#buffalo chicken wing dip crockpot
sabakos · 1 year
(imagine this is anon hate) your refusal to hear complaints about buffalo chicken dip will be your undoing
you just haven't had good buffalo chicken wing dip. I don't think it comes out very well in a crockpot though, you have to bake it.
I take 2-3 pounds chicken tenderloins, and cook them in peanut oil, lawrys, onion salt and garlic powder, then shred them and combine in a baking dish with a 12oz bottle of franks red hot, 24 oz of cream cheese, a 15 oz jar of blue cheese dressing, add a pound of mozzerella cheese on top, cover with tinfoil and bake at 350 for 30 min.
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Restaurant Style Buffalo Chicken Wing Recipes | Chickenrecepies.com
Oh yeah! I like those and they may be really clean to make at home. I decided to bake them in place of fry them in order that they did not taste just like hooters but they were still exceptional and lots higher for you. I followed the commands precise except i baked on a rack set over a jelly roll pan at 350 for forty five mins. Then i turned the oven to 375 and sprayed the wings with…
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queencryo · 5 years
Journal 3
now with readmore
Journal 3
So! After typing up the last blog post, it was like… 6 am, or some shit like that. And so I finally went to sleep, very very very tired.
Silly and I had planned for me to have the buffalo chicken dip ready before she got home form work, but I… fucked that up, and slept until like 630 pm. She didn’t seem to be upset by it, but I kind of was so. Anyway!
I started on the dip, and she came home, I welcomed her (I love welcoming her home. It makes me look forward to being here long-term). Dip didn’t get started in the crockpot until like 730, 8 (I had to heat freezer chicken so it was cuttable and not frozen, I used the stove) (normally I use regular raw chicken, but I got nervous while shopping with silly’s mom so I like. Just got freezer chicken.) It turned out pretty well actually! The freezer chicken tasted very good on its own, and I’m just now realizing that after a couple days in the fridge the chicken starts breaking down in the dip anyway (I didn’t realize this until silly pointed it out, cuz I’m a [not stupid, but I don’t pay very much attention to things around me])
On that note, me and silly have started, like. Trying to be mean to ourselves less. It started cuz she. Is very mean to herself, but I then realized I still am too, so we’re! trying to do that less. It’s neat I guess. I like it. Kindness is good.
Don’t remember what was eaten for dinner that night. Something? Went upstairs to watch something while the dip cooked.
The dip was good! Silly says it was good, and that makes me very very happy. I added like. A good amount of buffalo sauce after it was done cooking, cuz it still needed some more kick. Ya know? Some  kick? (I’m typing this on my laptop so I’m like. Kind of zoning out while I’m typing it. Dw about it)
Around then I realized that silly might have problems eating that as a meal bc chips are carbs are sugar, so… bleh. Still, *I’ll* eat it as meals, nyeh. I think I’ll ocntinue using raw chicken for the dip at home, it’s nice to have the leftovers from it to put into spaghetti. Chicken spaghetti.
That night I resolved to just not sleep and stay up and eat breakfast with silly before she went to work, because that seemed very fun and nice ya know? Watched a lot of adventure time, I think I’m up to like. Season 5 now (the long one)
But… around an hour before she was scheduled to wake p I was like “oh well I mean it’ll be fine if I just… sleep for an hour and wake up with her…”
Long story short I slept until about 530 pm, and was startled to wake to an empty bed. Apparently I sleepily said I loved her before she left, though, so I guess that’s not a total loss.
So! Later that night, silly comes home all excited, and like. “Hey we should buy an xbox one”
And you know I am nothing if not someone who is willing to make very expensive decisions for like no reason. So long story short we go to gamestop, and make a delightful purchase of Halo: master chief collection, two controllers, Mass Effect: Andromeda, and NO t-shirts that say gamer girl >>>:(
Ate a place in town that is apparently The Local Wing Place. I got. Mild wings, which honestly were barely even hot. I guess I shoulda heeded the menu bit that said the mild was mostly butter. A fool am I. The fried pickles were spears not slices so they were like! Still good, EXTREMELY hot but still good.
Came home, set up the xbox. Halo requires downloading of all the games (because of course). It’s like. 70 GB, but we reduce this by setting Halo 3 to higher priority and disabling Halo 4.
Playing 3 with silly was very fun. She’s way way better at it than me, mostly bc she is smart and stays back whereas I, dumbo raised on normal difficulty that I am, rush in and die quickly in heroic.
She spent like. An hour and a half or something updating her old xbox account. Her new xbox avatar looks way better, and is extremely cool (like her). She says it feels really nice updating all of that to her new self. I can understand the feeling: ridding the wolrd of another footprint of a you that’s a lie is. Very nice, I think.
So we played more halo! No highlights, I think, but it was really nice. And fun. I’m a girl and I’m gay now and I love jesus, but I still love halo C:
I ALSO brought fable 2 along, and played it while silly slept. Gotdamn I fucking love fable 2. Silly says I’m cute when I’m really excited about something. I was REALLY excited about fable 2. I think this is the first time I’ve ever done a run that’s (hopefully) gonna be mostly strength, and possibly I’m gonna use a hammer, where before I always ALWAYS used a katana. But. I just unlocked third level shock (oo) and a very pretty steel cleaver (ooo), so… ….. hopin’ I’ll be a good bastard.
Next day. Went with silly to work, as it was Friday and Time For The Magic Commander (Commeownder, in the local parlance). I only played commander a little bit, though, before silly called me over “hey do you wanna join the draft so that there are 5 rounds and everyone suffers” (my words not hers), and of course yes, that sounds so fun.
So! What draft is is each table (of I think eight people?) opens a pack of cards for each person there. You pick out the card you want from that pack, and pass it on to the next person. Then pick a card from the new pack, then the next, then so on and on. It was very fun, and I fell kinda quickly into running a Golgari (green and black) deck, which went well for me I think? (Also I just. Like golgari. They’re cool, and not annoying like blue). I had a lot of undergrowth effects, which depended on how many creatures I had in my graveyard. MEANING, that I had a lot of creatures in my deck, and enough land to keep them flowing. So, at one point, I had a, I think, 13/13 or 16/16 (idr) Rhizome lurker (gains +1/1 for each creature in graveyard), so that was… cool? Neat?
I won my first match of the draft, largely due to my opponent offering me a lot of tips cuz I was new (the boyfriend (boyfriend, right? They’re not married?) of the person silly had an encounter with a couple months ago. I think that was before we were dating. But that guy was my first opponent, and it went well?) largely due to his help, I won te first game of the match, then the second game timed out.
Second match was against F, who everyone silly knows apparently has a crush on (I also have a crush on them (they/them)), they were very very sweet and I enjoyed my game with them a lot even though they kicked the love of god out of my ass. But they also like. Told jokes during it, so whatevs. (turns out a deck of flyers will kick a goglari deck with no reach/flying in the ass.) they also helped me edit my deck, so that was very very kind of them, and I very much appreciate it.
Uh… other highlights… uh, I played silly’s ex (they dated for like. I think a month? But still. He’s not nearly as big as silly described him), and apparently hurt his feelings because I am a. very very mean and abrasive person if you take the things I say seriously. I. feel bad about that. And I spent the rest of the night noting to please not take the things I said seriously. I ended the night with 1 win, 1 draw, 3 losses, but that’s? very very much better than I expected, tbh. I guess using a deck I actually had a hand in the creation of helps a lottttt. So that’s cool! Silly said my deck was good, but that as after F edited it, so idk if it counts?
Silly says she’s glad I actually enjoy magic and I’m not just humoring her. I do very much enjoy it! I don’t think I want to get to the level she is at (due to cost, if nothing else), it at the very least will be added to my long list of “things I have or had an interest in, that I have a dabbling or casual knowledge of that is beyond the average person by a degree ranging from slight to significant, but still pales in comparison to the knowledge of an actual practitioner”.  … this list is much much longer than the list of things I actually know things about. ;;
Spent like 30 minutes after the draft talking with silly and two regulars. I was annoying and unkind, and felt very unhappy with myself following. I also had to actually leave the store after it closed, since that’s like. The Rules. Silence and isolation (waiting in the car) are not conducive to recovery from self hatred, so that festered a little bit. I was fine eventually, though. Uh… yeah! Had to make a mark in my calendar.
Tried to stay up and play fable, but ended up falling asleep like 10 minutes after silly (I am a fucking scourge and I fail regularly to sleep at the same time as her. I am a Night Bitch)
Oh, also I was unmedicated for the entirety of the draft night, so that’de, like… that’s why I was so fucking annoying all day. That just kinda happens when I’m off it long enough, I guess.
I don’t remember more from that night, so let’s move on.
Got up w silly the next day, ate cereal, went up to the store. Woo!
Sat down with silly’s ex, some other dude. Started reading the book gf gave me about Learning Magic Good And Shit, it was actually real neat and cool! Apparently that’s what he wanted for Christmas, so it was. Slightly awkward!
I read that for a while, then joined in on a magic game. Players: one of the regulars talked to last night before closing, some girl I’d never seen called E (who was very sweet, I now love her), and some dude I don’t remember at all.
We had two games, I only remember that in the second one I ran Estrid The Masked as commander, and that was a. Long Fucking Game. Partially because I had like 11 enchantments on the board at one point, and kept using Estrid and Oath Of Terezi (planeswalkers do TWO things on a turn). Uh…
I had “every time someone casts a spell, make them pay an extra mana or else you can draw another card”, which I then doubled with Estrid’s invocation (at least until I had too many cards to know what to do with, so I put some enchantments in the graveyard before I ulted with estrid) I ulted Estrid like 2-3 times, lmao At one point between ults, I had “all enchantments are creatures” on the field, and then E played “destroy all creatures that aren’t pirates”, so I. lost. Uh. All my motherfucking creatures, except Estrid (not a creature), and a God (had a mask). And ALL my fucking enchantments. WARB- anyway next turn I ulted estrid again and got them all back. Lmfao. at the end of the game it cost about 14 mana / creature to attack me, it was AMAZING, the guy who made fucktons of tokens couldn’t TOUCH me so anyway. I used sacred mesa, plus like 48 mana (untapping all my enchanted lands is GREAT) to create 24 pegasi, which then became 24 4/4 flying angels (Divine Visitation), which was GREAT holy DAMN
I lost in the end, got milled by regular dude for like. 55 cards in one turn.
