, “Bruce said bad people would want to experiment on me. He said I was one of the last ones.”
“You are the last Omega, honey,” Steve pushed away from the wall, stalking closer, “And just like Bruce, I don’t want you to be an experiment either.”
“But … you won’t give me my pills.”
“Those pills repress the most special part of you. That’s the part I’m interested in,” Steve crouched down, getting closer to eye level with you, “You don’t know much about yourself, do you?”
You glared at him, and you were angered at what he seemed to be implying. Yes, you were younger and less experienced but you were not stupid. Anger was soon replaced by a new feeling as his eyes settled on your lips. You stood up from the mattress, crossing the room to create more distance.
“What if I don’t want to go with you?”
Steve hung his head for a moment and you could tell that was not the reaction he wanted. He stood next, and you realized just how much bigger he was than you. You were a third of him, his shadow immediately draping over you, a wall of muscle you could barely see past.
“I know that coming off the suppressants is making you feel weird . . . emotional, even, but it’ll pass. You’ll feel normal-”
“I-I’m emotional because you . . . y-you killed my friend and I’m stuck here!” You were surprised you raised your voice but you needed him to hear you. Your voice was smaller than his and your voiced seemed to bounce right off of him and crumble to the floor. Still, your frustrations flowed out, “I don’t know you, I don’t know where I am, and everything here tastes like … l-like cardboard! None of my clothes are here, my panda is gone, and there’s no bad reality television to watch!” 
Steve smiled, “Keep going, sweetheart.”
You had the urge to scream but you clenched your fist instead. Steve watched as you began to pace, “This is what I was warned about. Those pills keep me from being w-weak . . . a-and crazy and I’m not supposed to be like this,” Tears stung your eyes before they fell down your cheeks, “I'm not supposed to be here with you.”
“Come here, Y/N,” Your body went rigid as his voice shivered through you. You looked up at him in shock as it wasn’t you who was in control of your movements, “Come closer.”
He’d changed his voice, it had the same deepness but it was now dripping in influence. Control. 
A test. 
You tried to shake your head but couldn’t. You were still upset, your throat still tight from the crying, and you felt the lack of control was gonna make your mood worsen. 
“Y/N,” He tried again and you actively fought it. 
“No,” You struggled to say, your voice a whimper, “Please.” 
Now, you were desperate. Steve liked that word on your lips and he liked those tear stained cheeks more than he’d probably admit. 
“Come,” He ordered again and your body moved towards its Master, “That’s it, good Omega. Good girl.”
Instinctively, your arms wrapped around him and your head rested on his chest. A switch flipped inside you as you were enveloped in his warmth and a part of you seemed to roar awake as his large hands pet the curls atop your head. Your worries faded, your heartbeat evened out, and the flame beneath your skin was extinguished. 
It was euphoric. 
Steve went into the ice unmated, and once he awoke, all the Omegas were gone. Something shifted within him as well and even he marveled at how quickly nature took its course. The sound of his voice was enough to quell your tantrum. All you needed was to be reminded of your place. You’d have him to guide you and to protect you. Steve would make sure you wanted for nothing. 
When you pulled away from his embrace, your hands roamed cautiously over his uniform, feeling every divet and wanting desperately to feel his skin. Your smaller hand grabbed his, your doe eyes staring up at him. What were the chances that the last Omega in the world would be this beautiful?
Steve was curious about your next movements as you led him over to your makeshift bed. You pointed down to the bed, expecting him to understand but he was left guessing, “You want me to lie down, honey?”
You nodded, the relaxed daze you were in had left you speechless. Steve did as you wanted, wondering how it was that he was taking the orders now. Normal, non-hypnotized you, would’ve found it funny watching the monster of a man lay there on a twin sized mattress. Now, all you wanted was to be protected in his embrace. You kept your hand in his, laying down right next to him. 
Next, you closed your eyes and found the coziest dreamland. 
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Two days later, the scientists on the base declared that it was likely that the suppressants were no longer in your system. You were at your most natural state but it couldn’t feel much more foreign than it did. Steve was wrong, the emotional fits continued but now it was due to the fact that he’d left you alone, clinging to a pillow that still smelt like him. You missed him and hated that you missed him. 
That morning, your breakfast arrived as well as a stack of folded clothes. You knew it was a sign that you were leaving the room but that brought new fears you hadn’t even considered. You were trading this prison for another but there had to be some way out. Steve couldn’t possibly have everything figured out. But what if he did? And he’d overpower you easily so what was there left to do.
You were beginning to think it might be better to be a science experiment rather than his puppet. 
The clothing provided was a pink, floral, knee-length dress and a clean pair of white sneakers. Undergarments were provided, of course, but you wondered if Steve had a hand in picking those. Before you could stop yourself, you brought the dress to your nose, needing to know if he had touched them. 
You sensed no trace of him and immediately felt embarrassed that you desired him. That emotion turned to anger and you decided that you wanted to stay a little longer in the white box. You tossed the clothes to the side, focusing on fueling yourself instead. When your food was done, you stared at the two way mirror, a scowl on your face, and you hoped Steve was on the other side. 
The door opened again thirty minutes later and you were fully prepared for Steve but a woman entered instead, unranked, and dressed like a lawyer. She smiled at you, her dark hair tucked neatly in a bun behind her hair, as she closed the door behind her, “Y/N, I’m Maria Hill, It’s nice to meet you.”
You scanned her over, unable to even truly imagine how disheveled you must look in comparison to her. She glances quickly over to the clothes that are tossed to the side of the room. “Where’s Steve?”
“He’s going to meet us at our next location but don’t even worry about him, think of me as your advocate. I’m going to explain all the legal jargon so it’s not-”
“Legal?” Your eyebrows raised, “Where are we going?”
“Washington, D.C.,” She said, “A senate subcommittee meeting is being held concerning your … well-being.”
You shook your head, “I don’t understand. W-Why does the Senate care about me? Do lots of people know about me? How many?”
“As of this morning, the world knows,” She spoke, although her eyes said that she knew she was delivering devastating news, “Our government has a duty to protect you, Y/N. They’re deciding the next steps they need to make in order to ensure your safety.”
“I’m safe here,” You rushed out, panic beginning to set in, “Just let me stay here. I-I don’t want to go anywhere else.”
“Listen, I know this is frightening but this is your chance to ensure your own freedom,” That snapped you from the fog of anxiety, “You can show them who you are, that you’re your own person with feelings and needs. You can say whatever you want to them. This isn’t the 50’s anymore, the only thing they want to force you to do is to stay alive.”
You swallowed. 
You weren’t even sure who you were and you weren't even sure you could even think of words to describe yourself that didn’t seem juvenile. Steve had the upper hand in that arena as well. You didn’t know him well but you could tell he was sure of himself. 
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You stayed close to Maria the entire time, during the helicopter ride and the car ride to the Capital. As you got closer, you saw thousands of people lined up on the street just to see the line of black limos pass by. There was no hiding it, the world knew your name and there was no hiding your scent. 
A group of eight Secret Service agents surrounded you the entire time, up the white steps and into the prestigious building. You couldn’t see much past them. You could only hear the roar of a crowd and the snapping of pictures. 
Once you were inside, the agents parted only to let someone into you and Maria’s bubble. You hadn’t seen Steve since you’d cuddle up to him in bed and you didn't realize you’d feel the same euphoria as before just by being a foot away from him. You kept your hands to your side, resisting any desire to reach out and grab him, “You look beautiful, sweetheart,'' was the first thing he said. You could say the same as he was dressed in a fancy black suit, his lapel decorated with several different medals of honor. 
Your lips parted although no words left them. That made him smirk. 
“You’re not nervous, are you?”
You shook your head quickly.
“Good,” He stated, “There’s no need to be nervous when I’ll be there, understand?”
You nodded, feeling like a puppet.
“Tell me you understand, honey.”
“I . . . I understand,” You found your voice and you gave Maria a suspecting look which Steve seemed to notice.
“Is that all, Captain?” Maria asked, “The meeting is starting soon.”
“Yes,” He leaned down to whisper in your ear in that life-shaking, influencing tone, “You’re mine.” 
The pictures didn’t stop even as you entered the meeting room. The room was huge with wood walls and expensive looking golden fixtures everywhere. The group of 12 senators sat in a half circle behind a curved wooden desk, elevated a few feet from the crowd. You walked with Maria past several rows of pews filled with people. There wasn’t enough room for everyone to sit, leaving reporters and photographers standing on the sides of the room, snapping pictures, and calling out your name in order to get your take on the situation. 
The room felt airless and it made it even worse that you felt you were moving in quicksand. Maria was keeping you upright, tethering you to the planet you mentally felt so far away from, leading you to the second table placed in front of the congress members. When you sat beside her, you wanted to stop yourself from looking behind you but you couldn’t help herself. Like you expected, everyone’s attention was locked on you. From all angles, there was no way you could escape it. 
Your eyes met Steve’s who was sitting in the adjacent table to yours, right next to Bucky Barnes. You realized that Steve was going to be a voice in this matter, most likely arguing against whatever you wanted for yourself.  
With your feet dangling above the group in the large chair, it was hard to think the two of you were on the same level.
The meeting had started but you felt outside your body and you realized you were only staring instead of listening. Everything seemed to get quiet and you were suddenly back in your body. You had no idea how long it had been since you sat down or why everyone seemed to be waiting. 
Maria squeezed your hand which was sweaty and resting on the table in front of you. She leaned over to say, “Senator Ochoa addressed you,” She gave you a reassuring smile, “She wants you to introduce yourself and talk about how you ended up here today. Just stand and share what you’re comfortable with.”
You didn’t know you’d have to stand to speak and you were almost considering falling over and faking a heart attack. Steadying yourself on shaking legs, you suddenly realized you had no idea who that senator was. You scanned their nameplates, your eyes landing on a brown skinned woman with straight white hair. 
You were suddenly aware it had been an uncomfortable amount of silence since someone last spoke. Still, you were getting up the courage, deciding to focus on the woman as a way to not focus on the hundred of people whose eyes were on you, “Hi … I’m Y/N … Y/L/N-” Already there were whispers and you looked down at Maria who was urging you to continue, “I-I didn’t know I was coming here today and I’ve . . . never even been in a room with more than 3 people until now. The past few days have probably been the worst of my life but . . . before that, I grew up with my grandmother. She protected me and she homeschool me for my entire life. When she died, Dr. Banner took me in-”
Everyone was in tune to every word you said, like your life was the most interesting thing in the world. Truthfully, your life still wasn’t important in the grand scheme of things and you disliked the seriousness people were now assigning it. 
“He kept me safe and loved me like his own. He was . . .” You held in your tears but your eyes still watered, “He was murdered by one of your government officials and now I’m here. That’s my life, Congresswoman.”
She addressed you again, “Thank you, Miss Y/L/N. We’re all aware this environment is abnormal for you, that’s why we had Agent Hill help represent you today. Please feel free to ask questions if you don’t understand something,” You nodded, “If I may continue, in the official report, it says that Dr. Banner pulled a knife on Agent Barton. You mentioned that he kept you safe. Would it be safe to say that he would kill for you?”
“I didn’t know him as a killer, and I was there, I know for a fact that he didn’t try to hurt Agent Barton. There was a gun pointed to his head-” You tried to control your tone, not wanting to come off as angry, although that was all you felt when you thought about how he died, “No, he wouldn’t have.”
Another Senator spoke up, “Miss Y/L/N, isn’t it true that Dr. Banner didn’t clue you in to much of his business? Did you know that he had sold the government fake tracking devices and was sending our agents on wild goose chases around the world?”
“Well …” You couldn’t lie, especially around this many people, “I didn’t know that exactly. I did know that Omegas were being searched for and that . . and that-”
“Did you or did you not know the device was fake, Miss Y/LN?”
You looked down at Maria and she simply told you to be honest, “No, I didn’t.”
You were asked a few more questions and the only thing the Senators seemed to learn was that you knew nothing at all. When it seemed they were getting nowhere with me, they moved to Steve, and many of the Senator’s eyes seemed to light up when the hundred year old man began to speak.
“The matter of today is not to determine the cause of Dr. Banner’s death nor is it meant to decide his intentions. Whether we believe he was right or wrong, the law was broken. It was established years ago, that any Omega must be turned over to authorities,” Steve was confident and precise, “Of course, we’ve never had to actually deal with that possible issue until now. There’s no point in wasting time. We’ll need a plan to keep Miss Y/L/N safe and then procedures in place in case another Omega is found. Miss Y/L/N’s surfacing gives hope for a promising future but we can’t deny that her presence will bring challenges.”
The conversation shifted to one that you no longer felt a part of. 
“What’s a sure way that an Omega remains protected?” One Senator asked. 
“A mate,” Another one answered. 
“Are you suggesting the government play matchmaker?” Senator Ochoa seemed to be one of the few not under Steve’s influence. 
“As Captain Rogers said before, Senator, a sole Omega will attract much unwanted attention. Having a mate, a physical bond, would provide the most protection,” You could feel Steve’s eyes on you although you couldn’t face him. You worried he’d gain the ability to control you with his eyes next.
You watched as a debate began between the Senators, some calling it blasphemous but too many suggestions involved sacrificing self interest for the greater good. You turned to Maria who seemed surprised by the direction of the conversation as well. She stood next and you mentally let out a breath of relief as you weren’t sure you could eloquently get your point across, “It must be her own choice of who her mate should be. Arranged matings are not the sort of precedent we want to set in this country.”
“I’m afraid this precedent has already been set, Agent Hill,” Senator Brinkley chimed in, “With the decline in new Omegas during the 60’s, arranged matings were very common and even arranged by local governments. I urge Miss Y/L/N to consider the incentives we’d be required to provide her for her trouble.”
“Her trouble? Money is not something that would compensate for any sort of emotional distress.”
“That’s a bit dramatic, don’t you think? Ranked humans are meant to have mates. Omegas are born to be paired with Alphas. It’s in all of our natures.”
