#built in AirTag
pawsitivelyfierce · 1 year
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litnerdwrites · 6 months
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Anybody else wondering how she's going to create a new trove? Last time I checked, neither the house, nor the library had a blacksmith built into it, and I doubt that blacksmith who brought the swords to him would be willing to let her into his shop again, much less near the forge. If Amren's that worried, just order the blacksmiths of the NC to ban her.
Beyond that, it's not like Nesta makes a habit of cooking for them, so she doesn't need to worry about death by toast. Or does she think Nesta's going to sew a deadly dress? Or write a murder book?
Not telling her would cause more problems, because they'd have no way of knowing what she creates and where it might end up. Isn't having trove items roaming around, possibly in the hands of civilians or enemies without realising more dangerous?
What if a friendship bracelet she makes is accidentally imbued with some dangerous magic, not the diy airtag type it was in the book, and either Emerie or Gwyn take it? What if that bracelet is lost/stolen in Illyria, and now a trove item, weapon or no, is with some random Illyrian, who probably don't like Rhys. Or that bracelet could be lost on one of her trove snatching missions, meaning it winds up with Bryallin or in The Prison.
What if she makes a cake, or sweets, or spice blendds with Gwyn & Emerie that they share with other priestesses or, again, take to Illyria. Then there's the issue of imbuing objects, since she didn't build the HOW herself, but she still brought it to life. What if she, unknowingly, does that to other weapons she uses in training, or books?
When she finally goes back to the city (because even those who delude themselves into thinking HOW was rehab and not abuse, can make the argument that keeping her there forever is in any way sane, and if they can, then they're walking red flags imo), they'd have no way to track what she makes, or where it ends up, since even she wouldn't know.
Then there's the emissary issue. Since they want to consider her their emissary (regardless of how bs it is without proper procedures), they have to send her to other places (shocker), and if she creates things without knowing, they'd wind up in foreign countries, and someone would eventually figure out she could make them, putting her in more danger. Even if Nesta doesn't become emissary, she's likely to want to leave at some point, since she expressed her desire to travel to Feyre at one point. Meaning that they're options would be to hold Nesta prisoner, or let her go with that risk to her life and their court.
A risk that would decrease if Nesta knew because she'd then be able to personally keep track of what she makes, if she does make anything, intentionally or not. Anything she suspects she made, she could bring back (not that they deserve whatever she made, but from the 'protect the nc from outside threats' perspective), or she could hide them.
Ultimately, not telling Nesta what she can do causes more problems than it solves, and that's putting aside the ethics of restricting her bodily autonomy and manipulating her this way. If they don't tell her, then short of locking her up forever, they can't contain or control the potential spread of this hypothetical trove. (I wouldn't put it past them to lock her up though).
There is no way Amren isn't just pulling concerns from thin air just to spite Nesta, because no level headed, concerned for court security person, would overlook these issues. Hell, I'm socked Azriel, who's whole job is to maintain court security, didn't point this out.
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beneaththebloodriver · 5 months
"Timber, Wake up."
Loblolly slept.
"Wake UP, goddamnit! Come *on*, please, please..."
"Fuck you too, then. Sleep in ditch, if that is what you want."
"Goddamn dolls," muttered the voice, the lone, gravelly voice that lived amidst the once littered halls of Loblolly's mind. "Think their latest attempt at reinventing the cult is what'll totally save the world this time."
It was Loblolly's voice. Timber. The only one left who knew how to move their legs and feet and arms and all the other fleshy bits that none of the others had bothered to learn.
His eyes flickered open. There was, sure enough, some generic, porcelain-skinned doll above him. Later-model, he thought, tracing his eyes subconsciously across the patchwork of blue and gold spell matrices moonlighting as simple artistic flourishes. This one had had some work put into it -- rich, then. Rich master, at least. Or maybe someone who'd had the time and money to do it to themselves -- and not enough common sense to *not* do it.
"God-fucking-damnit, Loblolly, come on," it said. Foul-mouthed -- more evidence for Rich and stupid, most custom-builts didn't and *couldn't* swear like that if they were made for someone else's service. The ones that did... did not have the gentle, refined look this one's exterior spoke of. "I thought I told you to quit fucking drinking that hard, Timber. What the hell did you do?"
The weird thing was, it was acting like it knew him. Timber didn't know dolls. Dolls weren't worth the time it took to fix -- the Dollish frame was something only they themselves could fix, and most of them were too scared, too broken, too self-pitying, too -- too much like Timber, but somehow worse. How the cute little things somehow managed to make him look like a competent, upstanding member of society on a routine basis did not ever quite click with him. He was a drunk, and a mean drunk at that. He was mean on purpose -- it kept people away. Less people around, less people to inevitably hurt.
Dolls were the opposite. That, yes, that was why he hated the face in front of him. Dolls were all the things wrong with him, but they relished attention, suck it out, and they could never get enough, and inevitably, one of their faulty subroutines would blow up and best-case-scenario, the doll would go its separate way from its former masters and end up in a group home sucking Stillness from a pipe every hour of the day.
Timber, at least, didn't give himself the chance to do that. He knew what he was, and he knew he was bad.
...and, he thought, blinking, he knew what the Doll in front of him was.
"Phoene?" he asked, the question coming out as a hung-over, still-half-drunk slur. "The fuck did you... find me..."
"I airtagged you, dumbass," it said, "Now get up or I'll geas you into getting up, and I don't think you want me puppeting you for the whole two miles it'll take to get you back home."
Timber glared, pushed himself to his feet, and promptly toppled back over into the muddy ditch. The midday sun was high overhead, blotted out by Phoene Finch's stupid, perfectly smug porcelain face staring down at him.
