#build a blurb ask game đŸ«§
dreamkidddream · 1 year
hey, how about 🗣,🍯 and 📆 with dazai osamu for the game? i absolutely love you and your writing btw!!
Thank you so much!! <33 hope you enjoy and reader is gender neutral! (Also Dazai is a very complex character to write abt and I remember this every time I write something serious with him đŸ« )
TW: tiny mention of suicide (it’s in reference to Dazai. Really tiny mention but still wanted to tag it!)
Build-A-Blurb Ask Game! *closed
🗣 having an argument
🍯 friends to lovers
📆 office romance
It was always people getting mad at Dazai.
From minor inconveniences that he creates to the downright risky and dangerous choices that he makes on missions (even if it does work out in the end). He was always the one that people get frustrated and aggravated with, even if it wasn’t serious half of the time.
You never thought it would be the other way around.
And you never thought you would find yourself on the receiving end with him glaring at you.
It was already tense in the room, and as much as you wanted to believe you could still hold your head high to face him, it was a bit hard to do.
You don’t think you’ve ever seen Dazai mad before- sure, you’ve seen when his irritation would slip through the cracks of his playfulness and when he gets serious, but not actually angry. It was an unfamiliar sight, and the longer he stood there, the more you started to squirm under his stare.
You felt small underneath his gaze, like a child standing in front of their disappointed parents. But you weren’t scared or embarrassed- if anything, it was causing your own anger to flare up.
“Wait- are you seriously upset with me right now?” Crossing your arms, you tried to keep your emotions in check, it was hard if you guessed the reason why he’s upset- it’s not like Dazai’s an open book and wash to read, no matter how close you’ve gotten lately.
But all he did was keep his hard stare on you, scoffing. “I don’t even know why I even bother-“
“Why you even bother- excuse me? Bother with what- me?”
The silence was enough for an answer, and enough for you anger to boil over.
“You know what your issue is Osamu? You don’t know how to communicate- you just run away from every single problem and then pop back up when it’s convenient for you, leaving the people you so call care about to pick up the pieces of the mess you left.”
You saw his eyes narrow and the petty side of you hoped that you struck a nerve.
“How is that fair to anyone? You just abandon them and then decide to come back when you’re ready to come back. And then you don’t even try to solve it- you just flash a fake smile and try to push everything under the rug like it’s already been handled when it wasn’t!“
Now you were raising your voice, fingers balling up into fists as you finally let out all of your pent up frustrations and emotions.
“And then you don’t even let me try- you don’t even try to let me in to help!” You stepped closer to him, and you missed how tense he was getting. “I got to a point where I thought I was finally getting somewhere,” you let out a dry laugh, shaking your head. “But I wasn’t, of course I wasn’t.”
The late nights leaving the office together, the soft glances he would give you, the gentle touches between you both- all of your shared moments ran through your mind, causing a sense of dread to fill you. Did those mean nothing to him? We’re you just there to pass time for him? Just a placeholder until he gets bored and moves on to someone else?
Even as you stand here and pour your heart out, all Dazai could do was stare.
Your chest was starting to get tight, voice cracking, “You’re just- do I even mean anything to you?”
He called out your name before you cut him off.
“Do I?” It came out as a whisper, and the silence afterwards was deafening.
His breath hitched and his eyes widened a bit, fingers twitching before being balled up at his side.
Something wet trailed down your cheek, and it was just then that you realized you were crying. You wanted to stop, but the thought of knowing that you didn’t mean anything to Dazai weighed on you heavily. It became nearly impossible to choke your sobs back.
“I care about you so much and it’s like I get nothing in return. It’s just- you’re so damn selfish Osamu!”
You cursed at yourself for being so vulnerable like this, but you couldn’t help it. Everything you were feeling came out all at once, and you were unable to hold it back anymore.
Was he even feeling anything now-
Something pulled you forward and you found yourself surrounded by warmth. It didn’t register that you were in Dazai’s arms as he gently pulled you against his chest.
You tried to tilt your head to meet his gaze, but he just pressed you closer.
“I care about you more than you’ll ever realize.”
You felt his chest rumble from his words. It came out quiet, but sincere. It only made you cry harder honestly, but you felt a sense of genuine comfort from him that’s been lacking for some time.
And Dazai knows it- he knows that he’s not a comforting person. He’s never been known to bring anyone a sense of comfort- only pain and despair, as dramatic as it sounds. He’s ruined lives, his hands are coated with blood that will never wash off, and he’s sure that he’s destined for hell once his time is up.
He deserves it though, he believes. He doesn’t deserve the peace that you bring him, he doesn’t deserve you. You made his time on this earth a bit bearable, and he doesn’t deserve that after everything that he’s done. And that alone made him even more worried about losing you.
But you were right about him being selfish. As much as he wants to end his life, he wants to indulge in you for as long as he can before he’s successful. It’s hard for him to be vulnerable- the only time he could be was when speaking to his dear friend, whether at their cherished bar or now at his tombstone.
But Dazai still didn’t want to lose you. He wanted you to know how much you meant to him before he passes on. The time that he’s finally ready to open up won’t come anytime soon or would be easy to do, but he hopes that one day he’ll be able to bear his sins and all to you.
But for now, he’ll simply hold you to remind you of how much you mean to him.
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dreamkidddream · 2 years
hiiiii!!! your writing is divine, so i was wondering if you could please write, for the game, megumi + 👄 sharing their first kiss + ☁ enemies to lovers + đŸ”„ slow burn.
Awwww thank you! đŸ„č💜 and I’m very sorry this is late (plus I needed this after the recent chapter đŸ« đŸ˜­ reader is gender neutral!
A/N: modern/college AU, aged up
Build-A-Blurb Ask Game! *closed
You didn’t like Megumi and Megumi didn’t like you.
That was the plan, the script that both of you were suppose to follow to perfection, with no changes or distractions.
