#buddy daddies tickling
tiklart · 1 year
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Drunken tickles 😔✋
Yuuuuh, I’ve been hella inactive 🧎 my deepest apologies. I don’t know if I’ll ever end up finishing requests, cause I be drawing anything but those 🗿 I’ll get to them in 2-3 business years I promise 🫡
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diznam · 1 year
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I remember this being like one of the most thrillingly fun things adults could do for you when I was little
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ticklishraspberries · 6 months
Family (Kazuki/Rei)
Summary: Kazuki discovers that Rei is ticklish. (Here is my fic for Squealing Santa 2k23, and I’m writing for *drumroll*...@tiklart!! I really hope you enjoy your fic. And a special thanks to @hypahticklish for running this event and being so lovely. Happy holidays to everyone!! xo)
Working and living together forced a sort of intimacy that both Rei and Kazuki weren’t exactly familiar with. Kazuki had been, once, but ever since that loss, he had closed himself off to forming such bonds, whereas Rei had never been so known to another person, and it sort of freaked him out.
The benefit was, of course, that it was beneficial to know one’s partner in their line of work. They had a basis of trust, of security. They worked well together, and had no reason to jeopardize that.
But there was also the domesticity of it all that was…Well, strange. Kazuki was like a proper housewife, cooking and cleaning and taking care of everything. Rei had grown up with money and maids, never had to care for himself, so that was welcomed. It was a little rude of him to leave it all up to Kazuki, but social skills were also not his strong suit, so he had no idea how to thank him, let alone help him with the chores. 
It was a calm day in their apartment, for once. There were no hits to be completed, nothing to do. Miri was at daycare, giving them some much needed peace and quiet. While Rei saw it as an opportunity to do more of nothing than usual, Kazuki was taking advantage of the day off, cleaning the apartment and prepping some meals to cook throughout the week, in his apron and all.
Rei often called him a housewife, which made Kazuki scoff and say something like, “So, what does that make you? My lazy husband?” which had once made Rei blush, but he had since gotten used to the banter. In a way, their dynamic had become almost like a marriage. They did everything together. And, well, Rei wasn’t complaining. Kazuki was a good-looking guy, no doubt about it, but they had never done anything to actually be a couple. They were just roommates and co-workers, arguably friends, who had now stumbled upon a little girl that they were raising as their own. As her two dads. Who weren’t married or even dating. It was a weird dynamic, for sure.
After cleaning Miri’s room, doing some laundry, cooking, and cleaning, all before noon, Kazuki plopped down on the couch beside Rei with a sigh.
Rei was, as usual, engrossed in a video game, and ignored his presence entirely.
“You know, you could have offered to help me out,” Kazuki said.
Rei made a noise in response, something between a grunt and a hum. An acknowledgement, but not agreeing or disagreeing. Not even listening.
Kazuki rolled his eyes. “Are you even paying attention?”
Rei repeated the noise, and Kazuki gave an annoyed huff.
“Earth to Rei,” he said, waving a hand next to his face.
Rei ignored him. He was so close to finishing the level, he wasn’t going to stop now! He focused intently, determined to finish with a perfect score.
He had expected Kazuki to just give up, leave him alone, like he usually did. But instead, Kazuki jabbed him in the ribs with two fingers, an unexpected touch that made him yelp and jump, tilting his controller in the process and effectively making him lose the level.
Rei turned with a disgruntled expression. “What do you want?”
“What was that?” Kazuki asked. “I didn’t hurt you, did I? Are you injured from that last hit? Why didn’t you tell me? Let me see!”
“I’m not hurt, you’re just being annoying,” Rei replied with a glare. “You made me lose.”
“Did that guy hit you in the ribs? I swear, if you’ve broken something and didn’t say anything, I’m going to kick your ass.”
Kazuki began experimentally prodding Rei’s side, determined to find the supposed injury and probably cause Rei a little bit of pain as a lesson in getting shit checked out right away, but instead, Rei wriggled away with a level of energy he only showed while on the job.
“Cut it out!” he said.
“But if you’re hurt, I—”
“I’m not hurt, dumbass, just leave me—”
“Wait a second. Are you…Did that tickle?” Kazuki asked, something like realization appearing on his face.
Rei’s face grew hot. “Of course not.”
“Oh, really? So you wouldn’t mind if I did…This?”
Kazuki leapt across the couch at him, fingers finding his belly with surprising ease. Rei, with all his training, had seen it coming but forgotten any practical means of escape, and simply shouted and squirmed, like he wasn’t a fucking assasian from one of the most feared families in Japan.
He bit the inside of his cheek, refusing to laugh, his long limbs flailing and trying to hit Kazuki anywhere that would disarm him, but Kazuki was just as strong and tactical as he was.
When Kazuki’s fingers found his ribs again, Rei couldn’t contain it any longer, a giggle slipping out. He would never describe it as such, but it was definitely a giggle. Slightly high-pitched and hysterical, and kind of adorable, although he would also hate that description.
“Wait until I tell Miri,” Kazuki teased.
“Don’t you dare,” Rei spat, gasping for air between laughter.
“Oh, c’mon! You know how much she likes to see you smile.”
“I’m not smiling!”
“You’re right, you’re actually laughing. My bad. Miri will like that even better! I can just imagine the look on her little face when she finds out Papa Rei is ticklish!”
“I am not ticklish,” Rei said through gritted teeth, fighting the urge to laugh again, as if it would do him any good. Kazuki had a good grip on his torso and was tormenting his sides and ribs with the dexterity of someone who knew their way around a trigger, as well as a sewing needle.
“Oh, you’re not? Then what’s so funny?”
“Fuck off!”
“She’s not even here!”
Rei kicked and swung his arms and even attempted to bite Kazuki a few times, but he was weak with laughter and eventually slumped against the cushions, laughing helplessly.
“Admit it and I’ll stop,” Kazuki said.
“Never!” Rei replied. He had been trained by his family to withstand worse torture than this. He would find a way to get out of this situation…But what then? Kazuki was never going to let this go. And if the kid found out…Ugh, he was totally screwed.
Kazuki’s hands darted upward and underneath Rei’s arms, making his laughter reach a new octave. It didn’t take long for him to crack.
“Fine, fine! I’m fucking ticklish, okay? Now stop!”
Kazuki did, immediately, a smug smile on his face. “That wasn’t so hard, was it?”
“I hate you,” Rei said.
His normally pale cheeks were flushed and his eyes were watery, his hair even messier than usual, his hoodie and sweatpants rumpled. As he caught his breath, he noticed Kazuki staring.
“What?” he asked, scowling.
“You just…You should laugh more. You look…You look cute,” Kazuki said, stumbling over his words as he also blushed.
Rei’s eyes widened in surprise. “I’m not…Fuck off,” he said, but he was fighting a smile.
“I’m serious though! You just…Miri’s right. It’s nice to see you smile.”
Rei opened his mouth to reply, then his eyes caught the time on the television. “Shit. We have to go pick her up.”
Kazuki looked at the time as well, jumping up from the couch. “Crap, you’re right. Let’s go!”
And in the chaos of grabbing their shoes and coats, their minds were distracted from their previous antics and conversation. It wasn’t until later that evening, when Miri had fallen asleep in his lap, that Rei revisited those words in his mind.
Cute? Really? It wasn’t the most flattering of compliments for a grown man to receive, but coming from Kazuki…Well, it had felt nice.
Maybe roommates and coworkers and co-parents weren't all that they were. Maybe they could be something more. The thought made his cheeks grow warm. As he looked down at Miri, their daughter, he truly felt that they were the perfect little family.
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giggly-squiggily · 1 year
Challenge Accepted (Buddy Daddies)
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*runs in and cartwheels into a candy apple display* HI-*crashes* I'm a little sleep deprived as of writing this intro but we're gonna run with it! Heyo everyone! I bring you today some good ol' Buddy Daddies! Besides writing sentence starters and dabbles for them- I haven't had the chance to write a full fic yet. That changes today!
Huge huge thank you to @thatbigbisexual29 for this brilliant idea- Thank you for giving me the inspo I needed and patience to finally write this thing! :D I hope y'all like it!
Summary: Miri comes home and asks a world changing question: Which of her two Papa's is tougher? Kazuki comes up with a grand plan to find out!
“Which one of you is tougher?”
The question made both men pause, Kazuki standing by the counter while Rei sat comfortably against the couch. Sharing a look, the blonde turned to their daughter with a huffed laugh. “What do you mean?”
“Taiga said his papa was super tough! He said both his mama and his papa are tough!” She stood up, raising her arms over her head in emphasis. “I told him my papa’s are tough too, but then he asked which one was more!”
“What did you tell him?” Rei asked. Kazuki shot him a look. They really shouldn’t encourage this-
“I told him Papa Rei’s tougher!” She beamed, making her other papa gap in shock. Rei barely fought down a smirk.
“What? Papa Rei? Tougher? I’m so much tougher!” Kazuki scurried over, flexing his biceps. “Your Papa Kazuki can carry both you and Rei whenever we need to get somewhere quickly!”
“I can do that too.” Rei pointed out, earning another look.
“Plus, who’s the one who gets all the critters out when they wander in?”
“Papa Rei.” Miri said just as Rei said “Me.”
Kazuki blanched. Okay- maybe Rei was better than him at catching bugs. “Well…I can cook!” “And we have stomachs of steel because of it.” Rei shrugged. Miri patted her belly in emphasis.
“Oh you- You love my cooking!” Kazuki rolled his eyes. “We’re not getting anywhere with this. What we need is a proper competition.”
“Oh?” Miri and Rei asked at the same time, one more tired than the other.
“Yeah! A challenge to see who’s the toughest papa!” The blonde grinned, rolling up his sleeves. “And I know just how we’re gonna figure it out!”
“Come on, Rei- you know you wanna break.” Kazuki cooed with devilish delight down at the squirming brunette beneath him, fingers creeping up his shirt and trailing along the curve of his belly. “Just say you give up, and it’ll all be over.”
The assassin merely flattened his lips in response, raising his quivering chin against the relentless waves of sensitivity threatening to drown him. “N-No! N-Never! Mmm!” He arched, the arms behind his head flexing but never quite dropping.
It was admittedly rather childish; the whole tickling thing. Still-There wasn’t much more the two could compete on given the circumstances. Both were similar in terms of speed and agility; and testing things like defusing a bomb and firing aim were simply undoable with Miri in the picture.
And yet- it was effective; Kazuki could feel Rei’s resistance slowly melt away with each flick of his fingers, the way his muscles tightened like bowstrings as the blonde traced over a particularly ticklish spot. He could have ended it all there- gone straight for Rei’s armpits and had him shooting his arms down with a shriek.
But that wasn’t much fun now, was it?
“So stubborn~ What a tough guy you are.” Kazuki cooed, giggling when Rei tried to glare. “Nah ah ah- no faces like that!” He raked his fingers higher, giving his bottom ribs a scratch. “Give me a smile.”
“Mmmph!” Rei’s eyes widened, cheeks puffing as he arched. Behind him, Kazuki could hear the sound of shuffling feet as Rei dug his heels into the sofa cushions.
“What? Nothing to say, tough guy?” Kazuki grinned, widening his fingers and slowly walking them up and down Rei’s ribcage. “Cat got your tongue? Or are you just scared when you open your mouth you’re gonna be laughing? I’d laugh too- especially with these tickly fingers walking up and down my ribs, getting closer and closer to my armpits but nooooooot quite touching them.” He prodded along the brunette’s upper ribs, nearly making Rei shoot his arms down. “I can feel them pounding against your chest- the laughter within you. They’re gonna burst out soon- might as well let it go~”
Rei shook his head, eyes squeezed shut as his arms twitched, the veins in his neck strained with effort. His hair had fallen into his eyes, hiding the mist forming in the corners. He was starting to rival a tomato in color. For a moment, Kazuki was worried he’d actually explode.