"Goddamn dolls," the voice thought to him again. Today was going to be a long damn day.
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"The alert system finally gives Android users a convenient way to see if a rogue AirTag has been placed in their belongings or car to track their location. In December 2021, Apple released an Android app called Tracker Detect to address the problem, but it requires users to proactively download it from the Google Play Store and then manually click the scanning function.
In contrast, Google's built-in alert system is designed to "automatically" detect rogue AirTags around you and display an alert on your phone, which can be clicked for more information."
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blofixer · 17 days
Top Apple Accessories to Buy This Year
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Apple offers a range of accessories that enhance its devices. This year, several accessories stand out for their quality and usefulness. One popular accessory is the AirPods Pro. They offer excellent sound quality and noise cancellation. I recently bought the AirPods Pro, and the difference in sound clarity was impressive. They are perfect for listening to music or taking calls without interruptions.
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Another must-have accessory is the Apple Watch Series 9. It’s more than just a timepiece. The latest model features improved health tracking, including heart rate monitoring and ECG. I use my Apple Watch to track my workouts and receive notifications. The watch also integrates with other Apple devices, making it a handy tool for staying connected and healthy.
The Magic Keyboard for iPad is another top accessory. It turns your iPad into a mini laptop. The keyboard is backlit and has a built-in trackpad. I use it for typing long documents and finding it very convenient. The Magic Keyboard makes the iPad more versatile, ideal for both work and play.
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Apple’s MagSafe Charger is also a standout accessory. It uses magnets to align perfectly with your iPhone. This ensures fast and efficient charging. I’ve used the MagSafe Charger with my iPhone 13, and it charges quickly without fuss. The convenience of just snapping it into place is a major plus.
The Apple Pencil is essential for iPad users who love drawing or taking notes. The latest Apple Pencil offers low latency and precision. I use it for sketching and note-taking, and the experience is smooth and natural. It’s great for creative projects and productivity tasks.
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Lastly, the AirTag is a useful accessory for tracking items. Attach it to your keys or bag, and you can find them using the Find My app. I use AirTags to keep track of my frequently misplaced items. They help me locate my belongings quickly and easily.
These top Apple accessories provide valuable features and enhance the use of Apple devices. From better sound with AirPods to tracking with AirTags, each accessory offers unique benefits. Investing in these accessories can greatly improve your Apple experience.
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artknifeandglue · 4 months
as shattered stars shine: DVD commentary (3/12)
It is remarkably easy, the transition from dancing around Harry to whatever this is that they’ve got going. Eggsy makes himself at home in Harry’s office as always, sits there with his laptop or folder of readings or phone, stays until the evening sun paints the sky golden yellow and starts its descent towards the horizon. As always, he walks in step with Harry through the brightly lit corridors, stands patiently in wait for the shuttle, slips into the seat opposite Harry at dinner. What isn’t the same: the step he takes to close the distance between him and Harry, the warmth of Harry’s arm around his waist or shoulders, the fleeting goodbye kisses on Harry’s doorstep or his own. The world keeps turning, the stars keep shining in their places; here by the fireplace in Harry’s office, Eggsy sits in the armchair, cup of tea warming his hands while his second chance frowns at Bors’ latest mission report. This is worth a thousand souls, a thousand of him, a thousand times over.
The mundane is worth the extraordinary, or something something, I don’t know. At risk of sounding faux-poetic, I do think the small everyday moments of bliss are most precious, especially for Eggsy, who’s lost them once and probably didn’t have all that many of them to begin with.
“Hello, handsome,” he drawls, “come here often?”
Most unbelievable of all is how Harry leans forward in his chair and narrows the distance between them, resting his hands just within reach of Eggsy’s. “I’m sorry to disappoint you, but I’m afraid I’m already taken."
“Shame,” Eggsy shrugs, though the grin he tries to suppress makes it to his face anyway. “Lucky guy, landing a bloke as fit as you.”
Harry reaches forward to put a hand over Eggsy’s, lifting the other to cup Eggsy’s cheek. “He’s quite the catch himself, actually.”
Any excuse to write stupid-ass cringey boyfriends sickeningly in love.
He’ll never get used to this, he thinks wildly, this ease of getting close enough to feel the heat radiating off Harry, to see the pretty curl of each dark eyelash, to be near enough to hear Harry murmur words of affection that make his heart beat a giddy rhythm against the walls of his ribcage. He’ll never get used to this, and he’ll never know how to live without this ever again, because how is he supposed to find a way to live without the knowledge of what Harry’s broad palm feels like against his skin?
He won’t, Eggsy thinks. And if he plays his cards right, he won’t have to.
Foreshadowing! But also, I do think being with your soulmate (whatever definition that word takes, platonic or romantic or anything) changes you in utterly irreversible ways just because there’s no one quite like that person ever again. Maybe I’m just a hopeless-romantic aromantic, I dunno.
“How,” Merlin demands, “did you manage to fuck up stealing?”
“AirTags don’t usually come with explosives built in!”
Headcanon from Kingsman: The Golden Circle: Eggsy’s being entirely sincere when he says “You know, I really don’t have as much experience with all this drug stuff as people think.” I think people in-universe probably make assumptions about how extensive Eggsy’s criminal background is, when he’s probably just a hell of a pickpocket and nothing else. I can’t remember where I read on Tumblr (probably?) someone suggesting that maybe he took the fall for a friend r.e. a drug charge, but that sounds like something he’d do. Quite funny for even Merlin to go “yeah okay we’ll send the thief to go steal shit, he’ll be just fine” only for it to not be fine.