It was cliche, and you could probably name whatever show you saw this exact trope off of- enemies from high school that ended up at the same college, and even matched together for a school project that would determine the rest of your academic career.
It was annoying, and you gritted your teeth each time you found yourself sharing the same air as him- and he felt the same.
It was obvious to your respective friend groups that you loathe each others’ guts. They would comment each time they saw the nasty glares and snide remarks you would give one another.
You abhorred him, and he abhorred you.
So when did he start to find him so tolerable?
Was it because you noticed how calm he was (a complete difference to the delinquent image you had of him years ago)? Or how he’s seamlessly able to focus on whatever’s in front of him with no issues? Or maybe because you saw how he was actually willing to help you with this project instead of abandoning you like you originally thought.
Either way, the tension wasn’t as thick as it was before between you.
And you began to notice a lot about Megumi these last few weeks, despite your constant denial.
How his eyelashes would gently brush his face whenever he glanced down at the pages of your textbook, how easy he was to talk to (surprisingly), how gently your name would fall from his lips without any animosity.
Even if the conversation was solely for the project (at least in the beginning), it felt
nice surprisingly. It wasn’t like high school all over again, it was something fresh.
But by the time you found yourself opening up to the possibility of connecting with Megumi, the project was almost completed. It was already time for it to be submitted, so surely it wasn’t a need for your paths to be crossing again right?
You tried to convince yourself that the only reason the pit in your stomach grew was because of your nerves concerning your grade- not because of the thought of drifting away from him. It made you laugh- you would have never pictured the day that you would worry about your relationship with Megumi Fushiguro, let alone actually consider having one with him.
But you wouldn’t notice that he was facing the same internal struggle.
He only put on with you in the beginning to get the project out of the way. He’s dealt with worse and it was only for a semester, so he would bear with it for the time being. But when he was able to see past the sufferable image he had of you and see
well, you- it was eye opening to say the least. His friends would tease him about the distracted look he would always have now whenever he was out, and he realized that when he became lost in his thoughts involving you.
The moment Megumi spotted a genuine smile actually meeting your eyes, he felt a strange sensation grow in his chest, and he started to have doubts if he truly hated you anymore.
And his conflict only continued throughout the weeks. The time he found himself dreading to spend with you soon turned into not wanting to leave, much to his shock.
You both could only pretend that everything was fine for so long, and it was only a matter of time before the truth would come out.
You both deviated far off of the original script.
But you found yourself being okay- and so did he.
Even now, just gazing at him outside of your apartment, you didn’t want this to be the last moment that you spend with Megumi.
And from the way his lips connected with yours, he felt the same.
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dreamkidddream · 2 years
If you’re still taking TWST requests- can I get 👀 (forced proximity) with Floyd? thank you and love your work!!
Ah thank you!!! 💓 my first ever request for twst let’s gooo!! đŸ„ł super excited bc I downloaded the game a few months ago and I really love it!! Also thanks everyone for participating in the “Build-a-Blurb” ask game!! 💚 Reader is gender neutral!
Something in your gut told you not to go with Jade.
He may be more sophisticated than his twin, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t as sadistic as him. If anything, he was more sadistic than Floyd with the way he enjoyed seeing others squirm- his prey. But you did owe him a favor, and while he made it sound harmless enough, something still wasn’t sitting right with you.
It wasn’t until you reached the empty classroom that you wished you would have trusted your gut.
There was Floyd, clicking his pen and looking at his phone bored, until his eyes moved and lit up at the sight of you. His sharp-toothed grin stretched across his face, and he jumped up, arms spread and coming straight towards you.
“I just need you to give Floyd some motivation for his studies. It should be simple enough, but make sure to do your best.” Jade smiled, his own sharp grin matching his twin, and he closed the door shut. Your heart sank when you heard the lock click.
“Shrimpy! You came to see me!” You couldn’t run away fast enough as Floyd wrapped his own arms around you and gave a squeeze. “I was so bored, but Jade kept buggin’ me to stay until he got my surprise- I’m so happy it’s you Shrimpy!” This is not how you wanted to die, with Floyd giggling maniacally in your ear and squeezing you tighter by the second. There was no use in trying to pull away from him or push your arms- it was honestly a bit frightening at how strong Floyd is.
“Er- Floyd, please.” It was getting harder to breathe with each breath you take. Floyd released you, giving you a bit of freedom before he threw his arm around your shoulder, bringing you close once more.
“Let’s have some fun-“
“Ah first-“ You broke away and ran behind the desk. “We should study! That’s what I’m here for, to help you study.” You laughed, trying to control the shiver that went down your spine. “So why don’t we do that first and then we can do-“
“Don’t need to.” Floyd complained, trying to reach you around the table. But every step he took towards you, you moved just out of reach.
“I know Floyd, but we should still-“
“Don’t be so lame Shrimpy.” He was getting closer to grabbing you, the tip of fingers grazing your uniform, which made you walk ever faster. You were basically playing tag at this point, and you did not want to get caught. “I like this game we’re playin’ now! I can’t wait to catch you and give you a good squeeze-“ And he was getting faster?!
“Please don’t!” Now you were both running around the table, you for your life and Floyd for fun. You could tell he was holding back, especially with how much laughing he was doing. You don’t know how much longer you can keep doing this- but you didn’t have to make that decision when your foot caught the table leg and you found yourself falling backwards. Good news: the table caught you, your back not hurting as much as it would have on the floor. Bad news: you soon found yourself staring straight into the heterochromatic eyes of Floyd, who didn’t hesitate to pin you down by your wrists.
“Caught you.” The grin on his face was unnerving and you sucked in a breath at how much his voice lowered. You couldn’t get your thoughts together, at a loss for words at how close you both were. He only leaned closer, nose almost brushing together. Just what is he planning, and why do you feel warmth bubbling in your stomach?
“I really think we should study Floyd.” You sputtered out, mind still reeling from your current position.