Well- better help him let it out before he does.
“And a one, and a two and a-” Kazuki lifted his hands up for dramatic pause, giving Rei a second to breathe. Once he was normal colored again, he shot his hands into his armpits.
“GEHAHHAHAHA!” Rei all but shrieked, arms shooting down to block out Kazuki’s hands.
“Oo, we’re halfway there! Tickle tickle tickle Rei!” Kazuki cackled, hanging on for dear life as the brunette thrashed and twisted beneath him, feet kicking and knees banging into his back. “Do you give in? Huh, do ya, do ya?”
“Ahehahahhahahahahahha! F-Fuuhuhuhuhuhuhu! Screehhehehehhw yohohohoohohu, Kahahhahahahzukihihihihiihihi!” Rei howled, covering his face with his hands as he howled in mirth. Tsking, the blonde snatched a wrist, easily pushing it back above Rei’s head as his fingers carried on wiggling into his armpit. “NO FHAHHHAHHAHAHIR!”
“Say you give up! Say it! Say it!” Kazuki teased. “I won’t stop until you do!”
“AHEHHEHHEHHEHEHE!” Rei made a whining sound at the threat, his free hand coming up to loosely grab Kazuki’s shirt. The older hitman was starting to feel a tad guilty- Rei was too stubborn for his own good. He was about to pull back and let him breathe when he finally heard it.
“FIHIHIHIHINE! FIHIHIIHIHNE YOU WIHIIHIHIHHN!” Rei cried out, tapping against Kazuki’s chest. “I GIHIHIHIVE UP!”
“Ha-HA!” Kazuki cheered, releasing Rei from his tickly attack and throwing his arms up in glee. “Take THAT! I win! I got you to give up!” He looked over, grinning from ear to ear. “Did you see that Miri? Miri…?”
The little girl was no longer by their side- at some point she had wandered away to doodle. Currently she was passed out against her artwork, snoring softly with her blue crown clutched in her little hand.
“Oh man, and after I put in all that effort to beat you!” Kazuki pouted, letting out a sigh. He was so put out by the lack of his audience he failed to feel Rei sitting up.
“Who said anything about beating me?” He growled, making the blonde squeak with wide eyes. “YOU haven’t gone yet.”
“Oh- oh no- I shouldn’t- Miri fell asleep you know? I should take her to bed-” Kazuki went to run, but Rei was faster, grabbing him and shoving him into the cushions. Immediately fingers were against his belly, making him arch and squeal like a pig. “Rehehehehehehehhei plehahahahhahahse!”
“Please what? Keep tickling you? Okay.” Rei jeered, eyes dangerous as he attacked every soft spot he could reach. “I won’t stop tickling you until you give up!”
Miri snoozed on, a little smile on her face as her dreams became ones of her and her papas, laughing as they ran through a field of tickly flowers.
Thanks for reading!
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rachi-roo · 1 year
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Buddies Daddies: Play your cards right
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Hi ho, peepo! This is the first tiggle fic I've written in quite some time, forgive me if I'm a little rusty dusty with my wording or if it's too long XD
Tw: Tiggles
Summary: TK fic. Switch roles.
Miri and her two fathers are trying to enjoy a game on a rainy day but Rei's lack of smiling needs to be fixed!
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Saturday came once again for the oddly bound family of three. Two hit-men and their adopted daughter.
Today was special, special because there was nothing special. Kazuki and Rei had no jobs scheduled and of course, Miri didn't have any preschool to attend. Unfortunately, on this day they all had spare, it was pouring rain outside, so that ruled out any chances of visiting the park or even going for a walk. Stuck inside together, all day.
But that was okay! There were plenty of activities to keep all three occupied.
"Papa! Papaaa!" Rather, whatever interesting-looking item little Miri found that might get them to play with her.
"Papaaaaa!" The excited young girl rushed to find her fathers, clutching a small box to her chest. The two men sat in the lounge, the blonde sat at the dining table, using his free time to check up on various parenting techniques online while the other sat staring vacantly at his video game on the couch.
"Look! Look!" The girl batted at Kazukis leg with the box she had found, wanting him to take it.
"Hey, what you got there? Huh. Uno? I haven't seen this in a long time." He chuckled, turning the box over, and reading its contents with a smile. "It's a game? Right?" Miri queried, pulling herself up onto Kazukis lap.
He petted her hair, opened the box, and showed her some of the colorful cards. "Yep. It might be a bit complicated for someone your age-"
"I wanna play! I'm big! I can play it!" The child puffed her cheeks in protest, looks like they didn't have a choice. The blonde sighed with a chuckle, closing his laptop.
"Okaaay, maybe papa Rei wants to play too." He chuckled, smirking at his roommate, who returned an un-amused glare before shaking his head in protest.
<Ten minutes later>
"BINGO!" Miri cheered, slapping down a blue seven on top of a green two. Rei gave an exasperated sigh, this kid was un-teachable.
The blonde chuckled, sitting beside the hopeless child on the floor whilst Rei refused to give up his spot on the couch. Despite the fun game the three were playing together, he was still wearing his signature 'resting bitch face'. Miri wasn't having it today.
She held up a skip-go card in her tiny hand, waving it at Rei angrily. "No more grumpy! You're banned from grumpy!"
"That's not how that works." He deadpanned, looking at Kazuki as he laughed. "Sure it is! C'mon, just give us a cheeky grin, papa Rei~" The teasing wasn't going to work, Rei just glared harder, he always hated when they made fun of his lack of smiling, it ruined his cool bad-ass aesthetic.
Miri grew more irritated, thumping her hands on the table, and scattering the cards slightly. "I want papa Rei to smile! Papa Kazukiiiii!" Kazuki looked between the two before smirking at Rei. "I think I know what to do."
Rei instantly knew what Kazuki was thinking, this was a technique that had been used on him only a few times before. An evil torture method. Quickly shifting his weight as Kazuki pounced upon him, Rei managed to pin the blonde on his back with ease. His arms were trapped by his sides as the cool-tempered assassin straddled his waist, trapping him on the couch cushions.
He struggled underneath his partner, huffing as he realised he was stuck good. "Damn it! I thought cold-blooded guys had slower reflexes."
"Very funny." A set of nimble fingers appeared from nowhere, wriggling into the stuck man's ribs through his thin shirt. The feeling made Kazuki gasp and buck his hips suddenly, letting out a strained squeak.
"Wahait! Wait wait wait! Rehehei!" His begging fell upon deaf ears as his attacker casually poked and squeezed up and down each rib.
"Stahap! Rei! Rh- C'mon!" Kazuki tugged and twisted his arms, finally managing to pull one free, an uno reverse card gripped between his thumb and finger. "Ha! Reverse card bozo!" He grinned, grabbing Rei's hoodie collar and throwing him onto the floor with a thud.
"Oh no you don't!" Rei tussled with Kazuki, grabbing his wrists, and wrestling for dominance against the oncoming tickle attack. Miri cheered Kazuki on, clapping excitedly as she jumped on the spot.
"Get him papa! Make papa Rei smile!"
"I'm trying! He's too squirmy! Move ya arms darn it!" For a split second, Rei's arms out of the way, that second was all Kazuki needed. He stuck his hands up under his victim's arms, instantly getting locked in as Rei clamped down, his cheeks puffed up as he held onto his breath. Tensing up as he tried to activate the 'I'm not ticklish' thing before it was too late.
Kazuki grinned, he had the guy right where he wanted him. "Awww, giving me the silent treatment now? Can't hold your breath forever buddy boy~" Kazuki chuckled, trying to wriggle his fingers in their snare.
Rei shook his head, squeezing his eyes shut, his cheeks turning a rosey pink as the tantalising teasing got to him. He wasn't going to break. Not now. Not ever-!
"Aaaalrighty then, you've given me no choice!" Kazuki exclaimed, sucking as much air into his lungs as possible before burying his face into the crook of the dark-haired man's neck, unleashing an earth-shaking raspberry onto his vulnerable skin.
Rei's eyes shot open in shock. The gates were open and there was no going back. His head flung back, mouth agape as loud boyish laughter filled the atmosphere. Along with it came a smile. Bright and precious.
"Stahahap! Kaz! Kahahaz! G-Get the f-"
"Ah ta ta ta! No swearing in front of little Miri." Kazuki scolded, finally able to free his hands and attack Rei's unsuspecting tummy, shaking his digits into the toned abs.
"This isn't f-AHAHAIR!" His legs flailed behind Kazuki, pushing and dragging along the floor in desperate attempts to buck the blonde off. It was no use. Once the laughter started, all his strength seemed to be sapped away with each breath. No matter how much of a grip he had on Kazukis wrists, he couldn't budge them. The fuzzy sensation in his belly was his krypnonite.
"Yaaaay! Papa Rei's smile is so big!" Miri giggled as she perched on the tabletop, looking down at her flustered father's fight for freedom.
"Isn't it? He's a little sweetheart really. And now you know how to make papa Rei smile whenever you want!" Kazuki chuckled, blowing another raspberry on the poor man's neck as he desperately pushed on Kazukis shoulders.
"Stahap! Gehet offa' me! Ahaha!" This evil torture continued for only a couple minutes, which seemed like ours for Rei, when Kazuki finally let up. Looking down at his flustered, tired-out friend with a cheery grin.
A set of small hands patted Rei's dark hair as he panted, looking up to see Miri standing by his side, giggling. At least she was happy.
Rei gave one last, brief, smile at her before it faded and he turned his attention to beating Kazuki with a cushion. He hadn't been tickled like that in quite some time, but he knew there was going to be a lot more coming his way in the days to come.
And it wasn't all that bad.
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thatbigbisexual29 · 7 months
Play with us, Papa Rei! (Buddy Daddies)
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HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY FROM ALL OF US TO YOU! WE WISH IT WAS OUR BIRTHDAY TO WE CAN PARTY TOO HEY! Ayooooo happy birthday to my dearest and bestest friend on this site, @giggly-squiggily !!!!!!!! Gonna be honest, I had this one saved and unfinished in my drafts and thought "She would love this!" so HERE WE ARE!!!!! Like I said in a message before, I'm super glad to have you as a friend! I truly appreciate you and your friendship, you've even inspired me to post some of my own fics! (Which was not as scary as I thought it would be XD Sorry this is a bit late, but I hope you enjoy it! This one is for you :3 And again, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!
The days when Miri was home from school were probably the most eventful days Rei’s ever experienced in his life. She was such a wild bundle of energy that he could barely keep up sometimes. Thank god Kazuki was there to help out. Even though he barely acknowledged it or said anything, he genuinely loved and appreciated the help the older man gave. And now was no different. She asked, no, demanded that the two build her a massive pillow fort to her liking. And since they couldn’t say no to her cute face, they got to work. Soon enough, all the couch cushions, pillows, and blankets in the house had been used to make a, quite honestly, impressive pillow fort in their living room. And Miri was so overjoyed.
“Thank you Papa Rei! Thank you Papa Kazuki!” she squealed, diving into the opening. Kazuki momentarily panicked as she jumped in with no caution for the structure of the fort! But, he soon relaxed as he saw their girl laughing happily.
“Papas! You need to come in here!” she claimed, grabbing Kazuki by the wrist and pulling him in, giggling loudly at his grunt of surprise. He chuckled and cuddled close to her, making her laugh even more.
