#building the lore of this world at a snails pace
the-red-butterfly · 1 year
Does merboy Joey live on land? Does he just flop around everywhere like a baby seal lol 😂
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In the tub. He lives in the tub 😂
But if the little comic I made taught us anything, it's that, intentionally or not, Joey is going to do his very best to give Slade a heart attack. So I imagine baby Joey would get out of the tub to find his dad or explore when the mood strikes. And as you so eloquently put it, he'd probably flop around like a seal while doing so 😌
Teen joey is too big to flop but if the situation is dire enough he'd definitely get out of the tub.
It just occurred to me that I haven't explained a crucial part of this AU (at least I don't think I have). When Joey is a baby he get's taken by merpeople and Slade thinks he's dead. Like, ten years later Slade accidentally (or maybe not, I haven't decided yet) captures him in the net on his boat and brings him home. They do NOT recognize each other so of course drama ensues✨. But yeah, there's a big stretch of time there were Joey lives at sea.
If anyone want's to ask me more things about this AU you can send me an ask with this hashtag in it -> #SailorSladeMerbabyJoeAU
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parasocialitevn · 1 year
Completely obsessed with Eden. So much so that I started watching Overlord (wonderful decision, thank you for bringing it to my attention)
There's a lot of things about Overlord I really enjoy, but remember it comes down to personal taste.
Like, I love stories that have a lot of lore and world-building to sink your teeth into.
I love when a story can take a step away from its main character and have others take the spotlight,
I really like subversion (the unique angle of an isekai premise that this anime takes is really interesting to me) and I like when a story focuses on characters, mindgames and strategy with a lot of moving parts but also doesn't make the plot feel like it's moving at a snail's pace. I prefer when a story does this rather than the power fantasy InfinityPlusOne power scaling that a lot of isekai fall into. And yet they also still show off good action sequences and the power disparity between characters! They manage to balance overpowered characters without having no threat, risk, or challenge to them exist and also maintaining intrigue!
It borrows a lot of its magic/race mechanics from D&D, other classic RPGs and MMOs but D&D is the most heavy influence you can see.
I personally believe it has an extra layer of enjoyment for anyone who's had online friends / had ocs with those online friends. (Any friends I have who've watched it have said to me "modsu i love and respect you but if this happened to me i'm sorry but i AM smashing [OC].") Just the way Momonga treasures the creations of his dear friends as an extension of them and their memory IMO it makes him much easier to connect with.
also the contrast between how he acts with others VS his inner thoughts is like. totally my kind of humor LMAO. hearing a grown man in the body of a skeleton go "uwaaah!" never gets old to me idk.
I love a lot of the characters but Shalltear and Albedo hold a special place for me. Thus a lot of inspiration for Eden coming from the latter.
(it probably helps that i also have just as much of a love for gap moe as maruyama does 💀)
Also, Studio Madhouse does a great job with the animation and art direction, and as someone who's usually very picky with dubs I have to admit the dub for this series is very very good! The themes for each season are always bangers too!
The original LN is a lot more detailed but also a lot darker, so viewer/reader discretion.
Sorry as you can see if you give me an inch to ramble I'll take a mile lmfao
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spinningbagel · 1 year
Please 🙏 tell me abt all of your au’s omg omg pls, I wanna hear all abt them and the lore you got for them /gen
A,,all of them,,?? *stares at paper* I-,, okay,,??
So we’ll start with my main two since they’re the ones I’ve made known and will be easier to sum up first
Based on the ‘what if’ question of: “What if Vegan-Su didn’t help out Sheriff & defended him during the scene where their locked in a cage & Sheriff being a mutant has been revealed to the whole group”
Basically, I’m this Au, Vegan didn’t help out Sheriff in convincing the others that’s he’s still the same person regardless of being a half mutant. So once they’ve escaped & gotten the mushroom they just..kick him out. No real remorse or empathy. They don’t try to hear him out or anything. They just make him leave.
He does leave without a fight or anything, after all he’d unfortunately been expecting this outcome. And it’s not like he can really go back to the life he lived before so he hangs around the abandoned city.
Nothing is being done to prevent his mutation anymore aside from the occasional stealing vegetables from his old friends so it spreads (slowly) up his arm. He also ends up being able to understand the mutants unique language & speak it.
With a growing addiction to coffee beans, a hoodie that he found in the dumpster and no friends he lives his life in the city for a few months, at some point during that Shooter starts coming to the city to try and find Sheriff, feeling incredibly bad. Sheriff doesn’t particularly blame Shooter (though he still does partiality) he actively avoids Shooter and any potential interactions.
I’m a bit unsure on how to go about the group seeing Sheriff once more and the angst that will follow with, I’ve tried writing out some possible drafts but nothing seems to stick yet.
My most recent in this list actually, it’s basically a post apocalyptic world filled with zombies and there’s no saving the world or anything like that, the story mainly just focuses on the group slowly building trust and a family they care about.
It starts off with just Sheriff, a 20 year old man who’s a known wanderer, never staying in one place for too long and never getting close to people, he stops at one town to stay the night and that’s where he meets Shooter where, against his will he enjoys the company of and quickly sees as a friend. He pushes those feeling down for the time being though.
The story (imo) truly kicks off once Shooter decides it’s a good idea to steal from this town. The townspeople are not fond of this at all and find stealing punishable by death because of scarce resources. So they’ve got Shooter at gunpoint, on his knees begging for some kind of mercy (it’s around the middle of the night I feel the need to add). Sheriff who was previously asleep sees this shit going down and it sets him off. I’ll spare most details but just know he gets his hands on a lighter, a car and a shitton of gasoline.
Shooter and Sheriff run (drive) off and end up at Brutux’s place, a guarded lighthouse. Going against anything they’ve ever heard about this guy they enter seeking refuge for the night, which they get. It’s pretty calm despite everything.
Until the next morning when the trio wake to yells of guards down below and a lot of crashing. Turns out two people (Vegan and BP) are stealing supplies and are getting away with it too. Brutux drags Sheriff & Shooter along to catch them to pay off him letting them stay the night.
They catch BP and Vegan at some point, probably when their in the fortress/lab thing. Surprisingly the sibling duo offer to let the trio stay with them since it’s high up and much safer. And despite the suspicion they agree.
There’s a lot of mistrust in the start but slowly. Like snail pace slowly they build up trust.
In this Au, Ryan and Dr. White are both dead fully, both being turned to zombies. With Ryan being killed by a 15 year old Sheriff but not before biting him, leading to Sheriff cutting his own arm off with an axe. And Dr. White being killed by Began & BP, having forced his children to kill him.
Time loop!Au
This one is a little under a year old.
It’s an AU where Sheriff is forced to repeatedly die during the final confrontation with the SM, the SM killing him each time (before the reveal of him being Ryan I should add) he’s got no idea why he’s being forced into this, at first being in denial, thinking he’s dreaming up until the fourth loop.