You saw Maria running into a dead end and your anxiety grew worse, “I hadn’t realized this was an ambush. I am moving that we schedule another meeting a few days from now. That way we can have more time-”
“Time is of the essence, Agent Hill,” Steve interrupted. 
“Captain Rogers is correct,” Senator Neal, the subcommittee chairman, made his final declaration, “We can arrange another meeting soon but the problem at hand must have a solution for now. We simply cannot take the chance of losing our last Omega. For the time being, Miss Y/L/N will be turned over to Captain Steve Rogers. As our most decorated military member and one of our highest ranking Alphas, I believe she’ll be in great care.” 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t know-” You heard Maria say before you tuned out the world around you. 
Being one of the few Omegas, you thought you might be treated as less than but until now you hadn’t realized how true that would be. It was stupid to let the crowds and reporters fool you. They were watching you like an animal in the zoo because that’s exactly what you were now. 
When you tuned in again, a calloused hand had wrapped around your tiny one and you were standing in front of a flock of reporters. You looked up at Steve and he had the same confidence and seriousness in his look as he spoke to them. He’d probably have no problem convincing the public that this was the right choice. 
You had to walk fast to keep up with him. Maria was gone, you weren’t sure when you had lost her, but now you were surrounded by even more people that you didn’t know. At some point you were sitting in a car listening to Steve talk on the phone to what sounded like a news outlet. Then at another point you were being pulled out of a car and lifted into strong arms. You supposed Steve had gotten tired of your short legs. 
It was loud on the asphalt, you heard the whirring sound of the engine as you were carried closer to it. Your legs were wrapped around his waist, your head tilted into the side of his neck as you inhaled the most enticing scent, “The hard part is over, honey. You can relax now.” 
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You ran to what you hoped was the bathroom once you awoke and saw that you were on TV. Your eyes were closed as you wretched but you could still see a scared little girl standing shyly next to the strongest soldier in the world. Why did you let him whisk you away when you could’ve stood up for yourself? Why could you not think for yourself at all when you touched him? 
When you finished vomiting into the toilet, you made your way over to the sink, and you saw a figure standing behind you as your eyes first opened again, “Your toothbrush is in the first drawer to the right. All your things are on the right side, mine on the left. The closets are organized the same way.” You opened the door and surely there was a pink, electric toothbrush. 
You truly got a chance to look at the bathroom which had tall ceilings, a fancy shower, his and hers sinks, and the impossibly clean mirror in front of you, “I don’t have any clothes,” You countered, adding toothpaste to the tip.
“I had a few things brought from Banner’s house and I had more purchased for you.”
You shifted, not having expected he would go as far to get you clothes you’d actually be comfortable in. You didn’t let that ease you, your stomach still feeling unsettled as you began to brush your teeth. Steve’s eyes stayed on you, watching you as if you might dust away at any moment. 
“I know it was scary being seen by all those people,” Steve said, leaning in the bathroom doorway. He almost looked unfamiliar in a black t-shirt and black sweatpants, “You represent something good, that’s all, that’s why people care so much.”
You spit the contents in your mouth into the sink, wiping your mouth as you turn off the water, “You knew how it would affect me but you caused it. Maria said that yesterday–”
“Two days ago, you’ve been asleep for awhile,” He corrected you. Your brows furrowed and you finally noticed the clothes you were wearing. A men’s plaid button up that went all the way down to your knees. 
You couldn’t possibly have slept for two days, “You keep using your stupid Alpha voice on me and now I’m losing track of time. The last thing I remember was getting on the plane. I feel like I’m losing my mind,” Your eyes were wide, panic setting in again.
“Y/N, you fell asleep because your body was exhausted and my touch allows for it to relax. You’re not losing your mind, I promise, just learning more about yourself.”
It didn’t make sense. You had no idea that Alpha’s had that power over Omegas, “That doesn’t change what you did. Maria said that the meeting was an ambush. You planned it. You knew what decision they were going to make.”
“Yes,” Steve nodded, “I pushed them in the correct direction.”
You shook your head, “I’d rather be back in the white box than here with you. I’d rather even be where Bruce is now. I hope you know that. Whatever little voice you use, or whoever I turn into when you touch me, that’s not who I am. I hate you.”
You were surprised to see him falter, to see anger threaten to show on his features, and you realized the noble man wasn’t always so stoic. 
He straightened himself, his arms still crossed across his chest as he came closer, “I don’t need to use my voice to control you, Y/N. And my voice is not going to be the reason that you’ll do exactly as I say from now on. Would you rather my touch be unkind to you? I can bend you over my lap and show you how unkind I can be. Do you under-��
You caught him by surprise again as you made a break for it, running around him and through the master bedroom. He was stronger but you were much smaller. You couldn’t outrun him but you could exercise what little control you had left. 
With tears stinging your eyes, your bare feet padded down a long wooden hallway until arriving at a staircase. Steve wasn’t running but you could hear his heavy steps behind you. You felt you were running through a museum as you began to look around at the decor. You were surrounded by traditional fixtures, moody colors, and a whole lot of war memorabilia. 
At the end of the stairs, you saw the front door and ran to turn the knob though it did not budge. You looked through the sidelights, noting that the home you were in was in the middle of a cul de sac and you saw rows of identical looking houses all the way in the distance.
 “Y/N!” You kept moving. Steve sounded more annoyed than angry now as he followed you through the kitchen’s swinging doors. You stopped in your tracks, meeting eyes with three people, a woman who was cutting vegetables on a cutting board, a woman who was wiping down a dining table, and a young guy in overalls installing something near the back door.”
You felt Steve’s hand on your shoulder, “Sorry, guys. Y/N desperately wanted a tour. Y/N, this is our chef, Cynthia. Our housekeeper, Amy. And Andrew is taking care of some things around the house, helping us get settled in.”
It looked like he was installing a similar security device to the back door. 
It was your turn to say something as both Amy and Cynthia gave you warm smiles. The only thoughts crossing your mind pertained to Steve’s hands on your shoulder, “Will you both be having lunch in the dining room?” Cynthia asked.
“No, just have it sent up in about … an hour,” Steve responded, “Thank you.”
Steve was leading you out of the kitchen and, as soon as you were out of their sites, you were thrown over his shoulder. You expected a cool remark but Steve was quiet as he carried you back up to the room. 
He set you on your feet, only to keep his promise by bending you over his lap. He’d sat at the edge of the bed, pinning your arms to your side as he held your body as close as possible. He only had to lift the shirt a small bit to completely expose your body.
“Cynthia and Amy will help us for our first weeks together. Your first real heat will come soon and we’ll need to be together, they’ll be able to keep the house together,” You squirmed as his fingers caressed the back of your thighs, threatening to dip into the gap between your parted legs, “When your heat is much more managed, or when your belly wells up with my child, you’ll take on those duties of maintaining the house. A military base is not where I want us to live forever but it will do for the time being.”
He’d thought all of this over, most likely in great detail, he’d had a chance to process it and he expected that you’d do the same. Still, he gave you little time to panic over that impending doom as he began to lay hard slaps against the bare skin of your bottom. 
You screamed, thinking that maybe one of the people downstairs would come to your aid but your hopes weren’t high for long, “Please!” You begged, although you soon grew embarrassed by your own crying, letting the comforting muffle your voice. You didn’t want anyone to rescue you. You didn’t want anyone to know you’d been spanked like a disobedient child as an adult. 
“Tell me you’ll be good for me, baby.”
There was no Alpha voice and there was even a sweet mention of a pet name yet this was the most threatened you felt to obey. 
“Yes! O-Okay,” You stuttered, choking on a cough.
“Repeat it back to me, Y/N.”
“I’ll b-be good for you, S-Steve,” You could finally catch your breath when he stopped. When he stopped, you didn’t even move yourself, you didn’t even attempt to cover yourself. Steve was the one who lifted you, laying you gently at the edge of the bed with your bottom up.
You laid there motionless, hearing Steve walk away to the bathroom, but your eyes were fixed on the master bedroom door. This would be a bigger cage and you doubted that you wouldn’t feel trapped here like Steve had promised. 
The bed dipped beside you and you cringed and squirmed as you felt his hand on your bottom again. He shushed you, holding your upper arm to keep you in place as he lotioned a cool substance over the raw skin. 
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Steve wiped your tears, pushing the hair from your face in order to admire you more closely. You looked even more beautiful with your wet stained cheeks and he loved the way your eyelashes laid against your cheeks when your eyes were closed. 
“Please don’t do that again,” Steve heard you whisper. He grabbed your chin and your eyes fluttered open again. You looked at him in a way he hadn’t noticed before, like you were seeing him for the first time. 
Steve didn’t want to argue with you anymore, knowing he could get his point across more clearly with you when he was physical. He brought his lips toward your hesitant ones. Steve knew you wouldn’t pull away, your body wouldn’t let you run away from that sort of pleasure, and he deepened it further. 
This wasn’t his first kiss since the 40’s but it sure felt like something new. Steve held your hips and he could sense you get overwhelmed by your wandering hands. He wanted to feel all of you although he knew he’d have to avoid your bottom after his cruel handiwork. He caressed your back, your thighs, and made his way to the back of your neck. He held you in his strong grip, keeping your lips tight against his as he moved his against yours. 
His stubble brushed against your skin, tickling you as his lips moved to your neck. 
Steve kissed and sucked on your neck and moans and mewls fell from your lips. Steve could tell you were extra sensitive there and it sparked his curiosity. He made it his new mission to find the most sensitive parts of your body, the ones that made your body writhe with pleasure, and one day he’d torture you slowly by focusing on each one. 
Steve had to feel between your legs, had to taste and smell you. You were to be his mate, he was the only one to have you in this way, and he’d relish every moment of your first time. He teased your clit with his pointer finger. You closed your legs, an attempt to hide away but he was stronger, “Give yourself to me,” He rasped against your throat, “Or I’ll take it.”
You were already soaking the comforter and Steve heard your words becoming practically incoherent, “I … please … I …so-so … “
Steve pressed your front into the mattress, deciding to take his place behind you, his commanding hands lifting your hips into the air. Your ass was still sore and Steve could feel your fear that he would hurt you again but all you felt was the lips that were just on yours dipping between your legs. He lapped at you furiously, his tongue dipping inside you, licking up and down before it swirled around your sensitive bud.
You moaned into the comforter and Steve rubbed his hard member through his sweatpants. Normally, he might’ve kissed you longer, massaged you longer, or waited until you had a few more orgasms against his tongue but he had to be inside his little Omega. 
After he gave you your first orgasm, Steve revealed his cock, wasting no time sheathing himself inside of you. 
It felt right, although your body was so much smaller, it was the perfect fit. You’d never done this before but your body was ready, you accepted him with a little bit of easing, “There you go, honey, you’re doing so good,” Your head turned to the side, Steve watched your eyes roll back as he went deep inside of you. 
He slowly pressed your hips back down against the mattress, moving in and out of you with ease. He felt every time you tightened around his cock, your body releasing all the tension beneath your skin. Steve removed his t-shirt, beginning to break a sweat although he still had a lot left within him.
“Does that feel good, baby?” He asked, going harder. 
“Don’t stop,” Was your response which made him smile.
“Ask me politely,” Steve slowed his pace, teasing you.
“Please don’t stop,” You spoke quickly and he could tell you were close to convulsing again, “Please, Steve.”
“Good, Omega,” Steve went harder again, knowing you went crazy when he pulled himself all the way out and shoved himself deeper again, “Good girl.”
“Thank you,” You mewled, “I’m your good girl.”
It wasn’t long before your words coaxed him into his own orgasm. He felt his own sense of euphoria as he released inside you, feeling your warm walls around him until his body allowed him to relax. Steve laid beside your shaking body, caressing your back as he pressed his nose into your hair.
“I’m your good girl?” He heard you whisper and he now realized how much his words meant to you. You wanted his reassurance when you were within your most vulnerable state. He knew you were wrong before in saying this side of you was not the real you. 
“Yes,” Steve kissed your shoulder, “You’re my good little girl. Forever, honey.”
part two
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giorno-plays-piano · 3 years
Soft and Supple
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Pairing: wolf!Bucky Barnes x bunny!reader
Warnings: dubcon, breeding, some a/b/o references, dirty talk, degradation.
Words: 1317.
Summary: The Big Bad Wolf was going to get you this time.
P.S. Please don't even ask me why 😩😩
“Where are you going, baby?”
You could feel him hovering over you from behind, his arms getting restless as he cupped your breasts, breathing in your neck - you could feel the airy touch of his lips on your gentle skin. That cocky bastard had the audacity to fondle you in broad daylight like some pervert! Desperately trying to get away from Bucky, a wolf living in the forest close to the market where you were heading to buy some food, you squirmed when he turned your head towards him to give you a heated kiss, silencing your protests.
If a stranger saw you, they would call for help, but you knew it was useless: first, no one would hear you deep in the woods; second, it wasn’t the first time Bucky was doing that to you, but he had never gone further from there, usually slapping your ass and letting you run away as fast as you could, mocking you with his whistling or yelling something dirty. It looked insane, but you felt it was his way to communicate - in the end, he was a wolf, and you were born a little, weak bunny. His instincts kicked in every time he saw you.
“I’m... I’m not y-your baby.” you mewled when he finally let go of your lips, grinning at you like a predator willing to play with its prey. “You have to stop it! We’re n-not some savages.”
“Yeah? Would you like me to eat you like a Big Bag Wolf should, baby?” his breath was warming your long bunny ear, and you giggled, unable to hide your reaction from him. “Don’t tell me you don’t wanna fuck, bunny girl. You’ve been wagging that sweet fluffy tail in front of me the whole time like a slut.”
Oh, he was really getting riled up today, you thought and glanced back at him, shaking a little: while he would manhandle you every time you passed through this part of the forest, Bucky had never forced you to have sex with him. It looked like he was barely holding on today, his long rock-hard cock rubbing against your ass.