As the last man keels over with his throat open and bleeding out, Harry straightens up and begins dusting plaster and gunpowder off his jacket, and Eggsy lowers his gun to stare. There are too many alarms going off around them and if they don’t get going now, there’ll be another fucking shootout and another report they’ll both have to write, but Harry looks brilliant like this, put-together and proper even with dust in his hair and on his suit and still devastatingly handsome. “We should go,” Harry says. When Eggsy doesn’t respond, he looks up and frowns. “What’s the matter?”
“Nothing,” Eggsy grins. “Anyone told you how hot you are?”
Harry rolls his eyes as he steps closer. “You’re incorrigible.” Yet he wraps an arm around Eggsy’s waist anyway and tugs him in, pressing their chests together, his heart beating strong against Eggsy’s ribcage as Eggsy laughs against his collarbone. In a few seconds, there are going to be bullets, and there is going to be hell from Merlin later for wasting precious getaway time like this, but right now Eggsy thinks only of tipping his head up enough to press his lips to the faintest hint of stubble on Harry’s jaw.
“We should move,” Harry murmurs, but he doesn’t let go. Eggsy buries his face into Harry’s shoulder, breathes in the mingled scents of cement dust and Harry’s cologne, and waits for the footsteps to draw nearer before he lifts his head and starts shooting.
To quote my lovely beta Bri (@lovingherwasgay), “my dude Merlin can see through YOUR GLASSES. he’s developing homophobia right now in the command centre” because ehhh what’s a bit more extra shooting if we get battle boyfriends hugging?
 A thought crosses Eggsy’s mind as Harry kneecaps a man and then shoots him with his own gun. How odd it is to have an Everest-sized crush on a bloke like this one whose hands are gentle on Eggsy’s waist or shoulder one moment and then lethal in the next, to have spent hundreds of hours in his company and known the taste of Earl Grey on his lips. How marvellously strange it is to know Harry Hart under the Galahad armour, to see the slight shift in his brow and glimpse the annoyance a second before he gripes about some bit of bullshit or other in the mission report in front of him, to make a cup of tea with lemon and two sugars alongside his own, to recognise in a slightly clenched jaw a migraine Harry tries to bullheadedly will out of existence. To know all the bits and pieces that make up this wonderful man, to love every inch of someone Eggsy barely knew a year ago and can’t imagine living without now. Even odder it is to realise how many more layers of Harry Hart await, how much there is to learn, how much there is to know.
The mundane is extraordinary. ‘Nuff said.
Later that night, as they lie in a tangle of limbs on thousand-thread-count sheets and the inevitable shelling from Merlin is still half a world away, there is all the time in the world to lean in for lazy, unhurried kisses. It’s dark out and has been for hours, the faint glow of the bedside alarm clock the only clue to the passing of the night. “I love you,” Eggsy whispers, and feels Harry’s lips curve into a smile against his. Outside, the stars sit frozen in their places in the sky, like time itself might stop for them, just for a little while.
Beautiful lil’ confession of love on a starry right, or lovely moment undercut by ominous celestial presence? Both.
But Harry hasn’t answered, and Eggsy turns to look and finds that Harry isn’t looking at him or even at the stars whizzing above them. Instead, his gaze is fixed on the oak tree at the edge of the grounds. Eggsy glances over in its direction, but the oak tree is still just an oak tree. Gently, he nudges Harry with his elbow, and Harry turns his head to meet Eggsy’s questioning gaze. “Sorry, were you saying something?”
“Is it the butterflies again?” Only Harry’s arm keeps him from scrambling to his feet to get Merlin or the medics all the way on the other end of the field. “No, seriously, is it them? The meds are supposed to—”
“It isn’t. Don’t worry.” Harry shakes his head, his arm tightening around Eggsy’s waist as though pre-empting another attempt to go fetch Merlin. “I thought someone was standing there, but I was mistaken. Trick of the light, that’s all.”
This is one of the parallel scenes in which Eggsy’s side of the story intersects with Harry’s side. Not all is well, but there is always a much more plausible explanation than “doomed by the narrative and Mephistopheles in a suit”, and Eggsy’s damn well not going to own up to having sold his soul for Harry.
It’s this, and a thousand more mornings like this, and a thousand more after that, again and again and again until they run out of time.
And they will run out of time living like this, Eggsy knows, but at least they have these moments, ones borrowed from a distant tomorrow. Harry’s lips are warm against his, and that is enough.
That will always be enough.  
If anything, these few lines are probably the thesis of the entire fic. To put everything on the line for another chance at ordinary happiness because ordinary happiness itself is a rare commodity, and to seize every bit of it precisely because time is never on anyone’s side.
And later, curled up next to Harry on fresh sheets, bodies moulded close like they were made to slot together, he tucks his chin into the dip of Harry’s collarbone and whispers those same words against the line of his neck, squeezing Harry’s hand and feeling him do the same in return. Harry runs his other hand through Eggsy's hair, gentle and slow and soothing. As the soft caresses on the back of Eggsy’s neck lull him to sleep, Eggsy closes his eyes and presses a light kiss to Harry’s shoulder for good measure. “I love you.”
Why’s he saying it so many times? I think he’d want to make up for never saying it previously. Not that Harry minds.
The phantom echoes of a gunshot echoing off the walls, Harry’s head snapping back with the force of a bullet piercing flesh and shattering bone. Oxfords slipping on concrete slick with blood, chunks of scorched brain matter and pulverised skull squelching and crunching underfoot with each step as he hurls himself towards the heart of a mountain bunker. Bodies, tens and hundreds of them lying heaped in his way, a second of weightlessness as he trips on an outstretched hand. Metal rasping as Gazelle shears away entire chunks of his makeshift weapon, blade edges inching closer and closer to his hand, his chest, his throat. Sickly green spidering along her arm, up her neck and all over her face as flesh rots before his eyes and she gasps for air that she won’t need any longer. The sickening crunch of Valentine’s body hitting the ground, thin lips pulled back to reveal twin rows of bloodied teeth, the macabre grin of a dying man whose every shuddering breath sends air hissing through pierced lungs and torn flesh, flecks of red sputtering in every direction with each exhale. With an awful sucking sound, Valentine takes a deep breath and says—
“Eggsy?” That isn’t Valentine’s voice. “Eggsy.”