“I don’t need to. I already know it and it’s boring.” You squeaked when Floyd poked at your stomach and sides, him finding your reactions addicting. So if he knew the material, why did Jade need you here? Just to see you suffer?
“So why did Jade say you need motivation?”
“Probably cause I don’t do any homework. But it doesn’t matter, I finally got Shrimpy all to myself!” He nuzzled into you, and you felt his grin against your neck. But it did matter to you- the faster you get this resolved, the faster you can get out of his grip. You swear that you will never be in Jade’s debt for as long as you live.
“Well how about this- if I help you do your homework,” You gulped, hoping that you weren’t about to make the wrong decision. “Then we can do anything you want afterwards.”
He blinked down at you, and you thought that maybe he was about to have one of his infamous mood swings. You saw him have that same gleam in his eyes whenever he was irritated and about to squeeze someone, and you didn’t want that someone to be you.
His tone scared you, but if you wanted to be let free, you just have to suck it up. “Anything- as long as it doesn't end up with me being squeezed to death. Or dying in general.”
Floyd stared at you for what felt like forever, scanning your face for any giveaway that you’re lying. He no longer had his playful aura, and he seemed to genuinely weigh his options. You held your breath until he released your wrists.
“Okay, I’ll do it.”
“Really? Like- no tricks? You’ll actually do it?”
“Yeah. It won’t take me long, and I wanna get outta here so we can have some fun.”
“Fun?” You got up and your mouth dropped at how fast Floyd was actually doing his work. Why didn’t he just do that to begin with?!
“Because it’s boring and I didn’t feel like it. I already said that. You not listenin’ to me?”
“Ah- sorry Floyd, I just forgot!” You did not mean to say that out loud, and the last thing you wanted to do was anger the eel. You didn’t know what sort of “fun” he had in mind, but you didn’t want him to get any ideas if he was angry. You moved to sit down across from him where you could make sure he actually finished when he pulled you into his lap.
“Floyd what-what are you doing?!”
”I wanna keep you close. You don’t mind, do ya Shrimpy?”
It’s only temporary, it’s only temporary- you kept repeating that thought as you felt his breath hit your neck and you had to repress another shiver and tried to ignore the fluttery feeling in your stomach.
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dreamkidddream · 2 years
đŸ©č🍯 with mammon and Mc, but Mc Is hurt this time.
I'm a suck for these tropes they got me in a chokehold. I love your writing and have a good day :) by the way
SAME THEY GOT ME IN A CHOKEHOLD TOO! I debated on doing the blurb game again but I went with prompts instead 😔 but I loved the ask game too much and Mammon so I couldn’t deny this :) thanks so much the support and have a good day/night <33 reader is gender neutral!
đŸ©č tending to each other's wounds
🍯 friends to lovers
You don’t think you ever seen Mammon this quiet before.
You can tell that he’s focused with the squint of his eyes, the precision in his movements, how gentle he’s trying to be with his nimble fingers. You can count on one hand how serious you’ve ever seen him, and this would be one of those moments. Especially with how much he’s biting his tongue right now, holding back his emotions to make sure that his first priority is okay- you.
He’s always been like that, even if it was begrudgingly in the beginning. Now it’s like he’s not even the same person- it’s still your Mammon, but the Mammon kneeled in front of you now isn’t acting as the same irresponsible demon that you know. He’s acting as the second in command, as the responsible older brother that Lucifer relies on when he truly needs him.
Which is making the silence between you unbearable.
Even the throbbing pain in your knee isn’t enough to distract you anymore.
“You alright?”
His voice was so soft, you would’ve thought that you only imagine hearing him. “Yeah.” You nodded. Your body was sore, your headache was steady coming and going, and the new scratches littering your skin was a little hard to look at- but you were okay.
Was he okay though?
“Yeah. Why wouldn’t I be?”
You didn’t realize you said it out loud.
Mammon had his selfish moments, even you couldn’t deny that. But despite his slip ups, Mammon cares about his family- and it wasn’t an act. The same man that would steal and sell their things away was the same man who would risk his own safety for them. He proved time after time that his sin was greed and he would fall prey to it, but he also proved how selflessness he can be too. Which included downplaying his own emotions and checking on everyone else- like he’s doing now. It wouldn’t take much to realize that this is bothering him, that it’s heavy on his mind but he only wants to bury it deep down and focus on you. Letting you be his distraction like he always does.
But you won’t let it happen this time.
Your body reacted before your brain could, and Mammon’s face was soon sitting in your hands, your thumb wiping over the thin cut. You heard his breath catch, and you thought that he was going to pull away- but instead, his eyes closed and you felt him relax in your hold.
You don’t know if your ointment would really work on demons- or if it’s really needed rather- but you still got a bit on his cut, doing the best to mimic his movements from before. He winced a little at the stinging sensation, but it felt like he sunk into your hands even more. You palmed at his face, unable to put your thoughts in words. Gazing into his eyes, you counted yourself lucky to see the gold in his eyes sparkle this close.
“I want you to be okay Mammon. Are you?”
Mammon tore his eyes away from yours, looking down at the ground, but you gently titled his face back up. He seemed so dejected, so defeated, but he had no reason to be.
You brought your arms around him, cradling his head to your chest, directly above your heart. He tensed up again, but just like before relaxed in your hold. He eventually wrapped his own around you too, and you can tell he was trying to be mindful of your own injuries as he didn’t squeeze you as he usually does in moments like this.
But it didn’t matter to you, whether you were covered in delicately wrapped bandages or not, you would never turn down holding Mammon. You didn’t know how long you sat there with him in your arms, just taking comfort in his presence.
“Thank you Mammon- for everything. I don’t know where I would be without you.” You whispered, placing a light kiss on his forehead.
And as his heart raced with his teary smile on his face, Mammon didn’t know where he would be without you either.