He keeps track of his deaths on a wall in his room in the ship, carving into it with a knife. There’s hundreds of marks, each signalling another death. There’s a small corner in amongst his tally’s. For when he ends the loop early.
Any scars that may’ve been obtained during a previous loop stay with him for all other loops and becomes normal in future timelines. How does he figure this out? When in one loop the SM fully takes his eye out before killing him. He wakes up and can only see out one eye. No one asks him about it.
Eventually he tries telling someone (I’m still not saying who 😈😈). He tells them everything, about the loops and his deaths. They think he’s crazy at first. At least until he shoots himself infront of them and they come running into his room, panicked he was dead. So now two people know.
That’s as far as I’ve gotten with this one, it’s been awhile since I’ve thought about it, might needa dust some cobwebs from my mind.
The Au title speaks for itself. It’s a hero Au. In a world where powers exist, hero’s and villains do also.
Sheriff and Shooter are popular vigilantes, both being the laws nightmare and best friend. They help out with things though their method of doing so is sometimes questionable.
Sheriff has electricity based powers and pretty powerful ones at that, people with electricity powers are pretty high up on the danger scale given just how much they can do with their abilities, though it differs depending on the person.
For Sheriff he has to constantly have electricity in his system and so more often then not you may catch him sticking a fork in a socket and just,,absorbing the electricity. He’s capable of causing power outages if his powers are too much on the fritz. So yeah, not someone you want as an enemy.
Shooters abilities (if he truly has any) is unknown to the public, he’s Sheriffs partner in crime vigilante work and is responsible for all their tech and weaponry. Some people theorise that his ability lets him create almost absurd things from pretty much nothing (ima spoil it, it isn’t that)
Vegan Su, BP and Dr. White are all hero’s, top ones at that. Well less so Dr. White since he’s more focused on science and things rather than being out there actively saving lives. I’m yet to decide on hero names for the sibling duo and abilities for them.
Brutux is a villain but not your standard super villain, more so a criminal who deals with illegal things like drugs and certain weapons. He actually gets along quite nicely with our Vigilante duo and doesn’t tend to bother them as much.
Max and Jim are Sheriff and Shooter when their not out being vigilantes, the two work at a fairly small grocery shop (think IGA small- size wise I mean) and their manager is Brutux playing civilian (known as Alex to them) obviously Shooter, Sheriff & Brutux aren’t aware of each other’s double life identities since they do well to keep ‘em hidden. The truth may eventually come out though.
There’s a little bit of betrayal in this Au because at some point, Vegan pretends to be a vigilante to get close with Sheriff & Shooter- either to recruit them as hero’s or arrest them for several crimes.
That’s all I’ve got so far for this Au, like the time loop it’s been awhile.
Okay this is a very long post holy hell. And there’s one or two that I’m yet to talk about but currently my hand is cramping from typing this all up on my phone so I’ll do them tomorrow after school. This took like,, an hour to write ☠️☠️
Anyways though, hope you’ve enjoyed my insanely long ramble on my Au’s that I would never have shared if not asked to (I don’t really mind, the only reason I never shared them is because I came up with them all and thought it’d be too many & people would get annoyed at me for having so many but this fandom is starving, I don’t think people mind if I’m Au central™️/hj)
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dingobait · 4 years
SPN 15x20 - rewrite script notes ‘Carry On’
SPN 15x20 - rewrite.  
Saving Cas from the empty is the only thing left for Dean and Sam to do. 
2735 words: script notes- Destiel, Fixit, Happy, All the gangs here to help saving Cas. Half Ficlet / half mad writings of a grieving Fan requiring happiness and true love and closure- gonna use this as the starting point for some writing practice and probs eventually write a fan / spec script.
Id start it with Dean on the road, fuming and stewing over his grief for Cas. Ignoring Sams calls. Maybe a moment where he hesitates near the trunk of the Impala when Sam comes out of the bunker to be like ‘Dude?! Stop ignoring me!’ And Dean guiltily hides what will later be revealed as Cas’ coat.
All the alternate world hunters are staying in the bunker and established as being back. They’re reorganising, gathering info figuring out what’s changed in this new world post dusting. Sam can’t keep his eyes off Eileen as she works. He keeps getting distracted and almost missing the table when trying to put down his coffee mug. Not wanting to miss a word she signs. She gives his wrist a gentle squeeze when she moves past him, signing that ‘She’s not going anywhere, Promise’.  
The bunker is too crowded for Dean, too noisy, he gets busted sitting in Cas’ room, holding the mixtape between his hands.
Sam and he talk about feelings, well they talk around feelings at least. The ‘I love you’ confession will be saved for the very end for Cas’ ears only.
Our inciting incident of the episode starts off screen. Deans choking on his words about missing Cas, Sam amazed at how many words he’s finally coaxed out of his brother- and then from the other room there’s shouts of shock and alarm- there’s a dark smear growing in the air of the main room of the bunker. And for a brief moment a face struggles to push itself out of the muck-  Dean and Sam arrive in the room just as the goo shimmers like oil vapours in the air and disappears. Cas? Deans afraid to voice it aloud but Charlie beats him to it. Sams nodding. Freaked out. Everyone agrees it looked like Cas.
They have a smear of the Empty left behind to work with. And A room full of witnesses who all want to help.
Jack shows up saying ‘so sorry I can’t play favourites’ while clearly playing favourites and guiding them to the book that contains the magical solution they need (ala Cas’ telling Dean about the arch angel attached to the profit Chuck in season four, ‘so sad I can’t help WINK if only I could ‘continues to give gives blatant info haha)
For the first step of the spell, we’d need a psychic to establish a tether to the Cas in the empty, we’d have to go and check in on the Wayward Sisters to ask for Missouris’ granddaughters help. We’d see Kia and Claire together as a couple, and Sam would catch Dean looking at them trying to hide how happy they are in the face of Deans misery.
Patience needs something of Cas’ to create a tether, Sam freaks that they don’t have anything with them and Dean has to clear his throat twice to get the words out that he does.
He retrieves the trench coat from the trunk. (Or maybe his own jacket with the bloody handprint still on its shoulder-  Sam’s all ’ew dean you still haven’t washed this?!’)
The first part of the spells in place. Patience says something cryptic to Dean as she hands back the trenchcoat, his grip is perhaps a bit too tight to be read as anything but casual. Jodys attempt at getting Dean to open up is less subtle, everyone’s trying to get Dean to admit If he’s okay or hurting or something worse.
‘You’ve gotta talk about it eventually’, but Sam can see the explosion building in Dean, but then it’s an implosion as instead of getting mad Dean just shuts down, shoulders caving in,  and Dean just has to go
‘Pick you up later Sammy’ and he’s out the door.