Obviously as an action movie, the aftermath gets glossed over quite a bit, especially the psychological aftermath of everything. I do think Eggsy would have been trained well enough to hold his own and that he’d be prepared for a fight, but the utter horror of V-Day is an entirely different thing that’s grotesque and terrible in its own way. Some things stay with you long after they end, and I wonder if some part of Eggsy’s mind will always be in that bunker desperately trying to prevent the end of the world. While I’m not ruling out the possibility that the nightmares are deliberately induced by Mephistopheles, I don’t think he needs to do very much in that regard. The human brain is sort of fucked up in that way.
“Four,” Harry answers. “Nightmare?” “Yeah.”
“Want to talk about it?”
No, Eggsy thinks, no, he doesn’t. The last thing he wants to talk about is the memories staling and yellowing in the recesses of his mind. Instead, all he can think of is how wonderful it is to wake up and wrap his arms around Harry like the world’s clingiest octopus, to feel the feather-light brush of Harry’s thumb over his cheekbone. How wonderful it is to be surrounded by sheets and pillows that Harry’s scent clings to, to wrap himself up in blankets that smell like home; how precious it is to wake up with Harry beside him, close enough to reach out and touch, to have, to keep.
How it was always going to end this way, the two of them in the house that they share, hand in hand as Eggsy lifts their joined hands to his lips and presses a sleepy kiss to the ridges of Harry’s knuckles. “Nothing,” he replies, feeling the last of his panic fade away. “Love you.” When Harry murmurs I love you too, it sounds like a confession, a blessing.
That night, Eggsy sleeps and doesn’t dream again.
Ahahahahahahaha it’s never a good thing when the words that appear in the summary actually turn up in the fic, is it? This was the first line I wrote and decided I was absolutely going to repeat, because it does capture a lovely domesticity at the same time as there’s a sense of doom or inevitability. Is their happiness inevitable, or is it their doom? Yes. Dunno. Both. I think it’s also worth pointing out that none of their dreams are pleasant ones, because 1) opportunity for the subconscious to make itself known 2) meddling Mephisto? Maybe.
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coochiequeens · 2 years
Two women are suing Apple over its AirTags, claiming the trackers made it easier for them to be stalked and harassed. 
The women filed a class-action lawsuit Monday in the U.S. Northern District Court of California and said Apple has not done enough to protect the product from being used illicitly. 
Apple introduced AirTags in 2021. They retail for $29 and work by connecting to iPhones and iPads via Bluetooth. They have been billed as a close-range alternative to the company's built-in Find My technology, which provides an approximate location.
"What separates the AirTag from any competitor product is its unparalleled accuracy, ease of use (it fits seamlessly into Apple's existing suite of products), and affordability," the lawsuit says. "With a price point of just $29, it has become the weapon of choice of stalkers and abusers."
One plaintiff alleges after divorcing her ex-husband, he left an AirTag in her child's backpack. She attempted to disable it, but found another one soon after, she said in the lawsuit.
The other plaintiff, identified as Lauren Hughes, said after ending a three-month relationship with a man, he began calling her from blocked numbers, created fake profiles to follow her social media accounts and left threatening voicemails.
Hughes says she was living in a hotel while planning to move from her apartment for her safety. When she arrived at her hotel, she received an alert that an AirTag was near her. She later located it in the wheel well of one of her back tires. Once Hughes moved to her new neighborhood, the man posted a picture of a taco truck in her vicinity with "#airt2.0," the complaint says. 
Apple does send users an alert if an unfamiliar AirTag is located near them. But the notification is not immediate and is only available on devices with iOS software version 14.5 or later, which excludes some older Apple devices. The consequences could be fatal, the complaint alleges. 
Soon after the AirTag launched, domestic abuse advocates and technology specialists warned Apple the product could easily be compromised, according to the complaint.
"AirTag was designed to help people locate their personal belongings, not to track people or another person's property, and we condemn in the strongest possible terms any malicious use of our products," Apple said in February. 
The women are seeking a trial with a jury and no monetary damages.
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xdxenon · 1 year
MY HIGH HCs for ninjago
Jay -
Eats peanut butter with his hand straight from the jar
Wears bunny slippers
Uses his electricity to turn on the lights instead of the lightswitch
Once had to perform CPR on a man when he was out with Nya, and used his hands as shock pads.