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dreamkidddream · 2 years
Hi!! Can I please ask for 👀 (forced proximity) + 🍯 (friends to lovers) + đŸ™…â€â™€ïž (stopping a lover from sacrificing themselves) + Ranpo Edogawa??
It’s been a while since I wrote for Ranpo my beloved detective đŸ„č so apologies if this is very OOC. reader is gender neutral!
Build a blurb ask game!
“Damn it!”
Ranpo slammed his hands against the door, the bolts rattling against his force.
You were stuck in an escape room like trap- the flickering lights above you acted as a distraction while the ticking reminded you of your impending fate.
But you weren’t ready to accept death, and neither was Ranpo.
The smartest detective could solve any case- nothing was impossible for him- you have faith in him to never doubt that. You always will.
Which is why you’re trying to calm your nerves and find any solution out of this mess.
This was worse than Poe’s murder mystery- this was no work of his fiction. It was like an escape room, only failure in escaping would end in death- and the gang of criminals that had you trapped made that message clear with the ticketing bomb just minutes away from detonation.
Ranpo already refused to listen to his words- already trying to find a way out. But as time passed, it was starting to look hopeless-
You shook your head, trying to shake off those thoughts. It’s good to be realistic, but to give up so easily with Ranpo by your side? No way.
“There has to be another way-“
“Of course there is- there always is.” Ranpo adjusted his glasses, the scowl on his face growing deeper. You can see how tense he’s getting with each passing minute, and glancing at the clock, you don’t have much time left.
There had to be something that you could do- anything. You and Ranpo faced worse together, and you refuse to let anything happen to him here. But all of your options were slim, unless-
There is a way to get him out of here.
There’s a chance that you can disarm the bomb or at least buy him some time out of here. Ranpo discovered that tampering with the wires lead to the way out, but doing so caused the countdown to go faster, almost detonating instantaneous. It was the reason you were so short on time to begin with.
The distance from the bomb to the door wasn’t as close, and there were no objects in the room to prop it open with.
Ranpo could escape if he stayed close to the door, but could you?
It was a risk but
it was a risk you were willing to take.
And you didn’t have much time to think as the timer reached 30 seconds.
The agency couldn’t afford to lose Ranpo.
You couldn’t afford to lose Ranpo.
Your feet moved on its own, mind made up.
“I’m sorry Ranpo.”
“(Y/N)- What are you doing?!”
You pushed Ranpo towards the door and sprinted towards the bomb, ripping open the top and shoving your trembling fingers into the tangled wires.
Ranpo’s jade eyes shot open, sweat running down his face as he rushed to you. Time slowed down- you see his lips moving, but his words were drowned out by your heart drumming and the quickening beeping in your ears.
You thought of your life- you thought of your childhood, meeting everyone at the agency for the first time, recalling the exact moment that you fell in love with Ranpo and all the time spent together. It all went by in a flash, and you curled tighter around the bomb, a shaky smile on your face. If he was too stubborn to leave, you would shield the blast with your body as best as you could.
You had regrets, and the biggest one you faced was never confessing your love. But you were still eternally grateful for getting the chance to love him anyway.
You couldn’t save yourself, but at least you could save hi-
You felt your body being jerked back and your view turned blurry, the breath knocked out of you as you were tackled to the ground. A massive blast of heat passed over you, and your ears rung in distress.
Your teary eyes met with Ranpo’s widened gaze, and you couldn’t make out what he was saying as spots of black started to cloud your vision, finally overtaking it as you blacked out.
You saw nothing but white when you woke up- and you honestly thought that you were dead.
Until you saw Ranpo in the chair, arms folded with an unusual somber expression on his face. You must be back at the agency in Yosano’s office- meaning you actually survived. But how? The last thing you remember is covering the bomb and accepting your fate, so how-
“So you’re finally awake.”
You couldn’t rack your brain anymore as Ranpo’s words cut into the air. You tried to sit up but you felt so exhausted that you could barely lift yourself up.
“Yosano said to take it easy, so just relax- that explosion took a lot of you.”
“Ranpo, I-“
“You idiot.”
You finally lifted your eyes to meet his, feeling nothing but fury from his glare.
“What were you thinking?! To try and sacrifice yourself like that? How stupid do you have to be?!”
You never heard Ranpo so angry before, and his words were cutting you deep.
“What? You didn’t trust me to save you?”
“Ranpo no- of course I trust you-“
“So why did you try to leave me?!”
His words echoed off the walls and you were left speechless as he shot out of his chair.
“You thought that dying was the only answer? And that you did it to save me?” He scoffed. “What? Is it because I don’t have an ability like the others that you think I’m weak?”
“Ranpo I don’t think you’re weak, I just- I just wanted to save you!”
“When I already found a way to save you!”
Ranpo was panting as you finally forced yourself to sit up. Save you?
“Did you honestly think I was going to let you die? That your death was the only option? Did you really think I would accept that?”
You felt guilt well up inside of you. It wasn’t that you didn’t trust him- you only wanted to protect him. If it ever came down that either you or Ranpo would perish, you would throw your life down without a second thought. You never want to face that situation (again), but it’s the truth.
“Ranpo, I-“ you took a deep breath to steady your nerves. “I don’t want to lose you, and I’ll do everything in my power to make sure of that. I don’t doubt you, I never did- I just-“
“And you don’t think it’s the same for me?”
Your heart was about to beat out of your chest as Ranpo continued, in full disbelief at his words. Is he-
“You always push me to do my best no matter what, and you’re one of the only people that saw me as an equal instead of this powerless person. You’ve become someone
really important to me (Y/N), and you expect me to let you go like that?” He let out a dry chuckle. “Sounds like you’re dumber than I thought if you didn’t catch on yet.”
Your mouth was agape as Ranpo gave you a genuine smile, and reached for your hand and leaned towards you,
“You can’t expect the great detective to lose someone as irreplaceable as you.”