“Bucky, please. I was just passing by.” You muttered when he lowered his lips to your neck, his sharp teeth scraping it a little and drawing a pained sigh from you.
Shit, his hand was quickly travelling down your stomach: he cupped your pussy through the fabric of your shorts, leaving a hungry kiss on your neck and making you shiver with want, your hormones raging, making it even harder to resist him. Nonono, you couldn’t do it, you couldn’t submit to that damn cocky wolf who had been harassing you for months and was really going to rape you this time. You had to get out and report him, make police issue a restriction order or something, anything to keep Bucky away...
“There are lots of paths through the forest, but every time you come to my house like a girl who can’t help herself, knowing what’s gonna happen.”
He already had you pinned against the wall, your basket dropped somewhere to the ground, but you could barely focus when the wolf grabbed your ears, pinching them between his calloused fingers and making you squirm like a pathetic little bunny you were. It’s your weak spot, those damn soft, overly sensitive ears Bucky kept massaging with his thumb, making your knees tremble. Shit, shit, shit, it’s so good when he’s doing that, it’s so good your pussy got wet in a couple of seconds.
“I’ve heard pretty bunnies like you can cum real hard from just a small tickling of their ears. That’s true, baby? You gonna cum for me?” He tainted you, his lips ghosting over yours when he stared you in the eyes, watching you giving him a cute little sob, your lower lip quivering.
You wanted to tell him to leave you alone, let you go and never do this again to you, but you couldn’t, you couldn’t say anything but mewl when he stroked your soft, fluffy ears, his rough hands playing with them so good it turned off your brain, your juices leaking to the point Bucky could see the stains on your shorts, getting hungry for more. He then massaged them harder, pressing his thumbs to the inner part of your long ears, punching them with his fingers, crumpling their ends until you let out a high-pitched moan all of a sudden and started cumming right in front of him, your eyes rolling back into your skull when you opened your mouth, showing the wolf your little bunny tongue.
“Shit. Didn’t know it was true.” He muttered at the sight of you, your knees trembling as you quickly slumped down, unable to keep yourself standing - your shorts had been so stained Bucky wondered if it were easier to just throw them away rather than make them presentable again. “Oh baby, we’re gonna have so much fun.”
He was going to knot you. Shit, he was going to get his knot so deep inside you that you’d cum just from it alone, dumb little baby who had been flaunting her pretty tail in front of him for so long, hoping he’d dick you down and fill you up real good. You didn’t even realize you had been in heat, but Bucky wasn’t angry at you: he knew his baby bunny was too dumb to admit she needed a good mate and a good fuck. Luckily, your hormones worked better than your brain, so you would pass in front of his house every time your little pussy throbbed, giving him a good look at you. Sure, you acted like you didn’t want it, a fucking tease, but Bucky knew what he needed to do.
It just took him a bit more time to reorganize the rooms: his own desperately needed a makeover since you’d share it with him soon enough, and the nursery had to be built from scratch. Dumb little bunny, you had no idea how hard it was for a wolf like him to keep calm, stopping himself from jumping at you the second you walked near his house. Bunnies like you wanted to fuck till they could no longer speak, but wolves like him had to take care of their families, providing for them so that their sweet little babies would live in a safe place and have food on the table. Bucky didn't blame you, though. You were his cute, dumb bunny who needed a strong and smart wolf like him to live a good life.
"Bu-Bucky." you squirmed when he took you in his arms, lifting your from the ground and barging in the house, getting straight up to the room he finished renovated just yesterday, a new comfy bed awaiting for you two. "We c-can't do that... What if I get pregnant?"
"Of course, you'll get pregnant after you milk my cock like a good bunny girl you are." he growled into your ear, stripping you of your clothes, watching your wet throbbing pussy asking for a cock when he started fingering you just in case your cunt wasn't loose enough to fit him all, his knot getting painfully big. "How many babies you gonna give me, huh? Three? Four? Maybe more if I knock you up well?"
When you tried talking some sense into him, putting your arm on his chest to keep him away but ending up softly caressing it, Bucky sent you a wolfish grin, bottoming you out in one thrust - he couldn't wait a second longer, his own instincts taking over him when he started fucking you into his bed, loosening your leaking cunt for his fat knot. Oh, your sweet bunny pussy was the best. He'd make sure he got you knocked up the first time he filled your cunt with his cum.
Tags: @finleyjayne @alexakeyloveloki   ​@helenaeisenhower @villanellevi @hurricanerin @inlovewiththefictionalcharacters @chris-evans-indian-fanfic @navegandoaciegas @rosalynshields @brattycherubwrites @sllooney @angrythingstarlight @lookiamtrying @buckysbunny @soleil-dor @stargazingfangirl18 @dillybuggg @literate-lamb @cosicas-cuquis @sarge-barnes-sir @buckybarnesplumwhore @jaysayey @megzdoodle @gotnofucks @lux-ravenwolf @ximebebx @jeremyrennerfanxxxx123 @sourpatchspinster @iheartsebandchris
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babyyhoneyydarling · 4 years
Major angel vibes bb!!! So many angel vibes 🥰
hehe thank you honeybunny 🥰🥰💓
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navegandoaciegas · 4 years
Fic Recommendation List no one asked for
(all of these are dark and 18+)
they may contain dubcon/noncon so proceed with caution
I included: Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers, Andy Barber, Charles Blackwood and dark!Reader.
I feel like a broken record sometimes but yeah, I’m not a native speaker, sorry for any mistakes
I needed this to keep track of my favorite stories, but if you choose to read them, I hope you enjoy them as much as I do 🤍
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Bucky Barnes
📌 Wicked Way | I could sit here a whole day and write all about how much I adore @giorno-plays-piano , her talent and creativity. I loved drider!bucky, orc!bucky, warlock!bucky, alien!bucky, but necromancer!bucky owns my whole heart. It’s the story of a heart wrenching obsession and it’s written beautifully. It’s poetry. 10/10 would recommend.
📌 Happy to Help | My baby @whateveriwant is talented af. Bucky’s pov and the reader’s alternate through the story and offer two different perspectives on the same events. No spoilers but you’ll see how different their interpretation of reality is and how that makes the ending ten times creepier.
📌 Light of my Life | by @angrythingstarlight It’s a series (I’m pretty sure it’s not complete yet, correct me if I’m wrong) inspired by the Shining. You can really feel Bucky’s slow descent into madness and the reader’s growing discomfort and unease.
📌 Til Death Do Us Part | by @cherienymphe Mob!Bucky is something else, tbh. He’s pretty much demented and yet somewhat sweet. His possessiveness does things to me. Smut is chef kisses. I suggest you read the drabble that goes with it too. More unhinged mob!bucky for ya (x).
📌 Bible Study | @asadmarveltrashbag I mean at this point we get it, I have a problem with my blasphemy kink lmfao, but this story is so good! Let’s just say I too want Bucky Barnes to fuck me on a table surrounded by holy books in a good Christian household.
📌 just another day in the office | My talented bby @buckysbunny wrote the perfect stalker!Bucky who does things to me that he shouldn’t, and paired him with a naive, innocent reader who happens to have the biggest praise kink. Highly recommend.
📌 First and Last | by @navybrat817 A/B/O stories tend to weird me out sometimes, but this one was just great! I loved how strong the reader is, and how she gets broken down as the story progresses. The ending is pretty heartbreaking, but possessive Bucky + the very good smut make it worth it.
📌 Stay | by @you-are-my-sanctuary Not the darkest, but it includes stalker!Bucky and kidnapping. I love both Bucky’ and reader’s characterization in this one. The smut is incredibly hot, and he’s soft but demanding at the same time. The last couple lines gave me chills.
📌 Obscure | Dark, obsessive, possessive Bucky is perfection, and @sinner-as-saint is queen of hot af smut that you could literally get yourself off on.
📌 Into The Woods | by @darkficsyouneveraskedfor I’m a big fan of all her Bucky stories, (I loved The Widow too) but lumberjack!Bucky hits different.
📌 Ice Cream Man | by my bby @nsfwsebbie I’ve read it ages ago (one of the first dark stories I’ve ever read) and it’s stuck in my mind since. It’s very creepy and very hot at the same time.
📌 Silent Night | by @softboibarnes It’s a series with dad’s bestfriend Bucky and naive reader. The smut is very hot, and it’s interesting to read Bucky’s deranged thought process. I highly recommend you read this.
Charles Blackwood
📌 Cherries and Lace | by @mariessecretfantasies Naive reader, asshole parents, same ol’ Charles.
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Steve Rogers
📌 Dancer in the Dark | by @jtargaryen18 Creepy roommate story with a very ominous ending that made me feel as suffocated as the reader would have had she known the real extent of Steve’s presence and control in her life. Thoroughly enjoyed it from start to finish.
📌 Golden Boy | by @angrythingstarlight Unhinged envious Steve is an asshole, and my heart broke for Bucky and reader. Beautifully written as usual, and I loved how the present and past event intersecate and flow easily together.
Andy Barber
📌 The Kind of Girl You Take Home to Mom | by @mypoisonedvine You know a story is good when I read it and like it even if it’s not about my baby Bucky. Hot sexual tension with your boyfriend’s dad. Makes me want to fuck someone’s dad, and j.d. said I could so it’s okay. 10/10
Dark Reader
📌 Black Magic by @champangebucky
📌 Tooth Fairy by @whateveriwant
I’ve just found out that someone I was exposed to at work might have corona, and I’m very not okay rn, but I���ve decided to make a list of things I enjoy to take my mind off of my problems, basically. That’s it for now, but I might add more. I’ll make a light!fics recommendation too at some point! 🤍
1K notes · View notes
harryspet · 3 years
billionaire boys club | p.parker
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[Warnings] dark!peter parker x reader, taste of steve x reader, hint of bucky x reader, rich!peter parker, college!peter parker, aged down steve rogers, aged down bucky barnes, noncon/dubcon sex, public sex, degredation/humiliation, manipulation, blackmail, unprotected sex, possessive!peter, nerdy!rich!reader, heavy buildup, plot with porn 
A/N: hope this long one-shot makes up for how long i’ve been gone :) steve and bucky are reader and peter’s age in this 
In which Peter, the boy with everything, can finally have what he’s always wanted.
taglist: @cherienymphe @watercoolerpaint @disaster-rose  @doozywoozy @oneoftheprettynerds @xoxonotme @peterztinglez @lovelynerdytraveler @hollandsdream @micki-smiles @buckybarnesplumwhore @arts-ismything @saharzek @what-is-your-wish  @brattypeony  @visintaes​ @buckysbunny​
main masterlist
word count: 6.7k
2 years prior …
“Although the eighteenth-century robe, highlighted in the Art Resource Guide, was made of Indian fabric, it was constructed in,” Michelle read out the question as you watched your own thumb hover over the black button in your hand. You pressed down quick, faster than the always speedy Peter, and searched the notes in your mind. 
“Y/N?” She asked after the ding.
“The Netherlands,” She gave Peter a small look as if to question why it was that I was getting the answers faster than him. 
“That is correct,” You made sure not to look over at the brown haired boy, who was surely scowling at you. “Good job, Y/N.”
“Next question, a unique characteristic of the Kerala murals is?”
You pressed down quickly, grateful that this was a topic you’d covered heavily in the past week, “Y/N?” She called on you again and all the teenagers in the room seemed to giggle as Peter threw his head back in frustration.
“The inclusion of sculpted relief frames,” You smiled, confident in your answer. 
“And for the fiftieth time, you are correct,” MJ smirked, “Peter, dude, art history is just as important as evolutionary biology or the binomial distribution. You can’t be this weak in that area.”
Peter’s hands tightened around his podium, “I don’t see why I can’t just handle the tougher topics and, since Miss Y/L/N is such an art freak, she can handle those questions. Ask me anything about descriptive statistics or even the Cold War and I’ll blow you away!”
“Or,” You chimed in, “I could answer statistics questions, history questions, physics questions, or anything at all because I actually study everything comprehensively. Academic Decathlon involves all subjects and someone who is strong in everything is much more useful than someone who thinks he’s Einstein because his Uncle makes robots.”
“Makes robots?” He crossed his arms, and you toward him staring him down across the stage, “His business involves thousands of industries and is the largest tech conglomerate in the world. He didn’t get to where he was knowing about stupid murals and neither will you.”
“Wow, you have such a complex! How do you expect us to be a team if you automatically think you’re better than all of us?”
“I don’t, I just think I’m better than you-”
“Peter, enough,” MJ interrupted, “Both of you need to cool off. What I said still stands. It’s our senior year, our last competition, and I need total cooperation. Let’s take a fifteen minute break and, if everyone’s not on their best behaviors by the time we come back then I’m changing the team lineup.”
You marched down the stairs of the stage and made your way to the door, pushing out until you were down the school hallway. Midtown Elite Prep’s halls were lined with blue and yellow and so was the tie of your school uniform. The richest kids in New York went here so they could inherit the empire’s of their tech CEO parents. You were no different, and you used to have more in common with Peter than you did now. 
You used to be friends until puberty hit and Peter decided to develop a crush on you, ruining what you thought was a perfectly good friendship. Besides that, ever since you were small, you saw dating and marriage as a distraction from accomplishing your goals. You saw your parents begin to hate each other while pretending to the public that they were soulmates. Your mother jetted off to Paris whenever she didn’t want to be around your father and your father never divorced her because she was entitled to half his money. That didn’t stop him from inviting women into your home, thinking you were tucked away in your bed as he played with hookers and smoked cigars with his “elite” set of friends. 
In a month you’d find out what schools you’d gotten into and the rest of your life could begin. You were privileged not to have to worry about paying for college which meant you could aim higher than most. You’d go to Columbia’s graduate school of journalism and end up writing for a big organization like the Associated Press or New York Times. In your spare time you’d work on your novels and become distinguished in writing contemporary novels in a changing world. 