Has an airtag/tracking device in his suit cause he gets lost so easily
His powers are also more powerful in the ocean due to the electrolytes in the water conducting his electricity
Built his own video game station when he lived in the junkyard, which is where his love and skill for them sparked (pun intended)
He found that combining his and Nya’s powers, they could create a thunderstorm rather than just rain
Every time Jay and Nya kiss, she can feel a tiny little zap on her lips. It always makes her jump a bit, but she loves it
When Jay and Nya hold hands, she can feel his electricity flowing through her water element all throughout her body
Sneaks over to lloyds room and plays video games with him after bedtime
Has constant nightmares about something bad happening to Nya
Obvious PTSD from Nadikhan
Tried to help zane bake cookies and burned the kitchen down (blamed it on Kai)
Nya complimented his freckles once, and he stopped covering them ever since
Sits and watches Nya and Pixel while they work on mechs
Zaps zane into malfunctioning every once and a while as a prank
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hdms1 · 2 years
Apple Air Tage
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Keep track of and find your items alongside friends and devices in the Find My app
Simple one-tap setup instantly connects AirTag with your iPhone or iPad
Play a sound on the built-in speaker to help find your things, or just ask Siri for help
Precision Finding with Ultra Wideband technology leads you right to your nearby AirTag (on select iPhone models)
Find items further away with the help of hundreds of millions of Apple devices in the Find My network
Put AirTag into Lost Mode to be automatically notified when it’s detected in the Find My network
All communication with the Find My network is anonymous and encrypted for privacy, Location data and history are never stored on AirTag
Replaceable battery lasts over a year
AirTag is IP67 water and dust resistant
Make AirTag yours with a range of colorful accessories, sold separately
Please Details https://www.hdmsworld.com/apple-airtag/
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tracker112 · 1 month
How to Track a Vehicle: A Comprehensive Guide
Tracking a vehicle can be done using various methods, depending on the level of detail and real-time information you require. Here's a comprehensive guide on how to track a vehicle:
1. GPS Tracking Devices
Overview: GPS (Global Positioning System) trackers are one of the most reliable ways to track a vehicle in real-time. These devices use satellite signals to pinpoint the exact location of the vehicle.
Installation: Most GPS trackers are small and can be easily installed in your vehicle, either by plugging into the OBD-II port (commonly found in cars) or by connecting directly to the vehicle's battery.
Features: Many GPS trackers offer additional features such as speed alerts, geofencing (alerting you if the vehicle leaves a certain area), and historical tracking data.
Popular Brands: Some popular GPS trackers include SpyTec GL300, Vyncs, and Tracki.
2. Smartphone Apps
Overview: If the vehicle is driven by someone who carries a smartphone, certain apps can provide tracking capabilities. These apps use the phone's GPS to share location data.
How It Works: Both iOS and Android offer built-in features (such as Find My iPhone or Google’s Find My Device) that can track a device's location. If the driver’s phone is in the vehicle, you can track the vehicle’s location.
Third-Party Apps: Apps like Life360 or Google Maps’ location sharing can also be used to keep track of the vehicle's whereabouts.
3. Telematics Systems
Overview: Many modern vehicles come equipped with telematics systems, such as OnStar, that allow for remote tracking device. These systems are often part of a subscription service.
Features: In addition to tracking, telematics systems often include other services like emergency assistance, vehicle diagnostics, and even remote locking/unlocking.
How It Works: Typically, these systems are factory-installed and can be accessed through a smartphone app or a dedicated website provided by the car manufacturer.
4. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)
Overview: RFID tracking is used in specific scenarios where GPS might not be feasible, such as within a warehouse or a small geographic area. RFID tags are attached to the vehicle and can be tracked via radio waves.
Usage: This method is often used by companies for fleet management or in environments where GPS signals are weak.
Limitations: RFID is less effective for tracking over long distances or in real-time compared to GPS.
5. Bluetooth Trackers
Overview: Bluetooth tracking devices, such as Tile or Apple AirTag, can be used for short-range tracking. These devices use Bluetooth signals to locate items within a limited range.
Application: These are more suited for tracking a vehicle within a parking garage or a close vicinity rather than long distances.
Limitations: The range is typically limited to around 100-300 feet, depending on the environment and device.
6. Tracking via License Plate Recognition (LPR)
Overview: License Plate Recognition technology can be used by authorities or specialized services to track a vehicle. Cameras equipped with LPR software capture the vehicle’s license plate and compare it with databases.
Use Case: This method is often used in law enforcement and toll collection. It's not typically available for personal tracking due to privacy concerns and the need for access to LPR-equipped cameras.
7. Traditional Methods
Physical Surveillance: In some cases, old-fashioned physical surveillance might be employed how to track a vehicle. This could involve following the vehicle or placing a visual mark on it.
Benefits and Drawbacks: While this method requires significant effort and is not as accurate or reliable as technological methods, it might be necessary in situations where electronic tracking isn’t possible.
The method you choose for tracking a vehicle depends on the situation, the technology available, and the level of accuracy required. GPS tracking devices offer the most robust and reliable solution for real-time tracking, while smartphone apps and telematics systems provide convenient alternatives.
For specialized needs, RFID and Bluetooth trackers can be used, though they come with certain limitations. Understanding the pros and cons of each method will help you choose the best solution for your tracking needs.
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dogerys · 1 month
Air Tag Dog Collar
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Enhance Your Dog's Safety and Style: AirTag Dog Collar
Introducing our AirTag Dog Collar* - a premium accessory designed to keep your furry friend safe and stylish during outdoor adventures. Crafted with durable materials and innovative features, this collar is a must-have for large and medium-sized dogs.
Built for Durability and Functionality
Constructed with high-quality materials, our AirTag Dog Collar ensures long-lasting durability and reliability. The sturdy metal buckle provides secure fastening, while the reinforced handle offers maximum control during walks or training sessions.
Compatible with AirTag for Added Peace of Mind
Designed to accommodate an Air Tag (not included), this collar allows you to track your dog's location in real-time, providing peace of mind in case they wander off. Simply attach the Air Tag to the dedicated slot and stay connected to your furry companion wherever they go.
Military-Inspired Design for a Bold Look
Inspired by military gear, our Air Tag Dog Collar exudes strength and sophistication. The sleek design and metal hardware add a touch of rugged elegance to your dog's ensemble, making them stand out on every adventure.
Comfortable and Adjustable Fit
Featuring adjustable straps, our collar ensures a snug and comfortable fit for your dog. The breathable material prevents chafing and irritation, allowing your furry friend to wear it all day long without discomfort.