We finally see the tears once he’s alone in the car
Driving, he almost hits the smear of black ooze absorbing the glow of the impalas headlights growing in the middle of the road, he skids and frames the scene with the headlights, jumping out of the car as Cas tries once again to pull himself from the empty, this time the oil parts slightly and Cas’ hands push through, Dean sprints forward, and almost has Cas’ hand tightly in his own before the oozey hole in the universe blinks back closed.
Jack will pop in briefly, commenting about how how well the first part of the spell worked with Patience’s help. He’d plant another hint about the next step of the spell, and Dean would sheepishly head back to pick up Sam to tell him the news.
Together the whole gang discuss the case over a family dinner, food everywhere, no more emotional pushing from anyone, Dean’s allowed to stay quiet and is offered additional serves as everyone brainstorms how to interpret / fulfil the next step of the spell to save Cas.
Sam quietly checks in with Dean, elbowing him as Jody and Donna and the girls talk at the other end of the table. Sam assures Dean that everyone didn’t mean to freak him out earlier and Dean cuts him off.
‘I think I needed the reminder that we’re in this together’ he admits.
Sam agrees, ‘You’re not the only one who wants Cas back Dean.’
With Charlie’s remote hacking help, we find the location of next relic we need / the next spell component. We see Stevie helping with the research, we see Bobby breaking a code and Garth adding some new piece of lore that’s vital to the puzzle.
We have a classic heist sequence with Dean and Sam doing what they do best, breaking into places to steal shit from museums. It’s dope, music sequences and everything ending with Dean almost tripping a lasor sensor before Sam pulls him back at the last moment. Dean thought he saw another hint of Black ooze and drawn to it like a moth to a flame.
Later on the side of the road and with the first hint of hope /excitement from Dean, we preform the next part of the spell.
Almost instantly, another black ooze rifts appears, Cas struggles to pull himself free, but this time Sam and Dean manage to grab his arms together, they pull with all their might, the ooze is retreating back from Cas’ shoulders, neck, and slowly his face, and we finally see the fight in his blue eyes, the desperate hope, struggling to get back to our world.
Dean and Cas make eye contact, Deans grip on his arm turns bone tight- but the ooze is reclaiming Cas’ throat, cutting off his attempt at Deans name. A deep voice rumbles from beyond the rift ’I said forever!’- and SNAP! The ooze rift slams back shut. And dean and Sam are left sprawling on the ground.
Deans hands close on handfuls of dirt and grass, and then Jack appears. Jolly and smiling.
‘That was very close! I almost thought you wouldn’t need the final spell component!’
‘A rare dagger and one other other thing is required to walk through the Empty unscathed.’ Jack hands the the dagger to Dean. He weighs the stone dagger in his hand.
‘Whats the other requirement?’  
’Love willingly given’ Jack tells him and Dean gives a wobbly grin and just nods and opens his mouth to say something but Jack shakes his head, ‘no, I’m not the one who needs to hear it’.
Sam thanks Jack for his help making things right as Dean walks back to where the oozey tear appeared. He clears his throat, once twice, gripping the ancient dagger in his hands. He turns back to Sam and Jack who confer back and forth, Jack looks over and just nods back towards the afflicted space, a ‘go on you can do it’ but they both give Dean his space.
Dean flips the dagger about, changing the grip with finesse and gathers himself. He stares at the point in space that had so recently held Cas.
‘We’re not done yet’ Dean finally admits as he stabs the dagger into the air and slices through universe, the dagger vibrates in his hands, the rift trying to resist, but Dean leans into it, whispering
‘it’s my turn to save your, ass you ass’ and the dagger slices clean through the worlds.
Dean steps through the door he’s created, the void empty sans his own reflection beneath him, but the daggers glowing in his hand now, a beacon that grows hot and cold as he waves it before him. Dean follows the bacon of light, and meets Cas half way, the angel is struggling against the ooze at a snails pace, drowning in the thick liquid and Dean grabs his shoulder and heaves, using the dagger to hack at the muck, and then Cas is falling into him and this time Dean drags Cas through the darkness, a perfect reproduction of Cas herding Dean through the halls of the Bunker when Billie came after them, but now Dean’s the one to throw Cas to safety through the door before leaping through it just a footfall behind him.
And they land in a tangle of limbs in the grass on the side of the highway with Jack and Sam watching on.
‘Ow’ Cas says in his familiar deep rumble. Dean chokes back a half gasped laugh as he lifts himself of Cas’ chest, but then - movement from the corner of his eye. He spins, blade in hand.
An arm of ooze streaks out towards Cas, greedy and grasping but Dean cleaves it in two before stabbing the dagger into the ground at the base of the rift. The rift blinks out of existence and we’re left alone on the side of the road.
Cas lays on his back, blinking up at the night sky. ‘So It worked?’ Dean looks down at him, grabbing his hand and pulling him into a clumsy seated embrace, Dean buries his face in Cas’ shoulder.
‘Hello Dean’ he says warmly. Dean gasp laughs into Cas’ shirt collar.
’You can have it. You’ve always had it.’ He whispers the words into Cas’ neck who stiffens in surprise, looking down at Dean incredulously as Sam and Jack engulf them all in a full embrace. Any other words are stuck in Deans mouth.
’It’s been too long!’ / ’Welcome home!’ a sweet short lived reunion. They get up, Sam jumping on his phone to spread the good news as he walks back to the car, Jack explains the status quo. Giving Cas a wonderful speech about well deserved places in the world and how if you’re lucky you can carve out a family of your own and he thanks Cas for being a wonderful dad and promises that they still have to work to do and he of course he’ll be around.
But eventually he catches on to the energy in the night air, Dean hovering over Cas’ shoulder, Jack ‘Jacks’ and states an obvious ‘ohhhh this is one of those situations Sam told me to help facilitate, I’m going to * obvious wink* remove myself’  and he Bamfs out.
And Dean grabs Cas’ shoulder, half trying to brush off the black handprint he’s left there in dirt or ooze, half trying to gather his courage and Cas watches as Dean finally looks up and meets his eyes.
‘They’re hard words to say aloud.’ Dean admits, but Cas hears them anyway, and a surprised heart warming smile forms on Cas’ face, and maybe it’s a little bit wobbly.
‘Love is patient.’ Cas offers but Dean winces. He grips Cas’ shoulder tightly, but forces his grip to relax. His hands settling into something almost soft at Cas’ sides, bracketing his elbows. An almost embrace as Dean leans closer.
‘No fuck that. You deserve’ - he scrunches up his nose at the word, ‘You’re… wonderful. You have to know you’re wonderful-  I, goddamnit I’m not good with any of this. You shouldn’t have to be so patient.’ Cas is watching him with a warm smile, basking in the words, in the words he can now see between them, and Deans hands are gently drifting up and down Cas’ arms. They finally settle on his waist. Cas would never tell Dean he could feel their shaking.
