#bughead beta readers
lazydaizies · 2 years
What a day! It’s both exciting and scary because who knows where it will go from here….on to more books? In the gutter? Hopefully not lol
Being a writer, trying to succeed is tough, the journey is (for me anyway) anxiety and panic inducing but also so much fun.
I hope you all enjoy the re-worked version of Summer Storm. I would like to say I’m sorry that a few grammar and spelling mistakes managed to slip through despite several beta readers, 3 re-workings by me and two editors reading it several times! I think after a while our eyes just went wonky.
Despite that, it’s still awesome 😁
I would like to thank some people that supported me from the first day I tip-toed into this fandom in 2017… phew, it’s been a minute…
@allskynostars Jenna, you were the first person to reach out to me about my first fic and encouraged me to get an Ao3 account. I remember the endless messaging and some voice chats and bouncing ideas off each other. In the Summer Storm re-write, Jellybean became Jenna, because without me bouncing ideas off you, it may never have become what it did. Your eagerness to read more kept me writing. A tribute to you my friend ❤️
@cheryllclayton oh my Lordy, the absolute queen of my tumblr, and let’s be honest, real life. I think we only got to know each other after Summer Storm but once we found each other…well, we still going baby! Thank you for all your support. Thank you for listening to my endless whining, bitching, and whatever else I dump on you on a daily basis 😂 Thank you for putting up with ALL my crazy and continually motivating me when I didn’t want to do it anymore. You’re the best friend anyone could ask for and I love you! (Also thank you for introducing me to Christian Hogue because he has inspired countless Bughead fics lol maybe one day his fine ass will be on my covers 😏) Your excitement for my accomplishment makes my heart smile 😊 😘😘😘
@daphnesvieira oh Daphne, I don’t even remember when we started talking…I know it was kinda slow and steady and suddenly you were cemented as a dear friend. I want to rewind…I want to rewind right back to the start of this journey and take advantage of all your publishing and editing knowledge and skill lol. I limped my way through this, completely forgetting that this is a world that you know well. Probably because we mostly talked bughead lol but still…you can believe I’ll be picking your brain for the next one! (She said I could, I promise!) 🥰 thank you for your continuous support and love and I’m so thankful to call you friend.
@mullysmyheart babe, you deserve a shoutout cause you’re awesome and maybe my most excited fan. I swear, if it wasn’t for your subtle nudges to move my ass and write, we’d all still be waiting lol I love you. Thank you for ALL your support!
There are so many others, I would be here all day but I wanted to shout out my besties. I love you guys.
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vamp20001976 · 2 years
I miss having people to bounce my fic off of. It's so hard to write these days when I feel likevi have no quality control in place. I REALLY need a beta reader that's willing to stick with me. I don't feel like I can just write and upload without having someone give it a good going over. I'm my iwn worst critic. If anyone knows if someone willing to beta a Riverdale/Bughead fic please let me know. I'm desperate.
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bugheadwritersguild · 6 years
Beta Readers
So for now, I am going to keep up the current list as I curate the new one but for those who are already on the list or would like to be added to the new one, here is the link to the form: https://form.jotform.com/81705374717259
Let me know if you have any issues as I have never used this form system before or perhaps I missed something in the design. After it gets a few members, I will create a separate form for beta readers so I can pair people up if people aren’t comfortable choosing on their own.
Hit me up if you have any ideas of suggestions.
Oh! We also have an email now! [email protected] so we can also be reached there and we can store stuff in the google drive if you need us too.
-Kelsey ( @brownhairedbetty )
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crescentlunaxo · 5 years
Editing a new chapter and I’m stuck :/. Need someone to look it over...maybe help me with the descriptions and grammar.
Let me know if you're available....and if this is your thing and would like to help :D
Did I mention it’s a Bughead fic ;)
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lilihead · 6 years
I guess I am in need of a beta reader so if anyone is willing to do that for my bughead ff, I would be the most grateful
I will make you cookies
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kyloren · 7 years
A Very Winded Advertisement
Not many of you know this, but if you give me and inch, I’ll take a mile. Which translates to: You throw an idea at me, and I’ll brainstorm a complex backstory to a fic with you in a matter of minutes. 
[Example: “I want a florist!Betty AU,” said @lilibug--xx 
“Yes, sir!” I saluted, and whatdoyaknow, thirty minutes later we’re giggling on the chat and screaming I LOVE THIS AU at each other like a couple of very adorable maniacs.] 
So. While I’m not the most prolific writer — sad truth: I am as slow as a handicapped snail and overanalyse every fucking word I ever write at least five times, so, yeah, not winning any speed-writing awards soon — but I’m a good beta. I think. Am I? 