I coulda prevented this by exiling the creatures he used to mill me, but I just… didn’t. Ever. :C because I’m a foollllllll I also could’ve prevented this by swinging angels at him at the same time I killed the other player (E left before then, I guess she had work or something), but I just. Didn’t do that, because I was scared something would happen to them? It was an eminently foolish thing to not do, especially since I could make So Fucking Many angels. Always. Jesus I could make so many angels.
Meanwhile, silly was moving a shitton of boxes for the Big Fuckhuge Sale the next day. I felt bad that I couldn’t help, but I couldn’t bc if I got injured I could sue. Fair, I guess, but doesn’t make it easier to just sit on the sidelines. At least I brought ibuprofen from home.
Said quick goodbye to regulars who were chill, and who I played my first couple of games with.
Silly got told to just. Go home when her shift ended yesterday, which was upsetting bc she’d been looking forward to playing magic like. The whole day. Not quite the same, but we did play a few games when we got home. So that was nice C:
I ate dip for dinner, silly ate chicken buffalo. She is so. SO bad at eating all the meat on the bones. She says it’s cuz gristle is gross, but like .it’s. it’s MEAT. Eat the meat. So I ate all the gristle off the end of her wings while she said I was disgusting.
We finished halo 3 last night. I felt like. Stupid and bad because I was bein a failure at it, but god that was like. Soooo stupid. Lmfao. I shouldn’t have done that!
I finally managed to log in to my Microsoft account. Apparently my fucking username was staffgripper36, and I have no goddamned clue why that is my username for that.
But I made an avatar and she’s like. Cool af and she has a sundress so I guess I can’t really complain too much, can I?
We also started ODST! It is Neat, and I really like it thus far. I can’t remember ever seeing that intro cutscene in my life, but I guess that’s cuz I was an impatient 12 year old at the time, lmfao.
Then I played fable 2 til 7 am while silly slept. I. Don’t know why I fucking did that. I did get married, though. To marion the bookshop owner. We live in the corner house of the bowerstone market, just like the one playthrough of fable wherein I remember the name of my wife to this day (Hannah the Traveller) That house is my Home, you got me?
Finally onto today! 2520 words in. If words were feet, this journal entry would be a half-mile.
Alright… it has now been more than a full week since I started this journal entry. I’m back in Texas, and I… feel bad for that. I fear how much has been lost.
So! Next morning, I get up with silly and we go to The Work Place. The Big Fucking Sale is going on. I still wished I could help more, but unfortunately that is… not a possibility…
Wandered around the store for a while. Picked up: 4000 AD, a very old-looking game that seems neat. Mostly bought it cuz it looked old and aged as shit founders of gloomhaven, a game I got cuz it reminded me of marielda Anime Chess, that’s not the real name but silly said she’d been thinking about buying it for like. A While, so I bought it because I hate her an AD&D character sheets book, that still had some old character sheets in it (fuckin score) some VERY old vampire the masquerade stuff, including what I’m guessing is probably the first book that offered playing a hunter rather than a vampire? Also the sourcebook as of like 1992. More is the same than is different, though I guess that’s also cuz I barely know modern world of darkness
Sat around and read the hunter book for like. Basically a couple hours or something? Idk. Talked a little bit with some of the regulars, T and her boyfriend.
Eventually, left and went to the ice cream store across the street, ate Goat Cheese Ice Cream Oh Boy, and started writing this journal.
I wrote school’s motto on the chalkboard there, and later heard someone say “I… don’t know what that means. Should I know what that means?
Was surprised by the entrance of Silly. Goodness me I love her so much.
We then went home and like. Chilled.
She made alfredo/lentil pasta (so she doesn’t die from carbs) and fish. I, meanwhile, attempted to make raspberry cheesecake.
I got kinda stressed by the cheesecake process, cuz I was trying to multitask but still didn’t feel like I was going fast enough. I started doing that dumb anxiety over-done stuff thing that I do sometimes.
I then proceeded to open a very-fizzed dr pepper and just kinda. Break down a lil bit. I managed to keep it together until I had the cheesecake done, at least, I’m kinda proud of myself for that!
But yeah. Then I started crying or something, I don’t fully remember. I remember I accidentally made silly cry because I am an idiot, and also I was feeling bad because I felt helpless and pathetic, and typical consolation doesn’t really help with that. I’m sorry for that, darlin.
Anyway. She’s a really good fucking cook, like she’s better than my mom and dad both. Like not to be the kinda person who overpraises ther significant, but :eyes: !!! who knew that adding spices and not cooking from a box improved things??? @mom
I don’t really remember the rest of the night, nothing interesting I suppose. We probably played halo odst or something, and cuddled.
The cheesecake was… not to my taste, personally. Silly claims to kinda like it, but personally it fell into the “this isn’t really that good at all, why do I keep wantng to eat it”, probably my favorite part was the pre-baked crust.
Yeah! Stuf like that.
We got up the next morning. Busy day!!! The next 3 days, silly had em off and we were gonna make this day fuckin WORK for us
So we went to like. The nearby game store
There was a cat! And also I bought some magic card boosters. No news. Why the fuck was there a shitton of pathfinder corebooks on the Shelf O’ Unloved Games. Rude.
Had a fun conversation at a pet store
The game store near where silly worked had some things. She got halo 5, meaning she had The Complete Collection, not that it matters cuz everything after reach sucks. But anyway. She also got an application for there! So that’s really good, yay! Woo!
The nearby hobby shop was very neat, it had a shitton of gundam stuff, and like. Model trains! Wow! Apparently model rockets don’t fuckin come with the engine or anything.g that seems a little silly to me. Also they had some 3-d printing stations, but they’re apparently out for now. Idk whassup there.
Got some jingle bells at the nearby craft store, or whatever. Ran into a coworker of silly’s. she revealed that she almost named herself Katherine, and would’ve shortened it to Cat, meaning we fucking skated THIS close to me just absolutely refusing to talk to her in that alternate timeline.
Ate at dairy queen bc I had a gift card
I made some very VERY nice discoveries. Oh HO, how delightful… some nice mugs, that I decided not to get on account of I was already transporting 3 of the things back home. But uhhh…. I got some cute skirts I think, basically just some bottoms, from the first store. Learned that my feet are not made for thrift store women’s heels. Sob.
Thrift shop two I found some very VERY nice things, including BASEBALL MOM SHIRT, and also a shirt for a basketball team for the immaculate conception high school, or some shit. I’m so excited to reveal that one. Also some things that were actually women’s tops, that might actually fit me or some shit (spoiler, they will not once I retry them on) (lol)
I uh… THINK after that we went home? And made tacos!!!!!! Holy shit silly makes such good fucking tacos oh my god. Like. I used to hate taco night at home, cuz that meant like. Dry hamburger meat with Taco Seasoning from HEB, in a hard taco shell.
But. I have discovered the truth of mixing a bit of salsa, corn, and beans into the meat, and getting it all moist, and also applying sour cream to the tacos. God they were so good holy fuck. Holy fuck. What a goddess.
We then proceeded to, I think, finish halo odst. What absolute heroines we are. I think we also watched all of otgw. I gushed about, like. The painfully o bvious metaphors and stuff that I knew about, and silly thought I was dumb I’m sure. But she did cry at the end, bc it’s very good and also because I was crying.
Stayed up later than silly did. Cried a little bit before I went to sleep because I. love her so much. Dear fuck I love her.
Ate breakfast the next morning. Returned from showering to find that silly was shooting me with a nerf gun. The fucker. We had a nerf gun fight and I’m PRETTY sure I got the better of her, because I’m very good and also extremely cool. :3 side note but she’s so amazing and I love her so much. NOT tearing up a little bit about how I am so extremely blessed to have met her. Jesus.
But uh. After that it was time to start packing, kind of. There was a not-small amount of crying. And divvying up of stuff, since I like. Did NOT have space for all of my things. Three piles: taking with me, hopefully to have mailed back to me (seriously, I need some of that stuff please. :C ), and Giving to silly because I love her and I love giving her things.
In that last group was: my first fountain pen (idk if that one or the one leye gave me was the first one I owned. But hey. Meh.) (I’m just gonna pronounce that as Ley-yey for the rest of my life. For anyone who’s not me, though, it’s like lye). She used it to write poetry on the piece of paper I used to demonstrate how to use it, and to get the ink going, and stuff. She then folded it up to look like a heart, because she’s the biggest dork on earth and also my favorite person ever to live. She did this while she was, in her words, “picking stuff out of the downstairs laundry baskets”, which is why I walked in on her doig this. The second time a ploy like this was foiled by my walking downstairs. What a loser. And yes I cried a LOT on reading that poetry, because, just… jesus. How could I not. my tentacle skirt. Please take care of it, it’s important! Hopefully I have found suitable replacements for it… probably some other stuff? I don’t fully remember… sorry….
She gave me the shirt for the now-defunct electric company owned by the Shithead dad of her childhood friend. Holy FUCK the perfect gift for me. Wow. I love artifacts!!! (we are both magpies lmao)
Never did find that pair of compression shorts she gave me last time I was down. I hope those turn up sometime, they were super handy.
Uh… so yeah. We packed up. Got most of my stuff sorted out, and figured out an outfit for the next day. I think here was where we watched otgw, actually. But yeah! Uh…
I don’t really remember much more, except hugging each other and crying. And remembering that soon I would be apart from her and feeling a deep, yawning sense of loss. And a longing to graduate so I can join her up north.