” You tried to stop your eyes from watering at his words.
“Buuuut it’s obvious that I need to keep a closer eye on you since you’re so reckless.“
Annnd the Ranpo you knew was back.
He clicked his teeth. “Making me have to do more work outside of these boring missions.”
He opened one of his eyes as he leaned back in his chair nonchalantly. “But it’s nothing that a great detective like myself can’t handle. Someone has to watch over you dummies anyway.” His words held no real bite as he gave your hand a light squeeze.
A tired smile graced your face, tears pricked at the corner of your eyes. “Right.”
“But I expect full compensation in snacks and more, and no back talk either!”
As Ranpo continued to list off his demands (including spending more time with him- which is that even possible at this point considering how much you two are already together?), you laid back on the bed, both tired from the day and giddy for the future of this more defined partnership.
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dreamkidddream · 2 years
hi hi hi!! may i have Poe (from bungo stray dogs) with 👋 and 💘?
Poe is slowly growing to be one of my favorites now (and I’m honestly not mad at it). Reader is gender neutral!
Build-A-Blurb Ask Game! *closed*
👋 meeting for the first time
💘 love at first sight
Poe couldn’t stop his fists from trembling in anger after he suffered that humiliating defeat at the hands of that so-called detective. He kept replaying the moments in his head, and the longer he did, the more embarrassment filled him. How could he have lost so easily? He was sure that he would be victorious, but the confidence that he once had came shattering down in mere moments.
He felt so full of shame.
He was frustrated, mortified, belittled, bitter, and felt so empty inside that he didn’t know what to do-
“Excuse me?”
Poe flinched and whipped his head around to the sound of the voice, eyes widened as his breath hitched.
It was as if time froze around him.
There you stood, holding onto a set of books and papers in your arms. He didn’t recognize you, but the smile you gave him was almost blinding. The lights glittered and shone behind you, appearing like a halo glowing above you. Poe couldn’t believe it- you truly did look like an angel, coming to save him-
Then he realized how much he was admiring staring at you and shook his head to focus- he really was going to die of embarrassment soon!
“You’re Edgar Allen Poe, right? One of the finalists?”
He cleared his throat to try not to sound so startled and tried his best to hide his flushed cheeks, “Y-yes?”
“I just wanted to say that your mystery novel was so amazing!”
“I had a hard time solving it- and the twist may have been hiding in plain sight but it was still so unexpected! I get it that the other guy won, but I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed it.” You sheepishly grinned, and continue to gush about his work, which left Poe at a loss for words.
He felt that a small part of him didn’t want to hear your words of pity, but another part of him appreciated them more than he could express. Had it been from anyone else, he would have took it as insulting- so why did it feel so genuine coming from you?
His heart was thumping in his ears as he spoke, “Thank you. It
I truly appreciate your kind words.” He found it hard to keep eye contact with you without getting more flustered by the second.
“Ah, sorry- didn’t even introduce myself.” Your hand reached out towards him. “(F/N) (L/N)- its very nice to meet you.”
As Poe went to return the gesture, he couldn’t help but feel something with your touch. It was so warm, and your hand seemed to fit his so perfectly.
Poe read enough books to know what he was feeling, but was still shook at the notion that it was really happening. You make his heart race with just your smile alone, and your words make his stomach filled with butterflies-
As he felt your hand lightly squeeze his, Poe couldn’t help but believe it was truly love at first sight.
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dreamkidddream · 2 years
Hey, Dream! For your game, can I have: đŸšȘ (showing up at the other's door, begging for comfort), 🍯 (friends to lovers) and 💘 (love at first sight) + Mammon from Obey Me, plsss??
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Build-a-Blurb Ask Game
Loving the love that Mammon’s been receiving lately 😌💛 reader is gender neutral!
CW: lesson 16 spoilers, mentions of death
Mammon remembers the moment when he first fell in love with you.
It was cheesy and something he would NEVER admit to in thousands of years, but he remembers the exact moment where he felt his heart stop. It was late at night, and you were both stuffing your face with hellfire noodles watching some random action movie filled with explosions. He doesn’t remember much from the movie, but he remembers how warm he felt hearing your laughter ring out in the air, how much your smile made you glow, and how he could just stare at you for hours. He couldn’t stop stuttering when you caught him gazing at you red-handed, but all you did was nudge and continue to lean on him, giving him that same smile that made his heart skip a beat.
That’s when he realized that he wasn’t looking at you as just a best friend or partner in crime anymore.
It was that moment he fell in love, and only continued to fall deeper for you.
But that wasn’t the reason why he was here.
It was stupid, he knew it was. He felt like a child crawling into his parents’ bed too scared to stay in his own room- he had a nightmare and all of a sudden he couldn’t sleep until he saw you were okay. That you were still breathing, and not laying lifelessly like you were in his arms after
Even now his stomach was twisting just thinking about it.
It was something that he tried to avoid, that he tried to forget, but it didn’t matter how much he tried, it always remained in his mind. It only ever reared its ugly head whenever you were in danger or a possibility that you could get hurt, but tonight it decided to invade his sleep, taking over his once peaceful dream and turning it into the worst nightmare he could ever have.
He can’t ever forget the dark bruises surrounding your neck, the finger imprints that seem to sink into your skin, how limp you felt in his arms, how your eyes glazed over and no longer held light in them, how he was too late to protect you. His family was close again and all was forgiven- but that doesn’t mean that he can just forget that image, pretend like it never happened, because it gives him a reminder that he can’t forget.
You’re human, a mortal, one of the most fragile beings in existence.
That’s why whenever his mind would flash back to that image, he had to go see you for himself that he didn’t fail to save you a second time-
He must look so pitiful, so pathetic standing outside your door right now. His hair is a mess, his clothes are disheveled, he’s broken out into a cold sweat- but he didn’t care and you don’t see any of that, only concern flashing in your orbs. Instead, you open the door wider and usher him in. Your hand feels soft and warm against his, and it reminds him that you’re still here with him.