You were refilling your water bottle at the fountain when you heard steps behind you. 
Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes, the star athlete and his greaser best friend, were happily walking down the hall. Your eyes followed their path, finding Peter Parker, at the end of the hallway. It was a mismatched group but it seemed to work for them, with Peter being the brains of the operation which wasn’t saying much. 
“There’s our decathlon champion,” Bucky clapped, “Kicking ass and taking names?”
Peter’s lips parted, to your surprise he was smiling until he caught a glimpse of you, “Something like that …'' He trailed off and you awkwardly turned around, deciding to take the rest of your fifteen somewhere else, “I’ve got an hour until practice over, I’ll meet you guys outside and I’ll have Happy take us to Shawarma Palace.”
“What do you think, Y/L/N,” You paused as Bucky called you from down the hallway, “Shawarma Palace? After practice?” As you turned to look at them, Bucky was stoic as usual but Steve had a warm smile on his face. You always preferred him over the other two, at least he had a natural talent over just having Daddy’s money. 
“Y/N is super busy,” Peter quickly interjected.
“C’mon, Y/N,” Steve added, “It’ll be fun.”
You opened your mouth but Peter interrupted, stepping between the two guys, “Y/N has never had fun in her entire life. She wouldn’t know what to do with herself. Her little heart might give out.”
Steve seemed to chuckle at that which hurt you a bit more than you expected. Peter seemed to notice your lingering eye on him, “Greasy meat isn’t really brain food,” You said, confirming what Peter perceived you as, “And I have a competition this weekend. You three have fun though, I’m sure your conversations will be … stimulating.”
You turned away again trying to tune them out as you walked away, “I don’t know why you guys bother …”
“Pete, you’ve been into her since-”
“I’m not into her. She’s a pain in my ass.”
“At least she has a nice ass.”
You rolled your eyes and then you were finally far enough not to hear their rude ramblings about you. You were not the fun girl and you’d never be Steve’s type. And it was better for you to stay far away from him since he was so close to Peter. 
In a few months it wouldn’t matter because you’d all be living separate lives at separate schools. 
Except that didn’t happen at all. The billionaire boys followed you all the way to Columbia. 
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Freshman year was hard. Almost impossible actually. You made exactly one friend and you were pretty sure Wanda only spent time with you because she was your roommate and felt bad for you when you’d stay inside every Friday night. It turns out that college really teaches you how unspecial you are. You could’ve been the smartest at your highschool but that didn’t matter anymore because everyone here was the smartest from their highschools. It was a serious competition to become high ranking in any of the clubs and it was a fight to get close to any professors when there were three-hundred students in your undergraduate classes. 
Your second year wasn’t as isolating but you were starting to believe that you wouldn’t be one of the girls who found themselves in college. 
The words DAD popped up on your phone just as Wanda got up out of bed. You were already awake, typing at your final assignment due before spring break,  “Want to go get breakfast?” She asked groggily, dressed in sweatpants and wearing tangled hair. 
“My Dad is calling, I’ll meet you down there later.”
She shrugged, grabbing a towel from her closet, “I’m gonna grab a shower. Don’t be too late, they’ll run out of blueberry muffins.” You nodded, letting her file out the door before answering his call. 
“Yeah, Dad?”
“Will you be home on time?”
“I wasn’t aware that I had to be on time,” You set the phone to speaker mode, grabbing your laptop and pulling it onto your lap, “I have a paper I’m still working on.”
“I need you home tonight by six p.m. You, your Mom and I are having dinner with Tony Stark and Pepper Potts.”
You straightened up, “Wait, why? You hate Tony Stark.”
Your Dad sighed, “There’s a lot I still need to discuss with you. I want to explain it all before you hear it from someone else or see it in the news. For now, you just need to know that company is in a bit of a situation. Stocks are down, a lot of my investors are pulling out and I need Tony’s support right now.”
“So we’re having dinner with him because we need to kiss his ass?”
“Don’t use that language, Y/N. He can save us. He might be the only one that can save us. You want to keep going to one of the best schools in the country, don’t you?”
“You’re in that much trouble? You won’t be able to pay my tuition?” He went quiet for a moment and you imagine his hand was on his hip and he was pacing his office, “You’re not in legal trouble, right? You didn’t do anything wrong?”
“Sweetheart, I just need you home tonight. Your family needs you home,” That was enough to answer your question. Your body went still though your world was starting to crumble around you. How could he be so stupid?
“Yeah … I’ll finish up and start packing up, Dad.”
He breathed a sigh of relief, “Thank you, sweetheart. I think by the time Spring Break is over, everything will be back to normal.”
You only hoped that Peter Parker was jetting across Europe for Spring Break and too busy to come to dinner. 
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“Hey, let me get that,” The tall boy took the pile of textbooks from your arms, keeping them from sliding out of your arms and onto the ground. He left you no room to protest but as soon as you laid eyes on the blonde-haired and blue-eyed --- actually, his eyes had a hint of green in them which you were just now noticing, “No way, you’re taking these on vacation with you?”
Both Steve and Bucky lived in your building and you were lucky when you didn’t run into them. You could thank the ten floors worth of students and a lack of overlapping extracurriculars. 
“Yeah, I have this group project due when I’m back. My professor’s a real …” You tried to catch your breath but ended up breathing out awkwardly, “Asshole,” You coughed as Steve smiled.
“I see,” You were able to grab your two rolling suitcases and he ran in front of you to hold open the front doors for you, “Glad to know these are for a project, not just because you’re an overachiever.”
His words made you frown. “Something tells me I’ll actually need this break,” You walked with him through the courtyard outside the building towards the busy sidewalk, “Do you guys have plans for Spring Break?”
“By guys you mean ..”
“You, Peter and Bucky. You guys are still close, right?”
“Oh, yeah, we’re all supposed to go to the Barnes’s place in the Hamptons,” Good. Peter would be long gone, “I suppose I should extend the invitation to you? I mean, no pressure but-”
“Oh,” Your eyes widened, “We’ve barely talked in a year, you shouldn’t be so nice Steve, but I appreciate the gesture.” Just as the words left your lips, a black car pulled up in front of the two of you. A man you recognized as one of your father’s drivers got out of the car to open the trunk.
“I’m not trying to just be nice,” Steve started to explain, rubbing his hand behind his neck as if he was nervous, “You’re kinda hard to talk to … not in a bad way. Like, I’ve never really known what to say to you but I want to … say things to you.”
You raised an eyebrow, “I never knew you … wanted to say things to me. I guess because Peter hates me so much that-”
“I thought you hated Peter.”
“It’s complicated I guess,” You handed your bags to the man who lifted them off the ground with ease, “This week, I’m sorry, it’s just kind of chaotic. Maybe after spring break we’ll find some time?”
Steve nodded, a weak smile on his face, “I can’t wait, Y/N. Enjoy your break.”
It seemed that focusing on your goals wasn’t getting you as far as you planned. You had no friends, no romantic interests, and your family life seemed to be on the verge of falling apart. Maybe it was time for you to change. 
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“That’s what you’re wearing?” Your mom asked as soon as she laid eyes on you. You looked down at the teal-striped v-neck dress you’d never even worn before. 
“It’s Paul Smith,” Was your response, “Grandma gave it to me for Christmas.”
“Teal is a summer and autumn color, dear. I wish you would have discussed this with me before you arrived.”
It was a fight you did not want to start, deciding it was best to keep quiet. A servant was leading your group of three to the elevator that would take you to the Stark’s penthouse home, “You two look stunning if I do say so myself,” Your father said, already playing the doting father and husband, “No one will care if the colors we’re wearing match the season. We’ll present our best selves either way, correct?”
“Yes, dear,” Your mother responded but you only nodded. 
 The Stark’s home was just as impressive as you expected to be. You could see the entire city from the fifty foot windows that you, at first, would provide little privacy but you were so high up that there was no way anyone could see in. Tony Stark was a character to say the least, loud and bragging about his latest ventures, with Pepper trying her best to reel him back in. 
“You know, me and your Dad went to college together, right?” You nodded, just being in his presence chipped at your own confidence, “I was a Fraternity guy myself but your Dad was more of a Science Fiction Society kind of guy. I grew up thinking I was nerdy until I met Douglas. I mean, posters all over his dorm and LARP-ing in the park, the whole shabang.”
Your mother forced a smile and your father forced a deep chuckle, “Hey, MIT was tough. We all have our ways of forgetting about school … ” Your Dad cleared his throat, placing his hand on your shoulder, “Not Y/N though, she’s all business. She’s a Quiz Bowl champion and when she’s not doing school work, she’s tutoring others.”
You were surprised that the billionaire looked impressed, “That’s right, another Columbian. I know Peter could use some of that work ethic. He’s smarter than me when I was his age but he lacks focus just like I used to.”
“Boys will be boys, won’t they?” Your mom chimed in like the good little ornament she strived to be and it made you want to throw up in your mouth. 
“Speaking of,” Tony locked eyes with Peter as he suddenly appeared from a hallway that led into the living room where you all were standing. He was dressed nicely in slacks and a button up, his eyes looking a bit red like he hadn’t gotten enough sleep. Or maybe he was still recovering from a night and day of drinking and other recreational activities, “Nice of you to join us, champ. We’re having ...”
“Red snapper with sea beans in a sun dried tomato vinaigrette,” Pepper finished.
“And fries,” Tony added.
“And fries,” Pepper confirmed.
“Sounds delicious,” You saw how Peter’s eyes crinkled when he smiled, a detail you felt you hadn’t paid enough attention to before. You were so focused that you almost missed him saying your name, “Do you all mind if I give Y/N a tour? We’ve barely seen each other all year, so it would be good to catch up.”
The boy you’ve been avoiding was suddenly beside you, “Uhm-”
“Of course, that’s fine,” Your Dad interjected.
“Great, follow me, Y/N,” Peter clapped his hands together. 
It was all an act, you knew that. Peter purposely avoided you just like you did him. Every now and then you would pass each other on campus and he’d give you a look of indifference. Not only did he not care, he wanted to show you that he didn’t care. You avoided the clubs he joined and you were lucky to have claimed the Quiz Bowl team before he did. You were sure he didn’t want to repeat losing to you over and over again like in highschool. 
Based on his social media, Peter was doing just fine. He had a position on the Engineering Student Council and an organization for rising entrepreneurs. That guaranteed him lots of friends and, with Tony Stark being his uncle, more people probably wanted to be closer to him than usual. 
You looked back at your parents as you followed him back down the hallway, hoping for them to save you but, of course, they were too busy complimenting the Stark’s. 
“You look nervous,” Peter commented and you realized the two of you were alone now. 
“Where are you taking me?” You crossed your arms. 
“I was gonna show you my room,” He spoke as if it was obvious. 
“I’ve seen it.”
“Yeah, when I was ten,” He turned onto another hallway and you followed him to the end. The sleek design of everything made you feel like you were walking in a spaceship. He opened the double doors at the end of the hall, revealing the huge room with a higher ceiling than the Sistine chapel. It was a total bachelor pad complete with a huge sectional, pool table, and an Alaskan king bed, “So?”
“Well, now I have seen it,” You tried to not look impressed, “Let’s go somewhere else now.”
Peter rushed past you, closing the door before you could open it again, “You know, you should be impressed. And it should make you think,” You hung onto his words, curious about the point he was gonna make, “Just think about how even greater your lifestyle could be if my uncle started working with your Dad.”
“I don’t need a greater lifestyle, Peter. Don’t block me in here-”
“Say please,” You scowled, stepping back, “Look, don’t think of it as a greater lifestyle. Maybe think about having the same lifestyle. Don’t you at least want that?”
You shrugged, “I guess.”
“Well, I happen to know that you won’t even have that if tonight doesn’t go well.”
You tilted your head, “What are you saying?”
“Oh, c’mon, you know what I’m talking about. I’ll spare you the details but you know your Dad made some dirty deals. His entire fortune is currently being flushed down the toilet. He could even do some time if the wrong people found out. And I don’t think he’s as untouchable as Tony Stark.”
“Peter-” Your fists clenched. 
He shushed you. Stepping forward, making you back further into his room, “And then what? Poor little rich girl can’t go to the school of her dreams, her Mom can’t afford her favorite Chanel bags, the feds seize all your assets and you get kicked out of that nice home while Daddy gets shipped upstate to a correctional facility,” You yelped as you suddenly fell back onto his black couch. 
“You’re … an asshole and none of that will ever happen. I get it, your uncle is richer than my wildest dreams but what you’re saying …you can’t manipulate me.”
“Okay,” Peter stuck his hands in his pockets and stepped aside so he wasn’t towering over you anymore, “Walk out that door and take your chances. Trust that my Uncle won’t listen to me if I tell him your family is nothing but a bunch of scam artists trying to flatter him for his money. Go ahead.”
You stood up from the couch but you hesitated. You heard your parents’ voices in your head, knowing how well they wanted this night to go, “What do you even want from me, Peter? Do you want me to lose at some silly game so you can feel better about yourself?”
He closed the gap between you, grabbing your hand despite the fact that it was balled into a fists, “No, like my Uncle, I’m a charitable man. I want to give to you, Y/N. You just have to be accepting of my charity.”
“What are you offering, Parker?”
“A chance to be my girlfriend,” He smirked, “I’m offering you a full year of my services, including social media posts, driving you around, luxury gifts and a dinner once a week. Not to mention the status, friends and connections that will come from it. You can be my date to any functions and I’ll even let you hold my hand.”
You laughed, your eyes wide with shock, “You’re serious, aren’t you?”
“Why wouldn’t I be?” You tore your hand away from his, making his face flare up with anger, “Y/N, think about it! I know you’re miserable all alone at school. You need me.”
“I don’t!” You shouted back, “You’re crazy and irresponsible and I bet your Uncle already knows that. Now, let’s go back to dinner and pretend you never said any of this.”
Peter’s fists clenched this time, “If it was Steve, would you have said yes?” His voice was softer than you expected, his tone more serious than angry. 