I tried to go to sleep with her, but I failed. I ended up closing my eyes for a little while, then stealing the 8.5x11 boarding pass I printed and gave to her (we each got one of the boarding passes, and one of the like. Ticket printed things? Of when I went up there. Even), and wrote her a letter on it with my/her fountain pen. I don’t remember much of what it said, beyond that I loved her in a way I never thought possible.
Went to the airport. Cried a little bit on the way there. Focused more on keeping intact for both of our sakes, since we were going on the Frightening route to the airport. I started to break down as I started getting close, thugh. Cried into her arms a little more as I got out of the car and left her behind for another few months. God,  Ihate it so much.
Writing these journals this far after the fact is bad both because I don’t remember as much, and also because I start missing her all over again. :C:C:C:C:C
But uh… yeah,  Ithink that’s it. Became emotionally dead as I went through the airport. Had to rush to make my first flight. Cuz… wanted to spend as much time as possible with my beautiful girlfriend before we had to go to the accursed birds’ nest. The TSA saw me as a girl. That was cool, but then they patted me down real fuckin thoroughly. Ate a biscuit after getting through. Basically slept through the rest of the thing.
Only started crying again once I got home.
Alright. We’re done here I think. I know I forgot a lot and that *hurts* me, but it’ll be alright. Honk.
These journals will likely get less detailed as time goes on. But as their number is yet small I think it’s okay.
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ketoeasyrecipes · 4 years
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healthy dinner recipes
Looking For Healthy Dinner Recipes?
These are the best healthy dinner recipes thoughts that our perusers return to over and over for delicious and nutritious recipes. For quite a long time, we've been composing healthy dinner recipes here on A Easyrecipes.info.  Because: if you’re going to the trouble of eating dinner, why not make both delicious and nourishing? This is the energy that energizes us without fail, creating recipes that you'll love to prepare for your loved ones. I needed to make an assortment of a portion of the recipes that have gotten overwhelming applause from our perusers and supporters for being good, however healthy dinner thoughts. What's our meaning of healthy? I don't follow any diet plan explicitly. How we eat by and large follows the Mediterranean diet: parcels and heaps of vegetables and natural products, entire grains, and healthy fats like olive oil. Our concept of health is less about carbohydrate contents and progressively about supplements and a variety of veggies. Did I notice bunches of and loads of vegetables? Huge numbers of the recipes you'll discover here are vegetarian or vegan; however, they taste so delicious you don't feel like you're doing any penances. We trust you'll appreciate these healthy dinner recipes as much as we do!
And now, our best healthy dinner recipes!
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healthy dinner recipes
1. Best Grilled Shrimp Foil Packets Recipe
Try these easy & delicious Grilled Shrimp Foil Packets from Easyrecipes.info at your next BBQ!
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healthy dinner recipes
1 1/2 lb. large shrimp, peeled and deveined
2 cloves garlic, minced
2 smoked andouille sausages, thinly sliced
2 ears corn, each cut crosswise into 4 pieces
1 lb. red bliss potatoes, chopped into 1-in pieces
2 tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil
1 tbsp. Old Bay seasoning
Kosher salt
Freshly ground black pepper
2 tbsp. freshly chopped parsley
1 lemon, sliced into thin wedges
4 tbsp. butter
Preheat grill over high heat, or preheat oven to 425°. Cut 4 sheets of foil about 12 inches long. Divide shrimp, garlic, sausage, corn, and potatoes evenly over the foil sheets. Drizzle with oil, then add Old Bay seasoning and season to taste with salt and pepper. Toss gently to combine. Top each mixture with parsley, lemon and a tablespoon of butter each.
Fold foil packets crosswise over the shrimp boil mixture to completely cover the food. Roll top and bottom edges to seal them closed.
Place foil packets on grill and cook until just cooked through, about 15 to 20 minutes (or transfer to oven and bake for 20 minutes). 
Also try this 14 Healthy Recipes to Lose Weight
Don’t forget to pin and save for later! 🙂
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healthy dinner recipes
2. Chicken and Avocado Burritos
Burritos stuffed with juicy chicken, cool and creamy avocado, oozy gooey melted cheese, spicy salsa verde and sour cream!
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healthy dinner recipes
4 burrito sized tortillas (corn tortillas for gluten-free), warmed
1 pound cooked chicken, sliced or shredded
1 large avocado, diced
1 cup Monterey Jack cheese, shredded
1/4 cup salsa verde
1/4 cup sour cream or greek yogurt
2 tablespoons cilantro, chopped
Assemble the burritos, optionally toast, and enjoy!
Option: Use taco lime grilled chicken, cilantro lime grilled chicken or tequila lime grilled chicken instead of plain chicken.
Also try this 14 Simple Meal Plan to Lose Weight
Don’t forget to pin and save for later! 🙂
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healthy dinner recipes
3. Easy Crockpot Buffalo Chicken Sandwiches (4 Ingredients!)
Looking for easy crockpot chicken recipes? This shredded buffalo chicken is made with just 4 simple ingredients! It's so dang good in a hoagie roll, or even on a salad if you're keeping it low carb. Cook it on high or low in your slow cooker, and enjoy it for lunch or dinner recipe.
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healthy dinner recipes
3-4 large chicken breasts (about 1.5 pounds)
1 (12oz) bottle of Frank's Buffalo Wing Sauce
1/2 packet ranch seasoning mix (about 2 tbsp)
2 tbsp butter
hoagie rolls for serving
Spray your slow cooker with non-stick cooking spray. Place the chicken, buffalo sauce, and ranch seasoning mix in, and cook on LOW for 4-5 hours or high for about 3 hours. 
Once the chicken is fully cooked, use a couple of forks to shred the meat (I find it easiest to place the chicken on a cutting board to shred, and then put it back into the crockpot with the juices).
Once shredded, add 2 tbsp of butter to the crockpot and allow it to melt; stir to combine.
That's it! I find it best served on hoagie rolls drizzled with a little ranch dressing. You can also serve with blue cheese crumbles or coleslaw. 
Don’t forget to pin and save for later! 🙂
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healthy dinner recipes
4. Oven Baked Chicken Parmesan
This delicious Oven Baked Chicken Parmesan recipe is easy and doesn't require any frying.  Because this chicken Parmesan is baked, it is healthy, quick and easy! Make this crispy baked Parmesan crusted chicken for dinner tonight in about thirty minutes!
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Healthy Dinner Recipes
2 tablespoons olive oil
2 chicken breasts About 1 pound of chicken total
1 egg
1 cup panko bread crumbs
1/2 cup parmesan cheese fresh grated
1 teaspoon dried oregano
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
1 teaspoon kosher salt
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
1 cup marinara sauce
1 ½ cups shredded mozzarella
2 tablespoon minced parsley optional, for garnish
Line a baking sheet with foil, brush foil with olive oil.  Adjust oven rack so that is in the second from the top space. Preheat the oven to 400°F.
Cut the chicken breasts in half and pound to even thickness: Cut through the middle of the chicken breast as if you are going to butterfly it (cutting it open like a book), but cut all the way through to make two equal sized pieces.
After cutting the chicken breasts in half, place them in a gallon sized zip top bag in an even layer, seal it, then pound them to an even thickness using a  meat pounder or a rolling pin. You can also place the chicken breasts between two layers of cling wrap instead of a zip top bag if you prefer.
Pat the chicken breasts dry with a paper towel, then season with salt and pepper.
In one shallow dish, mix together panko bread crumbs, grated parmesan cheese, salt, pepper, garlic powder, oregano, and black pepper.
In another shallow dish, whisk one egg.
Dip one chicken breast into the egg, then into the bread crumb mixture.  Ensure chicken breast is fully coated in the crumb mixture, and gently press with your hand do help the crumbs stick to the chicken.  Place chicken breast on prepared baking sheet, repeat with remaining pieces of chicken.
Place baking sheet in oven on the second from the top rack.  Bake for 15 minutes, or until cooked through.  
Flip chicken, pour 1/4 cup of marinara sauce over each piece of chicken, then top with cheese. Place back in the oven. Turn on the broiler. Broil for 2-4 minutes, until cheese is melted and bubbly and edges of chicken are browning.
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5. Whole30 Steak Bites with Sweet Potatoes and Peppers
This recipe for Whole30 steak bites is packed with tons of flavor and huge pops of vitamins thanks to colorful sweet potatoes and bell peppers. It's an easy, approachable weeknight dinner recipe that's ready in under 45 minutes.
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1 large sweet potato (about 12 ounces), diced into 1" pieces
1 tsp sea or kosher salt
1 lb flat iron steak, diced into 1" pieces
3 tbsp olive oil, divided
2 cloves garlic, minced
2 bell peppers, seeded and diced into 1" pieces
4 green onions, thinly sliced
2 tbsp coconut aminos
2 tsp cracked black pepper
2 tbsp fresh chopped cilantro
Place the diced sweet potatoes into a microwave safe bowl, then sprinkle with 1 teaspoon salt. Cover with a plate and microwave on high until just barely tender, 4-6 minutes. Stir once halfway through. The potatoes are ready when you can piece one with the tip of a knife and meet just a bit of resistance. Take care not to overcook at this stage or they'll turn out mushy later.
Heat a 12” skillet over high heat. Add 2 tablespoons olive oil and heat until shimmering. Add the steak in a single layer. Cook, turning every two minutes, until the pieces are browned and the center is medium, about 10 minutes. Remove the steak from the skillet using a slotted spoon and set aside onto a plate. 
Add the third tablespoon olive oil to the skillet. Add the sweet potatoes, toss to coat in the fat and cook until browned, stirring occasionally, until browned, 3-4 minutes.