Elevate Your Dog's Gear Collection
Elevate your dog's gear collection with our Air Tag Dog Collar. Whether you're exploring the great outdoors or simply taking a stroll around the neighbourhood, this collar offers the perfect combination of style, functionality, and safety for your beloved companion.
 * Air-Tag Not included
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keydroidgrrow · 2 months
The Best Bag Trackers for Travelers: Ensuring Your Luggage Stays Safe
Traveling, whether for business or pleasure, often involves managing multiple bags and keeping track of personal items. With the growing number of reported luggage mishaps at airports and other travel hubs, investing in a reliable bag tracker has become a must for many travelers. In this blog, we’ll explore some of the best bag tracker available, their features, and how they can provide peace of mind during your journeys.
Why Use a Bag Tracker?
Bag trackers offer several benefits, including:
Real-Time Location Tracking: Helps you locate your luggage quickly if it gets lost or misplaced.
Peace of Mind: Knowing you can track your bag reduces travel anxiety.
Anti-Theft Measures: Some trackers include features that alert you to unauthorized movements or tampering.
Top Bag Trackers for Travelers
Tile Mate
The Tile Mate is a popular choice for its versatility and ease of use. It uses Bluetooth technology to track your bag within a range of up to 200 feet. If your bag is out of range, the Tile community network can help you locate it. The Tile Mate is compact, lightweight, and comes with a replaceable battery.
Pros: Affordable, community tracking, loud ring for easy location.
Cons: Limited range compared to GPS trackers.
Apple AirTag
For Apple users, the AirTag integrates seamlessly with the Find My app. It offers precise location tracking, thanks to the vast network of Apple devices. AirTag features a simple design, easy setup, and long battery life. It also supports Lost Mode, which can notify you when your bag is found by someone else.
Pros: Accurate tracking, user-friendly interface, global coverage.
Cons: Best suited for iOS devices, lacks built-in keyring.
Samsung SmartTag
The Samsung SmartTag is tailored for users of Samsung Galaxy devices. It uses Bluetooth technology for tracking and can connect to the Samsung SmartThings app. The SmartTag can trigger various smart home devices and has a replaceable battery that lasts up to a year.
Pros: Integrates with Samsung ecosystem, compact design, long battery life.
Cons: Limited to Samsung device users.
Tracki GPS Tracker
The Tracki GPS Tracker offers real-time global tracking using GPS and GSM networks. It's small, lightweight, and can be easily attached to your bag. The Tracki tracker also features geofencing, SOS alerts, and has a rechargeable battery.
Pros: Global tracking, real-time updates, versatile mounting options.
Cons: Requires a subscription for full features, higher initial cost.
Invoxia GPS Tracker
The Invoxia GPS Tracker combines GPS, Wi-Fi, and cellular tracking for versatile use. It provides real-time location updates and features a long battery life of up to several months. The device is compact and easy to conceal, making it ideal for luggage.
Pros: Long battery life, accurate tracking, global coverage.
Cons: Subscription required for cellular tracking.
Bag trackers are an essential travel accessory, providing real-time tracking and security for your belongings. Whether you prefer a simple Bluetooth tracker like the Tile Mate or a more advanced GPS option like the Tracki GPS Tracker, there's a device that suits every traveler’s needs. By investing in a reliable bag tracker, you can ensure your luggage stays safe and enjoy a stress-free travel experience.
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gadgetrevive · 2 months
My DREAM Everyday TechIn a world where every day feels like a technological treasure hunt, I’ve spent the last year perfecting my dream everyday carry for 2024. Each item I’ve chosen has a purpose, a reason for being included, and today, I’m excited to share this carefully curated collection with you. My journey begins with the GTIC 30L Travel Pack, a backpack that stands out from the fifteen others I’ve tried. Its weather-resistant design makes it trustworthy even in the rain, and it distributes weight so efficiently that it feels lighter than it is. You’ll be amazed at how much it can hold as I unpack it.Crafting a perfect everyday carry involves adhering to specific rules. For me, every gadget must charge with USB-C, there are no gimmicks, function trumps form (though having both is ideal), and dark mode aesthetics are a must.Let’s start with the exterior. In the right-hand pocket, I carry the Fagun Mini, a powerful massage gun in a compact form that, of course, charges with USB-C. Also on this side is an AirTag in an ultra-rugged case with a thick braided metal wire, making it hard to cut through. I’ve added a second hidden AirTag within the bag’s inner lining for two-factor security, a tip I picked up from my good friend Technical Gy in India.A dedicated sunglasses pocket is crucial. I use the Rove sunglasses, which fold into a tiny frame but are surprisingly sturdy. Alongside them is my lucky Jetstream pen, a remnant from my high school exam days when I sought the pen with the lowest friction coefficient.On the left side, I have the Chile Series 2 water bottle, which is leak-proof and keeps drinks at their desired temperature. It also features a comfortable lip and a rubber base to prevent clanging. What’s cool about these side pockets is that they’re magnetized and sit flush with the bag when empty.In the front pockets, I keep a bag of my favorite tea and treats for my needy cat, Milo. The numerous pockets in this bag mean I always have space left over, which was one of my criteria when choosing it. It opens completely flat, functioning as a suitcase, which is perfect for hotel stays.The bottom two pockets hold a retractable key holder for my backup keys and a Pokémon Center X Fossil wallet with a Chipolo item finder card, a sleeker alternative to an AirTag. In the main compartment, I keep a Belroy toiletry kit plus, where all my smaller electronics are stored for easy access through airport security.This kit includes the Anker Prime power bank with a massive 27,600mAh capacity and 250W charging power. It’s the hub of my tech system, powering all my gadgets and featuring a built-in speaker for finding it if misplaced. Anker’s ecosystem also includes magnetic charging bases for seamless power bank recharging.I also carry a Maax 100W Universal travel adapter, which combines an adapter and charger with ports for up to four devices, including laptops. This compact device covers all my wall charging needs.For audio, I use the AirPods Pro 2, custom-made with the Mr. Who’s the Boss logo and my team members’ names. While not true Hi-Fi, they offer excellent sound isolation and battery life.I have Zeiss lens wipes for screen cleaning, and my staple Span Ire USB-C cable for all charging needs. A backup SD card, SD card adapter for the iPad Pro, and an ESR CH2 wireless charger that charges my phone, earphones, and Apple Watch simultaneously are also part of my kit.My phone is the Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra, housed in an ESR case that adds MagSafe compatibility. Despite my preference for circular smartwatches, I use the Apple Watch Series 9 for its life-changing fitness tracking, a feature embraced by my entire team for our fitness challenges.In the second Belroy wash bag, I carry toiletries, including a folding toothbrush, hand sanitizers, and the Gillette Labs razor with a unique, dual-axis movement. The bag also holds items like moisturizer, sunscreen, mini mouthwash, antiperspirant, perfume, toothpaste, and an EpiPen for my severe peanut allergy.