“Thank you for your hospitality, Lady Miri! I was afraid I would go cold and hungry this night, but you have saved me! How can I ever repay you??” The blonde man played up, relishing in his daughter’s squeals. Rei lifted up the blanket entrance and watched them, the slightest smile on his lips. He was proud of this. It wasn’t a shabby job, at least not to him, and Rei knew he was going to be invited in by both Miri and Kazuki. As comfy as the inside looked, it would probably heat up real quick. Not to mention he was wearing a long sleeved shirt. So he dropped the blanket curtain and attempted to make his leave.
“Papa Rei, wait!” Miri cried, poking her head from the fort. Rei sighed. Busted. “You need to play with Papa Kazuki and me in the fort! Pleeeeeeeeease???”
“Yeah, pleeeeeeeeease Papa Rei?~” Kazuki also poked his head from the blanket, smirking and egging the former assassin on. With a quiet groan, Rei obeyed their orders and crawled into the space with cheers from the two invitees.
“So! What are we gonna do now, Miri?” Kazuki asked, a big grin on his face. With a starry-eyed look, she ran out the fort yelling behind her, “Let me get my things!” Rei glared at Kazuki, mentally cursing him out for the fate the younger man just exposed them to. The little girl rushed back with an armful of bright hair clips that immediately made the men cringe.
“Let me do your hair Papas!” she asked loudly. And it was less of an ask and phrased more like ‘I’m going to do your hair whether you like it or not.’ Kazuki, of course, didn’t mind. Rei was against this idea entirely. But, like always, he couldn’t say no. Kazuki was first and mixed in with sitting still for Miri to finish his hair, he also had to keep Rei from escaping constantly. After Miri was done making Kazuki a “pretty lady” (Rei chuckled at that), it was Rei’s turn to have all the attention on him. Miri held up a bunch of sparkly bows that she could put in Rei’s hair. The man sat still for several moments as he took in the sight of the bows… then he raced for the exit.
“Wh- REI GET BACK HERE!!!” Kazuki exclaimed, grabbing the former assassin around the waist and falling to the floor with him. “If I have to put silly bows in my hair, then you do too!”
“Never!” Rei shouted as he reached for the door, so close to the outside! Then, Rei felt a poke to his armpit that made him shoot his arm down with a squeak. He turned to look at Miri, who poured angrily yet adorably at the man.
“Papa Rei!” she fussed. “You promised you would play with us! Good daddies don’t make bad promises!”
Kazuki grinned immediately while Rei furrowed his brows with guilt. She was right. He had promised. But then again, that was when he had gotten home from a long day and was half asleep. It technically didn’t count! But he couldn’t let her down… it’s decided then. He will play with his family! … That doesn’t mean he won’t be hard to get though!
“If you tell Papa Kazuki to let me go…” he looked at Miri with a mischievous half-grin. “I’ll tell you where he hides his chocolate pudding!”
Miri gasped excitedly while Kazuki made sounds of betrayal.
“Rei!!! You can’t just do that to me! And Miri! Don’t even think of switching sides! We’re putting bows in his hair whether he likes it or not!” Kazuki declared as he now wrapped his arms around Rei’s chest to keep him in place.
“But Papa Kazukiiiii! I want chocolate pudding!” Miri whined. Rei struggled in Kazuki’s grip, he was stronger than he remembered, as he kept his grin. The pair knew she would start helping Rei as soon as she could. To get her back on track, Kazuki reached out one hand and quickly scribbled his fingers against her belly. Miri squealed with laughter and backed away, holding her tummy as she giggled.
“This is no time for chocolate pudding, Miri! We have to-” Kazuki paused. An idea formed in his head. Rei acted as if he’d read Kazuki’s mind because they made eye contact and the former assassin shook his head feverishly.
“Kazuki, no!” Rei said in a hushed panic. Kazuki only grinned evilly.
“Kazuki yes!! Miri, help tickle Papa Rei!” Kazuki quickly sat on Rei’s thighs as he forced his arms above his head. Huh, he was faster than Rei remembered too.
“Will I get-?” Miri began before Kazuki shouted, “YES you’ll get chocolate pudding!”
“Weeeeee!” Miri squealed as she ran over. Kazuki already started on scratching over Rei’s ribs, giggling at how Rei immediately squeaked at the touch. The former assassin pursed his lips together and puffed out his cheeks in an effort to keep the laughter in. Miri, who began repeatedly poking his side, laughed at his funny face.
“Hahaha! Papa Rei’s making a pooping face!” Miri exclaimed. Kazuki immediately started laughing at her declaration, as he found it hysterically accurate. And with the combination of Miri’s joke, their combined laughter, and the hands tickling over his ribs and sides, tipped the scales a lot quicker than anyone anticipated. Rei started giggling and quietly laughing with his family.
“Aha!” Kazuki barked as he caught these adorable sounds. “Hear that, Miri? He’s laughing! We’re one step closer to getting him to surrender!”
Miri squealed happily and began to use both her hands to poke Rei’s sides, all the while she chanted the words ‘chocolate pudding’ over and over again. Rei shook his head back and forth with glee, smiling wide and freely as Kazuki turned his hand into a claw and vibrated them in between his ribs.
“Khehehehehehe! Ahahahahahahahaaaa! Sttthhahahahahahahap! Get off mehehehehehehe! M-Mirihihihihihi, quihihihihihihit it! Kahahazukihihi, knock it ohohohohoff!” Rei wheezed with laughter as he addressed the man above him and the girl beside him. He rocked his torso back and forth as the two continued to tickle the former assassin silly.
“Papa Kazuki! Let’s get his tummy!” Miri said. Kazuki gasped with delight as Rei groaned in despair.
“That’s a great idea Miri!” Kazuki said as he shoved Rei’s shirt up to his neck. Rei continued to shake his head no, but his smile didn’t leave his face at all. “Alright, Miri! Should we do raspberries or nibbles?”
Rei’s eyes shot wide open at the question and he tried to sit up and pull his hands away. Miri placed her finger to her chin and pondered, humming in thought. Rei tried hard to yank his wrists from Kazuki’s hand, but that bastard just kept him still using his other hand! Rei growled at him and Kazuki stuck out his tongue.
“Raspberries!” was Miri’s decision.
“Raspberries it is then! You ready, Rei?~” Kazuki cooed at his partner, wiggling his eyebrows at the younger man. Rei attempted to scowl at the blonde, but his wavering smile would not leave his features. Then he jerked and barked out a laugh as Miri blew a raspberry on the former assassin’s side. Miri giggled hysterically at his reaction.
“That’s not funny Miri!” Rei fussed, blushing like no one’s business. Kazuki and Miri began laughing again.
“Of course it is, Rei!” Kazuki exclaimed. He was next to dip his head down to Rei’s smooth belly and blow a torturous raspberry.
“GAHAHAHAHAHA! Ohohokay- ohokay. Thahat’s enough. That’s enoHOHAHAHAHAHAF! NOHOHOHOHOHOHOOO! Ehehehehehehehehehe! C-C’mohohon! Youhu guys!” Rei tried to argue, but he was interrupted by the two taking turns and blowing raspberries until his wheezy laughter turned silent.
After one final raspberry from Kazuki, the blonde man let go of the former assassin and scooped Miri in his lap so they could give him a break. The younger man immediately curled up after being let go and panted, still giggly after the whole ordeal. Miri covered her mouth and giggled with him while Kazuki took in the sights and sounds fondly.
“So,” he started, “you gonna actually play with us now?”
Rei peeked his eye open and looked at the two, noticing how big Miri’s eyes were, hopeful that he’d say yes. Rei just chuckled and pat her head.
“Yeah, I’ll play.”
“YAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!” Miri squealed at the top of her lungs. She wiggled out of Kazuki’s grip and jumped onto Rei’s arm, flopping over him and laughing while he grunted. The older man growled in a playful manner and caught the little girl in his arms.
“I’m gonna eat you!” he exclaimed as he nuzzled his face into her ear, lightly nibbling it and making the girl squeal and laugh like no tomorrow. Kazuki  leaned his head on his knee and watched on lovingly, thinking that his life couldn’t get better than this. In truth, it could, especially when he saw their reactions to pulling out three cups of chocolate pudding.
Happy Birthday, Rei, he thought.
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infrequent-creator · 8 months
DAY 17: Interrigate
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DAY 17: Interrigate
Just teaching her a few tricks to get Papa Rei to smile ~
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teasinterests · 1 year
Stay quiet..
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GRRR Mini buddy daddies fic bc BRAIN ROT.
Ler! Rei & Lee! Kazuki
CW / TW: Nothing much other than tickles (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡
“Aaaahhhh~! She’s finally asleep!!”
Kazuki exclaimed before collapsing onto the couch beside Rei. The ravenette merely side glancing his partner before returning his attention to the game on tv.
“Don’t be so loud or she’ll wake up.”
Rei pointed out as the blonde groaned into the cushions. “Don’t even joke about it..” came the muffled response. Soon shifting to sit back up. Recalling earlier about how Rei and Miri played together. It was interesting to watch whilst Kazuki made dinner.. even if Rei was enjoying himself whilst playing with and entertaining Miri… his thoughts trailed off before he had spoken.
“Hey, Rei.. y’know you could smile more when you play with Miri.”
Kazuki pointed out as the ravenette remained silent.
“It’d probably be good for her! Y’know! To see her Papa smile!!”
The blonde exclaimed as Rei furrowed his brows.
“I don’t smile, I’ve already gone over this..”
He sighed, continuing to focus on the tv as Kazuki drew closer with an annoyed expression. Only to draw back and sigh. Wracking his brain.. there must be a way to get Rei to smile, right? They’ve been partners for so long!! And not just the relationship kind… has he ever seen Rei smile..?
“Hmmm…. Mmnnnnn…”
Kazuki hummed in thought. Jokes? Definitely not.. memes? No- aha!! Maybe something more playful.. was Rei ticklish..? He couldn’t help but grin at the thought. Drawing closer once more as the ravenette gave an annoyed sigh. Kazuki excitedly reaching out to squeeze at Rei’s sides.
“Aha!! Tickle tickle…?”
Trailing off, he paused as he noticed the other merely staring at him. Freezing in place momentarily before hands moved to poke at the others tummy a few times.
Rei began as he grabbed the others wrists. Discarding the game controller as he turned and pinned the blonde against the couch.
“A-AH- WAH—? Rei?! I was just trying to get you to smile!!”
The blonde exclaimed as Rei pressed a hand to his partners mouth.
“Miri is sleeping.” He commented, before his hand trailed lower to poke at one of Kazuki’s pits. The blonde jolting in response, with hazel eyes widening in surprise.
“H-Hey don’t start turning this on me..! Get oHOHOOFF—! WAHAA— PFFT—“
Biting his lip, Kazuki had to fight back newfound hysteria as Rei’s fingers began running down his ribs and sides. Squeezing at soft skin, then walking up to gently dig between the gaps of Kazuki’s ribcage. Now this was a sight. Seeing the blonde hitman red faced and struggling to keep his laughter in. All for the sake of Miri getting some rest.. though Kazuki’s expression and strained giggles were adorable. Rei couldn’t help but smirk.
“For a hitman I didn’t expect you to be so sensitive..”
Rei commented as Kazuki struggled to jerk his arms down. With the ravenette’s fingers trailing back to his armpit.
The blonde nearly squealed until the taller one had pressed his hand against the others mouth once more. Glancing back towards the hallway of Miri’s room, he gave a small sigh.
“If Miri wasn’t sleeping.. alright.”
Rei huffed as he got off the panting blonde. Watching the way Kazuki fell to the side with breathy giggles. The ravenette couldn’t help but smile. It was fond, and endearing. Something Kazuki just happened to not see with the way his eyes were closed..
“Ahaha.. it wasn’t supposed to be this way.. unfair..”