‘I love you as you are Dean Winchester’ Cas tells him solemnly.
And Dean kisses him. A brief fierce thing, before he buries his face once more into Cas’ neck, engulfing him in a soul squeezing hug.
We see Deans lips move to form the words we so want to hear, but the words themselves are for Cas’ ears alone as we see Sam watching them from the Impala.
His expression is pained, Half ‘gross that’s my brother making out with an angel’, half ‘my fucking god FINALLY’.
His phone going off in his hands, Eileen and others excited about the news of Cas’ return, and Sam hesitates for a moment before raising the phone. Just as Sam predicted, Dean and Cas kiss once more, the shadows soft about them in the half light on this stretch of remote road. Sam takes a photo and sends it to Eileen…  A whole new flurry of texts flood his screen: OMFG WHAT FINALLY?! YOU OWE ME $$$$ and the radios bubbling softly in the interior of the Impala. The first few notes of ‘Carry on my wayward son’.
Dean knocks on the drivers door, Sam jumps and hides his phone guilty.
‘Outta my seat Bitch’ Dean opens the door for him, Sam goes around to get into the passenger seat, only to see Cas already sitting in it, still glowing but trying to play it cool. Cas’ eyes slide to the backseat and Sam humfs before getting in.
‘You’re both jerks.’
Cas and Dean share a look. Sam groans and slumps down in the backseat. But his happiness about the situation is clear.
The music kicks in, the night sky is endless, and the family are together on the backroads of America, ready to take on whatever comes next.
Maybe a quick shot post credits scene of Gabriel and Crowley and Balthazar exchanging money with all the other angels and demons now awake and creating chaos in the empty.
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analyzingadventure · 4 years
Psi: What we’ve learned so far (1-8)
Before we get into the actual thing, I wanna explain what this post is going to be about and why I’m writing it; if you’re not really interested in that you can skip ahead
On my first watch of Psi’s first 19 episodes, I’ve had this struggle with the series. To me it has often felt like the world of Psi feels empty and hollow, the characters shallow, and the pacing of the first arc has felt off, like the pace of the overall story going at a snail’s pace and little to nothing actually happening in each episode.
Now there’s three main elements that I think could be causing this impression on me. First, it’s the unavoidable comparison to Adventure, a series I am far too familiar with for my own good if we’re being honest, and a series where I could probably list off every imporant detail from each episode from sheer memory. Second, I often enjoy a series better on a rewatch, my first impressions tend to be incredibly luke-warm and because I’ve only experienced the story once, I don’t remember it quite as well as something I’ve seen at least a dozen times. So between these two factors, it is very possible that my first impression of Psi’s first 19 episodes has felt as negative as it did due to nostalgic overfamiliarity vs unfamiliar first impressions.
But there is that third factor too. It is entirely possible that Psi just isn’t written like Adventure (not nececarily better, more like “in a way that panders to me”), and my observations of it so far have been accurate
And really, I just want to get to the bottom of it. I want to try and figure out why Psi has felt the way it has to me so far, and that is why I’m going to make these posts (because this post is way too long already and I had to split it into two parts)
So what this is going to be is quite simple to be honest; like I mentioned above, I could probably list every major story element in Adventure for each episode from memory, where as with Psi I can’t do that. So in this post I am just going to rewatch each episode of Psi and write down what we learn about the series in each episode; what we learn about the world, the characters, the mechanics, the lore, the beings that live in it. This is mainly so that I can form a better, slightly more objective view of Psi in my mind instead of depending on the vague memory I have of it so far.
And yes, this is going to be just, mostly, me writing bullet point notes of obvious things we learn in each episode; not plot summaries or a timeline of key-events, just things we can “learn” from the episode. For example, while a Digimon evolving is a key-event, if we don’t learn anything new about the Digimon that relates to their backstory or personality, then it’s not worth mentioning, and will try to do my best to not repeat information that gets re-inforced through out different episodes. Also, this isn’t a critique of Psi’s writing
Also, I am going to do my best to write these from the perspective of “not knowing anything”, in the sense that I’m trying to parse out info and write it out like someone who knows nothing about Digimon would be able to get out of it. Also, I won’t nececarily write these in the order they happen in the episode, rather I might write what we learn from specific subjects in bulk (character establishment, world building, etc)
One last thing, I could possibly do this for Adventure later on, just for comparison’s sake, if I have the time, but first let’s just start with this.
Episode 1: Tokyo Digital Crisis
Opening Monologue doesn’t get too many points for what we learn from it as it is an opening monologue, stating kind of obvious stuff we’ll learn very fast, but none the less; it’s the year 2020, our world is connected by the Network, and in there live Digimon
Tachikawa Computer; minor foreshadowing for later
We're introduced to the main character Taichi, supporting cast Koushirou, getting a decent idea of their main personality traits (Taichi is friendly and very open, while Koushirou is polite, a little bit more withdrawn/closed) and briefly get to see Hikari (as well as Mama Yagami and Miiko)
Taichi is putting great effort into preparing for the summer camp; he’s the type of person who likes to plan ahead it seems. That said he can also rush into action without thinking if he’s worried enough/the situation is dire enough; this is elaborated when Taichi learns his family could be in danger, when he leaps in to catch the falling Koromon, or when he leaps into battle with Agumon
Taichi is surprisingly calm when realizing he’s been spirited away and sees a weird little disembodied pink head floating in space, only really appearing shock after a small dinosaur speaks to him; he sometimes needs a moment for everything to settle in before he even knows how to react
Taichi is more than willing to get physical beat up weird monsters
Koromon knows Taichi’s name, and Taichi somehow heard Koromon calling him; there’s a mysterious connection between these two
Agumon is more than happy to see Taichi, immidiately willing to both protect him and help him achieve his goals; Agumon seems to love Taichi unconditionally, despite only meeting him for the first time
We learn that one of the primary features of Digimon is their ability to evolve, Koromon evolving all the way to Greymon and the unnamed enemy’s (Algomon’s) evolutions being examples of this
There is a mysterious, unknown force in this universe, one that tends to manifest in the form of mysterious, glowing symbols (the Crests), that will appear in certain moments to certain people (our main characters), almost like it’s reacting to said people’s actions and/or feelings