Make a well in the center of the pan and add the garlic. Sautee, stirring occasionally, until fragrant, about 1 minute.
Add the bell pepper and scallions and toss with the potatoes. Sautee, stirring occasionally, until the peppers are bite tender, 3-4 minutes. 
Add the steak and juices back to the pan along with the coconut aminos. Toss all ingredients and cook an additional 1- 2 minutes until the liquid has evaporated.
Add the pepper and cilantro, toss, and remove from heat. Portion onto plates, top with additional fresh cilantro if desired, and serve immediately.
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6. Chicken Avocado Salad Roll Ups
Chicken Avocado Salad Roll Ups are great appetizers for a party, healthy lunch for kids or light and easy dinner for whole family.
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2 cups shredded chicken
1 ripe avocado- mashed
2–4 tablespoons plain Greek yogurt (start with 2 and add more if the salad seems to dry)
1 ½–2 tablespoons lime juice
2 tablespoons finely diced red onion
2 green onion-sliced
Freshly ground black pepper- to taste
¼ teaspoon salt (or more to taste)
½ teaspoon garlic powder
1 ½ tablespoon fresh cilantro or parsley- chopped
½ cup shredded Cheddar cheese
5–6 Tortillas (8 or 10 inch diameter)
NOTES: I had enough filling for 5 tortillas (10 inch diameter). You can use 6 (8 inch) tortillas.
In a large bowl combine all ingredients for Chicken Avocado salad. Stir until evenly blended.
Spread the mixture over tortilla and roll up tightly. Repeat with remaining salad.
Slice with serrated knife into ½ inch slices. You can slice them immediately or refrigerate until firm (about 30 mins). It’s easier to slice when chilled.
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7. Spicy Shrimp Tacos with Avocado Crema
These Spicy Shrimp Tacos are marinated in delicious spices and sit on top of a homemade slaw with an avocado crema perfect for taco tuesday or any day of the week!
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Shrimp Marinade
1lb shrimp, uncooked, peeled, deveined, tails removed
1 tsp dark chili powder
1 tsp smoked paprika
1/2 tsp ground cumin
1/2 tsp dried oregano 
1 tsp garlic minced, (or 1/2 tsp garlic powder)
1/2 tsp red pepper flakes
1/2 tsp kosher salt
Juice of 1 lime (about 2 tbsp)
3 tbsp avocado oil
Taco Elements
1 cup shredded green cabbage
1 cup shredded purple cabbage
8–10 small flour or corn tortillas, lightly toasted
Fresh cilantro
Lime wedges
Avocado Crema
1 medium avocado, seed removed and flesh scooped out
1/2 cup cilantro
1 jalapeño, seeds removed
3 cloves of garlic, peeled
2 limes, juiced (3 tbsp)
1/2 cup plain greek yogurt
3 tbsp avocado oil
3 tbsp water
1/2 tsp kosher salt
In a small bowl, whisk together the marinade ingredients: 3 tbsp avocado oil, lime juice, chili powder, smoked paprika, cumin, oregano, garlic, red pepper flakes, and kosher salt. Add in prepped shrimp, stir to coat all the shrimp with marinade. Place in refrigerator and marinate for minimum 30 minutes.
While the shrimp is marinating, in a food processor add the avocado crema ingredients: avocado, cilantro, jalapeño, garlic, lime juice, yogurt, olive oil, water and kosher salt. Pulse until all the ingredients are smooth. If the consistency is too thick, add another tbsp of water. Set aside.
Using a mandoline or knife, shred the cabbages. Place in a small bowl, add a few spoons of the crema and toss to combine. Save the rest of the crema to drizzle over the tacos at the end.
You can either cook the shrimp in a cast iron skillet or grill them.
Grill method: Skewer the shrimp on either soaked bamboo or metal skewers. Preheat the grill. Over medium direct heat, cook the shrimp for 5-7 minutes, flipping them midway through. You want the outside slightly charred and pink, with the inside white.
Cast iron method: In a seasoned cast iron skillet over medium/high heat, give each shrimp a good shake (to get rid of some excess marinade) and add it to the pan. Cook the shrimp for 5-7 minutes flipping halfway through. You are looking for the same preparedness as above.
Assemble the tacos: Place the tortilla down, add a few spoons of the cabbage slaw, add a few shrimps, drizzle avocado crema over the top, garnish with fresh cilantro, serve with lime wedges!
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8. Healthy Baked Eggplant Parmesan
Make a healthy baked eggplant parmesan with crispy almond flour-coated eggplant slices that are baked — no frying or bread crumbs needed!
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2 medium eggplants, sliced into 1/2” thick rounds
2 large eggs
1 cup almond flour*
1 cup freshly grated Parmesan, divided*
2 teaspoons Italian seasoning
1/2 teaspoon sea salt
Freshly ground black pepper
Cooking spray
1 24 oz jar (3 cups) marinara sauce 
2 cups shredded mozzarella*
1/3 cups thinly sliced basil
Preheat oven to 425°F. Line two large baking sheets with parchment paper and coat with cooking spray. In a shallow bowl, whisk together almond flour, 1/2 cup Parmesan, Italian seasoning and ½ teaspoon sea salt. Season with salt and pepper. 
In another shallow bowl, whisk eggs with 2 Tablespoons water and season with salt and pepper. 
Dip an eggplant slice into the egg wash, then sprinkle the almond flour parmesan mixture over each side of the eggplant slice. Place on baking sheet. Repeat to coat all eggplant slices. Spray tops lightly with cooking spray.
Bake until soft inside, and golden and crisp on the outside, about 30 minutes, flipping around the 15 minute mark.
In a large baking dish, add 1 cup of marinara and spread evenly. Add an even layer of baked eggplant slices. Add another 1 cup of sauce. Sprinkle with 1 cup mozzarella, ¼ cup of the remaining Parmesan and 1/4 cup fresh basil. Top with another layer of baked eggplant slices and spread on 1 cup of sauce. Top with 1 cup of mozzarella cheese, ¼ cup parmesan and remaining fresh basil.
Bake, uncovered, until top is bubbly and golden, about 15 to 20 minutes.
If you have a nut allergy, feel free to use 1 cup  of bread crumbs instead of the almond flour.
If you want to keep this dairy-free, use dairy-free cheese options.
Inspired by Eating Well Magazine.
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9. Pineapple Chicken and Rice
Pineapple Chicken and Rice Dinner Recipe. Tender chicken cooked in a sweet pineapple honey Dijon sauce and served over rice.
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1 and half pounds boneless chicken breasts
1 teaspoon dried thyme
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon pepper
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
1 can 20 oz. sliced pineapple save the juice for the sauce
1 tablespoon cornstarch
1/4 cup Dijon mustard
1/4 cup honey
2 garlic cloves minced
4 servings of cooked rice.
Season chicken with thyme, salt and pepper.
Over medium heat brown the chicken in the vegetable oil.
Drain pineapple slices and reserve the juice.
Combine cornstarch and 2 oz. of the pineapple juice and set aside.
In a separate bowl combine remaining juice with mustard, honey, and garlic.
Add dijon mixture to the pan, reduce heat and cover.
Allow to simmer for 15 minutes.
Remove chicken from the pan.
Stir the cornstarch mixture and add to the pan and bring to a boil.
Stir for 2 minutes.
Reduce heat and return chicken to the pan. Flip chicken in the pan to get it nice and coated with the sauce.
Add pineapple slices to pan (on top of chicken and around the chicken) cover for 2-3 minutes to allow pineapple to heat through.
Serve over rice.
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10. Stuffed Pepper Casserole
This Stuffed Pepper Casserole has all the delicious flavors of regular stuffed peppers but turned inside out and made in one pan, keeping the mess to a minimum!
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Healthy Dinner Recipes
1 lb ground beef
1 green pepper diced
1 red pepper diced
1 medium onion diced
1 tsp oregano
Salt & pepper
3 cloves garlic minced
2 cups beef broth
1 15 oz can diced tomatoes (petite for regular)
1 8 oz can tomato sauce
1 Tbs balsamic vinegar
1 cup long grain white rice
1-2 cups Colby Monterey Jack cheese
In high sided pan add your ground beef, peppers, onion, oregano, salt and pepper and cook until beef is no longer pink and vegetables are tender.
Add in garlic and cook until aromatic, about 1 minutes.
Add in your beef broth, tomatoes, tomato sauce and balsamic vinegar, stir to combine then bring to a boil.
Add in your rice and stir to combine, cover and simmer for 20-25 minutes until rice is tender and juices are mainly soaked up.
Remove from heat and stir in 1 cup cheese.
Top with remaining cheese and place cover back on to melt.
Serve with chopped parsley if desired.
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11. Spinach Lasagna Roll Recipe
These EASY Spinach Lasagna Roll ups are totally delicious, perfect for entertaining or serving for weeknight meals. Freezer friendly.
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2 cups homemade marinara sauce, plus more for serving
9 uncooked lasagna noodles, wheat or gluten-free
10 oz package frozen chopped spinach, thawed and squeezed well
15 oz part skim ricotta cheese, I like Polly-o
1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese
1 large egg
kosher salt and fresh pepper
9 tbsp about 3 oz part skim mozzarella cheese, shredded
Preheat oven to 350°F. Ladle about 1 cup sauce on the bottom of a 9 x 12 baking dish.
Cook noodles according to package directions, then drain.
Combine spinach, ricotta, Parmesan, egg, 1/2 teaspoon salt and black pepper in a medium bowl and mix.
Place a piece of wax paper on the counter and lay out lasagna noodles. Make sure noodles are dry. Take 1/3 cup of ricotta mixture and spread evenly over noodle. Roll carefully and place seam side down onto the baking dish. Repeat with remaining noodles.
Ladle remaining sauce over the noodles and top each one with 1 tbsp mozzarella cheese. Put foil over baking dish and bake for 40 minutes, or until cheese melts. Makes 9 rolls.
