terraliensvent · 2 months
Ok civ's response is honestly kinda funny, I should've known only someone equally as delusional could go along with coy's bullshit all this time.
Image link in case it gets deleted: https://imgur.com/a/lDxBSoT
As another unemployed artist the fact they think terra staff "ruined their income" when not only are they absolutely popular enough to make money off their art. They also have coy's audience backing them as well, so this claim is extremely laughable to me. Try having no audience at all and not having a community made up of big spenders from cs communities, then maybe we'll feel a little sympathy.
Or better yet maybe if you and coy contributed an ounce of effort beyond being greedy assholes you'd still be able to make money off the species. But no, clearly they never learn their fucking lesson because every single species they've made eventually gets ruined because of their insistence on running the species according to how much money they can make.
It's genuinely hilarious to me that they both actually think they're the victims in this situation because terra staff finally put their foots down and said they can't keep using the species for money. Go get a damn job if you're that desperate and stop taking advantage of the people who want to actually enjoy the species and especially stop causing issues for the terra staff team who are actually fucking trying despite all the bullshit they've had to go through because of you both.
I'm so tired of them and entitled greedy cs owners in general, I couldn't fathom being this self centered honestly it's sad.
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yeah i think im gonna call bullshit on this, lets do a little dissection here
" What they didn't mention was how they banned both coy and myself (even though I had nothing to do with the deletion of the pets/left the conversation civilly before that was discussed), "
even if civ had nothing to do with deleting the pets, i would argue terra staff made the right choice in banning them. what coy did is equivalent to vandalism and can cause further problems if there are issues with code and such. furthermore, wouldnt it make sense to ban civ as well if theyre closely associated and have the power on the account to do more vandalism? civ you werent doing shit for the species other than farting out adopts every week, youll live.
 "..refused to negotiate with us, did not include us in the original discussion about OUR OWN TERMS that were agreed on when we left ownership, and the new owner was unwilling to participate in the discussion originally."
i am SO curious to see what actually went on in staff chat. the conclusion im personally drawing here is that the original discussion occurred in a staff-only chat (somewhere where civ and coy wouldnt be because theyre NOT FUCKING STAFF) and then when the final agreement was reached, they came to civ and coy. maybe they could have gone differently about it but honestly, knwoing now that civ and coy have continually shut down any sort of discussion like this due to their greed (cough cough THIS whole debacle) im not surprised they wouldnt be asked for their two cents.
"Both sides have made mistakes; but the terra staff refused to acknowledge their dishonest and disrespectful actions that led up to this. Had they been willing to compromise and talk to us, this wouldn't have happened. "
again i am just not willing to believe this when civ and coy have a history of being shitty to staff (shall i bring back the receipts?), when cal(tycho) has a history of being a good owner even after the enormous shitshow of what you put him through, when, after you two finally fucked off, things are actually being MOVED FORWARD in the species (like trait guides, new items to allow lim traits, new site assets, all within a timeframe of like. two months. civ and coy had the species for over a fucking year and did nothing. just some food for thought)
like im not going to believe you unless you give adequate proof in the form of screenshots or something. but they probably wouldnt do that because it would most likely show current staff being totally reasonable and you two shitting your diapers over it.
"They silenced me and put their foot down, ruining my source of income as a disabled unemployed artist."
hmm lets crunch some numbers here
you have seven terra adopts that are on your most recent designs tab. presumably you are allowed to keep the money from that because it happened before everything went down
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now a lot of these are pretty pricey, the first in the list is $300
however if you go through the rest of their recent designs its all little chibi stuff for around ~$20. that could be a defense for the "wah wah you stole my one source of income" if it werent for the fact these designs almost never go unsold, they have chibi slots open for $45, and they also have fucking isopups to ride the coattails off of. like you will be fine, you have many ways to make money off of your art as opposed to some 10 follower account. this is pop artist bitching at its finest.
and again, it is THEIR FAULT they dont have terra income anymore. how in the world is it fair for them to have more money opportunities than people actively working on the species just because they slapped their names on it.
finally lets do a funny little comment showcase!