Taichi and Koushirou are both granted mysterious devices, which we soon learn can be used for communication purposes as well as evolution, the devices coming from seemingly the same mysterious light/force as the symbols
Digimon causing issues within the Network have an immidiate effect in the electronics of the Human World, and the Digimon rampaging in the Network are willing to hurt and kill other Digimon too (not that many seem to be present there); they are an active threat to everyone but themselves and need to be dealt with
We see glimpses of other children who seem to have a 6th sense, reacting to Taichi’s actions (establishing the connection between the kids); foreshadowing
Taichi and Koushirou aren’t the only ones who have been sucked into this mess with Digimon, there’s another child within the Network as well, with his own Digimon along side hime
Episode 2: War Game
The villian of this Opening Arc, the Algomon, seems to act like a hivemind
Yamato is established as being distant and somewhat cold, seemingly uninterested in others as he’s more focused on other (more imporant?) things. He also seems to be more experienced in dealing with the Digital World/Digimon (in Taichi’s mind who wonders how experienced Yamato really is with Digimon). Despite how cold he seems from the outsite however, Yamato will quietly make plans and put them into motion, expecting others to catch on and follow up. His general unwillingless to intentionally and clearly team up is a character flaw for him though, it causes issues during battle and it’s something he struggles with. But he also worries about causing harm to Garurumon (and Greymon), so he does care for the well-being of others; all of this could suggest that Yamato is a tsundere
Greymon and Garurumon are established as knowing each other, implying they have a history
Greymon and Garurumon both tell the kids they can handle the rough plan; they’re comforting
The episode fleshes out the severity of the danger Digimon rampaging within the Network can cause; it can reach nuclear disaster leveks
We learn that Digimon can fuse
Feathers appear to Hikari and Takeru; foreshadowing for later. When the feathers touch their hands, mysterious symbols appear once more, implying a connection between them coming in contact with the feathers (and what they symbolize) and the fusion of Digimon
Episode 3: And to the Digital World
Taichi clearly loves his sister and takes good care of her
Hikari seems to know more than she lets on
A connection between Yamato and Takeru is established, as well as the fact that Yamato isn’t in Tokyo (at the moment at least)
Sora is established, us learning that she is a character much respected and liked by her classmate and that she and Taichi know each other really well (also we see an unnamed character fumbling comedically; foreshadowing for later)
When the danger was cleared, Taichi and Yamato were returned were they came from; whatever summoned them will also return them when their duty has been completed
A new mysterious threat is introduced to have been born, its birth causing massive power outtages and electrical issues
We see three lights fly through the gates of the Network, followed by three other lights;we learn that six children have been spirited away
We see the Digital World for the first time. Unlike the Network’s surreal, Tron-like landscapes with no sentient life in sight, nor water, clouds, plants or anything, the Digital World is alive and beautiful, though clearly fantastical based on the strange, arching mountains in the distance, and it’s fantastic, digital inhabitants
The fused Digimon is super duper strong and has some special powers that Greymon and Garurumon didn’t have; there’s a distinct difference in the level of power
Episode 4: Birdramon Soars
We get to know Sora a lot better in this episode, she could be described as being Just Really Cool; she seems to be super chill (not like “laid back”, more “cool”), taking in being thrown into a different world really well and calmly, not even surprised by the existence of Digimon aside from them being able to talk. Sora was also in the middle of buying supplies to get through the power outtages before getting summoned to the DW, so she’s come in well-prepared. Whether she went out to buy the supplies because she was requested to, or she did out of her own inniative, it does indicate she’s very responsible and trusthworthy. Much like Taichi too, Sora isn’t afraid to get her hands dirty, being more than willing to come rescue Piyomon from the mouth of a giant mantis monster
Piyomon, scared out of her mind, doesn’t really do or say much for a long time, only clinging onto Sora for her dear life, until a calm washes over her as she seems to remember or recognise something; when Piyomon wakes up, she knows Sora’s name without ever being told it, much like how Agumon knew Taichi’s name, and Piyomon tells Sora she’s been waiting for her. Sora being present also brought confidence to Piyomon, inspiring her to be active instead of fleeing from danger, as she now has someone to protect.
We’re introduced to the kind Tentomon and his odd Osaka-accent; Tentomon, being more familiar with his home world, explained all sorts of things to Koushirou. Tentomon, much like a parent would, thanked Taichi “for looking after Koushirou”, indicating that while the two have only known each other for a short time, Tentomon is very fond of Koushirou, much like Agumon is of Taichi
We are introduced to an ominous silhouette, most likely a future villian
The DW lies within the deepest part of the Network, so the DW isn’t a separate world from the Network, just a specific section of it. Also, athough we had previously not seen Digimon the Net beyond the relevant characters Whamon being there do imply that some Digimon do indeed just like to hang out within the Network
Within the Digital World there are tablets and stone ruins of an ancient civilization, with text written on them; the Digivice react to the ancient texts, guiding the children to them and using the children as vessels, translate the message to them. The texts are instructions to guide the children, meaning whoever wrote them centuries ago, for-saw the coming of the children. At the mountain we see more ruins mysterious writings and ancient statues of winged figures. If it is a temple as Sora thinks, then that implies the existence of a religion that is or was worshipped in this world
Moving away from the lake, what we next see of the DW looks like a tropical paradise, with lots of lush jungles and forests with plants both familiar and strange. But through out the world there are these tiny visual “glitches” all around, small colorful lines and dots scattered through out, which give the world a subtle, artificial feel. There’s also a glittery rainbow mountain in the distance, further driving in the point that we aren’t in Japan anymore
We do learn that despite the world looking like a paradise, the Digimon do seem to hunt and eat each other for food; the aren’t many food sources then (like Meat Trees), or if there are, some Digimon ignore those for the Fresh Meat instead
The episode starts out kind of suggesting that maybe Sora ended up in the Digital World by accident, but as the episode progresses it gives out suggestions and hints that maybe Sora didn’t come by accident after all until she finally gets her Digivice. This is foreshadowing for the idea that none of the Children came by accident, they were brought there on purpose and for a reason.