“Over you? In a heartbeat,” You added, fury in your veins.
Peter scoffed, “You and the quarterback?” 
Even after standing up for yourself, you felt humiliated by the way he saw you. The way Steve probably saw you too. You and the quarterback? Peter thought the idea was laughable and you were beginning to think so too. 
“I’m not a toy you can buy.”
Peter went silent and you watched as he walked to the door and opened it. He waved his hand, gesturing for you to leave, “We’ll see about that, won’t we?”
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“So, Peter?” You could tell Peter was staring you down from across the dinner table but you hadn’t looked at him once. You guessed your father had noticed, and he was probably angry that you hadn’t charmed Tony Stark’s nephew. You wondered where your father would draw the line when it came to using you to further his own business, “Any plans for spring break?”
“Yeah, what are you getting up to, kiddo?” Tony chimed in from the head of the table. 
“Probably just go to the beach, take out the boat, and, you know … hang out.”
“Which means get drunk, I hope you know that, Douglas.”
Your father chuckled, “Of course but if I could get Y/N to just leave her bedroom sometimes, I wouldn’t care what she was doing.”
“We’re also going to this exhibit thing MJ invited us to, it’s at one of the Art Centers in Long Island. It’s supposed to be about the female role in society but represented through geometric shapes? Sounds a bit wacky but should be entertaining,” For some reason, the way Peter was talking made you raise an eyebrow. He was carefully picking his words and you were wondering if he was lying or maybe he was just plotting my demise.
“Especially if you’re drunk,” Tony winked at his nephew and Peter took a sip through his champagne flute. 
“Sounds like something Y/N would enjoy,” Your mother added, and your eyes darted in her direction, your eyes telling her not to mention another word. 
But your Father did it for her, “I used to take her to all the famous museums when she was a little girl. It was her favorite thing to listen to those little audio tapes describing each of the exhibits.”
Peter smiled in your direction and your eyebrows furrowed as you flashed him a warning look.
“It’s not really something I’m interested in anymore-”
“You should come with, Y/N. Maybe it’ll ignite your passion again?”
“No, I-”
“Why not, darling?” Your father nudged your arm, “It’s not like you have any other plans for the week.”
“I’d love it if you came, Y/N,” Peter made sure to add, knowing your father would want to keep him happy, “You’d get to catch up with Steve, I’m sure he’d love it if you came too.”
That stung and you knew if you came on their trip he’d spend the entire time trying to embarrass you in front of Steve. Your lips were sealed tight but it didn’t matter anymore, “She’ll be there,” Your father answered for you. 
“You kids are gonna have a blast,” Tony said, “Your father and I will as well, we have much to discuss, Douglas. Much to discuss.”
The look in Peter’s eyes was deadly. I’m gonna bury you, they said. 
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When your driver pulled around the circular driveway in front of the three story beach house, the sun was already down. You’d spent the morning trying to convince your Dad to let you stay home, giving him all sorts of clues that you were feeling unsafe but he didn’t seem to care. He’d already sold himself to Tony Stark and was expecting you to do the same. 
The architectural design of the home was a bit older than the ones you’d already passed, not telling how many generations of Barnes men had inherited it. Much to your confusion, there were several cars already parked and you wondered how many people were participating in this week's festivities. 
Contemplating through the entire two hour drive you thought for sure that you’d have a stoic look on your face the entire week. Until Steve Rogers came through the front door, black tux and all, with blonde hair neatly combed and a confused but happy smile on his lips. 
As the car came to a halt, he made his way down the white steps, even coming to open up your door, “What happened to your chaotic week, Y/N?”
You stepped out of the car, spotting Peter and Bucky at the top of the stairs, “It just got even more chaotic I think,” They were all wearing tuxes, “I didn’t know the art exhibit was today.”
“It’s not. We’re having a … meeting,” Your driver removed your suitcase from the trunk and, as he brought it around, Steve moved to grab, “I can take that.”
Peter and Bucky made their way down the stairs, their eyes saying that they knew more than you and Steve, “Guys, uhm, what’s going on?” 
“Y/N’s family had dinner with mine, I thought it would be polite to invite her.”
Bucky cut Steve off, “That’s so thoughtful, Peter. You know how entertaining Y/N is, Steve, she’ll be a great addition.”’
“I don’t doubt it,” Steve didn’t bother asking anymore questions though you were wondering what his friends were hiding from him. The four of you made your way up the stairs and you looked back to see your driver was already headed back down the driveway. You were officially stuck and you were beginning to get an eerie feeling, “What do you drink, Y/N?”
“Oh … uhm what kind of alcohol, you mean?”
“Yeah, we have beers but I think some wine would be more your speed,” As you entered the house, you walked through a cloud of cigar smoke, and the sound of classic rock filled your ears. As you looked around, you didn’t expect to see as many people -- not people, men. And they were all dressed in tuxedos compared to your leggings and Columbia crewneck.
You hadn’t realized that all you could hear in your ears was your heartbeat until you felt Peter’s hand on your waist, pulling you away from Steve, “I’m gonna pour her a glass. Take her stuff to her room, will you?”
“Peter,” You whisper-shouted his name, fearful of him but more fearful of him leaving you alone with all these strangers. He smiled and said short things to a few people as the two of you made your way into the kitchen, “Peter! You made it seem like … this is not what you told my Dad we’d be doing.”
He made a pouty face, “Are you mad I lied to Daddy, princess?” He reached into one of the white cabinets to grab a wine glass. 
“You know what? I didn’t wanna come in the first place and I definitely didn’t sign up for this. I’m calling my driver and I’m leaving,” Peter was quick to grab your wrists, careful to drop the glass. 
“Why don’t you call Douglas first and tell him how much you disappointed me cause you bailed on our little friend getaway.”
“This is not a friend's getaway,” You said through gritted teeth and he let go of your wrists. He grabbed a bottle of wine from another cabinet, easily twisting off the top, to pour you a heavy glass. 
“Not tonight, no. Tonight you get to be a part of one of the most secret organizations on campus.” 
Just as the words left his lip, some drunk guy wandered into the kitchen, “Peter, dude, I thought you said there’d be strippers … Who’s this?”
“Harry, this is Y/N. And it’s only nine o’clock dude, slow down on the beers and the entertainment will be here later,” Peter spoke like a parent scolding a child, giving you the impression that he was a leader in this secret organization. 
“You promise?”
“I promise,” Peter sighed as the guy left. 
“So this is like your frat?”
“It’s more than a frat,” Peter said simply, handing you the glass. You saw him pour it so at least he wasn’t drugging you, “This is the Shield and Dagger society.”
He spoke as if you were supposed to be impressed. You were, actually, knowing that this was the most secret society in all of Columbia. Franklin D. Roosevelt himself was a member when he went here.
“I’m gonna drink this, and then I’m going upstairs for the night.”
Peter’s lips formed a thin line, “You don’t wanna stay and chat it up with Steve?” You tilted the glass back, taking a huge gulp, before faking a yawn. 
“I’m just so tired. Maybe me and Steve can get closer later in the week. Perhaps we can get to know each other on the beach? And on my bed? And maybe on his bed? And maybe on the couch too?” You hoped your words dug into him and by the way he left you in the kitchen, you were sure they did. 
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You weren’t sure at what point you fell asleep, seeing as how the music traveled through your locked door. You remembered sending a text to your parents to tell them you’d made it safely and, of course, you didn’t have anyone else to talk to. 
The way you floated to sleep was the exact opposite of how you were awakened. A hand clamped down on your mouth and your eyes shot open, revealing a smirking Bucky. His hands were strong, abnormally strong as he held you down, “Shhh,” He whispered through your muffled screaming, “I’m not gonna hurt you.”
You only struggled more which seemed to amuse him. You’d noticed the music had been turned down and your door was wide open. He had a key, of course he had a key. As he took his body weight off of you, you attempted to pull away. He wrapped his other arm around your back, lifting your body off the bed and, before your feet could even touch the ground, he threw you over his shoulder. 
“Bucky, stop!” You tried to grab onto anything you could, even the doorway as he carried you out of the room, “This isn’t funny, please!”
He carried you down the stairs and there was a sudden eruption of clapping and laughter. That’s when you remembered that you’d taken off your leggings, meaning everyone was seeing your flower printed panties, “Everyone, your entertainment awaits you in the living room!” You heard Peter’s voice though as your eyes darted around, your eyes didn’t find him. 
You were dizzy when he finally set you down and, even then, you tried to run. Bucky grabbed your waist and held you in place. Attached to the living room was a room with tall bookcases, a few seats and a pool table. You felt claustrophobic as the room began to fill with at least thirty guys. 
Including Steve. 
Bucky let you go and, instinctively, you ran to him. He stood with a group of guys blockading the door. Even if he didn’t like you in the way you wanted, you expected him to at least be a decent guy.
“Steve, let me through,” Although his eyes were conflicted, he didn’t move. Tears began to well up in your eyes and your fist pounded at his chest, “Steve, please. Steve!”
“Peter said he wouldn’t-” Steve didn’t get to finish his excuse as Peter emerged from the crowd. You backed away from him, now understanding that none of his attack dogs would feel sorry for you. 
“You told me I couldn’t buy you but I really don’t have to,” You backed away until your bottom touched the side of the pool table, “I can and will have you. And I’ll have you in front of everyone.”
“Peter, please,” You wanted to be angry, you really did, but all you felt was scared, “Okay, you win. You win. I’ll do whatever you want just … please let me leave.”
He cornered you, pressing his body into your ears as he leaned into your ear, “I gave you a chance, didn’t I? You laughed in my face.”
“I’m sorry,” You said immediately. 
“You will be,” You could feel him smiling, “Don’t worry, I’m gonna make you feel good. We’re not little anymore, I’ve learned a few things. And no one’s gonna touch you the way I will, I promise. This will stay in this room, we’re good at keeping secrets.”
You made one final attempting, trying to bring your knee between his leg but he grabbed your thigh tightly. He pushed your leg back down before roughly grabbing you waist, spinning you around and bending you over the table. As you heard whistling, you struggled more, leading to arms being wrapped around your wrists. As you lifted your head, you saw it was Bucky holding them. 
Peter pressed down on your back and you yelped as he delivered several hits to your bottom. They weren’t as hard as they could’ve been, he wasn’t trying to hurt you, he was only sending you a message. He was the one in control and he could make this way harder on you if he wanted.
He felt between your legs, his own leg keeping yours parted, “Please, please, please-”
“Please touch me, Peter?” He mimicked you, his fingers touching each and every fold. Your eyes shot open as you realized … “You’re wet, you’re so wet and I’ve barely touched you, princess.”
Bucky held you tighter as your face heated with embarrassment, “I think she likes it.”
You groaned in frustration just as Peter began circling your sensitive bulb, “Do you like everyone see you, princess? Or do you like me talking about how wet you are when I’ve barely even gotten started? Which do you like more, huh?”
You were so busy most of the time, you barely even masturbated on your own time, and not even your own fingers felt this good. As if your brain and body were working against each other, your hips grinded against his fingers as your arms tried to pull away from Bucky. 
Not even needing to keep your legs open anymore, your body was doing it willingly, Peter used his other hand to dip two fingers inside of you. He did the motions simultaneously, his coordination skills seriously at work, as he tried to bring you to your climax. It wasn’t hard, you were horribly touch deprived and Peter was awakening a part of you that you’d suppressed for so long. 
The way he curled his fingers, how he put enough pressure on your clit but not too much to overstimulate it … it was destroying you perfectly.
It was almost painful how hard you came and you didn’t get a second to breathe because the two of them were flipping you over. The talking in the room became muffled, your vision getting a little blurred because your breathing was so rapid. You almost didn’t notice Peter pushing inside of you. He held your legs as they hung over the edge of pool table as he began his slow thrusts. 
“Get her shirt,” He commanded Bucky and you couldn’t stop him as he forced it off, throwing it to the side. 
“Jesus,” He cursed because you were wrapping around him so well. The pressure was off your wrists, Bucky having realized that he didn’t need to hold you down anymore but you still held them above your head. You lifted your head, catching Peter enjoying the sight of him moving in and out of you. He was mesmerized by it and as he noticed you watching him, he reached out to grab your neck, rocking you back onto him. He went deep, so deep and you cried out. 
“Look at them,” Peter grunted, forcing you to turn your head. As your eyes landed on Steve, his eyes staring into yours as he sipped on a beer. It was like he was watching a football game. You shut your eyes but Peter pushed into you painfully deep, “Look.”
You opened them again, “No one’s ever gonna touch you the way I do. Do you understand? You’re mine,” You nodded eagerly, “Good girl. You’re gonna be a good girl for me from now on. Only me.”
You kept nodding and he eventually untightened his grip around your throat. For some reason, you enjoyed the pressure there but you enjoyed it even more when he used his other hand to stroke your clit. 
Your back arched as you tightened around him, “Peter,” Maybe you were still delirious from your first orgasm because you began to say his name over and over again. The second orgasm surprised you as you expected it to be weaker than the first but there was something about feeling him inside you that felt right within you, “Oh god, Peter. Peter!” 
As you rode the wave of your second orgasm, you felt him twitch inside you as he slowed. He was breathing heavily and you almost didn’t notice the significance of his warmth filling you up. 
He straightened himself up, zipping up his black slacks as if what he’d done was normal. He was smiling, happy at his work as he looked you over. You pulled yourself up, letting yourself down from the table with shaky legs as everyone seemed to cheer and whistle at your embarrassment. 
It didn’t matter if no one ever told anyone else about what happened tonight. All of them would know what Peter did to you and how you reacted. 
You leaned down to grab your panties but your body froze at his voice, “Don’t,” He picked them up for you before stuffing them in his suit pocket like a handkerchief. You made sure your breasts were covered as you stood there naked, “And don’t move, princess.”