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people keep equating the old staff team to the new staff team. lets talk about bear, lets talk about kea, lets talk about fucking coy. thats the staff YOU employed, not the people trying to throw together the pieces. you want to again, absolve yourself of all responsibility acting like it wasnt YOUR FRIENDS that YOU picked for the staff team that was causing problems. bear literally caused the first downfall of the species (architechals) and YOUR staff are the ones who ran with it and decided to be petty and immature and make knockoffs. i swear to god this reminds me of people saying shit like "the economy was better under x president!" when the current president inherits the economy of the previous one
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jesse please do everyone a favor and just shut up for once, you only care as long as you can profit off of the situation, your wording is so stupid i genuinely lost braincells. civ and coy absolutely do have the means to make money off their art, far more than other people, and the issue with the situation is that theyre making more money off the species than the people actually putting in work to maintain the fucking species, the agreement according to tycho would have STILL allowed them to make more than terra staff but they were too greedy and stupid to just shut up. and to make an ableism argument really just makes me want to bash my head into a wall. civ is not some poor discarded puppy "thrown out in the rain," they have the ability to make a lot more fucking money than most others can off of art, and not to mention they have the ability to use the fans of those they have connections with, like coy or even fucking kea
but in all seriousness, its SO fucking funny to me how theyre acting like civ and coy are some fucking marytrs for terraliens, like they were working sleepless nights to do the best they could each and every day hoping and praying they could make it!! please be fucking for real. again, that species did not even have TRAIT GUIDES for the full calendar year after it was created because civ and coy just didnt give enough of a fuck to do it. listen im gonna ride or die for new staff right now because there is TANGIBLE EVIDENCE of them actually going above and beyond anything ever done under civ and coy. compare #staff-wips from civ and coys reign to now. before, all you would see is adopts. thats it. nothing else just adopts. now, within the course of three months, new staff have come up with unique events, had lore writer, mod, and OA applications, released a new set of forageables THAT GIVE REWARDS, entirely revamped one of the forage areas with plans to do the rest, held the myo compensation event (a feat in and of itself), show CONTINUAL wips of shit actually important to the species (like new items), take in community input, and again, above all else, FINALLY put out trait guides. id say theyre doing fucking leagues more work than civ and coy ever did.
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and this is just fucking laughable. ive already made all my arguments, you can see the types of people we are dealing with here. calling jealousy is absurd and downright hilarious
their fanbases need to wake tf up because these people love to victimize themselves and misconstrue shit all day long
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twisting-roads · 2 years
Oc + rpg shit + unfinished asinine poster design
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myplushheart · 7 months
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you command? i will follow.
bit of the video this is based on:
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betty-fandom-blog · 1 year
Hey i get what your post was about but gamers are usually associated with bad things (like violence and misogyny) so maybe don’t call people that
hey guy this seems like some serious bait here! not gonna answer this seriously because this is actually absurd! hope you’re just joking around!
how ‘bout you check out BugBox! by samstreed on Sketchfab? have a little adventure maybe? the rise and fall of Spikey? it’s simple but captivating and cute!
peace and love, anon :)
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papermonkeyism · 7 months
Hey - so back when you got your bugbox I was entranced. I had never considered that you could keep isopods as pets. So last summer when I found a petstore that sold them, I decided to give it a try. I even got Magic Potions like you (had actually wanted to get Dairy Cows because they look so cute - but the store was sold out and I did not have the time to come back weeks later)
Thus I now have my own little bugbox, and they have had their first babies! Every time I mist them the manacae start milling around on the larger wood pieces and they bring me so much joy.
So, I guess I just want to say thank you?
Aww, that sounds awesome! I wish you and your guys the best of times!
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csmeanerr · 11 months
wtf is going on in tera? im 100% out of the loop lol
species called architecals pops up that are the same face-less anthro thing that terraliens are known for. as of right now architecals are about 5 days old so it's brand new.
terralien staff begin to prove they know what architecals are by staff member Kinah/Vernie putting it on their preference list in the dislike section
staff then proceed to make designs too similar to an architecal design for it to be coincidence, most notably the iron-gate pattern and ribbon-like limbs
bugbox's that has iron gate pattern
fishpert's that also has iron gate pattern
bear's that takes the ribbon-like limbs
bear had even offered on the architecal
architecal owner (AO) confronts them with the fact they made similar designs
proof that bear absolutely knew of the architecal before they made their similar design and that even the other staff were aware
bugbox then comments admitting they did indeed make the design out of spite for architecals looking too similar to terraliens for their liking, even though the architecal design guide explicitly limits designs so they will not be confused for terraliens, which bugbox admits they never even read
as well as saying they 'see no reason the species cannot coexist as long as there's that boundary' despite as shown above the terralien staff were the ones to cross said boundary
which is also hypocritical even if it was based off terraliens since terraliens were only made because they were originally a rejected cham myo
AO did not accept bugbox's 'apology' since all it did was confirm their actions were hurtful
bugbox proceeds to edit their apology
that's the beginning and end of it. even if you argue they aren't 1:1 the fact of the matter is they were made to intentionally spite both architecals and AO.
this shows terralien staff and bugbox in particular to be vindictive and petty, going out of their way to make their designs public and have other staff members aware that then proceeded to join in
Edit: Jan 11 2024 update
A PSA thread for Terraliens was made. It really, really sucked and was remade in the same day. That one's publicly available in the toyhouse service review forum. AO lost their toyhouse account from terra brown-nosers mass reporting them. Terraliens made their own response to it which was lukewarm at best, and then a better one after things had calmed down.