Kazuki groaned as Rei lifted him off the couch like a baby.
“Whatever. Lets just get to bed.”
Perhaps next time Kazuki would be blessed enough to witness such an endearing expression…
Maybe i’ll write for them again but waa I have a Natsumugi fic in the works im just.. snzzzz.. leaving for the con on Friday!! ✌🏻
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babymotun · 8 months
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tiklart · 1 year
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Lmfao I love them 😭😭 random sketch dump
If anyone has any headcanons for them, hmu I might wip something up for them 🧎
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norrisleclercf1 · 4 months
can i request dad!lando where his son is a huge mommas boy and doesn’t let lando near her
A/N: Totally seeing this happening to him
Rolling over you smile as Lando sleeps peacefully next to you, drooling a little bit. You giggle, touching your husbands, cheek. He had gotten in late from one of his races. You remember when you two were young, you'd always stay in the city and party.
Now, with your 5-year-old boy, Thomas, Lando refused to be away more than necessary. It was rare for you to wake up with the two of you, as Thomas loved sleeping in bed with both of you.
Lando groans, eyes squeezing before opening and you stare at those eyes you feel in love with. The held the same light, but even you could see the age in them. "Morning," Lando smiles and moves closer pulling you in.
"Forgot what it's like to actually just have my wife in bed." He jokes and you roll your eyes. It was well known that Thomas was a mamas boy and even worse, is currently going through a stage of not liking Lando near you.
It was normal apparently for the kids to latch onto one parent and hate when the other is all over them. When Thomas was a baby he hated when you'd kiss Lando or hold him when you husband was present. Now, Thomas was by your side all the time. "Stop, he's just used to being with me." Lando sighs and moves deeper into your hold.
"Mommy!" Thomas throws your door open and jumps onto your bed. He stops and sees Lando in your arms and starts to frown. "No, my mommy. She's not yours, Daddy." Thomas pokes Lando all over who tries hard not to laugh but fails as he starts to laugh and Thomas takes the opportunity to steal Lando's spot.
You laugh and hold your baby boy as Lando glares, but it's a soft glare filled with humor. "Thomas, can't Mommy and I hug?" Thomas glares, the opposite of Lando's glare though. "No, she's mine. Go hug your own mommy." Thomas sticks his tongue out and Lando and you share a look before Lando sighs.
"Okay, that's it. CUDDLE PILE!" Lando yells and Thomas screams no as Lando drops ontop of both of you and laughter fills the bedroom. "Get off!" Thomas yells, but it holds no heat as he giggles as Lando's beard tickles his cheeks. "Nope, I want to cuddle Mommy, and since you're here, have to cuddle you too." Lando let's go of his weight and Thomas squeals but stops when Lando rests his head on Thomas's chest.
"Missed you Daddy," Thomas mumbles even though he was really hating the fact that Lando was touching you. "I missed you too, buddy." Lando sighs feeling tiny hands start to play with his curls.
"Daddy?" Lando smiles and pulls you both closer into his arms. "Yeah, baby?" "Can you let mommy go now? She's mine?" Lando eyes fly open and you can't help but bust out laughing as Lando rolls over and gets up.
"Kicked out of my own bed again," "Yes, now can we have breakfast Daddy?" Thomas asks and you and your husband share a look. "Yes, your highness. Need anything else?" Thomas thinks and sticks his hands up. "Hug," Lando melts, unable to help himself he scoops his little boy up and kisses his cheeks and squeezes him tight. "Alright, stealer. Keep cuddling Mom for me." "Yes, sir." Thomas giggles and goes back to you.
You loved these mornings, they were just perfect for your little family.
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starkwlkr · 1 year
Hiii!well maybe mateo is a mommy boy and he don't wanna share his mum with his dad
what’s mine is mine | charles leclerc
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i love ruby but i’m always down to write for mathéo <3
Charles never thought he would have to compete for the love of his life with his own son. Sure, it was all playful and pretend, but the little four year old boy thought it was real. It all started when the Leclerc family was out for lunch in sunny Monaco. Y/n had Mathéo in her arms feeding him small piece of pasta while Ruby ate hers next to Charles.
“Papa, I can’t finish this.” Ruby frowned, pushing her plate towards Charles.
“It’s okay, amour, you want more?” Charles asked. But Y/n was too busy giving Mathéo kisses. The one year old boy laughed as his mother tickled his sides. “I’ve been replaced.” He joked.
Y/n looked at Charles. “You’re both my boys. Right, Théo?”
Mathéo shook his head. “You’re my maman. Mine.”
“Hey, buddy, I got her first.” Charles poked Mathéo’s stomach which made the boy try to swat his father’s hand away.
“Mine.” Mathéo said, grabbing one of Y/n’s arms and wrapping it around him.
Charles scoffed. “Unbelievable. My son, my own son! Betrayed by my own son, what’s next? Is he stealing my Ferrari seat?”
“Yes, Fred told me.” Ruby answered from beside Charles. “If Théo drives for Ferrari, does that mean you retire?” She asked Charles.
“Théo is a baby and babies can’t drive.” Charles said to Ruby.
“They can, but Théo doesn’t want to.” Ruby stated and began to eat her pasta once again.
“I thought you said you couldn’t eat pasta anymore?”
“I didn’t say that.”
Charles knew it was almost impossible to win an argument against Ruby so he let the girl continue eating her pasta. “I’m still not done with you, mister.” He pointed a finger at his son.
Mathéo then snuggled up to Y/n and smiled innocently at his father, knowing it drove him crazy. Y/n found it amusing. Charles had Ruby, who was the worlds biggest daddy’s girl so it only made sense for Mathéo to be a huge mommy’s boy.
“It’s like he’s doing it on purpose now!” Charles told Y/n.
“He’s just a baby, Charles. Let it go.” Y/n grabbed Charles’ hand and pressed a light kiss on the back of it, but Mathéo was quick to move Charles’ hand away.
“Fine, from now on you can deal with your maman’s whining when she can’t sleep at night or when she’s grumpy in the morning or when she can’t find anything to wear or-”
“Looks like Théo is going to be sleeping in maman’s bed and papa is going to be sleeping on the couch.” Y/n teased.
“Papa can sleep on my bed!” Ruby said excitedly.
“Did you know papa snores?”
“Never mind, the couch looks comfy, papa.”
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tightjeansjavi · 8 months
honey pot 🍯
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(Mood board is just for aesthetics! Reader has no physical descriptions such as body type or skin color)
A/N: so after watching a very ✨spicy✨ video, I came up with this deliciously filthy idea of neighbor!joel becoming your fuck buddy. The only problem? You have a boyfriend already 🤭 just a disclaimer, I do not condone cheating and this fic might not be for everyone, and that’s okay!
~word count: 2.7k~
Summary: you’ve been fucking your hot neighbor, Joel Miller, all summer without your boyfriend finding out until you end up faking an orgasm with him. You tell Joel that you can no longer see him, and he comes up with a solution that works for the both of you.
pairing | hot neighbor!Joel Miller x f!reader
Warnings: smut, age gap (Joel is 36 reader is 25) infidelity/cheating (done to the readers bf) dom/sub, daddy kink, unprotected piv, praise kink, pet names: baby, angel, sweetness, petal, fluff, consent, some angst??pussy play, we can’t fuck, but we can do other things! Joel is a real good filthy talker, reader and Joel are down bad for one another, helping hand vibes, fwb/fuck buddy, smut with no plot, reader has no physical descriptions but keeps her genitalia groomed, +18 minors dni!
main masterlist masterlist
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You had been fucking your ridiculous, sinfully hot neighbor for the entirety of the summer. It started off as some innocent nonchalant flirting that you thought was harmless. What your boyfriend didn’t know, wouldn’t harm him, right? Besides, you were feeling deeply neglected in your current relationship. The honeymoon phase had worn off, and you were feeling frustrated and lonely on most nights. Guess football and guys night held a higher importance than his relationship with you. Well, so be it then. You could play the good little girlfriend that your boyfriend wanted you to be..and still have your cake and eat it.
That’s why falling head over heels for your neighbor Joel Miller was as easy as sliced pie. It was early June when you found a bouquet of fresh wildflowers on your front porch step with a note attached to one of the stems. It read, ‘Out of all the flowers in the patch, you are by far the prettiest petal.’ -J.M
So, he was hot and poetic? What more could you really want?
It was the following Friday that Joel finally got the courage to show up on your front step. He barely was able to ask you if you’d like to come over for dinner that evening when you blurted out an enthusiastic ‘yes!’
Joel was hot, poetic, and he could fucking cook? Yeah, you were positively screwed in the best way possible. Not only could he cook, but he actually showed interest in you. Your hobbies, your likes and dislikes, and for the first time in months, you actually felt like you were being appreciated.
So, it came as no surprise that after you both indulged his cooking skills, that you proceeded to let him ravage you on the table. Yours and his clothes were practically shredded to the floor as he kissed and licked every inch of your skin like a man starved. He made you cum more times in that evening than you thought was even possible, and my god, his cock? Jesus christ, you’re getting wet all over again just thinking about how it felt like he was splitting you in two, filling you to the fucking brim as you cried out his name and begged for more. Faster, harder, oh please, daddy, don’t stop!
“Yeah? You want more of daddy’s cock? S’that what you want?” He nearly purred as his sweat stained curls lightly tickled your forehead. His eyes were glued to the spot where your bodies were connected. He sucked in a harsh breath as his vision glazed over at the sight of your pretty little pussy tugging his cock right back in with each of his heavy thrusts.
“See the way your pussy is huggin’ my cock so tight? Pullin’ me right back in? Look how fuckin’ pretty she is, baby. Think she is the prettiest pussy I've ever seen in my entire life. She’s all mine, right? C’mon, my petal, I needa hear ya say it.” His nostrils flared as he licked hungrily into your mouth. He was consuming every last bit of you, and you were enjoying every minute of it.
“Yours, daddy! All yours.” You whined as your walls clenched down like a tight fist around his cock.
All good things must come to an end unfortunately, and your little fantasy that had been fulfilled every evening that summer, was going to have to end. That stupid boyfriend of yours was beginning to catch on ever since he caught you faking an orgasm the last time you and him had sex. Oops?
It physically pained you to even think about cutting ties with Joel. He was unconditionally good to you. All he asked for was your company. He didn’t need to ask; it was already his.
The leaves were beginning to change with the seasons as fall was approaching on the horizon. It was nearing five in the evening when you heard the all too familiar sound of Joel’s truck tires grinding over the cement. His driver side door swung shut as his footsteps neared your front steps. He was home from work, and immediately he wanted to see you. Nothing else mattered to him except seeing your pretty face.
You were pacing nervously in the front hallway as you went over the exact words you were going to tell him. We can be friends, right? Right. After you’ve spent months in his sheets, and he in yours, you’re just going to be friends? Fat chance.
You were torn from your thoughts at the sound of his knuckles rapping lightly on your front door as you wringed your hands together, taking a few deep breaths before you grasped the door handle in your palm and pulled it open.
“Hey, baby. Lookin’ gorgeous as usual.” Your fuck buddy drawled with that low, deep, texas twang of his as he leaned his elbow right up against the doorjamb.
Oh, fuck. You could feel a gush between your thighs just from the way he was leaning against your damn door.
Stay strong. Don’t fold. Don’t fold. Don’t–
“S’matter, baby? Everything’ all good n’that pretty head of yours?” He cocked his head to the side as a frown slowly spread across his lips when he saw your eyes suddenly grow glassy as a stray tear wobbled down your cheek.
“Baby–” He started, but you cut him off.
“We can’t fuck anymore, Joel.” You painfully muttered as his hand reached out to warmly cup your face while his thumb lightly brushed away your tear.