To serve, ladle a little sauce on the plate and top with lasagna roll.
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12. Crispy Garlic Parmesan Brussels Sprouts
Easy-to-make roasted brussels sprouts that will win anyone over. Even the little ones! This recipe comes together in under 30 minutes and is FULL of amazing flavor!
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1 1/2 lbs brussles sproouts, (ends trimmed and sliced in half)
2 tbsp unsalted butter, (melted)
2 tbsp olive oil
1/2 tsp salt, (more or less - to taste)
1/4 tsp pepper, (more or less to taste)
1 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp onion powder
1/3 cup panko breadcrumbs, (or regular breadcrumbs)
1/4 cup grated parmesan cheese
Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Spray a baking sheet with nonstick spray.
Trim the ends off of the brussels sprouts. If you have a mixture of large and small brussels sprouts, slice the larger ones in half or quarters. Keep the small brussels sprouts intact.
If using all small brussels sprouts, slice in half or keep whole. I prefer mine sliced in half if they are not too small to get a nice crisp edge when they roast cut-side down.
To a large bowl, combine the melted butter, olive oil, salt, pepper, garlic powder, and onion powder. Stir to fully combine. Add in the brussels sprouts and gently toss to thoroughly combine with the butter mixture.
Next, add in the panko and parmesan cheese. Toss gently to combine.
Transfer the brussels sprouts to the prepared baking sheet, making sure to create a single, spaced out layer. Arrange any sliced sprouts cut-side down.
If you have any leftover breadcrumb/cheese mixture, simply sprinkle overtop of the sprouts and press down slightly to help it stick.
Bake 15-20 minutes or until sprouts are fork-tender and lightly browned. Check at 15 minutes. Roasting time will vary based on the size of the sprouts. It's important to keep an eye on them to avoid burning.
Best served right out of the oven. Garnish with additional parmesan cheese, if desired.
BAKE TIME: Please keep in mind that roasting time will vary depending on how large OR small the brussels sprouts are. The bake time listed above (15-20 minutes) is based on 1.5 lbs of smaller brussels sprouts. Check at 18-20 minutes for larger brussels sprouts and go from there.The sprouts should be lightly browned, crisp, and fork-tender when done. It's very easy to overcook them, so keep an eye on them.
MAKE AHEAD? I do not recommend making these ahead of time. They are best served freshly roasted out of the oven. Leftovers will soften as they sit and will be difficult to crisp up again without overcooking them.
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13. Asian Chicken Lettuce Wraps
Looking for an easy Asian chicken recipe? This P.F. Chang lettuce wrap copycat from Easyrecipes.info is a great low-carb dinner!
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3 tbsp. hoisin sauce
2 tbsp. low-sodium soy sauce
2 tbsp. rice wine vinegar
1 tbsp. Sriracha (optional)
1 tsp. sesame oil
1 tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil
1 medium onion, diced
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 tbsp. freshly grated ginger
1 lb. ground chicken
1/2 c. water chestnuts, drained and sliced
2 green onions, thinly sliced
Kosher salt
Freshly ground black pepper
Large leafy lettuce (leaves separated), for serving
Cooked white rice, for serving (optional)
Make the sauce: In a small bowl, whisk together hoisin sauce, soy sauce, rice wine vinegar, Sriracha, and sesame oil.
In a large skillet over medium-high heat, heat olive oil. Add onions and cook until soft, 5 minutes, then stir in garlic and ginger and cook until fragrant, 1 minute more. Add ground chicken and cook until opaque and mostly cooked through, breaking up meat with a wooden spoon. 
Pour in sauce and cook 1 to 2 minutes more, until sauce reduces slightly and chicken is cooked through completely. Turn off heat and stir in chestnuts and green onions. Season with salt and pepper.
Spoon rice, if using, and a large scoop (about 1/4 cup) of chicken mixture into center of each lettuce leaf. Serve immediately.
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14. Healthier Broccoli Chicken Casserole
This healthier Broccoli Chicken Casserole recipe is made with tender chicken and broccoli, your choice of pasta, and the BEST creamy cheddar mushroom sauce.
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8 ounces uncooked pasta* (I used whole-wheat rotini)
1 large head of broccoli*, cut into bite-sized florets (about 1 pound of florets)
2 tablespoons butter or olive oil
1 small white onion, thinly sliced
8 ounces baby bella (cremini) mushrooms, thinly sliced
4 cloves garlic, minced
3 tablespoons flour
1 cup chicken or vegetable stock
1 1/2 cups milk
1 teaspoon Dijon mustard
1/2 teaspoon fine sea salt
1/4 teaspoon freshly-cracked black pepper
2 cups (8 ounces) shredded sharp cheddar cheese, divided
2 cups diced (or shredded) cooked chicken
Heat oven to 400°F.
Cook pasta in a large stockpot of generously-salted boiling water until it is al dente.  However, about 1 minute before the pasta is done, add the broccoli to the boiling pasta water and stir until combined.  Drain both the pasta and broccoli, and set aside.
Meanwhile, heat the butter (or oil) in a large sauté pan over medium-high heat.  Add the onion and sauté for 3 minutes, stirring occasionally.  Add the mushrooms and garlic and sauté for 5 more minutes, stirring occasionally, or until the mushrooms are cooked through.
Sprinkle the flour evenly over the onion mixture and stir until combined.  Cook for 1 minute, stirring occasionally.  Add in the stock, and stir everything together until most of the clumps are gone.  Add in the milk, Dijon, salt and pepper and stir until combined.  Continue cooking the sauce until it reaches a simmer.  Then remove from heat and stir in 1 cup of the shredded cheese until it is combined.  Taste and season with additional salt and pepper, if needed.
In a large 9 x 13-inch baking dish, combine the cooked pasta, broccoli, mushroom sauce and chicken.  Toss until combined.  Smooth the casserole out into an even layer.
Bake uncovered for 15 minutes.  Then remove pan from the oven, sprinkle the remaining cheddar cheese evenly on top of the casserole, and bake for 10 more minutes or until the cheese is nice and melty.
Serve warm, garnished with extra black pepper and/or fresh herbs, if desired.
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15. Black Bean Avocado Crunch Wrap
When I'm craving a Cruchwrap Supreme, I don't go to Taco Bell, I stay at home. In fact, I can proudly say that I have perfect Crunchwrap Supreme Recipe.
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4 large whole wheat burrito tortillas, plus 4 small tortillas (0r one cut into four equal quarters)
1 15 ounce can black beans, rinsed and drained
1 cup Skinny Nacho “Cheese” Sauce
2 jalapeños
2 cups cooked brown rice
2 Avocados, pit removed, and cut into bite sized pieces
1 cup grape tomatoes, diced
1 yellow onion, diced
Prepare all vegetables
Lay one tortilla on a plate surface
Place a 1/4 cup of cooked brown rice in the middle
Place 1/4 of the can of black beans on top of the rice
Continues with 1/4 of the remaining ingredients.
Lay a single small tortilla or a quart of an extra large tortillas on top of the ingredients in the center.
Fold the tortilla around the ingredients in a circular motion, meeting the small tortilla or quartered tortilla you used for the center.
Heat a Non-Stick Pan for Oil-Free Cooking to medium low
Place tortilla folded side down first; this will seal the folds
Cook for about 7 minutes; check to make sure golden brown before flipping over
Gently flip crunch wrap over
Cook another 7 minutes, checking to make sure it is golden brown.
Make remaining 3 (I use different pans to have them all done at once).
Serve with salsa or guacamole or BOTH!
I cut in half to share 🙂
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16. Grilled Chicken and Asparagus Pesto Pasta
Grilled Chicken and Asparagus Pesto Pasta is perfect for summer! Simple ingredients, but tons of flavor thanks to grilling and the pesto lemon sauce.
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2 boneless skinless chicken breasts
1 teaspoon Italian seasoning
1 pound asparagus, woody ends cut off
Olive oil, kosher salt and fresh ground black pepper to taste
12 ounces rotini pasta, gluten free if needed
1/3 cup pesto
1/2 of a lemon, juiced
3 tablespoons shredded Pecorino Romano or parmesan cheese
2 tablespoons toasted pine nuts
Fresh chopped basil and more Pecorino Romano for garnish
Cook the pasta according to package instructions. Drain and put into a large serving bowl.
While the pasta cooks, preheat the grill to medium-high heat.
Season the chicken with Italian seasoning, salt and pepper. On a baking sheet lined with foil lay the asparagus out in a single layer. Drizzle with olive oil, salt and pepper and toss to coat.
Grill the chicken for approximately 4-6 minutes then flip over and grill another 4-6 minutes or until the internal temperature reaches 160°-165° F. Let it rest for 5 minutes before cutting it.
While the chicken cooks place the prepared asparagus onto the grill grates horizontally. Grill for 2 minutes then roll or flip them over with tongs and grill another 1-2 minutes. Cut into approximately 2 inch pieces.
Add the chopped chicken and asparagus to the bowl with the pasta. Add in the pesto, lemon juice and shredded romano or parmesan cheese. Season with salt and pepper and toss everything together until coated. Taste for seasoning. Garnish with toasted pine nuts and chopped fresh basil if desired. Serve warm or cold.
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17. Loaded Burger Bowls with "Special Sauce" (Whole30, Paleo, Low Carb)
Loaded burger bowls with pickles, bacon, a quick guacamole, and a "special sauce"! These low carb burger bowls are Whole30 and paleo, too.