You could feel warm liquid sliding down your inner thigh. You could turn around but that wouldn’t stop them from looking, “Remember, I promised them entertainment,” He told you, “So whatever you drip on the floor, you’re going to lick up so I’d squeeze those legs tight.”
You did as he said and he kissed your lips, and you let him. He touched your cheeks which you weren’t sure if they were covered in tears of pain or pleasure. When he pulled away, he was smirking, “I need another beer.”
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sunmoonandeddie · 4 years
‘cause you are, you are
pairing: lumberjack!bucky barnes x reader
word count: 8,436
summary: Bucky’s found someone out on his front lawn during a snowstorm.  Well, Alpine found her.  If only he knew what he was getting into.
warnings: Bad words!  Violence!  Mention of kidnapping!  Mention of military violence/injury!  Mention of suicidal thoughts!
a/n:  So the song I listened to that kinda really inspired this is ‘Get You the Moon’ by Kina.  Also, this was commissioned by @buckysbunny​ and I really hope you love it, babe!
“Come on, Al,” Bucky said as he led his dog up the front steps of his cabin, carrying all the grocery bags inside.  He had a cigarette between his teeth, keeping it steady as he unlocked the door and let the gorgeous samoyed inside.  “Atta girl.”
The cabin was just as he left it three hours ago when he left to go grocery shopping.  As it should.
And Alpine was already standing at her bowl, wagging her tail.  She knew what time it was.
“You hungry, baby girl?” He asked with a grin as he grabbed the beef he’d been thawing in the sink and opened it up.  “Today’s a beef day.  We both know how much you love cows, yeah?”  He put a cup of beef in her bowl, powdering in her supplements.  “The best girl deserves the best food, yeah?” He asked as he cracked two eggs on top of it, before setting it on the ground.  Bucky couldn’t help but grin at the way that Alpine sat there in front of the bowl, waiting for the go ahead as her tail wagged aggressively.  “Eat.  Good girl.”
Kicking off his boots, he started up a fire in the fireplace.  The clouds were rolling in, the sun already setting.  He’d lived on the mountain long enough to know when the first real snow of the season was setting in.  They’d already had flurries, sure, but…  The first real snow was the first one that had everyone locked inside, unable to go anywhere for weeks.  He could smell it on the air.
Thankfully he was all stocked up on wood, so they’d be warm.  He’d already moved up Alpine’s dinner time so it would still be light outside when she needed to go outside to use the bathroom.  And they had more than enough food in the fridge and in the deep freeze to last them the entire winter, if they needed.  They’d be okay.
Honestly, his biggest worry was losing Alpine in the snow.  She was a big floof of white fur.  She always came when he called, but still.  It was the principle of it.
After she went to the bathroom, the two of them curled up on the couch while he ate and they watched whatever DVD he popped in.  He’d probably binge watch the box set of nature documentaries he’d gotten.
They were… relaxing.  After spending a few tours in Afghanistan, he needed relaxing.
It had been ten years, but… some things don’t fade with time.  Some things stick like gummy bears on a car seat in July.
It was past midnight when Alpine raised her head from his lap, a low whine in the back of her throat.  By then, he’d cracked open a beer and been fully ready to fall asleep there.
“Al?  Come on, baby girl, there’s nothing out there,” he said reassuringly.  It was snowing heavily, and he’d estimate there was already about seven inches deep with no sign of stopping.
But Alpine gets off the couch and runs for the door, barking sharply.
“What the hell has gotten into you?” He asked as he watched her.  “Alpine, come.”
For the first time in the four years since he’d gotten her, she didn’t listen.
Instead, she let out another bark as she clawed at the door.
“Al,” he groaned as he forced himself up.  He left the beer on the coffee table before heading to the door.  “There’s nothing out there.  Just snow.  You’re just gonna get cold and get the floors all wet.”
But, alas, he’s a slave to the desires of his puppy.
It’s kinda pathetic, really.  Not that he cared.
He opened up the door to let her out, frigid air blasting him.  The snow crept up onto the porch, and there was so much coming down it looked almost like a curtain.  “See, Al?  Nothing.”
But she ran out into the snow, nudging at what just looked like another pile of fluffy white snow.  She let out a whine, the only parts clearly visible of her being her dark nose and eyes.
And that’s when a head appeared, and his heart stopped.  What the fuck was a woman doing out in the middle of a snow storm?
Despite the fact that he wasn’t wearing shoes and he’d just changed into a fresh pair of sweats, he ran out to where Alpine was still trying to nudge her awake.  The snow was freezing his toes as he reached down and scooped up the girl, woman, whatever, and carried her inside.
“Come on,” he called out to the samoyed, who was following quickly after him, her tail tucked between her legs.  “You’re such a smart puppy,” he cooed as he laid the girl on the couch.  “You knew she was out there and made sure I got to her.  Good puppy.”
From the color of her lips, there was no doubt in his mind that hypothermia was starting to set in.  And from what she was wearing?  Come on.  She didn’t even have shoes on.  Just two pairs of socks.
Fuck.  He’d have to strip her down.  He needed to get her warm, and the clothes she wore weren’t doing anything to help her since they were thin and soaking wet. “You better not kill me when you wake up,” he grumbled as he pulled her clothes off of her, keeping his eyes averted.  She didn’t even have underwear or a bra on.
It wasn’t that he was some kind of creep.  He just felt awkward.  He didn’t know this woman and he wasn’t some kind of life saver.
Bucky was alarmed by the amount of bruises that covered her body, though it looked as though there was a purposeful lack of them on her face.  There were also what looked like fresh scrapes along her hips.
He wrapped her in every blanket he could find after grabbing fresh clothes from the laundry room and redressing her, cocooning her before shoving the couch closer to the fire so that it may warm her easier.  But she still seemed so cold.  He moved to the kitchen, taking a few hot water bottles from the first aid cabinet and warming them up before gently dabbing one at her face, the only part of her still exposed.
Bucky knew that the only thing he could do now was wait for her to wake up.  Pressing two fingers to her neck, he let out a sigh of relief when he felt her pulse.  “You’re not out of the woods yet,” he said as he grabbed his beer and took a swig.  It was going to be a long night.
Alpine was more than happy with the addition of a new person in their home, if not still a little worried.  She climbed up onto the couch and curled up against her, sniffing at her face and giving her a lick before lying her head down beside her.
“She’ll be okay, Al,” Bucky said quietly as he reached out to give her scritches right above her tail.  He wasn’t sure if he believed it, but…  Maybe Alpine would understand and calm down a little.
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My first thought when I woke up was that I was warm.  Really warm.
I hadn’t been warm in such a long time.
My eyelids were so heavy, and I had no desire to open them just yet.
What would I find when I woke up?  If I was back in His possession, in his house, I…  I would need to resort to Plan B.
Technically, Plan B had been Plan A a few times, when things had gotten… especially hard.  But He had caught me before I could succeed.
The last thing I could remember was stumbling through the snow.  I’d managed to finally get out after planning it for months.  I waited until He’d gone out for his nightly trip to the bars before pulling on my two pairs of socks and slipping out through the broken basement window.
The broken glass that I had thought would cause me to freeze to death had become my salvation.
I had been going down the mountain, following the road.  But it had started to snow.  I’m not sure how long I had been walking when I could see the path anymore, or when I saw the light.
The first light I had seen in the stifling white.  It had been coming from a window, cutting through the storm like a beacon of hope.
The wave of relief I had felt at the cabin slowly taking shape in front of my very eyes had been euphoric.  I had started to think that if I was going to die, at least I wasn’t going to die in captivity.
But I hadn’t even made it to the porch steps.
Which brought me to where I am now.  Wrapped up in what I was pretty sure was several blankets.  But I could smell… dog?  He didn’t have a dog.  No pets allowed.
He also didn’t have a crackling fireplace, from what I remember of the few times I’d been allowed upstairs.
Yeah.  Definitely no fireplace.
I made sure to stay completely still as I felt two calloused fingertips press against the pulse point in my neck.
“Well, Al, her heart rate has increased…”
So it was definitely a man.
I’d gotten really good at pretending to be asleep over the years.  Like, really, really good.  It wasn’t often that He’d been able to tell that I was awake if I didn’t want him to know.
There was a whimper, and then a rough tongue licked across my face.  The dog.  Which was (hopefully) this ‘Al.’  I didn’t want to deal with more than one man.
The man sighed and walked away.  “You gonna keep watch over her, baby girl?  I gotta go get a shower.”
Did he think the dog was going to answer him?
As soon as I heard his footsteps going up a set of stairs, I took in a deep breath before slowly letting it out.  I needed to get out of there.  Immediately.
I just had to slip out without him hearing me or the dog making a scene.
I slowly opened my eyes, even though it still felt like I had washers glued to my lashes.
And there was the fireplace.  It was so nice and warm…  I hadn’t felt this toasty in years.  The basement was always so frigid, and with the lack of blankets provided to me, I was always at least a little cold.
Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to stay for a little while…
No.  I shook my head as I forced myself to sit up.  I couldn’t stay.  I had to get out and get down the mountain to civilization.
I gasped as I felt the rough tough on my cheek again, turning to see a huge white dog that looked more like a cloud than an animal.  “Shh…”  I had to work to get my arms out of the blankets to pet it, but it was then that I realized I was not in my original clothing underneath all the swaddling.  My heart sank to my stomach as I felt a wave of panic.
Had he touched me?  Was he no better than Him?
I got most of the blankets off and frowned as I looked down at sweatpants and the long sleeved shirt I was wearing.  They were far too big for me, but they’d have to do.
I kept my steps feather light as I looked around the space I had found myself in.  It was a living room, and rather cozy.  Rustic looking.  I could see the kitchen to my left, and a silent debate with myself started over whether or not I’d have time to grab food for myself before running.  From the way my stomach growled, I knew that I’d have to.
I hadn’t eaten since yesterday, since today was not my scheduled day to eat.
The cloud dog followed me to the fridge, its tail wagging as I grabbed what I could reasonably carry.  It took everything within me to not stop and play with her.  I hadn’t seen a dog in so long, especially not one so sweet.  Its tail kept wagging even as it watched me stealing food.
I was reaching for the jar of pickles when I heard the cocking of a gun, and I turned around to see a large, burly man pointing a handgun at me.  The food in my hands dropped to the ground as I threw my hands up, my heart racing.  The jar of pickles shattered, the glass flying all over the floor.  “I-I’m sorry!  I’m sorry!” I gushed, feeling sweaty under the pressure of the barrel being pointed at me.  “I don’t know where I am.  I j-just woke up and I’m s-so hungry.”
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Bucky’s heart pounded as he got out of the shower, hearing a commotion downstairs.
His instincts took over, and he didn’t have time to even think things through before pulling on a pair of briefs and grabbing his handgun from his bedside table before slipping down the stairs.
He had the gun in both hands as he peeked around the corner, seeing a girl digging through his fridge.  It was the cocking of the gun that alerted her to his presence, and she whirled around.
She was pretty, he could acknowledge that much.
It was when she was rambling that suddenly he remembered.  The girl in the snow.  But he’d been certain that she wouldn’t wake up for at least a few more hours.
His startling blue eyes stayed locked on her as he flipped the safety back on.  But he still kept it raised.  “Who are you?” He demanded, his voice gruff, deep.
She gave her name, and he frowned.  Just a first name?  No last?
“Where did you come from?”
“U-Up the mountain,” she said quietly, a few tears rolling down her pretty cheeks.  “Please, I…  I mean no h-harm.  Please.  I’ll go.  I swear.”
He shook his head, slowly lowering the gun.  It wasn’t like she was much of a threat.  She clearly had no idea what she was doing.  “Don’t be stupid.  You already almost froze to death once out in the storm.  Leaving would just mean that you wasted my efforts to save your life.”
“Thank you,” she said stiffly, still not moving from where she was.  It sounded more like a question than a statement.
She was skinny.  Scary skinny.  Of course, he’d seen that when he’d undressed her, but it was even more alarming seeing her in his clothes, seeing how they draped from her frail, bird-like shoulders.
He nodded to the mess around her.  “Stay still.  I don’t want you cutting your feet on the glass.”  Luckily she had the sense to listen as he swept up the glass and pickles, picking up everything around her before mopping.
He didn’t like being close to her, and she clearly didn’t like being close to him either.  Good.  It meant they would be less likely to step on each other’s toes.
Bucky was already very aware that she was going to have to stay until the snow let up enough for her to leave.
“I’m assuming you’re hungry?” He said as he put the mop away.  “You can have food.  I’m not going to starve you after rescuing you.”
She nodded, her stomach grumbling.  “Yes.  Hungry…”
Pointing to the fridge, he leaned back against the kitchen island.  “You can get whatever you want.”  He watched curiously as she reached into the door and grabbed the container of cottage cheese.  “Did you want some warm food?”
“This is fine.”
“You sure?”
She was weird.  But he couldn’t really judge considering the fact that he had no idea who she was or where she had come from.
Maybe she was a Russian spy or something.
No, that’s stupid, he reminded himself.  Your military days are over.  No one is looking for you anymore.
He showed her to one of the guest rooms once she finished eating the entire container of cottage cheese, eyeing her in case she vomited.  He had no idea how the hell she did that.  He liked cottage cheese as much as the next person, but still.
“Um…  There’s a shower through there.  And I can… get you some more clothes and stuff,” he said softly.  He stayed far away, out of her reach, and he noticed her doing the same.
She nodded, chewing on her lower lip as she looked around.  “Okay.  Thank you.”
“I’ll let you… get to it then,” he said awkwardly.  A frown settled across his face as he watched Alpine jump up onto the bed as the girl looked into the bathroom.  “Traitor.”
“Can you show me how the shower works?” She asked, poking her head back out.  “And…  What are the… shower rules here?”
A wave of confusion spread over him.  Shower rules?  “Uh…  Just… let me know if you’re gonna shower soon so I know not to use all the hot water?”
“That’s it?”
“Uh… yeah.”