We learn that while the kids can make the Digimon evolve, the Digimon will revert back once a danger is cleared
Episode 5: The Holy Digimon
Koushirou can remain calm even when swallowed by a Digimon, as long as he has his comfort item (tablet); foreshadowing for later
Koushirou can be a little bit shy, embarassed to repeat himself saying that maybe they were meant to meet
Tentomon really loves Koushirou
We learn that Orgemon (whose name we learn in this episode) can’t speak very clearly, which probably implies he’s not very smart; not all Digimon have the capacity to full-speech it seems
We see the super ominous silhouette of a yet unnamed villian sending orders to Orgemon; we have a hierachy, and this guy is at the top of it
We learn for sure that the kids are being specifically targetted and being tracked by the dark Digimon, the troops being lead by Orgemon and some small surveilance Digimon (SoundBirdmon) that can control other Digimon with the power of sound, as well as send messages between Digimon
The Holy Digimon tells us that the warriors that fought in the war long ago were reborn, Agumon, Piyomon and Tentomon being the reincarnations; the three take notice of specific Digimon in the Holy Digimon’s vision (themselves no doubt) and the sight brings them to tears; although they can’t remember anything, their souls/hearts can, and what they experienced must’ve been sad
Agumon doesn’t remember evolving into Omegamon, despite remembering meeting Taichi; this must imply that evolving to Omegamon was a blur even for him
There once was a large city in the location of the temple, with beautiful, artistic architecture; the former civilization here was truly prosperous
The rainbow glitter wasn’t as much of a mountain as it was a desert (or a mountain range, hard to tell which)
We learn that this land mass of unknown size (is it an island or is it a continent? Never stated) isn’t the only ones, there’s oceans at least one continent beyond it, its name being Cloud Continent
We see a small village in the middle of the forest, the houses looking sort of like hollowed out pumpkins with palm leaves coming from the top; while major civilization has crumbled in this post-apocalyptic Digital World, with most Digimon seeming to live on their own like, minding their own business, some Digimon do form communities
We learn the name of the Digivice
We learn that the statues at the temple are depictions of certain Holy Digimon, and that with the last of their powers they had left a message for the children from beyond the grave as they’ve passed a long time ago
The Holy Digimon had had a premonition that human children equipped with Digivices, also known as the Chosen Children, were “a power” that could surprass the natural law of evolution
It’s not quite explicit, but we are vaguely introduced to the evolution stages and their names (the natural law of evolution)
We gain confirmation that the feathers we have seen through out the series so far are indeed connected to the Holy Digimon
We learn that the Holy Digimon were ones that “governed the good of the Digital World”, most of them and the city that once stood in the place of the temple perishing in a great war between light and dark when dark Digimon disturbed the balance between the two.
The major parties on the side of light in that war were a great army of holy Digimon, eight special holy Digimon, six warriors and even Omegamon, who managed to vanquish the darkness at the cost of their own lives
We do learn that the six warriors turned into eggs, and are told that the Chosen Children would appear to guide the ressurected souls once the enemy would make a move once more
We learn that Taichi and co must go find the Holy Digimon of Light and Hope at the Cloud Continent as they will fight along side them against the dark Digimon
Although the Network is tightly connected to the Human World, the Digital World isn’t; disaster taking place there won’t affect the Human World. We also learn that monitoring the spread of dark in the Network is impossible to do from the Digital World
Episode 6: The Targeted Kingdom
We’re introduced to Mimi, the queen of Mimi Kingdom, the village we saw in the previous episode that she took over between being spirited away and Taichi’s group arriving.
Mimi, much like Sora is pretty cool with the situation she’s in. Ehile we do learn she was lonely after being stranded in the DW alone, after Palmon joined her side she’s been seemingly a-okay, not afraid at all of being (as far as she knows) the only human in a different world. In fact she is super into ensuring her kingdom remains peaceful and her underlings well-fed, as she has put great efforts into making sure Tuskmon don’t come and steal all the fruit the Tanemon live on. Mimi has a kind heart, and that she hates seeing others suffer.
We also learn the Tachikawa Industries we had heard about was her family’s, her grandpa being the chairman. Mimi’s grandpa must be important to her as hearing his words on video touched her, reminding Mimi she has to do what she can, which to her translated to taking care of her adorable underlings. Those same words later inspire her to leave her beloved kingdom behind to help the other kids
Palmon adores Mimi a lot, acting in a kind of enabling way, playing into and encouraging the whole Queen-thing just to make sure Mimi’s confortable and happy, feeling loved.
The Tanemon have a signaling system to pass messages on; whether this system was set up and taught to the Tanemon by Mimi or if they have invented it before Mimi took the kingdom over is unclear
Although Orgemon seems to lack intelligence based on his very basic speech, we do learn that he is a Digimon of honor, and losing his horn has gravely hurt his honor
This landmass does seem to be mostly forest as far as the eye can see (aside from the rainbow mountain range/dunes and the lake-area)
We learn time passes at a different rate between the Human World and Digital World, the DW being much faster, the time becoming more distorted the deeper into the Network you go (the Digivices somehow bypass the distortion to ensure communication happens at the same rate)
We see what a near-death Digimon looks like; colors washed out, glitching in and out a little, but evolution will instantly heal the Digimon from that near-death state back to full health  
Episode 7: That Boy is Kido Jyou
We learn Mimi likes tea and has been teaching Palmon how to make tea; she also seems to enjoy things that make her come off like she’s a KIND, LOVING pampered rich kid, as indicated by her cup and chair etc
We learn that Palmon was familiar with the area and was able to guide the kids to the ocean (something Agumon and Piyomon couldn’t do)
Jyou is so serious about passing his exams it’s kind of becoming an unhealthy obsession for him, to the point he might somewhat lash out and take his anger out by beating up trees and even self-harming. This kid, is super stressed out, the weight of his family’s achievements (everyone being doctors) really pushing him down. Due to this, he is super unwilling to go save the world, all that matters to him is making sure he can study and pass his exams so he can have a prosperous future. Jyou also doesn’t seem to like himself much, as he asks if Gomamon was disappointed by what his partner human was like
Jyou is studying for his exams, as he has priorities set straight and nothing will stop him from passing his tests, not even being spirited away into a different world all alone. While seeing other kids did make him somewhat glad, it was only because he assumed it meant there was a way out of this world so he could get back to his life.
Although Jyou said he wouldn’t participate in the world saving business, he did keep an eye Gomamon, and seeing him get hurt did send Jyou running; while Jyou tried to seem like he didn’t care, he did, a lot
Unlike Jyou, Gomamon is super willing to go save the world; if Jyou’s duty is to study, Gomamon’s duty is to save the world, and Gomamon would like it if Jyou realized they share their duties. Even without Jyou, Gomamon is willing to help as much as he can, even if he’s alone
Gomamon is super observant, seeing how and why Jyou is struggling, and he just wants to help Jyou too, Gomamon even “nursed Jyou” back to health after finding him passed out in the DW
We learn that Taichi, Sora and Jyou (as well as Koushirou) do go to the same school, its name being Musako Elementary
The hut we’ve seen was either built by Gomamon (which implies that Gomamon is super crafty), an unknown party or was always there; Jyou didn’t build it as he woke up inside it after Gomamon brought him there
In the Human World we see it is now evening, the kids having been spirited away sometime around noon-afternoon.