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Burger Bowls Meat
1 pound ground beef any %
4 teaspoon garlic powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon avocado or refined coconut oil
Burger Bowls
2 small heads romaine sliced and root discarded
1 1/2 cups cherry or grape tomatoes halved
1/2 cup pickles plus more to taste
1 cup red onion thinly sliced
8-10 slices bacon cooked til crisp and roughly crumbled
2 avocados peeled and pitted
1/2 tablespoon lemon juice
1/2 teaspoon salt
Special Sauce
1/2 cup mayonnaise
2 tablespoons ketchup
1 tablespoon coconut aminos if on Whole30, see note for details
2 teaspoon maple syrup if not on Whole30, see note for details
1 tablespoon dill pickle relish
2 teaspoons dried minced onion
Pinch crushed red pepper
pinch salt
In a medium bowl, mix together beef, garlic powder, and salt. Heat avocado or coconut oil in a large skillet, preferably cast iron, over medium heat, then add beef and brown, crumbling with a spatula or spoon.
Meanwhile, prepare remaining elements for the burger bowls.
Make quick guacamole: In a medium bowl, mash together avocado, lemon juice, and 1/2 teaspoon salt.
Make the special sauce: whisk together all special sauce ingredients, using coconut aminos only if you're on a Whole30 and skipping the maple syrup. If you're NOT on a Whole30, skip the coconut aminos and use the maple syrup only. Set aside.
When beef is browned and crumbled, remove from skillet and return skillet to medium heat. Add red onions in a single layer and cook until lightly charred on the bottom, then flip. Cook until lightly charred on the second side then remove and repeat until all onions are lightly cooked.
Assemble: start with a layer of romaine in your serving bowls, then spoon 1/4 of the ground beef mixture into the center. Arrange remaining items around the beef: tomatoes, pickles, red onion, bacon, and quick guacamole. Drizzle with plenty of special sauce and serve.
You can swap the lime juice for the lemon juice, if you prefer. I wanted to keep the taste more neutral, but a Tex-Mex flair would be delicious!
Don't skimp on the bacon in this recipe! The nicest, thickest cut you can find, the better.
If you're on a Whole30, don't use the maple syrup in the special sauce, only the coconut aminos. If you're not on a Whole30, skip the coconut aminos and go for the maple syrup. 
Whole30 Special Sauce Ingredients:
1/2 cup Whole30-compliant mayonnaise
2 tablespoons Whole30-compliant ketchup
1 tablespoon coconut aminos
1 tablespoon dill pickle relish
2 teaspoons dried minced onion
pinch crushed red pepper flakes
pinch salt
Non-Whole30 Special Sauce Ingredients:
1/2 cup mayonnaise
2 tablespoons ketchup
2 teaspoons pure maple syrup
1 tablespoon dill pickle relish
2 teaspoons dried minced onion
pinch crushed red pepper flakes
pinch salt
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18. Mashed Potato Casserole with Crispy Chicken
This mouth-watering mashed potato casserole is topped with Corn, Cheddar Cheese, Crispy Chicken Strips, and a drizzle of brown gravy! It’s easy to make ahead of time and bake later for a quick family dinner!
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For Casserole:
5-6 cups mashed potatoes
1 cup corn
1 cup cheddar cheese, freshly grated
6 Frozen Chicken Strips
.87 oz. packet Brown Gravy Mix
Preheat the oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit.
Take out your chicken strips and let them sit at room temp for about 5 minutes if you prefer to slice them first.
Spread the potatoes on the bottom of a 9 x 13 casserole dish.
Note: If your mashed potatoes are cold, warm them first.
Top with corn and cheese.
Carefully slice the chicken strips into pieces of desired size and top the casserole dish with them.
Bake for 20 minutes, until the chicken is crisp.
Prepare the gravy on the stove top according to package instructions while the casserole finishes baking.
Drizzle desired amount of gravy over the casserole dish and serve!
Milk may be used instead of half and half. You can also use cream for ultimate decadence.
If you prefer a creamier consistency, additional milk or half and half may be added to the mashed potatoes until your desired consistency is reached.
For quicker mashed potatoes, you can peel them and slice them into thirds of equal size so that they finish boiling more quickly.
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19. Healthy White Chicken Chili
Healthy white chicken chili that's easy, creamy and dairy free. This family favorite recipe includes options to make it in the slow cooker!
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½ tablespoon olive oil
1 medium white onion, chopped
1 can mild green chiles (or sub 2 seeded and diced jalapenos)
1 tablespoon ground cumin
2 teaspoons chili powder
¼ teaspoon coriander
1/4 teaspoon dried oregano
4 cups low sodium chicken broth
2 (15 ounce) cans chickpeas, rinsed and drained
¾ teaspoon salt, plus more to taste
Freshly ground black pepper
1 1/2 pounds boneless skinless chicken thighs (or chicken breast)
½ cup frozen corn
1 medium lime, juiced
1/3 cup fresh, chopped cilantro
For garnish:
Tortilla strips or chips
Extra cilantro
Avocado slices
Extra lime wedge
Add olive oil to a large dutch oven or large pot and place over medium high heat. Add onion and green chiles and cook until softened, about 3-4 minutes.
Next stir in cumin, chili powder, coriander and dried oregano; allow the spices to cook for 30 seconds, then add in chicken broth, 1 can of drained chickpeas (about 1 1/2 cups chickpeas), uncooked chicken breast and salt and pepper. Simmer on medium low heat for 20-30 minutes.
After 20 minutes, remove the chicken with a slotted spoon and shred with two forks. Next add in fresh lime juice and cilantro.
Finally, add the remaining can of rinsed and drained chickpeas (1 1/2 cups chickpeas) and ½ cup water (or broth) to a blender. Blend until somewhat smooth, adding a little more water if necessary.
Pour blended chickpeas into soup pot and then stir in the corn, lime juice and cilantro. Allow soup to cook and simmer for 5-10 more minutes. Serve with tortilla chips, an extra lime wedge and avocado if you’d like. Serves 4. Enjoy!
Make this in your slow cooker: 
Making healthy white chicken chili in the slow cooker is EASY. 
Simply add all ingredients except the lime juice and cilantro to your slow cooker. 
I also recommend reducing the chicken broth in the recipe by 1 cup as your slow cooker will create condensation and additional liquid as the soup cooks. 
Cook on high for 3-4 hours or low for 6-7 hours. 
Remove chicken and shred, then add back to the slow cooker and stir in lime juice and cilantro. 
Season to taste. 
That's it!
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You don’t want to sabotage your whole day by eating a bad meal. You’ve had a long day and you just want a quick, inexpensive, healthy meal to eat while you snuggle up in your PJs and catch up on your favorite Netflix show. Since I’m also one for quick and healthy meals, I’ve compiled a list of my 18 Keto Dinner Recipes favorite meals for those who share in my attitude. I hope you enjoy them!
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akagami94stuff · 4 years
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Buffalo Chicken Dip blends the flavors of hot and spicy buffalo wings with cool and creamy ranch dressing. The best part: It can be made on the stove top, in a crockpot, or even in your Instant Pot. Great for game days and parties all year long, serve this dip with cold celery sticks or crunchy Chicken crackers. #buffalochickendip #partydip https://ift.tt/2TAFZmE
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571plumber · 4 years
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This is a comprehensive and highly structured Super Bowl Party prep list that can help you at the grocery store today. Couple bags of those pizza things. Tortilla chips, Doritos, Regular Potato chips, Fritos Pretzels (plain and covered in chocolate!) Chicken wings (Lemon/Pepper) Cocktail sausages Brats 2 lbs Hamburger Chili powder Nacho dip (just microwave Velveeta and Rotel and keep it warm in the crock pot Buffalo chicken dip Bacon and onion dip Ranch dip French onion dip Salsa — medium (panzy) Meatballs (put a bag of frozen meatballs, a jar of grape jelly, and a bottle of bbq sauce in the crockpot and cook for 4 hours on low) Meatball sub (No Brainer) Just get Rolls. Onions, mushrooms and mozzarella Veggie tray (nice one...that is clearly a Joke) Beer see seperate list. 2 bags of Ice 1 bottle of Advil Gel Tablets www.571plumber.com (703) 878-7800 (571) PLUMBEujjdR #woodbridgeva #lakeridgeva #montclairva #dumfriesva #alexandriava #arlingtonva #dalecityva #manassasva #manassasparkva #occoquanva #herdonva #dumfriesva #fairfaxva #annandaleva #springfieldva #cilftonva #tysonscorner #tysonsva #greatfallsva #mcleanva #viennava #burkeva #oaktonva #centrevilleva #northernvirginia #fairfaxcountyva #princewilliamcountyva #plumber #plumbers #plumbing #571plumber https://www.instagram.com/p/B8D_5hdJRaV/?igshid=1v1p9vf4rouzf
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50+ Low-Carb and Gluten-Free Appetizer Recipes
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posted by Kalyn Denny on January 25, 2020 These 50+ Low-Carb and Gluten-Free Appetizer Recipes may help you make a plan for more healthy get together nibbles, it doesn't matter what the event! Use Recipe Round-Ups to search out extra recipe collections like these. Click right here to PIN 50+ Low-Carb and Gluten-Free Appetizer Recipes!
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I first began gathering concepts for Low-Carb and Gluten-Free Appetizer Recipes a couple of years in the past after I used to be speaking to my niece Kara a couple of wholesome choice for our annual Super Bowl get together! And I’ve been including recipes to it now and then once I noticed one thing that sparked my curiosity. So now this assortment has was a HUGE assortment of fantastic low-carb and gluten-free appetizers! (And don’t you adore it a lot if you’re attending a celebration and there are tasty however carb-conscious meals to get pleasure from?) This assortment options low-carb appetizers which you could eat along with your fingers or with a fork. There are classes for chilly nibbles and bites, heat nibbles and bites, meatballs, meals on a stick, and dips. There are concepts right here that may wow your loved ones and friends, and you'll be able to by no means have too many good low-carb appetizer recipes if you’re planning a celebration, proper? And there are appetizers right here that shall be successful everytime you serve them, together with nice concepts the Super Bowl, after all! Who are you cheering for this 12 months? Check out Appetizers for much more concepts for low-carb appetizers on this website! To discover extra round-ups like this one, go to Recipe Round-Ups. Photos on this publish are copyrighted to the weblog that posted the recipe. Click any recipe title to see that tasty recipe on the weblog the place I discovered it, get pleasure from!