“Baby, what’s goin’ on? Somethin’ happen?” He sounded genuinely concerned as more tears began to fall and land on his bronzed skin.
“It’s my boyfriend,” You sniffled solemnly. “He knows, Joel.” Your misty dewdrop eyes met his calm gaze as he let out a soft breath between his parted lips.
“Oh, baby..I'm so sorry. I thought we were bein–’”
“Careful? Yeah, I did too.”
“How does he know?..”
“I faked an orgasm with him the last time we had sex which I think it was a week ago? Well, he grew suspicious after that. I’m so sorry, Joel. I never meant for things to get this messy.” You truly did feel awful for dragging Joel into all of this, and you never had the intention to hurt him.
“Baby, s’alright. Y’know what ain't alright? That stupid boyfriend of yours still not knowing how to treat his fuckin’ girl right. You’d think by now the guy would have some idea of how he should be treating you.” Joel held in a scoff as his hand that wasn’t presently caressing your cheek, dropped down to your waist as he pulled you in close. “I..guess this is goodbye then?”
“I don’t want it to be.” You murmured softly as you leaned into his comforting touch along your needy skin.
“Baby, y’know..it doesn’t have to be a goodbye then.” The gears in his brain were already beginning to twist and turn as he thought of a viable solution to your little problem.
“What do you mean? Joel, i’m serious, we can’t fuck anymore.”
“Sweetness, I know we can’t, and I respect that. I’ll never put my dick inside of ya again, unless you ask. But, I do think I have a solution for our little problem.”
Your pupils nearly doubled in size as the tip of his thumb dragged down across your lower lip as he tugged the soft flesh gently. His eyes bore deeply into yours as your thighs subconsciously rubbed together to relieve the building tension that was growing in the pit of your stomach.
“What is your solution, Joel? I’m all ears.”
“Well, first, I was hopin’ I could get a kiss. Been thinkin’ about these pretty lips and how badly I wanna kiss ‘em the second I walked through that door.” He rasped warmly.
Your immediate reaction was to loop your arms around his neck and close the smidge of a gap between the two of you before firmly pressing your lips against his. You licked into one another’s mouth with the same amount of passion. You could taste a morsel of tobacco along his tongue; must have bummed a smoke off of Tommy, as his hand that was wrapped firmly around your waist, slowly drifted down as he grabbed a handful of your left ass-cheek. A surprise squeak slipped past your lips as your tongues tangled.
“So, we can’t fuck, but there’s somethin’ else we can do..” He trailed off as he slowly detached his lips from yours. A string of saliva was visible between your once linked lips.
“You are not fucking sticking your dick up my ass. Don’t even think about it.”
He stifled a chuckle before stealing one more quick kiss. “Baby, I wasn’t thinkin’ about stickin’ my dick up your ass. I promise. I had somethin’ else in mind. Can I show you what I'm talkin’ about?”
You were weary at first, because what could he possibly have in mind? Going down on you? Okay, sure. You certainly wouldn’t be opposed to it, but if that was the case, why didn’t he just say it?
“Okay, I want you to show me what you’re talking about.” You agreed.
“Good girl. I promise this will be worth your while baby.” He pressed a tender kiss to your temple before he reached for your hand. Your fingers interlaced as he proceeded to lead you up the stairs to your bedroom. Your panties were undeniably soaked at this point, and he hadn’t even touched you yet.
“Go’n sit on the bed for me, darlin.’” He spoke firmly, yet softly as you padded over to your bed and slowly sunk down along the comforter.
“Now, sweetness, before you start worryin’ your pretty little mind about that silly boyfriend of yours, I promise that he won’t know about this.”
You dumbly nodded as you crossed one leg over the other, awaiting his next request.
“I trust you, daddy.” You softly cooed.
“Good girl. Now, I want you to take your pants off for me, baby.”
You wasted no time to pop the button off your jeans as you dragged the zipper down. You started shimmying the denim fabric down your thighs and legs, but before you could even grasp the band of your panties, he was stopping you.
“No, no, Angel. Jus’ your pants. Keep your panties on.”
Why was that so hot.
You slipped your thumbs out from under the thin elastic band of your panties before you kicked your jeans to the side. Your mouth began to water the moment you heard the familiar sound of his belt buckle clinking open.
“Good girl. Now, I jus’ want you to lay your pretty ass on the comforter. Spread your thighs a little, but not too much.”
You could feel the wet patch pooling through the thin fabric of your panties as you slowly leaned back on your elbows along the comforter and spread your thighs just enough that he could fit between them.
Your pussy pulsed inwards the second your eyes landed on his bare cock that was hanging out of the opening in his jeans. You nearly drooled as he swiped his thumb across his ruddy weeping tip that had a bead of pre-cum drooling from the small slit. He twisted his wrist a couple times before he slowly approached you.
His lips curved upwards in a sly grin when he saw the cock-dumb look on your pretty face. You took your lower lip harshly between your teeth when you felt the rough skin of his thumb brush across your covered aching clit as he gently rubbed the swollen nub in tight expert circles. His freehand was still wrapped around the base of hs cock as he watched your face twist into pleasure.
“Y’know, it makes me so fuckin’ mad that you ain’t bein’ treated right. The only weepin’ you and your pretty pussy should be doin’ is the good kind. Y’got literal honey drippin’ between your thighs, darlin.’ He oughta start worshipin’ you sooner, before someone else ends up doin’ it for him.” He tsked under his breath.
“Joel,” You whimpered wantonly.
“I know, baby. I know. I’m gonna respect your wishes n’not fuck you, but that doesn’t mean I still can’t make ya feel good. I’ll always take care of you, angel. No silly boyfriend of yours can stop me from treatin’ you right.” He murmured as he dragged his thumb down to the inside of your panties. He gently hooked his thumb around the damp fabric before he pulled it to the side. His mouth went dry at the sight of your glistening, puffy, needy little pussy. When it came to women, he didn’t mind their choices to never shave, or to just trim, or to completely go bare. He loved their pussies regardless of how they were groomed, or their natural appearance. They were all beautiful in his eyes, and deserved to be worshiped. But, he couldn’t deny how fucking pretty yours was, and how your slickness clung to the fabric of your panties like glue made his cock twitch in his palm.
He could bite his fist right then and there, but he had a job to complete.
“So pretty, baby. Prettiest little pussy. G’nna take extra good care of her now, okay?”
“Thank you, daddy.” you spoke above a whisper as he slowly slid the tip of his cock underneath your panties. You could feel the slick coolness of his pre-cum sliding across your folds as he rolled his hips forward. A deep grunt rumbled up his chest as he nudged your clit.
“You’re welcome, baby. Y’jus’ sit back and enjoy yourself, okay? Daddy is gonna do all the work for ya.” He promised you with a chaste kiss to your swollen lips as his hands came to rest along your thighs.
Now you fully understood what Joel meant by his solution to not fucking you. Christ, this was almost better than the feeling of his cock splitting you open. How lucky you were to have a man treat you like a princess.
“Oh, fuck.” You mewled as he thrust his hips faster, mimicking the same movements as if he was fucking you. “That feels so good, daddy.”
“Mhmm. I know it does, baby. I told you this would be worth your while.” He took his own lip between his teeth as he focused on the rhythm of his thrusts.
“This is almost better than fucking, almost.” You softly moaned as he increased his pace. Your hands found his as your orgasm slowly began to build.
“Nothin’ is better than fuckin’, Angel. Jus’ so lucky to make you feel good one last time. You’re doin’ so good for me, baby. I want you to cum, okay? I want to see you ruin those pretty little panties.” He urged you praisingly as the tip of his cock continuously bumped against your clit.
He was playing your pussy 100x better than your boyfriend ever could as you reveled in the pure pleasurable feeling one last time.
It didn’t take you long to reach your high as Joel’s hips stuttered forward as he spilled his hot seed right between your slick folds. He slowly slipped his cock out from underneath your ruined panties. He pressed soft kisses to your face, a playful nibble to the tip of your nose before his lips found yours in a searing kiss.
“Better take these for safe keepin’ so your boyfriend doesn’t know I was here.” He stated with a snicker as he gently slipped your soaked panties down your thighs. “I’ll getcha a fresh pair, okay, sweetness?”
Just as he was about to get up from your bed, your hand encased around his wrist, caging him in your grasp momentarily. “Wait, Joel?”
“What is it, baby?”
“Maybe..this won’t be the last time?..”
“I want you, and if that means I have to break up with my stupid boyfriend? Then so be it. I’ll break up with him.”
“Angel, are you absolutely sure that’s what you want to do?”
“Yes. i’ll call him up as soon as you finish fucking me, and i’ll tell him that it’s over.”
A wicked grin spread across his lips as he situated himself between your thighs once more. “Well, I guess you won’t be needin’ a fresh pair of panties after all, huh baby?” He teased.
“Nope. Not while you’re around, Daddy.”
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giggly-squiggily · 7 months
Ok ok ok so- hi! :3 it’s been a little bit, I swear we’ll talk again soon, but I wanted to do something for puffs!! How about for a sentence starter, “You think you can get away that easy??” With Ler!Kazuki and Lee!Rei from Buddy Daddies? 🥹 Please and thank you and drink some water!! We love you 😘 ❤️
Bunny! *hugs* I'm so glad to hear from you! There's never any rush to chat; as your local space cadet in DMs, please take your time! When you feel up for it, I'm here for you :) I adore Buddy Daddies and LOVE LEE!REI! I've gotcha covered, friend!
“Now where are those chocolate strawberries? I had them in here an hour ago…” Kazuki leaned out of the fridge with a furrowed expression, turning his gaze to Rei sitting by on the couch. “Rei? Did you see my chocolate strawberries?”
“Hm?” Rei turned to face him, bored. “Didn’t know you had any.”
Silence. Kazuki narrowed his eyes. “Rei…There's chocolate on your face.”
More silence. Then…
“Get back here!” Footsteps pounded through the apartment as Rei bolted, flying up the stairs towards the safety of- what? His room? He never slept in there, where was it again? He went to leap down the stairwell when arms wrapped around his waist, pulling him to a complete stop.
“THERE! Think you can get away that easily?” Kazuki wrestled him to the floor, pinning his wrists with his knees in a way he knew Rei couldn’t escape. “After eating MY chocolate strawberries?”
“I didn’t know they were yours! I thought they were the hou-ohohouse!” A line of snickers busted past his lips before Rei clamped his mouth shut, twisting this way and that beneath the blonde’s creeping fingers.
“Rei, Rei, Rei. So bold in your assumptions.” Kazuki mock tsked, pressing tickly fingers into his friend’s ribs. “Don’t you know what happens when you assume wrong? You have to face the tickle monster!” He shot his hands up to the brunette’s armpits with lightning speed, making Rei suck in a sharp breath. Within seconds he was a laughing mess, thrashing about and howling with mirth. “And also something about making an ass of you and me- don’t tell Miri I said that.”
“Oh I know you will.” Kazuki snickered, overjoyed. “For now though, I want you to laugh for me, Rei. Laugh until you can’t laugh no more!”
Send me a pairing a sentence starter and a pairing and I'll write a 300 word dabble for it!
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luveline · 5 months
Please a Hotch (new girl dad LMFAO) little fic where he discovers the joys and wonders of being a girl dad 😭🤍 like dressing up and playing tea party, or ‘honey, what do I put in her hair?? A bow? A ribbon?? A headband?? A clip??’ Or something about their baby girl always running to him when she bumps her head or falls!! I think it would be really cute
“Do you mind?” you ask through giggles. 