I’m a good SPAG (spelling, punctuation, and grammar), plot, structure, flow, and other cool-sounding adjectives beta. I’m also a stellar “let’s bounce ideas” beta. I can’t promise to be committed you, I am, after all, bound in holy tumblr matrimony with one and only, super wonderful and talented @lilibug--xx, but if you wanna drop by my messages/asks and borrow me for a bit, I can do that. 🤗 
Remember most of all, I’m weird, perfectionistic, and very encouraging. So if you want to talk, but don’t know what about — come to me with your fic in hand and we can talk, without the awkwardness of small talk and sharing emotional experiences. 😉😘
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jandjsalmon · 7 years
A question for you Buggies...
If you are someone who is willing to beta fic for your fellows - whether that’s just SPaG or whether you want to brainstorm plot and/or character - can you please hit me up? 
I receive more messages and asks about helping people find betas - than I have friends to give them to. And I beta a LOT but I can’t beta everything. 
SO if you are someone who I can hit up with a message like, “Hey friend - do you have time to beta a super fun Christmas one-shot?” - please let me know. Either reply here - message me - send me an ask - carrier pigeon - email - whatever. Just let me know.
This will also be useful when and if I ever actually decide to share what I’m writing myself... because imagine the hypocrite I’d be if I didn’t get my own beta! lol.
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jugheadsenigma · 7 years
I have a proposition.
I finally got my shit set up and i’d like to recruit some Beta’s for my fanfictions. It’s been a long time since I have written ff’s (RP kept me busy for a long time) so I think having at least 1-2 beta’s I can count on would be a good way to get back on board.
Fair warning, my thing is AU’s. I’ve been a creative writing student for a long time so if you enjoy that kinda thing, maybe even a little fantasy stories, hmu
I’ll be sending chapters through messages on here so I can organize everything easier on my computer.
edit:I’d also like to point out that i’d like the beta’s to be at least 18.
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lovedinapastlife · 3 years
Rec List
Hey. It’s me. Sunlit Garden on AO3. If you would like to find a bughead fic, beta, be long-term groomed with positive feedback and helpfulness, then have your self-confidence chipped away, be isolated from other support systems, be negged, insulted, and emotionally harassed/toyed with to output to her idea of perfection -- or find someone who did this to others and will most likely weasel their way into doing it again -- I recommend none other than jandjsalmon, the gal who runs theblueandgoldoffice - a handy fic-finding website.
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I made a prior post about my personal experience but apparently not everyone knew it was her because I didn’t name her specifically. Hopefully, this is the last post I’ll ever make about her. A lot of wonderful people reached out with similar experiences or sympathy but I’ve also seen some continue to interact with her or rec her as someone to follow. Now, I’m putting it in the tags. Her name is out there. If I see her on rec lists, at least I know the info is out there that she abused me and others and whoever posted didn’t want to deal with having to deal with her bullshit of her harassing them or they think I’m a liar. I have nothing to lose in this fandom or to gain by outing her. I’m doing it because I don’t want her to be introduced to new waves of authors/readers/people will trust her without protecting themselves or doing something to protect others. Unfortunately, me and the victims I talked to did not feel comfortable sharing how much she hurt us with each other until she’d done a fair amount of damage, and we were all trying to make it work with her until we hit a breaking point.
As a reminder... this is just a potential scenario based on past experience.
If you do become mutuals, and she thinks you have an ounce of fandom fame or MIGHT post things she likes if she bugs you enough, she might make you aesthetics, reblog, comment, buddy up to your friends to get closer to you, find out and exploit your insecurities or mental illness, notably withdraw support to prove a point if you like something she doesn’t or even show love for another person who doesn’t love her, keep records of your convos, show them to other people, vague post about you (sometimes even going so far as to message you without you even asking to make sure you know ‘oh it wasn’t about you’ to rub salt in that wound), let her husband talk shit about and to you even when on good terms with her, and try to get involved in your personal life to be your (only) best friend and support system... only to tell you you are nothing without her, people rely on her for recs and she can turn the tides on fandom favorites, you should not write original works because original romance is “disgusting” YA is “immature” and no one likes your work and your mind is too fucked up to be productive without her. No one will love you or have time for you like her.
She will insist you include scenes even if you don’t want them there, then try to claim she helped write your fic in the comments of it when all she did was tell you to add something you already wrote and deleted back in, though she did comment on the doc and talk through your million ideas and pick her favorite OF YOUR OWN IDEAS and help with grammar. She will also tell you at least one of your fics is disgusting and berate you to the point of not wanting to post it, especially if it shows Betty even slightly interested in someone besides Jughead at some point in her life, claiming “that’s not her!” but OOC or Jughead with past/current partners is no problem... and she will be very apologetic to have to tell you and make you feel bad, but brag in DMs of her friends that she “made you change your mind” and “taught you how to think” if you eventually cave and adjust something. Conversations become drags where you agree with what she says just to avoid confrontations and meltdowns sometimes.