Cold Super Bowl Nibbles and Bites:
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Easy Ham and Dill Pickles Appetizer Bites from Kalyn’s Kitchen (proven above) are one thing that reveals up each time some one in my household has a celebration! Pepperoni Pizza Bites ~ Ditch the Carbs Shrimp Cocktail with Creamy Sriracha Cocktail Sauce ~ Kalyn’s Kitchen
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Easy Cucumber Guacamole Appetizer Bites (proven above) are a brand new low-carb appetizer choice on Kalyn’s Kitchen! Mini Bacon Guacamole Cups ~ All Day I Dream About Food Salmon Tartare Cucumber Bites ~ Jeanette’s Healthy Living
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Deviled Eggs are at all times successful for game-day or get together meals, and this publish has My Favorite Recipes for Deviled Eggs plus 200+ hyperlinks to different deviled eggs recipes! Antipasti Bites ~ Family Fresh Meals Low-Carb and Gluten-Free Cheddar Pecan Almond Crisps ~ Kalyn’s Kitchen
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Smoked Salmon Cucumber Bites from Cookin’ Canuck (proven above) are a cultured appetizer that salmon lovers will devour! Shrimp with Mustard-Horseradish Sauce ~ Kalyn’s Kitchen Goat Cheese and Olive Stuffed Peppers ~ The Perfect Pantry
Warm Super Bowl Nibbles and Bites:
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I guess your friends will actually get pleasure from these Chorizo Cheddar Jalapeno Poppers (proven above) from All Day I Dream About Food! Cauliflower Pizza Bites ~ DAMY Health Philly Cheesesteak Stuffed Mushrooms ~ Sugar Free Mom Teriyaki Chicken Wings ~ Holistically Engineered Bacon-Wrapped Chicken Bites ~ Skinnytaste
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Low-Carb Cheesy Baked Cauliflower Tots (proven above) have been an enormous hit on Kalyn’s Kitchen. Spicy Dry Rub Hot Wings ~ Low Carb Yum Thai Roasted Cauliflower with Spicy Dipping Sauce ~ All Day I Dream About Food CrockPot Buffalo Ranch Chicken Tenders ~ Slow Cooker Gourmet
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Low-Carb Stuffed Mushrooms with Olives and Feta Cheese from Kalyn’s Kitchen (proven above) are so good I’d love them for a low-carb aspect dish or an appetizer! Roasted Asparagus Wrapped in Ham ~ Kalyn’s Kitchen Sugar-Free Sweet and Spicy Bacon Chicken Bites~ Sugar-Free Mom Bacon-Wrapped Jalapeno Poppers ~ I Breathe I’m Hungry Mini Bunless Cheeseburger Bites ~ Sugar-Free Mom
Party Meatballs:
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Low-Carb Baked Swedish Meatballs from Kalyn’s Kitchen (proven above) are at all times successful! Yakitori Chicken Meatballs with Orange-Chile Dipping Sauce ~ I Breathe I’m Hungry Low-Carb Turkey Meatballs with Romano Cheese and Herbs ~ Kalyn’s Kitchen
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Loaded Nacho Meatballs from I Breathe I’m Hungry (proven above) sound like an ideal stand-in for nachos. Cream Cheese Stuffed Meatballs from Ditch the Carbs CrockPot Cheese Stuffed Turkey Meatballs from Sugar-Free Mom
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Low-Carb Grilled Bacon Cheeseburger Meatballs from Kalyn’s Kitchen (proven above) could possibly be cooked in a stove-top grill pan when it’s not grilling climate. Kung Pao Meatballs ~ All Day I Dream About Food Low-Carb Baked Greek Meatballs with Feta and Oregano ~ Kalyn’s Kitchen
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Avocado-Stuffed Meatballs from The Iron You (proven above) will make your tastebuds completely satisfied! Ottolenghi’s Turkey and Zucchini Meatballs ~ Kalyn’s Kitchen Feta-Stuffed Antipasto Meatballs ~ I Breathe I’m Hungry
Super Bowl Foods on a Stick:
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Chicken Tikka from The Perfect Pantry (proven above) is marinated in an exquisite mixture of yogurt and spices and then grilled. Grilled Halloumi Cheese Skewers with Mushrooms and Onions ~ Kalyn’s Kitchen Thai Chicken Skewer Appetizers with Sweet and Spicy Chili Sauce ~ Jeanette’s Healthy Living Grilled Sesame-Lime Shrimp and Cucumber Skewers ~ The Perfect Pantry Easy Greek Appetizer Skewers ~ Recipe Girl
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Antipasto Kabobs from Peace, Love, and Low-Carb (proven above) appear to be an appetizer that may disappear rapidly. Braided Chicken Skewers with Peanut Sauce ~ I Breathe I’m Hungry Sriracha Beef Skewers ~ Life’s Ambrosia Antipasto Salad Kabobs ~ Mantitlement Guacamole Deconstructed and Skewered ~ Tasting Page
Party Dips:
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Greek Yogurt and Tahini Dip from Kalyn’s Kitchen (proven above) is a pleasant change from the standard vegetable dips. Warm Spinach Cheese Dip from Low Carb Yum Grandma Denny’s From-Scratch Ranch-Style Vegetable Dip ~ Kalyn’s Kitchen
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Sheila’s Low-Carb Shrimp Dip from Kalyn’s Kitchen (proven above) is one thing that may at all times be successful in my household! Red Pepper, Kale, and Walnut Dip with Celery ~ The Perfect Pantry Hot Spinach and Artichoke Dip ~ Skinnytaste (Serve with veggie dippers for low-carb and gluten-free.) Mediterranean Roasted Red Pepper and Walnut Dip (Muhamarra) ~ Apron Strings (Often served with small leaves of Romaine Lettuce, serve with that or veggie dippers for low-carb and gluten-free.)
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Low-Carb Cauliflower Hummus from I Breathe I’m Hungry (proven above) may help with that hummus craving. I’d love this with celery. Skinny Buffalo Chicken Dip ~ Skinnytaste Curry Dill Dip ~ Recipe Girl Baked Cream Cheese Crab Dip ~ Low Carb Yum
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Southwestern Ranch Dip with Sweet Mini-Pepper Scoops from Kalyn’s Kitchen (proven above) is a pleasant change from conventional ranch dip. Ultra-Easy Avocado Sauce or Dip ~ Kalyn’s Kitchen Roasted Asparagus Dip with Crudites ~ Apron Strings Artichoke Lemon Dip ~ Simply Recipes (Eat with veggie dippers for low-carb and gluten-free.) Which appetizers can be successful at your own home? Let us learn about it within the feedback!
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posted by Kalyn Denny on January 25, 2020 Don’t Miss a Recipe!subscribe to obtain new recipes through electronic mail: We are a participant within the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate promoting program designed to supply a way for us to earn charges by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated websites. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Source link Read the full article
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50+ Low-Carb and Gluten-Free Appetizer Recipes
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posted by Kalyn Denny on January 25, 2020 These 50+ Low-Carb and Gluten-Free Appetizer Recipes may help you make a plan for more healthy get together nibbles, it doesn't matter what the event! Use Recipe Round-Ups to search out extra recipe collections like these. Click right here to PIN 50+ Low-Carb and Gluten-Free Appetizer Recipes!
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I first began gathering concepts for Low-Carb and Gluten-Free Appetizer Recipes a couple of years in the past after I used to be speaking to my niece Kara a couple of wholesome choice for our annual Super Bowl get together! And I’ve been including recipes to it now and then once I noticed one thing that sparked my curiosity. So now this assortment has was a HUGE assortment of fantastic low-carb and gluten-free appetizers! (And don’t you adore it a lot if you’re attending a celebration and there are tasty however carb-conscious meals to get pleasure from?) This assortment options low-carb appetizers which you could eat along with your fingers or with a fork. There are classes for chilly nibbles and bites, heat nibbles and bites, meatballs, meals on a stick, and dips. There are concepts right here that may wow your loved ones and friends, and you'll be able to by no means have too many good low-carb appetizer recipes if you’re planning a celebration, proper? And there are appetizers right here that shall be successful everytime you serve them, together with nice concepts the Super Bowl, after all! Who are you cheering for this 12 months? Check out Appetizers for much more concepts for low-carb appetizers on this website! To discover extra round-ups like this one, go to Recipe Round-Ups. Photos on this publish are copyrighted to the weblog that posted the recipe. Click any recipe title to see that tasty recipe on the weblog the place I discovered it, get pleasure from!