It doesn’t take long before he’s laying on top of you, hugging you tight with trembling hands. All he can do is focus on your heart beat, the rhythmic thump soothing him instantly. You don’t question him on anything, only rubbing your fingers through his snow-white locks and bringing your lips to place a delicate kiss on his forehead.
Mammon’s your protector, your first man, the one to keep you safe always. He’s suppose to be one comforting you, not the other way around. But he can’t help but sink into your arms further, burying his face in the crook of your neck. He can’t look you in the eyes as he’s trying to blink back tears, but you make it so easy for him to let his walls down, to be vulnerable.
Your fingers and breathing are starting to slow down and he feels his own eyes starting to droop, but neither of you let go. If anything, he shifted to where you both laid on your side, limbs tangled together. Mammon finally gets the courage to glance at you when you already dozed off, no longer being able to fight it anymore. He’s not upset though, and it helps him crack a smile at how silly his human is. His human.
When Mammon falls asleep this time, he dreams no longer of that memory- instead, he dreams of all of the happy memories he experienced.
He dreams of you.
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dreamkidddream · 2 years
Hi there! Could you maybe write Belphegor with [👄 - sharing their first kiss] [☁ - enemies to lovers] [👀 - forced proximity]? You're an amazing, talented writer and a very sweet person, thank you for all of your work!
Thank you so much!! This made my night đŸ„č💜 This was originally a LOT longer and with a different plot but I decided to save that for another day :) reader is gender neutral!
CW: lesson 16 spoilers, Belphie is SUPER soft in this ngl
Build-A-Blurb Ask Game!
“Do you
really hate me?”
You didn’t have to answer Belphie’s question, but it didn’t stop you from pondering over it. The air was silent in the planetarium, and you felt like the heaviness began to weigh on you. It felt like you were being suffocated- yet your lips still moved to answer.
“Do you only want to fix things with me because of my connection to Lilith?”
You could feel his gaze bore into your back, and you can picture how shocked he is at your question- eyebrows raised, mouth agape. You don’t even have to turn to notice how hurt he probably is- but you don’t find it in yourself to care.
“No!” Belphie’s voice grew as he shot up. “I
I want to have my own connection with you because it’s you. Not because of Lilith. I want to have a bond with you like my brothers do. And I need to,” he sucked in a breath, shoulders dropping, “I need to fix this.”
“So why now, Belphie?” You didn’t have it in you to fight anymore- you were tired. Your feelings were all over the place and it left you emotionally drained. “You didn’t care about me before, so what’s different now?”
You were finally ready to try and build a genuine relationship with Belphie, but at the same, you didn’t know what his true intentions were. You didn’t believe he would kill you again (or that anyone would let it happen), but was he really ready to start over with you or with Lilith?
That thought remained in the back of your mind, rearing its ugly head everytime you gazed at him. It seemed that he was only eager to make amends because of your ancestry to his sister, which left a horrible taste in your mouth and reminded you to keep your distance while your disdain grew. None of it was fair to you- and while you were already fooled once, you refused to be fooled again.
But maybe you were already fooled when you slowly began to open up to him once more.
“I don’t even know if you’re wanting to really start over for the sake of us, or to just make yourself feel better.” Your words came off cold, but you didn’t say it with malice despite the flinch you saw from the corner of your eye.
“I don’t even know if I can trust you again.” Your fingers came to rub along your neck absentmindedly. “How do I know that things will be different this time around?”
Even the sparkling constellations in the sky wasn’t enough to distract you from the swell in your throat.
But you felt your hands being pulled forward, and you were met with violet eyes.
I want to love you.”
Belphie’s eyes were full of conviction as his cheeks were turning red, and you felt how his grip was shaking a bit.
“I want to
make you happy like my brothers do. No- I want to make you happier. I-“ he cursed under his breath, slightly stumbling over his words.
If anyone were to tell you that the human hating demon wanted to learn to love you, you would have scoffed in their face. To see Belphie grow from his hatred of humans to pleading to be close with you? It felt like you had whiplash from the sudden change- but it was surprisingly welcomed.
“I miss Lily everyday, but no one can replace her.” He squeezed your hand, and you don’t know if it was to comfort you or himself. “Just like no one can replace you.”
You hated the way your heart tugged at his words.
“Please,” Belphie pulled you closer, holding you like you were made of delicate glass. “Believe me MC.”
You don’t remember how you got so close, foreheads connecting together, glossy eyes staring back into your own. “You have to prove it first.” You softly uttered out.
He nodded, and the gap between you both started to close.
Everything felt hazy and like a dream. Was being stuck in the planetarium making you delirious to spill your feelings like this? Or maybe it was a dream and this was your self conscious giving you a sign? But you knew it wasn’t.
But whether this was a dream or not, Belphie’s lips felt unbelievably soft- and you soon found yourself melting into the kiss.
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dreamkidddream · 2 years
Hi! Can I have đŸ”Ș(knife against throat) with ☁(enemies to lovers) dynamic with a lil bit of 🛏(only one bed) with Chuuya Nakahara .
Thank you
Build-a-Blurb Ask Game
You’re welcome! :) Tbh Chuuya is a character that I won’t ever get sick of both watching and writing about 😌 Reader is gender neutral!
CW: minor language
You weren’t expecting to be sharing a bed with your enemy. Nor were you expecting to admire him so much.
You should hate Chuuya, despise him with every fiber of your being, plot to take him down like the threat he is- but how could you think like that when his hair is sprawled out around him making him look like a delicate angel?
He’s far from an angel obviously- you could still feel the phantom sting of the knife across your throat from your earlier encounter. But even with the cold steel being pressed against your neck, you didn’t fear for your life in the slightest nor were you phased by it- because you knew that he wouldn’t take your life.