AO was helped by Terra's financially as their toyhouse acct was their main form of income and they'd like for their username to no longer be associated with the drama so they can regrow their audience. If you'd like to donate to them then please do so here. The issue's been considered resolved by both parties
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csmingy · 5 days
It's funny to me when people say they enjoyed terras concept when it was literally based off a rejected cham and bugbox confirmed as much
Yeah, they're not particularly special or unique but chams aren't anything amazing either. 🍈
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isopup-vent · 12 days
In regards to Civ being a mod, there’s a bulletin regarding them on TH that’s worth a read, https://toyhou.se/~forums/5867.service-reviews/551946.sharkrival-bugbox-a-lengthy-summary-and-review?page=0
It’s got imgur galleries and a doc the Terraliens mods made. Civ is NOT someone anyone should support.
Rhys is in the Bulletin too, though that situation is in the comments. Rhys also Mods for Civ’s semi-open species, and let me tell you, they’re both god awful at proper moderation and deescalation. I’d honestly recommend jumping ship from Isopups at this point. Glad to see that the site is at least decently functional now though, Zaga was an awful owner.
This post
Civ doesn't know what quitting means. It's wild to me, as they can likely make just as much money without being netted up in all the drama they create in species spaces.
Hard agree anon.
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avephelis · 1 year
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more splartblight posting (characters belong to bugbox, brbuttons, @asockinaboxss, and heavens_pet_lion)
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wormbloggign · 1 month
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you have a feeling its going to be a long day (stakeout time babeyyy)
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why doesnt she just setup a bugnopticon (panop-tick-on?) on the side, im sure somethings happening somewhere she could listen in on to
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BUG BOX?!?! this is her batmobile. this is her invisible jet. but its just a box. with a heater. and some bugs. i love it
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....girl.....no...........wdym alexandria lunchbox. thats so fucked on so many ways....dont put bugs in there
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long distance yuri (1.6m words)
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she did something similar in the leviathan fight too, and a couple other times. i love how the world is her noticeboard
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premeditate. isolate. exterminate.
shes a fucking murder movie villain. i loev it
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this poor clown(?) guy. hes getting the lung treatment
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so deeply unsettling. all of it
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"Now youre caught in my net!" said the spider to the fly. "AAAGH!!!!" said the fly who just found out how sticky nets can be.
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(that bug fucking bitch? yeah i assume they tried it at least once)
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she's getting her bugbox(tm)!
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maybe its because of my hiatus but it feels like shes doing a lot more actively horrifying things with her power now that she has the PRT implicitly backing her actions
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yeah this man isnt surviving the story.
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thdramas2 · 2 months
Sharkrival / Bugbox / Civ bulletin that just got posted: https://toyhou.se/~forums/5867.service-reviews/551946.sharkrival-bugbox-a-lengthy-summary-and-review?page=0
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terraliensvent · 2 months
It’s genuinely sickening to see some of the comments on Civ’s post (all of them along this vein are from fucking isopup mods, typical.) trying to use the fact that Civ is a disabled teen to make staff look worse as if staff is not also disabled teens, as if they know fucking anything about staff’s lives and their struggles. Like shut the fuck up oh my god, these things are not comparable, and acting as if Civ’s disability has anything to do with their boot is disingenuous and disgusting.
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its a martyr complex again. the "poor me im so disabled" argument doesnt work when the OTHER disabled people who are volunteering their work are getting less opportunities for compensation than you who is just sitting on the sidelines doing nothing. not to mention you have a perfectly fine source of income from oneoffs AND isopups, whereas some people on the team ONLY have terras to make income. you are in a more privileged place because you actually have the fanbase to be able to sell outside of terras, there are many on staff who dont.
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thdrama2 · 8 months
was browsing around and i saw this lol idk if its just me but I feel like these designs aren't that similar at all what was bugbox smoking bro toyhou.se/22229890.public-blacklist/22229902.bugbox
Old drama from spring 2023 but I see your point.
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myplushheart · 1 year
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plumbogs · 8 months
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this is actually a reasonable fear. you should be afraid of benedick's wrath actually
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Meanwhile Cassandra is embracing the cat lady life.
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She had enough time before work to study her cooking skill, which was necessary for work. put your glasses on... that's not good for your vision...
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Alex got the skill for that creativity scholarship and then fished long enough to get the ability to go for a hike. He took Apollo with him for that.
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The other cats just hung out.
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if i had a nickel for every time this dweeb got swarmed by bees... he managed to find time to greet Darren after the ordeal. a nice surprise for cassandra to come home to at least
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Darren's presence reminded me that he bought all that art last time. One of them was Beatrice's painting, which is honestly pretty wholesome :) supporting ur best friend's art career
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Daphne had THREE kittens! Nyx, Erebus, and Tartarus. Since the Burbs have been wanting a kitten, I made them invite Lucy over (since John was at work) and sold Tartarus to her. Six cats is far too many for micromanaging.
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oh yeah!!!
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and the bugbox has spawned more bugs. they find solace amongst the gnomes
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huiskind-story · 8 months
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Hello and welcome!
Huiskind is a self-publishing webseries run by Bugbox Animation Studio and illustrated by our lovely interns, all posted on Webtoons.
You can find our other socials here
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