Cold Super Bowl Nibbles and Bites:
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Easy Ham and Dill Pickles Appetizer Bites from Kalyn’s Kitchen (proven above) are one thing that reveals up each time some one in my household has a celebration! Pepperoni Pizza Bites ~ Ditch the Carbs Shrimp Cocktail with Creamy Sriracha Cocktail Sauce ~ Kalyn’s Kitchen
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Easy Cucumber Guacamole Appetizer Bites (proven above) are a brand new low-carb appetizer choice on Kalyn’s Kitchen! Mini Bacon Guacamole Cups ~ All Day I Dream About Food Salmon Tartare Cucumber Bites ~ Jeanette’s Healthy Living
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Deviled Eggs are at all times successful for game-day or get together meals, and this publish has My Favorite Recipes for Deviled Eggs plus 200+ hyperlinks to different deviled eggs recipes! Antipasti Bites ~ Family Fresh Meals Low-Carb and Gluten-Free Cheddar Pecan Almond Crisps ~ Kalyn’s Kitchen
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Smoked Salmon Cucumber Bites from Cookin’ Canuck (proven above) are a cultured appetizer that salmon lovers will devour! Shrimp with Mustard-Horseradish Sauce ~ Kalyn’s Kitchen Goat Cheese and Olive Stuffed Peppers ~ The Perfect Pantry
Warm Super Bowl Nibbles and Bites:
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I guess your friends will actually get pleasure from these Chorizo Cheddar Jalapeno Poppers (proven above) from All Day I Dream About Food! Cauliflower Pizza Bites ~ DAMY Health Philly Cheesesteak Stuffed Mushrooms ~ Sugar Free Mom Teriyaki Chicken Wings ~ Holistically Engineered Bacon-Wrapped Chicken Bites ~ Skinnytaste
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Low-Carb Cheesy Baked Cauliflower Tots (proven above) have been an enormous hit on Kalyn’s Kitchen. Spicy Dry Rub Hot Wings ~ Low Carb Yum Thai Roasted Cauliflower with Spicy Dipping Sauce ~ All Day I Dream About Food CrockPot Buffalo Ranch Chicken Tenders ~ Slow Cooker Gourmet
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Low-Carb Stuffed Mushrooms with Olives and Feta Cheese from Kalyn’s Kitchen (proven above) are so good I’d love them for a low-carb aspect dish or an appetizer! Roasted Asparagus Wrapped in Ham ~ Kalyn’s Kitchen Sugar-Free Sweet and Spicy Bacon Chicken Bites~ Sugar-Free Mom Bacon-Wrapped Jalapeno Poppers ~ I Breathe I’m Hungry Mini Bunless Cheeseburger Bites ~ Sugar-Free Mom
Party Meatballs:
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Low-Carb Baked Swedish Meatballs from Kalyn’s Kitchen (proven above) are at all times successful! Yakitori Chicken Meatballs with Orange-Chile Dipping Sauce ~ I Breathe I’m Hungry Low-Carb Turkey Meatballs with Romano Cheese and Herbs ~ Kalyn’s Kitchen
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Loaded Nacho Meatballs from I Breathe I’m Hungry (proven above) sound like an ideal stand-in for nachos. Cream Cheese Stuffed Meatballs from Ditch the Carbs CrockPot Cheese Stuffed Turkey Meatballs from Sugar-Free Mom
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Low-Carb Grilled Bacon Cheeseburger Meatballs from Kalyn’s Kitchen (proven above) could possibly be cooked in a stove-top grill pan when it’s not grilling climate. Kung Pao Meatballs ~ All Day I Dream About Food Low-Carb Baked Greek Meatballs with Feta and Oregano ~ Kalyn’s Kitchen
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Avocado-Stuffed Meatballs from The Iron You (proven above) will make your tastebuds completely satisfied! Ottolenghi’s Turkey and Zucchini Meatballs ~ Kalyn’s Kitchen Feta-Stuffed Antipasto Meatballs ~ I Breathe I’m Hungry
Super Bowl Foods on a Stick:
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Chicken Tikka from The Perfect Pantry (proven above) is marinated in an exquisite mixture of yogurt and spices and then grilled. Grilled Halloumi Cheese Skewers with Mushrooms and Onions ~ Kalyn’s Kitchen Thai Chicken Skewer Appetizers with Sweet and Spicy Chili Sauce ~ Jeanette’s Healthy Living Grilled Sesame-Lime Shrimp and Cucumber Skewers ~ The Perfect Pantry Easy Greek Appetizer Skewers ~ Recipe Girl
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Antipasto Kabobs from Peace, Love, and Low-Carb (proven above) appear to be an appetizer that may disappear rapidly. Braided Chicken Skewers with Peanut Sauce ~ I Breathe I’m Hungry Sriracha Beef Skewers ~ Life’s Ambrosia Antipasto Salad Kabobs ~ Mantitlement Guacamole Deconstructed and Skewered ~ Tasting Page
Party Dips:
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Greek Yogurt and Tahini Dip from Kalyn’s Kitchen (proven above) is a pleasant change from the standard vegetable dips. Warm Spinach Cheese Dip from Low Carb Yum Grandma Denny’s From-Scratch Ranch-Style Vegetable Dip ~ Kalyn’s Kitchen
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Sheila’s Low-Carb Shrimp Dip from Kalyn’s Kitchen (proven above) is one thing that may at all times be successful in my household! Red Pepper, Kale, and Walnut Dip with Celery ~ The Perfect Pantry Hot Spinach and Artichoke Dip ~ Skinnytaste (Serve with veggie dippers for low-carb and gluten-free.) Mediterranean Roasted Red Pepper and Walnut Dip (Muhamarra) ~ Apron Strings (Often served with small leaves of Romaine Lettuce, serve with that or veggie dippers for low-carb and gluten-free.)
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Low-Carb Cauliflower Hummus from I Breathe I’m Hungry (proven above) may help with that hummus craving. I’d love this with celery. Skinny Buffalo Chicken Dip ~ Skinnytaste Curry Dill Dip ~ Recipe Girl Baked Cream Cheese Crab Dip ~ Low Carb Yum
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Southwestern Ranch Dip with Sweet Mini-Pepper Scoops from Kalyn’s Kitchen (proven above) is a pleasant change from conventional ranch dip. Ultra-Easy Avocado Sauce or Dip ~ Kalyn’s Kitchen Roasted Asparagus Dip with Crudites ~ Apron Strings Artichoke Lemon Dip ~ Simply Recipes (Eat with veggie dippers for low-carb and gluten-free.) Which appetizers can be successful at your own home? Let us learn about it within the feedback!
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posted by Kalyn Denny on January 25, 2020 Don’t Miss a Recipe!subscribe to obtain new recipes through electronic mail: We are a participant within the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate promoting program designed to supply a way for us to earn charges by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated websites. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Source link Read the full article
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lauramalchowblog · 5 years
Crockpot Buffalo Chicken Dip (healthy!)
This crockpot buffalo chicken dip is spicy, creamy, and delicious! This dip is perfect for an appetizer or for the perfect game-day treat. Buffalo chicken is a staple in our kitchen. Check out this buffalo chicken lettuce wraps or these baked buffalo chicken wings! The Best Sauce in the World ...
The post Crockpot Buffalo Chicken Dip (healthy!) appeared first on Fit Foodie Finds.
Crockpot Buffalo Chicken Dip (healthy!) published first on https://venabeahan.tumblr.com
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bubblesweets6-blog · 5 years
Blue Cheese Dip
Home » Recipes » Appetizers » Blue Cheese Dip
This creamy Blue Cheese Dip is perfect alongside buffalo chicken wings, or cut vegetables like celery, carrots, or bell pepper.
It’s a rule for some people that you simply cannot have chicken wings without blue cheese dip. This I learned while living in upstate NY for four years.
Buffalo chicken wing consumption in this house is something of a ceremony, since my husband grew up in upstate NY where buffalo wings were invented, and had a father who made buffalo wings not once, not twice, but THREE TIMES A WEEK. For his entire childhood.
(not kidding).
Needless to say, Pete knows a thing or two about chicken wings and has taught me quite a bit.
In complete contrast to Pete, I don’t think I had ever seen a chicken wing until I was in my 20s, let alone eaten one.
As I mention in my crispy Baked Chicken Wings post, I got on board the buffalo wing train in college while watching the Superbowl, and I’ve been hooked ever since.
Back in college when we ordered wings for the Superbowl, I thought it was very curious that they always delivered them with a little packet of cut celery sticks and a container of “creamy blue cheese” as my husband calls it.
Little did I know that the blue cheese dip is an essential part of the experience for many, and I now have to say that I agree.
The hot tangy buffalo wings pair so well with creamy blue cheese, and even though the almighty Flavor Bible doesn’t have an entry for Frank’s hot sauce, I’m pretty sure if they did that they’d say blue cheese is a holy grail combination.
Making the blue cheese dip is very simple, and is a 5-minute task that only involves mixing together a few ingredients.
How to Make Blue Cheese Dip:
Combine blue cheese crumbles, sour cream, mayonnaise, buttermilk, fresh lemon juice, salt, and pepper:
If you have 10 minutes to spare, I recommend using homemade mayonnaise for the best flavor.
We always try to mix the ingredients together a few hours ahead of serving, so everything can meld:
Now it’s ready to serve alongside buffalo wing sauce coated chicken wings, cut veggies, chips, or whatever your heart desires.
This is our go-to dip, and Pete and I think it has a nice amount of tanginess and saltiness, and it’s speckled with lots of blue cheese.
However, you can certainly tweak the amounts as you desire.
Buffalo Chicken Dip (or Crockpot Buffalo Chicken Dip), Garlic Parmesan Chicken Wings, and Potato Croquettes are some of our other favorite game day recipes. Enjoy!
Blue Cheese Dip
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 0 minutes
Total Time 5 mins
This creamy Blue Cheese Dip is perfect alongside buffalo chicken wings, or cut vegetables like celery, carrots, or bell pepper.
1 cup blue cheese crumbles (about 4.5 oz)
1/2 cup sour cream
1/4 cup mayonnaise
1 tbsp buttermilk (you can get away with milk)
1 tbsp freshly squeezed lemon juice
1/4 tsp salt
1/8 tsp pepper
Mix all ingredients together in a bowl, preferably a couple hours before you want to serve the dip.
Store in the refrigerator until ready to use.
by Joanne Ozug
Recipe Notes
This dip will keep in the refrigerator for approximately one week.
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All images and text ©Fifteen Spatulas.
Post updated in September 2018. Originally published January 2017. This post contains an affiliate link.
Source: https://www.fifteenspatulas.com/blue-cheese-dip/
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Buffalo Chicken Dip blends the flavors of hot and spicy buffalo wings with cool and creamy ranch dressing. The best part: It can be made on the stove top, in a crockpot, or even in your Instant Pot. Great for game days and parties all year long, serve this dip with cold celery sticks or crunchy Chicken crackers.
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