Every time you had a run in with him, it always ended the same- a fight that left you both with minor scrapes and bruises, an empty promise to carry out your death for being such a nuisance to him, and with you sticking your tongue at him telling him you like to see him try- but it would never end in real bloodshed. You would both always walk away with your lives, and you never really understood until now.
When did Chuuya become someone that you started looking forward to see?
You thought it was just mere tolerance- you still disliked him as a person and couldn’t wait for the day where you can really shatter his pride. But something had to change along the way to where you could be in this position and not try to kill each other.
The mission should be over soon, and your temporary partnership would dissolve and go back to the petty rivalry like before. You should be satisfied that you don’t have to be tied to his hip any more but
you don’t know if you’re ready for that yet.
“You got an eye problem too or are you trying to plan something?”
You ended up choking on your spit and quickly spun to where you’re back was facing him, disdain replacing the once bubbly feeling you had seconds ago. “Aren’t you suppose to sleep? It’s past your bed time.”
“Well I could if you weren’t staring at me like a damn creep.”
“I’m not a creep, you lapdog!”
He sucked his teeth, “And I’m not a lapdog!” He began to raise his voice, when he just gritted his teeth and had his back facing you as well. “Just go to sleep. I’m not babysitting your ass tomorrow just because you want to be a kid and stay up all night.”
“Hmph- well goodnight to you too, Nakahara.”
He didn’t respond and it was silent once again while you kept beating yourself up mentally at getting caught- how could you let your guard down so easily?
You knew the answer as to why, and it gave you mixed emotions. Just like how feeling the radiating heat from his body and feeling your skin brush against his was giving you mixed emotions. Just like how much you realized you actually enjoy his company and craved more of it- but you didn’t have time to think about that now. You should go to sleep and maybe these feelings would be something like a dream. But you hoped that they didn’t go away as you drifted off to sleep.
You didn’t know it, but Chuuya was facing the same internal conflict like you. He tried to ignore it too, but it took one glance at your peaceful expression for it to flood his mind completely.
He shouldn’t be paying any mind to you in that manner, he knows that, but it didn’t stop him from gazing at you so softly and from covering you with most of the blanket.
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dreamkidddream · 2 years
Ok, I think I got it! (Pls correct me if I didn't đŸ„Č)
So, can I please have 👄 (sharing their first kiss) with 🍯 (friends to lovers) and 🛏 (only one bed) with Mammon?
Build-A-Blurb Ask Game!
Nope you got it! :) and reader is gender neutral!
“I had fun today Mammon- well, I always have fun with you, but today was really exciting.” You gazed up at him, smiling that same smile that you would make his heart beat so fast that he thought he was having a heart attack. “But- hey, you okay? You look like you’re about to pass out.”
“Of course I’m fine ya dumb human!” He stuttered out, cheeks growing redder by the second. “Oi! Wipe that smirk off your face!”
You giggled, knowing how stubborn he can be, and it probably wasn’t helping that you were pressed up against him. It wasn’t your first time sharing a bed, but it was a first sharing one that was so small. It was only temporary until you went back home, but you didn’t necessarily mind it. You couldn’t tell if the warmth you were feeling was from his skin against yours or from the constant flips your stomach was doing. “I really enjoy spending time with you Mammon.” You took advantage of the limited space and laid your head on top of his chest, taking note of how fast his heart was beating.
But Mammon didn’t mind being so close to you either. He never did and never will.
You’re just so fun to be around. Yeah he gets into more trouble whenever you’re involved, but you also make his heart skip beats, his cheeks hurt from smiling so much, and he just feels so
light inside. You guys have grown so close, and only growing closer each day. All the memories created together is something that he would cherish in his lifetime. You became his best friend and now he can’t picture life without you.
But he’s been craving for something more lately.
And he can’t stop staring at your lips.
Maybe he’s imagining things, just being a lovesick fool like his brothers always say, but it looks like you can’t stop staring at his either.
Blame it on his sin, but he wants you. He wants all of you- your smile, your love, your touch, your kisses- he wants it all to himself.
Mammon shifted and you lifted his head up, concerned etched onto your face. You both sat up and he turned to face you, no sign of his usual mischievous nature. You opened your mouth to question if everything was okay, until he grasped at your cheeks and inched closer. He hesitated- he was antsy, impatient, and it took everything in his power to hold himself back- but he wanted to make sure it was okay with you, that this wouldn’t be another mistake he’s making.
But when you gave another soft smile and your eyes slid closed, he didn’t waste another second and closed the distance.
His desire was satiated for now, and he pulled away dazed and with a dopey grin on his face. But he couldn’t help but want more, so intoxicated by just a small taste of your lips- he’s hooked now, and one kiss isn’t going to be enough.
As his hands gripped your waist and pulled you into his lap for another kiss, he thanked Diavolo that you both have all night uninterrupted.
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dreamkidddream · 2 years
hello, dream!! for the game, please: 👋, ☕, 🛏 with chuuya nakahara?
Manifesting that Chuuya is okay in the manga cause I can’t deal if he’s not đŸ„Č reader is gender neutral!
Build-a-Blurb Ask Game! *closed
👋 meeting for the first time
☕ reluctant allies
🛏 only one bed
“You have got to be kidding me.”
When the agency sent you on your mission, you were expecting everything to go smoothly. You knew you had your expectations set high, but this mission should go easy and without any issues.
You weren’t expecting to be staring at a complete stranger sitting on your hotel bed- and you didn’t know which was worse, finding out he’s a Port Mafia executive, or finding out he’s the one whose been assigned your partner.
Yet, his azure eyes glanced back at you in confusion and then realization as well- meaning he was processing this new information as well. The snarl that grew on his face comforted you a bit knowing that you weren’t the only one fooled.
But the glare he sent your way when he caught you stifling your laugh made you hope that the mission wouldn’t take long- but you already felt like you were asking for too much.