Aaron rubs his hand up the length of your stomach. It tickles in a strange way, but you’re laughing because he’s cornered you on the couch. He takes up the entirety of your view, the air hot between your close faces. 
“No,” he says simply. He has big hands, warm hands. They leave heat in their wake where they touch you. 
“No, come on. I can’t see Jane.” You’re mostly kidding. You really can’t see Jane, but she’s about three feet away, and your living room is baby proofed.
Aaron peeks behind his shoulder. His smile says more than words —he must have caught her smiling herself. “You okay, honey?”
“Yes. Okay. Okay?”
“Yeah, sweetheart, I’m okay, I’m just giving mommy some kisses.” Aaron strokes your stomach with a loving thumb. “You want to come over here for a cuddle?” 
Jane doesn’t answer. Aaron turns back to you with a glowing smile. “She’s very happy. Now let me kiss you–” You’re laughing again as he kisses you, your cheek, the high point and the end of your brow. 
“I can’t believe you’ve cornered me,” you say, nudging him away to hold his face in your hands. “It’s too warm in here for this, you need to give me some space.”
“I don’t want space from you,” he jokes, matching your playful tone.
“Daddy!” Jack calls from somewhere deeper in the house. “I need help!”
“With what?” he calls, sitting up and away from your touch. He squeezes your leg as he leaves, his voice echoing against the hallway walls, “Jack? What’s the problem, buddy?” 
He waits for an answer he doesn’t get before heading upstairs. You weren’t lying when you said it was too hot for kisses —the winter chill is pervasive and Jane is vulnerable to the cold, so the heat is high and the Hotchner boys are pink in the cheeks every time you see them. You fan your face, tracking Jane’s clumsy waddling as she ferries a pink teddy bear next to her baby doll beside the picnic blanket you’d laid out for her. 
“Having fun, Janey?” you ask. 
“Baba,” she mumbles. 
“Alright, that’s fun. How about I go make us some dinner?” 
“Bababa,” you say back. 
You set about cleaning the mess she’s making before it can explode and prop the door between the living room and the kitchen open to watch her while you peel some potatoes. She plays happily for a while, and upstairs you can hear the celebratory shouts of the boys having figured something out. “Come have some juice before you do the next part,” Aaron says. 
With a sudden bump and a telling silence, Jane falls over. You drop your potatoes and wipe your hands on your front, prepared to sweep her up in your arms and coo away any tears. Her crying rings like a storm siren, so loud you miss the rush of footsteps down the stairs. 
“Baby,” you say softly, holding out your arms as you approach. Aaron and Jack trickle into the room behind her. “Let mommy see? What did you do, huh?” 
She climbs onto her feet. You don't even realise she’s looking away from you until she’s running at her father’s legs, completely ignoring your offered embrace. “Oh, sweetheart,” Aaron says, bending down to meet her. “What did you do? You hurt yourself? Let me have a look. Let me see.” 
Your chest is a pit, that falling feeling as though you’ve missed a step, but the open joy on Aaron’s face soothes any jealousy quickly. “What did you do?” he asks again, lifting his head to accommodate her little body as she wraps her arms and legs around him. He picks her up. She looks small under his chin. “It’s okay. It’s okay.” 
Jack weaves around him to hug your thigh. “Did she fall?” he asks. 
He can come to you for anything, big or small, just like Jane can go to her father. You ruffle his soft hair with a smile. “She’s just shocked when things don’t feel nice because she’s so little. It probably didn’t hurt very much, okay? Don’t worry.” 
“Don’t listen to mommy,” Aaron murmurs, patting what looks like the entire span of Jane’s back with a barely opened palm, “I’m sure it hurt lots and lots.” 
“Dad,” she mumbles tearily.
Aaron gives you the look. One he does all too often when he’s feeling grateful for the things he has, his brow pinched into a gentler furrow than usual. “I know, honey. That floor is so mean, always hurting you. I think we should get some soft carpets instead, what do you think?” 
Jack tugs on your hand. “Can you make me some apple juice, please? I think he will be here for a while.” 
You’re thinking there’ll be carpets fitted in here within the month. “Sure, babe. You wanna help me make some French fries?” 
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newobsessionweekly · 1 month
Rays of hope
Main masterlist | The Rookie masterlist
Tim Bradford x wife!reader
Fandom: The Rookie
Summary: Your son is kidnapped and you and your husband, Tim, do everything you can to get him back.
ANGST | Hurt to comfort
Requested: Yes - here
Warnings: Kidnapping, kid being held hostage, description of being shot, injuries, losing consciousness.
A/N: I LOVE WRITING ANGST. I've worked so hard on this one and I absolutely love how it turned out. I won't say anything else, I'll let you enjoy it. I have so many ideas and I seriously make it a full time job writing everything.
Words: 6.1k
GIF not mine, credits to the owner.
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As the soft light of dawn filtered through the curtains, the Bradford household stirred with the promise of a new day. The aroma of brewing coffee mingled with the gentle sounds of morning chatter as you and Tim bustled around the kitchen, preparing for the day ahead.
Evan, your bright-eyed three-year-old, bounced around the room with infectious energy, his laughter filling the air. Tim knelt down, scooping his son up into his strong arms, showering him with tickles and kisses.
"Hey there, little man," he chuckled, his voice infused with affection. "What adventures are you up today?"
Evan giggled gleefully, wrapping his tiny arms around his father's neck. His response was a jumble of words, excitement evident despite his struggles with forming coherent sentences. "Catch the bad guys like mommy and daddy!"
Tim chuckled, planting a gentle kiss on Evan's cheek. "That's right, buddy. Just like Mommy and Daddy" he said, his voice gentle as he tousled Evan's hair affectionately. "But first, how about some superhero breakfast?"
Tim's presence seemed to illuminate the room even more. He approached you with a tender smile, his eyes reflecting the depth of his love as he enveloped you in his embrace. His arms wrapped around you securely, a comforting shield against any worries or doubts.
"Morning, baby," his voice, like a soothing melody, whispered into your ear, sending shivers of warmth down your spine. "How are my two favorite girls this morning?"
In that moment, as his hand brushed over your bump with such tender care, you felt an overwhelming rush of love and gratitude for the man standing before you. Tim's gaze lingered on you, his eyes filled with an unspoken promise of unwavering support and devotion.
"We're doing great," you replied, leaning into his embrace, savoring the feeling of being held so close.
Tim pressed a gentle kiss to your temple, his lips lingering there for a moment as if to convey all the love he felt. "You look absolutely radiant," he murmured, his voice filled with awe and admiration. "I swear, every day you glow even more."
As Tim settled Evan into his chair, you couldn't help but admire the sight before you. Tim embodied strength and tenderness in equal measure. Dressed casually, his rugged charm shone through effortlessly. With every movement, his love for you and your son was evident, his hands deftly helped Evan eat breakfast while his eyes sparkled with warmth. Watching him with Evan, you couldn't help but feel a wave of adoration for the man who filled your home with love and security.
"Uh-oh. We have a problem," you announced, your voice tinged with concern as you glanced down at your phone. "Nanny just texted me. She can't make it today."
Tim's brow furrowed slightly as he considered the situation, his mind already working on a solution. "What about your mom?" he suggested. "Can't she babysit Evan today?"
You shook your head regretfully, a sigh escaping your lips. "I don't think so. She's outside LA now," you explained, your thoughts racing to find an alternative. "Maybe your sister?"
At the mention of Genny, Tim's expression darkened slightly, "No, custody battle today," he murmured, his voice tinged with a hint of worry. "We'll figure something out, baby. Don't worry."
As you and Tim exchanged worried glances, Evan piped up from his seat, his innocent voice breaking the tension in the room. "Mommy, Daddy, no worry," he declared, his eyes wide with determination. "Evan help!"
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You stepped into the familiar hustle and bustle of the station and Evan's eyes widened in wonder at the sight of officers in their crisp uniforms bustling about their duties. With a gleeful tug on Tim's hand, he eagerly dashed around, taking in every detail with unbridled enthusiasm.
"Daddy, look! Cops!" Evan exclaimed, his words a jumble of excitement as he pointed at the officers. "Lots and lots!"
Tim chuckled softly, his heart swelling with pride at his son's eagerness. "That's right, buddy," he affirmed, his voice warm with affection. "This is where mommy and daddy work, with all their friends."
Your son darted around, his boundless energy matched only by his excitement, he greeted each familiar face with enthusiasm, his words a mixture of gibberish and genuine attempts at conversation.
"Hi, Lulu!" Evan exclaimed, flashing Lucy a toothy grin as he reached up to give her a high-five.
Lucy laughed, her eyes crinkling at the corners with amusement. "Hi there, little buddy! If it isn't our favourite visitor!" she replied, returning the high-five with a gentle pat on the head. "You've grown so much since the last time we saw you!"
Evan beamed at the attention, his chest swelling with pride. "I big boy!" he declared proudly, his words punctuated by a triumphant grin.
Next, Evan turned his attention to Angela, his eyes alight with recognition. "Hi, Auntie Angie!" he chirped, reaching out to tug on her sleeve.
Angela's heart melted at the endearing nickname, her smile softening as she crouched down to Evan's level. "Hey, champ," she said, ruffling his hair affectionately. "He's the spitting image of his mother." she said to Lucy, shooting you a playful wink.
Evan beamed at the praise, his chest puffing out with pride. "I grow big like Daddy!" he declared, his words filled with confidence.
Nyla and Nolan watched the exchange with fond amusement, their own smiles widening as Evan made his rounds. You watched your son with amusement, glad he's terrorising your friends and gave you and your husband a moment to catch your breath.
"Don't forget Nyla and John." Evan eagerly nodded at your words, making his way to Nyla first.
She joined in, her face breaking into a wide smile as she crouched down to Evan's level. "Hey there, buddy! You remember my name?" she extended her hand for a handshake.
Evan shook her hand vigorously, his eyes shining with excitement. "You Nyla! I Evan, I help mommy and daddy catch bad guys!" he announced proudly, his words punctuated by a giggle.
Nolan chuckled, ruffling Evan's hair affectionately. "Looks like you've got quite the little helper there, Tim," he remarked, his eyes twinkling with amusement.
Evan saw the opportunity for more attention and he grabbed Nolan's pants, "John, look!" he exclaimed, pointing at something only he could see.
Nolan chuckled, crouching down to Evan's level. "What am I looking at, buddy?" he asked with a grin.
Evan giggled mischievously, his eyes dancing with mischief. "You funny!" he declared, wrapping his tiny arms around the officer's neck in a spontaneous hug.
Then, in a burst of excitement, Evan's face lit up with a newfound revelation. "I meet baby sister soon!" he announced, his words tumbling out in a rush.
The officers exchanged surprised glances, their expressions shifting from amusement to shock at the unexpected news. "Baby sister?" Angela echoed, her voice tinged with disbelief. "Congratulations!"
Nolan grinned, clapping Tim on the back in hearty congratulations. "Well, Bradford. Looks like you're in for double trouble," he teased, his tone affectionate yet teasing.
Amidst the chorus of well wishes and congratulations, both you and Tim couldn't help but feel a swell of gratitude for the supportive community they had found within the station.
"So, what's the little guy doing here?" Angela inquired, her brow furrowed in concern.
Tim sighed, running a hand through his hair as he explained the morning's events. "Well, nanny bailed on us last minute," he admitted, a hint of frustration creeping into his voice. "We didn't have enough time to find someone else to watch him."
Nyla nodded understandingly, her expression sympathetic. "I can call James," she offered, already reaching for her phone. "He can take Evan with him for the day."
Meanwhile, Lucy's eyes lit up with an idea. "And Tamara's here for a school project," she added eagerly, gesturing towards the young woman across the room. "She can watch Evan in the meantime."