The backpack also accommodates three T-shirts from Theory, shorts that double as swim shorts, and cargo trousers with numerous pockets. The middle compartment holds my socks and underwear.A standout feature is the expandable compartment that transforms the bag from 20L to 30L, perfect for carrying additional items like our camera bag. The Belroy camera sling houses our Sony A7 S3 camera, key lenses, and the Aputure MC Pro light, among other essentials, all charging via USB-C.The back pocket of the backpack opens flat to reveal my iPad Pro 13-inch with the Apple Magic Keyboard and Apple Pencil Pro, my entire workstation away from home. This versatile device supports idea generation, sketching, and even serves as a Netflix machine on flights. Its cellular model ensures fast data connectivity without hotspotting.And that’s my dream everyday carry. Each item has been chosen for its functionality, reliability, and ability to integrate seamlessly into my life. If you enjoyed this deep dive into my everyday tech, perhaps we’ll turn it into a series. Until next time!For more gadgets like the ones mentioned here, check out Gadget Kings at https://gadgetkingsprs.com.au/. They offer a wide range of tech products that can complement your everyday carry setup.
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govindhtech · 5 months
A Look at Apple iPadOS 17 Strengths and Weaknesses
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Apple iPadOS 17 Features The latest iPadOS is iPadOS 17. The iPad has most of iOS 17’s new features, and the two operating systems are identical. iPad users can receive all FaceTime and Messages upgrades, enhanced self-correction, interactive components, support for password sharing and AirTags, AirPod updates, and more.
The iOS features that are unique to the larger screen are covered below, but for a thorough rundown of everything new in Apple iPadOS 17, check out their dedicated summary of the latest updates.
A new Lock Screen interface is included in Apple iPadOS 17, which is similar to the redesigned Lock Screen that Apple introduced to the iPhone in iOS 16. Users may choose different backgrounds, colours, and fonts for the Lock Screen, which has been upgraded, to personalise it. To capitalise on the larger screen size of the iPad, Apple produced Weather and Astronomy-specific wallpapers. Similar to the iPhone, you may use your own images (with motion effects for Live Photos), create wallpaper using emoji, or choose an Apple-designed wallpaper.
The Lock Screen may have widgets added to it. In portrait mode, the widgets are shown underneath the time, however in landscape mode, there is a widget bar on the left side of the screen. The iPad has all of the widgets that are accessible on the iPhone, including Wallet, Weather, Notes, News, Sleep, Health, Clock, and more. Larger widgets than those on the iPhone can be used on the iPad because of its larger display. In order to avoid becoming distracting, iPad widgets are made to blend in with the background.
You may flip among various choices by supporting several Lock Screens. Additionally, Lock Screens can be connected with a Focus mode, allowing you to have Lock Screens activate Focus modes or vice versa. With Apple iPadOS 17, the iPad can follow live activities like as sports results, restaurant delivery, and more, all of which appear on the Lock Screen.
Apple also updated and added interactivity to the widgets on the Today Centre and Home Screen. You may use widgets to do tasks like playing music, setting a reminder, or turning on lights without opening an app. Additionally, widgets from third-party applications may include interaction. You may add interactive widgets to your home screen and lock screen.
With Apple iPadOS 17, editing PDFs is faster because the system uses machine learning to recognise fields in a PDF and automatically fills in names, addresses, and email addresses from the Contacts app. PDFs open in the Notes app full width, making it simpler to read and annotate with an Apple Pencil. Additionally, you may annotate PDFs and scanned documents right in the note. If you use live collaboration, revisions to shared notes happen instantly.
Apple iPad 17 inch Users now have the opportunity to see their statistics on a bigger display by using the Health app on both the iPad and iPhone thanks to Apple iPadOS 17. Favourites now have a new appearance as a result of the design’s optimisation for the iPad’s bigger screen. The iPad has an easy-to-find sidebar, and health data may be connected to the device via the iCloud, allowing for the availability of prescriptions, medical records, trends, and highlights. The iPad is also a device that offers new capabilities related to mental health, such as mood monitoring.
In order to enhance multitasking, Apple redesigned Stage Manager for iPad, giving users additional choices for the size and placement of Stage Manager windows. Built-in cameras on an external display are also supported by Stage Manager.
iPadOS 17 Apple Pencil Along with support for tilt and hover on the Apple Pencil, snap to shape, connecting lines and forms for objects, and a Follow Along guide for collaborators, the Freeform app now comes with additional sketching tools.