It was awkward enough to be sleeping next to your enemy- even more so to be
comforted by it?
Maybe that wasn’t the right word, but the warmth that Chuuya was radiating by your side almost lulled you to sleep- but the thoughts running in your head kept you awake. Despite not being so open to the idea of teaming up, he wasn’t as horrible as you thought he would be. He was
fairly normal? You didn’t sense any of the bloodlust that would usually follow the mafia, so it was a nice surprise. He was still your enemy and you would fight him if you needed to, but he wasn’t as insufferable as Dazai made him out to be.
Plus, the way his orange locks framed his face made it hard for your eyes to tear away.
“Oi- don’t expect this buddy-buddy act to continue after this.” Chuuya’s back was turned, but you can see how his eyes cut towards you.
“Likewise.” You just had to get through the night, and then this mission, and he would be out of your life (until the mafia does something that causes the agency to get involved, as usual). But you won’t lie, this calm moment that you’re sharing together now was
nice. “I’ll look forward to kicking your ass out in the field after this mission.”
Chuuya scoffed, “As if! You’re the one that’s gonna be crying back to that damned agency.”
“Sounds like you’re in denial, but whatever you say.”
The wavering tension that was once in the air before ironically made it easier to get to know each other. You didn’t feel tense laying next to him, despite only knowing each other for a few hours.
Besides the initial dilemma of sleeping together (which made you flustered the first time the thought crossed your mind, even if it wasn’t in that way), you still felt weird- it wasn’t right to want to get to know him more, but how come you weren’t dreading this mission as much anymore?
The only thing you could hear was the air conditioning kick on, and that was your cue to stop thinking and try to get some sleep. Chuuya had long gone went silent, but you doubted that he was asleep already- he was probably still a bit wary of you trying anything.
You don’t know if you were dumb for letting your guard down so easily, or if this was a sign of things to come- which didn’t seem so bad all of a sudden.
Regardless, you felt your eyelids growing heavy and you soon found your world turning dark.
Chuuya was not happy with this arrangement.
He already felt like he was on babysitting duty when Mori told him about having some assistance for this mission- so imagine how much his headache grew to find that it was someone from the Armed Detective Agency. He thought it was a joke until you opened the hotel room door with a deer in the headlights look just like his.
Oh, and it did not help how annoying you were- he’s convinced that everyone from that agency was irritating- but he came here to do a job and not complain. So if he had to deal with you for the next few days, then so be it.
But you seemed capable of handling yourself, and as much as your remarks grew tiresome, he was impressed that you could keep up. It’ll make for an interesting, albeit long, mission.
And as he tossed some more of the blanket over your shivering form, he couldn’t help but wonder what else this would lead to in the future.
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dreamkidddream · 2 years
Hi, Dream! For the game, may I please have Dabi with đŸ©č tending to each other's wounds + ☕ reluctant allies + 👀 forced proximity?
Build-a-Blurb Ask Game!
I haven’t written anything for Dabi yet and I’m slowly but surely starting to get caught up in the manga but- I have seen that one panel and goodness 😭😭 reader is gender neutral!
CW: blood, implied burning
“Well aren’t you so sweet? I would’ve thought you were a hero with the way you’re acting.”
“Shut up Dabi.” You gritted through your teeth, making sure to tie the torn fabric a bit too tight around his arm, feeling a bit of satisfaction when he grunted. You tried to convince yourself that you weren’t doing this out of the kindness of your heart- you were only doing it because you got tired of his blood seeping onto your clothes. And because you were stuck in this deserted, cramped office until the heroes outside decided to give up on their search.
You weren’t expecting to run into Dabi here, and you weren’t expecting to have to fight the heroes on patrol together.
You would’ve ran and left him to fight alone as Dabi was someone you took to avoid at every chance- he’s annoying, but too deadly of a threat to be ignored or to be taken lightly, and he made it a personal goal to go out of his way to make his presence known in your life, no matter how much you tried to do the opposite. You were about to curse at him for getting in your way (again) when an arrow whizzed past your ear, and your cheek stinging seconds afterwards with something thin trickling down.
You saw Dabi narrow his eyes, suck his teeth, and shot a wave of blue flames straight behind you. There were too many heroes for either of you to escape, and thus you found yourself fighting alongside him until you could make a run for it.
You wished you would’ve left now, considering how much blood you’re losing yourself. You keep pressing against the deep wound on your stomach, but the world around you is blurry and your wheezing is getting worse with each breath. You knew that hero was a good shot, but not that good.
You’re fighting to keep your eyes open, cursing at the dusty ceiling for ending up like this-
“Hey, don’t fall asleep on me just yet.” Dabi nudged you, and your head snapped to meet his gaze. Against the shadows on the wall, it looked as if his turquoise eyes glowed in the dark- it was a haunting yet beautiful sight. “We still have some things we need to talk about.”
“What would we need to talk about? And why would you care if I-“ you didn’t want to be a coward in front of him, but you couldn’t bring yourself to finish the sentence.
“If you died?” He finished it for you mockingly. “You’re more fun than the league is, and after today, it made me realize you could be used for a lot more. The start of a beautiful friendship.” He chuckled, and it made your stomach churn.
He placed his hand directly on your stomach, and you hissed, wincing in pain. His hand, the one that he used to take so many lives without hesitation, was the same hand providing you such warmth. It was eerie to think about. That could be why it seemed like his hand was getting
“Can’t just let you leave me now, not after how you helped me out. This is going to hurt, so you might wanna bite down.”
You were confused, until the heat on your skin was getting hotter.
You tried to push him away but he held you down without an issue. The flames licking at his fingertips scared you, and you were so petrified that you were about to beg him to let you go, but he shoved something in between your teeth. You locked eyes with him once more and shook your head, pleading with him, but he just gazed at you with no emotion, only telling you to hold still.
“I think it’s time I returned the favor.“
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