Tim's shoulders visibly relaxed at the offers of help, gratitude flooding his heart. "Thank you, both of you," he said sincerely, his voice filled with relief.
You felt a wave of gratitude wash over you, touched by the kindness and support of your colleagues. Despite the unexpected hiccup in their morning routine, you couldn't help but feel reassured knowing that you had such caring friends to rely on.
As Evan bounced around the room, his excitement palpable, you couldn't help but smile at the sight of your son surrounded by so much love and warmth.
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Tamara returned from the restroom and her heart skipped a beat at the sight of the empty break room. Evan's toys lay abandoned on the table, but there was no sign of the energetic three-year-old. She left only for a moment, assigning Smitty to keep an eye on Evan but she couldn't find any of them.
"Evan?" she called out, her voice tinged with concern as she scanned the room frantically. "Where are you?"
Panic began to bubble up inside her as she rushed out into the hallway, calling out for Evan at the top of her lungs. "Evan!" she shouted, her voice echoing off the walls of the station. "Come on, kid! This isn't funny. We didn't agree to play hide and seek!"
Her heart pounded in her chest as she raced through the corridors, her eyes darting from room to room in search of any sign of the missing child. The fear gnawed at her insides, threatening to overwhelm her with its intensity.
"Y/N's gonna kill me," she murmured under her breath, her mind racing with worst-case scenarios. She couldn't bear the thought of facing you and Tim with the news that your son was missing on her watch.
With each passing moment, the weight of responsibility pressed down on her shoulders, driving her to search even more desperately for Evan. She prayed with all her might that he was safe and sound, waiting to be found somewhere within the station.
Tamara's heart raced as she rushed to Angela's desk, her hands trembling with fear. Her eyes widened at the sight of Tamara's panicked expression, immediately sensing that something was terribly wrong.
"What happened?" Angela asked, her voice filled with concern as she reached out to steady Tamara.
"It's Evan," Tamara blurted out, her words tumbling out in a rush. "I don't know what happened. He—uh, he's not in the break room. I can't find him."
Panic surged through Tamara's veins, threatening to overwhelm her as she struggled to catch her breath. She couldn't shake the feeling of dread that gripped her heart, knowing that Evan was missing and she was responsible for his safety.
Angela's eyes widened in alarm as she grasped the gravity of the situation. "Okay, okay, let's stay calm," she reassured, though her own heart raced with fear. "Let's go to talk to Grey."
Together, they hurried to Sergeant Grey's office, their steps quickening with each passing moment. Angela explained the situation to the sergeant, her voice urgent as she described Evan's disappearance. He wasted no time in springing into action, dispatching officers to search the station up and down and the surrounding area for any sign of Evan.
Returning to Angela's desk, they accessed the security cameras from the station, their hands shaking as they scrolled through the footage. With bated breath, they watched as a figure dressed in black approached Evan in the break room, his face obscured from view.
As they watched in horror, the figure took Evan's hand and led him out of the station through the front door, disappearing into the bustling city beyond.
Angela's stomach churned with dread as she exchanged a horrified glance with Tamara. "We have to find him," she said, her voice trembling with urgency.
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You and your rookie arrived as backup for Tim and the day seemed like any other—filled with the usual hustle and bustle of police work and the consuming thoughts about your son now more than ever. It wasn't about that you didn't trust Tamara or James, it was more the fact that your son was in a not so familiar place.
When Sergeant Grey's voice cut through the radio, your maternal instincts kicked in, suddenly feeling something was not right.
"7-Adam-19, 7-Adam-100, please return to the station," he commanded, his voice terse and filled with an unspoken sense of dread.
Immediately, you and your husband exchanged a look of concern, your hearts pounding in your chests as you hastily wrapped up the call. Questions swirled in your minds, but you could sense the urgency in Wade's voice, driving you to act without hesitation.
Rushing towards the station, your thoughts were racing with a million terrifying possibilities. The atmosphere was charged with tension, officers scurrying about with grim expressions etched upon their faces. You and Tim shared a look of mutual fear, your hearts pounding in your chests as you braced yourselves for the worst.
"What happened? Where's Evan?" your voice trembled with fear as you approached Sergeant Grey, your eyes searching desperately for any sign of reassurance.
Grey's expression was grave as he met your gaze, his own eyes filled with sorrow and sympathy. "Please sit down," he urged gently.
But Tim couldn't bring himself to comply, his chest tight with anxiety and dread. "Don't do that," he interjected. "Just tell us what happened."
Sergeant Grey sighed heavily, his shoulders slumping under the weight of the news he had to deliver. "Fine," he relented. "Evan's been kidnapped. We're waiting for the security footage of all cameras around the station, but Detective Lopez might have a lead."
The words hit you and Tim like a sledgehammer, leaving you reeling with disbelief and anguish. Your sweet, innocent son had been taken from you, and you both were powerless.
The weight of the situation settles over you like a suffocating blanket, "Thompson" the name escapes your lips in a whisper, heavy with the burden of past encounters with the man.
Memories flood your mind—the chilling threats, the sinister promises of retribution, the menacing glint in his eyes as he swore vengeance upon you and your loved ones.
Tim's expression darkens with a mix of anger and concern, his mind racing as he processes the implications of Thompson's involvement. "I didn't know he got out," he admits, his voice tight with frustration and worry.
Your eyes fill with tears, heart aching with the unbearable fear of the unknown as you grasp your husband's hand tightly. "We gotta find him, Tim. We need to find Evan," you plead, voice trembling with desperation.
Tim's jaw clenches with resolve as he pulls you into a tight embrace, his arms a comforting anchor amidst the storm of emotions raging within you. "We will, baby," he vows, his voice a steady reassurance in the face of uncertainty.
He holds you even tighter, his touch a silent reassurance amidst the chaos that surrounds you. With gentle strokes of his hand along your back, he tries to soothe the trembling of your body, his touch conveying more comfort than words ever could.
A wave of despair washed over you both as you sank into nearby chairs, minds racing with a whirlwind of emotions. In that moment, your world shattered into a million jagged pieces, leaving behind only a gaping void where your son's laughter once filled the air. Both of you were consumed by a sense of helplessness and grief, your hearts heavy with the unbearable weight of uncertainty.
Tim feels your trembling body in his arms, he knows that mere words can never be enough to ease the crushing weight of your fear. With gentle fingers, he brushes away the tears that stain your cheeks, his touch tender and comforting. Each stroke is a promise—a promise that he will do everything in his power to bring your son home safe and sound.
In the depths of his heart, Tim feels a surge of pain and helplessness, knowing that you, his wife, are bearing the weight of your son's disappearance with every fiber of your being. His own worries and fears are pushed aside as he focuses solely on providing comfort and strength to the one he loves most in the world.
Tamara rushes to your side, her usually composed attitude shattered by panic and guilt. Her face is pale, her hands shaking as she struggles to find the words to express her guilt.
"Y/N, Tim... I'm so sorry," she stammers, her voice quivering with emotion. "I was only gone for a minute, I left Smitty with him. I... I don't know what happened. When I got back, he—uh, he was gone. I'm so sorry."
Your heart breaks for Tamara, knowing the weight of guilt she must be carrying on her shoulders. Despite your own anguish, you reach out to embrace her, offering comfort and solace in the midst of the chaos.
"It's not your fault, Tamara," you reassure her, voice filled with compassion and understanding. "It's okay. We'll find him."
The tension in the room reaches a fever pitch, Angela breaks the heavy silence with a sense of urgency in her voice. "Guys, I think I've found something," she announces, her eyes darting between Tim and you.
Tim's heart leaps with hope as he strides over to Angela's desk, you close behind. "Show us," Tim demanded, his voice tight with barely contained emotion.
Angela quickly pulled up several surveillance footage clips on her computer screen, the images grainy but unmistakable. "Look here," she pointed, her finger tracing the path of a rusty van leaving the surroundings of the station.
Tim's jaw tightened with determination as he surveyed the footage, his mind already racing with plans and strategies to track down the van and bring Evan home. "It's worth a shot," he declared.
Your heart swelled with gratitude and relief, eyes shining with tears as you leaned in closer to the screen. "We have to go after it," you insisted, voice trembling with desperation and determination.
Tim nodded in agreement, his resolve unwavering. "Alright. Let's get airship support and all the surveillance footage we can find. We need to know every move that van makes," he commanded, already reaching for his radio to issue the orders.
Before you could finalize the plans, Tim's hand shot out to stop you in your tracks, his expression wrought with concern. "You should stay behind," he insisted, his voice soft but firm, his eyes pleading for you to consider your safety.
Your heart sank at the thought of being left behind, your fear for Evan overwhelming any sense of self-preservation. "Not a chance," you declared, your voice trembling with determination. "I'm coming with you. We need all the help we can get."
Tim's gaze softened as he looked into the your eyes, his heart swelling with love and admiration, "Y/N, please. I need to know you're safe. I need you and the baby girl safe," he confessed.
Your resolve only hardened at Tim's words, determination unyielding in the face of adversity. "And what about our boy? What about Evan? I need to find him," you insisted, voice filled with desperation.
In that moment, Tim knew that there was no arguing with your determination. With a heavy sigh, he relented, his heart heavy with worry but his resolve unshaken. "Alright," he murmured, pulling you into a tight embrace. "But promise me you'll stay close. I can't lose you too."
You nodded, your heart swelling with gratitude for Tim's understanding and support. "I promise," you vowed.
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With a sense of urgency driving forward, you quickly arrived at the last location where the van was seen. The air crackled with tension as you surveyed the surroundings, the weight of the mission pressing down on you.
Tim's voice cut through the silence as he commanded the team to split up and patrol on foot, his words echoing with authority. "We need to cover every inch of this area," he instructed. "Lucy, Nolan, take east side. Nyla, Angela, cover west. We'll take north."
You nodded in silent agreement, eyes scanning the area for any sign of movement. With each step you took, your hearts hammered in your chests, minds racing with a thousand terrifying possibilities.
Together, you moved cautiously towards the building, the footsteps echoing in the eerie silence of the abandoned street. Tim's hand brushed against yours, a silent gesture of reassurance as you approached the looming structure.
Around the corner, you caught sight of the van parked haphazardly in the alleyway, its doors hanging open as if inviting you inside. Tim's grip tightened on his radio, the other one squeezing your hand even tighter, as he relayed your location, his voice steady and controlled despite the adrenaline coursing through his veins.
"7-Adam-19, we've located the van. Requesting immediate backup at the north entrance," he spoke into the radio, his words precise and urgent.
With bated breath, you entered the building, hearts pounding in your chests as you navigated through the dimly lit corridors hand in hand. Every creak of the floorboards, every flutter of movement in the shadows, sent shivers down your spines as you pressed forward, determination unwavering in the face of danger.
Your hearts stopped as you took in the sight before you— your precious son, bound and gagged, his eyes wide with fear, and the kidnapper, a sinister glint in his eyes as he held the gun to Evan's head.
Evan's small body trembling in fear as he stared up at both you and Tim with tear-filled eyes. The sight of him, helpless and vulnerable, struck a deep chord within you, igniting a firestorm of emotions that threatened to consume you whole.
The knots that bound Evan's wrists and ankles were tight and unforgiving, cutting into his delicate skin and leaving angry red marks in their wake. The sight of your son restrained like a prisoner sent a wave of nausea crashing over, your stomach churning with a mixture of anger and helplessness.
Tears streamed down your cheeks as you took in the sight of your son, heart breaking with every whimper and cry that escaped his lips. It was a sight you had only imagined in your worst nightmares—a sight that would haunt you both for the rest of your days.