Additionally, Apple iPadOS 17 offers other innovations that are detailed in their summary of iOS 17, such as improvements to Spotlight, AirPlay, Siri, Privacy, and Security.
The Most Recent Version iPadOS 17.4.1, published March 21, is the latest version. Security and bug updates were included to iPadOS 17.4.1. Additionally, Apple has made the first beta of the next iPadOS 17.5 upgrade available to public beta testers and developers.
Customisation of the Lock Screen and Widgets Customisation of the Lock Screen
Apple iPadOS 17 brings the Lock Screen customisation features found on the iPhone to the iPad. Users can now stylize photos, shuffle through a dynamic set of photos throughout the day, create unique designs using emojis and colour combinations, and more. A selection of font styles and colours are available for customisation.
Apple now offers a variety of optimised wallpapers, such as Astronomy or Kaleidoscope, to make the most of the bigger screen. Moreover, Live Photos now have a brand-new motion effect that animates as your iPad wakes up and slides into your Home Screen when it opens.
To see information at a glance, like as the weather, time, date, battery level, or forthcoming events, users may now add a whole column of widgets to the iPad’s Lock Screen. Adaptive tinting is a feature of lock screen widgets that helps them blend nicely with the background without losing readability.
With Apple iPadOS 17, users may now monitor real-time events such as sports scores, flights, restaurant orders, and timers straight from the iPad’s Lock Screen with Live Activities.
Enhancements to the Home Screen Widget Similar to iOS 17 and macOS Sonoma, Apple iPadOS 17‘s Home Screen widgets are interactive. Users may touch to activate lighting, play music, mark a reminder as completed, and more without having to launch the app.
Developers may use WidgetKit to add interactivity to their pre-existing widgets. In order to further customise the Home Screen, widgets may now be placed anywhere on the screen.
Manager of the Stage and Assistance for External Cameras With Apple iPadOS 17, users can now flexibly resize, move, and position windows precisely where they want them thanks to increased freedom in Stage Manager.
Moreover, webcams and the built-in camera in external displays like Apple’s Studio Display may now be used with FaceTime and conference calls on the iPad when an external camera is used. This comes in especially handy when utilising an iPad for video chats and connecting it via Stage Manager to an external monitor.
App Updates Wellness
The Health app makes its iPad debut with Apple iPadOS 17, offering users additional methods to see their health data in depth. The new Favourites view and insights into health data with Trends, Highlights, and intricate interactive charts are features of the iPad-optimized app design.
The iPhone Health app offers the same capabilities to users, including cycle tracking, daily mood monitoring, health information, and more. Developers who create apps for fitness and health may now utilise HealthKit on the iPad.
Downloads and Notes In order to enable users to rapidly enter data, such names, addresses, and email addresses straight from contact cards, iPadOS 17’s Enhanced AutoFill feature employs machine learning to recognise fields in a PDF or scanned document.
Now, while sharing a note with others, users may work together on PDFs and get real-time changes. The modifications you make show up instantly on your collaborator’s device when you annotate a document, sketch a diagram, or apply stickers.
There are new methods to collaborate, read, annotate, and organise PDFs using the Notes app. When a PDF is shown in its full width, it is simple to quickly annotate, scan between pages, and draw right in the document with an Apple Pencil. While users are sharing a note with others, updates show up instantly with live collaboration.
Moreover, it is now feasible to rapidly make inline linkages between notes, giving users a means to link research notes, cite recipes, or build wikis.
Form Freeform A watercolour brush, calligraphy pen, highlighter, variable-width pen, and ruler are among the new sketching tools available in the Freeform app. Similar to the Notes app, users can now hand-draw shapes like squares with the Apple Pencil and witness an exact replica of the design snap into place thanks to design Recognition.
Using Follow Along, users may view what other people are working on during live collaboration. As they navigate the endless canvas, what they see is shown on your screen.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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siknews · 7 months
Apple AirTag
Make Apple AirTag yours with a range of colorful accessories Keep track of and find your items alongside friends and devices in the Find My app with Apple AirTag. A simple one-tap setup instantly connects AirTag with your iPhone or iPad. Play a sound on the built-in speaker to help find your things, or just ask Siri for help. Precision Finding with Ultra Wideband technology leads you right to…
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ifuturesblog · 8 months
Offers on Apple AirTag Available Now at iFuture India
Do misplaced keys and wandering wallets send shivers down your spine? Breathe easy, tech enthusiasts, because iFuture India, your trusted Apple authorized reseller, is bringing the heat with unmissable deals on Offers on Apple AirTag in India!
Here's why you shouldn't miss out:
Keep tabs on everything: Attach AirTags to your valuables – bags, bikes, pets, you name it – and track them effortlessly through the Find My app. No more frantic phone calls or retracing your steps!
Precision finding like never before: AirTag's ultra-wideband technology takes precision tracking to a whole new level. Get guided directions with on-screen arrows when you're in range, making finding your lost goodies a breeze.
Privacy built-in: Rest assured, your AirTag's location is always anonymous and secure. Only you can see it in the Find My app, thanks to Apple's commitment to privacy.
iFuture's unbeatable value: Grab a single AirTag at the best price in India, or snag a 4-pack bundle and save even more! Plus, enjoy the convenience of free shipping and iFuture's renowned customer service.
Ready to ditch the worry and embrace peace of mind? Head over to iFuture India today and unlock these sizzling AirTag deals:
Single AirTag: Find yours for a pocket-friendly price!
AirTag 4-Pack: The ultimate value bundle for tracking all your essentials.
Don't wait – these deals won't last forever! Visit iFuture India online or at your nearest store and say goodbye to lost and found forever.
P.S. Keep an eye out for exciting offers on AirTag accessories, like stylish keychains and luggage tags, to complete your tracking experience!
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