If you talk to her and try to rebuild your friendship or set boundaries, she will either lash out or apologize and be good for a few days until she can find a reason to turn on you again. When you distance yourself for protection or make new friends, she will harass you in DMs asking why you unfollowed (even if it’s a tumblr glitch) or followed so and so, why you did or didn’t like something, tell you how awful everyone except her is, and try to get you to talk shit about your own friends when you know she’s talking shit about you, too.
Oh and if you compliment her on something you’re considered good at that she’s insecure about (prompted or unprompted), be prepared to be called a fake liar and a judgmental bitch in general for having an opinion -- yes, even if it’s positive, so imagine how fun it was to disagree on something neither of us even made.
She is not a neutral party when it comes to abuse and harassments either. Despite being very anti-cheating, she stoutly defends the Sprouse brothers despite multiple women and outlets coming forward claiming they cheated on or abused their partners, claiming the sources are “crazy” or “jealous” or “unprofessional.” I have some pretty ironic in retrospect screenshots someone sent me of some of her rants but I won’t post them publicly here. What Jandy told me of her former victims was that they blocked her for no reason. She was nothing but supportive of them and they got too big for their britches and had other friends and abandoned her. I’m sure she says similar if not worse things about me for calling her out and cutting her off.
So yeah, it will be uncomfortable to unfollow, ghost, and/or block her. It might even be inconvenient because of the service she provides to this fandom. But please keep in mind that even the slight fear/dread of her shadow-banning or harassing you is a sign that she’s affected you, too.
If you really miss that one extra comment per chapter, hit me up. I’ve got a lot going on but I’ll make an exception for people who need that extra support as long as I can. For additional support, please see local and online organizations to talk to a professional or volunteer trained to help with emotional abuse, toxicity, depressive, or anxious thoughts like therealdepressionproject. Good luck and have a wonderful day.
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bligyy-blog · 7 years
Again thanks to everyone who supported me with my first bughead fic!
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arsenicpanda · 3 years
I’m not the same anon as your last ask, but i just wanted to say that as a writer who has not actually done the horizontal tango in real life, I found your tips pretty helpful hahaha I’ve read some TERRIBLE smut and some really good smut, and when I write it I try to take a ‘less is more’ approach.
Do you have any tips on finding a beta reader??? I ALWAYS find typos in my works after I publish the fic on Ao3, no matter how many read throughs I do while the work is in my drafts or Google docs.
I'm glad I could help! In regards to beta stuff, if you're writing bughead smut, the bughead discord server (which can be joined by following these steps) has a section for asking for a beta. If you're writing jabitha/bugabitha smut or dark!bughead smut, feel free to come to me, even if you don't know me; I just really want to encourage writing of those ships, so my dms are open. (Note: if I do know you, I'll happily help with any bughead stuff too, or anything else I happen to ship; it's just that so many people write bughead that I'm not up to giving an open invite to such a large fandom, sorry! I mean, idk if anyone would hit me up for that, but it's a precaution I'm taking anyway.) You could also try asking any friend who writes in any way who is also familiar with the source material, if there is any. I mean, they might not be up for it, but it's worth asking, yeah?
Also, yeah, your eyes will definitely miss something on your own fic because you've read it within google docs (or whatever you use to write) so many times. I hear changing the font and then rereading it can help, and so can reading it in draft form on AO3. I'm not sure how true it is, but it's probably worth a shot at least once.
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go-ldy · 4 years
An appreciation post for @arsenicpanda​ who is a wonderful beta reader and who leaves me the most fantastic comments. Plus is an all-around thoughtful and kind human being who makes this corner of Bughead fandom so fun to be in. <3
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bugheadwritersguild · 6 years
Tiny milestone!
As of yesterday we officially hit 10 beta readers in the Beta Readers Plus! So proud of everyone 💙💛
So if you ever want a fresh pair of eyes, we got you covered, and if you want to join then check out the page and hit up the link so I can add you in!
-Kelsey ( @brownhairedbetty )
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likemereckless · 5 years
“Betty, Jughead,” Alice said confidently and with her usual Alice Cooper heir about her, “FP and I wanted to- well, we felt like it was time..” Alice sighed to herself, tired of being delicate, and decided to get right to the point. “We need to discuss the adult choices you two are making in regards to the bedroom.”
The clang of china could be heard across the kitchen as Jughead’s fork fell from his lips. FP’s sip of coffee sprayed from his lips and you could hear the locking pop of tension in Betty’s jaw as she set it hard, crossing her arms over her chest and glared at her mother.
An insane amount of thanks to @jandjsalmon for making sure this wasn’t totally garbage! 😂 She is the most fabulous beta reader!