You attempted to approach Evan, heart pounding with desperation and fear as Thompson responded with a chilling gesture, taking off the safety of the gun and pressing it even more firmly against Evan's trembling head. You froze in your tracks as you watched in horror, helpless to do anything but stand by and pray for a miracle.
Tim maintained a facade of indifference and purpose despite the pain and anger that consumed both of you. His face was a mask of determination, his eyes burning with a fierce intensity as he faced down the kidnapper. Inside, however, his heart was a tornado of fear and worry, his mind racing with a million worst-case scenarios.
Your heart felt like it was being crushed in a vice grip, your breath catching in your throat as you struggled against the overwhelming urge to protect your child.
Evan's whimpering pierced through the tense silence, his small voice tinged with confusion and fear as he struggled to understand the gravity of the situation unfolding before him.
Tears streamed down your face as you reached out a trembling hand towards your son, desperate to comfort him, but Tim's firm grip on your arm stopped you in your tracks.
"We can't risk it," Tim whispered urgently as he pulled you back to his side, his eyes never leaving Evan.
Your heart felt like it was being torn apart as you watched Evan's innocent whimpering, your own fear for your son threatening to consume you whole.
"Please," Tim pleaded as he addressed Thompson, his hands held up in a gesture of surrender. "Let him go. We can talk about this. Just let him go."
But Thompson's face twisted with anger and resentment, his grip on the gun tightening as he protested vehemently. "You think I'm just gonna let you walk away after what you did to me?" he spat. "You think I'm just gonna let you go back to your perfect little life while I rot in prison?"
Your heart sank as Thompson's words echoed in your mind, "What do you want?" you asked, your heart breaking at the thought of what Thompson might demand. "I'll give you anything. I'll do anything, just please let him go."
His eyes narrowed with hatred as he glared at you, "I want you to suffer," he snarled, his words like daggers in the silence. "Just like I did."
You and Tim tried to talk Thompson down, your hearts pounded in your chests, every second feeling like an eternity as you desperately sought to keep the kidnapper occupied. With Lucy and Nolan slowly approaching from behind, you prayed that they would be able to disarm him before it was too late.
Nolan positioned himself strategically behind Evan, ready to act as a shield if needed, while Lucy positioned herself behind Thompson, her muscles tensed and prepared for action.
"You're making a mistake," Tim stated firmly, his gaze unwavering as he locked eyes with the kidnapper. "You don't want to do this. Let my son go, and we can figure this out."
Thompson's eyes narrowed, his grip on the gun tightening as he glared at Tim with undisguised hostility. "You think I'm just gonna let you walk away after what you did?" he growled.
Tim's jaw clenched with determination as he met his gaze head-on. "We made a mistake," he admitted, "But that doesn't mean you have to make things worse. Let's talk about this like rational adults."
The kidnapper's expression remained cold and unforgiving, his finger twitching on the trigger as he glared at Tim and you with a mixture of anger and resentment. "You ruined my life," he spat, his voice filled with bitterness. "Now it's time for you to pay."
Tim's heart sank as he watched Thompson's finger inch closer to the trigger, every fiber of his being screaming to protect Evan at all costs. "Listen to me," Tim urged, "This isn't the answer. Let Evan go, and we can work this through."
But Thompson's eyes burned with a fierce determination, his grip on the gun unyielding as he leveled it at Evan's head. "It's too late for that," he snarled, his voice filled with rage. "You took everything from me. Now it's time for you to suffer."
Your heart sank at his words, the weight of his hatred crushing you beneath its suffocating grip. "We're sorry," you whispered, "We didn't know..."
Thompson cut you off with a bitter laugh, his laughter echoing off the walls of the empty room. "You didn't know?" he scoffed, "You didn't know that because of you, my wife and daughter are dead?"
Tears stung your eyes as Thompson's words hit you like a punch to the gut, the guilt weighing heavy on your conscience. "We're sorry," you repeated, "We didn't mean for any of this to happen."
His expression remained cold and unforgiving, his gaze fixed on Evan with a mixture of rage and sorrow. "You think your apologies can bring them back?" he growled, his voice laced with bitterness. "You think your words mean anything to me?"
"Even if you take our son away, it won't bring your wife and daughter back," Tim interjected, his voice steady despite the tension in the air. "Don't make things worse for yourself. If you let him go, we won't say a word. You won't go back to prison."
His words hung heavy in the air, a plea for reason in the midst of chaos.
But Thompson's patience wore thin, his grip on the gun tightening as he grew increasingly agitated. His eyes gleamed with malice as he surveyed the scene before him, a twisted smirk playing on his lips.
"Maybe you're right," he sneered, his voice dripping with venom. "Maybe your little bastard isn't the solution. Your whore of a wife is. And pregnant with your daughter. She's perfect."
The words struck like a dagger to the heart, sending a wave of agony crashing over you. Tim's jaw clenched with barely contained fury, his hands curling into fists at his sides as he struggled to maintain his composure.
When the kidnapper's attention shifted towards you, pointing the gun in your direction with a menacing glare, it created a window of opportunity for Lucy and Nolan to intervene. In that harrowing moment, your heart skipped a beat as the barrel of the gun leveled towards you, but amidst the terror, a glimmer of hope flickered to life.
Lucy lunged forward, her eyes focused solely on disarming the kidnapper before he could harm Evan any further. She reached for the gun, her muscles tensing as she prepared to wrestle it from Thompson's grasp.
But in the chaos of the moment, his finger tightened on the trigger, the deafening sound of gunfire shattering the tense silence like a thunderclap. Your heart stopped as you watched in horror, a rush of adrenaline coursing through your veins as the bullet struck its mark. Pain erupted through your body, but in the heat of the moment, the adrenaline dulled the sensation, allowing you to push through.
Every second felt like an eternity as you and Tim rushed to your son's side, the adrenaline coursing through your veins driving you forward. With trembling hands, you helped Nolan loosen the knots, your fingers fumbling in your haste to free Evan from his restraints.
As the last knot came undone, Evan let out a whimper, his tear-streaked face turning towards you and Tim with a look of desperation.
"Mommy!" he cried, his voice trembling.
Your heart shattered into a million pieces at the sound of Evan's voice, tears streaming down your face as you gathered him into your arms. "I'm here, baby," you murmured, your voice shaking with emotion. "Mommy and daddy are here. You're safe now."
Lucy pressed on, pinning the kidnapper to the ground and she swiftly secured him in handcuffs, effectively neutralizing the threat he posed.
Tim knelt down beside you and Evan, his movements were a blur of frantic yet tender gestures. With trembling hands, he pulled you both into his embrace, holding you close as if his mere touch could ward off the looming threat.
"I've got you," he whispered, his voice trembling with emotion as he pressed kisses to your foreheads. "I've got both of you. Everything's going to be okay." His words were a fervent mantra, repeated like a prayer as he desperately tried to reassure himself as much as you and Evan.
You found solace in Tim's embrace, the steady rhythm of his heartbeat a soothing lullaby against your ear. Despite the pain coursing through your body, his presence offered a sense of calm amidst the storm, grounding you in the midst of chaos. With each tender touch and whispered word,exhaustion began to overtake you, the weight of the ordeal bearing down on your weary body, sleep beckoned like a siren's call.
Your eyelids grew heavy with weariness, the pain fading into the background as you surrendered to the embrace of sleep, trusting Tim to keep you safe.
Tim's heart clenched with fear as he felt you grow limp in his arms, panic surging through him like a tidal wave. "No, no, stay with me," he pleaded, his voice thick with emotion. "Don't you dare leave me, Y/N."
But despite his desperate pleas, unconsciousness claimed you, your body going slack against him. Evan's worried voice pierced through the fog of Tim's panic, the little boy shaking your hand with his tiny fingers. "Mommy?" he called out.
Tim's heart shattered at the sight of you lying unconscious on the ground, your face pale and peaceful in sleep. With trembling hands, he scooped Evan into his arms, shielding him from the sight of his mother's still form.
"It's okay, buddy. Mommy's just resting, that's all." Tim whispered, his voice thick with emotion as he held Evan close. But inside, Tim's heart was gripped by fear, his mind racing with worry for you and your unborn baby.
Tim's shouts for help pierced through the chaos, his voice trembled with desperation, tears streaming down his cheeks unchecked as he held Evan tightly in his arms. Each cry for assistance was a desperate plea, a fervent prayer for the help that he so desperately needed.
As the paramedics rushed to your side, Tim watched in horror as they whisked you away on a stretcher. Fear gnawed at his insides, a cold dread settling over him like a suffocating blanket, his chest tightened with every step they took, each moment stretching out into an eternity of agonizing uncertainty.
Angela rushed at Tim's side, and with trembling hands, he handed over Evan into her care, his voice shaking with emotion as he tried to reassure his son in the midst of his own storm.
"It's okay, champ," Tim murmured, his voice choked with tears. "Go with Aunt Angela. Daddy's going with mommy to make sure she's okay." Despite the weight of his own fears bearing down on him, Tim forced a small smile for Evan's sake.
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Tim sat at your bedside, his fingers gently tracing patterns on the back of your hand as he watched over you. Evan was nestled against his chest, his soft snores filling the room with a comforting rhythm.
"How are you holding up, Tim?" Lucy asked, placing a reassuring hand on Tim's shoulders.
"Hanging in there." he whispered, caressing his son's hair like it was an anchor that kept his sanity at peace.
They took turns checking on you, their concern palpable in the air as Tim greeted them with a weary but grateful smile. With each visit, Tim's heart warmed by the unwavering support of his fellow officers and friends.
"Thanks for being here," he offered, his voice tinged with exhaustion but filled with appreciation. "It means a lot."
Angela's gaze softened as she placed a reassuring hand on Tim's shoulder. "We're here for you, Tim," she reassured him. "Whatever you need, just say the word."
As you began to stir, Tim's heart skipped a beat, his gaze never wavering from your face as you slowly blinked awake. "Hey there," he whispered softly, a tender smile gracing his lips as he brushed a stray lock of hair from your forehead. "How are you feeling?"
You returned his smile weakly, your voice barely above a whisper as you replied, "Better, now that you're here." The weight of the past few hours pressed heavily upon you, but the sight of Tim's presence beside you brought a sense of calm that you desperately needed.
Tim's heart swelled with relief at the sound of your voice, his fingers intertwining with yours as he leaned in to press another gentle kiss to your forehead. "I'm never leaving your side again," he vowed, his voice filled with conviction as he gazed into your eyes.
Evan stirred against Tim's chest, his sleepy voice calling out for you. "Mommy" he mumbled, his little arms reaching out in search of you.
Tim's heart melted at the sight of his son, his love for both you and Evan swelling within him like a tidal wave. "Shh, buddy," he whispered, his voice soft and soothing as he gently lifted Evan into his arms. "Mommy's right here."
Evan's sleepy eyes widened with delight as he caught sight of you, his face lighting up with joy. With a sleepy grin, he reached out towards you, his tiny fingers curling around your hand as Tim helped him to gently crawl onto the bed beside you.
You couldn't help but smile at the sight of your son, his presence bringing a sense of warmth and comfort that washed over you like a gentle wave. With Tim's steady hand guiding him, Evan nestled against your side, his sleepy gaze meeting yours with an expression of pure adoration.
"Love you, Mommy," Evan murmured, his voice filled with sleepy affection as he snuggled closer to you.
"I love you more, sweetheart," you whispered in reply as you pressed a tender kiss to Evan's forehead.
Tim's eyes glistened as he looked down at the two of you. With a tender smile, he leaned in to press a kiss to both your foreheads, his touch a silent affirmation of his love for you both.
"I love you both," Tim whispered, his voice thick with emotion as he held you and Evan close, "More than anything in this world."
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