We do see that Jyou has spent at least one night in the DW, which could mean the other kids have as well, if not even more
Episode 8: The Children’s Attack
Ikkakumon is strong enough to swim across the ocean while carrying 4 kids and 3 Child Digimon
We learn Jyou gets motion sickness and that he can’t swim
Jyou is somewhat irritated and/or imidated by a kid 3 years younger than him having so much info and being more aware of the current situation, which ties into his need of trying to be in-control of the situation and lead the group; this leads to Jyou trying to be responsible and ensure everyone survives unharmed by surrendering to the enemy (his heart is in the right place)
We learn that Yamato has been on his own this whole time; considdering the other kids were brought to this world, scattered around a little, it is possible Yamato was brought directly onto the Cloud Continent
Yamato is charmed and touched by the other kids and the Digimon cheering him on and believing in him, despite him being so cold to them; he is super tsundere
The first thing we see of the Cloud Continent is a beach with high cliffs and a lone fortress guarding it. On the outside the enemy fortress looks like old and realistic (in the sense that you could probably find a fortress like this in our very real world), but is straight from a sci-fi movie; the enemies have access to some advanced technology
With this episode taking place over night, we are moving onto at least Day 3 (if not further)
We see the Black Miasma for the first time
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deathboundinautumn · 4 years
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Mun & Muse
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fill out & repost ♥ This meme definitely favors canons more, but I hope OC’s still can make it somehow work with their own lore, and lil’ fandom of friends & mutuals. Multi-Muses pick the muse you are the most invested in atm.
tagged by:   @foxcharmed​ (ily) tagging:    oof this is a longer one so ima tag only a few people @rock-you-like-a-hurricxne​, @niflheimqueen​, @tacitusauxilium​, @finalhxaven​, @dxfiedfxte​, and anyone who wants to do it, steal it from me (I wont tell if you dont ;) )
MY MUSE IS:   canon / oc / au / slightly canon-divergent / fandomless / complicated.
IS YOUR CHARACTER POPULAR IN THE FANDOM?   YES? / NO. (I’m not entirely sure? I know he’s generally well-liked in the fandom)
IS YOUR CHARACTER CONSIDERED HOT™ IN THE FANDOM?   YES / NO / IDK. (I’m pretty sure people think he is)
IS YOUR CHARACTER CONSIDERED STRONG IN THE FANDOM?   YES / NO / IDK. (Yeah he's pretty fucking strong, just most people dont use him because you only have him for like a month :/ )
ARE THEY UNDERRATED?   YES / NO / IDK. (I wouldn’t say they are.  I mean the persona 3 fandom is already small as it is and everyone seems to like him so)
WERE THEY RELEVANT FOR THE MAIN CHARACTER?   YES / NO / THEY’RE THE PROTAG. (In vanilla game not as much but in other mediums that tell the story (which are also canon) yes they are)
ARE THEY WIDELY KNOWN IN THEIR WORLD?   YES / NO. (just a homeless orphan) 
HOW’S THEIR REPUTATION?   GOOD / BAD / NEUTRAL. (Depends on who you ask.  The other members of the Senpai squad would say he’s the goodest boy.  But others call him a criminal/vagrant/troublemaker and all sorts of things.  Shinji prefers his reputation to be leaning towards the bad side as he’s more likely to be left alone that way)
HOW STRICTLY DO YOU FOLLOW CANON?   —   I have a very very hard time breaking canon.  The big thing being his fate on Oct 4th, its very hard for me to not honor that.  I like that his story has a beginning, a middle, and an end.  I like how his sacrifice impacts the rest of the group.  I try to honor that this is what the character wanted and by not letting him have it that im cheapening his sacrifice.  That being said I do have my own headcanons about things but I would say theyre hardly canon divergent.
SELL YOUR MUSE! Aka try to list everything, which makes your muse interesting in your opinion to make them spicy for your mutuals.   —   -pulls out homeless son from the dumpster- look at him, look at this burnt cinnamon roll.  He may be just a grumpy ol sour-puss but deep down there’s a heart of gold that can’t help but shine through.  Despite his reputation, my boy is wholesome and caring who will always go out of his way to help those in need even if he’ll deny it every time.  Just because he’s crunchy on the outside doesnt mean he aint soft on the inside. -tosses him back in the dumpster-
Now the OPPOSITE, list everything why your muse could not be so interesting (even if you may not agree, what does the fandom perhaps think?).   —  Boy I sure hope you like building character relationships at a snails pace because hoo boy is it gonna take a long ass time for you to get anywhere with this boy.  Opening up? What’s that?  How to do?  He doesn’t want to get to know you or your muse.  He just wants to be left alone so he can die in peace.  Don’t bother him.
WHAT INSPIRED YOU TO RP YOUR MUSE?   —   I dunno.  I replayed Persona 3 and just really really liked him.  Been in the RP game for a few years at that point and decided, meh fuck it.  If I don’t like it, I’ll just delete.  
WHAT KEEPS YOUR INSPIRATION GOING?   —   His struggle is something I hold very near to me and really cut me deep and still does.  Also all of you who think of me and wanna do things with me and my interpretation of Shinjiro <3
Some more personal questions for the mun.
Give your mutuals some insight about the way you are in some matters, which could lead them to get more comfortable with you or perhaps not.
DO YOU THINK YOU GIVE YOUR CHARACTER JUSTICE?   YES / NO / I SINCERELY HOPE I DO? (I believe that I do/am very confident in my portrayal)
DO YOU FREQUENTLY WRITE HEADCANONS?   YES / NO / SORT OF? (I think about them alot but seldom write them down.  Maybe I’ll start since Im actually starting to use tags to organize stuff)
DO YOU SOMETIMES WRITE DRABBLES?   YES / NO (Yep yep yep.  Somethings start as drabbles that make it into the thread (-cough the flashback of Mitsuru leaving the dorms in a thread I have going with @niflheimqueen​-))
ARE YOU CONFIDENT IN YOUR PORTRAYAL?   YES / NO / SORT OF? (tons of praise throughout the year from the community has made me confident that my portrayal is well-liked)
ARE YOU CONFIDENT IN YOUR WRITING?   YES / NO / A LITTLE BIT. (sometimes when I’m on, I’m on.  Other times I look at my writing and am just like ‘dude find a different hobby’ but I keep on keeping on and the highs have been way better than any low ive gone through.
DO YOU ACCEPT CRITICISM WELL ABOUT YOUR PORTRAYAL?   —   Aye if its constructive hit me.  But if you’re just hating then that’s not much use to me.
IF SOMEONE DISAGREES TO A HEADCANON OF YOURS, DO YOU WANT TO KNOW WHY?  — Sure, though I haven’t really had that happen before
IF SOMEONE DISAGREES WITH YOUR PORTRAYAL, HOW WOULD YOU TAKE IT?   —  Live and let live.  Throughout the years there have been other Shinji’s out there who’s interpretation I’ve looked at and been like ‘nah this aint it chief’ but hey you know what’s real easy to do?  Not give a shit, live and let live.  So if someone didn’t agree with it, I wowuldn’t much care if they liked it or didn’t  its my interpretation and if they have a problem with it and make a point to come at me about it in a way that isn’t constructive then I’d say they have the bigger problem.
IF SOMEONE REALLY HATES YOUR CHARACTER, HOW DO YOU TAKE IT?  — I’d be sad because he’s a good boy.  But again, if you really dont like him that much you don’t have to interact :’)
ARE YOU OKAY WITH PEOPLE POINTING OUT YOUR GRAMMATICAL ERRORS?   —   Ye, I make em a lot sometimes (especially if Im tired or something else).