“Oh.  Okay.”  She glanced over at Alpine, who was lying on her bed.  “Are you…  Are you showering soon?”
Bucky’s head tilted to the side, his brows furrowed.  His dark hair was still wet, and he was still in his briefs.
The girl nodded, letting out a weak laugh as her face flushed.  “Right.  Sorry.”  She pointed to the bathroom.  “The… shower?”
“Right!”  He slipped past her into the bathroom, making sure he didn’t touch her, before showing her how to work the knob and change the temperature.  “There we go…  Uh…  Have a good shower.  And I’m James… by the way…”  He let out a huff of air as he stood there with his hands on his hips.  “Right, um…”  He felt a bit awkward as he left quickly then.
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I waited until after James had left to lock the bedroom door, swallowing as I shoved the desk chair under the handle.
There was a low whine, and I turned to see the cloud dog still on the bed.  I had thought it had left with him.  “Hi.  I thought you left.”  I reached out and scratched behind its ear, the fur soft under my fingers.
After taking a few minutes to just pet the puppy, I headed to the bathroom where the shower was still running, the mirror fogged up.
It had been so long since I’d had a hot shower.
After locking the bathroom door, I stripped off the clothes I’d been given and folded them nicely, laying them on the counter.  I could see the scrapes along my hips and cursed, wiping off the mirror so I could attempt to see them better.  I was covered in bruises, and the scrapes were clearly fresh.
But I had no idea what James thought of them or where he thought I got them.  Fuck.
I’d have to come up with some kind of excuse unless I was ready to tell him just where I’d come from.
Which just felt like it’d be so much work.  I wasn’t ready for that yet.
I didn’t come out of my room for the rest of the night.  It was the first time I’d ever been truly alone in years.
Even when He was gone, I was never truly alone.  Not when cameras captured every square inch of the basement.
When I crawled into bed, the cloud dog curled up against me and rested its head on my back.
I slept better than I had in years.  Even if I did end up vomiting up the cottage cheese.
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Bucky was still confused by the girl three weeks later.  The snow hadn’t let up, which he was kinda upset about because she’d eaten one of the two containers of cottage cheese her first night.
He liked his cottage cheese.  And she ate it.
Which, okay.  He had been able to tell she was hungry and she clearly needed the food more than he did, but still.  She couldn’t have chosen something else?
Now they were having to ration the cottage cheese.  They had about half a cup left and they were both waiting for the other one to finish it off.
He was about ready to just tell her to take it.
He also didn’t understand how she’d stolen his dog from him.  Alpine had transferred her love and loyalty over to the strange girl within thirty seconds of meeting her, and it appeared that there would be no changing that anytime soon.  The dog was always at her side and wouldn’t even go outside to use the bathroom unless she sat on the porch, bundled in one of Bucky’s coats and wrapped in a blanket, and watched her.  Al didn’t even sleep with Bucky anymore.  She slept with the girl, her head on her back as if she was ensuring that she was still breathing.
On one hand, it was absolutely precious.
On the other, Bucky had lost his cuddle buddy.
But they gave each other a wide berth.  They never touched, which he was grateful for.  He didn’t… like touch.  And he got the implication that she didn’t either.
“You know, you living here kinda reminds me of the 2020 pandemic,” he said nonchalantly as they sat in the living room watching tv.  He was on the recliner, and she was curled up on the couch with Alpine in her lap.
Her head tilted to the side as she tore her attention from the movie playing on the tv.  “The what?”
Bucky blinked.  And then he blinked again.  “The…  The 2020 pandemic?  The pandemic three years ago?” He said slowly, his brows furrowed.  “Covid-19?  Everyone had to wear masks?  America was literally a cesspool of selfish assholes who were so stupid they believed Trump?”
“Trump…  Isn’t he that celebrity show host?  He was on Home Alone?  The Lost in New York one?” She asked.
He was going crazy.  He was sure of it.
“What?” She asked, sitting up a little straighter as she crossed her legs applesauce style, causing Alpine to whine before settling back down in her lap.  “Did I say something wrong?”
Bucky leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees.  “Donald Trump became president in the 2016 election.  Then Biden won in 2020.”
Her eyes were wide, her cheeks flushed.  “Oh.”
“How did you not know?” He asked.
She shrugged, wrapping her arms around Alpine.  “I… haven’t watched the news… in a while…”
The man could understand that, but the whole ‘not watched the news’ in a bit really only worked when it came to things like… like a celebrity doing something stupid or a law being passed.  Two whole presidential elections?  That was…  That was Amish levels of ignorance.  Even if she didn’t watch tv, there were billboards and signs and merchandise like those stupid Make America Great Again hats.
As if America had ever been great.  And he had a double right to say that, since he’d been a stupid eighteen year old kid that the military had preyed on, getting him to join up and head overseas when America had no reason to be there.
He’d lost his arm because of it.
“How long has it been since you watched the news?” He questioned, his heart racing.  He had a bad feeling about it.  A really, really bad feeling that settled in his gut.
She buried her face in Alpine’s fur, her shoulders rising and falling as she huffed.
She’d put on some weight since getting there, thankfully.  He’d been making sure she got all her protein and started her on vitamins supplements he had.
“Eleven years…”
He paused, blinking slowly.  “Eleven years?  What the hell do you mean ‘eleven years?’”  He took a moment when he saw the way she flinched away from him.  He’d figured out pretty quick that she couldn’t handle any raising of the voice.  She’d shut down.  “I’m sorry.  I’m sorry.  But…  I still don’t know anything about you except your name.  Not even your last name.  I don’t know where you came from.  I still don’t know how the hell you ended up in my front lawn, half frozen to death.  I…”  He sighed.  “What happened?”
She was quiet for so long that he was sure she wasn’t going to reply.  He started to get ready to stand up, letting out a huff.
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“I was thirteen,” I said quietly, my voice barely audible.  Alpine’s fur was so soft in my fingers and against my cheek.  It kept me grounded, kept me tied down to the Earth so I didn’t float away in the cloudy memories that covered the sky in my head.
Bucky was watching me closely, clearly surprised that I’d actually spoken.
My throat felt so dry.  “Um…  It was a few months after my birthday…  And I had just gotten a new phone.  It was… It was one of those sliding phones with a full keyboard?  It had a touch screen, and it was cherry red.”  I couldn’t help but let out a weak laugh as I remembered that stupid phone.  I’d been utterly obsessed with it, like any thirteen year old would be.  “I was in eighth grade and even though most people I went to school with already had an iPhone, that phone was the coolest thing ever.”
He was watching me in a way that was so intense, so focused.  I hadn’t ever had someone look at me like that.  Like he was actually listening.
“And, uh…  I used to walk to the river in the woods by my house,” I said, my voice growing soft again.  “I would go and sit and read on nice days…  I didn’t really have… friends.  I was a bit of a loner, and new.  We’d just moved there that April.”  My heart ached.  I missed that river.  I missed my parents.  More than anything.  “There was a man that I’d see sometimes at the river fishing…”
Bucky’s breath audibly hitched, and I could see his hands gripping his knees tightly.
“I was lonely,” I said, my voice cracking as I clutched onto Alpine that much tighter.  The puppy let out a whine as my eyes water.  “I didn’t have any friends yet.  I was an o-only child…  So, yeah, I’d talk t-to him.  I didn’t think it was wrong.  I f-figured if he was going to do something, he would’ve done it the f-first eighty times I s-saw him.”
“He took you, didn’t he?” He asked quietly, his voice gravelly.
Avoiding his eyes, I gave a short nod.  “Yeah.”
He stood up, his jaw set as he reached for his phone.  “We have to call the police.  If you were being held in a house on this mountain, then that means whoever took you lives close enough for you to have gotten here in a snowstorm.”
“NO!” I said as I scrambled up.  Alpine flopped to the side with a bark as she watched me scramble to knock his cell phone out of his hand.  “No cops!” I breathed out, eyes feral.
“Okay,” he said quietly, his voice soothing as he held up his hands in surrender.  “Okay.  No cops.  I won’t call the cops…”
I could see the confusion on his face, but a wave of relief washed over me as he agreed to not call the cops without asking too many questions.  I’d already shared so much.
“Do you want to watch a movie?” He asked, casually switching the subject as he sat back down.  He didn’t even grab his phone.
“Yeah.  Yeah, that sounds good,” I said as I took my seat again, swallowing thickly.  “Can we watch that one you were telling me about?” I asked as Alpine licked my face before settling in my lap once again.  “The…  The one about the Day of the Dead?”
An easy smile spread across his lips.  “Coco?  Yeah.  We can watch whatever you want.”
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There was a shift in the air after she told Bucky about where she’d come from.  They still kept a generally wide berth, but… they were closer.  He was definitely in no hurry for her to leave.  Not when he could keep her safe in his cabin.
He felt a wave of protectiveness every time he thought of her.  He had someone to take care of now.  Other than Alpine and Steve when they were kids, he’d never had that.  Even Rebecca had been so independent growing up.
He liked having someone to protect, to take care of.  He liked checking in on her when he woke up in the morning and when he went to bed.
Which he’d started doing once she’d stopped locking her door at night.
Bucky liked preparing her breakfast and coffee for her in the morning, slowly helping her increase her food intake without hurting her tummy.  He liked checking in on her and making her laugh with his stupid jokes.
He liked… her.  She was easily the prettiest gal he’d seen, even if it was unassuming at first.
But he wasn’t a creep like the man who took her, whoever he was.  He wasn’t going to pressure her into being with him just because he was providing her shelter and food.
He wouldn’t use her like that.
And besides, it wasn’t as though she would want him.  She had just turned twenty-four that year, and he was forty-one.  There was a good seventeen year age gap, and it felt even wider once he’d realized that her education had effectively stopped at thirteen years old.
Of course, he’d started to remedy that.  He’d found some kind of online learning platform that he’d remembered from the pandemic.  Parents had started the free service in order to make sure that kids were still getting their education as schools shut down and they were pushed into Zoom classes in the autumn of 2020, after America failed and sent them back to school.
She was a lot smarter than she realized, and he made sure to tell her as often as possible.
They had a camaraderie that he hadn’t ever expected to find after he’d pushed Steve away.
Steve had been lucky.  He’d been good enough at drawing that he’d gotten a full ride to art school.  He didn’t have to enlist in order to have a future.
It wasn’t that Bucky was bitter about that.  Steve deserved it.  And now Bucky’s job was taking pictures of the mountains he lived on, and he got paid so much that he really only had to work a few months a year.
“You always talk about Steve,” she said softly one night as they ate dinner in the living room, as per their routine.  “Do you still talk to him?”
“Uh…  No,” he said quietly.  “Lately I’ve been thinking about reaching out, though…  I miss him.”
Her head tilted to the side as she looked at him, her spoon halfway to her mouth.  He’d made chicken tortilla soup, since that had apparently become her favorite.  “What happened?  If you don’t mind me asking…”
Bucky smiled weakly down at his own half empty bowl.  “Well…”  His spoon clinked against the side.  “It was hard after I came home… from overseas…  I’d lost my arm…  I wasn’t the same guy I was…”  He took a deep breath.  “I was angry… at everything… and I took it out on him, even when it wasn’t his fault…  And then one day I just packed up and left.  Found my way here.  I bought this place with the money I had and fixed it up…  It was a real dump.  Basically foreclosed.  But I spent an entire summer fixing it.  Had to get it done before the first snow.  And it also got me to figure out how to use my prosthetic.  It’s some… fancy experimental thing.”
There was a flicker of the lights, and then nothing.  It went completely dark.  The heater stopped, the clock on the top of the stove went off.
“Bucky?” She whimpered, the fear evident in her voice.
“Hey, it’s okay.  It’s okay.  I’m here,” he said as he used his phone flashlight to illuminate the situation a little bit.  “I’m gonna find some flashlights, okay?  You stay right there with Alpine.”
She nodded, setting her bowl to the side and wrapping her arms around the puppy.  “Okay…  H-Hurry back.”
Oh, he definitely would.  He didn’t wanna leave his bear cub alone for too long.
He found two flashlights in the basement before coming back.  “Okay, let’s get all the blankets and stuff together,” he said as he handed her one of them.  “It’s gonna get cold real quick without the heating working.”  There was no way he was gonna be able to get out to look at the generator with how heavy the snow was falling.
They piled all the blankets up on his bed before she crawled under the mountain of them, Alpine curling up next to her like always.
She watched as Bucky sat on the edge of the bed, watching the slow rise and fall of his back.  She could practically see the steam coming from his ears from how much he was overthinking.  “You can take your arm off, you know,” she said quietly, sitting up on her elbows.  “I’m…  I’m not gonna think it’s weird.”
Bucky let out a weak laugh.  “You sure, bear cub?” He asked, his voice wavering.  “I don’t want to freak you out…”
“Something that’s a part of you could never be bad,” she said quietly.
His heart stuttered inside his chest.  He didn’t know what to say in reply.  He’d never had someone say something like that.  His hand was shaking as he reached up and undid his prosthetic.  It was a whole thing he went through every night and every morning, since it was attached to his nerves.  He hissed as it finally came off, setting it in the open case on the ground as he rolled his shoulders a few times to get the tension out.
“See?” She said as she watched him, her eyes running over his back muscles and the scars that covered his shoulder.  “There’s nothing bad about you.”
Bucky slowly crawled under the blankets, staying on the other side of the bed.  He didn’t want to make her uncomfortable.
“You gonna stay over there all night?’
He blinked, and then he blinked again, his eyes staring up at the ceiling.  “I…  What?”
She was still sitting up on her elbows, her lower lip caught between her teeth.  Her eyes were flickering between the blankets and him.  “You don’t have to stay over there…  I’m not… gonna break if we cuddle, you know…”
Bucky’s heart stopped inside his chest as his mind went blank.  He suddenly wasn’t thinking anymore about how he might hurt her.  She wanted him.  Or at least… wanted him to cuddle with her.
Which he was more than happy to comply.