*this story deals with the Bughead/Falice dynamic once they are all living back at Elm Street together- if you don’t like Falice, read it anyway in preparation for season 4. 😂
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aresaphrodites · 4 years
What tips would you give to someone who want to start writing? Or what tips could you give in general to people who write ? Because I really love writing and i've been doing for a while but I want to improve my work; I love your work very much and I figured I could ask you some advices
Okay, so I’m obviously not some skilled writer or anything, so don’t take my advice absolutely to heart! But these are tips and tricks that I’ve found helpful to me and maybe they’ll do the same for you! 
I think the best thing I could tell you is that practice literally makes perfect here. I’ve been writing for so long and it’s INSANE how much better I’ve gotten over the years. Do y’all remember To B.C. I Still Love You? Because I do. That fic was actual horseshit that haunts me everyday and I don’t know why I still have it up, lmao. But compare that fic to like... fortitude? There is NO competition, and it’s clear that my writing skills have improved so much since then, and they’ll only continue to grow and get better the more that I write. The best way to get better is to just keep on writing and trying new writing styles for yourself. 
Mix up genres too! See what really works out for you. For instance, I really enjoy writing romance stories (obviously) but I recently wrote a horror/paranormal romance fic just for fun and IT WAS AMAZING. Reading over it, it feels like someone else wrote it because it’s so far out of my comfort zone, but it helped me to get a little comfortable in a genre that I otherwise would never touch. 
Also, don’t be afraid to reach out to people and ask for constructive criticism. One of my good friends on here who used to beta my Bughead fics would absolutely TEAR ME TO SHREDS if she thought something that I was writing sucked. She would be like ‘hey, this concept is amazing but the way you’re writing it? it’s not working at all and i don’t wanna read this and i know you don’t want to write it either.’ and I was like... You are absolutely right. And she would help me to polish it up and change things and make it into something that I was enjoying writing and she, as a reader, enjoyed too. A lot of the things she told me actually have stuck with me over the years, and I think that’s a really great thing! 
Write things that you love and that you would want to read. Don’t try to write for a huge audience or write something that you think everyone else will love, because half of the time, you’ll end up writing something you don’t actually care about and you’ll end up hating your work and that’s such a shitty feeling to have. 
But yeah, I really can’t think of anything else. I’m sorry. But I do hope that at least this will help a little bit!! 
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riverdalenerdlol · 5 years
So... the official announcement will be coming out soon, but I want to go ahead and say that my (now) completed fic, i’m not safe here (and you know it), was nominated for two BFFAs: completed multi-chap and multi-chap angst (and who would’ve guessed that I would realize that my writing is angsty because fanfiction awards told me so? Not I).
Along with those two nominations for my fic, I also received one for fluff writer and another for beta reader.
I’m not particularly new to the Bughead fandom as a whole (I began posting fic almost exactly a year ago), but I am newer to the Tumblr and AO3 side of the Bughead fandom. I am absolutely floored to even have one nomination for the past six months worth of writing that I’ve done.
I’d like to thank other fic writers, ones with 32K hits on fics and those with 2K hits. Big or small, every fic I read of another author will usually spur inspiration for my own writing. We somewhat support each other by inspiring each other with what we write for each other. Never stop writing, never stop inspiring, and never stop supporting one another. Thank you for all that you do in inspiring others to write what they write.
If you’ve so much as read my work, left kudos, commented, reblogged a chapter preview, recommended my work to a friend, etc... if you have come in contact with my work - thank you. Thank you for reading, for sticking through with me during the four months that I wrote INSH (AYKI).
I’d like to thank those that went out of their way to attend to that monstrous nomination ballot and believed that my fic and I deserved a nomination. Seriously, that makes me so so happy. To see that people appreciate what I do and to see that my work has reached out to many around the fandom is such an awesome thing. Thank you so much.
And thanks to whoever selected multi angst as a category for my fic to be nominated in. You made me realize that I’m angstier than I ever believed myself to be. That’s not the way I wanted to find out that I was an angsty teenager, but at least I know now.
And last but not least, I’d like to thank my best friend on this website @leandraderaven for allowing me to beta her work. I did receive a beta reader nomination for what work she’s done and what editing I can do for her, so I guess I owe that to her. She does the heavy lifting, I just give it a polish and shine (BTW, her posting schedule is crazy fast and I don’t think she gets enough credit for that). Thanks for all of the asking about grammar clarifications, random conversations, the checking in on me every so often, that one time today where you thought I was nineteen instead of seventeen, and the support you’ve had for me as we both waited (somewhat anxiously) for these BFFA nominations. We live on two different sides of the world, but whenever I get a message from you, you’re right in my pocket, just as close as ever. I love you, bestie. Never change.
I’m so happy. I’m just so happy. Thank you... so much.
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