DO YOU THINK YOU ARE EASY GOING AS A MUN?  —  I think so?   I haven’t been told that I’m not easy going and I’ve always felt very approachable.  I don’t always respond to dm’s but that’s because sometimes I’m busy but im always down to talk ooc.  It’s fun :’)
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beacon-of-chaos · 8 years
Defenders of Aura - A Battle Century G Campaign Diary
I've always wanted to do one of these things and I've just started a new sci-fi mecha campaign with friends using the Battle Century G system (I highly recommend it!) so there's no better time. If you’re interested a few quotes from this game have already made it to the GitP No Context thread, which will give you a bit of insight into the characters, and hopefully a laugh or two.
The campaign is an original setting, set on the world of Aura. The capital city, Neovara, has been recruiting a mecha-based military force and four rather unusal pilots have managed to make the cut and join a new team. They are:
Alexander A.K.A. Ax. Lead singer and guitarist of the popular metal band, Break the Abyss. A charming ladies' man, possibly a little narcisistic. His mech has been custom built with a guitar for a controller and the whole thing responds to the music he plays. In battle it moves at a snail's pace but hits hard with powerful long range weapons.
Fiona. Previously a spacer and junker, her expertise in taking apart ships for parts has translated into great skill in taking apart enemy mechs by force. She seems to have quite the temper. Her mech carries a giant wrench into melee combat.
Dr. Spectre A.K.A. Dr. S. A scientist who got the job by building his own mech, in a cave, with a box of scraps funding from a private investor. Somewhat meek, he is never seen without Eric, his adopted alien son. His mech is the fastest and balances long and short range combat, with a preference for the former.
ZX-10222 A.K.A. Sinclair. An android who originally worked as a croupier at a casino and was "encouraged" to join the miliary after it was discovered he had been fitted with an illegal hacking rig without his knowledge. A pacifist and an optimist. His mech is purely support, supplying repairs and ammo to the others. Played by Yours Truly.
Session 1:
First day on the job, the team is gathered at military headquarters in the capital city to meet each other and our commanding officers. We're met by Adam Westfield, commander of one of the other mecha teams. After brief introductions he shows us around the base, in particular noting the simulation machines for training purposes. Fiona suggests we set up some kind of tournament, partially to keep sharp, partially to "keep score".
Next, we're shown around the mech hanger where we're greeted by Sara Wong, Sinclair's handler and someone the GM describes as "...a bit odd"
GM: You're not sure if she wants to dissect you or sleep with you.
Yikes. I don't know what to make of that, but when we arrive she gives me a big hug, so at least she's friendly either way. She's also our team's mechanic and she assures us the mechs are ready for action, though she questions Ax's choice of controls. Ax offers to give her a quick lesson, though she seems to be watching him rather than his playing.
Lastly we are shown to the office of our boss, Commander Nina Burgess. She explains to us that our team's main directive will be the defence of the country against outside forces, though thankfully this won't be for some time as we are not currently at war.
We're then given some time to get to know each other and hang out. Fiona gushes over Ax's music, then grills Sinclair on his purpose, being suspicious of his combat ability. Sinclair assures her that he is there to keep the team's mechs running and, by extension, keep the pilots alive. This seems good enough for the junker. We then ask Dr. S about Eric. Apparantly they met when he was young and the Doc saved his life. Eric doesn't speak English too well, but Sinclair is able to speak a pidgin language that he understands.
Not long after this, a communication comes through from Burgess: We've got a mission. A ship has been seen leaving the atmosphere at high velocity from an island that should be uninhabited. Intial intel suggests that these may be smugglers attempting to sneak goods off-world. We're asked to move in and secure the area, but to be careful as a powerful railgun turret has been set up.
Our dropship move us towards the deployment area and we choose where our mechs are going to land. We're in a hurry and there's no time for stealth, so we find a hill near a forest we can drop down behind for cover. Our mechs are dropped from the ship and...
GM: Make a roll to see if you land where you want to. >:)
Damn. Sinclair rolls high enough to stick the landing. Unfortunately Fiona ends up landing on top of him. Ax ends up in the forest and immediately trips over a tree, and Dr. S ends up landing in between the hill and forest where there's no cover. So, y'know, we nailed it. :P
Combat begins and the railgun immediately begins turning towards us, and several anti-grav tanks move towards our position. Fiona and Ax begin moving forwards, the former using jammers to mess up the turret's targeting while the later begins taking potshots with his sniper rifle. Dr. S takes a few shots too, while Sinclair keeps the group supplied with upgrades and ammo.
After a couple of turns command tells us that the ship leaving the atmosphere was intercepted, but it moved far too fast for them to catch. It was an alien vessel, belonging to the Deitus. These guys avoid most humans like the plague while claiming to be the gods from human mythology. That means the guys we are fighting are cultists.
After a few more turns of battle, the railgun is back in action and needs to be taken out. Fiona rushes in, breaking apart the gun's armour with her wrench. The GM tells us that we detect unusal energy fluctuations coming from it. Fiona decides to book it out of there, which is a pretty good decision as the gun explodes in a massive fireball. Dr. S chases a few remaining cultists to some kind of storage area. After laying down a few (missed) shots we find out what was in the crates they had. Dismembered cow parts fly across the battlefield. Ew.
The final tank makes a last ditch charge attack against Ax. Ax, however, has a melee weapon saved up for just such an occasion. A giant hammer, shaped like a guitar and filled with explosives (he's got a theme going, okay?). One powerful hit smashes the tank to bits, but also breaks the leg that was damaged earlier from the fall into the trees.
We check out the remains of the tanks, looking for survivors. We find none. Anyone who survived our attacks took their own lives rather than be captured. Sinclair mourns the loss of life while a grim Fiona says good riddance to the "contemptable vermin". What we do discover is a laptop. Sinclair offers to hack into it, but Fiona advises against it, warning that it probably has defences against such a thing. Or, as she put it:
Fiona: Do you want to delete System 32!?
The team heads back for debriefing, followed by some R&R.
And there ends the first session. Looking back at what I've just written, it doesn't sound like much, but we had great fun. A lot of the best bits were the character interactions, which I don't think comes across well, but I don't really want to write the dialogue line-by-line. Hopefully you guys are interested enough to read more. I may also post some setting lore later. If anyone wants to give any tips on how to make a good diary, those would be welcome. I'm not really a writer.
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the-red-butterfly · 1 year
Teen mer joey using a skateboard to scoot around on land.
Sorry dear stranger this is not a question 🤭😂 In the current canon of this AU Teen mer Joey does not use/have a skateboard (though it IS a rad idea), and as stated in the previous ask, he mostly flops on the rare occasions he gets out from the tub.
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