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I scooted over a little closer to Bucky when I realized he was frozen staring at me.  He seemed to be in shock over the fact that I wanted to cuddle.
“Jamie?” I said softly, my fingers grabbing onto his arm and tugging him closer.  “Please?”
I watched as he swallowed, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he nodded.
“I mean…  You don’t have to,” I added quickly, feeling a flash of anxiety.  What if I had imagined everything?  The flirting?  The calling me bear cub?  “Not if…  Not if you don’t want to.”
Maybe my emotional growth was just as stunted as my educational growth.
But then moved closer to the center of the bed, his strong arm wrapping around my waist and pulling me close.  So close that I was lying on top of his chest.  He was so nice and warm.
And so strong.  He wasn’t like one of those guys in Hollywood or the bodybuilders that were all dehydrated in order to look like they had a twenty pack of abs or something.  He was the real kind of strong.
It was sexy as hell.
And it had been so long since I’d had a gentle touch…  Or had someone hold me just for the sake of holding me.
I hadn’t realized just how badly I needed it until Bucky was holding me close, his lips pressing to my forehead.
“James?  If you don’t mind me asking…  How did you lose your arm?”
I could feel the rise and fall of his chest as he took in my question.
“You don’t have to tell me.”
“No, I…  I want to,” he insisted as he brought me that much closer.  His chin rested on top of my head.  “I was on break…  And these little local kids loved playing hopscotch with us.  We’d draw out the hopscotch on the ground and we would use a little rock and all that…  Then one day, there was a truck out by the road.  One of ours.  We didn’t think anything of it even though it wasn’t where it was supposed to be.  We figured that out later.”  He pressed his lips to my head.  He was trembling, even if he was trying to hide it.  “We were searching for a good rock to use… and when I got close to grab a rock under the wheel… someone set off a bomb.  Blew my arm clean off.  It was all in… all in slow motion.”  Bucky sighed, shaking his head.  “I’d rather it be me then one of those little kids though.”
I sighed, squeezing him tight.  “You’re a good man, James.”  He clearly didn’t wanna think about it anymore, so I quickly changed the subject.  “Have you ever had someone braid your hair?” I asked as I reached up, running my fingers through his long hair.
“Can’t say I have,” he said, a chuckle reverberating through his chest.  “Why?  You wanna braid my hair for me, bear cub?”
I hummed, twirling a strand of his hair around my fingers.  “Mm…  I think it’d look real pretty braided…”
“Pretty?  You calling me pretty?” He snorted.
“Why’s that?”
“‘Cause you’re pretty.”
By the blush on his cheeks, I could tell that he hadn’t ever been called pretty again.
And I knew I’d have to start calling him pretty a lot more.
Bucky had a shy smile on his face as he squeezed me closer to him, burying his face in my hair.  “You’re prettier, bear cub.”  He kissed my forehead again, humming.  “Get some sleep.  I’ll see you in the morning.”
“I promise.”
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It was another two months before there was a break in the snow long enough for them to be able to head to town for more groceries.  Plus, they needed to stop and get her some clothing that actually fit her.
Not that Bucky didn’t mind her wearing his clothes.  He liked it a lot, actually.  His little bear cub in his sweaters and such.
But she did want some pants that fit her proper and some underwear, at least.
And she was excited, but clearly anxious.  “Come on, Alpine,” she said happily as they ran out to the truck, Bucky following quickly behind.
“You’re adorable,” he said softly as he climbed in the driver’s seat.
“Shut it,” she said, covering her face in Alpine’s white fur.
He was falling for her.  Hard.  Even after the electric came back on, they hadn’t stopped staying in the same bed.  It just felt natural.  They hadn’t done anything more than cuddle, but he wasn’t exactly in a rush.  Bucky was very happily letting her take the reins when it came to how quick they moved.
But he did wanna talk to her about being together officially at some point.
The one thing he was really worried about was the fact that she still wouldn’t let him call the police.
He just wanted to find the man who had hurt her and wring his neck with his bare hands.
Or at least have him thrown in jail.  At the very least.
The first thing they did was get her some clothes and shoes so she could change into them, even though he was pleased to note that she did keep on his sweater.
She looked really, really good in green.
Like, really good.
“We need at least two containers of cottage cheese,” she said as she grabbed them, grinning.
“Oh, yeah?” He asked, coming up to her and wrapping his arms around her waist.  He couldn’t help it.  He loved touching her.  Preferred to have at least one hand on her at all times.  “Better make that three containers, bear cub.  From what I remember, someone ate an entire container in one sitting and then promptly threw all of it up.”
“I don’t know who you’re talking about.”  Her cheeks flushed as she nuzzled into him.  “And I only have two hands, James.”
A slow smirk spread over his lips as he looked at her pretty face.  He loved getting her all flustered.  “I didn’t say you had to grab it all at once.”  As if to make a point, he reached over and grabbed a third container, moving to set it in the cart.
It was when he had turned his head away for less than thirty seconds that he heard the sound of plastic hitting the ground, and saw cottage cheese splattered across the marble tiles.
“Bear cub?” He said in confusion as he looked around.  But she’d disappeared.  His brows furrowed as his eyes met Brock Rumlow’s, who was glowering at him for some fucking reason.  His eyes flickered down to his outfit, his heart stopping inside his chest when he saw the badge.
Brock Rumlow was a police officer.
His bear cub hated cops and refused to let him call the cops.
She’d disappeared when she saw him.
He didn’t like the thoughts that were running in his head.
Bucky had to find her before Brock did.
He didn’t even attempt to act nonchalant as he ran through the store, leaving the cart there.  His heart was absolutely racing.
Alpine wasn’t sitting outside the front door where they’d left her.
He rushed to the parking lot, breathing out a sigh of relief when he found her and Alpine in the truck, huddled down on the floor.  “Oh, thank fuck,” he breathed out as he got in the driver’s seat.  He didn’t even buckle before he was peeling out of the parking lot.  “He’s not gonna touch you, baby.  I promise.”
She looked up at him with glassy eyes, tears staining down her soft cheeks.  “H-He…  He’s the one who…”
“I know,” he said quietly as he reached over to take her hand, intertwining their fingers and squeezing.  He was flying up the mountain as fast as he could without spinning out, heading for the cabin.  “I know that it’s him.  But he’s not going to touch you, okay?  I’m not gonna let him.  I’m gonna protect you.”  He handed her his phone out of his pocket.  “Bear cub, can you go to my contacts and call Sam?  Tell him we need him as soon as possible.”
She nodded, her hands trembling as she found the name and called.  “H-Hello?  This is Bucky’s friend and w-we need someone at Bucky’s immediately.  Please.”
When they got back to the cabin, he rushed her inside.  “Go upstairs to our bedroom, lock the door, and then go to the bathroom and lock the door,” he said.  “Take the handgun in my bedside table with you.”
“J-Jamie, I’m scared,” she whimpered, her hands shaking.
He rushed forward, his hands holding her face as he pulled her into a kiss.  “It’s all gonna be okay.  But don’t come out for anyone that isn’t me, alright?” He said softly, caressing her cheeks.  “Take Alpine with you.”
She nodded, and he let out a sigh of relief as she went.
He grabbed the gun he had hidden in the living room, quickly loading it.  He knew that Rumlow would be coming up after them, especially if he was the one who had kept his precious girl kidnapped for over a decade.
He had a lot to lose.
But so did Bucky.  He’d just gotten his girl, and he wasn’t losing her anytime soon.
Bucky Barnes would not be losing the one person that made him feel human again.
And if it came down to it, and he died protecting her, he’d be okay with that as long as she was safe.  He’d just have to bring down Brock with him.
He stiffened as he heard the car pull into the drive with a roar and then the slamming of the door.  He knew it wasn’t Sam.  It would take him longer than that to get up there considering when they’d called.
Brock didn’t even bother knocking.  He shot through the lock and threw the door open.
It was all a blur.  Bucky shot at him and managed to catch him in the thigh, but Brock just kept coming.  He was pretty sure he had a bulletproof vest on, too.
“So this is where the little brat’s been?” Brock snarled, glaring as he pointed the gun at him.  “I figured she’d died out in the snow.  Would’ve been better if she had.”
Bucky wasn’t going to dignify it with a response.  He knew Brock was just trying to rile him up to get him to fuck up.  And he couldn’t let that happen when his girl’s life was on the line.
What he did do was aim at Brock’s hand and get him to drop the gun before he rushed forward and pinned him to the ground to wait for Sam.  He shoved him to the ground, glaring at him harshly.  “You will never touch her again,” he hissed, emphasizing each word as his hand wrapped around his throat and squeezed threateningly.  “And I’d fucking kill you now, but you don’t deserve a quick death.”  He spit in his face.  “I want you to get put in prison for life, and I want to hear about how your ass is getting kicked everyday for kidnapping and raping a little girl, and holding her hostage for over a decade.  I’m gonna personally make sure you never see the light of day again.”
As soon as the door opened and Sam came in with two other officers, he lifted his hands in surrender, getting off him once he knew that Brock wouldn’t be able to get out.
Before anyone could stop to question him, he ran upstairs.  “BABY?” He called out as he knocked on the bedroom door.
It took less than thirty seconds for his girl to open the door and throw herself into his arms, Alpine barking excitedly behind her.
“Hey, Alpine,” he said with a laugh as he scooped her up, wrapping her legs around his waist as she buried her face in his neck.  “Did you protect your mama?  Yeah?”
She let out a weak laugh as she nuzzled in further.  “Are you okay?” She asked, her voice cracking as she pulled back to look at him, holding his face as she checked him for injuries.
“Bear cub, he didn’t even touch me,” he said softly, holding her close.  “He’s in cuffs now, being put in the back of a cop car to go to prison…”  He kissed her forehead.  “He can’t ever get near you again.  They’re gonna search his place and it’ll all be over.  You never have to go back there ever again.”
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I jerked awake, letting out a broken scream.  Sweat dripped down my back, tears rolling down my cheeks.
Alpine let out a worried whine from where she laid on my feet, keeping them toasty.
“Hey…  Hey, I’m here,” Bucky whispered sleepily as he brought me into his chest with his one arm.  His prosthetic had been taken off earlier.  “I’ve got you, bear cub…  I’m right here…”
I crumbled into tears as I was pulled onto his lap, my nose brushing against his neck.  “J-Jamie…”
“Was it the dream again?”
I nodded, my hands grasping at him to hold him close.  “I wa-was back in that basement…  W-With Him.”
He had gotten to see the basement first hand.  The concrete walls.  The dirty mattress that rested on the ground without any sheets.  The bugs and the rats that I had shared that space with.  The broken window that Brock had covered with a trash bag.  The cameras.
He’d seen me through the whole trial.
It didn’t take long for Brock to be put on trial and found guilty.  Hell, the jury only deliberated for an hour before coming back and giving their verdict.
With all the evidence from his cabin and his own poor defense, I didn’t even have to testify, which was a relief.
The piece of shit actually thought he’d get off easy.  But he got fifty years, and considering he was already over forty, it wasn’t likely that he’d ever get to leave prison again.
There was a bit of… question about what would happen to me after.  Where I would go.
My parents came to see me at Bucky’s, and they started talking about me going home with them and how they still had my room all set up.
But I just couldn’t leave Bucky and Alpine.  Not after everything.
And as much as I knew that me being taken wasn’t their fault, I didn’t feel safe with them like I did with him.
I thought Bucky was going to cry when I said that I wanted to stay with him.  He’d rushed to reassure them that he was going to take care of me and he was already working on helping me get my GED.
They seemed to like him, which was good.
And yeah.  The nightmares still came back sometimes.  I would always be haunted, even with my therapists’ help.
“I’ve got you…  He’s never gonna touch you again.  You’re safe,” Bucky whispered as he kissed my cheek.  He pulled back, his hand cupping my face.  “I love you.  And I’ll never let anyone hurt you ever again.  And you know Alpine won’t.”
“I know,” I said softly as I rested my head against his chest as he laid us down again.  “I love you, too.”
No, the nightmares didn’t go away.  But that didn’t matter when I had Bucky.
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myfic-myheart · 3 years
I love how this blog went from being about Twilight, I read and watch it as a Teen Romance Comedy because it so enjoyable like that, to being about a way to support content creators.
@syntheticavenger @happygowriting @loveforpreserumsteve @sinner-as-saint @constantwriter85 @navybrat817 @nsfwsebbie @giorno-plays-piano @buckysbunny @nastybuckybarnes
Tag your favorite creators so I can check them out.
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babyyhoneyydarling · 4 years
Are you intooooo.... lots of cuddles and hugs? 💕🙈
hehe yes! i love lots of cuddles and hugs!! especially from you! 🥰🥰🥰
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softtbucky · 3 years
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I mean 👀 how? haha. I really don’t know how this fucking happened or why you’re all still here but I love you so much and thank you all for putting up with my absolute garbage ramblings and my thirsty bucky barnes tags 😅 you’re like my second family and I love you all so much.
the mvp’s @sebastianruinedme @jurassicbarnes @jamesbuckybarns @dontneedmyheart @redgillan  @warmachinesocks @sergeantbuckybarnes @stanning-seb @sebastiianstxn @feelmyroarrrr @dindjaarinn @fortiesbucky @anakinskyiwalker @bluesteelstan @if-n0t-l8ter-when @evansmyrogers @lowkeysebastianstan @borkybarnes @hisredhenley  @shawnie--jo @samwilsons-pillowpecs @valkahrie @james-bucky @elwes-cary @snicketfiles
the squad @fentybucky @swiftbarnes @steventrevor @womb-to-tomb-sweetheart @sfumato-the-bear @jamesbvck @cptnbcky @buckycuddlebuddy @thisriveriswild @jbreenr @pleasenewtplease @fypedropascal @doctorenterprise @buckynatism @heartofgoldmp3 @blueyed-one @pussiesaregod @chookier @buckysbunny @saralou23 @holochromatic @rubyrosettared 
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